As a Brazilian and a highly skilled software engineer with an engineering degree, I can make big bucks in my country and I would not switch it to any other place, let alone the US. The westerns think that people from emerging countries are dying to get inside the US, which could not be further from the truth. One day, perhaps, I would accept to temporarily move to Europe just to experience other cultures and grow as a multicultural individual.
You would be competing with cheaply paid guest workers on H1-B visas if you moved to the US and applied for a software engineering job. Most of the interviews would be with Indian nationals. Good luck with that! My aunt moved from Boston to Rio after she met her future husband. Her two children were born in Rio and still live there.
@@ls-ut1sy”cheaply paid H1b” is a story from 2003. Have you looked at the current salaries… The only people buying homes in Silicon Valley are techies on H1b from india getting paid $500k/year!
When they talk about people moving to the U.S., they're not talking about highly skilled people like you. They are talking about hordes of people from places like Venezuela, Guatemala with little to nothing to their name. They don't go thru legal channels to get to the US.
“I came to America because I heard the streets were paved with gold. When I got here, found out three things: First, the streets weren’t paved with gold; second, they weren’t paved at all: and third, I was expected to pave them.”
I live in USA for 36 years now. It took me 20 years to accept that I'm in USA. I would touched the ground over and over and question myself "is this USA?" I guess I was dreaming a different USA. But I come to a real USA. I would have gone home to the Philippines long time ago. But God hold me here. He seems to have a good reason for it. And it's working good for me. Thanks you Jesus.
the new American Dream is to rent an apartment while living paycheck to paycheck, having no dating or marriage prospects, indebted up to your neck, and driving a clunker car.
It’s the same all over the world. Not only the US. Yes you might have more dating aspects in LATAM or Eastern Europe but that’s it. Paycheck to paycheck in most places. No where to run bro
@@temich1985 i lived there for about 8 months. no. there are homeless just like anywhere else on planet earth but there is barely a percent worth there compared to the u.s. im american. also drugged out people in public is something i didnt see once
Most my family and friends in USA, California, New York, New Jersey, Texas. They make 60 to 120 and complain they cant buy a house, or feed families. Me I make 30 to 40k a year, built a beachfront house in Vietnam paid in full and can save half my budget yearly. I cant comprehend mortgages car insurance, car payments, health care, or even taxes as all mine dont exist. Money doesn't make you rich regardless how much you have, it's how you use it in your life.
I am originally from Germany. Had a great job at one of the largest companies in the world. However, for me, America was like a better life, better weather (depending on where you move) and nicer people. So, I got my visas and moved to America. However, over the last 10 years, America has changed so much that it does no longer offer a better life or nicer people as it is so divided and nobody really wants to understand that America has past it's peak. People do not get that the rest of the world actually moved on and does not always fight about abortion, gun laws, immigration and taxes, but those are the main political talking points, election after election. As you said, in no category but a few, America is better than other countries. It is only running, because the uneducated people spent everything and more to buy stuff they don't need. We moved out of the US last year as it is not a nice place to live any longer!
I kinda feel like the whole world turns into shit. I live currently in Germany, and everything got worse here. But where to move? You feel the crisis everywhere (cost of living is truly unbearable at this point).
@@redpillsatori3020For that reason they will start another world war. The first they participated to become rich, the second they started in the background to become and hegemon and the thrid they will start to stay hegemon. The country is so divided, could you imagine how divided it will be when they cant live of the expense of the world anymore by making debts
To put it bluntly as someone who was born in America to immigrants, don’t come here unless you have a huge family and support system or have people that you know will have your back in financial situations.
Or are smart enough to navigate the intricacies of the US financial system. People say it screws you over. But that's only because they are uneducated. Take 401k deductions for example. The US gov allows you to shelter 23k a year from taxes. Now, that's what I call socialism.
owning a house in the US seems like actually a DREAM. It's so hard to own a house here. Don't come to the US, if you own a little piece of land with a mud hut in it, you're already halfway to the "American dream".
Yes it’s hard. You’re in the financial capital of the world. Don’t wish it was easier , wish you were better. Not trying to sound like a dick but 99% of Americans quit attaining skills in high school then bitch about the outcome. People also never learn to work for themselves. We get what we deserve.
Even if you do “own” one, property taxes are outrageous and when you die and try and pass it on to your kids it’s a pain in the ass and the kids will have to pay current market rate taxes which are unaffordable so they won’t be able to keep the home anyway and the bank ends stealing it and renting it out
Yep. While Public schools generally suck. I would be okay to cancel them completely. Cut property taxes to a minimum, then parents can afford to go private. Birth rates are plummeting, there's no need for so many public schools anyway.
I hate property taxes because I have to pay them just for owning something. This is like those wealth taxes they are talking about imposing except that you don't have to be wealthy. We don't have to use property taxes to fund public schools. There are already many other taxes, but I would rather make parents pay for their kids' education. If health care isn't publicly funded then schools shouldn't be either.
I relocated to South America in 2015. Yet people from here seem to believe its a good idea to relocate to the U.S. I tell them I left the U.S. for important reasons. It goes in one ear and out the other. They seem to believe the United States of the 1990's still exist. I try to tell them. They dont listen.
My nation minimum wage is 1200, 600 is paid on taxes (on average) and 375 goes for Basic needs on Market (also on average) along with massive insecurity beign one and sometimes THE most dangerous nation on the planet on total deaths by crime Yeah,i prefer florida.
I quit my job and have nothing lined up, just after five months of moving here and thinking of giving up the green card. Here's why 1. Toxic workplace. You are treated like a disposable thing with no life. I was stuck in a windowless office, asked to track time depsite being "salaried", and asked to be all chatty. In Europe, people care about your output and allow you to be who you are. 2. Focus on color. I am a black guy but I was rarely called that or it didnt matter in my daily life. In the US, I am constantly reminded of that 3. Suing. "I am offended". Snowflakism. 4. Public transport 5. BOREDOM. There is seriously nothing to do here, just working and coming home and so many people seem content with this kind of life. 6. Food. Every activity should somehow involve food. 7. People are scared of a black man. People triple lock their cars just because I walk by, some at the toxic workplace I worked at ignored my greetings. 8. TAXES. I need to pay some company to do my taxes. This is done for you in "Europe". I will still try to make it here as it is good for making money but I do not see myself living here forever. No life at all. My long term goal is to live either in Europe or Africa.
Facts bro 💯 but don't move to Africa coming from a African American just my opinion I been in Phillipines and I'm retireing here. #1 cheap rent by the beach and beautiful young woman #2 my $2500 a month goes further #3 the locals are nice they don't judge me on color at least where I live.
@TrollinOnsTrollinOns I understand 👍. But when you live in a developing country you have to help the community and you will look at poor in a different way. Good luck 👍 on what ever u decide to do it's a big world 🌎 I'm 57yo and I realized America isnt for everyone you sound like a very intelligent man and I know u will make the right prudent decision what ever you decide to do.
Growing up in Russia, I didn’t even know the term racism. Watching Hollywood movies with Bruce Lee, Stalone, Will Smith, to me they were just all Americans, but when I moved here, the first thing that confused me was to pick the color of my race when I filled out a government document
@@CaptainWooow The fantasy has always existed and still exists. The closest the real America ever came to being like its propaganda was between 1830 and 1860. Throughout most of US history, a small handful of uber wealthy folks owned and controlled everything. So, essentially, America has mostly been like every other country in history. Nothing exceptional...just great propaganda.
@CasualsWorstNightmare We're talking freedom, not "having a job." Yeah, you can have a job there, but you'll never be free...because that is a cuntry that is of, by and for hereditary billionaires. A plumber doesn't have much control over his life.
@CasualsWorstNightmare Unfortunately, I lived in that hellhole for forty wretched years. Horrible culture, horrible work environment, ultra violant and aggressive, nutty people and too much propaganda. Wish I had moved overseas about 20-30 years earlier.
So well said! I live in Florida and I own an aluminum manufacturing company and I'm an investor. All my fellow Lamborghini and Ferrari friends are just doctors and dentists.....not entrepreneurs and creators of wealth....just service providers. No wonder Americans live in fear of going bankrupt should they need medical care.....what a joke.
As a young (22m) American born to a poor family, I used to have patriotism because I liked to believe the “core American values” but I realize how little I am in this rich country. I don’t leave the house and only work and feel like a robot. The internet is the only thing still keeping me sane which in itself is insane. I can’t leave, I wish things would get better but I’m sad to say they likely won’t. Things have changed so much for the worst in my short time here and I wish to pass in my sleep most days as I’m just tired and burnt out from it all. Thanks for coming to my ted talk.
I agree 100 percent. There's really no good reason to move to the US, unless you will benefit from high income (doctors, lawyers). The US is no longer the paradise that most people believed it was 50 years ago. Today, the US is a basket case of a nation. Poverty is *_growing._* Homelessness is rampant. Many Americans go bankrupt over medical bills. Life expectancy is *_declining._* Public education is declining. Infrastructure is crumbling. Fentanyl addiction is epidemic. Gun violence is out of control. I could go on and on.
I meant he was referring to immigrants and foreigners. A lot of outsiders think the US is the land of opportunities whether because of movies, news...etc so they try to move to the US without knowing the consequences
@@ToucanMoment This is a very big topic and I disagree and I think the video above also agrees with me. The US immigration and government policies in general reward people who come through the south while torturing, scruitinizing people who are legally working on visas or H1B holders. I know people who contributed allot to the US R&D in semiconductors and the US woud be a land of hillbillies without the achievements of immigrants in Silicon valley. Current polieis are such that they be kicked out and people coming through the border or overstaying visit visas be rewarded and get a SSN and leave to remain much easier. Every time the US makes immigration harder it makes doing illegal stuff more incentivized while people who are considered intellectual capital are forced to return to countries like Asia. The US government makes a big deal and cries about Asian countries mainly China blowing them out of the water while wearing down and kicking out anyone with intellectual capital. The US really is the greener grass if you can exploit its broken system or come from a place where you can use the word "flee' The grass is nowhere as green, not in Canada, not in the UK, not in the EU. The US would be oppositive of what it currently is if it actually rewarded hard-working people and sent back the illegal people, exploiting loopholes or overstaying and then finding ways to stay eating up from actual citizens.
Planning to retire outside of the U.S. but would like to move sooner if possible. Especially after having a kid who has to participate in school shooting drills is insane to me. Also the healthcare system is beyond horrendous. It is third world country worth.
The US started as a family based economy, not a corporate based economy. Therefore when our country started people moved here, to have their own mom and pop business or farm. We were the land of opportunity. But then the States started chartering long term business corporations, and we slowly became a corporate based economy. They had had jobs in Europe but in the US they could have their own business or farm. But now few, are able to own a business that provides a comfortable living for a large family. But that reputation has lived on, when it is slowly dying. The Founders through tea into the Boston Harbor because they didn’t want to have a business that was favored by the king. They wanted a free market. In a free market the government doesn’t charter corporations therefore there are no corporations in a free market.
Great point and history lesson. Question: Why is it bad to charter long term business corporations? I mean how else can someone build up a lasting business if it goes under when the owner dies.
