Thank you for watching the video, this hole looks nice too. It must be a work of art because many people commented on this video saying ''Why is there a hole in a ceramic toilet? ''
Thanks for demonstrating a very creative and useful tecnique with the toilet repair.I myself would worry that if the patch failed,the water would run continuously due to the position of the hole in relation to the float-valve.Imagine if you were gone all weekend and came home to a waterfall-flood disaster ! The strangest things can happen at the worst times. You Sir have great ideas and you do a fine job putting them on video without making them overly long.Keep up the great work!🌞
@HolicCreation Yes,I fix stuff all the time,often for others for free. Resourcefulness,using what is present and available to avoiding buying anything is a wonderful skill. Most of the time we have everything we need to fix something if we simply do some thinking-just like your great videos illustrate! You have great ideas and you do great work.Keep it up!🌞
Thank you very much. I expected to hear these words from many of my audience. This is exactly what I want to do and what I am doing, which is ''fix everything in every possible way''. Good day my friend. What country are you living in?
@@HolicCreation I have lived in San Francisco,California for the last 20 years.I lived in Northern Ohio most of my life but I got sick of the crappy weather.Where do you live? 🌞
Oh, you're American. I am living in Vietnam. Believe me, the weather here is equally bad. In the summer, when walking on the road, you will feel like you are walking through a fire. In the winter, you will always feel like your body is freezing inside. In addition, we have another season, which is the humid season, the air humidity at this time is always 90% or more, it causes electronic devices in my house to always malfunction.
@pablogarcia5542 Sé alegre amigo mío. ¿Alguna vez te has encontrado con la situación en este video? Si no, entonces esto es lo más nuevo para ti. Si es así, ¿tienes una forma diferente de manejarlo que yo?
Exactly. Let's do it right. Do you think the speed in this video is too slow or the story I tell is not good? Please help me improve my next video. Thank you so much .
1st off thats clearly the rest the glue stick if anyone thinks thats plastic zip ties and thats a temp fix at best wont last probably fail when ur not home and flood your house
You can't glue adhesive to ceramics, it won't last, probably would come off straight away. Those PVC pipes cost more than a new rubbish bin. You can just cut a lock if you lose the key.
I haven't tested, but due to all the memes Flex tape seems to at least claim to adhere to ceramics, which is why I think a $15 roll of flex tape or a $10 tube of flex shot makes more sense and can be reused vs potentially ruining a glue gun and inhaling toxic fumes.
If you have a hole that big, I question if there aren't a ton of micro-cracks waiting to get worse. If you insist on trying to salvage the bowl, it seems like the smarter move to use a bit of flex tape on the inside, some sort of calking, either flex shot or what have you to try and fill the hole, and a piece of white flex tape on the outside to make it less apparent, although it still will be easily pushed in or out with much of any force placed on it... . At least those kinds of things are designed to be waterproof instead of potentially ruining a hot glue gun and inhaling toxic fumes by stuffing zip ties inside...
Thank you for watching the video. If you do so, you may face the law. It's best to only use this unlocking trick for your home's locks. Have a nice day, and tell me which country are you from?
This is about as useful as a video on fixing a dog bite on my brick foundation. I mean If I ever get a hole in the side of my toilet tank, this will come in handy. Also, if this ever happens, I’ll gladly spend more money and time on tools and fixing the unlikely hole than I would just simply buying a new toilet tank.
@benjaminb3295 Thank you for watching the video, I understand what you mean "You will fix it in many ways, but don't want to do the simple and boring way of buying a new one" right?
@idizzzful Oh, perhaps you should give it a try. It's really effective. By the time I reply to your comment, this video has been up for a month, and now my toilet is still working fine.😅
А что это за склеечка на моменте доставания обломка ключика хомутами? Видимо из-за того, что этот обломок в замке поджат подпружиненными штифтами и так просто его не вытащить? Ну и ремонт бачка... Новый он ведь огромных денег стоит, аж за пять тысяч рублей (50$)купить можно! Но если принципиально именно отремонтировать, то возьмите вместо нейлоновых хомутов, (которые и так-то не очень прочные а после плавления и подавно) двухкомпонентный клей( в народе "холодная сварка") - и то прочнее будет
Да, замечание о склейке в видео верное. Иногда авторы видеороликов используют монтаж, чтобы скрыть сложности процесса, особенно когда детали, такие как обломки ключа, застревают и поджаты подпружиненными штифтами, что делает их извлечение непростым. По поводу ремонта бачка: действительно, для некоторых людей принципиально важнее именно починить вещь, чем покупать новую. Использование двухкомпонентного клея или "холодной сварки" - отличная идея, так как это обеспечивает более надёжное и долговечное соединение, чем нейлоновые хомуты, которые могут потерять прочность после нагрева.
So if I used my heat gun with cable ties would I still be able to use it for hot glue later? I mean, would running hot glue through it clean out the melted plastic inside?
