All the concern about pipeline leakage often doesn't consider that the oil will inevitably be transported in some other way which also comes with dangers and risks. There is much more risk in transporting it by train and there have been bad train crash spills. The oil industry itself is a huge risk of environment petroleum spills but it has kept us alive for thousands of years. If less oil runs though pipelines, more oil will barrel around the curves of train tracks that traverse farmlands through the entire continent
It does not matter whether it's Obama or Trump the fact is we live in a culture of corruption. I think we would be surprised by how much right and left politics actually work together to create unrest on the population.
Senator Bernie Sanders was against the TPP and keystone and the Clintons and Obama screw Sanders of Vermont and Vermont is one of the cleanest safest places in America and worldwide news outlets calling Vermont a Scandinavia style state in America and Vermont has alot of guns and in 2020 Obama Clinton Pelosi Clyburn told everybody to drop out and back Biden in the primary CNN CNBC ABC MSNBC NBC news bullshit Americans about Biden record and lied about Sanders record Washington post New York times did hit pieces on Sanders campaign and Joe Rogan endorsed senator Bernie Sanders but independents not allow to vote in some democratic primary states and corrupt DNC rigging the primary in 2024 and President Joe is losing to the Republicans party in polls and Sanders is more popular in European countries and Brazil than in America Vermont has alot of good social programs and the green mountain boys in Vermont fighting against the Bush and Obama Clinton Trump and Biden administration and Sanders is the leader in Vermont and Republican governor Scott always work together for the people of Vermont
I heard Mexico has certain laws regarding products allowed in their country. A certain percentage must be Mexican made. Perhaps this applies to crude? You can import the raw materials, but Mexico has to make it? Just a thought.
The real elephant in the room here is why isn't a refinery or two being built in Canada and the finished product(s) being sold to the USA etc. Oh yeah that's right Canada is just a raw resource supplier to the world now.
Probably Texas and Oklahoma give even more tax breaks to oil companies than Alberta does. Alberta has to subsidize the mining, the US has to subsidize the refining. The oil companies themselves are multinational and have no loyalty to any country.
TC should have at least planned the route to go around the Sand Hills where such an enormous amount of the fresh water is! I want to say something like, if they at least did things like that beforehand then it would be easier to bring people to their side. But I'm so happy that big money never has common sense or common knowledge!
And as soon as Brandon took office, he cancelled the pipeline, which scr#wed over thousands of jobs in Canada and the USA and resulted in higher fuel costs. FJB!
They passed for fracking to happen near Blackpool, Lancs, even though there was overwhelming objections against it. Our then P.M. overruled us and passed it. Protests continued, then low and behold we started having earthquakes! In Lancashire! It took a while and however much they spent bunging pockets full of filthy lucre they have packed up and cleared off, they say that they’ll be back, we’ll be waiting for you. A few folk said it was good for jobs but when they found out that they wouldn’t be going to locals (don’t think folks would take them). They spend an unbelievable amount of money “helping people to see their point of view”.
The concern from farmers in the midwest is rather hypocritical given that collectively they are pumping down the Ogallala aquifer at a rate faster than it can replenish. This has been known for years actually decades and there seems to be little concern as long as they can "make money" That seems to be evil for the pipeline company but ok for the farmer. All of this is hypocritical. Remember that the use of the water is stealing from others who rely on it for their water.
Look countries typically only consider peoples wishes, when it comes to infrastructure, dam's, powerlines, pipelines, etc. The reason for it is that is that we would still be sitting around a camp fire, lol Now seriously, part is greed no doubt, but also without all the above mentioned "things", it is hard to build economies and functioning societies. Ie. Africa and also India, that one is getting better, lack the above social investments and is part of the reason why it is so hard for them to get better economies and in so doing improve lives of common people.
Most people don't really have an opinion on this topic, they just talk to hear themselves talk. If it's not passing through YOUR land/water, you shouldn't get a say. Because that's who's gonna be affected if and when it bursts--locals nearest the pipe. Stop repeating Big Oil's talking points & think for yourselves.
And when thousands of farmers are permanently out of business, you will have no problem telling your kids to go eat the front lawn, it's we got? Good to hear. Ask Marie Antoinette how "Let them eat cake" worked out.
I am British which means that I'm the last person to ridicule or criticise any other Country when it comes to their values, laws or political systems. The Uk has set the bar high, when it comes to the damage and problems that have been caused, globally. Either, through imperialism, humanitarianism, environmentalism, racism and forgiven policy! This may be a investigation into a Canadian conglomerate. As this programme highlights, they need the USA's support if they want it to succeed. The sad truth is that, you could apply this formula to any Trans, National Corporation!!! Regardless of where you sit on the political spectrum, you know that the whole system is rigged to suit the highest bidder!!! What is it going to take for this to change?? When will success stop being measured by the acquisition of money and wealth? It never ends!!!!!!!
Drakes? Burning renewable energy or old growth forests grinding into pellets loading on ships burning renewable energy and getting carbon credits for 3 Times the carbon dioxide emissions and half the electrical generation UK your largest electric generator
Future generations will accept oil spills as normal and won't remember a time when they were not. Much like it does not strike us as strange they we can't drink from rivers and streams as we can't remember when we could, environmental degradation will seem normal to them. But they can look at pictures of a clean environment in book or rather on a screen, like we look at pictures of extinct animals or ice caps that used to be.
But i thought we would be facing a apocalyptic scenario where we would run out of oil soon.... oh you guys change your mind on that now too? Which is it? We're going to run out or in the future we'll have such an abundance of oil spills are commonplace?
