♥Clarification: Yes we have JOY and PEACE in our lives. Praise the Lord! Our main point is this: Rather than trying to *avoid* stress and anxiety, we have chosen to *embrace* what the Lord wants to TEACH us through the struggles of life. He is our ANCHOR in the midst of the storm!
This is so important! When we choose to learn from our struggles rather than fight them, we find out how much the Lord loves us and how He is always there to help us.
Given the examples; I think it is relatable. I never looked too deep into the word ANXIETY till date. I would rather call it as EMOTIONAL HIJACK and I never like the way it felt. Surprising that one can have this emotional hijack and yet look from an elevated point at oneself and still sense even worse symptoms of how much you hate to feel that way. Sometimes I wonder if I feel the way I do or am I sensing others, it is so negative. Even though I have not looked in-depth.. With your examples, today I sense that it may stem (not for normal beings) from the point of extreme self-respect and trying to be a perfectionist. I have seen that being organized or planning can keep this anxiety out of life. But my life has always been ad-hoc/random decisions or the plans goes spiraling down with even more disappointments. But to stay out of anxiety, one need to keep from having too much expectations of oneself. Yet, it is not possible; when you know you need to set the right example and the bar of expectation is way too high than society norms or standards. However, there is one thing I can share that helped me to lower these anxiety or emotional hijack. To find the strength and stillness in being the "eye of the storm"; look at things and know that they are happening around you and not to you. Keep your ego apart from the situation you handle and you know or sense that person who is like THE ROCK that cannot be shaken. Time and again, I remind myself this. When I say keep the ego out, keep a purpose in life or remind yourself why you do what you do; looking into the actions rather than into the emotions.
I have heard people say that experiencing anxiety and panic or depression is because your faith is too small. I 100% disagree. Just being willing to share this may have saved a persons life. Thank you so much.
I lost my daughter in Aug. She left my 2 grandsons....The oldest just turned 18 , the youngest will be 13 on Dec. 13th. He is has been diagnosed with Anxiety, depression and severe grief disorder ...He misses his momma...He will get to where is chest hurts. His BP and pulse gets really high...I'm gonna have to Homeschool him because he has missed so much school. The oldest has anxiety also. He breaks out in a rash. I have them in Christian counseling...please remember them in prayer...Grief is horrible on the body.. God bless.
I am so sorry for your and their loss. Great grief is devastating, and never really is resolved completely in this life. Over time some return to function is found, but you still can only live with the loss, not remove it. Only Yeshua can fix this sort of trouble completely, when He returns.
That’s a lot of trauma for all of you! I’m glad to read you’ve found a Christian counselor & pray she specializes in trauma as well. May God continue to bless you as you continue this very hard journey.
My middle son developed anxiety disorder when I and 3 of my children went through homelessness after my divorce. Going from shelter to shelter and park to park was extremely difficult but God was there to see us through. He met us in our need and never left us. He sent His Holy Spirit to dwell in us as the Comforter through the storm of life. I pray for His marvelous work be done in your family as well. God bless you for being there for your grandchildren. One of my three children at the time of our homelessness is my autistic grandson, who was just a year old at the time. I feel your pain sister. 🙏🙏🙏🙏❤️
This is also a spiritual battle. My daughter was brought up a Christian but rebelled against God when she was a teenager. When she was in rebellion she started having severe anxiety and panic attacks with ER visits. She also had demons attacking her daily which brought on these panic attacks. Later in life God called on her heart to return to him and she did. She totally surrendered herself to Yeshua. When she decided to return to Christ the demonic attacks became more severe. She could feel the dark presence of a demon tormenting her. She prayed to God to deliver her from Satan and he did. When she got baptized the demon left and so did the anxiety and panic attacks. She has been free since then. Praise God and his son Yeshua.
God gave us the seed bearing plants, all the fruit bearing trees, all the green plants. Garden of Eden was vegan. Since we stick ourselves and our children to the animal foods which he allowed us to eat after the fall, we fall sick. We go anxious, stressed, depressed, suffer the body system failures- digestive, renal, cardiovascular, respiratory, muscular, skeletal, lymphatic. If we eat plants, live a righteous life and then God will find us. All the refined carbohydrates, refined oils, processed foods, salt, refined table sugar we find in the market God did not give us as food. He gave us for food only the plants that grew out of the ground. Kirkland family, though I love them, never have on their plates what God want all the human beings to have. Those with animal meat in their body cannot connect to God. Please do not take me as an offense. That's what Jesus guided me through when I suffered from many different health issues. He told me to eat the way I would eat in Eden.
You are speaking incorrectly and adding to the scroll. All food is clean and God gave us meat to eat. "The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. 2 Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron. 3 They forbid people to marry and order them to abstain from certain foods, which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and who know the truth" (1 Tim 4:1-3). Jesus told us the condition of this generation and He demonstrated the cause of sickness by driving out demons and telling people to repent or worse things would happen to them. “When an impure spirit comes out of a person, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. 44 Then it says, ‘I will return to the house I left.’ When it arrives, it finds the house unoccupied, swept clean and put in order. 45 Then it goes and takes with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there. And the final condition of that person is worse than the first. That is how it will be with this wicked generation" (Matthew 12:43-45)@@white-rabbit93
Thank you for being transparent. I honestly stopped watching you all years ago because I just thought it wasn’t relatable the life you lived. I was drowning is anxiety and going through the worst of the worst a couple years ago. But, I saw your post on Instagram and I knew exactly that if it wasn’t a heart attack it was a panic/anxiety attack because I’ve been there. I was shocked because I never thought any of you went through that. I have just always imagined that your life is peaceful and pretty perfect. Plus, as Christians, I’m so glad you spoke up about anxiety, it’s a taboo subject, it seems. Thank you, 🙏🏼
Legit. 💯 it can also be childhood wiring. Isn't always because your eyes aren't on the Lord. In fact it has happened to many of the most spiritual people in the scriptures. Satan is often allowed to cause our bodies to suffer so we can be tested. Thank you Lord for all the hard things! You always work everything for good for us because we love and obey you!
@@windyhollerAmen. Rom.8:28. I was entrapped in a heavy spirit of depression for 13 years. I have heathen background and had also family curses. I didn't know any of that before I became a christian. I heard (parts of) the gospel a few times, but things continued. When my mother (who was a heathen all her life) saw me still in that condition, she advised me to go to a meeting where the Holy Spirit was at work with a simple and humble preacher. When I was present at that meeting, the Holy Spirit Himself delivered me BEFORE I even came up for prayer! Curse broken in Jesus Name! Hallelujah! He want us to come out in freedom.
After my husband died suddenly of a heart attack in 2014 and a few years earlier in 2009 our 26 year old son drowned at the beach, I was having these anxiety/grief/abyss episodes. I learned that they were coming from the adversary. They would just come out of the blue and would cause what you are talking about. Like being in a dark pit with overwhelming sobbing and panic. I learned that I could plead with the Lord and tell him that this is not coming from me, and that I am doing the best that I can and ask him to take it from me. Many times, it would be gone before I even finished the prayer or a few seconds later, and I could feel it leaving me. I would be left in deep peace as if it never even happened. I hope this helps, because I know that you and your family are faithful people who love God. Another thing that I do is to pay very close attention to what is coming into my mind and not let it in and pray to God for help if I need it. God bless you and your family.
Thank you for sharing. I really appreciate your encouragement. I also realize it is coming from the adversary, and we absolutely must pay attention to what we let in our minds. Once again thank you for sharing.
Have you found the Solution to your episodes? Have you not yet found Comforting? Isaiah 8:20 quoted "To the Law and to the Testimony, if they speak not according to this Word it's because there is no Light in them" God bless you your family.
You could say that your anxiety is the devil, but it’s also your grief and trauma working its way out. I think Christians can over spiritualise things sometimes.
I am almost 62 years old and struggling from a child with anxiety. I am currently really struggling to the point it has been affecting me physically. I cry out to God daily to help and heal me. I know nothing comes into my life that doesn't go through his hands first. I will pray for you. I do exactly what you said I pray to God for anyone struggling with this also!!!
@@lesliekocsis7089 Hi, I'm seeing your comment 6 months later. How's it going? I've experience all levels of fear but my greatest help is simply the Word of God. I've made a list of verses about fear or I look them up online and I FIGHT with them because the Bible says Fear is a Spirit. I think we forget that - we just think it's mental, emotional... I read those lovely truths eg Is.41.10 and let them sink into my mind and heart. I often have to do quite a lot. His promises and Presence grows more real... I also resist the enemy, get cross!!...until I feel it fading. And it really does! With worry and burdens it's a little different. He tells us to Cast, Give our cares to Him. We hold onto them, feel it's OUR responsibility... A book and teaching by Kenneth Hagin Casting Your Cares has blessed me So much. Also a song ..Father I place onto your Hands 🎶 I have to put IT into his hands and refuse to take it back! I keep saying OK , It's your problem Lord! Soon I feel Light in heart. Anyway bless you. 😊
This is how we encourage each other as believers! We don’t pretend to be perfect. We share our moments of struggles and how GOD Himself has been there for us! The Lord has confirmed His love and promises to me and matured me the most during the times that were the hardest. Thank you both for being real!
What’s crazy is when I’m lying awake with too much on my mind, I turn on your music, pray and over a small period of time, I wake up from a good sleep. Thank you so much for your ministry
Saul had those spirits also that tormented him and when David started playing the harp, all those spirits started drifting away. It's a heart of worship that casts out those evil spirits.
@@EmilGhiurau When you say "cast out", a born again man, baptised in the Holy Spirit, can not be possessed by any other. We belong to Christ eternally!
I feel for you. Anxiety has claimed too much of my life. You are a gifted , creative person ,and that definitely plays a part ,as gifted people feel more ,observe more, and think deeply. I turn to the Lord every day and ask Him for focus and clarity. I have decided that He created me ,and He knows how my mind works. Do you have high expectations of yourself? Give them to God. He has no expectations of our flesh, but through Christ alone! The miracle of surrendering to the Holy Spirit and letting Him work through you! I love your music! God has plans for you!
I have suffered anxiety for years. I am not on medication but what has extremely helped me is saying John 14:27 till my anxiety attack is gone. Walking also has helped greatly.
Caminarar ayuda, a mi tambie me ayudaba. Ejercicio. Descansar temprano. Hay en internet lo que se llama los 8 remedios naturales de los cuales habla la iglesia adventista.( aunque no todos los usan para su bien, ) Y entre ellos estan los anteriormente mencionados. A gua pura D escanso a las horas E jercicio con doble provecho L uz solar ayuda a sintetizar vit. D A ire fresco. Incluy prendas comoda N utrición. Prefiere frutas y verduras T emperancia . Evita excesos E speranza en Dios que hara lo que no podemos hacer
I am sad for the stress and anxiety you go through. I would encourage you to put yourself under the leadership of a pastor teacher in a good Bible church. I think that you seem to take a lot on yourself. by attending a home church. You are a blessing, your family is a blessing, and, I know the Lord is using your music and your family. But there are good Bible teachers like John McArthur that are gifted.I think he has written a book on anxiety. I get fearful. Because of my situation. Maybe you can listen to Grace to You and learn a book of the Bible with Dr. John MacArthur.maybe you can listen to him in the night. I truly do not think you need to live with this the rest of your life. You are very gifted. But you are so busy! Did you know that Ken Ham is a very good friend of Dr. John MacArthur’s. We went to the ark when Dr. John MacArthur spoke and it was packed. He had his Truth Matters conference there. I know that you all were able to sing there! Wish we could have heard you!
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. ---John14:27
Christians can have anxiety even in strong faith. This can come from childhood trauma and habits. Thanks for sharing as it gives hope and strength to others.
If you are in Christ you are a new creation. Nowhere in the Bible do you see saints struggling with childhood trauma - not even in the old testamant. Psychology has replaced the Bible now.
I know exactly what this feels like! I lived with it for a few decades, but am anxiety free now because I discovered my low vitamin D levels! Once I got it my blood test levels to the 40s, my anxiety and depression went away!!
Yes on vitamin d because calcium is the issue..calcium helps our hearts and minds and we can't digest it if we are anxious because our stomach acid drops when we are stressed. Calcium and vitamin d work synergistically.
I know what you’re going through. I have went through anxiety, depression, panic attacks. Went to the ER many times. Went on medication because I couldn’t function. It got so bad I couldn’t leave my bed at one point. Medicine never helped me I was on so many different kind. I just wanted to say God healed me from all of that. It’s been 20 years now praise the Lord. I’m praying for your healing!
my late wife struggled with anxiety for years. she even sometimes had the heart issues with it. anxiety comes from the enemy, but like everything else, God can use it for his glory
Brackin, thank you for sharing, you are not alone. I was a true Christian from a very young age, yet when I got married and had multiple children we had very colicky babies, the sensory overload caused me to develop an anxiety/panic disorder and chronic fatigue. I know I am a Christian and God is with me but the anxiety does take over your life. It's so hard to function or go anywhere for me, it is hard to go to church where I get massive sensory overload and panic and it's hard to drive without panic. But I am waiting for heaven where there will be no more anxiety, how comforting that is. I often sing one day at a time sweet Jesus. And also may Lindsey know that her "Her heart sings" and Silo session music albums have helped me often on my drive through work to get through panic attacks on the freeway. The calm music without background noise and just calm reassuring words of the songs help me stay grounded in the Lord. Thank you so much, you are a blessing!
Your story sounds similar to mine. Two very sickly babies that didn't sleep through the nights fir first Two years, severely sleep deprived sending my mental health to plummet. At same time diagnosed with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue. Then having to deal with two close family members with addiction and mental health issues i haven't had a break for 20 years. Now I am super sensitive wearing earplugs at the shops and even at home can't socialze anymore and my illness has progressed. I truly can relate and its my faith thats only keeping me together even if just by a thread, knowing one day we will have our new bodies. Hugs.
I relate so much and whats sad is that others don’t understand. I’ve been thought of as a weakling, backslider, faithless Christian all because it’s hard for me to manage my anxiety and it causes me to stay away from church at times. I believe 100 percent that I’m an overcomer, it’s just day to day, it’s really hard, and even harder when others add unnecessary pressure, instead of praying and speaking good things, like God’s word, over me. I’m planning on taking a break from everything very soon. I pray for your healing!