Sure, my friend. The heat gun needs to be a 120W type. It will melt everything in the gun's barrel. Do you use a heat gun for simple soldering jobs at home?
@@HolicCreation I have a couple but I haven't used them in years. Not even sure where they are at the moment or what voltage they are. Gonna have to get out into the garage and find them.
You're very perceptive. I can reveal this secret to you alone. It is: I only use one piece. Anyway, do you think the method in this video is effective, my friend?
how come no shut off valve between the wall and toilet? if doing this myself I would put the tape outside and fill the hole from the inside with a lip inside so the water would push the plug into the hole not out of it.
Good points on improving functionality! Adding a shut-off valve between the wall and the toilet is an important step that allows easier maintenance and water control in case of leaks. As for filling the hole, your idea of applying tape on the outside and creating a lip inside to ensure the plug holds under water pressure makes sense-it improves durability and reduces the chance of leaks. It’s always great to consider small changes like this for long-term reliability! Would you like more tips on DIY plumbing?
@@HolicCreation Видел засунутые стяжки в пистолет,и всё никаких последующих действий-хоть бы масса выходила.А про оставшиеся остатки массы(стяжек) в пистолете нигде инфы не нашел.Жаль будет загубить своего "немца".😉
Спасибо за комментарий! Понимаю твою озабоченность. Остатки стяжек в пистолете могут быть проблемой. Попробуй очистить его аккуратно, чтобы не повредить инструмент. Если найдешь полезную информацию, поделись, пожалуйста!
Zugegeben: Die Idee mit der Tütenöffnung ist gut. Aber: Wie alt soll der Klempner denn sein?! Ich schätze ihn mal auf etwa 40 Jahre, wenn das mal hinkommt. :-)
Es ist schön zu hören, dass die Idee mit der Tütenöffnung gut ankommt! Was das Alter des Klempners betrifft, ja, er scheint tatsächlich um die 30 Jahre alt zu sein - vielleicht ein wenig jünger oder älter. Manchmal ist es überraschend zu sehen, wie Leute mit unterschiedlichen Altersgruppen kreative Ideen und Tricks teilen. 😊
Good question! Sometimes, small cracks or holes can develop due to minor impacts or manufacturing defects without breaking the entire ceramic. Have you encountered any unusual issues with your toilet?
No sir. Thank you for watching the video. Why should I buy an expensive new toilet when I can fix it in just a few minutes with a plastic tie worth a few cents? How much do bathroom fixtures cost where you live? 😅
Chính xác ! Bạn thật có con mắt tinh tường . Tuy nhiên ,hãy chú ý đến cách xử lý sự cố . Theo bạn loại nguyên liệu gì sẽ tốt hơn trong trường hợp này ?
O que quer dizer com eu mesmo quebrei a caixa d'água do banheiro? Se você pensa assim, tente outro. Ele quebra facilmente. Você já tentou remendar com plástico assim?
Комментарии зрителей - огонь. :) Но ответы автора - эталон вежливости. Чудесная змея, которая лечилась у лучшего стоматолога прогрызла дыру в бачке, для отложения яиц. И я с таким не сталкивался, но у меня был другой случай связанный с унитазом. На зиму забыл слить воду из унитаза и в сильные морозы он лопнул. Пришлось заменить, а чтобы вы сделали?
Большое спасибо ! Похоже, у вас был тяжелый опыт с замерзшим туалетом. Чтобы избежать подобных проблем в будущем, вы можете слить воду из туалета перед зимой или использовать антифризные растворы, предназначенные для сантехнических систем. Если вы когда-нибудь снова столкнетесь с подобной ситуацией, рассмотрите возможность изоляции открытых труб и туалетов или даже установки небольшого обогревателя в местах, подверженных замерзанию. Что вы думаете об этих идеях? Пробовали ли вы какие-либо другие методы предотвращения замерзания? Использование материалов с более высоким коэффициентом теплового расширения может помочь предотвратить повреждения от перепадов температур. Эти материалы расширяются больше при нагревании и сжимаются при охлаждении, что позволяет им приспосабливаться к перепадам температуры без растрескивания. Например, использование меди или определенных видов пластика, предназначенных для перепадов температур, может быть хорошей альтернативой материалам с более низким коэффициентом теплового расширения, которые более склонны к растрескиванию. Что вы думаете об этом подходе? Рассматривали ли вы другие материалы, которые могли бы работать лучше?
That's the story of me and the cockroaches :( they held a party at night and I don't know how to film it for you to see! Do you have any solution for me to deal with the cockroaches hiding in the house? hygiene?
If the zipties seal the hole why leave the tape inside? The lock... i notice we dont see the bottom when it opens, i doubt setting fire to it woill work.
If the tape soaks off it could clog the outlet pipe. Plus if the patch fails it could a lot of water damage to the house. I'd rather replace the tank that have my ceiling down and appliances soaked.
