It speaks volumes when even the Conservative voters won't turn out to vote for the Conservatives. The current government are reaping what they've sown for over a decade.
its much worse than that. the young next generation that normally saves society does not exist. we were priced out of homes and did not have families. nobody is coming to save you. i certainly am not. i have no stake in this nation. you are on your own as far as i am concerned.
Not voting Tory isn't enough, They have to vote someone. I'm not saying Labour, anyone other than Tory. If they get another 5 years it won't be good for anyone other than the rich or foreign shareholders.
The working class have always been socially conservative (small c), which is why most of the time they sre not into the socialist perpetual revolution trope. Sure the would like a bigger slice of the pie to compensate for their labours, but socialist they are not. That is probably why the labour party, that was set up to protect their interests, abandoned them decades ago in favour of minorities they could whip up into a frenzy over their perceived victimhood, in order to push the socialism that the marxist infiltrators dearly desired. Edited for typos
It’s not actually a new thing, I watched a documentary from the 1960s, interviewing car workers in Kent, quite a few of them were Tories, including the shop steward.
@@drbanana4993 there are some outside of the three main parties I wish people would wake up and vote for the more independent people Imo it's more important than if they are allegedly left or right wing
The more I hear reactions of simple everyday Brits. The more I understand. How an Island Nation (who also believe in supporting a "Monarchy") could possibly economically sanction themselves with Brexit! SIMPLE PEOPLE!
"I feel it wasn't explained to us like it should have been". It was explained to people in great detail: It was also dismissed as project fear and people preferred daft three word slogans like "Get Brexit done".
They were told that they could use all of the facilities of the club but we don't have to pay the subs, and they believed it. They tell the idiots something that is too good to be true and they will believe it, no wonder the politicians look down on non-millionaires as thick and stupid. I'll vote Reform this time, don't care if they turn out to be liars like the rest of them.
I was in London the day Sunak was chosen, and happened to follow a Tory MP back to Parliament after he did a TV interview across the road. All I could hear from him was that it kept the party together. As even Peter Hitchens said, they would guillotine the queen in Trafalgar Square if it meant they remained in power.
Unless your rich, in which case you have probably become very rich under the Tories over the last decade. Now if only we had a party that did the same for work g class people........maybe call it Labour because, you know, the Labour of the working class..........., nah never happen.
These people only have themselves to blame. They failed to analyse the information that's been given to them, and failed to discern rubbish from reality.
Saying you will perform a task when taking on a job then not doing it when given the role needs to cause instant dismissal as in any other job. And in extreme cases lead to prosecution as in other life in death jobs.
@@stephenhathaway269 statistical he's un likely to have voted Tory (most people didn't). And Nobody voted for this government or the last one. We need real democracy
@@Sonya_MakepeaceRubbish. Educate yourself about Labour's role in establishing the NHS and the role of the unions on fighting for working people's rights. You really are showing your ignorance.
@@mcjs8640 that party does not exist anymore does it and yes I was a labour man and yes one is old enough to go back before the idiot Blair. Yes it's been rotten for a while now since Blair I would say with the new style career politicians only interested in themselves if you think it's bad now vote Labour in and just watch the country implode under a tsunami of immigration and the muppets in that party.
Been arguing this for years. Usually 25/30k people vote labor and that counts as one seat. Small village outside of town about 1000 people vote (usually tory) and that gets counted as one seat. This was set up this way by thatchers Gov and its not a true representation of how the public vote (not that I think either party any good). It should be one person one vote and the party with most votes gets in. 1st past the post is rigged!!
Because they want others to suffer and what we have now is what they wanted, except it's hitting them because they're not elites like they thought they were.
theyre blaming politicians, and rightly so, whereas red tory bootlickers like yourself blame your fellow voters, at the behest of your rich, elitist red tory masters
They all vote for the people their parents told them to. And when that doesn't work the way they hope, they give up? These people can't think for themselves. This is why people like Johnson get into power.
Exactly 💯 I look at the future for my grandchildren, aswell as myself, I don't see a future with either Tories, or Labour, both are pandering to the international nonsense.
If you make peoples lives uncertain with 0 hours contracts and give them so much to think about every day just to get by you can tire them out mentally and leave them with no time or capacity to be political. Its a tory strategy people on their knees don't have the free time to read the news in detail every day, they get headlines on other peoples papers or the news on TV of a night at 10 when they get in from work, but they prob have to be in bed by 11 so they watch something fun instead.
I work in a public service industry, heavily unionised and in my view a traditional working class northern environment. But trying to get people just to talk about politics is nigh on impossible; even Union reps don't want to get involved. I was a regular contributor to an online Labour Forum but as soon as I questioned Labour policy or Starmers approach, BANG! I was BANNED! Talk to my sons and they tell me the overwhelmingly majority of YP have no idea about politics or any inkling or need to get involved, as they see it. Good Grief, is this the end of democracy?
Their casual dismissal of their own decision to vote for the tories is astounding , like it’s the tories fault & not their fault for voting tory ! The boxing referee immediately before a bout tells the boxers , “ Protect yourselves at all times “ ! Why would you not want to know the nitty gritty of what they are up to when they are making life altering decisions about you !
My dad voted Labour so I always vote Labour? What the hell is wrong with people? It just beggars belief that people don't have the sense to decide what they want from the government based on their circumstances. Think there should be some kind of test before people are allowed to vote. Oh wait, don't think that'll work as I doubt the Conservatives would have any MPs then.
@@skippysmith7526 If the majority of the population repeatedly show they haven't got a clue that might not be such a bad idea. You're only allowed to drive once you've passed a test of basic competence.
@@skippysmith7526 at the moment the majority of the votes don't count anyway so it wouldn't really be that much of an issue until we ditch FPTP. At least the ones that do vote will be competent in making an informed decision. No more "I haven't a clue so I voted for the guy/woman with the nicest shoes" or "My dad always voted for .......... so I always vote for them".
@@bakedbean37 No, the UK suffers from a lack of democracy, what is actually needed is more democracy not less. If participation in the electoral process is mandatory (like in Australia) what tends to happen is the extremists and the stupid are diluted and are less influential, this means the government remains stable (if somewhat boring and centrist).
@@SirAntoniousBlock I was being a little bit tongue in cheek there Sir. Perhaps what we need is to reintroduce the stocks and pillories for the scoundrels of the political and media class who are found to have blatantly lied to the public for their own ends. It'll give us something to do with all the food rotting in the fields since we "got it done" and "took back control".
You’re showing your naivety. People are not being apathetic. They’ve realised that democracy is a sham and refuse to vote for the uniparty. The British public have largely voted because of mass immigration for the last 14 years. That’s what Brexit was all about. The uniparty has consistently gone against the wishes of the British people since the end of the Second World War, working towards an external agenda. The game (sham) is almost up though.
Voters staying at home is apathy, not democracy. If everyone stayed at home and no votes were cast at all, the incumbent would remain and that becomes dictatorship. If you don't like where the government is taking you, vote for change instead of burying your head in the sand and letting the world around you either burn and if you don't want to make change for yourself, just try and make change for others in your life for the better.
The United Kingdom has never enjoyed democracy. It has however, an unfair society. always has, always will have...This present administration, plus the three before, notably Boris Johnson's has highlighted the ever widening gap between the mega rich and the majority of the population. Politicians have been increasingly self entitled and easily corrupted to a point where it's no longer possible to tell if.... ''Man, Pig, Pig, Man, Man ,Pig''.... George Orwell..
Why do we accept its norm that the majority of people we get to vote for are already rich beyond most peoples dreams, attended private schools and have never worked a proper job.
To them, a proper job is following share indexes and hedging their money. Making bigger and bigger returns. No one in the Tories gives Jack Shit for industry or commerce, only if it is privatised and ripping us all off with higher costs.
