I am a family medicine physician with rotator cuff tear and biceps tendonosis. I have seen orthopedics and have had PT. I should say your videos are The Best in explaining the anatomy as well as exercises. Thank you so much for all that you do for us.
The pain has gone from a 6 to a 0 in just one session. The thing that amazes me is that I started to feel this pain yesterday during a boxing class and, without searching anything related to it, TH-cam just put this video on my front page. Subscribed and eager to look at your content. Thanks a lot!!
i have to agree i was focusing more on just the forearm and lower bicep to stretch etc and 3 months still nothing me. the issue is the tendon in the shoulder and the last two exercises are like magic. amazing orthopedic here in ny and physio did nothing to addresses this.
Chiropractor here. My profession predisposes me to biceps tendonitis and rotator cuff injuries. I performed these exercises today after 6 months of pain and noticed IMMEDIATE results. I will continue doing these regularly! Thank you for sharing your professional insights and recommendations.
Nice work! We are so happy the exercises worked. Thanks for trying them out and let us know if you ever need more advice or assistance :) - Coach Joshua, Team PM
After the first time doing the fourth exercise, no pain in my right shoulder for the first time in months, thank you so so much! I thought it was other issues but this totally opened my eyes!
My shoulder was so impinged last week that I could barely raise my arm above my shoulders and was also experiencing pain going into my bicep. I experienced some immediate relief after doing these exercises and now a week later I was able to go back to muay thai class and my shoulder feels 80% better. Thank you!
Those shoulder circle crossovers are pure gold! Like a shoulder massage. I feel so much better now after constant pain for weeks in my right shoulder. Thank you!!!
Have to say I have been down the route for the last 6 months in going to pt, then going to a orthopaedics to get specialized care and this video is better than any of the advice I’ve gotten. I feel like I haven’t been heard and have just been sent to one doctor after another. I really appreciate the answers I have seen here as it’s the exact problem I’ve been experiencing. This is the first time I’ve gotten a true understandable diagnosis for what I have and finally some solutions! God bless you guys and the work you do!
Hi! Thank you so much for trusting us to help guide your efforts. The whole team appreciates it and they will see your comment. We are here for you if you ever need more advice or assistance, will always listen, and never turn you away until we exhaust all of our knowledge to help you regain control of your movement :) - Coach Joshua, Team PM
This video explains exactly how I feel. Rotator issues for 2 years. Pain in front of shoulder. Just followed along the exercises and it feels noticeably better in 5 mins. Esp exercises 3 and 4. Brilliant vid. Thanks 👍
@newts1964 totally recovered. The exercises eased the pain and range of motion got better. I also had 5 rounds of shockwave therapy and that made everything go away. Shoulder is a good as new and I couldn't be happier. All I do now is rehab exercises. 👍
@newts1964 not on the bicep no. He worked the front of the shoulder. That's where I had the most pain and inflammation. Then, he worked the rotator cuff muscles in the back. My external range of motion was so bad. , and painful. I honestly can't believe I've been fixed. 2 years of pain and numerous chiropractor visits. Then, I changed physio and healed in 6 weeks. Mine was more tendinopathy than a tear. Or tho he didn't rule out a slight tear without imagery. Hope you get yours sorted. It's a nightmare of an injury.
I've been down a rabbit hole for a few months now on trying to diagnose my issues because I can still do 98% of my training but not without massive amounts of warm up and slight discomfort. Once you mentioned the piece about the longhead and rotator cuff connection it's like a light bulb went off because my pain tends to move to multiple locations. This was a great overview, I really appreciate it!
After 1 set x 3 reps of the exercises I have already noticed an improvement. I’m a Podiatrist and have had this problem on and off for years. I will continue to do these exercises weekly and hopefully never have to suffer again. Thank you both for generously sharing your expertise with all of us. It is very much appreciated.
Five years battling shoulder impingement and bicep tendinitis, all the PT make do are the Y and Ts exercises. Thank you so much for all the information you provided 🙏
You're so welcome! Thanks for stopping by and commenting. We appreciate the trust. Let us know if you have any more questions :) - Coach Joshua, Team PM
I've been recovering from a shoulder subluxation for the past month and have had acute pain in the anterior shoulder that hasn't gone away. I found this video and did the exercises and immediately felt better the next day, I'm amazed. I'm not 100% yet but I'll keep working at it. Thank you so much for sharing!
Thank you going through this in such detail. When I got my rotator cuff surgery after a tear and shoulder impingement, the surgeon found that I had a bicep tendon luxation as well. It was that damn long head which hurt the most after surgery which really suprised me.
Thank you so much for making this video I really appreciate it. I was diagnosed with biceps tendonitis and I won't be getting PT for over a month because that's the next available appointment. I started my own PT following this video and I am already improving.
Glad it was helpful! Thanks for trusting us to guide your efforts. Keep us posted on your progress and let us know if you ever need more advice or assistance :) - Coach Joshua, Team PM
Execellent video! I have two questions: 1. Should I take a break from lifting weights during this 4 week period, and if so, when can I get back to lifting again? 2. When doing ”shoulder circle crossover” I get a click in my left shoulder (when reaching overhead and infront) Is it something I need to worry about?
I've been dealing with left shoulder pain for 2 years since an overhead lift injury during a demo project at home. Made moderate gains with my PT, but we never really got over a hump. As your video points out, lots of complicated connections between muscle groups for capsule instability make it difficult for a one and done fix. For me, I had to relax traps and teres major. Horribly overworked with tendon out of place, making it impossible to get certain ROM. Lax ball behind armpit with arm raised and seated head tilt away from affected arm holding bottom of chair to start losening those up. Forearm overworked, so extension technique you demonstrate was helpful. But for me, scapular activation in the video with hand pressed on wall was HUGE to get over my issue! I can feel the point of the scapula shift back into the right groove, allowing for my shoulder capsule to slowly relax. I play a lot of hockey (right handed shot) so my left (affected) should is always in that downward position. Before, I couldn't get the scapula in the right position, leading to arched back, then low back and hip pain as I couldn't relax into an athletic stance. I do a few of these press downs using the dasher on the bench between shifts and it's amazing how well it keeps the body balanced throughout the game! Thanks to this video and your one on TFL/glute medius rehab and activation my game has improved 90% to pre-injury status. I'll keep at it, but thanks for all of the information!
