yeah I was about to ask as well... wtf? He mentions how Mordekaiser is suuuuch an amazing duelist like 15 times but he conveniently misses out his item build. Great job.
Morde build: Torment Crystal secptor Ninja tabis/merctreds Spirit Visage Deadman's plate Void staff/rabbs (depending on how much MR the enemy team gets)
Vayne depends on skills. Fiora isn't that strong in the early game and Morde can easily abuse this and just all in her if she's not careful enough. On top of that he's too overstat to be killed bu her.
@@reolsimple7036 Sure, he's stronger just because he's borderline OP, but each of Fiora's abilities counters Modre. She can so easily riposte his E due to long animation. She can dodge his Q with her Q, avoiding and dealing damage, she can slow him with E to run from his passive pre-Rylai, and she can eather 1v1 him in his ult, because her ult is perfect for 1v1 or she can riposte his ult if she's not strong enough.
Did you put the items for morde somewhere in here and I just missed it? I saw the trundle items, but not the morde items or a description of why other than boots on your first back.
"If you fail to parry the ultimate, your probably going to die." I love the way you just straight up said your probably going to die, as failing the W means instant death lol
Lol, parring mordekaiser e means mordekaiser is death. Fiora doesnt need to parry mordekaiser cause after lvl 10, fiora will always win 1v1 against morde and death realm is even more convenient to fiora for beating morde.
As a morde counter i also recommend sylas... you have a stun, which allows you to get sone free damage on him, same to the q... your w gives you a massive heal, and if he ults you, feel free to pull out the uno reverse card ;)
After watching this video, someone pick my mord and i instant picked trundle to counter him because of this video. I destroyed him in lane and got those free LP.
The best tip just autoattack 3 times for your passive to proc and then be close to the enemy, if by chance you are on low health just press W and you got yourself massive shield and health. Since you cant really miss autoattacks and W its the best tip to win and dominate lane as a morde works 1 in 15 games, because morde is banned almost every game.
I remember last week, someone picked mordekaiser against my top tahm kench. I don't know if he did trapped me in his death realm or he got stuck with me. That mordekaiser didn't even took me to 50% hp. I think at most is 80%. The funny thing about Tahm is he is deceptively strong. Yes, mordekaiser takes 10% of the opponent's stats but Tahm's damage comes from his passive and mordekaiser cannot steal that.
I've played yorick into mord before and I found a lot of success. QSS helped me a lot and on one occasion I summoned my maiden inside his ult and managed to escape afterwards, then got ulted later and he ended up fighting me with my maiden that was still inside his ult. it was pretty funny.
That doesn't make sense. So that Maiden won't despawn in his death realm until you're ulted again, making you effectively useless until he does? He could just never ult you and you wouldn't have a maiden for the rest of the game. Something tells me Riot wouldn't allow that interaction. Extremelyyyy skeptical.
Dope, now my main since 2014 will now be perm banned or nerf into the floor... I was hoping to get a couple of games in for normal season, but now looks like he will get gutted or perm banned.
I can confirm this as a veteran player that Trundle is really a great counter to Mordekaiser. I used to main jungle and whenever they had top Mordekaiser, I picked Trundle jungle because I knew I can always allow him to ult me and I always killed him or he escaped, because Trundle with right items heals and deals too much damage compared to Morde. Ulting Morde when his ult is already on or On cooldown, then it's even easier to kill him.
Malphite is also a fun counter. His Q allows him to dodge all of morde’s moves, and he out tanks him. Also if morde ults, malphite just has to run to one side of the ult, wait for morde, then ult to the opposite wall and walk away lol. It’s really funny because it usually tilts them when they don’t land a hit all game.
I think Renekton is Morde's biggest counter. 1. Morde's weakness is short trades which Renekton which Ren excels at 2. Ren breaks Morde's shield and if he doesn't shield the W takes a lot of damage and Ren just E's away 3. Ren can double dash through all of Morde's abilities 4. Ren can deal with Morde's R just fine if he R's after morde does
That's true Man, but he is only stronger on early game. I player plenty games against him as morde. He only seems powerfull. 1. If you will play safe early and hopefully Reach 6lvl before him you can easily win fight in death realm. 2. You are scaling better than him. Your q not only scales with ap but also with your level. So at the 18 you get around 150-160 bonus DMG from q only by reaching łate game. 3. Renekton does have dashes but you have e. (Wich is also like mini voidstaff) just use it to disengage unlil lvl 3 or 6. 4. Renekton Has good sustain. Again, you outmatch him there. You can just go with morellonomicon to reduce it sińce your kit is full ap and morello is good choice against aby champion. 5. Farming. If you are behind you can use your q to farm better under the tower or just farm from a safer distance. What i do quite often when enemy managed to kilka me in early is using me e to pull the mimions, do i could farm easier. You are moving front line towards you which means that if enemy would like to trade with you when you are trying to kill that Cannon Minion he will get agro form all your Minions, especialy mages. That's your time to act. Damage him by your q and hit w shield when you are him dashing towards you. That Will cut your losses and maximize the damage that you deal to him while you are trading. 6. Last adcice i might have is to but stopwatch early. If Rene will manage to get you low on health. Gry to bait him to dive. Activate your passive and hit that zhonia effect. The passive will keep damaging him and you will be immune to his DMG. Also the tower might help since it targets champs that deals dmg to you. Ult might be usefull too. Use it uder tower to cut his escape Path.