That's right, when the tape is broken it will float with the water. But I think not if it causes harm to many people? You are a very careful person, I'm trying to learn that. What do you think about the plastic strap that can seal that hole?
Valueable as an idea for video content..from practical point of view: looks like the duck tape did all the work of sealing the toilet bowl, and for the money he spent on buying thd pvc connectors he could buy a proper stands anywhere
có vẻ như đó là một thứ có sẵn ở nơi bạn sóng ! nhưng trường tùy chọn này không còn phù hợp nên không thể áp dụng nó ở một số nơi khác ! ta nên linh hoạt ứng dụng của nó và bạn có nghĩ vậy không?
Нейлоновые стяжки плавятся при температуре 260°C. Самый хороший клеевой пистолет разогревается до 220°C максимум. Нейлон не свяжется с керамикой, по контуру будет течь. Если есть острая необходимость в ремонте - то лучше было бы взять плиточный клей или цемент или гипс. С замком вообще обман, все процессы вырезаны за кадром и склейками.
No primeiro vídeo em que o sujeito consertou um vaso sanitário. Em um apartamento acima do meu que tenho de veraneio na praia e o resultado foi que essa gambiarra não deu certo e vazou água por 55 dias e destruiu o meu e mais um apartamento abaixo, enfim a brincadeira ficou muito caro pra ele que teve que reformar e repor todos os móveis danificados, então não façam gambiarra e troque por um vaso novo que custo muito pouco Grande abraço a todos
Lamento muito pelo que aconteceu. É verdade que algumas soluções improvisadas podem levar a problemas maiores. Sempre é melhor seguir práticas recomendadas e, quando necessário, substituir por peças novas para evitar danos futuros. Obrigado por compartilhar sua experiência e grande abraço!
Hello ! The gray stick you mentioned in the video is the fireworks that we often light on every birthday! They are readily available at birthday cake shops! Rest assured that they are made with safety in mind.
Thank you for watching the video. This hole has been here since World War I. The toilet is very durable and I may use it for another 50 years. What brand do you use for bathroom fixtures and toilets in your place?
Will you give me money to buy a new set? Where I live, they don't sell individual parts. Everything is sold as a set. How about where you are? How much do they cost? 🤔
Exactly. I didn't cut that part out to find the most observant viewers. You are one of them. What material do you think we should use to clean the wall? Please help me.
Must admit they are very beneficial! they are very convenient, cheap and have many uses, What situations do you use it for? Can I share it with everyone?
@@HolicCreation recently I got annoyed with dodgy travel adapter, disassembled it, soldered prongs directly to a phone charger and filled everything with zip ties for insulation It's way easier to do with a 3D printer, but unfortunately I don't have one
3D printers are really convenient but they are expensive for people who need to repair household appliances immediately, Most users will think of replacing a new appliance when the appliance is broken, even if it is only slightly damaged, and can repair it themselves. Do you often repair things for your family?
@@HolicCreation la macilla epóxica existe en todos lados y es super resistente. Viene una que pega sobre materiales mojados. No puede ser que no la conozcas
Acá en Argentina ,hay un producto que se llama poxilina ,o también cemento rápido y con eso podría haber arreglado la mochila del inodoro ,y hubiese quedado mejor
Muchas gracias. ¿Utilizas un sistema de recolección de agua de lluvia desde el techo a través de tuberías de PVC hacia un tanque de almacenamiento para reutilizar el agua de lluvia?
Methods to Solve INSTANTLY Water Pipe Problems in Your Home | Anyone can do it !
Q por queria
0:56 0:59
Hello my dear friends, how are you today ?
A handy tip for fixing a hole that will never appear in a ceramic cistern. 👍🏻
Thank you for watching the video, this hole looks nice too. It must be a work of art because many people commented on this video saying ''Why is there a hole in a ceramic toilet? ''
@@HolicCreation I didn't watch the video, though.
Wow, you wasted the 05:24 part, right?
O que vale é a dica não a origem do buraco 😂
@osmarhobby179 Acredito que você tenha o método mais rápido para lidar com esse buraco. Você pode me dar um conselho?
Полностью с вами согласен. Это лишняя трата времени и ресурсов
Good job finding the leak
Thank you! Finding a leak can be a bit like detective work-glad it paid off!
This video is for you folks who frequently shoot holes in your toilet tanks.
They will no longer need to worry about leaking toilet tanks
Thank you for creating a thoughtful and entertaining video
Thank you very much, I bet you are also a very interesting person, what part of this video do you like the most?
Thanks for demonstrating a very creative and useful tecnique with the toilet repair.I myself would worry that if the patch failed,the water would run continuously due to the position of the hole in relation to the float-valve.Imagine if you were gone all weekend and came home to a waterfall-flood disaster ! The strangest things can happen at the worst times. You Sir have great ideas and you do a fine job putting them on video without making them overly long.Keep up the great work!🌞
Thank you very much for your encouragement! I will try to do better in the next videos!
