I never heard of rightly dividing the scripture until I listened to your preaching. I was always very confused and felt so much guilt thinking that I was never going to be good enough. I now have total faith in what God has done for us. Jesus done it all on the cross with nothing that I can do added. Thank you for the teaching.
@@mytestimonytojesuschrist A person looking to bring someone to the truth of salvation points out what is faults and then immediately gives the Gospel. None of which you did!! There is nothing faults about what he teaches. I see your only here to cause problems! And what does God have to say about that? Proverbs 6:16-19 KJV 16 These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: 17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, 18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, 19 A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren. If you truly believe that he preaches wrong then point it out fully don’t make any accusatory statement and nothing else. Back up what your saying. Ohh and by the way also let the person your talking to also know from what religious denomination you are from! Like this. I’m an independent fundamental Baptist So what are you????
@gerardmoloney433 I’m not telling Jesus anything. The idea presented in this video, that what Jesus commanded to the apostles doesn’t apply to christians today, is heretical, and manmade doctrine which wasn’t believed by the earliest christians. What Jesus commanded must be followed, not only what Paul taught.
i have never been a religious man but recently i have felt a calling. i have found such a interest in God and the bible like I'm almost being tugged to learn its wonderful . i wish to learn the words of my heavenly father but i am so afraid. I'm afraid i wont have enough time to learn before the end. i will not make any excuse's of why i have not learned i just wish be a better man and father. i do not wish for wealth or fame i just wish to tame the fear that i have to take the first steps in the right direction. thank you Preacher Baker for spreading the true word.
Don't first about what you learn if Jesus Christ came back tomorrow, you will not be rejected sweetie because you are wanting God's word so may Jesus bless your life and family,because you are already his,a good church and I learned so much by Roberts teaching especially revelation,52 week bible study is good one too long James only lol 🙏🇬🇧💗
Brother Breaker "Lift up your heads, O gates And be lifted up, O ancient doors, To allow the king of glory to come in Who is the king of glory The lord strong and mighty The lord mighty in battle The voice of the lord is over the water The voice of the lord is over many waters I kept thinking about this verse and had a dream of 3 knocks on a gigantic concrete building and someone big enough to knock on these doors to make the echo I heard and when I woke up my wife was asleep and said yes so I got out of bed thinking someone knocked on my front door of my home and when I opened the door nobody was there but god heard me and has been guiding me since then last November god bless you love your teaching
Hi! Mr. Breaker, I am one of your listener. I'm so happy that I found you. " Cause I saw you before that you proved that the Body of Christ is a Church & I'm a Filipino . I'm a Church the Body of Christ, founded by Jesus Christ (world mission)
actually i cried out to God the heavenly father before Jesus was in my heart and he showed me heaven and the holy spirit entered my body after my vision and i instantly accepted Jesus Christ as my lord and saviour and i knew he would be in my heart forever. happened when i was 17, saved my life from a planned suicide. been 22 years now. ❤ . God the heavenly father knows your heart, he knew i would accept his son and believe in him always,hence why he still answered my prayer.
Thank you for your videos and for your ministry God bless you 🙏 please pray for me today 🙏 for God's Devine protection from the enemy who has been stalking me and mocking me because of my love for Jesus christ ❤️
Prayer for you. Put on the armor of God. Romans 13:12 KJV - The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light. 2 Corinthians 6:7 KJV - By the word of truth, by the power of God, by the armour of righteousness on the right hand and on the left, Ephesians 6:11 KJV - Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. Ephesians 6:13 KJV - Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. James 4:7 KJV - Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
This is a great teaching! I was told to say the sinner's prayer two or three time, before I trusted in the finished work of The Lord Jesus Christ on the Cross and on The Blood! When I was washed in the Blood, I was finally clean! Revelation 1:5 And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood,
"Oh, how foolish you are, and how slow of heart to believe all that Our Lord spoke and did! (cf. Luke 24:25)" For Redemption of souls down to the end of the world, which cost Our Lord all He suffered, from His incarnation to death on the Cross, Our Lord instituted His Church, set it on a mountain as the Light of the world (Matt 5:14) so that all souls may see and come to it to obtain eternal salvation. Our Lord founded it on the Apostles (Rev 21:14) with St. Peter as their leader and His Vicar (Pope) on earth, vesting him with His Authority by giving him the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven (Matt 16:18-19), and sent them to baptize and teach to OBSERVE ALL He commanded (Matt 28:20), and said, "Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved; whoever does not believe will be condemned (Mark 16:16)." Our Lord provided in His Church means to communicate His Infinite Graces and Merits to those who believe through the Apostles words (John 17:20), and become members of His Church, His Body and Bride (Eph 5:23), so that they may be transformed into true children of God, True Image and Likeness of Christ (Rom 8:29, 2 Cor 3:18), worthy for the Heavenly Kingdom.
Our Lord said, "Amen, Amen, I say to you, whoever receives the one I send, receives Me and whoever receives Me receives the One who sent Me (John 13:20; Matt 10:40)" and "Whoever listens to you listens to Me. Whoever rejects you rejects Me and rejects the One who sent Me (Luke 10:16)." Brothers and sisters, why do you not come to Our Lord's One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic Church, but seek Him on your own way or by following man-made protestant churches? They did not even exist before Luther founded his in AD 1524, after rebelling against the Catholic Church whose Head is Our Lord (Eph 5:23) and with whom He and Holy Sprit always remain until the end of the world (Matt 28:20, John 14:16-17). Do you want to be like those who look but do not see and hear but do not listen or understand (Matt 13:13-15)?
Protestant churches teach a partial truth (from Bible to deceive and lure unsuspecting souls) mixed with heresies and lies (to lead them to their master, father of lies), and work against the Catholic Church and Our Lord, even though they say 'Lord, Lord (Matt 7:21-23).' Do you think people lived before Luther were deceived by the Catholic Church, the pillar and foundation of Truth (1 Tim 3:15), and lost their salvation? Nonsense! Can the only Divine Institution fail to fulfill the mission given Her, that is Redemption of souls until the end of the world? Never (Matt 16:18)! Unless repent and convert, pastors of protestant churches as well as those who follow them will hear, "I Never Knew you. Depart from Me, you evil doers (Matt 7:21-23)."
Thank you for this awesome Bible study. I am so thankful that I found your videos on line, sure does help me understand the Bible alot better. Thankyou. God bless everyone 🙏 ❤️
Robert, thank you for your teachings I really learn so much and you don't twist the truth and I really love that about you and your teachings. Stay Blessed and I Pray this for your whole family and the people who listen to you. Rosemary van Zyl, George, Western Cape, South Africa
Surely there are better things for Christians to do than to judge. Walking the steps of Paul’s mission sure is something to do. Jesus spoke righteously to our brother Paul in the power of love.
In the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel . Paul an apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ by the will of God .
It is great that we have a God that is more concerned with the attitude of the heart, rather than the words in prayers. God is the judge and decides who and whether to save the person who comes to Him.
Thank you, pastor Robert. Thank you for rightly dividing the Word. Before the Cross and after the Cross. Before the rapture and after the rapture. Makes so much sense! I am from former Soviet Union and we learnt minimum German from movies about Great Patriotic War and 2WW.
@@Cynical496 it's funny i seen this because i was on facebook and this woman was arguing with this guy who seemed to be a Christian man,but she posted the same verse Robert Breaker was talking about how people tend to take out of context and it just say it to be sayin it to make themselves feel better
@@johnnyraincloud7518 yeah. Deep down they know you are saved and they aren’t. People are just set on being that hypocritical, selfish, person. Cuz they want the world to bend for their needs, but give nothing in return besides rudeness and judgment.
We need Robert breaker badly in Nc. I’m 28 years old and started to listen to how he explained things. I’m a down to detail person and my eyes have been opened. It feels as if a weight was lifted off my shoulder. Praise Jesus 🥹 for years I thought I had to trust in myself
I laughed when you spoke about Elvis’s singing. I understand and agree that some people force emotion, but there are those of us, myself included, that have a natural tremolo when they sing. Keep up the great preaching. Your brother in Christ Jesus.
