The only sad thing about seeing this today is that I bought it and P3R ultimate edition almost the day after they got into steam/switch (got tactica for switch and 3 Reload on steam...) Tactica is a great spin off, they had me just with the characterdesign that is definitely a gorgeous development from the Q games for DS (and damn how when played those I hoped that one day they would make one that entire game had the quality of the Q and Q2 cinematic cutscenes, and how they achieved that while keeping the game engine for the character interactions so simple and elegant makes it a A+ for me, only "complain" that isn't actually a complain is that it's not Q3. . Cuz playing it makes a part of me dream on a persona Q3 with same king of game design... It's a 30-35 hour story with DLC included, so smaller than Q games and waay smaller than strikers, still awesome tho.
I do imagine Ryuji would be happy with all the fans he has overseas. I also wonder how Morgana would react to seeing his reputation in the west (Not well liked) and how the girls themselves would react to all the comments criticizing that one scene after Shido’s palace (Where they beat up Ryuji)
I personally like Morgana, he can be a little annoying and odd at times but it's like Jak and Daxter if you've ever played that series, there's no Jak without Daxter just like there's no Ren without Morgana, both their partners in crime play big rolls to their characters and both are the fuzzy little buddy :)
@@miragemain105 But Daxter legitimately always has Jak's back. They're really, REALLY close with each other. Daxter sticks with Jak through everything. I mean the dude spent 2 years to break Jak out of a dystopian prison alone. Morgana never shows that level of loyalty, although in fairness the game never really calls for it.
@@miragemain105 the issue is morgana is a massive hypocrite and his problem with that is what caused the rift in the party during haru's arc in the first place. he never addresses that and makes the party apologize to him for his tantrum. hes one of two charactersd in the series i dont like, with the other being teddie.
@tbnwontpop8857 Yeah it was Strange there's no way Ryuji so low with having best physical skills, best buff and a great final skill. He's arguably best physical character out of 3-5
@@RealCGH its close with Kanji. Kanji hits hard and has a massive health pool. Highest strength stat out of any game, right? Ryuji crits more and just cause its P5, feels more useful. All the P5 party members feel that way cause of guns and baton pass. 1A and 1B to me.
@@fenixchief7Tbh I personally felt that Kanji and Ryuji fulfilled differeng purposes when I played P4G and P5R. Kanji felt much more like a boss killer, with much higher damage, but overall less utility (Matarukaja and Masukunda are really good but that’s about it). Ryuji also has Matarukaja, but can also clear swarms faster, can fish for shock (especially good with Makoto) and can use a full party charge in the endgame. In return, while Ryuji is still very strong, he’s not nearly as nuclear as Kanji
@fenixchief7 Ryuji also has lightning going for him which is great for technicals. He also has charge and team wide charge which alot of physical attack based characters in 3-5 can't say they have
he may actually be better in vanilla, it's just his big niche in that game is completely removed since debiltate can be learned by anyone in royal and due to him being a jack of all trades he doesn't offer much else in royal, being a jack of all trades in a persona game outside of p3 is very rarely good
I just want to know why he has a unique skill that does more damage to single target downed enemies that he learns right before the final boss... who is multi-target and can't be downed.
@@nightwish1453He is better in vanilla and in fact is still decent in Royal, but only when he has Robin Hood. He loses some of his abilities and versatility when he rejoins with Loki.
He's a Curse user who joins in the very last dungeon of the game, where almost all enemies resist Curse. Atlus had no right to do our boy dirty like that.
9:50 something to point out for Yosuke is that enemies are coded to prioritize attacking him over anyone else. If you can, try to build him into a tank because P4 shadows don't pull their punches.
@@northernspade1727 Yosuke specific because the enemies are ridiculously scary in this game so better to have them focus attacks on him than on the protagonist (especially early game), and he kind of just attracts pain to himself even/especially out of battle.
I find it hilarious how he glossed over Makoto’ gun by just saying it boosts magic. Makoto gun in the most broken weapon in the entire game not only does it boost every stat up 10 or 11 if it created during fusion alarms but do to a glitch doubling all stat buffs it makes her gun give a buff of 20 or 22 on all stats. Her melee weapon also gives her a high crit rate. So with good jazz club usage Makoto can also become a great magic attacker in addition to her support role
What’s crazier is that you can boost that glitched value even further if you itemize an oricalcum treasure demon during an alarm, which gives you an accessory that provides +7 to all stats and the Evade Physical passive skill, raising the grand total to +18 to all stats, or 90 total additional stat points (180 after factoring in the glitch). In addition to having a persona that’s a motorcycle, this easily makes her the best party member in the game.
Even in general P4 playthroughs Yosuke is preferred as a high damage person that sometimes heals when Yukiko can’t, so Yosuke is generally useful if redundant.
I kind of appreciate the story telling meta to some of these stats. Morgana quickly feels overshadowed and made redundant by other characters your team picks up. Makoto is a more capable strategist, Futaba is a better meta verse navigator. Likewise, his stats are quickly overshadowed by characters that can heal and magic better. Akechi presents as an ace detective but it comes from him having meta knowledge of the things he's "deducing" not because he's genuinely clever at making connections. Likewise, he projects as if he's strong but his stats are mid.
How? Shinjiro is available for such a short time, in my experience his stats and his attack repertoire is just bad, the only possible way he is useful is when splitting the party but apart from that, every party member is better (probably not Koromaru lol) but that's just my opinion
During my P5R playthrough early this year, I followed a guide for the "best" party members for each Palace, and I definitely regret it. Sure, it was nice having the right elements per dungeon, but I really don't remember any of the team comps I ended up with. Meanwhile, for my P4 and P3 playthroughs later on, I used the party members I liked best and I can clearly remember my team comps for the endgame: Yosuke, Yukiko and Naoto for P4, and Yukari, Akihiko and Koromaru for P3. They're far from the best comps, it ain't exactly unknown that Koromaru is one of the weaker party members for P3 and apart from Yukiko neither of my P4 teammates are exactly high tier, but Koromaru is the bestest boy and Yosuke is my second favorite Persona character tied with Ryuji and second only to Sumi, so of course I'm gonna throw them in there. Moral of the story, pick the party members you want to and not who you're told to. Sure, you can pick party members based on who's best for a given dungeon, but at least don't follow a guide that tells you who's best, it takes away any meaning to the team comps you use, when you should be attached to these characters in and out of combat considering you're playing an RPG.
I just said screw it and ran Morgana for every dungeon, using Lucky/Miracle punch to get knockdowns if the rest of my team didnt have the right elements.
What I love about Royal is that you can even make the worst characters really good by giving them specific Skills they can't learn from leveling such as with accessories and the Jazz Club. Giving Yusuke access to Charge made him way more useful than in vanilla.
Yusuke is actually way way higher on this tier list with the jazz bar imo. He's the best 3rd party member for Ryuji/Makoto comps which by default elevates him immensely.
@@ExaltableJohne placed way too much emphasis on late-game and level 99 stats which isn't what matters in a general playthrough, especially not on harder difficulties where your EXP gain is lower. Ryuji doesn't learn Charge until level 63, and struggles with accuracy a lot throughout the early and midgame because of his low Agility. Yusuke can actually hit the broad side of a barn, can dodge attacks rather than having to tank them, and gets a katana that grants +5 Strength (+10 in actuality due to a bug) by itemizing Ame-no-Uzume, which paired with the Baton pass skills, let's him hit far harder and far more reliably than Ryuji for a large chunk of the game once you get him.
@@GIR177 the best team comp uses both of them with how well they synergize with Makoto regardless. I agree with you though that Ryuji can ride the bench for early parts of the game and taking yusuke as a replacement won’t have you missing a physical damage dealer til they’re both worth slotting on.
One thing to mention is that Makoto + Haru is easily the best combination for killing encounters, because if Makoto uses Makajam on the enemies it has a high chance of hitting, and then Haru's magic is technical, and technical just kills everything even without playing on merciless.
I have high hopes that Yukari will go Yukiko levels of crazy in Reload. Even if her stats end up generally untouched, she'll definitely learn the boost/amp skills this time around, maybe even Concentrate, though they will probably save that for Mitsuru. Her unique theurgy trait halves the cost of her healing skills, and she only needs to heal to charge her theurgy faster. I'm so excited. 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩
@@ShadowOfMassDestructionI am so desperate for things like this. I hate seeing enemies use skills like niflheim or things like that and then your party can’t reach that potential for their skills. Then in the answer your teammates suddenly have way better skills when you fight against them? It annoys me so much lol
The funniest thing about the navigators is that, disregarding gameplay, Rise is technically the most versatile and powerful due to the alternate forms.
Akihiko is a total must have, only thing i could ask for him to have is maybe to have atleast 1 Physical persona move like he starts with, and maybe a power charge if it worked how it does in current games. He'd be god tier at that point. And Yosuke getting shafted I feel. A not full heal isn't too important if healing from half health, and keeping your accuracy/evade buffed I feel is underrated tbh. But idk, i tend to find a good use and comp with any character as I use all characters, as i love grinding and like to keep all playable party members an equal lvl. And got all party members in my first and newgame+ run to lvl 99 both times. Same with my P3. Hopefully when P3R comes out, they're combat kits will be somewhat udjusted for the way that mechanics have changed in the current games. My own first dive into doing Persona content is P3 playable character tier list and even starting doing deep dives into individual characters. I love how all characters are viable and still useable, but look forward to seeing how you end up placing them all. Love your content Johne, keeo it up. 🙏
Salvation is pretty overrated in my opinion, too much SP just to have status ailment curing when there are plenty of passives that prevent ailments, such as Harrisen recovery, Haru's persona trait, and Maruki's confidant abilities.
In P5R, once I got Makoto I knew what my team would be for the rest of the game: Joker, Skull, Panther and Queen. The Ryuji buffing Atk, Ann debuffing Atk and Makoto buffing Def made a great combo.
Great video. Opened my eyes on Ryuji for sure as I never really clicked with him (or physical attacking in general) when I played P5R. After playing some of P4G and P3R I’m definitely coming around on it and look forward to giving Ryuji his due on replay!