@@donnawiseman3686Bless your heart. You may be low in magnesium and b vitamins as stress greatly depletes these nutrients. Magnesium citrate is good and you can add to that Ancient Minerals magnesium crystals or epsom salt in baths to really replenish magnesium levels. For B complex, if you're in the US, Pure Synergy or Max B ND are both excellent choices. Both are non synthetic. Prayers that you get better.
My anxiety attacks also happened at night as I tried to go to sleep. I went to the ER three times over the years thinking I was having a heart attack. It was God's Word that set me free from these as I decided to fight this battle with His Truth. When I was in bed feeling the beginnings of the attack I would say "Lord, Your Word tells me that none of my worrying will cause my heart to beat once more or once less than You have already ordained so if tonight is the night you take me, so be it; You are My God" After two months of this the attacks ceased and I've not had one since (over 12 years ago) and in fact when I lay my head down at night now I'm usually asleep in 5-10 minutes and awaken 6 hours later ready to start my morning with Worship, Prayer, and the Word. It is a spiritual battle fore sure and learning to wield the Sword of Truth as well as knowledge of His Sovereignty in our lives gives victory... battle on brother! You have an awesome soulmate at your side to help. Your Brother in Christ, Michael
Thank you for opening up and sharing. My husband has also dealt with anxiety attacks especially in the early years of our marriage. We visited the ER more than once thinking a heart attack was in progress only to find out it was anxiety and stress. We are both Christians. I can say that Jesus has taught and continues to teach us how to trust in his faithfulness and love during times of pressure. This has resulted in far less trips to the ER. The pressures are often greater now than when we were young, but our faith is stronger.
I had panic disorder the only thing that cured it was 'hope and help for your nerves' a book by claire weeks. Also the DARE program is based off that book and has many updated tools. No we can't escape our nerves, we have to accept and allow our body to do it's thing.
This is why I have listened to the audio Bible with wireless earbuds any time I nap or sleep for the last 8-10 years. Washing my mind with the Truth and giving me the Word to pray for myself and others. Calming and life changing.
Thank you for making it real. So many Christians feel like a failure when anxiety or panic attacks strike. You have shed a new light on what God wants you to be thinking about during these times. Thank you
Thanks to the Lord for letting me listen to your program today. I am controlled by a spirit of fear that’s affected my relationships immensely both at work and church. Was crying to God asking Him to deliver me and your video definitely encouraged me.
@@lucysavu8367 exactly! I wish people would just read and believe the Word of God - we are living in the last days and deception in the church has become the norm.
Thank you for sharing this! Many of us deal with or have dealt with anxiety and panic attacks. I dealt with them for over 16 years. Yes, it was an awful time--so terrifying! I went to the hospital, too, and my heart was fine. As a result of this, I developed many phobias. It was a very challenging time for me and my family. I was so blessed that my husband was so patient and loving. I was told that I didn't have enough faith; that I needed to pray more; that I must have unconfessed sin; and on and on. I actually felt like a Job. I never stopped trusting God and believing that He was going to deliver me from this. One day, the Holy Spirit revealed to me that what I was experiencing was a spiritual attack and that this anxiety (actually fear) was not something that was inside of me. One by one, the phobias went away and never returned. Praise God that I am free from anxiety/fear!!! ❤️🙌🙌🙌❤️
Thank you for sharing your personal testimony 🙏🏻 🙌 of how Our Good Lord is working in your life and speaking to you through the Holy Spirit 🙏🏻 🕊 God bless you for sharing 👍🏻 🙏🏻
Amen and praise the Lord sister❗❗. I am so glad you listen to the Lord and not the voices around you. He is faithful, and one sign of that is He has provided you with a godly husband to help you too. 🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️
I am sorry for all the advice without real compassion. Lucky you got through it. I deal with anxiety my whole life no matter what spiritual exercise I do.
Thank you for the encouragement. After losing my husband last year my anxiety grew to panic attacks. Its been a long road but God has used a sad hard situation to show me his grace and love and to carry me through his strength.
After you shared your story, a Bible verse come into mind... "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms (Ephesians 6:12)."... So, "Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes (Ephesians 6:11)."
But this can oversimplify it. For those who struggle with anxiety it can make them think they are failing spiritually, in the spiritual battle, if they don’t overcome it. But in actual fact anxiety can be the very place we meet God most deeply and come to know Him - His love and compassion and mercy for us. Yes He doesn’t want us to struggle with fear, yes it’s what the devil does want us to have but in this life we have afflictions but like the apostle Paul, our weaknesses make us rely on, and know Gods strength all the more. So I thank Him for my weakness as it’s brought me into deeper intimacy with the Lord.
I'm 70 years old. Your story, your background of your younger life, coming into adulthood, reminds me totally of my youngest son, now 42, who was (is) a FANTASTIC HUMAN BEING, ALWAYS, but a few drugs, but mostly alcohol, overtook his beautiful characteristics, he became nervous, anxious, and added. Now I have not heard from him for almost 4 years, I PRAY THAT GOD WILL LET HIM KNOW HOW MUCH I LOVE HIM, AND UNDERSTAND HIS CONDITIONS, as you have described.😢😢😢😢😢😢❤❤❤❤❤
It can take a lot of courage to open up a chapter of your life that hasn’t been shared like this. Thank you for speaking from a hard place. And thank you so much for providing space for your wife to answer as well. You both are not afraid to go deep, and have so much love and respect for each other. It really shows.
I've been living this HELL since I was 19. I am now 75. Still get it. It all comes from leaving home too young and taking on adult responsibilities that we are not capable of handling.
Thank you. As Christians, I feel we apply pressure on ourselves to be pleasing to God, as if we feel guilty for worrying. I love that you spoke about how your anxiety has led you to be better. Worry is natural. Learning how to talk with our savior when we feel worry or anxiety is key. (What are you teaching me, Lord?) Thank you for your open honesty, I needed to hear this message today.
Worry is not natural, mostly it is demonic opression and we do not have to agree and believe the thoughts the demons speak to us. We have to resist him and believe God and His Word. GOD BLESS YOU ❤
I know anxiety. I dealt with it ever since I was around 9 because I experienced chronic bullying at school. I became paranoid but thought I'd outgrow it. I wish I learned the lesson from Saul's story: the very thing Saul refused to face came back to end him. I never even knew social anxiety is a thing until 3 years ago. Back to the story. Eventually I went to uni for a promising career but halfway through I had to stop because anxiety nearly killed me. I remember what a monumental task it was just to leave my house and interact with people. My stomach would feel sick, my heart would beat fast, I would sweat and I turned into an iceblock. Literally as soon as I stepped out of the house, I wasn't myself. My brain would freeze and it's as if I was a walking zombie. *sigh I got palpitations, horrible IBS and Gastritis because of social anxiety. I nearly died. I tried to pretend I was strong but I had trauma I never dealt with and it came to back to get me. Through receiving abundance of grace and receiving the gift of no condemnation, I how started to find healing. I hope whoever reads this will trust God to heal your heart and broken personality with His love and forgiveness. I guess I have anxiety and panic because to me on a bad day, social situations are like a death sentence. But I'm growing in God's grace.
I had my first anxiety attack in 2011. It was horrible with palpitations. Just like you said, it comes with pain in your chest, headaches in your chest, numbness and tingling in your hands, gastritis, and being unable to have food or sleep. I could not stand, sit or lie down but walking helped or pacing helped me. Kneeling and bending down helped me. I battled it for 1.5 years then. I thought it was hopeless to live, as I didn't know the reason for my anxiety. I was a spiritual person, but a few years after getting a job, I stopped praying, not giving time to God. So when anxiety hit me with palpitations, there was a thought popping up all the time asking, "To end my life and I will be free from it," but I could not do it as there was another thought telling me, "It's not yours to take but to lean on God". So after many years of prayerless life, I opened the Bible, and I could not understand a word. I felt like I was reading an alien book. I felt like tearing the Bible; I got so angry. I could sense that it was not from God. I didn't give up. I cried out loud and read the Bible loudly. I could not comprehend anything in the Bible, but I read it every day. After a few days, I was feeling good whenever I read the Bible. I could understand-the block just went away. Palpitation stopped, but anxiety and panic attacks stayed. I was scared to take medicine. I was a person who was so scared to step outside the house after 9 p.m. or could not even watch ghost movies or paranormal movies, but I did not feel fear during my anxiety period. I was standing outside the common balcony of my apartment in the middle of the night, at 12am, 2am, and 3am. And I used to get this thought to go out and walk on the road or go to the top floor and jump, or to jump from the running taxi, and when I was at the office, I would look at the top floor and my mind would tell me to jump from there, but I never did because there was another voice always telling me not to do it. I continued to pray. Psalm 91 was my rescue prayer; it calmed my mind and heart. After a few months, the intensity of the attack decreased. Sleeping was so difficult because when I lay down, my heart beats faster. One day i feeling so hopeless as its not going away, i took the bible and prayed - God please talk to me as i do not understand it and why its happening to me. Then i opened the bible, it showed me, "1st Peter 4:12-13 : Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice insofar as you share Christ's sufferings, that you may also rejoice and be glad when his glory is revealed". I held on those verses. Anxiety had again hit me after a few times but only for a shorter period like 2-3 months, i realised I can't be sad or upset as it triggers anxiety. If that happens I will try to get out of it ASAP. Also, I noticed these things happen whenever I stay away from GOD. SO now I realise prayer and spiritual life is the answer- Jesus Christ is the answer. So I open the bible and pray. Now I know how to defeat it. It's hard but I don't suffer like other people with anxiety - constantly on fear or the need to take medicines. That phase is long gone. Now I help many of my friends and family to overcome Anxiety.
What an excellent account of the way we are attacked and how we are helped by our heavenly Father. I'm so glad you have received help from the Lord after battling through in the Word.
Thank you so very much for making this video. I’m a Christian mother of six grown children and have suffered terrible anxiety and panic attacks and great fear of the night. You have given me hope through Our Heavenly Father
I went through anxiety attacks in my life too. I was struggling for many months if not years. Until one, wise Dr. mention it’s not your heart, It’s anxiety attacks. Then another doctor, Christian doctor explain how to deal with it. Praise the Lord!
Personally the moment a attack happens I start to pray for the presence of the Holy Spirit and speak in tounges and rebuke by the blood and name of Yeshua
Mental health issues affect many today. My husband suffers with bipolar disorder & struggles with self esteem. When he's depresssed he can't attend church but still shares daily prayer with our church online. Its not easy to navigate such illness or see God in it all. As the spouse must say when my husband is low the Lord always encourages me & I enjoy, worship, Bible study more & my relationship with Jesus deepens!
Hello👋 Sue how are you doing, can you kindly take a few seconds of your busy time to accept a friendship hand from me🤝👍 hope that's not a prob on your side, I would love to talk to you about something special⁉️🙏💞🤗🌹
I cherish this so much. Most people, churchy or secular, won't admit they're actually struggling..they tell it in a tone of confidence with many acclamations ( "Praise God" or so )..me, I find it much more helpful someone shows their vulnerable side. None of us is off challenges. I can relate well to this testimony.
What a fantastic episode. I always cling to Psalm 56 when fear, uncertainty and anxiety visit. It says: "Those who are lying in wait for me would trample on me all day. For those fighting against me are many. Most High, when I am afraid, I put my trust in you. In God - I praise his word - in God I trust; I have no fear; what can human power do to me? You are both, together with your family an enormous blessing to so many. May Hashem bless you abundantly!
I can't express how grateful I am that you shared this. Many in my family struggle with this as I do from time to time. This video points me back to our Lord as the source of all comfort and strength. Thank you for being so open and honest.
As one who has also suffered from Anxiety/Panic Disorder, this was such a blessing to watch. Christians, in particular, have often felt that seeking help for mental-health issues is showing a lack of faith. I thank God that we have begun to realize that sometimes it is caused by circumstances, sometimes by our own bad decisions, and sometimes because of our genetic makeup. When any of these collide, we're primed for PANIC -- full-blown "I'm going to die!" panic. I've been right there with you in the ER thinking I was having a heart attack... nope, panic attack. Hyperventilating, tears streaming down my face, heart racing, wanting to run, panic. I guess my point is that sometimes we need help - whether that is counseling, medication, or both. Don't be afraid or embarrassed to get that help. And ALL THE TIME we need Jesus. He is right there in the seat on that airplane beside us. Take His hand and squeeze hard! Look straight into His wonderful face and don't look away. He sees. He hears. He knows. Never, ever believe Lucifer's lies that Jesus doesn't care, that He caused this or is punishing you (like you mentioned), that it's happening because you are a weak Christian... Jesus. Loves. You. Always!
Wise of you to give us this video. There are no perfect families. Suffering is part of the Christian life. If it is hidden, it only becomes false. So thank you, you did the right thing! 👏
I had my very first panic attack last year and had to go to the ER. It was terrifying, i couldn't breathe, i had such pressure in my head, my heart was hurting, i could not look down. And at the time i lived alone and had to call the ambulance whilst i couldn't speak and just managed to say out my address. Anxiety led me to have such a mistrust in the Lord which made me even more anxious. God help all that are struggling.
Thanks for sharing this! Its a learning experience for all of us. Fear and anxiety can be paralyzing, but it's those times God is reminding us that HE is in control and we must TRUST.
Thank you for this vlog. My twin sister also struggles with anxiety after a very difficult period. I know what you're talking about. It's a sum of walking on your toes too much. God has not given you a spirit of fear, but of clear thinking. You are no longer a slave to fear, you are a child of God. I remember you in my prayers.💛🔥
How nice that you are sharing your anxiety problem. Many of us deal with it as well. Here I am, 67 years old, and am still discovering what God has to say on this issue. What God teaches me in daily Bible study, when I’m not anxious, I try to drill into my head so that when anxious times arise, I can remember what I’ve learned. It’s a command from our Lord to be anxious about nothing. When I do become anxious, then I’m telling God that I don’t trust Him with the issue at hand. I consider it my “thorn in my flesh” 3:32 that has allowed me to get to know God better and understand His love and care for me. Do I like it? NO! But in this world we will have troubles. It makes me long for eternity all the more. I’m glad you are a believer now and have a wonderful wife by your side.