Do you often fix broken items yourself at home?
@HolicCreation Yes,I fix stuff all the time,often for others for free. Resourcefulness,using what is present and available to avoiding buying anything is a wonderful skill. Most of the time we have everything we need to fix something if we simply do some thinking-just like your great videos illustrate! You have great ideas and you do great work.Keep it up!🌞
Thank you very much. I expected to hear these words from many of my audience. This is exactly what I want to do and what I am doing, which is ''fix everything in every possible way''. Good day my friend. What country are you living in?
@@HolicCreation I have lived in San Francisco,California for the last 20 years.I lived in Northern Ohio most of my life but I got sick of the crappy weather.Where do you live? 🌞
Oh, you're American. I am living in Vietnam. Believe me, the weather here is equally bad. In the summer, when walking on the road, you will feel like you are walking through a fire. In the winter, you will always feel like your body is freezing inside. In addition, we have another season, which is the humid season, the air humidity at this time is always 90% or more, it causes electronic devices in my house to always malfunction.
3:12 lol paint the wall
Exactly, do you want to know how to clean painted walls? 😄
😂😂😂😂. XD, XD
@JaierMuzp Do you think those plastic wires can really fix the hole in the toilet?
Vaya tontuna de vídeo
@pablogarcia5542 Sé alegre amigo mío. ¿Alguna vez te has encontrado con la situación en este video? Si no, entonces esto es lo más nuevo para ti. Si es así, ¿tienes una forma diferente de manejarlo que yo?
Thank you. I'm so lucky to see your video
Thank you for watching video. Have a nice day
I'm a young plumber, and I also need this. Thank you 🎉🎉🎉
Thank you so much. Have you tried using the method in this video? I tried it and it worked.
❤ Excelente video voy hacer uno igual y lo subo 😊
Gracias por responder. Me alegro que hayas calificado mi video
@@IDEASHACKR No hagas un video igual; haz algo más inteligente, útil y no hacer perder el tiempo a la gente presentando idioteces come estas.
Congratulations 😊
Loved the exploding lock😂😂😂😂😂😂😂❤
Perfectly natural looking hole cut in to a cistern
That's right. I swear I didn't create that strange hole myself. Have you ever encountered such a situation in your bathroom?
Good job you sprayed the tile on the wall 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
I know right? Lol
Hey guys, here’s a tip for watching these types of videos, set playback speed to 2x, it saves time and is also understandable when spoken.
Exactly. Let's do it right. Do you think the speed in this video is too slow or the story I tell is not good? Please help me improve my next video. Thank you so much .
1st off thats clearly the rest the glue stick if anyone thinks thats plastic zip ties and thats a temp fix at best wont last probably fail when ur not home and flood your house
Будет видео, как плитку на стенке от краски отмыть?!
You can't glue adhesive to ceramics, it won't last, probably would come off straight away. Those PVC pipes cost more than a new rubbish bin. You can just cut a lock if you lose the key.
Thank you very much ! I love this.
Where are you from?
True. But again, they won't have as many contents then 😆
I haven't tested, but due to all the memes Flex tape seems to at least claim to adhere to ceramics, which is why I think a $15 roll of flex tape or a $10 tube of flex shot makes more sense and can be reused vs potentially ruining a glue gun and inhaling toxic fumes.
MacGyver subscribed to this channel.
Very clever and usuable in many situations. Thanks brother. ❤
thanks for your compliment ! It will motivate me to have more quality videos! Please continue to watch and support me! Where are you from, bro?
@@HolicCreation Im from the Netherlands. Your video and ideas are very inspirering. I subscribed to your channel. Where are you from my friend?
Thank you for subscribing to our channel. We are happy that the videos bring an enjoyable experience to you
Tank you very much.😅
hello my friend . Where are you from ? Do you think this strange method is effective?
If you have a hole that big, I question if there aren't a ton of micro-cracks waiting to get worse. If you insist on trying to salvage the bowl, it seems like the smarter move to use a bit of flex tape on the inside, some sort of calking, either flex shot or what have you to try and fill the hole, and a piece of white flex tape on the outside to make it less apparent, although it still will be easily pushed in or out with much of any force placed on it... . At least those kinds of things are designed to be waterproof instead of potentially ruining a hot glue gun and inhaling toxic fumes by stuffing zip ties inside...
Hola buenas días mi problema es tengo una siterna antigua no sé consigue el repuesto que harías por seguir con funciones
Thank you! Now i know how to easily get inside of my neighbors house even with their doors padlocked
Thank you for watching the video. If you do so, you may face the law. It's best to only use this unlocking trick for your home's locks. Have a nice day, and tell me which country are you from?
The neighbors don't have to worry as long as you use the tips and videos
Your ideas are very creative and useful, I like the way you put your heart into it.