Hi, and thanks for sharing your story. We are so happy you found our channel and let us know if you ever need more advice or assistance :) - Coach Joshua, Team PM
Did Murph the week before my fight, could not extend or rotate my shoulders at all. These exercises seriously boosted my recovery. I'll be sure to share your content for those in need ✊
It's been a year of me trying different remedies (I messed my arm up doing heavy flyes and bench). At first, I thought it was chest, then rotator cuff, and just a couple weeks ago realize it was bicep. I couldn't go to PT, so I was going through different youtube videos, using what I thought was common sense (like rubber bands, super light weight, etc.). In reality, it's movements like this I needed a year ago!
Exercise 3 & 4 are a game changer. Felt instant relief the first time I did it for minimum reps. Like 60%-70% relief, no joke. Will continue to do a few times per week. Thank you for posting this!
I have been doing physio for a 'frozen shoulder' for a few months and hit a bit of a plateau... I think this is actually what is wrong with me. I can feel a difference after just one round of these exercises and ASMR for biceps has really helped reduce the irritation I was getting on some of my prescribed physio exercises as well. thank you!
I had this pain before I ended up rupturing my bicep tendon. Now, I’m 3 weeks post surgery doing simple range of motion exercises like supination and pronation. Great feedback and information! Thanks for sharing.
@@paulyskidda387 Yes, I'm back to doing normal activities but I'm still restricted to lifting heavy stuff. I'm 9 weeks post surgery and my range of motion and mobility is completely back to normal. I'm just developing my strength gains. I completely ruptured my tendon, so I needed surgery. I don't know the severity of your injury, but I would recommend you get checked out. Best of luck!
@@shirocp post-surgery how did u feel emotionally? I might have to get surgery and just knowing that makes me feel dreadful and knowing I will be limited with activities during recovery is another bummer Movement is my life I hope I have the strength in mind and body to get back to full strength after.
@@BB-mq9qk Honestly, I was preparing myself mentally before my surgery. I was feeling the same way as you, and I knew I would need patience on my side. I’m a very active person and I love going to the gym. But after surgery, I couldn’t do anything on my own. My wife helped me every step of the way. Just keep in mind that you have to recover and recovery doesn’t happen overnight. Do as the doctor instructs and you should be good. Hanging around friends and family and not isolating myself help me as well. I hope all goes well for you and I pray that you have a speedy recovery.
1000 X THANK YOU. I've been dealing with this off and on for nearly 3 YEARS now. I'll be studying this video closely and trying to help myself, since the docs "can't find" anything wrong.
i just wanna say i really appreciate your videos, they've helped me with a lot of mobility and stability problems that i've left unchecked for the majority of my life.
Thank you big time for these biceps tendinitis videos. I have biceps tendinitis for more than 2 years. I did the 3 shoulder courses with not much improvement. I noticed marked improvement in pain with the isometric exercise when stopping
Isometric shoulder exercises while stopping all shoulder strengthening exercises for almost 2 months decreased my pain by 90 %. So I am hopeful this video will get me to my goal:100% pain free Mega thank you!
Wow! Thank you! This is the most valuable bit of info about the “pain” in my shoulder. It was actually the top head of the bicep, and I had no idea. I have been performing dead hangs and that helps. However, the last exercise really helped me to see the full range of motion in both of my long head biceps. Thank you!
Wow, indeed! That is great to read. Thanks for taking the time to try it out and comment. Let us know if you have any more questions :) - Coach Joshua, Team PM
HELL YES!! Thank God I found this video. I've been dealing with this pain for over a year and its excrucitating at times and limits my ability to rest and just watch TV or sleep much of the time. I thought it was a shoulder impingement all this time and have been doing all the stretches and PT ordered by my Ortho doc. The last time I lifted was a month ago, today, and it was biceps/triceps. My shoulder hurt more than ever after doing barbell curls. And it hurt in that very spot where the short head connects. Thank you for this info.
Thank you so much for this video. I have been suffering with biceps tendonitis for almost 2 months and hope these exercises will help strengthen and rehabilitate the rotator cuff and biceps tendon.
Hi and thanks for stopping by! We appreciate you trying it out and commenting. Keep us posted on your progress and let us know if you need further support :) - Coach Joshua, Team PM
Thanks for the video and the service you are providing to the community. I got a question. I’m 65 years old, my hunch is that I overworked shoulders-biceps region. I regularly do push ups and work with dumbbells. The question here is, How long do I have to wait to recuperate my strength and movement pain free while I am doing the exercises 22:4422:4422:44 recommended in this video.
Hi! We are so happy to be here for you. It's hard to say how long you will have to wait because everyone responds to the exercises differently. You should notice changes after 4 - 6 weeks. Keep us posted on your progress :) - Coach Joshua, Team PM
Thank you both for this information. I’ve been struggling with this now for about a year. Going to get an MRI next month to see what is wrong. But I firmly believe it’s my long head bicep tendon from watch these videos
Stellar video! I’m a 68 year old avid rock climber with currently fairly bad biceps tendinitis. It’s been a bit of an issue for years, along with elbows. Was on a 2 week climbing trip in Grenada, Spain early March and it started KILLING ME! I’m pretty sure I had bursitis too. So what did I do? Took a bunch of Aleve and kept climbing! Well I’m paying the price now (of course). It’s slowly improving, I’m seeing a great physical therapist who does lateral scraping on the tendon (whatever that is called). Went climbing two days ago, just really easy stuff….and damn the arm hurts! I’ve watched a bunch of TH-cam videos about this, like others have said yours is the best! I already started doing what you recommended. That isometric biceps vs triceps arm extended thing feels particularly useful.
Ouch. We've definitely been there. Eric recently hurt his elbow and then went to play tennis. He's on the mend using PM content and it can help you to. Try out these exercises 2 - 3 times weekly for the next 4 weeks and send a report. We look forward to reading about your progress :) - Coach Joshua, Team PM
Amazing! Thanks so much for trying it out and for letting us know. Keep up the great work. We are here if you ever need more advice or assistance :) - Coach Joshua, Team PM
I’m normally super skeptical of TH-cam instructionals but this is amazing. I had SLAP repair surgery 6 weeks ago and I guess it caused bicep tendinitis.nothing else has helped like this, especially exercises 3 and 4. Thank you so much!!
Thanks for sharing that. It is much appreciated. We are definitely trying to spread a certain message and are so happy that we reached you. Consider starting this program in order to make more progress: www.precisionmovement.coach/shoulder-pain-solution-yt - Coach Joshua, Team PM
OMG! I just did the exercises and after the second one I have felt a relief of pain from biceps brachii, which is good, but at the third exercise it "migrated" at brachialis. I have to say that I had a humerus problem due to posture, an impingement and I will continue at a later time when not busy to check if that one also will dissapear. Thank you!
