My drama class is doing this tomorrow in chapel! i am able to do the girl with the red balloon its so awesome because the words are so true and its a fun skit to do with my friends because they are such wonderful actors! :) thank you for doing this it helps reach people who need to hear!
As a colour deficient person (who can see that the balloon is red), my uncle would say that the balloon is green. He'd say this because he can't see red at all (whereas I can see red when it's clear). My uncle isn't lying. It really does look green to him. So for him, the word "green" means both green and red. In his classification system, they are one category, not two. Although truth may not change, how it is expressed can vary.
@griffinajg The real point is that saying "the nice thing about the truth is that it's always true" is a logically nonsensical statement. It's the same as saying something like "the great thing about the sky is that its always the sky" or "the neat thing about blue is that its always blue". The statement that the "great thing about the truth is that its true" belongs in a hallmark card, not as part of a logical conversation
To believe that a Creator existed forever would indeed contradict cause-and-effect. However, that is assuming He is within the creation itself. When a person makes something, say a book, they are not confined to its story, setting, or mood. Likewise, a Creator who would have created the universe would exist outside of it, and not be bound by its rules, such as time.
@MegaMsPerfect1 I agree with you to an extent, but if the person keeps on asking questions, then I don't believe that we should simply ignore them and walk away. If they're determined not to believe, then yes leave them alone, but if they seem genuinely interested (instead of simply trying to prove you wrong) then I don't think there's any reason not to keep talking to them.
Now, by saying nothing can possibly be outside the universe, the problem of where everything originally came from arises again. Having faith that it was always is more ludicrous than thinking God was always, and believing it just appeared is even more implausible.
@1boy1dr You're right, science does change, constantly. Science paints a picture of the world - of it's beauty, it's complexity, and it's harmony - and that picture, by it's very nature, is never complete. Religion takes a picture painted 2000 years ago and crams the wold in to fit the picture, no matter how poorly it fits and all to often casting all of that beauty and complexity of the real world. And in that, you are also correct - religion never changes.
You can prove that it is red because color is defined as the wave length of light that the eye perceives, if everybody else is seeing different colors in that balloon there are pigment deficiencies in their eyes. The wavelength of red is around 400 nano meters, if you take this balloon to India and measure the wave length of reflected light it will be around 400, the same in Ecuador, the USA, Finland, Mars, Uranus, or any other place in the universe.
And yet, that's assuming that one cannot use truth to establish belief. If one completely suspends all beliefs, desires, and prejudices and simply looks at the truth of the world, the sheer volume of incredible and unexplainable things would logically point to some sort of intelligent creation, which then directs attention to a Creator, whom is often referred to in religious text, namely the Bible.
They should've used a spectrophotometer to measure the wavelength of the light coming off the balloon. It wouldn't tell them if they were all 'perceiving' the same color, or how to define it, but it would tell them what the sensory input was that their eyes were gathering. Math is universal, science is testable and repeatable, and reality is true whether you believe in it or not. :)
@frankvonfrauner I will be going into the hospital for some surgery and will be unavailable for a month or so due to rehab after an amputation, so I will not be able to go on with this back and forth. I have enjoyed the conversation and perhaps we will pick it up at another time. In the mean time, I will be praying for you.
And yet, when Darwin was older and looking back at his life, he commented that his entire theory could be compromised by the activities and intricacies of a single beehive.
We had to do this in church today - so fun and I was the crazy one that saw different colours - we had a talk then about how Jesus was around whether you believe it or not
DNA is information with content. It has a 4-letter language. Whenever you see written information in a book or computer-code, it's obvious to you that someone wrote it. Check it out. It's amazing.
@charlzm So, then the balloon holder isn't incorrect because she sees it as Red. If then, the color is subjective, then arguing over the color of the balloon is futile, because then people will always see differently.
it would stink if you are colour blind, or a dog, or a deep sea fish, or a mole. or if there is no light, or if the atmosphere is different. (breaking of light) beautifully illustrates the issue though.
Red is red. Truth is truth. God is God. No matter what "viewpoint" you look at Him from, He will always be God. It doesn't matter how we think we see Him, it matters who He is.
@drivetwister Exactly. Then why is this woman KNOW that the balloon is red? Wouldn't the point then be that you should be open to ALL beliefs? So Hinduism, Judaism, Islam, Atheism would all be treated with the same respect if no one could know for sure what is true and what is not true.
