all souls..who follow Dharma....I really appreciate to all who are contributing their time made it to reach us. I am Sai Devotee in Sai Organisation in Singapore...also I can see and feel that Sai is with us in all walks of life and lots of love from GOD.. all his goals are being achieved uniquely in phases/ step by step (without our knowledge). Jai Sai Ram... PrabhuSV
Miss Swami !!! Swami I pray that you never leave my side and continue to guide me theough this journey of life !!! I need your blessing more than ever now, Swami !!! Om Sai Ram !!! Love You Swami !!!
Thanks Satish, very good :-) The good thing is we are already seeing this all around the world. India has a great and good history. I work with Indians a lot in my day-day activties and they bring a lot of qualities lacking in western culture. Having said that, there are a lot of good people in all the world, not just in India, who work unceasingly towards good. They are the quiet ones who set the example for a better world. I'm still learning to be one of them.
JAI SAI RAM.. This unique divine speech from Swami long back shows is outlook about his future mission... A clear cut example of divinity inside him....All Sai devotees, be proud and happy that we are blessed to be near swami (living god) in this era
yes, yes it is bhagavan Babas prediction and ambition.all of us to join in making it to success.It is his devine bleessings to follow love and truth and eradicate bad things.JAI sai ram.K.s.sridhara
I noticed more and more people are becoming sai devotees now even our Swami is not in his physical form. Swami never left this world. He's always with us. Jai Sai Ram!!!!!!!!!
Thanks Satish for the vedio the discourse is so helpful to get our lovely swamis massage Donot have to wounder or search any where else when we have swami in our heart
aumsri sairam........hope you are verywell dear ...many thanks for your loves with swamiji.....thanks for the beautiful sai bhajan...dear br satish....wish you a very happy blessed day...with divine love...aumsairam
Sairam May the divine bless you. yours is a wonderful job.This shows your love for sai, indeed this is a great service to keep devotees spirits high.Thank you. Jaisairam
Baba is a real teacher, he in every sentence is encouraging youth to march forward to make this entire nation as a beautiful Prashanthi nilayam. Lets do this.... Join hands to share love and service to mankind.
Sri satya Sai organizations spreading across the oceans by service and love. Because love and service is true powerful weapons and youth of today are powerful soldiers. Omsairam
Om Sai Ram, Brother Satish thank you very much for being the tool of our beloved Swami, you have done great jobs by spreading over Swami's teaching . Jay Sai Ram.
Thanks satish. very happy to see swami's video with his valuable message which makes us to feel swami is always with us and getting more confidence to face any situation at any time SAIRAM
Wao ! Que afortunados son esos estudiantes. Talves a mi no me toque esa gran fortuna, pero talves puedo colaborar en algo con esa grandiosa, bella y sagrada mision de Dios.
This is a Great prediction about the Great future, when Dharma will be the Natural Law and natural Path-natural Status-natural Mind - natural! Way to live. This is the Eternal Dream, Eternal Desire, Eternal Intention and Hope for entire Humanity - to see the Balance, to have the Harmony of common-mutual happy and respectful and loving and spiritual Life! Whatever Philosophy we practice, but we are spiritual beings. Whatever is our Reality - we can't survive without Spiritual Freedom. It's a pressing against the Vulcan. It's so strange to see:- we still need to reach this Normal Natural ! Godly Way to live, as human collective; And yet, it's not easy to set up this New, truly Nice and wonderful for each present being Life Style. Does somebody - resist ? Does something - prevent us-people, from to built the Happy Life for Everybody upon the Planet ? Well, what is it ? Who is trying to create chaos and permanent difficulties ? We are living in the conditional World, and there is the Reason exist for each "bad" and for each "good"! Why ? - we-usual people-observing our life, but don't really see these "reasons", which prevent us from success, prevent us - to build the Dharma-Life! Do we - people support the wrong ideas ? How and for whom it's possible ?- How it's possible - to act against the Creator-Will, against the Creator-Plan, against all human beings effort - to create the new good Planetary Life, - the Life of Dharma and Prema ? From our-human point of view, it's a pressing against the Creator. Unfortunately, - all these sad questions - are still here. Our life - still so far from to be stable and perfect and to be compatible with the our Creator's 'Godly Plan. If our Beloved Heavenly Father - can't stay here - and Darling all our Beautiful Avatars - are comes and goes, then - does someone know the Way, how we-children of the Sun, would return to our Honorable Belovest Father at any our formness, or formless aspect? Due to Life at our Father's Home - it is the Life of Dharma, Prema, Sathya, Shante and Ahimsa. We are-people, we are - spiritual beings, we do Love our Spiritual Home and our Heavenly Father. Namaste, Dearest all.
