From Catholicism to Biblical Christianity | Greg Koukl

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    #gregkoukl #standtoreason #whyJesus

ความคิดเห็น • 172

  • @hail2703
    @hail2703 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Amen 🙏🏽 God’s grace is sufficient. Christ makes it possible that we live for Him.

  • @seanrathmakedisciples1508
    @seanrathmakedisciples1508 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

    I was born catholic and I was born again At the age of 35 On 24/10/1986 I fell to my knees and called on Jesus to forgive me. I was depending on religion and then I trusted Jesus alone.

    • @ronaldorivera4674
      @ronaldorivera4674 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      ​@patriceagulu8315 Infants can't be born again, we have to knowingly put our faith and trust in Christ, babies have no understanding of this.

    • @edwardwalsh5477
      @edwardwalsh5477 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Eight days, at the direction of God as a mark of ownership by God. "baptism is the new circoncision[sp]" is incorrect. The new mark of membership in the CHURCH is the "CUP of the NEW testament". Read about it. It's in there.@patriceagulu8315

    • @rexlion4510
      @rexlion4510 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @patriceagulu8315 You say baptism is the new circumcision. Circumcision was a sign and seal of the covenant, but circumcision did not confer righteousness to Abraham. The NT says in several places that God imputed righteousness to Abraham *through faith, before* Abraham circumcised himself. Read Romans 4.
      If baptism is the instrument by which God justifies us (makes us righteous), then tell me when the Apostles got water baptized into Christ. Read Acts 2: the Holy Spirit fell upon them in the upper room, and a crowd gathered because they heard them speaking in many tongues; then Peter spoke the Gospel boldly to this crowd and 3,000 people repented and believed the Gospel message. Then what? Look at Act 2:41. "So those who received his word were baptized, and there were added that day about three thousand souls. And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers."
      Here is my point: can you show me a scripture which tells us when or if the Apostles got water-baptized into Christ? They had just been speaking in tongues moments before Peter addressed the crowd, so do you suppose that eleven un-baptized, spiritually unregenerated Apostles went ahead and baptized 3,000 people on that one day? Or is it rather more likely that the 3,000 were "added to the church on that day" because that is when they believed in Christ, and over the course of the next few days or weeks the 3,000 were consequently baptized? Either way, Scripture proves that faith, not water baptism, is the instrument through which God bestows justification.

    • @seanrathmakedisciples1508
      @seanrathmakedisciples1508 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      @patriceagulu8315 The Lord Jesus said he that believes and is baptized we saved. We all have to decide whether we will follow Jesus or our church. Salvation is never found in a church but in Jesus. The Lord Jesus is the savior of the entire world. We all have to do business with Jesus by calling on Jesus directly and then telling others the good news ( gospel)

    • @seanrathmakedisciples1508
      @seanrathmakedisciples1508 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@ronaldorivera4674 Thanks that is the truth. We can’t baptize babies but believers only. Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ will be forevermore forgiven and saved for eternal life with the Lord Jesus forevermore

  • @KK-fz9kt
    @KK-fz9kt ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Your testimony was so kindly and tender. ❤😊 Jesus is so like this. I love your humility. Jesus radically saved me and I am so ripped that modern religion graffitis who Jesus really is. You are a light

  • @bettymofokeng3404
    @bettymofokeng3404 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    Eternity is about Christ, Christ is the only best we can believe in and accept not a specific church or denomination
    Jesus Christ matters, He is the Way the Truth and the Life, not a specific denomination or religion

    • @rexlion4510
      @rexlion4510 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      I agree. If only the Roman Catholic Church had the same view! They think they (the RCC) are the only true church, and the rest of us Christians are apostates for whom salvation will be almost certainly denied. That is the historic teaching of the RCC.

  • @user-ud9og6qm9h
    @user-ud9og6qm9h 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Salvation is by grace ALONE through faith ALONE in Christ ALONE!! John 3:16 John 6:29
    Romans 10:13 Ephesians 2:8-9 Titus 3:5 etc