My take on the list, or rather, what I think you got a little wrong, mainly some of the P4 cast but I have a bone to pick about a phantom thief. 1. You put Yosuke up as this "He struggles to do anything because his healing is bad" when the beauty of Yosuke isn't that he does one thing amazingly, but that he does everything. And I know, I know "Jack of all trades don't work in Persona" is true for every character *except for Yosuke.* The healing is negligible, you don't need to have it around, or rather, you shouldn't be relying on it exclusively. What makes it nice is similar to Panther's or Akihiko's healing, where you have it as "The backup source in case Yukiko/Teddie need to do something else." However what *makes* Yusuke is the Kitchen Knife. On two specific weeks you can order from Tanaka's goods a Kitchen Knife that will *increase Yosuke's strength stat by 10. TEN!* This works from early to late game given that Yosuke gets a surprising amount of really good Phys skills. He is the Haru of Persona 4 Golden. 2. Chie. Chie is... underwhelming. You make it out to where Chie and Kanji are neck and neck, but Chie's undoing is just the fact that she doesn't learn phys skills until the latest of the late game. Chie will be stuck using Rampage, light phys damage on all foes, until the very end when she learns Agneyastra. That's her best multi target phys move. I was shocked to learn this too, but it's true! Kanji grows like an actual Phys unit while Chie gets bloated with a bunch of skills she doesn't need and never learns any high damage magic unless you specifically invest 5 days with her and at the earliest you get Bufudyne by the Magatsu Mandala dungeon. She's nice for until you get Kanji, but it's kind of a waste to use her for the rest of the game for Dragon's Hustle when for 5 out of 9 dungeons she's dead weight. And then lastly, hoo boy, I have complaints about Yusuke. Is he as good as Ryuji? No, certainly not. However he's definitely as good as Haru. I don't buy that you've tested out Deadly Fury and compared what it does compared to what other party members can do. The issue isn't "Yusuke doesn't do as much damage as Joker at the very end," It's "Yusuke does more damage than Joker until the point where the two are on equal footing." Having a Severe strength physical skill, with bonus damage, at level 40? Insane. It isn't until the Okumura palace where Joker can match Yusuke's power when both are set up proper. That's when Joker gets access to Charge/Concentrate and things get a little dicey... until a palace later when he can get Charge too. The only scenario where Joker is doing more damage than Yusuke until then is if you're using the DLC, which is the "I don't want to play the game" button.
Im confused about the Yosuke comment about Phys he gets a alright Phys for level 34 but is stuck with it until Brave Blade at 69 (nice) meaning his Jack of Trades stick falls off until endgame. So after the thirties he is stuck with usable but meh Magic Attacks. For Yusuke hes not doing more damage than Joker? He gets Deadly Fury at 47 (basically at the fifties) and Joker can access this move earlier with alarms but he can also go for a stronger (if a little inaccurate) Triple Down with Gun Boost+Amp as soon as level 38 (Because White Rider innately has Triple Down and can be itemized into Gun Boost/Amp). Lastly Joker can get acces to Charge as as soon as level 25 because Setanta learns Charge at 27 If you read this first of all thank you here have a little bit of bonus info Triple Down does more damage than One Shot Kill (barely and if we ignore Crit Rate)
I think your comparing chie to kanji too much here. yes Kanji is better however if Kanji hits everyone else, chie hits harder then everyone else besides kanji (except Yukiko whose damage can really vary on the resistances which is a bit inconsistent). p4 is a very physical meta game so you very rarely mess around with magic that much especially in vanilla in which for golden they tried to push you to use it more however they didn't directly buff magic so every other segment besides marie's dungeon ends up still being physical focused. wind spells in 4 are probably the weakest element with very few enemies weak to it and yu can easily cover when needed and wouldn't burn him too quickly so even though chie initally seems bad with how physical attacks are exceedingly good she ends up way better in practice then in theory
@@nightwish1453 Chie doesn't end up hitting harder than other people because of the fact that she has to use Rampage until she gets Agneyastra. Even if P4 is a physical oriented game it's kinda sad when Naoto is able to out-damage you on the phys side of things until you get your late game physical skills. She doesn't get any sort of high level magic and she doesn't get any non-early game phys skills until the very end.
@@greenstat1c Naoto's damage is not that high there is a lot of effiecenty problems with it, for starters she doesn't learn any elemental passives you have to get lucky in grabbing an accessory for it or the frost gun which is requires a bit of luck in order to even obtain it. without those passives chie still hits harder then her with freaking black spot, what makes it worse magic naoto cannot be used against marie which is sad because that's the only time where magic has any form of demand to be used. chie not learning high level magic is barely even a flaw, she only uses it for exploitation nothing else and in practice it's way more effective then you think it is plus she can learn power charge just when naoto joins.
news alert: the devs might have made him from the worst to the best, they nerfed akihiko and no longer has all the debuffs, koro however not only learns curse the devs also gave him debilitate which is kind of nuts
For Naoto, she has a gun which boosts her ice damage which followed with an accessory that also increases it can make her a viable and good party member in boss battles (and for random battles, you can change both to focus in elemental coverage)
Yeah but even with that gun she does less magic damage than Yosuke. She also needs a good ice boosting accessory from a late game dungeon to be ‘good’ damage wise, and even then she does about what Teddie could do with that same accessory and loses by a mile to Yukiko. She also just doesn’t have any really useful and practical support skills for bosses either. For random battles, all you need are the instakills, and Megidolaon for golden hands.
alsio add outside of some of the last few bosses physical attacks will always hit harder and Yukiko + mind charge just about hits 3rd best damage dealer, she can exceed to top if the boss has a slight resistance to physical which is simply just the final boss. the marie fight would be the perfect place to use a magic naoto but here's the problem you can't even use that build because of the dungeon's gimicks, yukiko however can go ham
To be fair to Mind/Power Charge in P3, it can be used as a way to conserve SP on AOE skills during long fights and expeditions at the cost of only 10% less damage, since charging costs much less SP than using those skills twice. Sure, a 1.9x multiplier makes it less useful than later games, but I'd argue that it isn't completely useless, just niche.
I have doubts about it because I remember testing power charge (assuming mind charge works the same) and the damage with Zan-ei was doing 99ish damage and my screenshots show me 196-205. Which seems to be more like a meh 2x damage for the charge moves (Death twins were my testing dummy and i only used one Persona so stats weren’t changing)
@tbnwontpop8857 ehhh doubt it with her strong ice damage she could never be F she mostly lacks stuff to do outside of it because the rest of her skills are dedicated to status effects or Sp preservation. Ai Issues while very tedious are exaggerated because most of the time they do follow whatever tactics you set them to.
Ryuji Sakamoto is SSSSS+ tier. He is the best character in P5R for me. Max Mittleman did an amazing job with his voice acting! Also, just got Tactica for Christmas.
i just want to say one more thing about ryuji: with his skill he can apply shock especially with makoto in the team and shock is a very good status effect to do some very easy critical hit in the early game with gun damage or physical skill
strongly disagree with ken's placement. his extreme versatility makes him a very good unit. give him cu chulain's fusion weapon to allow him to deal wind damage with his melee attack and stack vayu bracers on top of that and he essentially has a 4th element to play with (pierce, elec, light, AND wind) this makes him very easy to fit into any party composition... but yeah, dark weakness does suck. i also found mitsuru's damage compounded with the protagonist's totally worth it as it can speed along some of the more grueling boss fights in the game. plus, a secondary damage dealer who never has to stop is good to have if you need the protagonist to pop an item or go on the defensive (which is desirable in more situations than you'd think). with this much damage, i only need akihiko's debuffs. i don't bother with buffs aside from marakukaja on the protag for _occasional_ fights. i still found that a mind charge bufudyne will deal more than two bufudynes. idk if buffs/debuffs offset this or not. there's also party members being absent for mandatory fights to take into account. once you get past the second full moon, yukari, akihiko, and mitsuru will never be absent for any major fights (or gone for a whole month like aigis). easily the best p3 party imo and my boy nam's compendium can vouch for this.
Maybe I was doing something wrong (you tell me), but for the brief time I experimented with Naoto, her survivability was off the charts horrendous. It felt as though the damage she was taking was around double that of other party members on average. Even comparatively weak enemies would frequently cause her to lose over half of her HP with just a single attack. Bosses and stronger enemies would down her instantly. In trying to keep her alive so she could level up at the same rate as everyone else in the party, I died, lost an hour of progress, and immediately went back to Yosuke.
Some more notes about Persona 4 cast. Spoilers below: - I view Yosuke as a mixed attacker. Brave Blade is quite good on its own, and he gets Wind Boost/Wind Amp for some good wind damage. And in my opinion, hit accuracy and evasion buffs trumps defense buffs, as evasion can get pretty high in Persona 4 for both sides. Every party member gets the corresponding Evade skill for their weakness, and there are plenty of Golden Hands that just about get away because you didn't hit that last attack. Being able to boost your own evasion and accuracy by a substantial amount is something that's underrated. And the healing effect of Youthful Wind is nice if you don't plan on using Yukiko or Teddie for some reason. At the very least, it'll save turns healing from them. Also, I haven't tested this, but if it does indeed work, then Blessed Hands could possibly boost Youthful Wind's healing output by 50%, meaning it could maybe heal close to the party's entire HP pool. - Yukiko also learns Mudo and Mudoon through her Social Link, so she's not limited to just fire spells, making her even more useful for random battles. You hardly even need to get Mind Charge for her through the bike rides, but obviously, she does even better with it. You can even get a fan that boosts her magic by +10 from Daidara, provided you sell him the materials. - The Regenerate skills that Kanji gets help put him over Chie, too. It's a small percentage each turn (and they do stack with each other), but it helps him survive just that bit more than Chie and lets him use his physical skills more often without having to spend a turn healing him. His physical skills are generally harder-hitting than Chie's too, with highlights being Torrent Shot for the mid-game and Primal Force for end-game. Torrent Shot will absolutely destroy mid-game bosses, paired with Power Charge. Ditto for Primal Force for end-game bosses. Also, he learns Masukunda through his Social Link, which is greatly useful for Golden Hands. His lightning damage is... okay-ish, with Elec Boost and Elec Amp, but you'd be better off with other skills instead of these. - Meanwhile Chie has Black Spot, Rainy Death (both having pretty high crit rates though) and God's Hand. The main advantages that Chie has over Kanji is physical skills that can hit multiple enemies, high crit rate with Apt Pupil and Revolution, and the third awakening skill. She can also learn Hamaon through bike rides, but whether this is worth investing time into is pretty debatable. I'd say Bufudyne absolutely isn't worth it though, due to her low magic stat. - Teddie also learns Gigantic Fist, which could be okay for whenever Rise feels like charging/mind-charging the entire party. - Naoto, I also view as a bit of a mixed attacker, though she's still more suited to random battles with Mahamaon/Mamudoon. Vorpal Blade is an alright physical skill to use when Rise feels like charging the party. Her Mind Charge + Megidolaon combo doesn't do a ton of damage either. She does get a gun at the end of her own dungeon that boosts all her stats by 5, so that's something that helps her out a bit. Her Shield of Justice is pretty good for Margaret and Izanami, preventing party members from being heavily damaged, or worse, knocked down in Margaret's battle. And Heat Riser is nice for buffing up better-suited damage dealers, namely Kanji, Yukiko, and the Protag, in a pinch. One thing that does make her stand out when you first get her is that she can learn Makarakarn, which can basically cheese Kunino-Sagiri and make that fight a joke.