Rom 5:1-5 1 Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, 2 through whom we have also obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in hope of the glory of God. 3 And not only that, but we also rejoice in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces endurance; 4 and endurance, character; and character, hope. 5 And hope does not put to shame, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us. Mat 13:9 He who has ears to hear, let him hear!"
😍🗣🍽️🙌🙌🙌 Amen continue 💕 Proverbs ..03:..05.. 💕 Colossians 01.. 💕 Romans ..08..💕 (KJV) 💕 Thank you Abba Father 🙌🙌🙌 Praise our Lord + Saviour Jesus Christ 🙌🙌🙌 Sealed by the blood 🩸 Saved by the blood 🩸 Justified by the blood 🩸 ❤️ Romans 05 ❤️
Thank You! Brother Breaker 💪🏻for the verse by verse bible study on Matthew 7 KJV. I get it! 🎉🎊The New Testament starts with the death of a testator, Jesus Christ is that testator (For where a testament is, there must also of necessity be the death of the testator Hebrews 9:16 KJV). The Blood 🩸 of Jesus Christ is what makes the New Testament! 📖 (If you’re rightly dividing the word of truth 2 Timothy 2:15 KJV). Thank You Jesus! 🙌🏼The Gospel(Paul’s Gospel)for us today is in 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV. Hallelujah! Praise GOD! ✝♥🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼
Love you brother Breaker just one thing that was Revelation 3:20 stand at the door and knock not 3:10 which is Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth. Bless you brother see you in the air
Tribulation and Wrath are different , Tribulation is for the church, The Wrath is after the Great Tribulation, at the Last Trump the 1st resurrection and the one's that are still alive until the coming of the Lord are caught up to meet the Lord in the Air . So shall we ever be with the Lord comfort one another. Rev 10:3 is not speaking about the rapture, Christ Jesus is speaking because thou hast kept ( obeyed ) the Word of My patience ( are you keeping and obeying Christ Jesus through trails and tribulation and being patient till the day of our redemption , He will protect, keep you safe Psalms 91; 1Cor 10: 13 to endure through this temptation, trials and testings ) I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation ( great testing , and trail's ) which shall come upon all the world 🌎 to try ( test and prove ) them ( who's the Them it's a lot of Christian's and unbelievers and Pastor's and false prophets and teachers , there's a lot that teach a different jesus and a different gospel and a different spirit. Wasn't the snake bite a testing and a trail to see who would obey and keep the Word of the Lord, by not injecting that poison into your temple. ) that dwell upon the earth 🌎 ( they are earthly they love the world and the love of the Father is not in them. 1jn 2:15,16 ). Continue reading on down 👇 it's says hold fast that no man takes away your crown. Jesus continues saying him that Overcometh ( we as born again born from above must overcome the flesh, the world 🌎, the Great Harlot and the daughter's and the false prophets and the NWO order and the devil himself ) Christ Jesus will make a pillar ( do you know that a pillar can support a lot of weight the Pressure of life what ever comes our way ) in the temple of My God ( we are the temple of the living God ) and he ( that's the overcomer ) shall go no more out, and I will write ✍️ upon him the Name of My God ( Name means Nature, Character and Authority, we must walk and live in the Nature, Character and Authority of Christ Jesus ) and the Name of the city of My God, the New Jerusalem ( the bride is called the New Jerusalem it's not a city of bricks 🧱 and mortar, ) cometh down ( born from above ) out of heaven ( for we are sitted in Christ Jesus in heavenly places ) from Myself God: and I will write ✍️ upon him My New Name ( Nature, Character and Authority Rev 14:1 ;Rev 2:17 ; ) So he that hath an ear 👂 listen ( we must listen to the Holy Ghost ) what the Spirit says to the churches.
Question Now if someone believes in what Jesus did, that He lived a sinless life, was nailed to a cross, He shed His blood for our sins, was buried in a tomb, rose on the third day. His blood covers us and washes us clean from sin. Do they need to do anything else? I was in a church that didn’t teach about the blood but learned later about the blood. I do believe and I trust Him and I’m so thankful for the free gift of grace through faith. I think that’s what I have to do to be saved but please let me know if there’s something else I need to do 🙏🙏💕💕
1 Corinthians 15:1-4 [1]Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; [2]By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. [3]For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; [4]And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:
You dont HAVE to DO anything now. You may want to or feel like God is calling you to SHARE the Salvation Gospel 1Cor 15: 1-4 and how we are Sealed with the Holy Spirit till the day of Redemption Eph1:13-14... sharing is always a good thing since we are Ambassadors for Christ Jesus .... I seldom leave my house so speaking to others is something I really dont do but I Pray for others DAILY , starting with people in the comment section of the channels I follow , the for the Children of God world wide. For the Fence sitters. I pray cause I can and I love and Trust in Christ Jesus and know prayers are strong.
“Is Belief in Jesus Enough for Salvation?” True Christians believe that Jesus died for the sins of humankind. (1 Peter 3:18) However, Salvation requires more than believing in Jesus as Savior. The demons know that Jesus is “the Son of God,” but they face destruction, not salvation! (Luke 4:41; Jude 6) What Must I Do To Be Saved? 1) You must believe that Jesus sacrificed his life for our sins. (1 John 2:2) 2) Learn what the Bible REALLY teaches! (2 Timothy 3:15) Accurate knowledge based on the Scriptures is necessary. (1 Timothy 2:3,4) 3) Repent! (Acts 3:19) Stop practices that offend God and do “works that befit repentance. (Acts 26:20) 4) Get Baptized! (Matthew 28:19) 5) Obey Jesus’ instructions. (Hebrews 5:9) Become “doers of the word and not hearers only.” (James 1:22) 6) Endure to the end! (Mark 13:13; Hebrews 10:36)
Keep looking up your redemption draws near. YESHUA is coming back soon. Praise ADONAI. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem and for the JEWISH people the apple of ADONAI'S eye. MARANATHA. YESHUA died so you could live.
I heard that the Lord won't return until every ear has heard about Jesus, people are born every day, however I think that might be slowing down. I dont know if this is true. I do know missionary work is needed more than ever and I want to be a missionary. It's dangerous work in a dangerous time but I feel like I'm called to do so.
Believe that Jesus Christ is The Son of God, born of a virgin, died on the Cross and rose again on the third day ; conquering death and washing away of our sins that we are made white as snow and will live eternally in Heaven.
Brother breaker we are supposed to judge sin if someone is sinning you call it out and it doesn’t mean you assassinate their character only the sinful thing they are doing
I’m confused now... I was convinced that the ‘sinner’s prayer’ was the first step (believe in your heart and confess with your tongue) PLEASE PRAY FOR ME... I’m trying my level best to understand, I want to be SURE... but I’m worried that I miss something, or believing the wrong things. Like preparing for an exam but you studied the wrong parts... PLEASE PRAY FOR THE CALMNESS OF MY MIND so that I can know for sure that God know my name.