swami said he was shiv shakti avatar. n he said wen he will b born in mandya he will be only shakti (goddess) avatar ! we are waiting our swami eagerly ! sai ram !
As Baba said, "we should not become obsessed or focus on the various forms Avathars take but we must focus on their teachings...Concentrate.Contemplate & Meditate. In all honesty,whether there were miracles or not...Wasnt Babas message more important than any miracle? I know of thousands who sought gifts,trinkets,vibuthi,blessings,etc but did anyone ask for that which Baba had come to give???
Эпиграф: .. А для вас, благоговеющие пред именем Моим,- Взойдёт Солнце Правды и исцеление в Лучах Его.." Малахия - 4:2 Belovest All, Darling Beloved, SaiRam ! SaiRam ! LIFE this is just a matter of Faith! Возлюбленный Господь - Шри Саи Рам! Sai Ram! Мы-люди русские и говорящие по-русски, Мы Библию читали - в Русском переводе - (После многих- и- многих других переводов). И все Переводы - мы Чтим! И Все Переводы - мы Глубоко! Уважаем. И ключ от Библии сокрыт в наречьях русских. Хотя сие так доказать непросто. Во-всяком случае, в славянских расах - О Боге мы мечтаем, и к Богу молимся - В своих слявянских языках. И так положено и принято повсюду. Для каждого - стремиться простым сердцем к Богу:- В простых словах, и, конечно же, - в Духе (как учил Спаситель). И в терминах и в искренних слезах - Для каждого - его знакомого родного языка. Возлюбленный Господь - Шри Саи Рам! И что - объединяет нас! И что - спасает нас! - Так Это только то, Возлюбленный Господь, Что - Истина - Она - Одна, Одна.. - ОДНА.. Господь - Везде и Всюду и Всегда - ОДИН и Тот же - во все Дни! И до скончанья Века, размера которому Нет! И этому нас тоже - Возлюбленный Спаситель научил.. На языке любом: - ГОСПОДЬ и есть ГОСПОДЬ! И ДХАРМА и есть ДХАРМА! И множество Путей ведут к Нему. Из них Исус Христос Спаситель - самый Верный! Неважно - совсем не Важно, Кто из нас, и на каком же языке - глаголит. Но важно то, чтоб правду сердца - говорил. И вот уж очевидно стало, что простая, Человеческая правда - кому-то здесь и так Отчаянно мешает. Видно, кому-то всё мало и мало - В скорбях о нашем Боге - наших человечьих слёз. Но Библия - (с ключами, или без ключей!)- Но, - Библия нас - поддержала.. И книга мудрая нам рассказала:- Что Небеса пройдут.. Земля - иссякнет.. А СЛОВО - Божье - не пройдёт вовек! И Буква каждая Его и каждый - Его искренний, такой короткий вздох.. О чём ? О чём ? О чём же Вы-задумались, - Возлюбленный Создатель, о Чём, и о Ком ? Мы - Ваше Слово - Чтим! И мы Его - и Любим, и Читаем, и Слушаем, И Ждём ! Возлюбленный Господь - Шри Саи Рам- Мы Вас так Ждём, так Ждём.. Наш Первый Драгоценный Дорогой Учитель - Лорд Шри Кришна Мессия - учил всех нас: - С терпением и преданностью Истине и Долгу - Пройти сквозь фрагментарность будней скоротечных. Отец Небесный! По наставленью многих Дорогих Возлюбленных учителей, - Вот так мы и пытаемся идти туда, - Где "ложь и эгоизм циничный" - не практикуют. Где, ни в практике - ни в принципе, - эти энергии Амбиций лжи - не существуют, как таковые, сами-по-себе. И потому, Отец Небесный, наставлены Учителями, И хранимы Богом, и Преданные Истине Одной,- Мы продолжаем Веровать в Твою - Небесную Любовь! В Твой Несказанный Свет Небесный Лучезарный. Мы продолжаем безраздельно верить - в это Великое Солнце. В Солнце - Святости - Любви - Свободы - Истины - и Правды. Always - we are only Yours! Мы - всегда только Ваши - Дети Солнца-BenniShamas. September-09-21-2016 Om purushottama - Om ParaBrahman Om purushottama sama sameta Om Bhagavate sameta - om Bhagavate Namaha..