My God do u know what you're on about. After 30yrs of pain in my shoulder and years of physio and self research, i have actually slept for 3 nights in a row! An xray and mri showed bursitis and torn tendons so ive been doing physio religiously for that especially as the injections stopped working. I came across your video a few days ago and tried the exercises and ice pack then slept that night! Thank you so much.
I'm glad that I came across this video . I just started suffering with this . It was aggravated by doing wide grip chest flies on the machine. I just try to work all the muscles and avoid curling.
Thank you very much. I think this video has explained the pain I have and it was not only about the shoulder alone but even the biceps should have been included in the equation
Thank you so much. I had an extremely physical event approaching and I was a bit worried. I was in a high level of pain until I tried you techniques, specifically OVERHEAD STRETCH and the PENDULUM (with a 20 lbs. weight) Immediate 8 pain level to a 3! thank you very much
I don't know if I have this but my shoulder is stiff, so I tried doing this 4 steps as I watch this and get a bit of a release tension on my shoulder, I'll try doing it even more now. Thankyou.
Good stuff. Thanks for trying it out. Explore our other shoulder videos here for more ideas: www.youtube.com/@PrecisionMovementCoach/search?query=shoulder - Coach Joshua, Team PM
Thank God for u two...I have been suffering for 2 weeks from an inflamed biceps tendon or SLAP tear...These exercises instantly made my shoulder feel stable....TY,TY,TY
I have not just long-head biceps tendinosis but also supraspinatus, infraspinatus, and subscapularis tendinosis. I played baseball in high school (10+ years ago) and threw through pain for years. Later, I had phyical therapy a few times in my 20s, and while this improved the shoulder discomfort somewhat, I never felt "normal". I think the shoulder issues have helped lead to neck and back issues as well. I finally got an MRI, which told me the specific issues in my shoulder. I wonder if I don't have some tendonitis in my elbow/forearm area as well. I'm hoping this latest round of PT will more effectively target the problem, but I'm on the lookout for more resources and advice. Thanks for the video!
You are th most professional I ever seen. I have problem with my shoulder for long time . And never noticed it was my biceps. Omg You solved years of pain in one video . You are way better than most DOCTORS . MUCH LOVE AND APPRECIATION. ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
This explanation is awesome! I hope someone can help me with my case: I play tennis and have been playing with pain in my shoulder for 6 months, and now stopped completely for 5 months. I got an infiltration but the pain didn't go away. I'm still waiting for the results of an irm, but doctor said it's probably some damage in the tendon/bursa of the biceps. Have you seen this injury in tennis players? It hurts most on my serve and backhand.
Hi! Thanks for writing to us and trusting us to help guide your efforts. The Shoulder Pain Solution program can help you to get back to pain-free tennis: www.precisionmovement.coach/shoulder-pain-solution-yt Check it out and let us know if you have any more questions :) - Coach Joshua, Team PM
Thank you for this video. Its awesome how much new knowledge is available that just wast there 6-10 years ago! I cant find any videos or content that focus on biceps short head (the pain is at the origin). A few years back I was boxing, I threw a job and my partner countered with a right. He hit me under the arm above the elbow while my jab was halfway extended (internally rotated shoulder with arm protracted forwards), it popped out my arm from the shoulder, which was already able to naturally dislocate (i.e. shoulders were vulnerable). This injured the bicep short head and over time disabled the triceps long head to the point that I can't activate it anymore (it's very weak now). Overtime my teres and spinatus muscles tightened, causing winged scapula. I can easily address the shoulder internal rotators/triceps/pecs with a tiny ball and a massage gun and stretches, but the biceps is never healed and the other muscles end up tightening again.
I'm 71 and for 8 months a dull pain in the right shoulder. Having trouble touching the left shoulder with the right hand . Gave it the necessary rest without improvement . At certain non extreme movements can hear a light rasping noise . Pain can go from 4 to 7 dependent on movements. Sadly my posture became somewhat hunched with age . Got "diclofenac" anti inflammatory medication for a short time.
I work out regularly doing intensive interval workouts. I have impingement but on a light scale, I recently notice my lat were overcompensating, I am using these exercises and other to help strengthen. The first time using your four exercises, my arms were so tired I was shocked. This will be in my warm up routine permanently.
Aghhhh.... thank u for this video. After trying these even just the first time, i felt a lot better. Had a short sharp jolt in the effected shoulder and felt immediate relief after. Nice one.
Found these exercises very helpful...got better arm movement with less pain quickly. Had been working on what seemed to me was only a supra spanatis impingement doing exercises to strengthen rotator cuff muscles...but had pain in long bicep head area that was not improving. Now I think it can start to. Thank you.
@@nykko73 Seems the impingement itself is much better and my rotator cuff is healthy. However still have tenderness in upper arm, though that is slowly improving still.
Been frustrated in PT for months for biceps tendinitis. Haven't seen progress, and we seem to keep doing stuff that aggravates the area and cause pain. My PT is approaching it from the lens of neuromuscular adaptation and pain tolerance, and it just doesn't feel right for me. Doing stuff like scaption, wall clocks, stretching. None of these have felt good and seem to do little or make things worked. However in your video the three exercises resulted in therapeutic feelings in the BT area that I can't explain. They simply feel "right." It feels as if the right muscles are being activated and promoting healing, and there's instant pain reduction. Going to take several weeks away from my PT and prescribe to these exercises instead. Thank you so much for sharing these exercises/
This video is really amazing Watched like 50+ videos. But this video tells that long head explanation so well. Also, it would be great if u guys make similar videos on other shoulder issues and how to test
Glad that you think so and thanks for watching. These videos can help you with your shoulders: www.youtube.com/@PrecisionMovementCoach/search?query=shoulder - Coach Joshua, Team PM
1) Thumb poke I got a lot of spasm in my deltoid from that movement. 2) Funny with the arm stretch you chose the very arm I have issues raising overhead. 3) I can't rotate my are out -- away from the body Thanks for that. I'll check back in a month.
As a callisthenics-gymnastics athlete that studies anatomy, looking into all of these things makes realise a lot of things, such as: 1. Those that specialise on rings REALLY are beasts. 2. This explains a lot of why is that when a (rings) gymnast fs his shoulders, it's such a big deal and issue to fix. I mean, a lot (if not all) of these exercises are used as basic gymnastics exercises. They do these exercises under load, progressing them a lot. Like, as a PT in the future, I'm like " how do you get these guys, that do all of this crazy stuff, to be fixed when they are already masters at the would-be-treatment?" I'm any case, such a great vid!
