ISMC Is Not SAVING Insurgency Sandstorm - The Hypocrisy needs To STOP

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 23 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 496

  • @sac_YT
    @sac_YT  3 ปีที่แล้ว +72

    Weapon review series if ya interested:
    EDIT: Hey, so it's been a couple day's since this was uploaded and i just wanna say a few things:
    After watching over this a couple times and seeing the comments on TH-cam, Reddit, Twitter etc.. I just wanna say that the initial reaction and feedback to this video has been really good. I think i should have elaborated some of my points a better and took more time to articulate my thoughts properly though. Some people in the comments have given some great arguing points and i appreciate that no-one has been hostile or toxic or whatever ya wanna call it. So thankyou. I'm sure everyone here, including the ISMC devs appreciate that.
    But i still stand my opinion, which is;
    That ISMC is NOT the ONLY reason to play sandstorm. It may be the only reason to play for you, and that's fine. But to say it's the ONLY reason is a pretty broad generalisation and it's an opinion that i don't agree with. That was the main talking point for this video because ISMC, in it's current state, (which is mostly what i see on YT by the creators and community members), with all it's silly perks, weapons and enhanced movement etc etc, is not what vanilla sandstorm should be, nor does it make it the only reason to play. ISMC may very well turn into the ONLY reason to play one day, but my discussion point, like i said, was for what it is in it's current state and how these TH-camrs present it.
    I'm always open for my mind to be changed.
    And just FYI, i have zero problem with any creator mentioned in the video. They all have their opinion and that's okay. If they don't like me now, then that's fine too lmao.
    See ya's around.
    Original comment before edit:
    Sorry for the mic pops. I was talking with a little bit more passion than normal lol.
    Please read:
    I normally try and stay away from "drama", but i'm sick of people blindly praising ISMC and jumping on the band wagon of hating NWI. People have their reasons for hating NWI and thats completely okay. Some of those reasons can be justified. But when people say "NWI should just sell the game to ISMC" or whatever the hell; i just couldn't hold this in any longer. If you think NWI should do that, then YOU need to hold ISMC to the same standards that you are setting for NWI.
    ISMC is not the only reason to play Insurgency Sandstorm. That is absurd. ISMC mod literally almost destroys everything of sandstorms core. Its weapon mechanics, movement etc. It blows my mind that no-one is talking about this and mainly, what these creators are saying. You do not get to sit there and rag on vanilla sandstorm, whilst praising a mod that almost removes its identity completely.
    Look, man. I get it. TH-camrs have to make stupid, clickbait titles for views. But that doesnt change anything. A bad opinion is a bad opinion, regardless of how big your channel is.
    You guys know that i never ask for likes etc, cos that's dumb TH-camr crap. But i feel like this video is gonna get dislike bombed like crazy, which is fine, but if you agree with me; then liking the video would be pretty cash money of you.
    If i still even have any subscribers left after this lmao.... Proper sandstorm videos are still coming. I promise. Just working on bigger than normal sandstorm videos atm and they take a while.

    • @CopeAndSeeth
      @CopeAndSeeth 3 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      Good topic of choice, I myself am one of the guys who doesn't like the path NWI is taking the game with the whole TDM, deathcam, airsoft cosmetics, meme guns etc... but ISMC is def NOT the solution as it stands, and the youtubers who shill for it are just milking cash off of people like me who are upset at NWI for certain changes but don't realize it.
      Stuff like the "operator's training" upgrade and ability to carry 4 primaries, insane sprint and ADS speed, holding like 15 quad stack mags and lightning reloading speeds is not what people who play insurgency as a whole want. That's something people who play COD want. I'm not sure who hops into a game with the ISMC mod and is like "boy am i thankful to not be playing COD, time go basically give myself slight of hand, marathon and lightweight perks! :D" but tries to convince himself that's a "hardcore experience" some how lmao
      When they: make movement speed and ADS time slower, full auto spraying harder to control, armour function closer to reality, deal with the wacky cosmetics, remove deathcam, and a few other thing; then ISMC can be something worth saying "it's the way sandstorm should be played".
      ISMC is fun, ISMC is good to mow down 100's of bots in, ISMC has a talented team, but it's current iteration isn't gonna "save" sandstorm. Maybe when they release their own PVP modes it'll be better balanced, and it'll be everything I/people wanted, but as it stands people just play it like hardcore COD.
      Also all good with the mic pops, not really that noticeable king :)

    • @CopeAndSeeth
      @CopeAndSeeth 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Oh and sorry if was hard to read, English isn't my primary language so some words might have got mixed up

    • @sac_YT
      @sac_YT  3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      @@CopeAndSeeth understood it perfectly man, dont worry. Agree with everything ya said. Im excited for the future, and it may very well turn into the only reason people play. My mind is always open to be changed.

    • @grizzlybear9522
      @grizzlybear9522 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      i mean,, till this day i didnt know ismc was a thing, and thb i could live without even knowing it, absolute blast in the game despite people not liking the base? i guess.

    • @labrat2306
      @labrat2306 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @Tactical ZG So does your Mom.

  • @ISMCMod
    @ISMCMod 3 ปีที่แล้ว +787

    Hey there! Thanks for speaking to something we feel is really important. We're extremely appreciate for the amount of love and support we get from the community - we feel super fulfilled that you're enjoying what we're making. That being said, I want everyone to understand that NWI are our allies and collaborators. We're in dialogue with them a lot, and use that open line of dialogue to let our projects complement one another as much as possible. So please, we're so grateful for your support, but don't frame it in a way that damages our allies. As Troy Bolton wisely said, "We're all in this together". Yes, yes I did.
    I want to offer some clarification/feedback on this video, both to elaborate on some of the points you brought up, as well as contribute information to some areas where your commentary may be based on older versions of the mod, or misconceptions surrounding it.
    I think the metaphor of construction workers/interior designers is only semi-valid. Of course NWI has done the heavy lifting in creating a game, an environment, a style we all love - and to be clear, we still play and love vanilla sandstorm ourselves. ISMC is certainly built on an extremely strong foundation that they fortified. I'd compare our team more to renovators, perhaps. To say we show up and hang stuff on the walls, to me, doesn't recognize the massive amount of work that goes into ISMC. I can tell you firsthand that we have a modestly-sized, extremely dedicated team of developers who spend as much time on creating ISMC as you would at an actual job, and they're volunteers on top of that. It's not easy, it's not turn-key, they're not lazy. It is truly an immense amount of work that we do with joy because we know the community loves it. Hopefully our relationship with NWI will create opportunities for deeper access to mod tools, and we can expand ISMC further.
    On listening to the community, one of the pillars of ISMC is Community Engagement. We have many ways for people to reach us directly, and while it sounds like this hasn't been your experience, know that the #1 request we get is for specific weapons to be added. #2 is for specific cosmetics. We started building this mod because, hell, we like playing Tacti-Cool Barbie as much as the next person, and as such there are a lot of weapons in the game with at times subtle/specific differences between them. But we also want to give people the ability to play as close to their ideal experience as we can with the tools we have. With that in mind, there's a ton more that ISMC offers on top of weapons & cosmetics for both cosplayers and tactical gamers alike. I'll get to more on that.
    On mod tools in general, and your phrase "ISMC takes away the very identity of Insurgency" I think creates an unnecessary exclusive relationship between ISMC and the base game. We love Insurgency - that's why we work so hard on a mod for it. NWI loves us, and that's why they've given us the tools to mod & are in constant conversation with us. I think some people create the "ISMC vs NWI" narrative from the misconception that it's a bad thing to have two different versions of a game. It's really not; in fact, it's inherent to modding that that be the case. NWI knows this as well as anyone can, since Insurgency started as a mod too. Mods, to me, are like a cover song. We can appreciate the original & the re-envisioned version without one taking away from the other.
    I have immense love for content creators that cover ISMC, yourself included. We have zero budget, and count on community exposure to grow the mod. BigFry was a blast to play with, and I appreciate ControlledPairs for helping to bring exposure to both ISMC and Sandstorm. Do I roll my eyes at the clickbait titles? I sure do. I wish TH-cam didn't reward that shit. We've also had a lot of discussion internally about how that framing - even when it's meant to be complimentary - causes collateral damage that we do not want. We do not want to be the only reason for everyone to play Sandstorm. What we want is to be a complementary Sandstorm experience that encourages new players, content creators, and community word-of-mouth to grow the audience for the main game. If more people buy Sandstorm because of what we're doing, then then that's a big hell yeah from us!
    On balance & "realism", I think your commentary on that was truer in the past, but I think it's worth updating. I also think your commentary there painted with a pretty broad brush, where there's a degree of nuance worth having awareness for. ISMC is now both a PvE and a PvP experience. We've introduced new PMC factions, new air support, additional vehicles, expanded AI behaviors, and more, on top of more new weapons & cosmetics. I agree the original PvE experience for ISMC was more empowering to the player than vanilla Sandstorm. A lot of people really loved that. It was also never ISMC's goal to be truly realistic. We prefer the spirit of verisimilitude. Now with that in mind, our team has advisors who are active & former military, weapons instructors, armorers, firearm experts, competitive shooters, and other people who are extremely experienced with firearms in real life. They've helped us toward authenticity, and we balance their advisement with the "arcade" elements to dial in the experience to be both fun and authentic.
    We also have a "theater" system that introduces mutators to adjust the gameplay to people's liking. It sounds like a lot of your opinion is based on the "ISMC_Casual" theater, where we've placed as few restrictions on the player as possible. If there was a version that was like COD Hardcore, that would be it. But there's also ISMClegacy_armory, which is pretty much vanilla Sandstorm + ISMC weapons. Then ISMC_Hardcore changes loadout, movement speed, AI behavior, and amount of damage you can take. Then there's ISMC_Karmakut, which is like hardcore's hardcore. We designed that with Karmakut as a mode where realistic tactics and methodical movement were the most effective way to win. On the PvP experience, we've actually spend weeks refining the experience with both balance and fun in mind. There's still work to do of course, and we'll always be making improvements, but I'd invite you to hit me up on discord, and come play with the devs. We'll show you some behind-the-curtain stuff, answer questions, and help elucidate the complexity and constraints in what we've built.
    Anyway, there's obviously a ton more to this discussion, and I'm always down to have it. I've written basically a college thesis here before I've had my coffee, so I'll cut myself off here haha.
    For real, thank you for making this video, and for encouraging the community to be constructive. We fucking love Sandstorm, and love this community, and want to keep contributing to it in the best ways we can. Also, thank you to everyone who supports us! Thanks for reading, Party On. - Alec

