I tried to make more translations out of it, but it just took too long. We need someone to make a program and sort out all the different translations 'cuz I'm a scrub at that sort of stuff.
Was NL making a knowing reference to Beaches? or is "over the shoulder bolder holder" just a part of the vernacular diaspora now? Also, I am extremely disappointed no one made a "six shooter" joke for the wild bill hickhock prompt.
I'm not mad that Sinvicta's binary answer won, I'm mad that he thinks it's a smart answer.
Those jokes were almost as clean as NL's rimworld colony.
So not clean at all?
Yes, that's the joke.
That binary was just the copyright symbol, a lowercase i, an uppercase u, and another copyright symbol
I tried to make more translations out of it, but it just took too long. We need someone to make a program and sort out all the different translations 'cuz I'm a scrub at that sort of stuff.
Boy am I glad the ULU meme didn't last long...
It's back boys!
I was waiting for this so much
man sinvicta is wrong about everything in this episode. his binary joke being funny and the redundancy of holder
You know... Without having watched the vid first, that comment becomes very confusing at the end.
Haven't watched the vid yet, can confirm.
He didn't have enough dundancy
Sinvicta is spouting out some mighty bullshit about how clever that binary answer is, because I went and converted it into ASCII and all it says is ©iU©. Yeah Sinvicta, real clever.
I think thats the joke though
Was NL making a knowing reference to Beaches? or is "over the shoulder bolder holder" just a part of the vernacular diaspora now?
Also, I am extremely disappointed no one made a "six shooter" joke for the wild bill hickhock prompt.
Lol sinvicta's the only one who'll argue with northernlion
lets go
Holy shit, Dans first Laugh sounds like some shit out of IT.
dude I love meatball marinara with southwest I get half off there since I work there but im still a cheap fuck
DanG heesling is only a meme when his name is spoken in the following: "Dan Gheesling" or "Daniel"