@frankvonfrauner "Slavery" in the Bible that was allowed under God's law was not the same thing as we think of for slavery today. "Slaves" had rights and protection under the law. There were not allowed to be mistreated. They were compensated. There were slaves for limited periods of time unless the "slave" decided at the end of his service to continue for life. I could go on with the differences, but what was allowed (not promoted) under the law had very little resemblance to slavery today.
The balloon *is* red. No one will argue that because that's a truth that is easy to ascertain. And there is objective evidence to back it up (the electro-magnetic wavelength reflected off the balloon might be measured to be in the range 625 to 740 nm). Unfortunately, religion is not so easy to figure out.
@DanLee8884 You are right about some truth being unknowable, but we are in constant pursuit of it. However, we live in a concrete world where it doesn't matter what people's experiences are, just because my experience is different than others doesn't make my "version" right or wrong. Truth IS black and white, perceptions do not mean that person's "truth" of a particular subject make the order of the universe shape to that view. Truth IS and cannot be compromised just because I think it will.
If one enquires scientifically, as you have said, huge problems appear. How did the first matter come into existence? If one says it was always present, then other pieces of this train of thought fall apart. If the matter was always there, then our universe must not be based in cause-and-effect. And yet, something causing a certain effect to occur is exactly what scientific study accomplishes. From this one simple problem, the logical conclusion is that Someone created the first matter.
It's not so much that truth is God's... but that God IS truth. He is the gold standard by which we measure truth. And his truth is self-evident. This video focuses on that simple fact. Truth is truth, no matter what you say about it.
@AHarmlessBlackMan any truth can be labeled as unsound if you don't want it to be sound. the question is, who ultimately gets to decide what is and isn't sound?
@horngal88 I think its more complicated that...I think its kind of funny that we Protestant Christians argue against the whole I believe/you believe thing cuz to me it seems like the Reformation was all about how everyone one could interpret the scriptures....I mean the Catholic Church made it about one interpretation...then protestants kind of opened the pandora's box with their different interpretations....then denominations formed all over the place....
@DanLee8884 Absolute Truth exists. Period. That is the statement made in this video. Human beings (and other beings such as intelligent animals) have experiences that interpret the experience and create OPINION or BELIEF. It is essential that truth not be confused with belief. There is no "My Truth / Your Truth". Absolute truth is and always will be. There is and always will be "My Belief / Your Belief". The idea [cont'd]
But if one accepts intelligence as a key and natural part of life, yet denies a Creator, then to what end does that acceptance go? Intelligence cannot exist without some being to hold it. To believe that would be more ridiculous than what your propose to be so.
@RetartedWaffles it's more broader than that, it applies to any kind of indoctrination or misinformation. Point being: be critical, make questions, if someone presents you new evidence, take the time to consider it.
@ZomusPrime - How did the first matter come into existence? We don't know for certain. Maybe we can't ever figure it out. But I fail to follow the leap of logic that this proves an entity we call "God" made everything.
@drivetwister I just read that and all of the 'prophecy' was simply coincidental. There is no mention of names, no mention of date, and no mention what weapons that are used. I can make a 'prophecy' too: Some day, America will experience a serious national tragedy, one that changes our lives. There, if some great tragedy DOES happen I've just predicted it with the same amount of detail as Ezekiel 26:1-14.
That strikes me as a ridiculous thing to say - this line is often trotted out by those of a religious inclination. I agree that intelligence appears as a natural part of existence but to conjure up the image of some benevolent old gentleman beavering away in his cosmic workshop just seems plain daft.
more ex.: Charles Babbage - creator of the computer; James Clerk Maxwell - summarized all electricity, magnetism and optics to a few equations that still form the basis of electromagnetic theory; Louis Pasteur ( everybody knows him!). Gregor Mendel ( genetics); Stephen Hales; Isaac Newton; Nicolaus Steno; Johannes Kepler; Michael Faraday; Georges Cuwler; Alberto Magno; Jean Baptiste Carnoy; Nicolas de Cusa; Carolus Linnaeus; Robert Boyle; Charles Bell ... and so on.
Do we look at a great machine, with all it's parts moving in prefect unison, perfect harmony, perfect symmetry, and say that it made itself? Of course not, that'd be ridiculous. I look at our solar system. We live on a planet the perfect distance away from the sun to sustain life, and that life is able to take the nutrients that sun provides us and live. Other creatures will eat these plants, and live, and so on and so on. It all screams "intelligent design!"
but who says "truth" is "truth" matters....many times truth isn't black and white...or red in this case... human beings have experiences that interpret what is truth...sometimes truth is unknowable...yet people claim they have the "truth"...this video would prove my point if the balloon was actually a diff color and the woman was saying it was red...
