I like to imagine Dooku as sort of a Darth Revan like character when it came to him being a sith, not fully consumed by it (hence not always having sith eyes) but rather using it like a tool
“You speak of a feeble assembly of weak-minded simpletons(Jedi council). For too long have they sat in their ivory tower, content to dispense arrogant platitudes while the galaxy evolves before their very eyes. Why would I be concerned with cowards too frightened to understand what it truly means to know the Force?” -Dooku Pretty impressive quote for an obscure DS game(Clone Wars: Jedi Alliance to be exact).
Anakin: "What are you doing, Padme?" Padme: "I am climbing up to get the high ground." Anakin: "Why would you do that? I don't get it..." Obi Wan: "I know you don't."
I think his ideas are somewhat justifiable within universe as many problems might arise from lack of ethnic unity. The republic is corrupt and in chaos because its trying to keep a house of extremely diverse and conflicting ideas all happy. The resulting idealogy always is one that is contrived and artificial that destroys the spirituality of the people. This happens in our culture as well with the concept of multiculturalism and diversity destroying white europeans which is backed up by false notions of the holocaust and slavery in America to guilt white people into giving up their power across the planet. I can say this from an honest perspective as a pure bred white european from one area, I am extremely intelligent, talented, kind and good looking to the point its like being a different species or breed than the people I am surrounded by making me feel like an alien in my country of birth. This is likely how Dooku felt even in the jedi order he likely gave up patience dealing with all the aliens and realizing that humans in most cases made better jedi. Look at what happened when Windu went to apprehend Palpatine. I think what it comes down to is inclusivity in the jedi order and the republic has proven to be a very bad idea because its only merit has been to weaken and stress out the strong humans trying to appease and lift up their lesser counter parts.
@@krel3358 tbf to Kit Fisto, Agen Kolar and Saesee Tin they didn't have plot armor like Mace Windu did against Ol Sheev (at least until Anakin showed up)
I think this quote from Gandalf sums up the Dark Side quite best: _Understand, Frodo. I would use this ring from a desire to do good... But through me, it would wield a power too great and terrible to imagine._ Dooku may have had the noblest of intentions, but the Dark Side twisted them into something utterly repugnant.
@@AidestheKiwi Eh, the reasons for Saruman’s fall is never really illuminated by Tolkien. I personally believe his mere obsession with lore and the Ring is what corrupted him; he was sent to Middle Earth as chief of the Istari (Wizards) so he naturally followed up leads concerning that infamous bling of Sauron’s. And, in his efforts to find it, his intentions and motives were corrupted by the fell influence that the Ring’s mere existence exerts, until the finding of it and presumably destroying it was superseded with a desire to wield the Ring himself…
What if Count Dooku's whole ordeal was to avenge Qui Gon's death by playing double agent? Infiltrate by Darth Sidious's side and kill him when he's most vulnerable ?
I believe Dooku started out to avenge Qui Gon's death but was subsequently was deceived/corrupted (take your pick) by Darth Sidious. The more Dooku saw of the Republic, he realized how corrupt and evil it had become, along with the Jedi Council who ignored these failings. Sometimes, one must become a monster to hunt and kill a greater monster........And who was the greater Monster; Palpatine or what the Republic had become.
Not in Legends. He all but gave up on the Jedi Council after a conflict on Galidraan about 12 years before that. After meeting Palpatine a few times and Qui-Gon’s death, he had finally decided to leave the Order and start working with Sidious to bring down the Republic and Jedi Order.
I mean, that WAS hinted. That is why he is so focused in recruiting Obi-Wan. He does hate Sidious for being involved in Qui-gonn's death. But he is to drunk with the Power of the dark side. and first wants to win the War. Then he wants Obi-wan help to kill Sidious.
Thus his name, Tyranus...the one who would bring the galaxy to Tyranny. It's ironic that he's so often overlooked compared to Maul and Vader, who were effectively bookends, when he did the majority of the groundwork and execution for the final stages of the Sith Grand Plan. For a decade, he used his reputation, wealth, influence and personal power and charisma to operate without suspicion in the open, he erased Kamino from the archives, lured his friend Syfo Dyas to purchase the Clone Army, then silence him, he came up with the plan to use Bounty Hunters to destroy the Bando Gora to find the prime clone templet, he recruited Jango Fett, funded the GAR and organized the CIS. Then in his last three years of his thirteen year time as a Sith Lord, he recruited and trained Grievous and Ventress-two of the most prolific Jedi Killers of their day(their combined total Jedi kills amount over 260 dead Jedi) he turned Sora Bulq and several Jedi Masters, Knights and Padawans to the Dark Side, created a schism in the Jedi Order, spared and pushed Anakin further to the Darkside while restraining himself from killing the boy on multiple occasions, found and retrieved the holocron of Darth Andeddu for Sidious(which allowed Sidious to master Essence Transfer and survive his death at Endor) and work closely with Sidious to perpetuate the Clone Wars so that more and more emergency powers could be vested in Sidious public guise as Palpatine. Sidious literally could not have come to power fully without Tyranus, and part of disposing of him through Anakin was to remove someone who commanded the respect and loyalty of half the galaxy and could become a rival once the Empire had been established.
@Mackenzie Bauroth To borrow a quote from the DisCan version of Luke Skywalker, "Amazing. Every word of what you just said was wrong." To describe Sir Christopher Lee as boring? You poor, deluded and simpleminded child, you've clearly no conception of talent or nuance at all, have you? If you find one of the greatest acting talents of the last hundred years to be dull, yet find Maul the definition of compelling, I'm afraid that no amount of sensible debate or even brain surgery can remedy that sort of mental deficiency, the best I can offer such a mentally disabled youth such as yourself is my heartfelt pity on your lack of taste. Maul was nothing more than an errand boy for Sidious without so much as an original thought in his head or ambitions aside from doing his Master's bidding, child, he was so in the dark on matters that he did not even know his Sith Master's alter ego in DisCan, nor the plan of said master and in Legends he has zero understanding of the Sith Grand Plan or any assets of his own, he's quite literally stated to be a Sith Assassin, not a true apprentice, to be used and discarded as soon as a better option arrived. Brilliant you say? If Maul is the definition of brilliant, I shudder to imagine your concept of dense. As to Vader, you mean the fellow who consistently failed to snuff out a Rebellion he outnumbered 10,000 to 1? How his lack of strategic planning and narrow focus on the obsession of his son coupled with his petty habit of killing even competent officers for minor infractions or matters outside their control led to brain drain in the units under his command? Perhaps you mean his brilliant plan to let the Rebellion gain the Death Star Plans to find their hidden base-getting the battle station destroyed, or his botched handling of the battle of Hoth where he threw his entire navy after a single freighter and let the majority of the Rebel forces escape, or how he let the Rebels land on Endor initially, betrayed his master and brought the Empire crashing down around him just because he wanted to save his kid and that somehow balances out all the slavery, genocide and being the lapdog for Sidious who viewed Vader as just a broken toy after he got cooked on Mustafar? The guy with zero qualifications to actually LEAD the Empire's military from a position of strategic high command? Do you actually think before you speak, because it is truly staggering how you can spew such idiocy and think you have the slightest idea what you are talking about. You Maul nuts love to jump on that Vader comic without even thinking about the context of it, then again, thinking tends to be difficult for someone who would characterize Maul as brilliant I suppose. Sidious is telling Vader what he wants to hear, the same as he did to Tyranus, the same as he did to Maul. That's his thing, he lies to get his way and manipulates those under him. You can't trust Sidious's words, but you can trust his actions and what were those actions? He replaced Maul with Tyranus, he KEPT Tyranus even after Maul's retcon to life, he shared all the details of the Sith Grand Plan with Tyranus save the part of him being a sacrifice to get Vader. Tyranus knew Sidious was Palpatine, Tyranus did place the order for the clones and funded them in both Legends and DisCan, having Syfo Dyas killed and placing the order in his name, Tyranus hired Fett in both timelines, he recruited and trained both Ventress and Grievous, he did cause a schism in both DisCan and Legends as he does get multiple Jedi Padawans, Knights and Masters to betray or leave the Order directly and indirectly due to his actions. He did organize, fund and build both the CIS and the GAR both behind the scenes and in public. He was able to use his dual identity the same way Sidious did to garner power and gain trust, something far more complicated than you seem to be capable of understanding. Yes, Tyranus was indeed under orders not to kill Anakin, his orders were to push Anakin, to humiliate, hurt and nudge him to the Darkside. Nor was there any serious reason to believe Anakin would replace him, Sidious in DisCan had been working with Dooku even before Maul was killed and both had proxies so there was no reason to suspect that Anakin was to be his direct replacement rather than an addition because neither Sidious nor Tyranus really followed the Rule of Two to the letter. Now then child, if you've managed to read this far(which I seriously doubt you've the capacity to do) do yourself and the wider world a favor and stop embarrassing yourself by speaking about matters of which you clearly don't have the slightest modicum of understanding.
@Mackenzie Bauroth Seeing as Anakin literally wouldn't have survived day one of the Clone Wars on Geonosis without help and was spared by as well as specifically monitored and aided from the two people managing both sides of the conflict multiple times? Yes, that's blatantly obvious to the point of being self evident. Would you like any other lessons or are you quite finished embarrassing yourself publicly for the moment? By all means report if you're really capable of making anything approaching a cohesive case that won't collapse under the slightest scrutiny. If it's anything like your attempts at arguing your case here, I've nothing to worry about. A small child might whine to their parent about the facts of life being disagreeable to their fragile little mind, but that doesn't change those facts in the slightest. Off you go now child, and best of luck to you, you'll need all you can get just to function in life yourself.