Thank you Bracken, I too struggle with the same issues, at 71. It is unsettling and I too am learning to rely on and declare God's word over those night terrors just He wants me to do. Come to Him as a child. God Bless you!
I was just in the hospital with this and thought was a heart attack. Heavy Pain in chest and down arm with pins and needles It is so real when it happens. I also had a drug problem and lived in a truck in my past. Last month I even ran to my pastor and his wife in the late at night with panic. Thank you for sharing this and the hope you have in Christ. My husband and family support me through all of this but sometimes I wonder if it will ever fully subside. It certainly is sanctifying. I then (sometimes quickly sometimes slowly) find peace in one day I will be without it and with my Savior in heaven. My sisters In Christ remind me of this often.
Wow, I appreciate how you broke down the stages. As someone who is healing from anxiety attacks, it is dreadful, then as a Christian, I felt guilty, because the Bible says "be anxious for nothing." I am testament that everyone's healing process is unique, and God teaches us with each moment that He's in control 🙏 thanks so much for sharing this. My prayers are with you. Ps. I was wondering where the children were at the time of the recording; then I saw the shadows 😄❤️ love you all. God continue to bless you richly!
Please do not let the thought of God and his word even add to your anxiety. Jesus never said "unless you keep calm at all times, you cannot be my disciple." He cried out of fear and distress in Gethsemane, he even cried "my God, why have you left me". Read the psalms, too, and Ecclesiastes. And, coming back to Jesus, you know what he did when Peter at first walked on the water but then lost his trust in Jesus and began to sink. He did not say "well get lost and drown, then", but he pulled him up and he said later to that same Peter "you are the rock on which I will build my church". God knows our weakness. That is exactly why Jesus came. When he says "be anxious for nothing", maybe it is better to read it as "there is no need for you to be anxious. Do not base your decisions and your approach to other people on fear." It does not mean you are not a real disciple of Christ and lover of God if you feel fear and anxiety. After all, christians are still humans like everybody else. Yes, a perfect believer would be fearless. But God knows we are not perfect, and offers us forgiveness and love. Not just once, but again and again.
I can share with you this, from my personal experience: First of all guard your mind, your thought life. Focus on Jesus, read His Word, believe it, declare it, trust in Him. Do not allow the negative thoughts to root in your mind and heart. Fight against them with Gods promises. He is in charge, you belong to Him, He is with you and will never leave you. The moment you "agree" with the negative thoughts, you allow evil spirits to enter in your soul, and they will dominate you and bring you down. Fear, panick. Doubt, unbelief... you will have a pity party and your faith will be suffocated. You need to fight the good battle of faith filled by His Holy Spirit. You Will be victorious IN HIM.
@@GladysRWhiteNo, evil spirits do not 'enter the soul' of a born again believer, indwelt by the Holy Spirit. The Lord does not share room with demons. HE that is in us is so much greater than whatever is in the world. However, we can be harrassed by evil if we give darkness a foothold. But even then, God will help us when we turn to Him.
@@ingela_injeela you are deceived dear. We all come from the kingdom of darkness, and we all bring companions in our soul When we are born again, our spirit comes to life by the Holy Spirit. Now we need to learn truth, Romans 12:2 renew our mind. This is a process, weneed Holy Spirit s nhelp and do a proper "house/soul cleaning. Get rid of spiritsthat accompany us. Spirits affect yòur mind, your emotions, your will. The cleaner your soul, the easier it will be for you to hear the voice of our Father. Letssay in your christian walk you allow thoughts of depression and have a piti party, you are opening the door to those spirits. You will need to evict them out of your soul with the Holy Spirit's help. We cannot do anything spiritual without Him. Nothing is automatic nor happens like magic in thè Kingdom of God. We need to learn the truth, part with lies and deception. Trust in God apply His blood, sacrifice to receive deliverance. When we sin, we are prisoners of the devil in that area. We give him legal right to oppress us. Thus we need to repent, confess and expel the spirits we let into our soul. All this, with the help of Holy Spirit. We need to crucify our flesh daily. That means we dont do what we please, instead we do what pleases our Father. Just like Jesus did. If He lives in us, we are His body, He is our Head, brains, boss....we communicate with Him, Doing His will is the most important thing for us.
@@ingela_injeela when one has worked in the ministry delivering christan people, you learn the real thing. You ma read "pigs in the parlor" "- free pdf online, and you'll get the idea. Reality is true.
Well said. My late father was a doctor, a psychiatrist as is one of my siblings so we grew up knowing that these are real illnesses and that the stigma there was and still is to an extent today is unjustified. My other sibling is a clinical psychologist. I think both my siblings would say for some of their patients drug use even just cannabis did cause some problems - there is a known link, not in everyone who takes cannabis by any means but in a few. However lots of people have anxiety without ever going near drugs. For me I am very lucky that I am usually happy. I liked the plan analogy. I have given a lot of public speaking events and when I started those I certainly felt a bit nervous until I had done it so much it was not worrying but I never got to the later stages described. I think for some mental conditions the balance of chemicals in the brain can be key - particularly with depression (which is what life saving drugs work on) and sometimes changing what people eat to healthier foods can work, removing sugar highs and lows, eating foods to get seratonin and dopamine levels stable and better. Although I never rush to the doctor and generally take no drugs ( I never even smoked a cigarette once never mind drugs and I don't drink and am just about never ill) , it is very important for those who need help to seek it from doctors and I am very glad the video does say people should see a doctor if things are bad.
Thank you for sharing. My husband suffers anxiety in similar ways to you. I would be interested as a wife to hear more from Lindsay about how she handles your anxiety and what strategies she has to not let it get her down. I know this would be an encouragement to me and I think other spouses as well.
I just read this scripture. And it is wonderful. Many mornings, the moment I wake up, I instantly have a very heavy heart. I feel a strong feeling of dread, fear & depression. I don't know why. Well, I am lonely most of the time. I will be 72 on Dec. 16th. I live alone now. Divorced 42 years ago. That was a good thing. He was abusive. My 2 children & I still have issues because of that. I still work full time for a college. I am so blessed with the Best Bosses. They are so kind. I've been working from home for more than a year now. I love that. But I don't get to see people except when I go to the store for groceries. My Daughter is amazing. We talk at least 2 times per day & I see her about 3 times per week. I have 3 good friends. One is Kenneth who is a devout Christian. I met him when he came to work at the school where I work. He is like a son or brother to me. He is very busy & his wife has a disease that is killing her slowly. Another friend is too busy for us to visit. The other friend of 12 years never comes to visit. She is a Hypochrondiac. She has complained Every Day for 12 years of being ill. Cancer, lung issues, etc. Neve diagnose with anything except diabetes. I would appreciate your prayers. I pray daily & read the scriptures. I apologize for venting to you. Brenda
Nights are the worst! Situations are magnified in the night! But it is a time that we learn to pray continuously! Going to bed with a verse can really calm the situation too.❤🙏
As someone who also have dealt with anxiety for almost 40 years, I can relate. It’s taken awhile to learn coping strategies. My anxiety stems from C-PTSD.
@grumpyoldlady_rants. Complex PTSD is real. Thank you for sharing as that also seems to be taboo in church circles. Lack of authenticity has driven me away from American churchianity.
Thank you for sharing! So many will feel encouraged by this. I've learned personally that when I opened up about my anxiety, Satan lost some of his hold on me. It's a daily struggle and constant decision making, am I going to freak out over this, or am I going to hand it over to the Lord? Anxiety is a large part of my testimony. And I thank the Lord for those dark moments, as hard as they were to get through, they brought me closer to the Lord.
I also struggled with anxiety, and was told when we don’t get our own way it can be a cause of anxiety. So so true. Let go and trust God. Let God’s will be done. He will never leave or forsake you. Especially when you’re making mistakes. 🙏❤️🙏
Thank you so much for sharing this testimony. I also struggle with an anxiety disorder. Went to the ER twice and called an ambulance once for panic attacks in the last 6 years. Even as I’m washing my dishes, listening to this video, my symptoms have bothered me today, seemingly without provocation. I don’t feel stressed or worried, but I feel like I’ve had a whole pot of coffee, but I skipped my cup altogether this morning. It’s a challenge for sure. Thankfully, I have a supportive and understanding husband that helps me to find balance. Praying for you and all who experience this to find healing and peace in Yeshua ❤
Thank you die sharing so honest. I recognize everything (without a history of drugs) all the different steps you explained. We have 5 children, and it were beautiful busy years, with a lot of joy, but also with much stress, and times of nervousness. I didnt went to a doctor, because I thought, I am a christian, and should not be worried or anxious, I just have to trust more. It became a struggle between me and God. I am like you very creative and love music, not on your level! But it's hard to multitask and do things fast, or manage housekeeping with structure, while so many responsebilitys were keeping me busy. I was always someone who wanted to be the best sympatatic women , an example for others, like a good christian. That was my goal. I thought God was like a boss instead of a father. I thought I had to do everything, and that His work was more important then me and my energylevel. When the children started to grow older I thought maybe I must do more things for myself! Iwent to musiclessons and paintinglessons. But all the other things went also going on. I had prayergroups, activities for school, youthgroup in our house, sports to bring children to, etc. Much too much nice things! And then I became burnout. I saw it as a blessing. I had time to stop everything. And to know my Father in a new way, I knew I have to do nothing to be loved. So I thought, thats the solution for anxiety. But when I after 3 years recovered with some more energy, my anxiety got worse! My hope that anxiety belongs to the past was gone, and I got panic. I prayed, please let me see, what I am not seeing what to do with this! Like you said, I don't believe God wants me to be afraid! Then my panic also came out of nothing and I went to the doctor. I received medicins for anxiety, and it helps me so much! It helps me to be the boss again over my thoughts. My body doesnt take it over with every minimal negative thought before my mind even noticed. I am so thankful, I have learned so much. And I have to embrace it also like something as a fysical handicap. Its not that I am not good enough and God is learning me to be perfect. But I can be humble and volnurable and honest, and myself, and I learn to choose for the positive truth, how He looks to His children, and not listen anymore to all the negative, wich can be also true and never will stop on this earth. So what is my hope and solution in this difficult feelings? Sometimes medicin to get you back in normal life, not just surviving. And its not a lack of believe or trust in God, but He can use anxiety to let faith grow like you said. And learn to rest in His perfect salvation. It's all His work, nothing from us. It's all grace. He is perfect, we not. Let His love be our motivation, from a basic of rest instead of trying to be a perfect example. I also want to say that your music made my nights precious, I watched many of them. Especially: have faith child, grow in love. So beautiful how your son jumps into the arms of the strong father. Thans you so much. God bless you.
Thank you for this message. I recognize so many things. I want to trust, and it feels like failing having anxiety again. Without medication I would not be able to be the same mom for my kids as I am now. They help to get the roughest go away, even when I still have to struggle some times. Thank God we can come to him in all our imperfect ways.
Thank you for posting this. I had some major dental problems starting in August which led to a lot of pain then after I had a tooth extracted it caused nerve damage. I’ve been dealing with major panic attacks now…. But also major physical pain episodes that last for a few hours to a couple of days. It has given me so ich anxiety because I don’t know when it’s coming back. I’ve been on my knees in prayer so much trying to push into Him and why He is allowing this. It’s been the hardest thing I’ve ever experienced. I just turned 40 and have 4 children, one with Down Syndrome. I’ve come on your channel before to listen to your singing and it’s really helped me.
As a Christian, I want to share my story. I thought I had to wait till I was healed to share my story. That I couldn't help anyone if I couldn't help myself. But I'm praying that God will lead me in the way to share my testimony. Because one of the worst parts of anxiety is people don't understand. It's internal and not always seen how debilitating it can be.
Idk if this could help anyone but there's a couple verses I meditate on and repeat over and over in my mind again to kind of drown out the fears and anxiety and depression 1 is Psalm 56:3 "what time I am afraid I will trust in thee." The second is Isaiah 26:3 "thou will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee because he trusteth in thee" I say these and meditate on these verses to ease my fears and anxiety. Thanks for this video.
Thank you for sharing your story! I think almost everyone struggles with anxiety to some degree, but with the level of violence and evil in our world, anxiety levels are increasing. I know several younger people who are struggling with panic attacks and chest pain. When I am struggling with anxiety I mediate on Isaiah 41:10 “Fear thou not, for I am with thee. Be not dismayed, for I am thy God. I will strengthen thee; yea I will help thee. I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.” When we receive our glorified bodies at the rapture, we will no longer have these struggles! Praying that the Lord will bless you with healing and comfort. Maranatha! 🙏
I just ran across this video and think I did watch it shortly after it was first posted. I’ll just say that during my divorce 29 years ago, I was having anxiety attacks and it scared me, until I found out what they were. Knowing what you have and knowing how to “ride it out” till it goes away is a huge help. When I just said, “oh it’s only an anxiety attack” the intensity started to reduce and they got better. It took courage for you to talk about this publicly, and I’m glad you did so we can pray for you and encourage you. The older I get (73 now) the more I see that so many of God’s children have “something”, to struggle with, and it is ok, and actually “good” to have things that keep us leaning on Jesus and in the arms of our Father in Heaven. It’s also actually good for your children to see how you depend on God and are made strong in Him through weakness. Love and blessings to you.
Thank you so much for your openness on this . I know what you're going through, I also have anxiety attacks. I used to have them in my car, so I took some measurements that would calm me. And I decided to keep driving my car and not to let myself be too afraid to drive. I know where my anxiety comes from, and I also embraced it as something the Lord will help me with , it makes me more depending on Him and trusting Him that He knows me and is with me.
1 John 4:18 says There is no fear in love but perfect love casts out fear because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. This verse hit me like a ton of bricks one day, I realized I have no grace for myself and the grace I thought I had for others was really coming from a place of fear of rejection. Very hard pill to swallow but God is so good and I thank him for opening my eyes and putting me on the path to healing.
Hello👋 Shannon how are you doing, can you kindly take a few seconds of your busy time to accept a friendship hand from me🤝👍 hope that's not a prob on your side, I would love to talk to you about something special⁉️🙏💞🤗🌹
This is such an important video. Thank you for sharing with us. Your metaphor is so helpful to understand what others might be experiencing. I don't suffer from anxiety. I would say my brokenness that God is using for others is in coming out of a dysfunctional home. I walked into adulthood without many of the tools others had. I could say many of your same summational statements. It has caused me to look deeply and care for others because of it.