(К сожалению, и прошу простить! но не знаю этой Мантры- ни слов, ни смысла. ) В Библии её - нет. Однако Артисты исполняют её - так!.. - как-будто, в ней заключена вся Божественная Гармония Мира. Забыть её - невозможно, если и услышал - один только раз.) А мы скромные Твои дети, Господи. Наша Гармония - в том, чтобы радоваться и веселиться о Тебе Возлюбленный! - о Боге Спасения - даже если и маслина изменит и смоковница не расцветёт.. - а наша Любовь к Тебе и Твоему Творению - всё та же самая вечная, Возлюбленный Отец! Намасте! Возлюбленные.
Miss? How do you miss someone who has never left? I do not miss Baba for he is here playing the game of love in my heart. Nevertheless, the mind does yearn for some physical tangibility. It is only natural, due to eons of mental objectivity.
Sai Baba is the jewel of my life. Nothing compares nothing else matters
I have a ring materialized by Swami in 1988. Sincr his passing, it produces ash every day that smells of cinnamon and flowers.
Paul Troiani Really ?
Sai Ram all souls..who follow Dharma....I really appreciate to all who are contributing their time made it to reach us. I am Sai Devotee in Sai Organisation in Singapore...also I can see and feel that Sai is with us in all walks of life and lots of love from GOD.. all his goals are being achieved uniquely in phases/ step by step (without our knowledge). Jai Sai Ram... PrabhuSV
Swamis wit and wisdom is uniqe.This rare collection delights my heart !
Miss Swami !!! Swami I pray that you never leave my side and continue to guide me theough this journey of life !!! I need your blessing more than ever now, Swami !!! Om Sai Ram !!! Love You Swami !!!
Thanks Satish, very good :-)
The good thing is we are already seeing this all around the world. India has a great and good history. I work with Indians a lot in my day-day activties and they bring a lot of qualities lacking in western culture. Having said that, there are a lot of good people in all the world, not just in India, who work unceasingly towards good. They are the quiet ones who set the example for a better world. I'm still learning to be one of them.
My gratitude to my MASTER SAI BABA !!! HE has being keeping the body to HIS lotus feeds. OM SAI RAM
The song has taken our heart away .the song sung by swamis students is all we need I just keep listening and watching.thanks for shearing
Sai Baba every time i think of u my worries about Bharatham vanish like thin air. Many prostrations to Theee my Lord
Thank u swami.......loving sai ram it is a discourse blessing for all of us.......... Thanks satish
This is soooo wonderful!! Sai Ram
Sai Ram Sir ,
Thanks a lot for this upload as well as others on Bhagavan
Sairam satish
You have done a great job by sharing this video. Thanx so much. We all are waiting to see the sai messengers transform the world.
thank you for such a wonderful video
JAI SAI RAM.. This unique divine speech from Swami long back shows is outlook about his future mission... A clear cut example of divinity inside him....All Sai devotees, be proud and happy that we are blessed to be near swami (living god) in this era
yes, yes it is bhagavan Babas prediction and ambition.all of us to join in making it to success.It is his devine bleessings to follow love and truth and eradicate bad things.JAI sai ram.K.s.sridhara
Excellent rare treasure! Thanks sathish.