@Mackenzie Bauroth I call you childish because you are a child mentally. You have failed to note that I have systematically debunked your positions. You're simply either unwilling or unable to comprehend that and so like a child reject it out of hand. You are unable to stand on your own or support your argument once it has been proven to be demonstratively false. Thus, you are in fact childish. Having to explain matters that are self evident makes you as a child as well. You should be grateful that an adult is taking the time to educate you, even if it's a futile gesture for one of your deficiencies. Yes, being enabled to survive and be groomed, manipulated and tailored to have only Sidious as the one he trusts and is loyal to does make Vader better for Sidious, not the Empire, because until Luke came along, Vader had no one but Sidious. He was the right hand, do you want your own right hand to be anything other than a conduit for your brain's commands if it functions adequately in the role of a hand already? You just need it to smash who you tell it to. Yes, Maul having no ambitions or higher understanding outside of what his Master told him immediately was ideal for Sidious, because he needed someone who would obey without question and someone who had nothing but him. If Maul is killed or captured he cannot give any useful information. Tyranus is different to both of them because Sidious required at that time someone with a degree of initiative and intuition. Someone who could play multiple roles, the Sith Lord, the charismatic political leader, the shady financial backer, the apprentice, the teacher and the public opponent for the Jedi. It's also exactly why Sidious had Tyranus eliminated and replaced with someone without his own power base or skillset that could challenge him. Maul was just needed as an Assassin, Vader as an Enforcer. Tyranus had to be many more roles as well as those two, you're just too simpleminded to see something more complex than a single role that appeals to your limited understanding. Now then, you've got a meaningless report to file that will not inconvenience me in the slightest to make yourself feel better, (I do hope you have someone competent proofread it for you first) and I have a relaxing weekend ahead of me free from your insipidity. Good day child.
@@kingorange7739 Okay, in Legends he left in 32 BBY because of the death of Qui-Gon Jinn. On another note, do you think in Legends and Canon Palpatine had to lie about Maul, saying something like he wasn't trained by Palpatine or do you think he was truthful. Its probably not likely in Canon since Dooky eventually ran into Maul. Granted he was already thinking about betraying his master after being ordered to abandon Ventress at Sullust, but if he didn't already know about Maul and Palpatine's relationship before that, he might have just outright betrayed his master. In Legends since Maul was really dead, it could have gone either way. Though telling Dooku the truth may not be so damning since in Canon and Legends he was willing to order his old friend's death to take over the cloning project and in Canon he did order Ventress to kill his sister. So maybe learning of Maul being trained by Palpatine wasn't actually so damaging to his loyalty. Anyways in Canon, Dooku actually left the Order in 42 BBY for what could be considered in comparison better reasons. His homeworld had gone through turmoil and there was nobody left to take the position of count. So Dooku stepped up, for better or worse. Of course I will grant one thing in Legends interpretation. It makes Dooku and Palpatine's meeting up easier since they would have been on Coruscuant at the same time. In Canon, Dooku left a full decade before Palpatine became prominent. Sure Palpatine could have sent a messenger or something like he probably did with the corporations. But I feel Palpatine would be more persuasive if Dooku had yet to leave the Order. It also begs the question when in the decade between 42 and 32 BBY was Dooku recruited. In Legends since Maul was dead, Palpatine clearly needed a new apprentice and took in Dooku. In Canon Palpatine was probably planning on replacing Maul from the start. So when did Palpatine reach the conclusion to contact Dooku? The reasoning makes sense, he is the leader of a planet in the Outer Rim where he can influence the hearts and minds of civilians and had already left the Order. He would be a perfect candidate. So when did Palpatine recruit this and secretly train Dooku in the arts of the Sith without Maul catching on? Anyways though, Dooku was probably affected the same way by Qui-Gon's death even on his throne. I wouldn't be surprised if his fellow government officials and even Palpatine took notice of this. The guy is definitely evil in my eyes, but I do have to wonder what toll it took on him. Two Jedi friends die in the same year. One at the hands of his predecessor and the other by criminals he hired. He orders Ventress to kill his sister and years later is ordered to abandon her himself. Would this honestly push him further into the Dark Side as what happened or would it actually push him away from it, because that is a lot to trade for in exchange for helping establish Palpatine as an emperor. And that is without talking about all the vile Separatist officers and Separatist super weapons he commissioned throughout the war. Again, the guy is evil in my eyes and yet I have to wonder how if his mental condition deteriorated over time thanks to the sacrifices and actions he did in the sake of the plan. Running into Maul probably didn't help matters either.
The Philosophy of Star Wars never ceases to spark inspiration for me. Dooku is THE separatist. His ideals are right to an extent but also somewhat misguided. The Jedi are meant to be, in some people's eyes, apathetic. One of the core tenants of the Jedi is intended to be restraint. Those who can change the galaxy shouldn't do so, as absolute power corrupts absolutely. The alliance between the Jedi Order and the Republic, especially the Jedi's influence of galactic politics, go against these ideals. As Mace Windu once said, "We are keepers of the peace, not soldiers." The final nail in the coffin for the Jedi was their involvement with the clone army in the GAR, proving that the Jedi could not follow their dogmatic views while being aligned to the Republic. Dooku and the Sith, in general, have an ideology base similar to Nietzsche, in the sense that those with power have a duty and responsibility to use it. This isn't inherently evil. We've seen multiple Jedi in the expanded universe act this way, such as Revan and Kyle Katarn. In the era's this was more accepted was both before and after the reign of Sidious, or more accurately, Yoda.
Dooku’s problem was that the Jedi Council had become too apathetic and too closely tied to the Senate to the point where some of it’s corruption had rubbed off on to them. At times they would accept assignments on false pretenses and ignore oblivious signs of corruption even if directly led to the blood shed of the non guilty party. They’d just look the other way, basically because of politics. Investigations and scandals were too time consuming, messy and might even paint the Order or some politician in a bad light in the eyes of the public.
You should check out the philosophy that led Jacen Solo to the darkside. I believe it was the Legacy of the Force novels. I'm interested in it too. Seeing characters fall or take a different path and the thinking that led to it. That's why I enjoyed the Bane novels
@TheLatiosnlatias02 that's a good comparison. The "power couples" of the era's. I like how Luke Skywalker didn't make the mistake with keeping jedi out of relationships like the prequels. There were a few exceptions in the prequels though, like Ki Adi Mundi, but you get my point. I mean Jacen Solo became so powerful that Luke said he hadn't faced a foe that strong since Vader. And then you have Corran Horn and his children. It was a wise decision. I understand why by the prequel era they didnt allow relationships. It was from 1,000s of years of trial and error. The dual aspects of which, are very interesting to dive into
Dooku was a hero once but ideals get corrupted the dark side isn’t a tool that can simply be used it will use you and the man who once wanted to better the galaxy is gone and now only Tyrannus remains that became the very thing he swore to destroy a corrupt tyrant
In legends, he believed that by tempering the dark side with control, and justice, he could keep true to himself. But Palpatine’s influence was too great.
@@kanekikingstorm2113 not just palpatin but that is the way of the dark side as a proverb here on earth puts it: the pathway down to hell is covered in good intentions.
You find out more about Dooku’s beliefs and politics in the book Plagueis. It’s also annoying that the book ends with Plapatine meeting Dooku in a underworld bar.
Dooku is actually my favourite character. He is stylish, cool, badass (the mofo could defeat grievous with ease in legends, the same grievous who could beat durge and assajj in a 1v2), had a very cool lightsaber style and was actually incredibly powerful. I always saw him as a revan that didn't make it.
So, in other words, Dooku wanted to create the star wars equivalent to the Imperium of Man. Which means... Dooku: God emperor of mankind The sith army: Space Marines and tech-priests Stormtroopers: Imperial Guard
Asaji Ventress, or Darth Maul: Horus What's-his-last-name? Darth Sidious: A Chaos God. Jedi: Heretics. Alien Species: Orks, and other Xenos (Obiviously). I actually don't know that much deep stuff about WH40K (And, judging by the SHEEEEEEER amount of lore that apparently exists for that franchise, I probably don't even want to try; I already took a long time to get as up-in-the-know about Star Wars stuff, Warhammer would be SOOOOOOO torturous! So, spare me.)
Honestly, when it comes to prime shape for any character in the entire legends and canon I firmly stand by Dooku being either first or second for best duelist. He also was insanely gifted in the force, imo had he gained Sidious’ training himself then he would’ve been not only stronger if he took Sidious’ place but also been a better duelist. I think if anyone could’ve been the closest thing to the chosen one without actually being it, then it would be Dooku. Rest In Peace, Count.
It’s worth noting that the many renditions of Dooku across many different media all come from different authors with different ideas. George Lucas rule of two is different from Drew Karpyshan Rule of Two, just as AotC Dooku may be different from Dooku in novels or comics. In the original AotC, he clearly knows about the Sith Grand Plan, and the Death Star, but is there anything in that original rendition to suggest he is racist? Also we learn he taught Qui Gon, who Filoni always said was the wise father figure Anakin needed in Phantom Menace. One criticism I’ve heard of The Clone Wars, is that it made Dooku too much of a generic bad guy. In Clone Wars he can be pretty brutal and we saw him play the game being a Sith apprentice, trying to outfox his master with Ventress and Savage. Regardless it’s interesting to try and perceive his intentions, and I’d like more videos on him. He’s an underrated character.
Exactly, there are versions of Dooku in which it is different things, for example: -A cartoon villain. -A tragic villain. -A deluded idealist. -A xenophobic and totalitarian just as bad as his dark master. All of this is true from a certain point of view.
It would be absolutely badass if Count Dooku took a civilian shuttle, went to Couruscant, surrendered to see the Jedi Council and straight up tell them "I surrender but kill the chancellor, he's a sith lord and plays us both."
See I’m glad that was never a “what if” not because it’s not a good idea (it is at least part of a good idea lol) but because you know they’d take that and have the Jedi be even more stupid than they are in the CW. That’s one thing I hated about CW; the Jedi being arrogant is one thing but them being that stupid is just beyond unbelievable
Before or after the Clone Wars start? Because if before then this could definitely work but afterwards order 66 would still be triggered which won't kill as many since Dooku probably would tell them about it unless he uses it as way to kill Sidious and once he's dead use the Clones to kill the Jedi by announcing on his televised trial ( which would be watched by nearly everyone) the code word to trigger order 66, escapes and then sends it to each clones who has not received it yet. Then takes over the galaxy with the CIS.
I don't like the fact that Dooku was a racist, it just doesn't fit to his character as we saw him in the movies and the clone wars like he had 3 apprentices that wasn't human such as Asajj Ventress the Dathomirian witch, Savage Opress the Dathomirian Zabrak and Quinlan Vos the Kiffu jedi master. He doesn't seem to hate nor treat them badly (except from their training) but the point is that it doesn't fit his character especially from someone who is trying to save galaxy and that is what I don't like about legends Dooku and hopefully this won't happen with this canon Dooku.