    • @danielwang5467
      @danielwang5467 3 ปีที่แล้ว +30

      Well said!

    • @Mo_1042
      @Mo_1042 3 ปีที่แล้ว +13

      keep up the good work guys you rock

    • @iTomBass
      @iTomBass 3 ปีที่แล้ว +17

      Regarding the theater system, I wouldn't even say hardcore currently feels like sandstorm if I'm honest, and I think I even tried ISMC_Karmakut the other week when he was live streaming PVP on his server. So I dread to think what casual is like.
      I even spoke to Anders via discord DM after Karma's pvp event voicing my concerns how it felt too casual in many areas. I even recalled a moment which is when I was a redfor marksman and shot someone at less than 10m in the chest with an SVD expecting him to die, only for him to firm the hit as I pulled my mouse away and spray me down with an UMP. (Honestly wish I recorded it) Something which would not happen in the base game, I know for a fact. (My muscle memory was the reason I pulled my mouse away after hitting him)
      Not only that but the stark contrast in balance between blufor and redfor weapons was so apparent it was kinda crazy. Blufor weapons were slapping people left and right and I even got headshotted by a redfor rifle and survived only to peak the corner and destroy him with the MCX. Honestly still didn't feel very 'hardcore' or close to sandstorm.
      I should say that was the binford beta though, hopefully things have changed.

    • @Santeeee
      @Santeeee 3 ปีที่แล้ว +33

      Some paragraphs
      of this comment needs to be like the main description of ISMC so the people know how this shit works

    • @ISMCMod
      @ISMCMod 3 ปีที่แล้ว +38

      Some of the ISMC team do want it to be 100% realistic, even we have catered to other game styles too :P I'll keep pushing for realism within the team, peace out! Anders

  • @SickSnipes
    @SickSnipes 3 ปีที่แล้ว +357

    People always ask my why my channel doesn't feature ISMC. I'll just start linking them to this video I guess.

    • @somewillhateme
      @somewillhateme 3 ปีที่แล้ว +30

      Imagine making 30 gun guides on assault rifles that act exactly the same....

    • @SickSnipes
      @SickSnipes 3 ปีที่แล้ว +52

      @@somewillhateme 5 different gun guides for the different barrel dimensions of the 416 carbine vs. just waiting for NWI to add it.

    • @danielwang5467
      @danielwang5467 3 ปีที่แล้ว +20

      @@SickSnipes @Rafe, the only reason Snipe's videos have been fun is b/c each vanilla weapon is somewhat unique. Now, NWI's starting to run out of stats to alter but what they have is still differentiable.
      If you want "30 weapons that act exactly the same", I know just the mod for you.

    • @fuckass6766
      @fuckass6766 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@danielwang5467 nah his videos aren't funny and are saturated with memes that need carbon datation but i respect him for playing pvp domination instead of coop like a pussy who plays sandstorm to think he's tacticool

    • @bongo6_462
      @bongo6_462 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      I love you man

  • @shashanksangaru4827
    @shashanksangaru4827 3 ปีที่แล้ว +213

    I'm not gonna lie, I think the popularity of ISMC comes from the absolutely stellar gunplay that vanilla sandstorm has given us. Without a single doubt in my mind, I genuinely believe that Insurgency Sandstorm has the best gunplay of any FPS out there today.
    The "issue" for the people wanting a more tactical game is that this amazing gunplay is attached to a more arcade-y and casual game. Insurgency has always been like that, even the old source game, it was a step up from CS:GO in terms of realism, but only a step. I still remember the best strat in that game being to strip off all your armor and run around with an SMG killing everyone before they can say, "throwing a frag". This truth is what a lot of people end up ignoring, they see the base mechanics: the gunplay, the visuals, the sounds, but they don't see the game for what it is. A fast-paced, realism focused, first person shooter. It's not Tarkov, it's not Arma and it's not Squad. What these people want ISMC to be is Tarkov with Sandstorm gunplay, they want it to be Arma with the Sandstorm sounds and visuals, they want it to be Squad but with Sandstorm's polish. They just want more from Sandstorm.
    How do I know that that's what they want? At the end of the day, if they really wanted to play those other games, they wouldn't be playing a Sandstorm mod.
    ISMC fans are just hardcore Sandstorm fans in denial.

    • @AyedYoutube
      @AyedYoutube 3 ปีที่แล้ว +22

      These “ISMC our lord and saviour” youtubers are just squad/arma fans who downloaded the wrong game

    • @Vagabond671
      @Vagabond671 3 ปีที่แล้ว +16

      Bad take. Everyone wanted more out of Sandstorm. Everyone that criticizes the base game does so out of frustration. I've never heard anyone say that they hate the base game, they simply want it to get more attention and love from the devs.
      The Sandstorm devs have been so hit or miss with communication and move like absolute molasses when it comes to releasing updates. Even when they release said updates, they are usually very underwhelming. They built a great base game and I love it. But that base game became very boring very quickly. ISMC was the only reason me and my friends came back to Sandstorm in the first place.
      Also, I don't know anyone that wants this game to be any of the games you listed above. People are craving a small scale hardcore tactical shooter that is easy to get into and desperately want more of them. Sandstorm is really the only game on the market that fills that niche and people want it to succeed. Whomever you're describing is likely an outlier and does not represent the rest of us.

    • @lordragequittiltmaster2554
      @lordragequittiltmaster2554 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      why you guys all send milsimers to play Squad, this game is even more shooter skill and teamwork required lol

    • @ThatOneCoconut
      @ThatOneCoconut 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      @@lordragequittiltmaster2554 have you played squad? Its literally the ideal focused milsim experience.

    • @hopelesslyoptimistic8231
      @hopelesslyoptimistic8231 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@Vagabond671 you can’t just call everyone else outliers. I love this game I want it to improve like you but the difference is I want to be more of a game and not a fantasy for people who don’t want to join the army. Mil sim is fine I enjoy watching it even though I would never play it. This is a tactical shooter and it’s one the best tactical shooters I’ve ever played I want to expand on that idea not devolve into mil sim for even more lazier people who don’t even bother doing the hard stuff mil sim is known for. People concern with realism are killing this game.

  • @munanchoinc
    @munanchoinc 2 ปีที่แล้ว +25

    You know what's even more funny is that they say that the original Insurgency was better in every way with the workshop but the workshop is literally comprised of weapon reskins and collections trying to replicate sandstorm. What exactly do they want? I

  • @Aesdin
    @Aesdin 3 ปีที่แล้ว +411

    Sandstorm is trying to have the aesthetic of two groups fighting it out, with thrown together gear salvaged from local stockpiles and nato support. That's why there's older weapons like the FAMAS on the Insurgent side, it was given to Iraqi police by the french, and was introduced in breakaway, with the whole rogue cop theme. It's meant to be more versatile, older gear. ISMC is for people who want to feel like Seal Team 6 on meth, with the latest equipment, thousand dollar scopes and 16 m4 variations. If you want that, I have no problem. But the people who want it merged into the sandstorm base game don't understand that it would kill the aesthetic and theming sandstorm is going for.

    • @sac_YT
      @sac_YT  3 ปีที่แล้ว +67

      100% right

    • @moeburnsnaughtychannel2352
      @moeburnsnaughtychannel2352 3 ปีที่แล้ว +22

      I always thought the whole point of weapon customization was to tweak the gun's performance - find the perfect balance of fire rate and accuracy and recoil and weight and all that. But most of what ISMC does is add cosmetic variants - things that change how your gun looks, but not how it performs. I don't really care about that stuff.