  • @1stJohn3.9-10
    @1stJohn3.9-10 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    I was a Hypocrite in Church 50yrs and I almost killed myself, until I read 1st John 3:9-10~No one who is born of God will Continue to sin, bec God’s seed Remains in them; they Cannot go on sinning, bec they have been born of God. This is how we Know who the children of God are and who the children of the Devil are!
    I found 182 NT verses w/ the Same Warning!
    ~I almost went to Hell, so on 8/10/17 I went from Foolish to Wise when I Surrendered 100% of my life; Not just 75-95% Once I was Truly Born Again, Dying to ALL my fleshly desires, I Suddenly had a Hunger to Read/Listen to my Bible from Cover to Cover Every Mo for 6yrs: Only 3Hr/Day. I've lived free of All regrets by simply taking EVERY Thought captive and I Make it Obedient to Christ. It takes 10 Sec to ask myself, Will this Thought Word Deed glorify Jesus or Satan? The answer is Obvious but Not Easy! I've been free of ALL Anger Complaints Fear Lust Lying Pride Shame Unforgiveness.
    What matters more than your Eternal Soul?

    • @daodejing81
      @daodejing81 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I love your sincerity. The kingdom of heaven is near you because your desire is earnest and you love the truth.
      You are born again when you SEE. When you SEE, salvation is possible through spiritual practice, which is purifying, centering, harmonizing.
      Spiritual practice is applying wisdom to manage the things that come up in your life. Be in the moment.
      John is correct. You cannot sin when you are one with ALL. You have entered the consciousness of compassion, love and empathy.
      To sin, means simply, to miss the mark. Thus, when you realize that state of oneness, there is no more sin. If you depart, simply return. Simple!

    • @beautybeyondthebeast9091
      @beautybeyondthebeast9091 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      You were probably born again the moment you believed in Christ as savior. You really have to understand that growth in God takes place over a lifetime and is not experiential. At times, we may not feel we are saved, but we are, we are not weaving in and out of traffic, it’s solid and we are sealed. It doesn’t come and go and further more, everyone is judging everyone else’s conversion’s, it’s causing massive confusion and driving some poor souls crazy. Jesus alone saves, period.

    • @daodejing81
      @daodejing81 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      No, accepting Jesus as your Savior is a lie of Christianity. That does absolutely nothing for you.
      Being born again is to enter a new paradigm, a new consciousness. It is associated with SEEING.

    • @Adam_A_Christian
      @Adam_A_Christian 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @daodejing81 No. Being born again is receiving the gift of Salvation through Christ Jesus, upon being saved, Jesus promises to send the Holy Spirit.
      If you're preaching against Jesus as the only means of salvation you're acting as a false prophet and do not have the Holy Spirit of God in you.
      Anyone preaching another gospel is accursed, according to the divinely inspired words of the Apostle Paul.
      Repent. "Fear not, only believe."

    • @daodejing81
      @daodejing81 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      That's the bullshit you're fed in church. That's what we call, Christian theology. Christian theology has led many souls astray.
      You are not born again, obviously, and that necessarily means that you are not saved. You are blind. The one who is born again is able to SEE.

  • @davidlelyukh3690
    @davidlelyukh3690 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Read Tactics by Koukl

  • @JamesRichardWiley
    @JamesRichardWiley 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Greg has a ways to go before he can see the contradictions and inconsistencies with reality in his Bible. Keep going Greg. You will get there.

    • @peaceandfood7952
      @peaceandfood7952 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Why do you say that people live 930 years is completely normal.....

  • @robertlight5227
    @robertlight5227 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Any physical evidence for your physical claim for a living physical JC?

  • @hommerecorder7003
    @hommerecorder7003 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I dont now. The Bibel say Belive in Your God JHWH. and Your Saver Jesus Christ.

  • @msmd3295
    @msmd3295 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Forgiveness for sin? Usually a person asks for forgiveness when they've done something wrong, especially willingly done something wrong. Sin presumes that having done something wrong is the fault of the actor. Virtually everyone misunderstands the very idea of sin. They've been taught that [free will] led to disobedience and that is the origin of sin. That is wrong. Sin is just a synonym for "imperfection". And to fully understand imperfection a person must look back all the way to the very act of "creation". Assuming god created Everything in the universe, what did god do? He created a universe out of MATTER [atoms, molecules]. Well... it is known to science [physics] that matter is inherently imperfect. A perfect thing would no longer be "perfect" if it were to change. And physics knows as a matter of fact that matter is changing ALL the time. Thus matter is incapable of being perfect. As a result nothing, including living things, are capable of being perfect - sinless. But if one believes in a creator one also has to accept the living things in this universe had NO hand in creation. Thus we are sinful [imperfect] through no fault of our own. As an example, if a painter paints a portrait and he does not like the end result, whose fault is it? Is it the portrait's fault or the painters? It's obviously the painter's fault. Should the portrait accept responsibility for it's imperfection? So people have the wrong understanding of sin. And the reason for that is due to what they've been taught. It works to the advantage of organized religion to impose guilt upon followers because guilt gives others some degree of control over them.