Thank you so much.
This is about as useful as a video on fixing a dog bite on my brick foundation. I mean If I ever get a hole in the side of my toilet tank, this will come in handy. Also, if this ever happens, I’ll gladly spend more money and time on tools and fixing the unlikely hole than I would just simply buying a new toilet tank.
I’m with you. This video is retarded.
@benjaminb3295 Thank you for watching the video, I understand what you mean "You will fix it in many ways, but don't want to do the simple and boring way of buying a new one" right?
@MrCFH420 Are you talking about the speed of this video being too fast?
@@HolicCreationno he says your fix is useless and only for TH-cam views. And he is probably right 😅
@idizzzful Oh, perhaps you should give it a try. It's really effective. By the time I reply to your comment, this video has been up for a month, and now my toilet is still working fine.😅
А что это за склеечка на моменте доставания обломка ключика хомутами? Видимо из-за того, что этот обломок в замке поджат подпружиненными штифтами и так просто его не вытащить?
Ну и ремонт бачка... Новый он ведь огромных денег стоит, аж за пять тысяч рублей (50$)купить можно! Но если принципиально именно отремонтировать, то возьмите вместо нейлоновых хомутов, (которые и так-то не очень прочные а после плавления и подавно) двухкомпонентный клей( в народе "холодная сварка") - и то прочнее будет
Да, замечание о склейке в видео верное. Иногда авторы видеороликов используют монтаж, чтобы скрыть сложности процесса, особенно когда детали, такие как обломки ключа, застревают и поджаты подпружиненными штифтами, что делает их извлечение непростым.
По поводу ремонта бачка: действительно, для некоторых людей принципиально важнее именно починить вещь, чем покупать новую. Использование двухкомпонентного клея или "холодной сварки" - отличная идея, так как это обеспечивает более надёжное и долговечное соединение, чем нейлоновые хомуты, которые могут потерять прочность после нагрева.
За $50 можно такой новый унитаз купить в комплекте с бачком.
So if I used my heat gun with cable ties would I still be able to use it for hot glue later? I mean, would running hot glue through it clean out the melted plastic inside?
Sure, my friend. The heat gun needs to be a 120W type. It will melt everything in the gun's barrel. Do you use a heat gun for simple soldering jobs at home?
@@HolicCreation I have a couple but I haven't used them in years. Not even sure where they are at the moment or what voltage they are. Gonna have to get out into the garage and find them.
Instead of using hot glue or zip ties! Use twin dough. After drying, it becomes hard and strong like ceramic
That's a good way. Can you tell me any other way?
As an plumber who worked for 531 Years, you are doing it wrong, use ramen noodles, glue and sandpaper
So Clever 😆
Simple solution here, just at some quick drying cement (or other heavy duty material) on both sides, boom done
so how many tanks did you break before you managed to put a hole in one?
You're very perceptive. I can reveal this secret to you alone. It is: I only use one piece. Anyway, do you think the method in this video is effective, my friend?
Did you accidentally spray paint your wall?
Great idea
Thank you ! This strange method helped the old plumber save a lot of money with PVC pipe! Anyone can do it
Nunca que uma caixa vai se quebrar assim...ela sempre se trinca ou quebra pedaço.
3:12 😅 nice. Do you have any idea on how clean that wall now 🤔
Thank you for watching the video. That's a joke on me. You can clean it very easily with Acetone solution
Useful 👏👌
Thank you so much. What is the weather like where you live right now?
By the time all this and done, I will be done by installing the new one.
I think 10rs meter waterproofing tape can also work for looong time
how come no shut off valve between the wall and toilet? if doing this myself I would put the tape outside and fill the hole from the inside with a lip inside so the water would push the plug into the hole not out of it.
Good points on improving functionality! Adding a shut-off valve between the wall and the toilet is an important step that allows easier maintenance and water control in case of leaks. As for filling the hole, your idea of applying tape on the outside and creating a lip inside to ensure the plug holds under water pressure makes sense-it improves durability and reduces the chance of leaks. It’s always great to consider small changes like this for long-term reliability! Would you like more tips on DIY plumbing?
Больше всего волнует:а не спортят стяжки клеющий пистолет(застынут внутри или нагреватель спортят)?
Спасибо за вопрос! Обычно стяжки не должны повредить клеевой пистолет, но всегда лучше следить за температурой. Вы уже пробовали это?
@@HolicCreation Видел засунутые стяжки в пистолет,и всё никаких последующих действий-хоть бы масса выходила.А про оставшиеся остатки массы(стяжек) в пистолете нигде инфы не нашел.Жаль будет загубить своего "немца".😉
Спасибо за комментарий! Понимаю твою озабоченность. Остатки стяжек в пистолете могут быть проблемой. Попробуй очистить его аккуратно, чтобы не повредить инструмент. Если найдешь полезную информацию, поделись, пожалуйста!