I typically rotate my team but still main characters I like. I just swap out characters with like skills (i.e. replacing a healer). This video is very helpful to know which characters may work better together
The mind charge skill in 3 is good for resource management, if mind charge cost less than 90% of the cost of move you are being more cost effective with your SP, which is good for deep dives. Personally I like to minimize time in Tartarus by doing each chunk in a single day.
I'm curious how much this list would change for the persona 3 cast with Persona 3 Reload being out now, with how they revamped all the characters and the change that has come with theurgy.
I feel like you were a little too harsh on Naoto if you are considering her golden version. She's not great in the boss fights as her utility is magic reflecting to null an ally weakness and Heat Riser but for the 95% of the fights that are random encounters she thrives. She's the only party member besides the MC who can hit every weakness to knock down every enemy for easier clears, she has no weakness and has invigorate to help endlessly fight random encounters. For me, I would put her in B tier as she's strong when placed in her niche and just ok outside of it.
that's kind of a problem with her, she can hit every weakness BESIDES the MC she may have more use if you don't have the MC built very well but if you do there isn't much value of her because her damage output is pretty weak. MC on random encounters can be ridiculous near the later parts where he can blitz them alone with ease
I have realized that my most used teams, which are also made up of my favorite characters, almost completely consist of the most powerful in terms of support or damage: In FES, I used Mitsuru, Akihiko and Aigis, all of them could also heal me and damage the final boss notably In Golden, I used Yukiko, Kanji and Naoto, because of damage and variety (Naoto is so versatile compared to anybody else) In Royal, I used Makoto, Haru and Ryuji and they are absolutely a dream team for their coverage. Kasumi is also a good option, but she's not my favorite by far. TL;DR: Basically I'm very fond of the powerhouses which are also the best characters.
Kinda surprised that Teddie ranks so high, but I get the logic. My go-to P4 squad is always Chie, Kanji, and Yukiko. Why pick between the two best physical party members when you can just use both? Yukiko has enough SP to heal them both AND barbecue the enemy, cackling uncontrollably the whole time. All-in-all, sick list, bro. Was gonna comment with a silly meme thing, but seeing as this was an actual tier list with a ton of thought behind it, I decided 'nah. let him cook.'
for p4 it ends up being some combination of those 4, Teddie can be even better support then yukiko by basically having him use gigantic fist and having everything else as pure support. Chie and yukiko are the lesser and it's a one or the other, chie is the 2nd best damage dealer but lacks strong support to do much else but she can go ham in dungeons, Yukiko is behind chie and kanji in terms of damage but in some situations mainly the endgame bosses she can hit harder then both of them. Note it does take a bit before Teddie can get his support build going a long with his awakened persona
he might be one of the few who was better in the original, debilitate was more of an exclusive to him and only joker could also learn it, in royal however anyone can use it so of course you would aim for someone like Ryuji or Ann to get the single target one, makoto's group one can be a bit expensive to some tastes
Junpei, Yosuke and Ryuji are permanent members of my teams, no matter what, theyre my favourites in their respective games so that IS the main reason why. I dont play on the hardest difficulties, nor do I care about being optimal, so a lot of points have never really mattered to me. Ive also always had insane luck when it comes to my favourite characters, in P4 and P5 there where some fights I only won BECAUSE of Yosuke and Ryuji. Which isnt that surprising for Ryuji hes insanely good, but apparently is for Yosuke. No further comment on Junpei though, unfortunately my P3 playthrough got cut short due to tech difficulties and I was only able to make it up too Fuuka before I had to stop playing, but Junpei was still a permanent team member
The only thing i would say of this list is that Yosuke deserves more simply because he has access to Dekaja, which in some fights helped me quite a lot since i didn't had to waste turns and sp doing the debuffs to negate the enemies buffs, especially considering how much said debuffs cost in P4. Since i dedicate the protagonist to debuffing the enemy and deal damage, i don't always have access to Dekaja.
THANK YOU People always look at me like wtf you had when I mention that I do enjoy using Teddie because he can be very versatile and be a secondary healer when needed or if you want to try something other than Yukiko
in actuality there is a setup of making him the dedicated primary healer and with golden giving him gigantic punch what you can do is keep the ice move like chie to exploit the weakness and everything is pure support and in practice it can work really well if you know what you doing
I agree with a lot of these. The only two where I feel strongly different would be Ken and Yosuke. I've never had issues with Ken dying to dark all that often, and being neutral to all damaging elements I find far more useful than dark weakness is harmful. He's otherwise just a more versatile, slightly stronger, slightly bulkier Yukari. As for Yosuke, his status effects are extremely helpful for shadows that have no weaknesses, he does decent damage, and I really appreciate his agility buff + healing combo. You don't always need a full heal to top the party off, and it gives you or your healing more opportunities to do other things, whether that's Yukiko doing more crazy damage or Teddie reapplying valuable buffs. Chie can circumvent that by boosting every stat, but because it's so SP costly, you can only use it a couple times whereas you can use Yosuke's buff and other buffs far more.
Ken is pretty decent as for og,fes and portable (wait and see for reload) and usually it's either him or yukari for that final slot and you may want ken so that you don't have two characters with an elec weakness running around however there are ways to remove weaknesses and in that case you may end up focusing on yukari who has the ailment cure spells instead but ken does have a physical moves so there is a bit of a preference. Yosuke has the problem of Yu being able to cover his niches very easily without many issues that would come it's way, wind is probably the least useful damage spell in the game with very few enemies weak to it and agility buffs tend to be the least useful and by comparison Teddie and Chie are more efficent in buffing then yosuke is (especially Teddie). After kanji joins you don't have much need for him since p4 is very biased on physical attacks besides the marie dungeon in golden which in that scenario he would be one of the best picks for that boss fight but realistically that's not enough to keep using through the game's entirety, Kanji does have a decent skill set to take out marie and Yukiko is exceedinly superior then yosuke is offensively as far as magic goes so you really aren't missing anything on dropping yosuke after the early game
I can't help but feel like light and dark weaknesses in P3 are overblown. Aside from the beginning when you don't have homonculi, which isn't when Ken and Koromaru are available, dark/light weaknesses seem like the best thing to have. I mean I really can't think of time where I ever lost because I brought Ken.
Koru and junpei have good synergy. As his revolution can cover junpei crit problem. What I ran was a physical makoto, koru, junpei, and yukari. I gave koru a rebellion boost accessory. This was around the time koru joins. Late game I’ll carry Loki with Jaír covers weakness with the auto skills than switched over to my physical dealer. Koru got the bone weapon to crit and knockdown. Double charge Vile assault is insane
Reload I feel changes P3’s list quite immensely. Characters got completely reworked and balanced. Like Akihiko is not insanely good anymore, Yukari is ridiculously good with her theurgy for gaining charge from healing, and debuff skills being distributed throughout the party and some overall balance too to fix Koromaru and Ken’s issues. Granted…. Its significantly easier then P3P and especially P3FES but interesting nonetheless.
I'm kinda sad that Ryuji's buffs and Royale reworks unintentionally nerfed Yusuke, given in Vanilla he was the multitarget sweeper that got buffed with Baton Pass, but now that everyone gets a buff with BP AND Ryuji has access to multi target Phys, made my boy kinda redundant which is a shame, since he was the guy you bring to do the Palace/Mementos clean while saving Ryuji for his powerful single attack moves against bosses
the moment haru joins the party. i didn't replace her until the end coz She doesn't have enough screen time :( And Also Hifumi was originally planned as a Phantom thief. but sadly it will make the game longer so they decided to demote her as a confidant.
it makes me so sad to see both of my favourite party members to use (Shinjiro and Akechi) are the absolute worst to use ;-; But honestly that won't really change me from using them they still are my goats in my persona playthroughs :)
I’ve been analyzing this video to prep for my upcoming P4 replay and I would love for a video looking at Reload’s characters considering how they changed some members (especially Akihiko rip)
Akihiko kinda struggles early midgame because he just doesn’t get any good skills after Zionga till like level 40 but generally hes still nutty as hell. extremely fast theurgy,getting bigger boosts from buffs and gets access to Strike Amp for Gods Hand etc
@@helpihavebats6392 yeah I just reached December and I’ve switched Akihiko back in, still don’t understand how his theurgy works, it charges with self-buffs but he only gets the one evasion-boosting ability? Doesn’t make any sense considering how quickly you can charge up nearly everyone elses
@@danlisawesome1670 ill make clear how his Theurgy works If he starts his turn while under a Buff (Def Acc or Atk up) his Theurgy will get a boost (key words being at the start) He also has a typo in how his theurgy boosts him being 1.3x instead of being 1.2x so he gets pretty big boosts from it. Aki shouldn’t be buffing he should be getting buff from other characters (he only has it so he can awkwardly get his theurgy going)
Small nitpicks i guess For Yusukes Heat Riser Aoe Yeah Joker can do that however Joker is a guy who has better things to do like spamming Charge/Concentrate-> Attack so it has its merits even if Yusuke has a harder time keeping the buffs up due to his rather underwhelming max SP. (Ignoring DLC) Makotos Aoe Debilitate is kinda awful during the times you get it as its best use is the Final Boss but you save so much Sp by just Jazz clubbing her Marukunda (90 Sp vs 24) leaving so much more room to do things. There aren’t really any other big fights where its particularly handy (the only example i can think of is the request fight against the Macre and his Legion horde)
Tactica is a great game I can say had 23 hours in it after the first 24 hours, I'm on my second new game plus on switch with platinated game (all compedium best weapons, all quests on 3 stars on max dificulty) only downside is being around 30 hours for a full campaign and DLC, definitely worth it tho, makes me pray that ASA project of atlus (the seemingly huge crossover it seems to be about) has all the characters of side games, cuz I need to see happy Toshi and you know who, that and I need MOAR Sisters time with Aigis Labrys and if God allows Metis
For Ken, it’s easy to grind him up late game with defending with any enemies that have mudo and he’ll unlock null dark. He’s my main healer on the team lol I just make sure I keep Aigis alive with Samerecarm in case he dies Edit: turns out he doesn’t learn null dark? I have a horrid memory it seems, still use him though :) Edit 2: If you get the heart item from Thanatos like I did, you should be all set. Ty for reminding me
Considering the Affinity mechanic in Persona 1 and 2... A tier list for the characters of those games would be interesting. Comparing what Personas they have exclusive access to. Which Arcana of Personas drain the least amount of SP for a character. And so on.
