The editing is very well done and adds to your explanation. Honestly I can't understand why not more people watch your videos. You explain things clearly and in simple terms. I've been watching your videos for roughly half a year now, keep it up!
yes please i prefere this than long video; even if long videos are interesting and maybe more relevant, idk shorts video like that with nice montage are better for the fcking adhd we all are
I think a big reason why people do not move into the enemy jungle at early times is because if they do, they fear being collapsed on by the enemy laners or due to them overstaying which ends in them dying.
Thing is that jungle is such a complicated role that my mental stack is already full from thinking about all 3 lanes, objectives and my own camps. Adding to this a guy who's in perma fog of war is really difficult because I'm so busy thinking about everything else that I inevitably lose track of him. This is why all junglers who do this are challenger. Not because it's such a groundbreaking complicated concept, but because you need to be basically playing the entire rest of the game on autopilot to be able to add this to the list of things you're able to think about. "Just kill the enemy jungler lol" is the jungle version of "just get 10 cs per minute lol". In order to do this you need to already know how to do so many other things, that for 99% of players this is useless advice. I don't know if you have any lower elo students, but if you do genuinely have a conversation with them if they have the mental bandwidth to be thinking about this on top of everything else.
youre absolutely right bro, this comes naturally to challs but its very difficult for everyone else so it’s not really saying to go out and do this, i literally made the vid just to show the diff 👍
@@Eagzv9 No no I totally get that, but by the time you start the fight, you usually take a good 15 seconds to kill them so by the time it's done the lanes are collapsing and you end up getting caught before having time to escape. I dont play Shaco tho, I play Kindred and Khazix for example
@@Eagzv9 So assuming I'm gonna be Khazix instead of the champ in the examples: Clip 1/ for sure not, and I would probably die from Viego using stun on me and Fiora collapsing after I had to use my Jump to get in range of him assuming I make the same pathing to stay out of vision as long as possible. Clip 2/ I would kill Vi but since Hwei goes missing pretty early, I'm pretty sure that my with jump on Cd I would probably be at risk of dying there, maybe 50% chance Clip 3/ assuming I have opportunity or Ghost blade and my R ready with Q evolve I think I win this and get away with it fine. Clip 4/ lvl 2 khazix I'm pretty sure I lose that because I would arrive with 75% at best starting raptors with W lvl1 and I wouldn't be able top drop Rengar low enough to win the contest over the gromp since we're both melee and I dont have mobility just yet.
in clip 1 Viego might have used W on Gromp but even if he doesn’t, you jumping on him and getting him to 250-300HP automatically wins you the fight, then you choose to either chase him for kill or chill and wait, if fiora comes then she loses XP/gold and youre still beating Viego in clip 2 you are full HP, how is a scaling mage going to do anything to you in clip 3 yes, good in clip 4 yes, it’s different for kha’zix but if you started red you could and skill E second, but you needa know you can get him on gromp and without smite it’s hard
Because invading the enemy jungler is pretty dangerous plus it needs proper jungle tracking, counting CS, team koordination, good wave states and a good understanding how the fight plays out. The Risk is just way to high. Its much easier and more consistent to path to your darius lane and gank/dive the opponent. I mean ofc you are right, but implementing proper invades is very hard. Anyways thanks for the reminder, I will try it out in my own games.
yes its hard but all those details you mentioned you can see those in the clips…the invades are so quick and hard if not impossible to react to right? if youre running through vision or get spotted then yes, it makes it very difficult
The reason in lower elos you don't always try to kill the jungler is because of a huge RNG value. You go to enemy jungler's side when he's low, try to kill him and guess what, his mid and top/bot rotates towards you and killing you. Meanwhile enemy juingler now goes towards your side of jungle and fucks your camps. Challenger players are basically coin flipping all the time cause that's the only way you can pass the 50% winrate threshold. Basically if you play normally and don't make any mistakes, you will be stuck at a certain rank (master-GM probably), and the only way to increase this winrate is by coin flipping like what you saw here. You may win or lose by pure luck, but that's what gets you to challenger if you do this enough times and become really lucky, that's why challenger players are such low player base.