    • @ecuador9911
      @ecuador9911 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Please read the first three chapter of Genesis and you will find that God created a PARADISE for mankind to live in. God Himself called His creation ”good” and after He created man in His own image God Himself declared ALL of His creation “very good.” He created Woman out of the man He had created.
      However, as a test of their loyalty, He commanded that they could not eat of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil or they would die, but of every other tree they were free to eat. Satan questioned God’s command and said that if they ate of that tree, “they would become like God.” They believed Satan’s lie and knowingly disobeyed God’s ONLY direct command. Immediately they died spiritually, no longer able to commune with God. This act of disobedience is what God calls “sin,” which means “missing the mark” of God’s perfection. As a result, God immediately expelled them from their Garden. THAT disobedience also brought corruption and imperfection into the entire creation (Romans 8:19-22), the imperfect that Physics and other observations measure and we see with our own eyes and experience continually.

    • @msmd3295
      @msmd3295 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@ecuador9911 Your reply assumes the validity of the bible, that what it says is in fact true. Unfortunately there is very little claimed in the bible that anyone can demonstrate is factual. So it does nothing for your argument in favor of god to quote the bible or even encourage others to read the bible. If one were disposed to do so, they'd have to approach that endeavor with a preconceived notion that the bible is "true" and no one can prove that with empirical evidence. Virtually everything in the bible is "hearsay" and historical rumor, myth, etc. with the possible exceptions of references to certain geographical locations. Even then some or many of those may be false. Take for example the story in the Old Testament of Joshua and the fall of Jericho. Both Israeli and Arab archeologists have concluded that the city of Jericho had been abandoned at least 100 years BEFORE the time of Joshua. Meaning that story is largely fiction. And the bible is chock full of similar stories of which there is little to no evidence to support the claims. So... why exactly should anyone believe the bible is factual? I suspect people believe for entirely different motives... the New Testament makes promises that no one or thing can rightly make. On the top of that list is the promise of "everlasting life". That's a purely emotional conclusion because most people's Egos have difficulty accepting the Fact that ALL things eventually Die, even the stars die at some point. People fear death and seek ways to avoid it even if the ideas they come up with are pure fantasy.

    • @ecuador9911
      @ecuador9911 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@msmd3295 “Very little?” Really? The Bible begins with an incredible declaration that if it’s true, everything else should be taken seriously, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” It follow with a description of everything else He made. Either that claim is true or false.
      Look around you. The creation from the smallest neutron to the expanse of the Universe and the vast creation in between, teaming with intricacy, life and complimentary variety.
      Consider the intricacies of the human body. Marvel at your ability to live, be self-aware, think, communicate, feel, see and hear, just to name a few.
      These things did not create themselves. How can you explain how anything this vast and complicated came into existence without a Creator external to that Creation?
      Scripture says “The heavens are declaring the glory of God and the sky demonstrates His handiwork.” Creation is as much evidence for a Creator as a work of art is evidence for an artist.
      If this isn’t enough to convince you, nothing I can say pails in significance.

  • @johncolage1651
    @johncolage1651 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Even a Christian cannot brush aside the worship of Jehovah as God. In Revelation 1:5 the Son of God called himself "Jesus Christ, 'The Faithful Witness.'" When on earth as a man he was a Jew, an Israelite, to whose nation the words of Isaiah 43:10 was written: "'You are my witnesses,' is the utterance of Jehovah, 'even my servant I have chosen.'" Jesus demonstrated that he was a faithful and true witness of Jehovah God. His genuine disciples today must be the same kind of witnesses, Jehovah's.

    • @ricksonora6656
      @ricksonora6656 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Are you aware that Jesus called Himself I AM, which is the translation of YHWH?
      Are you aware that the Faithful Witness Jesus said He shared God’s glory before He created the world?
      Are you aware that God said He will not share His glory, there never was another God, there never will be another God, and He created the universe by Himself?
      Are you aware that Jehovah is an Anglicized version of…
      Latinized version of…
      Greek version of…
      Jewish combination of
      consonants of YHWH combined with vowels of Adonai in the second century BC…
      because, in the fifth century BC, they forbade speaking YHWH, so they forgot how to pronounce it?