I think Ken's a little low, people often underrate him. He's not as good as Yukari, Akihiko, or Aigis, but I think he's a great healer that packs enough other skills to keep options available. He's rarely a problem in the party. Thank you for not underrating Teddie. He's surprisingly great in combat, regardless of his personality. I'm surprised how much I agree with your list though. Most put Chie over Kanji, for example.
Agree with you about Ken, I actually used him a lot on the party. About Chie and Kanji, that may be because in the PS2 version Kanji didn't have Power Charge, but in Golden he now learns it through his social link, and I think he's better than Chie.
It's certainly not unhelpful, and more accuracy and dodges is always nice. But you're generally better off just reliably taking hits than hoping RNG favors you and you dodge a bunch.
I think my own tier list would look something like: God-Tier: Makoto S-Tier: Ryuji, Yukiko, Akihiko A-Tier: Kanji, Aigis, Yukari, Ann, Teddie B-Tier: Haru, Mitsuru, Yosuke, Naoto (P4G) C-Tier: Junpei, Yusuke, Chie, Ken, Morgana, Yoshizawa D-Tier: Naoto (P4 Vanilla), Koromaru, Akechi Makes Me Sad-Tier: Shinjiro I don't have enough experience with P3R yet so I'm not sure what might change, but at least as far as everything up to P5R goes I think this is accurate enough. One thing that I think should be noted is that Chie does NOT, in fact, get Bufudyne through level-up. She gets it through the bike rides, and while some characters like Yukiko would live to go on the bike rides for some extra tools, Chie's bike skills are all pretty bad outside of Bufudyne and I think she's the only one who actually needs them if you want her to do any magic damage. The problem with THAT is that her Magic still sucks even with Bufudyne, and so Chie will be trapped with a bad Physical skill for the mid-game and no Magic to fall back on in the meantime. In other words she just kinda sucks. Yusuke in P5 is actually pretty comparable to her but he has way more HP, Strength, and Endurance than she does so I find him generally more useful (not enough to use him for more than just the Madarame boss, though). Another thing is that Makoto is even better than you make her out to be. Her best gun gives her +11 to all stats, and a glitch in both P5 and P5R doubles the stat gains from weapons and accessories so she just gets a free +22 to all stats. She pretty definitively just *is* the best party member in the game between her bonkers stats, crazy skillset, and access to the best element in the game that Technicals off basically everything. That's why she gets her own tier above the others since I honestly think she might be better than some endgame Personas that Joker can make. I also wanted to tier Vanilla Naoto differently from Golden Naoto because I do think Golden gave her a substantial enough buff to make her quite a bit better. In Vanilla P4 she was pretty bad; pretty strong for random mob fights but horrendous for bosses. Golden did give her more elemental coverage and there's a specific Ice build that involves a gun and accessory combo that effectively gives her Ice Boost and Ice Amp to make her a much better Ice Magic user than Chie ever will. She still has the problem of being outclassed by Yu if he has a dedicated Ice Persona and Teddie having so many support skills also still makes him better than her, but she's still very nice to have for dungeon-crawling. And for Yoshizawa, she's just not around for long. Her kit is really nice but in addition to every other weakness of hers you brought up she's only around for the one dungeon. A dungeon where she's *really good* due to almost every enemy and one form of the final boss being weak to Bless attacks, but she's still only around for that one dungeon.
Dude I haven’t watched the video at all yet but kudos on the thumbnail that is the most specific but hardcore clickbait I have ever seen👍I know it got me
With P3R being out for a month now I feel like that version of Yukari is now pretty high up now, also just the therugy mechanic in general puts all the P3 cast very high.
I think Yosuke is more useful than Teddie with his wind skills, physical skills and his healing skills are not the best, but is useful and he Is the only male character of the Investigation Team with a decent unique skill, with Youthful Wind you can heal your allies and increase their agility at the same time. I think Naoto is an A tier, is a really useful party member, she can learn Megidolaon and Heat Riser, her unique skill Shield of Justice is really useful and it becomes great that she doesn't have weaknesses.
i mean yusuke definitely gets outshined later in the game but on my most recent run I feel like he outdamges ryuji in the early and mid game, especially before ryuji learns charge/gods hand/matarukaja.
I wonder if this guy will do an updated version with Reload, especially with the reworks of Dark/Light and Mind/Power Charge both of which make Ken, Koromaru, Mitsuru, and Shinjiro very viable. Plus Junpei becomes a crit machine.
Gonna point out that Magic is really bad in Reload due to the Base power of Magic being terrible and being outdone by early Phys skills. (Heavy Magic has 220 base power which is outdone by Moves like Torrent Shot or Blade of Fury the Phys skill closest to Heavy Magic damage is a two hit Swift Strike)
Yukari in Persona 3 Reload is almost S Tier because she can heal every turn - at 25% SP cost - get theulgy fast - concentrate the entire party - and then have Aki who gets a buff for being buffed - roll in and demolish all. Pair with Koro who can also buff the party - and you got a steamroller of a party. MC + Yuk + Kor + Aki = unbeatable.
Yusuke is NOT D-Tier; his damage output is insane with some of the best damaging physical moves in the game, he has access to Ice magic which allows for Technicals, he has an instant-kill Follow-Up like Chie, and Hyakka Ryouran is an insanely good skill. Yusuke synergizes so well with both Ryuji and Makoto that him and Ann are practically interchangeable. Justice for Yusuke, he should have been in A tier.
You can learn Arms Master for Kasumi to negate her low max HP(Ryuji,Yusuke and Haru can learn but it benefits Kasumi the most imo)and use 40% HP accessory,she can sustain herself whilst deal significant damage
Morgana's trait actually broke the last dungeon for me, though, from my memory. I used Orpheus Picaro female version, which had neo cadenza which heals half hp for the whole party and boost all stats for the party. Thing is that Morgana basically turned it into a mediarahan with those same buffs and I think it also made the cost of the spell lower. Honestly made the finally boss a walk in the park lol
I mean playing P5 I always just used Ann Ryuji and Makoto cos they seemed the best to me, although I did at Sumire to my party towards the end cos having a new character was exciting
watching the p5 segment really reminded me of how much ive forgotten about how the team comps worked. I think my Final Team Comp was.... Ryuji Makoto and Akechi? i forgot what exactly their kits did
Thanks ATLUS for the sponsor, get Persona 5 Tactica using my link -
In case of Akehi it sort of make sense why he is bad.
The only sad thing about seeing this today is that I bought it and P3R ultimate edition almost the day after they got into steam/switch (got tactica for switch and 3 Reload on steam...) Tactica is a great spin off, they had me just with the characterdesign that is definitely a gorgeous development from the Q games for DS (and damn how when played those I hoped that one day they would make one that entire game had the quality of the Q and Q2 cinematic cutscenes, and how they achieved that while keeping the game engine for the character interactions so simple and elegant makes it a A+ for me, only "complain" that isn't actually a complain is that it's not Q3. . Cuz playing it makes a part of me dream on a persona Q3 with same king of game design... It's a 30-35 hour story with DLC included, so smaller than Q games and waay smaller than strikers, still awesome tho.
no e tier?
nobody readin all that@@GabrielBarbosa-gs6vk
I do imagine Ryuji would be happy with all the fans he has overseas.
I also wonder how Morgana would react to seeing his reputation in the west (Not well liked) and how the girls themselves would react to all the comments criticizing that one scene after Shido’s palace (Where they beat up Ryuji)
each of them deserve all of it lmfao
I personally like Morgana, he can be a little annoying and odd at times but it's like Jak and Daxter if you've ever played that series, there's no Jak without Daxter just like there's no Ren without Morgana, both their partners in crime play big rolls to their characters and both are the fuzzy little buddy :)
@@miragemain105 But Daxter legitimately always has Jak's back. They're really, REALLY close with each other. Daxter sticks with Jak through everything. I mean the dude spent 2 years to break Jak out of a dystopian prison alone. Morgana never shows that level of loyalty, although in fairness the game never really calls for it.
@@thomaswood8405Unrelated, but I’m glad people still talk about Jak and Daxter. It was my childhood.
@@miragemain105 the issue is morgana is a massive hypocrite and his problem with that is what caused the rift in the party during haru's arc in the first place. he never addresses that and makes the party apologize to him for his tantrum. hes one of two charactersd in the series i dont like, with the other being teddie.
This is super well done I feel like P5’s cast surprised me way more than I expected
@tbnwontpop8857 Yeah it was Strange there's no way Ryuji so low with having best physical skills, best buff and a great final skill. He's arguably best physical character out of 3-5
@@RealCGH its close with Kanji. Kanji hits hard and has a massive health pool. Highest strength stat out of any game, right? Ryuji crits more and just cause its P5, feels more useful. All the P5 party members feel that way cause of guns and baton pass.
1A and 1B to me.
@@fenixchief7Tbh I personally felt that Kanji and Ryuji fulfilled differeng purposes when I played P4G and P5R. Kanji felt much more like a boss killer, with much higher damage, but overall less utility (Matarukaja and Masukunda are really good but that’s about it). Ryuji also has Matarukaja, but can also clear swarms faster, can fish for shock (especially good with Makoto) and can use a full party charge in the endgame. In return, while Ryuji is still very strong, he’s not nearly as nuclear as Kanji
@fenixchief7 Ryuji also has lightning going for him which is great for technicals. He also has charge and team wide charge which alot of physical attack based characters in 3-5 can't say they have
Wow man, this is so informative and will definitely be useful for my next playthroughs (Im still only gonna use the characters that I like)
Jk, this was a really good video and was pretty fun to go through
Even on hardest the game's not that hard so going with your faves is a good choice (plus the protagonist can do so much you can cover for them)
Yusuke, we're going to the Jazz club again!
I really felt surprised for Akechi tbh, when I used him, I didn't think he was THAT bad... Guess he got checkmated😂
he may actually be better in vanilla, it's just his big niche in that game is completely removed since debiltate can be learned by anyone in royal and due to him being a jack of all trades he doesn't offer much else in royal, being a jack of all trades in a persona game outside of p3 is very rarely good
I just want to know why he has a unique skill that does more damage to single target downed enemies that he learns right before the final boss... who is multi-target and can't be downed.