Many areas in Canada are heavily polluted including the Innoy or whatever you call it piece of land so now they are looking to pollute our country with the help of the USA president. They should build the pipeline through Martas Vineyard and Donald Trump Golf camps.. Since he is getting paid for it he should give his land and the land he occupies now thanks to the Russian mafia
Can someone direct me to Fifth Estate's sequel regarding Texas's Kinder Morgan, under the protection of Trudeau's Liberal Party, doing similar things to the people of British Columbia? About Trudeau's government purchasing the company, restoring it to the original name of the Trans Mountain Pipeline, to continue the American antics? About B.C. having to deal with the aggression not only from Ottawa but from Alberta as well? Just can't seem to find it.
The royalties that could have been paid to Canadians for healthcare, hospitals, schools etc. All shot down in flames to keep Canadian oil land locked. And who gets exclusive access to Canadian oil now at bargan rates? Makes no mention of the American oil companies about to use XL as well. Nebraskans got it wrong and by arrogance kept it that way. There is much more to this pipeline than the narative pushed in this report.
if anyone was curious: On June 9, 2021, TC Energy Corporation announced it was terminating the Keystone XL project. The Government of Alberta and TC Energy Corporation agreed to an orderly exit from the KXL project and partnership.
The people who are calling for Canada to build its own refinery dont understand the process. The refineries in Texas have immediate access to loading shipping container ships in the event that oil prices and worldwide demand calls for it, and also to supply America and Canada with cheap fuel! That is exactly what would have happened if Hiden Biden hadnt canceled the project. So America went from being energy independent and the wotlds largest exporter of oil, and guaranteeing cheap fuel, while providing large construction jobs. Zll of which both America and Canada. Now that is all gone now!
I need investigative journalism on what is happening in my life including many others with disabilities that agencies like disability action refuse to help with.
what they dont tell you how much money they receive for "access" to the pipeline. ranchers make more money from pipelines then crops in most cases per acre
Well that was 40 minutes in an alternative reality!!! For 8 years as Obama was Commander n chief, he doubled his own oil production and added thousands of miles of new pipelines, all while pointing at this one pipeline from Canada, deflecting focus away from what was actually happening in the US both limiting the Canadian product off the market and away from his own market share at the same time giving his base and environmentalists, a target, Keystone XL.This might come as a shock but have a look at the Oil pipelines already operating in the US. This pipe is no different. Labeling it anything different should clearly demonstrate the actual agenda of the CBC and it's supporters.
Here's a newsflash. Obama is no longer president. Yes he allowed this to start but finally acknowledged it wasn't OK when the protests started getting some traction. Then tRump reversed the hold on the construction at Standing Rock. Obama isn't innocent, but if he is a less-than-honest cop who looked the other way, tRump is the corrupt guy actively looking to work his way up in the mob. Instead of whining about what happened in the past, let's figure out if there's any hope for the future.
@Greg Romaine Are you really bashing Obama, and not even attempting to critic Trump? Obama was not perfect, nor is anyone, but Trump has been a complete disaster as far as environmental issues...
Yes we should just upgrade our half or dozen of refineries and 10s of thousands of miles of fifty year old pipelines already in Canada we would be completely economically and as safely as it can be 100 self sufficient but dark money is international and Canada and it's politicians are weak and greedy. We shouldn't have to burden any innocent non stakeholders with any risks at all.
why does it not occur to the management teams of this and other corporations, that investing the same amounts of money in safety as they do in lobbying the would win for everybody.
> Why should we risk our lifeblood of water for farming, which is the lifeblood of Nebraska, for a foreign oil company to export oil Not gonna lie, that sounds really reasonable. Why should anyone do something to jeopardize their lives, their communities, and their families just so some company can make more money? If they review the offer to purchase, weight that against the risk and decide they dont want or need the money and say "No", that seems reasonable. The only issue is that the decision is not being made so logically and dispassionately. It's painted red, white, blue and being waved with a nationalistic flair that immediately shows it in a light most people read as stereotypically American and backwards.
with all the upgrades and updates of technology...canada exceeds every other country in pipelines...Personally as a Canadian...I say build refineries here....pipelines to the coast...keep the US out of it...keep all the profits here.
Yes there is always the chance of leakage! BUT KEEP IN MIND NORTH AMERICA BEING FUEL INDEPENDENT MIGHT KEEP US FROM A WORLD WAR WHICH FOR SURE WOULD BE A HECK OF A LOT WORSE FOR THE ENVIRONMENT! It would be nice if Mexico would be *forced to do better with it's fuel/natch gas development to help out it's people better! *SO MUCH GRAFT, IMPROPER MANAGEMENT!
All the concern about pipeline leakage often doesn't consider that the oil will inevitably be transported in some other way which also comes with dangers and risks. There is much more risk in transporting it by train and there have been bad train crash spills. The oil industry itself is a huge risk of environment petroleum spills but it has kept us alive for thousands of years. If less oil runs though pipelines, more oil will barrel around the curves of train tracks that traverse farmlands through the entire continent
@@rachelgibson1858 ever heard about israel push into palestine or albanians kosovo and macedonia? how about hong kong? vietnam? aztec? should i go on or do i ring some bells that you understand? to jump ahead of your "not the same argument" i will add that all are political pushes for individual economic benefit of few "influencers"...
Wow and here I thought the hundreds of quakes in Alaska were a lot, apparently California and Oklahoma have even more.... hmmm can I seriously get something about where these numbers came from? Are they total quakes, magnitude, time?
This is especially important to me as I live on the east coast. Trump wanted to tap into drilling off the coast of Massachusetts, which would be devastating to our coastline and local fisheries.
Always expect change in someone else’s back yard…otherwise, it will be “devastating”. Also, demonize aggressive pursuit of natural resources from the home of liberal dysfunctionals of MA; just as bad as NYC.
