Where is the comment of Former President Trump of former Associate Justice Ginsburg "she was a great woman I'm sorry to hear that", despite her being of different beliefs?
@@southernequestrianwhile that was not in full cut the point earlier was about trump not knowing because it was recently. Which led to the past and borks stuff
Liberal media or rather the state propaganda machine has a selective memory when it comes to quote the late justice Ginsberg. They only report the quotes, or alleged quotes that suit their narrative!
@@RUserious-154 I absolutely remember Grahams statement. He's my senator. But the context is different. Obama did not have a democrat senate. That makes a huge difference. Anyway, nobody in SC, a very red state is gonna vote against Lindsey for supporting ACB. I voted for him and even donated to his campaign. That's the whole point, we are not bound by what somebody may have said at a different time in a different situation. The truth is it doesn't at all matter what Ginsberg said. The only thing that matters is what the Constitution says and it says ACB is now a supreme court justice!
@@C54WAYHEARTS what makes someone who doesn't like people cheating a sore loser? The right has definitely lost their moral compass ☼. Now its coming back around to bite them in the rear. The new administration is about to add seats to the courts anyway
I am do saddened, and so always aware that none of us, the people "represented" are not. our country is now in the hands of those playing their own game. it is a sports event, a competition between our leaders, those chosen by OUR VOTES, what a joke They are playing, we're not in the game shame on you, all of you. regardless of your political affiliation you are not elected, hypothetically, for game playing in Washington. but to represent US. is the news, your exposure, your gamesmanship more important than knowing what we think and believe and want? you are a joke, and we're not on it. you take yourselves so seriously but you do not take us, those who voted you into your positions seriously. I am so sad, so disheartened and I seriously believe that if my fellow citizens connected the dots between your gamesmanship (I'm in Washington, I'm in the Senate, Congress, whatever) they would, too, resent how robbed we have been by those who play their games rather than representing us. Again, shame on you
@@judist.esprit7897 im from the UK and it seems to me that kids in the US learn nothing at school, why do Americans not know any of this? In the UK we learn about China, Russia, India, Europe etc etc yet the yanks seem to learn nothing other then the state they live in. This is stuff our 12 year old kids learn at school
@JJoe all humans are biased. But to compare PBS to FOX is ludicrous. PBS is more corporate than ever but not as corporate & biased a political hack network as FOXNEWS.
So did i !!!!! The drama surrounding the supreme court is just extrodinary and the way they cover it in this video is just amazing!!! Although i have to say this when it comes to the bias of this doc is generally neutral some others are not pbs should be more independent taking into consideration the fact that it's operating using tax payer money!
@@angeliaparker-savage5401 Similar to the dems with judge Bork? I remember that shit, and so did Mitch. Thank God Ted is gone, as he was the one attacking Bork. Biden gave the "High Tech Lynching" to Thomas, he must go as well. One way or another.
When you step back and look at the supreme court nomination process, it's all about smearing the candidate. Plain and simple. No matter the party in charge. Completely disgraceful.
@javier ito The Democrats aren't blocking every bill that would protect election security. The Democrats aren't blocking every bill that would help Americans during the pandemic. The Democrats aren't supporting, aiding, and abetting an administration full of convicted criminals. The Democrats aren't obstructing good governance at every opportunity. The Democrats aren't spreading lies and conspiracy theories, and the Democrats aren't the ones who are literally trying to destroy voting, the basis of our system of democracy. Don't whine at me about "Democrats."
Keep in mind, the Supreme Court is the highest court in the country, but there are dozen of regional courts and 100s of state courts that the President and the Senate appoint judges to, totalling about 850. But, about a 100 of these were supposed to be appointed by Obama in his last year, yet they weren't because Senator McConnell held the seats up in case Trump won in 2016. And within the past 4 years, Trump thanks to McConnell have appointed over 200 of all of them, many of which will still be on their benches after Trump and McConnell die.
That has happened for decades. Democrats did it to both Bushes, specifically holding up (without hearings) Appellate court (which are actually more important in terms of impacting policy) nominations. John Roberts' nomination was held up for over a year during the end of HW's term. My point is not to defend this behavior, but instead to clarify that it is in no ways new. Both sides have increasingly played a game of tit-for-tat on this stuff, to the detriment of the courts and American people (in my humble opinion).
Actually, the Dems are just as extreme if not much more so. They're just really, really stupid (Reid, Pelosi, Schumer) and end up stepping on the rakes and landmines they planted for Republicans.
@@t-bo2734 Mitch does most of his work out of the light, in the shadows. No one knows what happened until it happens. People might not like him, but he has some really good work in appointing conservative judges on SC and federal courts.
@@jaytilala7388 I would say all politicians always have some underhand cards but I think Mitch's tolerance for how far you want to stretch the law and exploitation is higher
with all due respect to the late justice and her family, and for the information of those who tries to play it by emotion and not constitution, a dying wish is not the precedent of any procedure of the court or in this case, the Supreme Court.
@Jane Doe well for your information the Senate was Republican. if Dems wants to get their nominee through they should win the Senate then unlike what happened to Justice ACB where The President and Senate are both Republicans. And to your claim of unconstitutional things about Sen. Mitch, if that is so then why no one from the Dems led by your Sen. Chuck filed a case against Mitch of culpable violation of the constitution? aren't you aware of that or your just making assumptions based on what you are being fed rather than studying the case yourself. and by the way, you call Moscow Mitch as if the Dems doesn't embrace the Socialist-Communist views. you should study the facts first before you fire, so that you don't sound like an empty can, just pure noise with no substance at all.
@@GOLDVIOLINbowofdeath you're right, I agree with you. I was also thinking of that too. the media always assumes that Justice RBG's dying wish is that and not some personal message for her family. I find it awful that a dying woman's wish would be for her position and not about her loved ones.
A dying wish is not precedent, 2016 precedent is precedent. Better vote in Georgia cos if the Dems get those seats, we will be getting another Documentary soon
I cannot believe they cut out the part where Trump says "she was a great woman I'm sorry to hear that" when the reporter first told him the news.... WOW
They are almost always dishonest in this way. Sort of like Mike Wallace always was. About him recall his interview with Margaret Sanger, who was dressed up like and spoke like a Yankee dowager. This Jewish man treated with great respect a woman whose racial views were very much like Hitler’s.
It's called FAKE NEWS. Obviously, anyone who didn't do their own thorough research of the history of the US Supreme Court would tend to believe everything about the narrative this media entity is trying to portray. Journalism is dead. What a shame.
The media always speaks about how terrible of a person Donald Trump is and in that moment when that reporter first told him about the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, you can see his 100% honest, unscripted, unplanned reaction. He says, "I'm sorry to hear that she was a wonderful woman that lead a terrific life...etc" - The media cannot show that because it completely destroys their false narrative they have been pushing that Donald Trump is evil with no compassion for others, let alone a super liberal woman.
I was assigned to work on a Judiciary Committee hearing when I was a Senate intern. I sat next to Ann Coulter, with Joe Biden about five feet away, and Bill Barr was the lead witness. Looking back now, it all seems so surreal.
God Bless Mitch McConnell. Liberals have had their way in this country for too long. It's about time their moral superiors finally put them back in their place. Shameless promiscuity and sin has consequences. The attempt to avoid these consequences is an afront to the Lord and is one of the leading causes of the degradation of this once great nation. God Bless President Trump and God Bless America. MAGA!
There is an Indian saying, it goes like "Only he who can't fight a war, talks about fairness" He did it because HE CAN. Any politician in McConnell's position would do the same.
No. Another politician could want fairness. America is not just one party. As you can see by the votes people are sick of the unfairness of the republicans. The new administration is about to add seats to the courts anyway
@black in America did you even watch the documentary? The dems are the dirty players, especially the way they started this mess with Bork. OP the saying comes to mind is the dems made the bed, time to lay in it.
@Black In America I understand your point. However, the Republicans didn't Bork Garland. They didn't try to destroy him like the democrats did to Kavanaugh and Thomas.
@Black In America Kavinaugh was pure hearsay. You cannot prove that allegation. Barrett was vetted a year before for the 7th circuit and has been widely considered one of the finest legal minds in the country. If you watched the hearing there is no doubt she is qualified to be on the court.
Exactly! There's a great video about her first 96 hours in hell and it's amazingly chilling. It talks about the 60+ million aborted babies being at her judgement right before her going to hell
@@kathyweis7023 you're both right...we should be able to see whats going on. We should be able to trust the media without a documentary on something that happened so recently. But I love the way they stick to topic, follow a timeline, cited real events and the narrator didnt pepper the whole piece with their own adjectives.