@@nightwish1453He is better in vanilla and in fact is still decent in Royal, but only when he has Robin Hood. He loses some of his abilities and versatility when he rejoins with Loki.
He's a Curse user who joins in the very last dungeon of the game, where almost all enemies resist Curse.
Atlus had no right to do our boy dirty like that.
It's because he's kinda....useless in the last dungeon
9:50 something to point out for Yosuke is that enemies are coded to prioritize attacking him over anyone else.
If you can, try to build him into a tank because P4 shadows don't pull their punches.
The shadows really hate his ass huh 😭
Is this Yosuke specific or just because he has the lowest luck stat in the game?
@@northernspade1727 Yosuke specific because the enemies are ridiculously scary in this game so better to have them focus attacks on him than on the protagonist (especially early game), and he kind of just attracts pain to himself even/especially out of battle.
The world is hardcoded to hate him.
Is it original p4 or in golden, since i didn't experience this too often, but i did see a little pattern sometimes (i've only played golden)
Finally, a tier list I can cite as an Empirical Source
There are some small things I think he undervalues but it's a nice enough baseline.
I find it hilarious how he glossed over Makoto’ gun by just saying it boosts magic. Makoto gun in the most broken weapon in the entire game not only does it boost every stat up 10 or 11 if it created during fusion alarms but do to a glitch doubling all stat buffs it makes her gun give a buff of 20 or 22 on all stats. Her melee weapon also gives her a high crit rate.
So with good jazz club usage Makoto can also become a great magic attacker in addition to her support role
Akechi: There's nothing I can't do.
Makoto: (Loads revolver.) Allow me to introduce myself.
What’s crazier is that you can boost that glitched value even further if you itemize an oricalcum treasure demon during an alarm, which gives you an accessory that provides +7 to all stats and the Evade Physical passive skill, raising the grand total to +18 to all stats, or 90 total additional stat points (180 after factoring in the glitch). In addition to having a persona that’s a motorcycle, this easily makes her the best party member in the game.
Yea she's a good damage dealer, tank, fast, support, debuff...
I'm gutted about Yosuke and Naoto, but I think all points are valid.
Yeah! I use Yosuke as an emergency healer if anything (Yukiko goes down/runs out of SP), RNG jesus is not on my side ever lol
Same! Yosuke, Naoto, and Yukiko are my usual team lol (I use Chie or Kanji before Naoto joins- sorry Teddie)
Even in general P4 playthroughs Yosuke is preferred as a high damage person that sometimes heals when Yukiko can’t, so Yosuke is generally useful if redundant.
@@Illhavesnakes it's such a good team
@@Illhavesnakesi used this during my first playthrough too, it's super powerful
I kind of appreciate the story telling meta to some of these stats.
Morgana quickly feels overshadowed and made redundant by other characters your team picks up. Makoto is a more capable strategist, Futaba is a better meta verse navigator. Likewise, his stats are quickly overshadowed by characters that can heal and magic better.
Akechi presents as an ace detective but it comes from him having meta knowledge of the things he's "deducing" not because he's genuinely clever at making connections. Likewise, he projects as if he's strong but his stats are mid.
You are absolutely wilding when it comes to Shinji, he's so strong for the short period of time he's in your party, he absolutely annihilates enemies
How? Shinjiro is available for such a short time, in my experience his stats and his attack repertoire is just bad, the only possible way he is useful is when splitting the party but apart from that, every party member is better (probably not Koromaru lol) but that's just my opinion
During my P5R playthrough early this year, I followed a guide for the "best" party members for each Palace, and I definitely regret it. Sure, it was nice having the right elements per dungeon, but I really don't remember any of the team comps I ended up with. Meanwhile, for my P4 and P3 playthroughs later on, I used the party members I liked best and I can clearly remember my team comps for the endgame: Yosuke, Yukiko and Naoto for P4, and Yukari, Akihiko and Koromaru for P3. They're far from the best comps, it ain't exactly unknown that Koromaru is one of the weaker party members for P3 and apart from Yukiko neither of my P4 teammates are exactly high tier, but Koromaru is the bestest boy and Yosuke is my second favorite Persona character tied with Ryuji and second only to Sumi, so of course I'm gonna throw them in there.
Moral of the story, pick the party members you want to and not who you're told to. Sure, you can pick party members based on who's best for a given dungeon, but at least don't follow a guide that tells you who's best, it takes away any meaning to the team comps you use, when you should be attached to these characters in and out of combat considering you're playing an RPG.
I just said screw it and ran Morgana for every dungeon, using Lucky/Miracle punch to get knockdowns if the rest of my team didnt have the right elements.
What I love about Royal is that you can even make the worst characters really good by giving them specific Skills they can't learn from leveling such as with accessories and the Jazz Club. Giving Yusuke access to Charge made him way more useful than in vanilla.
Yusuke is actually way way higher on this tier list with the jazz bar imo. He's the best 3rd party member for Ryuji/Makoto comps which by default elevates him immensely.
@@ExaltableJohne placed way too much emphasis on late-game and level 99 stats which isn't what matters in a general playthrough, especially not on harder difficulties where your EXP gain is lower.
Ryuji doesn't learn Charge until level 63, and struggles with accuracy a lot throughout the early and midgame because of his low Agility. Yusuke can actually hit the broad side of a barn, can dodge attacks rather than having to tank them, and gets a katana that grants +5 Strength (+10 in actuality due to a bug) by itemizing Ame-no-Uzume, which paired with the Baton pass skills, let's him hit far harder and far more reliably than Ryuji for a large chunk of the game once you get him.
@@GIR177 the best team comp uses both of them with how well they synergize with Makoto regardless. I agree with you though that Ryuji can ride the bench for early parts of the game and taking yusuke as a replacement won’t have you missing a physical damage dealer til they’re both worth slotting on.
One thing to mention is that Makoto + Haru is easily the best combination for killing encounters, because if Makoto uses Makajam on the enemies it has a high chance of hitting, and then Haru's magic is technical, and technical just kills everything even without playing on merciless.
was on youtube for something homework related but got distracted by peaksona
I have high hopes that Yukari will go Yukiko levels of crazy in Reload. Even if her stats end up generally untouched, she'll definitely learn the boost/amp skills this time around, maybe even Concentrate, though they will probably save that for Mitsuru. Her unique theurgy trait halves the cost of her healing skills, and she only needs to heal to charge her theurgy faster. I'm so excited. 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩
Average Yukari Pfp 💀
@@Megidolaon999 Damn, I can't even hype up my fave without getting a stupid and unnecessary reply. 🙄
@@affinityforbrownpears8386 Yukari was already in the top half of party members, the game doesn’t need to be any easier.
I really hope she learns her pierce skills like Myriad Arrows and bow master
@@ShadowOfMassDestructionI am so desperate for things like this. I hate seeing enemies use skills like niflheim or things like that and then your party can’t reach that potential for their skills. Then in the answer your teammates suddenly have way better skills when you fight against them? It annoys me so much lol
The funniest thing about the navigators is that, disregarding gameplay, Rise is technically the most versatile and powerful due to the alternate forms.
How do you make her really powerful
I'm that one player that prefers to just play with the characters I like regardless of skills even if it makes the fights harder lol
Akihiko is a total must have, only thing i could ask for him to have is maybe to have atleast 1 Physical persona move like he starts with, and maybe a power charge if it worked how it does in current games. He'd be god tier at that point.
And Yosuke getting shafted I feel. A not full heal isn't too important if healing from half health, and keeping your accuracy/evade buffed I feel is underrated tbh. But idk, i tend to find a good use and comp with any character as I use all characters, as i love grinding and like to keep all playable party members an equal lvl. And got all party members in my first and newgame+ run to lvl 99 both times. Same with my P3. Hopefully when P3R comes out, they're combat kits will be somewhat udjusted for the way that mechanics have changed in the current games.
My own first dive into doing Persona content is P3 playable character tier list and even starting doing deep dives into individual characters. I love how all characters are viable and still useable, but look forward to seeing how you end up placing them all. Love your content Johne, keeo it up. 🙏
The only reason to use Morgana late game is Salvation which is also can be gotten through Itemization or Tanaka
Well there is another reason...
If you build Makoto for DPS Morgana's your only other option for a healer so she and Joker can focus on that.
Salvation is pretty overrated in my opinion, too much SP just to have status ailment curing when there are plenty of passives that prevent ailments, such as Harrisen recovery, Haru's persona trait, and Maruki's confidant abilities.
Pretty sure Maria gets Salvation.
@@nosignal2240 Yes.
But P5S is just ridiculous, it’s a full party heal+ revival and clears all status ailments at the cost of like 80+ SP, worth it
In P5R, once I got Makoto I knew what my team would be for the rest of the game: Joker, Skull, Panther and Queen.
The Ryuji buffing Atk, Ann debuffing Atk and Makoto buffing Def made a great combo.
With great delight, I report that they fixed the dog in reload
Great video. Opened my eyes on Ryuji for sure as I never really clicked with him (or physical attacking in general) when I played P5R. After playing some of P4G and P3R I’m definitely coming around on it and look forward to giving Ryuji his due on replay!
I used Akechi for tactical spirit paired with spell master to lower SP costs during the stupid Lavenza fight and he was in charge of support as well
My take on the list, or rather, what I think you got a little wrong, mainly some of the P4 cast but I have a bone to pick about a phantom thief.
1. You put Yosuke up as this "He struggles to do anything because his healing is bad" when the beauty of Yosuke isn't that he does one thing amazingly, but that he does everything. And I know, I know "Jack of all trades don't work in Persona" is true for every character *except for Yosuke.* The healing is negligible, you don't need to have it around, or rather, you shouldn't be relying on it exclusively. What makes it nice is similar to Panther's or Akihiko's healing, where you have it as "The backup source in case Yukiko/Teddie need to do something else."
However what *makes* Yusuke is the Kitchen Knife. On two specific weeks you can order from Tanaka's goods a Kitchen Knife that will *increase Yosuke's strength stat by 10. TEN!* This works from early to late game given that Yosuke gets a surprising amount of really good Phys skills. He is the Haru of Persona 4 Golden.