Having lived with anxiety & depression since I was 20 (I'm 76 now) someone taught me box breathing which is what Navy Seals use before sharp shooting. It does work, it seems to bring the anxiety way down to a manageable level. Just thought you may try it. The internet has lots of explanations about it. God bless.
Bracken thank you for sharing your struggles, I too suffer from all above at age 72. I trust 100% in the Lord that he has everything in control, however, my fear comes in the dead of night and it usually turns out into stress, nervous and anxiety. I have been told when this happens God is saying we need to talk and I find myself praying and purging my heart out to my father.
I have been struggling with anxiety, sometimes panic attack since high school. Thank you for explaining the spectrum of stress though its personal as you mentioned but I can really relate to what you have been through brother. Im so encouraged by what you said "God can use those opportunities to teach us things, thankful for the sleepless nights because I've learnt how to pray and turn my attention to Him." I'm still struggling with anxiety, sometimes panic attack please pray for me. Thank you for sharing
Brackin, as I listened the following came to mind. Stress, nervousness, anxiety and panic attacks all come because one's eyes are not on the Lord. It is likened to Peter being on the boat during the storm. He wasn't sinking when his eyes were on the Lord. 20 years ago, soon after I was born again, the Lord began to teach me to be still before him upon waking in the morning sometimes for hours until I could feel all the stress in my entire body gone and his peace throughout and surrounding me. This remained with me throughout the day and when I encountered stressful situations, I was more quickly able to return to that place of fixing my eyes on the Lord. I hope this helps.
This could be,,, but honestly,, we have an enemy that fiercely hates us as humans, but as the redeemed even moreso. He wants to destroy those of us that belong to the Father. Those that don't he already has. He uses them for sure, but he loves to see God's children struggle. I'd say most God fearing daily bible reading reading Christians do struggle daily with something. Because the enemy is ALWAYS trying to tempt us and lure us away from serving. So it may not be that our eyes are not on the Lord,, but the opposite. If we're lazy the enemy is happy.
Further to the above, as you mentioned the anxiety began after drug use. This is because a door was open to the demonic and what one experiences in times of anxiety is demonic oppression/attack. As children of God, we have authority over these powers and principalties to bind and rebuke them in Jesus name, to loose them and command them to go and to push back all forces of darkness in the mighty of name of Jesus. These are attacks of the enemy in this spiritual war we are in and we must use the power we have been given by God to take authority over them. I will write this in another comment also for others to see should it help anyone else.
I had crippling nighttime anxiety from childhood, it abated after I got saved for a while then returned with a vengeance. I had a crucifixion experience after I surrendered everything to Christ, and truly knew the peace that passes all understanding, but lost that experience after 3 months when I entered into an extremely difficult marriage where I got my eyes off the Lord and the anxiety increased x 100 and became constant. I had to claw my way back to the Lord and it took a while before I was even saved again. Spending time with the Lord every day was crucial. One night I was lying in bed and I felt the anxiety coming, it was almost like I could see it and I knew it was satanic and wanted to overcome me. I lay there resisting it with all my strength, feeling like my life depended on it but also feeling so weak overwhelmed and just at the moment when I thought it would overtake me, God broke it up and blasted it into a million pieces! It was such a relief! After that I knew if I resisted the anxiety and waited patiently for God, he would take care of it - and he has every time. Sometimes it takes longer than I think it should, but he always comes. Now I know that whatever the devil throws at me, God can and will handle it if I give it to him, just like the Bible says. Cast your cares upon him for he cares for you. Hope this helps ❤
Thanks for sharing. I've had anxiety attacks in the distant past and a couple since COVID. But the LORD is faithful as I put my armor on every day and stay in His Word. ❤
Thank you, brother! I've recently [ last 1-2 yrs.] realized that I have anxiousness that boils up into a panicked feeling. This video is helpful, encouraging, and a blessing. Your sharing is God's doing. May God watch between and over us. May we ever trust His mercies; they are new every morning!
Thank you so much for this video! I have struggled with depression and anxiety, trying to avoid taking a prescription. I've had a lot of loss this past two years - my husband, stepdad, father-in-law, and am now caring for my dad who has moderate dementia. I am a Christian and pray daily for the Lord's peace in my soul. I tend to obsess that I am dying and won't be able to care for my kids, ages 14, 15, and 21. This causes me to have major anxiety and robs me of hope and ability to complete daily things sometimes. I made just about every bad choice you could make in life, but came back to the Lord when my oldest was 2.5. I wonder if I just feel so much guilt and shame, though I know the Lord forgives a repentant heart. I used to have panic attacks and you're right, worrying about if/when the next one is coming is half of it. I no longer have panic attacks, but this persistent anxiety is something I will keep praying for the Lord to show me what I can learn from so I can be a good mom and daughter, and to maybe help others who struggle with anxiety.
I can relate. But I never took any drugs. I pray God sustains you. Anxiety is terrible. I agree, God uses our consecuences, to draw us near Him. You explained what I have gone through for the last two years.
Thank you for sharing this. You're not alone, but just remember where fear comes from. It's not from God it's from the enemy. You have a beautiful family and I love your videos and watching you and your family just always give praises to God in all circumstances. God bless you and Proverbs 3:5 and 6 I'm sure you are familiar with these two verses.
Often it is thought that Satan comes to us directly & causes fear, but rarely is that the case. Instead he brings about circumstances which cause brain chemical changes that then flood the body. The longer we're in that state, the more likely it will be part of our development/ experience. It then requires a multifaceted approach for healing.
The spirit of fear is the feeling of intimidation in the Bible. People often misinterpret scripture. Read the Book of Psalms. Christians do get fearful at times. The Psalmist said, What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee. We trust in the Lord when fear comes. But fear can still come. I heard a testimony by Dino, the Christian piano player one time. He said he has always slept with a light on because he's afraid of the dark.
Very grateful for your honesty, dear friends. Much appreciated. The hard thing is being honest with the kids, especially when the hormones in them start to change! Our family has,gone through a lot and our children are now adults, but I made a vow as each was born that I would never lie to them. I kept that vow and it has helped my kids to transition into adulthood. Every blessing to you all. Chris UK
Thanks for making this important video. Probably more people (also Christians) suffer from anxiety and it often remains a hidden struggle. I'm also affected by it once in a while. In my case there were some physical reasons behind it (Hashimoto-Thyreoiditis) and with the help of some remedies (vitamins and natural remedies) the frequency has dropped significant. I also can testify the lessons learned in those times when it hit me (mostly at night, too). Apart from praying, singing had a great positive effect on me. Btw singing even physically calms down the heart rate. Blessings for the entire family and thanks again for sharing your experiences.
Thank you so much for sharing your story! I have chronic anxiety, too, and you know how I calm down? I listen to your music in the car. I have all of your CDs and I just listen to your music and worship God and after a few minutes my eyes are on Jesus instead of the anxiety (Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus is one of my favs). Yes, God is definitely working through you....blessing others. Thank you for letting God work through you!!! 🤗❤🙏
Thank you brother for being so real! These days we are all dealing with so much stress, but God has given us his presence, his healing, his perfect peace. Praised be to his name. It is hard to live in this world but He has made a way for us! 🌟🌷🎶
I have been there. Been to the hospital with panic attacks. My husband suffers anxiety and ptsd from war. I love how you have said God uses these trials..to draw us closer! Yes! Closer in prayer! Teaching us more. God bless you both and your family. Love watching your videos. Praise God for using you to help others
Prayer and dwell on what God has done in your life! 7 kids, a wonderful wife, great health, a beautiful home, knowing God… you have much to praise God about. If you think on these truths… no time for fear. Amen brother amen ❤. Thanks for sharing! Maranatha
Gloria Halleluja. Gloria through this Familie. May Jesus blood heal every similar thing. And Bring hole familie Godfather s Power from heaven to earth. Holly Spirit come. They need you. We ask you instandly to send Out Holy Gifts for everyone who ia in need
I have walked with the Lord as long as I can remember but have had struggles with anxiety as I have grown more sensitive to the hurting of others. I have to pray through it, sometimes for a couple days, before it stops "hounding" me... it really does feel like the "hounds of hell." I try to quote scripture over and over in my mind, focusing on the character of God, His sovereignty, His perfect plan for me, His comfort, His provision, etc. I have not struggled to the point of panic, for that I am thankful. I am a very independent person but the anxiety I experience has taught me just how much I need Him. Thank you for sharing your story.
I had this too in 1997. It taught me to allow God to be Lord. I need to humble myself and listen to Him. He does not give us works or loads that are too heavy. He is a Loving Father. Just do what we are called and supposed to do. Let God do the rest. Amen. Thank you brother and sister for sharing. God has been doing awesome works through you and your ministry. Praise and glory to the Lord. Amen
Your calm openness about this trying topic is commendable. Many of us can relate and speaking honestly about it can be very helpful. Growing in our faith despite anxiety is possible. Isn’t He gentle and understanding with us? I’m grateful!
Oh how He guides us with His tender hands and gentle direction. He is really not as hard on us as we are on ourselves. It is hard to learn to love, forgive and train our own soul.
This is me. Even the ER trip with heart attack symptoms. I too have learned much from this trial and am thankful that God holds my hand and sees me through. Amen.
Thank you for sharing your journey with anxiety/panic. I too have dealt with anxiety & panic most of my life. God has certainly walked with me through each episode I have went through. God is faithful with his promises. He said He would never leave us or forsake us.
Thank you so much for sharing and being so open and honest about this condition that many feel is so stigmatized. I’ve struggled with anxiety and panic for almost my whole adult life, and I feel the Lord has taught me the same thing as you say. He will use it for good and draw me closer to him and help me to help others who struggle with the same. Thank you so much again for your openness, honesty and humility. Your testimony was a blessing to me!
There is no coincidence that I saw this today. Thank you for sharing. I had my first blow out panic attack not with the heart problem sysmptoms you had last night. I am 65 and now I look back and see what the major fear is and that is in dying. I have had some form of fear from when I was a child. And I am a Jesus follower since age 33 years. Have been baptized also. Thank you for sharing all that you did. Thankfully I have a daughter who helps me. I asked her to stay by my side because I was afraid of what was happening. I started out last night thinking I am going to see what is controlling this and listen God. God continue to bless your family. ❤
Bracken! I know this video is going to help so many people ❤ . Thank you for being so open about it. This community loves you Bracken. You are so respected here and we want you to be well. From personal experience years ago, I chose a couple of options that really helped me with the anxiety and pánic attacks and those were Vitamin B complex and magnesium supplementation. I even was prescribed Xanax which helped me alot taken as needed until I was able to go all natural. Prayer of course always helps. Im sure you maybe have already sought out a practicioner who could formulate something for your exact situation. Just a suggestion. Keep up the awesome content! ❤
I pray Branken that you are feeling much better and God is guiding you through this difficult time. I really miss your veidos and pray that more veidos will come soon. Praying for you and your beautiful family always 🙏 Miss seeing your beautiful children and the singing as a family Love you all very much ❤
Thank you so much for your vulnerability, it means a lot. It will encourage so many people. I’ve had some intense times of anxiety in my life, but my main personality is very laid back. I’m slowly figuring out the causes, but it’s only God that has got me through. I really related to the aeroplanes analogy as when it was really bad it felt exactly like I was in a tail spin and going to crash and die! Love you all so much ❤🥰
Thank you for sharing! I agree with the spiritual aspects of anxiety that you were talking about, however as Christians, we are often too quick to dismiss that there may be physical issues that contribute and may even cause the anxiety. Hormones, nutrient deficiencies, and gastrointestinal issues can all be major factors. Our gut has receptors that send messages to our brain. I personally deal with anxiety when I accidentally eat food that my body is intolerant to. We are body, soul, and spirit and it is important to be healthy in all areas. I think you and Lindsey are aware of this, just wanted to comment so that others can see more info
♥Clarification: Yes we have JOY and PEACE in our lives. Praise the Lord! Our main point is this: Rather than trying to *avoid* stress and anxiety, we have chosen to *embrace* what the Lord wants to TEACH us through the struggles of life. He is our ANCHOR in the midst of the storm!
Yes if not for the Lord the last few months I would not have made it. He is my Refuge...
This is so important! When we choose to learn from our struggles rather than fight them, we find out how much the Lord loves us and how He is always there to help us.
Yes indeed, AMEN!!!
Given the examples; I think it is relatable. I never looked too deep into the word ANXIETY till date. I would rather call it as EMOTIONAL HIJACK and I never like the way it felt. Surprising that one can have this emotional hijack and yet look from an elevated point at oneself and still sense even worse symptoms of how much you hate to feel that way. Sometimes I wonder if I feel the way I do or am I sensing others, it is so negative. Even though I have not looked in-depth.. With your examples, today I sense that it may stem (not for normal beings) from the point of extreme self-respect and trying to be a perfectionist. I have seen that being organized or planning can keep this anxiety out of life. But my life has always been ad-hoc/random decisions or the plans goes spiraling down with even more disappointments. But to stay out of anxiety, one need to keep from having too much expectations of oneself. Yet, it is not possible; when you know you need to set the right example and the bar of expectation is way too high than society norms or standards.
However, there is one thing I can share that helped me to lower these anxiety or emotional hijack. To find the strength and stillness in being the "eye of the storm"; look at things and know that they are happening around you and not to you. Keep your ego apart from the situation you handle and you know or sense that person who is like THE ROCK that cannot be shaken. Time and again, I remind myself this. When I say keep the ego out, keep a purpose in life or remind yourself why you do what you do; looking into the actions rather than into the emotions.
I have heard people say that experiencing anxiety and panic or depression is because your faith is too small. I 100% disagree. Just being willing to share this may have saved a persons life. Thank you so much.
I lost my daughter in Aug. She left my 2 grandsons....The oldest just turned 18 , the youngest will be 13 on Dec. 13th. He is has been diagnosed with Anxiety, depression and severe grief disorder ...He misses his momma...He will get to where is chest hurts. His BP and pulse gets really high...I'm gonna have to Homeschool him because he has missed so much school. The oldest has anxiety also. He breaks out in a rash. I have them in Christian counseling...please remember them in prayer...Grief is horrible on the body.. God bless.
