202107306393 Child Protection Court Of The Concho Valley C210063CPS Rohmfeld

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ความคิดเห็น • 94

  • @rhanBo
    @rhanBo ปีที่แล้ว +10

    All of that caseworkers caseloads needs to be reviewed. This is ridiculous.

  • @billymccullers7328
    @billymccullers7328 2 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    That was a good decision by the judge… families go through things… it’s not always in anyones best interest to have the system keep families apart and that option should be reserved for where it’s clear there’s an immediate danger…

  • @billymccullers7328
    @billymccullers7328 2 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    If I’m to understand CPS became involved over a messy house… hearing about it, I imagine that it was a bit of a stretch and probably didn’t warrant this extensive of an intervention. There are literal multitudes of homes with children where one or more parents suffer from alcoholism… having worked in DJJ for a bit after college I know all to well the mountains made of mole hills and how unhelpful CPS can be for so many families…

    • @trish_bink
      @trish_bink ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I'd say it's more than a "messy" house if she is having to hire a professional cleaning service to deal with it.

    • @cathleenmcgee9233
      @cathleenmcgee9233 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      It must be beyond messy. They are way understaffed, overworked and foster parents are extremely lacking. I know because I have been a foster parent for 15 years.

    • @rhanBo
      @rhanBo ปีที่แล้ว

      I’d bet they’d say my house is too messy right now, too.

  • @JasonDrennen
    @JasonDrennen ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Tell me how that judge and not just say you're not allowed to drink if you have children? Please explain? Because that's clearly what he just said. He said this man is putting his children at risk because he might hurt himself. Think about that for a second. So does that mean I'm putting my children at risk when I go wire a house everyday? I've got a high risk of getting electrocuted and possibly dying so should my kids be taken away? This is ridiculous and it's making me more furious by the second.

    • @JenessaAndKingston
      @JenessaAndKingston ปีที่แล้ว +1

      If they are involved due to an unlovable home and concerns about dads alcoholism they czn absolutely order no alcohol and test him multiple times per week. Just because adults than drink doesn't mean they should ever be 'drunk' in the preseoof children. You shouldn't. What kid wants to see their parent drunk PR passed out like that is normal. That house has to be more than normal messy to remove those kids it had to be like unlivable... Maybe if we saw pictures we would understand. I see two lazy parents who couldn't even keep up with normal housekeeping absolutely ridiculous. I am a child of an alcoholic mom who lost all 4 kids and never stopped drinking she's 52 now dying of liver cancer. The house was clean but growing up with a drunk is not fun.. It's unpredictable and unstable to say the least. Don't downplay alcoholism it's one of two drugs that people can did from withdrawals alcohol and benzodiazepines. Alcohol kills families.

  • @NC4E
    @NC4E ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Let’s just forget this messy house bs. Caseworker said on the day it was the worst she had ever seen it (she describes clothes under kitchen table, things under kids beds etc…) that it did not present a danger to these kids. So how on earth is that a factor when in its worse state, it was not a danger. So then the alcohol was the issue but there wouldn’t/shouldn’t have been a relapse or dwi while the case was ongoing, bc there shouldn’t have been a case… we don’t remove kids because a parent has an addiction when they have a sober parent in the house and the addict isn’t a danger to the kids. What a mess. Meanwhile there’s kids showing up with bruises to school bc they’re being beaten to a pulp daily and they end up being beaten to death while under cps watch.

  • @swexler1107
    @swexler1107 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I'm noticing a pattern with these CPS hearings where those representing CPS seem in favor of one parent/guardian and hostile towards the other when being questioned. They answer just like a parent answering opposing side. They actively look for reasons to remove the children if the initial allegations don't work out. It doesn't seem like they represent the kids best interests. I've watched some where it outright looks like CPS is being untruthful or at least misleading and lying (directly or by omission) to the court. It's disgusting, especially when they take action temporarily, lose their case and just walk away like nothing happened. Then they'll say "if we just save one" with no regard to how many they severely damaged or destroyed for no reason.
    On the positive, it is really encouraging to see many judges admonish CPS & defend parent's quickly when they see CPS stepping on parents' rights

  • @tarmancer
    @tarmancer ปีที่แล้ว +9

    removing the kids depending on where they were placed is probably more traumatizing than the clutter house. maybe more so than dad's drinking problem.

