I love coming back to this conversion testimony. As a cradle Catholic that is constantly lukewarm and questioning my faith - this is gold. Praise God for you Dr Scott Hahn
True, but it’s bc (particularly in the post conciliar Church) we were not taught So much had been withheld from is and many are learning now,, much thanks to sources like this!
Hey just wanted to give words of encouragement, I became catholic on July 13th and it’s changing my life. After hearing Scott Hahn, Trent Horn, Tim Staples, Jimmy Akin, and Steve Ray, I knew the catholic faith was the truth. Now I attend daily mass, daily rosary, chaplet of divine mercy and chaplet of Saint Michael. The graces that flow are amazing. Oh and I just finished Scott Hahn’s book THE Lamb Supper. Soooooo good, it brings the mass to life, heaven on earth. Now every mass i feel so involved and the edge of my seat on every homily. I love the catholic faith!
I wish I had better Catholic teachings in my childhood because I wouldn't have lost so much time. We have a beautiful Catholic Faith. I have so much to learn. So blessed to have the sacraments.
@@christy751 Do you live near a Traditional Latin Mass? My parish is an FSSP. The priests are wonderful. My husband and I were confirmed during the lockdown two years ago. Traditional is the way to go. Novus Ordo (the New Mass) seems to be getting newer and newer everyday to the point of becoming protestant. Find a TLM if possible even if it's in another town. We drive an hour each way, but we don't care. We love our parish. I think you will too. God Bless! ✝️
@@peace-and-quiet I wish there was a TLM in my country. It disappeared after the only Priest that led it passed away. Unfortunately I was very young and didn’t learn about TLM. We’re missing out so much
My first go at RCIA was awful. The materials were SO VAGUE. Recently, after 30 years as a Catholic (raised Baptist), I bought books 1-3 (later I found out that there's a No. 4) of the Baltimore Catechism. Oh MY IT'S AWESOME!!!
Wow, it took a convert to Catholicism to show a cradle Catholic such as me to appreciate our amazing apostolic heritage in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for its splendour and continuity with scripture! It ALL passed over my ignorant head as a child and young adult.
The Church needs to figure out how to teach the faith better. We lose too many to Protestants who attack the faith and the poorly catechized Catholic not understanding his faith enough to defend it and invariably believes the erroneous things the Protestant tells him about the Catholic Church.
As a young man here in the Philippines whereby my Faith and Religion are always in line in many types of Discrimination and Stereotypes. But this testimonies always give me a calm heart to have a stronghold in this faith that is given to us by God. In the name of its Glory and its holiness whereby I am saved and gifted with this formidable and forever be holy baptism. Blessed us all Catholics keep thy heart be always burning with love to our faith and truth that we hold🔥❤️.
Thank you Dr Hahn. I have listened to your conversion story a hundred times and each time it is new. Thank you for strengthening my faith in the Catholic church
I love it! *and if I can add as someone who has been going to a non- denominational church for 5 years now, many prodestants and thier pastors are feeling the pull to study the church father's, Augustine, Aquainis and are preaching unity as Jesus commanded in the Body of Christ. (Anyone who proclaims Jesus is Lord and believes what is recighted in the Nicene and Apostles Creed) They take that very seriously, and are opening up hearts and minds. And preaching kindess. My Catholic parents came to worship at a service many times after thier own Mass and were welcomed very kindly. That made my heart happy. I am going to Mass this weekend for the first time in years as an adult. It feels wonderful. Thank You Jesus for loving me and never letting me go.❤
You would be in wonder and amazement how many prodestant Christians would have this same ephinany and heart opened to the mass and Eucharist of they only knew about it and went. They have so much love in thier hearts for Jesus from the scriptures, and many just have never ever been exposed or told about these things😢. I speak from experience. I grew up Catholic, tried most all denominations, and worshipped my Jesus, fell in love with Him more through the scriptures and love shown to me there in His name. I see the genuine hearts of the believiers there. But I have always been left wanting. I have been feeling God pulling me back to my Catholic love, and am going to Mass this weekend for first time in years😊❤ Im thankful I knew about these blessings. Many of my friends and fellow Christians do not and it breaks my heart. Pray for your brothers and sisters who are seperated and are missing this, by things that happened centuries before. They know no other way. Tell someone you know the Mass in love! Blessings to you all in Jesus prescious name
That's wonderful!!!! I was a cradle Catholic too, and because of me being poorly catechised, I became protestant during the covid times as that was the first time I understood the Gospel. Then, I fell into the rabbit hole and became extremely anti-catholic protestant. Long story short , the Lord has called be back to His TRUE Church ! All praises to Him . The first mass in which I understood that Jesus Himself was present in the Eucharist , I couldn't stop weeping . I was literally crying like a baby. The Mass is where heaven and earth meets!
Hello mr. Hann youve been my inspiration when I voluntary converted myself to ROMAN CATHOLIC FAITH in the year 2001 I read your book Rome sweet home Journey to CATHOLICISM
Wow. I never knew any of this in Revelation. It was through an experience of Jesus in the blessed sacrament and my first ever mass when i was 16 that i became catholic. I was ignorant of the book of revelation. Thank you fir your testimony. Wow. Made me cry !
Keith testimony helped me alot, keith's, Steve Ray's & now. Scott hahn. I always had a deep thirst & hunger for Jesus & now after on my way to be a catholic it's like stream of rivers are calling me to come and drink.. Now eagerly waitng for my baptism in catholic church & most important Holy Eucharist. Yesterday evening i went to a catholic priest to become a catholic. By the way i was born hindu & converted to pentecostal faith But now after 12 years i am on my way to be a Catholic. It's really like coming home, so refreshing.
Thank you, Lord, for Scott Hahn!! I wish this was taught to me while in CCD growing up! I grew up Catholic like 99.9% of the kids I knew in my town. Not once did I hear this mind blowing walkthrough. I am grateful for my last 15 years attending a Baptist church to get my Bible study on. Scott's testimony really brought it home for me, though. Wow...Praise Be To God.
🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation: 01:49 🚶♂️ *Scott Hahn shares a humorous anecdote about getting lost on his way to visit a friend in the hospital, drawing a parallel between finding Mercy Hospital and finding mercy in life.* 03:27 📖 *Scott Hahn references the story of the Road to Emmaus from Luke 24, highlighting how Jesus revealed himself to disciples through Scripture and the breaking of bread.* 07:20 💡 *Hahn shares his journey of conversion, from being a "juvenile delinquent" to finding salvation in Christ and embarking on a path of scripture study.* 11:32 📚 *Hahn discusses his previous anti-Catholic views, shaped by a misunderstanding of Catholic teachings and reliance on proof-texting.* 13:37 🏞️ *Hahn delves into the concept of typology, explaining how early Church fathers interpreted Old Testament figures and events as prefigurations of Christ and the Church.* 19:20 🔍 *Hahn explores parallels between Moses and Jesus, emphasizing how Jesus fulfills and surpasses the role of Moses, particularly in the context of the Sermon on the Mount and the institution of the New Covenant.* 21:22 🍞 *Hahn discusses the Eucharist as the true bread from heaven, drawing connections between the Passover and Jesus' institution of the Eucharist.* 22:18 🍽️ *Augustine's understanding of communion as the climax of sacrifice draws parallels between the Old Testament Passover and Jesus as the Lamb of God.* 23:26 📖 *Scott Hahn discovers typological connections between Jesus and figures like Adam, Moses, and Solomon in Matthew's Gospel, enriching his understanding of Scripture.* 28:06 ✝️ *Witnessing the consecration at Mass, Scott Hahn experiences a profound revelation of the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist.* 31:50 🕊️ *Scott Hahn's interpretation of the Book of Revelation leads him to recognize the heavenly liturgy mirrored in the Catholic Mass.* 36:27 🙏 *Attending Mass secretly, Scott Hahn falls in love with Christ through the Eucharist, finding profound fulfillment of Scripture in the liturgy.* 40:07 💒 *Scott Hahn's journey culminates in his decision to convert to Catholicism, embraced by his wife, and affirmed through his deep spiritual experiences.* 42:08 😊 *Kimberly, initially skeptical, becomes deeply moved by the richness of Scripture during a Catholic Mass, highlighting the power of liturgy to illuminate the Word.* 43:04 🙏 *Scott Hahn prays for his wife's understanding and eventual acceptance of the sacraments, recognizing their profound importance in spiritual growth and love.* 44:40 🎉 *Kimberly eventually converts to Catholicism, leading to a joyous reunion and celebration within the family, marking a significant milestone in their spiritual journey.* 45:30 📖 *Scott Hahn challenges all Christians, regardless of background, to engage with Scripture within the context of liturgy, emphasizing the centrality of the Mass in experiencing the fulfillment of Scripture.* 46:51 🕊️ *The Eucharistic liturgy is portrayed as the ongoing fulfillment of Scripture, inviting active participation and spiritual transformation through faith in Christ's promises.*
1) sadly there’s a lot of evangelists that are bible illiterate, but I have found the same in devout Catholics 2) true Protestantism agrees with the early church fathers, including their preaching. sadly it seems Dr. Hanh’s experience was a poor example of it
It's interesting to me that Chatolics who Don't know their Bibles are becoming Protestants & Protestants who Know their Bibles really good are becoming Chatolics ❤️🙏🏻✝️
@@datchet11 "to be deep in history is to cease being protestant" - John Henry Newman The fact of the matter is when you ask an Ex Catholic why they left the Church their answers are more often than not objectively non-sensical. It becomes apparent that they were poorly formed Catholics by name not by faith.