Let’s stop all oil projects in Canada and USA and see what the tribes of both countries do to survive- let’s do it fora year or two - remember no government money for tribes let’s go for it
Shouldn't it be called trhe Trans USA pipeline? It doesn't really cross Canada. Or hey, lets build a pipeline from Alaska across Canada to link up with it.
I'm Canadian. In principle I want Canada's economy to do well. At a higher level of principle, I want the best for the environment and the world. A lot of Canadians are talking about the impact of this now, especially as Alberta Premier Jason Kenney unwisely spent 1.5 Billion dollars (plus a loan guarantee) to provide financial support for construction of the pipeline in Canada, knowing that Biden would cancel it if he won - which he did. Based on this video it seems the right choice was made. Either way, Biden has made the decision - it's firm - let's move on!
these protestors could have benefited big time and make sure the big oil/gas are punished and penalized through their nose in case of an environmental accident - all that was needed is a civil negotiation skills and strict regulation contracts. Instead, they act like stupid kids.
Canadain here. I don't think this good idea. It was solf to us that it creatates more jobs. But the fallout for our environment is way worst than any money we will make.
It take thousands of people to move oil by truck and rail, and each of these sectors permanent employ thousands of tax payers. It’s the tax payers that safeguards a healthy economy. Pipeline work is only temporary, the only people who will benefit from a pipe line is the billionaires who don't pay any tax. And the worse part of it all is the tax payer will be the one who will subsides this pipeline. If we build refiners instead of pipeline we would create jobs here instead of ship jobs over seas.
Imagine if they spent that money on alternative energy research and development instead of lobbying every year. The first corporation to successful establish the asteroid mining industry or cost efficient fusion plants will generate trillions in revenue. All other human wealth generation will be like pocket change compared to such a paradigm shift.
Other countries are using alternative energy (much more than the USA and it seems to be doing a lot of good..I recently read an article on solar energy in Puerto Rico..A lot of farms and in the mountains in that island use solar energy...Much more than the USA
I hope they plow right through Nebraska for the pipeline. I have a hard time having any sympathy for these land owners with dozens, scores, or even hundreds of square miles of property. It's a 36-inch pipeline through the middle of nowhere. Anyone whining about it needs to park their cars and walk/bike everywhere. Even your electric and hybrid cars are powered by fossil fuels...eventually. While you're at it, cut off your electricity in your house.
Love this group taking a stand..don't give up..keep up the fight! Mother Earth is in big trouble with all these corrupt rich dumb asses!!! Leave Mother Earth alone! Stop fracking..Stop putting in pipelines!!
If you really think these "currupt rich dumb asses" can affect Mother Earth ... I mean HOW?? Humans have been dealing and negotiating with the environment before any of us were documented. Let me summarize our relationship - we tend to get the short stick EVERYTIME. If Mother Earth doesn't want to deal with "big oil", then it would simply wipe them out like little insignificant, tiny, and temporary insects. Why wouldn't it?
We're Much of DJT advisors unfortunately on the take? DJT opened the thoughts Americans have always had of dishonesty and integrity with these oil decisions and brought them to light. Thank you DJT.
Oil is now hovering around $57 a barrel. The world is expected to use a 100 million barrels a day by the month of August of this year and will go on for several decades. According to the Yale University, Canada has the most cleanest environmentally friendly on the planet.
Quit squandering the resources, protect the water and make triple protection against pipelines or oil export spills of any kind. The watershed or reservoirs are extremely important to the west coast and North America. Why isn't the real issue that you can't trust the oil companies and mining companies to protect the natural resources and stability of an area? how is such a huge industry not ahead of its time in shipping and shipping safety technology? II know it was hard for the industry to get from single hull oil tankers to even double hull which is just common sense. Get with the times and calling elon musk or nasa for some ideas.why dont we create an energy sector that is built for the country rather than building rich corporations and people doing a bad job and destroying states and countries. Quit squandering the resources
it must be real difficult for the environment with all those pipelines that are already in the ground. they probably break every year contaminating the ground. we need to get rid of all of the pipelines that are already in existence and transport the oil by rail or truck it may take more energy to do so and gas prices will go up but we save the environment this way.
Disgusting and absolutely misleading about the facts of the safest mode of transportation for all fluids and gasses on our planet , pipelines ate literally the safest most environmentally friendly way to transport these materials . Canada is your neighbor and we should support each other not the middle east !!
Ukraine war could have been prevented if Canadian media & US media let the Keystone pipeline be built, now we are in for a ride on a road to over $200 a barrel
Enbridge is an American company! A company we Canadians don't want on our land. So that Enbridge pipeline was filled with Canadian oil of some grade, but it wasn't our pipeline, the Americans built it, own it. Wake up W5! And why didn't you mention that pipe for the Canadian leg of the XL Pipeline, acres and acres of this pipe, is stored outside in the elements in Alberta for almost a decade.
Who profits? I’m sure there is no bifurcation of profits to the states the pipeline travel through. If that were the case, I’m sure we would see no pipelines. Then the last death throws of fossil fuel industry as better fuel technologies are available. But no 42k pipeline jobs.
It's just simply unconscionable to be undertaking such a large scale fossil fuel project ... especially with it's obvious proven inherent risks (even one single spill or accident is one too many) when we should be committed to newer greener forms of energy production. It's time to get OFF oil, not plan for it's future expansion!
Love this show as an American. I always saw Canada as being.... Safer. But na just like us. As an American in my opinion only. I'm offended. His name is Donald. Not president. He's a joke. Stop it.
@@emmanuelzepernick7209 You know that most people welcome the money that comes with having a pipeline through their property. You think that everyone is slapped with an eminent domain suit?
@@lonarbuckle9788 OK Clyde you have illustrated your magnificent intelligence, however your VERY narrow mind prevents it from doing you any good. JUST WHAT IS OBTAINED FROM tar sands? OIL baby Oil sands, tar sands, crude bitumen, or bituminous sands, are a type of unconventional petroleum deposit. Oil sands are either loose sands or partially consolidated sandstone containing a naturally occurring mixture of sand, clay, and water, soaked with bitumen, a dense and extremely viscous form of petroleum.
