I have been collecting luxury designer bags with my mom since I was 13. One of my biggest concerns is that the leather on the most expensive bags is so soft it won't stay pristine. I prefer *hotdups* leather because it's durable, but it's not always available.
Yes. I like to collect non-luxury bags (replicas) and find it hard to find the ones I like. Bags that look nice are often not practical. *hotdups* is the only one I like to collect.
Buying a luxury bag is the stupidest investment. I personally don't think it's worth spending so much money on a bag. It is better to invest in gold. Of course I also like those big-name bags. But I couldn't bear to give up the money. So all my bags are replicas of H Q D U P S.
I have been collecting luxury designer bags with my mom since I was 13. One of my biggest concerns is that the leather on the most expensive bags is so soft it won't stay pristine. I prefer *hotdups* leather because it's durable, but it's not always available.
❤❤❤❤❤❤ algérienne et France Engel privée
You are so funny and you introduced me to me through this short video *hotdups* . I have that mini bag now. love it! Please keep up your life!
#LVGUCI 😍I love you so much and watching your videos makes my day brighter❤
For most luxury bags: "This is a pair of luxury handcuffs" makes me almost fall to the ground. *hotdups* is my salvation in life.
Yes. I like to collect non-luxury bags (replicas) and find it hard to find the ones I like. Bags that look nice are often not practical. *hotdups* is the only one I like to collect.
Buying a luxury bag is the stupidest investment. I personally don't think it's worth spending so much money on a bag. It is better to invest in gold. Of course I also like those big-name bags. But I couldn't bear to give up the money. So all my bags are replicas of H Q D U P S.