I'm from the Midwest in the US. I could see how bad Brexit was going to be all the way from here. I sadly see lots of folks here voting against their own best interest all the time.
The poor turnout is why we need PR. We need a better choice than just the two main parties. FPTP means our votes are wasted or ignored. If you believe in democracy add your name to the actionstorm petition.
Now in my late seventies I feel that Regardless of which party is in power the life of the average working man benefits very little and at the moment it's a bit of a struggle.
In my 70's too and I hope I live long enough to see the look on Labour and Tory faces when another party goes into number 10! I am sick of both of them. I am giving Reform my vote.
It makes absolutely no difference which branch of the LibLabCon Bilderberg party the zombies vote for it makes absolutely no difference. The globalist agenda grows strength to strength which ever branch of the bilderberg party is in power. Stop voting bilderberger.
I’m going to be obnoxiously frank with you: - I’m from a nordic country. What hits me in the stomach is these people seems to be quite poor working class. Why the hell would they be voting Conservative?
Because Labour began mass immigration which was a) fundamental anti working class b) began the process of rapid cultural change and accelerated the replacement of the ethnic British and c) conservative were the only party offering to go through with Brexit which was an attempt to control the border which has obviously backfired badly. Since then people have realised that it dues to matter who they vote for the globalist, elites agenda will steam roll them anyway. Despair has set in.
Self-promotion was always Rishis plan. Through the back door, he has assisted his father -in-law in promoting the family business. Yet for the country, we have yet to see any progress.
@@maylinehan9135 that's what comes of having unelected PM's as heads of political parties - the people should get to elect all future PM's from any ruling party & not wealthy party donors !
@@davidhoward4715But what did they learn?, 25% of the stupid buggers are now voting for an even more extreme right wind party than the one that got us into this mess in the first place
It's about time we adopted the ozzie system that legally requires you to use your vote ,even if you ruin the ballot paper. How many died in '14 - '18 and '39 - '45 so we could remain free and democratic ? RESPECT THEIR SACRIFICE!! From someone who used to say " don't vote it only encourages them " but no longer.
They didn't die for us to vote in rigged politics. I will vote for the party that talks about itself in office not in power like a dictator. A while ago the language changed though the voters didn't seem to care. Don't confuse the separation of power struggles of the past with the modern oligarch's struggle to brain wash the TV masses that cronyism is the way its always been. If you like how we do the same thing over and over again carry on I don't think you will be disappointed.
Voting should be made mandatory. My Aussie grandfather and my Aussie father fought in the 1st and 2nd world wars. We owe them a debt, they fought and won and survived. It's not that much effort to vote, is it ????? Spoil your paper if you want to, or can't think for yourselves, but at least TURN UP like they did.
I could not disagree more. If politicians cannot motivate the public to vote with interesting viable costed policies they have no business compelling voting.
@@KiltedGreen Totally agree about PR as well, but I think mandatory voting is as important if not more so. Maggie had landslide victories but only 35% ish of the total electorate voted for her because so many stayed at home.
Past down by the Family, does that man not realise that it's more serious that supporting the same football team as your dad... Sometimes the reason we are in a mess is explained, that's an example. It's call stupidity.
the fact so many people bought the media "hit job" on Corbyn and thought Boris was the better option just boggles the mind...still! The media had a part to play for sure.
They never have... If you want to blame someone, go look in the mirror. This is what happens when the public becomes soft of backbone and head and allow those in parliament free reign. If you want this to stop, get off your arse
This is what happens when the media are successful in demonizing a political party. People keep talking about labour being no good, Thai politicians don't do anything. The only party that can do anything is the majority party. That's the Tories. They've had a decade to fuck the UK and they've done it thoroughly. "I don't feel like it was explained to us" - yeah it was. They explained that they had had enough of foreigners and unelected Europeans deciding the fate of the UK. They also expected that half the population want going to be made up of retards who believed their bullshit. The Tories put it out there not expecting it to go through so they had no plans at all. They used naked xenophobia to try to appeal to the masses just to try to secure longer power. The problem is that it worked. The English people need to look at themselves in the mirror and squarely blame themselves. They chose brexit, they chose the Tories and even in this town instead of grabbing the steering wheel and pulling hard left, they're opting to crash the car into the canal. Hey fucking educated England.
Ah! Finally - a Tory promise coming true! Levelling up a relatively prosperous town to resemble a northern one blighted by a previous Tory, Margaret Thatcher. But, sadly, this is what the people of Wellingborough voted for.
What a knowledgeable young reporter. He's calm, puts the people at ease when speaking to them. But, its like the lady said, people need to go out and vote. Labour now need to pull themselves together, voters want results. They don't want to see their MP from afar. They want to see them fighting their corner of what's best for the town.
the unfortunate reality is that english voters routinely vote conservative to punish labour fir not fixing conservative vandalism quickly enough. the tories know they are handing a real mess that will take decades to fix. within 5-10 years, then english will vote in a tory government or worse still whatever the populist right call themselves at the time. i feel there is no long term hope for the uk
We're not getting PR or anything like it while the tories are in office and the only way to remove them from office is to vote tactically, whether that be for Labour, LD or SNP. We HAVE to get the tories out before we can even think about anything like PR.
History taught us that Labour did nothing for the Working Classes-they even blatantly switched to focusing on 'Identity' politics in recent years, completely abandoning the working class/working white poor.
I agree. It's the 'Fermat's Last Theorem' of politics. Whoever solves this particular, seemingly unresolvable, paradox would have to be on a par with Einstein, Hawking, Newton etc. It's beyond me, I'm afraid, although very deeply ingrained perceptions of class, lack of understanding/education, low self esteem, fear, laziness, lack of curiosity and a subservient 'serf' mentality dating back to feudal times come to mind. Actually, when you look at it, the feudal system seems to be very much alive and kicking, though rarely ever acknowledged.
Who would you suggest? 21st century Labour! Even after 14 years of Tories, Labour gained 100 additional votes. Labour doesn't care about working class voters anymore than the Tories.
If their was real democracy in the first place this level of corruption would be impossible. Its only enabled by the rubbish two-party FPTP vote (dis)counting system.
And the same with Labour and the LibDems. It makes absolutely no difference which branch of the LibLabCon Bilderberg party the zombies vote for it makes absolutely no difference. The globalist agenda grows strength to strength which ever branch of the bilderberg party is in power. Stop voting liblabcon bilderberger.
At our humble level of society, voting is our ONLY way to select who controls US. The problem is the choices available for us to vote for are ALL awful. Our political class is fully invested in itself……not us.
It makes no difference who you actually vote for whoever gets into power will steal your money and give it to people who shouldn’t be here ,just think of how decent a living our old people and our own unfortunate people on the street would have if they committed 8 million pounds a day to them ,so whoever promises that in their manifesto I will vote them in .do you actually think it’s a good idea to give your money away
More important than not voting for conservatives is why did they think it was a good idea at all? Will they take accountability for themselves? In a few years they will blame Labour for all the problems, but never themselves. That is the root of the problem not the parties. People can't think through problems or take responsibility.
But at least you have to vote there. Even if it’s a spoilt ballot. You’re probably more politically aware because you don’t have the option to stay at home.
I wonder what part Rupert Murdoch has played in all this!? His media have been promoting right wing governments, then when the public aren't happy the media tells them that all politicians are the same, so may as well keep the right wingers...
After rewatching Brewster’s Millions I have a hankering to follow the Aussie compulsory voting system. NONE OF THE ABOVE How would that go down in this country if the majority followed Brewster’s campaign slogan?
I’ll never understand why people vote based on what their families or they have always done previously. That kind of stupidity is why we get what we deserve. Vote on the issues, not the party. Historically that theory also has major flaws. All party’s are an utter waste of space. I don’t trust a single one of them. They lie, deceive and scheme. They have no integrity. They don’t care. Not even about their own friends and family.