That wouldn't work well. First Nebraska is in Tornado Alley. They would be repairing an above ground pipeline every few weeks in the spring and summer. Wasting time, resources and money. Second the Trans-Alaska pipeline is about ground and breaks all the time. So having something like that here in the US lower 48 won't work. Third many of the lands they want to go threw are in Native American lands and they are treated as semi-independent nations under 100s of treaties and the elders will not agree. Simply because the lands could be damaged if the pipe breaks...
Farmers don’t contribute much to greenhouse. Conspiracy is vegan bullshit propaganda. Why do you think there is jet fuel in breastmilk??? Thousands of airliners in the sky and your saying farmers a problem......
It breaks my heart to hear someone say "sometimes this only happens in the movies" Most of those movies are based on real events; the lady from Florida who said this is essentially saying I didn't believe stories like this until it happened to me. This is terrifying, what is so hard to believe? Where there are shareholders, there is an incentive for profit, where there's an incentive for profit there will be persistence. These major corporations are assaulting our children's livelihood every day and its effects will be felt ten generations into the future. The fact that they can correlate fracking to earthquakes and it still continues is despicable. It's just as hilarious to imagine something with no tensile strength like a pipeline being built in a landscape high in tectonic activity. The money is all Trans Canada cares about, the best Nebraska could hope for is a small disaster that provokes them to remove the pipeline before a major catastrophe occurs where they're left cleaning their beautiful state with their own sweat and blood. Now, I know rail transit is far from safe but we've already cut swathes in our country before we understood the problems. We might as well use our old mistakes before we carve new wounds in the land.
People are dumb. We already pump 3.8 million barrels a day to the states... this was only going to increase it by 500 to 600 thousand barrels a day.. lol It's all smoke and mirrors
All the concern about pipeline leakage often doesn't consider that the oil will inevitably be transported in some other way which also comes with dangers and risks. There is much more risk in transporting it by train and there have been bad train crash spills. The oil industry itself is a huge risk of environment petroleum spills but it has kept us alive for thousands of years. If less oil runs though pipelines, more oil will barrel around the curves of train tracks that traverse farmlands through the entire continent
It does not matter whether it's Obama or Trump the fact is we live in a culture of corruption. I think we would be surprised by how much right and left politics actually work together to create unrest on the population.
You have to have at least two parties to pretend it's a democracy.
Useless duplicity I know, but otherwise people lose interest.
Yup the media and social 100 years when people are learning about this time it will be known as the great divide......
Senator Bernie Sanders was against the TPP and keystone and the Clintons and Obama screw Sanders of Vermont and Vermont is one of the cleanest safest places in America and worldwide news outlets calling Vermont a Scandinavia style state in America and Vermont has alot of guns and in 2020 Obama Clinton Pelosi Clyburn told everybody to drop out and back Biden in the primary CNN CNBC ABC MSNBC NBC news bullshit Americans about Biden record and lied about Sanders record Washington post New York times did hit pieces on Sanders campaign and Joe Rogan endorsed senator Bernie Sanders but independents not allow to vote in some democratic primary states and corrupt DNC rigging the primary in 2024 and President Joe is losing to the Republicans party in polls and Sanders is more popular in European countries and Brazil than in America Vermont has alot of good social programs and the green mountain boys in Vermont fighting against the Bush and Obama Clinton Trump and Biden administration and Sanders is the leader in Vermont and Republican governor Scott always work together for the people of Vermont
Until it is made ILLEGAL for politicians not to declare ANY outside conflict of interest then corruption will always happen.
I heard Mexico has certain laws regarding products allowed in their country. A certain percentage must be Mexican made. Perhaps this applies to crude? You can import the raw materials, but Mexico has to make it? Just a thought.
Let's get the politicians to vote on it. Maybe it will change
@@gavincurtis o I
The real elephant in the room here is why isn't a refinery or two being built in Canada and the finished product(s) being sold to the USA etc. Oh yeah that's right Canada is just a raw resource supplier to the world now.
Mr: Canada is so infected already they need to spread the infection..
Probably Texas and Oklahoma give even more tax breaks to oil companies than Alberta does. Alberta has to subsidize the mining, the US has to subsidize the refining. The oil companies themselves are multinational and have no loyalty to any country.
These American farmers should not be forced to have a pipeline placed under their insecticide-ridden farmland, it might poison the environment.
TC should have at least planned the route to go around the Sand Hills where such an enormous amount of the fresh water is! I want to say something like, if they at least did things like that beforehand then it would be easier to bring people to their side. But I'm so happy that big money never has common sense or common knowledge!
😂😂😂😂 what a take😹😎
And as soon as Brandon took office, he cancelled the pipeline, which scr#wed over thousands of jobs in Canada and the USA and resulted in higher fuel costs. FJB!
They passed for fracking to happen near Blackpool, Lancs, even though there was overwhelming objections against it. Our then P.M. overruled us and passed it. Protests continued, then low and behold we started having earthquakes! In Lancashire! It took a while and however much they spent bunging pockets full of filthy lucre they have packed up and cleared off, they say that they’ll be back, we’ll be waiting for you. A few folk said it was good for jobs but when they found out that they wouldn’t be going to locals (don’t think folks would take them). They spend an unbelievable amount of money “helping people to see their point of view”.
The concern from farmers in the midwest is rather hypocritical given that collectively they are pumping down the Ogallala aquifer at a rate faster than it can replenish. This has been known for years actually decades and there seems to be little concern as long as they can "make money" That seems to be evil for the pipeline company but ok for the farmer. All of this is hypocritical. Remember that the use of the water is stealing from others who rely on it for their water.