    • @ISMCMod
      @ISMCMod 3 ปีที่แล้ว +25

      It's really closer to PCP, but otherwise you're spot on.

    • @Vagabond671
      @Vagabond671 3 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      IMO, naming the game "Sandstorm" was a mistake in the long run. They backed themselves into a creative corner, so to speak. It's not a good thing that whenever Sandstorm pops into my head, the colors beige and brown are the first things that comes to mind...

    • @systembeard6959
      @systembeard6959 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      QTS and Deagle very aesthetic

  • @shootingstar3521
    @shootingstar3521 3 ปีที่แล้ว +73

    Im a simple man.
    > I play push vs players
    > no mods, no bots
    > main rifleman with two mollys or frags + smoke launcher
    Thats all the fun i need, yes sir.

    • @fuckass6766
      @fuckass6766 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      mg3 gunner with 4x or M99 ass bustin is all you need to spice it up

    • @red94mr28
      @red94mr28 3 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      Yeah, I have a friend like you. She only likes meat and potatoes, that's why we call her "meat and taters". Me? I like Chinese, Vietnamese, Japanese, Indian, Tex-Mex, New England comfort, West Coast fusion, Louisiana creole, Maine seafood and a few others. A one dimensional outlook is nothing to advertise.

    • @kekistanimememan170
      @kekistanimememan170 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Frontline is where it’s at.

    • @IllNacs
      @IllNacs 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@red94mr28 Based

    • @red94mr28
      @red94mr28 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@IllNacs Random words? Ok, mine's "Fritter"

  • @lukasderstecher4582
    @lukasderstecher4582 3 ปีที่แล้ว +76

    For me the mod that really changed my expirience was the communicate or die mod made by karmakut which really makes coop a slow tactical and actually hardcore expirience. ISMC only adds the new content.

    • @ISMCMod
      @ISMCMod 3 ปีที่แล้ว +15

      the new ISMC update brings that back, we are working with Karma to make it actually. I personally have been pushing for a more tactical gameplay since me and the guys started out, and I'll keep pushing tactical until everyone hates me for it :D Anders

    • @ISMCMod
      @ISMCMod 3 ปีที่แล้ว +12

      Dude I'm so glad you brought that up. We also loved Communicate or Die, and Karmakut loves ISMC, so we collaborated on a new theater/mutator that's in the latest release called ISMC_Karmakut. If you dug CoD (I can't believe I just realized that's the acronym), then you'll dig that :)

  • @TheFirestorm214
    @TheFirestorm214 3 ปีที่แล้ว +19

    "PvP modes are meh". Wow, I didn't know how I played a boring game-mode for 1400+ levels...

    • @keanuwick1082
      @keanuwick1082 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Anyone who says PvP is a beta male....thats the end of disscussion.

    • @49mozzer
      @49mozzer 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@keanuwick1082 Or, you know, just have different tastes.

  • @tactaillike2
    @tactaillike2 3 ปีที่แล้ว +50

    Gonna try to keep this comment focused mostly on the mod itself. I think there's a little more nuance when it comes to the ISMC experience, with multiple theaters, from casual to pretty fucking hardcore. That and the stuff other than weapons and cosmetics (cosmetics specifically are cool as hell and NWI should take inspiration here IMO) that the mod has now like more fire support to factions to AI tweaks as well. Personally, the fusion of Karmakut's Communicate or Die with ISMC mod is one of THE BEST ways to play Sandstorm co-op; it just provides a more interesting challenge with pretty OP loadouts but jacked up bot numbers and difficulty. At least it's pretty cool to watch. Makes for really cool screenshots, too e.e
    There's always an element of balance, though, and I think people tend to lose sight of that. Seeing people say "nwi should put ismc mod into the base game" over and over again is gonna make my brain explode lol. I guess part of it is that they don't really explain what they mean by that. I hope they don't mean adding all of the AR and AK variants into vanilla, because that would be redundant as fuck, especially when you add operator training and c-clamp grips which almost totally negate recoil. As someone who's played a LOT of PVP along with co-op, I don't see how ISMC mod in the base game would improve PVP in particular. The biggest problems with vanilla PVP for me rn are stale modes that have pretty much existed since like 2007 and wonky weapon balance in places. "Hiring the ISMC devs" or "putting ISMC mod into the official game" wouldn't fix those I'm pretty sure.

    • @lonkslonkolious4916
      @lonkslonkolious4916 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Why can't NWI just randomize where objectives are on some maps? I think that there are plenty of different areas that could be turned into objectives that NWI could consider adding such a feature, and it would definitely change up some of the gameplay a fair bit for people who know the current, static objective locations by heart.

    • @49mozzer
      @49mozzer 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@lonkslonkolious4916 They sorta did that in Day of Infamy but I don't think it caught on

  • @aguywithsomejokes2985
    @aguywithsomejokes2985 3 ปีที่แล้ว +34


  • @WanderePlaysGames
    @WanderePlaysGames 3 ปีที่แล้ว +43

    I feel so dumb when people act dumb and do something so idiotic, this deserves a praise mate

  • @ShaxxVN
    @ShaxxVN 3 ปีที่แล้ว +48

    >Reason me play sandstorm
    >shoot peoples
    >they die
    >they pissed
    >me happy

    • @Fantasiado
      @Fantasiado 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      reasons to play sandstorm
      >funny habibi

    • @quangkhoile5599
      @quangkhoile5599 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Fantasiado yala yala

  • @favkisnexerade
    @favkisnexerade 3 ปีที่แล้ว +30

    Yeah ISMC just adds 50 ar15 variants and 100 credits so you can buy everything, and then buy everything again literally second primary and secondary lmao. I always felt like ISMC is opposite of what I want from sandstorm

  • @infectedanimal9830
    @infectedanimal9830 3 ปีที่แล้ว +49

    Can we take a moment to commend ismc for not only discouraging hating on nwi but coming here and responding to the criticism in the comments with a "understandable, how do you think we can improve" mentality then a bashful one. I think that's pretty commendable and shows how dedicated they are to improving the mod.
    Also great vid, good to know a creator like you are willing to talk about an issue like this when no one else is

    • @ISMCMod
      @ISMCMod 3 ปีที่แล้ว +14

      Appreciate that! We are all learning as we go in ISMC, ISMC actually came to be when two guys randomly joined a coop server and had an idea; how do we make this game more realistic? From there we started doing small changes to the guns and learned more and more as we tried and failed, eventually getting to the point where we could really play slow and tactical and have fun with the game again! That's the kind of passion that drives me at least, and I am not planning on stopping before I make the tactical shooter I want to play :) Anders

  • @shinomakichuppy8236
    @shinomakichuppy8236 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    The crowd who wanted ISMC to be officially merged into Sandstorm is out their minds lmfao. Staying as a mod give the ISMC's team a way to avoid paying manufacturers for the license of both guns and equipment.

    • @blu3dreaming996
      @blu3dreaming996 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Dude as someone who has 800 hours on pc and 300 on console it pisses me off so much hearing people say that cause it’s like you don’t even know what your talking about it’s like video game gentrification from call of duty players 😂😂

  • @nerodelacroix9281
    @nerodelacroix9281 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Killing bots in sandstorm is probably more fun than killing any bots in FPS games in recent memory. The game is a bit frustrating for me at times even with only coop matches. Yeah I am a pretty bad gamer. I like the options ISMC provides but it turned monotone pretty fast for me for the amount of bots and AYCE mutators that are on the ISMC servers I've played. Anyways, I think vanilla sandstorm is doing pretty well with map complexity, bot intelligence and balancing, but the options ISMC gives are also great. I'm only 50 hours in, please don't hate on me

    • @sac_YT
      @sac_YT  3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Like I said in the vid man. Play the game how ever you like. As long as ya having fun, that's all that matters. No hate here 🤘

  • @RobNik_
    @RobNik_ 3 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    YES! You are speaking out of my heart. I was so bummed by the removal of comp. Was playing it daily and had no trouble finding games in EU/RU. Playing PUGs are just not the same. Much more sweat involved. It's a shame firefight didn't get the love it deserved. it has huge potential ...

    • @sac_YT
      @sac_YT  3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Firefight is such a gem. Really wish it will come back.