Thanks Swami.
Nice and inspiring one .... Thanks for sharing....
HE is divine incarnate.
Sai Ram,
It will be so good. Hoping to see this unfolding Divine blessing to humanity ever increase in my lifetime.
Thank you Natish.
sai ram thanks satish garu valuable message in this video
I noticed more and more people are becoming sai devotees now even our Swami is not in his physical form. Swami never left this world. He's always with us. Jai Sai Ram!!!!!!!!!
Thanks Satish great work
thanks for sharing....great video & predictions.
your work is very much appreciated work is worship to quote Bhagavan
sairam satish, very good collection. keep it up.sairam
Thanks Satish for the vedio the discourse is so helpful to get our lovely swamis massage Donot have to wounder or search any where else when we have swami in our heart
Om Jani Sai Ram, Enjoyed a lot. May Baba bless you.
Supreme creators supreme plan all will come true my koti koti pranams at his lotus feet i am ready to serve him till i live in sai world sairam
Wonderful - We miss Swami
aumsri sairam........hope you are verywell dear ...many thanks for your loves with swamiji.....thanks for the beautiful sai bhajan...dear br satish....wish you a very happy blessed day...with divine love...aumsairam
we miss u swami .om sai ram
Great work..a motivating video..Swami is ever with us..
Thank u satish for the wonderful collection. sairam.
Thanks thousands times.
Its Amazing! thank u sathish! god bless u!
Jai SaiMaaa!!!
May the divine bless you. yours is a wonderful job.This shows your love for sai, indeed this is a great service to keep devotees spirits high.Thank you. Jaisairam
Om Sai Ram,we miss you Baba
Thank You very much for sharing this speech of our swami. I feel so happy hearing this.
Thank you for the wonderful video!
Thank you Satish. Excellent compilation.
thank you sathish
Satishji, You are really blessed by Bhagavan to bring back all these Treasures to the Knowledge of Millions like us. Om Sairam.
Love u mere baba....
Baba is a real teacher, he in every sentence is encouraging youth to march forward to make this entire nation as a beautiful Prashanthi nilayam. Lets do this.... Join hands to share love and service to mankind.
Thank you for this gift.
Sri satya Sai organizations spreading across the oceans by service and love. Because love and service is true powerful weapons and youth of today are powerful soldiers. Omsairam
Om Sai Ram,
Brother Satish thank you very much for being the tool of our beloved Swami, you have done great jobs by spreading over Swami's teaching . Jay Sai Ram.
Thanks a lot brother. Sairam !
Thank you for this wonderful video. Swami's voice is soothing as ever.
Swami said, "This is not My true birthday you observe today. My real birthday shall be when Spiritual reawakening occurs in your Heart"?
thank u sai ram for share ing with us
very powerful thanks for editing this Sathish Sai Ram...
I love You Swami.
Om Sai Ram. Thank you for this video
very useful sairam
thanks for giving me life
Very interesting and profound. Om Sai Ram
Thanks Sathish
It is worth watching andlistening to this video and this gives apicture of tings to come by.
Sai Sugunakar
Yes! This lecture was published in Sanathana Saradhi long ago!!!! Pranams!!
Thanks satish. very happy to see swami's video with his valuable message which makes us to feel swami is always with us and getting more confidence to face any situation at any time
HE is within every one one has to realise it ,... You will be in lot of peace and happiness
Thanks a lot! Jai Sai Ram!
you re in my heart, Namaste Master Swami
babajothi love it sooooo much
we love you swami...But your for us is much more lovelier..
Wao ! Que afortunados son esos estudiantes. Talves a mi no me toque esa gran fortuna, pero talves puedo colaborar en algo con esa grandiosa, bella y sagrada mision de Dios.