You are partially correct. Humans are indeed stupid. That begs the question whether its smart to grand people the right to vote if they are mentally incapable of making sound decisions. Also politicians face no consequences for lying to the people or not achieving their goal, or completely doing a 180 when they are in power. When someone is not held accountable for their F'ups they have no incentive to keep to their words. The whole system is flawed/corrupt. Power always corrupts. And the people who seek power are always the same types of people: megalomaniacs, psychopaths, sociopaths. In other words: very evil and dangerous people enter politics. If we know that to be a fact, why in heavens name do we participate in it? By participating in it we give the system legitimacy. Think about this, you participate in it (voting and obeying) because you've been thought to do so. Even the reasoning for your obedience if not of your own, but words you've heard other speak (for example: that is what proper, civilized people do; or without it we would have anarchy; who will pay for xyz?). So in a sense you and most of us are also idiots. Because we just go along with the madness, not realizing that we have the power to say NO. Only the fear of the repercussions of rebelling against the system (not following the laws/politicians) keep people in line. Who said voting actually makes a difference? Looking back at old news footage of street interviews paints the same sentiment the people of now are expressing. Nothing has changed. Politicians never listen to the people. Why? Because a ruler RULES over the people. He/They tell the serfs what do to. Not the other way around. That is how the game works.A boss is not a servant of his employees. Politicians are the managers. The filthy rich are the owners. Gov is a business. We are the resources. Cattle.
Vote for the best there is available in your constituency who has a chance of getting elected, and reward them for being the closest to what you want, and at least do your best to get the best you can in the circumstances, or there's no reason for any party to care about what you think.
What is it with people blindly voting for who their parents or grandparents voted for? Or even just voting for who they’ve always voted for regardless of how that party has changed? 🤯
It was MUCH better You could walk into a supermarket - and the food was cheap, coming from everywhere in Europe the day before - shelves so crammed with produce that I would often knock something off (because the aisles were so narrow), and struggle to put it back again because the shelf was packed We wanted for nothing But sheer-greed-buttons in 52% of our heads were pressed by Dominic Cummings - who promised us EVEN BETTER than this .... And now we pay for bargaining with the devil with empty shelves and shockingly poor value for low quality own-brands and out-of-date produce An economic catastrophe Tories/Brexit ... that's what you get We need back into the European Union - having learned our lesson You can't expect to be economically prosperous when you impose economic sanctions on yourself with your closest trading partners - who happen to be a MASSIVE trading area! If you take a step back, you'll see that this horror show was caused by divisions in the Tory partner - David Cameron thought he could silence them by holding the Brexit referendum ... fully expecting to win easily But this smarmy, cock-sure prick thought wrong - and an entire nation voted for economic suicide just to give him a slap in the face And that's where we are - all of the consequences from that now follow Rebuilding will be an extremely long process - but the first stage is to make sure not a single Tory gets elected at the next election. Not a single one.
Voting for a three day week...... Liebour are as bad as the Tories.... Imagine a leader who doesn't even know what a woman is. And covered up the grooming gangs!
The one that got me was the one who said he voted Tory because his family had always voted Tory!! Did he not have a mind of his own then? I have always been a left winger even before I was old enough to vote and I have voted in every election ever since either Labour or tactically to keep the Tory candidate out. I am 70 now and more left wing than ever but I believe Labour are the only party which can beat the Tories even though they have their faults.
Why? Being able to see the devastation mass immigration has caused does not make you racist. You are totally brainwashed and conditioned to vote against your best interests.
Why did it make you angry and smile at the same time? A gentleman of Asian descent stood for Reform UK in Wellingborough. I know you want them to be nasty little racists so you can berate them on TH-cam but they are not. They stand controlled and balanced migration to people of all colours.
They voted with their feet and stayed at home, but they couldn't bring themselves to vote for another party, (guilty complex). These half--wits will be back voting Tory at the general election, trust me. Some people will NEVER learn. 🤫🤔😂...................
Sadly I suspect a lot of these will just find another snake oil salesman to believe. They are more likely to turn to Tice and his mob before going near Labour. They will need to see and feel change before connecting the dots but I suspect they won’t.
By definition it is hard to make "Conservatives" change their vote! To mobilise and really vote against the party rather than simply abstain would possibly give us a better option in the future though, so I endorse your comment.
Not participating may be bad, but voting should be one of the step needed for participation. Likely many of the people voted in previous elections by not in this by-election have not done anything else to „participate” other than going to vote. That’s why they now complain that nobody told them about lies like the 350 millions. They had zero interest, near zero knowledge other than what they saw in an ad, and went voting. Now they complain that everyone is the same because they keep seeing ads by the same people and have zero interest in reaching out to actually learn anything. With that attitude it’s better for democracy if they don’t vote.m, because it shouldn’t ba a vote for the best ad or the most funny party leader.
@@terencefranks1688you state lack of political choice as the reason not to vote. Why not join one of several groups that push for proportional representation? You just need to sign up, and with every member the voice for PR is stronger and in 4 or 8 years time there would be no „safe seats” and voting for a minority party would no longer mean wasting your vote. Then you’d see new people coming up with new policies. But it’s easier to look at the top 2 candidates and say that there are all the same and that it’s not worth doing anything.
Aneurin Bevan “How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political power to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics in the twentieth century.”
I heard exactly the same lies in favour of brexit as these people did, yet I didn't believe them as the fact that they were lies was so blatantly obvious. No sympathy for them at all.
You MUST use your vote but do not vote Labour or Conservative if you want to create real change. A vote of no confidence MUST be a vote for change which can only happen through a change of vote!
Are you sure about that? The couple at the beginning look old enough to know that the Tories have always been liars. The bloke in the blue shirt “unfortunately” voted for Boris despite the evidence that he’s a lazy, lying, useless, incompetent. Don’t kid yourself there are people out there who will still vote Tory, despite seeing what they’ve done over the last 14 years.
We all voted Brexit to gain control of our borders, unfortunately more immigrants Are coming in than ever before. BUT i will never regret voting Brexit, Would vote Brexit again tomorrow.
😂😂😂😂😂 voting Reform = voting for worse than Tories. Their policies won't make things better. Less healthcare workers, less taxes going into the system from rich people yet our taxes will rise, more cruelty, less human rights for you. The Tories are cruel, Reform will be even worse.
Only those too young who honestly believe we are all r4cists and too stupid to know what we are doing when it comes to voting or those sheltered from reality who view voting New Labour as a fashionable thing rather than something that affects their finances or the rest of the country.
Not this Torified version of Labour. Haven't had a true Labour party for decades, never mind a Conservative party that's actually conservative. Just political extremists all out for themselves that have systematically destroyed this country instead of conserving it.
It's happening here in my country also. People are getting poorer and poorer but the the people in power dont do anything or they just plain out lie to you. And everyting is getting more and more expensive by the week almost.. And new and higher taxes are being added to your bill.. I will manage but things are getting way out of hand everywhere these days.
Vote conservative = High taxes and uncontrolled mass migration… Vote labour = High taxes and uncontrolled mass migration… what a mess we are in.. this once great little island is done
Sadly, your right. 😢 UK has lowest social mobility of any Euro country. Nothing, I still think things are much worse for poor under Tories.
Don't forget - we did get to be "great" (but many would question that word) because we had the biggest/best/most weapons to be able to pillage the assets of others. Weirdly - other countries didn't like that happening so fought back to gain their independence. Not sure how you think we will get to be "great" again without the advantage of superior arms.
Massive difference, one has been in power for 14 years, DOUBLED the national debt figure (from £1.36 Trillion to £2.65 Trillion and demonstrated off the scale corruption, whilst the other hasn't. @@wingout1714
@@michaelatkinson7577 its not about that anymore. this country can get better with innovation and manufacturing. there is no reason for the UK to not have its own silicon valley for example.
