This is so good! Like we don't give our bodies enough credit. We are told from day 1 if something doesn't feel good, take a pill for it. We never give our brains/bodies a chance to do what they are created to do because we live in such a "feel good" culture. This makes me realize I'm not necessarily "healing" because I was never sick...but I'm simply allowing my brain to learn how to rewire itself the way God created it to🙌🏻
An excellent video.I watch both of you on utube. I have all 3 of Drew’s books. For me - 34 months off the benzo K. Last Sept , still in the throes of bw , I felt that it would be impossible for me to attend my sons wedding. ( I was to walk him down the aisle and I was having nightly panic attacks over it) . I was at my wits end tbh. Through some help from both Drew and people from The Anxious Truth site I was able to find the courage to go and it really went far better than I could have imagined. Now, strangely enough, 11 months later, I have the same thing ahead. Another wedding. My niece. It is a 3 day affair. Once again I am getting the nightly panic etc. However, I am going. It’s this Saturday. I ‘feel’ overwhelmed by it but I am doing it. Doing it afraid. I can only do my best. This was a very helpful video. Thank you Angie and Drew. ❤😊
Excellent vid…honest and open…Drew got me through my first experience of anxiety disorder. Second time for me…but what really helps is you both recovered! Might have to listen over and over 😊
As a postscript, and now also reading my way through Drew's book 'The Anxious Truth'. What I notice about the view shared through the monocular lens of the academic psychology paradigm is that there appears to be no distinction made between the 'anxiety' of a non-organic cause, which is the type of anxiety Drew shares tools to address, versus 'anxiety' when it is a symptom of pathology which has an organic nature e.g. in cases of toxicity/poisoning where neural pathways are so fried that the brain is no longer capable of processing sensory information, or where GABA receptors are so unresponsive that the person has no access to soothing. It is unfortunate that much of Psychology remains too unfamiliar with the medical facts of this, because it continues to result in mis-diagnosis and maltreatment of too many people. Personally I experienced 6 weeks of worsening Serotonin Syndrome from a prescribed med (no history of anxiety) which went undiagnosed because the CBT-trained psychologist treated my symptoms as behavioural responses, and with a cognitive behavioural approach. Until I was taken to hospital in a life-threatening condition from the serotonin syndrome and the cause of my distress was made evident. As the ED doctor said "You've been poisoned'. The drugs had to be stopped and my terrifying symptoms subsided (thought the tics and spastic movements they caused are still evident). From a medical view point, if there is a toxin, whether it be a bee sting or lead poisoning, the first line of treatment is to remove the toxin. Unfortunately for those people whose 'psychiatric' presentation is actually a physiological manifestation of neuro-toxicity (not wrong-thinking), much harm has been done by the error of psychologising symptoms without removing the toxin that is causing the dysfunction. In his book Drew says there is nothing wrong with you, you are not damaged. That is a lovely to hear. And it may be true of people who encounter anxiety from a non-organic cause. But it is not true of people who have had their neurology interrupted, disrupted and damaged by psychotropic medication. And unless psychologists/counsellors familiarise themselves with the true nature of e.g. BIND, they will only serve to harm a community that deals with enough Denial as it is. I understand where Drew is coming from and appreciate the help he offers to the community to whom it applies. I appreciate that you Angie made that distinction at top of your talk. And I'm so grateful to have someone like you in our community with a level of insight and understanding that is still not attained by so many others.
Thank you Angie. This film about children with sudden onset of neuro-psychiatric symptoms is a good example of the concern I raise, about the lack of understanding where anxiety has a medical, not psychological aetiology. The community this film focuses on is yet anther one, like the BIND community who have to bear the wilful ignorance of a pharma-mediated medical complex on top of their already excruciating illness/injuries. relevant quotes: 47:31: "auto-immunity (encephalitis) has not been put with behaviour before. It changes the way we think about mental disorders actually forever." 52:28: "there was such a bias against Strep being a potential cause of any neuro-psychiatric symptoms"
I had it all too AFTER finishing the benzo taper which was 28 months. I'm 3 years off. But I'm still on an antipsychotic. Hoping I don't go through it again.
Hi Angie, I can't seem to find a video on antipsychotic withdrawl on your feed, do you have any? I've watched many of your videos and am truly grateful for the information you share. Thanks!
I think people like "healing"....because it points to feeling. Learning feels more intellectual. For me that's what healing is. Not that I'm broken or need to be fixed. So there;s my 2 cents. I also want to learn and appreciate the word learning. But my heart and feelings recognize the word "healing".