No wonder there are so many Americans in my country these days . I recently moved from an apartment building where I had 4 American neighbors and all say they have no immediate plans of going back to the USA. I lived in the usa for close to 10 years and I totally understand their sentiments. More $$ money in the usa and it does spread further here so I don’t mind going back to work for a couple years but life is definitely simpler and happier here in Kenya. It’s good to note that many Americans are now realizing there are countries that have way better quality of life with less materialism.
Way too many Americans are leaving US soil and never coming back.. At least that's good for people like you and your family, you can come into the USA and take their place and jobs that became available when they exited the country
I agree with 90% with the guy, but all his arguments are good for people with a lot of money. But for an average guy with poor language skills and no degree but with a lot of drive and willing to work there’s no better country then USA. You arrive there and start a cleaning business or a home service business or anything and in a few years you’ll leave not worse the the locals but even better. Try that in any country in EU . Usa has a great attitude for people how what to work hard, no buddy will judge or not give you a opportunity to show yourself based on your accent or level of education.
You have some good points. However, places like the EU have a better work life balance than in the US. They have Healthcare. Nothing in this world matter more (1st) than Healthcare. EU offers universal and private. In the US, one is attached to their job for Healthcare. Don't get fired. Get sick in the US. One stands to lose it all. A long term illness could result in loss of property. I believe work is the ONLY good thing about the US. Outside the US is better for life overall. Especially if a person is over 45 years of age.
Agree with that . I don’t say that USA is the best, actually there is no perfect place. My point is that from expat perspective only . Simple question is as east european or central asia etc an average human has mach more chances to make it in the USA starting from bottom at 40 than anywhere else.
The reason it's easy to make money while working in the U.S. is because everyone is SO FUCKING STRESSED about personal and family issues to actually focus on their jobs.
@@romanbulargaI think the picture you paint applies pre 2008 financial crisis. Things have changed a lot and it's so much more expensive and uncertain to start a small business in the US now. Plus the cost of living has increased so much the threshold you need to reach to make it worthwhile to start a small business has gone up substantially.
Of course, there his no better country for poor people from the third world willing to work. US is the best for them. But they are not nomad capitalists. They are hardworking migrants.
My wife and I CANNOT WAIT to move out of this garbage dumpster fire of country. Words at this point could not express how much I ABHOR this country, still an understatement.
I think it's widely understood that the US would be much better off as 4 to 8 separate countries, at this point. However, the same seems to be true of India, China, and Russia. Perhaps we've moved into a different era of smaller nation-states and more localized governance, in this regard.
Разные территории больших стран развиты неодинаково: север, юг, запад и восток. И многие экономически слабые территории существуют из-за возможности миграции, в том числе для работы, но они отсылают деньги своей семье и позволяют им оставаться на том месте. Если разделить вы получите мёртвые города и целые территории, а в крупных городах люди будут жить друг на друге и задыхаться от углекислого газа и умирать в 40 лет от рака.
After 37 years living in the us of amurika I retired and moved back to Brazil. When I tell people how dumb the average American is they don't believe me.
I left the Dominican Republic in 1993 at that time, Dominicans that returned back into their countries and also American use to project wealth. Tourist wore nice clothes, jewelry, US dollars, prospect in USA. So those people created a wealthy perception that you work in USA, you will get rich. As Dominican back on those year, I never knew there were homeless and poverty until I came to live in USA. But in the 90s still better years, than now. If you want to reach the American dream, you need to come highly educated like be a doctor, dentist, surgeon. It is going to be difficult to be wealthy and pay the rent with just a regular job.
I had it all figured out in 1988, over 35 years ago already ! I moved from Europe to America and stayed there for 5 years ! Then moved to Asia 1993 ! If not much hold you back in the US... then move on !
@@gregorsamsa2271 I moved to Nature Island. The land is pristine and unspoiled and crime is nearly non-existent. The most beautiful thing of all: The People. Nature Island is a rare quark of nature. The topography is so extreme and difficult that the robber barons of civilization never involved themselves. Nature Island has thus retained its all-natural simplicity and wholesome beauty. You can’t find Gucci here, or Polo (Barbados). It is pristine, secret, and UNSPOILED! The only people that come here either really, really love raw nature or they are just trying to escape the horrors of 21st century ‘civilization’. As a direct result, the nation has not created a social-strata. The people are just as all-natural as the environment. I learned for that first time, that when left alone (not radicalized by the system), people are by their very fundamental nature, Beautiful Creatures after all! However, if you put them in a bad environment, they will develop many pathologies: The people and culture will develop what Carl Jung termed “a dreadful shadow”. This place is not perfect. But crime is very low. The people freely leave things out in public without fear of theft, keys in their car, and always rush over to help a stranger in need. Everyone welcomes strangers with open arms. And annoyingly, they are eager to help you back into a parking space! For us civilized westerners, coming here must feel allot like Europeans visiting Tahiti in the late 1700s. If you love nature and want to see what a loving human society looks like, you must come to Nature Island!
I've lived in Taiwan most of my adult life. I can easily support my wife and two children on my income as a public school teacher here. I do not think I can replicate the standard of living my family enjoys on a teacher's salary in the United States.
That's because you don't feel the need to spend $100/mo on a gym membership, $1000 on an iPhone, $300/mo premium cable/streaming, $50K on a massive SUV, and a ton of other dumb things people here think are "necessities". It's shocking how much money people waste and then cry "it's too expensive to live here compared to the good old days". I have two kids and my wife doesn't work and the reason we have money and live comfortably is because I don't blow it on incredibly stupid things.
BINGO ! am in my 70's and have spent more than half of my life living outside of the USA - treated better, better healthcare, no taxes, lower cost of living, higher level of security, No Illegal Immigration problems
No illegal immigration problem? That's funny that you are talking about illegal immigration on behalf of a country not your own that you (legally?) immigrated to.
@@imsometimesahaterlol Simple - where I live, I am retired - HAVE NO INCOME AND THUS NO TAXES, NO PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES EITHER, EVERYTHING PURCHASED ALREADY HAS A VALUE ADDED TAX INCLUDED - There is No Law in the USA that you have to pay Federal Income Tax - that is a fact. Over 80 million do not pay Federal Income Tax in the USA because they know there is no law requiring it.
To be honest, a lot of people do want to leave Malaysia due to the political situation. Speaking as someone who did that in the past - I migrated to Australia from Malaysia. However, I soon discovered that I would have a much, much better lifestyle and quality of life than in Australia, and moved back. Now, I'm much happier in Malaysia. Most Malaysians do not value what we have - there are a lot of advantages to living in Malaysia but we've been "taught" or "told" that Western countries are much better with better job opportunities.
@@houserental5424That why most work here for a few years, save up then move back. Use that money to open a business back in their country and buy a house.
I had similar life experiences going to Australia to get a college degree and tried to make a living to my satisfaction. But that never materialized. But after moving to USA. All my dreams and more came true. The best place in the world.
Exactly , I've noticed some young men and women have been totally brainwashed by western media . Once a gay man told me he wanted to move to US , i told him he was lucky to be born as a Hindu in India who never opposed gays . Would you like to go in a country whose people culturally hate you but you are only protected by law , or people who don't hate you at all .
Totally agree 👍 I've lived in the United States for over 24 years and just moved to Sabah Malaysia this year. Best decision ever! The food house everything cost 1/5 of that in Los Angeles. I'm surprised that you were able to find Malaysia as an example to compare living costs. Usually westerners go to Thailand 😅 I moved to Sabah because my husband was originally from Sabah. The medical cost is so low that you really start to question why our medical cost is soooo ridiculously high in the US. My kids have US passports and they are able to go to a public school in Sabah. The cost is only $20 usd per year!!! They teach 3 languages Chinese English and Malay. Their math is much more advanced than the public school math in the US. And to start a business, it's easier to make money in the food and beverage field. I have friends that have several restaurants and their revenue is higher than any restaurants I know in LA, but the labor cost is only 1/8. Restaurants are cash cows in Malaysia cause everyone comes out to eat 😊
it doesn't hurt to try~ the cost of making a mistake is soo low in South East Asia. Sometimes the process of starting a business is more fun than making money. @@ca60453
The US is great comparatively, if you're coming from the 3rd world. Americans who like to brag how amazing America is, compare it with the 3rd world, but never with 1st world countries. How many Western Europeans, Japanese, South Koreans, Australians, Kiwis do you see emigrating to the US? VERY few, indeed. Otherwise, the US is great if you fulfil the following conditions: you're single, you have a great education, you have a great job lined up, you have no children, you have great health (don't need health insurance), and you're under 40. Otherwise forget it.
Right but third world immigrants choose the USA over all those other countries because that's where they have the best shot at improving their situation.
I like this assessment...but it's a fairly low percentage...because the majority have children (and are unwedded), education is frowned upon (so most have degrees that aren't marketable-therefore they arent getting a high paying job) I definitely agree...Americans aren't sneaking out of this country ..but Americans certainly aren't capitalizing on the benefits that cause 3rd worlders to risk life and limb to get here.
@@rickw3243 mostly from giving their son an opportunity to escape the conscription system, and there is also North Korea with their artillery capable of bombarding Seoul if they choose to renew the war
Everyone has exactly the same plan. You'll be competing with a a hundred million or more East Asns alone to pursue that plan. Eventually, skilled American professionals will make about as much as greeters at Walmart. No matter what your skill is, you're nothing special in a pool of a billion people.
@@the_gilded_age_phoenix8717 hopefully the your in question is towards the general pool, cause definitely not going there or anywhere else for a career
@@RevoOnRev1337 I'm talking about all the migrants into the US thinking they will get good jobs and make a lot of money. The US is gamed out, but everyone around the world has the same plan of going there to "make it big."
@@the_gilded_age_phoenix8717 that is unfortunate indeed, most going there only knowing when experiencing life once settled in line with work and everyday life
@@VicDamoneJr82 ...because, unless you are in a Medical field or in an executive position in a major business, your skill is substantially undervalued in the US. This is because the US invites every Tom, Frank and Harry from around the world in and outsources other stuff to India to lower your potential salary and limit your ability to secure gainful employment.
The American dream is now the American nightmare ,our politicians are totally incompetent ,untrustworthy ,and do not work for us at all ,my grands are screwed out of a good future here !
Two years in a row where Americans set a new record for the amount of passports issued. Meanwhile before the pandemic, over 40% of Americans never had a passport. Back in the early 2010’s, over 60% of Americans never been overseas. Information changes everything.
Not everything is society and money, where I’m from in Australia a lot of people love it simply for the amazing natural environment and the outdoors and wilderness they have a connection with.
@@lukehunnableboomers perhaps, certainly not most others. We have a very basic economy (selling minerals and real estate) and nothing else. An ever poorer quality of life, eroded infrastructure and rapidly deteriorating living standards, a housing affordability crisis and the highest rate of immigration in the world.
@@thedownunderverse can you define what qualify of life is to you and why you consider it to be going down there? I really doubt you have the highest rate of immigration in the world. Australia is famously known to be hard to get into, as a full time resident. Compare that to Europe, where we've received millions of Syrians over the space of a few years.