Excellent reporting and production, making a really important point. It seems that the push for a Boris/Truss-led autocracy has rebounded badly and everyone has lost both in reality and philosophically.
It’s always very interesting that these working class people who voted for brexit & the tories just can’t accept that they were deceived & most of them wanted to be deceived, it can’t possibly be their fault so they blame “all politicians “ ! It’s on every knuckledragger YT that I watch !
The best weapon the public has to hold politicians and governments to account is the right to vote. It is utter madness to surrender that weapon as if that will teach errant political parties a lesson.. The real problem with our democracy is that there are too many folk with the vote who are thick as mince and are unable to objectively assess what they are being told be the main stream media and those in power. That is essentially why Brexit happened. It was too easy for Johnson, Cummings and Gove etc al to push Brexit through once they found the basic simplistic message that would resonate with those folk and encourage them to vote against their own best interests.
It speaks volumes when even the Conservative voters won't turn out to vote for the Conservatives. The current government are reaping what they've sown for over a decade.
That’s not true. They are reaping what they sowed by ignoring what they were given a huge majority for. The pandemic was not their problem.
its much worse than that. the young next generation that normally saves society does not exist. we were priced out of homes and did not have families. nobody is coming to save you. i certainly am not. i have no stake in this nation. you are on your own as far as i am concerned.
Well they are old... The people interviewed was quite telling really.
Not voting Tory isn't enough, They have to vote someone. I'm not saying Labour, anyone other than Tory. If they get another 5 years it won't be good for anyone other than the rich or foreign shareholders.
@@jabezhane Traditionally older voters are staunch Tory voters, no matter what - so them not voting at all, should be worrying if it happens in the GE
Working men's clubs full of Conservative voters? How things have changed.
Depends what part of the country you have grown up in. Myopia shows you a different picture depending on what you are focusing on.
Johnson screwed the Tories. BLiar screwed Liebore
The working class have always been socially conservative (small c), which is why most of the time they sre not into the socialist perpetual revolution trope. Sure the would like a bigger slice of the pie to compensate for their labours, but socialist they are not.
That is probably why the labour party, that was set up to protect their interests, abandoned them decades ago in favour of minorities they could whip up into a frenzy over their perceived victimhood, in order to push the socialism that the marxist infiltrators dearly desired.
Edited for typos
It’s not actually a new thing, I watched a documentary from the 1960s, interviewing car workers in Kent, quite a few of them were Tories, including the shop steward.
If the ''Working Man'' didn't vote conservative the Tories would never ever be in power... like a self inflicted wound....
"I'll never vote for the Tories again" well said, pal.
It’s still insane that he chose Boris Johnson though, better late than never I suppose
Labour are not much better
@@valcarlin2537 no matter who you vote.they all work for the same bosses.
nothing will get better,only worse.
He doesn't mean it. Anyone that votes for BJ can be easily fooled.
@@drbanana4993 there are some outside of the three main parties
I wish people would wake up and vote for the more independent people
Imo it's more important than if they are allegedly left or right wing
Finally, the penny drops. Just a shame they had to destroy the country first.
The more I hear reactions of simple everyday Brits. The more I understand. How an Island Nation (who also believe in supporting a "Monarchy") could possibly economically sanction themselves with Brexit! SIMPLE PEOPLE!
"I feel it wasn't explained to us like it should have been".
It was explained to people in great detail: It was also dismissed as project fear and people preferred daft three word slogans like "Get Brexit done".
No it was the consequences of Conservative incompetence making sure it failed.
Vote Reform
They were told that they could use all of the facilities of the club but we don't have to pay the subs, and they believed it. They tell the idiots something that is too good to be true and they will believe it, no wonder the politicians look down on non-millionaires as thick and stupid.
I'll vote Reform this time, don't care if they turn out to be liars like the rest of them.
I was in London the day Sunak was chosen, and happened to follow a Tory MP back to Parliament after he did a TV interview across the road. All I could hear from him was that it kept the party together. As even Peter Hitchens said, they would guillotine the queen in Trafalgar Square if it meant they remained in power.
Never a truer word spoken
Didn't they actually kill the queen, when they didn't let her to her dying husband, while BJ was lockdown partying??? 🤣
4 conservative MPs left by Christmas. One can only dream.
Still 4 too many.
The Tories done nothing but rip us all off!
And lie all the way through.
They judging the life out of people,who end up below the poverty line,
Starmer's reply.... "hold my beer (& curry)"
Unless your rich, in which case you have probably become very rich under the Tories over the last decade. Now if only we had a party that did the same for work g class people........maybe call it Labour because, you know, the Labour of the working class..........., nah never happen.
Labour is the other cheek of the same A**E
These people only have themselves to blame. They failed to analyse the information that's been given to them, and failed to discern rubbish from reality.
Democracy has already "gone out the window", people are sick of the politician's constant lies.
Saying you will perform a task when taking on a job then not doing it when given the role needs to cause instant dismissal as in any other job. And in extreme cases lead to prosecution as in other life in death jobs.
You voted Tory though
@@stephenhathaway269 statistical he's un likely to have voted Tory (most people didn't). And Nobody voted for this government or the last one. We need real democracy
@@stephenhathaway269 I didn't vote for either of them.
@@John-n2x4s but voting is integral to a democracy. Did you vote?
Voting Tory and thinking your life will improve, that's a new definition of insanity.
Labour want more of the same only sooner, that is the only difference between them
Many socialists are millionaires too. You have to give everthong to the cause, except the elites don't.
@@Sonya_MakepeaceRubbish. Educate yourself about Labour's role in establishing the NHS and the role of the unions on fighting for working people's rights. You really are showing your ignorance.
@@mcjs8640 oh dear she has Daily Mail reader written all over her face.
@@mcjs8640 that party does not exist anymore does it and yes I was a labour man and yes one is old enough to go back before the idiot Blair. Yes it's been rotten for a while now since Blair I would say with the new style career politicians only interested in themselves if you think it's bad now vote Labour in and just watch the country implode under a tsunami of immigration and the muppets in that party.
A sad but understandable indictment of the state of our country in 2024. Well done for this channel for showing people how things are.
Our Politicians whose side are they on?
@@georgethepatriot2785 their own george
You not going to fix the rot by some minor changes. Get rid of First Past the Post (FPP) and the House of Lords.
Stop the boats coming over from France. Then ditch the ECHR. VOTE REFORM UK. They will do both.
@@ilsekuper3045 Thank you.
Been arguing this for years. Usually 25/30k people vote labor and that counts as one seat.
Small village outside of town about 1000 people vote (usually tory) and that gets counted as one seat.
This was set up this way by thatchers Gov and its not a true representation of how the public vote (not that I think either party any good).
It should be one person one vote and the party with most votes gets in. 1st past the post is rigged!!
sad that Tory voters still aren't pissed off enough with their party, to vote against them...rather stay home in denial and do nothing!
There's not much choice tory or labour ones as bad as the other.
The telly didn't tell them to vote for Reform, couldn't think for themselves.
Because they want others to suffer and what we have now is what they wanted, except it's hitting them because they're not elites like they thought they were.
@dotmac6480 not true, it was better under Labour
Who cares. a win is a win.
Change is Needed , Labour isn’t change !! Reform UK all the Way 🙏🏼✌️🇬🇧
They are still blaming someone else, besides themselves.
theyre blaming politicians, and rightly so, whereas red tory bootlickers like yourself blame your fellow voters, at the behest of your rich, elitist red tory masters
because it is Westminster fault
That's the British way: blame everyone but yourself.
its their fault for voting tory.@@thelink4-h9r
Who put the politicians there? @@thelink4-h9r
They all vote for the people their parents told them to. And when that doesn't work the way they hope, they give up? These people can't think for themselves. This is why people like Johnson get into power.