Finally!! So happy to have found this video. So many focus on the symptoms but not the root causes. I’ve been telling my doctor that I thought my bicep tendinitis was caused by my rotator cuff muscles, especially infraspinatus and Supraspinatus but she kept ignoring me and focusing on my bicep. I love that you offer different exercises and active stretching techniques than what everyone else is repeating out there. Thank you!
Thank you for the tips. I had pain in my left shoulder and my left biceps didn't work properly(it hurt as hell when I do biceps curls and it was 2 times weaker than my right biceps). I tried this exercises and I already feel better. I have struggled with this issue for years.
Thankyou for this. I will try the exercises this week. I’ve been to physio for this and I’ve tried other TH-cam suggestions over the last 1/2 year. No major changes. I keep using that arm a lot during the day because it’s my dominant arm. So this never seems to go away. I get a lot of pain in the bicep More so then the shoulder area. Although I do feel it there too. Nothing is torn apparently I just have weak rotator cuffs. I’m trying to work on that but I first want to get this bicep pain to dissipate. I’ve also used anti-inflammatories at times. Just because of the pain in my bicep.
I had a total shoulder replacement on the right side in 2018. I developed tendinitis after that. It’s been so bad I missed a week’s worth of work. That’s why I’m watching this video.
This video is so helpful. I've had 6 weeks now of shoulder impingement and front arm pain. I believe I tore my bicep picking up a 50 pound umbrella base which led to the impingement. I am with a HMO so it will be months before we get to the MRI stage. I needed to find something like this to help me now. I am definitely in the "acute pain" stage still and can't sleep at night even on my back. I was only doing pendulums for a minute a couple of times a day. I definitely am going to up that! Thank you so much. When I get better, I am going to go back through all the videos and try to rehab my body. The pain and disability this has caused has been unreal. My summer is virtually cancelled. What is your thinking on a cortisone shot? That looks like it will be the next step as far as my doctor is concerned if I don't improve.
Happy to help! We are sorry to read about your injury and wish you a speedy recovery. Try out the exercises and keep us posted on your progress. The cortisone will dull any pain but it will allow you to move more than you otherwise would be able to because you will have diminished your pain response. Pain is important as it can guide your efforts. Without it, you may do further damage. However, you need to decide if pain management is more of a priority in this situation. Hope that helps! - Coach Joshua, Team PM
Doing various exercises like pendulums, stretches etc.makes me feel a lot relieved. However, just 2-3 sets of push-ups causes inflammation the next day. It's been several months. I do apply bear ice cubes on the deltoid, around twice a day. PS-the exercises have help get me full range of motion though
It's great to read that the exericses are helping. Keep working on them and you will improve with time and practice. Check out the resources in the video description for more ideas. Especially, the Elbow Pain Solution program :) - Coach Joshua, Team PM
I am a family medicine physician with rotator cuff tear and biceps tendonosis. I have seen orthopedics and have had PT. I should say your videos are The Best in explaining the anatomy as well as exercises. Thank you so much for all that you do for us.
Wow! Thanks!
Your endorsement perks my interest and I will watch. Thanks!
@@wolfie1027 Let us know what you think :)
Have the exercises helped your injuries?
I have a frayed biceps tendon at the shoulder and am trying these. Hopefully they help!
The pain has gone from a 6 to a 0 in just one session. The thing that amazes me is that I started to feel this pain yesterday during a boxing class and, without searching anything related to it, TH-cam just put this video on my front page. Subscribed and eager to look at your content. Thanks a lot!!
That's great to read and thanks for the support :)
when the government official spying on you through your phone decides to help you out
Definitely the best duo in orthopedics..honest and don't claim surgery is best option all the time.
Very much appreciated :)
The last 2 exercises work incredibly well. 2 years battling tendinitis and I see instant results after seeing this. Amazing video!!!
Great to hear!
i have to agree i was focusing more on just the forearm and lower bicep to stretch etc and 3 months still nothing me. the issue is the tendon in the shoulder and the last two exercises are like magic. amazing orthopedic here in ny and physio did nothing to addresses this.
i have had the same issue for a few years now and i am going to try this
Chiropractor here. My profession predisposes me to biceps tendonitis and rotator cuff injuries. I performed these exercises today after 6 months of pain and noticed IMMEDIATE results. I will continue doing these regularly! Thank you for sharing your professional insights and recommendations.
Nice work!
We are so happy the exercises worked.
Thanks for trying them out and let us know if you ever need more advice or assistance :)
- Coach Joshua, Team PM
After the first time doing the fourth exercise, no pain in my right shoulder for the first time in months, thank you so so much! I thought it was other issues but this totally opened my eyes!
Thanks for letting us know :)
- Coach Joshua, Team PM
My shoulder was so impinged last week that I could barely raise my arm above my shoulders and was also experiencing pain going into my bicep. I experienced some immediate relief after doing these exercises and now a week later I was able to go back to muay thai class and my shoulder feels 80% better. Thank you!
How is the shoulder now?
How is it now
Those shoulder circle crossovers are pure gold! Like a shoulder massage. I feel so much better now after constant pain for weeks in my right shoulder. Thank you!!!
Have to say I have been down the route for the last 6 months in going to pt, then going to a orthopaedics to get specialized care and this video is better than any of the advice I’ve gotten. I feel like I haven’t been heard and have just been sent to one doctor after another. I really appreciate the answers I have seen here as it’s the exact problem I’ve been experiencing. This is the first time I’ve gotten a true understandable diagnosis for what I have and finally some solutions! God bless you guys and the work you do!
Thank you so much for trusting us to help guide your efforts. The whole team appreciates it and they will see your comment.
We are here for you if you ever need more advice or assistance, will always listen, and never turn you away until we exhaust all of our knowledge to help you regain control of your movement :)
- Coach Joshua, Team PM
This video explains exactly how I feel. Rotator issues for 2 years. Pain in front of shoulder. Just followed along the exercises and it feels noticeably better in 5 mins. Esp exercises 3 and 4. Brilliant vid. Thanks 👍
Thanks for sharing!
@newts1964 totally recovered. The exercises eased the pain and range of motion got better. I also had 5 rounds of shockwave therapy and that made everything go away. Shoulder is a good as new and I couldn't be happier. All I do now is rehab exercises. 👍
@newts1964 not on the bicep no. He worked the front of the shoulder. That's where I had the most pain and inflammation. Then, he worked the rotator cuff muscles in the back. My external range of motion was so bad. , and painful. I honestly can't believe I've been fixed. 2 years of pain and numerous chiropractor visits. Then, I changed physio and healed in 6 weeks. Mine was more tendinopathy than a tear. Or tho he didn't rule out a slight tear without imagery. Hope you get yours sorted. It's a nightmare of an injury.