@@lukehunnable well it’s a fact: Australia’s immigration intake is highest in the developed world. It’s not up for debate. In terms of quality of life: well all infrastructure and services are degraded, congested, oversubscribed. Our economic complexity is ranks at just 93rd in the world, between Uganda and Pakistan (ie: we manufacture nothing), and our housing is the most expensive in the world, being bought by Chinese (similar to Canada). The flow on effects of all of the above are self evident
@@MyCamilla1989It's really discouraging. Everybody in the suburbs is afraid of their own shadows. The overlying culture in America that allowed this suburban sprawl to function on some level is quickly dying. With no real community centers in suburbia, we are just going to spiral down into scared, isolationists, with no purpose since we do not interact with people much at all; we just get in our large SUVs to safely take us from strip mall to strip mall with no real community interactions. I believe that the Karens, for example, started to rise recently because of this isolationist perspective of always being a victim and being the main character.
Same here in Canada. Feeling lucky. 4 years ago, my Dad got inherited money from Vietnam, he gave me $500k paying off for the new house. Living a mortgage free, and the house’s been up to $650k since then. Have a good weekend everyone ❤
I am Peruvian American and have doble citizenship🇺🇸🇵🇪, and besides Lima(PERÚ) and Florida(USA), I also lived in Al-Khobar (KSA) and Manama(Bahrein) due to my spouse’s job, I have to say that wherever country you decide to invest or buy a property, BE SURE to previously obtained the PERMANENT RESIDENCY or CITIZENSHIP over there, because due to Political revolutions and changes, the Government can take away your properties and money. I saw that happening before in CUBA, VENEZUELA and also in my Country PERU during the 70’s… the Government’s do whatever it takes to make you invest over there… then come another politician that thinks that the ownership must belong to the CITIZENS and not foreigners… and then, you lose everything… I saw that happening many times, so INVEST AND BUY wherever you want BUT please be mindful and smart about it. In my case, besides our-house in Florida, my spouse and I owned departments in Miraflores and San Isidro (Lima, Perú) and we used it for AIRNB, but we do that because I am also a Peruvian Citizen.
I live in China, Shenzhen to be specific, and I've been noticing a lot of South Americans and Africans are choosing China for their education and career.
@@davidangeron3365 No one said millions, although according to the BP, over 28,000 turned themselves in to the BP in 2023 & that is only those that were caught or voluntarily sought out the BP to claim asylum. Many are not apprehended. There is also a thriving birth tourism industry in China to give birth in the U.S. for higher economic Chinese. Doubtful that the numbers of South Americans in China is statistically significant & Africans in China have experienced widespread discrimination.
@@mehrourbadloe8339that's only in ur head and on tiktok. If u actually do some research, you'll see that while usd lost some value, other all currencies shrank even faster compared to it.
I have been an expat now for over 19 years and love it. 12 years in Cyprus and 7 years in Indonesia, run my own business and have no regrets. I do miss my extended family though and that would be the only thing that brings me back. My quality of life I believe is better than my family, I travel more, spend more time with my wife and son, and believe I am healthier living abroad. OK, the air quality in Jakarta is very bad, but we deal with it. When my son was born in Cyprus years ago our bill was zero. I can only imagine what it would have been in Utah. Keep up the good work.
Corporate American jobs are a joke as well. I wasted 15 years of my life working for a private company making great income but never had a chance to save money. I know people that worked in Dubai for 15 years that saved tons of cash.
And yet there are many more who worked 20 years in Dubai and couldnt save. Salaries in Dubai are a joke now for non westerners, 800$ for a front end developer, 1000 for a dentist.....
I live in Mexico right now. I was born and raised American. Gun loving, steak eating American 😂. Unfortunately its over, theres an enemy within in my country that hates us. I hope we the people take it back one day. In Mexico I have great health care. Own a home and run two gyms. Life is good right now
I'm from Ecuador, and as you said number 1 is a reason why I would move to the US from Ecuador. You work really hard here to make no more than $1,000 a month (in the best of cases) regardless of what university degree you have. About 25% of our population lives under $5 a day which can tell you a lot about our income. I love our country, it is great, beautiful, and with excellent weather, but making even enough money to live is so difficult. Let's not even talk about planning for the future!
In Europe you get 6 weeks of sick leave, a month of paid annual vacation, around a year of paid maternity leave, almost free college education. But the biggest thing is healthcare. Doctors are so rich in the US because they are lawfully preying on sick weak people along with big pharma. Ozempic price in Poland is around 100 dollars, Ozempic price in the US is 980 dollars. SAME EXACT THING is 10 times more expensive in the US for no reason, but greed. You can save money by flying to Poland, a year worth of prescription will pay for your tickets and vacation, if you are lucky to have paid vacation in the US in the first place. Food quality in the US is extremely low. Why would anyone making 7 figures live in the US is beyond me.
Most developed countries have high taxes and provide their citizens with publicly funded healthcare, subsidized (or free) university tuition, parental leave, subsidized day care etc.. The bottom half of income earners generally get more in benefits than they pay in taxes. Somewhere in the top 20% to 30% of income earners there is a crossover point where they’re paying more tax than they are getting in benefits. In the USA taxes are lower but so are benefits and that crossover point is a lot lower.
@@Not_that_bad_5 when they say free homes, they don't mean free mansions, houses... they mean shelters where you get put with other 1000 migrants. It's not "free" but it drains tax dollars that were paid by citizens. Also those shelters are given to the illegals like mexicans. Since you are in Asia, I doubt you will find an illegal way to enter america.
@@Not_that_bad_5you will suffer horribly first, plus it is very dangerous. Maybe they are receiving a free housing voucher which would be temporary. It won’t last and the government could decide to deport at any time.
@@muffintopz4692 I know bro I was joking, my high school completed this year and I am applying for study visa by clearing SAT, which is best state ? I mean which don't have gun crime
When people from my country think about USA and American dream, and probably from many others, they think about American society and culture from 1960s - 2000s, 2008 period maximum, not realizing that the things have changed much since then.
The America dream died while the Chinese dream began. Really Funny that people didn't had a grasp of the real America. I Went to America as well. It was hella boring. Now more than before even
If you dont have a good education and low work skills America is absolutely #1 far and away. Restaurant workers, food delivery guys etc .. and i mean NYC
That is absolute bullshit. If you are very well educated the US is the best country in the world. You get paid so much money, more than anywhere in the world. If you are below average in intelligence and education then moving to countries like Germany is ideal because the government is going to support in any way and make sure that you have good living conditions.
But there is room to move up, i would say if you are a hard worker with good habits and no debt you will make a lot more money than in europe the only drawback i see is the socializing aspect.. family and friend time is not priority here @danielhalachev4714
Something else that would be interesting to cover: How the US tax system and "double taxation" makes it very tough for the average American to move overseas. You work overseas as an expat and you have to pay both local taxes and taxes to back home. Definitely one way to limit brain drain
@@jonlbdg you'd think so but there's still plenty of American ex-pats who have given up their American passport/nationality as they live and work in the uk. When I was in Japan it was also a big issue with a lot of ex-service men I worked with who had come over with the navy or army, then got married, left from the service and settled.
That's the flipside of birthright citizenship. You can thank the Supreme Court for that. The Founders knew that birthright citizenship was the bedrock of serfdom in that you were never at liberty. The Supreme Court has done so much wrong to the Republic.
Cuisine in Malaysia , come from all over the world and tends to be relatively cheap and taste great. The infrastructure is relatively good with all the modern conviniences available in most places. It's not perfect but it's better than many other countries Malaysians have been to. Most Malaysians have passports and have travelled internationally. Funny how the vast majority still come back home to our imperfect utopia. 😊
As an immigrant here, I see both sides, in my original country I couldn't be myself, job opportunities were quite limited especially due to certain personal factors. America became my choice to move because its so large, mostly English speaking, I aligned with a lot of culture (movies, music, fashion, technology), most people mind their own business so it became the place for me to settle. A lot has changed since the pandemic and something does feel awfully off. Summer 2019 was probably the last time I felt really great here. I just remember that summer and looking out on the city walking down a hill and felt so grateful to live here. I am of course richer than I ever could be in my home country, but I feel like I have to live pay check to pay check here and feel like all I have worked for could easily be wiped out if I ever got sick. Ultimately, I don't see myself retiring here, I would like to settle in a European country; preferably France, Italy or Spain are looking like top choices. But who knows.
I live in Nicaragua, work for 2 US companies, no point on moving to the US, my rent is only $500 in a 3 bedroom house, I call it "the Nicaraguan dream" 😂
If you were born in Egypt where the country in ruled by a military maniac for almost 10 years with a currency that keeps depreciating every 5 seconds you would know how blessed you are to be born in a western country.
I lived before 2020. in US for a couple of months. The food was insanely expensive, renting was expensive, people look really fat and neglected. Women look androgynous and wear hoodies, and what’s with the tipping culture? A lot of people use drugs also, and the crime rate is insane compared to my country. To be honest gas was cheap, around $2.2 per gallon at that time.
As an American who came here 49 years ago and made it. I would say things have changed totally. Nowadays It’s more likely that you will not be able to make it and if you do which is very slim chance it will be a hell of a struggle that will burden your family and health.
I got a $300k job in the Seattle as an Indian. I stayed back. If you adjust purchasing power parity, I make far more money here & I stay with my family. I have been to US several times. I didn't like the experience. You built everything that money can build. But the lack human touch in daily life is something that hurt me. What I mean is, if I have a medical emergency at home, in India, my neighbours rush to my place before emergency services. That's a special thing that we value a lot & no money can buy it 😢
The main reason migrants move to the US is to send dollars back to their country. The dollar is overvalued in most developing countries if you get paid in dollars in the US save like shit, then you can ship a lot of dollars to the country you come from and those dollars are worth more.
I really had thoughts about leaving Europe for the US. However, recently I see absolutely no reason to so. In America, there is no universal Healthcare, student loans are a very heavy burden, job security is non-existent, salaries only seem high but when you take into account health and desire to have kids, they suddenly don't look that impressive. I find Europe to be much more attractive in those areas and many more. Last but not least, the current US president is a joke.
Living in Australia where we don't get unskilled migrants because we have points based immigration. We also decide who is a refugee and who isn't and have been deciding that since 1990. We have universal healthcare and despite what some people will have you believe yes you can get a gun in Australia but you have to have a good reason to want one and not liking the next door neighbour or the majority of people in your street is not a good enough reason. I personally get 6 weeks paid holiday and three weeks paid sick leave and two weeks paid Long Service Leave every year. I work some weekends and get higher pay rate for them and the same with public holidays. In the USA for some reason those are called "benefits". But they're not benefits here given by an employer but legislated laws by governments going back many years. Sick leave and long service leave can accrue here and I have over a year of paid sick leave accrued and 8 months of paid long service leave. We have paid maternity and paternity leave and paid bereavement leave too. So why can't the richest country in the world give it's citizens these things that we just take for granted. The idea of the laid back attitude of Australians is a myth for we're very hard working but unlike the USA we work to live not live to work.