I too prefer to think the new Canon Dooku actually cared for his non-human allies and planets that supported him. A large contrast to the generic evil Empire or the corrupt human centric Republic.
"Slavery, exploitation, ruthless totaliarianism"... Here is the thing, none of that is surprising, he was a massive hipocrite. The problem is that most people only remember him as Count Dooku, but forget his was also known as Darth Tyranus.
Part of that is less that people forget his Darth role, and more to do with the fact that in most media, he's rarely referred to by his sith title in any consistent manner. Between games listing his name, media referring to his count title, and so on, he's almost EXCLUSIVELY, even by General Grievous himself, referred to by his regular name and count title. So naturally, people are going to only refer to him as Tyrannus, while Palpatine is more equally named through his sith and regular names
Dooku was just..chillin’ back, relaxin’ all cool. When a couple of guys who were up to no good, starting making trouble in his neighborhood. He got in one little fight and Sidious got scared and said “you’re moving your a** to Serenno, I don’t care”
@@namelesssomebody2557 if anti-republic propaganda is coming from dooku then his beliefs are what is guiding it tho. Frankly both the cis and the republic are bad. The republic sour horribly and is rotting cheese. And the cis is like that crappy American sliced cheese.
Think of it like this. Dooku was Sidious’ most powerful apprentice because he was smart and rich enough to grasp full force of the dark side. Both Maul and Anakin were poor and desolate. Sidious and Tyranus were rich and smart. Moreover, Tyranus knew sith lighting and i feel thT that is what everyone forgets. Sidious taught Tyranus sith lightning for a reason. Vader didnt have hands and Maul was a dumb brut.
@@starscraper1336 Sidious did intend for him to be a true Sith Lord at first, though, and would've been Sidious' successor if he took too long to complete his plan. In fact, Maul had more potential than Sidious and could've eventually overthrown him if fully trained and given more time to learn all of Sidious' secrets. In Legends, the only reason he wasn't fully trained as a Sith Lord was because Plagueis wanted him to simply be an assassin, while in canon, it's more due to just not having enough time between being picked as Sidious' apprentice and being cut in half by Obi-Wan.
This is my favorite character, he is obviously extremely underrated by the Star Wars community, but he's one of the most skilled Duelists in Star Wars, capable of defeating characters like Darth Maul, Anakin Skywalker or Obi Wan Kenobi.
In the end it really comes down to whom you ask. It might be that this was how he acted towards Palpatine. Maybe Dooku tried to deceive him too. Let's not forget that Dooku didn't always act in Palpatine's favor. I think his appeal to Kenobi in Attack of the Clones was sincere. Dooku was Qui Gon's master which makes Kenobi like a grandson to him. He told him that the Republic was controlled by a Sith Lord. Perhaps Dooku tried to win over Kenobi and overthrow Sidious. Dooku also trained multiple apprentices like Ventress or Savage. Palpatine was so concerned with this, that he order Dooku to get rid of Ventress. And then there is the war itself. If Dooku was fiercely loyal to Palpatine and his cause, why would he attack on Kamino? You might argue that it made their deception look more realistic, but I don't think they would have taken the risk. If something didn't go as planned, and if the Separatists would have won at Kamino, the war would have been over a short while after.
Explain the whole thing with the Banking Clan near the end of the war along with how Dooku attempted to keep the inhibitor chips under wraps. Both of these actions counter your argument that Dooku opposed Palpatine because these actions empower him. In the case of the chips, they would have raised red flags that something was wrong with the army and likely would be removed, meaning Palpatine loses his ultimate control over the clones. And with the banks, he basically handed them over to the Republic and killed a Separatist Senator and also framed Clovis, who was deemed trustworthy by both sides. He didn’t just hand the money to Palpatine, he took it away from the Separatists. Both sides needed the Banking Clan in the war, but Dooku practically handed them over to Palpatine knowing full well that it was part of the plan. Also explain why Dooku didn’t just outright expose Palpatine as a Sith Lord during the war? Of course the Republic is going to claim its propaganda, but what would the Separatists and neutral worlds like Mandalore think? After Darth Maul runs havoc, worlds would side with the CIS probably fearing that the Jedi are secret Sith. Even if the Sith are legends by the Clone Wars, the stories of their empire still exist. If Dooku really was a good man at heart, then he was miswritten because his actions don’t match up with someone who is an enemy of Palpatine. Need I remind you he tried to kill Padme when she was trying to stop the Republic from passing the Military Creation Act or how he had Mina Bonteri killed or how he ordered the corporations to blow up the power grid on Coruscant just to keep the war going?
Count Dooku is one of the most classiest Sith because he was first played and portrayed by Christopher Lee, who is looked upon as one of the most classiest actors; especially in the UK. George Lucas was right to have him play the roll of the Count.
Count Dooku also didn't think his cunning plan all the way through. The only way the galaxy would have accepted Dooku's sudden turn away from espousing Separatist ideals would have been to blow a secret that would have shattered his new order, namely that he was working with Palpatine all along, wide open.
Dooku :"The Republic is corrupted my young padawan, nothing good will ever be born from it in the next decades." Qui Gon :"What kind of institution would you have instead master?" Dooku :"Have you ever heard of something called the third Reich?"
Personally see him as a good man who thought he was doing good. But not only went about it the wrong way, he also simply lost his way. No doubt Sidious didn't help with all of that.
We already knew that the Sith were pulling the strings of the war, so much so then when Padme managed to broker peace talks, they bombed Coruscant's power rig to convince the Republic to cease peace talks and killed Mina Bonteri and blamed it on the Republic to get the Separatists to withdrawal the agreement to try and talk things out. That, along with the fact he tried to kill Ventress was prove to me that by then, Dooku was no longer the kind hearted idealist he once was, but he was a willing servant of Sidious. Though with his views as they were, it must have been hard for him not to do or say anything racist whenever he was acting as the Separatist head of state as most member worlds and their senators were aliens, non-humans.
Thank You! Dooku’s defenders conveniently seem to forget about how he sabotaged the peace talks as well as his actions regarding the inhibitor chips and the banks in the final year of the war. These actions are not those of an enemy of Palpatine, they are of an ally or servant!
I initially thought little of Dooku when I was but a casual fan, but thanks to Lore channels I learned he’s a character with great depth. I find I’m very much enjoying the analysis of his character, and I hope to be able to read so much more of him. Now I’m sad he got beheaded before I could have met the guy.
I never read the novelization, and I gotta say it's a huge letdown that they would take that complex a character and basically throw in "oh yeah, none of that's true, he's actually a shallow specist mustache twirler" That's a huge part of his allure, that he was operating on principal, and always trying to bring others (including yoda) around to see his point. Side note: the scene where Yoda shows him what "dark side yoda" would be, and basically makes him crap himself? Absolutely epic, and one of my favorite legends scenes🤌🙏
Agreed. I think this interpretation of Dooku simply dosen't fit anything else we know about him - canon or (other) legends. And i also think it's a narrative weakness to have your "2nd row villain" be an actual more cruel and sinister entity than your actual main villain.
Yeah. His adopted father was a little old green alien and he's somehow a specieist? Man should have been a Monarchist, wanting to make a galaxy of Alderaans and Serennos. It would have fit his name even: Count Duke-U
Idk why ppll are so bent out of shape about the fact it was officially revealed that Dooku was a racist. His boasting in AOTC about specifcally surpassing Yoda clearly meant that that it played a part in him turning to the Dark Side. Palpatine wore a mask that he wanted everyone else to see, but we know that him being a Sith meant that he wasn't displaying his true beliefs either.
i think once they made him basically speciest they lost alot of what made the character compelling. someone who actively sought to uproot the corruption of the republic but unnable to achieve it through the jedi, only to then allign himself with the sith, was always more interesting. especially because he was never truly concerned with power, he just had it as a means to an end.
If Dooku never became a Sith I could honestly see him becoming a former jedi trying to form a better in the long run using the separatists to break away and try it on their own. Of course his separatists may not know his whole on goals and desires. But I do think even without Palpatine he would have secede anyway.
Exactly, Dooku was going to seek to clean the corruption of the Republic anyway, Palpatine only changed what he would do after winning, the dark side corrupts everything.
It's amazing how Sidious was able to not just take over the Republic, but in so doing, remove what he considered weakness and corruption and obliterate all opposition in one go. And I honestly didn't know Dooku was in on that plan and agreed. I wonder if it was really necessary for Sidious to kill him.
When I saw your video on how Dooku envisioned the clone wars would end, I thought wait that is not anything like what he said about the republic. Then I remembered that he was a politician and thought, oh right politicians lie on the regular.
In my Star Wars RPG campaign, where Dooku died right at the start of the Clone Wars, leaving Grievous as the sole commander and head of the CIS, I'm realizing that Grievous not only represents the CIS ideals far more than Dooku, he embodies it, as his own people were betrayed, ignored, abused and repressed by the Republic and he genuinely had a problem with the treatment of the outer rim and would gladly topple the Republic, unlike Dooku.
Dooku should have double crossed Darth Sidious when he had gathered his forces-He had the top financial banking of Galaxy Banking, he had the droid military forces of the Trade Federation and the Techno Union along with the plans for the Death Star and the Geonossan droid foundries-He could have won that fight, if he meant to win it. The Jedi feigned being above politics, while slavishly serving the Republic Senate, the squabbling senators and whoever happened to be Chancellor. The Jedi were far more honest with themselves and the Galaxy when they ruled directly
Dooku said something interesting about the Jedi Order's corruption and that their real problem is Yoda and his complacency with Galactic affairs as he sits comfortably and happy with his power.
Say the truth was revealed by a reporter. The truth of how he got the Pykes to kill his best friend, how he ordered the clone troopers be implanted with inhibitor chips, how he destroyed the peace talks and killed Separatist senators, how he tried to kill Padme back when she was trying to stop the Republic from declaring war, and how he handed the banks over to the Republic. What is your opinion then?
Hmm. In the movies, Dooku doesn't come across as a specie-ist. Feels a bit tacked on, like, "hey - the guy's supposed to be evil, how can we make him look and sound evil?" Not all fan-fiction should be promoted to canon.
Makes you wonder how things might have gone if Palpatine wasn't a Sith Lord but just a very smart Politician with massive Ambitions. Dooku might have gotten a lot more of what he wanted
Evil characters can often be and are often right. It's how they go about fixing the problems they see that make them "evil". Truth doesn't have a side - no bias - actions do. If evil never spoke the truth it wouldn't be tempting, not near as much.