I am so glad I came home to the Catholic Church! I know it's sad that I'm not a cradle Catholic but I just absolutely fell in love with the faith when I went to the first mass ever and I never looked back and kept on going and became a Catholic now for 11 years now
Yes! But not this particular video. Because whoever posted this video up here, they cut a lot of it off. I have seen Scott Hahn in person, twice, about 10 years apart and his story doesn't change. And I've heard his story online as well, many many times. And you can clearly see that this video has been edited. There is a full version of his story, a little over an hour long. This is only about 47 minutes long.
Wow... no words to say, but his backstory and mine are alike. Used to be heavily prejudiced against Catholics, up until a year ago. I'm not officially Catholic, but I am slowly getting there
I read his story of his conversion. In a part the story, a question of his protestant scholar/seminarian that made him panic was the question about where in the Bible the Sola Scriptura could be found. And Dr. Scott gave him a panic answer: What a stupid question it was, then his scholar replayed right away with "Just give me a stupid answer. Then, Dr. Scott was calling around his prominent Theologian Prof. (I forget the name) But The Prof. also could not answer the stupid question that he needed. I think it drove him to the coclussion that Sola Scriptura unbiblical making /strengthened his way to Rome.
If the Bible isn’t the last authority, who is? The church? Rome who changed the Bible and persecuted Christians? The Valdsnses? Inquisition? It’s hard to defend the church. We that believe In Sola Scriptura, we don’t defend the church, we defend the Bible.
Oh God, as I am listening to this explanation, I feel some sort of Holy Spirit coming through me. I just can't say this is an incredible explanation of the Bible Amen.
Scott stopped a little short of the time of Solomon where he gave his mother Bathsheba a crown on her head and a set up a throne on his right hand, and Bathsheba would received requests for the king and she would bring those requests to Solomon. And Solomon had told her, ask my queen for I cannot refuse you.
Myron Mercado have you read a little further where the mothers wish as Queen is NOT granted Solomon’ kills the man who’s life was being begged for by the Queen mother Mediation I would say NOT .
@@andrewdrew677 yes because Solomon is not Jesus. Solomon as a King is just a pre-figure of the coming true King. Just like how he broke his words to his mother, he also broke his promise to God and married many women who devoured him to worship false gods. But Jesus will never become like Solomon. He will never refuse His mother and He will never go against the Father.
@@andrewdrew677 Jesus is the perfection of all imperfections of many old testament figures. Jesus is the New Adam but He will never be like Adam who chose to sin and disobey God. Jesus is the new Moses, the Prohet. but He will never be like Moses who was doubtful. Jesus is the New Aaron, the Priest. But He will never be like Aaron who chose to listen to the people and go against God. Jesus is the New Solomon, the King. But He will never be like Solomon who go against God. All of those figures. A PROPHET, A KING, A PRIEST. He is the fulfillment. But Jesus is perfect, and He perfected the imperfections of the Old. Adam disobeyed God and brought himself to the tree of death. But Jesus become obedient and brought Himself to the tree of life, the Cross, and become obedient even up to His death. Moses was doubting God's power even how many times God prove Himself and showed him His might, therefore God did not allow him to enter the promise land. But Jesus was full of faith and trust of the work of the Father and He even showed all of it through His works, therefore God the Father gave Him a seat on His right hand in heaven, the promise paradise. Aaron was given the priestly duty but abuse it together with his clan and lineage, so then, God end the priesthood of Aaron and institute a new priesthood under Melchizedek. But Jesus, even given the whole authority of heaven and earth stayed humble and grounded. He did not abused this authority, therefore the Father made Him an everlasting priest who took away all the sins of the world. Solomon, after the grandeur of his kingdom, become boastful and chose to follow his own will, therefore, God broke His promise to Solomon and after his reign, the Kingdom was divided. But Jesus did not follow His own will but remained submissive to the will of the Father until His death. Therefore, the Father, restore the Kingdom of David into one and everlasting Kingdom, and He Himself became its King. But in all of those eras, it was not just the figures of Jesus we can read. During the Adam's era, there was Eve, who was called WOMAN because she will become the mother of all living. A figure a coming WOMAN who will become the mother of all saints, living and dead. Mother Mary. During Moses and Aaron, there was the ARK OF THE COVENANT made of pure gold, who took hold of the WORD OF GOD INCRIPTED ON A STONE, the MANNA, and the STAFF OF AARON. A figure of of a coming of a NEW ARK OF THE COVENANT, pure like gold and took hold of the WORD OF GOD, THE BREAD OF LIFE, AND THE EVERLASTING PRIEST who is Jesus. And the New Ark no other than Mary. On Solomons Era. There were 3 figures. One, the QUEEN MOTHER, second, THE 12 MINISTERS and third, the PRIME MINISTER who holds the Key, the 2nd in command of the Kingdom. They were the figures of Mary, the Queen mother, the 12 Apostles and third the Vicar who was Peter who holds the key. Great typology. If only you will read the beauty of the bible and its grandeur you will become catholic.
12:10 - does anybody know the exact source in St Augustin's writings where he shows the parallels of Jesus and Adam (the two gardens, the two trees etc.)? I couldn't find out where this is from, I'm afraid. Thanks a lot for your help, brothers and sisters!
as the emergence of internet, protestantism will going down and will surely vanished. See Matthew Chapter 16, the gates of hades will not prevails against it. and Jesus will be with you us Catholics until the time of the age.
Most Protestant pastors know the truth about the Catholic Church but their pride and their quest for earthly things would not let them come home to the Church our Lord Jesus Christ founded.
The advent of a new and more efficient means of communication, the printing press, was an indispensable ingredient in the Reformation in the first place. Are you sure about that?
@@andrewclover1462 you are wrong printing press now are on a decline. its social media now.... wherein everyone has access.. before social media pastors can easily deceived unknowledgeable Catholics, Catholics who are not reading the Bible but nowadays noever protestant can beat a Catholic who has desire to learn our faith. Social Media are one of those reason that made a Catholic knowledgeable.
Too bad it's not video and only audio. I would love to see him tell the story instead of just listen to an audio. But this is the exact same conversion story that I heard many years ago.
I'm a cradle catholic, and it just occurred to me how the passage of the road to Emmaus; that last part where Jesus broke the bread and suddenly they recognized him, it echoes his instruction at the last supper: ["Do this in memory of me.” Luke 22: 19]
I have protestant friends who like to question me about catholic views on purgatory. They believe that once u accepted Christ as Lord and savour, u will enter the kingdom of God. How do I answer them on this? Thanks
"Accepting Christ as your Lord and Savior" is not a formula you will find in Scripture. But you will find in Scripture that Jesus tells you how to be saved. In Matt 25:31-46 he tells us that the criteria he will use to separate the lost goats from the saved sheep will be loving works for the least of his brethren. Scripture will also show that Jesus established a church, not just a spiritual one but one with an Earthly head, leaders, bishops, presbyters, deacons and most of all, authority. Regarding purgatory, just ask them if they are completely purified to enter Heaven this moment. An honest person will admit that they are not and Revelation says that nothing impure will enter Heaven. So ask how they will be purified. Whatever they say will be an admission that they need final purification. That's all that the Catholic Church teaches. The CCC is very brief on the true Catholic belief about it. It might be by fire but that is not the doctrine. You will likely hear that they will be covered by the blood of Christ. Bingo! That's a final cleansing.