Nox Tenembris very detailed reply, and I agree with mostly everything you said about if morde plays safe early on he'll outscale Ren, but that's when Ren gets his lane priority advantage to roam and counter jungle. Now I'm nowhere close to facing the best morde or Ren players around (only d4) but from Ren's perspective my strategy to counter Morde has been: 1) give prio till 3 then be extremely aggressive and zone morde from minions, trying to get as many short trades as possble because Morde's sustain is very weak. Get a early freeze if possible, if he tries to fight before 6 you get a kill. He's also very susceptible to ganks pre 6, making a freeze extremely effective. 2) at level 5 turn the freeze into a slow push for the 6 advantage, kill last minion that'll level you to 6 with a dash followed by double dash to morde and all in him if he not close to tower and his e on cd from trying to get minions then crash wave for Tiamat 3) hard shove the shit out of him with Rens superior wave clear and look for as many roaming opportunities as possible into the enemy jungle or mid, morde cannot kill you with his ult in the jungle because Ren just dashes through terrain if unfavorable fight And these are under the circumstances that morde played safe to where you couldn't net a kill early on, if he made mistakes you get 2 solo kills from lane you can just dive him all day and counter jungle carefree
Although a bit old, this guide doesn't mention Morde's basic Strengths and Weaknesses. 1 of the great things that separate Morde from other Juggernauts such as Darius or Garen is that Morde is allowed to go 2 different builds: Tank or Mage. He is melee equipped with a kit that has a ton of range. Zoning with passive and Q are amazing, holding E for peeling melees off of you such as Darius or Garen etc...and repeating Q poke/zoning. When dealing with range, make good trades with Q when enemy Lucians Kennen Teemo or Vayne last hit. If they don't respect your Q and dodge, you are allowed to E them and win this fight easily. When doing a Tankier build, the extra Armor and MR he gains from his items allow him to maximize usage on his HP in terms of durability and sustain. It even gives him 2 potential W shields and his damage comes from his Passive in team fights. You are talking 3000HP + 1000W at the start of the fight and near end of his health after R timer and Zhonyas another +1000W. Sunfire cape is an amazing item choice for Morde as it's constantly burning minions or enemies so your passive never decays, same goes for the damage from Thornmail. Weaknesses: Morde tends to have issues with atkspd based champions....missing an ability with extremely poor atkspd in his kit will make you suffer. Champs that can easily dodge his Q and out atkspd him are Fiora, Jax, Tryn, Yasuo, Master Yi. Morde actually has a ton of counters but you just have to have the micro and well-play most of these matchups. Atkspd built-in/based champs also destroy mordekaiser such as the mentioned in this video Trundle and Olaf.
I was in a game yesterday with some friends, and my top lane buddy went morde into Shen. Fed his ass off and was so so tilted he was spamming ffs from 15:01 Very unlike this guy to get tilted, usually it's just angry. I was like, 0/4/8 Xayah because full ap brand support with ignite is what my other friend plays, and the whole enemy team was just being dickweeds, you know. "Haha why are you playing, you're all bad, can't even win Lane ecksdee lololol" Then the 0/8/0 mordekaiser walks into the Midlane for a 1v5 because our jungler and midlaner wouldnt FF Then he walked out with a quadra kill. Then he walked back in for another 1v5 and walked out with a second quadra And then the other guys surrendered while we laughed our asses off. What I'm getting at here is, man morde is a busted champ
@@One-nm5cf he keeps the stats for the same amount of time he would have them if he killed you. Qss allows you to run tho, so you can wait out the 20 secs.