@drivetwister then why are there planets that aren't in perfect natural equilibrium like earth is? did the intelligent designer just make those for fun?
@pstood you can separate belief and truth if you are for humans those two things get mixed together.....I do believe there is absolute truth and it belongs to God only....
I know this will seem really boring and all.... but "truly" that balloon is not red. Red is a colour. Colour is caused by the broad spectrum of "white" light - that is light containing all the different frequencys that make the different colours - being absorbed by the balloon except for the range that bounces off the balloon. That range just happens to be recieved by my eyes in a way that I have been taught to call red. The balloon is not on its own red.
Hardly a 'veil over the temple' moment though was it. The point I'm making is that if you are in any way serious about establishing 'the truth', you have to suspend belief, not engage in it. Thats why its paradoxical to find this point presented as part of a religious sketch.
But I'm not claiming it to be the arbiter of truth. Science isn't perfect, and has never claimed to be perfect. But it's better than any previous method for determining what is likely to be true.
@charlzm Not just matter itself, but consciousness, intelligence, the wonders of our world that are so incredible...these things just proclaim their Creator! I know without Him, I would be naught. Logic can only go so far...the 'leap' isn't so much a jump, but an acceptance of His wonders and love!
@AHarmlessBlackMan You obviously didn't read too far into it, because they go into a great amount of detail. "Nebuchadnezzar will destroy the mainland of Tyre" (Ezekiel 26:8), Many nations against Tyre (Ezekiel 26:3), Make her a bare rock; flat like the top of a rock (Ezekiel 26:4), Fishermen will spread their nets over the site (Ezekiel 26:5), Throw the debris into the water (Ezekiel 26:12), Never be rebuilt (Ezekiel 26:14), Never be found again (Ezekiel 26:21).
@db22170 I agree...however I believe that only God knows what is absolute truth...humans get into trouble when they say what they believe is absolute truth....that's why I think that no matter how sure we are about something, we MUST always have our minds and ears open...there is nothing wrong with hearing people out....just because we listen to the other side doesn't mean we agree with them or anything....
"This video is the perfect illustration for why Hinduism is true. Argue all you want, but the truth is the truth, no matter what anyone else believes." -- filorps, 1 day ago. Never forget the truth.
@drivetwister First of all Nebuchadnezzar failed to destroy the mainland of Tyre. Saying many nations is a way of saying 'not sure exactly who's going to destroy this island, but someone will'. Oh really? Fishermen actually spread their nets over the site? Is that literally true? no it's not. Of course an island that holds a political or military significance will be fought over, leaving the island destroyed. Tyre might as well have been Iwo Jima
@DanLee8884 agreed, i think it would have been a really poignant video if the balloon was a different color from all of their interpretations. by declaring that one of the people is right, they narrow the scope of the video significantly. reinforcing the faith of "red" people by painting belittling caricatures of everyone else concerns me a bit also. taken alone it's not that bad, but knowing the nature of their other videos, the message is quite clear.
@DanLee8884 But it IS red, and we can plainly see that. Most things can be seen in black and white/ right and wrong perspectives. Sometimes people don't want to see the truth, and intentionally obfuscate the issue because they want to do something that is clearly wrong (to the rest of us!).
@MrLogada But that is the point, isn't it? Jesus died to cover all our sin, so what is wrong with homosexuality? Huh? Did Jesus come and die for all sins BUT homosexuality? What of those parts of the old covenant not explicitly affirmed or rejected? Sure divorce was made wrong, and eating pork ok, but what of keeping the sabbath holy? Should we read our own interpretation into what parts of the old covenant are to apply, like claiming the balloon is blue?
Atheist says: I don't believe in God! Christian says: Really, well I don't believe in bullets. Does my belief negate reality? Atheist says: God just doesn't exist so his laws and your definition of Hell doesn't apply to me. Christian says: Trucks don't exist, therefore if I stand in the middle of this highway, this so-called Truck coming towards me can't harm me cause this is not my definition of a truck and it doesn't apply to me!?
@hikari4light And that leads to the conclusion that there is a God? All I can tell from what you told me (I've done it before) is that there might or might not be a deity, omnipotent (omniscient, etc) or not.
@MrLogada "religion dosen't have to be proven" Yes! That's exactly my point....the vid is comparing something provable to something unprovable. The example you give of science changing are examples of science changing the name of something. The mass known as Pluto is still out there whether it's a planet or planetoid. The fossil remains are still the same whether called 'brontosaurus', 'seismosaurus' or 'Jenkins Minor'. And the arangement / refraction of light particles stay the same.
