Hello.. please im currently working on my project and im supposed to find the area that has been consumed by insect herbivores on of leaf samples and I'm struggling to use the imagej .. please can you help me
it's possible measures of area of color image ? Or its only for pictures transformed in "8 bits" ? My image dont have white background, because of my experiment. Can someone help me ?
It is entirely based off of the light values of the pixels. In this method, color is accounted for by making the image a black and white, maximum contrast image. Long story short, if you follow all the instructions and your background has some degree of contrast relative to your leaf images then it will work :).
imagej.nih.gov/ij/docs/guide/146-19.html#toc-Subsection-19.7. It seems like it is done via light threshold and pixel counting (dimensions of the pixels are known by setting the scale with an image of a KNOWN DISTANCE (i.e. ruler).
Hi Pragya, you simply take a picture of a ruler in order to set your scale. By measuring out a known distance on that ruler; imageJ will record how many pixels correspond to that known distance. Of course, make sure you are using the same camera and set up for your scale to be consistent.
Thank you so much for shaing! But how do you make your leaf picture black and white? Thank you!
Hello.. please im currently working on my project and im supposed to find the area that has been consumed by insect herbivores on of leaf samples and I'm struggling to use the imagej .. please can you help me
how to make the picture black and white please
Thanks very much!
it's possible measures of area of color image ? Or its only for pictures transformed in "8 bits" ? My image dont have white background, because of my experiment. Can someone help me ?
It is entirely based off of the light values of the pixels. In this method, color is accounted for by making the image a black and white, maximum contrast image. Long story short, if you follow all the instructions and your background has some degree of contrast relative to your leaf images then it will work :).
Why am I getting leaf area far more greater than the actual area value, although I have set scale properly each time for each individual pictures ?
Hi Lok, it is hard to say without more information. My first guess is that you are not checking the "set global" blox when setting the scale.
Which formula does the software using to measure the area of irregular shape figures
imagej.nih.gov/ij/docs/guide/146-19.html#toc-Subsection-19.7. It seems like it is done via light threshold and pixel counting (dimensions of the pixels are known by setting the scale with an image of a KNOWN DISTANCE (i.e. ruler).
Is it possible to obtain a reliable source for this method?
Probably :). It ain't me
How ruler will be included in jpg file
Hi Pragya, you simply take a picture of a ruler in order to set your scale. By measuring out a known distance on that ruler; imageJ will record how many pixels correspond to that known distance. Of course, make sure you are using the same camera and set up for your scale to be consistent.