theFLICKpick actually John the Jurassic Park fans say it’s the second best Jurassic Park movie and a lot of critics are saying it is to and people from my school are saying it’s the best Jurassic movie so technically u guys r wrong but at the same time it’s your opinion and u own that right
I don’t understand why they didn’t bring back Jake Johnson’s “Lowery” from Jurassic World. He was one of the best parts of that film and could have easily replaced that useless annoying unfunny character of “Franklin” in Fallen Kingdom.
I've noticed that the Jurassic Park franchise just forgets about characters in previous films. For example, Jurassic Park had Dr. Grant, Ian Malcom, etc, but then the next movie does not have Dr. Grant. Then in Jurassic Park 3, Dr. Grant shows up again but Malcom isn't there. Same thing with this movie.
I’ve watched this review so many times and my top three moments that make me laugh without fail are 5:00: Matt talking about their reactions to letting the Dino’s loose 23:04: Franklin “never dies” 25:14: Matt’s Ted Lavine impersonation Love whenever you guys collab😂
Donovan Taylor r rated so the violence has more aw to it the last two movies were to tame not for sexy or bad language it dose the need that it would be awesome like how it’s was awesome when they had the balls to make an r rated wolverine movie they need to do the same with the next movie fallen kingdom was some what entertaining but it was very bland. That doesn’t mix with Dino movies. That’s all I am saying
Donovan Taylor if they do decide to go that route, I dont think Chris Pratt will be involved in it. He has come out and said he will never do a sex scene in a movie since he is a Christian.
Isaac the Worship Warrior well I think most people are Christians in our country not all but most but it Doesn’t need to have a sex scene just a good story better written characters and lots of blood. A Jurassic park movie should some what horrifying. And not tame like fallen kingdom was which I did like but come on it was bland as fuck. And doing all of that is just impossible anymore with a pg13 the next movie they just need to go for it.
Loved the discussion man! You guys have very interesting discussions and it’s always a pleasure to hear you guys. I’m not being weird I swear. *Dont get scared now*
They should just bring back Sam Neil and Laura Dern as a couple and have them star in the new movies. It wouldn't be hard. Just have a quick scene where they mention her divorcing her ex husband.
PRECISELY. They literally explained why Sorna was a no-go back in the movie, Lost World. Site B ALSO used geothermal energy for unlimited power with no need of replenishing JUST LIKE on Site A, Isla Nublar!! Geothermal MEANING energy FROM a VOLCANO!! RIP xP
Chris Stuckmann needs to read this before he starts to attack the movie for a nonexisting plothole!! THIS is the reason they're not moved to isla sorna
Somethingofa moviegeek Your comment doesn’t make any sense. The first 10 minutes of the Movie were The Best by Far and then went downhill! Please Explain what Tech you mean to go into the Mosasaurus Tank to get the Indominus Rex Bones? A machine with a Claw that’s 50+ Feet long? The team never knew exactly where the Indo Rex Skeleton was hence why they went into the tank with a small Submarine with lights and a claw.
Sorna is mentioned in the beginning of the film, but it is presumably volcanic as well since it ran on geothermal energy. But none of that matters. The whole volcano as an extinction level event is ridiculous in the first place. Just look at Hawaii. A volcanic eruption affects a small portion of the island for sure, but it definitely doesn't destroy the entire island. Some dino's might have died, but most would have been fine.
A volcano doesn't only create lava it also intoxicates the air and that would most likely affect the whole island and destroy the eco system. And BTW how do you know the impact of a volcano? You don't know the size of said volcano and here's a news flash for is a movie. The eruption on Krakatoa destroyed 2/3 of the island, so I don't think it's that farfetched.
If the volcano was the size of Krakatoa they wouldn't have built the damn park there, now would they? Geologists can figure that shit out. Yeah it's a movie, and I wouldn't have minded it so much if it was a good one, but damn, this was just another piece of stupid added to a very stupid script.
Wasn't it explained in The Lost World in the scene where the Ingen hunters and Malcom's team said that the village on the Island was running on Geothermal power? that means there is a volcano on Isla Sorna too! so why bring the dinosaurs out of a volcanic island to another volcanic island if you want them not on a volcanic island?! ether way sanctuary or not, The dinosaurs will end up at the mansion anyway.
Kalmer Olsen The filmmakers already confirmed that it's still canon. Mills even mentions Sorna by name at the beginning of the film when he meets Claire. It's really easy to miss though.
Maybe Spielberg was like George Lucas in the phantom menace featurette, he saw a test screening and said “It’s a little disjointed. It’s bold in terms of jerking people around. I may have gone too far in a few places. It boggles the mind. I have thought about this quite a bit, and the tricky part is you almost can’t take any of those pieces out of it now, because each one takes you to the next place. And you can’t jump because you don’t know where you are.”
@The Rue That is the reason. Have you ever seen The Lost World? They even mention Sorna had previously used GEOTHERMAL energy (ENERGY FROM A VOLCANO) to power their systems before they eventually abandoned that island.
So you're saying it's 100% logical that they should've instead BROUGHT THE dinos to ANOTHER VOLCANIC island?? That's just 100% plain stupid. Either they let the dinos die or bring them to the mainland. There was no where else to go.
Anyone notice in the film in the mansion when Pratt & gang are sneaking around & he sees a dead merc & crawls for his stun baton & at the last second Indo-craptor snatches the body away & then it shows upward of the craptor swallowing. Then Pratt & gang sneak around the side where the body should’ve been but there’s no trace. No blood. No body. No stun baton. Ate the whole thing in one bite. Wtf. Lol PG-13 rules.
