Good video ! One think you could do for the half, trying to stay budget, is clip-on aero bars. They are relatively cheap and allow to get way more aero. You could also get aero socks for the bike leg, cheap upgrade that saves a few watts. My last comment would be regarding the sunglasses : I too have Oakley and they are great. I think budgety alternatives are again, the Decathlon offering ranging from 30 to 60€. Goodr also often come up as an excellent option.
For the first triathlon, you can do a triathlon with swim trunks, running shoes, and a single speed bike. However, once you come to love triathlon, then you'll realize that a disc wheel /aero wheel cover is a must, as well as an aero helmet, no matter the distance. When you look good you feel good. Also,.for the run, if it's such a short race, you don't need socks. Happy racing.
Good advice, particularly with not spending big at first. Good luck with the event!
Good video ! One think you could do for the half, trying to stay budget, is clip-on aero bars. They are relatively cheap and allow to get way more aero. You could also get aero socks for the bike leg, cheap upgrade that saves a few watts.
My last comment would be regarding the sunglasses : I too have Oakley and they are great. I think budgety alternatives are again, the Decathlon offering ranging from 30 to 60€. Goodr also often come up as an excellent option.
For the first triathlon, you can do a triathlon with swim trunks, running shoes, and a single speed bike. However, once you come to love triathlon, then you'll realize that a disc wheel /aero wheel cover is a must, as well as an aero helmet, no matter the distance. When you look good you feel good. Also,.for the run, if it's such a short race, you don't need socks. Happy racing.
Post-race video title suggestion: "My First Triathlon - Everything That Went Wrong" 🤣
Nice work man, keep it up! Thinking about doing one myself, fun and useful to see which decision related to gear you make. Best of luck!
Good video Jarrod, sounds like a lot of fun.
LOL sponsored ...not by Decathlon. ! Great video