    • @ISMCMod
      @ISMCMod 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      It will, through ISMC! We're actually designing competitive PVP taking the ISMC guns and balancing them to make the game feel just like original comp! I might go in and remove SOME of the bullshitery of the 9x39 dropping after 10m and such, but I promise to keep the gunplay feel the same as OG comp ;) Anders

    • @RobNik_
      @RobNik_ 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@ISMCMod I will look into this when it's polished. So far I play in the DGL league but the flow of players is getting less over time because the "recruiting" trough official comp is not possible any longer :S

    • @ISMCMod
      @ISMCMod 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@RobNik_ hang in there, we'll get it ready asap :D Anders

  • @iTomBass
    @iTomBass 3 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Fkn brilliant video mate! Honestly been feeling this exact way in pretty much everything you’ve said for months.
    Some of the opinions I’ve seen from users online are so deluded it’s crazy. I even left a massive ass comment on bigfrys vid when he posted it and on his Twitter calling him out on his words but he didn’t reply or see it I guess.
    Honestly I wouldn’t even say it “adds on” to coop as much as changing it, I get why people say “adds on” but honestly ISMC makes coop so much easier, not that it was particularly difficult before, but there was always an era of needing to scavenge weapons at desperate points and running low on ammo at the final objective as the technical rolls in and you don’t have anything to counter it.
    Whereas with ISMC it’s just mowing down bots constantly with my 100rnd box magazine at-15 with no recoil, and choosing one of the 5 or so explosives I have to deal with the technical no problem, it just took any tense-ness away from the experience.

  • @Padopoulosman
    @Padopoulosman 3 ปีที่แล้ว +136

    Agree, except for what you say about modders lmao, theyre much more than decorators, but I get the point youre trying to make 👍

    • @ISMCMod
      @ISMCMod 3 ปีที่แล้ว +38

      We're super, thanks for asking!

    • @sac_YT
      @sac_YT  3 ปีที่แล้ว +35

      Yeah I could have elaborated more on that analogy

    • @lucaswibisono1316
      @lucaswibisono1316 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      PC modding in nutshell.
      If a game like Idolm@ster got a PC mod that increases one character boobs got people talk about how it is "OMG revolutionary" (and even got trending on Twitter), no wonder a big mod project will make people believe such a thing.
      It is a different story if the modders are actually fixing the game but even the exaggeration still comes.

  • @jibronigibironi8959
    @jibronigibironi8959 3 ปีที่แล้ว +20

    👏 Bravo for this video man. You spoke my mind about the exaggerated value people put on mods. Hardcore Call of Duty is EXACTLY what it feels like, that's all it really is. It doesn't really make the game better, much less realistic. Because the lack of weapons and customizations is NOT the main problem with this game. As you said, its the lack of game modes, the lack of fine tuning the game modes that are there, the lack of maps, the brain dead enemy A.I, and the bugs. They can do a lot better than that even for $30. There is very little actual replay value to the game because of it, and quite frankly, I'm TIRED of people like Big Fry and the rest of them with the double speak, and focusing on the wrong things that need to be addressed.

  • @danielwang5467
    @danielwang5467 3 ปีที่แล้ว +32

    Very well said. Also important to note that ISMC does not add maps! Other hardworking modders do, and content creators never give them the hype/credit they deserve.

    • @sac_YT
      @sac_YT  3 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      Yes dude exactly! I forgot to mention that. Thanks.

    • @ISMCMod
      @ISMCMod 3 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      Please please give credit to the map makers. We've talked about potentially curating ISMC Map Packs from creators who want to participate in that, and making them easy to download outside of the game to people don't have to spend an hour downloading them when they join a server. But yeah right now there are 0 maps in ISMC. I do my best to redirect praise for custom maps to the creators whenever it's misdirected towards us :)

    • @danielwang5467
      @danielwang5467 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@ISMCMod appreciate it 👍

    • @whatthehell4644
      @whatthehell4644 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@ISMCMod man your so active me happy

  • @R3dbudd
    @R3dbudd 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I would like to see a Tango Hunt mod that’s a little slower (like Raven Shield, Vegas) with a fixed amount of AI and objectives. But I like ISMC. I get on twice a week and kill bots.

  • @alitariq3059
    @alitariq3059 3 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Well the first insurgency started off as a mod from counter strike source and turned into its own game that’s something to think of

  • @allefornication
    @allefornication 3 ปีที่แล้ว +16

    The only thing I want from ISMC to come to Sandstorm are the semi-auto shotguns

    • @sac_YT
      @sac_YT  3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      balanced ones though lmao. The saiga 12 is a best.

    • @hashhashbrowns5381
      @hashhashbrowns5381 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4


    • @bankleaks1217
      @bankleaks1217 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Your crazy, semi auto shottys? They'd have to be 2 shot kills.

    • @greenbird4883
      @greenbird4883 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Spas 12 with a dual mode: pump or semi-auto.

  • @sorinzo3902
    @sorinzo3902 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    My mistake was buying Insurgency Sandstorm thinking it’d be a hardcore shooter when really it was a fun game that a ton of people recommended, like the devs said, it was a game that bridged the gap between tactical and arcade. Ill use the ISMC if I want something more realistic but I will always enjoy firing rocket launchers 20 feet away from me.

    • @blu3dreaming996
      @blu3dreaming996 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Ismc is not realistic at all if you want realism play vanilla lol

    • @sorinzo3902
      @sorinzo3902 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@blu3dreaming996 say sike rn

    • @blu3dreaming996
      @blu3dreaming996 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@sorinzo3902 there’s a good video on it watch “Ismc is not saving insurgency” it explains it ALOT better than I can but the jist is that it removes your weight and allows you to do insane ridiculous things like carry hundreds of rounds plus multiple guns and it removes the slowness of vanilla

  • @Santeeee
    @Santeeee 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I totally agree with this video and with a couple of comments here.
    Especially treating ISMC as a "realistic" or "tactical" mod seems stupid to me, since it adds what you said plus the fucking thermal monocules (That you can dress it through the cap etc) and that ruins that immersion that many talk about so much .
    I see ISMC as a sandbox where you can play your style (which you will love if you are a RP player like me).
    The mod does not force the player to play tactical (for now), that is up to the players how they want to play.
    To give you an idea, 2 years ago I did not have a PC and with a group of friends we played Milsim style in GTA V (PS4) and we used the game's level editor and vanilla content (Cars, clothes, etc.) to play tactical.
    So the game and much less the mod is necessarily tactical, it is more to the user's style of play.
    I am not a PVP player for the simple fact of my 300 ping among other things. But I frequently go back to playing vanilla to get back to simplicity and not see thermal monocles ruining my screenshots.
    My conclusion to this poorly explained opinion:
    I totally respect NWI for the middle east aesthetic and the arsenal (Like Aesdin say) and that's cool as fuck. (I only don't like some cosmetics and weapon skin but thank god you need to pay for the most of the cosmetics and skins)
    ISMC and BINFORD are excellent mods that give you more gameplay options (More if you are a RP player for custom games) and adds more Operator and Spec Ops stuff.
    But the mod does NOT force the player to play tactical, much less bringing realistic mechanics.
    What I see of the mod in general and especially BINFORD are aesthetic changes to the game and adding factions (And some FS that is a reskin of existing vehicles).
    It does not change much the game with the mod, it depends on how the player plays the game.

    • @ISMCMod
      @ISMCMod 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I really appreciate this take. And it sounds rad what you did to GTAV.
      One thing I think we as a team need to explain better is the new theater/modifier system that came with Binford.
      Server admins can now run one of four mutator: ISMCarmory_legacy, ISMC_Casual, ISMC_Hardcore, and ISMC_Karmakut. The latter two, and especially the Karmakut mutator (he worked directly with us in creating it, and it carries the spirit of his Communicate or Die mod), create scenarios where slow, tactical play is the best way to succeed. I'd say you should try that out - I think you'll dig the difference in experience it creates.

    • @aegiskun4422
      @aegiskun4422 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Well Said Santeee.

    • @Santeeee
      @Santeeee 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@ISMCMod ​ @ISMC Mod I know, that's why I called a sandbox, because the admins can make different variants of the mod. But the players are the main thing that make a tactical gameplay recently I try to have a tactical experience and take screenshots in a Karmakut's public server but the people just doesn't try to play what is meant to be. Is not your fault or Karmakut's fault, I think is just the people abusing thermal and doing whatever their want. (And later saying ISMC is a "Tactical or Immersive" mod).
      The mod and idea is really cool, It's just the users.

  • @tmaskk
    @tmaskk 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    - Great video, fair/accurate points and I definitely agree with most of it. We know that Sandstorm’s gameplay is already good, but what’s been missing since day-1 is a support system that has players interested enough to grind the game like when you see big streamers grinding games on the daily. What do I mean by support system? A competitive or ranked mode that includes leaderboards, seasons (Monthly? Quarterly?), events (Twitch Rivals, etc.) and even ideas like unique, rare or custom cosmetics for players/teams who win certain events/seasons.
    - They need to create ranks not based on wins/loses, but based on a players’ top-10 best games. If one player wins 10 games, captures 10 objectives and gets 10 kills each game, they receive a certain rank and can NOT go down in rank by continuing to play, they can only go down when another player wins 10 games and does better in at least one of those 10 games. This gives incentive to continuously try to play well enough to win and to also try and play better than their previous games without the risk of losing rank. It’s a win-win situation for the players.
    - Sandstorm, even with its quarterly updates, is still stale and boring. There’s no reason or incentive to play the game more than a week after a major update. Then, when they do a free weekend, the player count goes up into the 10,000’s and everyone posts on Reddit that “this is AmAziNg” yet the player count goes right back down to 2-3k a week after the free-weekend. All the desert eagles and revolvers in the world aren’t going to grow or build a bigger player-base, especially when there isn’t a ranked/competitive mode.
    - Just a note: I love the ISMC mod, there are hundreds of people every day that join their discord and I hope they continue to do big things and become even more successful. NWI released a video from their community manager saying that they wanted to support competitive, only to turn around and literally delete the game-mode from the game without ever doing anything to support it. Not sure what players should think about that, but I can see why players are quick to say ISMC > NWI, even if it is just a meme since the gameplay is essentially still the same between the two.