We have become too reliant on outsiders. Collect your rainwater and utilize it.
Ahhh back when gas was cheap and we were energy independent! Miss you DJT everyday!!!
Energy independent ? This is a pipeline from a foreign country - that is the definition of dependence.
People had the same grievances about the trans Alaskan pipeline. Turned out pretty well there. Well apart from Valdez.
Look countries typically only consider peoples wishes, when it comes to infrastructure, dam's, powerlines, pipelines, etc.
The reason for it is that is that we would still be sitting around a camp fire, lol
Now seriously, part is greed no doubt, but also without all the above mentioned "things", it is hard to build economies and functioning societies.
Ie. Africa and also India, that one is getting better, lack the above social investments and is part of the reason why it is so hard for them to get better economies and in so doing improve lives of common people.
Most people don't really have an opinion on this topic, they just talk to hear themselves talk. If it's not passing through YOUR land/water, you shouldn't get a say. Because that's who's gonna be affected if and when it bursts--locals nearest the pipe. Stop repeating Big Oil's talking points & think for yourselves.
And when thousands of farmers are permanently out of business, you will have no problem telling your kids to go eat the front lawn, it's we got? Good to hear. Ask Marie Antoinette how "Let them eat cake" worked out.
We cannot build mines unless we can pipe out dilbit to americian refineries. Either that or build refineris in alberta.
I am British which means that I'm the last person to ridicule or criticise any other Country when it comes to their values, laws or political systems. The Uk has set the bar high, when it comes to the damage and problems that have been caused, globally. Either, through imperialism, humanitarianism, environmentalism, racism and forgiven policy! This may be a investigation into a Canadian conglomerate. As this programme highlights, they need the USA's support if they want it to succeed. The sad truth is that, you could apply this formula to any Trans, National Corporation!!! Regardless of where you sit on the political spectrum, you know that the whole system is rigged to suit the highest bidder!!! What is it going to take for this to change?? When will success stop being measured by the acquisition of money and wealth? It never ends!!!!!!!
Drakes? Burning renewable energy or old growth forests grinding into pellets loading on ships burning renewable energy and getting carbon credits for 3 Times the carbon dioxide emissions and half the electrical generation UK your largest electric generator
Future generations will accept oil spills as normal and won't remember a time when they were not.
Much like it does not strike us as strange they we can't drink from rivers and streams as we can't remember when we could, environmental degradation will seem normal to them.
But they can look at pictures of a clean environment in book or rather on a screen, like we look at pictures of extinct animals or ice caps that used to be.
But i thought we would be facing a apocalyptic scenario where we would run out of oil soon.... oh you guys change your mind on that now too?
Which is it? We're going to run out or in the future we'll have such an abundance of oil spills are commonplace?
Many areas in Canada are heavily polluted including the Innoy or whatever you call it piece of land so now they are looking to pollute our country with the help of the USA president. They should build the pipeline through Martas Vineyard and Donald Trump Golf camps.. Since he is getting paid for it he should give his land and the land he occupies now thanks to the Russian mafia
I have been looking forward to watching this.
Sorry for the disappointment
Can we get an update on this story????
Can someone direct me to Fifth Estate's sequel regarding Texas's Kinder Morgan, under the protection of Trudeau's Liberal Party, doing similar things to the people of British Columbia? About Trudeau's government purchasing the company, restoring it to the original name of the Trans Mountain Pipeline, to continue the American antics? About B.C. having to deal with the aggression not only from Ottawa but from Alberta as well? Just can't seem to find it.
11:07 ALEC sign on the floor tells You everything You need to know about that guy.
IKR?! I keep TELLING people how vile ALEC is at the state level. I wish more people got it.
The royalties that could have been paid to Canadians for healthcare, hospitals, schools etc. All shot down in flames to keep Canadian oil land locked. And who gets exclusive access to Canadian oil now at bargan rates? Makes no mention of the American oil companies about to use XL as well. Nebraskans got it wrong and by arrogance kept it that way. There is much more to this pipeline than the narative pushed in this report.
if anyone was curious: On June 9, 2021, TC Energy Corporation announced it was terminating the Keystone XL project. The Government of Alberta and TC Energy Corporation agreed to an orderly exit from the KXL project and partnership.
The people who are calling for Canada to build its own refinery dont understand the process. The refineries in Texas have immediate access to loading shipping container ships in the event that oil prices and worldwide demand calls for it, and also to supply America and Canada with cheap fuel! That is exactly what would have happened if Hiden Biden hadnt canceled the project. So America went from being energy independent and the wotlds largest exporter of oil, and guaranteeing cheap fuel, while providing large construction jobs. Zll of which both America and Canada. Now that is all gone now!
I don’t know man, maybe investing in other energy sources 🤷🏿♀️
Other so called
Use more energy to buikd than you recieve...not dependable either..
I need investigative journalism on what is happening in my life including many others with disabilities that agencies like disability action refuse to help with.
what they dont tell you how much money they receive for "access" to the pipeline. ranchers make more money from pipelines then crops in most cases per acre
So..let's see what an earthquake will do after the pipelines been under the ground for a's not going to be pretty
@@michelemcguire8995 it's the safest way to transport oil
Well that was 40 minutes in an alternative reality!!! For 8 years as Obama was Commander n chief, he doubled his own oil production and added thousands of miles of new pipelines, all while pointing at this one pipeline from Canada, deflecting focus away from what was actually happening in the US both limiting the Canadian product off the market and away from his own market share at the same time giving his base and environmentalists, a target, Keystone XL.This might come as a shock but have a look at the Oil pipelines already operating in the US. This pipe is no different. Labeling it anything different should clearly demonstrate the actual agenda of the CBC and it's supporters.