Thank you for the support!
I've been down a rabbit hole for a few months now on trying to diagnose my issues because I can still do 98% of my training but not without massive amounts of warm up and slight discomfort. Once you mentioned the piece about the longhead and rotator cuff connection it's like a light bulb went off because my pain tends to move to multiple locations. This was a great overview, I really appreciate it!
Glad that you appreciate the content.
It's great that you found us so let us know if you have any questions :)
- Coach Joshua, Team PM
After 1 set x 3 reps of the exercises I have already noticed an improvement. I’m a Podiatrist and have had this problem on and off for years. I will continue to do these exercises weekly and hopefully never have to suffer again. Thank you both for generously sharing your expertise with all of us. It is very much appreciated.
Nice work!
Now , what do you do after long head tendon tear a) after surgery restoring it b) left to be healed without surgery
How are you doing now?
I’m doing really well. I occasionally get a twinge, but after one session of these exercises, it goes. Brilliant.
Five years battling shoulder impingement and bicep tendinitis, all the PT make do are the Y and Ts exercises. Thank you so much for all the information you provided 🙏
You're so welcome!
Thanks for stopping by and commenting. We appreciate the trust.
Let us know if you have any more questions :)
- Coach Joshua, Team PM
Thank you so much for such an in-depth video with so much of beneficial information. I really appreciate it!
You are welcome and thanks for following along!
I've been recovering from a shoulder subluxation for the past month and have had acute pain in the anterior shoulder that hasn't gone away. I found this video and did the exercises and immediately felt better the next day, I'm amazed. I'm not 100% yet but I'll keep working at it. Thank you so much for sharing!
Wow! That is great!!!
Thanks for trying it out and for sharing :)
- Coach Joshua, Team PM
Wow! Another great video! You’ve described my exact arm condition and offered a solution. Thank you soooo much!
Happy to help!
Thank you going through this in such detail. When I got my rotator cuff surgery after a tear and shoulder impingement, the surgeon found that I had a bicep tendon luxation as well. It was that damn long head which hurt the most after surgery which really suprised me.
Hope the exercsies help!
Thank you so much for making this video I really appreciate it. I was diagnosed with biceps tendonitis and I won't be getting PT for over a month because that's the next available appointment. I started my own PT following this video and I am already improving.
Glad it was helpful!
Thanks for trusting us to guide your efforts.
Keep us posted on your progress and let us know if you ever need more advice or assistance :)
- Coach Joshua, Team PM
Execellent video! I have two questions:
1. Should I take a break from lifting weights during this 4 week period, and if so, when can I get back to lifting again?
2. When doing ”shoulder circle crossover” I get a click in my left shoulder (when reaching overhead and infront) Is it something I need to worry about?
I've been dealing with left shoulder pain for 2 years since an overhead lift injury during a demo project at home. Made moderate gains with my PT, but we never really got over a hump.
As your video points out, lots of complicated connections between muscle groups for capsule instability make it difficult for a one and done fix. For me, I had to relax traps and teres major. Horribly overworked with tendon out of place, making it impossible to get certain ROM. Lax ball behind armpit with arm raised and seated head tilt away from affected arm holding bottom of chair to start losening those up. Forearm overworked, so extension technique you demonstrate was helpful. But for me, scapular activation in the video with hand pressed on wall was HUGE to get over my issue! I can feel the point of the scapula shift back into the right groove, allowing for my shoulder capsule to slowly relax. I play a lot of hockey (right handed shot) so my left (affected) should is always in that downward position. Before, I couldn't get the scapula in the right position, leading to arched back, then low back and hip pain as I couldn't relax into an athletic stance. I do a few of these press downs using the dasher on the bench between shifts and it's amazing how well it keeps the body balanced throughout the game!
Thanks to this video and your one on TFL/glute medius rehab and activation my game has improved 90% to pre-injury status. I'll keep at it, but thanks for all of the information!
Hi, and thanks for sharing your story.
We are so happy you found our channel and let us know if you ever need more advice or assistance :)
- Coach Joshua, Team PM
Did Murph the week before my fight, could not extend or rotate my shoulders at all. These exercises seriously boosted my recovery. I'll be sure to share your content for those in need ✊
Nice work and thanks for sharing :)
Thank You. Very clear and scientific relavant! Appreciated also the perfect and clean english of the Doctress!!
You are welcome!
It's been a year of me trying different remedies (I messed my arm up doing heavy flyes and bench). At first, I thought it was chest, then rotator cuff, and just a couple weeks ago realize it was bicep. I couldn't go to PT, so I was going through different youtube videos, using what I thought was common sense (like rubber bands, super light weight, etc.). In reality, it's movements like this I needed a year ago!
Hope it helps!
Hey were you able to recover?
we’re u able to recover
Exercise 3 & 4 are a game changer. Felt instant relief the first time I did it for minimum reps. Like 60%-70% relief, no joke. Will continue to do a few times per week. Thank you for posting this!
Keep working on it!
You got this!
Keep us posted on your progress :)
How are things now, two months later? I, about to start these myself. Been in pain now about a year.
I have been doing physio for a 'frozen shoulder' for a few months and hit a bit of a plateau... I think this is actually what is wrong with me. I can feel a difference after just one round of these exercises and ASMR for biceps has really helped reduce the irritation I was getting on some of my prescribed physio exercises as well. thank you!
Nice :)
Exactly! Same here
I had this pain before I ended up rupturing my bicep tendon. Now, I’m 3 weeks post surgery doing simple range of motion exercises like supination and pronation. Great feedback and information! Thanks for sharing.
You are welcome!
Did the surgery help ? I’m scared I might need the surgery
@@paulyskidda387 Yes, I'm back to doing normal activities but I'm still restricted to lifting heavy stuff. I'm 9 weeks post surgery and my range of motion and mobility is completely back to normal. I'm just developing my strength gains. I completely ruptured my tendon, so I needed surgery. I don't know the severity of your injury, but I would recommend you get checked out. Best of luck!
@@shirocp post-surgery how did u feel emotionally? I might have to get surgery and just knowing that makes me feel dreadful and knowing I will be limited with activities during recovery is another bummer Movement is my life I hope I have the strength in mind and body to get back to full strength after.
@@BB-mq9qk Honestly, I was preparing myself mentally before my surgery. I was feeling the same way as you, and I knew I would need patience on my side. I’m a very active person and I love going to the gym. But after surgery, I couldn’t do anything on my own. My wife helped me every step of the way.