    • @North_West1
      @North_West1 ปีที่แล้ว

      The kids were placed with Family (Pascal’s on screen)

    • @ellendickey4769
      @ellendickey4769 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Living with an alcoholic father can very well be a very long-lasting nightmare of unhappiness.

  • @alexandram1301
    @alexandram1301 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    This is so scary, a cps worker could be having a bad day or just not like you and ruin your life/turn your entire world upside down…this system is so incredibly flawed

    • @patriciaevans5906
      @patriciaevans5906 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Yes the system is flawed….look at their case loads….look at kids who deal with parents who are addicted to drugs and who are alcoholics….prostitution…so many more things. This father just stated he no longer has a drinking problem…an alcoholic always has a drinking problem…the thing is he or she can be sober for 30 years…which is a wonderful thing and shows hard work and determination….but he states he no longer has a drinking problem because he hadn’t had anything to drink in 30 days except for the relapse. I do not drink…I come from an alcoholic family….some made it some didn’t. I’m all for this father and anyone getting better and having a great family life…..face what’s in front of you…will be better in the end….you will have a happy family. There’s so many triggers for people with alcohol issues or drugs….and it’s not unusual for
      some to relapse and then do great. Wish the best for the family.

    • @rhanBo
      @rhanBo ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@patriciaevans5906 i disagree. I had an issue with alcohol when I was a teenager/young adult and I haven’t had an issue with it since I turned 21, to be honest. Halloween each year I have a drink because one of the houses gives it to the parents as we’re walking. But I don’t like alcohol and even though many would have considered me an alcoholic back then, I’m certainly not now nor will I ever be again. Now is that how everyone else who used to drink is? No of course not. My response is just to say just because someone else will always be an alcoholic, whether sober or not, it does not mean everyone else should be defined the same way.

    • @patriciaevans5906
      @patriciaevans5906 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@rhanBo I’m talking about true alcoholics. There’s a difference between people who at one time in their younger lives who may have found themselves in situations where they drank at every party they went to but not necessarily at home….certain situations. I’m not asking what issues you had…not my business. But for true alcoholics it’s more than having issues years before and then being able to stop either with help or not. Alcoholics work at it each day. I’ve had family members who could and did go a couple of years and not drink….it took work…and then have one because someone said it won’t hurt you it’s only one…and that one was all it took. I come from a long line of alcoholics. I don’t drink….not even one…It takes hard work…sometimes a long time…for people who drink a lot to get to the point of being able to not take that drink. I also have a few family members who can only have one or two and be done. So many of the ones here are not truly ready to put in the work it takes to walk away from that drink…for whatever reason…and if you’re not willing to put in that work for your yourself and your child how much should the child suffer? Not everyone who drinks is an alcoholic…I don’t think. What shouldn’t happen is a parent..or anyone who drives a kid to school drunk…or picks them up drunk. Or just because it’s the weekend let’s drink all weekend. A kid being “raised” by alcoholic parents who have no control over their drinking is not a happy childhood. Maybe my comments were a little too harsh and may not fit all who drink but coming from the side of dealing with a parent who made it their plan of the day every day to drink is a nightmare. Some do well in not letting it control them until a situation happens that is so stressing they crawl inside of a bottle. I have friends who drink occasionally and that’s it…but a few have also said there are times it’s a difficult thing to not just sit there and keep drinking till they are passed out. I guess it depends on the individual and whether or not they control the alcohol or the alcohol controls them.

    • @willwozniak2826
      @willwozniak2826 ปีที่แล้ว

      ​@@patriciaevans5906 well said.

    • @amandaharris5055
      @amandaharris5055 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      ​​​@@rhanBo sounds like you were just a heavy drinker. Not an alcoholic. Alcohol addiction is a serious and life ruining disease. Not just you having a phase of heavy drinking..and every adult i know went through the same thing as a teen/young adult. Doesnt make you an alcoholic. Especially since this was happening during the time most people party and drink the most. I did the same thing. My dad, uncles, grandparents were actual alcoholics where alcohol controlled their lives, put them in jail, and so many other things involved with alcoholism..