Noted that the novelisation has already been retconned. But even if not, I don't know, Palpatine Order preserved the worst of the Republic and process it into an even more chaotic and corrupted form with none of its nobility. The aliens crime lords were still there and thrived, order wasn't at all enforced with smugglers and pirates running rampage, and the meddling politics and the senate was still there which plunged it into another civil war. Palpatine seized power for the thrill of it, he doesn't interest to rule (or if he does, he didn't actually do any ruling, leaving stuffs in the hands of his muscle head like Tarkin and Vader.) Dooku would at least be taking an active part in ruling his empire
I love the RotS novelization but it’s portrayal of Dooku’s inner thoughts is something I…let’s say find disagreeable. It makes him just another pure evil baddie and kinda ruins the implication set forth in Attack of the Clones that Dooku was a fallen hero, an idealist who was corrupted by disillusionment, rather than a power-mongerer. Plus, Christopher Lee’s portrayal is just so iconic that I refuse to sully his masterful performance by caricaturing Dooku as such a simple villain.
Charismatic and charming villains in fiction tend to justify their extremism with an aura of truth. While the Republic was corrupt, it was not broken beyond repair as Dooku claimed. The funny part is that he actively did things as both a Jedi and Sith that he swore was wrong with the Republic, not to mention the fact that he aspired to be greater than Yoda. So what does that make him? You guessed it...a hypocrite.
One of the biggest problems with that quote is that Dooku pretty much did literally that exact same thing but on a bigger scale and worse... That wasn't a warning that was his vision board...
For all his “noble” intentions, his anger & hatred of the Galactic Republic, as well as his inhuman desires sent him down the Dark Side. Don’t let his idealism fool you, he was a textbook piece of Sith.
Geetsly could you please make the distinction between legends and canon Dooku and with Dooku and Tyrannus. Because in canon the novel "Dooku: Jedi lost" clearly shows that before turning to the dark side his ideals were right all he wanted was to fight to corruption of the republic and destroy the sith. He was a genuine good dude even leaving the order to help Sereno rebuild after the events of the novel. As Tyrannus however he litterly became the very thing he swore to destroy. In canon he was genuinely good turned evil in legends he was just a racist old man turning even more racist and whatever after becoming sith.
It's funny, with all of that, how he still thought he lived to see it. While there are differences, I'm also glad he's Saruman, too, as they tend to have kind of similar, above everybody else mindsets. I'm very fond of Tyranus, but I admit I was nor totally aware of all that hatred, corruption, and else in him; some, bur he's worse than I imagined. I don't know how possible it would be, especially since their plans didn't work out, but I'm personally fond of Darth Plagueis, and especially Darth Tenebrous; it could be cool to see what THEIR plans and goals were, and how things might've progressed if their objectives had remained on track. I get he wanted immortality, but whatvdid Plagueis actually intend to do had things proceeded as he envisioned? What were his long-term plans? I know Tenebrous is tougher, as there is so little said about him, but he wanted to eventually acquire the body of the Chosen One, and unlimited power. If he HAD been able to body-jump from self to Plagueis, to Sidious, to Vader, what would he have actually tried to achieve after it?
He was a raised rich liberal that had all the opportunities of the galaxy and within the Star Wars galaxy lived a pampered life.. Yet helped bring down the Republic he benefited so much from…… this doesn’t seem so long ago or that far away….
When you look more into episodes 1-6 you just realize how genius Palpatine was and how good he was at manipulating. Not in the sequels though, he straight up tells his plan to Rey which was a downgrade
Making Dooku an actual slaver and racist in secret has got to be the lamest and dull writing decision ever. It doesn't make Dooku more interesting, it makes him a generic Imperial and nothing more. -___-
This was great. I do think that the CIS stated goals were just, but I think it was more than just Dooku that didn't believe with those stated goals. One of the most visible members of the group was the Trade Federation who had demonstrated that they had little interest in freedom or independence in the first film of the prequel trilogy. I don't know how widespread this attitude was among the leadership but I'm getting that a lot of the groups were driven less by a desire for freedom and independence than by a perceived opportunity to exert increased dominance over other factions by breaking free of the Republic.
I will just say this. Qui Gonn's death was the last straw for Dooku's exodus, and yet Dooku decided to join Sidious, who was actually responsible for Qui Gonn's death(he trained and deployed Darth Maul that day).
Qui-Gon's death is an excuse. He was acting as an inside agent for Palpatine long before Qui-Gon died. He deleted Kamino's location from the Jedi archives presumably before the Battle of Naboo ever took place. His betrayal was arguably worse than Anakin's since he was acting as a Sith long before he officially became one.
I've come back to this video after a long time. And the darkside corrupts all as you've said but you ALSO said he had these ideals in the jedi order. Perhaps they got darker but i doubt the core of them changed at all
Wait a second the Jedi allowed parents to keep their kids? Where did you find that. From what I could tell the legal system made in near impossible. Granted it's hard to find info on this subject
Dooku story is sad because he left the Jedi because he thought they were corrupt and wanted to make the galaxy better by the destroying the corrupt Sith and Jedi. But to do that he needed to become a Sith not that he agreed with them. So then he joined Palpatine to help him accomplish his idea, but Palpatine was evil to him and made him do evil thing which is why people think he is evil and also because of the people who don't know about the lore and just assume he is bad because of his lightsaber. He also lost is apprentice Qui-on Jinn. After all of that Palpatine told Dooku to go easy on Anakin in Revenge of the Sith but promised him to live and because Dooku was loyal to him he that, But Palpatine told Anakin to kill him. He was a great duelist with good intention just was controlled to do evil thing and was betrayed sad story but still lived a long time.
Count Dooku has a close, real-life analog in the form of Jefferson Davis. Namely, both had strong criticisms of their respective republics and had a strong sense of ideals. Where the differences lie is with their motivations and views. Jefferson Davis earnestly believed in the ideals he attested to. By contrast, Dooku had his secret motives because of his Sith ideals.
And they both supported the idea of enslaving those they thought of as lesser beings. Only one of them thought that of members of their own species smh
Id never imagine dooku would take anakin as an underling or right hand man. i believe he lacked the finesse that dooku sought which is why he preyed much more on obi-wan instead
I like to imagine Dooku as sort of a Darth Revan like character when it came to him being a sith, not fully consumed by it (hence not always having sith eyes) but rather using it like a tool
Isn't that basically the difference between sith and jedi sith use the force for themselves and jedi let the force use them
And I consider reven to be a sith unless you play as a jedi
That is a great way to look at dooku, for him it very much did seem like a tool!
A tool that ended up using him instead. Looking at the Dark Side as a mere "tool" is most unwise.
“You speak of a feeble assembly of weak-minded simpletons(Jedi council). For too long have they sat in their ivory tower, content to dispense arrogant platitudes while the galaxy evolves before their very eyes. Why would I be concerned with cowards too frightened to understand what it truly means to know the Force?” -Dooku
Pretty impressive quote for an obscure DS game(Clone Wars: Jedi Alliance to be exact).
I wonder how many people actually remember that game. It was...odd.
Dooku wasn't wrong and yes that is such a good quote for such a game
That game was pretty good for a liscenced DS game.
@@geetslys 4:29 Based and Humanity-pilled quote here as well.
I remember.
Geonosis arena
Anakin: Padme, are you all right?
Padme: Yes I have the high ground
Obi-Wan: What a useful trick
That would explain everything!!
Brilliant 👍
The explanation we have been missing forever.
Anakin: "What are you doing, Padme?"
Padme: "I am climbing up to get the high ground."
Anakin: "Why would you do that? I don't get it..."
Obi Wan: "I know you don't."
Looool true tho 😆😆😆
Count Dooku: "Slavery is an evil that cannot be tolerated."
Also Count Dooku: "It's not slavery if they're non-humans."
based and sithpilled
Well, as Imperium of Man enjoyer I find these ideas somewhat shy but delightful X)
I think his ideas are somewhat justifiable within universe as many problems might arise from lack of ethnic unity. The republic is corrupt and in chaos because its trying to keep a house of extremely diverse and conflicting ideas all happy. The resulting idealogy always is one that is contrived and artificial that destroys the spirituality of the people. This happens in our culture as well with the concept of multiculturalism and diversity destroying white europeans which is backed up by false notions of the holocaust and slavery in America to guilt white people into giving up their power across the planet. I can say this from an honest perspective as a pure bred white european from one area, I am extremely intelligent, talented, kind and good looking to the point its like being a different species or breed than the people I am surrounded by making me feel like an alien in my country of birth. This is likely how Dooku felt even in the jedi order he likely gave up patience dealing with all the aliens and realizing that humans in most cases made better jedi. Look at what happened when Windu went to apprehend Palpatine. I think what it comes down to is inclusivity in the jedi order and the republic has proven to be a very bad idea because its only merit has been to weaken and stress out the strong humans trying to appease and lift up their lesser counter parts.
@@krel3358 tbf to Kit Fisto, Agen Kolar and Saesee Tin they didn't have plot armor like Mace Windu did against Ol Sheev (at least until Anakin showed up)
Dooku's last thoughts in the revenge of the sith right before his death:
_"Treachery is the way of the Sith"_
I think this quote from Gandalf sums up the Dark Side quite best:
_Understand, Frodo. I would use this ring from a desire to do good... But through me, it would wield a power too great and terrible to imagine._
Dooku may have had the noblest of intentions, but the Dark Side twisted them into something utterly repugnant.
So... Saruman?
Ironically Christopher Lee wanted to play as Gandalf but because of old age he played Saruman instead.
The road the hell is paved with good intentions.
Eh, the reasons for Saruman’s fall is never really illuminated by Tolkien. I personally believe his mere obsession with lore and the Ring is what corrupted him; he was sent to Middle Earth as chief of the Istari (Wizards) so he naturally followed up leads concerning that infamous bling of Sauron’s. And, in his efforts to find it, his intentions and motives were corrupted by the fell influence that the Ring’s mere existence exerts, until the finding of it and presumably destroying it was superseded with a desire to wield the Ring himself…
What if Count Dooku's whole ordeal was to avenge Qui Gon's death by playing double agent? Infiltrate by Darth Sidious's side and kill him when he's most vulnerable ?
