I'd be very tempted to drill and tap a couple holes in the coroners of one side of the die holder plate, then figure out your stack up height for a closed dimension on the die with a part in it . Then make some die spacers for that number plus a couple thousandths of pre load, if you dont over time your just going to end up deforming the aluminum instead of your sheet metal part bescuse theres no hard stop.
unlike most metal parts, springs are pretty easy to stretch longer when they are a bit too short
I am with erstwhile with making some shims
The longer springs will just distort over time as you use them
Thanks for the videos
I'd be very tempted to drill and tap a couple holes in the coroners of one side of the die holder plate, then figure out your stack up height for a closed dimension on the die with a part in it . Then make some die spacers for that number plus a couple thousandths of pre load, if you dont over time your just going to end up deforming the aluminum instead of your sheet metal part bescuse theres no hard stop.
Good point, aluminum is pretty soft. Thanks!
Hi Greg,
Never made any dies before but you make it look easy. Looking forward to seeing your next video.
Thanks John! Its easier than I thought it would be.
Its a joke, not a die!