Deers and moose often run without looking if they are being chased or are flustered etc I have also seen deers look both ways b4 crossing but more so in the daytime I have been on an ATV going like 60km down a trail and I saw a brown blur with white at the end jump in front of me and cross. Looking back it was a deer running full tilt and i was within inches of hitting it
De i den blå bilen hadde dårlig lys på den ene siden og fulgte tydeligvis ikke med. Har ikke noe på veien å gjøre uten å ha lys i orden og ikke følge med på det som skjer langt foran bilen til enhver tid.... Det er det første folk lærer når man tar førerkortet....
Elgen skjønner ikke at det er farlig og springer derfor rett ut på veien. De er ikke så smarte dyr og de klarer ikke å tenke på samme måte som oss mennesker, så om det kommer en bil så lukter elgen fare ig prøver å komme seg vekk fort men de skjønner ikke at det er farlig akkuratt i det øyeblikket de løper ut men når bilen først kommer...DA skjønner de det. Håper du fikk svar på det du lurte på :-)
The driver turned off the high beam too early. If the driver could’ve waited about 2 seconds, There might’ve been a chance Where They would’ve seen the moose a bit earlier.
@@the-great-awekener I don't think the Driver coulda done anything better. I understand this is a moose but i believe Deer whistles work on them aswell
Oncoming driver very stupid. First off, notice oncoming traffic car stopped, pay attention, reduce speed. Second, flashing head-lights, something is definitively up, hello?. Still... Keeps driving at normal speed, oblivious.
@@aligul2964 Lol have you ever lived in a place where Deer and such are on the roads this si such a shitty mentality oh someone has an unpreventable accident that might have hurt them and might have hurt a wild animal and I want to wish death upon them. Honestly take your head out fo your ass and go spend some time in the woods. I used to live on a dirt road surrounded by conservation on all 4 sides deer all around used the horse's herd as safety and layed down outside of the fences etc. One day my dad coming home at 3am in our Jeep Grand Cherokee and he pulls into our driveway and accidentally runs over a deer because it was literally just standing their he said he felt a thump than reversed and the deer ran off into the woods that was 100% an accident he was not being reckless or anything and the deer most likely survived without serious injury but go on wish harm onto people for this. Honestly if a crazy guy sprinted across a 8 lane freeway and got huit would you blame the random car driving on the freeway?
also do you feel the same way about hunting if so dont bcz its much more moral than factory farming that being said I am not the type of guy to go out and kill a deer
@@lurk7967 you have zero idea to whom you are writing. Who is destroying and living in the territories of the others. The deer or the human beings. So now put your head in to your ass and enjoy the dickhead...
Ja ENIG med deg Henriette Roll-Sørstrøm. Det beste for elgen var egt å bare la viltnemda finne den og la den få sovne inn. Istedet for å la den løoe fritt i naturen med skadet bakfor og skadd ryggmarg. Stakkars elgen
Is that other driver coming towards you blind?
maybe he couldn't slow down due to the very icy roads and just kept sliding
Nope just busy updating Facebook and Twitter... #icyroads 🤣 #bruh, #IDOTSTOPPED, #MOOSEBRUH, #MADEIT, #BRUH, #RAMENBRUH
Almost a spectacular combo!
Trur elgen må bruke refleksvest
Dust! Dyr bruker ikke sånt.
@@danielodalen9206 de bør så man kan se dem bedre
@@mrpetition5331 Slutt å tull!
@@danielodalen9206 det var bare tull da, slapp av
The moose be like...
Nice Ride G!!
In December 1972 -as I was running in the forests near Sarpsborg.Fredrikstadt area (in dense fog and blizzard) I ran into the big face of a mouse!
Woo wait, you mean literally? Go on, what happened then
@@gotwater7089 Nothing. Our faces touched but I bounced back and got around running.
Driver got off lucky.
We average around 600 moose collisions per year here in Newfoundland.
Not all of 'em turn out like this.
Stakkars elgen 😢
Какой из них?
Stakkars. Håper det gikk bra med den ..
Hvis det var den bussen jeg var i så ble den skutt… men hvis det var en annen kræsj så gikk det sikkert fint
Да,с ним всё хорошо!Только машину ремонтировал за свой счёт!)))
I've repeated video couple of times and still couldn't see the beast till last second
Deers and moose often run without looking if they are being chased or are flustered etc I have also seen deers look both ways b4 crossing but more so in the daytime
I have been on an ATV going like 60km down a trail and I saw a brown blur with white at the end jump in front of me and cross. Looking back it was a deer running full tilt and i was within inches of hitting it
Damn I'm Hoping it recovered an Glad it didn't get hit by the second car.