Here's a newsflash. Obama is no longer president. Yes he allowed this to start but finally acknowledged it wasn't OK when the protests started getting some traction. Then tRump reversed the hold on the construction at Standing Rock. Obama isn't innocent, but if he is a less-than-honest cop who looked the other way, tRump is the corrupt guy actively looking to work his way up in the mob. Instead of whining about what happened in the past, let's figure out if there's any hope for the future.
It's people just like you that are part of the problem.
@@jacquelynwilliams3660 Don't forget that Drumpf is also guilty of Russian dilution!
@Greg Romaine Are you really bashing Obama, and not even attempting to critic Trump? Obama was not perfect, nor is anyone, but Trump has been a complete disaster as far as environmental issues...
Yes we should just upgrade our half or dozen of refineries and 10s of thousands of miles of fifty year old pipelines already in Canada we would be completely economically and as safely as it can be 100 self sufficient but dark money is international and Canada and it's politicians are weak and greedy. We shouldn't have to burden any innocent non stakeholders with any risks at all.
why does it not occur to the management teams of this and other corporations, that investing the same amounts of money in safety as they do in lobbying the would win for everybody.
It's sad that money is the only thing that matters anymore. If there is sin then our desecration of this beautiful land for profit is it.
Why can't they build oil refineries in Canada? If they did that, then there wouldn't be a need for a pipeline.
But that might endanger the local environment.
> Why should we risk our lifeblood of water for farming, which is the lifeblood of Nebraska, for a foreign oil company to export oil
Not gonna lie, that sounds really reasonable. Why should anyone do something to jeopardize their lives, their communities, and their families just so some company can make more money? If they review the offer to purchase, weight that against the risk and decide they dont want or need the money and say "No", that seems reasonable.
The only issue is that the decision is not being made so logically and dispassionately. It's painted red, white, blue and being waved with a nationalistic flair that immediately shows it in a light most people read as stereotypically American and backwards.
What powers your equipment
Take a vote in the USA and see who is for it and who is against it. I don't think it would pass.
with all the upgrades and updates of technology...canada exceeds every other country in pipelines...Personally as a Canadian...I say build refineries here....pipelines to the coast...keep the US out of it...keep all the profits here.
Open Oil Pipelines from Canada to USA. You Tube.
Good for you Nebraska...glad you said no. ...And I am Canadian.
Yes there is always the chance of leakage! BUT KEEP IN MIND NORTH AMERICA BEING FUEL INDEPENDENT MIGHT KEEP US FROM A WORLD WAR WHICH FOR SURE WOULD BE A HECK OF A LOT WORSE FOR THE ENVIRONMENT! It would be nice if Mexico would be *forced to do better with it's fuel/natch gas development to help out it's people better! *SO MUCH GRAFT, IMPROPER MANAGEMENT!
All the concern about pipeline leakage often doesn't consider that the oil will inevitably be transported in some other way which also comes with dangers and risks. There is much more risk in transporting it by train and there have been bad train crash spills. The oil industry itself is a huge risk of environment petroleum spills but it has kept us alive for thousands of years. If less oil runs though pipelines, more oil will barrel around the curves of train tracks that traverse farmlands through the entire continent
I live very far away from Nebraska but I am proud of it's people for standing against this people.
but when people were invaded and pushed from their homes of thousand years you were happy to bomb them and politically support invaders?
@@sakatababa What?
@@rachelgibson1858 ever heard about israel push into palestine or albanians kosovo and macedonia?
how about hong kong?
should i go on or do i ring some bells that you understand?
to jump ahead of your "not the same argument" i will add that all are political pushes for individual economic benefit of few "influencers"...
fk u all
@@smokeymacpot76 and f*ck you too
See people don't like football to be mixed with outside issues I tried to tell Steve that
Wow and here I thought the hundreds of quakes in Alaska were a lot, apparently California and Oklahoma have even more.... hmmm can I seriously get something about where these numbers came from? Are they total quakes, magnitude, time?
God bless America and no one else..please.
Why not a refinery in North Dakota ? Real question. Too dirty ???
This is especially important to me as I live on the east coast. Trump wanted to tap into drilling off the coast of Massachusetts, which would be devastating to our coastline and local fisheries.
As opposed to wind farms?
Always expect change in someone else’s back yard…otherwise, it will be “devastating”. Also, demonize aggressive pursuit of natural resources from the home of liberal dysfunctionals of MA; just as bad as NYC.
Let’s stop all oil projects in Canada and USA and see what the tribes of both countries do to survive- let’s do it fora year or two - remember no government money for tribes let’s go for it
Shouldn't it be called trhe Trans USA pipeline? It doesn't really cross Canada.
Or hey, lets build a pipeline from Alaska across Canada to link up with it.
Drill Baby Drill! Drive the Price Down. Or help China take us over and sell it to them without the US being the middle man?
I'm Canadian. In principle I want Canada's economy to do well. At a higher level of principle, I want the best for the environment and the world. A lot of Canadians are talking about the impact of this now, especially as Alberta Premier Jason Kenney unwisely spent 1.5 Billion dollars (plus a loan guarantee) to provide financial support for construction of the pipeline in Canada, knowing that Biden would cancel it if he won - which he did. Based on this video it seems the right choice was made. Either way, Biden has made the decision - it's firm - let's move on!
these protestors could have benefited big time and make sure the big oil/gas are punished and penalized through their nose in case of an environmental accident - all that was needed is a civil negotiation skills and strict regulation contracts. Instead, they act like stupid kids.
I live in Alberta. I don't know anyone who wanted Keystone to go through.
Then you live there alone in a bubble with 2 masks on you fool. Huge loss for Canada and the US. Huge gain for China Joe
Safety concerns against the locals by the Law officials
Canadain here. I don't think this good idea. It was solf to us that it creatates more jobs. But the fallout for our environment is way worst than any money we will make.