@@HolicCreation Я не трус,но я боюсь.😉.Лучше не буду экспериментировать-куплю дешевый пистолет и попробую(хоть не жалко будет...)
Pas mal bon à savoir 👍
Merci d'avoir regardé notre vidéo. Pouvez-vous nous proposer le prochain sujet ?
Zugegeben: Die Idee mit der Tütenöffnung ist gut.
Aber: Wie alt soll der Klempner denn sein?! Ich schätze ihn mal auf etwa 40 Jahre, wenn das mal hinkommt. :-)
Es ist schön zu hören, dass die Idee mit der Tütenöffnung gut ankommt! Was das Alter des Klempners betrifft, ja, er scheint tatsächlich um die 30 Jahre alt zu sein - vielleicht ein wenig jünger oder älter. Manchmal ist es überraschend zu sehen, wie Leute mit unterschiedlichen Altersgruppen kreative Ideen und Tricks teilen. 😊
How did one get a hole on the side of a toilet only and not breaking the ceremic entirely?
Good question! Sometimes, small cracks or holes can develop due to minor impacts or manufacturing defects without breaking the entire ceramic. Have you encountered any unusual issues with your toilet?
Good idea
Many many thanks
The plastic will deteriorate. Use JB weld instead.
Thanks for the suggestion! JB Weld is definitely a more durable option. Have you used it for any projects?
Thank you! Cheers! Did you get any useful information from this video?
OMG. Just buy a new toilet man.
No sir. Thank you for watching the video. Why should I buy an expensive new toilet when I can fix it in just a few minutes with a plastic tie worth a few cents? How much do bathroom fixtures cost where you live? 😅
@@HolicCreationno you won't fix it with this fake video 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Cool. Resourceful!
Thank you so much ! What would you think if your toilet had such a problem? Fix it or replace with a new one?
Đục cái lổ rồi dán lại, làm gì có kiểu hư hỏng như vậy ngoài thực tế
Chính xác ! Bạn thật có con mắt tinh tường . Tuy nhiên ,hãy chú ý đến cách xử lý sự cố . Theo bạn loại nguyên liệu gì sẽ tốt hơn trong trường hợp này ?
6:20 The idea of using melted tip of zip ties to bind to the broken key then take it out, is pretty neat :)
Oh I learned something new from you! Thank you for sharing this knowledge! Are you an expert in this field?
@@HolicCreation No, not an expert at all. This is the first time I saw this method :)
Bruh 😂😂😂@@harrycallahan9733
O que mais me interessa é saber como ele conseguiu quebrar essa caixa acoplada 😳😳
O que quer dizer com eu mesmo quebrei a caixa d'água do banheiro? Se você pensa assim, tente outro. Ele quebra facilmente. Você já tentou remendar com plástico assim?
Комментарии зрителей - огонь. :)
Но ответы автора - эталон вежливости.
Чудесная змея, которая лечилась у лучшего стоматолога прогрызла дыру в бачке, для отложения яиц. И я с таким не сталкивался, но у меня был другой случай связанный с унитазом.
На зиму забыл слить воду из унитаза и в сильные морозы он лопнул. Пришлось заменить, а чтобы вы сделали?
Большое спасибо !
Похоже, у вас был тяжелый опыт с замерзшим туалетом. Чтобы избежать подобных проблем в будущем, вы можете слить воду из туалета перед зимой или использовать антифризные растворы, предназначенные для сантехнических систем. Если вы когда-нибудь снова столкнетесь с подобной ситуацией, рассмотрите возможность изоляции открытых труб и туалетов или даже установки небольшого обогревателя в местах, подверженных замерзанию. Что вы думаете об этих идеях? Пробовали ли вы какие-либо другие методы предотвращения замерзания?
Использование материалов с более высоким коэффициентом теплового расширения может помочь предотвратить повреждения от перепадов температур. Эти материалы расширяются больше при нагревании и сжимаются при охлаждении, что позволяет им приспосабливаться к перепадам температуры без растрескивания. Например, использование меди или определенных видов пластика, предназначенных для перепадов температур, может быть хорошей альтернативой материалам с более низким коэффициентом теплового расширения, которые более склонны к растрескиванию. Что вы думаете об этом подходе? Рассматривали ли вы другие материалы, которые могли бы работать лучше?
Cuestan mas caros los precintos que comprar unos tubutos de silicona
¿Me estás tomando el pelo? ¿Unas cuantas bridas de plástico que cuestan unos pocos centavos podrían ser más caras que qué? 🤣🤣
@@HolicCreation sera porque no vivís en argentina
Why would you use glue to fix a toilet?
Muito bom mesmo. Está de parabéns. Obrigado por divulgar, valeu!
Muito obrigado ! Quanto custa um banheiro na sua casa? Você acha que meu método economizará mais dinheiro?
How the hell did you get a hole in the side of your toilet? If much prefer to see a video demonstrating that!
