Okay, Maybe Tears of the Kingdom Was Disappointing

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 29 พ.ย. 2023
  • I got a lot of comments on my last video about this topic, so let's discuss what you guys think.
    Twitter: / caleb_bravo99
    #tearsofthekingdom #totk #nintendoswitch
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ความคิดเห็น • 69

  • @mrtesticlease4638
    @mrtesticlease4638 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

    5:30 the dungeons in totk aren't more unique. they're themed. however, they lack the only thing that made the dungeons in botw interesting and unique, and that's the dungeon alteration mechanic in the map. basically, you have traditional themed dungeons with zonai architecture ruining them all, and they only have the worst qualities of the botw dungeons. fantastic. totk in a nutshell, nintendo really just said "oh, people want skyward sword mixed with botw. ok, lets take all the good things about those games and toss them in the garbage, because we only want the negative aspects of these games"

  • @benjthewhite
    @benjthewhite 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +10

    One thing I thought of regarding the memories, is that instead of seeking them out, there are points in the campaign where they are exposed to you. Say for each of the main areas there were 2 or 3 points that you can get a cutscene, and no matter which one you go to, it plays the next chronological scene so no out of order scenes. It would also add more intrigue to beating the dungeons and talking with the sages as they give a new cutscene instead of imprisoning war x 4

    • @Caleb_Bravo99
      @Caleb_Bravo99  7 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      Yeah, that's usually how most open world games operate, but I guess Nintendo figured that copying BotW to the letter was a better option.

    • @jimnfl7134
      @jimnfl7134 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@Caleb_Bravo99 There are some parts of the game I enjoyed. But for the most part, because it felt Like so much Like Breath of the Wild, is what made it DISAPPOINTING!

  • @nabil.19
    @nabil.19 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    this game was just trying to show us that everyone has amnesia and forgot everything because its not a sequel? i guess it isnt. They really reused the same map got ganon to beat 5 whole sages and then wait for 10k years just for us to collect koroks again. the depths was bland as well not worth your time nor are the sky islands. overpriced dlc

  • @armzngunz
    @armzngunz 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    The issue for me is, the only really new and "innovative" thing about Totk is the new physics/gameplay mechanics like fuse and the vehicles.
    Because otherwise it's just Botw 2.0. The story structure is the same, with a story actually even worse than Botw, because Botws story was made to fit that story structure, Totk's story tries to be bigger but is crammed into this same story structure.
    You start off on the same kind of tutorial area like in Botw, you find and complete shrines for spiritorbs, you find koroks, you get told the "story" through memory cutscenes. The temples are still ridiculously short and some even have less puzzles than Botw, and you still just go around activating terminals blinking on the map.
    From the trailers, I expected them to pretty much just use the same engine and map, but craft an entirely new, but similar experience. At least something to shake up the gameplay loop. At least a bit more involved story where things happen in the present, without just dumping exposition in memories, of things that happened in the past.
    I love Twilight Princess, I love Ocarina of Time, and I love Breath of the Wild. I had hoped that they'd take what made the older games good and marry that with the freedom and gameplay of Botw. But instead got the most uninspired Zelda game I've played. It's even a poor sequel to Botw, considering how much apprehension it seems to have with telling is what happened in-between the two games.

  • @wace9174
    @wace9174 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +13

    Overall, imo, it was a very amazing game, but there are issues but every video game has those. My only disappointments were the story, combat, and repetiveness. The story didn't fit very well in the timeline and had lackluster characters such as the old sages or Riju and Yunobo, it also still left us with many questions. The combat, while fun sometimes, became quite easy at the mid point of the game and attack patterns were very limited for enemies and link who is said to be a very skilled swordsman. Many of the sky islands and the depths were very repetitive too, but despite those flaws its positive aspects make up for it.