  • @fystimami4394
    @fystimami4394 2 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    This judge was very good and unbiased and mrs skinner is great at her job! Good luck to this family

  • @RedHeart1
    @RedHeart1 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Why is that lady telling things the woman confided in her with/told her right in front of him?! Like saying she was the one who told her he had relapsed..that could potentially put that woman in danger! Also a house being cluttered isn’t a reason to take kids..if it’s unsanitary then yes I can see that, but not for clutter. Especially when the cps worker said it wasn’t a safety risk for the kids. The drinking I understand for the dad, just not the mom since she wasn’t.
    Plus the kids weren’t removed until the CPS allowed their pride to get in the way and wasn’t happy, because the parents said something/spoke up for themselves and their kids. These CPS workers need to start being held accountable for when they abuse their power, by removing kids from homes due to their own personal feelings on people.

  • @debragodwin7408
    @debragodwin7408 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I don’t understand why the children were removed. The “clutter “ in the home didn’t present danger to the children. The father is an alcoholic, but is not with the children alone. The mother isn’t even required to take tests. If children were removed with every messy house, foster care would be over run. The caseworker seems bitter to me. An axe to grind.

    • @debragodwin7408
      @debragodwin7408 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Although watching the fathers smug arrogant look… I imagine he brought this on the family.

    • @-HeyLyd-
      @-HeyLyd- ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Testimony (unrefuted, btw) was that when CPS originally got the case, it was related to an assault investigation, and they saw not only unacceptable housekeeping but also evidence of possible alcohol abuse -- which turned out to be true. What the dad did (failed to do) regarding his drinking from that point on is what made this case drag on. The failure to maintain acceptable housekeeping only provided secondary evidence of an inability or unwillingness of the parents to be consistent and follow through on promises to do whatever was necessary to keep their kids.

  • @ParadisePoisson
    @ParadisePoisson ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Yay! A happy ending for once!
    I never heard any physical or emotional abuse due to Dads drinking or anything that warranted keeping those babies!
    CPS is the devil.

    • @rachelpauley6843
      @rachelpauley6843 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I had a horrible experience with them. They are automatically against you if you’ve ever in your life had a drug or alcohol problem… no matter how long ago it was and despite how many years of sobriety you’ve had.

    • @willwozniak2826
      @willwozniak2826 ปีที่แล้ว

      ​@@rachelpauley6843 that's not fair. Something needs to change here....

  • @stevenprince763
    @stevenprince763 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    CPS is paid to remove children from parents..not saying sometimes it may be necessary in cases of abuse or neglect..but a messy house ?? I'm sure CPS could better choose whom to harass..and I do see CPS going way overboard and even manufacturing reasons to become involved.. a most over reaching agency.

  • @betsybabf748
    @betsybabf748 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Currently have arm in a sling with a minor fracture. When kids empty dishwasher, make sure they wipe up any water they get on floor. 😞

  • @katesterling6443
    @katesterling6443 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Is there a reason attorneys and CPS-like folks ask questions such as 'You've not eaten chocolate, have you?' instead of the more direct question " Do you eat chocolate?' ?

    • @-HeyLyd-
      @-HeyLyd- ปีที่แล้ว

      It's called a leading question, and it shouldn't be done during direct examination; it's really only allowed on cross. "Leading the witness" in this way is usually objected to because the question itself suggests what answer the atty is looking for -- but I see here (and in other less formal, non-criminal proceedings) that opposing attys don't always bother to object when it's done.

  • @centexan
    @centexan ปีที่แล้ว +1

    This seems like a pretty thin case for both CPS involvement or removing the children. I'm willing to have my mind changed with more information, but I still haven't heard a good reason for CPS to be in their lives. And the judge really needs to work on his speech. Mushmouth is hard to understand.

  • @patriciaevans5906
    @patriciaevans5906 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Mom looks like she’s tired and about to fall asleep

  • @tarmancer
    @tarmancer ปีที่แล้ว +2

    dont like dad's ATTITUDE but theres so much more child abuse going on. this seeems minor.

  • @derry2112
    @derry2112 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    what does CSR, FBS, FBSS, DFPS, all stand for ?

    • @Kaytie_Alexis
      @Kaytie_Alexis 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      DFPS = Department of Family and Protective Services
      CSR= Corporate Social Responsibility
      FBSS= Family Based Safety Services
      FBS= Family Based Stabilization & Support Visitation Services

  • @suzanneh708
    @suzanneh708 2 ปีที่แล้ว +21

    the husband was smirking the whole time, trying not to laugh. i wish someone had called him out. disgusting

    • @betsybabf748
      @betsybabf748 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      Many people grin or laugh when nervous, others shake, others zone out. They wouldn't call him out because they know that, and understand natural human reaction. When you handle cases you can tell the difference.