@@Eagzv9 If a bronze-plat player tried to play like those challengers did, it's likely they wouldn't climb consistently. Focusing on fundamentals is way more important than trying to do something risky with unknown 40-60% success rate. There's just too many variables and being consistent with farm, taking objectives that are free and using common sense in general is much easier way to climb.
right, you do realise because challenger junglers can see these moves and then execute them is the biggest reason as to why they are chall and no one else is? they can play their champs at peak and actually think about the enemy jg…ofc if youre really low elo you should focusing on perfecting clears and micro/combos but that’s not what the video is about is it bro
@@Eagzv9 Challengers can see these moves easier because when you spend thousands of games on same role, you start predictive tracking everyone subconsciously like there are 5 parallel universes this game took place and you know the reality will collapse the moment you see enemy jungler appear on screen, much like Schrödinger's cat experiment. But for an average player who belong in their elo this amount of foresight is mentally impossible. If you go to enemy side of the jungle after he died, you don't know for sure what's going to happen, your quantum thinking is not yet developed, which is why I said it mostly comes down to risky play. Also, in low elo especially, there's a high chance you'll be waiting too long for enemy jungler to come, soon to realize he was either afk in base 15 seconds or doing some really weird route, which in turn, just wastes your time.
Great vid, loved the editing. Although there are "no counterpicks in jungle", including the jungler as the enemy champ to kill changes things, yeah? Is it just limit testing to understand which matchups are doable and which aren't?
they will be using spells on camps and losing HP, but yes you need to envision HOW your champ can kill someone, shaco is different to Talon for example - i would have Q’d over the raptor wall and killed Vi on her raptors
I think the issue I personally face a lot of the time is that I hear that champs like Lee, Elise, Xin, Nidalee etc. are 'super strong early invaders' and then I proceed to invade and die. It just puts me off of early invades all together, I just can never really seem to grasp the timing/matchup and would rather just not risk it and safely farm and scale. I never really invade until I am 100% certain I can win, besides that its very easy to say 'just invade and kill' but in that Shaco/Wukong clip their botlane is also under tower and could very easily defend the jungle invade
can you see how these invades are like ambushed? they happen very quickly so laners dont even have time to move, they will only be an issue when they know you’re invading beforehand…and there is no set rule/premeditated idea here, it’s you being able to track the enemy jungler and envision a kill on your champ
would it be a mistake in the low elo clip 1 to just move straight to invade J4s topside the moment you see he is botside rather than first clearing blue/gromp krugs? I would usually try this then sequence back down then across to my red unless there's a free lvl 3 top gank on the way
okay I get the point, quick question tho if I may: I do play shaco but I also do play yi, eve, Diana. Those are in my opinion not that great at invading early on. Like yes I do counter jungle but I feel like they arent good at level 3-5 ivnades to kill the enemy jungler. So what do I do with those? Because so far I jsut farm and counter jungle, except if I see an easy gank pre 6
This is all nice, but how do you input the missing enemy laners into it? Whenever I feel like being aggressive, I get nervous that the missing laners will support their jungler and kill me 2v1. What are the odds of that happening? Or how can I secure that I wont die most of the times
@@Eagzv9 Chall 1: Seems like for Galio, that skirmish is way too far, especially since his wave just arrived. Yone seemed to have been backing after shoving the wave. The fight itself lasted only about 6 seconds. Chall 2: Hwei seems to be moving upwards, but way too late and its too far for him. Sejuani is shoved under the turret and has to clear the minions to not lose gold and also the fight again lasts just a few seconds. Chall 3: Orianna on mid with a fresh wave, the fight lasts a few seconds only and she wouldnt make it in time. Top laner getting shoved under his turret slowly Chall 4: Seems like Lissandra is getting slow pushed into her turret and the fight is too far. Gragas is getting slow pushed into his turret too. This is probably the only clip where im a bit confused why Gragas doesnt rotate. The reocccuring theme seems to be that: 1. the fight lasts only a couple of seconds. This would imply that I already need to have at least some items - couple of longswords for example, OR that the enemy jungler is low. 2. laners dont rotate, because they are either completely shoved in and therefore their minions would burn under the turret, or its too far and if they would leave the lane with a fresh wave or a slow push into their turret, the enemy (for us, allied) laner could easily shove and burn the minions under the turret. So I guess the main threat here is that the laners wont realize that by rotating, they lose minions and that the fight lasts way longer, giving these laners time to get over there and skirmish me out. I guess the main point here is that the fight just has to be short. If the fight was 2v1, laners would still probably rotate, because a kill is more valuable than minions, but because the fight is swiftly over, the chance of killing me drops significantly and it isnt worth it for the laner to prevent me from clearing the enemy jungle after the kill. One last observation that I made was that all of these invades happened on top side, where both the top and mid laner have it harder to rotate. Id say that on the botside, its different, because the support can roam more freely and get there fast. So maybe I should refrain from invading on the botside as well?