  • @thundur6996
    @thundur6996 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Insurgency: Really solid base game
    Insurgency Community: I'm not satisfied. Give me what I deserve
    DayZ: Buggy mess, run for 2 hours, get shot from 10000 meters away. respawn with a broken leg and ebola
    DayZ Community: yeah

  • @herschelschueler
    @herschelschueler 3 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    About damn time someone made this video, thank you! Everyone gushed over Sandstorm when it was in Beta and now everyone is just so disrespectful. The game is still being supported by NWI and yeah some things suck, but that applies to many games.

  • @ZaibasMartynas
    @ZaibasMartynas 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Sandstorm isn't a tactical shooter nor an arcade shooter it's a perfect in-between but some servers actually turn it into kind of a mil-sim which I love and love playing, oh and ISMC won't ever fucking save sandstorm. :)

  • @ShaxxVN
    @ShaxxVN 3 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    This man need more attention, his videos are super high quality and well edited. Damn i hope he doing youtube fulltime

  • @moeburnsnaughtychannel2352
    @moeburnsnaughtychannel2352 3 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    Holy fuck thank you so much for this video. I got so sick of the IMSC overhype and people acting like it's so much better than the base game... first of all it's coop only. Second all it does is add WAY too many guns without any thought given to balance or gameplay. Most of those guns are just cosmetic variants of each other. And then all the attachments are just variants of each other. So it came down to "OMG THIS MOD TOTALLY REVOLUTIONIZES SANDSTORM" and all I ever saw were clips of blue laser sights and canted red dot sights. That's it? That's all you people wanted was to look like a fuckin Blade Runner gun? Nothing AGAINST ISMC, it's very clearly cool for what it does... I'm more against the people saying it's better than the base game.

    • @ISMCMod
      @ISMCMod 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Hey dude! Fair points about the commentary surrounding the mod - wanted to clear up one thing though. We introduced PMC faction v faction PvP in our last update, as well as multiple modifiers that change the level of "arcadiness".

    • @H0und0fHircin3
      @H0und0fHircin3 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@ISMCMod I like how you handle the criticism so professionally. Kudos!

    • @AOIU982
      @AOIU982 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@ISMCMod cool it's ok for stuff to be unbalanced since it's coop tho.

    • @AOIU982
      @AOIU982 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @ why that is fun tho?

    • @AOIU982
      @AOIU982 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @ yeah but you can carry 2 weapons with you even 3 including a sidearm that's fairly realistic.

  • @gunner4lyfe723
    @gunner4lyfe723 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    ismc is pushing vanilla devs to improve

  • @bartigasiatisch4674
    @bartigasiatisch4674 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    bravo. exactly what i thought about ismc. what ive been telling to the players i encountered in IS.
    Why the hell only this time i saw your vid.
    im new player to the IS been playing for 7months now. but i love the game. fell inlove with it dont care what the others are saying this game is a master piece. but not all gold are in the right place. I know im new to the community but ive played so many tactical shooter games and milsim games(squad,tarkov) rn im playing ready or not good game too.
    there is something about IS that i love so much. and that is the gun game/gunplay there is a balance. yeah there are also imbalances such as the molly😂 and the new ridiculous new update they added the handheld granade launcher that doesnt make sense.
    sandstorm is sandstorm cuz of the gameplay of hardcore shooting with the beautiful sounds.(damn the soundboard is banging all the time) the realistic play with a touch of arcade, you have to play slow and be in touch with your random dudes😂. Ihate cod gameplays but i love cod campaigns.(not mw4)😢

  • @aegiskun4422
    @aegiskun4422 3 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    Even though I sometimes create screenshots and content for ISMC, I feel like the mod is extremely overrated. It's a great mod don't get me wrong! I'm not hating it but all the content is the same and same. Like as the video says for example, there are a lot of grips and muzzle breaks that do the same and doesn't change any stats. What's up with that then? I've seen countless and countless of people in all social media platforms say that "Oh hey, ISMC should be in the basegame" or "Hurr durr, ISMC devs should replace the NWI devs." First and foremost, where is *your* respect for the original developers of this game? New World Interactive? I have a feeling that those people just forgot about NWI and are just fanboying about ISMC. Who gave out mod tools? NWI, Who created this game? NWI, who mentioned ISMC in a Sandstorm SOP to make it more popular? NWI. People have different reasons to dislike NWI and I get that, I get that a lot in my friends and the people in the Steam Forums, discord, etc. But saying that playing ISMC is the only reason to play Sandstorm is pretty stupid, but I'll respect their illogical opinion.
    How is ISMC realistic? Please tell me, I am more than intrigued to find out. I have played ISMC just enough to know that having two M249s with two AT4s on your back isn't realistic, like I just don't get how people can just ignore that and say "Hey, Vanilla sandstorm is unrealistic, ISMC is realistic huhurhhrhr." Honestly, brother. The kids who say that are like the equivalent of the console kids on twitter.
    I wish I could say more but then this comment would turn it into a novel but you get the idea folks. The devs of ISMC are awesome people, they are talented and they've shown that they are the real deal sometimes. But this is just stupid and really laughable. Thank YOU sacrillcious for making this video.

    • @tactaillike2
      @tactaillike2 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      absolutely e.e
      honestly i have an easier time comprehending everyone that's clamoring for console info on Twitter than those who think all the stuff in ISMC would work just fine in base Sandstorm

  • @newrecru1t
    @newrecru1t 3 ปีที่แล้ว +28

    ISMC is cool but unfocused and bloated. That's okay! It's literally a community compiled mod with tons of ideas tossed in, and so much of it isn't polished or thought through, because modding isn't upheld to the same standards as genuine game development! Imagine my surprise when I hear that this isn't the general consensus on ISMC...
    I get it, the mod is fun, but isn't that what it is strictly supposed to be? A fun mod take on Sandstorm's core? ISMC shouldn't be pushing itself to be more than the Vanilla game, and to my understanding, it was never doing that to begin with. This is all coming from someone that plays ISMC almost strictly...

    • @sac_YT
      @sac_YT  3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Thankfully, I think there are rational fans of ISMC that don't do the things I said in the video. My problem is with "elitists" and creators that spew this garbage because they know they're appealing to the mob and what's popular at the time.

    • @ISMCMod
      @ISMCMod 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      I think you have the wrong impression of ISMC, me and a few others are trying to make sandstorm into a tactical shooter, while at the same time leaving some scraps of what we make for the more casual gamers, hence the new ISMC update where we split into two factions of PMCs, add the proper guns on either side and get rid of the rest, fix up the AI (to the best of my ability and the tools we've been given) and in general polish the game into a tactical shooter me and my friends can enjoy in the same vein as Arma, GB etc. :) I actually learned all the tools of the trade just to make this mod for my own preference, just happened that other people enjoyed it too :D So The "best" way to really appreciate ISMC in my opinion, is running the newest build with fewer bots set to 0.5 to 0.8 difficulty, using the ISMC_Hardcore mutator, and playing both ins maps and sec for both PVE and PVP. Yes, we dont have all the tools other games offer their modding communities, we cant do animations, sounds, game modes (that one might be possible in the future, we're trying to figure it out), so looking at what we have achieved with the limited stuff we have to work with, is pretty cool in itself :) Just my two cents, enjoy ISMC guys! Love Anders

    • @newrecru1t
      @newrecru1t 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Good to hear from you on this actually! I apologize for being a bit prejudice and critical, I don't mean to diminish anyone's work or effort on this stuff; believe me, I play ISMC most of the times anyways and understand the difficulties of making/modding games. You all are doing a great job at what it is you're trying to achieve, and I'm especially glad that this community has Modders like you making content for *FREE* especially.
      I simply don't want the community pushing the expectations of genuine professional game development onto Modders though! You lot deserve every bit of praise you get, but the pressure of developing a _"superior"_ Sandstorm should not be your burdens to bear. I'm sure you can agree that ISMC isn't trying to be an improved Vanilla Sandstorm, it's just a different (but heavily nuanced) interpretation that fits your preferences and a lot of other people as well.
      What I hope is taken away from videos like this is that the community is reminded that ISMC and NWI aren't supposed to be competing against one another. If anything? That you're both partners with differing visions, but are nonetheless staunch supporters for each other!