As a side thought to my longer post in regards to something else said here, I actually find this desire for a gory Jurassic movie kind of troublesome. That's the last thing I want out of this series. Some of the bloodier moments in Jurassic World (the 2015 one) are as far as they need to take it. It's a film series for kids that love dinosaurs, not Roger Corman's Carnosaur (even though I liked those as well at a too-young age). “But when I saw the film, I realized that I was not the right person to make the film, he was. Because he made a dinosaur movie for kids, and mine would have been Aliens with dinosaurs, and that wouldn’t have been fair. Dinosaurs are for 8-year-olds." -James Cameron I think it's pretty integral to stick to this spirit. The Lost World had Eddie being torn it half, but the way it was lit greatly reduced the actual violence of what was happening beyond the viewer clearly seeing how he was killed, and with a total lack of visible blood. The way the arm was bitten off here was, again, a tasteful example of framing. We saw what happened to him, and then again as he was being ripped apart like a rag doll in the foreground from a distance; I didn't need to see gushing stumps. It's not that series.
I think the reason there isn't a Jurassic Park that is rated R is because a majority, or at least a fair amount, of the audience for the movie right now is children under 17.
First off, did you guys know that the TREX in cage scene was also animatronic? Also I agree with everything in you guys said, I even wrote it all down when watching this movie. It’s crazy! I wish we had more court argument in the first scene then 2nd would be rescue and the 3rd would be a fail and that’s how the dinosaurs get free. As for the clone part, during the court conversation we already bring up possibility’s of using this technology to our advantage so it could of been spoken more then.
I'm a little drunk right now, so i'm all emotional, like "bro i love you dude". That being said, I love you dudes, and your reviews have honestly made me enjoy these films even more. I have reached a level where I can appreciate so much more about the films that you love, and more importantly, I can save my money and not go see the absolute piles of garbage movies that you guys hate. Keep it up! I have subscribed to Stuck already, but here is yours! keep doing what you are doing. also you are the swolest movie reviewer i know.
Muahhaha I love this video, esp the look on all ur faces when discussing Ted Levine's stump.. I think we can all relate to that look from watching this movie.. Priceless tho, u guys' reaction.
I absolutely loved this film. It set up for an amazing finale to the trilogy. Seen it 4 times so far. I still don't know why people are freaking out about how bad this was
It has some cool moments in it but it’s basically a rehash of The Lost World movie in so many ways. There’s amazing things in The Lost World book that still haven’t been touched on by any in the series. That book is almost completely neglected and it’s as much a masterpiece as Jurassic Park
Isla Sorna is also a Volcanic island, so they wouldn’t put the dinosaurs back on a island that’s also volcanic, it’s in the books, so that’s why they didn’t move the dinosaurs there, because it wouldn’t make sence
And it’s canon because In the lost world they talk about those power stations that make clean energy from the compressed gas underneath like they have in real life in places like Yellowstone Park and Hawaii
People always say this movie is tense.Where though? Do you really think the dinosaurs are gonna kill the good guys. You can probably tell who's gonna live and who's gonna die from a mile away.
If a task force is created to round up/kill the dinosaurs, and Owen joins the task force, and that's how he meets Blue again... I would go for that. Maybe even include another scene or two where he goes out of his way to save a human. Then when he tries to save Blue, the audience will be more sympathetic towards his actions because they know he's doing it for HER, and not because he's prioritizing dinosaurs in general over human lives.
I have a seriouse question ( sorry im bad at spelling) how did they get the trex the carnosaur and the barryonx off the island? when we say the trex it was fighting the carnosaur ( you see the whole fight basly in the trailer) the rex stomps and what look to have broken the carno neck then turn and walks off. we say the barryonx trap in the room with the lave filling up. but 2 min later we see the hellocopter flying off the islandwith the barry ( in the trailer again) how they get him out of that lava full room caught and hall way in 2 min. and we see they caught rexy and had her trank and on a truck loaded into the boat. all with in 2-4 min of the vacano going boom and then in the house we see they had caught the carno sold it and ( spoiler ) it was the one at the end of the moive who help the trex eat the badbuy. how they get them soo fast they had maybe 4 min on screen from when we saw then all over the islan to sunndly there all caught. and one maybe 2 the carno and barry persum to be dead. how. realy how did they chach them so fastalso when the 1st trailer came out they sed don't worry that just sceen from the 1st hafe of the moive. but the island story was like 20 min top. so I feel like a lot got cut
jurassic joey I agree it just felt like lazy writing. The Lost World showed the process of capturing a Trex, this movie just says "surprise" they captured a Trex while the island was erupting
yeah and some how a dead carno that was at the explosion stampeed area and the berryonx that was in the room with claiir trap fill with lave. and then they got them all in like 3 min some how wtf.
jurassic joey I'm sure it wasn't the same Baryonyx because that lab was just filling up with kava when Claire and Franklin locked it inside, and every door was locked. So i'm sure there was another Baryonyx somewhere else. But yeah as for Rexy, I have NO clue how they managed to catch her, because we see her walk forward in the same direction as everyone else, and most of them fell into the ocean. My only guess is that a fireball hit the ground in front of her and she started running into another direction and runs into the people. Idk how they wouldve loaded her into the cages that fast considering where she was to the ash cloud, but, movie magic, whatever. As for Carnotaurs, maybe there was another one somewhere else. I didn't see any bite marks on it's neck in Lockwood's manor so I couldn't tell if it was the same one
maybe ill give that is most likely the case. but if so even 1 line of dilog to expalain that would helped. they could sed we manage to chech 1 out of 4 barry 1 out of 3 carno. something to tell us. I recall the allo also becose it was chaseing the gyo and fell and got caought up in the ash plum. but they sold one so maybe there was more then one of each. idk. they where listed on the website on jw 1 island map of dino on the island but they never made it into the moive. so maybe there is more then one of each.
Mike Brown's Mother Wait a second...So you basically wanna see the exact same thing that you've already seen in The Lost World? Why on earth would they show how they captured the T-Rex when: 1. We've seen it before and 2. The T-Rex wasn't the main dinosaur in this movie as opposed to The Lost World.