I move to USA and after 5 years I am moving back. This country is not for me. I don't identify with almost anything that's going on here and I do not agree with most ways how the country is governed and how people treat each other, whether it is at workplace or in private life. It's toxic place, it's a pressure cooker, I feel flattened, and I want to feel safe, free and growing.
in UAE my mother is a doctor made $4 million in 5 years, i invested some of that money in real estate in UAE especially Dubai, and now its me who made my first $million
Read Christopher Lasch's book, Revolt of the Elites, about when the capitalists revolted against labor in the US, the world, de-industrialized, switched to a financialized economy (speculation - the betting economy), which all began right after the social revolution of the 60's when people gained civil, labor, consumer safety, environmental rights and ended an illegal war in Vietnam. By no longer accepting the draft, they had to make everyone poor and desperate.
I will share my perspective as a Singaporean. Singapore has a strong economy, comparable to many developed countries, including the USA. However, due to its limited land area and population, there are challenges to sustaining economic growth, and the country lacks natural resources. Singapore is almost a perfect country; the only downside is the lack of freedom. Living here can feel mundane since most of us work 9-to-5 jobs, and weekends can be quite boring in this small city-state. On the other hand, the USA is vast and offers significantly more opportunities for career growth. In many ways, the USA seems to have an edge, except in one crucial aspect: safety. That said, not all parts of the USA are unsafe, but even the safest city in the USA might feel more dangerous compared to Singapore.
2024 inner city America is overwhelmed and by spring time I think their is going to be mass crimes of all kinds to survive this economic crunch ,of course due in largely with the current administration in place they are absolutely insane 😷
By the way I hope to be doing Business with you guys in the near future , I enjoy all your conversations and financial expertise you guys keep us very well informed 😇
Yes, you can make a lot OWNING a business outside the US. And that business can die within a few bad years... Demand can evaporate. In person has less competition. Online work will very soon be swamped as more and more providers, from all of the world, offer the exact same service. Year by year, competition will expand. ie, Nomad Capital is so copied that they had to address the issue in a vid and try to differentiate themselves, but the race to the bottom is unstoppable. All services that can be done online will be bid down until the pay is very low. The vid's advice is just for millionaires with ready liquid assets (or at least assets that can be monitored remotely), and to be fair, he makes that clear.
We come to USA to move from no class/poverty to middle class, in hope of returning home and building up. Do not forget coming here, means our kids have better opportunities than we ever did. The issue now is the taxes the middleclass pays which now impact us. It is the dream EVERYONE in poverty has. Even those in Africa, come to US to build ourselves and to one day return home with our wealth and new status.
Poor countries should focus on building themselves up instead of siphoning off money from the rich ones. Improve productivity and you will be rich too. The problem is it's extremely hard to do.
It's overrated because the US no longer works for the people, it works for corporations. Politics is a team sport in the U.S and our progress is ultimately stunted by this. Can't have our taxes going towards healthcare, labor or education reform, that's a hand out or "How are we going to pay for it?" sneaks its tired old head out. Can't agree to something common sense because the blue or red team said it. Your main overall message applies even to the average person working a remote job out there. If you can take your job elsewhere and live a better quality of life, do it. Why would you want to live paycheck to paycheck when you can move, live comfortably, get treated better and nest away money in investments, retirement or savings?
When you said you felt more persecuted in the United States, I laughed out loud because I can empathize with you, truly. lol That's why I left that piece of trash country for good. Thanks for all you do with your work and wisdom. Peace and love!
@@PlayWaves1, I love your optimism. But America, as you can see, is going from bad to worse to worser. Nothing is getting better about it. It's tragic because American crescendoed in 1985, then it's been a downhill ride ever since.
@@masterprophet8378 EU decreased by -0,7% but USA 🇺🇸 increased by 2,5% EU is totally without money USA are greatly strong So, USA is a country with future
Hello, myself from India, so the thing why Indians are migrating to US or any other nation I can tell you a bit or two about that. From my experience what I got to know from people who migrate to US or any Western nation is that it's nothing but because of their "fantasy" of living in a developed Western nation. As in India where everything Western seems like luxurious and fine because that's what people think let it bad or good, anyone who's lived in a Western nation or been there their status automatically changes to upper strata of society and people suddenly see themselves as wealthy or more superior. It's nothing but stems from colonial mindset which is a result of the colonial hangover when people saw their foreign masters as highly superior than them.
I had a cowork at SoCal Edison who was pissed when talking about why he came to the US. Left his whole family in Guatemala because his country and economy was destroyed by the US. Same goes with people of Venezuela.
Certain industries make a lot of $$$ in the USA Usually services to the wealthy Dr's Dentist, Lawyers, Financial advisers, plastic surgeons, . Usually something that can not be done online
As a Brazilian and a highly skilled software engineer with an engineering degree, I can make big bucks in my country and I would not switch it to any other place, let alone the US. The westerns think that people from emerging countries are dying to get inside the US, which could not be further from the truth. One day, perhaps, I would accept to temporarily move to Europe just to experience other cultures and grow as a multicultural individual.
As someone that knows Brazil and lives in the US, comparing Brazil with the US is a crime
@blesstalks you are trying to run away from yourself being loser in life. usa is nothing to do with it.
You would be competing with cheaply paid guest workers on H1-B visas if you moved to the US and applied for a software engineering job. Most of the interviews would be with Indian nationals. Good luck with that!
My aunt moved from Boston to Rio after she met her future husband. Her two children were born in Rio and still live there.
@@ls-ut1sy”cheaply paid H1b” is a story from 2003. Have you looked at the current salaries… The only people buying homes in Silicon Valley are techies on H1b from india getting paid $500k/year!
When they talk about people moving to the U.S., they're not talking about highly skilled people like you.
They are talking about hordes of people from places like Venezuela, Guatemala with little to nothing to their name. They don't go thru legal channels to get to the US.
“I came to America because I heard the streets were paved with gold. When I got here, found out three things: First, the streets weren’t paved with gold; second, they weren’t paved at all: and third, I was expected to pave them.”
I moved to San Fransisco and found the streets were paved with poop !
I live in USA for 36 years now. It took me 20 years to accept that I'm in USA. I would touched the ground over and over and question myself "is this USA?" I guess I was dreaming a different USA. But I come to a real USA. I would have gone home to the Philippines long time ago. But God hold me here. He seems to have a good reason for it. And it's working good for me. Thanks you Jesus.
Your free from to go back where you came from!
as an inmigrant your comment is 110 percent accurate!!!
the new American Dream is to rent an apartment while living paycheck to paycheck, having no dating or marriage prospects, indebted up to your neck, and driving a clunker car.
The dream does include driving an "old" car. Lol. New cars are disposable.
For lazy, entitled people,for sure.
It’s the same all over the world. Not only the US. Yes you might have more dating aspects in LATAM or Eastern Europe but that’s it. Paycheck to paycheck in most places. No where to run bro
@@Kolach0in some European countries kids still leave with their parents and it's socially normal so rent isn't really an issue
A reality that is so true.
I am a US citizen and I am tired of paying taxes to a Fed Gov who no longer supports the citizens. We are no long a Republic, we are a Plutocracy.
No, this is the Evil Empire.
Yeah but we have tremendous freedom. Move to a Red State.
@@mak529 “Move to a red state” 😂 where your 2% lower tax rate gets you jack shit, what a great solution 😂😂
Constitution is void, oligarchs trying to recreate feudalism
I voted with my feet and left the USA for good. Best decision of my life!
"It's called the American Dream because you have to be asleep to believe it." -George Carlin
Ahhhhhhhhhh Ahhhhhhhhhh
The american dream is dying while the Canadian dream is a cold corpse at this point.
Canada needs to get Trudy out of office
Very true. I'm a Canadian who moved to Brazil a few years ago and I'm never going back to Canada. NEVER.
Brazil? One of the most violent countrien in the world...@@logomoko78
@@lukehunnable Canada is catching up in terms of violent crime...
@@lukehunnableaye man this guy probably has enough money to not live in a slum but probably on the beach
Moved out of California to Spain. I can’t believe how bad it’s getting in the USA. I’m worried where it will be in 10 years. It’s fucked.
Doesn't Spain have a huge youth unemployment crisis?
Are there homeless and druggies too all over Spain, since its a warm country?
@@temich1985 i lived there for about 8 months. no. there are homeless just like anywhere else on planet earth but there is barely a percent worth there compared to the u.s. im american. also drugged out people in public is something i didnt see once
@@mateot215 living in America its unfortunate a new normal, see crazies, druggies, and filthy homeless EVERYWHERE!
Most my family and friends in USA, California, New York, New Jersey, Texas. They make 60 to 120 and complain they cant buy a house, or feed families.
Me I make 30 to 40k a year, built a beachfront house in Vietnam paid in full and can save half my budget yearly.
I cant comprehend mortgages car insurance, car payments, health care, or even taxes as all mine dont exist.
Money doesn't make you rich regardless how much you have, it's how you use it in your life.
Absolutely agree 👍
Where in Vietnam?
@@gretaaj4452 nha trang. It's a very popular tourist city. In may eventually build a second house elsewhere in mountains and snow up north.
@@gretaaj4452 Nha trang Vietnam
Yup, the USA might pay more, but you're nickled and dimed more also. The required cost of living in the US leaves you with nothing left.
I tried the American dream to escape wage slavery poor pay and high rents. I found wage slavery poor pay and high rents.
How about you go to school and get a degree that actually pays well instead of working at mcdonalds and thinking you'll be a millioner 😂🤡
Where are you originally from?
I am originally from Germany. Had a great job at one of the largest companies in the world. However, for me, America was like a better life, better weather (depending on where you move) and nicer people. So, I got my visas and moved to America. However, over the last 10 years, America has changed so much that it does no longer offer a better life or nicer people as it is so divided and nobody really wants to understand that America has past it's peak. People do not get that the rest of the world actually moved on and does not always fight about abortion, gun laws, immigration and taxes, but those are the main political talking points, election after election. As you said, in no category but a few, America is better than other countries. It is only running, because the uneducated people spent everything and more to buy stuff they don't need. We moved out of the US last year as it is not a nice place to live any longer!
Thank you for sharing your perspective.
Thanks for the share. Where did you move to?
Imagine how much worse the USA will get once it loses its reserve-currency status US dollar hegemony.
I kinda feel like the whole world turns into shit. I live currently in Germany, and everything got worse here. But where to move? You feel the crisis everywhere (cost of living is truly unbearable at this point).
@@redpillsatori3020For that reason they will start another world war. The first they participated to become rich, the second they started in the background to become and hegemon and the thrid they will start to stay hegemon. The country is so divided, could you imagine how divided it will be when they cant live of the expense of the world anymore by making debts
To put it bluntly as someone who was born in America to immigrants, don’t come here unless you have a huge family and support system or have people that you know will have your back in financial situations.
Or are smart enough to navigate the intricacies of the US financial system. People say it screws you over. But that's only because they are uneducated. Take 401k deductions for example. The US gov allows you to shelter 23k a year from taxes. Now, that's what I call socialism.
This. 👏👏👏👏
What if you're huge family support system is also poor? Story of many immigrant families.
And in Asia you can't have financial situations?
I certainly agree that if you are a successful person, why come to the U.S. & be subject to the U.S. tax system?
And also, persecution in the USA.