    • @melodybarbour3218
      @melodybarbour3218 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@ricksonora6656 AMEN!

  • @rexlion4510
    @rexlion4510 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    The basic problem of Roman Catholics is that they are in spiritual bondage to their denomination. They are held captive by fear of damnation. The RCC has manipulatively convinced their members that the RC Sacraments are the absolutely necessary instrumentality through which they may be saved. They believe this more readily than they believe Jesus, who said, "him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out...And this is the will of him that sent me, that *every one which* seeth the Son, and *believeth on him,* may have everlasting life: and *I will raise him up at the last day."* (John 6:37,40). One who serves the Chair of Peter is a slave to their Sacraments, but one whom the Son sets free is "free indeed" (John 8:36).

    • @melodybarbour3218
      @melodybarbour3218 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Yes, RCC doctrine teaches Catholics have salvation through the RCC, and not through Jesus Christ alone.

  • @simonskinner1450
    @simonskinner1450 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Only those with the Holy Spirit will not sin. How do we know you are baptised? You do not sin as you promised. I have a Ytube video series 'Myths in so-called Christianity' for NT truth.

    • @melodybarbour3218
      @melodybarbour3218 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Believers sin less but we are not sinless until we are absent from our body and present with the Lord.

    • @simonskinner1450
      @simonskinner1450 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@melodybarbour3218 Faith counts for righteousness, but all sin is unrighteousness, therefore no faith. The just shall live by faith.
      How can you sin if you are dead to sin?
      You can't.
      I stand by my original comment.

    • @Adam_A_Christian
      @Adam_A_Christian 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      God's word is crystal clear: "If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us." (1 John 1:8)

    • @melodybarbour3218
      @melodybarbour3218 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@simonskinner1450 when we are saved by God's grace, we no longer practice sin. We don't live in sin but we still sin because we still have our sin nature. 1 John 1:8 If we say that we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves and the truth is not in us. 1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

  • @janman55
    @janman55 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Why hasn’t this person put his religious and epistemology claims to the test by debating them with qualified atheists like Matt Dillahunty? The point is that Greg like so many other Christian apologists set up Atheist Strawman Arguments that do not reflect actual atheists.

    • @JacquelineHahn1
      @JacquelineHahn1 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      As if their is a standard model for atheism you get so many flavours these days, then there are those who say they are atheists but are really agnostic, or the new age atheist. By the way Hegelian dialectics work both ways.

    • @janman55
      @janman55 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@JacquelineHahn1 Atheists merely say that the Theistic Claims (either those made by people or the books they have written) do not stand up to scrutiny. This is why most believers only preach to the choir of other believers or to those who are afraid to question their claims.