The table conversation in Jurassic Park shown character views and development but it also shown how different people can discuss a topic. People now will just fight and argue over their view and not listen to a different view on a topic.
Left the theater with very mixed thoughts. After further contemplation I realized I liked how it looked and what the director did with it but the script was utter garbage. I can't believe someone thought this was a good idea. The bad guys reminded me of Mr. Burns going "EXCELLENT" the entire time.
Been a fan of Jurassic Park all of my life (no seriously we had the VHS since I was a baby and I've watched the film thousands of times over the years), read the books and have re-read once a year ever since. Loved The Lost World and Jurassic World due to how true to Michael Crichton they are / their great film making aspects (A lot of special effects and scenes and sequences in The Lost World even best Jurassic Park but aren't given the recognition due to people's nostalgia for Jurassic Park). Jurassic World in particular I LOVED and was impressed by a lot of stuff that went over Chris and most critics heads about the film and the action that pleased me as a Jurassic fan and film fan (Jurassic World's climax next to the climax of War for the Planet of the Apes and The Last Jedi is one of the best climaxes of a film in recent memory). Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom... was fucking awesome. A lot of aspects - the characters (Zia ugh so great to have a Mexican American dinosaur veterenarian and her not to need to be stereotyped but just be a cool character. I'm Mex-American and it made me so happy to finally have a dinosaur researcher in the Jurassic series who isn't white), the way the film was shot (I loved JW but I think Bayona's approach was a lot better and made the dinosaurs terrifying but also made the environments look great), the score, and how the film was all put together. A lot of the themes I'm baffled went over the TH-cam film fan community. they were awesome to see as a Jurassic fan especially how Fallen Kingdom was a lot like an Indiana Jones or a Bond film but went back to being more like Jurassic Park in the thriller department as even though Jurassic World would get scary in parts it didn't feel like Jurassic Park type scary. I do think that the film could have had more scenes though like more time on Nublar to have seen dinosaurs get captured or idk... maybe there's a run in with Rexy where Rexy isn't saving the humans but inadvertedly fighting a dinosaur and that dinosaur is a Spinosaurus and we don't see the outcome of the fight because the characters have to get to their mission. I also think that while I loved that the film had the balls to have characters be flawed (seriously people act like characters can't make mistakes anymore and react like babies now) like with the final decision at the end of the picture to release the dinosaurs into the wider world, I wish that Maisey's clone reveal had more relevance. I still think she's the best Jurassic kid in the whole franchise because she actually is tied to the lore and actually a cool kid you come to care about when she goes through a lot of bad stuff. But it only leads to her empathizing with the dinosaurs and freeing them. I kind of wish that - and this would have gone really left field but I'd have wanted it - for the Indoraptor to have been part human and Wu using the original Maisey's DNA on him (because Indoraptor has long forelimbs that no theropod dinosaur would naturally develop evolutionarily speaking and look more like primate arms) so there is a connection with the Indoraptor and Maisey clone. Which is why he's trying to kill her. It'd have been bizarre but I'd rather stories go into a strange route sometimes - although anything further than this I would not want. I still think the "Jurassic Park 4: Dino-Dog-Human hybrids" are really fucking dumb which is why the Indominus rex and Indoraptor don't piss me off as a fan of Jurassic. I've always differed. I'm a Jurassic fan I'm a film fan too but I don't automatically share the majority opinion of the film fan community because everyone else has this skewed opinion of what "good" movies are. But even when approaching from a non fanboy perspective I don't find flaw with Fallen Kingdom. It's a perfect movie for me.
They couldn't put them on the other island because it was volcanic too. That's like taking them from 1 time bomb that's going off to another time bomb that's about to go off.
Few interesting facts that emerged long after movie premiere: + It is true, that S. Spielberg will not allow Jurassic Park / World movie or game rated R. Despite not directing it, he is heavily involved as executive producer. And it was him who made Colin Trevorrow lower dinosaur prices during auction sequence. + Isla Sorna is briefly mentioned by Eli Mills in the movie and in the previous drafts of "Fallen Kingdom" script it was indeed the original place of destination for rescued dinosaurs. In the middle of the movie there was supposed to be the second ship and dinos were hijacked to other location. Also Ian Malcolm had bigger role and there were flashbacks for Henry Wu. + I don't know which script iteration was it, but the original auction location was Great Britain; + According to producers (Spielberg, Marshall, Crowley) original script was too long and needed to be made short. It could explain, why some motifs are rushed. Also a year before premiere actor playing Benjamin Lockwood was complaining on the final script, and that Bayona had to fight with executives over his visions. + Trevorrow wanted to include a rematch between Spinosaurus and T-Rex, but in the end it was Carnotaurus fighting with Rexy. Known shot and later deleted scenes are: - alternative shot on Mosasaur eye from the opening sequence (that one is in trailer) - scene with Dr. Wu giving lecture in one of the universities and then running from people wanting to catch him. - in the scene where we see BBC news, the Anchor lady says one additional line - that Dr Wu was stripped from his credentials (in the movie we see part of this information on the bottom of TV screen) - Mia Rodriguez saying to Owen, that she dates only women, - there was a lot of deleted footage from Isla Nublar segment. The goal was to show how the animals were left roaming without any human care and slowly dying out because of food shortages. This scenery was supposed to be setting up the reason why despite vulcano eruption, Carnotaur still hunts Sinoceratops. We were supposed to see brachiosaurs skeletons and remains of other creatures (scene with ankylosaur remains being passed by trucks is in one of the trailers) lying on the ground - there are photos of this online. - also, the search for Blue had also longer runtime. There was at least one more bunker to be visited (filled with Compsognathus), there were also scenes in old Indominus paddock (fun fact - Frank Marshall himself published photo of it and leaked Indoraptor name on Twitter) and with massive, bloated Stegosaurus corpse near Blues nest - I have not found any information about that, but I think ship cruise was supposed to be longer, so that it is logical, that they are traveling hundrets of miles. The dilophosaurus model was created for that segment (while looking for T-Rex Claire and Owen were supposed to find Dilo by accident), but Bayona claims that he wanted to save money and he has not shot anything with it, - there was a scene in the mansion where Mills describes, that Indoraptor cage is always dark, because no one wants to change the lightbulb. The last person that was trying this was eaten, because Indoraptor needed not 1 but 3 tranquiliser shots (this would be a setup for Wheatley death scene). Also during that scene we would see Indoraptor playing with human skull - every dinosaur had his own auction scene with prices I liked how the movie looked, but it was disappointing in many moments. I really hope Jurassic World: Dominion will be better.