2. Chie. Chie is... underwhelming. You make it out to where Chie and Kanji are neck and neck, but Chie's undoing is just the fact that she doesn't learn phys skills until the latest of the late game. Chie will be stuck using Rampage, light phys damage on all foes, until the very end when she learns Agneyastra. That's her best multi target phys move. I was shocked to learn this too, but it's true! Kanji grows like an actual Phys unit while Chie gets bloated with a bunch of skills she doesn't need and never learns any high damage magic unless you specifically invest 5 days with her and at the earliest you get Bufudyne by the Magatsu Mandala dungeon. She's nice for until you get Kanji, but it's kind of a waste to use her for the rest of the game for Dragon's Hustle when for 5 out of 9 dungeons she's dead weight.
And then lastly, hoo boy, I have complaints about Yusuke. Is he as good as Ryuji? No, certainly not. However he's definitely as good as Haru. I don't buy that you've tested out Deadly Fury and compared what it does compared to what other party members can do. The issue isn't "Yusuke doesn't do as much damage as Joker at the very end," It's "Yusuke does more damage than Joker until the point where the two are on equal footing." Having a Severe strength physical skill, with bonus damage, at level 40? Insane.
It isn't until the Okumura palace where Joker can match Yusuke's power when both are set up proper. That's when Joker gets access to Charge/Concentrate and things get a little dicey... until a palace later when he can get Charge too. The only scenario where Joker is doing more damage than Yusuke until then is if you're using the DLC, which is the "I don't want to play the game" button.
Im confused about the Yosuke comment about Phys he gets a alright Phys for level 34 but is stuck with it until Brave Blade at 69 (nice) meaning his Jack of Trades stick falls off until endgame. So after the thirties he is stuck with usable but meh Magic Attacks.
For Yusuke hes not doing more damage than Joker? He gets Deadly Fury at 47 (basically at the fifties) and Joker can access this move earlier with alarms but he can also go for a stronger (if a little inaccurate) Triple Down with Gun Boost+Amp as soon as level 38 (Because White Rider innately has Triple Down and can be itemized into Gun Boost/Amp).
Lastly Joker can get acces to Charge as as soon as level 25 because Setanta learns Charge at 27
If you read this first of all thank you here have a little bit of bonus info
Triple Down does more damage than One Shot Kill (barely and if we ignore Crit Rate)
I think your comparing chie to kanji too much here. yes Kanji is better however if Kanji hits everyone else, chie hits harder then everyone else besides kanji (except Yukiko whose damage can really vary on the resistances which is a bit inconsistent). p4 is a very physical meta game so you very rarely mess around with magic that much especially in vanilla in which for golden they tried to push you to use it more however they didn't directly buff magic so every other segment besides marie's dungeon ends up still being physical focused. wind spells in 4 are probably the weakest element with very few enemies weak to it and yu can easily cover when needed and wouldn't burn him too quickly so even though chie initally seems bad with how physical attacks are exceedingly good she ends up way better in practice then in theory
@@nightwish1453 Chie doesn't end up hitting harder than other people because of the fact that she has to use Rampage until she gets Agneyastra. Even if P4 is a physical oriented game it's kinda sad when Naoto is able to out-damage you on the phys side of things until you get your late game physical skills. She doesn't get any sort of high level magic and she doesn't get any non-early game phys skills until the very end.
@@greenstat1c Naoto's damage is not that high there is a lot of effiecenty problems with it, for starters she doesn't learn any elemental passives you have to get lucky in grabbing an accessory for it or the frost gun which is requires a bit of luck in order to even obtain it. without those passives chie still hits harder then her with freaking black spot, what makes it worse magic naoto cannot be used against marie which is sad because that's the only time where magic has any form of demand to be used. chie not learning high level magic is barely even a flaw, she only uses it for exploitation nothing else and in practice it's way more effective then you think it is plus she can learn power charge just when naoto joins.
Thanks for giving us your input, Johnny
I hope Korumaru is actually good in Reload. Always wanted to justify him in my party.
Him being a good boy is the only justification you need
We know he gets Getsu-Ei now so hopefully they rework him a lot.
His main issue is just sheer lack of damage and mediocre utility.
news alert: the devs might have made him from the worst to the best, they nerfed akihiko and no longer has all the debuffs, koro however not only learns curse the devs also gave him debilitate which is kind of nuts
well he gets eiha line of spells
Spoiler alert, he's busted lol
16:33 Not to mention, Ryuji gets access to shock boost, which can make strong enemies sooooo easy to deal with
For Naoto, she has a gun which boosts her ice damage which followed with an accessory that also increases it can make her a viable and good party member in boss battles (and for random battles, you can change both to focus in elemental coverage)
Yeah but even with that gun she does less magic damage than Yosuke. She also needs a good ice boosting accessory from a late game dungeon to be ‘good’ damage wise, and even then she does about what Teddie could do with that same accessory and loses by a mile to Yukiko. She also just doesn’t have any really useful and practical support skills for bosses either. For random battles, all you need are the instakills, and Megidolaon for golden hands.
alsio add outside of some of the last few bosses physical attacks will always hit harder and Yukiko + mind charge just about hits 3rd best damage dealer, she can exceed to top if the boss has a slight resistance to physical which is simply just the final boss. the marie fight would be the perfect place to use a magic naoto but here's the problem you can't even use that build because of the dungeon's gimicks, yukiko however can go ham
To be fair to Mind/Power Charge in P3, it can be used as a way to conserve SP on AOE skills during long fights and expeditions at the cost of only 10% less damage, since charging costs much less SP than using those skills twice. Sure, a 1.9x multiplier makes it less useful than later games, but I'd argue that it isn't completely useless, just niche.
I have doubts about it because I remember testing power charge (assuming mind charge works the same) and the damage with Zan-ei was doing 99ish damage and my screenshots show me 196-205. Which seems to be more like a meh 2x damage for the charge moves
(Death twins were my testing dummy and i only used one Persona so stats weren’t changing)
@tbnwontpop8857 ehhh doubt it with her strong ice damage she could never be F she mostly lacks stuff to do outside of it because the rest of her skills are dedicated to status effects or Sp preservation.
Ai Issues while very tedious are exaggerated because most of the time they do follow whatever tactics you set them to.
@tbnwontpop8857 If mitsuru uses marin karin during boss fights you have her on act freely. Which you should never do in fes.
Ryuji Sakamoto is SSSSS+ tier. He is the best character in P5R for me. Max Mittleman did an amazing job with his voice acting! Also, just got Tactica for Christmas.
i just want to say one more thing about ryuji: with his skill he can apply shock especially with makoto in the team and shock is a very good status effect to do some very easy critical hit in the early game with gun damage or physical skill
Obviously Yusuke
Not only he is a great combatant, but he can copy skill cards that is OP.
In 4 Well Kanji was ALWAYS in my party dude is a cannon.
4:38. At least it’s better than SMTV’s 1.8x (and 1.4x for the Donum skills)
Well for smtv it balances out since you can control exactly when you get a crit via magitsuhi, so the charge turn is imporamt
strongly disagree with ken's placement. his extreme versatility makes him a very good unit. give him cu chulain's fusion weapon to allow him to deal wind damage with his melee attack and stack vayu bracers on top of that and he essentially has a 4th element to play with (pierce, elec, light, AND wind) this makes him very easy to fit into any party composition... but yeah, dark weakness does suck.
i also found mitsuru's damage compounded with the protagonist's totally worth it as it can speed along some of the more grueling boss fights in the game. plus, a secondary damage dealer who never has to stop is good to have if you need the protagonist to pop an item or go on the defensive (which is desirable in more situations than you'd think). with this much damage, i only need akihiko's debuffs. i don't bother with buffs aside from marakukaja on the protag for _occasional_ fights. i still found that a mind charge bufudyne will deal more than two bufudynes. idk if buffs/debuffs offset this or not.
there's also party members being absent for mandatory fights to take into account. once you get past the second full moon, yukari, akihiko, and mitsuru will never be absent for any major fights (or gone for a whole month like aigis). easily the best p3 party imo and my boy nam's compendium can vouch for this.
I had the complete opposite reaction to Naoto, she felt super busted and never left my party once I got her
Maybe I was doing something wrong (you tell me), but for the brief time I experimented with Naoto, her survivability was off the charts horrendous. It felt as though the damage she was taking was around double that of other party members on average. Even comparatively weak enemies would frequently cause her to lose over half of her HP with just a single attack. Bosses and stronger enemies would down her instantly.
In trying to keep her alive so she could level up at the same rate as everyone else in the party, I died, lost an hour of progress, and immediately went back to Yosuke.
@@TheTrueBrawlerShe has the Lowest End of the party (Don’t know about her Max Health but it’s likely low as well).
Some more notes about Persona 4 cast. Spoilers below:
- I view Yosuke as a mixed attacker. Brave Blade is quite good on its own, and he gets Wind Boost/Wind Amp for some good wind damage. And in my opinion, hit accuracy and evasion buffs trumps defense buffs, as evasion can get pretty high in Persona 4 for both sides. Every party member gets the corresponding Evade skill for their weakness, and there are plenty of Golden Hands that just about get away because you didn't hit that last attack. Being able to boost your own evasion and accuracy by a substantial amount is something that's underrated. And the healing effect of Youthful Wind is nice if you don't plan on using Yukiko or Teddie for some reason. At the very least, it'll save turns healing from them. Also, I haven't tested this, but if it does indeed work, then Blessed Hands could possibly boost Youthful Wind's healing output by 50%, meaning it could maybe heal close to the party's entire HP pool.
- Yukiko also learns Mudo and Mudoon through her Social Link, so she's not limited to just fire spells, making her even more useful for random battles. You hardly even need to get Mind Charge for her through the bike rides, but obviously, she does even better with it. You can even get a fan that boosts her magic by +10 from Daidara, provided you sell him the materials.
- The Regenerate skills that Kanji gets help put him over Chie, too. It's a small percentage each turn (and they do stack with each other), but it helps him survive just that bit more than Chie and lets him use his physical skills more often without having to spend a turn healing him. His physical skills are generally harder-hitting than Chie's too, with highlights being Torrent Shot for the mid-game and Primal Force for end-game. Torrent Shot will absolutely destroy mid-game bosses, paired with Power Charge. Ditto for Primal Force for end-game bosses. Also, he learns Masukunda through his Social Link, which is greatly useful for Golden Hands. His lightning damage is... okay-ish, with Elec Boost and Elec Amp, but you'd be better off with other skills instead of these.
- Meanwhile Chie has Black Spot, Rainy Death (both having pretty high crit rates though) and God's Hand. The main advantages that Chie has over Kanji is physical skills that can hit multiple enemies, high crit rate with Apt Pupil and Revolution, and the third awakening skill. She can also learn Hamaon through bike rides, but whether this is worth investing time into is pretty debatable. I'd say Bufudyne absolutely isn't worth it though, due to her low magic stat.