Lobbing is another word for bribery
It take thousands of people to move oil by truck and rail, and each of these sectors permanent employ thousands of tax payers. It’s the tax payers that safeguards a healthy economy.
Pipeline work is only temporary, the only people who will benefit from a pipe line is the billionaires who don't pay any tax. And the worse part of it all is the tax payer will be the one who will subsides this pipeline. If we build refiners instead of pipeline we would create jobs here instead of ship jobs over seas.
Safety first
The lobbyist says at 38:00, if a protester breaks the pipeline there will be a big explosion :O
38:55 rather
Tribal Council, any money change hands?Your credibility is at stake.
You know crude tankers are double hulled.
yes a double hull in the ocean is safer than a pipeline you moron
Safer, but to whom?
Now China will refine the oil and pollute ten times better than America. Google a map of pipelines.
Why is the guy narrating purposely drawing out his words ? it sounds so dumb
Speaking slowly so dumbed down Americans can understand 'canadian'
Imagine if they spent that money on alternative energy research and development instead of lobbying every year. The first corporation to successful establish the asteroid mining industry or cost efficient fusion plants will generate trillions in revenue. All other human wealth generation will be like pocket change compared to such a paradigm shift.
Other countries are using alternative energy (much more than the USA and it seems to be doing a lot of good..I recently read an article on solar energy in Puerto Rico..A lot of farms and in the mountains in that island use solar energy...Much more than the USA
I hope they plow right through Nebraska for the pipeline. I have a hard time having any sympathy for these land owners with dozens, scores, or even hundreds of square miles of property. It's a 36-inch pipeline through the middle of nowhere.
Anyone whining about it needs to park their cars and walk/bike everywhere. Even your electric and hybrid cars are powered by fossil fuels...eventually. While you're at it, cut off your electricity in your house.
Yup lot of hypocrites out there
Love this group taking a stand..don't give up..keep up the fight! Mother Earth is in big trouble with all these corrupt rich dumb asses!!! Leave Mother Earth alone! Stop fracking..Stop putting in pipelines!!
If you really think these "currupt rich dumb asses" can affect Mother Earth ... I mean HOW?? Humans have been dealing and negotiating with the environment before any of us were documented. Let me summarize our relationship - we tend to get the short stick EVERYTIME. If Mother Earth doesn't want to deal with "big oil", then it would simply wipe them out like little insignificant, tiny, and temporary insects. Why wouldn't it?
Holy sm8kes ... how is Transcanada getting away with this? We the people disagree. Transcandas is out of control!!
Transmountain pipeline is rcmp pension fund owned hoes the blowout in your rivers and land ( keystone =transmountain)
We're Much of DJT advisors unfortunately on the take? DJT opened the thoughts Americans have always had of dishonesty and integrity with these oil decisions and brought them to light. Thank you DJT.
They keep referring to TransCanada and partners as BIG OIL. That's obvious bias.
Should be BIG SLUDGE.
Tarsand oil is dirty business.
Good show but had to google search to find it here as it has been taken down from the 5th Estate website ... fyi Nov 7, 2017
If the Keystone pipeline is so safe, run it down the middle of the Mississippi River!
Good idea many countries are doing this 👍
With the current price of crude oil (about $25 per barrel), Big Oil, Trump, and all oil companies should consider drinking oil to stay alive.
Oil is now hovering around $57 a barrel. The world is expected to use a 100 million barrels a day by the month of August of this year and will go on for several decades. According to the Yale University, Canada has the most cleanest environmentally friendly on the planet.
Quit squandering the resources, protect the water and make triple protection against pipelines or oil export spills of any kind. The watershed or reservoirs are extremely important to the west coast and North America. Why isn't the real issue that you can't trust the oil companies and mining companies to protect the natural resources and stability of an area? how is such a huge industry not ahead of its time in shipping and shipping safety technology? II know it was hard for the industry to get from single hull oil tankers to even double hull which is just common sense. Get with the times and calling elon musk or nasa for some ideas.why dont we create an energy sector that is built for the country rather than building rich corporations and people doing a bad job and destroying states and countries. Quit squandering the resources
it must be real difficult for the environment with all those pipelines that are already in the ground. they probably break every year contaminating the ground. we need to get rid of all of the pipelines that are already in existence and transport the oil by rail or truck it may take more energy to do so and gas prices will go up but we save the environment this way.
Why is CBC so against this pipeline
Such bias
Trudope's propaganda minister approved this!
This is honest and factual investigative journalism at its best.
All Americans should protest this!! What do we get from this coming through out country....nothing but disaster!!!!
money for better education, and dirt cheap discount oil for the koch brothers to capitilize on
Activist who depends on oil..?
Seems like the fifth estate does not have a clue about pipes.
Disgusting and absolutely misleading about the facts of the safest mode of transportation for all fluids and gasses on our planet , pipelines ate literally the safest most environmentally friendly way to transport these materials . Canada is your neighbor and we should support each other not the middle east !!
whats up with the narrator ? is he doing that on purpose ?
Take money out of politics both in USA and Canada
Good luck! I agree with you, but it will never happen. Money and power are the root of all evil.
Ukraine war could have been prevented if Canadian media & US media let the Keystone pipeline be built, now we are in for a ride on a road to over $200 a barrel
😂😂😂 this is garbage, where is the correlation?
Putin instigated this war, WTF😒
Enbridge is an American company! A company we Canadians don't want on our land. So that Enbridge pipeline was filled with Canadian oil of some grade, but it wasn't our pipeline, the Americans built it, own it. Wake up W5! And why didn't you mention that pipe for the Canadian leg of the XL Pipeline, acres and acres of this pipe, is stored outside in the elements in Alberta for almost a decade.