Jesus’ blood is enough to purify us & covers us the moment we accept Him into our hearts as Lord & Savior. Purgatory is not Biblically backed by any scripture but the blood of Jesus, which purifies is to stand blameless before the Father is ... 1 John 1:7 & Colossians 1:22.
@@letitbe9871 Please, I see Protestants sin in their comments repeatedly here. And they lie often. So much for purification. And do tell me where Scripture says that you are purified the moment you accept Jesus into your heart. You won't find that, but you will find plenty of verses which say you can fail after you start believing.
@@michaelscanlan8747 Nothing there about purification. Mention is made of method of justification but not final and complete justification. And even justified people might have some minor human impurities.
At present, Catholics are eating manna from Heaven (Eucharist) for 40 years while God whittles is down to the true believers who will enter into paradise. Jesus wandered in the desert tempted while fasting and praying for 40 days immediately after His baptism by St. John the Baptist. 40 Jubilee years X 50 years per jubilee = 2000 years eating manna in the desert awaiting the promised land. We’re about to rest on the seventh day! 🔥 ♥️
Hebrews 7: “23 The former priests, on the one hand, existed in greater numbers because they were prevented by death from continuing, 24 but Jesus, on the other hand, because He continues forever, holds His priesthood permanently. 25 Therefore He is able also to save forever those who draw near to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them. 26 For it was fitting for us to have such a high priest, holy, innocent, undefiled, separated from sinners and exalted above the heavens; 27 who does not need daily, like those high priests, to offer up sacrifices, first for His own sins and then for the sins of the people, because this He did once for all when He offered up Himself. 28 For the Law appoints men as high priests who are weak, but the word of the oath, which came after the Law, appoints a Son, made perfect forever.”
Yes there is. It's out there somewhere. But I can't remember where. I saw the full version many times. And I also met Dr. Scott Hahn twice. It was about 10 years apart, and his story never changes.
As a discerning, seeking protestant who wants to be Catholic, I believe all of this. Nothing about it doesn't make sense and it resonates beautifully, movingly. But there are other Roman Catholic matters not covered here that press against my ability to say yes to seeking RCIA.
RCIA is there to teach you about the Catholicism as a hold. And is a long process. You are allowed to back out, or if you don’t think you’re ready at the end of it. You do not have to go through with it in that moment
@@Child_of_God-x1t RCIA may be the answer to getting answers. But as a theologian, I've found in my own search that I'm finding inarguable cases of the Catholic church's answers being both yes and no about a number of things. Either the church is more centrally divided than it imagines, the church is filled with reformers calling themselves Catholic, or truth in experience according to Catholics is actually yes and no depending on the matter. These are all difficult to just jump on board with. Again, RCIA may provide answers. I doubt it as I'm already a theologian. It will take more than routine Catholic conversion classes-not because I'm resistant, just past the standard arguments or questions.
Okay but Jesus taught about seeing the kingdom of GOD on his parables with several message not just about being born again. Was about Repeating in prodigal son story. Then you have Matthew 19:24 “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God”. After being baptized and born again you still have to live up good morals, charity, self denial for the sake of the Lord, lige of prayer, repetance etc.
Everything this guy said works and is known even if your are not a catholic, I’m no denomination and found out all these things through research and following a Protestant teachers bible actually. There is no need to be catholic in order to know these things, it takes a little curiosity and reading your Bible. I wonder aside from all this, Where do you get Mary as a mediator? Where do you get the notion that we should confess to a priest instead of directly to Jesus who is our intermediary ? Where do you get purgatory aside from 1 verse about jail which is completely irrelevant? Where do you get the concept of a hierarchy of priests ? Where do you get filling churched with gold? I’m from Rome….I’ve seen it…… where do you get any of it I wonder.
Jesus said the church is the pillar and the truth We are told to pray for one another, in revelation 5:8 and 8:3 the elders held the prayers of ALL the saints meaning even the ones in heaven, why would the saints in heaven be praying? Because they are praying for us. And rev 5:8 and 8:3 let's us know that our prayers doesn't go directly to God as the elders held them before Jesus meaning there is a process We are told to confess to one another for clear conscience james 5:16 And Jesus says the sins of any that you forgive are forgiven john 20:23 1 cor 13 says you will be tested through fire The apostles which was clearly higher level of a deciple, apostle Paul instated positions within the visible church such as bishops and deacons and if you look at the early Church history when you read about presbyters that was another name for priest Look at the ark of the covenant filled with gold, look at Solomon temples that he was instructed to build for God filled with gold, the new Jerusalem in rev is gold, and Jesus let mary use money on him and encouraged it when she poured the perfume on him The church is God's house, Jesus is present in the eucharist, and like Jesus said in the old testament you're making a den of my fathers house
And there is need to be Catholic to receive the eucharist and there is need to be Catholic because Paul said there is one church in unity, the same people who compiled the bible was the Catholic church and more importantly Jesus established a church and had positions put in the church to be followed not for people to do their own thing When Jesus said to Peter feed my sheep he showed that Peter was a shepherd which shows you need guidance from the positions Jesus established which is the Catholic church
Mary as mediator ? Jesus was at a wedding. Mary said to Jesus “They have no wine” Jesus made water into wine. That is MEDIATOR. Confession to a Priest ? Jesus said to the APOSTLES “Whose sins YOU Forgive they are forgiven.” Jn 20:23
Well first, Jesus Christ is the Mediator between God and Man. I recommend looking up Catholic Answers with that title. Second, Jesus ordianed the Apostles and told them that whose sins they forgave, they are forgiven. And third ....all that gold, all those church's are by rights, belong to God. Why would you deny God the best of the best? Do you remember when the woman came in and poured expensive oils all over Christ feet and head? Do you remember what Judas said? What did Christ respond?
The fact that he was a false convert to begin. Presbyterians are not the most Christians...just look at their Woke Church today. If he was any younger he'd be another Abraham Piper.
@@RafaMCazares Peter was called a stone/pebble by Jesus. Jesus was saying his church would be built on a massive rock (meaning like a massive one jutting from the edge of a cliff) when He said I’ll build my church on this, meaning the massive revelation from the Father that you have been given, Peter: that I am the Messiah. Jesus is that massive stone/cornerstone/revelation and His church is built on this revelation, not built on Peter. It is built by each of us becoming stones like Peter when we, too, are GIVEN the revelation that Jesus is the Messiah. If you have that revelation, that is what made you part of the church/the body of Christ. Jesus alone builds His church. He said exactly that to Peter: “I will build my church” - not humans like Peter, you or I. He builds it by giving us revelation as we stay in the Word. It is ALL built by Him.
Why did Jesus change Peter's name from Simon to Kephas? Is it just a pure coincidence for you that Peter and Rock are the same word (Kepha) in Aramaic, the language that Jesus spoke during that time?
@@petros-petra in Matthew 16:18, Peter and rocker not the same word. The reason for that is because Jesus was saying that on this revelation meaning who Jesus really is, he will build his church. In other words, the people that are brought into the church are those that have a revelation of who he really is and accept the sacrificial death on our behalf and forgiveness of our sins. He was not saying he was building a church on Peter. That would be a weak notion given that Peter had to be corrected by Paul in his ministry. He would’ve been leading people astray which in fact he was by example at that point in time.
@@petros-petra I completely answered your question. Peter was not the first Pope. You, if you are a believer, are a priest in Jesus is our high priest.
Scott Hahn is a very talented teacher, theologian, but going to find his books in a Roman Catholic book store gave me the creeps.........I think Pagans hi-jacked christianity early on and appropriately called it Roman. Roman Catholics read very little, from what I saw in the store. Most of the store was dedicated to images and idols, 90%, ( this is what Hispanic R.Cs are most familiar with) some baptismal confirmation clothing, 5% to books 1% to music. I listen to R.C. Radio for months day and night GRN, EWTN, and most of what is spoken there speaks to the mind and very little programming speaks to the heart. that tells me everything, no balance, and focus is on the intellect and not the spirit.