    • @Aly0313
      @Aly0313 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      This whole case is because of him and he is smirking. That’s the problem. He can have nervous anxiety all day, but it’s only when he disagrees with something? Make it make sense. Also the mother choosing him over the well being of her children. Is anyone else absolutely sick of women choosing men over their children? The husband should have been removed. Not the children.

    • @mr.mclibtard5015
      @mr.mclibtard5015 ปีที่แล้ว

      Cry harder

    • @mr.mclibtard5015
      @mr.mclibtard5015 ปีที่แล้ว +2


    • @UnknownCharacterof2024
      @UnknownCharacterof2024 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Many people do this as a result of being nervous.

  • @lacoleforguson1492
    @lacoleforguson1492 ปีที่แล้ว

    If anyone knows if you have horses and livestock your house comes last because your horses even eat before you do, wow this cas has me furious , I didn't hear anything about the kids were being abused or anything, I grew up in a alcoholic house with 2 alcoholic parents and I'm fine, if they are going to go get every kid and remove them from their home because of clutter omg what a reach

  • @Talk-to-the-Pugs
    @Talk-to-the-Pugs ปีที่แล้ว

    The mother looks more like a daughter to the father rather than the children’s mother.

  • @jclark2752
    @jclark2752 ปีที่แล้ว

    That couple should be a definitive video clip for spotting an abuser and their victim.

  • @aprilleerose
    @aprilleerose 2 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Cps Whitney is playing with her hair because she’s LYING!

    • @strnglhld
      @strnglhld 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Some parents suck get over it.

    • @Kaytie_Alexis
      @Kaytie_Alexis 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Or she’s bored

    • @betsybabf748
      @betsybabf748 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Kaytie_Alexis Or just nervous on camera

    • @sharonmackenzie391
      @sharonmackenzie391 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      And can someone get her a Kleenex for goodness sake!

    • @-HeyLyd-
      @-HeyLyd- ปีที่แล้ว

      If she were "lying," Atty Skinner was more than capable of catching her in a lie, which she didn't. This isn't about lying; this was clearly a difference of opinion on how serious or imminent the danger to the kids really was with dad's drinking.

  • @misayohands4757
    @misayohands4757 2 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    This guy makes me nervous with his smirking.

    • @martinmicheal4595
      @martinmicheal4595 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      He either thinks he has this in the bag and is smarter then everyone else. Or he is just that stupid to smirk through something this serious

    • @betsybabf748
      @betsybabf748 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      In these cases, many grin or laugh. It's a nervous reaction, and we see it and can tell the difference between nerves like that and not taking it seriously, which presents very differently. It's difficult for those who do have that nervous reaction because people judge when they don't know better than that. Many struggle with laughing at funerals, 100% their natural nervous reaction.

    • @Name-oz4lq
      @Name-oz4lq ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@betsybabf748 You’re right, we can tell the difference, & this is NOT a nervous laugh. Not even kind of. This is pure arrogance as proven by the timing & context of that timing.

  • @suzannemix2528
    @suzannemix2528 2 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    Did y'all think the mother is afraid of husband?

    • @martinmicheal4595
      @martinmicheal4595 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      No quite trying to make every man out to beat people

    • @NC4E
      @NC4E ปีที่แล้ว

      If she’s afraid, she’s afraid of the judge removing her kids!

  • @dianavenegas4012
    @dianavenegas4012 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    The judge is mumbling to much ...

  • @jclark2752
    @jclark2752 ปีที่แล้ว

    I pray to God somebody has gone to check on that lady before now… I’ve seen that “bout to kick your ass’ look before.
    It’s that smirk that scares me most…

  • @JasonDrennen
    @JasonDrennen ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I'm only about halfway through but this is really bothering me. If this is the standard to removing children now none of us is safe. This guy should legally be allowed to drink alcohol. If he gets allowed then maybe it's the mom's duty to take the kids and go somewhere or tell him don't come home when he's drunk. I have not heard anything about him physically abusing his children. I've seen women that don't drink or do drugs so evil to their kids when it comes to verbal abuse and nobody says a word. This case really bothers me because that is no justification for removing children especially unharmed children. Where I grew up it was families living in campers with their children. Matter of fact when we were younger my sister lost her home department of human services got her and her kids a tint to stay at the campground. Think about that if your house is messy they'll take your kids but if you're poor they'll get you a tent to sleep at the campgrounds? This whole thing just stinks to high heaven and should be illegal

    • @cherylnielson4710
      @cherylnielson4710 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      If he has drug problem ( and remember, alcohol is a drug) no, he should not be able to drink around his kids let alone drive them anywhere. And it doesn’t seem like he’s committed to recovery. He dragged his feet getting a sponsor. He was getting verbally abusive with the kids and they were apparently afraid of him. Sounds like the kids have alot to deal with. Thank god children protective services stepped it. Maybe the father and the mother will wake up But it doesn’t sound like that’s going to happen.

