10:03 1)- Where can I get those option parts? 2)- It was the Force Impulse that was using Exalibur to stab the Freedom 3)- Freedom should've been posed to accommodate this recreation too
1)- Optional parts are only available in the limited edition. 2)- Yes, that's right, but it's enclosed in the sword impulse, so I just introduced it. 3)- It's uncomfortable because I have to get it separately. lol
The final part is a TREMENDOUS trolling, I love it. Great video
Thank you :)
1)- Where can I get those option parts?
2)- It was the Force Impulse that was using Exalibur to stab the Freedom
3)- Freedom should've been posed to accommodate this recreation too
1)- Optional parts are only available in the limited edition.
2)- Yes, that's right, but it's enclosed in the sword impulse, so I just introduced it.
3)- It's uncomfortable because I have to get it separately. lol
Also, the Force Impulse stabbed through both Freedom's shield and torso
It's nice that you posted some poses in the end.
Thank you. I'll continue to strike the last pose. :)
Absolutely amazing channel
Wow! Thank you. :D
It's funny that the Impulse Gundam was first launched with the sword pack in the first episode of Gundam Seed Destiny.
haha :D
I hope u also build blast impulse too, im gonna wait for it
I'll make sure to make it later. :)
요즘HG에 빠진 저로선 탐나는 친구네요 ㅋㅋㅋ 큰 칼두개 간지뿜뿜🤩🤩
큼직큼직한건 못참죠!! +_+
오 찐이다
New badge design 🤩
We are trying various changes in the new year. :)
The HGCE Seed kits are always so cool. Too bad this and the Blast Impulse is P-Bandai though
This kit is also P-bandai. I'll do a Blast Impulse later. :)
관통하는거 대박이네요 !! 오오😳😳
hgce 소드임펄스에 특전으로 들어있는 파츠네요 +_+ㅋ
@@SDHOBBY 아 역시 특전!! 🥲🥲
was that part in the HG freedom an actual piece?
No, this kit didn't include Freedom Gundam. But only have chest parts. :)
@@SDHOBBY did that piece come wit hthe freedom?
why do I feel this same editing style before?
Many people insist on the style of gio san pedro :)
오오.. 가성비에서는 RG에 안밀리려나요..
아무래도 RG의 디테일을 따라갈순없겠지만.. 가성비로 따지면 쏘쏘하네요 +_+ㅋ
10:04 저 부분을 쓰셧다는건 조만간 도색하여 디오라마처럼 연출을 하시겠다고 받아들이면 되는 읍읍!
Epic momen
rg소드임펄스랑 비교시 어떤가여?^^*
비율은 거의 동일하고 디테일은... hg한테 너무 많은걸 바라면 안되는..ㅋ
@@SDHOBBY 괞찮아여+_+
시동님 실력이묜 무에서 유를 창조하는ㅋ
@@hark4510 무리!! ㅋ
just wow
Haha :D
Who is Joshua j
He is a poet and teacher that I respect and like. :)
Yep, 1
:D ~!
ฮ่าฮ่าฮ่า :D
오래전 출시된 한정판이라 저는 중고거래했네요 ;ㅅ;
욱님 새해 복 많이받으세요~!!
@@SDHOBBY 감사합니다 . 새해 복 많이 받으세요
아쉽다 1빠 ㅜㅜ