exactly, they kill them in a few seconds…which means that jungler who got the kill is probably still very healthty so what’s the point of losing minion gold/xp to watch them farm… as for the bot side vs top side it’s the same doesn’t matter, did you see those final clips of me killing Kindred?
@@Eagzv9 Thanks! Yea I just realized that the last clips show you killing the Kindred. So I guess the question whether or not to invade is a million dollar one. If you dont have a fresh buy, how do you figure that the enemy jungler will be low enough to be killed fast? Or how do you figure that the enemy jungler is significantly weaker to again, die fast?
I’m a fiddle main in emerald and I’m worried about trying this cause fiddle is kind of a wet paper towel early. Into champs with CC, fiddle loses cause they cancel his drain, but champs without maybe. Any tips for a fiddle player?
hey Eagz im a Lee OTP, masters peaker (currently high emerald, dont ask) and i have a much better winrate on blue side because of the ability to do raptors-red-krugs into enemy gromp with bot prio, using the brush to hide the gromp and from there contesting blue or diving/ganking depending on how bot lane changed. Is there any similar route that is available when starting on red side? red raptors gromp seems horribly inefficient to invade, taking entire blue quadrant leaves me without red buff, im a bit unsure on how to be aggro after 3 camps in the same way i am on blue side
just do raps krugs red so you’re more flexible, can still play to that closer side lane but can happily path towards next set of camps…id probably have to look at one of your games too bro
@@Eagzv9 raps krugs red needs E-Q or it's too slow, and that leaves you kinda low for invade which is why i do raps red krugs with E-W instead, which leaves me at full hp with potion ready to fight ofc if im not planning to invade or level 3 gank then it's the route you said thanks for the reply tho
only do that when you know enemy jg is starting top side btw, and yeh your micro on Lee is not gunna be great so i would focus on what you do when you gank/fight first, then worry about macro
would this work against scaling junglers like hecarim / shyvanna? I feel like those champs need at least a 1 item lead before doing things like that but I want to hear your thoughts
this is exactly why i ban shaco. shaco players in low elo have this innate sense of looking to kill the enemy jungler and dominate early game but in turn they completely suck in team fights and late game, hence why they are (probably) still low elo.
what about lane prio? what if farming camps as usual is what would get me the most gold at that moment? at what point does the gold earned from killing the enemy jungler become negligible relative to camps or objectives?
so killing the enemy jungler is less of a super duper exploit that alters fundamental gameplay, and more of a regular option, just lesser known? like taking both scuttles when you get the first, or intentionally giving up drake to invade topside jungle and dive the enemy top without losing any of your camps
honestly i play like u said jungle is 1v1 persepective but it make me just focus on enemy jg and not care about lane like sometimes i lead enemy jungler and wanna kill them on their jungle then i forget to check lane to see if i can kill them. but sometimes i wanna invade and check lane and confuse should i gank or invade
if top lane will big impact the result of the game then yes - but you’re really hoping your top laner carries when you do that because giving up a whole quadrant is very risky
yeh he could do this, i think blue - gromp - red, sit in raptor brush is best, but this would still be kinda close in timing i think so doing his blue quadrant for 3 is technically quicker
Why do we mortals do this? Because a silver laner won't give a rats ass that he is losing all his farm when I have 2 prio lanes and they will still come and bumf*ck me in the enemy jungle. That, and I play Diana who I'm scared of going near almost every jungler early. But I'm in silver for a reason.
Yes but low elo peasants will give up a wave, have all summoner spells, and collapse on you. Meanwhile your laner will miss 3 cs and a cannon in a free lane .
i think Shaco has been unplayably bad lately and as a Shaco OTP im not happy with this situation. What are your thoughts? What kind of build do you recommend me to go for?