Then that would be the best plot twist in star wars history
@@geetslys If only, but we would not have the original trilogy, the the new one though. New trilogy though, that cringe. Except rouge, rouge is good.
I believe Dooku started out to avenge Qui Gon's death but was subsequently was deceived/corrupted (take your pick) by Darth Sidious. The more Dooku saw of the Republic, he realized how corrupt and evil it had become, along with the Jedi Council who ignored these failings. Sometimes, one must become a monster to hunt and kill a greater monster........And who was the greater Monster; Palpatine or what the Republic had become.
Not in Legends.
He all but gave up on the Jedi Council after a conflict on Galidraan about 12 years before that. After meeting Palpatine a few times and Qui-Gon’s death, he had finally decided to leave the Order and start working with Sidious to bring down the Republic and Jedi Order.
I mean, that WAS hinted. That is why he is so focused in recruiting Obi-Wan. He does hate Sidious for being involved in Qui-gonn's death. But he is to drunk with the Power of the dark side. and first wants to win the War. Then he wants Obi-wan help to kill Sidious.
Thus his name, Tyranus...the one who would bring the galaxy to Tyranny.
It's ironic that he's so often overlooked compared to Maul and Vader, who were effectively bookends, when he did the majority of the groundwork and execution for the final stages of the Sith Grand Plan. For a decade, he used his reputation, wealth, influence and personal power and charisma to operate without suspicion in the open, he erased Kamino from the archives, lured his friend Syfo Dyas to purchase the Clone Army, then silence him, he came up with the plan to use Bounty Hunters to destroy the Bando Gora to find the prime clone templet, he recruited Jango Fett, funded the GAR and organized the CIS. Then in his last three years of his thirteen year time as a Sith Lord, he recruited and trained Grievous and Ventress-two of the most prolific Jedi Killers of their day(their combined total Jedi kills amount over 260 dead Jedi) he turned Sora Bulq and several Jedi Masters, Knights and Padawans to the Dark Side, created a schism in the Jedi Order, spared and pushed Anakin further to the Darkside while restraining himself from killing the boy on multiple occasions, found and retrieved the holocron of Darth Andeddu for Sidious(which allowed Sidious to master Essence Transfer and survive his death at Endor) and work closely with Sidious to perpetuate the Clone Wars so that more and more emergency powers could be vested in Sidious public guise as Palpatine.
Sidious literally could not have come to power fully without Tyranus, and part of disposing of him through Anakin was to remove someone who commanded the respect and loyalty of half the galaxy and could become a rival once the Empire had been established.
@Mackenzie Bauroth To borrow a quote from the DisCan version of Luke Skywalker, "Amazing. Every word of what you just said was wrong."
To describe Sir Christopher Lee as boring? You poor, deluded and simpleminded child, you've clearly no conception of talent or nuance at all, have you? If you find one of the greatest acting talents of the last hundred years to be dull, yet find Maul the definition of compelling, I'm afraid that no amount of sensible debate or even brain surgery can remedy that sort of mental deficiency, the best I can offer such a mentally disabled youth such as yourself is my heartfelt pity on your lack of taste.
Maul was nothing more than an errand boy for Sidious without so much as an original thought in his head or ambitions aside from doing his Master's bidding, child, he was so in the dark on matters that he did not even know his Sith Master's alter ego in DisCan, nor the plan of said master and in Legends he has zero understanding of the Sith Grand Plan or any assets of his own, he's quite literally stated to be a Sith Assassin, not a true apprentice, to be used and discarded as soon as a better option arrived. Brilliant you say? If Maul is the definition of brilliant, I shudder to imagine your concept of dense.
As to Vader, you mean the fellow who consistently failed to snuff out a Rebellion he outnumbered 10,000 to 1? How his lack of strategic planning and narrow focus on the obsession of his son coupled with his petty habit of killing even competent officers for minor infractions or matters outside their control led to brain drain in the units under his command? Perhaps you mean his brilliant plan to let the Rebellion gain the Death Star Plans to find their hidden base-getting the battle station destroyed, or his botched handling of the battle of Hoth where he threw his entire navy after a single freighter and let the majority of the Rebel forces escape, or how he let the Rebels land on Endor initially, betrayed his master and brought the Empire crashing down around him just because he wanted to save his kid and that somehow balances out all the slavery, genocide and being the lapdog for Sidious who viewed Vader as just a broken toy after he got cooked on Mustafar? The guy with zero qualifications to actually LEAD the Empire's military from a position of strategic high command? Do you actually think before you speak, because it is truly staggering how you can spew such idiocy and think you have the slightest idea what you are talking about.
You Maul nuts love to jump on that Vader comic without even thinking about the context of it, then again, thinking tends to be difficult for someone who would characterize Maul as brilliant I suppose. Sidious is telling Vader what he wants to hear, the same as he did to Tyranus, the same as he did to Maul. That's his thing, he lies to get his way and manipulates those under him. You can't trust Sidious's words, but you can trust his actions and what were those actions? He replaced Maul with Tyranus, he KEPT Tyranus even after Maul's retcon to life, he shared all the details of the Sith Grand Plan with Tyranus save the part of him being a sacrifice to get Vader. Tyranus knew Sidious was Palpatine, Tyranus did place the order for the clones and funded them in both Legends and DisCan, having Syfo Dyas killed and placing the order in his name, Tyranus hired Fett in both timelines, he recruited and trained both Ventress and Grievous, he did cause a schism in both DisCan and Legends as he does get multiple Jedi Padawans, Knights and Masters to betray or leave the Order directly and indirectly due to his actions. He did organize, fund and build both the CIS and the GAR both behind the scenes and in public. He was able to use his dual identity the same way Sidious did to garner power and gain trust, something far more complicated than you seem to be capable of understanding.
Yes, Tyranus was indeed under orders not to kill Anakin, his orders were to push Anakin, to humiliate, hurt and nudge him to the Darkside. Nor was there any serious reason to believe Anakin would replace him, Sidious in DisCan had been working with Dooku even before Maul was killed and both had proxies so there was no reason to suspect that Anakin was to be his direct replacement rather than an addition because neither Sidious nor Tyranus really followed the Rule of Two to the letter.
Now then child, if you've managed to read this far(which I seriously doubt you've the capacity to do) do yourself and the wider world a favor and stop embarrassing yourself by speaking about matters of which you clearly don't have the slightest modicum of understanding.
@Mackenzie Bauroth Seeing as Anakin literally wouldn't have survived day one of the Clone Wars on Geonosis without help and was spared by as well as specifically monitored and aided from the two people managing both sides of the conflict multiple times?
Yes, that's blatantly obvious to the point of being self evident. Would you like any other lessons or are you quite finished embarrassing yourself publicly for the moment?
By all means report if you're really capable of making anything approaching a cohesive case that won't collapse under the slightest scrutiny. If it's anything like your attempts at arguing your case here, I've nothing to worry about.
A small child might whine to their parent about the facts of life being disagreeable to their fragile little mind, but that doesn't change those facts in the slightest. Off you go now child, and best of luck to you, you'll need all you can get just to function in life yourself.
@Mackenzie Bauroth I call you childish because you are a child mentally. You have failed to note that I have systematically debunked your positions. You're simply either unwilling or unable to comprehend that and so like a child reject it out of hand. You are unable to stand on your own or support your argument once it has been proven to be demonstratively false. Thus, you are in fact childish. Having to explain matters that are self evident makes you as a child as well. You should be grateful that an adult is taking the time to educate you, even if it's a futile gesture for one of your deficiencies.
Yes, being enabled to survive and be groomed, manipulated and tailored to have only Sidious as the one he trusts and is loyal to does make Vader better for Sidious, not the Empire, because until Luke came along, Vader had no one but Sidious. He was the right hand, do you want your own right hand to be anything other than a conduit for your brain's commands if it functions adequately in the role of a hand already? You just need it to smash who you tell it to.
Yes, Maul having no ambitions or higher understanding outside of what his Master told him immediately was ideal for Sidious, because he needed someone who would obey without question and someone who had nothing but him. If Maul is killed or captured he cannot give any useful information.
Tyranus is different to both of them because Sidious required at that time someone with a degree of initiative and intuition. Someone who could play multiple roles, the Sith Lord, the charismatic political leader, the shady financial backer, the apprentice, the teacher and the public opponent for the Jedi. It's also exactly why Sidious had Tyranus eliminated and replaced with someone without his own power base or skillset that could challenge him. Maul was just needed as an Assassin, Vader as an Enforcer. Tyranus had to be many more roles as well as those two, you're just too simpleminded to see something more complex than a single role that appeals to your limited understanding.
Now then, you've got a meaningless report to file that will not inconvenience me in the slightest to make yourself feel better, (I do hope you have someone competent proofread it for you first) and I have a relaxing weekend ahead of me free from your insipidity.
Good day child.
Geetsly: Dooku was a charismatic but monstrous man.
Dooku: Brave of you boy, I thought you learned your lesson.
My man Dooku just wasn’t the same anymore since Qui Gon was gone. Poor guy lost his son
Pretty sure Dooku had left the Jedi and had joined Palpatine years before The Phantom Menace.