No more Warmongers PuppetsBUSH,CLINTON,BUSH,OBAMA,Biden in The White House. No more U.S.Corporation Inc. No more Corporatocracy acting like false Democracy. Time for Presidential Executive Order NESARA GESARA, QFS, World Monetary Reset, H.R.5404. I'm a US Marines Semper Fi! Long live Our Grand Commander-in-Chief President Donald J. Trump of the Republic of the United States of America in accordance with the original Constitution of the United States of 1787 restored on May 1, 2020. Kind regards to all who wish to discover "The Truth Will Set Us Free ". We must first disconnect from the Matrix. Like turning off the television and stop watching lying news, stop believing their narratives, stop believing their fake statistics. Then research and scrutinize until you come to your own conclusions. Don't accept anything as an imposition. Do your research voluntarily and take time to do this. We are in the Third World War under land, sea, land, sea and air. It is not a conventional war, nor a nuclear one. It is a silent war behind the scenes. There are no ideals or types of elements like Democrats and Republicans. What exists are nationalist patriots who defend our duty and inalienable right to be free and independent sovereigns against the tyranny of globalization with its misnamed New World Order, its shadow government, the deep state, its establishment. Let's stop believing in ideals like capitalism, communism, socialism, fascism, monarchies, etc. All of this has us divided. When the only thing that really exists is Corporatocracy disguised as a Democracy label. No political party, no religion, no sectarianism is going to save us. That is why we must unite to be saved. Let's begin to see our true potential within each of us and then we will realize that we ourselves are united before our Universal Creator. It is time for NESARA GESARA, QFS, World Monetary Reset., HR 5404. It is time for a new era of peace Prosperity, harmony, love, respect, communication between all individuals, peoples, governments and nations. In Balance with our Mother Earth, Atabey, Pachamama, Gaia or whatever you want to call her. Where we go One, we all go. White Hat, White Dragon, Chinese Elder, Galactic Alliance and Earth Alliance. We are Plan Q!
The documentaries by FRONTLINE PBS are amazing!!. The editing, narration, the interviews. These films are dramatic and simple to understand at the same time
The thing that makes Mitch so savage is that you don't expect it. He's so soft-spoken and has the appearance of turtle, he is all too easily dismissed.
Just one essay I would make them write 3 in different styles just because of this great documentary and make it due the next day... and 20 pg. cornell notes covering the whole video... cause I'm a sadist!
samachi He voted no for a Covid bill that would aid Americans impacted by COVID. Instead he quickly confirmed ACB, which he wants a conservative dictatorship in the Supreme Court. So yeah, he is responsible for the 250,000 deaths because he did not do jack shit.
Yeah sex and race..They have become cancer but sadly their divisivness is going to create a war. The condoning of rioting looting, coupled with police just standing there , and even arresting those who did try to defend themselves against the mob , woke up patriots nationwide to the notion that OUR right to defend ourselves must not be abrdged any furthe. To do so will result in pushback.from ⁰law abiding citizens
He's a political genius. The fact he held things together during the Kavanaugh assault was brilliant, and Amy Coney Barrett was the ultimate payback for Bork.
What has he done for his constituents in the 30 years. Kentucky is one of the poorest states in the Union..yet his personal wealth has grown exponentially by 1000 %🤔🤔🤔🤔
@@krissimms4775 I want Mitch to be replaced in 2026 but he got three good Supreme Court Justices on the court and many more on the lower courts. You may not like that but I do
@@elijahsabo3846 fear is a disease that can and will infect the whole society..what you fear is having to live in a balanced just society...Becaise you might not remain in control Thus your fallacy of white supremacy might not be maintained without having a all conservative Supreme court and appellate courts across the country...This fear is why the country embraced a immoral, greedy narcissist like Donald Trump and so called conservatives vote into higher office and the courts ignorant incompetent individuals.,just to maintain that increasing fear that you're are going to inevitably lose control of this country..and you will lose control..🤔🤔🤔👍👍👍🙏🙏😂😂😂🤣🤣
One very powerful man,his personal mission in life is to Fill the Supreme Court with All Conservative Judges n we will have Mitch McConnel as a seven time Senator. Expect an older Judge to retire or pass away during the next four years,n Mitch is prepared as always to fill that judgeship with another Conservative Judge. Just hope n pray that Biden does not pass away in office,then we will have Ms Harris as our president. I hear that she is not cared about,loved or respected. Bless all always n forever n ever.
@Shawna Weiss yes indeed n he is respected n feared in the Senate n the House of Representatives. He is the one n only Senator who is responsible for Conservative Supreme Court judges having a 6 to 3 advantage over the liberals. If one retires or passes away during this soon to be Biden/harris administration, he will make the process extremely difficult for the liberals to vote in a liberal judge into the Supreme Court. Look back to the last nine months X-President Obama presidency,his nomination of a male Liberal Judge. Senator Mitch Mcconnell Stonewalled the whole process. No hearings,no vote,no nomination! Nothing exceeds like excess! True Judicial Political Power is what Mitch Mcconnell is all about. It is all he craves,desires needs n wants of his mission, is to fill the Supreme Court with Conservative Accociate Judges. Old School Conservativism from the days of Ronald Reagan n his nomination of Judge Robert Bork. N one of the founding lawyers/ judges from the "Federalist Society". Bless all always!
The slaves? They were people before being labeled by their condition. If you have to go that far back to prove what you've done for a people that's a problem. Also Lincoln was racist, he delayed "abolishing" slavery, and it was only for economic gain to enter the Industrial Revolution...What is your claim again? Black people did for themselves, not because of your party's "grace" towards us.
@@delakayi6286 Ding Ding Ding, Lincoln viewed blacks as subordinates and thought we would never be considered equals. He also owned slaves...this is all documented history.
Judges are not allegiant to any parties. They are however more focused on ideology, which in some was is as divergent as the political parties in the US.
@@diegotobaski9801 The biggest problem in this country today is we have given the two parties too much power. They use that power to rig the election every year so one of the two parties win. Here's how it works first their partners the news media uses an old war tactic divide and conquer. They use disinformation, propaganda, and fear mongering, to enforce a us versus them mentality to further their agenda of making Americans argue amongst themselves, distracting them from seeing the real enemies of democracy. They then limit people's choices by only focusing on the two parties and ignoring all independent party's, they don't give them airtime or let them participate in the debates or even acknowledge their existence. This put people in the mindset that they must choose one of the two chosen parties. They enforce the idea that it red vs blue, you must pick a side and the brainwashed people eat what they are selling and regurgitate their talking points. "The definition of insanity is doing the samething but expecting different results." - Albert Einstein The insanity that people expect change from politicians who profit from the status quo is beyond belief. They don't even represent the people anymore they represent the corporations and powerful people that fund their campaigns. When 99% of politicians vote along party lines it indicates that they are looking after their party's interest not the people's. If we stand any chance of changing things in this country we have to start supporting more 3rd parties to offset party politics and bring in more diversity of ideas and restore democracy back to the nation. Both parties have taken control over the country when they appoint Judges that lean Left or Right it gives them even more control over the people and allows them to break the law and get away with it.
Being impartial means being without any strong persuasion? Ask yourself: is it possible, not to have any world view? On main issues like right to abortion vs. Right to live, immigration, freedom of Christian worship, NWO vs. National patriotism etc. Look what evil agenda democrats pushed through,even changes of the Constitution! It’ s now time to take it back! No constitution in the world doesń t include right to kill own baby - only ours!!! Shame.
Take a good look at the letter sent to Biden from the transition office. " dear Mr Biden" Whats that tell ya??? Wakey wakey time for school!!! Ba bye biden!!!
I’m glad to know that everyone is stuck in a timeline created by the pettiness and bitterness of American government. This is exactly why we need term limits.
No. Term limits would undermine the function of the Court. The duty of the Justices is not to pander to the wishes of an electorate in order to retain their seats on the Court, but rather to invoke the Constitution in order to protect the rights of individuals from the majoritarian tyranny characteristic of democracy.
@@kevinpelletier7053 There has been little or no relationship between how politicians perform during the Senate confirmation process and how justices perform once confirmed.
Meanwhile that Kennedy fellow who started the whole dam thing is not spoken about, this is the same as Biden not calling Covid-19 the Chinese virus. These dems just keep playing the race card after every three years and don't do jack bout it. Reagan was right about the 9 worst words you could here, Dems trying rebrand to 3 words, OMB. Anyways, love from India, voter ID + Indelible Ink, 1.4billion people, all A OK :D
@@t33nyplaysp0p it was thrown out because he didn't have the Senate votes Trump had the presidency and the Senate so he was able to nominate Amy Coney Barrett
Amy is about to be as useless as a wheat penny once Biden packs the courts hahahaha republikkkans keep taking them L’s.... wait for January when Georgia flips that senate!!!
@UCjoHTjg63KNrx7zMbA2XdRw Trump did more for America then Bush and Muslim Obama.....now The fuckin idiot Biden is ruining the country.....you must be so proud!!!!!
Dear folks that was written before, lets go brandon, took office! I sympathize with your frustration and understand the way you feel. Lets not give up on Trump or America because of the Ding Bat that got installed. Network, get involved locally, and support our Constitution and Bill of Rights Guys!!!! Do not just comment, but get involved!!! Wishing you all the best and lets not give these demoniacs the pleasure of destroying this nation!!! God bless!!!
True, after unprecedented intransigence on the part of the republicans, they removed the filibuster for lower court appointments. McConnell then doubled down for SCOTUS picks. THAT was the defining move, to be clear.
