Dragi moji sugradjani,video je prelep a jos je lepsi kad ste daleko od njega ! Srecna sam kad se vratim na kratko (godisnji) ali opet obaveze(posao....) traze da se vratimo realnosti..preko "grane"! Ali,svakako mi je srce puno kad vidim svoj rodni kraj i na ovaj nacin !
My apologies for asking this here and I will understand if you want me to remove this comment that might be seen as inappropriate. I read in a book written by a former Canadian Special Forces that during the war in former Yugoslavia, Serbian civilians were found massacred inside the Bačka Palanka hospital. Is this true? I am asking this because my brother was in the French Foreign Legion and stationed in different locations of former Yugoslavia as a UN "peacekeeper" and I was too young at the time to understand the horror of what he had witnessed like many of you I am sure. Your city looks beautiful and I hope to visit with my brother sometime in the future and maybe understand the History of your country and people better. Sorry again for bringing the conflict but we Europeans share many similar and tragic stories from our grandparents but I was lucky enough not to live a conflict, yours is so recent and yet I feel I only know about Serbia through the media lens even though we have been Historically close. All the best to you and I hope you won't take umbrage with my comment.
Бачка Паланка је пре 30 год.била град по много чему.радило је нупоредиво више фирми,продавница,кафића итд.данас је Бачка Паланка комунистичком владавином доведена у ранг села,и то су је довели дотле они који нису у стању ни комунисти бити.
Verovatno najbolji promotivni materijal o našem gradu i opštini.
Svaka čast.
Odusevljena sam,zaista nam je grad prelep,samo ga treba cuvati!
Prelepo, svaka cast.
Dragi moji sugradjani,video je prelep a jos je lepsi kad ste daleko od njega !
Srecna sam kad se vratim na kratko (godisnji) ali opet obaveze(posao....) traze da se vratimo realnosti..preko "grane"!
Ali,svakako mi je srce puno kad vidim svoj rodni kraj i na ovaj nacin !
Odlican promotivni materijal za palanku
That was an awesome video! Thank You :)
Sretna Vam Nova 2021,godina - ziveli!
лепо је... ☺
I figured a video in English deserved at least one English comment.
JEdan od lepsih gradova u Srbiji!
odlican 10
Lepo, lepo, lepo . . .
My apologies for asking this here and I will understand if you want me to remove this comment that might be seen as inappropriate.
I read in a book written by a former Canadian Special Forces that during the war in former Yugoslavia, Serbian civilians were found massacred inside the Bačka Palanka hospital. Is this true? I am asking this because my brother was in the French Foreign Legion and stationed in different locations of former Yugoslavia as a UN "peacekeeper" and I was too young at the time to understand the horror of what he had witnessed like many of you I am sure.
Your city looks beautiful and I hope to visit with my brother sometime in the future and maybe understand the History of your country and people better.
Sorry again for bringing the conflict but we Europeans share many similar and tragic stories from our grandparents but I was lucky enough not to live a conflict, yours is so recent and yet I feel I only know about Serbia through the media lens even though we have been Historically close.
All the best to you and I hope you won't take umbrage with my comment.
Bačka Palanka don't have hospital so....
Vukovar maybe?
Backa Palanka Republika :)
prtelepo je. mislim da jle lepse videti u stvarnposti
Nas grad je prelep
Бачка Паланка је пре 30 год.била град по много чему.радило је нупоредиво више фирми,продавница,кафића итд.данас је Бачка Паланка комунистичком владавином доведена у ранг села,и то су је довели дотле они који нису у стању ни комунисти бити.
1:50 Šuma (Desno) Nekada...
I sve ostale sume... 🥺
Moj grad