    • @Caleb_Bravo99
      @Caleb_Bravo99  7 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      Some stuff was kind of odd though. Fuse was this new ability that you can only do because Rauru gave you that ability, so why do bokoblins have fused weapons? And why does a little kid Rito have the ability to fuse stuff to arrows?
      Also, they introduced this new ability only to immediately after gimp all the weapons in the game making fuse only useful for the sake of bringing those weapons back to the usefulness. Kind of made the whole thing seem pointless.

    • @wace9174
      @wace9174 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      @@Caleb_Bravo99 Bokoblins, the Rito girl, and many travelers craft their own weapons, they don't have fuse but they can attach items to weapons but only monster horns or amber.
      There are some unique fuse options that are useful for travel or just battle like bombs fused to a shield, puff shrooms fused to a forest dweller sword, and more but I can see your point.

    • @Skywalker10767
      @Skywalker10767 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I think the story was really good I do agree we need more information on things such as the zonai

    • @Fiucha8893
      @Fiucha8893 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Actually, I really like Riju as a character. I feel like she has more backstory than all the other sages except maybe Sidon.
      As for the story not fitting in the timeline, Nintendo themselves have said that they don't care about it. They just want to make a game without having to take the timeline into consideration.

    • @wace9174
      @wace9174 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@Fiucha8893 Riju just felt boring, and not to mention how corny her dialogue is, she also just felt too childish for a 17 year old in midevil times.
      I already know Nintendo doesn't care about the timeline, but that doesn't really make an excuse for it. They should give what the fans want and what would overall make their story better.

  • @Cosmosis-86
    @Cosmosis-86 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    I’m new here, great video… good, valid points.
    I think Nintendo really tried to make fans and new comers happy with TOTK and may have assumed that most people would follow the prompts, go to Rito village, meet Impa on the way, etc…
    I got a bit bummed out by not following prompts and unlocking all the memories before even completing the temples, which revealed too much too soon.
    I kind of hope that Nintendo do something different again like with BOTW at the time but find a balance between open would and a linear structure that holds narrative to the game… I think they can make something very special.

  • @Ianmar1
    @Ianmar1 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    The story delivery in TotK could have easily been improved if the cutscenes were delivered in linear order regardless of which tear was collected.
    Or better yet, if they had made the Zelda of the cutscenes playable.
    BotW worked because it matched locations to memories of those locations.
    I really hope that the next title has a present day story.

  • @coocola6076
    @coocola6076 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I like your idea of presenting the tear-memories in a forced chronological order. Other things I wish were different:
    1. Sage memories: Show how Ganondorf and each sage fought. Give the sages and Ganondorf some personality.
    2. Shrines: Combat shrines needed to come back. Tutorial shrines sucked. Lightroots connected for no obvious reason.
    3. Weapons: Soldier ghosts unnecessary. Treasure chests could've shielded weapons from malice/gloom damage.
    4. NPCs: Addison could've used help/materials from Link in reconstruction effort. Beedle & Pikango could've been repurposed.
    5. Depths: The four temples could've been in the depths with Master Kohga and co. as enemies as mid-bosses in each temple.
    6. Sky: Huge chunks of sky islands should've fallen down to explain the emptiness of the sky while also restructuring Hyrule below.

  • @dairdevil4271
    @dairdevil4271 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    I think a big missed opportunity with this game is the lack of sheikah tech in it. They could have put the majority of the sheikah stuff in the depths. You could have had the monsters be infused with sheikah stuff. Sort of like a robo-boko or a robo-gleeok. I think that would be pretty awesome. That being said this game is still my favorite in the series despite the many flaws.

  • @azurechemical
    @azurechemical 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I definitely was disappointed with there only being 4 dungeons with the size of the map and the amount of amazing locations there was so much potential for a real water temple, forest temple, shadow temple etc and they just didn’t do that they played it safe and just put dungeons in the same places as the ones in Botw (the fire temple and thunder temple were bad ass though)