Just keep in mind that you have to recover and recovery doesn’t happen overnight. Do as the doctor instructs and you should be good. Hanging around friends and family and not isolating myself help me as well. I hope all goes well for you and I pray that you have a speedy recovery.
1000 X THANK YOU. I've been dealing with this off and on for nearly 3 YEARS now. I'll be studying this video closely and trying to help myself, since the docs "can't find" anything wrong.
Thanks for watching!
i just wanna say i really appreciate your videos, they've helped me with a lot of mobility and stability problems that i've left unchecked for the majority of my life.
Happy to help!
Thank you big time for these biceps tendinitis videos. I have biceps tendinitis for more than 2 years. I did the 3 shoulder courses with not much improvement. I noticed marked improvement in pain with the isometric exercise when stopping
Isometric shoulder exercises while stopping all shoulder strengthening exercises for almost 2 months decreased my pain by 90 %. So I am hopeful this video will get me to my goal:100% pain free
Mega thank you!
@@lorr6682 Keep us posted on your progress :)
@@lorr6682 Could you tell me if you did the isometric exercises daily
Wow! Thank you! This is the most valuable bit of info about the “pain” in my shoulder. It was actually the top head of the bicep, and I had no idea. I have been performing dead hangs and that helps. However, the last exercise really helped me to see the full range of motion in both of my long head biceps. Thank you!
Wow, indeed!
That is great to read.
Thanks for taking the time to try it out and comment.
Let us know if you have any more questions :)
- Coach Joshua, Team PM
HELL YES!! Thank God I found this video. I've been dealing with this pain for over a year and its excrucitating at times and limits my ability to rest and just watch TV or sleep much of the time. I thought it was a shoulder impingement all this time and have been doing all the stretches and PT ordered by my Ortho doc. The last time I lifted was a month ago, today, and it was biceps/triceps. My shoulder hurt more than ever after doing barbell curls. And it hurt in that very spot where the short head connects. Thank you for this info.
You are so welcome and thanks for following along :)
Thank you so much for this video. I have been suffering with biceps tendonitis for almost 2 months and hope these exercises will help strengthen and rehabilitate the rotator cuff and biceps tendon.
Hi and thanks for stopping by!
We appreciate you trying it out and commenting.
Keep us posted on your progress and let us know if you need further support :)
- Coach Joshua, Team PM
Thanks for the video and the service you are providing to the community. I got a question. I’m 65 years old, my hunch is that I overworked shoulders-biceps region. I regularly do push ups and work with dumbbells. The question here is, How long do I have to wait to recuperate my strength and movement pain free while I am doing the exercises 22:44 22:44 22:44 recommended in this video.
We are so happy to be here for you. It's hard to say how long you will have to wait because everyone responds to the exercises differently.
You should notice changes after 4 - 6 weeks.
Keep us posted on your progress :)
- Coach Joshua, Team PM
Thanks a lot for all this series of videos! I'll be focused on them all february to start with 🥰
Good stuff! Keep us posted on your progress :)
Thank you both for this information. I’ve been struggling with this now for about a year. Going to get an MRI next month to see what is wrong. But I firmly believe it’s my long head bicep tendon from watch these videos
You are welcome!
Incredibly good exercises. The last one is already quite complicated movement, but works super well, as said in earlier comment. Thank You.
Great to hear!
Stellar video!
I’m a 68 year old avid rock climber with currently fairly bad biceps tendinitis. It’s been a bit of an issue for years, along with elbows. Was on a 2 week climbing trip in Grenada, Spain early March and it started KILLING ME! I’m pretty sure I had bursitis too.
So what did I do? Took a bunch of Aleve and kept climbing!
Well I’m paying the price now (of course). It’s slowly improving, I’m seeing a great physical therapist who does lateral scraping on the tendon (whatever that is called). Went climbing two days ago, just really easy stuff….and damn the arm hurts!
I’ve watched a bunch of TH-cam videos about this, like others have said yours is the best! I already started doing what you recommended. That isometric biceps vs triceps arm extended thing feels particularly useful.
Ouch. We've definitely been there. Eric recently hurt his elbow and then went to play tennis. He's on the mend using PM content and it can help you to.
Try out these exercises 2 - 3 times weekly for the next 4 weeks and send a report. We look forward to reading about your progress :)
- Coach Joshua, Team PM
Thank you! These exercises, especially #4 + Doc's advice at 20:50, have helped me reduce my pain from 8 to 0 in just over a week!
Thanks so much for trying it out and for letting us know.
Keep up the great work. We are here if you ever need more advice or assistance :)
- Coach Joshua, Team PM
That third ones feels good, I'll incorporate these in my daily work out. thank you👊🏽
You're welcome!
I’m normally super skeptical of TH-cam instructionals but this is amazing. I had SLAP repair surgery 6 weeks ago and I guess it caused bicep tendinitis.nothing else has helped like this, especially exercises 3 and 4. Thank you so much!!
Thanks for sharing that. It is much appreciated. We are definitely trying to spread a certain message and are so happy that we reached you.
Consider starting this program in order to make more progress:
- Coach Joshua, Team PM
Great info! Didn't rush through explaining, and that's a great thing!
Appreciate that!
OMG! I just did the exercises and after the second one I have felt a relief of pain from biceps brachii, which is good, but at the third exercise it "migrated" at brachialis. I have to say that I had a humerus problem due to posture, an impingement and I will continue at a later time when not busy to check if that one also will dissapear. Thank you!
You are welcome and keep us posted on your progress.
Thanks for trying it out and commenting :)
- Coach Joshua, Team PM
My God do u know what you're on about. After 30yrs of pain in my shoulder and years of physio and self research, i have actually slept for 3 nights in a row! An xray and mri showed bursitis and torn tendons so ive been doing physio religiously for that especially as the injections stopped working. I came across your video a few days ago and tried the exercises and ice pack then slept that night!
Thank you so much.
So happy that you found us.
Keep working on the exercises 2 - 3 times weekly and let us know how it goes :)
- Coach Joshua, Team PM
how many cortisone injections did you have? in which time frame?
@@aaleexaandeer7084 8 over 3 years but the last one didn't work. But then i was sent for an xray guided inj which has worked for over 3 mnths.
@@aaleexaandeer7084 I had 8 inj over a 3yr period.
I’ve had what seems to be this problem for several months. Never searched for it, it just showed up on my recommended today
Did you try out the exercises? - Coach Joshua, Team PM
I'm glad that I came across this video . I just started suffering with this . It was aggravated by doing wide grip chest flies on the machine. I just try to work all the muscles and avoid curling.