@tmcca2 "No matter how much you don't believe in something, doesn't make it untrue." How come it doesn't work the other way for you? No matter how much you believe in something, doesn't make it true. Why is it more on me to disprove some belief that you can't prove in the first place.
@puellanivis Jesus covered all sin, but that doesn't mean we purposefully do's sin and if we believe in God and all that, then we should want that relationship with him.. and we stop (or at least try to) doing bad things on purpose. All of the stuff that were told is wrong under the new covenant is wrong. and those are the things that we're forgiven for IF we ask for forgiveness and turn away from those wrongdoings.
Red is not a truth. It's the name of a color that someone made up. In Spanish it's rojo. To someone who is color blind, it may very well be green. However, with science we can measure the frequency of the light and it will be relatively the same every time something of relative color is measured. Science holds the truth.
@Spongalicous dude, this is a religious video. I can't think of a better place for it. If we can't do it in a video where God's name is actually respected, where do you want us to do it?
@Shachah223 That first part isn't true at all...she wasn't a virgin until a mistranslation. The Catholic Church proclaimed it to be true therefore we can't question it and change it back. Secondly, I like soup....especially Vietnamese soup but with beef, not fish. Thirdly, the world's existence...hell if I know. As for the rest...if you are comparing scientific theory to magic...we can't really have a debate.
@griffinajg the funny thing about science really is that it's always changing. but what never changes is bible, because it's truth and truth can't change. and the most important fact in the bible is that we are sinners and that Christ died for our sins.
@drivetwister wait so you're saying only one road leads to the amazing path of salvation? why did god make different factions of Christianity like protestant, Catholic, latter day saints.. etc? is it so that you can have fun guessing which one leads to the one true path of salvation?
God didn't make different "factions" of Christianity, he made Christ ! You can read John 14.6 : "Jesus says unto him, I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes unto the Father, but by me." Humans created different forms of christianism because they had different and sometimes opposite opinions on what must be taught or believed, but the only way is Jesus. We worship God, not a church. I know this comment was 7 years ago but if someone has to see it, than it's done :) God Bless You !
If this is true, and scientists are finding these results, why then do many scientists still disagree with evolution and similar theories? Saying that believing in God would close off the ability to know the true nature of our existence actually doesn't make much sense. Our existance is not in what we are, subatomic level or even smaller. Instead, when looking at those who have truly found purpose and a 'true nature of existence' in life are often those who believe in God and follow His ways.
I think its funny that technically that balloon is any color but red. As our eyes are only seeing the color in which that balloon can reflect. That balloon is absorbing all of the colors in the light spectrum but reflecting only one. It's this kind of thinking that allows people to think outside the box you are trying to put them in.
This skit could have been made by a follower from any religion. Everyone thinks that they are seeing the "red balloon" and everyone else is seeing it incorrectly.
The red balloon represents absolute truth. Many are teaching that truth is relative when it really isn't.
As she said... Truth is true, whether you believe it or not.
They actually broke the fourth wall. Wow. And amazing analogy. So accurate.
My drama class is doing this tomorrow in chapel! i am able to do the girl with the red balloon its so awesome because the words are so true and its a fun skit to do with my friends because they are such wonderful actors! :) thank you for doing this it helps reach people who need to hear!
There is no balloon... lol
"It's totally purple from here!!!" Hahaha! *thumbs up*
Signal....the point is that often truth is right infront of us, and obvious, yet people still deny it.
As a colour deficient person (who can see that the balloon is red), my uncle would say that the balloon is green. He'd say this because he can't see red at all (whereas I can see red when it's clear). My uncle isn't lying. It really does look green to him. So for him, the word "green" means both green and red. In his classification system, they are one category, not two. Although truth may not change, how it is expressed can vary.
Christianity is Green, Islam is Blue, Judism is Yellow...Thank you for giving me the greatest anti-religion video ever. Good Work.
Woo Hoo! That's my aunt and uncle! This one is possibly my favorite!
@griffinajg The real point is that saying "the nice thing about the truth is that it's always true" is a logically nonsensical statement. It's the same as saying something like "the great thing about the sky is that its always the sky" or "the neat thing about blue is that its always blue". The statement that the "great thing about the truth is that its true" belongs in a hallmark card, not as part of a logical conversation
Jesus is God, sin is sin...we cannot change the truth by just our own principles and ideologies...wonderful video.