Do you understand now? Also, how's the editing? And do you want more short jungle guides like these? ❤
So good
The editing is very well done and adds to your explanation. Honestly I can't understand why not more people watch your videos. You explain things clearly and in simple terms. I've been watching your videos for roughly half a year now, keep it up!
yes please i prefere this than long video; even if long videos are interesting and maybe more relevant, idk shorts video like that with nice montage are better for the fcking adhd we all are
from someone who heard you saw this live, this editing is top tier and puts more impact on your words.
This is beautiful, thanks mate.
I love that you include gameplay of other junglers, shows that it's not just a Shaco thing.
I think a big reason why people do not move into the enemy jungle at early times is because if they do, they fear being collapsed on by the enemy laners or due to them overstaying which ends in them dying.
how are they gunna collapse on you when you kill the jungler within 3 seconds
@@Eagzv9 it depends on your champ ig, as playing tanks im not able to kill fast
@@axelblaise2933 yes prio matters maybe a bit more, but use your champion in the chall examples and i bet it would still be an easy 1v1
Low Elo junglers are going to try this and feed the enemy Jg in their jungle 😂
Thing is that jungle is such a complicated role that my mental stack is already full from thinking about all 3 lanes, objectives and my own camps.
Adding to this a guy who's in perma fog of war is really difficult because I'm so busy thinking about everything else that I inevitably lose track of him.
This is why all junglers who do this are challenger. Not because it's such a groundbreaking complicated concept, but because you need to be basically playing the entire rest of the game on autopilot to be able to add this to the list of things you're able to think about.
"Just kill the enemy jungler lol" is the jungle version of "just get 10 cs per minute lol". In order to do this you need to already know how to do so many other things, that for 99% of players this is useless advice.
I don't know if you have any lower elo students, but if you do genuinely have a conversation with them if they have the mental bandwidth to be thinking about this on top of everything else.
youre absolutely right bro, this comes naturally to challs but its very difficult for everyone else so it’s not really saying to go out and do this, i literally made the vid just to show the diff 👍
@@Eagzv9 I see, fair enough
Could never be me (got demoted to bronze 4 yesterday)
Everytime I invade ennemy jungle to try and kill him, I get collapsed by 2 lanes at once and end up dying, I stopped trying at some point.
well you need to almost ambush them bro, you cant really pull off an invade if you let them know 10 seconds before
@@Eagzv9 No no I totally get that, but by the time you start the fight, you usually take a good 15 seconds to kill them so by the time it's done the lanes are collapsing and you end up getting caught before having time to escape. I dont play Shaco tho, I play Kindred and Khazix for example
do you think you could kill the chall junglers who they kill in the examples?
@@Eagzv9 So assuming I'm gonna be Khazix instead of the champ in the examples:
Clip 1/ for sure not, and I would probably die from Viego using stun on me and Fiora collapsing after I had to use my Jump to get in range of him assuming I make the same pathing to stay out of vision as long as possible.
Clip 2/ I would kill Vi but since Hwei goes missing pretty early, I'm pretty sure that my with jump on Cd I would probably be at risk of dying there, maybe 50% chance
Clip 3/ assuming I have opportunity or Ghost blade and my R ready with Q evolve I think I win this and get away with it fine.
Clip 4/ lvl 2 khazix I'm pretty sure I lose that because I would arrive with 75% at best starting raptors with W lvl1 and I wouldn't be able top drop Rengar low enough to win the contest over the gromp since we're both melee and I dont have mobility just yet.
in clip 1 Viego might have used W on Gromp but even if he doesn’t, you jumping on him and getting him to 250-300HP automatically wins you the fight, then you choose to either chase him for kill or chill and wait, if fiora comes then she loses XP/gold and youre still beating Viego
in clip 2 you are full HP, how is a scaling mage going to do anything to you
in clip 3 yes, good
in clip 4 yes, it’s different for kha’zix but if you started red you could and skill E second, but you needa know you can get him on gromp and without smite it’s hard
1:35 this Eagz a troll shaco player 😂😂😂❤
Because invading the enemy jungler is pretty dangerous plus it needs proper jungle tracking, counting CS, team koordination, good wave states and a good understanding how the fight plays out. The Risk is just way to high. Its much easier and more consistent to path to your darius lane and gank/dive the opponent.