  • @shootback5925
    @shootback5925 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    waste of all your time

  • @tarmancer
    @tarmancer ปีที่แล้ว +2

    he's a dry drunk right on zoom

  • @cathleenmcgee9233
    @cathleenmcgee9233 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    The dad said he no longer had a drinking problem. That is so wrong. I have 34 years clean and I will always be an addict. He isn’t working the 12 step program at all. He may be going through the motions but definitely will fail.

    • @brittanyferera5177
      @brittanyferera5177 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I believe that you may be correct, however keep in mind that working the 12 steps isn't required to get sober and stay sober. I attended a few times but it wasn't for me. I have 7 years sober from heroin without relapse.

    • @Teas_and_trees
      @Teas_and_trees ปีที่แล้ว

      He stated he is still on step 1 so he is obviously working the steps and he stated that he had to call his sponsor the day before because he had the urge to drink. In my opinion he is working his program. I am 19 years sober and I see someone who didn't word his answers correctly.

  • @ashleyznoyl6346
    @ashleyznoyl6346 ปีที่แล้ว

    Awe, where is petty betty?

  • @patriciaevans5906
    @patriciaevans5906 ปีที่แล้ว

    Children should not be raised in a home with any alcoholic parents. I know from experience being raised in one with my mother…the effects can last a lifetime. If the parent is actively seeking help and no relapses and absolutely no alcohol in the home it may can be worked around. And people do not have to live in filth….doesn’t have to be spotless by any means but can be kept in a decent condition. Is there depression involved with mom? That could be part of it. It’s bad to see a family going thru this but there are times where the adults need to try harder….and if they have issues get help. People can get better when they work at it. Sounds like this house was more than just messy but I didn’t see it so don’t know for sure.

  • @leapgirlleap
    @leapgirlleap 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    is this wife writing the answers for this husband? HMMMM

  • @icantbemanaged
    @icantbemanaged 2 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Not cool to put CPS cases on social media for all to see. Maybe think of the kids before you do that. Many judges say do not restream

    • @pamhudnall2124
      @pamhudnall2124 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Did you watch

    • @aprilleerose
      @aprilleerose 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I’m surprised CPS wants this kind of transparency

    • @Kinkychef6969
      @Kinkychef6969 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      It’s all public record 🤷🏼‍♀️

    • @martinmicheal4595
      @martinmicheal4595 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @abraKvavra wow you put a lot of thought into that I would of never thought about it but I don’t take advantage of people

    • @callmeifyougetlost2079
      @callmeifyougetlost2079 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      I agree 100%. You could argue it’s public record, but that’s if someone would request to see a record by specifically naming that person and the case. Cant request it if you don’t know about it. You could also argue that a lot of court hearings are open to the public, but how many people actually go take the time to sit on a courtroom to watch random cases. The difference with TH-cam is easy accessibility. A click of a button and then anyone can view and comment their opinions. It’s shameful.

  • @prettyinink1661
    @prettyinink1661 2 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    If I were that husband, I wouldn't stand beside my spouse who allowed the house to be filthy to the point of our children being removed !

    • @elizabethbathory6144
      @elizabethbathory6144 2 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      The husband is a drunk driver, he doesn't care either about the kids...

    • @suzanneh708
      @suzanneh708 2 ปีที่แล้ว +14

      they're both responsible for allowing that.

    • @anovemberstar
      @anovemberstar 2 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      um, i think the more serious issue is his drinking, not keeping the house tidy!

    • @VintageRed411
      @VintageRed411 2 ปีที่แล้ว +14

      Wait, why is it only her responsibility? Why can't he do any part of it?

    • @prettyinink1661
      @prettyinink1661 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@VintageRed411 he's just as bad as she is. Sadly ,women are seen as the home maker. They both suck & are both culpable !