Sounds like the pagans Satan uses blinded your heart and mind. No pagans hijacked the early church, as you say, and called it Rome. May God lift this blindness so you really seek the truth of what you’re missing.
@@VictoryOvrDepression ...don't get me wrong, I listen to Roman Catholic radio all day and night long, I really like many of your most notable theologians and expositors. all truth is God's truth no matter who speaks it. It is some of your traditions I can not stomach.
@@PInk77W1 ....and worship them? in R.C. speaking jargon I hear the word "devotee" to Mary, to Saints so and so.. My only devotion is to God in Christ; Word devotion is used often in what we worship.
His opening statement of Luke 24 concerning the Eucharist is what this whole complicated testimony is about and he ends it with to find Jesus you need the Eucharist So with all his title and claims this is not biblical and I’m Christian barely made through year 10 high school! Jesus Christ didn’t use complicated messages or teachings! I find it interesting no not one will challenge this guys teaching perhaps that’s why it keeps going false doctrine apon false. The he was fact that Presbyterian before is interesting! Roman Catholic haha crazy to think what the Roman’s did to christian is interesting! The kjv Bible will answer all your question no catechism, Jesus himself would rebuke religious leaders and teaching amen
Poor guy is so deluded in his own fancies. He’s clearly one who’s strayed from truth and brought his wife to a system of falsehoods with one religious old man as their head.
His own fancies? He didn’t bring his wife anywhere. They both just had decided to be intellectually honest and follow the truth wherever it leads. You would do the same if you actually allowed it to happen. But you come to the table with biases that are unshakeable and you don’t look at the evidence objectively. The sad thing is you are missing out on so very much. Catholic converts like Scott Hahn have changed people’s lives (including mine). I read Scripture every single day. I go to mass multiple times per week. I am more active in my prayer life than at any time in my life. Maybe you are the one who is deluded.
A devout Christian will not judge his brothers and sisters in Christ like that. Doesn't really matter which denomination you belong to. What do you mean by deluded???? *Shaking my head*
Mr. Scott is ignorant to the Scripture. Coming from pagan Catholic church in Croatia and I am so thankfull that I am not part of so many unbiblical practice.
Pray for this Man U can tell his pride is what runs him shows u just buy him to reply with a negative comment. Total protestant. It’ll be yur downfall sir. Ill pay for u
Was raised catholic. Please read the following carefully: Define Jesus by His own words in the new testiment by His own actions, not by the old testament, not by tradition of men, not by church fathers. Repent of Roman catholicism! Follow the living God and follow scripture alone. This is an unbiblical theological cult and this speaker is apostate!
I swear if ignorance was a person are your ears completely shut that your brain cannot grasp what he is saying. You Protestants are lost in your delusional interpretation of the bible.
The Presbyterian Church is works-based Reformed Theology, and a derivative of Catholicism. Hahn didn't "convert" at all. He simply went from Catholicism lite, to full-on false Gospel.
@alonamaria279 You cannot "Reform" a false Gospel system of belief. You will always be bound in that paradigm. Catholicism should be abolished entirely. CATHOLICISM and it's REFORMED THEOLOGY derivatives ( Orthodoxy, Lutheranism, & Cavinism ) attempts to keep Christians falsely under the law. 1. It doesn't save - They anathematized the true Gospel at Council of Trent 2. The Papacy - It's NOT biblical NOR historical 3. Sin of Presumption - John says ye may KNOW ye are saved. They say that's a sin (1John 5:13) 4. Mary Idolatry - She wasn't sinless or sexless. She didn't ascend & can't hear prayers 5. Sacraments - It's blatant works-salvation which the Bible hates (Rom 4, Gal 3) 6. Idolize "Saints"- Bible says all believers are saints! (Eph 1:1) 7. Confess to Priests - 1 John 1:9 says confess to God, not any sinful men 8. Indulgences - Got rich selling less time in "purgatory" (evil) (Eph 2:8-9) 9. Purgatory is a lie - Its not in the Bible. Man-made fear/control tactic 10. Pope Authority - Bible says Christ is head of church, not a sinful man (Eph 5:23) 11. Praying to the Dead - They can't hear you (Psa 146:4; Eccl 9:5, 10) 12. Banned Bible - They killed many people for owning Bibles. 13. Contradicts itself - Claims to continue tradition but reversed it's stance on the death penalty, filioque, salvation outside church, icon veneration, cremation, the Gospel, salvation of Eastern Orthodox etc. etc. Catholicism is Babylonian Paganism with a Christian Mask & the Catholic works-based false Gospel is leading millions to the lake of fire.
I love coming back to this conversion testimony. As a cradle Catholic that is constantly lukewarm and questioning my faith - this is gold. Praise God for you Dr Scott Hahn
come back all the way, and yuo will be happy!
@@glennlanham6309 indeed! Thank you
I thought religion does not save??
@@josemeza397 Jesus saves. Jesus instituted religion. Church is the one of the pillars of faith
@christy751 church or religion there all kinds of church's and religions but one christ or truth 🤔, right
We cradle Catholics don’t always appreciate the ‘gift’ we received at baptism!! Thank YOU!!
True, but it’s bc (particularly in the post conciliar Church) we were not taught So much had been withheld from is and many are learning now,, much thanks to sources like this!
I think that CCC classes are inadequate. Listen to Fr Mike Schmitz on Hallow....CIY
Ok. I think I will become Catholic.
EDIT: I'm officially Catholic now!
Did u become Catholic?
Did you become one ?
Hey just wanted to give words of encouragement, I became catholic on July 13th and it’s changing my life. After hearing Scott Hahn, Trent Horn, Tim Staples, Jimmy Akin, and Steve Ray, I knew the catholic faith was the truth. Now I attend daily mass, daily rosary, chaplet of divine mercy and chaplet of Saint Michael. The graces that flow are amazing. Oh and I just finished Scott Hahn’s book THE Lamb Supper. Soooooo good, it brings the mass to life, heaven on earth. Now every mass i feel so involved and the edge of my seat on every homily. I love the catholic faith!
Hi brother welcome home
@@jonhowerton2537 So the MAJORITY in the Book of Revelations is about the Liturgy in the Holy Eucharist am I right?
I wish I had better Catholic teachings in my childhood because I wouldn't have lost so much time. We have a beautiful Catholic Faith. I have so much to learn. So blessed to have the sacraments.
Same! I have so much to learn but my local Parishes are struggling to teach it in a way that makes sense like this
@@christy751 Do you live near a Traditional Latin Mass? My parish is an FSSP. The priests are wonderful. My husband and I were confirmed during the lockdown two years ago. Traditional is the way to go. Novus Ordo (the New Mass) seems to be getting newer and newer everyday to the point of becoming protestant. Find a TLM if possible even if it's in another town. We drive an hour each way, but we don't care. We love our parish. I think you will too.
God Bless! ✝️
@@christy751 listen to relevant radio, patrick Madrid hour.
@@peace-and-quiet I wish there was a TLM in my country. It disappeared after the only Priest that led it passed away. Unfortunately I was very young and didn’t learn about TLM. We’re missing out so much
My first go at RCIA was awful. The materials were SO VAGUE. Recently, after 30 years as a Catholic (raised Baptist), I bought books 1-3 (later I found out that there's a No. 4) of the Baltimore Catechism. Oh MY IT'S AWESOME!!!
Wow, it took a convert to Catholicism to show a cradle Catholic such as me to appreciate our amazing apostolic heritage in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for its splendour and continuity with scripture! It ALL passed over my ignorant head as a child and young adult.
Same here.was a Catholic by name for so long
Same 😂
The Church needs to figure out how to teach the faith better. We lose too many to Protestants who attack the faith and the poorly catechized Catholic not understanding his faith enough to defend it and invariably believes the erroneous things the Protestant tells him about the Catholic Church.