  • @painuchiha2694
    @painuchiha2694 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Totk is a sequel in the most safe and literal sense other than the new abilities Imo
    If you look at it this way it’s a great sequel that goes for the same beats as botw but if you wanted a game that feels unique kinda like how majora mask is compared to oot then totk is not that.
    Nowadays there’s definitely too many direct sequels I wish these sequels would stand out more.
    But totk is still good Imo looking at it as just botw2 nothing more.
    And I like the game more considering it’s just for the end of the switch era.they wrapped up the switch with a safe but respectable sequel and now I’m guessing they are preparing something brand new for a brand new system.
    The next Zelda game will likely have a new artstyle, a new world to explore and everything we want
    It’s just the end of the switch era Zelda game but I understand people had more expectations cause we wait too much for these games.
    They need another team to make new 2D games or traditional Zelda games in between maybe then we could get new Zelda games every 3 years and that would help reduce insatiable expectations of waiting 6 years

  • @oliversealey970
    @oliversealey970 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I grew up playing the first little bit of Ocarina of time, and by first little bit I mean I couldn't even get to the first dungeon cause I was that stupid lol. I did pretty much the same with every following zelda game, untill BOTW came out and I actually had time in high school to invest in beating the game (time since I had a game time limit in my family growing up). I beat totk pretty fast this time around, enjoying all the creative ways I could solve every puzzle, especially since the dungeons in previous games only every had one solution to each puzzle and not all of them were intuitive. I ran into the same issue when I thought, to get up the mountain in oot, I had to play zeldas lullaby, not show the guard the letter. All this to say Ive gotten the opportunity to play Ocarina of Time again as an adult and I gotta say, I'm kind of in love with how similar totk is to the oot storyline, and I'm a little suprised not much is being said about it. Before I got my hands on oot I was playing tp, and it feels remarkably different than the other two. The layout of Hyrule in totk and oot are very similar; desert to the west/southwest, lake hylia to the south, zora's domain to the east, goron mountain to the north east. Only real difference is where the kokiri forest is, but that makes sense since there are no kokiri in totk. They fill in the rest of the map with tons extra, but the base layout is there. Same with the story formula, Ganondorf plagues the world with evil by visiting each area and messing it up somehow, especially using the same themes. He messes with the Goron's food supply in both, he messes with the zora's water supply, (tp is a bit more similar since they get frozen over). I haven't seen anything about the gerudo yet in oot, im just getting to the water temple as adult link but idk I just started getting a lot of call backs and it's interesting how totk seems to be a remaster of the original zelda vision. Sorry for the rant, this just seemed like a good place to leave these observations. If anyone reads this, lemme know what similarities you notice between oot and totk or any other zelda game lol

  • @alexblack3200
    @alexblack3200 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Yeah the dungeons on every Zelda game, makes or breaks the game for me, not only do I wish there was more than four but they weren't traditional dungeons and weren't long enough, I do also wish every shrine was a different style and they could have put a heart piece in half of them and piece of stamina vessel in the other half and you didn't know which one is going to get until you beat the shrine, I think that would have been cool

  • @B-ot2xx
    @B-ot2xx 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +41

    The game is my GOAT, and I’m well past my honeymoon phase.

    • @bitesizecrayons9187
      @bitesizecrayons9187 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      Amazing year for games, and I just can't put this one down.

    • @TyeDye622
      @TyeDye622 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      Let's be honest here, this game was very underwhelming and had so much left to be desired.

    • @bitesizecrayons9187
      @bitesizecrayons9187 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      @TyreeG622 That's like, your opinion, man. I don't think a better game could have been made with the same engine or assets. It's cute how when this game launched people were so insanely in love with it, but give it a little time, and there's all the criticism that comes when the honeymoon is over. I already knew that was going to be quite the phase when people were saying BotW was irrelevant when TotK dropped, but it's gone so far in the other direction that I'm beyond tired of people knocking TotK for things that aren't even real flaws.

    • @TyeDye622
      @TyeDye622 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      @bitesizecrayons9187 I was a big Zelda fan until I played Botw and realized that the game had nothing to offer with little to no story and an empty open world, and Totk didn't change much. These were the worst open world games I've ever played. Even when Totk came out, I didn't play it day one because I knew it was going to be underwhelming like Botw. Nintendo and Zelda team dropped the ball twice.