Exactly 💯 I look at the future for my grandchildren, aswell as myself, I don't see a future with either Tories, or Labour, both are pandering to the international nonsense.
They vote for who Murdoch tells them to, BC they watch shit channels like Talk TV, GB propaganda news, well, all the MSM corporate billionaire media.
If you make peoples lives uncertain with 0 hours contracts and give them so much to think about every day just to get by you can tire them out mentally and leave them with no time or capacity to be political. Its a tory strategy people on their knees don't have the free time to read the news in detail every day, they get headlines on other peoples papers or the news on TV of a night at 10 when they get in from work, but they prob have to be in bed by 11 so they watch something fun instead.
Who else can you vote for when it's a two horse race.
Come on Tim Rice get your act together and make an historical change.
Maybe you can think for them?
I work in a public service industry, heavily unionised and in my view a traditional working class northern environment. But trying to get people just to talk about politics is nigh on impossible; even Union reps don't want to get involved. I was a regular contributor to an online Labour Forum but as soon as I questioned Labour policy or Starmers approach, BANG! I was BANNED! Talk to my sons and they tell me the overwhelmingly majority of YP have no idea about politics or any inkling or need to get involved, as they see it. Good Grief, is this the end of democracy?
The Tories lost. Get over it.
Democracy seems to not be able to deliver anything good lately, I guess you are correct. It might be over 🤷🏻♀️
And yet the majority of people cheering the Labour result were young people
Socrates didn't believe in democracy.Listen to your average voter and you can see why
Some areas of uk have no idea how votes wrk want better but not vote smart😮
Turning to Labour would be just as disastrous. Vote Reform people!
No thanks
Reform?. What will they do, 30p Lee, no thanks.
Vote reform for racists and facists.Get rid of torys and vote for Farage
A bigger liar than Boris.
The refUK is a private for profit company owned by Farage and Tice. It’s a scam run by two dodgy weirdos. Never vote for them
Their casual dismissal of their own decision to vote for the tories is astounding , like it’s the tories fault & not their fault for voting tory ! The boxing referee immediately before a bout tells the boxers , “ Protect yourselves at all times “ ! Why would you not want to know the nitty gritty of what they are up to when they are making life altering decisions about you !
My dad voted Labour so I always vote Labour? What the hell is wrong with people? It just beggars belief that people don't have the sense to decide what they want from the government based on their circumstances. Think there should be some kind of test before people are allowed to vote. Oh wait, don't think that'll work as I doubt the Conservatives would have any MPs then.
If people had to have a test to vote, the majority of the UK would not get a vote.
@@skippysmith7526 If the majority of the population repeatedly show they haven't got a clue that might not be such a bad idea.
You're only allowed to drive once you've passed a test of basic competence.
@@skippysmith7526 at the moment the majority of the votes don't count anyway so it wouldn't really be that much of an issue until we ditch FPTP. At least the ones that do vote will be competent in making an informed decision. No more "I haven't a clue so I voted for the guy/woman with the nicest shoes" or "My dad always voted for .......... so I always vote for them".
@@bakedbean37 No, the UK suffers from a lack of democracy, what is actually needed is more democracy not less.
If participation in the electoral process is mandatory (like in Australia) what tends to happen is the extremists and the stupid are diluted and are less influential, this means the government remains stable (if somewhat boring and centrist).
@@SirAntoniousBlock I was being a little bit tongue in cheek there Sir.
Perhaps what we need is to reintroduce the stocks and pillories for the scoundrels of the political and media class who are found to have blatantly lied to the public for their own ends.
It'll give us something to do with all the food rotting in the fields since we "got it done" and "took back control".
Tories have been in power for 14 years ffs, wake up, vote , it`s your right, stop being pathetically apathetic.
You’re showing your naivety. People are not being apathetic. They’ve realised that democracy is a sham and refuse to vote for the uniparty. The British public have largely voted because of mass immigration for the last 14 years. That’s what Brexit was all about. The uniparty has consistently gone against the wishes of the British people since the end of the Second World War, working towards an external agenda. The game (sham) is almost up though. adults can see the state of infested labour that is anything BUT england
We are never getting out of this downward spirel while people have the Why Bother Attitude . They drag us all along with their defeatist attitude.
Labour have had hold of red wall seats decades! Get them out of their seats to, Same as Tories.
@@properjob79 Exactly 💯 if ppl saw the red wall areas, that Labour have had for decades, they'd ask why do these ppl vote either of these parties.
24,000 voters staying home IS democracy. How is it devastating for anything other than the party they used to vote for? It’s still democracy.
24000 feeling guilty for voting in such scum.
Public enemy number one is a tory voter.
Voters staying at home is apathy, not democracy. If everyone stayed at home and no votes were cast at all, the incumbent would remain and that becomes dictatorship. If you don't like where the government is taking you, vote for change instead of burying your head in the sand and letting the world around you either burn and if you don't want to make change for yourself, just try and make change for others in your life for the better.
The United Kingdom has never enjoyed democracy. It has however, an unfair society. always has, always will have...This present administration, plus the three before, notably Boris Johnson's has highlighted the ever widening gap between the mega rich and the majority of the population. Politicians have been increasingly self entitled and easily corrupted to a point where it's no longer possible to tell if.... ''Man, Pig, Pig, Man, Man ,Pig''.... George Orwell..
Indeed; not voting on principle is a democratic decision.
A spoilt ballot would be democracy. Sitting on your backside is apathy. At least spoilt ballots are counted and reported on.
Why do we accept its norm that the majority of people we get to vote for are already rich beyond most peoples dreams, attended private schools and have never worked a proper job.
To them, a proper job is following share indexes and hedging their money. Making bigger and bigger returns.
No one in the Tories gives Jack Shit for industry or commerce, only if it is privatised and ripping us all off with higher costs.
Which includes 90% of labour MPs. Get real
@frog1686 I'm real I think that about most of em. I think they're all a bunch of see you next Thursdays!
I'm from the Midwest in the US. I could see how bad Brexit was going to be all the way from here. I sadly see lots of folks here voting against their own best interest all the time.
The poor turnout is why we need PR. We need a better choice than just the two main parties. FPTP means our votes are wasted or ignored. If you believe in democracy add your name to the actionstorm petition.
Voting for Torys or Labour...It's like tunneling out of Fritzels cellar and ending up in Fred Wests garden !!! :(
Best comment 😂
It's nice to have a laugh! I think I'll take a break from this thread now. Thx :-)
Funny!! 🤣🤣🤣
Or hitlers bunker 😂😂😂😂
Spot on .. they are bad worse
Now in my late seventies I feel that Regardless of which party is in power the life of the average working man benefits very little and at the moment it's a bit of a struggle.
In my 70's too and I hope I live long enough to see the look on Labour and Tory faces when another party goes into number 10! I am sick of both of them. I am giving Reform my vote.
Well said. So glad you now realise the establishment hate we the people
It makes absolutely no difference which branch of the LibLabCon Bilderberg party the zombies vote for it makes absolutely no difference. The globalist agenda grows strength to strength which ever branch of the bilderberg party is in power. Stop voting bilderberger.
@@therealpollyanna5846 as am I 👍
I'm in my 30s, It was far better under Labour.
No doubt those who conservatives who did not vote will be among those who bitterly complain if a labour government does not suit them.
Almost all of these problems were predicted... lol. You were warned about the effects of Johnson and were warned about all of the lies.
I’m going to be obnoxiously frank with you: - I’m from a nordic country. What hits me in the stomach is these people seems to be quite poor working class. Why the hell would they be voting Conservative?
Because they are thick.
I say it every day, Why
Because their parents voted Conservative and their grand parents voted Conservative. That's the British way: tradition is important.
Because Labour began mass immigration which was a) fundamental anti working class
b) began the process of rapid cultural change and accelerated the replacement of the ethnic British and
c) conservative were the only party offering to go through with Brexit which was an attempt to control the border which has obviously backfired badly.