@@DanDman5 dems started all this circus and drama which only motivated cocaine mitch. The question is, will the people give them the senate back? And with the result of the lower house this election, dems chances of getting both houses in the midterms is pretty shaky.
Democrats: Democrats railroaded Reagan's pick for SCOTUS and tried to do the same to Clarence Thomas. also Democrats: Republicans blocking Garland's SCOTUS pick is unprecedented.
How bout what they tried to do with kavenaugh...and Amy coney Barrett? They had to nominate a female to keep the nominee outta sexual abuse lies... and they still asked her “ have you ever been accused of being sexually inappropriate in Any way”( paraphrased).
It's all fair game until you deny the President's nomination ANY hearing or vote simply because an election is coming in about 200 days. Two hundred days! Then the Republicans turn around just four years later with about just 45 days left until the election and push through a confirmation. So, sORrY if we got a bit upset!
@Mohammad Hossein Bork and Thomas were two of the most compromised with very poor law skills. Bork should have stepped away. Thomas was guilty of sexual assaulting Anita Hill. How would you feel if that was your wife or daughter?! Thomas and his wife have major problems with conflict of interest. Kavannagh has alcohol And anger addictions. Barrett used the paths other women before her created but she wants to shove women under the bus. Just like Phyllis Schlafly running all over but telling other women to stay home. Who watches Their kids?! I, for one, don’t want the Fedaralists deciding these choices. Justices should be absolutely neutral to politics because their only job should be defending the constitution & figuring out how these old principles apply to modern life. What is it with your desire for crooks. By the way, the nomination process of Bork & Thomas has nothing to do with the Garland case. Two separate issues. 🤮
@@tolumnia Garland was not given a hearing because the Republicans held the Senate, not because of it being in an election year. The McConnell rule was that you couldn't force a nomination in an election year when the Senate and Presidency were held by different parties. The media keeps mischaracterising McConnell's position on this
Robert Bork is also known for firing Archobald Cox as Special Counsel investigating Watergate. The event that is known today as the Saturday Night Masscre.
Victory for who? Corporations never have to pay taxes while you insane anti vax idiots kill off as many elderly and poor people as possible? When the judgement day comes for you, I hope you have a good excuse for the deaths of 600k people. You’re not pro life ..you’re pro killing off the people jesus told you to be kind too.
Who else watch the whole video without skipping? I sure did and i learn alot from this video..everything about it was intense, the battle and fight for the seat is just crazy..McConnell stand his ground since day one, just amazing!
Watched without skipping….McConnell amazing???….on what planet, please???….if our democracy dies, the blood will be on his hands!!…btw, he already has blood on his hands of over a million people in this country….the covid million victims!!!….have you thought about THAT!?!?….amaizing my A!!!
On one hand, I could empathize with McConnell making it his life's work to retaliate against the smear campaigns against Thomas and Kavanaugh (Bork sunk himself but it didn't have to be that way). OTOH, For McConnell to be so blatantly hypocritical as to deny Garland even a _hearing_ for godsake, and then turning around 4 years later and sending Barrett through the express line, it undermined his legitimate complaint about the low-life tactics Dems engaged in to keep judges off the bench they didn't like (You notice those tactics were never employed against a _liberal_ judge). McConnell didn't care one whit about politicizing the Supreme Court, and the end result is that it's given Dems the chance to sully the legitimacy of the Court in general -- supposedly the _least_ political of the three branches. The gloves came off when Bork was borked, and now the knives are out; and the left is now going to make it _their_ life's work to dilute the Court's legitimacy even further by going after sitting justices personally and getting Congress to assert itself against and subordinate a separate branch of government, which threatens the separation of powers. This needs to stop. _Enough!_ Of the three branches the Judiciary is the one I have the most reverence for, precisely because it's apolitical and will defend the Constitution where the other two branches will think nothing of skirting or ignoring it.
"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the corporate states of amerikkka, and to the republicons who demand we stand, one nation, under greed, easily divided, with liberty and justice for oil.
I know the premature chicken counting for Biden near the end sounded even sillier in the august tones of the narrator. PBS slimily appointing itself election official. ROFL
@@kalina1858 Yeah Low unemployment , Higher wages , Low taxes, more jobs, No more foreign wars, peace in the middle east, better trade deals ... Absolutely Crazy ...America isnt supposed to run this well SMH
@@kalina1858 That's an awesome idea for a Frontline 2 hour special called "You're Fired." They've already had people like The Mooch and Bannon on for interviews. Probably too many people to fit in 2 hours.
It's a vicious cycle of untoward behavior leadimg to darker darkness when we decide to achieve our goals by violating acceptable norms or laws that protects the dignity of other fellow human beings. Disrespect begets disrespect. But because of pride, which come before the fall, no one wants to accept the possibility of being perceived as a looser trying to restablish the respect of the norms and laws that can bring a sense of peace within our society. May God have mercy and help us.
I cannot believe they cut out the part where Trump says "she was a great woman I'm sorry to hear that" when the reporter first told him the news.... WOW
If everything is under god's control, then don't complain that trump lost. If God had wanted him to win, he would have, so clearly god didn't want him to win.
Filling the vacancy is require d by law... So the last wish is a democratic lie in black and white. Death comes to everyone so don't abuse the misfortunes of the deceased and her family...
@@elizabethbetts3834 so Haaaa kkkkkkkkk....You mean Trump should wait until when! ? Read the constitution, there's only one president at any given time and right now Trump is the current President and thus has the duty to uphold and protect the constitution by making sure that there is no vacancy at the supreme court bench that's why for now its Trump's duty and privilege to appoint a suitable candidate to fill up the vacancy. I understand you are Obama's messenger and a Democrat cadre and so instead of letting the current President do his duty, you wish your preferred candidate person do what what's favourable to your camp... Let the rule of law govern the USA and not political party persons law...
@@AngelGabriel97808 You ok man? I am simply pointing out the glaring hypocrisy...I understand the president's duty and all that...Were you this upset when the Republicans blocked Obama's pick and the Supreme bench was vacant for 11months? Obama was the "current president and had a duty to uphold and protect the constitution by making sure that there was no vacancy at the Supreme Bench"...and yet...just saying...
@@elizabethbetts3834 Nope we weren't upset because we remember what the DEMOCRAT party did to slander Bork. We remember how they tainted the process forever. I highly suggest you watch the previous documentary. It is significantly better and far less biased than this one. It shows you exactly how the Dems are to blame for this.
I really love watching Lindsey Graham being self righteous after four years of supporting Trump the hypocrisy and the irony of it is galactic in scope!
@@19holly19 🤣😂 In reality.. It's no laughing matter.. This demented grandpa talking about the glory days when he had hair on his legs was voted for by the majority of this country.. speaks volumes to the power of media.. If you've taken care of elderly people with Parkinson / alzh. this would look familiar. It's weird to be asking on here.. But just like the internet flipped the table with radio and TV.. This needs to be done again.. Podcasts and TH-cam.. Any out of the box ideas? We need one.. The establishment has caught up to us Joe Rogan.. Buried in Spotify.. What's 100mil to bury the biggest podcast Reddit... Done TH-cam... Done FB... Done Google searches... Done Alternatives won't help, we need a medium change. A hail mary.
Our Honorable President Trump did what no one else did the minute he heard that RGG had passed, he immediately bowed his head, raised his hands to say a Prayer for the situation and her Family. MUCH RESPECT. BLESS THOSE JUDGES THAT WILL STOP PRE-MEDITATED MURDER FOR THE PRECIOUS ONES THAT CANNOT DEFEND THEMSELVES, B A B I E S !!!!
These videos pointing out reality leave me feeling nothing but hopeless. Our government is a circus and needs to be disbanded and reformed by working people. 💯
Not if you're a republican nominee, because republicans don't care if you've committed sexual offenses (I'm looking at you, Roy Moore supporters)--If you're a liberal, however, even the hint of a sexual offense means you're the devil and deserve to be executed.
@@angeliaparker-savage5401 Well I'd rather deal with the messy confirmation process that got Clarence Thomas on the court than shoot one our own for the tiniest BS that happened decades ago like was done with Al Franken.
@@angeliaparker-savage5401 what about allegations about Biden and sexual abuse? KAMALA hated him and believed his accuser, until now, that she thinks she'll be VP?
@@angeliaparker-savage5401 What on earth are you babbling about? Conservatives are VICTIMS of LIES and public DEFAMATION with ZERO evidence. Several of Kavanaugh's accusers admitted months later that they LIED. Did you know that? Of course you didn't. You were watching your television.
Can always count on PBS for a gripping, fact filled piece of reporting. They’re the only American news network that tells the whole story. Not just the side that favors the people writing the checks.
@@RafPos13 This was the left's attempt at unbiased, as whoever made this legitimately tried to be fair. But since they only understand their own side, it was still biased to the left. At least they tried.
@@heyitsme881 Dead serious. This is the closest to unbiased reporting we have on American mainstream television. Yes there are TH-cam channels, networks from other countries, etc that are truly & completely unbiased. But as far as American reporting goes unfortunately this is as unbiased as we have access too.