@@tristankawatsuma8962 he did not
@@kingorange7739 Okay, in Legends he left in 32 BBY because of the death of Qui-Gon Jinn. On another note, do you think in Legends and Canon Palpatine had to lie about Maul, saying something like he wasn't trained by Palpatine or do you think he was truthful. Its probably not likely in Canon since Dooky eventually ran into Maul. Granted he was already thinking about betraying his master after being ordered to abandon Ventress at Sullust, but if he didn't already know about Maul and Palpatine's relationship before that, he might have just outright betrayed his master. In Legends since Maul was really dead, it could have gone either way. Though telling Dooku the truth may not be so damning since in Canon and Legends he was willing to order his old friend's death to take over the cloning project and in Canon he did order Ventress to kill his sister. So maybe learning of Maul being trained by Palpatine wasn't actually so damaging to his loyalty. Anyways in Canon, Dooku actually left the Order in 42 BBY for what could be considered in comparison better reasons. His homeworld had gone through turmoil and there was nobody left to take the position of count. So Dooku stepped up, for better or worse. Of course I will grant one thing in Legends interpretation. It makes Dooku and Palpatine's meeting up easier since they would have been on Coruscuant at the same time. In Canon, Dooku left a full decade before Palpatine became prominent. Sure Palpatine could have sent a messenger or something like he probably did with the corporations. But I feel Palpatine would be more persuasive if Dooku had yet to leave the Order. It also begs the question when in the decade between 42 and 32 BBY was Dooku recruited. In Legends since Maul was dead, Palpatine clearly needed a new apprentice and took in Dooku. In Canon Palpatine was probably planning on replacing Maul from the start. So when did Palpatine reach the conclusion to contact Dooku? The reasoning makes sense, he is the leader of a planet in the Outer Rim where he can influence the hearts and minds of civilians and had already left the Order. He would be a perfect candidate. So when did Palpatine recruit this and secretly train Dooku in the arts of the Sith without Maul catching on? Anyways though, Dooku was probably affected the same way by Qui-Gon's death even on his throne. I wouldn't be surprised if his fellow government officials and even Palpatine took notice of this. The guy is definitely evil in my eyes, but I do have to wonder what toll it took on him. Two Jedi friends die in the same year. One at the hands of his predecessor and the other by criminals he hired. He orders Ventress to kill his sister and years later is ordered to abandon her himself. Would this honestly push him further into the Dark Side as what happened or would it actually push him away from it, because that is a lot to trade for in exchange for helping establish Palpatine as an emperor. And that is without talking about all the vile Separatist officers and Separatist super weapons he commissioned throughout the war. Again, the guy is evil in my eyes and yet I have to wonder how if his mental condition deteriorated over time thanks to the sacrifices and actions he did in the sake of the plan. Running into Maul probably didn't help matters either.
The Philosophy of Star Wars never ceases to spark inspiration for me. Dooku is THE separatist. His ideals are right to an extent but also somewhat misguided. The Jedi are meant to be, in some people's eyes, apathetic. One of the core tenants of the Jedi is intended to be restraint. Those who can change the galaxy shouldn't do so, as absolute power corrupts absolutely. The alliance between the Jedi Order and the Republic, especially the Jedi's influence of galactic politics, go against these ideals. As Mace Windu once said, "We are keepers of the peace, not soldiers." The final nail in the coffin for the Jedi was their involvement with the clone army in the GAR, proving that the Jedi could not follow their dogmatic views while being aligned to the Republic. Dooku and the Sith, in general, have an ideology base similar to Nietzsche, in the sense that those with power have a duty and responsibility to use it. This isn't inherently evil. We've seen multiple Jedi in the expanded universe act this way, such as Revan and Kyle Katarn. In the era's this was more accepted was both before and after the reign of Sidious, or more accurately, Yoda.
Dooku’s problem was that the Jedi Council had become too apathetic and too closely tied to the Senate to the point where some of it’s corruption had rubbed off on to them.
At times they would accept assignments on false pretenses and ignore oblivious signs of corruption even if directly led to the blood shed of the non guilty party. They’d just look the other way, basically because of politics. Investigations and scandals were too time consuming, messy and might even paint the Order or some politician in a bad light in the eyes of the public.
You should check out the philosophy that led Jacen Solo to the darkside. I believe it was the Legacy of the Force novels. I'm interested in it too. Seeing characters fall or take a different path and the thinking that led to it. That's why I enjoyed the Bane novels
@TheLatiosnlatias02 bro I crushed Force Unleashed on my PSP lol the story line was so interesting and I wish more was done with it
@TheLatiosnlatias02 that's a good comparison. The "power couples" of the era's. I like how Luke Skywalker didn't make the mistake with keeping jedi out of relationships like the prequels. There were a few exceptions in the prequels though, like Ki Adi Mundi, but you get my point. I mean Jacen Solo became so powerful that Luke said he hadn't faced a foe that strong since Vader. And then you have Corran Horn and his children. It was a wise decision. I understand why by the prequel era they didnt allow relationships. It was from 1,000s of years of trial and error. The dual aspects of which, are very interesting to dive into
@TheLatiosnlatias02 how so? I think I know what you mean, but please explain
Dooku was a hero once but ideals get corrupted the dark side isn’t a tool that can simply be used it will use you and the man who once wanted to better the galaxy is gone and now only Tyrannus remains that became the very thing he swore to destroy a corrupt tyrant
In legends, he believed that by tempering the dark side with control, and justice, he could keep true to himself. But Palpatine’s influence was too great.
@@kanekikingstorm2113 not just palpatin but that is the way of the dark side as a proverb here on earth puts it: the pathway down to hell is covered in good intentions.
@@lucagerulat307 yea and with dooku and anakin they built a multi sectional freeway
I also think that because society skewed from his personal beliefs basically added high octane fuel to that divide.
Basically anakin
You find out more about Dooku’s beliefs and politics in the book Plagueis. It’s also annoying that the book ends with Plapatine meeting Dooku in a underworld bar.
Dooku is actually my favourite character. He is stylish, cool, badass (the mofo could defeat grievous with ease in legends, the same grievous who could beat durge and assajj in a 1v2), had a very cool lightsaber style and was actually incredibly powerful.
I always saw him as a revan that didn't make it.
So, in other words, Dooku wanted to create the star wars equivalent to the Imperium of Man. Which means...
Dooku: God emperor of mankind
The sith army: Space Marines and tech-priests
Stormtroopers: Imperial Guard
Asaji Ventress, or Darth Maul: Horus What's-his-last-name?
Darth Sidious: A Chaos God.
Jedi: Heretics.
Alien Species: Orks, and other Xenos (Obiviously).
I actually don't know that much deep stuff about WH40K (And, judging by the SHEEEEEEER amount of lore that apparently exists for that franchise, I probably don't even want to try; I already took a long time to get as up-in-the-know about Star Wars stuff, Warhammer would be SOOOOOOO torturous! So, spare me.)
"It is obvious that this contest cannot be decided with our skills in the Force.... but with our skills in a lightsaber. "
More and more I hear about Dooku, the more he becomes my favorite character.
Honestly, when it comes to prime shape for any character in the entire legends and canon I firmly stand by Dooku being either first or second for best duelist. He also was insanely gifted in the force, imo had he gained Sidious’ training himself then he would’ve been not only stronger if he took Sidious’ place but also been a better duelist. I think if anyone could’ve been the closest thing to the chosen one without actually being it, then it would be Dooku. Rest In Peace, Count.
It’s worth noting that the many renditions of Dooku across many different media all come from different authors with different ideas. George Lucas rule of two is different from Drew Karpyshan Rule of Two, just as AotC Dooku may be different from Dooku in novels or comics. In the original AotC, he clearly knows about the Sith Grand Plan, and the Death Star, but is there anything in that original rendition to suggest he is racist? Also we learn he taught Qui Gon, who Filoni always said was the wise father figure Anakin needed in Phantom Menace. One criticism I’ve heard of The Clone Wars, is that it made Dooku too much of a generic bad guy. In Clone Wars he can be pretty brutal and we saw him play the game being a Sith apprentice, trying to outfox his master with Ventress and Savage. Regardless it’s interesting to try and perceive his intentions, and I’d like more videos on him. He’s an underrated character.
Exactly, there are versions of Dooku in which it is different things, for example:
-A cartoon villain.
-A tragic villain.
-A deluded idealist.
-A xenophobic and totalitarian just as bad as his dark master.
All of this is true from a certain point of view.
He was downplayed in the CW tho you can’t lie
@@condedooku9750 He can be all of those things. But I think once you're a sith lord it's pretty hard to still be an idealist lol
Well, it's strange that it happens, but there have been Siths who weren't evil.
@@GreedosGunThe Sith are idealists as well, only their ideals revolve around destruction and corruption; things Dooku supposedly stood against.
It would be absolutely badass if Count Dooku took a civilian shuttle, went to Couruscant, surrendered to see the Jedi Council and straight up tell them "I surrender but kill the chancellor, he's a sith lord and plays us both."
See I’m glad that was never a “what if” not because it’s not a good idea (it is at least part of a good idea lol) but because you know they’d take that and have the Jedi be even more stupid than they are in the CW. That’s one thing I hated about CW; the Jedi being arrogant is one thing but them being that stupid is just beyond unbelievable
@@harrambou9468 I don’t think they were portrayed as stupid, more so overly arrogant.
Before or after the Clone Wars start? Because if before then this could definitely work but afterwards order 66 would still be triggered which won't kill as many since Dooku probably would tell them about it unless he uses it as way to kill Sidious and once he's dead use the Clones to kill the Jedi by announcing on his televised trial ( which would be watched by nearly everyone) the code word to trigger order 66, escapes and then sends it to each clones who has not received it yet. Then takes over the galaxy with the CIS.
That would be the most based move
I don't like the fact that Dooku was a racist, it just doesn't fit to his character as we saw him in the movies and the clone wars like he had 3 apprentices that wasn't human such as Asajj Ventress the Dathomirian witch, Savage Opress the Dathomirian Zabrak and Quinlan Vos the Kiffu jedi master. He doesn't seem to hate nor treat them badly (except from their training) but the point is that it doesn't fit his character especially from someone who is trying to save galaxy and that is what I don't like about legends Dooku and hopefully this won't happen with this canon Dooku.
I too prefer to think the new Canon Dooku actually cared for his non-human allies and planets that supported him. A large contrast to the generic evil Empire or the corrupt human centric Republic.
You don't have to hate something to think you're above it. I love dogs, but I'm not giving them voting rights.
Well, Ventress and Vos were human pretty much. He also clearly treated them all like tools, just like his Separatist allies.
@@Meirstein Yet you probably believe women deserve rights when all they do is get into a bad mood during their periods and make terrible decisions.
@@Kirifuki buddy are you alr
"Slavery, exploitation, ruthless totaliarianism"... Here is the thing, none of that is surprising, he was a massive hipocrite. The problem is that most people only remember him as Count Dooku, but forget his was also known as Darth Tyranus.
Part of that is less that people forget his Darth role, and more to do with the fact that in most media, he's rarely referred to by his sith title in any consistent manner. Between games listing his name, media referring to his count title, and so on, he's almost EXCLUSIVELY, even by General Grievous himself, referred to by his regular name and count title.