Since then people have realised that it dues to matter who they vote for the globalist, elites agenda will steam roll them anyway. Despair has set in.
* does not matter
Rishi is just using his time left to set up deals for him and his wife before he gets kicked
before relocation to the US !
Self-promotion was always Rishis plan. Through the back door, he has assisted his father -in-law in promoting the family business. Yet for the country, we have yet to see any progress.
Quite disgraceful Rishi Sunak
@@maylinehan9135 that's what comes of having unelected PM's as heads of political parties - the people should get to elect all future PM's from any ruling party & not wealthy party donors !
It shows that an uneducated, illiterate people will always be easily conned.
But some of them have learned.
@@davidhoward4715 Soon they will forget whatever they learned.
says the labour fanboy you gammons are still falling for they lies
@@davidhoward4715But what did they learn?, 25% of the stupid buggers are now voting for an even more extreme right wind party than the one that got us into this mess in the first place
I never realised how many stupid people there are in this country before the referendum
It's about time we adopted the ozzie system that legally requires you to use your vote ,even if you ruin the ballot paper. How many died in '14 - '18 and '39 - '45 so we could remain free and democratic ? RESPECT THEIR SACRIFICE!! From someone who used to say " don't vote it only encourages them " but no longer.
They didn't die for us to vote in rigged politics. I will vote for the party that talks about itself in office not in power like a dictator. A while ago the language changed though the voters didn't seem to care. Don't confuse the separation of power struggles of the past with the modern oligarch's struggle to brain wash the TV masses that cronyism is the way its always been. If you like how we do the same thing over and over again carry on I don't think you will be disappointed.
Voting should be made mandatory. My Aussie grandfather and my Aussie father fought in the 1st and 2nd world wars. We owe them a debt, they fought and won and survived. It's not that much effort to vote, is it ????? Spoil your paper if you want to, or can't think for yourselves, but at least TURN UP like they did.
I could not disagree more. If politicians cannot motivate the public to vote with interesting viable costed policies they have no business compelling voting.
If we had PR, like any other civilised European country, the way more people would vote because it would actually make a difference.
@@KiltedGreen Totally agree about PR as well, but I think mandatory voting is as important if not more so. Maggie had landslide victories but only 35% ish of the total electorate voted for her because so many stayed at home.
Past down by the Family, does that man not realise that it's more serious that supporting the same football team as your dad... Sometimes the reason we are in a mess is explained, that's an example. It's call stupidity.
The fact these people thought boris was better than corbyn is mental to me
Swayed by rightwing media.
They voted as the media told them to, like sheep. They talk as if politicians are an alien species when any one of them can be a candidate.
the fact so many people bought the media "hit job" on Corbyn and thought Boris was the better option just boggles the mind...still! The media had a part to play for sure.
Never mind, they have the rest of their lives to cry about it.
The problem is that a large number of people in this country are just stupid and you can't fix stupid.
This is what happens when the parties we vote for don’t do what they say they are going to do when asking for our votes.🇬🇧🏴🏴🏴
They never have... If you want to blame someone, go look in the mirror.
This is what happens when the public becomes soft of backbone and head and allow those in parliament free reign. If you want this to stop, get off your arse
thats because manifestos are not legally binding and they should be
This is what happens when the media are successful in demonizing a political party.
People keep talking about labour being no good, Thai politicians don't do anything. The only party that can do anything is the majority party. That's the Tories. They've had a decade to fuck the UK and they've done it thoroughly.
"I don't feel like it was explained to us" - yeah it was. They explained that they had had enough of foreigners and unelected Europeans deciding the fate of the UK. They also expected that half the population want going to be made up of retards who believed their bullshit. The Tories put it out there not expecting it to go through so they had no plans at all. They used naked xenophobia to try to appeal to the masses just to try to secure longer power. The problem is that it worked.
The English people need to look at themselves in the mirror and squarely blame themselves. They chose brexit, they chose the Tories and even in this town instead of grabbing the steering wheel and pulling hard left, they're opting to crash the car into the canal.
Hey fucking educated England.
Parties ! You do mean the tories , right ?
@@marksykes5434 The Labour Party are one of the cheeks of the same arse .
Their little market town caught up to the north so now the tories are bad
Most perceptive comment on here
Ah! Finally - a Tory promise coming true! Levelling up a relatively prosperous town to resemble a northern one blighted by a previous Tory, Margaret Thatcher. But, sadly, this is what the people of Wellingborough voted for.
The tories have had their day and are taking the country for granted
The level of ignorance in the average UK voter is staggering.
Yeah, the solution is to vote corrupt Labour after the corrupt Tories. Great move
Yes STAGGERING is the word. They vote for just whoever...don't look at policies or what politicians are doing that will impact on their lives.
Winston Churchhill said a five minute conversation with the average voter made him wonder about democracy
What a knowledgeable young reporter. He's calm, puts the people at ease when speaking to them.
But, its like the lady said, people need to go out and vote.
Labour now need to pull themselves together, voters want results. They don't want to see their MP from afar. They want to see them fighting their corner of what's best for the town.
the unfortunate reality is that english voters routinely vote conservative to punish labour fir not fixing conservative vandalism quickly enough. the tories know they are handing a real mess that will take decades to fix.
within 5-10 years, then english will vote in a tory government or worse still whatever the populist right call themselves at the time.
i feel there is no long term hope for the uk
A natural reporter I think he has a Northern Irish accent. Good luck to him 🙏
labour = open borders !
@@MrToddy31 Not so, he has a Dublin accent.
They've voted for a WEF puppet,so can expect more of the same.
Voting system is slowly destroying the country...we need PR
We're not getting PR or anything like it while the tories are in office and the only way to remove them from office is to vote tactically, whether that be for Labour, LD or SNP. We HAVE to get the tories out before we can even think about anything like PR.
That would mean voting for the same woke Pinko scumbags that have destroyed our country.
@@POWERtothePEOPLE-GP78labour don't want PR either. The 2 main parties like their stranglehold on power
I just cannot understand why working people ever vote tory. Has history not taught them anything?
they're thick
Because majority of them read Tory owned rags like the Sun and the Mail and they swallow everything they print.
History taught us that Labour did nothing for the Working Classes-they even blatantly switched to focusing on 'Identity' politics in recent years, completely abandoning the working class/working white poor.
I agree. It's the 'Fermat's Last Theorem' of politics. Whoever solves this particular, seemingly unresolvable, paradox would have to be on a par with Einstein, Hawking, Newton etc. It's beyond me, I'm afraid, although very deeply ingrained perceptions of class, lack of understanding/education, low self esteem, fear, laziness, lack of curiosity and a subservient 'serf' mentality dating back to feudal times come to mind. Actually, when you look at it, the feudal system seems to be very much alive and kicking, though rarely ever acknowledged.
Who would you suggest? 21st century Labour! Even after 14 years of Tories, Labour gained 100 additional votes.
Labour doesn't care about working class voters anymore than the Tories.
Turkeys voted for Christmas...
Corruption destroys trust
The lack of trust destroys democracy
If their was real democracy in the first place this level of corruption would be impossible. Its only enabled by the rubbish two-party FPTP vote (dis)counting system.
"they say one thing and do another" that's always been the Tories
And the same with Labour and the LibDems. It makes absolutely no difference which branch of the LibLabCon Bilderberg party the zombies vote for it makes absolutely no difference. The globalist agenda grows strength to strength which ever branch of the bilderberg party is in power. Stop voting liblabcon bilderberger.
That's every politician that has ever trodden the face of the planet.
More fool them, no sympathy
At our humble level of society, voting is our ONLY way to select who controls US. The problem is the choices available for us to vote for are ALL awful. Our political class is fully invested in itself……not us.