GOD bless You from Poland ❤
I am so sorry for your and their loss. Great grief is devastating, and never really is resolved completely in this life. Over time some return to function is found, but you still can only live with the loss, not remove it. Only Yeshua can fix this sort of trouble completely, when He returns.
That’s a lot of trauma for all of you! I’m glad to read you’ve found a Christian counselor & pray she specializes in trauma as well. May God continue to bless you as you continue this very hard journey.
My middle son developed anxiety disorder when I and 3 of my children went through homelessness after my divorce. Going from shelter to shelter and park to park was extremely difficult but God was there to see us through. He met us in our need and never left us. He sent His Holy Spirit to dwell in us as the Comforter through the storm of life.
I pray for His marvelous work be done in your family as well. God bless you for being there for your grandchildren. One of my three children at the time of our homelessness is my autistic grandson, who was just a year old at the time. I feel your pain sister. 🙏🙏🙏🙏❤️
God be with you 🙏🏽 to strengthen you and keep you and your family. He will continue to see you through.
This is also a spiritual battle. My daughter was brought up a Christian but rebelled against God when she was a teenager. When she was in rebellion she started having severe anxiety and panic attacks with ER visits. She also had demons attacking her daily which brought on these panic attacks. Later in life God called on her heart to return to him and she did. She totally surrendered herself to Yeshua. When she decided to return to Christ the demonic attacks became more severe. She could feel the dark presence of a demon tormenting her. She prayed to God to deliver her from Satan and he did. When she got baptized the demon left and so did the anxiety and panic attacks. She has been free since then. Praise God and his son Yeshua.
Thank God for you.
God gave us the seed bearing plants, all the fruit bearing trees, all the green plants. Garden of Eden was vegan. Since we stick ourselves and our children to the animal foods which he allowed us to eat after the fall, we fall sick. We go anxious, stressed, depressed, suffer the body system failures- digestive, renal, cardiovascular, respiratory, muscular, skeletal, lymphatic. If we eat plants, live a righteous life and then God will find us. All the refined carbohydrates, refined oils, processed foods, salt, refined table sugar we find in the market God did not give us as food. He gave us for food only the plants that grew out of the ground. Kirkland family, though I love them, never have on their plates what God want all the human beings to have. Those with animal meat in their body cannot connect to God. Please do not take me as an offense. That's what Jesus guided me through when I suffered from many different health issues. He told me to eat the way I would eat in Eden.
What you say is wrong ! I am not saved thought a diet . God allowed us to eat meet .
You are speaking incorrectly and adding to the scroll. All food is clean and God gave us meat to eat. "The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. 2 Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron. 3 They forbid people to marry and order them to abstain from certain foods, which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and who know the truth" (1 Tim 4:1-3). Jesus told us the condition of this generation and He demonstrated the cause of sickness by driving out demons and telling people to repent or worse things would happen to them. “When an impure spirit comes out of a person, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. 44 Then it says, ‘I will return to the house I left.’ When it arrives, it finds the house unoccupied, swept clean and put in order. 45 Then it goes and takes with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there. And the final condition of that person is worse than the first. That is how it will be with this wicked generation" (Matthew 12:43-45)@@white-rabbit93
Thank you for being transparent. I honestly stopped watching you all years ago because I just thought it wasn’t relatable the life you lived. I was drowning is anxiety and going through the worst of the worst a couple years ago. But, I saw your post on Instagram and I knew exactly that if it wasn’t a heart attack it was a panic/anxiety attack because I’ve been there.
I was shocked because I never thought any of you went through that. I have just always imagined that your life is peaceful and pretty perfect. Plus, as Christians, I’m so glad you spoke up about anxiety, it’s a taboo subject, it seems. Thank you, 🙏🏼
Legit. 💯 it can also be childhood wiring. Isn't always because your eyes aren't on the Lord. In fact it has happened to many of the most spiritual people in the scriptures. Satan is often allowed to cause our bodies to suffer so we can be tested. Thank you Lord for all the hard things! You always work everything for good for us because we love and obey you!
@@windyhollerAmen. Rom.8:28. I was entrapped in a heavy spirit of depression for 13 years. I have heathen background and had also family curses. I didn't know any of that before I became a christian. I heard (parts of) the gospel a few times, but things continued. When my mother (who was a heathen all her life) saw me still in that condition, she advised me to go to a meeting where the Holy Spirit was at work with a simple and humble preacher. When I was present at that meeting, the Holy Spirit Himself delivered me BEFORE I even came up for prayer! Curse broken in Jesus Name! Hallelujah! He want us to come out in freedom.
@@windyhollerI would say thank the Lord “IN” all of the hard things rather than”for” hard things. Just a thought.
I found out the childhood wiring can be p.t.s.d. with h.p.a. axis. Brain stuff.
After my husband died suddenly of a heart attack in 2014 and a few years earlier in 2009 our 26 year old son drowned at the beach, I was having these anxiety/grief/abyss episodes. I learned that they were coming from the adversary. They would just come out of the blue and would cause what you are talking about. Like being in a dark pit with overwhelming sobbing and panic. I learned that I could plead with the Lord and tell him that this is not coming from me, and that I am doing the best that I can and ask him to take it from me. Many times, it would be gone before I even finished the prayer or a few seconds later, and I could feel it leaving me. I would be left in deep peace as if it never even happened. I hope this helps, because I know that you and your family are faithful people who love God. Another thing that I do is to pay very close attention to what is coming into my mind and not let it in and pray to God for help if I need it. God bless you and your family.
Thank you for sharing. I really appreciate your encouragement. I also realize it is coming from the adversary, and we absolutely must pay attention to what we let in our minds. Once again thank you for sharing.
Perhaps you should also consider dese verses: "This kind of devils come out only with fasting and prayer".
God bless oll of as
Watching from japan I’m 65 years old I have always my anxiety I can’t sleep with no sleeping pills🇯🇵
Have you found the Solution to your episodes? Have you not yet found Comforting? Isaiah 8:20 quoted "To the Law and to the Testimony, if they speak not according to this Word it's because there is no Light in them" God bless you your family.
You could say that your anxiety is the devil, but it’s also your grief and trauma working its way out. I think Christians can over spiritualise things sometimes.
I am almost 62 years old and struggling from a child with anxiety. I am currently really struggling to the point it has been affecting me physically. I cry out to God daily to help and heal me. I know nothing comes into my life that doesn't go through his hands first. I will pray for you. I do exactly what you said I pray to God for anyone struggling with this also!!!
Hi, I'm seeing your comment 6 months later. How's it going? I've experience all levels of fear but my greatest help is simply the Word of God. I've made a list of verses about fear or I look them up online and I FIGHT with them because the Bible says Fear is a Spirit. I think we forget that - we just think it's mental, emotional... I read those lovely truths eg Is.41.10 and let them sink into my mind and heart. I often have to do quite a lot. His promises and Presence grows more real...
I also resist the enemy, get cross!!...until I feel it fading. And it really does! With worry and burdens it's a little different. He tells us to Cast, Give our cares to Him. We hold onto them, feel it's OUR responsibility... A book and teaching by Kenneth Hagin Casting Your Cares has blessed me So much.
Also a song ..Father I place onto your Hands 🎶
I have to put IT into his hands and refuse to take it back! I keep saying OK , It's your problem Lord! Soon I feel Light in heart.
Anyway bless you. 😊
This is how we encourage each other as believers! We don’t pretend to be perfect. We share our moments of struggles and how GOD Himself has been there for us! The Lord has confirmed His love and promises to me and matured me the most during the times that were the hardest. Thank you both for being real!
What’s crazy is when I’m lying awake with too much on my mind, I turn on your music, pray and over a small period of time, I wake up from a good sleep. Thank you so much for your ministry
Saul had those spirits also that tormented him and when David started playing the harp, all those spirits started drifting away. It's a heart of worship that casts out those evil spirits.
There have been many times of strain, stress, and anxiety where their music has been my go-to, and the Lord has used it to bring me great peace.
@@EmilGhiurau When you say "cast out", a born again man, baptised in the Holy Spirit, can not be possessed by any other. We belong to Christ eternally!
I feel for you. Anxiety has claimed too much of my life. You are a gifted , creative person ,and that definitely plays a part ,as gifted people feel more ,observe more, and think deeply. I turn to the Lord every day and ask Him for focus and clarity. I have decided that He created me ,and He knows how my mind works. Do you have high expectations of yourself? Give them to God. He has no expectations of our flesh, but through Christ alone! The miracle of surrendering to the Holy Spirit and letting Him work through you! I love your music! God has plans for you!
2 Tim 1:7
For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.❤;🙌
Thank you Bracken for being so honest with us. We all have a past. Yeshua saves. ❤😊🙏
I have suffered anxiety for years. I am not on medication but what has extremely helped me is saying John 14:27 till my anxiety attack is gone. Walking also has helped greatly.
Great verse (John14:27) to anchor on to. Praise God for His unfailing promises. Great refuge in times of trouble. God bless.
Caminarar ayuda, a mi tambie me ayudaba.
Descansar temprano.
Hay en internet lo que se llama los 8 remedios naturales de los cuales habla la iglesia adventista.( aunque no todos los usan para su bien, )
Y entre ellos estan los anteriormente mencionados.
A gua pura
D escanso a las horas
E jercicio con doble provecho
L uz solar ayuda a sintetizar vit. D
A ire fresco. Incluy prendas comoda
N utrición. Prefiere frutas y verduras
T emperancia . Evita excesos
E speranza en Dios que hara lo que no podemos hacer
Thank you for sharing! I’m going to do this also. God bless you!
I am sad for the stress and anxiety you go through. I would encourage you to put yourself under the leadership of a pastor teacher in a good Bible church. I think that you seem to take a lot on yourself. by attending a home church. You are a blessing, your family is a blessing, and, I know the Lord is using your music and your family. But there are good Bible teachers like John McArthur that are gifted.I think he has written a book on anxiety. I get fearful. Because of my situation. Maybe you can listen to Grace to You and learn a book of the Bible with Dr. John MacArthur.maybe you can listen to him in the night.
I truly do not think you need to live with this the rest of your life. You are very gifted. But you are so busy!
Did you know that Ken Ham is a very good friend of Dr. John MacArthur’s. We went to the ark when Dr. John MacArthur spoke and it was packed. He had his Truth Matters conference there.
I know that you all were able to sing there! Wish we could have heard you!
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. ---John14:27
Christians can have anxiety even in strong faith. This can come from childhood trauma and habits. Thanks for sharing as it gives hope and strength to others.
If you are in Christ you are a new creation. Nowhere in the Bible do you see saints struggling with childhood trauma - not even in the old testamant. Psychology has replaced the Bible now.
@@carmenvljn I’d direct you to Psalm 55.
@@carmenvljn King David would like you have a word with you.
At 87 years old I still struggle with it. It is an insecurity that comes from childhood.
Winter time is tough when you have anxiety. Thank you for being real. Christians struggle thr same as others, we just have hope in Jesus.
I know exactly what this feels like! I lived with it for a few decades, but am anxiety free now because I discovered my low vitamin D levels! Once I got it my blood test levels to the 40s, my anxiety and depression went away!!
Yes on vitamin d because calcium is the issue..calcium helps our hearts and minds and we can't digest it if we are anxious because our stomach acid drops when we are stressed. Calcium and vitamin d work synergistically.
Wow! You described my symptoms to the "T". Is it a coincidence that I'm headed to a doctor's visit right now?!
I know what you’re going through. I have went through anxiety, depression, panic attacks. Went to the ER many times. Went on medication because I couldn’t function. It got so bad I couldn’t leave my bed at one point. Medicine never helped me I was on so many different kind. I just wanted to say God healed me from all of that. It’s been 20 years now praise the Lord. I’m praying for your healing!
my late wife struggled with anxiety for years. she even sometimes had the heart issues with it. anxiety comes from the enemy, but like everything else, God can use it for his glory
Brackin, thank you for sharing, you are not alone. I was a true Christian from a very young age, yet when I got married and had multiple children we had very colicky babies, the sensory overload caused me to develop an anxiety/panic disorder and chronic fatigue. I know I am a Christian and God is with me but the anxiety does take over your life. It's so hard to function or go anywhere for me, it is hard to go to church where I get massive sensory overload and panic and it's hard to drive without panic. But I am waiting for heaven where there will be no more anxiety, how comforting that is. I often sing one day at a time sweet Jesus. And also may Lindsey know that her "Her heart sings" and Silo session music albums have helped me often on my drive through work to get through panic attacks on the freeway. The calm music without background noise and just calm reassuring words of the songs help me stay grounded in the Lord. Thank you so much, you are a blessing!
My heart goes out to you. I pray the Lord might deliver you from your anxiety disorder in Jesus Christ's Powerful Name. Amen
Your story sounds similar to mine. Two very sickly babies that didn't sleep through the nights fir first Two years, severely sleep deprived sending my mental health to plummet. At same time diagnosed with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue. Then having to deal with two close family members with addiction and mental health issues i haven't had a break for 20 years. Now I am super sensitive wearing earplugs at the shops and even at home can't socialze anymore and my illness has progressed. I truly can relate and its my faith thats only keeping me together even if just by a thread, knowing one day we will have our new bodies. Hugs.
I relate so much and whats sad is that others don’t understand. I’ve been thought of as a weakling, backslider, faithless Christian all because it’s hard for me to manage my anxiety and it causes me to stay away from church at times. I believe 100 percent that I’m an overcomer, it’s just day to day, it’s really hard, and even harder when others add unnecessary pressure, instead of praying and speaking good things, like God’s word, over me. I’m planning on taking a break from everything very soon. I pray for your healing!
I relate also... Having children can trigger so much anxiety
@@donnawiseman3686Bless your heart. You may be low in magnesium and b vitamins as stress greatly depletes these nutrients. Magnesium citrate is good and you can add to that Ancient Minerals magnesium crystals or epsom salt in baths to really replenish magnesium levels. For B complex, if you're in the US, Pure Synergy or Max B ND are both excellent choices. Both are non synthetic. Prayers that you get better.