Hello Elnavanrensburg: Please be aware, salvation is one step. The UNMERITED FREE GIFT of Salvation is received by ANY person that Trusts in their Heart ONLY on Jesus’ (God the Son who came as God in flesh) DEATH (includes the shedding of Lord Jesus’ blood), BURIAL, and RESURRECTION for salvation, with NO faith for salvation on any type of human effort, works, or claimed positive human qualities. When a person believes the good news (gospel) of salvation, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 (KJV), summarized above, ONCE, God Immediately makes the believer INNOCENT, born-again (permanently spiritually SINLESS in God’s eyes regarding standing and salvation), as if the believer has never sinned. God says we are ALL DISQUALIFIED FOR ANYTHING OTHER THAN HELL, and ONLY because of HIS mercy and GRACE he offers every person the UNMERITED FREE GIFT of salvation. Salvation CANNOT be received with faith on any works for salvation, such as PRAYING. Ephesians 2:8-9 (KJV) - “For by GRACE are ye saved through faith; and that NOT of YOURSELVES: it is the gift of God; NOT of WORKS, lest any man should boast.” (GRACE means UNMERITED FREE GIFT. NO human effort or works can be involved in receiving or keeping salvation; there is Nothing a person can do to qualify for, earn, or receive any part of salvation.) Romans 11:6 (KJV), “And if by grace, then is it no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace....” (Trusting on ANY human effort or works means that person is not under grace, but is attempting to qualify for salvation by the law/commandment keeping/human effort, and is therefore NOT saved). BELIEVING the Gospel, (1 Cor. 15:1-4) with NO Faith on ANY Human Effort, is the ONLY way to Receive Salvation. Notice what is NOT included (works / human effort). Romans 4:5 (KJV), “But to him that worketh not, but BELIEVETH on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.” (‘righteousness’ means God makes the believer sinless in God’s eyes concerning standing and salvation) Acts 16:30-31(KJV) - “The Philippian jailer asked Paul and Silas, Sirs, what must I do to be saved? And they said, BELIEVE on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.” Romans 3:28 (KJV), “Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by FAITH without the deeds of the law.” John 6:47 (KJV) "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that Believeth on me hath everlasting life." Please be aware, Calling/Confessing are Works, and eternal salvation CANNOT be received with faith on any works for Eternal Salvation. Eternal Salvation is forgiveness of all sins when God makes the BELIEVER of the gospel of salvation (1 Cor. 15:1-4 KJV) permanently born-again and spiritually sinless. The Calling on the name of the Lord (Romans 10:13) and Confessing Jesus as Lord (Romans 10:9-10) are NOT part of how to receive eternal salvation and are instead asking God for PHYSICAL DELIVERANCE (Rescue) in the tribulation AFTER being eternally saved (born-again) by FAITH ALONE, plus nothing. Paul is referring back to Joel 2:32 (KJV), “And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall CALL ON THE NAME OF THE LORD SHALL BE DELIVERED: for in mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be DELIVERANCE, as the Lord hath said, and in the remnant whom the Lord shall call." Any person that relies on any works/human effort for salvation will not be saved. Salvation CANNOT be received with faith for receiving and/or keeping salvation on ANY human effort, works, or claimed human qualities, including but not limited to: Good works/deeds, Praying, Asking, Turning from sins, Changing your mind about sins (repentance of sins), Inviting Lord Jesus into your heart, Having a good heart, Confessing, Calling, Water baptism, Dedicating/surrendering/giving your life to God, Following Jesus, Confirmation, Commandment keeping, Charity, Church attendance, or any other human effort, works, or qualities, etc., etc. Galatians 5:4 (KJV), “Christ is become of NO EFFECT unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law (works); ye are fallen (separated) from grace (not saved). Analogy: If you are convicted in a court and the sentence is mandatory, and then you Pray (ask), CONFESS, Call, Repent (change your mind) about the crime/sin, Get Water Baptized, Surrender, Call, Turn from the Crime/Sin, and many other works. Will the Judge set you free? NO. Because you remain Guilty per the law, and the penalty is set by the law. That illustrates why eternal salvation is offered from God by GRACE, which means UNMERITED FREE GIFT. There is nothing a person can DO to qualify for, earn, or receive salvation. Salvation MUST be received by Trusting ONLY on the payment for all sins made by Jesus’ (God the Son) death, burial, and resurrection (includes the shedding of Jesus’ blood). Water Baptism cannot be part of HOW a person is saved / born-again. 1 Corinthians 1:17 (KJV) - “For Christ sent me NOT to BAPTIZE, but to preach the gospel; not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of NO EFFECT.” God makes the believer Permanently Born-Again (Sinless Standing in God’s Eyes), as if you have NEVER sinned; this is a one-time event: John 3:3 (KJV), “Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born-again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." John 1:12-13 (KJV), “But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons (children) of God, even to them that believe on his name. Which were BORN, not of blood, NOR OF THE WILL OF THE FLESH, NOR OF THE WILL OF MAN, BUT OF GOD.” Isaiah 1:18 (KJV), “Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.” Titus 3:5 (KJV), “NOT by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the WASHING OF REGENERATION, and renewing of the Holy Spirit.” Jesus is God the Son who came as God in flesh: Titus 2:13 (KJV), “Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great GOD and our Saviour Jesus Christ.” (The Rapture) Colossians 1:15 (KJV), “Jesus is the image of the invisible GOD......" 1 Timothy 3:16 (KJV), “And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: GOD was manifest in the flesh." Isaiah 9:6 (KJV), "For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty GOD, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace." Eternal Security for the born-again believer is true. A born-again believer CANNOT lose salvation. Believing that a born-again person can lose salvation means we approach God for salvation with faith on HUMAN EFFORT, and that means NO salvation. Ephesians 4:30 (KJV), “And grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are SEALED unto the day of redemption.” John 6:37 (KJV), “All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I WILL NO WISE CAST OUT.” 1 Peter 1:4-5 (KJV), “To an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you, Who are KEPT BY THE POWER OF GOD through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.” John 10:28-29 (KJV), “And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. My Father, which gave them me, is greater than ALL; and NO MAN is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand.” 2 Corinthian 1:22 (KJV), “Who hath also SEALED us, and given the earnest of the Spirit in our hearts.”
It's not difficult put your FAITH and TRUST from your heart and BELIEVE that Father God raised his Son the Lord Jesus Christ from the dead after he was sacrificed , and that his precious powerful blood payed for all sin !
This may be a bit long. You have read or heard all through the OT how when people sinned there had to be a Blood sacrifice and with that sacrifice you had to Trust your sin was covered ( a bandaid ) for a time period, then yearly the High priest also performed a sacrifice , people would bring their perfect lamb, dove and so on what they could afford to buy or had raised and the Priest would make the blood sacrifices but this was only good for a 1 year covering of that person's sin again a Bandaid covering... they all Trusted in that Blood covering Sacrifice, just like the Israelites Trusted in the perfect lambs Blood they were told to paint on the side posts and door mantle of their homes so that death would pass by , when these people died that had put their Faith and trust in those blood Sacrifices , they would go to Abraham's Bosom to rest and wait ... God had a plan and then came Jesus OUR Perfect Lamb and the very LAST Blood Sacrifice, the Eternal Sacrifice, when Jesus shed every drop of his Blood ( to the point only water came out of him ) he gave up the ghost , died , was buried for OUR sins according to Scripture and Rose on the 3rd day along with all the Souls of those in Abraham's Bosom for now they to were covered by Christ Jesus Eternal Blood Atonement for their sins and we are covered for our sins eternally. YOU know in your Heart Who Jesus is right ? The Son of God , God the Son 1/3 of the Trinity, God in the Flesh. Once you put your Faith in What Jesus did on the Cross , Trusting the He Shed His blood for YOU covering forever YOUR sins and accepting that Blood covering ( taking that Gift of eternal life that Jesus is holding out to you ) then you are SAVED and SEALED with the Holy Spirit till the time of Redemption ( Called home to be with our Lord and Savior for eternity. ( Eph 1: 13-14 but read all of Ephesians 1 SO AWESOME ! )..... I pray this helps but look at other videos of Pastor Breakers on Eternal Salvation, The Blood ... he has many that will help. They helped me . Much love to you and will be peaying for you.
Words do not save, or raising your hand, that's easy. His blood sacrifice which washes and anoints and seeps deep into our soul and changes our mind and heart.
see my website: www.thecloudchurch.org You'll find I have at least 5 other channels you can follow me on, including Rumble, Patreon, Brighteon, Bitchute, etc.