Well, not every country you may legally fire employee in 1 day fir example. It gives business flexibility
Lol, European taxes are worse than America
If you were born in almost any other country, it would make sense to you.
Because you are surrounded by the most successful people on earth? The US will always be the magnet for such people
owning a house in the US seems like actually a DREAM. It's so hard to own a house here. Don't come to the US, if you own a little piece of land with a mud hut in it, you're already halfway to the "American dream".
I live in San Francisco, im building my home in the Dominican Republic.
Yes it’s hard. You’re in the financial capital of the world. Don’t wish it was easier , wish you were better. Not trying to sound like a dick but 99% of Americans quit attaining skills in high school then bitch about the outcome. People also never learn to work for themselves. We get what we deserve.
Even if you do “own” one, property taxes are outrageous and when you die and try and pass it on to your kids it’s a pain in the ass and the kids will have to pay current market rate taxes which are unaffordable so they won’t be able to keep the home anyway and the bank ends stealing it and renting it out
@brandonderrick006 Been here for a year, Army works for me.
I am tired of property taxes in US , you have to pay so much to your state just because you exist and don't want to be living on the streets.
Yep. While Public schools generally suck. I would be okay to cancel them completely. Cut property taxes to a minimum, then parents can afford to go private. Birth rates are plummeting, there's no need for so many public schools anyway.
Real men live on the streets.
I hate property taxes because I have to pay them just for owning something. This is like those wealth taxes they are talking about imposing except that you don't have to be wealthy.
We don't have to use property taxes to fund public schools. There are already many other taxes, but I would rather make parents pay for their kids' education. If health care isn't publicly funded then schools shouldn't be either.
Buy a rental property in Dubai to rent out
@@PrimericanIdolweird flex but ok 😅
American Dream - I gave up on that years ago - I am now in survival mode.
Survival is an accomplishment these days
Survival is the American Dream as long as you’re investing and never giving up. You’ll get there.
I relocated to South America in 2015. Yet people from here seem to believe its a good idea to relocate to the U.S. I tell them I left the U.S. for important reasons. It goes in one ear and out the other. They seem to believe the United States of the 1990's still exist. I try to tell them. They dont listen.
USA 🇺🇸 is 3 times better than Europe and South Africa
@@kdexter2690Yes, that's true, but for the wealthy only!
@@TheFinex82 not only for the wealth people
USA 🇺🇸 has bigger development than EU countries
yea they don't change their mindset they just saw some old movies and think its like that
My nation minimum wage is 1200, 600 is paid on taxes (on average) and 375 goes for Basic needs on Market (also on average) along with massive insecurity beign one and sometimes THE most dangerous nation on the planet on total deaths by crime
Yeah,i prefer florida.
As an American said "I prefer the Spanish siesta than the American Dream". Greetings from Barcelona
Wow you're from Barcelona? How's the life there? No taxes? Free education and healthcare? What's the hardest side of living in Barcelona?
I'd say a gift of $5k, free hotel, free flight, mobile and SIM, are a compelling reason for (illegally) migrating to the U.S.
Fox news will rot your brain
The soros special,.. excellent choice.
can we get that?? Would be nice, we could come for a couple of months and go again. Where would I claim that money
at the border @@alessandrakalini
5k? They are getting 15 k a month.. brand new BMW's and Mercedes already.... Plenty of videos proving it all
I quit my job and have nothing lined up, just after five months of moving here and thinking of giving up the green card. Here's why
1. Toxic workplace. You are treated like a disposable thing with no life. I was stuck in a windowless office, asked to track time depsite being "salaried", and asked to be all chatty. In Europe, people care about your output and allow you to be who you are.
2. Focus on color. I am a black guy but I was rarely called that or it didnt matter in my daily life. In the US, I am constantly reminded of that
3. Suing. "I am offended". Snowflakism.
4. Public transport
5. BOREDOM. There is seriously nothing to do here, just working and coming home and so many people seem content with this kind of life.
6. Food. Every activity should somehow involve food.
7. People are scared of a black man. People triple lock their cars just because I walk by, some at the toxic workplace I worked at ignored my greetings.
8. TAXES. I need to pay some company to do my taxes. This is done for you in "Europe".
I will still try to make it here as it is good for making money but I do not see myself living here forever. No life at all. My long term goal is to live either in Europe or Africa.
US Business are the most ruthless. It's all about $$$ and nothing else matters
Facts bro 💯 but don't move to Africa coming from a African American just my opinion I been in Phillipines and I'm retireing here. #1 cheap rent by the beach and beautiful young woman #2 my $2500 a month goes further #3 the locals are nice they don't judge me on color at least where I live.
@@BillyTimes-dw7vsThanks, but I'm not sure living in a place with so many poor people is a good thing.
@TrollinOnsTrollinOns I understand 👍. But when you live in a developing country you have to help the community and you will look at poor in a different way. Good luck 👍 on what ever u decide to do it's a big world 🌎 I'm 57yo and I realized America isnt for everyone you sound like a very intelligent man and I know u will make the right prudent decision what ever you decide to do.
Growing up in Russia, I didn’t even know the term racism. Watching Hollywood movies with Bruce Lee, Stalone, Will Smith, to me they were just all Americans, but when I moved here, the first thing that confused me was to pick the color of my race when I filled out a government document
💯 true. I’ve always said that if you’re wealthy, you should leave the US for more freedom and peace!
American dream died when the Federal reserve and IRS were established
@@CaptainWooow The fantasy has always existed and still exists. The closest the real America ever came to being like its propaganda was between 1830 and 1860. Throughout most of US history, a small handful of uber wealthy folks owned and controlled everything. So, essentially, America has mostly been like every other country in history. Nothing exceptional...just great propaganda.
@@VicDamoneJr82 Yeah, if you aren't born into an industrial fortune and own a major business, you ain't free in 'Murica. I totally agree.
@CasualsWorstNightmare We're talking freedom, not "having a job." Yeah, you can have a job there, but you'll never be free...because that is a cuntry that is of, by and for hereditary billionaires. A plumber doesn't have much control over his life.
@CasualsWorstNightmare Unfortunately, I lived in that hellhole for forty wretched years. Horrible culture, horrible work environment, ultra violant and aggressive, nutty people and too much propaganda. Wish I had moved overseas about 20-30 years earlier.
So well said! I live in Florida and I own an aluminum manufacturing company and I'm an investor. All my fellow Lamborghini and Ferrari friends are just doctors and dentists.....not entrepreneurs and creators of wealth....just service providers. No wonder Americans live in fear of going bankrupt should they need medical care.....what a joke.
I’m pretty sure most of us will need a doctor before we need aluminum. “Just doctors and dentists” - I know which I value more.
@@andrew_b_uk Lol many people go 50 years without seeing a doctor. You know what keeps your house from flooding? Aluminum.
@Shamilell. Agreed. UAE is actually friendly to entrepreneurs.
Not a joke, those Americans you’re so worried about could have owned aluminum companies or became doctors. Quit being soft on people.
@@andrew_b_uk switch to another country. doctor and dentist are affordable. at least they take bus to work not Ferrari.
As a young (22m) American born to a poor family, I used to have patriotism because I liked to believe the “core American values” but I realize how little I am in this rich country. I don’t leave the house and only work and feel like a robot. The internet is the only thing still keeping me sane which in itself is insane. I can’t leave, I wish things would get better but I’m sad to say they likely won’t. Things have changed so much for the worst in my short time here and I wish to pass in my sleep most days as I’m just tired and burnt out from it all. Thanks for coming to my ted talk.
As an american, go to teach english anywhere in asia, and it will change your life
I agree 100 percent. There's really no good reason to move to the US, unless you will benefit from high income (doctors, lawyers).
The US is no longer the paradise that most people believed it was 50 years ago. Today, the US is a basket case of a nation. Poverty is *_growing._* Homelessness is rampant. Many Americans go bankrupt over medical bills. Life expectancy is *_declining._* Public education is declining. Infrastructure is crumbling. Fentanyl addiction is epidemic. Gun violence is out of control. I could go on and on.
People can’t see through their own media. Love the jabs, are so highly propagandized and don’t know it
The only reason I havent left the USA is that its relatively safe as long as I stay home and don't speak my feelings.
😂😂😂😂😂 louder
Good luck you buddy.
The grass is always greener somewhere else in everyone's head
This video is based on metrics and facts not like that at all here when you have seen and experienced both sides
I meant he was referring to immigrants and foreigners.
A lot of outsiders think the US is the land of opportunities whether because of movies, news...etc so they try to move to the US without knowing the consequences
@@ToucanMoment This is a very big topic and I disagree and I think the video above also agrees with me.
The US immigration and government policies in general reward people who come through the south while torturing, scruitinizing people who are legally working on visas or H1B holders. I know people who contributed allot to the US R&D in semiconductors and the US woud be a land of hillbillies without the achievements of immigrants in Silicon valley. Current polieis are such that they be kicked out and people coming through the border or overstaying visit visas be rewarded and get a SSN and leave to remain much easier.
Every time the US makes immigration harder it makes doing illegal stuff more incentivized while people who are considered intellectual capital are forced to return to countries like Asia. The US government makes a big deal and cries about Asian countries mainly China blowing them out of the water while wearing down and kicking out anyone with intellectual capital.
The US really is the greener grass if you can exploit its broken system or come from a place where you can use the word "flee' The grass is nowhere as green, not in Canada, not in the UK, not in the EU.
The US would be oppositive of what it currently is if it actually rewarded hard-working people and sent back the illegal people, exploiting loopholes or overstaying and then finding ways to stay eating up from actual citizens.
Sometimes the grass is greener...
Planning to retire outside of the U.S. but would like to move sooner if possible. Especially after having a kid who has to participate in school shooting drills is insane to me. Also the healthcare system is beyond horrendous. It is third world country worth.
Same here
Capitalism has gutted America.
Go to India. Stay in Mumbai. Or for foreigner to chill, go to Goa. Healthcare for foreigner is cheap.
Just move to south east Asia and enjoy your usd there.
come here to indonesia. $500k will go looooongg looonnggg way
The US started as a family based economy, not a corporate based economy. Therefore when our country started people moved here, to have their own mom and pop business or farm. We were the land of opportunity.
But then the States started chartering long term business corporations, and we slowly became a corporate based economy. They had had jobs in Europe but in the US they could have their own business or farm. But now few, are able to own a business that provides a comfortable living for a large family. But that reputation has lived on, when it is slowly dying.
The Founders through tea into the Boston Harbor because they didn’t want to have a business that was favored by the king. They wanted a free market. In a free market the government doesn’t charter corporations therefore there are no corporations in a free market.
Spot on
Great point and history lesson. Question: Why is it bad to charter long term business corporations? I mean how else can someone build up a lasting business if it goes under when the owner dies.
Exactly. It's capitalism for them (the corps), but for you and me it's not.
Corporations became excessively powerful that they began meddling in political affairs. We elect politicians who are owned by unelected billionaires.
@@MyCamilla1989 thoughts on the independent party. It’s either Trump or One of the independents for me this year.
I moved to US from China 10 years ago. And I totally agree with you, everything is getting worse.