To believe that a Creator existed forever would indeed contradict cause-and-effect.
However, that is assuming He is within the creation itself.
When a person makes something, say a book, they are not confined to its story, setting, or mood.
Likewise, a Creator who would have created the universe would exist outside of it, and not be bound by its rules, such as time.
@MegaMsPerfect1 I agree with you to an extent, but if the person keeps on asking questions, then I don't believe that we should simply ignore them and walk away. If they're determined not to believe, then yes leave them alone, but if they seem genuinely interested (instead of simply trying to prove you wrong) then I don't think there's any reason not to keep talking to them.
O my crazyness. That was awesome!! Very well done. May God continue to bless ya'll.
Plot twist: half of these people are colorblind! But they were just mad Defensive
Now, by saying nothing can possibly be outside the universe, the problem of where everything originally came from arises again.
Having faith that it was always is more ludicrous than thinking God was always, and believing it just appeared is even more implausible.
@1boy1dr You're right, science does change, constantly. Science paints a picture of the world - of it's beauty, it's complexity, and it's harmony - and that picture, by it's very nature, is never complete. Religion takes a picture painted 2000 years ago and crams the wold in to fit the picture, no matter how poorly it fits and all to often casting all of that beauty and complexity of the real world. And in that, you are also correct - religion never changes.
You can prove that it is red because color is defined as the wave length of light that the eye perceives, if everybody else is seeing different colors in that balloon there are pigment deficiencies in their eyes. The wavelength of red is around 400 nano meters, if you take this balloon to India and measure the wave length of reflected light it will be around 400, the same in Ecuador, the USA, Finland, Mars, Uranus, or any other place in the universe.
And yet, that's assuming that one cannot use truth to establish belief. If one completely suspends all beliefs, desires, and prejudices and simply looks at the truth of the world, the sheer volume of incredible and unexplainable things would logically point to some sort of intelligent creation, which then directs attention to a Creator, whom is often referred to in religious text, namely the Bible.
The moral is: Only believe what you can measure with a spectroscope. And nothing invisible.
The is the greatest truth video ever made lol so simple and straight forward. Cuts through all the crap 😊 👍
They should've used a spectrophotometer to measure the wavelength of the light coming off the balloon. It wouldn't tell them if they were all 'perceiving' the same color, or how to define it, but it would tell them what the sensory input was that their eyes were gathering.
Math is universal, science is testable and repeatable, and reality is true whether you believe in it or not. :)
@frankvonfrauner I will be going into the hospital for some surgery and will be unavailable for a month or so due to rehab after an amputation, so I will not be able to go on with this back and forth. I have enjoyed the conversation and perhaps we will pick it up at another time. In the mean time, I will be praying for you.
And yet, when Darwin was older and looking back at his life, he commented that his entire theory could be compromised by the activities and intricacies of a single beehive.
We had to do this in church today - so fun and I was the crazy one that saw different colours - we had a talk then about how Jesus was around whether you believe it or not
DNA is information with content. It has a 4-letter language. Whenever you see written information in a book or computer-code, it's obvious to you that someone wrote it. Check it out. It's amazing.
@charlzm So, then the balloon holder isn't incorrect because she sees it as Red. If then, the color is subjective, then arguing over the color of the balloon is futile, because then people will always see differently.
it would stink if you are colour blind, or a dog, or a deep sea fish, or a mole. or if there is no light, or if the atmosphere is different. (breaking of light)
beautifully illustrates the issue though.
This video is the perfect illustration for why Hinduism is true.
Argue all you want, but the truth is the truth, no matter what anyone else believes.
Red is red. Truth is truth. God is God. No matter what "viewpoint" you look at Him from, He will always be God. It doesn't matter how we think we see Him, it matters who He is.
haha love that statement "there is no baloon" haha
Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away ~ Philip Dick
@drivetwister Exactly. Then why is this woman KNOW that the balloon is red? Wouldn't the point then be that you should be open to ALL beliefs? So Hinduism, Judaism, Islam, Atheism would all be treated with the same respect if no one could know for sure what is true and what is not true.
@frankvonfrauner "Slavery" in the Bible that was allowed under God's law was not the same thing as we think of for slavery today. "Slaves" had rights and protection under the law. There were not allowed to be mistreated. They were compensated. There were slaves for limited periods of time unless the "slave" decided at the end of his service to continue for life. I could go on with the differences, but what was allowed (not promoted) under the law had very little resemblance to slavery today.