  • @MintyLime703
    @MintyLime703 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Love it when people think a game is saved and relevant again just because they personally returned to it. It's like they can't comprehend the idea that other people are doing other things at all times. Sandstorm has kept a stable population this entire time and we've been playing and enjoying the vanilla game, but then some "tactical" youtuber comes in and gives their opinion on the game nobody asked for. They act like the game was dead until they showed up. "THE GAME IS SAVED LOOK 2000 PLAYERS ONLINE WE DID IT REDDIT"
    Hardly anyone even plays ISMC as far as I can tell, so I don't know how these youtubers can reason that it has "saved" the game for all of us. It's clickbait for clickbait's sake. It's what they do, especially BigFry. Sandstorm isn't the only game they do this shit with.

    • @Drivaawwrrr
      @Drivaawwrrr 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      This. I can't stand the self-absorbed hypocrisy from these, as you said, "tactical" youtubers stating their opinion as fact, and KNOWING they can push for that because they have a large following, by influencing easily influenced people.

  • @jakep121
    @jakep121 3 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    Love this, my exact thoughts put into a video.

  • @calvinhuddleston576
    @calvinhuddleston576 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    focusing on just the mod i really think its not significantly different enough from vanilla hardcore, but the communicate or die mode is pretty fun, forces people to actually be tacticool and use their goddamn mics

  • @Peckh
    @Peckh 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    thank god someone said what I was thinking. I was suprised to hear so much praise for the mod and honestly playing it dissapointed me. I dont really care about spending 15 minutes kitting out some loadout. I want more expanded coop modes and content in the terms of gamemodes and maps. Not just 50 new guns

  • @Raptorsified
    @Raptorsified 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    If we look at any game that has historically had a huge modding scene the decorator analogy quickly falls apart. Look at the most popular mods for Bethesda games, GTA, source engine. There are many instances in which mods become games themselves (counterstrike, DayZ) or introduce features that add immensely to the base game and eventually become features of future installments (ADS being added in FONV after an fo3 mod and most notably settlements in FO4 being added after the success of RTS mod for FONV). This perspective leads me to view modders more as renovators/inspectors as their main aim is to refine the game and to add content. The biggest problem with ismc and insurgency is that the two "games" are not different enough to be separate releases and ultimately serves to divide an already limited player base.

  • @42ndsheep
    @42ndsheep 3 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    It is great that someone is finally calling this shit out. I watched a bunch of videos on ISMC and then decided to play it and overall, was not impressed. It is just as you said, a bunch of new guns and cosmetics. Honestly that was one of the things that annoyed me the most, how creators were praising all the grip and stock options when they literally do nothing different from the base ones and you can only see them if you stare violently at your gun. They are such a tiny, insignificant thing that a ton of people were blowing way out of proportion. The only real good thing about playing on ISMC servers was the adjusted bot settings to make them more difficult (as someone who finds the sandstorm hardcore coop bots a bit too easy), but that doesn't have much to do with ISMC itself. Personally, I would like to see sandstorm go a bit more in the hardcore direction like insurgency 2014 was (the main thing is 2014 had lower TTK, and also the guns were all actually used by lots of militaries, not fucking desert eagles), and ISMC doesn't really do much for that.

  • @francisswift6535
    @francisswift6535 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    So, a recommendation for this video popped up in the Steam forums amid the various current kafuffles about the game. Whilst I'm still not happy with much of the direction NWI have taken with Sandstorm and feel some of the marketing is a bit misleading it is rightly important to realize that the staff that work on it are real people doing work under the same conditions that we all have to work under. As for ISMC itself, discussions about it have continually made me wonder if the people I sometimes find myself in agreement with...or find themselves in agreement with me...really even understand the same language: 'The game is getting a bit too silly, I thought it was going to be gritty and tactical' - 'Yeah, me too' - 'So I only play ISMC now' - 'Sorry, what, the mod where everyone has a GarandThumb fetish and mows down hundreds of dumb bots and spends hours deciding which version of a glock to take as a sidearm''. In fairness, the ISMC team has knocked it out the park when it has come to finding smooth and simple solutions to certain things NWI seems to still be bodging - handling issues with NVG's and having mechanics that allow players to utilize flashlights AND other illuminators efficiently in one set-up. It's spot on. Otherwise, it seems that what people actually want is a tacticool power fantasy but think what they're asking for is something that adds inches to their manhood and makes them Real Gamers (TM) unlike 'stupid Cod kiddies'. There's nothing wrong with Action Man dress up, use your time and money as you please...but the pretence and hypocrisy is the same mind-bending, delusional and at times schizoid stuff that is broadly rampant and particular to gaming communities as a whole.

    • @lucaswibisono1316
      @lucaswibisono1316 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I wish I could say to these people that... hey you're playing a Tacti-cool Barbie: Modern Warfare Realism Edition dress up game with "simcade" like quality if they keep demanding/like things that you mentioned lol.
      Other than that, you bring up some good points. I always amazed at how so many people trying to show "how adults do things" to a game like Call of Duty.
      Like, sure it IS possible. But im not sure if its a top priority for them. But it would be nice if they can just relax for a moment and think.

  • @hamzakhalil7932
    @hamzakhalil7932 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I want a improve frenzy gamemode man with like real zombie skins :(

    • @sac_YT
      @sac_YT  3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Zombies is actually pretty fun. A dumb game mode to mess around on for a bit.

  • @Dorne_is_the_GOAT
    @Dorne_is_the_GOAT ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Well this video aged horribly considering how the devs of Insurgency Sandstorm keep ruining their own game with terrible updates that keep making the game worse.

  • @lordragequittiltmaster2554
    @lordragequittiltmaster2554 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I can totally agree with you, from my Squad gaming experience (4000 hours) I learned that milsimers are the the most hypocrite and just lame kind of players, that value games by how much guns and stuff is there and are not interested in gameplay
    They hate skilled people, they say "go play your arcade Counter-Strike", but they purely enjoy every single kill they manage to get, I just hate these double standarts

  • @DueRag
    @DueRag 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Somewhat agree somewhat disagree

    • @ISMCMod
      @ISMCMod 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Hey Due! I'd love to hear you elaborate - genuinely interested in your thoughts here.

  • @zaconrye4773
    @zaconrye4773 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    What if they had a program like squad has, where they actively promote the mods. Maybe every now and then they add a modded playlist to the main versus menu. I think a majority of people don't realize how amazing the modding is. I have had the game since launch and only installed and played my first mod last week.

  • @LewdSCP1471A
    @LewdSCP1471A 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    ay i see my comment at 4:06 i used to work on ISMC but left pretty soon.

  • @justoalvarez3940
    @justoalvarez3940 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I bought Insurgency Sandstorm today and can't complain about anything. The gunplay feels right...
    I'll be playing this sht for years...

  • @tanybrachid
    @tanybrachid 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Thank you. I don't get why the community hates NWI so much.
    To my taste the base game Is great and loads of fun, but there are a lot of big content creators out there speaking from opinion saying that the game is bland or boring, and just hating on NWI. And a lot of people just... hear that and accept those opinions as objective truths

  • @philippdolschan3300
    @philippdolschan3300 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I never understood their thinking anyway. I loaded it up, went vanilla and right after with ISMC and the only thing I noticed was some nice custimization but thats it

  • @b19931228
    @b19931228 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    No man you gotta make a game that is worth playing 10 hours straight 365 days a year otherwise it's a complete waste of a space on steam.
    When I was in my adolescence, just got my own PC and my own room, I grind 14 hours of WOW a day for 2 months straight (summer break in my country is 2 months), and I literally just play games, eat, piss, and sleep.
    That is both the best period and worst period for my gaming life.

  • @BreakawayMist0
    @BreakawayMist0 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Just an idea but what if instead of adding a shit ton of guns to the base game NWI just adds some guns as payed skins like a 416 skin for the MK18 or a C7 skin for the M16 then you can have basically what ever gun you want without the huge laundry list of gun like ismc

    • @AyedYoutube
      @AyedYoutube 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Then people would go apeshit over why the devs cant license a million guns into the game for free because they paid $2 for the game on Christmas 🎄

  • @tot1174
    @tot1174 3 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    welcome to 2021 where people shit on a video game developer because the community has made a gameplay mod that literally changes the game's genre

  • @phulam3458
    @phulam3458 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    so I'm not the only one who think the Operator's training thing is a joke and should never exist in a game like this

    • @lucaswibisono1316
      @lucaswibisono1316 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      as dumb as it is, at least it helps out people who can't handle recoil.
      Even though handling recoil in FPS games is easy peasy lol.

  • @westnug3191
    @westnug3191 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    The reason to play sandstorm is it’s a hella fun game to play weather you like coop or pvp. If your by yourself or with mates I will be putting more hours into sandstorm and have friends purchasing it so we can all play. Keep up the great content and see you on those oceanic servers

  • @LardosOperadores
    @LardosOperadores 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I agree a lot with your points. Something I dislike in ISMC is that the last update removed the Hardcore Checkpoint moveset, turning it in to casual movement style. Maybe I'm wrong about it z this can be a preset on a specific sever, but the Admin of this server told me that he removed the mod because of that, an the movement of hardcore is the best thing in the game on my opinion.