Mitch is the man! The left likes to call him "the turtle". Obviously, they mean that in a derogatory way in reference to his physical appearance. But they seem to forget that turtles like a very long time and outlast many other animals and turtles are tough and able to endure! Get em turtle! I predict "the Turtle" will still be the majority leader when Biden and Nancy Pelosi are long gone!
Chess Piece, no. but Trump knew he needed conserative votes so when the Majority Leader said this would ensure conservative support it wasn't a a hard sell.
When Trump is president again. Clarence will intentionally retire during his admin and Trump will appoint another young judge. And that’s great for America
Don't worry. We're coming for it next. And this time we're going to make sure the republican party dies out for good. Enjoy and celebrate your win. It'll be ONE of the last you'll ever get
Agree, it is not over until January 20th 2021. This shows that Biden is a stone cold swamp monster. The American people did not vote for a geriatric, veteran swamp monster that has one foot in the grave. And they sure did not vote for a communist wannabe. If they did God has abandoned us.
I agree. Term limits across the board! Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham need to be the first to go. They've been there way too long. Time they got real jobs like the rest of us, instead of getting paid to do nothing.
Trump Nominating a more than capable woman for SCOTUS was an Awesome Move. Not to mention Democrats cannot play the nasty and im sure often times made up lie of the SEXUAL MISCONDUCT CARD. Can you imagine if it was a man being grilled by the Democrats. First thing the Dems would have done was find or make up a Sexual misconduct charge on the man.
Hear more from those interviewed in this film: th-cam.com/play/PL_pPc6-qR9ZzzxfC6nORjBaNIFJn7yOHw.html
Where is the comment of Former President Trump of former Associate Justice Ginsburg "she was a great woman I'm sorry to hear that", despite her being of different beliefs?
@@southernequestrianwhile that was not in full cut the point earlier was about trump not knowing because it was recently.
Which led to the past and borks stuff
Can we stop and talk about the narrator? He is incredible. His delivery of the story and events keep you gripped from start to finish. Amazing job.
The narrator is Will Lyman.
2:21 pretty sure that statement isn't true. Didn't Ginsberg also say that the president serves 4 years and not 3?
she did. she was also against the supreme court being packed
Liberal media or rather the state propaganda machine has a selective memory when it comes to quote the late justice Ginsberg. They only report the quotes, or alleged quotes that suit their narrative!
@@stefanl5183 Biden never intended to pack the court so that Ginsburg quote is irrelevant
@@stefanl5183 Selective memory is not limited to the left. Remember when Lindsey Graham said "and you can hold that against me"? of course you don't.
@@RUserious-154 I absolutely remember Grahams statement. He's my senator. But the context is different. Obama did not have a democrat senate. That makes a huge difference. Anyway, nobody in SC, a very red state is gonna vote against Lindsey for supporting ACB. I voted for him and even donated to his campaign. That's the whole point, we are not bound by what somebody may have said at a different time in a different situation. The truth is it doesn't at all matter what Ginsberg said. The only thing that matters is what the Constitution says and it says ACB is now a supreme court justice!
Whichever side on the political aisle you might be, you got to admit: this was a phenomenal documentary.
Absolutely! I loved it!
FRONTLINE usually does a good job.
They do good work sometimes. The Frontline on ruby ridge us fantastic.
Absolutely. Phenomenal.
Absolutely. Did you see part one of
Supreme Revenge. It is on You Tube as well.
Y’all need to make one of these just on Mitch McConnell
Yes! We need a recap of Mitch McConnell's career! He wrote his memoir "The Long Game" (you can buy it), but a PBS documentary would be nice.
I think I’d break my phobe in anger watching it.
@@IndigoBellyDance sore loser🤣🤣🤣
@@IndigoBellyDance triggered
@@C54WAYHEARTS what makes someone who doesn't like people cheating a sore loser? The right has definitely lost their moral compass ☼. Now its coming back around to bite them in the rear. The new administration is about to add seats to the courts anyway
I'm so glad there was a sequel because I found the first one fascinating
As did I. So informative
I am do saddened, and so always aware that none of us, the people "represented" are not. our country is now in the hands of those playing their own game. it is a sports event, a competition between our leaders, those chosen by OUR VOTES, what a joke
They are playing, we're not in the game
shame on you, all of you.
regardless of your political affiliation you are not elected, hypothetically, for game playing in Washington. but to represent US. is the news, your exposure, your gamesmanship more important than knowing what we think and believe and want? you are a joke, and we're not on it. you take yourselves so seriously but you do not take us, those who voted you into your positions seriously. I am so sad, so disheartened and I seriously believe that if my fellow citizens connected the dots between your gamesmanship (I'm in Washington, I'm in the Senate, Congress, whatever) they would, too, resent how robbed we have been by those who play their games rather than representing us. Again, shame on you
@@judist.esprit7897 im from the UK and it seems to me that kids in the US learn nothing at school, why do Americans not know any of this? In the UK we learn about China, Russia, India, Europe etc etc yet the yanks seem to learn nothing other then the state they live in. This is stuff our 12 year old kids learn at school
@@milkcookies7753 They use to before our education system became a platform for socialist indoctrination.
@JJoe all humans are biased. But to compare PBS to FOX is ludicrous. PBS is more corporate than ever but not as corporate & biased a political hack network as FOXNEWS.
Am I weird for loving this so much? Better than any movie I’ve seen in years. Watched it thrice!! Very Well done PBS!
So did i !!!!! The drama surrounding the supreme court is just extrodinary and the way they cover it in this video is just amazing!!! Although i have to say this when it comes to the bias of this doc is generally neutral some others are not pbs should be more independent taking into consideration the fact that it's operating using tax payer money!
If you like this one, have a look at "the great divide" from the same channel, it's an excellent documentary, too
me too! several times!
No, you are not weird. Frontline is really on a class of its own!
Yea you are. No one should be consumed with politics. It's like adult toys. What a sitcom!!!
When did being a conservative become a bad thing?
When they decided that complete power was more important to them than actually working in the interests of the people who hired them.
@@angeliaparker-savage5401 Similar to the dems with judge Bork? I remember that shit, and so did Mitch. Thank God Ted is gone, as he was the one attacking Bork. Biden gave the "High Tech Lynching" to Thomas, he must go as well. One way or another.
When you step back and look at the supreme court nomination process, it's all about smearing the candidate. Plain and simple. No matter the party in charge. Completely disgraceful.
Being a conservative became bad when God got evicted from American .. thanks to O’blah blah!
@javier ito The Democrats aren't blocking every bill that would protect election security. The Democrats aren't blocking every bill that would help Americans during the pandemic. The Democrats aren't supporting, aiding, and abetting an administration full of convicted criminals.
The Democrats aren't obstructing good governance at every opportunity. The Democrats aren't spreading lies and conspiracy theories, and the Democrats aren't the ones who are literally trying to destroy voting, the basis of our system of democracy.
Don't whine at me about "Democrats."
Keep in mind, the Supreme Court is the highest court in the country, but there are dozen of regional courts and 100s of state courts that the President and the Senate appoint judges to, totalling about 850. But, about a 100 of these were supposed to be appointed by Obama in his last year, yet they weren't because Senator McConnell held the seats up in case Trump won in 2016. And within the past 4 years, Trump thanks to McConnell have appointed over 200 of all of them, many of which will still be on their benches after Trump and McConnell die.
Love it! great news for the country.
Great news
@@vsaucemichaelhere3409 fuck no these idiots will impede our progress!
That has happened for decades. Democrats did it to both Bushes, specifically holding up (without hearings) Appellate court (which are actually more important in terms of impacting policy) nominations. John Roberts' nomination was held up for over a year during the end of HW's term. My point is not to defend this behavior, but instead to clarify that it is in no ways new. Both sides have increasingly played a game of tit-for-tat on this stuff, to the detriment of the courts and American people (in my humble opinion).
Not the end of the world, it's possible to expand the courts.
They don't call him "cocaine mitch" for nothing; hes been bringing a AK-47 to a knife fight for a generation
Actually, the Dems are just as extreme if not much more so. They're just really, really stupid (Reid, Pelosi, Schumer) and end up stepping on the rakes and landmines they planted for Republicans.
@@t-bo2734 Well Said!
Well - Schumer just got his billions for his New Yorkers.
@@t-bo2734 Mitch does most of his work out of the light, in the shadows. No one knows what happened until it happens. People might not like him, but he has some really good work in appointing conservative judges on SC and federal courts.
@@jaytilala7388 I would say all politicians always have some underhand cards but I think Mitch's tolerance for how far you want to stretch the law and exploitation is higher
To secretaries in the Senate Kennedy was a dire threat.
with all due respect to the late justice and her family, and for the information of those who tries to play it by emotion and not constitution, a dying wish is not the precedent of any procedure of the court or in this case, the Supreme Court.
True n it wasn't up to her
There’s no proof she said that and she had the option of retiring at the end of Obama’s administration and she chose not to.
