I'd say you should put the back against the wind, so the entrance is facing away from the wind direction. That way you get the most narrow wedge of the tent facing the wind, and you can open the door and use the entrance normally since it's sheltered by the tent body.
I would hands down say the "forest green/dark green". There are a few that look amazing in Naturehike's dark blue (like the Spider 1, Cloud Peak and Taga), but overall I'm a sucker for the dark green; you never go wrong with that one.
Kull och bra gjort video
Tack så mycket!
Jaaaa kul!!!! 🎉🎉
Äntligen va?!
@@fiskmasadventures ja så glad 😍
Awesome tent
should i positione the cloud up with the back or the front in the wind for a maximum of stability?
I'd say you should put the back against the wind, so the entrance is facing away from the wind direction. That way you get the most narrow wedge of the tent facing the wind, and you can open the door and use the entrance normally since it's sheltered by the tent body.
Hi brother.. Please tell me what's the favorite naturehike tent color in your opinion.
I would hands down say the "forest green/dark green". There are a few that look amazing in Naturehike's dark blue (like the Spider 1, Cloud Peak and Taga), but overall I'm a sucker for the dark green; you never go wrong with that one.