Amazing A convert teaches Us Catholics the treasure we have had All This Time and some don’t even see it. Know it. Thank You so much God Blesses All
Like Saint Paul! And like Jesus with the Pharisees. We always have to listen when we think that someone can't teach us anything 😊
Preghiamo affinché possiamo ascoltare con l orecchio del cuore c è sempre da imparare ❤️🙏
As a young man here in the Philippines whereby my Faith and Religion are always in line in many types of Discrimination and Stereotypes. But this testimonies always give me a calm heart to have a stronghold in this faith that is given to us by God. In the name of its Glory and its holiness whereby I am saved and gifted with this formidable and forever be holy baptism. Blessed us all Catholics keep thy heart be always burning with love to our faith and truth that we hold🔥❤️.
Absolutely inspiring. So glad he came home!
Wow It’s amazing how God show wisdom to people who really search for him 🕊
Thank you Dr Hahn. I have listened to your conversion story a hundred times and each time it is new. Thank you for strengthening my faith in the Catholic church
This is so amazing ❤😢😢 I will become more Catholic as I was after watching this amazing conversion story. Thank you Dr. Scott ❤😊
I love it!
*and if I can add as someone who has been going to a non- denominational church for 5 years now, many prodestants and thier pastors are feeling the pull to study the church father's, Augustine, Aquainis and are preaching unity as Jesus commanded in the Body of Christ. (Anyone who proclaims Jesus is Lord and believes what is recighted in the Nicene and Apostles Creed)
They take that very seriously, and are opening up hearts and minds. And preaching kindess. My Catholic parents came to worship at a service many times after thier own Mass and were welcomed very kindly. That made my heart happy.
I am going to Mass this weekend for the first time in years as an adult. It feels wonderful.
Thank You Jesus for loving me and never letting me go.❤
You would be in wonder and amazement how many prodestant Christians would have this same ephinany and heart opened to the mass and Eucharist of they only knew about it and went. They have so much love in thier hearts for Jesus from the scriptures, and many just have never ever been exposed or told about these things😢. I speak from experience. I grew up Catholic, tried most all denominations, and worshipped my Jesus, fell in love with Him more through the scriptures and love shown to me there in His name. I see the genuine hearts of the believiers there. But I have always been left wanting. I have been feeling God pulling me back to my Catholic love, and am going to Mass this weekend for first time in years😊❤
Im thankful I knew about these blessings.
Many of my friends and fellow Christians do not and it breaks my heart.
Pray for your brothers and sisters who are seperated and are missing this, by things that happened centuries before. They know no other way.
Tell someone you know the Mass in love! Blessings to you all in Jesus prescious name
That's wonderful!!!! I was a cradle Catholic too, and because of me being poorly catechised, I became protestant during the covid times as that was the first time I understood the Gospel. Then, I fell into the rabbit hole and became extremely anti-catholic protestant. Long story short , the Lord has called be back to His TRUE Church ! All praises to Him .
The first mass in which I understood that Jesus Himself was present in the Eucharist , I couldn't stop weeping . I was literally crying like a baby. The Mass is where heaven and earth meets!
Definitely ❤🙏
Good for you, patricia! I hope you went to confession before you received communion. 🙏🏼❤️🔥✝️🕊️
God bless you Scott Hahn🙏🏼❤️ Prayers for the conversion of all humanity and under the Catholic Church.
Hello mr. Hann youve been my inspiration when I voluntary converted myself to ROMAN CATHOLIC FAITH in the year 2001 I read your book Rome sweet home Journey to CATHOLICISM
Wow. I never knew any of this in Revelation. It was through an experience of Jesus in the blessed sacrament and my first ever mass when i was 16 that i became catholic. I was ignorant of the book of revelation. Thank you fir your testimony. Wow. Made me cry !
Keith testimony helped me alot, keith's, Steve Ray's & now. Scott hahn. I always had a deep thirst & hunger for Jesus & now after on my way to be a catholic it's like stream of rivers are calling me to come and drink.. Now eagerly waitng for my baptism in catholic church & most important Holy Eucharist.
Yesterday evening i went to a catholic priest to become a catholic. By the way i was born hindu & converted to pentecostal faith But now after 12 years i am on my way to be a Catholic. It's really like coming home, so refreshing.
Thank you, Lord, for Scott Hahn!! I wish this was taught to me while in CCD growing up! I grew up Catholic like 99.9% of the kids I knew in my town. Not once did I hear this mind blowing walkthrough. I am grateful for my last 15 years attending a Baptist church to get my Bible study on. Scott's testimony really brought it home for me, though. Wow...Praise Be To God.
🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation:
01:49 🚶♂️ *Scott Hahn shares a humorous anecdote about getting lost on his way to visit a friend in the hospital, drawing a parallel between finding Mercy Hospital and finding mercy in life.*
03:27 📖 *Scott Hahn references the story of the Road to Emmaus from Luke 24, highlighting how Jesus revealed himself to disciples through Scripture and the breaking of bread.*
07:20 💡 *Hahn shares his journey of conversion, from being a "juvenile delinquent" to finding salvation in Christ and embarking on a path of scripture study.*
11:32 📚 *Hahn discusses his previous anti-Catholic views, shaped by a misunderstanding of Catholic teachings and reliance on proof-texting.*
13:37 🏞️ *Hahn delves into the concept of typology, explaining how early Church fathers interpreted Old Testament figures and events as prefigurations of Christ and the Church.*
19:20 🔍 *Hahn explores parallels between Moses and Jesus, emphasizing how Jesus fulfills and surpasses the role of Moses, particularly in the context of the Sermon on the Mount and the institution of the New Covenant.*
21:22 🍞 *Hahn discusses the Eucharist as the true bread from heaven, drawing connections between the Passover and Jesus' institution of the Eucharist.*
22:18 🍽️ *Augustine's understanding of communion as the climax of sacrifice draws parallels between the Old Testament Passover and Jesus as the Lamb of God.*
23:26 📖 *Scott Hahn discovers typological connections between Jesus and figures like Adam, Moses, and Solomon in Matthew's Gospel, enriching his understanding of Scripture.*
28:06 ✝️ *Witnessing the consecration at Mass, Scott Hahn experiences a profound revelation of the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist.*
31:50 🕊️ *Scott Hahn's interpretation of the Book of Revelation leads him to recognize the heavenly liturgy mirrored in the Catholic Mass.*
36:27 🙏 *Attending Mass secretly, Scott Hahn falls in love with Christ through the Eucharist, finding profound fulfillment of Scripture in the liturgy.*
40:07 💒 *Scott Hahn's journey culminates in his decision to convert to Catholicism, embraced by his wife, and affirmed through his deep spiritual experiences.*
42:08 😊 *Kimberly, initially skeptical, becomes deeply moved by the richness of Scripture during a Catholic Mass, highlighting the power of liturgy to illuminate the Word.*
43:04 🙏 *Scott Hahn prays for his wife's understanding and eventual acceptance of the sacraments, recognizing their profound importance in spiritual growth and love.*
44:40 🎉 *Kimberly eventually converts to Catholicism, leading to a joyous reunion and celebration within the family, marking a significant milestone in their spiritual journey.*
45:30 📖 *Scott Hahn challenges all Christians, regardless of background, to engage with Scripture within the context of liturgy, emphasizing the centrality of the Mass in experiencing the fulfillment of Scripture.*
46:51 🕊️ *The Eucharistic liturgy is portrayed as the ongoing fulfillment of Scripture, inviting active participation and spiritual transformation through faith in Christ's promises.*
Thank you.
God bless you my friend!
1) sadly there’s a lot of evangelists that are bible illiterate, but I have found the same in devout Catholics
2) true Protestantism agrees with the early church fathers, including their preaching. sadly it seems Dr. Hanh’s experience was a poor example of it
Well done!Dr.Scot Hahn is contemporary defender of the faith
It's interesting to me that Chatolics who Don't know their Bibles are becoming Protestants & Protestants who Know their Bibles really good are becoming Chatolics ❤️🙏🏻✝️
That's not true what about Charles Chiniquy? Or Richard Bennett they become protestant and they where priests.
@@datchet11 obviously they didn't understand their bible.