I mean ofc you are right, but implementing proper invades is very hard. Anyways thanks for the reminder, I will try it out in my own games.
yes its hard but all those details you mentioned you can see those in the clips…the invades are so quick and hard if not impossible to react to right? if youre running through vision or get spotted then yes, it makes it very difficult
The reason in lower elos you don't always try to kill the jungler is because of a huge RNG value. You go to enemy jungler's side when he's low, try to kill him and guess what, his mid and top/bot rotates towards you and killing you. Meanwhile enemy juingler now goes towards your side of jungle and fucks your camps. Challenger players are basically coin flipping all the time cause that's the only way you can pass the 50% winrate threshold.
Basically if you play normally and don't make any mistakes, you will be stuck at a certain rank (master-GM probably), and the only way to increase this winrate is by coin flipping like what you saw here. You may win or lose by pure luck, but that's what gets you to challenger if you do this enough times and become really lucky, that's why challenger players are such low player base.
bro when you type the sentence, ‘challenger players are basically coin flipping all the time’, you need to really think about your life choices
@@Eagzv9 If a bronze-plat player tried to play like those challengers did, it's likely they wouldn't climb consistently. Focusing on fundamentals is way more important than trying to do something risky with unknown 40-60% success rate. There's just too many variables and being consistent with farm, taking objectives that are free and using common sense in general is much easier way to climb.
right, you do realise because challenger junglers can see these moves and then execute them is the biggest reason as to why they are chall and no one else is? they can play their champs at peak and actually think about the enemy jg…ofc if youre really low elo you should focusing on perfecting clears and micro/combos but that’s not what the video is about is it bro
also funny how you dont think this is common sense when the enemy jungler basically waves at you asking you to kill them
@@Eagzv9 Challengers can see these moves easier because when you spend thousands of games on same role, you start predictive tracking everyone subconsciously like there are 5 parallel universes this game took place and you know the reality will collapse the moment you see enemy jungler appear on screen, much like Schrödinger's cat experiment. But for an average player who belong in their elo this amount of foresight is mentally impossible. If you go to enemy side of the jungle after he died, you don't know for sure what's going to happen, your quantum thinking is not yet developed, which is why I said it mostly comes down to risky play. Also, in low elo especially, there's a high chance you'll be waiting too long for enemy jungler to come, soon to realize he was either afk in base 15 seconds or doing some really weird route, which in turn, just wastes your time.
Great vid, loved the editing.
Although there are "no counterpicks in jungle", including the jungler as the enemy champ to kill changes things, yeah?
Is it just limit testing to understand which matchups are doable and which aren't?
they will be using spells on camps and losing HP, but yes you need to envision HOW your champ can kill someone, shaco is different to Talon for example - i would have Q’d over the raptor wall and killed Vi on her raptors
I think the issue I personally face a lot of the time is that I hear that champs like Lee, Elise, Xin, Nidalee etc. are 'super strong early invaders' and then I proceed to invade and die.
It just puts me off of early invades all together, I just can never really seem to grasp the timing/matchup and would rather just not risk it and safely farm and scale.
I never really invade until I am 100% certain I can win, besides that its very easy to say 'just invade and kill' but in that Shaco/Wukong clip their botlane is also under tower and could very easily defend the jungle invade
can you see how these invades are like ambushed? they happen very quickly so laners dont even have time to move, they will only be an issue when they know you’re invading beforehand…and there is no set rule/premeditated idea here, it’s you being able to track the enemy jungler and envision a kill on your champ
would it be a mistake in the low elo clip 1 to just move straight to invade J4s topside the moment you see he is botside rather than first clearing blue/gromp krugs? I would usually try this then sequence back down then across to my red unless there's a free lvl 3 top gank on the way
very good spot bro, i told the student to do exactly what you said but seeing as he didn’t, what i say in this video is best
No way. Not you stealing wolves while killing that Lee sin 😭😭
Great content, greetings from Brazil
thanks bro
Very good production value
thank you man
okay I get the point, quick question tho if I may: I do play shaco but I also do play yi, eve, Diana. Those are in my opinion not that great at invading early on. Like yes I do counter jungle but I feel like they arent good at level 3-5 ivnades to kill the enemy jungler. So what do I do with those? Because so far I jsut farm and counter jungle, except if I see an easy gank pre 6
just play one champ bro, no way your micro will even be at 10% on that many champs
This is all nice, but how do you input the missing enemy laners into it? Whenever I feel like being aggressive, I get nervous that the missing laners will support their jungler and kill me 2v1. What are the odds of that happening? Or how can I secure that I wont die most of the times
watch the chall examples again and tell me why the enemy laners don’t rotate 👍
@@Eagzv9 Chall 1: Seems like for Galio, that skirmish is way too far, especially since his wave just arrived. Yone seemed to have been backing after shoving the wave. The fight itself lasted only about 6 seconds.