My anxiety attacks also happened at night as I tried to go to sleep. I went to the ER three times over the years thinking I was having a heart attack. It was God's Word that set me free from these as I decided to fight this battle with His Truth.
When I was in bed feeling the beginnings of the attack I would say "Lord, Your Word tells me that none of my worrying will cause my heart to beat once more or once less than You have already ordained so if tonight is the night you take me, so be it; You are My God"
After two months of this the attacks ceased and I've not had one since (over 12 years ago) and in fact when I lay my head down at night now I'm usually asleep in 5-10 minutes and awaken 6 hours later ready to start my morning with Worship, Prayer, and the Word.
It is a spiritual battle fore sure and learning to wield the Sword of Truth as well as knowledge of His Sovereignty in our lives gives victory... battle on brother! You have an awesome soulmate at your side to help.
Your Brother in Christ,
Thank you for opening up and sharing. My husband has also dealt with anxiety attacks especially in the early years of our marriage. We visited the ER more than once thinking a heart attack was in progress only to find out it was anxiety and stress. We are both Christians. I can say that Jesus has taught and continues to teach us how to trust in his faithfulness and love during times of pressure. This has resulted in far less trips to the ER. The pressures are often greater now than when we were young, but our faith is stronger.
Amen! ❤
All of us have to hold on..in case of real heart attack may the Lord warn you .
I had panic disorder the only thing that cured it was 'hope and help for your nerves' a book by claire weeks. Also the DARE program is based off that book and has many updated tools. No we can't escape our nerves, we have to accept and allow our body to do it's thing.
Amen, yes! The problems might be bigger, but our commitment to the antidote is stronger now. Love to you from Australia. ❤
This is why I have listened to the audio Bible with wireless earbuds any time I nap or sleep for the last 8-10 years. Washing my mind with the Truth and giving me the Word to pray for myself and others. Calming and life changing.
Thank you for making it real. So many Christians feel like a failure when anxiety or panic attacks strike. You have shed a new light on what God wants you to be thinking about during these times. Thank you
Thanks to the Lord for letting me listen to your program today. I am controlled by a spirit of fear that’s affected my relationships immensely both at work and church. Was crying to God asking Him to deliver me and your video definitely encouraged me.
2 Timothy 1:7
For God did not give us the Spirit of Fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. GOD BLESS!!
@@lucysavu8367 exactly! I wish people would just read and believe the Word of God - we are living in the last days and deception in the church has become the norm.
Thank you for sharing this! Many of us deal with or have dealt with anxiety and panic attacks. I dealt with them for over 16 years. Yes, it was an awful time--so terrifying! I went to the hospital, too, and my heart was fine. As a result of this, I developed many phobias. It was a very challenging time for me and my family. I was so blessed that my husband was so patient and loving. I was told that I didn't have enough faith; that I needed to pray more; that I must have unconfessed sin; and on and on. I actually felt like a Job. I never stopped trusting God and believing that He was going to deliver me from this. One day, the Holy Spirit revealed to me that what I was experiencing was a spiritual attack and that this anxiety (actually fear) was not something that was inside of me. One by one, the phobias went away and never returned. Praise God that I am free from anxiety/fear!!! ❤️🙌🙌🙌❤️
Thank you for sharing your personal testimony 🙏🏻 🙌 of how Our Good Lord is working in your life and speaking to you through the Holy Spirit 🙏🏻 🕊
God bless you for sharing 👍🏻 🙏🏻
Amen and praise the Lord sister❗❗. I am so glad you listen to the Lord and not the voices around you. He is faithful, and one sign of that is He has provided you with a godly husband to help you too. 🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️
Amen !
I am sorry for all the advice without real compassion. Lucky you got through it. I deal with anxiety my whole life no matter what spiritual exercise I do.
@@Kathleen253 when you feel too much abandoned, the patience of others doesn't help. Their kindness doesn't get through to me.
Thank you for the encouragement.
After losing my husband last year my anxiety grew to panic attacks. Its been a long road but God has used a sad hard situation to show me his grace and love and to carry me through his strength.
I'm so sorry. Praying for you 💖 (hugs)
After you shared your story, a Bible verse come into mind... "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms (Ephesians 6:12)."... So, "Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes (Ephesians 6:11)."
But this can oversimplify it. For those who struggle with anxiety it can make them think they are failing spiritually, in the spiritual battle, if they don’t overcome it. But in actual fact anxiety can be the very place we meet God most deeply and come to know Him - His love and compassion and mercy for us. Yes He doesn’t want us to struggle with fear, yes it’s what the devil does want us to have but in this life we have afflictions but like the apostle Paul, our weaknesses make us rely on, and know Gods strength all the more. So I thank Him for my weakness as it’s brought me into deeper intimacy with the Lord.
I'm 70 years old. Your story, your background of your younger life, coming into adulthood, reminds me totally of my youngest son, now 42, who was (is) a FANTASTIC HUMAN BEING, ALWAYS, but a few drugs, but mostly alcohol, overtook his beautiful characteristics, he became nervous, anxious, and added. Now I have not heard from him for almost 4 years, I PRAY THAT GOD WILL LET HIM KNOW HOW MUCH I LOVE HIM, AND UNDERSTAND HIS CONDITIONS, as you have described.😢😢😢😢😢😢❤❤❤❤❤
My son I have spoken of here, was (is) a fantastic guitar player! LORD BRING MY SON INTO YOUR REALM, AMEN..😢😢
Praying for you 💖 (hugs)
I feel ur pain momma
I my son left over 2 decades ago
It can take a lot of courage to open up a chapter of your life that hasn’t been shared like this. Thank you for speaking from a hard place. And thank you so much for providing space for your wife to answer as well. You both are not afraid to go deep, and have so much love and respect for each other. It really shows.
I've been living this HELL since I was 19. I am now 75. Still get it.
It all comes from leaving home too young and taking on adult responsibilities that we are not capable of handling.
I know this feeling too well. Having experienced a full blown panic attack I don't wish it on my worst enemy.
Yes, anxiety can teach you to really pray! And to understand power of prayer, and the power in praying for others as well.
Thank you. As Christians, I feel we apply pressure on ourselves to be pleasing to God, as if we feel guilty for worrying. I love that you spoke about how your anxiety has led you to be better. Worry is natural. Learning how to talk with our savior when we feel worry or anxiety is key. (What are you teaching me, Lord?) Thank you for your open honesty, I needed to hear this message today.
Worry is not natural, mostly it is demonic opression and we do not have to agree and believe the thoughts the demons speak to us. We have to resist him and believe God and His Word. GOD BLESS YOU ❤
I needed it, too.
I know anxiety. I dealt with it ever since I was around 9 because I experienced chronic bullying at school. I became paranoid but thought I'd outgrow it. I wish I learned the lesson from Saul's story: the very thing Saul refused to face came back to end him. I never even knew social anxiety is a thing until 3 years ago. Back to the story. Eventually I went to uni for a promising career but halfway through I had to stop because anxiety nearly killed me. I remember what a monumental task it was just to leave my house and interact with people. My stomach would feel sick, my heart would beat fast, I would sweat and I turned into an iceblock. Literally as soon as I stepped out of the house, I wasn't myself. My brain would freeze and it's as if I was a walking zombie. *sigh I got palpitations, horrible IBS and Gastritis because of social anxiety. I nearly died. I tried to pretend I was strong but I had trauma I never dealt with and it came to back to get me. Through receiving abundance of grace and receiving the gift of no condemnation, I how started to find healing. I hope whoever reads this will trust God to heal your heart and broken personality with His love and forgiveness. I guess I have anxiety and panic because to me on a bad day, social situations are like a death sentence. But I'm growing in God's grace.
I had my first anxiety attack in 2011. It was horrible with palpitations. Just like you said, it comes with pain in your chest, headaches in your chest, numbness and tingling in your hands, gastritis, and being unable to have food or sleep. I could not stand, sit or lie down but walking helped or pacing helped me. Kneeling and bending down helped me. I battled it for 1.5 years then. I thought it was hopeless to live, as I didn't know the reason for my anxiety. I was a spiritual person, but a few years after getting a job, I stopped praying, not giving time to God. So when anxiety hit me with palpitations, there was a thought popping up all the time asking, "To end my life and I will be free from it," but I could not do it as there was another thought telling me, "It's not yours to take but to lean on God".
So after many years of prayerless life, I opened the Bible, and I could not understand a word. I felt like I was reading an alien book. I felt like tearing the Bible; I got so angry. I could sense that it was not from God. I didn't give up. I cried out loud and read the Bible loudly. I could not comprehend anything in the Bible, but I read it every day. After a few days, I was feeling good whenever I read the Bible. I could understand-the block just went away. Palpitation stopped, but anxiety and panic attacks stayed. I was scared to take medicine.
I was a person who was so scared to step outside the house after 9 p.m. or could not even watch ghost movies or paranormal movies, but I did not feel fear during my anxiety period. I was standing outside the common balcony of my apartment in the middle of the night, at 12am, 2am, and 3am. And I used to get this thought to go out and walk on the road or go to the top floor and jump, or to jump from the running taxi, and when I was at the office, I would look at the top floor and my mind would tell me to jump from there, but I never did because there was another voice always telling me not to do it.
I continued to pray. Psalm 91 was my rescue prayer; it calmed my mind and heart. After a few months, the intensity of the attack decreased. Sleeping was so difficult because when I lay down, my heart beats faster.
One day i feeling so hopeless as its not going away, i took the bible and prayed - God please talk to me as i do not understand it and why its happening to me. Then i opened the bible, it showed me, "1st Peter 4:12-13 : Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice insofar as you share Christ's sufferings, that you may also rejoice and be glad when his glory is revealed". I held on those verses.
Anxiety had again hit me after a few times but only for a shorter period like 2-3 months, i realised I can't be sad or upset as it triggers anxiety. If that happens I will try to get out of it ASAP. Also, I noticed these things happen whenever I stay away from GOD. SO now I realise prayer and spiritual life is the answer- Jesus Christ is the answer. So I open the bible and pray. Now I know how to defeat it. It's hard but I don't suffer like other people with anxiety - constantly on fear or the need to take medicines. That phase is long gone. Now I help many of my friends and family to overcome Anxiety.
What an excellent account of the way we are attacked and how we are helped by our heavenly Father. I'm so glad you have received help from the Lord after battling through in the Word.
Thank you for your story. Really helpful for me.
Thank you for sharing your story!
Thank you so very much for making this video. I’m a Christian mother of six grown children and have suffered terrible anxiety and panic attacks and great fear of the night. You have given me hope through Our Heavenly Father
Praying for you 💖 (hugs)
I went through anxiety attacks in my life too. I was struggling for many months if not years. Until one, wise Dr. mention it’s not your heart, It’s anxiety attacks. Then another doctor, Christian doctor explain how to deal with it. Praise the Lord!
Personally the moment a attack happens I start to pray for the presence of the Holy Spirit and speak in tounges and rebuke by the blood and name of Yeshua
That is correct.
LUKE 10:19-21. The Lord has given us the Authority over all things! Praise god! @@ajosef1
I'm sorry that you are victim to the devils making you talk in gibberish.
Mental health issues affect many today. My husband suffers with bipolar disorder & struggles with self esteem. When he's depresssed he can't attend church but still shares daily prayer with our church online. Its not easy to navigate such illness or see God in it all. As the spouse must say when my husband is low the Lord always encourages me & I enjoy, worship, Bible study more & my relationship with Jesus deepens!
Hello👋 Sue how are you doing, can you kindly take a few seconds of your busy time to accept a friendship hand from me🤝👍 hope that's not a prob on your side, I would love to talk to you about something special⁉️🙏💞🤗🌹
I cherish this so much. Most people, churchy or secular, won't admit they're actually struggling..they tell it in a tone of confidence with many acclamations ( "Praise God" or so )..me, I find it much more helpful someone shows their vulnerable side. None of us is off challenges. I can relate well to this testimony.
Very very true!
What a fantastic episode. I always cling to Psalm 56 when fear, uncertainty and anxiety visit. It says: "Those who are lying in wait for me
would trample on me all day. For those fighting against me are many.
Most High, when I am afraid, I put my trust in you.
In God - I praise his word - in God I trust; I have no fear; what can human power do to me?
You are both, together with your family an enormous blessing to so many. May Hashem bless you abundantly!
I can't express how grateful I am that you shared this. Many in my family struggle with this as I do from time to time. This video points me back to our Lord as the source of all comfort and strength. Thank you for being so open and honest.
As one who has also suffered from Anxiety/Panic Disorder, this was such a blessing to watch. Christians, in particular, have often felt that seeking help for mental-health issues is showing a lack of faith. I thank God that we have begun to realize that sometimes it is caused by circumstances, sometimes by our own bad decisions, and sometimes because of our genetic makeup. When any of these collide, we're primed for PANIC -- full-blown "I'm going to die!" panic. I've been right there with you in the ER thinking I was having a heart attack... nope, panic attack. Hyperventilating, tears streaming down my face, heart racing, wanting to run, panic. I guess my point is that sometimes we need help - whether that is counseling, medication, or both. Don't be afraid or embarrassed to get that help. And ALL THE TIME we need Jesus. He is right there in the seat on that airplane beside us. Take His hand and squeeze hard! Look straight into His wonderful face and don't look away. He sees. He hears. He knows. Never, ever believe Lucifer's lies that Jesus doesn't care, that He caused this or is punishing you (like you mentioned), that it's happening because you are a weak Christian... Jesus. Loves. You. Always!
Wise of you to give us this video. There are no perfect families. Suffering is part of the Christian life. If it is hidden, it only becomes false. So thank you, you did the right thing! 👏
I had my very first panic attack last year and had to go to the ER. It was terrifying, i couldn't breathe, i had such pressure in my head, my heart was hurting, i could not look down. And at the time i lived alone and had to call the ambulance whilst i couldn't speak and just managed to say out my address. Anxiety led me to have such a mistrust in the Lord which made me even more anxious. God help all that are struggling.
Praying for you 💖 (hugs)...
Thanks for sharing this! Its a learning experience for all of us. Fear and anxiety can be paralyzing, but it's those times God is reminding us that HE is in control and we must TRUST.
Thank you for such a raw, transparent peek into your struggles. Anxiety is so prevalent today, even among followers of Jesus.