That is the coolest brown balloon I've ever seen in my life!
The balloon *is* red. No one will argue that because that's a truth that is easy to ascertain. And there is objective evidence to back it up (the electro-magnetic wavelength reflected off the balloon might be measured to be in the range 625 to 740 nm). Unfortunately, religion is not so easy to figure out.
In fact the more I watch this video the more it seems to present a compelling argument for rejecting religion as a life choice. It worked for Darwin.
There is no balloon! My life is full of those who say that.
funny meme
@DanLee8884 You are right about some truth being unknowable, but we are in constant pursuit of it. However, we live in a concrete world where it doesn't matter what people's experiences are, just because my experience is different than others doesn't make my "version" right or wrong. Truth IS black and white, perceptions do not mean that person's "truth" of a particular subject make the order of the universe shape to that view. Truth IS and cannot be compromised just because I think it will.
If one enquires scientifically, as you have said, huge problems appear.
How did the first matter come into existence?
If one says it was always present, then other pieces of this train of thought fall apart. If the matter was always there, then our universe must not be based in cause-and-effect. And yet, something causing a certain effect to occur is exactly what scientific study accomplishes.
From this one simple problem, the logical conclusion is that Someone created the first matter.
It's not so much that truth is God's... but that God IS truth. He is the gold standard by which we measure truth. And his truth is self-evident. This video focuses on that simple fact. Truth is truth, no matter what you say about it.
@AHarmlessBlackMan any truth can be labeled as unsound if you don't want it to be sound. the question is, who ultimately gets to decide what is and isn't sound?
@horngal88 I think its more complicated that...I think its kind of funny that we Protestant Christians argue against the whole I believe/you believe thing cuz to me it seems like the Reformation was all about how everyone one could interpret the scriptures....I mean the Catholic Church made it about one interpretation...then protestants kind of opened the pandora's box with their different interpretations....then denominations formed all over the place....
@frankvonfrauner Me too:) Thanks. He comes highly recommended. Thanks for your kind thoughts.
ohhhhhhhhh! i gotta show this to the pastor of my church and hear his opinion on this,and some friend of mine too!
Beyond GENIUS!!!
So, we're saying people who go to college and learn, are doing the wrong thing?
@DanLee8884 Absolute Truth exists. Period. That is the statement made in this video. Human beings (and other beings such as intelligent animals) have experiences that interpret the experience and create OPINION or BELIEF. It is essential that truth not be confused with belief. There is no "My Truth / Your Truth". Absolute truth is and always will be. There is and always will be "My Belief / Your Belief". The idea [cont'd]
But if one accepts intelligence as a key and natural part of life, yet denies a Creator, then to what end does that acceptance go?
Intelligence cannot exist without some being to hold it.
To believe that would be more ridiculous than what your propose to be so.
@RetartedWaffles it's more broader than that, it applies to any kind of indoctrination or misinformation. Point being: be critical, make questions, if someone presents you new evidence, take the time to consider it.
@ZomusPrime - How did the first matter come into existence? We don't know for certain. Maybe we can't ever figure it out. But I fail to follow the leap of logic that this proves an entity we call "God" made everything.
@drivetwister I just read that and all of the 'prophecy' was simply coincidental. There is no mention of names, no mention of date, and no mention what weapons that are used. I can make a 'prophecy' too: Some day, America will experience a serious national tragedy, one that changes our lives.
There, if some great tragedy DOES happen I've just predicted it with the same amount of detail as Ezekiel 26:1-14.
That strikes me as a ridiculous thing to say - this line is often trotted out by those of a religious inclination. I agree that intelligence appears as a natural part of existence but to conjure up the image of some benevolent old gentleman beavering away in his cosmic workshop just seems plain daft.
I only see dark green and green.
more ex.: Charles Babbage - creator of the computer; James Clerk Maxwell - summarized all electricity, magnetism and optics to a few equations that still form the basis of electromagnetic theory; Louis Pasteur ( everybody knows him!). Gregor Mendel ( genetics); Stephen Hales; Isaac Newton; Nicolaus Steno; Johannes Kepler; Michael Faraday; Georges Cuwler; Alberto Magno; Jean Baptiste Carnoy; Nicolas de Cusa; Carolus Linnaeus; Robert Boyle; Charles Bell ... and so on.
i made computer
Do we look at a great machine, with all it's parts moving in prefect unison, perfect harmony, perfect symmetry, and say that it made itself? Of course not, that'd be ridiculous. I look at our solar system. We live on a planet the perfect distance away from the sun to sustain life, and that life is able to take the nutrients that sun provides us and live. Other creatures will eat these plants, and live, and so on and so on. It all screams "intelligent design!"