Too right. The only option that had the people's best interest at heart was Jeremy Corbyn (to me), and he was politically assasinated
@@Vespa911 Really? Labour have never had the people's interest at heart, they are basically commies and champagne socialists.
It makes no difference who you actually vote for whoever gets into power will steal your money and give it to people who shouldn’t be here ,just think of how decent a living our old people and our own unfortunate people on the street would have if they committed 8 million pounds a day to them ,so whoever promises that in their manifesto I will vote them in .do you actually think it’s a good idea to give your money away
More important than not voting for conservatives is why did they think it was a good idea at all? Will they take accountability for themselves? In a few years they will blame Labour for all the problems, but never themselves. That is the root of the problem not the parties. People can't think through problems or take responsibility.
What's happened to the British bulldog spirit. Vote for change, Reform UK. Don't vote and nothing will change.
reform is just farage lite. utter scum suckers. They will fail. fartrage always does.
Very good reporting. Sums up the voters here in Australia, we just don’t trust the politicians anymore. 🙁
Absolutely cobber. Same here they are all scum. But I admire you're senator Dan Andrews, brilliant bloke. Best wishes
But at least you have to vote there. Even if it’s a spoilt ballot. You’re probably more politically aware because you don’t have the option to stay at home.
I wonder what part Rupert Murdoch has played in all this!? His media have been promoting right wing governments, then when the public aren't happy the media tells them that all politicians are the same, so may as well keep the right wingers...
After rewatching Brewster’s Millions I have a hankering to follow the Aussie compulsory voting system.
How would that go down in this country if the majority followed Brewster’s campaign slogan?
I’ll never understand why people vote based on what their families or they have always done previously. That kind of stupidity is why we get what we deserve.
Vote on the issues, not the party.
Historically that theory also has major flaws. All party’s are an utter waste of space. I don’t trust a single one of them.
They lie, deceive and scheme.
They have no integrity.
They don’t care.
Not even about their own friends and family.
You are partially correct. Humans are indeed stupid. That begs the question whether its smart to grand people the right to vote if they are mentally incapable of making sound decisions. Also politicians face no consequences for lying to the people or not achieving their goal, or completely doing a 180 when they are in power. When someone is not held accountable for their F'ups they have no incentive to keep to their words. The whole system is flawed/corrupt. Power always corrupts. And the people who seek power are always the same types of people: megalomaniacs, psychopaths, sociopaths. In other words: very evil and dangerous people enter politics. If we know that to be a fact, why in heavens name do we participate in it? By participating in it we give the system legitimacy.
Think about this, you participate in it (voting and obeying) because you've been thought to do so. Even the reasoning for your obedience if not of your own, but words you've heard other speak (for example: that is what proper, civilized people do; or without it we would have anarchy; who will pay for xyz?). So in a sense you and most of us are also idiots. Because we just go along with the madness, not realizing that we have the power to say NO. Only the fear of the repercussions of rebelling against the system (not following the laws/politicians) keep people in line.
Who said voting actually makes a difference? Looking back at old news footage of street interviews paints the same sentiment the people of now are expressing. Nothing has changed. Politicians never listen to the people. Why? Because a ruler RULES over the people. He/They tell the serfs what do to. Not the other way around. That is how the game works.A boss is not a servant of his employees. Politicians are the managers. The filthy rich are the owners. Gov is a business. We are the resources. Cattle.
If ALL parties are an an utter waste of space, what difference does it make what the reason is that vote? 😂
Too many treat political parties like football teams to be supported whatever.
Vote for the best there is available in your constituency who has a chance of getting elected, and reward them for being the closest to what you want, and at least do your best to get the best you can in the circumstances, or there's no reason for any party to care about what you think.
What is it with people blindly voting for who their parents or grandparents voted for? Or even just voting for who they’ve always voted for regardless of how that party has changed? 🤯
They think it is like football
@@frankwhiteley8801 True.
Absolutely crazy
@@frankwhiteley8801 No coincidence that virtually every county has a red and a blue football team.
Its as if they're stuck in old times and out of touch.
Absolutely ZERO consideration to slightly change their opinions.
Was life generally better under the last Labour government and is life generally worse under the last 14 years of Conservative governments?
Yes, it was, much better.
If the answer is yes, then voting DOES matter and both parties are not the same, get these criminals out of power
It was MUCH better
You could walk into a supermarket - and the food was cheap, coming from everywhere in Europe the day before - shelves so crammed with produce that I would often knock something off (because the aisles were so narrow), and struggle to put it back again because the shelf was packed
We wanted for nothing
But sheer-greed-buttons in 52% of our heads were pressed by Dominic Cummings - who promised us EVEN BETTER than this ....
And now we pay for bargaining with the devil with empty shelves and shockingly poor value for low quality own-brands and out-of-date produce
An economic catastrophe
Tories/Brexit ... that's what you get
We need back into the European Union - having learned our lesson
You can't expect to be economically prosperous when you impose economic sanctions on yourself with your closest trading partners - who happen to be a MASSIVE trading area!
If you take a step back, you'll see that this horror show was caused by divisions in the Tory partner - David Cameron thought he could silence them by holding the Brexit referendum ... fully expecting to win easily
But this smarmy, cock-sure prick thought wrong - and an entire nation voted for economic suicide just to give him a slap in the face
And that's where we are - all of the consequences from that now follow
Rebuilding will be an extremely long process - but the first stage is to make sure not a single Tory gets elected at the next election. Not a single one.
Voting for a three day week...... Liebour are as bad as the Tories.... Imagine a leader who doesn't even know what a woman is. And covered up the grooming gangs!
both the same both corrupt if you believe labour was better your so short sited
its the old saying isn't it? "i didnt think the leopards would eat MY face!!"
Greetings from Ireland.
Get back in the game!
Undo Brexit.
nope the EU ruined the UK to
@@thelink4-h9rI think UK has ruined the UK even more than tge EU ever could. You can't blame this on the EU.
@@thelink4-h9rgo on then how did the EU ruin our country
With a comment like that you clearly must be one of the new Irish invaders that have taken over the country. Good old EU what .
The EU control Ireland
The fool sayng he "is Reform "now .whilst sat drinking with a gent of Asian descent made me smile and angry at the same time
The one that got me was the one who said he voted Tory because his family had always voted Tory!! Did he not have a mind of his own then? I have always been a left winger even before I was old enough to vote and I have voted in every election ever since either Labour or tactically to keep the Tory candidate out. I am 70 now and more left wing than ever but I believe Labour are the only party which can beat the Tories even though they have their faults.
Second generation immigrants are very frequently the worst racists you’ll ever meet.
Why? Being able to see the devastation mass immigration has caused does not make you racist. You are totally brainwashed and conditioned to vote against your best interests.
Why did it make you angry and smile at the same time?
A gentleman of Asian descent stood for Reform UK in Wellingborough. I know you want them to be nasty little racists so you can berate them on TH-cam but they are not. They stand controlled and balanced migration to people of all colours.
@@snowiecat456 The irony in your comment, you clown.
They voted with their feet and stayed at home. Hope they are permanently disillusioned by conservative governments.
They voted with their feet and stayed at home, but they couldn't bring themselves to vote for another party, (guilty complex). These half--wits will be back voting Tory at the general election, trust me. Some people will NEVER learn. 🤫🤔😂...................
They are all the same mob. Its a uniparty
Sadly I suspect a lot of these will just find another snake oil salesman to believe. They are more likely to turn to Tice and his mob before going near Labour. They will need to see and feel change before connecting the dots but I suspect they won’t.
@@johnfrancis2215 nope. Totally different people. No government in history has stolen as much at the Boris Johnson gang. None close.
By definition it is hard to make "Conservatives" change their vote! To mobilise and really vote against the party rather than simply abstain would possibly give us a better option in the future though, so I endorse your comment.