1:05:04 someone said dont 'knock on wood' that it's an old ?pagan? practice that ?calls to spirits that reside in trees? or some such, idk... i shall fear no evil but i don't care to tempt evil either
THIS was made heavy on my heart to share. I have never done this before... My Rapture theory about the time is (Not the Lord told me instead it is to my best understanding) very simple compared to so many of the others I have read and watched. It goes like this. (Selfsame day events) (9/11/2023) This I believe is the 6000 year anniversary of the Start of Creation. (9/12-16/2023) Everything Created but Man. (9/17/2023) Adam Created (this is our 6000 year anniversary ) This is the DAY OF BLESSED HOPE! (9/18/2023) 6000 year anniversary of First Sabith and the first day of our rest. Also Bad day for real estate values world wide. Ohhh and that pesky Tribulation that we get to step out for PRAISE JESUS!
In Jesus Powerful, Beautiful, and Righteous name AMEN! Endure I AM at the door. Are you ready to receive him? Grant C. Grace Valley Watchman Zealot for CHRIST
Are you still waiting for rapture after so many blown-calls? Are you dreaming about being taken to Heaven and living there happily thereafter? Even though, Heb 9:27 states that all men are appointed to die once and then receive God's judgment? There is no Rapture as you imagine, which is a pipe dream, a fable created by protestant churches to mislead people along the broad way to destruction (Matt 7:13-15). Our Lord said, "Whoever does not take up his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me (Matt 10:38). No slave is greater than his master. If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you (John 15:20). Particularly Our Lord said, "If those days had not been shortened, no one would be saved. But, for the sake of the elect, they will be shortened." If the rapture is true, why is there a need to shorten the days? In the last times, some shall depart from the Faith, giving heed to spirits of error and doctrines of Devil (1 Tim 4:1). Why follow false teachers who are abound in these times (Matt 24:24) and risk your eternal salvation? There is only One True Church, Our Lord's Only Sheepfold (John 10:16), His Bride and Body whom He saves (Eph 5:23). Come to His Fold quickly before it is too late, so that you may hear His Voice, know and follow Him, and be saved. Amen!
Mr Breaker, this is confusing to me alittle bit. So if we don’t repent and continue to do whatever we want all we have to do is believe in Jesus blood and get to do whatever we want? I thought the point of Repentance is to change our bad ways so that we can be saved. But you’re saying No. Please explain. Thanks
Look up his videos [So you think you can lose it] [Verses people use to say you can lose it] [Grace not an excuse to sin!] The last video should be just what your looking for, but I would suggest watching the others also.
First Corinthians 6:9-11 clearly shows that if people don’t repent and stop doing things displeasing to God such as sexual immorality, homosexuality, drunkenness, will NOT inherit God’s Kingdom! Salvation requires more than believing in Jesus as Savior. The demons know that Jesus is “the Son of God,” but they face destruction, not salvation! (Luke 4:41; Jude 6) To Be Saved you must: 1) Believe that Jesus sacrificed his life for our sins. (1 John 2:2) 2) Learn what the Bible really teaches. (2 Timothy 3:15-17) Accurate knowledge from God’s Word is necessary. 3) Repent! (Acts 3:19) Stop practices that offend God. (Acts 26:20) 4) Get Baptized! (Matthew 28:19) 5) Obey Jesus’ instructions. (Hebrews 5:9) Become “doers of the word and not hearers only.” (James 1:22) 6) Endure to the end! (Mark 13:13)
@@potenzadadio I hope you did not misunderstand what I was saying. I was pointing to the last video in the list [Grace not an excuse to sin]. I hope this clears up any confusion.
100% proof Jesus revealed the Gospel for today to the Apostle Paul.... Galatians 1:11 "But I certify you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached of me is not after man.12 For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ." 100% proof we are saved by this Gospel ONLY. Galatians 1:13 states, "13 In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise," You are SEALED after trusting in the Gospel; NOT after water baptism. Have a blessed day,
Ephesians 1:13, Not Galatians! That Scripture is talking about the spirit-anointed Christians in the first century. God figuratively sealed them with his holy spirit by means of Christ to indicate that they are his possession and that they were in line for heavenly life.
@@SDJ992-q9t You are correct. It is Ephesians 1:13. Thanks. All who place their trust in the Gospel are sealed with the Holy Spirit until the day of the rapture no matter what century it is.
For the person asking about people that have not heard about salvation. God has called every person to be saved: John 1:9 (KJV), “That was the true Light, which lighteth EVERY MAN that cometh into the world.” (This includes All men and women)
He is not willing that any should perish in their sin. We must chose God's way to become his child through Jesus sacrifice on the cross to be God's child.
my pastor has said theres alot of religiosity in the south, i wonder does the fact that majority of pastors in the southern church isnt giving the clear gospel got something to do with it?
Your last comment before 3:00, 2:50 -ish, time had not begun until sin. There was exitance before time, but time as we understand it begins with sins. So before and after time is exitance with God. That's a new thought for me, gonna be thinking about it for a bit.
Robert Breaker I heard you say in a video that there are more that one dispensation periods. Dispensation was given to the Apostle Paul . it is the Church period only. Dispensation mean an exemption from a law or from an impediment, vow, or oath. Faith only to be saved
I never heard of rightly dividing the scripture until I listened to your preaching. I was always very confused and felt so much guilt thinking that I was never going to be good enough. I now have total faith in what God has done for us. Jesus done it all on the cross with nothing that I can do added. Thank you for the teaching.
Amen thats right.god bless you. This man helped me get saved through his teaching the kjb
You don't have to be good enough. Jesus Is😊
Don’t listen to this false gospel.
@@mytestimonytojesuschrist A person looking to bring someone to the truth of salvation points out what is faults and then immediately gives the Gospel. None of which you did!! There is nothing faults about what he teaches. I see your only here to cause problems! And what does God have to say about that?
Proverbs 6:16-19 KJV
16 These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:
17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,
18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,
19 A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.
If you truly believe that he preaches wrong then point it out fully don’t make any accusatory statement and nothing else. Back up what your saying. Ohh and by the way also let the person your talking to also know from what religious denomination you are from!
Like this. I’m an independent fundamental Baptist
So what are you????
@gerardmoloney433 I’m not telling Jesus anything. The idea presented in this video, that what Jesus commanded to the apostles doesn’t apply to christians today, is heretical, and manmade doctrine which wasn’t believed by the earliest christians.
What Jesus commanded must be followed, not only what Paul taught.
Saved by Grace through faith Amen
i have never been a religious man but recently i have felt a calling. i have found such a interest in God and the bible like I'm almost being tugged to learn its wonderful . i wish to learn the words of my heavenly father but i am so afraid. I'm afraid i wont have enough time to learn before the end. i will not make any excuse's of why i have not learned i just wish be a better man and father. i do not wish for wealth or fame i just wish to tame the fear that i have to take the first steps in the right direction. thank you Preacher Baker for spreading the true word.
Don't first about what you learn if Jesus Christ came back tomorrow, you will not be rejected sweetie because you are wanting God's word so may Jesus bless your life and family,because you are already his,a good church and I learned so much by Roberts teaching especially revelation,52 week bible study is good one too long James only lol 🙏🇬🇧💗
Brother Breaker "Lift up your heads, O gates
And be lifted up, O ancient doors, To allow the king of glory to come in
Who is the king of glory
The lord strong and mighty
The lord mighty in battle
The voice of the lord is over the water
The voice of the lord is over many waters
I kept thinking about this verse and had a dream of 3 knocks on a gigantic concrete building and someone big enough to knock on these doors to make the echo I heard and when I woke up my wife was asleep and said yes so I got out of bed thinking someone knocked on my front door of my home and when I opened the door nobody was there but god heard me and has been guiding me since then last November god bless you love your teaching
I also would like to email you and ask a few questions if possible
Hi! Mr. Breaker, I am one of your listener. I'm so happy that I found you. " Cause I saw you before that you proved that the Body of Christ is a Church & I'm a Filipino . I'm a Church the Body of Christ, founded by Jesus Christ (world mission)
actually i cried out to God the heavenly father before Jesus was in my heart and he showed me heaven and the holy spirit entered my body after my vision and i instantly accepted Jesus Christ as my lord and saviour and i knew he would be in my heart forever. happened when i was 17, saved my life from a planned suicide. been 22 years now. ❤ . God the heavenly father knows your heart, he knew i would accept his son and believe in him always,hence why he still answered my prayer.