Chall 2: Hwei seems to be moving upwards, but way too late and its too far for him. Sejuani is shoved under the turret and has to clear the minions to not lose gold and also the fight again lasts just a few seconds.
Chall 3: Orianna on mid with a fresh wave, the fight lasts a few seconds only and she wouldnt make it in time. Top laner getting shoved under his turret slowly
Chall 4: Seems like Lissandra is getting slow pushed into her turret and the fight is too far. Gragas is getting slow pushed into his turret too. This is probably the only clip where im a bit confused why Gragas doesnt rotate.
The reocccuring theme seems to be that:
1. the fight lasts only a couple of seconds. This would imply that I already need to have at least some items - couple of longswords for example, OR that the enemy jungler is low.
2. laners dont rotate, because they are either completely shoved in and therefore their minions would burn under the turret, or its too far and if they would leave the lane with a fresh wave or a slow push into their turret, the enemy (for us, allied) laner could easily shove and burn the minions under the turret.
So I guess the main threat here is that the laners wont realize that by rotating, they lose minions and that the fight lasts way longer, giving these laners time to get over there and skirmish me out. I guess the main point here is that the fight just has to be short. If the fight was 2v1, laners would still probably rotate, because a kill is more valuable than minions, but because the fight is swiftly over, the chance of killing me drops significantly and it isnt worth it for the laner to prevent me from clearing the enemy jungle after the kill.
One last observation that I made was that all of these invades happened on top side, where both the top and mid laner have it harder to rotate. Id say that on the botside, its different, because the support can roam more freely and get there fast. So maybe I should refrain from invading on the botside as well?
exactly, they kill them in a few seconds…which means that jungler who got the kill is probably still very healthty so what’s the point of losing minion gold/xp to watch them farm…
as for the bot side vs top side it’s the same doesn’t matter, did you see those final clips of me killing Kindred?
@@Eagzv9 Thanks! Yea I just realized that the last clips show you killing the Kindred. So I guess the question whether or not to invade is a million dollar one. If you dont have a fresh buy, how do you figure that the enemy jungler will be low enough to be killed fast? Or how do you figure that the enemy jungler is significantly weaker to again, die fast?
you have to know your champion’s damage output and you have to envision your pathing to kill them
I’m a fiddle main in emerald and I’m worried about trying this cause fiddle is kind of a wet paper towel early. Into champs with CC, fiddle loses cause they cancel his drain, but champs without maybe. Any tips for a fiddle player?
probably best to just take camps instead bro, you can still do this but might need more prio than other champs
@ Ty :)
Facts my brother, spit your shit indeed I should do this more
no idea what you typed but thanks
all this very smart concept brokes when enemy support comes and helps enemy jungler. Even if enemy adc is trapped under turret.
why doesnt that happen in the challenger clips? (there is a reason)
hey Eagz im a Lee OTP, masters peaker (currently high emerald, dont ask) and i have a much better winrate on blue side because of the ability to do raptors-red-krugs into enemy gromp with bot prio, using the brush to hide the gromp and from there contesting blue or diving/ganking depending on how bot lane changed. Is there any similar route that is available when starting on red side? red raptors gromp seems horribly inefficient to invade, taking entire blue quadrant leaves me without red buff, im a bit unsure on how to be aggro after 3 camps in the same way i am on blue side
just do raps krugs red so you’re more flexible, can still play to that closer side lane but can happily path towards next set of camps…id probably have to look at one of your games too bro
@@Eagzv9 raps krugs red needs E-Q or it's too slow, and that leaves you kinda low for invade which is why i do raps red krugs with E-W instead, which leaves me at full hp with potion ready to fight
ofc if im not planning to invade or level 3 gank then it's the route you said
thanks for the reply tho
only do that when you know enemy jg is starting top side btw, and yeh your micro on Lee is not gunna be great so i would focus on what you do when you gank/fight first, then worry about macro
would this work against scaling junglers like hecarim / shyvanna? I feel like those champs need at least a 1 item lead before doing things like that but I want to hear your thoughts
it works when the enemy jungler you’re against is letting you know they will be somewhere and you can kill
@@Eagzv9 just realized I worded it weirdly, but as long as I think I can get the kill after they show on vision I can do it regardless of champs?