Thank you for this vlog.
My twin sister also struggles with anxiety after a very difficult period.
I know what you're talking about.
It's a sum of walking on your toes too much.
God has not given you a spirit of fear, but of clear thinking.
You are no longer a slave to fear, you are a child of God.
I remember you in my prayers.💛🔥
How nice that you are sharing your anxiety problem. Many of us deal with it as well. Here I am, 67 years old, and am still discovering what God has to say on this issue. What God teaches me in daily Bible study, when I’m not anxious, I try to drill into my head so that when anxious times arise, I can remember what I’ve learned. It’s a command from our Lord to be anxious about nothing. When I do become anxious, then I’m telling God that I don’t trust Him with the issue at hand.
I consider it my “thorn in my flesh” 3:32 that has allowed me to get to know God better and understand His love and care for me. Do I like it? NO! But in this world we will have troubles. It makes me long for eternity all the more.
I’m glad you are a believer now and have a wonderful wife by your side.
Thank you Bracken, I too struggle with the same issues, at 71. It is unsettling and I too am learning to rely on and declare God's word over those night terrors just He wants me to do. Come to Him as a child. God Bless you!
I was just in the hospital with this and thought was a heart attack. Heavy Pain in chest and down arm with pins and needles It is so real when it happens. I also had a drug problem and lived in a truck in my past. Last month I even ran to my pastor and his wife in the late at night with panic. Thank you for sharing this and the hope you have in Christ. My husband and family support me through all of this but sometimes I wonder if it will ever fully subside. It certainly is sanctifying. I then (sometimes quickly sometimes slowly) find peace in one day I will be without it and with my Savior in heaven. My sisters In Christ remind me of this often.
Lately a lot of people having this issues of anxiety, panick attack etc.. I wonder if is drug related or something else I'm curious
Praying for you 💖 (hugs)
Wow, I appreciate how you broke down the stages. As someone who is healing from anxiety attacks, it is dreadful, then as a Christian, I felt guilty, because the Bible says "be anxious for nothing." I am testament that everyone's healing process is unique, and God teaches us with each moment that He's in control 🙏 thanks so much for sharing this. My prayers are with you.
Ps. I was wondering where the children were at the time of the recording; then I saw the shadows 😄❤️ love you all. God continue to bless you richly!
Please do not let the thought of God and his word even add to your anxiety. Jesus never said "unless you keep calm at all times, you cannot be my disciple." He cried out of fear and distress in Gethsemane, he even cried "my God, why have you left me". Read the psalms, too, and Ecclesiastes. And, coming back to Jesus, you know what he did when Peter at first walked on the water but then lost his trust in Jesus and began to sink. He did not say "well get lost and drown, then", but he pulled him up and he said later to that same Peter "you are the rock on which I will build my church". God knows our weakness. That is exactly why Jesus came. When he says "be anxious for nothing", maybe it is better to read it as "there is no need for you to be anxious. Do not base your decisions and your approach to other people on fear." It does not mean you are not a real disciple of Christ and lover of God if you feel fear and anxiety. After all, christians are still humans like everybody else. Yes, a perfect believer would be fearless. But God knows we are not perfect, and offers us forgiveness and love. Not just once, but again and again.
I can share with you this, from my personal experience: First of all guard your mind, your thought life. Focus on Jesus, read His Word, believe it, declare it, trust in Him. Do not allow the negative thoughts to root in your mind and heart. Fight against them with Gods promises. He is in charge, you belong to Him, He is with you and will never leave you.
The moment you "agree" with the negative thoughts, you allow evil spirits to enter in your soul, and they will dominate you and bring you down. Fear, panick. Doubt, unbelief... you will have a pity party and your faith will be suffocated. You need to fight the good battle of faith filled by His Holy Spirit. You Will be victorious IN HIM.
@@GladysRWhiteNo, evil spirits do not 'enter the soul' of a born again believer, indwelt by the Holy Spirit.
The Lord does not share room with demons. HE that is in us is so much greater than whatever is in the world.
However, we can be harrassed by evil if we give darkness a foothold. But even then, God will help us when we turn to Him.
@@ingela_injeela you are deceived dear. We all come from the kingdom of darkness, and we all bring companions in our soul
When we are born again, our spirit comes to life by the Holy Spirit. Now we need to learn truth, Romans 12:2 renew our mind. This is a process, weneed Holy Spirit s nhelp and do a proper "house/soul cleaning. Get rid of spiritsthat accompany us. Spirits affect yòur mind, your emotions, your will. The cleaner your soul, the easier it will be for you to hear the voice of our Father.
Letssay in your christian walk you allow thoughts of depression and have a piti party, you are opening the door to those spirits. You will need to evict them out of your soul with the Holy Spirit's help. We cannot do anything spiritual without Him.
Nothing is automatic nor happens like magic in thè Kingdom of God. We need to learn the truth, part with lies and deception. Trust in God apply His blood, sacrifice to receive deliverance.
When we sin, we are prisoners of the devil in that area. We give him legal right to oppress us. Thus we need to repent, confess and expel the spirits we let into our soul. All this, with the help of Holy Spirit.
We need to crucify our flesh daily. That means we dont do what we please, instead we do what pleases our Father. Just like Jesus did. If He lives in us, we are His body, He is our Head, brains, boss....we communicate with Him, Doing His will is the most important thing for us.
@@ingela_injeela when one has worked in the ministry delivering christan people, you learn the real thing. You ma read "pigs in the parlor" "- free pdf online, and you'll get the idea. Reality is true.
Well said. My late father was a doctor, a psychiatrist as is one of my siblings so we grew up knowing that these are real illnesses and that the stigma there was and still is to an extent today is unjustified. My other sibling is a clinical psychologist. I think both my siblings would say for some of their patients drug use even just cannabis did cause some problems - there is a known link, not in everyone who takes cannabis by any means but in a few. However lots of people have anxiety without ever going near drugs. For me I am very lucky that I am usually happy. I liked the plan analogy. I have given a lot of public speaking events and when I started those I certainly felt a bit nervous until I had done it so much it was not worrying but I never got to the later stages described. I think for some mental conditions the balance of chemicals in the brain can be key - particularly with depression (which is what life saving drugs work on) and sometimes changing what people eat to healthier foods can work, removing sugar highs and lows, eating foods to get seratonin and dopamine levels stable and better. Although I never rush to the doctor and generally take no drugs ( I never even smoked a cigarette once never mind drugs and I don't drink and am just about never ill) , it is very important for those who need help to seek it from doctors and I am very glad the video does say people should see a doctor if things are bad.
Thank you for sharing. My husband suffers anxiety in similar ways to you. I would be interested as a wife to hear more from Lindsay about how she handles your anxiety and what strategies she has to not let it get her down. I know this would be an encouragement to me and I think other spouses as well.
Redemption and repentance is how we come closer to him. Being filled with his spirit helps greatly.
The verse I go by everytime I get stressed or anxiety is John 16:33
I just read this scripture. And it is wonderful. Many mornings, the moment I wake up, I instantly have a very heavy heart. I feel a strong feeling of dread, fear & depression. I don't know why. Well, I am lonely most of the time. I will be 72 on Dec. 16th. I live alone now. Divorced 42 years ago. That was a good thing. He was abusive. My 2 children & I still have issues because of that. I still work full time for a college. I am so blessed with the Best Bosses. They are so kind. I've been working from home for more than a year now. I love that. But I don't get to see people except when I go to the store for groceries. My Daughter is amazing. We talk at least 2 times per day & I see her about 3 times per week. I have 3 good friends. One is Kenneth who is a devout Christian. I met him when he came to work at the school where I work. He is like a son or brother to me. He is very busy & his wife has a disease that is killing her slowly. Another friend is too busy for us to visit. The other friend of 12 years never comes to visit. She is a Hypochrondiac. She has complained Every Day for 12 years of being ill. Cancer, lung issues, etc. Neve diagnose with anything except diabetes. I would appreciate your prayers. I pray daily & read the scriptures. I apologize for venting to you. Brenda
Or Isaiah 26:3 that says God will keep us in perfect peace if our m8nds remain focused on Him.
Nights are the worst! Situations are magnified in the night! But it is a time that we learn to pray continuously! Going to bed with a verse can really calm the situation too.❤🙏
As someone who also have dealt with anxiety for almost 40 years, I can relate. It’s taken awhile to learn coping strategies. My anxiety stems from C-PTSD.
@grumpyoldlady_rants. Complex PTSD is real. Thank you for sharing as that also seems to be taboo in church circles. Lack of authenticity has driven me away from American churchianity.
@@ljones98391 - I left the church 30+ years ago when I saw the direction it was headed. Todays Christian Nationalists are nothing like Jesus.
Thank you for sharing! So many will feel encouraged by this.
I've learned personally that when I opened up about my anxiety, Satan lost some of his hold on me. It's a daily struggle and constant decision making, am I going to freak out over this, or am I going to hand it over to the Lord? Anxiety is a large part of my testimony. And I thank the Lord for those dark moments, as hard as they were to get through, they brought me closer to the Lord.
I also struggled with anxiety, and was told when we don’t get our own way it can be a cause of anxiety. So so true. Let go and trust God. Let God’s will be done. He will never leave or forsake you. Especially when you’re making mistakes. 🙏❤️🙏
0:57 Thank you for sharing your story with anxiety..it helps to strengthen others on their jouney
Thank you so much for sharing this testimony. I also struggle with an anxiety disorder. Went to the ER twice and called an ambulance once for panic attacks in the last 6 years. Even as I’m washing my dishes, listening to this video, my symptoms have bothered me today, seemingly without provocation. I don’t feel stressed or worried, but I feel like I’ve had a whole pot of coffee, but I skipped my cup altogether this morning. It’s a challenge for sure. Thankfully, I have a supportive and understanding husband that helps me to find balance. Praying for you and all who experience this to find healing and peace in Yeshua ❤
Thank you die sharing so honest. I recognize everything (without a history of drugs) all the different steps you explained. We have 5 children, and it were beautiful busy years, with a lot of joy, but also with much stress, and times of nervousness. I didnt went to a doctor, because I thought, I am a christian, and should not be worried or anxious, I just have to trust more. It became a struggle between me and God. I am like you very creative and love music, not on your level! But it's hard to multitask and do things fast, or manage housekeeping with structure, while so many responsebilitys were keeping me busy. I was always someone who wanted to be the best sympatatic women , an example for others, like a good christian. That was my goal. I thought God was like a boss instead of a father. I thought I had to do everything, and that His work was more important then me and my energylevel. When the children started to grow older I thought maybe I must do more things for myself! Iwent to musiclessons and paintinglessons. But all the other things went also going on. I had prayergroups, activities for school, youthgroup in our house, sports to bring children to, etc. Much too much nice things! And then I became burnout. I saw it as a blessing. I had time to stop everything. And to know my Father in a new way, I knew I have to do nothing to be loved.
So I thought, thats the solution for anxiety. But when I after 3 years recovered with some more energy, my anxiety got worse! My hope that anxiety belongs to the past was gone, and I got panic. I prayed, please let me see, what I am not seeing what to do with this! Like you said, I don't believe God wants me to be afraid! Then my panic also came out of nothing and I went to the doctor. I received medicins for anxiety, and it helps me so much! It helps me to be the boss again over my thoughts. My body doesnt take it over with every minimal negative thought before my mind even noticed.
I am so thankful, I have learned so much. And I have to embrace it also like something as a fysical handicap. Its not that I am not good enough and God is learning me to be perfect. But I can be humble and volnurable and honest, and myself, and I learn to choose for the positive truth, how He looks to His children, and not listen anymore to all the negative, wich can be also true and never will stop on this earth.
So what is my hope and solution in this difficult feelings? Sometimes medicin to get you back in normal life, not just surviving. And its not a lack of believe or trust in God, but He can use anxiety to let faith grow like you said. And learn to rest in His perfect salvation. It's all His work, nothing from us. It's all grace. He is perfect, we not. Let His love be our motivation, from a basic of rest instead of trying to be a perfect example.
I also want to say that your music made my nights precious, I watched many of them. Especially: have faith child, grow in love. So beautiful how your son jumps into the arms of the strong father. Thans you so much. God bless you.
Thank you for this message. I recognize so many things. I want to trust, and it feels like failing having anxiety again. Without medication I would not be able to be the same mom for my kids as I am now. They help to get the roughest go away, even when I still have to struggle some times. Thank God we can come to him in all our imperfect ways.
Thank you for posting this. I had some major dental problems starting in August which led to a lot of pain then after I had a tooth extracted it caused nerve damage. I’ve been dealing with major panic attacks now…. But also major physical pain episodes that last for a few hours to a couple of days. It has given me so ich anxiety because I don’t know when it’s coming back. I’ve been on my knees in prayer so much trying to push into Him and why He is allowing this. It’s been the hardest thing I’ve ever experienced. I just turned 40 and have 4 children, one with Down Syndrome. I’ve come on your channel before to listen to your singing and it’s really helped me.
Praying for you 💖 (hugs)
@@josie4peace thank you 💕
As a Christian, I want to share my story. I thought I had to wait till I was healed to share my story. That I couldn't help anyone if I couldn't help myself. But I'm praying that God will lead me in the way to share my testimony. Because one of the worst parts of anxiety is people don't understand. It's internal and not always seen how debilitating it can be.
Idk if this could help anyone but there's a couple verses I meditate on and repeat over and over in my mind again to kind of drown out the fears and anxiety and depression 1 is Psalm 56:3 "what time I am afraid I will trust in thee." The second is Isaiah 26:3 "thou will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee because he trusteth in thee" I say these and meditate on these verses to ease my fears and anxiety. Thanks for this video.
2. Mo 15/26
Ps 103/3
God's bless
The plane analogy gave me anxiety! I’m a sufferer and this was exactly true and I felt it in my chest during that part!