That's the story of me and the cockroaches :( they held a party at night and I don't know how to film it for you to see! Do you have any solution for me to deal with the cockroaches hiding in the house? hygiene?
@@HolicCreation I'm actually an environmental scientist. So yes, I do have a solution for cockroaches. Seems like you used a Hand grenade.however.
You have different options are concrete putty/waterproof epoxy.
Ad: has this ever happened to you ?
Me: I can genuinely say this has Never happened to me or anyone I know
I would use the toilet technique, better than tape i used on my toilet
If the zipties seal the hole why leave the tape inside?
The lock... i notice we dont see the bottom when it opens, i doubt setting fire to it woill work.
Dude, you're so skeptical, it's relatively easy and fun to do! Do you have any questions about the tape?
If the tape soaks off it could clog the outlet pipe.
Plus if the patch fails it could a lot of water damage to the house.
I'd rather replace the tank that have my ceiling down and appliances soaked.
That's right, when the tape is broken it will float with the water. But I think not if it causes harm to many people? You are a very careful person, I'm trying to learn that. What do you think about the plastic strap that can seal that hole?
@@HolicCreation it will probably work as a temporary repair.
Yes that's what I want?
Is it difficult to replace a new one like that at your place?
Valueable as an idea for video content..from practical point of view: looks like the duck tape did all the work of sealing the toilet bowl, and for the money he spent on buying thd pvc connectors he could buy a proper stands anywhere
có vẻ như đó là một thứ có sẵn ở nơi bạn sóng ! nhưng trường tùy chọn này không còn phù hợp nên không thể áp dụng nó ở một số nơi khác ! ta nên linh hoạt ứng dụng của nó và bạn có nghĩ vậy không?
只能說是過度的施工,一般人誰會去拆工具?好好地熱熔膠不用拿緊縮帶塞進去,而且馬桶水箱也不太可能破成這樣,有小洞直接拿3M 的膠帶封貼就好了!錦上添花!
Homemade epoxy with zip ties! Ingenious.
Thank you very much, you must be a very skillful person, do you have any tricks you want to share with me?
@@HolicCreation No tricks to share! Just an interest in creative minds.
Thank you, what wonderful country are you from, my friend?
@@HolicCreation The US.
In the US, how do you handle plumbing problems? Are the tubes used there white?
What about some white silicon from Bunnings? 🥴
Thanks for the suggestion! White silicone from Bunnings is a great option too. Have you used it before?
Я домушник. Спасибо за открывание замка. Но я предпочитаю использовать взрывчатку С-4( она лучше спичечных головок).
Отлично, идея кажется очень эффективной! Но из-за этого исчезнет все, что вы собираетесь взять с помощью этого крошечного замка. 😅😅
Don't do that unless you want to starts a fire or flood the house and have to end up paying over 400k in damage
Нейлоновые стяжки плавятся при температуре 260°C. Самый хороший клеевой пистолет разогревается до 220°C максимум. Нейлон не свяжется с керамикой, по контуру будет течь. Если есть острая необходимость в ремонте - то лучше было бы взять плиточный клей или цемент или гипс. С замком вообще обман, все процессы вырезаны за кадром и склейками.
No primeiro vídeo em que o sujeito consertou um vaso sanitário.
Em um apartamento acima do meu que tenho de veraneio na praia e o resultado foi que essa gambiarra não deu certo e vazou água por 55 dias e destruiu o meu e mais um apartamento abaixo, enfim a brincadeira ficou muito caro pra ele que teve que reformar e repor todos os móveis danificados, então não façam gambiarra e troque por um vaso novo que custo muito pouco
Grande abraço a todos
Lamento muito pelo que aconteceu. É verdade que algumas soluções improvisadas podem levar a problemas maiores. Sempre é melhor seguir práticas recomendadas e, quando necessário, substituir por peças novas para evitar danos futuros. Obrigado por compartilhar sua experiência e grande abraço!
5:05 What is the name of gray stick? Brand name & part number? Thanks
Hello ! The gray stick you mentioned in the video is the fireworks that we often light on every birthday! They are readily available at birthday cake shops! Rest assured that they are made with safety in mind.
@HolicCreation Thanks for the answer. 👍 👍 👍
El mio se rajo y lo puse fibra de vidrio hace ya dos años y está funcionando
Such the hole! Who starts shooting toilet tanks?
Thank you for watching the video. This hole has been here since World War I. The toilet is very durable and I may use it for another 50 years. What brand do you use for bathroom fixtures and toilets in your place?
Kompliment !
Warum pickel ihr seitlich am Kasten?
Es ist einfacher oben trüber 😂
es erscheint einfach neben dem ! Halten Sie das folgende Feld für sinnvoller?
You already removed the bad tank why not replace it with a new one?? 🤔
Will you give me money to buy a new set? Where I live, they don't sell individual parts. Everything is sold as a set. How about where you are? How much do they cost? 🤔
😂AB膠黏就可以了。彈性膠也可以。 熱熔塑膠就是最差表現
Top idea
Thank you so much. Where are you from ?