@@mancipiachristi9032 😂 yea right more like they started understanding it
@@datchet11 "to be deep in history is to cease being protestant"
- John Henry Newman
The fact of the matter is when you ask an Ex Catholic why they left the Church their answers are more often than not objectively non-sensical. It becomes apparent that they were poorly formed Catholics by name not by faith.
Very true♥️
This is truly fascinating.
We Catholic got the greatest treasure
But we have to learn to share
God bless you more Dr Scott Hahn
I am so glad I came home to the Catholic Church! I know it's sad that I'm not a cradle Catholic but I just absolutely fell in love with the faith when I went to the first mass ever and I never looked back and kept on going and became a Catholic now for 11 years now
Oh my GOD my heart rejoicing of too much happiness he made open my eyes how valued my Catholic faith.
I could listen to Dr. Hahn for hours upon hours. God gave him the gift to explain things for us non-theologians.
‘It is free, but sure wasn’t cheap. Our Salvation.’
Scott Hahn was guided by the holy spirit....to reveal whats on the Bible.... thank God I can learn from him.
This should be mandatory watching for every Catholic.
Yes! But not this particular video. Because whoever posted this video up here, they cut a lot of it off. I have seen Scott Hahn in person, twice, about 10 years apart and his story doesn't change. And I've heard his story online as well, many many times. And you can clearly see that this video has been edited. There is a full version of his story, a little over an hour long. This is only about 47 minutes long.
Beautiful. I have the menu for years. Kimberly, I will now study the menu. So so beautiful🎉
This is so beautiful. His testimony never gets old.
Such joy! I know this joy. Thank you.
Wow... no words to say, but his backstory and mine are alike. Used to be heavily prejudiced against Catholics, up until a year ago. I'm not officially Catholic, but I am slowly getting there
I'm right there with you lol
Me too recently started the RCIA program
Any updates?!
This was incredible!
Beautiful! 🌹
Very inspiring
Wow amazing what a gift from God. God bless you more & more🙏🙏🙏
How I liked this convert from other religion to catolicism since reading his book "From home to Rome"
The book is actually called “Rome Sweet Home.” I too read it and I had a conversion to God’s Holy Catholic Church. Thanks be to God!
I read his story of his conversion. In a part the story, a question of his protestant scholar/seminarian that made him panic was the question about where in the Bible the Sola Scriptura could be found. And Dr. Scott gave him a panic answer: What a stupid question it was, then his scholar replayed right away with "Just give me a stupid answer. Then, Dr. Scott was calling around his prominent Theologian Prof. (I forget the name) But The Prof. also could not answer the stupid question that he needed. I think it drove him to the coclussion that Sola Scriptura unbiblical making /strengthened his way to Rome.
Thanks for the elegant summary of his conversion story!
If the Bible isn’t the last authority, who is? The church? Rome who changed the Bible and persecuted Christians? The Valdsnses? Inquisition? It’s hard to defend the church.
We that believe In Sola Scriptura, we don’t defend the church, we defend the Bible.
Gosh I love this. God bless Dr Hahn!!!
WOWWWW. Just wowww… the awesomeness of The Lord!
id love to see this whole video
If you did not see it yet, just look up his name and coversion story, and you will find it, thats how a did
@ElenArmas something was skipped over
Praise the Lord...Amen!!!
Oh God, as I am listening to this explanation, I feel some sort of Holy Spirit coming through me. I just can't say this is an incredible explanation of the Bible Amen.
Scott stopped a little short of the time of Solomon where he gave his mother Bathsheba a crown on her head and a set up a throne on his right hand, and Bathsheba would received requests for the king and she would bring those requests to Solomon. And Solomon had told her, ask my queen for I cannot refuse you.
Wow, that’s in New Testament Jesús’ mother Virgin Mary.
Myron Mercado have you read a little further where the mothers wish as Queen is NOT granted Solomon’ kills the man who’s life was being begged for by the Queen mother Mediation I would say NOT .
@@andrewdrew677 yes because Solomon is not Jesus. Solomon as a King is just a pre-figure of the coming true King. Just like how he broke his words to his mother, he also broke his promise to God and married many women who devoured him to worship false gods.
But Jesus will never become like Solomon. He will never refuse His mother and He will never go against the Father.
@@andrewdrew677 Jesus is the perfection of all imperfections of many old testament figures.
Jesus is the New Adam but He will never be like Adam who chose to sin and disobey God.
Jesus is the new Moses, the Prohet. but He will never be like Moses who was doubtful.
Jesus is the New Aaron, the Priest. But He will never be like Aaron who chose to listen to the people and go against God.
Jesus is the New Solomon, the King. But He will never be like Solomon who go against God.
All of those figures. A PROPHET, A KING, A PRIEST. He is the fulfillment. But Jesus is perfect, and He perfected the imperfections of the Old.
Adam disobeyed God and brought himself to the tree of death. But Jesus become obedient and brought Himself to the tree of life, the Cross, and become obedient even up to His death.
Moses was doubting God's power even how many times God prove Himself and showed him His might, therefore God did not allow him to enter the promise land. But Jesus was full of faith and trust of the work of the Father and He even showed all of it through His works, therefore God the Father gave Him a seat on His right hand in heaven, the promise paradise.
Aaron was given the priestly duty but abuse it together with his clan and lineage, so then, God end the priesthood of Aaron and institute a new priesthood under Melchizedek. But Jesus, even given the whole authority of heaven and earth stayed humble and grounded. He did not abused this authority, therefore the Father made Him an everlasting priest who took away all the sins of the world.
Solomon, after the grandeur of his kingdom, become boastful and chose to follow his own will, therefore, God broke His promise to Solomon and after his reign, the Kingdom was divided. But Jesus did not follow His own will but remained submissive to the will of the Father until His death. Therefore, the Father, restore the Kingdom of David into one and everlasting Kingdom, and He Himself became its King.
But in all of those eras, it was not just the figures of Jesus we can read.
During the Adam's era, there was Eve, who was called WOMAN because she will become the mother of all living. A figure a coming WOMAN who will become the mother of all saints, living and dead. Mother Mary.
During Moses and Aaron, there was the ARK OF THE COVENANT made of pure gold, who took hold of the WORD OF GOD INCRIPTED ON A STONE, the MANNA, and the STAFF OF AARON. A figure of of a coming of a NEW ARK OF THE COVENANT, pure like gold and took hold of the WORD OF GOD, THE BREAD OF LIFE, AND THE EVERLASTING PRIEST who is Jesus. And the New Ark no other than Mary.
On Solomons Era. There were 3 figures. One, the QUEEN MOTHER, second, THE 12 MINISTERS and third, the PRIME MINISTER who holds the Key, the 2nd in command of the Kingdom. They were the figures of Mary, the Queen mother, the 12 Apostles and third the Vicar who was Peter who holds the key.
Great typology. If only you will read the beauty of the bible and its grandeur you will become catholic.
@@davetabuyan2172 huge leaps of typology indeed, what ECF’s illustrated this sort of typology ?
Praise to you Jesus
12:10 - does anybody know the exact source in St Augustin's writings where he shows the parallels of Jesus and Adam (the two gardens, the two trees etc.)? I couldn't find out where this is from, I'm afraid. Thanks a lot for your help, brothers and sisters!
The beauty of God’s divine plan - it takes an anti-Catholic to point out to Catholics the incredible beauty of the Mass.
as the emergence of internet, protestantism will going down and will surely vanished. See Matthew Chapter 16, the gates of hades will not prevails against it. and Jesus will be with you us Catholics until the time of the age.
Most Protestant pastors know the truth about the Catholic Church but their pride and their quest for earthly things would not let them come home to the Church our Lord Jesus Christ founded.
The advent of a new and more efficient means of communication, the printing press, was an indispensable ingredient in the Reformation in the first place. Are you sure about that?
@@andrewclover1462 you are wrong printing press now are on a decline. its social media now.... wherein everyone has access.. before social media pastors can easily deceived unknowledgeable Catholics, Catholics who are not reading the Bible but nowadays noever protestant can beat a Catholic who has desire to learn our faith. Social Media are one of those reason that made a Catholic knowledgeable.
@@nelsonvallarta9611 He was talking about how printing press was important during the protestant refreformation era. He even said that. Lol.
@@ikeelder5798 Thats sad....but probably true.