    • @JacquelineHahn1
      @JacquelineHahn1 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@janman55 Now I may not know the classic atheist stance, but from my understanding they believe we are all here by random chance, without any deliberate design by a High power (God). A mere collision of cells randomly forming together by accident with no purpose or goal in mind. Or before that random chemicals forming and reforming in highly unstable conditions in Chemical soups churned by chaotic events.. No purpose, no plan just randomness. In my limited understanding of chemistry I see that every chemical which is common to the average person always ends up breaking down, degrading without care, planned procedures to keep them stable (eg. heating, cooling, removing oxygen, removing contaminants etc.) they just breakdown and/or form other compounds. Knowing this to be true I ask how then can an atheist state that organised, complicated beings come into existence without intent?
      Whilst I can see adaptation of species I cannot see life spontaneously erupting from nothing. I find that it would take more faith for me to put my trust in a being who sees themselves as a mere act of randomness that lacks purpose or design. If one really believes that their brain is an accident then where can exist a rational, empirical thought process? How does random + accident + chance = order/rationality/design?
      Why, in your opinion should a person trust the thoughts of another when it’s all accidental? This obviously can lead us to postmodern deconstructionist thinking but I don’t wish to be a product of postmodernism so I strive to outrun it.
      Put simply from the get go of the atheistic argument (as I currently understand or don’t understand it) I don’t see how a polypeptide or amino acid can hold it’s shit together long enough in unstable chaotic conditions to form bonds and then replicate that process to form the complicated and manifold species I see today. This therefore leads me to an issue with the atheistic model in that we cannot replicate the original conditions of their hypothesis which is a total nothingness, then a somethingness after a ‘big bang event. We cannot prove the hypothesis because we cannot replicate the original condition which they state was at the beginning. It thus therefore cannot be put to the test, replicated, or first hand witnessed. If an atheist then by faith believes something unobserved and un replicated to be fundamentally true how can that be scientific and relied upon. Once a person by faith then believes this to be the foundation of the so called “proper” worldview everything they observe after this will be with confirmation bias or through that lens of belief. I apologise for my clumsy explanation and though process in regards to atheism or should it be called materialism?
      I also find that the atheistic worldview or argument does not account for the supernatural or spiritual world. Unfortunately I have had first hand experience of the demonic, nasty spiritual beings and can find no support to understand this phenomenon in the realms of atheism. Sad to say I have seen and experienced things which cannot exist in the world of the atheist. I have also been blessed to witness the miraculous and supernatural where I have seen a person healed miraculously after prayer where no medical explanation could be given. It was a spontaneous, visually verifiable event which was ongoing and happened whilst the person being healed was unaware of the prayer at that time. So no placebo effect. The healing was ongoing and the limb affected never had that issue again.
      I an effort to support the more unbiased litmus test I think that atheists should put faith to the test. You cannot know if God is real if you have not walked in faith. Unless you have tried the word of God to see if it works how can you scientifically say it is not true. Now I am not talking about churches and denominations with their added traditions that have no place in the Word of God but rather what the word says. Yeshua (Jesus) says if you keep my commands then you will know the truth, He also says if you keep my word/commands then I will reveal myself to you etc. To be 100% sure that Jesus is not real you should put His word to the test. Many have done this and found Him. Some found Him and rejected Him others found Him and remain with Him.
      I have put His word to the testing and so far after 38 years He has proved true. My life is a scientific trial testing the things of God and finding that they are true and He is real and can be relied upon. I find this so much easier to believe than the atheistic model

  • @tazwowe
    @tazwowe 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Brother, please be careful with your declarations of who is and who isnt a real Christian. You should know that Benny Hinn has publicly repented for some of the things he taught. He is not my style and I don't agree with everything he teaches, but he absolutely loves the Jesus of the bible and has lived his life poured out for Him. His mistakes and his flaws do not negate his relationship with and faith in Jesus

  • @devadasn
    @devadasn 2 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Catholics pray to Mary, they believe in works. All against the Bible. I need only Jesus to be saved

  • @INRIVivatChristusRex
    @INRIVivatChristusRex 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    It is sad to hear that you were deceived.
    There is no salvation outside the Church.
    Ave Christus Rex!
    Salve Maria Regina!

    • @ronr3656
      @ronr3656 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Funny....and sad

  • @gregwademan359
    @gregwademan359 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    The Catholic Church is the only Church that has a pedigree that goes back to the apostles themselves. All other churches have been established by men either during or after the 16th century.

    • @samsamthecat492
      @samsamthecat492 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      The catholic church is about rules and has a priest that they go to for forgiveness instead of Jesus.

    • @gregwademan359
      @gregwademan359 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@samsamthecat492 No it's not. It's all about salvation and sanctification. He also gave His authority to His apostles to forgive or retain sins (John 20:23).

    • @Jezus-Wybawia
      @Jezus-Wybawia 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Roman Catholicism is not even Christianity, and there is no question of any apostolic succession.@@gregwademan359

    • @HiThereHeyThere
      @HiThereHeyThere 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      You can believe the lies of catholicism if you want but thats not true history. You just drank the koolaid.

    • @melodybarbour3218
      @melodybarbour3218 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@gregwademan359 God alone can forgive sins. How can a sinful man forgive anyone's sins? Only holy God can forgive sins. And Jesus Christ started His Church. He didn't start the Roman Catholic Church.

  • @peaceandfood7952
    @peaceandfood7952 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I understand someone that follow Jesus as a phylosophy I don't understand people that believe all the shit written in the bible and all the magic that comes with it...

    • @HiThereHeyThere
      @HiThereHeyThere 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Because it is 100% truth. It has been examined and investigated very well by many many many people both those not Christian and those who grew up in Church and it is historically and truthfully reliable, factual and nothing in it has ever been refuted. The main reason people have the current view like you do is because they are trapped in their sin nature, love sin and unrighteousness and therefore suppress truth and are not interested in finding out if it is;doing the deep dive needed. Only when God draws a person to Himself towards and to salvation will they desire or want to know the truth and investigate it. And upon conversion they will embrace truth, live righteousness and hate lies and sin.