This is a Great prediction about the Great future, when Dharma will be the Natural Law and natural Path-natural Status-natural Mind - natural! Way to live.
This is the Eternal Dream, Eternal Desire, Eternal Intention and Hope for entire Humanity - to see the Balance, to have the Harmony of common-mutual happy and respectful and loving and spiritual Life! Whatever Philosophy we practice, but we are spiritual beings. Whatever is our Reality - we can't survive without Spiritual Freedom. It's a pressing against the Vulcan.
It's so strange to see:- we still need to reach this Normal Natural ! Godly Way to live, as human collective;
And yet, it's not easy to set up this New, truly Nice and wonderful for each present being Life Style. Does somebody - resist ? Does something - prevent us-people, from to built the Happy Life for Everybody upon the Planet ?
Well, what is it ? Who is trying to create chaos and permanent difficulties ? We are living in the conditional World, and there is the Reason exist for each "bad" and for each "good"! Why ? - we-usual people-observing our life, but don't really see these "reasons", which prevent us from success, prevent us - to build the Dharma-Life!
Do we - people support the wrong ideas ? How and for whom it's possible ?- How it's possible - to act against the Creator-Will, against the Creator-Plan, against all human beings effort - to create the new good Planetary Life, - the Life of Dharma and Prema ? From our-human point of view, it's a pressing against the Creator.
Unfortunately, - all these sad questions - are still here. Our life - still so far from to be stable and perfect and to be compatible with the our Creator's 'Godly Plan. If our Beloved Heavenly Father - can't stay here - and Darling all our Beautiful Avatars - are comes and goes, then - does someone know the Way, how we-children of the Sun, would return to our Honorable Belovest Father at any our formness, or formless aspect? Due to Life at our Father's Home - it is the Life of Dharma, Prema, Sathya, Shante and Ahimsa.
We are-people, we are - spiritual beings, we do Love our Spiritual Home and our Heavenly Father. Namaste, Dearest all.
Jai Sai Ram.....
i enjoyed seeing Swami , ever loving Lord of our hearts.
thanku satish
very nice...
Anyone know the name of the song at the start of this video?
The song is "Tu pyaar ka sagar hein!"
JAI SAI RAM!,,,,,,
Sir, where is this silver medallion now?
Does anyone know what the song at the beginning is called?
Thanks Satish to share, to be One in His Mission. Can you do with your team the translation in to Spanish. Yours "Vibhuti Sundaram". See you.
beautiful. i love His message.
i love it
swami said he was shiv shakti avatar. n he said wen he will b born in mandya he will be only shakti (goddess) avatar ! we are waiting our swami eagerly ! sai ram !
Sairam, thanks a lot for this beautiful video!
Thank You Brother....Very precious words from our dear lord.
india has its own unique religious culture.
Om Sri Sai ram
How can a westerner start upon this path? I am drawn to this
As Baba said, "we should not become obsessed or focus on the various forms Avathars take but we must focus on their teachings...Concentrate.Contemplate & Meditate. In all honesty,whether there were miracles or not...Wasnt Babas message more important than any miracle? I know of thousands who sought gifts,trinkets,vibuthi,blessings,etc but did anyone ask for that which Baba had come to give???
jai sai ram......
Эпиграф: .. А для вас, благоговеющие пред именем Моим,-
Взойдёт Солнце Правды и исцеление в Лучах Его.."
Малахия - 4:2
Belovest All, Darling Beloved, SaiRam ! SaiRam ! LIFE this is just a matter of Faith!
Возлюбленный Господь - Шри Саи Рам! Sai Ram!
Мы-люди русские и говорящие по-русски,
Мы Библию читали - в Русском переводе -
(После многих- и- многих других переводов).
И все Переводы - мы Чтим!
И Все Переводы - мы Глубоко! Уважаем.
И ключ от Библии сокрыт в наречьях русских.
Хотя сие так доказать непросто.
Во-всяком случае, в славянских расах -
О Боге мы мечтаем, и к Богу молимся -
В своих слявянских языках.