Is there a full version of this talk? I remember this talk being an hour long 11:49
Too bad it's not video and only audio. I would love to see him tell the story instead of just listen to an audio. But this is the exact same conversion story that I heard many years ago.
There are many Bible verses about Purgatory like "You CANNOT come out until the very last penny."
Could you tell me where to find these verses? And where is purgatory mentioned?
The full video of this story got taken down off of TH-cam not too long ago :( Does anyone know where I can find that video?
Perfectly said.
He is brilliant.
Brilliant man
Please read Scott's first book, Rome Sweet Home. Make it a Christmas gift to your Prot friends.
Catholicism is a beautiful & glorious religion, as well as history. 🕊️✝️
I'm a cradle catholic, and it just occurred to me how the passage of the road to Emmaus; that last part where Jesus broke the bread and suddenly they recognized him, it echoes his instruction at the last supper: ["Do this in memory of me.” Luke 22: 19]
Anyone know where to find the original uncut version?
I have protestant friends who like to question me about catholic views on purgatory. They believe that once u accepted Christ as Lord and savour, u will enter the kingdom of God. How do I answer them on this? Thanks
"Accepting Christ as your Lord and Savior" is not a formula you will find in Scripture. But you will find in Scripture that Jesus tells you how to be saved. In Matt 25:31-46 he tells us that the criteria he will use to separate the lost goats from the saved sheep will be loving works for the least of his brethren. Scripture will also show that Jesus established a church, not just a spiritual one but one with an Earthly head, leaders, bishops, presbyters, deacons and most of all, authority.
Regarding purgatory, just ask them if they are completely purified to enter Heaven this moment. An honest person will admit that they are not and Revelation says that nothing impure will enter Heaven. So ask how they will be purified. Whatever they say will be an admission that they need final purification. That's all that the Catholic Church teaches. The CCC is very brief on the true Catholic belief about it. It might be by fire but that is not the doctrine. You will likely hear that they will be covered by the blood of Christ. Bingo! That's a final cleansing.
Jesus’ blood is enough to purify us & covers us the moment we accept Him into our hearts as Lord & Savior. Purgatory is not Biblically backed by any scripture but the blood of Jesus, which purifies is to stand blameless before the Father is ... 1 John 1:7 & Colossians 1:22.
Please, I see Protestants sin in their comments repeatedly here. And they lie often. So much for purification. And do tell me where Scripture says that you are purified the moment you accept Jesus into your heart. You won't find that, but you will find plenty of verses which say you can fail after you start believing.
@@bridgefin Romans 3:24-26
Nothing there about purification. Mention is made of method of justification but not final and complete justification. And even justified people might have some minor human impurities.
Those who really understand the Bible n learned the teaching of christ remaind in Catholism.
Anyway to get this with out the edits?
At present, Catholics are eating manna from Heaven (Eucharist) for 40 years while God whittles is down to the true believers who will enter into paradise. Jesus wandered in the desert tempted while fasting and praying for 40 days immediately after His baptism by St. John the Baptist. 40 Jubilee years X 50 years per jubilee = 2000 years eating manna in the desert awaiting the promised land. We’re about to rest on the seventh day! 🔥 ♥️
Hebrews 7: “23 The former priests, on the one hand, existed in greater numbers because they were prevented by death from continuing, 24 but Jesus, on the other hand, because He continues forever, holds His priesthood permanently. 25 Therefore He is able also to save forever those who draw near to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them. 26 For it was fitting for us to have such a high priest, holy, innocent, undefiled, separated from sinners and exalted above the heavens; 27 who does not need daily, like those high priests, to offer up sacrifices, first for His own sins and then for the sins of the people, because this He did once for all when He offered up Himself. 28 For the Law appoints men as high priests who are weak, but the word of the oath, which came after the Law, appoints a Son, made perfect forever.”
Is there a version without the cuts?
Yes there is. It's out there somewhere. But I can't remember where. I saw the full version many times. And I also met Dr. Scott Hahn twice. It was about 10 years apart, and his story never changes.
Coming from Messionic Hebrew this makes total sense
Ooooooh. IT WAS HIM! I thought it was another person. I have his book, Rome Sweet Rome.
OM gosh wow !
great conversion
Amen 🙏 ❤
Why is the video edited?
Karl Thompson he goes a lot into detail brother it would be really long
Armando Lopez Rodriguez is the original available somewhere?
@@philmonk4159 th-cam.com/video/67WmIGLPvEM/w-d-xo.html
@@philmonk4159 th-cam.com/video/67WmIGLPvEM/w-d-xo.html
Can we have a link of the full video
what was skipped over?
As a discerning, seeking protestant who wants to be Catholic, I believe all of this. Nothing about it doesn't make sense and it resonates beautifully, movingly. But there are other Roman Catholic matters not covered here that press against my ability to say yes to seeking RCIA.
RCIA is there to teach you about the Catholicism as a hold. And is a long process. You are allowed to back out, or if you don’t think you’re ready at the end of it. You do not have to go through with it in that moment
Catholic or not yet?
@@Child_of_God-x1t RCIA may be the answer to getting answers. But as a theologian, I've found in my own search that I'm finding inarguable cases of the Catholic church's answers being both yes and no about a number of things. Either the church is more centrally divided than it imagines, the church is filled with reformers calling themselves Catholic, or truth in experience according to Catholics is actually yes and no depending on the matter. These are all difficult to just jump on board with. Again, RCIA may provide answers. I doubt it as I'm already a theologian. It will take more than routine Catholic conversion classes-not because I'm resistant, just past the standard arguments or questions.
Okay but Jesus taught about seeing the kingdom of GOD on his parables with several message not just about being born again. Was about Repeating in prodigal son story. Then you have Matthew 19:24 “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God”.
After being baptized and born again you still have to live up good morals, charity, self denial for the sake of the Lord, lige of prayer, repetance etc.
Still on Pride Avenue 😂
Everything this guy said works and is known even if your are not a catholic, I’m no denomination and found out all these things through research and following a Protestant teachers bible actually. There is no need to be catholic in order to know these things, it takes a little curiosity and reading your Bible. I wonder aside from all this, Where do you get Mary as a mediator? Where do you get the notion that we should confess to a priest instead of directly to Jesus who is our intermediary ? Where do you get purgatory aside from 1 verse about jail which is completely irrelevant? Where do you get the concept of a hierarchy of priests ? Where do you get filling churched with gold? I’m from Rome….I’ve seen it…… where do you get any of it I wonder.
Jesus said the church is the pillar and the truth
We are told to pray for one another, in revelation 5:8 and 8:3 the elders held the prayers of ALL the saints meaning even the ones in heaven, why would the saints in heaven be praying? Because they are praying for us.
And rev 5:8 and 8:3 let's us know that our prayers doesn't go directly to God as the elders held them before Jesus meaning there is a process
We are told to confess to one another for clear conscience james 5:16
And Jesus says the sins of any that you forgive are forgiven john 20:23
1 cor 13 says you will be tested through fire
The apostles which was clearly higher level of a deciple, apostle Paul instated positions within the visible church such as bishops and deacons and if you look at the early Church history when you read about presbyters that was another name for priest
Look at the ark of the covenant filled with gold, look at Solomon temples that he was instructed to build for God filled with gold, the new Jerusalem in rev is gold, and Jesus let mary use money on him and encouraged it when she poured the perfume on him
The church is God's house, Jesus is present in the eucharist, and like Jesus said in the old testament you're making a den of my fathers house
And there is need to be Catholic to receive the eucharist and there is need to be Catholic because Paul said there is one church in unity, the same people who compiled the bible was the Catholic church and more importantly Jesus established a church and had positions put in the church to be followed not for people to do their own thing
When Jesus said to Peter feed my sheep he showed that Peter was a shepherd which shows you need guidance from the positions Jesus established which is the Catholic church
“You SHALL make two gold statues.”
Exodus 25:18
Mary as mediator ?
Jesus was at a wedding.
Mary said to Jesus
“They have no wine”
Jesus made water into wine.
Confession to a Priest ?
Jesus said to the APOSTLES
“Whose sins YOU Forgive they are forgiven.”
Jn 20:23
Well first, Jesus Christ is the Mediator between God and Man. I recommend looking up Catholic Answers with that title.