@Jane Doe well for your information the Senate was Republican. if Dems wants to get their nominee through they should win the Senate then unlike what happened to Justice ACB where The President and Senate are both Republicans. And to your claim of unconstitutional things about Sen. Mitch, if that is so then why no one from the Dems led by your Sen. Chuck filed a case against Mitch of culpable violation of the constitution? aren't you aware of that or your just making assumptions based on what you are being fed rather than studying the case yourself. and by the way, you call Moscow Mitch as if the Dems doesn't embrace the Socialist-Communist views. you should study the facts first before you fire, so that you don't sound like an empty can, just pure noise with no substance at all.
@@GOLDVIOLINbowofdeath you're right, I agree with you. I was also thinking of that too. the media always assumes that Justice RBG's dying wish is that and not some personal message for her family. I find it awful that a dying woman's wish would be for her position and not about her loved ones.
A dying wish is not precedent, 2016 precedent is precedent. Better vote in Georgia cos if the Dems get those seats, we will be getting another Documentary soon
I cannot believe they cut out the part where Trump says "she was a great woman I'm sorry to hear that" when the reporter first told him the news.... WOW
They are almost always dishonest in this way. Sort of like Mike Wallace always was. About him recall his interview with Margaret Sanger, who was dressed up like and spoke like a Yankee dowager. This Jewish man treated with great respect a woman whose racial views were very much like Hitler’s.
This is just another biased hit piece.
@@avatansdubey To be expected.
It's called FAKE NEWS. Obviously, anyone who didn't do their own thorough research of the history of the US Supreme Court would tend to believe everything about the narrative this media entity is trying to portray. Journalism is dead. What a shame.
The media always speaks about how terrible of a person Donald Trump is and in that moment when that reporter first told him about the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, you can see his 100% honest, unscripted, unplanned reaction. He says, "I'm sorry to hear that she was a wonderful woman that lead a terrific life...etc" - The media cannot show that because it completely destroys their false narrative they have been pushing that Donald Trump is evil with no compassion for others, let alone a super liberal woman.
I was assigned to work on a Judiciary Committee hearing when I was a Senate intern. I sat next to Ann Coulter, with Joe Biden about five feet away, and Bill Barr was the lead witness. Looking back now, it all seems so surreal.
Thats cool. It would be a good story
Did Barr hit on you?
Ha. I don’t think he even acknowledged my existence.
Watching this on June 30. Mitch McConnell finally accomplished his life long goal.
God Bless Mitch McConnell. Liberals have had their way in this country for too long. It's about time their moral superiors finally put them back in their place. Shameless promiscuity and sin has consequences. The attempt to avoid these consequences is an afront to the Lord and is one of the leading causes of the degradation of this once great nation. God Bless President Trump and God Bless America. MAGA!
He could have done so much good. Instead, he chose to destroy democracy in America.
@@trinafirey8747 did you no just watch this? Biden started it unfortunately
@C F Moral superiors? Haha, that's funny. 🤣
There is an Indian saying, it goes like
"Only he who can't fight a war, talks about fairness"
He did it because HE CAN. Any politician in McConnell's position would do the same.
Excellent point.
No. Another politician could want fairness. America is not just one party. As you can see by the votes people are sick of the unfairness of the republicans. The new administration is about to add seats to the courts anyway
@black in America did you even watch the documentary? The dems are the dirty players, especially the way they started this mess with Bork. OP the saying comes to mind is the dems made the bed, time to lay in it.
@Black In America I understand your point. However, the Republicans didn't Bork Garland. They didn't try to destroy him like the democrats did to Kavanaugh and Thomas.
@Black In America Kavinaugh was pure hearsay. You cannot prove that allegation. Barrett was vetted a year before for the 7th circuit and has been widely considered one of the finest legal minds in the country. If you watched the hearing there is no doubt she is qualified to be on the court.
People be real! Her last wish was to have a new president!! Come on man !!! I'm sure she was praying 🙏 for her soul ..not a president!!
Yeah I wish they would at least say allegedly when trying to shove bullshit down everyone’s throats.
Her own granddaughter said this, who are you to deny it? I believe she was just evil enough to to have this be her last wish.
@@Undertaker67203 the godless fear death the most
Exactly! There's a great video about her first 96 hours in hell and it's amazingly chilling. It talks about the 60+ million aborted babies being at her judgement right before her going to hell
The person who fought to orotects living human babies has to oray for her soul?! Who are you worshipping, the devil?!!!
US: *Does something*
Frontline: *We are going to make a movie out of you*
I’m here for it
So, we are not supposed to know what's going on in our country? Wtf is wrong with you besides being incredibly stupid?
@@kathyweis7023 you're both right...we should be able to see whats going on. We should be able to trust the media without a documentary on something that happened so recently. But I love the way they stick to topic, follow a timeline, cited real events and the narrator didnt pepper the whole piece with their own adjectives.
@@MarlzJinx agreed...😎👍
No more Warmongers PuppetsBUSH,CLINTON,BUSH,OBAMA,Biden in The White House. No more U.S.Corporation Inc. No more Corporatocracy acting like false Democracy. Time for Presidential Executive Order NESARA GESARA, QFS, World Monetary Reset, H.R.5404. I'm a US Marines Semper Fi! Long live Our Grand Commander-in-Chief President Donald J. Trump of the Republic of the United States of America in accordance with the original Constitution of the United States of 1787 restored on May 1, 2020. Kind regards to all who wish to discover "The Truth Will Set Us Free ". We must first disconnect from the Matrix. Like turning off the television and stop watching lying news, stop believing their narratives, stop believing their fake statistics. Then research and scrutinize until you come to your own conclusions. Don't accept anything as an imposition. Do your research voluntarily and take time to do this. We are in the Third World War under land, sea, land, sea and air. It is not a conventional war, nor a nuclear one. It is a silent war behind the scenes. There are no ideals or types of elements like Democrats and Republicans. What exists are nationalist patriots who defend our duty and inalienable right to be free and independent sovereigns against the tyranny of globalization with its misnamed New World Order, its shadow government, the deep state, its establishment. Let's stop believing in ideals like capitalism, communism, socialism, fascism, monarchies, etc. All of this has us divided. When the only thing that really exists is Corporatocracy disguised as a Democracy label. No political party, no religion, no sectarianism is going to save us. That is why we must unite to be saved. Let's begin to see our true potential within each of us and then we will realize that we ourselves are united before our Universal Creator. It is time for NESARA GESARA, QFS, World Monetary Reset., HR 5404. It is time for a new era of peace Prosperity, harmony, love, respect, communication between all individuals, peoples, governments and nations. In Balance with our Mother Earth, Atabey, Pachamama, Gaia or whatever you want to call her. Where we go One, we all go. White Hat, White Dragon, Chinese Elder, Galactic Alliance and Earth Alliance. We are Plan Q!
The documentaries by FRONTLINE PBS are amazing!!. The editing, narration, the interviews. These films are dramatic and simple to understand at the same time
OMG! Politicians can be hypocritical! Who knew?
Hypocritical AND rewarded by voters. That's the nation we live in now - revenge and spite are standard operating order at all levels of society.
Please explain what do you mean in the context of this documentary?
@samachi yeah like Kamala Harris after calling Biden a racist! You are absolutely right
Well, you can start with Mark Twain...
The thing that makes Mitch so savage is that you don't expect it. He's so soft-spoken and has the appearance of turtle, he is all too easily dismissed.
I'm sure he'll regard that comment as a compliment
@@aadsfawgwefaf7118 it wasn’t meant to be an insult, I think Mitch is a silent beast but the dude does look like turtle
@@Agtsmirnoff Mitchell's New nickname. Squirtle
Speak softly and carry a big stick.
This was very well done and informative!!! If I was a history teacher I would have my class watch this and write an essay
I would hope you filled in many important details that were left out.
Guess fucking what
Just one essay I would make them write 3 in different styles just because of this great documentary and make it due the next day... and 20 pg. cornell notes covering the whole video... cause I'm a sadist!
Not an essay, but we have an assignment on this documentary
Mic McConnell essay ☺️
“You can disagree without being disagreeable.” -RBG
Ted Kenndy, who walked away from a dying women in the car he drove into a ditch has no moral standing.
@@MaceAhWindu false claims by an anonymous person that isn't corroborated by anyone who was in the room when he supposedly said it. 🙄
@william tombs Why would someone like @MaceAhWindu take time out of their day to get a more nuanced and complete picture? Too much work dude.
And Mitch Mcturtle allowed 250,000 Americans to die of the Covid. So based on your logic, Mcturtle has no moral standing like Kennedy.
samachi He voted no for a Covid bill that would aid Americans impacted by COVID. Instead he quickly confirmed ACB, which he wants a conservative dictatorship in the Supreme Court. So yeah, he is responsible for the 250,000 deaths because he did not do jack shit.
Its amazing how the left can always make everything about them and not about the country!!
Yeah sex and race..They have become cancer but sadly their divisivness is going to create a war. The condoning of rioting looting, coupled with police just standing there , and even arresting those who did try to defend themselves against the mob , woke up patriots nationwide to the notion that OUR right to defend ourselves must not be abrdged any furthe. To do so will result in pushback.from ⁰law abiding citizens
They lied to America by saying "Let the new president to decide." Life isn't all about you. Nobody cares about you !!!!