So naturally, people are going to only refer to him as Tyrannus, while Palpatine is more equally named through his sith and regular names
No he wasn't 😅
Apparently Cassian Andor fought for the CIS as well as the rebels, hopefully this whole concept will be brought up in depth in the andro series
Dooku was just..chillin’ back, relaxin’ all cool. When a couple of guys who were up to no good, starting making trouble in his neighborhood. He got in one little fight and Sidious got scared and said “you’re moving your a** to Serenno, I don’t care”
Aspects of Dooku and Palpatine's relationship mirrors Trotsky's and Lenin's.
No, no it doesn't. There is no mirror.
That is a wild take.
I think Dooku is pretty based, not gonna lie. The Republic was corrupt, and separatist worlds had every right to secede.
Especially the nonhuman part ;p
If you guys are saying that he's right. He's not. He might have been right for leaving the republic and order. But his reasons were wrong...
@@Shadefinder1 What most pro-CIS fan agree with was Dooku's anti-Republic propaganda, not his private beliefs.
@@namelesssomebody2557 if anti-republic propaganda is coming from dooku then his beliefs are what is guiding it tho. Frankly both the cis and the republic are bad. The republic sour horribly and is rotting cheese. And the cis is like that crappy American sliced cheese.
bro.... whats your profile pic is that mussolini
I wonder if Dooku ever made a toast to his late surrogate son and best friend before starting on his new path🤨
Think of it like this. Dooku was Sidious’ most powerful apprentice because he was smart and rich enough to grasp full force of the dark side. Both Maul and Anakin were poor and desolate. Sidious and Tyranus were rich and smart. Moreover, Tyranus knew sith lighting and i feel thT that is what everyone forgets. Sidious taught Tyranus sith lightning for a reason. Vader didnt have hands and Maul was a dumb brut.
Awaking had a way higher ceiling than Dooku though, before his injury.
I'm pretty sure Dooku would have learned lightning with or without Sideous.
I think Maul could have learned force lightning too but sidious never intended for him to be a true sith lord and therefore didn't need it
@@starscraper1336 Sidious did intend for him to be a true Sith Lord at first, though, and would've been Sidious' successor if he took too long to complete his plan. In fact, Maul had more potential than Sidious and could've eventually overthrown him if fully trained and given more time to learn all of Sidious' secrets. In Legends, the only reason he wasn't fully trained as a Sith Lord was because Plagueis wanted him to simply be an assassin, while in canon, it's more due to just not having enough time between being picked as Sidious' apprentice and being cut in half by Obi-Wan.
@@sweetpeach3649 Maul also did, as well, even if he didn't reach it.
I think seeing a spin off of Dooku's empire would be a cool alternate universe.
I think we never got to see enough of the Separatists in general.
Is Dooku canonically still a human supremacist? "Dooku: Jedi Lost" doesn't hint at it at all.
indeed Racist Dooku has non-sense, not only 'cause Dooku was a Jedi and Dooku still have Jedi's Mentality
So the Dooku of the Revenge of the Sith novelization sounds like a very different person than that of Dooku Lost Jedi
Count Dooku. A character so steeped in his own self importance he failed to notice the lightsaber at his back.
This is my favorite character, he is obviously extremely underrated by the Star Wars community, but he's one of the most skilled Duelists in Star Wars, capable of defeating characters like Darth Maul, Anakin Skywalker or Obi Wan Kenobi.
In the end it really comes down to whom you ask.
It might be that this was how he acted towards Palpatine.
Maybe Dooku tried to deceive him too.
Let's not forget that Dooku didn't always act in Palpatine's favor.
I think his appeal to Kenobi in Attack of the Clones was sincere. Dooku was Qui Gon's master which makes Kenobi like a grandson to him. He told him that the Republic was controlled by a Sith Lord.
Perhaps Dooku tried to win over Kenobi and overthrow Sidious.
Dooku also trained multiple apprentices like Ventress or Savage.
Palpatine was so concerned with this, that he order Dooku to get rid of Ventress.
And then there is the war itself.
If Dooku was fiercely loyal to Palpatine and his cause, why would he attack on Kamino? You might argue that it made their deception look more realistic, but I don't think they would have taken the risk.
If something didn't go as planned, and if the Separatists would have won at Kamino, the war would have been over a short while after.
Explain the whole thing with the Banking Clan near the end of the war along with how Dooku attempted to keep the inhibitor chips under wraps. Both of these actions counter your argument that Dooku opposed Palpatine because these actions empower him. In the case of the chips, they would have raised red flags that something was wrong with the army and likely would be removed, meaning Palpatine loses his ultimate control over the clones. And with the banks, he basically handed them over to the Republic and killed a Separatist Senator and also framed Clovis, who was deemed trustworthy by both sides. He didn’t just hand the money to Palpatine, he took it away from the Separatists. Both sides needed the Banking Clan in the war, but Dooku practically handed them over to Palpatine knowing full well that it was part of the plan. Also explain why Dooku didn’t just outright expose Palpatine as a Sith Lord during the war? Of course the Republic is going to claim its propaganda, but what would the Separatists and neutral worlds like Mandalore think? After Darth Maul runs havoc, worlds would side with the CIS probably fearing that the Jedi are secret Sith. Even if the Sith are legends by the Clone Wars, the stories of their empire still exist. If Dooku really was a good man at heart, then he was miswritten because his actions don’t match up with someone who is an enemy of Palpatine. Need I remind you he tried to kill Padme when she was trying to stop the Republic from passing the Military Creation Act or how he had Mina Bonteri killed or how he ordered the corporations to blow up the power grid on Coruscant just to keep the war going?
Count Dooku is one of the most classiest Sith because he was first played and portrayed by Christopher Lee, who is looked upon as one of the most classiest actors; especially in the UK. George Lucas was right to have him play the roll of the Count.
Count Dooku also didn't think his cunning plan all the way through. The only way the galaxy would have accepted Dooku's sudden turn away from espousing Separatist ideals would have been to blow a secret that would have shattered his new order, namely that he was working with Palpatine all along, wide open.
Dooku :"The Republic is corrupted my young padawan, nothing good will ever be born from it in the next decades."
Qui Gon :"What kind of institution would you have instead master?"
Dooku :"Have you ever heard of something called the third Reich?"
Personally see him as a good man who thought he was doing good. But not only went about it the wrong way, he also simply lost his way. No doubt Sidious didn't help with all of that.
We already knew that the Sith were pulling the strings of the war, so much so then when Padme managed to broker peace talks, they bombed Coruscant's power rig to convince the Republic to cease peace talks and killed Mina Bonteri and blamed it on the Republic to get the Separatists to withdrawal the agreement to try and talk things out.
That, along with the fact he tried to kill Ventress was prove to me that by then, Dooku was no longer the kind hearted idealist he once was, but he was a willing servant of Sidious. Though with his views as they were, it must have been hard for him not to do or say anything racist whenever he was acting as the Separatist head of state as most member worlds and their senators were aliens, non-humans.
Thank You! Dooku’s defenders conveniently seem to forget about how he sabotaged the peace talks as well as his actions regarding the inhibitor chips and the banks in the final year of the war. These actions are not those of an enemy of Palpatine, they are of an ally or servant!
Dooku be like "thE wEALth Of tHE GAlAXy CaN oNLY BE trUsTeD iN the haNds oF hUmaNS", meanwhile, humans have caused almost every problem in Star Wars.
I initially thought little of Dooku when I was but a casual fan, but thanks to Lore channels I learned he’s a character with great depth. I find I’m very much enjoying the analysis of his character, and I hope to be able to read so much more of him. Now I’m sad he got beheaded before I could have met the guy.
I never read the novelization, and I gotta say it's a huge letdown that they would take that complex a character and basically throw in "oh yeah, none of that's true, he's actually a shallow specist mustache twirler"
That's a huge part of his allure, that he was operating on principal, and always trying to bring others (including yoda) around to see his point.
Side note: the scene where Yoda shows him what "dark side yoda" would be, and basically makes him crap himself? Absolutely epic, and one of my favorite legends scenes🤌🙏
Agreed. I think this interpretation of Dooku simply dosen't fit anything else we know about him - canon or (other) legends.
And i also think it's a narrative weakness to have your "2nd row villain" be an actual more cruel and sinister entity than your actual main villain.
Yeah. His adopted father was a little old green alien and he's somehow a specieist?
Man should have been a Monarchist, wanting to make a galaxy of Alderaans and Serennos. It would have fit his name even: Count Duke-U
Idk why ppll are so bent out of shape about the fact it was officially revealed that Dooku was a racist. His boasting in AOTC about specifcally surpassing Yoda clearly meant that that it played a part in him turning to the Dark Side. Palpatine wore a mask that he wanted everyone else to see, but we know that him being a Sith meant that he wasn't displaying his true beliefs either.
i think once they made him basically speciest they lost alot of what made the character compelling. someone who actively sought to uproot the corruption of the republic but unnable to achieve it through the jedi, only to then allign himself with the sith, was always more interesting. especially because he was never truly concerned with power, he just had it as a means to an end.
I agree 100%
If Dooku never became a Sith I could honestly see him becoming a former jedi trying to form a better in the long run using the separatists to break away and try it on their own. Of course his separatists may not know his whole on goals and desires. But I do think even without Palpatine he would have secede anyway.
Exactly, Dooku was going to seek to clean the corruption of the Republic anyway, Palpatine only changed what he would do after winning, the dark side corrupts everything.
It's amazing how Sidious was able to not just take over the Republic, but in so doing, remove what he considered weakness and corruption and obliterate all opposition in one go. And I honestly didn't know Dooku was in on that plan and agreed. I wonder if it was really necessary for Sidious to kill him.
When I saw your video on how Dooku envisioned the clone wars would end, I thought wait that is not anything like what he said about the republic. Then I remembered that he was a politician and thought, oh right politicians lie on the regular.
Dooku sees corruption everywhere but except form within.
Ngl that's a pretty great take on Dooku.
In my Star Wars RPG campaign, where Dooku died right at the start of the Clone Wars, leaving Grievous as the sole commander and head of the CIS, I'm realizing that Grievous not only represents the CIS ideals far more than Dooku, he embodies it, as his own people were betrayed, ignored, abused and repressed by the Republic and he genuinely had a problem with the treatment of the outer rim and would gladly topple the Republic, unlike Dooku.
must been a good campaign right?
@@luizpkgamer Still ongoing after something like 3 years, but it's been great so far, in my opinion.
I swear I saw this video before.