No wonder there are so many Americans in my country these days . I recently moved from an apartment building where I had 4 American neighbors and all say they have no immediate plans of going back to the USA. I lived in the usa for close to 10 years and I totally understand their sentiments. More $$ money in the usa and it does spread further here so I don’t mind going back to work for a couple years but life is definitely simpler and happier here in Kenya. It’s good to note that many Americans are now realizing there are countries that have way better quality of life with less materialism.
Way too many Americans are leaving US soil and never coming back.. At least that's good for people like you and your family, you can come into the USA and take their place and jobs that became available when they exited the country
As an African immigrant in America, it’s time to go!
If Africans have started complaining then things must be really bad!
I agree with 90% with the guy, but all his arguments are good for people with a lot of money. But for an average guy with poor language skills and no degree but with a lot of drive and willing to work there’s no better country then USA. You arrive there and start a cleaning business or a home service business or anything and in a few years you’ll leave not worse the the locals but even better. Try that in any country in EU . Usa has a great attitude for people how what to work hard, no buddy will judge or not give you a opportunity to show yourself based on your accent or level of education.
You have some good points. However, places like the EU have a better work life balance than in the US. They have Healthcare. Nothing in this world matter more (1st) than Healthcare. EU offers universal and private. In the US, one is attached to their job for Healthcare. Don't get fired.
Get sick in the US. One stands to lose it all. A long term illness could result in loss of property. I believe work is the ONLY good thing about the US. Outside the US is better for life overall. Especially if a person is over 45 years of age.
Agree with that . I don’t say that USA is the best, actually there is no perfect place. My point is that from expat perspective only . Simple question is as east european or central asia etc an average human has mach more chances to make it in the USA starting from bottom at 40 than anywhere else.
The reason it's easy to make money while working in the U.S. is because everyone is SO FUCKING STRESSED about personal and family issues to actually focus on their jobs.
@@romanbulargaI think the picture you paint applies pre 2008 financial crisis. Things have changed a lot and it's so much more expensive and uncertain to start a small business in the US now. Plus the cost of living has increased so much the threshold you need to reach to make it worthwhile to start a small business has gone up substantially.
Of course, there his no better country for poor people from the third world willing to work. US is the best for them. But they are not nomad capitalists. They are hardworking migrants.
My wife and I CANNOT WAIT to move out of this garbage dumpster fire of country. Words at this point could not express how much I ABHOR this country, still an understatement.
Americans are so fucking spoiled holy shit
Where you planning on going?
@@JamBablos My wife and I have looked into Italy, Austria and Greece. If you have any suggestions it would be greatly appreciated!
thoughts on Mexico? @@Harbinger9279
@@Harbinger9279 how long ago was that?
America itself has become a nightmare that may cease to exist when many US States wake up.
Total bullshit lol I went to work and came home. Ahhh so scary 😱
I think it's widely understood that the US would be much better off as 4 to 8 separate countries, at this point.
However, the same seems to be true of India, China, and Russia.
Perhaps we've moved into a different era of smaller nation-states and more localized governance, in this regard.
@@effervescentevanescenttran6331 Quite an interesting take
Разные территории больших стран развиты неодинаково: север, юг, запад и восток. И многие экономически слабые территории существуют из-за возможности миграции, в том числе для работы, но они отсылают деньги своей семье и позволяют им оставаться на том месте. Если разделить вы получите мёртвые города и целые территории, а в крупных городах люди будут жить друг на друге и задыхаться от углекислого газа и умирать в 40 лет от рака.
The US had had shown advanced plans created over a long period of time to divide Russia into 41 separate countries based on ethnic lines.
After 37 years living in the us of amurika I retired and moved back to Brazil.
When I tell people how dumb the average American is they don't believe me.
I left the Dominican Republic in 1993 at that time, Dominicans that returned back into their countries and also American use to project wealth. Tourist wore nice clothes, jewelry, US dollars, prospect in USA. So those people created a wealthy perception that you work in USA, you will get rich. As Dominican back on those year, I never knew there were homeless and poverty until I came to live in USA. But in the 90s still better years, than now. If you want to reach the American dream, you need to come highly educated like be a doctor, dentist, surgeon. It is going to be difficult to be wealthy and pay the rent with just a regular job.
I had it all figured out in 1988, over 35 years ago already !
I moved from Europe to America and stayed there for 5 years ! Then moved to Asia 1993 !
If not much hold you back in the US... then move on !
same for me, moved to the USA for 2 weeks then left to Thailand and relinquished my green card. what a relief!.
@@HELLOPATTAYA Wild but worth it
Did this is 2009. Could never live permanently in the UK anymore. Visiting for a few weeks at a time is upsetting enough.
What about the language barrier? Is that ever an issue?
I voted with my feet and left the USA for good. Best decision of my life!
Where do you currently live if I may ask?
@@gregorsamsa2271 I moved to Nature Island. The land is pristine and unspoiled and crime is nearly non-existent. The most beautiful thing of all: The People. Nature Island is a rare quark of nature. The topography is so extreme and difficult that the robber barons of civilization never involved themselves.
Nature Island has thus retained its all-natural simplicity and wholesome beauty. You can’t find Gucci here, or Polo (Barbados). It is pristine, secret, and UNSPOILED!
The only people that come here either really, really love raw nature or they are just trying to escape the horrors of 21st century ‘civilization’.
As a direct result, the nation has not created a social-strata. The people are just as all-natural as the environment. I learned for that first time, that when left alone (not radicalized by the system), people are by their very fundamental nature, Beautiful Creatures after all! However, if you put them in a bad environment, they will develop many pathologies: The people and culture will develop what Carl Jung termed “a dreadful shadow”.
This place is not perfect. But crime is very low. The people freely leave things out in public without fear of theft, keys in their car, and always rush over to help a stranger in need. Everyone welcomes strangers with open arms. And annoyingly, they are eager to help you back into a parking space! For us civilized westerners, coming here must feel allot like Europeans visiting Tahiti in the late 1700s.
If you love nature and want to see what a loving human society looks like, you must come to Nature Island!
@@gregorsamsa2271 might take a while to get that magical answer. rumor has it he moved to a country with slow internet.
I've lived in Taiwan most of my adult life. I can easily support my wife and two children on my income as a public school teacher here. I do not think I can replicate the standard of living my family enjoys on a teacher's salary in the United States.
That's because you don't feel the need to spend $100/mo on a gym membership, $1000 on an iPhone, $300/mo premium cable/streaming, $50K on a massive SUV, and a ton of other dumb things people here think are "necessities". It's shocking how much money people waste and then cry "it's too expensive to live here compared to the good old days". I have two kids and my wife doesn't work and the reason we have money and live comfortably is because I don't blow it on incredibly stupid things.
BINGO ! am in my 70's and have spent more than half of my life living outside of the USA - treated better, better healthcare, no taxes, lower cost of living, higher level of security, No Illegal Immigration problems
How are you paying no taxes?
No illegal immigration problem? That's funny that you are talking about illegal immigration on behalf of a country not your own that you (legally?) immigrated to.
@@imsometimesahaterlol Simple - where I live, I am retired - HAVE NO INCOME AND THUS NO TAXES, NO PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES EITHER, EVERYTHING PURCHASED ALREADY HAS A VALUE ADDED TAX INCLUDED - There is No Law in the USA that you have to pay Federal Income Tax - that is a fact. Over 80 million do not pay Federal Income Tax in the USA because they know there is no law requiring it.
Fortunately for me I have four various citizenship's and a 5th Residency to fall back on and where I live they do not allow any illegal immigration.
@@SAFETYHOOD where is it?
To be honest, a lot of people do want to leave Malaysia due to the political situation. Speaking as someone who did that in the past - I migrated to Australia from Malaysia. However, I soon discovered that I would have a much, much better lifestyle and quality of life than in Australia, and moved back. Now, I'm much happier in Malaysia. Most Malaysians do not value what we have - there are a lot of advantages to living in Malaysia but we've been "taught" or "told" that Western countries are much better with better job opportunities.
Very true, and if you need a job, you arent really a nomad capitalist.
True, but people wanting a job are not nomad capitalists and this does not apply to them. @@houserental5424
@@houserental5424That why most work here for a few years, save up then move back. Use that money to open a business back in their country and buy a house.
I had similar life experiences going to Australia to get a college degree and tried to make a living to my satisfaction. But that never materialized.
But after moving to USA. All my dreams and more came true. The best place in the world.
Exactly , I've noticed some young men and women have been totally brainwashed by western media . Once a gay man told me he wanted to move to US , i told him he was lucky to be born as a Hindu in India who never opposed gays .
Would you like to go in a country whose people culturally hate you but you are only protected by law , or people who don't hate you at all .
Totally agree 👍 I've lived in the United States for over 24 years and just moved to Sabah Malaysia this year.
Best decision ever! The food house everything cost 1/5 of that in Los Angeles.
I'm surprised that you were able to find Malaysia as an example to compare living costs. Usually westerners go to Thailand 😅 I moved to Sabah because my husband was originally from Sabah.
The medical cost is so low that you really start to question why our medical cost is soooo ridiculously high in the US.
My kids have US passports and they are able to go to a public school in Sabah. The cost is only $20 usd per year!!! They teach 3 languages Chinese English and Malay. Their math is much more advanced than the public school math in the US.
And to start a business, it's easier to make money in the food and beverage field. I have friends that have several restaurants and their revenue is higher than any restaurants I know in LA, but the labor cost is only 1/8. Restaurants are cash cows in Malaysia cause everyone comes out to eat 😊
Thanks for sharing!
I keep thinking of open a pizza shop in southeast Asia and after reading your post its got me thinking I should now.
@@ca60453do it!
it doesn't hurt to try~ the cost of making a mistake is soo low in South East Asia. Sometimes the process of starting a business is more fun than making money. @@ca60453
The US is great comparatively, if you're coming from the 3rd world. Americans who like to brag how amazing America is, compare it with the 3rd world, but never with 1st world countries. How many Western Europeans, Japanese, South Koreans, Australians, Kiwis do you see emigrating to the US? VERY few, indeed.
Otherwise, the US is great if you fulfil the following conditions: you're single, you have a great education, you have a great job lined up, you have no children, you have great health (don't need health insurance), and you're under 40. Otherwise forget it.
Right but third world immigrants choose the USA over all those other countries because that's where they have the best shot at improving their situation.
Plenty of South Koreans immigrate to the U.S.
I like this assessment...but it's a fairly low percentage...because the majority have children (and are unwedded), education is frowned upon (so most have degrees that aren't marketable-therefore they arent getting a high paying job) I definitely agree...Americans aren't sneaking out of this country
..but Americans certainly aren't capitalizing on the benefits that cause 3rd worlders to risk life and limb to get here.
@@rickw3243 mostly from giving their son an opportunity to escape the conscription system, and there is also North Korea with their artillery capable of bombarding Seoul if they choose to renew the war
If you're a criminal or otherwise aren't bothered by being a cut-throat business person who takes advantage of others, the USA might be great for you.
get in as an extremely skilled expat and then get out after the bag is secured
Everyone has exactly the same plan. You'll be competing with a a hundred million or more East Asns alone to pursue that plan. Eventually, skilled American professionals will make about as much as greeters at Walmart. No matter what your skill is, you're nothing special in a pool of a billion people.