Robert breaker thank you so much for your sermon. And for teaching of the word of God and how to be saved and be ready for the rapture.❤
Thank you for your videos and for your ministry God bless you 🙏 please pray for me today 🙏 for God's Devine protection from the enemy who has been stalking me and mocking me because of my love for Jesus christ ❤️
Prayer for you. Put on the armor of God.
Romans 13:12 KJV - The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light.
2 Corinthians 6:7 KJV - By the word of truth, by the power of God, by the armour of righteousness on the right hand and on the left,
Ephesians 6:11 KJV - Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
Ephesians 6:13 KJV - Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
James 4:7 KJV - Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
Prayed for you! And that your stalkers would get saved so they dont end up in hell, amen.
Grace and peace to you and all. Excellent necessary bible study. God bless you, yours and all Pastor Breaker in the name of Lord Jesus Christ.
God Bless You Pastor Breaker. We are Blessed by your precious teaching, ALL PRAISE and Glory to Jesus Christ Our Saviour n God
This is a great teaching! I was told to say the sinner's prayer two or three time, before I trusted in the finished work of The Lord Jesus Christ on the Cross and on The Blood! When I was washed in the Blood, I was finally clean! Revelation 1:5 And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood,
"Oh, how foolish you are, and how slow of heart to believe all that Our Lord spoke and did! (cf. Luke 24:25)" For Redemption of souls down to the end of the world, which cost Our Lord all He suffered, from His incarnation to death on the Cross, Our Lord instituted His Church, set it on a mountain as the Light of the world (Matt 5:14) so that all souls may see and come to it to obtain eternal salvation. Our Lord founded it on the Apostles (Rev 21:14) with St. Peter as their leader and His Vicar (Pope) on earth, vesting him with His Authority by giving him the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven (Matt 16:18-19), and sent them to baptize and teach to OBSERVE ALL He commanded (Matt 28:20), and said, "Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved; whoever does not believe will be condemned (Mark 16:16)." Our Lord provided in His Church means to communicate His Infinite Graces and Merits to those who believe through the Apostles words (John 17:20), and become members of His Church, His Body and Bride (Eph 5:23), so that they may be transformed into true children of God, True Image and Likeness of Christ (Rom 8:29, 2 Cor 3:18), worthy for the Heavenly Kingdom.
Our Lord said, "Amen, Amen, I say to you, whoever receives the one I send, receives Me and whoever receives Me receives the One who sent Me (John 13:20; Matt 10:40)" and "Whoever listens to you listens to Me. Whoever rejects you rejects Me and rejects the One who sent Me (Luke 10:16)." Brothers and sisters, why do you not come to Our Lord's One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic Church, but seek Him on your own way or by following man-made protestant churches? They did not even exist before Luther founded his in AD 1524, after rebelling against the Catholic Church whose Head is Our Lord (Eph 5:23) and with whom He and Holy Sprit always remain until the end of the world (Matt 28:20, John 14:16-17). Do you want to be like those who look but do not see and hear but do not listen or understand (Matt 13:13-15)?
Protestant churches teach a partial truth (from Bible to deceive and lure unsuspecting souls) mixed with heresies and lies (to lead them to their master, father of lies), and work against the Catholic Church and Our Lord, even though they say 'Lord, Lord (Matt 7:21-23).' Do you think people lived before Luther were deceived by the Catholic Church, the pillar and foundation of Truth (1 Tim 3:15), and lost their salvation? Nonsense! Can the only Divine Institution fail to fulfill the mission given Her, that is Redemption of souls until the end of the world? Never (Matt 16:18)! Unless repent and convert, pastors of protestant churches as well as those who follow them will hear, "I Never Knew you. Depart from Me, you evil doers (Matt 7:21-23)."
Thank you for this awesome Bible study. I am so thankful that I found your videos on line, sure does help me understand the Bible alot better. Thankyou. God bless everyone 🙏 ❤️
Thank you my Brother for your teaching of the "True word of God"!
gracias jesuscristo lo bendiga por sus videos en inglés y español 😊
Always a great vid!! I thank God for using you to give His word!! Grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone!!
*Also Faith in his BLOOD Alone!
Robert, thank you for your teachings I really learn so much and you don't twist the truth and I really love that about you and your teachings. Stay Blessed and I Pray this for your whole family and the people who listen to you.
Rosemary van Zyl, George, Western Cape, South Africa
Surely there are better things for Christians to do than to judge. Walking the steps of Paul’s mission sure is something to do. Jesus spoke righteously to our brother Paul in the power of love.
In the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel . Paul an apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ by the will of God .
Brother, incredible message again and always entertaining. Thanks for your work. Saved by the blood.
God spoke that verse to me ( Luke 11:13) in a dream. I woke up immediately and opened my Bible to tbat verse. It was an answer to a prayer of mine.
Loved the message , I always love the teachings of paul .
He hits you hard with the sharp gospel truth .
No wonder Islamist are not fond of him .
It is great that we have a God that is more concerned with the attitude of the heart, rather than the words in prayers. God is the judge and decides who and whether to save the person who comes to Him.
Amen Brother Breaker!! Thank You Lord Jesus Christ For The Blood 🩸!!
Thank you, pastor Robert. Thank you for rightly dividing the Word. Before the Cross and after the Cross. Before the rapture and after the rapture. Makes so much sense! I am from former Soviet Union and we learnt minimum German from movies about Great Patriotic War and 2WW.
Another great teaching brother breaker,God bless you all at the ministry and I pray more and more will does this study it's awesome,thank you sir🙏🇬🇧💗
Thank you for clearing up the judging thing. God Bless!🙏❤️❤️🙏
Great study today Brother Breaker! Thank you for the clarification and your knowledge of the Bible.
Dude always says what I need to hear. This was literally the question on my mind today.
what question?
@@johnnyraincloud7518 if judging or being rude against somebody is justified.
@@Cynical496 it's funny i seen this because i was on facebook and this woman was arguing with this guy who seemed to be a Christian man,but she posted the same verse Robert Breaker was talking about how people tend to take out of context and it just say it to be sayin it to make themselves feel better
@@johnnyraincloud7518 yeah. Deep down they know you are saved and they aren’t. People are just set on being that hypocritical, selfish, person. Cuz they want the world to bend for their needs, but give nothing in return besides rudeness and judgment.
Thank you Pastor Breaker, I really enjoyed this one. God Bless
Amazing brake down, praise God!!!!
🙏🙏Amen Great sermon 🙏🙏Jesus Christ is the Lord to the Glory of GOD the Father 🙏🙏
,God bless you Pastor Breaker! I learn by you on the teaching of Christ, note that I love apostle Paul
We need Robert breaker badly in Nc. I’m 28 years old and started to listen to how he explained things. I’m a down to detail person and my eyes have been opened. It feels as if a weight was lifted off my shoulder. Praise Jesus 🥹 for years I thought I had to trust in myself
I laughed when you spoke about Elvis’s singing. I understand and agree that some people force emotion, but there are those of us, myself included, that have a natural tremolo when they sing. Keep up the great preaching. Your brother in Christ Jesus.
A lost person is absolutely a son of God. Lost or not we all are children of God.
I love watchwoman 65!! She preaches the BIBLE TRUTH! OSAS HALLELUJAH TO THE PRECIOUS LAMB OF GOD!!!
Thank You Brother Breaker, I Do Share Your Videos , I Always Learn So Much And it Refreshes Me Of GODS WORD❤️🙏
Great Bible study. Thank you Pastor Breaker.
My search continued after a few years from videos by Kent Hovind. He also said - watch what they are doing and why they are doing it.