  • @CC_ACV
    @CC_ACV 3 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    Can’t agree more than that. Finally seeing someone to stand out against those ridiculous speeches about letting ISMC take over the game. Good video!

  • @TheSalomao666
    @TheSalomao666 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    2 years later the company adds a map created by the community and 2 weapons that are "skins" of others and what was the feedback of the community? yes...

    • @blu3dreaming996
      @blu3dreaming996 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Devs were fired and work was outsourced to other studios sadly

  • @xKrown
    @xKrown 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    For me, ISMC is boring. the servers with more than 4 people have people spamming spawns with M249s. I just wanna take the ministry with a ton of bad guys and die in a scary way :(

    • @FragGoesBoom
      @FragGoesBoom ปีที่แล้ว

      Have you tried singleplayer

  • @bradsmgads1302
    @bradsmgads1302 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    it was the constant packet loss that killed insurgency

  • @auirnaimperatrorie9982
    @auirnaimperatrorie9982 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The reason I like ISMC is because I’m honestly a loner I don’t like big stuff and Personally ISMC gives me the beautiful Gunplay with more attachments “I love arma because I can play it by myself and still have ton of fun in the editor I love squads combat but not the fact that real people are there” hence why I also loce ready or not hell ISMc with a ready or not AI troops your can command you be lit for me

    • @auirnaimperatrorie9982
      @auirnaimperatrorie9982 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      I’m not really the core PvP community I just like to have fun after being fucking ass fucked by tarkov and want to chill a few gunfights that are close to realistic and immersive but isn’t COD

    • @auirnaimperatrorie9982
      @auirnaimperatrorie9982 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Noting well I want a semi realistic game infact I love insurgency the original one because neither me nor my best friend could afford squad or Arma now with our jobs we can but at the time Playing insurgency as tactically a possible because it all we could afford is why we enjoyed realisticish games like this infact my friend told me when Insurgency sandstorm first came out said “it’s to much like Cod we should stick to tarkov only for him to like that game after I told him about the fat time to kill

  • @cocaroto9650
    @cocaroto9650 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Well based on steam stats, ISMC did bring people into and back to Sandstorm. 17:09 Also the main reason Sandstorm is even doing well is because of ISMC, you would be overlooking the truth to not think so.

    • @cocaroto9650
      @cocaroto9650 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Also to further this factor, it had its highest viewership since last march during the month of Feb 21 and also has had more people following the game during that time, for what, vanilla sandstorm, lets be real about this.

    • @AyedYoutube
      @AyedYoutube 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Check how many people are playing on ismc servers and compare it to total in-game players on insurgency

    • @cocaroto9650
      @cocaroto9650 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@AyedTH-cam yes today but during that time was not even a comparison

    • @mikevsworldofficial
      @mikevsworldofficial 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@cocaroto9650 doesn't matter however, because the servers today are what matters

  • @Killicon93
    @Killicon93 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Regarding the Chapter 3 'Tactical' part of your video:
    That is exactly why I love Sandstorms Hardcore Co-op, because in that mode if you don't play tactically you will feel pain. As well as pain from any team-mates whom don't know any tactics.

  • @sqwearl1392
    @sqwearl1392 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    This take is dumb. Sorry.
    I love vanilla, I love ISMC.
    I really want all the weapons. The point limitations on loadouts are great for balance, but its not how id be set up IRL, so these things that you think "don't add anything" add exactly what I enjoy. I was just starting to get bored and move on... because of ISMC I have even more reason to play.
    Without ismc id play less

    • @FragGoesBoom
      @FragGoesBoom ปีที่แล้ว

      Bro same, I love vanilla and ismc, ismc has way more AK variants which makes me happy

  • @alexanderjones7366
    @alexanderjones7366 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Excellent points were made in this statement. ISMC is basically the sprinkles while the base game is the vanilla ice cream. I personally prefer the vanilla myself and I hope people can respect my opinion as I do for them also. Sandstorm on its own is such a fun game!

  • @Mo_1042
    @Mo_1042 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    They need to add in a competitive mode again, except this time actually give people incentive to play it. Like a comp rank or cosmetics only un-lockable by playing comp and what not. Also i would definitely agree that new guns aren't what sandstorm needs right now, i'd much rather see new game-modes or at the very least expand upon the existing ones (like frontlines that hasn't recieved a new compatible map in ages and it drives me nuts because its easily the best mode).

  • @technoruffles7747
    @technoruffles7747 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I'm pretty sure if you look at the definition of "gravy seal" in the dictionary, theres a picture of big fry on there.

  • @YarnuDog
    @YarnuDog 3 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Great video mate.

    • @sac_YT
      @sac_YT  3 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @abdullahshahbaz4745
      @abdullahshahbaz4745 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      When are you gonna come back Yarnu, i really miss you on youtube.

    • @cantstoptommy7077
      @cantstoptommy7077 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Yarnu, you need to come back to IS, haven’t seen you in ages!

  • @sninctbur3726
    @sninctbur3726 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Players: "We don't need any more rifleman guns"
    Also players: "This mod that adds 10 AR variants is saving the game"

  • @_MetaL
    @_MetaL 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Licked and subbed! Goldenye ost and vhs visuals for the win! good points! maybe NWI can take a look

  • @DriedPlanet
    @DriedPlanet 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Man woke up and decided to spit facts

  • @spookyTEHdragon
    @spookyTEHdragon 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Great Video Sac. Thanks for changing my mind!

  • @VleuSantiago
    @VleuSantiago 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I love ISMC for bringing me to this game. The weapons and customization is what drew me in but the vanilla gunplay, VIP PVP mode gave me so much fun and I miss it already and what I stay for is the updates and bug fixes NWI can bring.
    I mostly play ISMC PVE because I'm a PVP noob but dying so much as a VIP with a pistol panicking and trying to get killed (again) was so much fun. I'd love to get good in PVP modes but for now I'll keep practicing as I keep dying over and over again.
    ISMC is spectacular but it isn't my only reason to play. Thank you for reminding us to play and have fun however we find it and I hope others too have fun and let everyone have fun as they please. Let's encourage NWI to bring us its best rather than bash them for everything they fail or miss at. I'll keep recommending this game to my friends because landing a fatal shot with just a single bullet, reloading in this game, taking hours to customize loadouts and ducking your head away from the screen as you get shot in game is quite the fun experience I've never found anywhere else.
    Not to mention, Mercenary voice lines are so good... We need more voicelines from different factions or voice actors if possible 👌

  • @martemer7867
    @martemer7867 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    great vid hope this blows up

  • @tama7026
    @tama7026 3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    ISMC fan base is obnoxious af, they only think of coop "just add ISMC to the game". Saying things like that and comparing the amount of content when most of it is recicled (animations, sounds, blueprints, free royalty assets).
    This is not a bad thing by any means most of my favorite mods are like this.
    If something ISMC lacks balance and quality but it doesn't have to be like that is a mod, they are working for free
    Thank you ISMC devs i enjoy having a tactical power fantasy from time to time. That's more replay value for the game
    Oh yeah and the cosmetics are just 💯👌😌

  • @Spetsnaz--21
    @Spetsnaz--21 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I would have to disagree when you say that weapons and new sights are not what the community wants? We're literally dying for new weapons and weapons accessories and waiting 3-4 months for TWO weapons and ONE map is absolutely absurd.

  • @dekkan_0771
    @dekkan_0771 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I really like your opinion, I feel like ISMC is fun but I see myself playing the regular game more than ISMC for some reasons. What I hate is how ridiculously unbalanced the mod is, weapons are literally lasers and sure it doesn’t matter if you’re playing against bots , but still for me it kills the vibe of what the game , I don’t want to play a COD game where I can rush and waist mags like no tomorrow. What I really like is the customization which I feel the vanilla game should have (scopes, grips even if some of this are the same thing…) I really enjoy the game and honestly hope in future we get more stuff.

  • @FermiGBM1
    @FermiGBM1 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    The game is in amazing shape though compared to other tactical shooters i've played recently, they found a good balance between realism and fun

  • @voidphobia1850
    @voidphobia1850 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    3:36 good example is the PF940 and humvee, the former had a delayed release and latter due to the activison lawsuit

  • @touchgrasstryhard8604
    @touchgrasstryhard8604 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Very good video. I essentially agree w/ most all of it, but I would disagree w/ the notion that the "core community" (whatever that is) don't want all the guns/cosmetics/etc... that ISMC provides. They clearly do or ISMC wouldn't be so popular. But, yeah the comments about the degrades to gameplay, etc.... are spot on. Good video.

    • @SD-rc2wz
      @SD-rc2wz 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      I think he means the competitive/pvp community. The ones that stuck around when there was only 1000 people online.