@@the_gilded_age_phoenix8717 hopefully the your in question is towards the general pool, cause definitely not going there or anywhere else for a career
@@RevoOnRev1337 I'm talking about all the migrants into the US thinking they will get good jobs and make a lot of money. The US is gamed out, but everyone around the world has the same plan of going there to "make it big."
@@the_gilded_age_phoenix8717 that is unfortunate indeed, most going there only knowing when experiencing life once settled in line with work and everyday life
@@VicDamoneJr82 ...because, unless you are in a Medical field or in an executive position in a major business, your skill is substantially undervalued in the US. This is because the US invites every Tom, Frank and Harry from around the world in and outsources other stuff to India to lower your potential salary and limit your ability to secure gainful employment.
The American dream is now the American nightmare ,our politicians are totally incompetent ,untrustworthy ,and do not work for us at all ,my grands are screwed out of a good future here !
Two years in a row where Americans set a new record for the amount of passports issued. Meanwhile before the pandemic, over 40% of Americans never had a passport. Back in the early 2010’s, over 60% of Americans never been overseas. Information changes everything.
Even in 2024, 14 years later since 2010, am pretty sure 60% of USA native citizens (not naturalized) have never stepped out of the country.
I’m Malaysian and living in Malaysia. Thank you for mentioning about my country ❤
Hopefully they dont come here 😂
God bless your country.
@@KeenFocus too late. all we fat americans headed over right now
Not everything is society and money, where I’m from in Australia a lot of people love it simply for the amazing natural environment and the outdoors and wilderness they have a connection with.
Lol, as if most people in Australia aren't wildly rich by world standards
@@lukehunnableboomers perhaps, certainly not most others. We have a very basic economy (selling minerals and real estate) and nothing else. An ever poorer quality of life, eroded infrastructure and rapidly deteriorating living standards, a housing affordability crisis and the highest rate of immigration in the world.
That sounds like poor people talk.
@@thedownunderverse can you define what qualify of life is to you and why you consider it to be going down there?
I really doubt you have the highest rate of immigration in the world. Australia is famously known to be hard to get into, as a full time resident. Compare that to Europe, where we've received millions of Syrians over the space of a few years.
@@lukehunnable well it’s a fact: Australia’s immigration intake is highest in the developed world. It’s not up for debate. In terms of quality of life: well all infrastructure and services are degraded, congested, oversubscribed. Our economic complexity is ranks at just 93rd in the world, between Uganda and Pakistan (ie: we manufacture nothing), and our housing is the most expensive in the world, being bought by Chinese (similar to Canada). The flow on effects of all of the above are self evident
I really don’t like it here because I can’t say anything and don’t feel safe. Everyone is so easily offended and it’s depressing.
Being American is a sad, lonely existence full of fear and uncertainty.
Well said! Sounds bitter but true
I feel bad for American men , they don't even know how to have good male friends honestly.
Inevitable consequence of hyper individualism.
@@MyCamilla1989It's really discouraging. Everybody in the suburbs is afraid of their own shadows. The overlying culture in America that allowed this suburban sprawl to function on some level is quickly dying. With no real community centers in suburbia, we are just going to spiral down into scared, isolationists, with no purpose since we do not interact with people much at all; we just get in our large SUVs to safely take us from strip mall to strip mall with no real community interactions. I believe that the Karens, for example, started to rise recently because of this isolationist perspective of always being a victim and being the main character.
That isn't america, that is the world
Andrew is getting ballsier by the day.
@@snackler6102 These days, absolutely.
I noticed
I support ✊
Haha - this comment is exactly what I was thinking. Hopefully he won’t get into trouble
More like a Father being Protective, he sees
100% spot on. The US is in a slow death spiral.
Same here in Canada. Feeling lucky. 4 years ago, my Dad got inherited money from Vietnam, he gave me $500k paying off for the new house. Living a mortgage free, and the house’s been up to $650k since then.
Have a good weekend everyone ❤
I am Peruvian American and have doble citizenship🇺🇸🇵🇪, and besides Lima(PERÚ) and Florida(USA), I also lived in Al-Khobar (KSA) and Manama(Bahrein) due to my spouse’s job, I have to say that wherever country you decide to invest or buy a property, BE SURE to previously obtained the PERMANENT RESIDENCY or CITIZENSHIP over there, because due to Political revolutions and changes, the Government can take away your properties and money.
I saw that happening before in CUBA, VENEZUELA and also in my Country PERU during the 70’s… the Government’s do whatever it takes to make you invest over there… then come another politician that thinks that the ownership must belong to the CITIZENS and not foreigners… and then, you lose everything… I saw that happening many times, so INVEST AND BUY wherever you want BUT please be mindful and smart about it.
In my case, besides our-house in Florida, my spouse and I owned departments in Miraflores and San Isidro (Lima, Perú) and we used it for AIRNB, but we do that because I am also a Peruvian Citizen.
Iran did that in the 70s-80s too
Good point.
Just buy bitcoin and sleep soundly lol
I am Peruvian with Italian citizenship ,how about Denmark if you have a European passport migrating is so easy.
True, moving here is over hyped but the problem is people coming in dont know the fact that the US is over rated.
In the 80s this was a great place
I live in China, Shenzhen to be specific, and I've been noticing a lot of South Americans and Africans are choosing China for their education and career.
Plenty of Chinese nationals pay exorbitant fees to come to the U.S., both legally & illegally through the southern border.
Exactly there has to be a reason why. America is still the shining city on the hill
Really??? How many Millions is that???
@@anthonygjolaj3140 Moovies, propaganda and US relatives that want to pretend they are more "successful" than they actually are (saving face).
@@davidangeron3365 No one said millions, although according to the BP, over 28,000 turned themselves in to the BP in 2023 & that is only those that were caught or voluntarily sought out the BP to claim asylum. Many are not apprehended. There is also a thriving birth tourism industry in China to give birth in the U.S. for higher economic Chinese. Doubtful that the numbers of South Americans in China is statistically significant & Africans in China have experienced widespread discrimination.
The GREAT thing is the dollar is stronger in alot of other countries & u can live like a KING while having more freedom.
Yep. If youre going abroad u better have USD or EURO. these other paper currencies are tanking fast
This won't last long
Also usdollar is collapsing like USA itself
@@mehrourbadloe8339that's only in ur head and on tiktok. If u actually do some research, you'll see that while usd lost some value, other all currencies shrank even faster compared to it.
@@mehrourbadloe8339that’s why we need trump back
I have been an expat now for over 19 years and love it. 12 years in Cyprus and 7 years in Indonesia, run my own business and have no regrets. I do miss my extended family though and that would be the only thing that brings me back. My quality of life I believe is better than my family, I travel more, spend more time with my wife and son, and believe I am healthier living abroad. OK, the air quality in Jakarta is very bad, but we deal with it. When my son was born in Cyprus years ago our bill was zero. I can only imagine what it would have been in Utah. Keep up the good work.
"It's called the American Dream because you have to be asleep to believe it!" -George Carlin
Corporate American jobs are a joke as well. I wasted 15 years of my life working for a private company making great income but never had a chance to save money. I know people that worked in Dubai for 15 years that saved tons of cash.
I too couldn't save penny getting a decent money
And yet there are many more who worked 20 years in Dubai and couldnt save. Salaries in Dubai are a joke now for non westerners, 800$ for a front end developer, 1000 for a dentist.....
@@rashed1301 tf front end developers are getting obliterated everywhere, they're getting 300$ now in my country where devs used to get 3,000$ - 5,000$
I live in Mexico right now. I was born and raised American. Gun loving, steak eating American 😂. Unfortunately its over, theres an enemy within in my country that hates us. I hope we the people take it back one day.
In Mexico I have great health care. Own a home and run two gyms. Life is good right now
Bro I’m also born here in USA and want lo live in Mexico I feel more free when I’m over there
So true. Mexico is way better.
@@PlayWaves1watch out for Cartels
Is it safe?
@@ackerwoman16 only few places. Don't go to Cartel-administered places.
I'm from Ecuador, and as you said number 1 is a reason why I would move to the US from Ecuador. You work really hard here to make no more than $1,000 a month (in the best of cases) regardless of what university degree you have. About 25% of our population lives under $5 a day which can tell you a lot about our income. I love our country, it is great, beautiful, and with excellent weather, but making even enough money to live is so difficult. Let's not even talk about planning for the future!
In Europe you get 6 weeks of sick leave, a month of paid annual vacation, around a year of paid maternity leave, almost free college education. But the biggest thing is healthcare. Doctors are so rich in the US because they are lawfully preying on sick weak people along with big pharma. Ozempic price in Poland is around 100 dollars, Ozempic price in the US is 980 dollars. SAME EXACT THING is 10 times more expensive in the US for no reason, but greed. You can save money by flying to Poland, a year worth of prescription will pay for your tickets and vacation, if you are lucky to have paid vacation in the US in the first place. Food quality in the US is extremely low. Why would anyone making 7 figures live in the US is beyond me.
Most developed countries have high taxes and provide their citizens with publicly funded healthcare, subsidized (or free) university tuition, parental leave, subsidized day care etc.. The bottom half of income earners generally get more in benefits than they pay in taxes. Somewhere in the top 20% to 30% of income earners there is a crossover point where they’re paying more tax than they are getting in benefits. In the USA taxes are lower but so are benefits and that crossover point is a lot lower.
"The dating culture is like a war". Yes its brutal out there😮
After seeing that usa is giving free home to illegal immigrants I am thinking to go there illegal from Asia 😢 can it a good decision?
@akshay_755 There are plenty of illegal immigrants already exists there .
@@Not_that_bad_5 when they say free homes, they don't mean free mansions, houses... they mean shelters where you get put with other 1000 migrants.
It's not "free" but it drains tax dollars that were paid by citizens.
Also those shelters are given to the illegals like mexicans. Since you are in Asia, I doubt you will find an illegal way to enter america.
@@Not_that_bad_5you will suffer horribly first, plus it is very dangerous. Maybe they are receiving a free housing voucher which would be temporary. It won’t last and the government could decide to deport at any time.
@@muffintopz4692 I know bro I was joking, my high school completed this year and I am applying for study visa by clearing SAT, which is best state ? I mean which don't have gun crime
When people from my country think about USA and American dream, and probably from many others, they think about American society and culture from 1960s - 2000s, 2008 period maximum, not realizing that the things have changed much since then.
for some people, the simple fact to have running water, electricity and be safe it is a dream
The America dream died while the Chinese dream began.
Really Funny that people didn't had a grasp of the real America. I Went to America as well. It was hella boring. Now more than before even
how is America boring,
it is a big wide country?
@@Buydaa.M Go to Brooklyn and you'll understand.
Wow this is life changing I feel my optimism seeping back
If you dont have a good education and low work skills America is absolutely #1 far and away. Restaurant workers, food delivery guys etc .. and i mean NYC
That is absolute bullshit. If you are very well educated the US is the best country in the world. You get paid so much money, more than anywhere in the world. If you are below average in intelligence and education then moving to countries like Germany is ideal because the government is going to support in any way and make sure that you have good living conditions.
Yikes!!! Little bit of competition.