I chose to take a pee during the scene where the indo raptor plays dead, because had a good idea what would happen, but you’re telling me it did a “squints paladoris” smile and wink from the sandlot? Unbelievable.
I like John's idea of the zoo. Check this out, what if they were renewing a broken down carnival/theme park/sea world/golf course thing that's super creepy. They're not completely finished with said broken down creepy theme park(I know it sounds like Jurassic World but hear me out). And let them loose that way. Basically I just like John's idea. But I think it'd been really cool if they had that kind of idea first. Also if the volcano was so destructive it could have eliminated both islands, I mean look at the destruction of Mount St. Helens? It more than likely would have fucked up that island as well. I'm stretching here. Love the vid guys.
The reason the Dinosaurs going to Sorna isnt a good idea is Sorna is also volcanic. They use geothermal energy like Nublar. So it would be redundant to save them from a volcanic island by taking them to another volcanic island. But the real reason is lazy contrives writing that needed to get them to the mainland.
I told my friends after we watched the movie, “what if instead of Claire being the one that saves Owen and the little girl from the indoraptor, it was Jeff Goldblum who saved them?”
Gabriel Arredondo nah. Jeff Goldblum’s character is smart enough to stay away from dinosaurs. He was even considering in the Lost World to leave some people on Isla Sorna while him and his daughter leave them. Lol.
Enjoy the 29 minute video!
theFLICKpick I will right after I return some video tapes.
theFLICKpick actually John the Jurassic Park fans say it’s the second best Jurassic Park movie and a lot of critics are saying it is to and people from my school are saying it’s the best Jurassic movie so technically u guys r wrong but at the same time it’s your opinion and u own that right
This reviews part raptor!!!
I shit my pants when I saw this in my inbox 👍🙀🌚
theFLICKpick they are turning Jurassic world into dinocrisis.
Future film think walking dead but dinosaurs instead of zombies
In the third film i want a raptor to say “Owen”
No just no
if it doesn't happen I quit
Melvin Cruise if only you got the reference he was making
The Flick Pick Rises
You’re on fire now mate, good to have you back
Ben Szemerenyi word
Do more of these with Matt and Chris
Nothing beats the original JP film from 1993. Its still a very good well acted masterpiece.
I’m surprised how good the cgi holds up. The use of practicality and cgi was so seamless
@@tvushington6994 Thank Spielberg because he's a fucking genius!
@@thejaded exactly 💯
I hope that Jurassic World 3 is darker & has a better script
The Rue Morgue dammit :/
worst movie of them all!they broke up between the movies?lol what a shocker!they just remade the lost world!
Colin Trevorrow will direct it and co-write it. I got no hopes for the third.
J. Will I hope so too because the script is terrible in this movie and the script is what Made me very disappointed with this movie
It wont. Trevorrow and his team will continue to royally f"@$ up this franchise
Jurassic Mansion Attack of the Clones in theaters now.
Your intro invites me to flex my muscles, John.
I don’t understand why they didn’t bring back Jake Johnson’s “Lowery” from Jurassic World. He was one of the best parts of that film and could have easily replaced that useless annoying unfunny character of “Franklin” in Fallen Kingdom.
LostJunkie89 oh yeah, what happened to Lowrey? Man I liked that guy
Fr. This movie had so many cliches. "Funny but not really funny nerd" check
I've noticed that the Jurassic Park franchise just forgets about characters in previous films. For example, Jurassic Park had Dr. Grant, Ian Malcom, etc, but then the next movie does not have Dr. Grant. Then in Jurassic Park 3, Dr. Grant shows up again but Malcom isn't there. Same thing with this movie.
Hey man your videos are awesome keep making the awesome videos dude
I’ve watched this review so many times and my top three moments that make me laugh without fail are
5:00: Matt talking about their reactions to letting the Dino’s loose
23:04: Franklin “never dies”
25:14: Matt’s Ted Lavine impersonation
Love whenever you guys collab😂
I just want to see a post apocalyptic dinosaur world. And make it a rated R horror film!
I totally agree the next Jurassic park movie needs to be R rated
Disagree. F words and sex don't make a good Dino movie
Donovan Taylor r rated so the violence has more aw to it the last two movies were to tame not for sexy or bad language it dose the need that it would be awesome like how it’s was awesome when they had the balls to make an r rated wolverine movie they need to do the same with the next movie fallen kingdom was some what entertaining but it was very bland. That doesn’t mix with Dino movies. That’s all I am saying
Donovan Taylor if they do decide to go that route, I dont think Chris Pratt will be involved in it. He has come out and said he will never do a sex scene in a movie since he is a Christian.
Isaac the Worship Warrior well I think most people are Christians in our country not all but most but it Doesn’t need to have a sex scene just a good story better written characters and lots of blood. A Jurassic park movie should some what horrifying. And not tame like fallen kingdom was which I did like but come on it was bland as fuck. And doing all of that is just impossible anymore with a pg13 the next movie they just need to go for it.
Isaac the Worship Warrior WHY THE FUCK does there have to be a sex scene.
Loved the discussion man! You guys have very interesting discussions and it’s always a pleasure to hear you guys.
I’m not being weird I swear.
*Dont get scared now*
Chris in the thumbnail reminds me of a velociraptor from the first Jurassic park film😂
Dammit, Chris is always on point with his shirts.