If the 20,000 bothered to vote for reform it would have made more bloody sense than not voting at all FFS.
And Reform gonna fix it??? Hshahahah it’s the same old twits with a different color banner …
Voting Tory is like sticking a hand in a lions age and then wondering why it has been bitten off.What did they expect?
The turnout was around 38%, this is actually only 3% lower than the average for by elections.
But I agree non participation is bad for democracy.
due to lack of political choice !
how so? their vote was non participation. this sends a message to politicians.
Not participating may be bad, but voting should be one of the step needed for participation.
Likely many of the people voted in previous elections by not in this by-election have not done anything else to „participate” other than going to vote. That’s why they now complain that nobody told them about lies like the 350 millions.
They had zero interest, near zero knowledge other than what they saw in an ad, and went voting. Now they complain that everyone is the same because they keep seeing ads by the same people and have zero interest in reaching out to actually learn anything. With that attitude it’s better for democracy if they don’t vote.m, because it shouldn’t ba a vote for the best ad or the most funny party leader.
@@terencefranks1688you state lack of political choice as the reason not to vote. Why not join one of several groups that push for proportional representation?
You just need to sign up, and with every member the voice for PR is stronger and in 4 or 8 years time there would be no „safe seats” and voting for a minority party would no longer mean wasting your vote. Then you’d see new people coming up with new policies.
But it’s easier to look at the top 2 candidates and say that there are all the same and that it’s not worth doing anything.
Then get behind PR voting.
I'm all for it. It'll see the Tories out of power for decades to come.
It's like the country has gone through a great reset?
It's actually going through a nervous breakdown for the last 10 years.
Yep, capitalism has just about finished transferring all the wealth to the top! Back to feudalism again now...
Yep, capitalism has nearly completed its mission of turning us back into feudalism!
"Have you punched yourself in the face in the past?"
You see my parents also punched themselves in the face. It's just what we do 😳
@@NightWatch1337Next time we're voting for a good kick in the balls instead.
The people who didn't vote should be ashamed of themselves.
Why would you trust any politician?
Some of them are honourable , just not the tories !
Aneurin Bevan “How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political power to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics in the twentieth century.”
very true !
And he said that in the 1940s. Here we are nearly 80 years later. Shows you the power of the deception by the rich doesn't it.
Essentially they voted, "None of the above."
Family approach to voting is incredible.
Try a new party because they could never be any worse than the two jokers running conlab. I’m going Reform after 50 years a Tory voter. Worth a punt
Please stay at home Tory voters, and let the rest of us get on with things.
what state benefits do you get?
Voting in the UK is like being robbed but being allowed to choose the colour of the robber's shirt.
I heard exactly the same lies in favour of brexit as these people did, yet I didn't believe them as the fact that they were lies was so blatantly obvious. No sympathy for them at all.
You MUST use your vote but do not vote Labour or Conservative if you want to create real change. A vote of no confidence MUST be a vote for change which can only happen through a change of vote!
You're getting what you voted for.
God help us all when labour get in.. if you think this is bad we haven’t seen anything yet!!
Not necessarily. We need PR for our votes to count.
No we are not!
Unlike parliament, regular people actually have the ability to learn from their mistakes and change course.
Are you sure about that? The couple at the beginning look old enough to know that the Tories have always been liars. The bloke in the blue shirt “unfortunately” voted for Boris despite the evidence that he’s a lazy, lying, useless, incompetent. Don’t kid yourself there are people out there who will still vote Tory, despite seeing what they’ve done over the last 14 years.
And it seems some people like many in this video lack the ability to change course.
But for Christ sake don’t imagine for a moment Labour would be any alternative 💩
Oh please piss off will you.
We all voted Brexit to gain control of our borders, unfortunately more immigrants
Are coming in than ever before. BUT i will never regret voting Brexit,
Would vote Brexit again tomorrow.
Those 20000 should have got out and voted Reform. That would have been far better than not voting at all
😂😂😂😂😂 voting Reform = voting for worse than Tories. Their policies won't make things better. Less healthcare workers, less taxes going into the system from rich people yet our taxes will rise, more cruelty, less human rights for you. The Tories are cruel, Reform will be even worse.
Does anyone REALLY believe that anything is going to improve with the Labour Party in charge?
Only those too young who honestly believe we are all r4cists and too stupid to know what we are doing when it comes to voting or those sheltered from reality who view voting New Labour as a fashionable thing rather than something that affects their finances or the rest of the country.
It'll get worse
Not this Torified version of Labour. Haven't had a true Labour party for decades, never mind a Conservative party that's actually conservative. Just political extremists all out for themselves that have systematically destroyed this country instead of conserving it.
Same here, and I won’t be voting Labour either
Labour will be worse than Tories. Its funny how fast people forget.
Same here.
Not voting is a form of voting.
Be prepared to be let down again!
Agreed. The scumbag Tories are down but not yet out.
I genuinely feel sorry for most people. It’s sad this country has become this.
This is the first time I’ve heard that figure of non-voters mentioned in any news outlet, even the BBC failed to highlight this?
It's happening here in my country also. People are getting poorer and poorer but the the people in power dont do anything or they just plain out lie to you. And everyting is getting more and more expensive by the week almost.. And new and higher taxes are being added to your bill.. I will manage but things are getting way out of hand everywhere these days.
1:31 „Passed down from the family“ is the stupidest excuse that I have ever heard for voting for a party. Or being religious, when I think about it. 😂
Vote conservative = High taxes and uncontrolled mass migration… Vote labour = High taxes and uncontrolled mass migration… what a mess we are in.. this once great little island is done
Sadly, your right. 😢 UK has lowest social mobility of any Euro country. Nothing, I still think things are much worse for poor under Tories.
What are the reforms policies
Don't forget - we did get to be "great" (but many would question that word) because we had the biggest/best/most weapons to be able to pillage the assets of others. Weirdly - other countries didn't like that happening so fought back to gain their independence. Not sure how you think we will get to be "great" again without the advantage of superior arms.
Massive difference, one has been in power for 14 years, DOUBLED the national debt figure (from £1.36 Trillion to £2.65 Trillion and demonstrated off the scale corruption, whilst the other hasn't. @@wingout1714
@@michaelatkinson7577 its not about that anymore. this country can get better with innovation and manufacturing. there is no reason for the UK to not have its own silicon valley for example.
It doesn't matter who you vote for, the US tells are governments what to do. Also the WEF and Davos crowd.
Excellent reporting and production, making a really important point. It seems that the push for a Boris/Truss-led autocracy has rebounded badly and everyone has lost both in reality and philosophically.
A great shame that those 24,000 Tory voters who stayed at home didn’t go and vote Reform UK.
The name gives it away "con servative" meaning "serving fraud, deceit"
End the two party system and get behind the Reform Party 🇬🇧 🗳👌
Why for god sake do they not vote Reform…..why , it doesn’t make sense…..shameful
They're probably not that clever.
maybe they've had enough of people like Farage and Rice - you know, people even the tories think of as small minded
Because reform are the problem, they're Tories under a different name.
Shows how much we need PR.
It’s always very interesting that these working class people who voted for brexit & the tories just can’t accept that they were deceived & most of them wanted to be deceived, it can’t possibly be their fault so they blame “all politicians “ ! It’s on every knuckledragger YT that I watch !
The best weapon the public has to hold politicians and governments to account is the right to vote. It is utter madness to surrender that weapon as if that will teach errant political parties a lesson..
The real problem with our democracy is that there are too many folk with the vote who are thick as mince and are unable to objectively assess what they are being told be the main stream media and those in power. That is essentially why Brexit happened. It was too easy for Johnson, Cummings and Gove etc al to push Brexit through once they found the basic simplistic message that would resonate with those folk and encourage them to vote against their own best interests.
That 24K voters should be voting Reform UK instead of not voting.