Haha... like Trumpers still screaming "stolen election". Really, hypocrite!
Lol. This documentary is an instant classic.
Hahaha you need to watch more documentaries
Shows how bias the media has always been.... Thank God for the internet and connecting people.
@@nadrud Sure Does very bias it is sad.
Love him or hate him
Mitch is a force of nature when it comes to the supreme court
Every government has that old guy that never goes away and never seems to die but always keeps a hold of his power
He's a political genius. The fact he held things together during the Kavanaugh assault was brilliant, and Amy Coney Barrett was the ultimate payback for Bork.
What has he done for his constituents in the 30 years. Kentucky is one of the poorest states in the Union..yet his personal wealth has grown exponentially by 1000 %🤔🤔🤔🤔
@@krissimms4775 I want Mitch to be replaced in 2026 but he got three good Supreme Court Justices on the court and many more on the lower courts.
You may not like that but I do
@@elijahsabo3846 fear is a disease that can and will infect the whole society..what you fear is having to live in a balanced just society...Becaise you might not remain in control Thus your fallacy of white supremacy might not be maintained without having a all conservative Supreme court and appellate courts across the country...This fear is why the country embraced a immoral, greedy narcissist like Donald Trump and so called conservatives vote into higher office and the courts ignorant incompetent individuals.,just to maintain that increasing fear that you're are going to inevitably lose control of this country..and you will lose control..🤔🤔🤔👍👍👍🙏🙏😂😂😂🤣🤣
Dying last wish ... what did she say in 2016
No they didn't they left part of the story out.
@@troystocker6179 what did the Republicans say in 2016?
It doesn't matter what RBG's last request was. This isn't a "wish list" of how we want things to be, but what they are....legally.
Pissed off the wrong guy. Mitch speaks soft but his volume is heavy.
One very powerful man,his personal mission in life is to Fill the Supreme Court with All Conservative Judges n we will have Mitch McConnel as a seven time Senator. Expect an older Judge to retire or pass away during the next four years,n Mitch is prepared as always to fill that judgeship with another Conservative Judge. Just hope n pray that Biden does not pass away in office,then we will have Ms Harris as our president. I hear that she is not cared about,loved or respected. Bless all always n forever n ever.
@Shawna Weiss yes indeed n he is respected n feared in the Senate n the House of Representatives. He is the one n only Senator who is responsible for Conservative Supreme Court judges having a 6 to 3 advantage over the liberals. If one retires or passes away during this soon to be Biden/harris administration, he will make the process extremely difficult for the liberals to vote in a liberal judge into the Supreme Court. Look back to the last nine months X-President Obama presidency,his nomination of a male Liberal Judge. Senator Mitch Mcconnell Stonewalled the whole process. No hearings,no vote,no nomination! Nothing exceeds like excess! True Judicial Political Power is what Mitch Mcconnell is all about. It is all he craves,desires needs n wants of his mission, is to fill the Supreme Court with Conservative Accociate Judges. Old School Conservativism from the days of Ronald Reagan n his nomination of Judge Robert Bork. N one of the founding lawyers/ judges from the "Federalist Society". Bless all always!
Why is being a conservative so evil? We freed the slaves and put the first black man in both sides of congress.
Because people are confusing political idealogy with a political party, kinda like you did. Conservative and Republican are not the same thing.
The slaves? They were people before being labeled by their condition. If you have to go that far back to prove what you've done for a people that's a problem. Also Lincoln was racist, he delayed "abolishing" slavery, and it was only for economic gain to enter the Industrial Revolution...What is your claim again? Black people did for themselves, not because of your party's "grace" towards us.
@@elizabethbetts3834 Yes but if you're conservative you will likely align yourself with the Rep. party.
@@isaiah7871 So the person who went to war to free slaves was racist.
@@delakayi6286 Ding Ding Ding, Lincoln viewed blacks as subordinates and thought we would never be considered equals. He also owned slaves...this is all documented history.
Mitch is a genius
Ruthless yet brilliant
@@williamwebster8367 There are a few other adjectives I would add and non of them are flattering.
@@deepattison9329 ... not really
@@deepattison9329 well democrat brought this upon themselves. They started this whole fiasco no one wants to be in
Judges are supposed to be impartial if they hold an allegiance to any party they are not impartial. Justice is supposed to be blind for a reason.
True. But we are in the late stages of capitalism and the American experiment.
Judges are not allegiant to any parties. They are however more focused on ideology, which in some was is as divergent as the political parties in the US.
@@diegotobaski9801 The biggest problem in this country today is we have given the two parties too much power.
They use that power to rig the election every year so one of the two parties win. Here's how it works first their partners the news media uses an old war tactic divide and conquer.
They use disinformation, propaganda, and fear mongering, to enforce a us versus them mentality to further their agenda of making Americans argue amongst themselves, distracting them from seeing the real enemies of democracy. They then limit people's choices by only focusing on the two parties and ignoring all independent party's, they don't give them airtime or let them participate in the debates or even acknowledge their existence.
This put people in the mindset that they must choose one of the two chosen parties.
They enforce the idea that it red vs blue, you must pick a side and the brainwashed people eat what they are selling and regurgitate their talking points.
"The definition of insanity is doing the samething but expecting different results." - Albert Einstein
The insanity that people expect change from politicians who profit from the status quo is beyond belief.
They don't even represent the people anymore they represent the corporations and powerful people that fund their campaigns. When 99% of politicians vote along party lines it indicates that they are looking after their party's interest not the people's.
If we stand any chance of changing things in this country we have to start supporting more 3rd parties to offset party politics and bring in more diversity of ideas and restore democracy back to the nation.
Both parties have taken control over the country when they appoint Judges that lean Left or Right it gives them even more control over the people and allows them to break the law and get away with it.
There is no such thing as being impartial. Everyone has there own bias, it’s human nature.
Being impartial means being without any strong persuasion? Ask yourself: is it possible, not to have any world view? On main issues like right to abortion vs. Right to live, immigration, freedom of Christian worship, NWO vs. National patriotism etc. Look what evil agenda democrats pushed through,even changes of the Constitution! It’ s now time to take it back! No constitution in the world doesń t include right to kill own baby - only ours!!! Shame.
This stuff is so incredibly interesting I’ve watched it twice
My second time watching this and I still get chills. Thank you Frontline!
Satan thinks he has won! But He has not!
Yeap trump has not
@@feklimek5101 keep that same energy just wait to January 20, I'm coming for ya to check and see if that same energy premitts
Take a good look at the letter sent to Biden from the transition office.
" dear Mr Biden"
Whats that tell ya??? Wakey wakey time for school!!! Ba bye biden!!!
@@feklimek5101 he hasn't thank God
And once again, God has won!!! Praise Jesus!
Appreciation from South Africa. PBS Frontline 👌👌
I have watched this about 5 times now. It’s phenomenal.
I’m glad to know that everyone is stuck in a timeline created by the pettiness and bitterness of American government. This is exactly why we need term limits.
We do. It's unfortunate that term limits would have to be enacted by the people whose terms would be limited, so it's unlikely to happen anytime soon.
No. Term limits would undermine the function of the Court. The duty of the Justices is not to pander to the wishes of an electorate in order to retain their seats on the Court, but rather to invoke the Constitution in order to protect the rights of individuals from the majoritarian tyranny characteristic of democracy.
There has been little or no relationship between how politicians perform during the Senate confirmation process and how justices perform once confirmed.
Meanwhile that Kennedy fellow who started the whole dam thing is not spoken about, this is the same as Biden not calling Covid-19 the Chinese virus. These dems just keep playing the race card after every three years and don't do jack bout it. Reagan was right about the 9 worst words you could here, Dems trying rebrand to 3 words, OMB. Anyways, love from India, voter ID + Indelible Ink, 1.4billion people, all A OK :D
I love Frontline. Who is the narrator? He is incredible!! 💪🏿💪🏿💪🏿
Will Lyman. He's been with Frontline forever. He also narrated the _Most Interesting Man In The World_ Dos Equis commercials, you might remember d:
It's Will Lyman
The fantastic, dulcet tones of Will Lyman!!
Will Lyman, Robert Stack, Peter Thomas, Keith Morrison. They are awesome.
@@rashadthewealthcoach right
this was the most glorious revenge plot i have ever seen bork around and find out lolol
Almost as good as Palpatine killing all the Jedi, huh. 0_o
Frontlines political documentaries are always amazing 👍 I have watched every single political frontline documentary 🙌
"The president is elected for four years not three years"
Did you even watch the video?
*looks at Obama's pick being thrown out*
@@t33nyplaysp0p - That's politics.
@@t33nyplaysp0p it was revenge for justice Bork. Before Bork everyone voted but you started war.
@@t33nyplaysp0p it was thrown out because he didn't have the Senate votes Trump had the presidency and the Senate so he was able to nominate Amy Coney Barrett
Sorry there is no last dying wishes smfh🤦♂️ the propaganda is strong here😷
Amy is about to be as useless as a wheat penny once Biden packs the courts hahahaha republikkkans keep taking them L’s.... wait for January when Georgia flips that senate!!!