- Teddie also learns Gigantic Fist, which could be okay for whenever Rise feels like charging/mind-charging the entire party.
- Naoto, I also view as a bit of a mixed attacker, though she's still more suited to random battles with Mahamaon/Mamudoon. Vorpal Blade is an alright physical skill to use when Rise feels like charging the party. Her Mind Charge + Megidolaon combo doesn't do a ton of damage either. She does get a gun at the end of her own dungeon that boosts all her stats by 5, so that's something that helps her out a bit. Her Shield of Justice is pretty good for Margaret and Izanami, preventing party members from being heavily damaged, or worse, knocked down in Margaret's battle. And Heat Riser is nice for buffing up better-suited damage dealers, namely Kanji, Yukiko, and the Protag, in a pinch. One thing that does make her stand out when you first get her is that she can learn Makarakarn, which can basically cheese Kunino-Sagiri and make that fight a joke.
Metis : Am i a joke to you?🥺
I typically rotate my team but still main characters I like. I just swap out characters with like skills (i.e. replacing a healer). This video is very helpful to know which characters may work better together
The mind charge skill in 3 is good for resource management, if mind charge cost less than 90% of the cost of move you are being more cost effective with your SP, which is good for deep dives. Personally I like to minimize time in Tartarus by doing each chunk in a single day.
I'm curious how much this list would change for the persona 3 cast with Persona 3 Reload being out now, with how they revamped all the characters and the change that has come with theurgy.
Charge Yoshitsune with critical was and will always be my favorite "Fuck you i can" move
I feel like you were a little too harsh on Naoto if you are considering her golden version. She's not great in the boss fights as her utility is magic reflecting to null an ally weakness and Heat Riser but for the 95% of the fights that are random encounters she thrives. She's the only party member besides the MC who can hit every weakness to knock down every enemy for easier clears, she has no weakness and has invigorate to help endlessly fight random encounters.
For me, I would put her in B tier as she's strong when placed in her niche and just ok outside of it.
yeah but then he can't drive engagement by saying best girl is bad to farm comments
that's kind of a problem with her, she can hit every weakness BESIDES the MC she may have more use if you don't have the MC built very well but if you do there isn't much value of her because her damage output is pretty weak. MC on random encounters can be ridiculous near the later parts where he can blitz them alone with ease
I have realized that my most used teams, which are also made up of my favorite characters, almost completely consist of the most powerful in terms of support or damage:
In FES, I used Mitsuru, Akihiko and Aigis, all of them could also heal me and damage the final boss notably
In Golden, I used Yukiko, Kanji and Naoto, because of damage and variety (Naoto is so versatile compared to anybody else)
In Royal, I used Makoto, Haru and Ryuji and they are absolutely a dream team for their coverage. Kasumi is also a good option, but she's not my favorite by far.
TL;DR: Basically I'm very fond of the powerhouses which are also the best characters.
Thank for you didn’t do navigators fuuka would’ve sweeped to hard
damn this is the first time i see a sponsor from a company like atlus, thats on another level
Kinda surprised that Teddie ranks so high, but I get the logic.
My go-to P4 squad is always Chie, Kanji, and Yukiko. Why pick between the two best physical party members when you can just use both? Yukiko has enough SP to heal them both AND barbecue the enemy, cackling uncontrollably the whole time.
All-in-all, sick list, bro. Was gonna comment with a silly meme thing, but seeing as this was an actual tier list with a ton of thought behind it, I decided 'nah. let him cook.'
for p4 it ends up being some combination of those 4, Teddie can be even better support then yukiko by basically having him use gigantic fist and having everything else as pure support. Chie and yukiko are the lesser and it's a one or the other, chie is the 2nd best damage dealer but lacks strong support to do much else but she can go ham in dungeons, Yukiko is behind chie and kanji in terms of damage but in some situations mainly the endgame bosses she can hit harder then both of them. Note it does take a bit before Teddie can get his support build going a long with his awakened persona
I did not realize Akechi was that bad LOL
he might be one of the few who was better in the original, debilitate was more of an exclusive to him and only joker could also learn it, in royal however anyone can use it so of course you would aim for someone like Ryuji or Ann to get the single target one, makoto's group one can be a bit expensive to some tastes
Junpei, Yosuke and Ryuji are permanent members of my teams, no matter what, theyre my favourites in their respective games so that IS the main reason why. I dont play on the hardest difficulties, nor do I care about being optimal, so a lot of points have never really mattered to me. Ive also always had insane luck when it comes to my favourite characters, in P4 and P5 there where some fights I only won BECAUSE of Yosuke and Ryuji. Which isnt that surprising for Ryuji hes insanely good, but apparently is for Yosuke. No further comment on Junpei though, unfortunately my P3 playthrough got cut short due to tech difficulties and I was only able to make it up too Fuuka before I had to stop playing, but Junpei was still a permanent team member
Ryuji and Makoto EZ S tier for me as well, tnx Johne. Maybe lets make tier list of everyone in cooking?
I kinda benched Ryuji during Maruki’s palace😂 and for Maruki, I brought Ann, Makoto and Sumi for the boss, the boys were kinda benched😂
The only thing i would say of this list is that Yosuke deserves more simply because he has access to Dekaja, which in some fights helped me quite a lot since i didn't had to waste turns and sp doing the debuffs to negate the enemies buffs, especially considering how much said debuffs cost in P4. Since i dedicate the protagonist to debuffing the enemy and deal damage, i don't always have access to Dekaja.
People always look at me like wtf you had when I mention that I do enjoy using Teddie because he can be very versatile and be a secondary healer when needed or if you want to try something other than Yukiko
in actuality there is a setup of making him the dedicated primary healer and with golden giving him gigantic punch what you can do is keep the ice move like chie to exploit the weakness and everything is pure support and in practice it can work really well if you know what you doing
I agree with a lot of these. The only two where I feel strongly different would be Ken and Yosuke. I've never had issues with Ken dying to dark all that often, and being neutral to all damaging elements I find far more useful than dark weakness is harmful. He's otherwise just a more versatile, slightly stronger, slightly bulkier Yukari. As for Yosuke, his status effects are extremely helpful for shadows that have no weaknesses, he does decent damage, and I really appreciate his agility buff + healing combo. You don't always need a full heal to top the party off, and it gives you or your healing more opportunities to do other things, whether that's Yukiko doing more crazy damage or Teddie reapplying valuable buffs. Chie can circumvent that by boosting every stat, but because it's so SP costly, you can only use it a couple times whereas you can use Yosuke's buff and other buffs far more.
Ken is pretty decent as for og,fes and portable (wait and see for reload) and usually it's either him or yukari for that final slot and you may want ken so that you don't have two characters with an elec weakness running around however there are ways to remove weaknesses and in that case you may end up focusing on yukari who has the ailment cure spells instead but ken does have a physical moves so there is a bit of a preference. Yosuke has the problem of Yu being able to cover his niches very easily without many issues that would come it's way, wind is probably the least useful damage spell in the game with very few enemies weak to it and agility buffs tend to be the least useful and by comparison Teddie and Chie are more efficent in buffing then yosuke is (especially Teddie).
After kanji joins you don't have much need for him since p4 is very biased on physical attacks besides the marie dungeon in golden which in that scenario he would be one of the best picks for that boss fight but realistically that's not enough to keep using through the game's entirety, Kanji does have a decent skill set to take out marie and Yukiko is exceedinly superior then yosuke is offensively as far as magic goes so you really aren't missing anything on dropping yosuke after the early game
I can't help but feel like light and dark weaknesses in P3 are overblown. Aside from the beginning when you don't have homonculi, which isn't when Ken and Koromaru are available, dark/light weaknesses seem like the best thing to have. I mean I really can't think of time where I ever lost because I brought Ken.
Koru and junpei have good synergy. As his revolution can cover junpei crit problem. What I ran was a physical makoto, koru, junpei, and yukari. I gave koru a rebellion boost accessory. This was around the time koru joins. Late game I’ll carry Loki with Jaír covers weakness with the auto skills than switched over to my physical dealer. Koru got the bone weapon to crit and knockdown. Double charge Vile assault is insane
Reload I feel changes P3’s list quite immensely. Characters got completely reworked and balanced. Like Akihiko is not insanely good anymore, Yukari is ridiculously good with her theurgy for gaining charge from healing, and debuff skills being distributed throughout the party and some overall balance too to fix Koromaru and Ken’s issues. Granted…. Its significantly easier then P3P and especially P3FES but interesting nonetheless.
I bet Mitsuru will go to S tier with the def down moving to her & innate debilitate from Theurgy.
I'm kinda sad that Ryuji's buffs and Royale reworks unintentionally nerfed Yusuke, given in Vanilla he was the multitarget sweeper that got buffed with Baton Pass, but now that everyone gets a buff with BP AND Ryuji has access to multi target Phys, made my boy kinda redundant which is a shame, since he was the guy you bring to do the Palace/Mementos clean while saving Ryuji for his powerful single attack moves against bosses
the moment haru joins the party. i didn't replace her until the end coz She doesn't have enough screen time :(
And Also Hifumi was originally planned as a Phantom thief. but sadly it will make the game longer so they decided to demote her as a confidant.
justice to yuusuke. he helped me plenty with his incredible physical damage at end game boss fights when they're mostly resistant to elemental dmg.
Yusuke Kitagawa from P5 or Yosuke Hanamura from P4? I'm asking because I often see people switching these characters names.
@@victoralmeida2684 yusuke kitagawa from p5
@@_tomochi Agreed, I used him most of the times, specially for multi target physical damage.
it makes me so sad to see both of my favourite party members to use (Shinjiro and Akechi) are the absolute worst to use ;-;
But honestly that won't really change me from using them they still are my goats in my persona playthroughs :)
I'd be curious to see how the P3 characters rank with Reload out
I’ve been analyzing this video to prep for my upcoming P4 replay and I would love for a video looking at Reload’s characters considering how they changed some members (especially Akihiko rip)
Akihiko kinda struggles early midgame because he just doesn’t get any good skills after Zionga till like level 40 but generally hes still nutty as hell.
extremely fast theurgy,getting bigger boosts from buffs and gets access to Strike Amp for Gods Hand etc
@@helpihavebats6392 yeah I just reached December and I’ve switched Akihiko back in, still don’t understand how his theurgy works, it charges with self-buffs but he only gets the one evasion-boosting ability? Doesn’t make any sense considering how quickly you can charge up nearly everyone elses
@@danlisawesome1670 ill make clear how his Theurgy works
If he starts his turn while under a Buff (Def Acc or Atk up) his Theurgy will get a boost (key words being at the start)
He also has a typo in how his theurgy boosts him being 1.3x instead of being 1.2x so he gets pretty big boosts from it.