    • @touchgrasstryhard8604
      @touchgrasstryhard8604 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@SD-rc2wz If you mean the prior game, I'm not versed in it's history. If you mean this game, it holds pretty steady at between 2-3k daily and higher on sales or event type weekends.
      But, I read the forums, reddit, etc... a lot and there is a lot of demand for that stuff. That's all I'm saying.

    • @iTomBass
      @iTomBass 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@touchgrasstryhard8604 I wouldn't class them as the core community, I too read new gun requests everywhere, even the most outlandish ones or weapons that just wouldn't work well. I think when Sac says the core community, he means users playing the game day in day out. The users spamming gun requests every day aren't the same users I know from the discord playing this game on a daily basis who emphasize as much as possible that they aren't that interested in new guns, they want reworks to existing modes/features and new experiences like Sac says rather than another generic 5.56 rifle etc.
      Of course that's not to say any reddit user who posts a gun request isn't playing this game daily. But I mostly get the impression that they haven't had a crazy amount of time with the game as some of the people I speak too who do just from reading their reasons why a certain gun 'needs' to be added.

    • @touchgrasstryhard8604
      @touchgrasstryhard8604 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@iTomBass Honestly, I don't care. :) It was just an observation. I will say that the folks I play with often do discuss guns, etc... they'd like to see while we're in discord, so I know the idea resonates with a lot of players. Don't be too limiting when you fixate on "core players". /shrug

    • @SD-rc2wz
      @SD-rc2wz 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@iTomBass straight

  • @edgonzales5411
    @edgonzales5411 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Being able to take pistol only with more then 3 mags seems worth it

  • @babypluto3679
    @babypluto3679 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I love the ISMC mod and the community but it just doesn’t replace the Vanilla PvP feel I love how insurgency feels like cod but with more realistic weapon handling and damage models, it feels like the cod I always wanted

  • @K3ntucky123
    @K3ntucky123 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    As an ISMC lover, I agree your opinion. Many people considered the vanilla ver. Over the mod and for me, i played gr breakpoint/wildlands alot and i love this mod because of customization. I dont care if doesnt take on realism, only want is to have fun.

  • @martemer7867
    @martemer7867 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    exactly. I get that people are hype about the guns but it looks so boring. The ai literally piles up on each other

  • @joe2kemek
    @joe2kemek 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    the community are overreact.. i never classified sandstorm as milsim.. it never milsim seen the beginning. it more to semi tactical shooting game... i still wait for ismc to allow player to mount foregrip on m249 and m240b....

  • @Govrin.
    @Govrin. 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    ismc is like just adding ar 15s and thats not what i want the game to be

    • @ISMCMod
      @ISMCMod 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      To be fair (*to be faiiiiirrrrr*) we're a lot more than that. But we are that.

  • @Mr_War_
    @Mr_War_ 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    yeah as much as I love ISMC at the end of the day i treat it like a GMOD weapon pack. its fun and dandy and all. might have some cool stuff that should be added, but i would rather have new maps, gamemodes, better ai, etc than more guns. focus on the fun first, then we can worry about the cool shit later. if the game isn't fun, then why bother playing it?

  • @Drivaawwrrr
    @Drivaawwrrr 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I'm glad someone is speaking the truth here. ISMC is a good mod, but it's nowwhere near hard-core and tactical as people claim it to be. You can run around (sprinting) with a fully geared primary, plus heavy- secondary, a rocket launcher, insane amounts of ammo and grenades, perks and grips that eliminate all recoil....HOW is that tactical and realistic??
    Lasering bots without ever needing to resupply, adapt to situations depending on each person's kit (because every man is a one-man army, so essentially COD on steroids...).
    The hate on NWI gets nowhere either, sure they should do better, but saying "ISMC should replace the NWI devs' work" is insulting to the groundwork of a game that allows for ISMC mod to exist in the first place. Sandstorm does need to find the right balance between hard-core and arcade (it's always been both, as much as people deny it), but making ISMC part of the base game only makes it more arcady.
    And don't get me started on these "tactical" youtubers who push their opinion as fact onto their impressionable following, saying ISMC is the only thing to "save" Sandstorm, when that is not true at all, they just got bored with playing the base game and wanted more content, which is fine, everyone wants more, but saying ISMC is more tactical is just flat out lying to themselves and others...again, you can easily one-man army everything.
    Great video though Sac! 👍

  • @MirekSasek
    @MirekSasek 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    What do you guys think is the reason there are only ~3000 active players (and only ~20 viewers watching it on Twitch)?

    • @topperboi6768
      @topperboi6768 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      It's a very niche game

    • @Flourikum
      @Flourikum 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      It was strictly on pc, no real competition mode and indie

  • @yernoaloodtaedaethat2780
    @yernoaloodtaedaethat2780 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    This is an important video, have you seen the even more recent stuff now about console? Guys are 100% automatically just shitting on the game for some unrealistic reason like it was delayed. Some of those small unrecognised and shit guys on here have been saying complete ridiculous stuff

    • @sac_YT
      @sac_YT  3 ปีที่แล้ว

      nah i haven't seen anything to do with the console stuff yet tbh. I do think next-gen consoles would be the way to go though.

    • @yernoaloodtaedaethat2780
      @yernoaloodtaedaethat2780 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@sac_YT so, it's all been announced now, it's in a great state which has exceeded all expectations and some of the content coverage on it has been ridiculous

    • @sac_YT
      @sac_YT  3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@yernoaloodtaedaethat2780 there's always going to be people that shit on something good just for the sake of attention unfortunately. I don't own a next generation console, so I won't be able to give a proper review of it. I'm really hoping for good things considering how many times they've delayed it.

    • @yernoaloodtaedaethat2780
      @yernoaloodtaedaethat2780 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@sac_YT yeah, it's coming to previous gen too, was meant to mention. It sounds really good and everything going well. Mod support too

  • @bigmike9486
    @bigmike9486 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    My own personal gripe is never gonna be addressed. They made push the default solo play mode and made push an all or nothing mode so if you lose one you lose them all

  • @ArABiaN_UKnoWn
    @ArABiaN_UKnoWn 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    For me (console player) i would like ismc because it adds more weapons and attachments yeah everything is two shot kill but if everything is a two shot kill why not have more?? I always liked the feeling of trying out a new gun each update but lets be forreal 2 guns each 6 months is a joke playing with the same guns and attachments gets boring

  • @xmatobujnakx
    @xmatobujnakx ปีที่แล้ว

    one thing what sandstorm need is more mods and terrorist hunt from first game

  • @thatonefpsgamer1339
    @thatonefpsgamer1339 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Bro I swear BigFry is a fucking Stan

  • @DasMonke
    @DasMonke 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Big fry is always getting pissed at everyone. Might as well ignore him.

  • @Elkynd
    @Elkynd 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    I can certainly say I agree with this video. Even after having played ISMC myself, I can say that it's enjoyable and the attachment system is great, but it has its drawbacks.
    The foregrips in ISMC feel. . . useless. ISMC does far more incredible work with attachments as far as optics go. VUDU is a great optic, ACOG feels more like an ACOG and increases your peripheral view instead of the very narrow feeling of Vanilla ACOG.
    Having canted sights on weapons would be much more preferable than the RMR on top of the optic. Vanilla laser is pointless because your weapon is not fixed to the center of your screen and is basically a beacon saying, "I'M AROUND THE CORNER." Point-Shooting is nice in ISMC because you can actually focus your weapon on the laser instead of firing your weapon everywhere sporadically.
    Bigger rigs with more ammo is definitely more appealing than the 5 mags for light carrier and 7 for heavy that vanilla has. The armor in ISMC feels like it protects more than vanilla, where it feels like it does little to no protection at closer ranges. I almost never carry armor because it feels like useless baggage in Vanilla.
    Lastly, the recoil for some of the weapons, especially the LMGs, are severely exaggerated in Vanilla. I understand from a gameplay perspective, you have to give a class a reason to use their bipod, but c'mon. . . You expect me to lay prone in the middle of a firefight, deploy my bipod and then by some miracle, manage to kill them? For maps with longer ranges, it's practically impossible to use the Gunner Class without getting your head blown off.
    Which is why I believe firing your gun at enemies should inflict a harsher penalty on their accuracy and their vision, thus giving a purpose to suppressing targets. More often than not, enemies will still turn a corner and fire back at you, regardless if you are dumping ammo at the corner they are about to round.
    To summarize, I feel like ISMC does a lot better of a job on a lot of fronts in contrast to Vanilla. Point-shooting is a welcomed addition, canted sights are prefered over RMR, superior optic design, better armor protection, and rigs carry a lot more. HOWEVER, ISMC also has its drawbacks. Gear has no adverse effects on your movement speed and you can carry an ABSURD amount of gear with no penalty. NO RECOIL on ANY of the weapons. You were right when you said it feels like a "CoD game."
    If anything, I wouldn't want ISMC to take over Sandstorm, but I SURE AS HELL would applaud NWI for hiring them. I would love to have a discussion about this topic with you.

  • @deathrow5261
    @deathrow5261 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Btw, the point shooting grip did get added, but it’s only in co op