Three Amigos of you tube...don't get scared now
I'm so happy that you have found a rec button again John.
Carnosaur 1993 was a low budget rated R Jurassic park movie!
Have these film discussion's more often please. Loved it
Love your reviews especially when you guys do the team up all the different opinions
They should just bring back Sam Neil and Laura Dern as a couple and have them star in the new movies. It wouldn't be hard. Just have a quick scene where they mention her divorcing her ex husband.
Too late. They're around 80 now.
Lauren Dern is shockingly only 51 and Sam Neil is 71
@@bhind45 guess they not coming back. Rip
And now they are gonna be in the 3rd film
Bro, were you at filming for Dominion?
Isla Sorna is a volcanic island as well
Tavo Rios Exactly
They literally explained why Sorna was a no-go back in the movie, Lost World. Site B ALSO used geothermal energy for unlimited power with no need of replenishing JUST LIKE on Site A, Isla Nublar!! Geothermal MEANING energy FROM a VOLCANO!! RIP xP
Like you'd know if that's canon.....
Chris Stuckmann needs to read this before he starts to attack the movie for a nonexisting plothole!! THIS is the reason they're not moved to isla sorna
Goofball Productions Wasn't that said in The Lost World?
First 10 mins was the best, then it went to shit
Jason McMurtry this video or the movie ?
Jamesy Boy. Oh sorry meant the movie, the whole video is awesome.
Somethingofa moviegeek Your comment doesn’t make any sense. The first 10 minutes of the Movie were The Best by Far and then went downhill! Please Explain what Tech you mean to go into the Mosasaurus Tank to get the Indominus Rex Bones? A machine with a Claw that’s 50+ Feet long? The team never knew exactly where the Indo Rex Skeleton was hence why they went into the tank with a small Submarine with lights and a claw.
I loved the last part of the movie, it felt like playing Dino Crisis!
Not only that savage, if they can hack that gate open than why couldn't they back the dino trackers later one?.
11:15 - Remember, Owen wanted to go into the jungle alone, because Blue would smell anyone else before they could get close enough.
The worst scene is when the little girl decides to hide under the blanket as if that’s gonna save her abandoning all logic and reason
I haven't finished this video yet but that whole note of them having the DNA is so on point I can't wait for the rest lol
Sorna is mentioned in the beginning of the film, but it is presumably volcanic as well since it ran on geothermal energy. But none of that matters. The whole volcano as an extinction level event is ridiculous in the first place. Just look at Hawaii. A volcanic eruption affects a small portion of the island for sure, but it definitely doesn't destroy the entire island. Some dino's might have died, but most would have been fine.
A volcano doesn't only create lava it also intoxicates the air and that would most likely affect the whole island and destroy the eco system. And BTW how do you know the impact of a volcano? You don't know the size of said volcano and here's a news flash for is a movie. The eruption on Krakatoa destroyed 2/3 of the island, so I don't think it's that farfetched.
If the volcano was the size of Krakatoa they wouldn't have built the damn park there, now would they? Geologists can figure that shit out. Yeah it's a movie, and I wouldn't have minded it so much if it was a good one, but damn, this was just another piece of stupid added to a very stupid script.
Wasn't it explained in The Lost World in the scene where the Ingen hunters and Malcom's team said that the village on the Island was running on Geothermal power? that means there is a volcano on Isla Sorna too! so why bring the dinosaurs out of a volcanic island to another volcanic island if you want them not on a volcanic island?! ether way sanctuary or not, The dinosaurs will end up at the mansion anyway.
They say it's geothermal once in a throw a way line.
They should have built the park in Florida
Yeah but Lost Word isn’t canon in this new universe. Just the first Jurassic Park.
Kalmer Olsen The filmmakers already confirmed that it's still canon. Mills even mentions Sorna by name at the beginning of the film when he meets Claire. It's really easy to miss though.
Kalmer Olsen Wrong.
I love stuckman’s shirt 😆 I’m convinced he’s my spirit animal... or maybe I’ve just been stuckmanized 🧐
Maybe Spielberg was like George Lucas in the phantom menace featurette, he saw a test screening and said “It’s a little disjointed. It’s bold in terms of jerking people around. I may have gone too far in a few places. It boggles the mind. I have thought about this quite a bit, and the tricky part is you almost can’t take any of those pieces out of it now, because each one takes you to the next place. And you can’t jump because you don’t know where you are.”
More like Jurassic World: Fallen Franchise
haha very funny
I think the reason why they didn't move them to sorna was because it may be volcanic as well
@The Rue That is the reason. Have you ever seen The Lost World? They even mention Sorna had previously used GEOTHERMAL energy (ENERGY FROM A VOLCANO) to power their systems before they eventually abandoned that island.
I know that's why I brought it up
Oh I know, my bad. I was referring that comment to The Rue.
The Rue Morgue I agree with you on that because the writers don't know the timeline of the franchise and they don't know how to do math
So you're saying it's 100% logical that they should've instead BROUGHT THE dinos to ANOTHER VOLCANIC island??
That's just 100% plain stupid. Either they let the dinos die or bring them to the mainland. There was no where else to go.
Good to see you back to more videos John your always entertaining!!
Did enjoy!
Love when you are all together.
You said the same things we did!
Glad we are not alone!
Glad to have you back John!! I miss your reviews and vlogs!!
James Barnes and regularly!
You and Chris need to do more reviews together!! Maybe go back and watch some of your favorite old movies together that'd be awesome
Love this kind of raw and long cut movie discussions and review. Need more stuff like this. 👍🏻👍🏻
This is a trifecta! I clicked on this so fast lol AND I just knew that if anyone felt the same way I did, y'all would.
