November News / Actualités de novembre

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 10 ม.ค. 2025
  • *** ENGLISH ***
    Video of November
    The past month ?
    New memberships
    Laurence Modrego, lobbyist
    Jardinier du Monde ASBL, in Belgium
    Ferme de Gisy.
    The edible landscape with Andrew and Jessie Darlington, agroforestry farmers (sheep/apple) among the first practitioners and teachers of permaculture in France.
    GAEC des Terres Froides
    7 generations, organic since 2000. 200 ha. 4 people. Arable crops, wheat, peas, beetroot, potatoes, lentils, milk, beef. 130 cattle. Agroforestry. On-farm processing (cheese since 2018, flour, bread). Farm-gate and short-distance sales. Educational farm.
    Bienvenue à la Ferme orBIOn - Ferme-orBIOn
    / lafromageriedenancois
    Earl La Ferme En Coton.
    Organic mixed farming since 2001 on 65 ha. En Coton: 2 people - Baker 1.5 - Farmer 1. Poultry (meat and laying hens), pigs, agroforestry, cereals. Bakery. Market gardening. Animal mediation: Since 2005, the Farm has welcomed groups of disabled people as part of therapeutic projects run throughout the year. Art on the farm: agrobats and artists in residence. Shop at the farm.
    We'll be sending you an email to set the date for theAGM, which will be held by videoconference in early December.
    Start-up of SupAgro students: Pierre, Romain and Anna.
    With Maude Quinio, a research professor at AgroParisTech, supervising them. Thesis on Capitalising on and sharing knowledge to change farming practices
    On 23 October at the Courances farm, a meeting with Aurélien Delattre, manager and crop manager of the farm with his brother Quentin. Feedback on the Open Compass diagnosis, carried out by Farm for Good in September with the help of Clotilde and Gautier.
    Erasmus + Consortium: in favour of submitting the Erasmus application in March.
    Metabio. An INRAE research programme on scaling up organic farming. Émilie attends the monthly cafés to share information.
    Upcoming news
    Report on a 2-year study of 10 farms using the IDEA4 and CARE methodologies in Brittany near Rennes on 7 November.
    News to share:
    A look back at 6 years of turbulence as seen by the French Chambers of Agriculture
    Report on organic farming from 2019 to 2024 :
    21% of organic acreage
    France, Europe's leading organic country in terms of surface area. 3rd world market for organic produce behind the USA.
    OBSERVATION: ‘A SUPPLY THAT HAS NOT FOUND ITS DEMAND. Between 2019 and 2023, volume purchases of organic dairy products fell by 23%, while collections rose by 30% between 2019 and 2022. In 2022, the crisis was exacerbated by the fall in purchases of organic meat, clogging up outlets that were already saturated for most animal sectors. Since 2021, meat sales by value have fallen by 23%.
    Analysis by the Chambers: The future of organic farming will therefore depend on a multitude of factors: Compliance with the EGALIM law, contractualisation with producers, competition from labels and imported organic produce, the commitment of retailers, who have considerably reduced their offer during the crisis, inflation trends, consumer awareness of health and the environment, or even revisions to the specifications that could increase production costs (switching heated greenhouses to renewable energy or the end of the 5% derogation for non-organic feed in organic livestock farming). ’
    The thematic group on improving biodiversity in agricultural land for greater resilience, organised by the EUCAP network, would like to compile examples of programmes and initiatives to promote biodiversity that are producing results at the scale ofbiodiversity. To be completed by 13 November:
    Good Practices - TG 1 - Biodiversity
    Form for your wishes for Erasmus mobility grants in 2025 :
    First part to host
    Second part to travel
    5 minutes

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