@@Therealdrewdober Be careful what you wish for. That could be opening Pandora's box.
Big Pauly ACB is going to be the deciding vote to get Trump re-elected. 👍🇺🇸
I am thankful that you post most of these online, I love watching them! Thanks Frontline!
Hey you, why did you cut out the part when Donald trump said "I'm very sorry to hear that". ???
To try to use the clip to make Trump look bad .. that’s all they know how to do .. to deceive as usual!😉👍🏽
Fly your American flag for our President!
I will on January 20th and after, not now.
@@steveb4662 agreed. The one in office is a pathetic sorry excuse of a president, 4 more days until Trump leaves office and the nightmare is over.
@Los Angeleno cope.
@UCjoHTjg63KNrx7zMbA2XdRw Trump did more for America then Bush and Muslim Obama.....now The fuckin idiot Biden is ruining the country.....you must be so proud!!!!!
Dear folks that was written before, lets go brandon, took office! I sympathize with your frustration and understand the way you feel. Lets not give up on Trump or America because of the Ding Bat that got installed. Network, get involved locally, and support our Constitution and Bill of Rights Guys!!!! Do not just comment, but get involved!!! Wishing you all the best and lets not give these demoniacs the pleasure of destroying this nation!!! God bless!!!
Well played Cocaine Mitch. Revenge best served cold❄️.
The part where Simpson mocked "intellectual feast, oh what the hell" I legit busted out laughing when he did that 😂
Me too
Same here!….what a bs, right….😂🤣😂🤣
🤣🤣 i caught it too!
Never forget, it was the democrats who removed the filibuster.
True, after unprecedented intransigence on the part of the republicans, they removed the filibuster for lower court appointments. McConnell then doubled down for SCOTUS picks. THAT was the defining move, to be clear.
@@DanDman5 dems probably never considered that repubs will use it to their advantage.
@@facelesstrader1351 fate is a harsh mistress, perhaps McConnell is next.
@@DanDman5 dems started all this circus and drama which only motivated cocaine mitch. The question is, will the people give them the senate back? And with the result of the lower house this election, dems chances of getting both houses in the midterms is pretty shaky.
@@facelesstrader1351 the question isn't what "the people" will do. The question is what DOMINION will do.
We Followed the CONSTITUTION!!
Even Ruth said the SAME thing!
Democrats: Democrats railroaded Reagan's pick for SCOTUS and tried to do the same to Clarence Thomas.
Democrats: Republicans blocking Garland's SCOTUS pick is unprecedented.
How bout what they tried to do with kavenaugh...and Amy coney Barrett? They had to nominate a female to keep the nominee outta sexual abuse lies... and they still asked her “ have you ever been accused of being sexually inappropriate in Any way”( paraphrased).
Don’t forget Kavanaugh
It's all fair game until you deny the President's nomination ANY hearing or vote simply because an election is coming in about 200 days. Two hundred days! Then the Republicans turn around just four years later with about just 45 days left until the election and push through a confirmation. So, sORrY if we got a bit upset!
@Mohammad Hossein
Bork and Thomas were two of the most compromised with very poor law skills. Bork should have stepped away. Thomas was guilty of sexual assaulting Anita Hill. How would you feel if that was your wife or daughter?! Thomas and his wife have major problems with conflict of interest.
Kavannagh has alcohol And anger addictions.
Barrett used the paths other women before her created but she wants to shove women under the bus. Just like Phyllis Schlafly running all over but telling other women to stay home. Who watches Their kids?!
I, for one, don’t want the Fedaralists deciding these choices.
Justices should be absolutely neutral to politics because their only job should be defending the constitution & figuring out how these old principles apply to modern life.
What is it with your desire for crooks.
By the way, the nomination process of Bork & Thomas has nothing to do with the Garland case. Two separate issues. 🤮
@@tolumnia Garland was not given a hearing because the Republicans held the Senate, not because of it being in an election year. The McConnell rule was that you couldn't force a nomination in an election year when the Senate and Presidency were held by different parties. The media keeps mischaracterising McConnell's position on this
With Roe v. Wade being overturned, this video aged extremely well.
Been waiting on this thanks frontline you the real mvp
Listening OBJECTIVELY MOST SPECIALLY with what's going in right now, election wise.
Yes, I’ve been waiting for this!
I love that its awesome
Wow, imagine if Merrick Garland was on the Supreme Court from what we see in his tenure as U.S. Attorney General
America would be further in the sewer than it is today under the cancer of liberalism
If McConnell the old turtle did one good thing in the last 10 years then it was to keep this radical off the bench.
Robert Bork is also known for firing Archobald Cox as Special Counsel investigating Watergate. The event that is known today as the Saturday Night Masscre.
Always excited when I see a new Frontline documentary.They are the best.Thank u Frontline!!💗 The only reporter's I believe anymore!
Thank you, Jesus, for this sweet victory 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼
Another victory for Christ !
Victory for who? Corporations never have to pay taxes while you insane anti vax idiots kill off as many elderly and poor people as possible? When the judgement day comes for you, I hope you have a good excuse for the deaths of 600k people. You’re not pro life ..you’re pro killing off the people jesus told you to be kind too.
Who else watch the whole video without skipping? I sure did and i learn alot from this video..everything about it was intense, the battle and fight for the seat is just crazy..McConnell stand his ground since day one, just amazing!
McConnell is a vindictive amoral thug who cares about nothing but power.
Watched without skipping….McConnell amazing???….on what planet, please???….if our democracy dies, the blood will be on his hands!!…btw, he already has blood on his hands of over a million people in this country….the covid million victims!!!….have you thought about THAT!?!?….amaizing my A!!!
On one hand, I could empathize with McConnell making it his life's work to retaliate against the smear campaigns against Thomas and Kavanaugh (Bork sunk himself but it didn't have to be that way). OTOH, For McConnell to be so blatantly hypocritical as to deny Garland even a _hearing_ for godsake, and then turning around 4 years later and sending Barrett through the express line, it undermined his legitimate complaint about the low-life tactics Dems engaged in to keep judges off the bench they didn't like (You notice those tactics were never employed against a _liberal_ judge). McConnell didn't care one whit about politicizing the Supreme Court, and the end result is that it's given Dems the chance to sully the legitimacy of the Court in general -- supposedly the _least_ political of the three branches.
The gloves came off when Bork was borked, and now the knives are out; and the left is now going to make it _their_ life's work to dilute the Court's legitimacy even further by going after sitting justices personally and getting Congress to assert itself against and subordinate a separate branch of government, which threatens the separation of powers. This needs to stop. _Enough!_ Of the three branches the Judiciary is the one I have the most reverence for, precisely because it's apolitical and will defend the Constitution where the other two branches will think nothing of skirting or ignoring it.
Looks to me that the democrats just hooked themselves on this mess they in. Let them have it!
Love these docs.
Also, hate him or love him but damn, McConnell is ruthless and laser focused.
Hoping you don't admire his ruthlessness.
@@jenwendy7 I do - it's just what's called for dealing with dirty low-down politicians.
ruthless: having or showing no pity or compassion for others. me thinks you are still watching kids cartoons in your mind. "nemesis!!!"
The devil might be the Prince of the earth, but God is the final judge and He removes King and He puts in kings. Take that to the bank Mr Soros.
"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
@@iamkonner4813 The United States of America did not form from a science project.
Not justice for all it should say
No liberty and justice for all
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the corporate states of amerikkka, and to the republicons who demand we stand, one nation, under greed, easily divided, with liberty and justice for oil.
I am waiting for the Frontline documentary that will describe how Trump remained in office after the 2020 elections...
I know the premature chicken counting for Biden near the end sounded even sillier in the august tones of the narrator. PBS slimily appointing itself election official. ROFL
@@kalina1858 Yeah Low unemployment , Higher wages , Low taxes, more jobs, No more foreign wars, peace in the middle east, better trade deals ... Absolutely Crazy ...America isnt supposed to run this well SMH
It wont happen . Say it eoth me Pesident ByeDon
He remained because he actually won. WWG1WGA
@@kalina1858 That's an awesome idea for a Frontline 2 hour special called "You're Fired." They've already had people like The Mooch and Bannon on for interviews. Probably too many people to fit in 2 hours.
God's will. He's in control our maker.
Thank God for Mitch McConnell.
this update should have been a 2 hr special documentary, some important information when it first televised got cut
Family: "We're here with you Ruth, we love you, your family is here and we're thankfu--"
Greedy before deathbed. Your best strategy is to resign when your party is in power not die when opposing party is in power to replace you.
It's a vicious cycle of untoward behavior leadimg to darker darkness when we decide to achieve our goals by violating acceptable norms or laws that protects the dignity of other fellow human beings. Disrespect begets disrespect. But because of pride, which come before the fall, no one wants to accept the possibility of being perceived as a looser trying to restablish the respect of the norms and laws that can bring a sense of peace within our society. May God have mercy and help us.