Wildlife and vehicular traffic does NOT MIX. 🦌🚙 At the current saturation we should be building ONLY elevated roads, FRP material stuctures.🛑🆗
De i den blå bilen hadde dårlig lys på den ene siden og fulgte tydeligvis ikke med. Har ikke noe på veien å gjøre uten å ha lys i orden og ikke følge med på det som skjer langt foran bilen til enhver tid.... Det er det første folk lærer når man tar førerkortet....
wow stakkars
Drive safely because animals are hitting like this only 🥺
Yeah seriously
maybe change the headlight on the other car aswell :)
Det var nära att den andra bilen körde på den med vilken smäll
Noe jeg lurer på er hvorfor får de på tanken over og løpe over veien rett før det kommer en bil
Elgen skjønner ikke at det er farlig og springer derfor rett ut på veien.
De er ikke så smarte dyr og de klarer ikke å tenke på samme måte som oss mennesker, så om det kommer en bil så lukter elgen fare ig prøver å komme seg vekk fort men de skjønner ikke at det er farlig akkuratt i det øyeblikket de løper ut men når bilen først kommer...DA skjønner de det.
Håper du fikk svar på det du lurte på :-)
@@emiliemandal3819 это точно?Ты не врёшь? Мамой клянись?
Lucky moose.
That moose was lucky!!
2nd car jus missed the animal
Wow, great observation skills.
Ready for burger 🍔🍔🍔
Oh shit! Fucking terrifying!
Why this is suddenly recommended to me?
Animals when they get hit tend to run back to the last place they were safe at and they will go back across the whole road to get back their.
Dan heb je geluk dat je een dashcam hebt ....
Saved good
Drift losyasha!!!
oh may god😮
Country name??
That's a juvenile moose not an elk.
Yeah but in Swedish and Norwegian a moose is called älg/elg
The driver turned off the high beam too early. If the driver could’ve waited about 2 seconds, There might’ve been a chance Where They would’ve seen the moose a bit earlier.
No amount of light was going to change the outcome of this.
@@92clintonr unless he had 360 lights 🤣
@@the-great-awekener I wonder if a deer whistle woulda helped?
@@lurk7967 i wonder if more braincells would have helped
@@the-great-awekener I don't think the Driver coulda done anything better. I understand this is a moose but i believe Deer whistles work on them aswell
Jeg så ett stjerneskudd oppe i Høyre hjørne
Samma det!!!!
It was almost a dobble combo XD
Go slow nonsense
Hvorfor er det ikke noe lyd⚠️⁉️
Kameraet hadde vel ikke mikrofon...
))) тормызы нет екен мына лосьтын ))))
Moose knuckle
Poor thing
drive slow
Elgen har vikeplikt
Shitt faen
Glad to see it walked away! Hope your car is fucked lol 😆
Wats tis
Oncoming driver very stupid. First off, notice oncoming traffic car stopped, pay attention, reduce speed. Second, flashing head-lights, something is definitively up, hello?. Still... Keeps driving at normal speed, oblivious.
Вот олень на дороге!
Ну и как ты его здесь заметишь то
Drivers killing animals this way are deserving the same, sooner or later...
Chill out, it's obviously an accident. Could have happened to you.
@@timv5063 you are right. So I wish them all the same accidentall death...
@@aligul2964 Lol have you ever lived in a place where Deer and such are on the roads this si such a shitty mentality oh someone has an unpreventable accident that might have hurt them and might have hurt a wild animal and I want to wish death upon them.
Honestly take your head out fo your ass and go spend some time in the woods. I used to live on a dirt road surrounded by conservation on all 4 sides deer all around used the horse's herd as safety and layed down outside of the fences etc. One day my dad coming home at 3am in our Jeep Grand Cherokee and he pulls into our driveway and accidentally runs over a deer because it was literally just standing their he said he felt a thump than reversed and the deer ran off into the woods
that was 100% an accident he was not being reckless or anything and the deer most likely survived without serious injury but go on wish harm onto people for this.
Honestly if a crazy guy sprinted across a 8 lane freeway and got huit would you blame the random car driving on the freeway?
also do you feel the same way about hunting if so dont bcz its much more moral than factory farming
that being said I am not the type of guy to go out and kill a deer
@@lurk7967 you have zero idea to whom you are writing. Who is destroying and living in the territories of the others. The deer or the human beings. So now put your head in to your ass and enjoy the dickhead...
lol he
Stupid moose, how dont they understand that a big moving object can hit them? Or do they not see it in the dark?
Лось без фликера то😀
Ja ENIG med deg Henriette Roll-Sørstrøm. Det beste for elgen var egt å bare la viltnemda finne den og la den få sovne inn. Istedet for å la den løoe fritt i naturen med skadet bakfor og skadd ryggmarg. Stakkars elgen
Og folk må også passe på litt bedre og ha langlys på, passe på så de ikke kjører SÅ fort. Osv