Jungle Nunu with Red Smite frequently beats Morde in Ult. As Nunu you bite, Ult and smite as ult is about to finish, bite again, use E when you can. It works.
as a morde main there are 2 big mistakes in this video. the first one is that you hold your fully charged shield and that doesnt make sense because its not like waiting to have 2 hp to use shield give any benefit unless you got last stand. second mistake at 6:15 you can q darius and it almost costs you the fight
Man going to give you big Compliment. No idea how you looks but if i hear your voice in any video Iam pretty sure i ll be getting best of best advice and info :D! good job keep up
I would like to add Trundle as a major counter to morderkaiser, making him a very bad target to ult and having life gain greater than morderkaiser and having trundles build usually consisting of tanky items.
Its fucking true. Im gold darius main. 500K mastery on him. If I pull him and AA, W, AA, Q. He will litterly just AA, Q, AA. Get his passive and im already down to about half health, if not lower. Riot needs to nerf the damage again from his passive. That last auto into passive does like 100-300 damage. Its insane.
QSS tax. Forcing that much Gold on top of trinity is really expensive. Yorick won't be doing anything for awhile. And he still gets poopy dick'd in lane and can get set far behind.
The best counter to Mordekaiser is to ban him. How to dominate as Mordekaiser: pick him before the enemy does. Make sure not to miss too many skillshots (you might still win anyways if you have W and passive up). Also see if enemy has QSS, ult someone that doesn't. If you're doing objectives, ult the enemy jungler and you'll get a free drake or Baron. LOL, I wrote all this before watching the video and he straight up says it. Yup, he's my safe first pick.
Tip #4 on how to beat mordekaiser. PLAY YOUR MAIN. simply play your main and buy Quicksilver Sash. A lot of player doesn't know but you can QSS morde's ult. You have 0-1 sec window at the start of his ult to press Quicksilver Sash and cancel mordekaiser ultimate. I play yorick and beat him ALL THE TIME (if opponent jungler is not bs.) 1st item Qss, wait to level 6 then all in. Once he death realm, I press quicksilver sash and we're back. Then I'll kill him since he don't have that bonus stats.
The trundle pick is another skill match up. As a morde main he is tough but that normally depends on how fast I can get Morello's and liandries after those 2 items morde normally comes out on top
Mord's death realm is terrifying especially if he's fed, 99% if the time (especially as a support) YOU WILL DIE! I got lucky once playing a Morgana; I hit the q popped the you ultra and pretty much locked him down. I had gotten it but my heart was racing! But a champion that forces everyone to buy an item specifically just to pay against him (quick silver sash) making his enemies water their resources it's badass
If you can only do well on Morde, you should start playing other champs. It's disgustingly strong right now with a very simple kit. It's not going to help you get better in the long wrong. Diversify your champ pool.
Jed Miller sorry for late answer, but my champ pool is diverse, I haven’t played morde for about a week and my mains are pyke, poppy and blitzcrank. At some point morde becomes pretty boring
@@mateiduma646 hey sorry for being late but one thing, you don't need to justify who is your main, because most of these ppl that are trying to convince you are yasuo,zed,darius, yi , renekton etc main. So don't even bother to answer them, play what you want as they do. Bye 👍😊
The thing about morde if somebody like illoui uses her ult morde can dodge it by sending her to the death realm and she can do basically nothing because everything will be on cooldown and in the real world
This may be the first guide using gameplay from people who actually know how to play the champion the guide is referring to. Although 90% of the AD players in this video were just terrible at positioning.
lel lol far too low lmao but when I posted this I do believe it was before I realized truly how busted morde is, recently every time I have played against him I win early but then he gets a rylais and kites the crap out of me and kills me
@@TheDemonicsky This is actually true with most Mordekaiser Matchups. The trick is to not eat free poke. While this sounds obvious, it is especially true for Tryndamere since he's so Fury reliant. Eating poke will put you in a position where you: 1) Have less health in an all in. 2) Must consume fury to heal, leaving you with a low crit strike chance. Both of these are really bad for Tryndamere, as they play to his weaknesses. You have the early game against Mordekaiser, and if you play your cards right, you can set yourself up for an easy late lane. Deny, deny, deny him CS. Freeze lane outside your tower. Remember, if you're even with him, you're one of the only champions that can 1v1 him in his death realm.
I just played one game with morde building absolutely tank with just liandry’s torment as damage item and hard carried the game, like 21/3/7 kind of carry. He is too broken 🤣
Darius can also counter him with the right items. If you get the first trade you're already at an advantage as your abilities will be off cool down by the time you're pulled into the death realm. Avoid obliterate, get max Hemmorage, and you win the fight.
@legs bro That Darius must have not been good. The only way you'll proc Mordekaisers Passive in a decent time in lane is by hitting your Q and E, both can be kited fairly easy if you're not going for a trade. Mordekaisers E does not lock you in place upon activation. It only pulls you in after the animation is completed. This is why you can land the animation dead on a champion, but because they were moving, they escape the activation before it pulls them in. Missing his E makes him VERY easy to kite, and in Darius's matter, able to be pulled in by his axe.