И так положено и принято повсюду.
Для каждого - стремиться простым сердцем к Богу:-
В простых словах, и, конечно же, - в Духе (как учил Спаситель).
И в терминах и в искренних слезах -
Для каждого - его знакомого родного языка.
Возлюбленный Господь - Шри Саи Рам!
И что - объединяет нас! И что - спасает нас! -
Так Это только то, Возлюбленный Господь,
Что - Истина - Она - Одна, Одна.. - ОДНА..
Господь - Везде и Всюду и Всегда -
ОДИН и Тот же - во все Дни!
И до скончанья Века, размера которому Нет!
И этому нас тоже - Возлюбленный Спаситель научил..
На языке любом: - ГОСПОДЬ и есть ГОСПОДЬ!
И множество Путей ведут к Нему.
Из них Исус Христос Спаситель - самый Верный!
Неважно - совсем не Важно,
Кто из нас, и на каком же языке - глаголит.
Но важно то, чтоб правду сердца - говорил.
И вот уж очевидно стало, что простая,
Человеческая правда - кому-то здесь и так
Отчаянно мешает. Видно, кому-то всё мало и мало -
В скорбях о нашем Боге - наших человечьих слёз.
Но Библия - (с ключами, или без ключей!)-
Но, - Библия нас - поддержала..
И книга мудрая нам рассказала:-
Что Небеса пройдут.. Земля - иссякнет..
А СЛОВО - Божье - не пройдёт вовек!
И Буква каждая Его и каждый -
Его искренний, такой короткий вздох..
О чём ? О чём ? О чём же Вы-задумались, -
Возлюбленный Создатель, о Чём, и о Ком ?
Мы - Ваше Слово - Чтим!
И мы Его - и Любим, и Читаем, и Слушаем,
И Ждём ! Возлюбленный Господь - Шри Саи Рам-
Мы Вас так Ждём, так Ждём..
Наш Первый Драгоценный Дорогой Учитель -
Лорд Шри Кришна Мессия - учил всех нас: -
С терпением и преданностью Истине и Долгу -
Пройти сквозь фрагментарность будней скоротечных.
Отец Небесный! По наставленью многих
Дорогих Возлюбленных учителей, -
Вот так мы и пытаемся идти туда, -
Где "ложь и эгоизм циничный" - не практикуют.
Где, ни в практике - ни в принципе, - эти энергии
Амбиций лжи - не существуют, как таковые, сами-по-себе.
И потому, Отец Небесный, наставлены Учителями,
И хранимы Богом, и Преданные Истине Одной,-
Мы продолжаем Веровать в Твою - Небесную Любовь!
В Твой Несказанный Свет Небесный Лучезарный.
Мы продолжаем безраздельно верить - в это Великое Солнце.
В Солнце - Святости - Любви - Свободы - Истины - и Правды.
Always - we are only Yours! Мы - всегда только Ваши - Дети Солнца-BenniShamas.
Om purushottama - Om ParaBrahman
Om purushottama sama sameta
Om Bhagavate sameta - om Bhagavate Namaha..(К сожалению, и прошу простить! но не знаю этой Мантры- ни слов, ни смысла. ) В Библии её - нет. Однако Артисты исполняют её - так!.. - как-будто, в ней заключена вся Божественная Гармония Мира. Забыть её - невозможно, если и услышал - один только раз.)
А мы скромные Твои дети, Господи. Наша Гармония - в том, чтобы радоваться и веселиться о Тебе Возлюбленный! - о Боге Спасения - даже если и маслина изменит и смоковница не расцветёт.. - а наша Любовь к Тебе и Твоему Творению - всё та же самая вечная, Возлюбленный Отец!
Намасте! Возлюбленные.
Miss? How do you miss someone who has never left? I do not miss Baba for he is here playing the game of love in my heart. Nevertheless, the mind does yearn for some physical tangibility. It is only natural, due to eons of mental objectivity.
Very interesting and profound. Om Sai Ram