Anyone notice in the film in the mansion when Pratt & gang are sneaking around & he sees a dead merc & crawls for his stun baton & at the last second Indo-craptor snatches the body away & then it shows upward of the craptor swallowing. Then Pratt & gang sneak around the side where the body should’ve been but there’s no trace. No blood. No body. No stun baton. Ate the whole thing in one bite. Wtf. Lol PG-13 rules. that's almost as funny as looking at your avatar. Also a confirmation that you're 13 years old again from looking at your avatar.
As a side thought to my longer post in regards to something else said here, I actually find this desire for a gory Jurassic movie kind of troublesome. That's the last thing I want out of this series. Some of the bloodier moments in Jurassic World (the 2015 one) are as far as they need to take it. It's a film series for kids that love dinosaurs, not Roger Corman's Carnosaur (even though I liked those as well at a too-young age).
“But when I saw the film, I realized that I was not the right person to make the film, he was. Because he made a dinosaur movie for kids, and mine would have been Aliens with dinosaurs, and that wouldn’t have been fair. Dinosaurs are for 8-year-olds." -James Cameron
I think it's pretty integral to stick to this spirit. The Lost World had Eddie being torn it half, but the way it was lit greatly reduced the actual violence of what was happening beyond the viewer clearly seeing how he was killed, and with a total lack of visible blood. The way the arm was bitten off here was, again, a tasteful example of framing. We saw what happened to him, and then again as he was being ripped apart like a rag doll in the foreground from a distance; I didn't need to see gushing stumps. It's not that series.
Glad you're back man!
I think the reason there isn't a Jurassic Park that is rated R is because a majority, or at least a fair amount, of the audience for the movie right now is children under 17.
First off, did you guys know that the TREX in cage scene was also animatronic? Also I agree with everything in you guys said, I even wrote it all down when watching this movie. It’s crazy! I wish we had more court argument in the first scene then 2nd would be rescue and the 3rd would be a fail and that’s how the dinosaurs get free. As for the clone part, during the court conversation we already bring up possibility’s of using this technology to our advantage so it could of been spoken more then.
I'm a little drunk right now, so i'm all emotional, like "bro i love you dude". That being said, I love you dudes, and your reviews have honestly made me enjoy these films even more. I have reached a level where I can appreciate so much more about the films that you love, and more importantly, I can save my money and not go see the absolute piles of garbage movies that you guys hate. Keep it up! I have subscribed to Stuck already, but here is yours! keep doing what you are doing. also you are the swolest movie reviewer i know.
"Life finds a way..."
Can't wait to buy "Avengers Infinity War" on Blu-Ray! Does anyone know how I can get the IMAX copy?
Muahhaha I love this video, esp the look on all ur faces when discussing Ted Levine's stump.. I think we can all relate to that look from watching this movie.. Priceless tho, u guys' reaction.
glad to have you back, this video was great !
Blue is a girl. They say it several times in both movies lol
all the dinosaurs should be female but some miraculous turn into male due to the treefrog dna they added to fudge the gaps in the genetic code
My man is back. Love you, John!!!!
Yessssss always makes my day when John uploads
guys i love watching you together, it`s like a printer toner running out from let to ohio with amazing weird laughter from all three :D
You guys should do more videos together. Watching this review made me feel like I was hanging out with my friends. Lol Well done, guys. 👌
5 bucks that John is going to move again in 6 months
He did haha
He actually did XD
I don’t know why but I love this video I think it’s because of Jurassic Park
I absolutely loved this film. It set up for an amazing finale to the trilogy. Seen it 4 times so far. I still don't know why people are freaking out about how bad this was
It has some cool moments in it but it’s basically a rehash of The Lost World movie in so many ways. There’s amazing things in The Lost World book that still haven’t been touched on by any in the series. That book is almost completely neglected and it’s as much a masterpiece as Jurassic Park
That slappers only shirt 👍👍
Isla Sorna is also a Volcanic island, so they wouldn’t put the dinosaurs back on a island that’s also volcanic, it’s in the books, so that’s why they didn’t move the dinosaurs there, because it wouldn’t make sence
And it’s canon because In the lost world they talk about those power stations that make clean energy from the compressed gas underneath like they have in real life in places like Yellowstone Park and Hawaii
You guys definitely smoked before filming this and I'm here for it
Tha sleeve makes me crease so tragic 😂😂
Havent seen the movie yet, just wanted to see your review lol
If you like dinosaur action, you'll dig it. If you like story and characters to support the dinosaur action, don't see it.
Guess i wont see it then Tommy
It was a crap movie and this is coming from a JP fan and a JW 1
It's terrible.
leonthesleepy save your money!!
The boys are back in town!!!
Happy International Chest Day everyone! Great video! You should do some gym vlogs if you get the time.
Savor the flavor!
People always say this movie is tense.Where though? Do you really think the dinosaurs are gonna kill the good guys. You can probably tell who's gonna live and who's gonna die from a mile away.
I wonder how hard it's going to be for Stuckman to explain his sleeve when he's an old man. lol
L O like this.. “these characters had a large impact on my life. They mean something to me. I love them!”
The end.
If a task force is created to round up/kill the dinosaurs, and Owen joins the task force, and that's how he meets Blue again... I would go for that. Maybe even include another scene or two where he goes out of his way to save a human. Then when he tries to save Blue, the audience will be more sympathetic towards his actions because they know he's doing it for HER, and not because he's prioritizing dinosaurs in general over human lives.