Rom 5:1-5
1 Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ,
2 through whom we have also obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in hope of the glory of God.
3 And not only that, but we also rejoice in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces endurance;
4 and endurance, character; and character, hope.
5 And hope does not put to shame, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.
Mat 13:9 He who has ears to hear, let him hear!"
Thank you Robert Breaker ❤️🙏🙏
😍🗣🍽️🙌🙌🙌 Amen continue
💕 Proverbs ..03:..05.. 💕 Colossians 01.. 💕 Romans ..08..💕 (KJV) 💕
Thank you Abba Father 🙌🙌🙌
Praise our Lord + Saviour Jesus Christ 🙌🙌🙌
Sealed by the blood 🩸
Saved by the blood 🩸
Justified by the blood 🩸
❤️ Romans 05 ❤️
Thank you, @Robert Breaker.
🙏 Great preaching hard to find today
Thank You! Brother Breaker 💪🏻for the verse by verse bible study on Matthew 7 KJV. I get it! 🎉🎊The New Testament starts with the death of a testator, Jesus Christ is that
testator (For where a testament is, there must also of necessity be the death of the testator Hebrews 9:16 KJV). The Blood 🩸 of Jesus Christ is what makes the New Testament! 📖
(If you’re rightly dividing the word of truth 2 Timothy 2:15 KJV). Thank You Jesus! 🙌🏼The Gospel(Paul’s Gospel)for us today is in 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV. Hallelujah!
Praise GOD! ✝♥🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼
I was taught that do unto others, is a fruit of salvation.
Love you brother Breaker just one thing that was Revelation 3:20 stand at the door and knock not 3:10 which is Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth. Bless you brother see you in the air
Tribulation and Wrath are different , Tribulation is for the church, The Wrath is after the Great Tribulation, at the Last Trump the 1st resurrection and the one's that are still alive until the coming of the Lord are caught up to meet the Lord in the Air . So shall we ever be with the Lord comfort one another. Rev 10:3 is not speaking about the rapture, Christ Jesus is speaking because thou hast kept ( obeyed ) the Word of My patience ( are you keeping and obeying Christ Jesus through trails and tribulation and being patient till the day of our redemption , He will protect, keep you safe Psalms 91; 1Cor 10: 13 to endure through this temptation, trials and testings ) I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation ( great testing , and trail's ) which shall come upon all the world 🌎 to try ( test and prove ) them ( who's the Them it's a lot of Christian's and unbelievers and Pastor's and false prophets and teachers , there's a lot that teach a different jesus and a different gospel and a different spirit. Wasn't the snake bite a testing and a trail to see who would obey and keep the Word of the Lord, by not injecting that poison into your temple. ) that dwell upon the earth 🌎 ( they are earthly they love the world and the love of the Father is not in them. 1jn 2:15,16 ). Continue reading on down 👇 it's says hold fast that no man takes away your crown. Jesus continues saying him that Overcometh ( we as born again born from above must overcome the flesh, the world 🌎, the Great Harlot and the daughter's and the false prophets and the NWO order and the devil himself ) Christ Jesus will make a pillar ( do you know that a pillar can support a lot of weight the Pressure of life what ever comes our way ) in the temple of My God ( we are the temple of the living God ) and he ( that's the overcomer ) shall go no more out, and I will write ✍️ upon him the Name of My God ( Name means Nature, Character and Authority, we must walk and live in the Nature, Character and Authority of Christ Jesus ) and the Name of the city of My God, the New Jerusalem ( the bride is called the New Jerusalem it's not a city of bricks 🧱 and mortar, ) cometh down ( born from above ) out of heaven ( for we are sitted in Christ Jesus in heavenly places ) from Myself God: and I will write ✍️ upon him My New Name ( Nature, Character and Authority Rev 14:1 ;Rev 2:17 ; ) So he that hath an ear 👂 listen ( we must listen to the Holy Ghost ) what the Spirit says to the churches.
God bless y'all & thensome! This , as all of 'em, is a great sermon !
Thank you again and hope to see ya before the Rapture !
Praise the Lord 👑🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻✝️🛐
Amen ❤ 🙌🏻
No doubt the scripture is becoming more clear in the closing of this age. *Rightly dividing!**YES!*
You're just full of pep today! You've had me laughing. Great Bible study. Rightly dividing is key. This is a pretty big deal.
Now if someone believes in what Jesus did, that He lived a sinless life, was nailed to a cross, He shed His blood for our sins, was buried in a tomb, rose on the third day. His blood covers us and washes us clean from sin.
Do they need to do anything else?
I was in a church that didn’t teach about the blood but learned later about the blood. I do believe and I trust Him and I’m so thankful for the free gift of grace through faith. I think that’s what I have to do to be saved but please let me know if there’s something else I need to do 🙏🙏💕💕
1 Corinthians 15:1-4
[1]Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;
[2]By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.
[3]For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;
[4]And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:
You dont HAVE to DO anything now. You may want to or feel like God is calling you to SHARE the Salvation Gospel 1Cor 15: 1-4 and how we are Sealed with the Holy Spirit till the day of Redemption Eph1:13-14... sharing is always a good thing since we are Ambassadors for Christ Jesus .... I seldom leave my house so speaking to others is something I really dont do but I Pray for others DAILY , starting with people in the comment section of the channels I follow , the for the Children of God world wide. For the Fence sitters. I pray cause I can and I love and Trust in Christ Jesus and know prayers are strong.
@@PJ-64 I too rarely go anywhere and I do pray for many every day. Thank you 🙏🙏💕💕
@@LookingForThatBlessedHopethen Sister your praying out of love and Christ Jesus knows this. ❤ adding you to my prayers also ❤🙏
“Is Belief in Jesus Enough for Salvation?” True Christians believe that Jesus died for the sins of humankind. (1 Peter 3:18) However,
Salvation requires more than believing in Jesus as Savior. The demons know that Jesus is “the Son of God,” but they face destruction, not salvation! (Luke 4:41; Jude 6)
What Must I Do To Be Saved?
1) You must believe that Jesus sacrificed his life for our sins. (1 John 2:2)
2) Learn what the Bible REALLY teaches! (2 Timothy 3:15) Accurate knowledge based on the Scriptures is necessary. (1 Timothy 2:3,4)
3) Repent! (Acts 3:19) Stop practices that offend God and do “works that befit repentance. (Acts 26:20)
4) Get Baptized! (Matthew 28:19)
5) Obey Jesus’ instructions. (Hebrews 5:9) Become “doers of the word and not hearers only.” (James 1:22)
6) Endure to the end! (Mark 13:13; Hebrews 10:36)
I’ve learned so much from you! Thank you!
GOD Blessed Everyone and Your Love ones Be safe out there ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
I believe with my heart.
Keep looking up your redemption draws near. YESHUA is coming back soon. Praise ADONAI. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem and for the JEWISH people the apple of ADONAI'S eye. MARANATHA. YESHUA died so you could live.
I heard that the Lord won't return until every ear has heard about Jesus, people are born every day, however I think that might be slowing down. I dont know if this is true. I do know missionary work is needed more than ever and I want to be a missionary. It's dangerous work in a dangerous time but I feel like I'm called to do so.
Thank you Lord for everything!! I’m sorry I’m not the Son I should be for you
Thank you for the truth!
Rev-3-20 Breaker love y’all
Believe that Jesus Christ is The Son of God, born of a virgin, died on the Cross and rose again on the third day ; conquering death and washing away of our sins that we are made white as snow and will live eternally in Heaven.
Good one, thanks bro breaker!
Judge ourselves first.
What is praying in the spirit.... It's internally where no words are uttered.. Only God hears...
The asking and receiving is in accordance to his will and purpose for us 48:22
- then for; the all-consumming fire; is 'THAT I AM' and for that of Elohim
God Bless You❤
The sound is a bit low. God bless you Brother Breaker.