Aki shouldn’t be buffing he should be getting buff from other characters (he only has it so he can awkwardly get his theurgy going)
Small nitpicks i guess
For Yusukes Heat Riser Aoe
Yeah Joker can do that however Joker is a guy who has better things to do like spamming Charge/Concentrate-> Attack so it has its merits even if Yusuke has a harder time keeping the buffs up due to his rather underwhelming max SP. (Ignoring DLC)
Makotos Aoe Debilitate is kinda awful during the times you get it as its best use is the Final Boss but you save so much Sp by just Jazz clubbing her Marukunda (90 Sp vs 24) leaving so much more room to do things. There aren’t really any other big fights where its particularly handy (the only example i can think of is the request fight against the Macre and his Legion horde)
Tactica is a great game I can say had 23 hours in it after the first 24 hours, I'm on my second new game plus on switch with platinated game (all compedium best weapons, all quests on 3 stars on max dificulty) only downside is being around 30 hours for a full campaign and DLC, definitely worth it tho, makes me pray that ASA project of atlus (the seemingly huge crossover it seems to be about) has all the characters of side games, cuz I need to see happy Toshi and you know who, that and I need MOAR Sisters time with Aigis Labrys and if God allows Metis
That thumbnail is gonna earn you an all out attack, boyo
Loved this video it deserves more views
If they make status effects as powerful as they are in P5R. Mitsuru will be an easy A in Reloaded.
I used Ken since I got him to endgame and he’s amazing 💔
For Ken, it’s easy to grind him up late game with defending with any enemies that have mudo and he’ll unlock null dark. He’s my main healer on the team lol I just make sure I keep Aigis alive with Samerecarm in case he dies
Edit: turns out he doesn’t learn null dark? I have a horrid memory it seems, still use him though :)
Edit 2: If you get the heart item from Thanatos like I did, you should be all set. Ty for reminding me
Alternatively, don’t play silly like me and stock up on bead of lives
he cant learn null dark tho?
@@JohneAwesome let me check my game, I swear he learned it!
I guess he doesn’t, maybe my memory sucks or something. 🫡 my bad! I haven’t died to mudo since I’ve started using him though
Even if he doesn't learn null dark, you can just get the thanatos heart item and he's good.
Considering the Affinity mechanic in Persona 1 and 2... A tier list for the characters of those games would be interesting. Comparing what Personas they have exclusive access to. Which Arcana of Personas drain the least amount of SP for a character. And so on.
I think Ken's a little low, people often underrate him. He's not as good as Yukari, Akihiko, or Aigis, but I think he's a great healer that packs enough other skills to keep options available. He's rarely a problem in the party.
Thank you for not underrating Teddie. He's surprisingly great in combat, regardless of his personality.
I'm surprised how much I agree with your list though. Most put Chie over Kanji, for example.
Agree with you about Ken, I actually used him a lot on the party.
About Chie and Kanji, that may be because in the PS2 version Kanji didn't have Power Charge, but in Golden he now learns it through his social link, and I think he's better than Chie.
Would love to see if this list changes at all with the release of reload!
Hope you do a update now that P3R is out. Would love to see which characters got buffed or nurfed on the tier list.
10:05 Masukaja is the BEST evasion is insanely powerful
It's certainly not unhelpful, and more accuracy and dodges is always nice.
But you're generally better off just reliably taking hits than hoping RNG favors you and you dodge a bunch.
I just One more system, is different than STB where evasion is broken because missing is punishable by losing two turns
I think my own tier list would look something like:
God-Tier: Makoto
S-Tier: Ryuji, Yukiko, Akihiko
A-Tier: Kanji, Aigis, Yukari, Ann, Teddie
B-Tier: Haru, Mitsuru, Yosuke, Naoto (P4G)
C-Tier: Junpei, Yusuke, Chie, Ken, Morgana, Yoshizawa
D-Tier: Naoto (P4 Vanilla), Koromaru, Akechi
Makes Me Sad-Tier: Shinjiro
I don't have enough experience with P3R yet so I'm not sure what might change, but at least as far as everything up to P5R goes I think this is accurate enough.
One thing that I think should be noted is that Chie does NOT, in fact, get Bufudyne through level-up. She gets it through the bike rides, and while some characters like Yukiko would live to go on the bike rides for some extra tools, Chie's bike skills are all pretty bad outside of Bufudyne and I think she's the only one who actually needs them if you want her to do any magic damage. The problem with THAT is that her Magic still sucks even with Bufudyne, and so Chie will be trapped with a bad Physical skill for the mid-game and no Magic to fall back on in the meantime. In other words she just kinda sucks. Yusuke in P5 is actually pretty comparable to her but he has way more HP, Strength, and Endurance than she does so I find him generally more useful (not enough to use him for more than just the Madarame boss, though).
Another thing is that Makoto is even better than you make her out to be. Her best gun gives her +11 to all stats, and a glitch in both P5 and P5R doubles the stat gains from weapons and accessories so she just gets a free +22 to all stats. She pretty definitively just *is* the best party member in the game between her bonkers stats, crazy skillset, and access to the best element in the game that Technicals off basically everything. That's why she gets her own tier above the others since I honestly think she might be better than some endgame Personas that Joker can make.
I also wanted to tier Vanilla Naoto differently from Golden Naoto because I do think Golden gave her a substantial enough buff to make her quite a bit better. In Vanilla P4 she was pretty bad; pretty strong for random mob fights but horrendous for bosses. Golden did give her more elemental coverage and there's a specific Ice build that involves a gun and accessory combo that effectively gives her Ice Boost and Ice Amp to make her a much better Ice Magic user than Chie ever will. She still has the problem of being outclassed by Yu if he has a dedicated Ice Persona and Teddie having so many support skills also still makes him better than her, but she's still very nice to have for dungeon-crawling.
And for Yoshizawa, she's just not around for long. Her kit is really nice but in addition to every other weakness of hers you brought up she's only around for the one dungeon. A dungeon where she's *really good* due to almost every enemy and one form of the final boss being weak to Bless attacks, but she's still only around for that one dungeon.
Dude I haven’t watched the video at all yet but kudos on the thumbnail that is the most specific but hardcore clickbait I have ever seen👍I know it got me
I think you'll need slightly redo or add some changes to this list after the release of Persona 3 reload. Some characters got some massive boosts
8:28 love how bro just avoided talking about him literally fucking dying
With P3R being out for a month now I feel like that version of Yukari is now pretty high up now, also just the therugy mechanic in general puts all the P3 cast very high.
social link tier list next!
Junpei is now the King of Crits, making him SSSS++++ tier.
He truly is Da Man.
I think Yosuke is more useful than Teddie with his wind skills, physical skills and his healing skills are not the best, but is useful and he Is the only male character of the Investigation Team with a decent unique skill, with Youthful Wind you can heal your allies and increase their agility at the same time. I think Naoto is an A tier, is a really useful party member, she can learn Megidolaon and Heat Riser, her unique skill Shield of Justice is really useful and it becomes great that she doesn't have weaknesses.
I've been waiting for this
Koro and ken got the biggest glow up in reload
1:33 Yukari
2:21 Junpei
3:11 Akihiko
4:09 Mitsuru
5:53 Aigis
6:43 Koromaru
7:30 Ken
8:08 Shinjiro
9:46 Yosuke
10:33 Chie
11:53 Yukiko
12:38 Kanji
13:24 Teddie
14:20 Naoto
15:40 Morgana
16:29 Ryuji
17:42 Ann
18:39 Yusuke
19:30 Makoto
20:20 Haru
21:33 Akechi
22:22 Kasumi
23:32 Tier List Placements
i mean yusuke definitely gets outshined later in the game but on my most recent run I feel like he outdamges ryuji in the early and mid game, especially before ryuji learns charge/gods hand/matarukaja.
I wonder if this guy will do an updated version with Reload, especially with the reworks of Dark/Light and Mind/Power Charge both of which make Ken, Koromaru, Mitsuru, and Shinjiro very viable. Plus Junpei becomes a crit machine.
Gonna point out that Magic is really bad in Reload due to the Base power of Magic being terrible and being outdone by early Phys skills. (Heavy Magic has 220 base power which is outdone by Moves like Torrent Shot or Blade of Fury the Phys skill closest to Heavy Magic damage is a two hit Swift Strike)
Yukari in Persona 3 Reload is almost S Tier because she can heal every turn - at 25% SP cost - get theulgy fast - concentrate the entire party - and then have Aki who gets a buff for being buffed - roll in and demolish all. Pair with Koro who can also buff the party - and you got a steamroller of a party. MC + Yuk + Kor + Aki = unbeatable.
This was pretty spot on
Ryuji gets the best buffs because he is best boy/bro. That's it. lol
Are you saying that Teddie is the best boy in P4? Because he gets Matarukaja, Marakukaja and Marakunda(to debuff the enemies, defense).
Yusuke is NOT D-Tier; his damage output is insane with some of the best damaging physical moves in the game, he has access to Ice magic which allows for Technicals, he has an instant-kill Follow-Up like Chie, and Hyakka Ryouran is an insanely good skill. Yusuke synergizes so well with both Ryuji and Makoto that him and Ann are practically interchangeable. Justice for Yusuke, he should have been in A tier.
Ryuji’s fighting skills + confidant abilities are crazyyyyyy he’s always first to level up for me and is almost always on my team
How dare you do me like this in the thumbnail?
You can learn Arms Master for Kasumi to negate her low max HP(Ryuji,Yusuke and Haru can learn but it benefits Kasumi the most imo)and use 40% HP accessory,she can sustain herself whilst deal significant damage
Morgana's trait actually broke the last dungeon for me, though, from my memory. I used Orpheus Picaro female version, which had neo cadenza which heals half hp for the whole party and boost all stats for the party. Thing is that Morgana basically turned it into a mediarahan with those same buffs and I think it also made the cost of the spell lower. Honestly made the finally boss a walk in the park lol
thumbnail is wild
I mean playing P5 I always just used Ann Ryuji and Makoto cos they seemed the best to me, although I did at Sumire to my party towards the end cos having a new character was exciting
watching the p5 segment really reminded me of how much ive forgotten about how the team comps worked. I think my Final Team Comp was.... Ryuji Makoto and Akechi? i forgot what exactly their kits did
you know that you also put the two that die in the F tier to pay respects.