one of my dreams is to start a new human rights Ngo to enforce the african human rights system (African Charter oN human and peoples Rights, African youth CHarter, African Disabiity Protocol, African Charter on the rights and welfare of the Child, maputo Protocol on the rights of women in Africa0
i memorized the three regional human rights systems in English French Spanish portuguese and Arabic and the special protocol to teh ACHPR is the Maputo protocol something very close to me because i am dating an africanwomen so i can abuse the hell out of the africancommission/court ofhumanand peoples rights
i work for human rights in europe je travai pour les drotis dels homme en europe yo trabajo para derechos humanos en america eu trabalho para diertos humanos en america i work for human rights law en america je travai pour lrotis ldes hommes en les monde انا اتكلامف ي يتحدي افريكة I work for th human right sin Africa je travai pour droits dles homme en Afriques eu trabalho para dierots humanos em Africa
UDHR ICCPR ICESCR CERD CEDAW CRC CRPD CAT African CHarer on people and human rights maputo protocol african youth charter africna charter of hte right sand welfarw of the hcild european convention on humanr ights interamerican court of human rights 1951 efuge econvention delcaration ont eh rights of indigenous peoples
This was so easy to understand and less cumbersome. Thank you
This was very useful for my essay, thank you so much
Is there any difference between National Human Rights Regime and Regional Human Rights System ?
thank you for this lecture
one of my dreams is to start a new human rights Ngo to enforce the african human rights system (African Charter oN human and peoples Rights, African youth CHarter, African Disabiity Protocol, African Charter on the rights and welfare of the Child, maputo Protocol on the rights of women in Africa0
i memorized the three regional human rights systems in English French Spanish portuguese and Arabic and the special protocol to teh ACHPR is the Maputo protocol something very close to me because i am dating an africanwomen so i can abuse the hell out of the africancommission/court ofhumanand peoples rights
african charter on human and people srighs the maputo protocol africna youth charter african charter on tehr ights and weflare of hte hcild
maputo protocol african youth charter african xhar5er peopkes and human righrs
Interamerican court of human r9ghrs european court of human rights african court of human rights of peoples and 4ighrs
African charter 4ughrs and peoples human 4ighrs maputo protocol african 6o7th cha4ter
arab charter on human rights aseanhuman rights declaration commonwealth of indepednent ates
i work for human rights in europe je travai pour les drotis dels homme en europe yo trabajo para derechos humanos en america eu trabalho para diertos humanos en america i work for human rights law en america je travai pour lrotis ldes hommes en les monde انا اتكلامف ي يتحدي افريكة I work for th human right sin Africa je travai pour droits dles homme en Afriques eu trabalho para dierots humanos em Africa
Всеобщая декларация права человека международный пакт 6рлда5ский пакт и економеческий права международный пр-ва пытка коенвция пр-ва ивалидов
UDHR ICCPR ICESCR CERD CEDAW CRC CRPD CAT African CHarer on people and human rights maputo protocol african youth charter africna charter of hte right sand welfarw of the hcild european convention on humanr ights interamerican court of human rights 1951 efuge econvention delcaration ont eh rights of indigenous peoples
Maputo protocol african youth charter 9n human d rpeoples and 4ighrs wrlfate of the Child
one for me why I am only one
why are you stupid pls do this lecture for me again ?
Very useful