Hilarious only TransCanada was named on that graph 😆 which bar represents George Soros? 😆
Do Americans really consider Canada a foreign country? Why don't we use CN and pacific to transport the oil and create some jobs. jobs vs profit.
Who profits? I’m sure there is no bifurcation of profits to the states the pipeline travel through.
If that were the case, I’m sure we would see no pipelines.
Then the last death throws of fossil fuel industry as better fuel technologies are available. But no 42k pipeline jobs.
the war is won, KEYSTONE XL IS DEAD!!!
A war that will kill more Americans than any actual war. Biden is a Fcking moron. Jobs are loss, and people will starve.
The pipeline makes sense. It is more efficient than hauling it with trucks and trains. Trains and trucks use fossil fuels. Right?
Just that... Dirty oil sand does not make sense!
I hope Nebraska's are brave enough to tell Canada to keep their pipeline in Canada Northern Nebraska land of Nebraska belongs to people of Nebraska
Trans mountain pipeline is rcmp pension fund owned
It's just simply unconscionable to be undertaking such a large scale fossil fuel project ... especially with it's obvious proven inherent risks (even one single spill or accident is one too many) when we should be committed to newer greener forms of energy production. It's time to get OFF oil, not plan for it's future expansion!
Yep, lets get off oil. How do you propose we do that? What a thick head you must have!
N9 mention of Warren buffet, who makes alot of money from transporting oil in trains?
Love this show as an American. I always saw Canada as being.... Safer. But na just like us. As an American in my opinion only. I'm offended. His name is Donald. Not president. He's a joke. Stop it.
Erica I wish he had him up in Canada
Do you want to trade for our prime minister?
He will be stopped.. Wait and see..
Dairy Man lol you can keep him, I’ll keep Trump. I mean that the nicest way possible
Everything in life doesn't have to be the pursuit of money, in this Plutocracy.
Pluto shrugged.
CBC is being melodramatic . . . IMHO there's a lot more good than bad about a pipeline . . .
Ty Cobb: Then why not invite them to built it through your property?
Apparently there is no pollution, no climate disruption, no unnatural death of species, etc. on your planet? Does anyone else live there?
@@emmanuelzepernick7209 You know that most people welcome the money that comes with having a pipeline through their property. You think that everyone is slapped with an eminent domain suit?
CBC is pure propaganda.
@@emmanuelzepernick7209 cuz he lives in a van down by the river. That's all the property he has an if he didn't steal it he wouldn't even have that
It is oil...tar is a different animal.
Pipe natural gas, but not oil, especially the tar sands oil.
Oil not tar...jane fonda..
Educate yourself before giving opinions out your bum...
@@lonarbuckle9788 OK Clyde you have illustrated your magnificent intelligence, however your VERY narrow mind prevents it from doing you any good. JUST WHAT IS OBTAINED FROM tar sands? OIL baby
Oil sands, tar sands, crude bitumen, or bituminous sands, are a type of unconventional petroleum deposit. Oil sands are either loose sands or partially consolidated sandstone containing a naturally occurring mixture of sand, clay, and water, soaked with bitumen, a dense and extremely viscous form of petroleum.
Simple: put the pipeline above the ground and monitor it
Pipeline monitoring storm troopers. Good job prospects.
That wouldn't work well. First Nebraska is in Tornado Alley. They would be repairing an above ground pipeline every few weeks in the spring and summer. Wasting time, resources and money. Second the Trans-Alaska pipeline is about ground and breaks all the time. So having something like that here in the US lower 48 won't work. Third many of the lands they want to go threw are in Native American lands and they are treated as semi-independent nations under 100s of treaties and the elders will not agree. Simply because the lands could be damaged if the pipe breaks...
After that Canadian can sell the US water.
You should be ashamed... Come on Canada do we need this really... at what cost to the environment
Sudi,Iraq, Iran,?
Funny how animal farmers are crying for the environment lol
Farmers don’t contribute much to greenhouse. Conspiracy is vegan bullshit propaganda. Why do you think there is jet fuel in breastmilk??? Thousands of airliners in the sky and your saying farmers a problem......
Nebraska is one of the least beautiful of the states, ranking barely above New Jersey.
President Biden won. (The little guys won after all)
We all loss, gas prices are rising again.
Biden is a scummy globalist, just like Trudope. He is NOT for the little guy!
we are a do nothing country now
It breaks my heart to hear someone say "sometimes this only happens in the movies"
Most of those movies are based on real events; the lady from Florida who said this is essentially saying I didn't believe stories like this until it happened to me. This is terrifying, what is so hard to believe? Where there are shareholders, there is an incentive for profit, where there's an incentive for profit there will be persistence.
These major corporations are assaulting our children's livelihood every day and its effects will be felt ten generations into the future. The fact that they can correlate fracking to earthquakes and it still continues is despicable. It's just as hilarious to imagine something with no tensile strength like a pipeline being built in a landscape high in tectonic activity.
The money is all Trans Canada cares about, the best Nebraska could hope for is a small disaster that provokes them to remove the pipeline before a major catastrophe occurs where they're left cleaning their beautiful state with their own sweat and blood.
Now, I know rail transit is far from safe but we've already cut swathes in our country before we understood the problems. We might as well use our old mistakes before we carve new wounds in the land.
Oklahoma is NOT the state with the most earthquake risk. Alaska would be that. Can't you do 30 seconds of research?
Alaska isn't in continental USA, which was the context of the statement.
Taking into account all territories, Hawaii has the highest earthquake risk.
People are dumb. We already pump 3.8 million barrels a day to the states... this was only going to increase it by 500 to 600 thousand barrels a day.. lol
It's all smoke and mirrors
A Farmer who doesn’t appreciate what diesel energy offers his farming business.
Is this real or a paid off actors?