Will the anxiety go away on it's own as time passes? I am almost 5 months off xanax and this is the most disturbing symptom, how can we heal when weird thoughts, sensations gives me anxiety all the time? As drew said, distraction is also a temporary relief, so when I am busy in some household work deeply, I don't feel any symptom or anxiety, but I am losing my confidence that without work or without other people's presence, my mind will work properly. This thought again gives me intense anxiety. How will I ever heal from this even with time? Does healing happen with time? in presence of this type of anxiety?
@@AngiePeacockMSWwhat do you do if the anxiety (and depression) was severe even before meds? Meds are giving me a hell ride but I'm so scared to come off because I was suicidal before I even touched them 😭 Is there even any hope for me?? 😭😭💔
What they said! It’s all one thing: FEAR - for us in withdrawal it’s neuronal and not necessarily under our control but some of these principles DO WORK. Even if it’s 1-5% sometimes.
@AngiePeacockMSW I.had my 4 year old with me it was at a thrift store. Yesterday I marched right back there by myself and it was not as bad. Thank you I appreciate YOU
This is so good!
Like we don't give our bodies enough credit. We are told from day 1 if something doesn't feel good, take a pill for it. We never give our brains/bodies a chance to do what they are created to do because we live in such a "feel good" culture.
This makes me realize I'm not necessarily "healing" because I was never sick...but I'm simply allowing my brain to learn how to rewire itself the way God created it to🙌🏻
I met Drew and many other amazing people at Paxil Progress that I am still friends with til this day 😊
An excellent video.I watch both of you on utube. I have all 3 of Drew’s books. For me - 34 months off the benzo K. Last Sept , still in the throes of bw , I felt that it would be impossible for me to attend my sons wedding. ( I was to walk him down the aisle and I was having nightly panic attacks over it) . I was at my wits end tbh. Through some help from both Drew and people from The Anxious Truth site I was able to find the courage to go and it really went far better than I could have imagined. Now, strangely enough, 11 months later, I have the same thing ahead. Another wedding. My niece. It is a 3 day affair. Once again I am getting the nightly panic etc. However, I am going. It’s this Saturday. I ‘feel’ overwhelmed by it but I am doing it. Doing it afraid. I can only do my best. This was a very helpful video. Thank you Angie and Drew. ❤😊
Thank God for people like you.
Excellent vid…honest and open…Drew got me through my first experience of anxiety disorder. Second time for me…but what really helps is you both recovered! Might have to listen over and over 😊
As a postscript, and now also reading my way through Drew's book 'The Anxious Truth'.
What I notice about the view shared through the monocular lens of the academic psychology paradigm is that there appears to be no distinction made between the 'anxiety' of a non-organic cause, which is the type of anxiety Drew shares tools to address, versus 'anxiety' when it is a symptom of pathology which has an organic nature e.g. in cases of toxicity/poisoning where neural pathways are so fried that the brain is no longer capable of processing sensory information, or where GABA receptors are so unresponsive that the person has no access to soothing.
It is unfortunate that much of Psychology remains too unfamiliar with the medical facts of this, because it continues to result in mis-diagnosis and maltreatment of too many people. Personally I experienced 6 weeks of worsening Serotonin Syndrome from a prescribed med (no history of anxiety) which went undiagnosed because the CBT-trained psychologist treated my symptoms as behavioural responses, and with a cognitive behavioural approach. Until I was taken to hospital in a life-threatening condition from the serotonin syndrome and the cause of my distress was made evident. As the ED doctor said "You've been poisoned'. The drugs had to be stopped and my terrifying symptoms subsided (thought the tics and spastic movements they caused are still evident).
From a medical view point, if there is a toxin, whether it be a bee sting or lead poisoning, the first line of treatment is to remove the toxin. Unfortunately for those people whose 'psychiatric' presentation is actually a physiological manifestation of neuro-toxicity (not wrong-thinking), much harm has been done by the error of psychologising symptoms without removing the toxin that is causing the dysfunction.
In his book Drew says there is nothing wrong with you, you are not damaged. That is a lovely to hear. And it may be true of people who encounter anxiety from a non-organic cause. But it is not true of people who have had their neurology interrupted, disrupted and damaged by psychotropic medication. And unless psychologists/counsellors familiarise themselves with the true nature of e.g. BIND, they will only serve to harm a community that deals with enough Denial as it is.