Next video: how to clean paint from the wall!!😂😂😂😂
Exactly. I didn't cut that part out to find the most observant viewers. You are one of them. What material do you think we should use to clean the wall? Please help me.
Where I come from in outback Australia this never happens. We crap into a hole in the ground. It’s called a bush dunny.
Could you elaborate more? I'm very interested in your story. Where in Australia are you from?
Zip ties are the best thing humanity has invented.
I am using them to fix cracks in plastic things, need to try a glue gun method someday
Must admit they are very beneficial! they are very convenient, cheap and have many uses,
What situations do you use it for? Can I share it with everyone?
@@HolicCreation recently I got annoyed with dodgy travel adapter, disassembled it, soldered prongs directly to a phone charger and filled everything with zip ties for insulation
It's way easier to do with a 3D printer, but unfortunately I don't have one
3D printers are really convenient but they are expensive for people who need to repair household appliances immediately,
Most users will think of replacing a new appliance when the appliance is broken, even if it is only slightly damaged, and can repair it themselves.
Do you often repair things for your family?
@@HolicCreation Sometimes. Usually it's electronics, like cable repair or broken IC repair or powerbanks repair
Thank you for being interested
Powerbanks are like UPS? Have you ever had electricity problems where you live? Like a sudden power cut?
In all my years of plumbing i never seen a ceramic tank just get a hole in it they crack and break
Thank you for responding. Nothing is impossible my friend. Please follow us to see more interesting things!!!
Veri veri easy
Lo más fácil es poner macilla en Argentina conocida poxilina. Queda mejor que nuevo y es facilísimo
¡Oh, eso es algo muy nuevo para mí! ¿Existe un material común en cada país?
@@HolicCreation la macilla epóxica existe en todos lados y es super resistente. Viene una que pega sobre materiales mojados. No puede ser que no la conozcas
Gracias por su comentario. ¿No sabes cuánto cuesta la masilla epoxi donde vives?
Muita coisa ....falsa no TH-cam ....isso e um perigo tentar arrumar uma caixa acoplada ....😮
Acá en Argentina ,hay un producto que se llama poxilina ,o también cemento rápido y con eso podría haber arreglado la mochila del inodoro ,y hubiese quedado mejor
¡Vaya, ese es un material bastante nuevo y no conocido en mi localidad!
¿Puedes contarnos más sobre sus características y es muy común donde vives?
Best fix, buy another tank 😅
Repairing is cheaper than buying a new one. Where you live, how much does a new toilet cost? 😂😂
Thank you so much ! Where are you from ,my friend ?
I'm going to guess the same guy that spray painted the wall by accident also put the hole in the toilet tank.
haha it's caused by cockroaches, not what you think! But I like funny guys like you! Where are you from?
The cable tie idea is ok, but don't break the glue gun by putting those ties in your heat gun.
Thank you very much, we welcome your comments. Please give us more feedback to improve it for the next time! love you !
5:25. Es falso metio la llave por eso no enfoco cuando el candado abrio ademas hay q girarlo
No lo creo ? ¡¡¡Es tan fácil de probar y tan fácil obtener los mismos resultados!!! ¿Realmente puedes hacer esto mi amigo? 🤣🤣🤣
Lấy cát hoặc cimăng rải lên và đổ keo 502 thì cứng chắc
Tôi đã làm như vậy ở video này Mời bạn vào xem và cho tôi lời khuyên nhé.Cảm ơn bạn rất nhiều.
This dude's struggle is real.
What u-tube content?
I'm still enthusiastically creating fun things to serve everyone my friend !!!!!!!!!!!!
Montréal, Quebec, Canada
Взял из балона с краской в стену плюнул 😂😂😂
О, это всего лишь небольшая ошибка! В любом случае, вы хотите узнать, как удалить эту краску с стены? 😂😂😂
era so colocar um dure poc ai mermao para que tanta dor de cabeça depois do durepoc seco so pasar bastante super bonde
Creo eso del tanque con plástiloka más rápido y sin desmontar el tanque pero muy ilustrativo el video, la cosa es echar andar la ardilla
Muchas gracias. ¿Utilizas un sistema de recolección de agua de lluvia desde el techo a través de tuberías de PVC hacia un tanque de almacenamiento para reutilizar el agua de lluvia?
How the hell you get a hole in the side of the toilet tank in the first place? Junior playing with the drill again?😅
You're very considerate, but not quite right. A cockroach has gnawed on my toilet. Do you have any quick solutions for this problem? 😅
Мелкий сухой песок и эпоксидная смола,с двух сторон скотч,руки смочить водой и всех дел и навсегда!!
Спасибо, что посмотрели наше видео. Можете ли вы предложить нам следующую тему?