    • @bitesizecrayons9187
      @bitesizecrayons9187 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @TyreeG622 Beauty is certainly in the eye of the beholder, because I can't get enough of the Wild games and I've been playing LoZ since LttP. I've been very bored by open world formats for a while and usually write games off quickly if they have those systems in place. The Horizon games have a cool story, presentation, graphics, I'd even say art direction, but I was bored insanely fast by them. Tried the Witcher, felt great and I liked the story, still didn't grab me. Those Wild Zelda games, though, they do something for me even though I'm a dad and have very limited time for games.
      I'd be fine if the next one is more traditional or a hybrid, I don't think a mainline Zelda has ever missed aside from II, and even that has some defenders I guess lol. With the Wild games being the best-sellers but being somewhat mixed with player reception, their next effort will probably be more open than before BotW, but also more rigid than said game if I had to take a shot in the dark, and it all works for me if the quality is there. I'm currently playing Skyward Sword, and I kind of felt early on this would be the least good 3D Zelda game, and while that has tracked, I'm very glad I decided to play it. Complete opposite of the Wild games, and once I finish it I can make more time for another Breath or Tears playthrough. Or one of the other million games in my backlog, but TotK is just straight up hard to stop playing, it's a problem.😅

  • @deathangeleas2401
    @deathangeleas2401 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    like I said in the last video. definitly not the best zelda ever, lore and story telling being the most prominent issues both of these games have

  • @joejoe5156
    @joejoe5156 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    the about face people are having on totk is kinda odd to me. it was basically what i had hoped/expected for out of a botw sequel with the exception that the dungeons werent what i had hoped (although better than in botw). I would've preferred they go in a different direction and make a new world and such but given i knew itd be the same land mass heading into the game it met or exceeded expectations for me with the exception of the dungeons. Personally prefer the 3d zeldas made prior to botw over botw/totk but i really enjoyed totk

  • @benjthewhite
    @benjthewhite 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I still love tears of the kingdom after 6 months and 300 hours. It’s my fav game, there are flaws but every game does and even if there were minor changes that I would want, it would hardly affect my enjoyment.

  • @l3xiomusic
    @l3xiomusic 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I've literally 100 percented the game and I'm still not bored of it, i truly think it was a fantastic game that lived up to all the hype i had for it.
    As far as everything i hear people complaining about, I just don't get how any if it was a big enough deal that people feel the need to hate on the game as if it's the worst game of 2023.

    • @mkjjoe
      @mkjjoe 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      It's relative to the potential it had in people's minds, there are design decisions which this video covers in part that are really odd to some of us. It was frustrating to slowly realize we'd have to deal with it in a 100+ hour game we waited for over 4 years... Personally enjoyed a lot, but while I appreciated BOTW's priorities and understood why some things were lacking, this follow up too often felt like they couldn't fully commit to either properly address BOTW in continuity or be its own thing. The sparse/repetitive new map layers, disconnected ideas and story shoehorned in the same structure, serious user interaction flaws for basics we spend hours repeating... As with all Zelda games (only more popular and vocal now given BOTW's success) the trend cycles from acclaim on release to harsh criticism as people finish and analyze more in depth (though this criticism was pretty much there since release), to fonder memories down the line when another game will have to prove itself. But beyond this trend it's case by case, I don't think anyone seriously reviewing it claims it's the worst of anything. It's just that people want to love it so much that it sucks to find flaws and we'd like to "make sure" the next game will be better.

    • @tarnw3301
      @tarnw3301 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      I paid money for what's practically a BotW DLC.
      Or I paid money for what was basically ToTK beta.
      Whatever the case, I was the fool that paid for basically the same game but with slight changes in the plot

  • @Ianmar1
    @Ianmar1 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Fuse was a mechanic which I wanted to love.
    It is a crafting system which incorporates rich chemistry system of the game engine.
    Unfortunately, I feel that it was built on an interface designed for the WiiU GamePad. Inventory selection really takes me out of the action. Perhaps fuse will return with a cleaner implementation in the next title.