Second, Jesus ordianed the Apostles and told them that whose sins they forgave, they are forgiven.
And third ....all that gold, all those church's are by rights, belong to God. Why would you deny God the best of the best?
Do you remember when the woman came in and poured expensive oils all over Christ feet and head?
Do you remember what Judas said? What did Christ respond?
😂 can you imagine his poor wife at the time. Her husband has been sneaking off every week at noon.
The fact that he was a false convert to begin. Presbyterians are not the most Christians...just look at their Woke Church today. If he was any younger he'd be another Abraham Piper.
Then start studying and prove him wrong.
Look up Joshua Charles and Sola Scriptura. Good luck!
God love you.
Where is the Pope in the NT?
@@RafaMCazares Peter was called a stone/pebble by Jesus. Jesus was saying his church would be built on a massive rock (meaning like a massive one jutting from the edge of a cliff) when He said I’ll build my church on this, meaning the massive revelation from the Father that you have been given, Peter: that I am the Messiah. Jesus is that massive stone/cornerstone/revelation and His church is built on this revelation, not built on Peter. It is built by each of us becoming stones like Peter when we, too, are GIVEN the revelation that Jesus is the Messiah. If you have that revelation, that is what made you part of the church/the body of Christ. Jesus alone builds His church. He said exactly that to Peter: “I will build my church” - not humans like Peter, you or I. He builds it by giving us revelation as we stay in the Word. It is ALL built by Him.
Why did Jesus change Peter's name from Simon to Kephas? Is it just a pure coincidence for you that Peter and Rock are the same word (Kepha) in Aramaic, the language that Jesus spoke during that time?
@@petros-petra in Matthew 16:18, Peter and rocker not the same word. The reason for that is because Jesus was saying that on this revelation meaning who Jesus really is, he will build his church. In other words, the people that are brought into the church are those that have a revelation of who he really is and accept the sacrificial death on our behalf and forgiveness of our sins. He was not saying he was building a church on Peter. That would be a weak notion given that Peter had to be corrected by Paul in his ministry. He would’ve been leading people astray which in fact he was by example at that point in time.
@@grafxgrl8030 Thank you for completely ignoring my question.
@@petros-petra I completely answered your question. Peter was not the first Pope. You, if you are a believer, are a priest in Jesus is our high priest.
The edits ruin this
Scott Hahn is a very talented teacher, theologian, but going to find his books in a Roman Catholic book store gave me the creeps.........I think Pagans hi-jacked christianity early on and appropriately called it Roman. Roman Catholics read very little, from what I saw in the store. Most of the store was dedicated to images and idols, 90%, ( this is what Hispanic R.Cs are most familiar with) some baptismal confirmation clothing, 5% to books 1% to music. I listen to R.C. Radio for months day and night GRN, EWTN, and most of what is spoken there speaks to the mind and very little programming speaks to the heart. that tells me everything, no balance, and focus is on the intellect and not the spirit.
Sounds like the pagans Satan uses blinded your heart and mind. No pagans hijacked the early church, as you say, and called it Rome.
May God lift this blindness so you really seek the truth of what you’re missing.
@@VictoryOvrDepression ...don't get me wrong, I listen to Roman Catholic radio all day and night long, I really like many of your most notable theologians and expositors. all truth is God's truth no matter who speaks it. It is some of your traditions I can not stomach.
@@rudynegrete5658 what can't you stomach
“You SHALL make two gold statues.”
Exodus 25:18
@@PInk77W1 ....and worship them? in R.C. speaking jargon I hear the word "devotee" to Mary, to Saints so and so.. My only devotion is to God in Christ; Word devotion is used often in what we worship.
Scott, I'm a little confused. Are you born again?
Yes he is being baptized is born again
All Catholics are born again.
5 Solas!
His opening statement of Luke 24 concerning the Eucharist is what this whole complicated testimony is about and he ends it with to find Jesus you need the Eucharist
So with all his title and claims this is not biblical and I’m Christian barely made through year 10 high school!
Jesus Christ didn’t use complicated messages or teachings! I find it interesting no not one will challenge this guys teaching perhaps that’s why it keeps going false doctrine apon false. The he was fact that Presbyterian before is interesting! Roman Catholic haha crazy to think what the Roman’s did to christian is interesting!
The kjv Bible will answer all your question no catechism,
Jesus himself would rebuke religious leaders and teaching amen
Poor guy is so deluded in his own fancies. He’s clearly one who’s strayed from truth and brought his wife to a system of falsehoods with one religious old man as their head.
His own fancies? He didn’t bring his wife anywhere. They both just had decided to be intellectually honest and follow the truth wherever it leads. You would do the same if you actually allowed it to happen. But you come to the table with biases that are unshakeable and you don’t look at the evidence objectively. The sad thing is you are missing out on so very much. Catholic converts like Scott Hahn have changed people’s lives (including mine). I read Scripture every single day. I go to mass multiple times per week. I am more active in my prayer life than at any time in my life. Maybe you are the one who is deluded.
A devout Christian will not judge his brothers and sisters in Christ like that. Doesn't really matter which denomination you belong to. What do you mean by deluded???? *Shaking my head*
Mr. Scott is ignorant to the Scripture. Coming from pagan Catholic church in Croatia and I am so thankfull that I am not part of so many unbiblical practice.
hahahaaha...where is dr scott hahn is ignorant??
is it you that is ignorant??....let's debate..
prove "sola scriptura" is in the bible....
cmon reply...
Pray for this Man U can tell his pride is what runs him shows u just buy him to reply with a negative comment. Total protestant. It’ll be yur downfall sir. Ill pay for u
He's a Former Protestant Pastor and you guys are sooooo into BIBLE only..so how come he's ignorant.. that's pride brother 😃
Was raised catholic. Please read the following carefully:
Define Jesus by His own words in the new testiment by His own actions, not by the old testament, not by tradition of men, not by church fathers.
Repent of Roman catholicism! Follow the living God and follow scripture alone. This is an unbiblical theological cult and this speaker is apostate!
Poor guy,lost and confused
Did you even bother to listen to any of what he said or are you too blinded by the lies fed to you that you refuse to do so
I swear if ignorance was a person are your ears completely shut that your brain cannot grasp what he is saying. You Protestants are lost in your delusional interpretation of the bible.
Rather, found and enlightened!
The Presbyterian Church is works-based Reformed Theology, and a derivative of Catholicism.
Hahn didn't "convert" at all. He simply went from Catholicism lite, to full-on false Gospel.
Tell me you know nothing about Catholicism without telling me you know nothing about Catholicism
@alonamaria279 You cannot "Reform" a false Gospel system of belief. You will always be bound in that paradigm.
Catholicism should be abolished entirely.
CATHOLICISM and it's REFORMED THEOLOGY derivatives ( Orthodoxy, Lutheranism, & Cavinism ) attempts to keep Christians falsely under the law.
1. It doesn't save - They anathematized the true Gospel at Council of Trent
2. The Papacy - It's NOT biblical NOR historical
3. Sin of Presumption - John says ye may KNOW ye are saved. They say that's a sin (1John 5:13)
4. Mary Idolatry - She wasn't sinless or sexless. She didn't ascend & can't hear prayers
5. Sacraments - It's blatant works-salvation which the Bible hates (Rom 4, Gal 3)
6. Idolize "Saints"- Bible says all believers are saints! (Eph 1:1)
7. Confess to Priests - 1 John 1:9 says confess to God, not any sinful men
8. Indulgences - Got rich selling less time in "purgatory" (evil) (Eph 2:8-9)
9. Purgatory is a lie - Its not in the Bible. Man-made fear/control tactic
10. Pope Authority - Bible says Christ is head of church, not a sinful man (Eph 5:23)
11. Praying to the Dead - They can't hear you (Psa 146:4; Eccl 9:5, 10)
12. Banned Bible - They killed many people for owning Bibles.
13. Contradicts itself - Claims to continue tradition but reversed it's stance on the death penalty, filioque, salvation outside church, icon veneration, cremation, the Gospel, salvation of Eastern Orthodox etc. etc.
Catholicism is Babylonian Paganism with a Christian Mask & the Catholic works-based false Gospel is leading millions to the lake of fire.
@@alonamaria279 🤣 EXACTLY!