I have a seriouse question ( sorry im bad at spelling) how did they get the trex the carnosaur and the barryonx off the island? when we say the trex it was fighting the carnosaur ( you see the whole fight basly in the trailer) the rex stomps and what look to have broken the carno neck then turn and walks off. we say the barryonx trap in the room with the lave filling up. but 2 min later we see the hellocopter flying off the islandwith the barry ( in the trailer again) how they get him out of that lava full room caught and hall way in 2 min. and we see they caught rexy and had her trank and on a truck loaded into the boat. all with in 2-4 min of the vacano going boom and then in the house we see they had caught the carno sold it and ( spoiler ) it was the one at the end of the moive who help the trex eat the badbuy. how they get them soo fast they had maybe 4 min on screen from when we saw then all over the islan to sunndly there all caught. and one maybe 2 the carno and barry persum to be dead. how. realy how did they chach them so fastalso when the 1st trailer came out they sed don't worry that just sceen from the 1st hafe of the moive. but the island story was like 20 min top. so I feel like a lot got cut
jurassic joey I agree it just felt like lazy writing. The Lost World showed the process of capturing a Trex, this movie just says "surprise" they captured a Trex while the island was erupting
yeah and some how a dead carno that was at the explosion stampeed area and the berryonx that was in the room with claiir trap fill with lave. and then they got them all in like 3 min some how wtf.
jurassic joey I'm sure it wasn't the same Baryonyx because that lab was just filling up with kava when Claire and Franklin locked it inside, and every door was locked. So i'm sure there was another Baryonyx somewhere else. But yeah as for Rexy, I have NO clue how they managed to catch her, because we see her walk forward in the same direction as everyone else, and most of them fell into the ocean. My only guess is that a fireball hit the ground in front of her and she started running into another direction and runs into the people. Idk how they wouldve loaded her into the cages that fast considering where she was to the ash cloud, but, movie magic, whatever. As for Carnotaurs, maybe there was another one somewhere else. I didn't see any bite marks on it's neck in Lockwood's manor so I couldn't tell if it was the same one
maybe ill give that is most likely the case. but if so even 1 line of dilog to expalain that would helped. they could sed we manage to chech 1 out of 4 barry 1 out of 3 carno. something to tell us. I recall the allo also becose it was chaseing the gyo and fell and got caought up in the ash plum. but they sold one so maybe there was more then one of each. idk. they where listed on the website on jw 1 island map of dino on the island but they never made it into the moive. so maybe there is more then one of each.
Mike Brown's Mother Wait a second...So you basically wanna see the exact same thing that you've already seen in The Lost World? Why on earth would they show how they captured the T-Rex when: 1. We've seen it before and 2. The T-Rex wasn't the main dinosaur in this movie as opposed to The Lost World.
The table conversation in Jurassic Park shown character views and development but it also shown how different people can discuss a topic. People now will just fight and argue over their view and not listen to a different view on a topic.
i'm a JP fan since the first movie and i have to say that i agree with everything you said about this movie, soooo true.
Left the theater with very mixed thoughts. After further contemplation I realized I liked how it looked and what the director did with it but the script was utter garbage. I can't believe someone thought this was a good idea. The bad guys reminded me of Mr. Burns going "EXCELLENT" the entire time.
Ballin shirt John
Been a fan of Jurassic Park all of my life (no seriously we had the VHS since I was a baby and I've watched the film thousands of times over the years), read the books and have re-read once a year ever since. Loved The Lost World and Jurassic World due to how true to Michael Crichton they are / their great film making aspects (A lot of special effects and scenes and sequences in The Lost World even best Jurassic Park but aren't given the recognition due to people's nostalgia for Jurassic Park). Jurassic World in particular I LOVED and was impressed by a lot of stuff that went over Chris and most critics heads about the film and the action that pleased me as a Jurassic fan and film fan (Jurassic World's climax next to the climax of War for the Planet of the Apes and The Last Jedi is one of the best climaxes of a film in recent memory). Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom... was fucking awesome. A lot of aspects - the characters (Zia ugh so great to have a Mexican American dinosaur veterenarian and her not to need to be stereotyped but just be a cool character. I'm Mex-American and it made me so happy to finally have a dinosaur researcher in the Jurassic series who isn't white), the way the film was shot (I loved JW but I think Bayona's approach was a lot better and made the dinosaurs terrifying but also made the environments look great), the score, and how the film was all put together.
A lot of the themes I'm baffled went over the TH-cam film fan community. they were awesome to see as a Jurassic fan especially how Fallen Kingdom was a lot like an Indiana Jones or a Bond film but went back to being more like Jurassic Park in the thriller department as even though Jurassic World would get scary in parts it didn't feel like Jurassic Park type scary. I do think that the film could have had more scenes though like more time on Nublar to have seen dinosaurs get captured or idk... maybe there's a run in with Rexy where Rexy isn't saving the humans but inadvertedly fighting a dinosaur and that dinosaur is a Spinosaurus and we don't see the outcome of the fight because the characters have to get to their mission. I also think that while I loved that the film had the balls to have characters be flawed (seriously people act like characters can't make mistakes anymore and react like babies now) like with the final decision at the end of the picture to release the dinosaurs into the wider world, I wish that Maisey's clone reveal had more relevance. I still think she's the best Jurassic kid in the whole franchise because she actually is tied to the lore and actually a cool kid you come to care about when she goes through a lot of bad stuff. But it only leads to her empathizing with the dinosaurs and freeing them. I kind of wish that - and this would have gone really left field but I'd have wanted it - for the Indoraptor to have been part human and Wu using the original Maisey's DNA on him (because Indoraptor has long forelimbs that no theropod dinosaur would naturally develop evolutionarily speaking and look more like primate arms) so there is a connection with the Indoraptor and Maisey clone. Which is why he's trying to kill her. It'd have been bizarre but I'd rather stories go into a strange route sometimes - although anything further than this I would not want. I still think the "Jurassic Park 4: Dino-Dog-Human hybrids" are really fucking dumb which is why the Indominus rex and Indoraptor don't piss me off as a fan of Jurassic.
I've always differed. I'm a Jurassic fan I'm a film fan too but I don't automatically share the majority opinion of the film fan community because everyone else has this skewed opinion of what "good" movies are. But even when approaching from a non fanboy perspective I don't find flaw with Fallen Kingdom. It's a perfect movie for me.
Hehe you see Klayton videos, dont you?
Fallen Kingdom was a great movie.