I understand where Drew is coming from and appreciate the help he offers to the community to whom it applies. I appreciate that you Angie made that distinction at top of your talk. And I'm so grateful to have someone like you in our community with a level of insight and understanding that is still not attained by so many others.
Thank you Angie. This film about children with sudden onset of neuro-psychiatric symptoms is a good example of the concern I raise, about the lack of understanding where anxiety has a medical, not psychological aetiology. The community this film focuses on is yet anther one, like the BIND community who have to bear the wilful ignorance of a pharma-mediated medical complex on top of their already excruciating illness/injuries.
relevant quotes:
47:31: "auto-immunity (encephalitis) has not been put with behaviour before. It changes the way we think about mental disorders actually forever."
52:28: "there was such a bias against Strep being a potential cause of any neuro-psychiatric symptoms"
I had it all too AFTER finishing the benzo taper which was 28 months. I'm 3 years off. But I'm still on an antipsychotic. Hoping I don't go through it again.
Excellent both. Thank you.
Thank you both, much appreciated.
Planning on sheduling a coaching session with you Angie. Looking forward to meeting you in the near future...COPPER!!
Loved the convo, gained a lot. I'm learning mindfulness from the book "30 Days to Reduce Anxiety" by Harper Daniels and it's been a nice help.
This was absolutely fantastic! You both are amazing. Thanks for all you do ❤
Thank you Angie!!!!!!♥️
I tried with my DR to taper off my ssri and I was a lunatic in 30 days . This info is very helpful because I want to stop them in the future
Hi Angie, I can't seem to find a video on antipsychotic withdrawl on your feed, do you have any? I've watched many of your videos and am truly grateful for the information you share. Thanks!
all the drugs are causing the same injury.
I love Drew. ❤
16:25 , 19:09 , 21:23 , 25:16 , 27:30 , 38:21 , 42:39
Very good
I think people like "healing"....because it points to feeling. Learning feels more intellectual. For me that's what healing is. Not that I'm broken or need to be fixed. So there;s my 2 cents. I also want to learn and appreciate the word learning. But my heart and feelings recognize the word "healing".
Love this
God work 🙏🏽
God work 👍
Will the anxiety go away on it's own as time passes? I am almost 5 months off xanax and this is the most disturbing symptom, how can we heal when weird thoughts, sensations gives me anxiety all the time?
As drew said, distraction is also a temporary relief, so when I am busy in some household work deeply, I don't feel any symptom or anxiety, but I am losing my confidence that without work or without other people's presence, my mind will work properly. This thought again gives me intense anxiety.
How will I ever heal from this even with time? Does healing happen with time? in presence of this type of anxiety?
Yes if the anxiety and fear came from your withdrawal, yes it heals as time passes. It took many months for mine to calm down.
@@AngiePeacockMSW thanks , for giving me hope that it will fade away I never had any anxiety or weird thoughts before benzo withdrawal,
@@AngiePeacockMSWwhat do you do if the anxiety (and depression) was severe even before meds? Meds are giving me a hell ride but I'm so scared to come off because I was suicidal before I even touched them 😭 Is there even any hope for me?? 😭😭💔
I have agoraphobia and food phobia. Should I work on both at the same time or one at a time?
To drews point, its all one fear. Working on one will work on them all. You are teaching your brain to not fear the fear
What they said! It’s all one thing: FEAR - for us in withdrawal it’s neuronal and not necessarily under our control but some of these principles DO WORK. Even if it’s 1-5% sometimes.
Thank you for what you said!!!♥️😊😊
Since you in nature be careful ticks and insects
Take care
What would he say about derealization while being in a store or in public.
Let it be there. Slow down. I would add “what else do you feel?” Try to act as normal as possible. Send messages of safety to the body.
@AngiePeacockMSW I.had my 4 year old with me it was at a thrift store. Yesterday I marched right back there by myself and it was not as bad. Thank you I appreciate YOU
@AngiePeacockMSW maybe its dissociation and not DR...?
Won’t the anxiety go away when the part of the brain that causes it heals??
Yes most of it! Some of us still have some that lingers so some of these principles may help. They sure helped me.
Isn’t it just neurotransmitters flashing back and forth in your head. They can’t hurt you!!!
Yes! Ours just happen to be very damaged and firing too intensely and severely!
Thank you Angie with all my heart!!! I love you!!!!!
To long vlog for me, if you can sit still for this long you are almost healed .
Most do not sit and watch. They listen and walk around or listen in spurts.