Hopefully when the bridge is pushed into place someone will do a timelapse video of the operation from digging out A46 to completion vehicles using the reopened road
it would be an interesting watch _ no doubt hs2 will do something but it'll be their very short video as usual _ something with some more detail would be good
Argh, the "unaffordable ticket" mythology that has failed the Stop HS2 narrative time after time. Problem is more of a product actually generally leads to lower prices not higher ones.
I can't tell if you've been misled or are actively trying to mislead, but that's a ridiculous straw man. HS2 is where all the long-distance trains are going to be moved from the WCML, meaning a far, far greater availability of seats for the current passengers (and those currently put off by prices and overcrowding). It's not going to be some kind of premium option running alongside the status quo.
Hopefully when the bridge is pushed into place someone will do a timelapse video of the operation from digging out A46 to completion vehicles using the reopened road
it would be an interesting watch _ no doubt hs2 will do something but it'll be their very short video as usual _ something with some more detail would be good
The bridge deck is done, They cast it on Wednesday. Once it’s cured(takes about 10 days) they’ll start lifting the side sections into place.
I drove along the A46 dual carriageway about a week ago. Nothing much to see from the ground.
It looks as if it won't be long before the show Road bridge is in use.
April it gets pushed into position
England's biggest white elephant to date such a waste of money time it's finished no one would be able to afford a train ticket
Argh, the "unaffordable ticket" mythology that has failed the Stop HS2 narrative time after time. Problem is more of a product actually generally leads to lower prices not higher ones.
I will.!
I can't tell if you've been misled or are actively trying to mislead, but that's a ridiculous straw man. HS2 is where all the long-distance trains are going to be moved from the WCML, meaning a far, far greater availability of seats for the current passengers (and those currently put off by prices and overcrowding). It's not going to be some kind of premium option running alongside the status quo.