Although I've been using your map mod for a long time and happily, I wouldn't have expected that a drive around, apart from the few kilometres of unmodded map, would actually take 30 minutes. And thanks for the unexpected loud horn jumpscare at the end... :D
@@grimesmods great news! sorry to bother with an occasional bug report, but I have some greenish textures with heavy winter mod on Baltic DLC. Especially in cities and agricultural lanscapes.
26:08- Psg fans, Rise up!! ALLEZ PARIS!!! 💙❤💙
Ici c’est Paris
Grimes Mods sure make the game more enjoyable! Thank you!!
Although I've been using your map mod for a long time and happily, I wouldn't have expected that a drive around, apart from the few kilometres of unmodded map, would actually take 30 minutes. And thanks for the unexpected loud horn jumpscare at the end... :D
F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S... as always your MODs are, Grimes!
Thank you! 🙏
Excellent work, as usual, Grimes you are a Master !!
Many thanks :)
Thank you very much dear grimes for the update 😍
TY :)
thumbs up
TY Grimes
well, looks great! a lot of cities need this level of detalisation. Is the mod compartible with your winter/autumn mods?
Thanks, yes it's compatible with all my seasons mods.
@@grimesmods great news! sorry to bother with an occasional bug report, but I have some greenish textures with heavy winter mod on Baltic DLC. Especially in cities and agricultural lanscapes.
Vielen Dank für das Update zu ETS2 1.43/ProMods 2.60. Machst das Spiel um eine schöne Stadt reicher
Its not working for me
Works with promods 2.56 ?
and with 2.60
bad thats guy dont even show map (esc) almost i want to see but noone shows