  • @daniel8181
    @daniel8181 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    "I wish each memory would have unlocked sequentially"
    leads to:
    "the storytelling is hot horse shit and its presentation gave me cancer, how are you going to put so much emphasis on player freedom and then just railroad players into your shit story?! fire everyone at nintendo"
    This also would occur with temples being linear, just so you know.
    It is not a principled argument, they are just trying to gaslight people who liked the game because they fear Nintendo will be less likely to create Ocarina of time 2...sadly, they dont understand that Ocarina of time 2 will never be what they want because they cannot replay their childhood.

  • @ripebanana8169
    @ripebanana8169 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    W video my man

  • @Usith
    @Usith 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    Nah this game is revolutionary

    • @lotrfan4237
      @lotrfan4237 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +10


    • @mkjjoe
      @mkjjoe 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      BOTW was revolutionary for the series, and for open world to an extent. TOTK has innovative mechanics but that wasn't a second revolution in a row.

    • @moustachio05
      @moustachio05 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Definitely not this was just an overpriced DLC "sequel" that didn't improve on pretty much anything from botw (most notably dungeons)

  • @robertgamer3112
    @robertgamer3112 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    No one aspect of the game was agregiously bad, but the game missed for me in nearly every aspect. I didn't get invested in the story, the shrines were too simple, the dungeons too short and too few, the world and structure too similar to BotW, the depths and sky too empty. None of these complaints would ruin it for me on their own, but altogether made for a disappointing experience.

  • @davevegas5943
    @davevegas5943 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    this game could be disappointing for people who played Botw... but as a game itself, l think it's actually better. It just doesnt have the 1st time experience you felt when you played BOTW back in 2017

  • @Garfieldforpresident2024
    @Garfieldforpresident2024 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I just finished my second playthrough of TOTK. As someone who has 100% BOTW I feel more empty with TOTK, instead of being like "HEY it's a shrine!" it feels a lot like oh...a...shrine. I understand that TOTK was a sequel, but did it have to copy 65% of things. Same shrines, same dungeons, and same God damn koroks!!!

  • @umarsoji19
    @umarsoji19 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Valid points, the game is good but the shrines are too easy and repetitive with 48 of them being blessings. The depth is vast but not much lore apart from master Koga. I love the game and its my best in the series even with it's flaws. I would love to see a DLC like trial of the sword.

  • @Luizanimado
    @Luizanimado 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    You mentioned something that I think is a problem for me with this game.
    Tears of the Kingdom is so linear, the cool thing about breath of the wild was that, after the tutorial, you were free to do whatever you wanted, TOTK have a lot of bs with mark points, "go here, now go here", the expiration doesn't feel natural as BOTW.

    • @Fiucha8893
      @Fiucha8893 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Just don't follow the mark points. You had all those mark points in Breath of the Wild, too. You can just turn them off.

    • @Luizanimado
      @Luizanimado 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@Fiucha8893 not necessarily, a lot of those mark points in TOTK it's obligatory.
      Like, getting in to the Water Temple, you have to talk to Sidon's wife, then ti sidon, then go to solve the rock puzzle, then go back to sidon, then go to his father, than go to the island to shot the arrow, than go back to sidon to fight a boss, than go to the river hole, than activate the water fall, then go to the temple. You have to do all of these in this very specific order, BOTW also have some stuff like that unfortunately, but usually it's a lot more simple, fast and intuitive.
      You also have this on the beginning, on BOTW after finish the tutorial you are totally free, on TOTK, you have to talk to Purah, then go to the castle, then go back to purah so you can finally get your paraglider, the game is a lot more planed, it's a big downgrade to BOTW when it comes to freedom of exploration.