I would've really liked to see an ARMY of Sith led by Anakin, So badass
Dooku should have double crossed Darth Sidious when he had gathered his forces-He had the top financial banking of Galaxy Banking, he had the droid military forces of the Trade Federation and the Techno Union along with the plans for the Death Star and the Geonossan droid foundries-He could have won that fight, if he meant to win it.
The Jedi feigned being above politics, while slavishly serving the Republic Senate, the squabbling senators and whoever happened to be Chancellor.
The Jedi were far more honest with themselves and the Galaxy when they ruled directly
Dooku said something interesting about the Jedi Order's corruption and that their real problem is Yoda and his complacency with Galactic affairs as he sits comfortably and happy with his power.
Honestly I would probably follow him were I someone living in this galaxy knowing what the average citizen knew of him
But you're a non-Human
Say the truth was revealed by a reporter. The truth of how he got the Pykes to kill his best friend, how he ordered the clone troopers be implanted with inhibitor chips, how he destroyed the peace talks and killed Separatist senators, how he tried to kill Padme back when she was trying to stop the Republic from declaring war, and how he handed the banks over to the Republic. What is your opinion then?
Hmm. In the movies, Dooku doesn't come across as a specie-ist. Feels a bit tacked on, like, "hey - the guy's supposed to be evil, how can we make him look and sound evil?" Not all fan-fiction should be promoted to canon.
Makes you wonder how things might have gone if Palpatine wasn't a Sith Lord but just a very smart Politician with massive Ambitions. Dooku might have gotten a lot more of what he wanted
Wow!!! You just outdid the Analyzing Evil channel when it comes to Dooku
Evil characters can often be and are often right. It's how they go about fixing the problems they see that make them "evil". Truth doesn't have a side - no bias - actions do. If evil never spoke the truth it wouldn't be tempting, not near as much.
Noted that the novelisation has already been retconned. But even if not, I don't know, Palpatine Order preserved the worst of the Republic and process it into an even more chaotic and corrupted form with none of its nobility. The aliens crime lords were still there and thrived, order wasn't at all enforced with smugglers and pirates running rampage, and the meddling politics and the senate was still there which plunged it into another civil war.
Palpatine seized power for the thrill of it, he doesn't interest to rule (or if he does, he didn't actually do any ruling, leaving stuffs in the hands of his muscle head like Tarkin and Vader.) Dooku would at least be taking an active part in ruling his empire
Funny enough, Dooku always gets his cape made into a cloak when the CW episode needed it
I love the RotS novelization but it’s portrayal of Dooku’s inner thoughts is something I…let’s say find disagreeable. It makes him just another pure evil baddie and kinda ruins the implication set forth in Attack of the Clones that Dooku was a fallen hero, an idealist who was corrupted by disillusionment, rather than a power-mongerer.
Plus, Christopher Lee’s portrayal is just so iconic that I refuse to sully his masterful performance by caricaturing Dooku as such a simple villain.
Dooku is Galactic Robespierre
He was definitely on to something. I can tell you that.
CIS: Dooku is better than Palpatine. Aliens rock! He wants what’s best for us!”
Dooku: Why certainly! *fancy anti-alien Sithiness intensifies*
Charismatic and charming villains in fiction tend to justify their extremism with an aura of truth. While the Republic was corrupt, it was not broken beyond repair as Dooku claimed. The funny part is that he actively did things as both a Jedi and Sith that he swore was wrong with the Republic, not to mention the fact that he aspired to be greater than Yoda. So what does that make him? You guessed it...a hypocrite.
One of the biggest problems with that quote is that Dooku pretty much did literally that exact same thing but on a bigger scale and worse...
That wasn't a warning that was his vision board...
For all his “noble” intentions, his anger & hatred of the Galactic Republic, as well as his inhuman desires sent him down the Dark Side. Don’t let his idealism fool you, he was a textbook piece of Sith.
It's nice to see this video finally unlisted.
I love Dooku. One just always forgets that he actually evil and not just a sassy grandpa
The best lies always come from strings of truth.
Geetsly could you please make the distinction between legends and canon Dooku and with Dooku and Tyrannus. Because in canon the novel "Dooku: Jedi lost" clearly shows that before turning to the dark side his ideals were right all he wanted was to fight to corruption of the republic and destroy the sith. He was a genuine good dude even leaving the order to help Sereno rebuild after the events of the novel. As Tyrannus however he litterly became the very thing he swore to destroy. In canon he was genuinely good turned evil in legends he was just a racist old man turning even more racist and whatever after becoming sith.
Geetsly is misintepreting Dooku, every other source other than ROTS novelization never mentions any racism, it's the outlier
It's funny, with all of that, how he still thought he lived to see it. While there are differences, I'm also glad he's Saruman, too, as they tend to have kind of similar, above everybody else mindsets. I'm very fond of Tyranus, but I admit I was nor totally aware of all that hatred, corruption, and else in him; some, bur he's worse than I imagined.
I don't know how possible it would be, especially since their plans didn't work out, but I'm personally fond of Darth Plagueis, and especially Darth Tenebrous; it could be cool to see what THEIR plans and goals were, and how things might've progressed if their objectives had remained on track. I get he wanted immortality, but whatvdid Plagueis actually intend to do had things proceeded as he envisioned? What were his long-term plans? I know Tenebrous is tougher, as there is so little said about him, but he wanted to eventually acquire the body of the Chosen One, and unlimited power. If he HAD been able to body-jump from self to Plagueis, to Sidious, to Vader, what would he have actually tried to achieve after it?
I like to think that Dooku’s public opinion was what he truly believed at one time. But as he fell to the dark side his ideals were corrupted
Dooku did believe what he was saying, but the problem was he did not view the CIS ideals as the answer but rather an Empire as the answer.
With a thumbnail like that this is a must watch
Great video!
If Dooku hadn’t fallen to Palpatine’s scheme & become a Sith, Anakin would’ve surely become a follower of Dooku
Did his hate of non humans come from his relationship with Yoda? He was Yoda's Padawan after all.
Was he right? No. Did he have a point? Yes.
That's my opinion,
Dooku is definitely makes my top 10
last week I learned Sir Christopher Lee asked for the curved lightsaber hilt, inspired by his ancestor Charlemagne's sword
What Dooku preached : Based
What Dooku secretly believed: Cringe
Now this, this is based.
Makes you wonder how long Dooku actually held these evil beliefs, and other things like what his childhood was like. Damn, now I’m curious.
General kenobi
You are a bold one
So his sith name Tyranus is fitting. Ruling with tyranny.
I believe in democracy. Count Dooku was a visionary!
He was a raised rich liberal that had all the opportunities of the galaxy and within the Star Wars galaxy lived a pampered life.. Yet helped bring down the Republic he benefited so much from…… this doesn’t seem so long ago or that far away….
Petition to have gonk recognized as the best and most badass character in the bad batch
When you look more into episodes 1-6 you just realize how genius Palpatine was and how good he was at manipulating. Not in the sequels though, he straight up tells his plan to Rey which was a downgrade
Making Dooku an actual slaver and racist in secret has got to be the lamest and dull writing decision ever.
It doesn't make Dooku more interesting, it makes him a generic Imperial and nothing more. -___-
@Jacqueline Davis Totally agree with you there.
"Red right hand" Nice Nick Cave reference dude.
This was great. I do think that the CIS stated goals were just, but I think it was more than just Dooku that didn't believe with those stated goals. One of the most visible members of the group was the Trade Federation who had demonstrated that they had little interest in freedom or independence in the first film of the prequel trilogy. I don't know how widespread this attitude was among the leadership but I'm getting that a lot of the groups were driven less by a desire for freedom and independence than by a perceived opportunity to exert increased dominance over other factions by breaking free of the Republic.
I find it striking that Dooku resembles Gen. Lee so very much. Depicted as a gentleman, but dig a little deeper and you find a monster of a man
Really wondering what a Dooku empire would look like
I will just say this. Qui Gonn's death was the last straw for Dooku's exodus, and yet Dooku decided to join Sidious, who was actually responsible for Qui Gonn's death(he trained and deployed Darth Maul that day).
Qui-Gon's death is an excuse. He was acting as an inside agent for Palpatine long before Qui-Gon died. He deleted Kamino's location from the Jedi archives presumably before the Battle of Naboo ever took place. His betrayal was arguably worse than Anakin's since he was acting as a Sith long before he officially became one.
I've come back to this video after a long time. And the darkside corrupts all as you've said but you ALSO said he had these ideals in the jedi order. Perhaps they got darker but i doubt the core of them changed at all
*Darth Tyranus (tbh all clone wars sith/villains) being mad underestimated by star wars*
*Me; remembering the 2003 clone wars short show*
Dooku needs a prequel mini series ASAP
This is Canon for me! Can you please do a video on General Grievous!
Wait a second the Jedi allowed parents to keep their kids? Where did you find that. From what I could tell the legal system made in near impossible. Granted it's hard to find info on this subject
Dooku story is sad because he left the Jedi because he thought they were corrupt and wanted to make the galaxy better by the destroying the corrupt Sith and Jedi. But to do that he needed to become a Sith not that he agreed with them. So then he joined Palpatine to help him accomplish his idea, but Palpatine was evil to him and made him do evil thing which is why people think he is evil and also because of the people who don't know about the lore and just assume he is bad because of his lightsaber. He also lost is apprentice Qui-on Jinn. After all of that Palpatine told Dooku to go easy on Anakin in Revenge of the Sith but promised him to live and because Dooku was loyal to him he that, But Palpatine told Anakin to kill him.
He was a great duelist with good intention just was controlled to do evil thing and was betrayed sad story but still lived a long time.
General Grievous, Next Please!
Count Dooku has a close, real-life analog in the form of Jefferson Davis. Namely, both had strong criticisms of their respective republics and had a strong sense of ideals.
Where the differences lie is with their motivations and views. Jefferson Davis earnestly believed in the ideals he attested to. By contrast, Dooku had his secret motives because of his Sith ideals.
And they both supported the idea of enslaving those they thought of as lesser beings. Only one of them thought that of members of their own species smh
@@MerkhVision, this is how I can tell someone knows absolutely nothing about Jefferson Davis.
Id never imagine dooku would take anakin as an underling or right hand man. i believe he lacked the finesse that dooku sought which is why he preyed much more on obi-wan instead