What an amazingly derpy movie this was. "I'd like you to call the police, explain what is happening, and turn yourself in!" lmao
They couldn't put them on the other island because it was volcanic too. That's like taking them from 1 time bomb that's going off to another time bomb that's about to go off.
Few interesting facts that emerged long after movie premiere:
+ It is true, that S. Spielberg will not allow Jurassic Park / World movie or game rated R. Despite not directing it, he is heavily involved as executive producer. And it was him who made Colin Trevorrow lower dinosaur prices during auction sequence.
+ Isla Sorna is briefly mentioned by Eli Mills in the movie and in the previous drafts of "Fallen Kingdom" script it was indeed the original place of destination for rescued dinosaurs. In the middle of the movie there was supposed to be the second ship and dinos were hijacked to other location. Also Ian Malcolm had bigger role and there were flashbacks for Henry Wu.
+ I don't know which script iteration was it, but the original auction location was Great Britain;
+ According to producers (Spielberg, Marshall, Crowley) original script was too long and needed to be made short. It could explain, why some motifs are rushed. Also a year before premiere actor playing Benjamin Lockwood was complaining on the final script, and that Bayona had to fight with executives over his visions.
+ Trevorrow wanted to include a rematch between Spinosaurus and T-Rex, but in the end it was Carnotaurus fighting with Rexy.
Known shot and later deleted scenes are:
- alternative shot on Mosasaur eye from the opening sequence (that one is in trailer)
- scene with Dr. Wu giving lecture in one of the universities and then running from people wanting to catch him.
- in the scene where we see BBC news, the Anchor lady says one additional line - that Dr Wu was stripped from his credentials (in the movie we see part of this information on the bottom of TV screen)
- Mia Rodriguez saying to Owen, that she dates only women,
- there was a lot of deleted footage from Isla Nublar segment. The goal was to show how the animals were left roaming without any human care and slowly dying out because of food shortages. This scenery was supposed to be setting up the reason why despite vulcano eruption, Carnotaur still hunts Sinoceratops. We were supposed to see brachiosaurs skeletons and remains of other creatures (scene with ankylosaur remains being passed by trucks is in one of the trailers) lying on the ground - there are photos of this online.
- also, the search for Blue had also longer runtime. There was at least one more bunker to be visited (filled with Compsognathus), there were also scenes in old Indominus paddock (fun fact - Frank Marshall himself published photo of it and leaked Indoraptor name on Twitter) and with massive, bloated Stegosaurus corpse near Blues nest
- I have not found any information about that, but I think ship cruise was supposed to be longer, so that it is logical, that they are traveling hundrets of miles. The dilophosaurus model was created for that segment (while looking for T-Rex Claire and Owen were supposed to find Dilo by accident), but Bayona claims that he wanted to save money and he has not shot anything with it,
- there was a scene in the mansion where Mills describes, that Indoraptor cage is always dark, because no one wants to change the lightbulb. The last person that was trying this was eaten, because Indoraptor needed not 1 but 3 tranquiliser shots (this would be a setup for Wheatley death scene). Also during that scene we would see Indoraptor playing with human skull
- every dinosaur had his own auction scene with prices
I liked how the movie looked, but it was disappointing in many moments. I really hope Jurassic World: Dominion will be better.
I agree with what you guys said about the screen play it feels like 2 movies meshing together for me watching it the theater
Matt, your holding that rex in a rather provocative manner 16 mins through 😂😂
"It smiled and winked" lmao
You guys nailed it!! Even though I worked on the move I was disappointed!
“do you think spielberg read that draft?”
“i don’t think anyone read it”
oh my god they turned blu into grimlock from the tlk movie
Thank you Stuckman for asking what I've been asking about the new dinosaur already having raptor in him
I see John in a thumbnail. I CLICK
Awesome vids John 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
From what I know, Sorna was also volcanic because the island ran on volcanic power
He hasn’t earned it. New writers for the next one please.
It was good enough to make another one, but I think I liked the first Jurassic World better
This movie is the "Last Jedi" of the Jurassic Park universe
Except The Last Jedi was actually good.
Matthew Dopler no it wasn't
It’s so much worse than TLJ
Joseph Bailey it’s his opinion but I respect yours
At least Fallen Kingdom didn't have SJW bullshit like The Last Jedi had.
I chose to take a pee during the scene where the indo raptor plays dead, because had a good idea what would happen, but you’re telling me it did a “squints paladoris” smile and wink from the sandlot? Unbelievable.
I like John's idea of the zoo. Check this out, what if they were renewing a broken down carnival/theme park/sea world/golf course thing that's super creepy. They're not completely finished with said broken down creepy theme park(I know it sounds like Jurassic World but hear me out). And let them loose that way. Basically I just like John's idea. But I think it'd been really cool if they had that kind of idea first. Also if the volcano was so destructive it could have eliminated both islands, I mean look at the destruction of Mount St. Helens? It more than likely would have fucked up that island as well. I'm stretching here. Love the vid guys.
The one I was worried the most during the whole movie was Blue. I know is not the greatest idea, but a Velociraptor pet sounds like a dream.
The reason the Dinosaurs going to Sorna isnt a good idea is Sorna is also volcanic. They use geothermal energy like Nublar. So it would be redundant to save them from a volcanic island by taking them to another volcanic island. But the real reason is lazy contrives writing that needed to get them to the mainland.
I told my friends after we watched the movie, “what if instead of Claire being the one that saves Owen and the little girl from the indoraptor, it was Jeff Goldblum who saved them?”
Gabriel Arredondo I would have liked the movie a little bit more if that happened. :P
Gabriel Arredondo nah. Jeff Goldblum’s character is smart enough to stay away from dinosaurs. He was even considering in the Lost World to leave some people on Isla Sorna while him and his daughter leave them. Lol.
Cool T-Shirt Stuckmann-
the jaws 4 thing freaked me out as a kid too
I love you three together! Please do this more often!!❤️❤️❤️👍