    • @nepeta3286
      @nepeta3286 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      linearity is cool with me, you can have a completely linear game and still have fun with it, my issue with totk goes the opposite way, they sacrificed way too much out of the game for the sake of freedom and non-linearity, although the start was annoying for me also, it felt like restriction without much point to it, when you restrict the player you should do it because it helps you direct them in an interesting direction, that's part of what the old formula did well, "hey you can't go everywhere, but that's fine, you need to explore, to understand your arsenal, and you'll be able to go here later, maybe", the intro sequence to totk is basically "hey we want to explain lore to you so go back and forth", i think it didn't need that, enforced intro sequences like those suck, they're what usually annoys me about zelda, not what i like about it, i don't need a story exposition quest where i go back and forth, i wanna play the damn game

  • @Tac0B0y
    @Tac0B0y 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    yeah, I was incredibly disappointed that they had completely revolutionized the franchise, added everything, and gave us amazing gameplay that can last for hundreds of hours.
    small issues.. every game has small problems like these, it was still an incredibly amazing game.

    • @Tac0B0y
      @Tac0B0y 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      very off topic but i loved this video and how it was made, i subscribed, everyone has different opinions. I hope you upload more soon.

    • @Caleb_Bravo99
      @Caleb_Bravo99  7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@Tac0B0y Thank you! I think Nintendo should either try to combine the traditional Zelda with the new, or have them both running simultaneously.

    • @Tac0B0y
      @Tac0B0y 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@Caleb_Bravo99 ofc, something for everyone in the zelda franchise to enjoy, not just one group. something truly for EVERY fan.

    • @nepeta3286
      @nepeta3286 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      it's fine if you disagree, but in my opinion, it didn't hold more than 20 hours before getting old, and quick
      older games gave us unique experiences throughought the game, botw, been too long i haven't played the game, it felt unique at first but i got tired of it after a while
      same goes for totk, and i tried to have fun with it, i tried...
      i think nintendo really needs to find some kind of middle point between non-linear and linear, because its non-linearity seems to force the devs to make the game even more formulaic than it was before
      before the formula was "adventure around an area, find a dungeon, complete it, get story beats, go to next zone", with variations of course
      with botw, and especially totk, the formula is "wander around, go to 4 areas to complete 4 areas that are basically like 5 shrines in one, complete shrines around if you want, find koroks if you want, complete unrewarding side quests if you want, then go beat the boss and end the game once you're satisfied", the first one gives a lot of variety, the second one could also in theory, but due to how much work it implies, with its engine especially, it's unrealistic, which results in that feeling that many describes as "copy paste", in my opinion botw and totk aren't bad ideas, they're overly ambitious though. the map didn't need to be that big, and the fact that it was contributes to the complaint that the map feels empty, and that's an issue that results from bad project management in my opinion
      accessorily, i think that non-linearity blocks off a lot of ideas for the game, you can't drastically change the gameplay, or the map, or even a section of the map, for narrative reasons, because if you do you restrict the player's freedom far too much
      that's part of why botw's most successful shrine is the one that was relying the more around that idea of restriction, i'm talking about eventide island
      skyward sword gave us a "sneak out" section where bokoblins took over an entire area, another one got completely flooded, those are interesting ideas, that completely change the surroundings that the player already knows normally, it's good!
      with botw and totk, it's hard to design something like that, and nintendo's refusal to do so shows that they can't do that with the current set ambitions for the games.
      i just hope nintendo figures shit out for the next game, and that it won't take 6 years this time around ^^'

  • @rango190
    @rango190 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Totk is miles better than botw at least

    • @mkjjoe
      @mkjjoe 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Not on every level

    • @rango190
      @rango190 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@mkjjoe botw is better than totk in... Atmosphere i guess

    • @mkjjoe
      @mkjjoe 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@rango190 It's hard to measure, personally I enjoy different games depending on the mood... But in retrospect BOTW's novelty and simplicity were strengths, while TOTK's ambition sometimes shines but sometimes is busy-work and fumbles with cool ideas that could have used their own setting.

    • @lotrfan4237
      @lotrfan4237 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Both of them suck, but yea Totk is still a better game I guess

    • @rango190
      @rango190 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@lotrfan4237 > both of them suck
      Tell me you're nostalgic without saying you're nostalgic.