    • @markmountjoy3636
      @markmountjoy3636 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      What magic??

    • @peaceandfood7952
      @peaceandfood7952 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@markmountjoy3636 excuse me sir when a snake talks, a donkey talk, a man walk on water, a virgin give birth etc...I'm not sure why you believe this and it's called magic....

    • @markmountjoy3636
      @markmountjoy3636 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      @@peaceandfood7952 Dear friend, you're only relying on your experience. If anything strange ever happened to you you'd almost certainly be more flexible in what you thought was possible. There is way more to existence that what you've experienced in your life and you will discover this either in the long run or the short run; it is entirely up to you.

    • @peaceandfood7952
      @peaceandfood7952 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@markmountjoy3636 I'm not saying anything strange happened and I can't wait to see a snake a donkey talk (mad fun), can't wait to see somebody walking on water, and of course change water in ginger ale....but you're still will have to explain to me how it is linked to a God and especially which you guys are claiming that the holy spirit is in you based on what.... you're own experience ...

  • @beautybeyondthebeast9091
    @beautybeyondthebeast9091 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Your following the Lord is the work or fruit of the Spirit not a result of your mental willingness. You started out right here then went straight into works😢.

    • @rexlion4510
      @rexlion4510 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      You're right, works are the fruit of the Holy Spirit's leading and enablement. We should never take credit for, or try to earn salvation with, good deeds. That is the error of RC doctrine: they teach that a person can receive justification through works.

  • @nishisingh227
    @nishisingh227 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    What do you mean by "Catholicism to Biblical Christianity" ? Looks like you do not have much knowledge about the Catholicism? It might change your spiritual life for the better.

    • @melodybarbour3218
      @melodybarbour3218 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Read your Bible so you know who Jesus truly is. Jesus said, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me." Believe what God said in His word. Don't believe man's doctrine.

    • @ricksonora6656
      @ricksonora6656 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      He was Catholic, and as a theologian, he knows it better than most priests. What’s lacking here is Catholic understanding of the apostolic writings. Catholic sacramentalism and biblical soteriology are mutually exclusive.

    • @nishisingh227
      @nishisingh227 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@melodybarbour3218 So have you moved a mountain lately?

    • @melodybarbour3218
      @melodybarbour3218 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@nishisingh227 I'm not sure what you mean by that statement.
      Jesus said, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me."

    • @nishisingh227
      @nishisingh227 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@melodybarbour3218 He also said, "My flesh is real food and and my blood is real drink. Unless you eat of this flesh and drink of this blood, you have no real part in me."

  • @purgatorean
    @purgatorean 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    The guy in the video is really confused. Nothing that he says comes from the Bible. The Bible teaches that Grace only comes in the Sacraments of the Catholic Church. There is no other Biblically revealed way. Too many of you ill-informed people fall for that garbage. You must always ask for the Biblical proof of what is being said. If you truly want salvation then you must believe what the Bible says - not what the know-nothings say.

    • @Volgdewaarheid
      @Volgdewaarheid 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      Where does it say in the bible "Grace only comes in the sacrements of the catholic church"?
      The guy in the video is Greg Koukl. He is not a guy I would put in the confused section.
      Efeziërs 2:8-9 for by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, that no one would boast.