'there is no balloon' xD
anyway, I think I'm gonna show this vid to my friend and family n__n
The analogy only works if she was holding an invisible thing and saying it's a red balloon. Hallucinations is not evidence.
but who says "truth" is "truth" matters....many times truth isn't black and white...or red in this case... human beings have experiences that interpret what is truth...sometimes truth is unknowable...yet people claim they have the "truth"...this video would prove my point if the balloon was actually a diff color and the woman was saying it was red...
@drivetwister then why are there planets that aren't in perfect natural equilibrium like earth is? did the intelligent designer just make those for fun?
@pstood you can separate belief and truth if you are for humans those two things get mixed together.....I do believe there is absolute truth and it belongs to God only....
I know this will seem really boring and all.... but "truly" that balloon is not red. Red is a colour. Colour is caused by the broad spectrum of "white" light - that is light containing all the different frequencys that make the different colours - being absorbed by the balloon except for the range that bounces off the balloon. That range just happens to be recieved by my eyes in a way that I have been taught to call red.
The balloon is not on its own red.
Hardly a 'veil over the temple' moment though was it. The point I'm making is that if you are in any way serious about establishing 'the truth', you have to suspend belief, not engage in it. Thats why its paradoxical to find this point presented as part of a religious sketch.
But I'm not claiming it to be the arbiter of truth. Science isn't perfect, and has never claimed to be perfect. But it's better than any previous method for determining what is likely to be true.
@charlzm Not just matter itself, but consciousness, intelligence, the wonders of our world that are so incredible...these things just proclaim their Creator! I know without Him, I would be naught. Logic can only go so far...the 'leap' isn't so much a jump, but an acceptance of His wonders and love!
my school is doing this skit for numerous Churches
It is a pity that they stopped producing content, I learned as much about God as these guys, I would like to know what happened to each one.
Who wrote the code?
@AHarmlessBlackMan You obviously didn't read too far into it, because they go into a great amount of detail. "Nebuchadnezzar will destroy the mainland of Tyre" (Ezekiel 26:8), Many nations against Tyre (Ezekiel 26:3), Make her a bare rock; flat like the top of a rock (Ezekiel 26:4), Fishermen will spread their nets over the site (Ezekiel 26:5), Throw the debris into the water (Ezekiel 26:12), Never be rebuilt (Ezekiel 26:14), Never be found again (Ezekiel 26:21).
@db22170 I agree...however I believe that only God knows what is absolute truth...humans get into trouble when they say what they believe is absolute truth....that's why I think that no matter how sure we are about something, we MUST always have our minds and ears open...there is nothing wrong with hearing people out....just because we listen to the other side doesn't mean we agree with them or anything....
"This video is the perfect illustration for why Hinduism is true.
Argue all you want, but the truth is the truth, no matter what anyone else believes." -- filorps, 1 day ago. Never forget the truth.
Hinduism is a lie
JOHN 1:1
ah i get it, im lactose intollerant so i hav to lay off the milk.
thanks gang
@drivetwister First of all Nebuchadnezzar failed to destroy the mainland of Tyre. Saying many nations is a way of saying 'not sure exactly who's going to destroy this island, but someone will'. Oh really? Fishermen actually spread their nets over the site? Is that literally true? no it's not.
Of course an island that holds a political or military significance will be fought over, leaving the island destroyed. Tyre might as well have been Iwo Jima
@DanLee8884 agreed, i think it would have been a really poignant video if the balloon was a different color from all of their interpretations. by declaring that one of the people is right, they narrow the scope of the video significantly.
reinforcing the faith of "red" people by painting belittling caricatures of everyone else concerns me a bit also. taken alone it's not that bad, but knowing the nature of their other videos, the message is quite clear.
Red ballon has some weird meaning.
But it IS red, and we can plainly see that. Most things can be seen in black and white/ right and wrong perspectives. Sometimes people don't want to see the truth, and intentionally obfuscate the issue because they want to do something that is clearly wrong (to the rest of us!).
lovely parable . If balloons existed while christ was on earth, i could imagine him using it to filter out the unbelievers!
Did you go to super summer?
To pick up a single marked coin on his first pick than for Jesus to fulfill all the prophecies by chance?