I will never forget that moment when Trump was told about the death of RBG,it seems like a movie sene
Well said (typed?)!!! As Congressman Andrew Jacobs, Jr. often said, "We need more leaders with the courage to appear to be cowards."
I cannot believe they cut out the part where Trump says "she was a great woman I'm sorry to hear that" when the reporter first told him the news.... WOW
Sure he does- according to your bible we all do.
@@DSPHistoricalSociety KJV experience is real.
If everything is under god's control, then don't complain that trump lost. If God had wanted him to win, he would have, so clearly god didn't want him to win.
Filling the vacancy is require d by law... So the last wish is a democratic lie in black and white. Death comes to everyone so don't abuse the misfortunes of the deceased and her family...
What about when Obama tried to obey the law and fill the seat when Scalia died? I'll wait...
@@elizabethbetts3834 so Haaaa kkkkkkkkk....You mean Trump should wait until when! ? Read the constitution, there's only one president at any given time and right now Trump is the current President and thus has the duty to uphold and protect the constitution by making sure that there is no vacancy at the supreme court bench that's why for now its Trump's duty and privilege to appoint a suitable candidate to fill up the vacancy. I understand you are Obama's messenger and a Democrat cadre and so instead of letting the current President do his duty, you wish your preferred candidate person do what what's favourable to your camp... Let the rule of law govern the USA and not political party persons law...
@@AngelGabriel97808 You ok man? I am simply pointing out the glaring hypocrisy...I understand the president's duty and all that...Were you this upset when the Republicans blocked Obama's pick and the Supreme bench was vacant for 11months? Obama was the "current president and had a duty to uphold and protect the constitution by making sure that there was no vacancy at the Supreme Bench"...and yet...just saying...
@@elizabethbetts3834 Nope we weren't upset because we remember what the DEMOCRAT party did to slander Bork. We remember how they tainted the process forever. I highly suggest you watch the previous documentary. It is significantly better and far less biased than this one. It shows you exactly how the Dems are to blame for this.
Tell that to Mitch McConnell lmao
Mitch is utterly ruthless in his pursuit.
I was literally re-watching the first part just now!
I really love watching Lindsey Graham being self righteous after four years of supporting Trump the hypocrisy and the irony of it is galactic in scope!
Two things apply here you reap what you sow and sometimes you need to fight fire with fire and that fire is Mitch.
Yes indeed."Nothing exceeds like excess" as Sen. Mitch McConnel aim in life, is to fill the Supreme Court with Conservative Judges, punto
Biden talking about "Character", gimme a break.
Laptops were only just invented then.. He couldn't have known. Plus, corn-pop really hurt his feelings.. The wound was still fresh.
@@AbdulBido come on man, Corn Pop was a bad dude!
@@19holly19 oh yeah.. A real menace to society. Do you think borke would've gotten borked had corn pop done the right thing.
@@AbdulBido maybe if Corn Pop had was just a little bit badder! Or if Joe didn't have such hairy legs!
@@19holly19 🤣😂
In reality.. It's no laughing matter.. This demented grandpa talking about the glory days when he had hair on his legs was voted for by the majority of this country.. speaks volumes to the power of media..
If you've taken care of elderly people with Parkinson / alzh. this would look familiar.
It's weird to be asking on here.. But just like the internet flipped the table with radio and TV.. This needs to be done again.. Podcasts and TH-cam.. Any out of the box ideas? We need one.. The establishment has caught up to us
Joe Rogan.. Buried in Spotify.. What's 100mil to bury the biggest podcast
Reddit... Done
TH-cam... Done
FB... Done
Google searches... Done
Alternatives won't help, we need a medium change. A hail mary.
Our Honorable President Trump did what no one else did the minute he heard that RGG had passed, he immediately bowed his head, raised his hands to say a Prayer for the situation and her Family. MUCH RESPECT. BLESS THOSE JUDGES THAT WILL STOP PRE-MEDITATED MURDER FOR THE PRECIOUS ONES THAT CANNOT DEFEND THEMSELVES, B A B I E S !!!!
And they cut that part out; God forbid they allow our president’s compassion to be shown.
These videos pointing out reality leave me feeling nothing but hopeless. Our government is a circus and needs to be disbanded and reformed by working people. 💯
Thank you so much Senator McConnell
McConnell is a BEAST I love him
I love this documentary from Frontline. This Kentucky guy is no joke.
Yup. He looks so harmless but he's a beast in politics.
@@XRZ350 he is a thinking machine.
Ahh yes, Sexual allegations...
Best weapon against Supreme court nominees.
Not if you're a republican nominee, because republicans don't care if you've committed sexual offenses (I'm looking at you, Roy Moore supporters)--If you're a liberal, however, even the hint of a sexual offense means you're the devil and deserve to be executed.
@@angeliaparker-savage5401 Well I'd rather deal with the messy confirmation process that got Clarence Thomas
on the court than shoot one our own for the tiniest BS that happened decades ago like was done with Al Franken.
While dragging the ladies through the fire. Kamala was right that should have never been brought to hearing.
@@angeliaparker-savage5401 what about allegations about Biden and sexual abuse? KAMALA hated him and believed his accuser, until now, that she thinks she'll be VP?
@@angeliaparker-savage5401 What on earth are you babbling about? Conservatives are VICTIMS of LIES and public DEFAMATION with ZERO evidence. Several of Kavanaugh's accusers admitted months later that they LIED. Did you know that? Of course you didn't. You were watching your television.
Frontline is on it!!
Mitch: "No, I am your father"
Can always count on PBS for a gripping, fact filled piece of reporting. They’re the only American news network that tells the whole story. Not just the side that favors the people writing the checks.
That's actually laughable
@@jennybean2099 why is it laughable... you are probably watching newsmax and think its the epitome of journalism
This was the left's attempt at unbiased, as whoever made this legitimately tried to be fair. But since they only understand their own side, it was still biased to the left. At least they tried.
Lol girl are you for real??!
@@heyitsme881 Dead serious. This is the closest to unbiased reporting we have on American mainstream television. Yes there are TH-cam channels, networks from other countries, etc that are truly & completely unbiased. But as far as American reporting goes unfortunately this is as unbiased as we have access too.
These 2 Documentaries were so powerful, wow
God bless you ...Mitch McConnell...you made better decisions...than other self serving poIiticians ....
He is nothing more than a tool!
Mitch McTurtle... serving rich donors since 1984. Whataguy!
Who knew Trump was just a chess piece for Mitch 🙄
I believe you he’s a puppet
Mary Trump. She's been telling us for months.
Mitch is the man! The left likes to call him "the turtle". Obviously, they mean that in a derogatory way in reference to his physical appearance. But they seem to forget that turtles like a very long time and outlast many other animals and turtles are tough and able to endure! Get em turtle! I predict "the Turtle" will still be the majority leader when Biden and Nancy Pelosi are long gone!
Chess Piece, no. but Trump knew he needed conserative votes so when the Majority Leader said this would ensure conservative support it wasn't a a hard sell.
When Trump is president again. Clarence will intentionally retire during his admin and Trump will appoint another young judge. And that’s great for America
I hope it's Sonia Sotomayor. So that it'll be 7-2.😂😂
Cant believe you all support this activist court we’ve been having, It will be the downfall of our country.
Hell yeah !!!
What comes around
Goes around !!!
You've earned it.
Senator Mitch McConnell 👏👏👏
Don't worry. We're coming for it next. And this time we're going to make sure the republican party dies out for good. Enjoy and celebrate your win. It'll be ONE of the last you'll ever get
This documentary was BRILLIANT!
This will need ”to be continued....” it's not over yet.
Truth. If the Republicans keep the senate after the Georgia runoff in January then it is.
@@XRZ350 even if they keep the Senate, you'll always have some suckers who would still with the Dems.
@@aeroAdvocate ya it's called "governing"
Agree, it is not over until January 20th 2021. This shows that Biden is a stone cold swamp monster. The American people did not vote for a geriatric, veteran swamp monster that has one foot in the grave. And they sure did not vote for a communist wannabe. If they did God has abandoned us.
So you guys have two judges accused of some kind of sexual misbehavior in your supreme court, congratulations. The US is really amazing.
They should not have murdered Scalia... 🇨🇳
All these guys are in power way to long. Term limits should be imposed.
I agree. Term limits across the board! Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham need to be the first to go. They've been there way too long. Time they got real jobs like the rest of us, instead of getting paid to do nothing.
Biden how sad for America if he become the President
Not the 80 million votes who thinks he would make a good President. :)
@@jko1854 I would have rather had Mickey Mouse as president than Trump.
@@valdavis7461Mickey Mouse was racist, Anti-Semetic, and Anti-LGBTQ.
keep up with the trailblazing work on these documentaries on American politics. Woww! Just marvelous.
Trump Nominating a more than capable woman for SCOTUS was an Awesome Move. Not to mention Democrats cannot play the nasty and im sure often times made up lie of the SEXUAL MISCONDUCT CARD. Can you imagine if it was a man being grilled by the Democrats. First thing the Dems would have done was find or make up a Sexual misconduct charge on the man.
@@mikeshriver4282 💯!! I'm glad she got off a little easier than the boys!!