ofc, you still need to envision the kill and that comes down to champ mastery/knowledge i guess
this is exactly why i ban shaco. shaco players in low elo have this innate sense of looking to kill the enemy jungler and dominate early game but in turn they completely suck in team fights and late game, hence why they are (probably) still low elo.
all shaco players are bad except me
@@Eagzv9 are you the best shaco itw? like, rankings wise and statiscally
The way you pronounce Velja hurts my soul, but great video as always
was the hardest part of the video ngl
I felt targeted by that video title even tho I don't jungle 😆
banger video
good stuff
thanks bro
i play zac what do i do? im almost always weaker than enemy jungler
do you think you could pull off the challenger invades in this video?
Good strat but depends on champ you play and the much up you have vs
what champs couldn’t you do this on?
@Eagzv9 bel warwick maybe trundle graves good invaders
ok, ill ask again, what champs could you not do the challenger invade examples on?
what about lane prio? what if farming camps as usual is what would get me the most gold at that moment? at what point does the gold earned from killing the enemy jungler become negligible relative to camps or objectives?
when the kill and what it leads to doesn’t beat what you would get doing something else
so killing the enemy jungler is less of a super duper exploit that alters fundamental gameplay, and more of a regular option, just lesser known? like taking both scuttles when you get the first, or intentionally giving up drake to invade topside jungle and dive the enemy top without losing any of your camps
yeh no one talks about it because they dont know chall jungling, but you see it all the time, literally took me 10 mins to find the chall clips
honestly i play like u said jungle is 1v1 persepective but it make me just focus on enemy jg and not care about lane like sometimes i lead enemy jungler and wanna kill them on their jungle then i forget to check lane to see if i can kill them. but sometimes i wanna invade and check lane and confuse should i gank or invade
choose whatever gives you more gold and what leads to more gold
@@Eagzv9 if theres 2 camp bot side and dragon but top lane is killable should i go top
if top lane will big impact the result of the game then yes - but you’re really hoping your top laner carries when you do that because giving up a whole quadrant is very risky
what if i go straight to j4 top side after clear blue lv2 in low elo clip 1 ?
yeh he could do this, i think blue - gromp - red, sit in raptor brush is best, but this would still be kinda close in timing i think so doing his blue quadrant for 3 is technically quicker
Why do we mortals do this? Because a silver laner won't give a rats ass that he is losing all his farm when I have 2 prio lanes and they will still come and bumf*ck me in the enemy jungle. That, and I play Diana who I'm scared of going near almost every jungler early. But I'm in silver for a reason.
ok but did the challenger junglers need their team?
This is literally 100% true.
Nah, Full clear will be daily!!!
coach Eagz are you getting enough sleep? Do you eat healthy?
no, and no
i dont rlly see agurin do this much tho
right…but you just saw Kaos (Rank 1 EUW, last split before Talon buffs) and Velja (Rank 1 EUW) do it?
I understand now…
Am i one of them Eagzy? 🥺
We re literaly died in 3 going to put down the ward at the early 3 minutes, then get invaded, gg
bro would you mind…repeating that
@Eagzv9 i was just describing one of my games in which i would try this xd. But i'm looking forward to try this kind of jungling method
it’s you listening to the enemy champions, that’s all it is
I’m definitely not one of them (I am NOT close to diamond)
Flippy play style. Not a fan of going psychotic prior to first item spike
but your playstyle keeps you low elo, surely you'd be chall if it worked?
Yes but low elo peasants will give up a wave, have all summoner spells, and collapse on you. Meanwhile your laner will miss 3 cs and a cannon in a free lane .
can you see how the chall clips they are all full hp basically after the invade? think of it more like an ambush
i think Shaco has been unplayably bad lately and as a Shaco OTP im not happy with this situation. What are your thoughts? What kind of build do you recommend me to go for?
just being honest with you here bro, your micro is gunna be troll, go watch my recent shaco mechanics guide a couple weeks ago