Thank you for sharing your story! I think almost everyone struggles with anxiety to some degree, but with the level of violence and evil in our world, anxiety levels are increasing. I know several younger people who are struggling with panic attacks and chest pain. When I am struggling with anxiety I mediate on Isaiah 41:10 “Fear thou not, for I am with thee. Be not dismayed, for I am thy God. I will strengthen thee; yea I will help thee. I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.” When we receive our glorified bodies at the rapture, we will no longer have these struggles! Praying that the Lord will bless you with healing and comfort. Maranatha! 🙏
I just ran across this video and think I did watch it shortly after it was first posted. I’ll just say that during my divorce 29 years ago, I was having anxiety attacks and it scared me, until I found out what they were. Knowing what you have and knowing how to “ride it out” till it goes away is a huge help. When I just said, “oh it’s only an anxiety attack” the intensity started to reduce and they got better. It took courage for you to talk about this publicly, and I’m glad you did so we can pray for you and encourage you. The older I get (73 now) the more I see that so many of God’s children have “something”, to struggle with, and it is ok, and actually “good” to have things that keep us leaning on Jesus and in the arms of our Father in Heaven. It’s also actually good for your children to see how you depend on God and are made strong in Him through weakness. Love and blessings to you.
Thank you so much for your openness on this . I know what you're going through, I also have anxiety attacks. I used to have them in my car, so I took some measurements that would calm me. And I decided to keep driving my car and not to let myself be too afraid to drive. I know where my anxiety comes from, and I also embraced it as something the Lord will help me with , it makes me more depending on Him and trusting Him that He knows me and is with me.
1 John 4:18 says There is no fear in love but perfect love casts out fear because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. This verse hit me like a ton of bricks one day, I realized I have no grace for myself and the grace I thought I had for others was really coming from a place of fear of rejection. Very hard pill to swallow but God is so good and I thank him for opening my eyes and putting me on the path to healing.
Hello👋 Shannon how are you doing, can you kindly take a few seconds of your busy time to accept a friendship hand from me🤝👍 hope that's not a prob on your side, I would love to talk to you about something special⁉️🙏💞🤗🌹
This is such an important video. Thank you for sharing with us. Your metaphor is so helpful to understand what others might be experiencing. I don't suffer from anxiety. I would say my brokenness that God is using for others is in coming out of a dysfunctional home. I walked into adulthood without many of the tools others had. I could say many of your same summational statements. It has caused me to look deeply and care for others because of it.
Having lived with anxiety & depression since I was 20 (I'm 76 now) someone taught me box breathing which is what Navy Seals use before sharp shooting. It does work, it seems to bring the anxiety way down to a manageable level. Just thought you may try it. The internet has lots of explanations about it. God bless.
Bracken thank you for sharing your struggles, I too suffer from all above at age 72. I trust 100% in the Lord that he has everything in control, however, my fear comes in the dead of night and it usually turns out into stress, nervous and anxiety. I have been told when this happens God is saying we need to talk and I find myself praying and purging my heart out to my father.
I have been struggling with anxiety, sometimes panic attack since high school. Thank you for explaining the spectrum of stress though its personal as you mentioned but I can really relate to what you have been through brother. Im so encouraged by what you said "God can use those opportunities to teach us things, thankful for the sleepless nights because I've learnt how to pray and turn my attention to Him." I'm still struggling with anxiety, sometimes panic attack please pray for me. Thank you for sharing
Brackin, as I listened the following came to mind. Stress, nervousness, anxiety and panic attacks all come because one's eyes are not on the Lord. It is likened to Peter being on the boat during the storm. He wasn't sinking when his eyes were on the Lord. 20 years ago, soon after I was born again, the Lord began to teach me to be still before him upon waking in the morning sometimes for hours until I could feel all the stress in my entire body gone and his peace throughout and surrounding me. This remained with me throughout the day and when I encountered stressful situations, I was more quickly able to return to that place of fixing my eyes on the Lord. I hope this helps.
This could be,,, but honestly,, we have an enemy that fiercely hates us as humans, but as the redeemed even moreso. He wants to destroy those of us that belong to the Father. Those that don't he already has. He uses them for sure, but he loves to see God's children struggle. I'd say most God fearing daily bible reading reading Christians do struggle daily with something. Because the enemy is ALWAYS trying to tempt us and lure us away from serving. So it may not be that our eyes are not on the Lord,, but the opposite. If we're lazy the enemy is happy.
Further to the above, as you mentioned the anxiety began after drug use. This is because a door was open to the demonic and what one experiences in times of anxiety is demonic oppression/attack. As children of God, we have authority over these powers and principalties to bind and rebuke them in Jesus name, to loose them and command them to go and to push back all forces of darkness in the mighty of name of Jesus. These are attacks of the enemy in this spiritual war we are in and we must use the power we have been given by God to take authority over them. I will write this in another comment also for others to see should it help anyone else.
I had crippling nighttime anxiety from childhood, it abated after I got saved for a while then returned with a vengeance. I had a crucifixion experience after I surrendered everything to Christ, and truly knew the peace that passes all understanding, but lost that experience after 3 months when I entered into an extremely difficult marriage where I got my eyes off the Lord and the anxiety increased x 100 and became constant. I had to claw my way back to the Lord and it took a while before I was even saved again. Spending time with the Lord every day was crucial. One night I was lying in bed and I felt the anxiety coming, it was almost like I could see it and I knew it was satanic and wanted to overcome me. I lay there resisting it with all my strength, feeling like my life depended on it but also feeling so weak overwhelmed and just at the moment when I thought it would overtake me, God broke it up and blasted it into a million pieces! It was such a relief! After that I knew if I resisted the anxiety and waited patiently for God, he would take care of it - and he has every time. Sometimes it takes longer than I think it should, but he always comes. Now I know that whatever the devil throws at me, God can and will handle it if I give it to him, just like the Bible says. Cast your cares upon him for he cares for you. Hope this helps ❤
Thanks for sharing. I've had anxiety attacks in the distant past and a couple since COVID. But the LORD is faithful as I put my armor on every day and stay in His Word. ❤
Thank you, brother! I've recently [ last 1-2 yrs.] realized that I have anxiousness that boils up into a panicked feeling. This video is helpful, encouraging, and a blessing. Your sharing is God's doing. May God watch between and over us. May we ever trust His mercies; they are new every morning!
Thank you so much for this video! I have struggled with depression and anxiety, trying to avoid taking a prescription. I've had a lot of loss this past two years - my husband, stepdad, father-in-law, and am now caring for my dad who has moderate dementia. I am a Christian and pray daily for the Lord's peace in my soul. I tend to obsess that I am dying and won't be able to care for my kids, ages 14, 15, and 21. This causes me to have major anxiety and robs me of hope and ability to complete daily things sometimes. I made just about every bad choice you could make in life, but came back to the Lord when my oldest was 2.5. I wonder if I just feel so much guilt and shame, though I know the Lord forgives a repentant heart. I used to have panic attacks and you're right, worrying about if/when the next one is coming is half of it. I no longer have panic attacks, but this persistent anxiety is something I will keep praying for the Lord to show me what I can learn from so I can be a good mom and daughter, and to maybe help others who struggle with anxiety.
What a good and helpful testimony! Going to watch it again. My husband and I can relate, drugs, looking for God, finding Him. Thank you both!!
I can relate. But I never took any drugs. I pray God sustains you. Anxiety is terrible. I agree, God uses our consecuences, to draw us near Him. You explained what I have gone through for the last two years.
Thank you for sharing this. You're not alone, but just remember where fear comes from. It's not from God it's from the enemy. You have a beautiful family and I love your videos and watching you and your family just always give praises to God in all circumstances. God bless you and Proverbs 3:5 and 6 I'm sure you are familiar with these two verses.
Often it is thought that Satan comes to us directly & causes fear, but rarely is that the case. Instead he brings about circumstances which cause brain chemical changes that then flood the body. The longer we're in that state, the more likely it will be part of our development/ experience. It then requires a multifaceted approach for healing.
Amen ❤that's so true 😊
The spirit of fear is the feeling of intimidation in the Bible. People often misinterpret scripture. Read the Book of Psalms. Christians do get fearful at times. The Psalmist said, What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee. We trust in the Lord when fear comes. But fear can still come. I heard a testimony by Dino, the Christian piano player one time. He said he has always slept with a light on because he's afraid of the dark.
Thank you so much for sharing your testimony as you are reaching out to people who need to know that Jesus is their comforter and teacher!
Very grateful for your honesty, dear friends. Much appreciated.
The hard thing is being honest with the kids, especially when the hormones in them start to change!
Our family has,gone through a lot and our children are now adults, but I made a vow as each was born that I would never lie to them.
I kept that vow and it has helped my kids to transition into adulthood.
Every blessing to you all.
Chris UK
Thanks for making this important video. Probably more people (also Christians) suffer from anxiety and it often remains a hidden struggle. I'm also affected by it once in a while. In my case there were some physical reasons behind it (Hashimoto-Thyreoiditis) and with the help of some remedies (vitamins and natural remedies) the frequency has dropped significant.
I also can testify the lessons learned in those times when it hit me (mostly at night, too). Apart from praying, singing had a great positive effect on me. Btw singing even physically calms down the heart rate.
Blessings for the entire family and thanks again for sharing your experiences.
Thank you so much for sharing your story! I have chronic anxiety, too, and you know how I calm down? I listen to your music in the car. I have all of your CDs and I just listen to your music and worship God and after a few minutes my eyes are on Jesus instead of the anxiety (Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus is one of my favs). Yes, God is definitely working through you....blessing others. Thank you for letting God work through you!!! 🤗❤🙏
Thank you brother for being so real! These days we are all dealing with so much stress, but God has given us his presence, his healing, his perfect peace. Praised be to his name. It is hard to live in this world but He has made a way for us! 🌟🌷🎶
I have been there. Been to the hospital with panic attacks. My husband suffers anxiety and ptsd from war. I love how you have said God uses these trials..to draw us closer! Yes! Closer in prayer! Teaching us more. God bless you both and your family. Love watching your videos. Praise God for using you to help others
Prayer and dwell on what God has done in your life! 7 kids, a wonderful wife, great health, a beautiful home, knowing God… you have much to praise God about. If you think on these truths… no time for fear. Amen brother amen ❤. Thanks for sharing! Maranatha
Well said
Gloria Halleluja. Gloria through this Familie. May Jesus blood heal every similar thing. And Bring hole familie Godfather s Power from heaven to earth. Holly Spirit come. They need you. We ask you instandly to send Out Holy Gifts for everyone who ia in need
I have walked with the Lord as long as I can remember but have had struggles with anxiety as I have grown more sensitive to the hurting of others. I have to pray through it, sometimes for a couple days, before it stops "hounding" me... it really does feel like the "hounds of hell." I try to quote scripture over and over in my mind, focusing on the character of God, His sovereignty, His perfect plan for me, His comfort, His provision, etc. I have not struggled to the point of panic, for that I am thankful. I am a very independent person but the anxiety I experience has taught me just how much I need Him. Thank you for sharing your story.
It's encouraging to see and hear about people we hold in high regard as being almost as normal as us! 🙃
I had this too in 1997. It taught me to allow God to be Lord. I need to humble myself and listen to Him. He does not give us works or loads that are too heavy. He is a Loving Father. Just do what we are called and supposed to do. Let God do the rest. Amen. Thank you brother and sister for sharing. God has been doing awesome works through you and your ministry. Praise and glory to the Lord. Amen
Your calm openness about this trying topic is commendable. Many of us can relate and speaking honestly about it can be very helpful. Growing in our faith despite anxiety is possible. Isn’t He gentle and understanding with us? I’m grateful!
Oh how He guides us with His tender hands and gentle direction. He is really not as hard on us as we are on ourselves. It is hard to learn to love, forgive and train our own soul.
This is me. Even the ER trip with heart attack symptoms. I too have learned much from this trial and am thankful that God holds my hand and sees me through. Amen.
I rebuke anxiety in you in Jesus name 🙏
Thank you for sharing your journey with anxiety/panic. I too have dealt with anxiety & panic most of my life. God has certainly walked with me through each episode I have went through. God is faithful with his promises. He said He would never leave us or forsake us.
Thank you so much for sharing and being so open and honest about this condition that many feel is so stigmatized. I’ve struggled with anxiety and panic for almost my whole adult life, and I feel the Lord has taught me the same thing as you say. He will use it for good and draw me closer to him and help me to help others who struggle with the same. Thank you so much again for your openness, honesty and humility. Your testimony was a blessing to me!
There is no coincidence that I saw this today. Thank you for sharing. I had my first blow out panic attack not with the heart problem sysmptoms you had last night. I am 65 and now I look back and see what the major fear is and that is in dying. I have had some form of fear from when I was a child. And I am a Jesus follower since age 33 years. Have been baptized also. Thank you for sharing all that you did. Thankfully I have a daughter who helps me. I asked her to stay by my side because I was afraid of what was happening. I started out last night thinking I am going to see what is controlling this and listen God. God continue to bless your family. ❤
Bracken! I know this video is going to help so many people ❤ . Thank you for being so open about it. This community loves you Bracken. You are so respected here and we want you to be well. From personal experience years ago, I chose a couple of options that really helped me with the anxiety and pánic attacks and those were Vitamin B complex and magnesium supplementation. I even was prescribed Xanax which helped me alot taken as needed until I was able to go all natural. Prayer of course always helps. Im sure you maybe have already sought out a practicioner who could formulate something for your exact situation. Just a suggestion. Keep up the awesome content! ❤
I pray Branken that you are feeling much better and God is guiding you through this difficult time.
I really miss your veidos and pray that more veidos will come soon. Praying for you and your beautiful family always 🙏
Miss seeing your beautiful children and the singing as a family
Love you all very much ❤
Thank you so much for your vulnerability, it means a lot. It will encourage so many people. I’ve had some intense times of anxiety in my life, but my main personality is very laid back. I’m slowly figuring out the causes, but it’s only God that has got me through. I really related to the aeroplanes analogy as when it was really bad it felt exactly like I was in a tail spin and going to crash and die! Love you all so much ❤🥰
Thank you for sharing! I agree with the spiritual aspects of anxiety that you were talking about, however as Christians, we are often too quick to dismiss that there may be physical issues that contribute and may even cause the anxiety. Hormones, nutrient deficiencies, and gastrointestinal issues can all be major factors. Our gut has receptors that send messages to our brain. I personally deal with anxiety when I accidentally eat food that my body is intolerant to. We are body, soul, and spirit and it is important to be healthy in all areas. I think you and Lindsey are aware of this, just wanted to comment so that others can see more info