@MrLogada But that is the point, isn't it? Jesus died to cover all our sin, so what is wrong with homosexuality? Huh? Did Jesus come and die for all sins BUT homosexuality? What of those parts of the old covenant not explicitly affirmed or rejected? Sure divorce was made wrong, and eating pork ok, but what of keeping the sabbath holy? Should we read our own interpretation into what parts of the old covenant are to apply, like claiming the balloon is blue?
Atheist says: I don't believe in God!
Christian says: Really, well I don't believe in bullets. Does my belief negate reality?
Atheist says: God just doesn't exist so his laws and your definition of Hell doesn't apply to me.
Christian says: Trucks don't exist, therefore if I stand in the middle of this highway, this so-called Truck coming towards me can't harm me cause this is not my definition of a truck and it doesn't apply to me!?
this is such a good one. It teaches me some thing
@Shachah223 - Truth is in the eye of the beholder, not the balloon holder.
@hikari4light And that leads to the conclusion that there is a God? All I can tell from what you told me (I've done it before) is that there might or might not be a deity, omnipotent (omniscient, etc) or not.
"religion dosen't have to be proven" Yes! That's exactly my point....the vid is comparing something provable to something unprovable.
The example you give of science changing are examples of science changing the name of something. The mass known as Pluto is still out there whether it's a planet or planetoid. The fossil remains are still the same whether called 'brontosaurus', 'seismosaurus' or 'Jenkins Minor'. And the arangement / refraction of light particles stay the same.
@tmcca2 "No matter how much you don't believe in something, doesn't make it untrue." How come it doesn't work the other way for you? No matter how much you believe in something, doesn't make it true. Why is it more on me to disprove some belief that you can't prove in the first place.
How I miss OTB
And this is exactly how I feel as an atheist...
That's how we feel as Christian's. The atheists are the ones saying the balloon is green.
The funny thing about gods is that they're not true, whether you believe in them or not.
I wish the Christians in this video would apply this same logic to their own silly beliefs.
@puellanivis Jesus covered all sin, but that doesn't mean we purposefully do's sin and if we believe in God and all that, then we should want that relationship with him.. and we stop (or at least try to) doing bad things on purpose. All of the stuff that were told is wrong under the new covenant is wrong. and those are the things that we're forgiven for IF we ask for forgiveness and turn away from those wrongdoings.
Red is not a truth. It's the name of a color that someone made up. In Spanish it's rojo. To someone who is color blind, it may very well be green. However, with science we can measure the frequency of the light and it will be relatively the same every time something of relative color is measured. Science holds the truth.
@Spongalicous dude, this is a religious video. I can't think of a better place for it. If we can't do it in a video where God's name is actually respected, where do you want us to do it?
@Shachah223 That first part isn't true at all...she wasn't a virgin until a mistranslation.
The Catholic Church proclaimed it to be true therefore we can't question it and change it back.
Secondly, I like soup....especially Vietnamese soup but with beef, not fish.
Thirdly, the world's existence...hell if I know.
As for the rest...if you are comparing scientific theory to magic...we can't really have a debate.
@griffinajg the funny thing about science really is that it's always changing. but what never changes is bible, because it's truth and truth can't change. and the most important fact in the bible is that we are sinners and that Christ died for our sins.
@drivetwister wait so you're saying only one road leads to the amazing path of salvation? why did god make different factions of Christianity like protestant, Catholic, latter day saints.. etc? is it so that you can have fun guessing which one leads to the one true path of salvation?
God didn't make different "factions" of Christianity, he made Christ ! You can read John 14.6 : "Jesus says unto him, I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes unto the Father, but by me." Humans created different forms of christianism because they had different and sometimes opposite opinions on what must be taught or believed, but the only way is Jesus. We worship God, not a church. I know this comment was 7 years ago but if someone has to see it, than it's done :) God Bless You !
If this is true, and scientists are finding these results, why then do many scientists still disagree with evolution and similar theories?
Saying that believing in God would close off the ability to know the true nature of our existence actually doesn't make much sense.
Our existance is not in what we are, subatomic level or even smaller. Instead, when looking at those who have truly found purpose and a 'true nature of existence' in life are often those who believe in God and follow His ways.
I think its funny that technically that balloon is any color but red. As our eyes are only seeing the color in which that balloon can reflect. That balloon is absorbing all of the colors in the light spectrum but reflecting only one.
It's this kind of thinking that allows people to think outside the box you are trying to put them in.
This skit could have been made by a follower from any religion. Everyone thinks that they are seeing the "red balloon" and everyone else is seeing it incorrectly.