Thanks for trying it out and keep us posted on your progress :)
Thank you very much. I think this video has explained the pain I have and it was not only about the shoulder alone but even the biceps should have been included in the equation
You are welcome. Glad that it helped :)
I did the exercises and it worked. I had already tried other channels and none worked. Congratulations on your scientific competence.
These are great and I can already feel relief. Thank you for sharing!
You're so welcome!
Thanks for trying them out and commenting.
Keep us posted on your progress :)
- Coach Joshua, Team PM
Thank you so much. I had an extremely physical event approaching and I was a bit worried. I was in a high level of pain until I tried you techniques, specifically OVERHEAD STRETCH and the PENDULUM (with a 20 lbs. weight) Immediate 8 pain level to a 3! thank you very much
Glad it helped!
Thanks for trying it out and commenting.
We are here if you ever need more advice or assistance :)
- Coach Joshua, Team PM
Excellent presentation. Thank you. (I'm a tennis player with bicep tendonitis due to bad posture).
You are welcome!
Thank you so much for the exercise. 🎉❤
You're so welcome!
Love the advice from the doc at the end. Great video. I saved some of the techiques and I am gonna try them and see how it works
Glad it was helpful! :)
I don't know if I have this but my shoulder is stiff, so I tried doing this 4 steps as I watch this and get a bit of a release tension on my shoulder, I'll try doing it even more now. Thankyou.
Good stuff.
Thanks for trying it out.
Explore our other shoulder videos here for more ideas:
- Coach Joshua, Team PM
best video yet on this subject, thank you.
Glad you enjoyed it!
Love how you just pulled the scapula model out of your pocket haha! Great video as always!
Thank God for u two...I have been suffering for 2 weeks from an inflamed biceps tendon or SLAP tear...These exercises instantly made my shoulder feel stable....TY,TY,TY
Nice work!
Starting to see more and more useful exercises on utube that benefit me. Thanks for these gems.
Saved for my exercise playlist
You are welcome! Thanks for following along :)
Coach E and Dr. B you are really great this veido very help full... thankyou
Appreciate that!
I have not just long-head biceps tendinosis but also supraspinatus, infraspinatus, and subscapularis tendinosis. I played baseball in high school (10+ years ago) and threw through pain for years. Later, I had phyical therapy a few times in my 20s, and while this improved the shoulder discomfort somewhat, I never felt "normal". I think the shoulder issues have helped lead to neck and back issues as well. I finally got an MRI, which told me the specific issues in my shoulder. I wonder if I don't have some tendonitis in my elbow/forearm area as well. I'm hoping this latest round of PT will more effectively target the problem, but I'm on the lookout for more resources and advice. Thanks for the video!
Get started on the exercises and keep us posted on your progress :)
- Coach Joshua, Team PM
Fantastic video. Thanks very much.
You are welcome!
You are th most professional I ever seen.
I have problem with my shoulder for long time . And never noticed it was my biceps. Omg
You solved years of pain in one video .
You are way better than most DOCTORS .
Glad that it helped!
Wow, I wish I had found this video two years ago. Thank you! This has made a major difference in my life!
Glad it was helpful!
Instant relief or it took some time to improve?
Wow! This was an awesome video. It really helped. Thank you.
Glad it was helpful!
Thank you for the educational and user friendly information.
You are welcome and thanks for the comment :)
This explanation is awesome! I hope someone can help me with my case: I play tennis and have been playing with pain in my shoulder for 6 months, and now stopped completely for 5 months. I got an infiltration but the pain didn't go away. I'm still waiting for the results of an irm, but doctor said it's probably some damage in the tendon/bursa of the biceps. Have you seen this injury in tennis players? It hurts most on my serve and backhand.
Thanks for writing to us and trusting us to help guide your efforts.
The Shoulder Pain Solution program can help you to get back to pain-free tennis:
Check it out and let us know if you have any more questions :)
- Coach Joshua, Team PM
Thank you for the exercises you introduced in this video. You’re a really helpful
You're so welcome! :)
Thank you for this video. Its awesome how much new knowledge is available that just wast there 6-10 years ago! I cant find any videos or content that focus on biceps short head (the pain is at the origin).
A few years back I was boxing, I threw a job and my partner countered with a right. He hit me under the arm above the elbow while my jab was halfway extended (internally rotated shoulder with arm protracted forwards), it popped out my arm from the shoulder, which was already able to naturally dislocate (i.e. shoulders were vulnerable). This injured the bicep short head and over time disabled the triceps long head to the point that I can't activate it anymore (it's very weak now). Overtime my teres and spinatus muscles tightened, causing winged scapula. I can easily address the shoulder internal rotators/triceps/pecs with a tiny ball and a massage gun and stretches, but the biceps is never healed and the other muscles end up tightening again.
You are welcome and keep us posted on your progress :)
- Coach Joshua, team PM
Thank you very much, I learned a lot of new things! much love and appreciation!
You are welcome and thanks for following along :)
I'm 71 and for 8 months a dull pain in the right shoulder. Having trouble touching the left shoulder with the right hand . Gave it the necessary rest without improvement . At certain non extreme movements can hear a light rasping noise . Pain can go from 4 to 7 dependent on movements.
Sadly my posture became somewhat hunched with age .
Got "diclofenac" anti inflammatory medication for a short time.
Hi and sorry for the late reply!
How are you now?
- Coach Joshua, Team PM
@@PrecisionMovementCoach Hi ..... things improved slowly .Rather than exercising ,I gave it rest ,which seemed to help at my age.
I work out regularly doing intensive interval workouts. I have impingement but on a light scale, I recently notice my lat were overcompensating, I am using these exercises and other to help strengthen. The first time using your four exercises, my arms were so tired I was shocked. This will be in my warm up routine permanently.
Nice work :)
Aghhhh.... thank u for this video. After trying these even just the first time, i felt a lot better. Had a short sharp jolt in the effected shoulder and felt immediate relief after. Nice one.
Glad it helped!
Thanks for watching and commenting.
we are here if you ever need more advice or assistance :)
- Coach Joshua, Team PM
Found these exercises very helpful...got better arm movement with less pain quickly. Had been working on what seemed to me was only a supra spanatis impingement doing exercises to strengthen rotator cuff muscles...but had pain in long bicep head area that was not improving. Now I think it can start to. Thank you.
Nice work!
Keep it up and let us know if you have any more questions :)
- Coach Joshua, Team PM
Hi there how you feeling, I was convinced too that I have injured the supraspinatus but the pain in biceps suggests otherwise
@@nykko73 Seems the impingement itself is much better and my rotator cuff is healthy. However still have tenderness in upper arm, though that is slowly improving still.