    • @purgatorean
      @purgatorean 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@Volgdewaarheid Thank you for responding. To begin with, the Bible makes it clear that Jesus is the Builder of One Church and no other. History tells us that the Catholic Church is that One Church. The following is taken directly from the Encyclopedia Britannica.
      *Roman Catholicism*
      Fact-checked by: The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica
      *The Roman Catholic Church traces its history to Jesus Christ and the Apostles* .
      This is an extremely important fact that most Protestants deny. Nevertheless, it is a historical fact, and when this fact is ignored or denied, then confusion about Biblical doctrines creep in. So factually speaking, whenever the Bible is speaking of the Church, it is indeed the Catholic Church that is being spoken of, EACH AND EVERY TIME.
      Only Our Most Holy and sinless God can establish His Body - the Body of Christ on Earth - which is His Most Holy Church. Only Our Most Holy and sinless God can present His Most Holy and sinless Bride to the world - which is His Most Holy Church. Christ is the Head and the Church is His Body, both Most Holy. Christ can only have One Body and One Bride, there can be no other.
      Now, if you were to take the time to search out the founders of every single Protestant church in the world, you would find that each one of them are founded by sinful human beings, and not by God. Only the Catholic Church claims to have been founded by Jesus Christ and historical facts support this. There is not one single Protestant church that makes that claim.
      Next up, we need to know what a Sacrament is. Simply put, a Sacrament is a visible sign, given to us by Jesus, to give us Grace. Baptism is a Sacrament. How so? The visible sign is water and the Word, which Christ commanded and demonstrated, in which we receive Sanctifying Grace.
      Eph. 2:8-9 makes it clear that we are saved by Grace THROUGH Faith. So what does this look like in practice. Hold that thought, let's first talk about Ephesians. St. Paul was a Bishop of the Catholic Church, and he was writing to the Catholic Church in Ephesus. The Church was already established before he wrote his letter to them. As such, each and every Catholic in that Church had already received Sanctifying Grace in Baptism before his letter even arrived, for that is how they entered into the Church then, and how we still enter into the Church today.
      Bishop Paul wrote letters to many Catholic Churches. He wrote to the Catholic Church in Rome, and to the Catholic Church in Galatia, and to the Catholic Church in Corinth, etc., etc. But all of these Churches were already established well before Bishop Paul wrote those letters. So how did all of those Churches get filled with so many members without ever reading any of Paul's letters? For that, we need to go back to the beginning of the history of the Church.
      I would invite you to read Acts chapter 2. This chapter teaches us about what happened on that very First Day of the Church. This happened on that First Pentecost after the Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus Christ. On this Day, God introduced the world to the Full Gospel for the first time. He introduced us to the Promised Holy Spirit for the first time. He introduced us to the Church for the first time. He introduced us to the Sacraments for the first time. That Pentecost was the Grand Opening of the Church, and you better believe that God got it right. There were no mistakes made on that Day.
      Please key in on verses 37-42 and answer this question, if you would kind sir. We know that over 3000 people were saved that Day by receiving Grace THROUGH Faith just as is taught in Eph. chapter 2. So exactly when did those first converts receive Sanctifying Grace, was it when they first believed in vs. 37, or was it when they were Baptized?
      I beg you to be completely honest with yourself, and then share with us what you discover. For what happened on that Day is what happened all through the rest of the Bible, and through 2000 years of authentic Salvation History in the Church, right down to this very day and beyond. God Bless.

    • @purgatorean
      @purgatorean 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@Volgdewaarheid I read my original post again and I suppose to you it would seem that I was somewhat harsh in my criticism of Greg Koukl. I honestly have never heard of him, I was just reacting to what he erroneously was saying about what the Bible teaches, and his outrageous and shameful statements about what the Catholic Church teaches. I am always shocked that Protestants never fact check what their leaders say. This is serious stuff. Souls are being lost because of the false information that Koukl is spreading all over the internet. So I am grateful that you are the one that showed enough interest to ask the questions that really need to be asked. I am looking forward to having a deeper conversation with you. You won't get the answers unless you ask the questions. You just can't accept unbiblical talk like that without challenging it. God bless.

    • @larrykoz4009
      @larrykoz4009 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Please for your eternal soul ask God to show you the truth by reading the Gospel of John, the book of Romans and Galatians. Baptism does not save only faith through grace. If you add works it is no more grace, if you add works you are believing a different gospel that Paul says is not the gospel. You are in great danger because you are believing a satanic lie. Catholicism as never been the one true church regardless what the encyclopedia Britannica says.
      Don’t respond with counter arguments just read scripture alone for the truth. May God give you the grace to see the truth before it is too late. There are no second chances after death.

    • @purgatorean
      @purgatorean 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@larrykoz4009 My friend, can't you see that you are just parroting the false doctrines as taught by Protestantism for the past 500 years? You believe what they tell you to believe, because you certainly did not learn any of that from the Bible. Here is what Catholics have been teaching for 2000 years and which you deny:
      James 2: 17 "So faith by itself, if it has no works, is dead..... 24 You see that a man is justified by works and not by faith alone..... 26 For as the body apart from the spirit is dead, so faith apart from works is dead."
      When you ignore the facts, such as those presented in legitimate sources like Britannica, then you also must ignore what the Bible teaches in verses like that found in James and elsewhere. St. Peter clearly states that it is "Baptism that saves us now" in 1 Pt. 3:21. These are all just the facts. I would urge you to accept the facts and not follow the errors of Protestantism. God bless.