Brother pastor thank you.its rev 3.20
Concerning salvation, Mr. Breaker, is your middle name Circuit by any chance?
Brother breaker we are supposed to judge sin if someone is sinning you call it out and it doesn’t mean you assassinate their character only the sinful thing they are doing
Amen! But, we do it with meekness, charity, and love!
Super! thanks Robert.
I’m confused now... I was convinced that the ‘sinner’s prayer’ was the first step (believe in your heart and confess with your tongue) PLEASE PRAY FOR ME... I’m trying my level best to understand, I want to be SURE... but I’m worried that I miss something, or believing the wrong things. Like preparing for an exam but you studied the wrong parts... PLEASE PRAY FOR THE CALMNESS OF MY MIND so that I can know for sure that God know my name.
Hello Elnavanrensburg: Please be aware, salvation is one step. The UNMERITED FREE GIFT of Salvation is received by ANY person that Trusts in their Heart ONLY on Jesus’ (God the Son who came as God in flesh) DEATH (includes the shedding of Lord Jesus’ blood), BURIAL, and RESURRECTION for salvation, with NO faith for salvation on any type of human effort, works, or claimed positive human qualities. When a person believes the good news (gospel) of salvation, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 (KJV), summarized above, ONCE, God Immediately makes the believer INNOCENT, born-again (permanently spiritually SINLESS in God’s eyes regarding standing and salvation), as if the believer has never sinned. God says we are ALL DISQUALIFIED FOR ANYTHING OTHER THAN HELL, and ONLY because of HIS mercy and GRACE he offers every person the UNMERITED FREE GIFT of salvation.
Salvation CANNOT be received with faith on any works for salvation, such as PRAYING.
Ephesians 2:8-9 (KJV) - “For by GRACE are ye saved through faith; and that NOT of YOURSELVES: it is the gift of God; NOT of WORKS, lest any man should boast.”
(GRACE means UNMERITED FREE GIFT. NO human effort or works can be involved in receiving or keeping salvation; there is Nothing a person can do to qualify for, earn, or receive any part of salvation.)
Romans 11:6 (KJV), “And if by grace, then is it no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace....” (Trusting on ANY human effort or works means that person is not under grace, but is attempting to qualify for salvation by the law/commandment keeping/human effort, and is therefore NOT saved).
BELIEVING the Gospel, (1 Cor. 15:1-4) with NO Faith on ANY Human Effort, is the ONLY way to Receive Salvation. Notice what is NOT included (works / human effort).
Romans 4:5 (KJV), “But to him that worketh not, but BELIEVETH on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.” (‘righteousness’ means God makes the believer sinless in God’s eyes concerning standing and salvation)
Acts 16:30-31(KJV) - “The Philippian jailer asked Paul and Silas, Sirs, what must I do to be saved? And they said, BELIEVE on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.”
Romans 3:28 (KJV), “Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by FAITH without the deeds of the law.”
John 6:47 (KJV) "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that Believeth on me hath everlasting life."
Please be aware, Calling/Confessing are Works, and eternal salvation CANNOT be received with faith on any works for Eternal Salvation. Eternal Salvation is forgiveness of all sins when God makes the BELIEVER of the gospel of salvation (1 Cor. 15:1-4 KJV) permanently born-again and spiritually sinless. The Calling on the name of the Lord (Romans 10:13) and Confessing Jesus as Lord (Romans 10:9-10) are NOT part of how to receive eternal salvation and are instead asking God for PHYSICAL DELIVERANCE (Rescue) in the tribulation AFTER being eternally saved (born-again) by FAITH ALONE, plus nothing. Paul is referring back to Joel 2:32 (KJV), “And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall CALL ON THE NAME OF THE LORD SHALL BE DELIVERED: for in mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be DELIVERANCE, as the Lord hath said, and in the remnant whom the Lord shall call."
Any person that relies on any works/human effort for salvation will not be saved. Salvation CANNOT be received with faith for receiving and/or keeping salvation on ANY human effort, works, or claimed human qualities, including but not limited to: Good works/deeds, Praying, Asking, Turning from sins, Changing your mind about sins (repentance of sins), Inviting Lord Jesus into your heart, Having a good heart, Confessing, Calling, Water baptism, Dedicating/surrendering/giving your life to God, Following Jesus, Confirmation, Commandment keeping, Charity, Church attendance, or any other human effort, works, or qualities, etc., etc.
Galatians 5:4 (KJV), “Christ is become of NO EFFECT unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law (works); ye are fallen (separated) from grace (not saved).
Analogy: If you are convicted in a court and the sentence is mandatory, and then you Pray (ask), CONFESS, Call, Repent (change your mind) about the crime/sin, Get Water Baptized, Surrender, Call, Turn from the Crime/Sin, and many other works. Will the Judge set you free? NO. Because you remain Guilty per the law, and the penalty is set by the law. That illustrates why eternal salvation is offered from God by GRACE, which means UNMERITED FREE GIFT. There is nothing a person can DO to qualify for, earn, or receive salvation. Salvation MUST be received by Trusting ONLY on the payment for all sins made by Jesus’ (God the Son) death, burial, and resurrection (includes the shedding of Jesus’ blood).
Water Baptism cannot be part of HOW a person is saved / born-again.
1 Corinthians 1:17 (KJV) - “For Christ sent me NOT to BAPTIZE, but to preach the gospel; not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of NO EFFECT.”
God makes the believer Permanently Born-Again (Sinless Standing in God’s Eyes), as if you have NEVER sinned; this is a one-time event:
John 3:3 (KJV), “Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born-again, he cannot see the kingdom of God."
John 1:12-13 (KJV), “But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons (children) of God, even to them that believe on his name. Which were BORN, not of blood, NOR OF THE WILL OF THE FLESH, NOR OF THE WILL OF MAN, BUT OF GOD.”
Isaiah 1:18 (KJV), “Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.”
Titus 3:5 (KJV), “NOT by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the WASHING OF REGENERATION, and renewing of the Holy Spirit.”
Jesus is God the Son who came as God in flesh:
Titus 2:13 (KJV), “Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great GOD and our Saviour Jesus Christ.” (The Rapture)
Colossians 1:15 (KJV), “Jesus is the image of the invisible GOD......"
1 Timothy 3:16 (KJV), “And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: GOD was manifest in the flesh."
Isaiah 9:6 (KJV), "For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty GOD, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace."
Eternal Security for the born-again believer is true. A born-again believer CANNOT lose salvation. Believing that a born-again person can lose salvation means we approach God for salvation with faith on HUMAN EFFORT, and that means NO salvation.
Ephesians 4:30 (KJV), “And grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are SEALED unto the day of redemption.”
John 6:37 (KJV), “All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I WILL NO WISE CAST OUT.”
1 Peter 1:4-5 (KJV), “To an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you, Who are KEPT BY THE POWER OF GOD through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.”
John 10:28-29 (KJV), “And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. My Father, which gave them me, is greater than ALL; and NO MAN is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand.”
2 Corinthian 1:22 (KJV), “Who hath also SEALED us, and given the earnest of the Spirit in our hearts.”
It's not difficult put your FAITH and TRUST from your heart and BELIEVE that Father God raised his Son the Lord Jesus Christ from the dead after he was sacrificed , and that his precious powerful blood payed for all sin !