Excellent video. Thank you!
You are welcome!
Been frustrated in PT for months for biceps tendinitis. Haven't seen progress, and we seem to keep doing stuff that aggravates the area and cause pain. My PT is approaching it from the lens of neuromuscular adaptation and pain tolerance, and it just doesn't feel right for me. Doing stuff like scaption, wall clocks, stretching. None of these have felt good and seem to do little or make things worked. However in your video the three exercises resulted in therapeutic feelings in the BT area that I can't explain. They simply feel "right." It feels as if the right muscles are being activated and promoting healing, and there's instant pain reduction. Going to take several weeks away from my PT and prescribe to these exercises instead. Thank you so much for sharing these exercises/
Hey, its awesome. I'll wait for an update!
Wow...so cool!
Thanks for trying out the exercises and for letting us know about your progress.
Keep up the fantastic work :)
- Coach Joshua, Team PM
This video is really amazing
Watched like 50+ videos.
But this video tells that long head explanation so well.
Also, it would be great if u guys make similar videos on other shoulder issues and how to test
Glad that you think so and thanks for watching.
These videos can help you with your shoulders:
- Coach Joshua, Team PM
These exercises are brilliant, thank you!!
Glad you like them!
Thanks for trying them out and letting us know :)
- Coach Joshua, Team PM
1) Thumb poke I got a lot of spasm in my deltoid from that movement.
2) Funny with the arm stretch you chose the very arm I have issues raising overhead.
3) I can't rotate my are out -- away from the body
Thanks for that. I'll check back in a month.
Thanks for trying it out and keep us posted on your progress :)
Thank you! Great exercises, already feel better! My physio was tending to work on eccentric loading and rc strengthening but it wasn't improving much.
Thanks for trying it out!
We are happy to help.
Let us know if you ever need more advice or assistance :)
- Coach Joshua, Team PM
As a callisthenics-gymnastics athlete that studies anatomy, looking into all of these things makes realise a lot of things, such as:
1. Those that specialise on rings REALLY are beasts.
2. This explains a lot of why is that when a (rings) gymnast fs his shoulders, it's such a big deal and issue to fix. I mean, a lot (if not all) of these exercises are used as basic gymnastics exercises. They do these exercises under load, progressing them a lot.
Like, as a PT in the future, I'm like " how do you get these guys, that do all of this crazy stuff, to be fixed when they are already masters at the would-be-treatment?"
I'm any case, such a great vid!
Thanks for watching and for your comments!
@@PrecisionMovementCoach thanks to you, for making these vids!
Finally!! So happy to have found this video. So many focus on the symptoms but not the root causes. I’ve been telling my doctor that I thought my bicep tendinitis was caused by my rotator cuff muscles, especially infraspinatus and Supraspinatus but she kept ignoring me and focusing on my bicep. I love that you offer different exercises and active stretching techniques than what everyone else is repeating out there. Thank you!
Thanks for following along and happy to help!
- Coach Joshua, Team PM
Thank you for the tips. I had pain in my left shoulder and my left biceps didn't work properly(it hurt as hell when I do biceps curls and it was 2 times weaker than my right biceps).
I tried this exercises and I already feel better.
I have struggled with this issue for years.
Nice work!
Thankyou for this. I will try the exercises this week. I’ve been to physio for this and I’ve tried other TH-cam suggestions over the last 1/2 year. No major changes.
I keep using that arm a lot during the day because it’s my dominant arm. So this never seems to go away. I get a lot of pain in the bicep More so then the shoulder area. Although I do feel it there too. Nothing is torn apparently
I just have weak rotator cuffs. I’m trying to work on that but I first want to get this bicep pain to dissipate. I’ve also used anti-inflammatories at times. Just because of the pain in my bicep.
Thanks for trying it out :)
Wow. This instantly was effective. Thanks.
Great to hear!
always excellent info....very thorough and precise......thanks!!
It's my pleasure.
Thank you so much this has relieved the pain I’ve been going through, bless!!
Nice work!
Many thanks , amazing results 🙏
Yay! Thanks for sharing :)
What a great job! Finally I understand my problem. 👍
Great to hear!
I had a total shoulder replacement on the right side in 2018. I developed tendinitis after that. It’s been so bad I missed a week’s worth of work. That’s why I’m watching this video.
Hope it helps!
@@PrecisionMovementCoach me too! Thanks.
oh man, when she mentioned the internal rotation of the arm whilst elevated hit home so hard.
Excellent presentation. Really very helpful. Thank you!
Thanks for stopping by :)
Awesome video , thank you !!!
My pleasure!
This video is so helpful. I've had 6 weeks now of shoulder impingement and front arm pain. I believe I tore my bicep picking up a 50 pound umbrella base which led to the impingement. I am with a HMO so it will be months before we get to the MRI stage. I needed to find something like this to help me now. I am definitely in the "acute pain" stage still and can't sleep at night even on my back. I was only doing pendulums for a minute a couple of times a day. I definitely am going to up that! Thank you so much.
When I get better, I am going to go back through all the videos and try to rehab my body. The pain and disability this has caused has been unreal. My summer is virtually cancelled.
What is your thinking on a cortisone shot? That looks like it will be the next step as far as my doctor is concerned if I don't improve.
Happy to help!
We are sorry to read about your injury and wish you a speedy recovery.
Try out the exercises and keep us posted on your progress.
The cortisone will dull any pain but it will allow you to move more than you otherwise would be able to because you will have diminished your pain response. Pain is important as it can guide your efforts. Without it, you may do further damage. However, you need to decide if pain management is more of a priority in this situation.
Hope that helps!
- Coach Joshua, Team PM
The standing over head stretch helped so much with my impingement.
so helpful...many thanks
Glad it was helpful!
Great explanations! Thank you
You are welcome :)
very interesting vid. thank you doc boynton for your excellent information.
You are welcome!
This is gold, thank you.
You're very welcome!
doing this just once and i can finally do bicep exercises again thanks!
Doing various exercises like pendulums, stretches etc.makes me feel a lot relieved. However, just 2-3 sets of push-ups causes inflammation the next day. It's been several months. I do apply bear ice cubes on the deltoid, around twice a day. PS-the exercises have help get me full range of motion though
It's great to read that the exericses are helping. Keep working on them and you will improve with time and practice.
Check out the resources in the video description for more ideas. Especially, the Elbow Pain Solution program :)
- Coach Joshua, Team PM