This kind of work is only for idiots.
But there is room to move up, i would say if you are a hard worker with good habits and no debt you will make a lot more money than in europe the only drawback i see is the socializing aspect.. family and friend time is not priority here @danielhalachev4714
You can barely survive with those skills in NYC.
For us Cubans, freedom (political, religious) was big, economy ranks second.
Something else that would be interesting to cover:
How the US tax system and "double taxation" makes it very tough for the average American to move overseas. You work overseas as an expat and you have to pay both local taxes and taxes to back home. Definitely one way to limit brain drain
@@jonlbdg you'd think so but there's still plenty of American ex-pats who have given up their American passport/nationality as they live and work in the uk. When I was in Japan it was also a big issue with a lot of ex-service men I worked with who had come over with the navy or army, then got married, left from the service and settled.
Tax the losers
Get a foreigner you trust to sign for you and you can evade taxes
That's the flipside of birthright citizenship.
You can thank the Supreme Court for that.
The Founders knew that birthright citizenship was the bedrock of serfdom in that you were never at liberty. The Supreme Court has done so much wrong to the Republic.
Cuisine in Malaysia , come from all over the world and tends to be relatively cheap and taste great. The infrastructure is relatively good with all the modern conviniences available in most places. It's not perfect but it's better than many other countries Malaysians have been to. Most Malaysians have passports and have travelled internationally. Funny how the vast majority still come back home to our imperfect utopia. 😊
As an immigrant here, I see both sides, in my original country I couldn't be myself, job opportunities were quite limited especially due to certain personal factors. America became my choice to move because its so large, mostly English speaking, I aligned with a lot of culture (movies, music, fashion, technology), most people mind their own business so it became the place for me to settle. A lot has changed since the pandemic and something does feel awfully off. Summer 2019 was probably the last time I felt really great here. I just remember that summer and looking out on the city walking down a hill and felt so grateful to live here. I am of course richer than I ever could be in my home country, but I feel like I have to live pay check to pay check here and feel like all I have worked for could easily be wiped out if I ever got sick. Ultimately, I don't see myself retiring here, I would like to settle in a European country; preferably France, Italy or Spain are looking like top choices. But who knows.
my situations and thoughts exactly....
I live in Nicaragua, work for 2 US companies, no point on moving to the US, my rent is only $500 in a 3 bedroom house, I call it "the Nicaraguan dream" 😂
nothings better than living in homeland country with fine life
Oh yes. We can live in a finer thing regardless of the imperfections of our respective countries.
If you were born in Egypt where the country in ruled by a military maniac for almost 10 years with a currency that keeps depreciating every 5 seconds you would know how blessed you are to be born in a western country.
I lived before 2020. in US for a couple of months. The food was insanely expensive, renting was expensive, people look really fat and neglected. Women look androgynous and wear hoodies, and what’s with the tipping culture? A lot of people use drugs also, and the crime rate is insane compared to my country.
To be honest gas was cheap, around $2.2 per gallon at that time.
its gotten twice as expensive since 2020. Literally everything is double the price of 2019
As an American who came here 49 years ago and made it. I would say things have changed totally. Nowadays It’s more likely that you will not be able to make it and if you do which is very slim chance it will be a hell of a struggle that will burden your family and health.
Yup! You've summed it up pretty well!
I’m from Brazil and I lived in New York for 30 years ! Now I’m back home and I’m happy ❤❤❤
I got a $300k job in the Seattle as an Indian. I stayed back. If you adjust purchasing power parity, I make far more money here & I stay with my family.
I have been to US several times. I didn't like the experience. You built everything that money can build. But the lack human touch in daily life is something that hurt me. What I mean is, if I have a medical emergency at home, in India, my neighbours rush to my place before emergency services. That's a special thing that we value a lot & no money can buy it 😢
The main reason migrants move to the US is to send dollars back to their country. The dollar is overvalued in most developing countries if you get paid in dollars in the US save like shit, then you can ship a lot of dollars to the country you come from and those dollars are worth more.
My quality of life, career opportunities, and overall health is better in Mexico than it is in the USA.
Im looking at making this jump
For a start your health can be good in the US (discipline) and what area do you work in to have better job opportunities in Mexico? Must be very niche
I really had thoughts about leaving Europe for the US. However, recently I see absolutely no reason to so. In America, there is no universal Healthcare, student loans are a very heavy burden, job security is non-existent, salaries only seem high but when you take into account health and desire to have kids, they suddenly don't look that impressive. I find Europe to be much more attractive in those areas and many more. Last but not least, the current US president is a joke.
Depends where in Europe. A major US city is much more preferable to Albania or Bulgaria.
Living in Australia where we don't get unskilled migrants because we have points based immigration. We also decide who is a refugee and who isn't and have been deciding that since 1990. We have universal healthcare and despite what some people will have you believe yes you can get a gun in Australia but you have to have a good reason to want one and not liking the next door neighbour or the majority of people in your street is not a good enough reason. I personally get 6 weeks paid holiday and three weeks paid sick leave and two weeks paid Long Service Leave every year. I work some weekends and get higher pay rate for them and the same with public holidays. In the USA for some reason those are called "benefits". But they're not benefits here given by an employer but legislated laws by governments going back many years. Sick leave and long service leave can accrue here and I have over a year of paid sick leave accrued and 8 months of paid long service leave.
We have paid maternity and paternity leave and paid bereavement leave too. So why can't the richest country in the world give it's citizens these things that we just take for granted.
The idea of the laid back attitude of Australians is a myth for we're very hard working but unlike the USA we work to live not live to work.
The problem with Australia is that it's full of Australians.
I move to USA and after 5 years I am moving back. This country is not for me. I don't identify with almost anything that's going on here and I do not agree with most ways how the country is governed and how people treat each other, whether it is at workplace or in private life. It's toxic place, it's a pressure cooker, I feel flattened, and I want to feel safe, free and growing.
in UAE my mother is a doctor made $4 million in 5 years, i invested some of that money in real estate in UAE especially Dubai, and now its me who made my first $million
most UAE population are immigrants, where are you from?
@@nathan_408 it doesn't matter in UAE where you from we are all living a happy life as human being
It is not a good place to live if you have to worry about your kids literally getting shot when they are in the school.
Read Christopher Lasch's book, Revolt of the Elites, about when the capitalists revolted against labor in the US, the world, de-industrialized, switched to a financialized economy (speculation - the betting economy), which all began right after the social revolution of the 60's when people gained civil, labor, consumer safety, environmental rights and ended an illegal war in Vietnam. By no longer accepting the draft, they had to make everyone poor and desperate.
I will share my perspective as a Singaporean. Singapore has a strong economy, comparable to many developed countries, including the USA. However, due to its limited land area and population, there are challenges to sustaining economic growth, and the country lacks natural resources. Singapore is almost a perfect country; the only downside is the lack of freedom. Living here can feel mundane since most of us work 9-to-5 jobs, and weekends can be quite boring in this small city-state.
On the other hand, the USA is vast and offers significantly more opportunities for career growth. In many ways, the USA seems to have an edge, except in one crucial aspect: safety. That said, not all parts of the USA are unsafe, but even the safest city in the USA might feel more dangerous compared to Singapore.
Really loved this take. Couldn't agree more. 👏
"There is no greater disaster than greed."
- Lao Tzu
Look around what we have achieved it was all Because of greed
@@har_d_rocks9987And its all falling apart.
I will ague it started because of hard work
2024 inner city America is overwhelmed and by spring time I think their is going to be mass crimes of all kinds to survive this economic crunch ,of course due in largely with the current administration in place they are absolutely insane 😷
By the way I hope to be doing Business with you guys in the near future , I enjoy all your conversations and financial expertise you guys keep us very well informed
USA is a civil war waiting to happen, just like the EU ....
Yes, you can make a lot OWNING a business outside the US. And that business can die within a few bad years... Demand can evaporate.
In person has less competition. Online work will very soon be swamped as more and more providers, from all of the world, offer the exact same service. Year by year, competition will expand. ie, Nomad Capital is so copied that they had to address the issue in a vid and try to differentiate themselves, but the race to the bottom is unstoppable. All services that can be done online will be bid down until the pay is very low.
The vid's advice is just for millionaires with ready liquid assets (or at least assets that can be monitored remotely), and to be fair, he makes that clear.
Do you have an advice?
Yep assets held in the countries he is saying are bad to live in lol
We come to USA to move from no class/poverty to middle class, in hope of returning home and building up. Do not forget coming here, means our kids have better opportunities than we ever did. The issue now is the taxes the middleclass pays which now impact us. It is the dream EVERYONE in poverty has. Even those in Africa, come to US to build ourselves and to one day return home with our wealth and new status.
Poor countries should focus on building themselves up instead of siphoning off money from the rich ones. Improve productivity and you will be rich too. The problem is it's extremely hard to do.
My new American dream is to get out of this country and moved to another country where I can have more personal freedom.
It's overrated because the US no longer works for the people, it works for corporations.
Politics is a team sport in the U.S and our progress is ultimately stunted by this. Can't have our taxes going towards healthcare, labor or education reform, that's a hand out or "How are we going to pay for it?" sneaks its tired old head out. Can't agree to something common sense because the blue or red team said it.
Your main overall message applies even to the average person working a remote job out there. If you can take your job elsewhere and live a better quality of life, do it.
Why would you want to live paycheck to paycheck when you can move, live comfortably, get treated better and nest away money in investments, retirement or savings?
When you said you felt more persecuted in the United States, I laughed out loud because I can empathize with you, truly. lol
That's why I left that piece of trash country for good.
Thanks for all you do with your work and wisdom.
Peace and love!
Sad you felt that way. America failed you but we will get better.
@@PlayWaves1, I love your optimism.
But America, as you can see, is going from bad to worse to worser.
Nothing is getting better about it.
It's tragic because American crescendoed in 1985, then it's been a downhill ride ever since.
@@masterprophet8378America is not going to be worse than now
EU is worse than USA
@@kdexter2690, how is the EU worse than America?
@@masterprophet8378 EU decreased by -0,7% but USA 🇺🇸 increased by 2,5%
EU is totally without money
USA are greatly strong
So, USA is a country with future
Hello, myself from India, so the thing why Indians are migrating to US or any other nation I can tell you a bit or two about that. From my experience what I got to know from people who migrate to US or any Western nation is that it's nothing but because of their "fantasy" of living in a developed Western nation. As in India where everything Western seems like luxurious and fine because that's what people think let it bad or good, anyone who's lived in a Western nation or been there their status automatically changes to upper strata of society and people suddenly see themselves as wealthy or more superior. It's nothing but stems from colonial mindset which is a result of the colonial hangover when people saw their foreign masters as highly superior than them.
I had a cowork at SoCal Edison who was pissed when talking about why he came to the US. Left his whole family in Guatemala because his country and economy was destroyed by the US. Same goes with people of Venezuela.
If you come from a country at war or a place like Haiti, the US doesn't sound bad. Other than that it's a horrible idea to move into this country.
Certain industries make a lot of $$$ in the USA
Usually services to the wealthy
Dr's Dentist, Lawyers, Financial advisers, plastic surgeons, . Usually something that can not be done online