This may be a bit long. You have read or heard all through the OT how when people sinned there had to be a Blood sacrifice and with that sacrifice you had to Trust your sin was covered ( a bandaid ) for a time period, then yearly the High priest also performed a sacrifice , people would bring their perfect lamb, dove and so on what they could afford to buy or had raised and the Priest would make the blood sacrifices but this was only good for a 1 year covering of that person's sin again a Bandaid covering... they all Trusted in that Blood covering Sacrifice, just like the Israelites Trusted in the perfect lambs Blood they were told to paint on the side posts and door mantle of their homes so that death would pass by , when these people died that had put their Faith and trust in those blood Sacrifices , they would go to Abraham's Bosom to rest and wait ... God had a plan and then came Jesus OUR Perfect Lamb and the very LAST Blood Sacrifice, the Eternal Sacrifice, when Jesus shed every drop of his Blood ( to the point only water came out of him ) he gave up the ghost , died , was buried for OUR sins according to Scripture and Rose on the 3rd day along with all the Souls of those in Abraham's Bosom for now they to were covered by Christ Jesus Eternal Blood Atonement for their sins and we are covered for our sins eternally. YOU know in your Heart Who Jesus is right ? The Son of God , God the Son 1/3 of the Trinity, God in the Flesh. Once you put your Faith in What Jesus did on the Cross , Trusting the He Shed His blood for YOU covering forever YOUR sins and accepting that Blood covering ( taking that Gift of eternal life that Jesus is holding out to you ) then you are SAVED and SEALED with the Holy Spirit till the time of Redemption ( Called home to be with our Lord and Savior for eternity. ( Eph 1: 13-14 but read all of Ephesians 1 SO AWESOME ! )..... I pray this helps but look at other videos of Pastor Breakers on Eternal Salvation, The Blood ... he has many that will help. They helped me . Much love to you and will be peaying for you.
Words do not save, or raising your hand, that's easy. His blood sacrifice which washes and anoints and seeps deep into our soul and changes our mind and heart.
Thanks Robert
- The All Consumming Fire also including the Immanuel/ the Word made flesh and dwelt amongst us and is for I AM before
URGENT: Dear Robert. In order to follow you after YT cen sorship, do you have a telegram site? Love from Africa
see my website: www.thecloudchurch.org You'll find I have at least 5 other channels you can follow me on, including Rumble, Patreon, Brighteon, Bitchute, etc.
1:05:04 someone said dont 'knock on wood' that it's an old ?pagan? practice that ?calls to spirits that reside in trees? or some such, idk... i shall fear no evil but i don't care to tempt evil either
Awesome, thank you!! =)
captions is closed you need to turn it on , on your youtube channel
I am saved so I think help me
Love your channel Robert, can you do a video on why you believe the bible is true?
You mean a video like this?... th-cam.com/video/Px018P7DAh4/w-d-xo.html
praise the Lord pastor Robert
@@Robertbreaker3 Amen brother! Thanks
Wouldn’t Ask Seek and Knock be more about praying and seeking God in a practical sense?
THIS was made heavy on my heart to share. I have never done this before...
My Rapture theory about the time is (Not the Lord told me instead it is to my best understanding)
very simple compared to so many of the others I have read and watched. It goes like this.
(Selfsame day events)
(9/11/2023) This I believe is the 6000 year anniversary of the Start of Creation.
(9/12-16/2023) Everything Created but Man.
(9/17/2023) Adam Created (this is our 6000 year anniversary ) This is the DAY OF BLESSED HOPE!
(9/18/2023) 6000 year anniversary of First Sabith and the first day of our rest.
Also Bad day for real estate values world wide. Ohhh and that pesky Tribulation that we get to step out for PRAISE JESUS!
In Jesus Powerful, Beautiful, and Righteous name AMEN!
Endure I AM at the door. Are you ready to receive him?
Grant C. Grace Valley Watchman Zealot for CHRIST
Brother breaker, doesn’t it mean that if you seek salvation through Christ Jesus, you will find it?
What are your thoughts on the Ezekiel 38 war? Will the Rapture happen before it or after?
Are you still waiting for rapture after so many blown-calls? Are you dreaming about being taken to Heaven and living there happily thereafter? Even though, Heb 9:27 states that all men are appointed to die once and then receive God's judgment? There is no Rapture as you imagine, which is a pipe dream, a fable created by protestant churches to mislead people along the broad way to destruction (Matt 7:13-15). Our Lord said, "Whoever does not take up his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me (Matt 10:38). No slave is greater than his master. If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you (John 15:20). Particularly Our Lord said, "If those days had not been shortened, no one would be saved. But, for the sake of the elect, they will be shortened." If the rapture is true, why is there a need to shorten the days? In the last times, some shall depart from the Faith, giving heed to spirits of error and doctrines of Devil (1 Tim 4:1). Why follow false teachers who are abound in these times (Matt 24:24) and risk your eternal salvation? There is only One True Church, Our Lord's Only Sheepfold (John 10:16), His Bride and Body whom He saves (Eph 5:23). Come to His Fold quickly before it is too late, so that you may hear His Voice, know and follow Him, and be saved. Amen!
Yes. Nowhere close to the rapture. Believers do not need to be worried about this war, so relax.
Mr Breaker, this is confusing to me alittle bit. So if we don’t repent and continue to do whatever we want all we have to do is believe in Jesus blood and get to do whatever we want? I thought the point of Repentance is to change our bad ways so that we can be saved. But you’re saying No. Please explain. Thanks
Look up his videos
[So you think you can lose it]
[Verses people use to say you can lose it]
[Grace not an excuse to sin!]
The last video should be just what your looking for, but I would suggest watching the others also.
First Corinthians 6:9-11 clearly shows that if people don’t repent and stop doing things displeasing to God such as sexual immorality, homosexuality, drunkenness, will NOT inherit God’s Kingdom!
Salvation requires more than believing in Jesus as Savior. The demons know that Jesus is “the Son of God,” but they face destruction, not salvation! (Luke 4:41; Jude 6)
To Be Saved you must:
1) Believe that Jesus sacrificed his life for our sins. (1 John 2:2)
2) Learn what the Bible really teaches. (2 Timothy 3:15-17) Accurate knowledge from God’s Word is necessary.
3) Repent! (Acts 3:19) Stop practices that offend God. (Acts 26:20)
4) Get Baptized! (Matthew 28:19)
5) Obey Jesus’ instructions. (Hebrews 5:9) Become “doers of the word and not hearers only.” (James 1:22)
6) Endure to the end! (Mark 13:13)
@@stanleyheffner6473 Oh yeah Ive been watching him for years now. I’ll definitely check out his last video, Thank You.
@@potenzadadio I hope you did not misunderstand what I was saying.
I was pointing to the last video in the list [Grace not an excuse to sin]. I hope this clears up any confusion.
I understood the concept of judgment as judge someone's actions and not the person himself/herself so not to condemn and label the person.
100% proof Jesus revealed the Gospel for today to the Apostle Paul....
Galatians 1:11 "But I certify you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached of me is not after man.12 For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ."
100% proof we are saved by this Gospel ONLY.
Galatians 1:13 states, "13 In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise,"
You are SEALED after trusting in the Gospel; NOT after water baptism.
Have a blessed day,
Ephesians 1:13, Not Galatians!
That Scripture is talking about the spirit-anointed Christians in the first century. God figuratively sealed them
with his holy spirit by means of Christ to indicate that they are his possession and that they were in line for heavenly life.
@@SDJ992-q9t You are correct. It is Ephesians 1:13. Thanks.
All who place their trust in the Gospel are sealed with the Holy Spirit until the day of the rapture no matter what century it is.
Correction: Ephesians 1:13 NOT Galatians 1:13.
For the person asking about people that have not heard about salvation. God has called every person to be saved: John 1:9 (KJV), “That was the true Light, which lighteth EVERY MAN that cometh into the world.” (This includes All men and women)
He is not willing that any should perish in their sin. We must chose God's way to become his child through Jesus sacrifice on the cross to be God's child.
my pastor has said theres alot of religiosity in the south, i wonder does the fact that majority of pastors in the southern church isnt giving the clear gospel got something to do with it?
Your last comment before 3:00, 2:50 -ish, time had not begun until sin. There was exitance before time, but time as we understand it begins with sins. So before and after time is exitance with God. That's a new thought for me, gonna be thinking about it for a bit.
Robert Breaker I heard you say in a video that there are more that one dispensation periods. Dispensation was given to the Apostle Paul . it is the Church period only. Dispensation mean an exemption from a law or from an impediment, vow, or oath. Faith only to be saved