@legs bro Bro you don't know what you're talking about 😂 TL;DR - EVEN LANE IN YOUR FAVOR. DON’T EAT FREE QS. DON’T STAND IN HIS PASSIVE. KITE KITE KITE. IF HE ULTS YOU, KITE AROUND HIM. HE NEEDS ULT TO BE ABLE TO 1V1 YOU. CONQUEROR RECOMMENDED. Mordekaiser is a somewhat tricky champion to deal with. His kill pressure goes up a lot if he takes Ignite but most Mordekaisers take teleport instead. The trick to beating Morde is to not stand in his passive and eat his Qs for free. You have to be quick on your feet as in an all out fight where everyone lands everything, Mordekaiser wins. But as Darius, you are a bit more mobile than him due to being able to move while using Q. If he pulls you in to trade, just run him down and kill him. The general idea should be to do your combo, walk in front of him(towards his tower) while kiting him, and then going back in once your Q is back up. Outmanoeuvring him should be a breeze with ghost. Try to make sure you have a lane lead before level 6. If he uses his ultimate on you, try not to fight him. You will not beat him inside of his ultimate. Even if you are ahead by a kill. The idea should be to apply your stacks and kite away from him. Once his ultimate is over, you are free to go back in and just put him down. He is somewhat like Nasus in that he needs his ultimate to be able to beat you. Mordekaiser DOES outscale you eventually though. But the point he does should be the point where he is going to be looking to ult someone in your backline. And worst case scenario, if you are the only carry, a QSS can go a long way. I recommend Conqueror as you really need to punch through his healing and his shield. This was from am UPDATED Mobafire page by a DIAMONG player. Even still, if you are ahead by the first 6 levels (which you should be since Morde has a weak early game), you can absolutely bully him. Look at any decent post dude 😂😂😂
I am a morde and braum main :3, trundle isn't as much of a threat as he is played out to be in the vid. Sure he can be real pain to morde but then morde can be a real pain to him to. Honestly I would say both characters are on equal playing fields and unless the trundle is like two levels ahead of you then it really more comes down to what items you have and who is the more strategic player. I have both died to trundle yet also steam roled him into the ground too, even at higher levels so I guess it's just a matter of who snow balls more first xP. That's my opinion anyway from the amount of time I have spent as morde.
But there are items like bramble vest and tabis... these items pretty much destroy champs like olaf. Its insane how these items can flip the lane in your favor.
Actually trundle will steal a little bit more stats back cause they both steal a % of stats . and since Morde steals 1st. he has a bigger number for trundle to cut out from
Indeed morde loses 1v1 vs urgot even in late game, cuz urgot is a bit more difficult to play than morde, but death dance with your E with your W with your ulti beats him in any 1v1 in shadow realm and so he does it too in summoner's rift. Your dps+execute is 2 much for morde while his dps isnt enough vs u
@@Samuel-wm6wv Its actually pretty easy to cait Morde even inside its ult. He is immobile. You can see that in higher elos they dont buy QSS because of a Mordekaiser unless it is super fed or if someone in your team is fed. One time i was against an Yasuo top and he bought QSS as his first item. But it gives him only magical resistance and our jungler was a Rengar, so even if i wasnt able to kill the Yasuo mu jungler get so fed on top of that Yasuo that he carried our team. So disabling QSS on Morde would only affect mid elos (Gold to Diamond) because in lower elos nobody builds QSS unless it is in their base build and high elos they dont buy it because they dont need it
@@currently_In_stealth_behind_u man this croc is easy to master the basics so I have mastery 7 on him but his total mastering level for him is hard to reach if you are reading guides goon idiot noob sucker guy
Don't sleep on zed into mordekaiser. If you can bait more I to fighting in the jungle you can out play his ult with terrain and you can use your W to out trade him in lane to dodge his skills hots
Im Main Morde and i guarantee you it destroys 9/10 toplaners. But his counters i know are Fiora, Irelia (if played well) and probably olaf and gangplank but for olaf idk
I just pick trynda into him you just have to push the first 2 waves then freeze if he come close just run him down he is very squishy early, after lvl 6 if he ults you he is a free kill
The trynda matchup isnt bad for morde as long as the morde don't int early game and get tabis+seeker's. Once he has this 2 items you will not be able to fight him and win, and then when he gets rylai its so free for him. Trynda vs morde is like renek vs morde; you will only be able to abuse on ppl who don't know how to play the matchup/they troll/they are bad/etc.
@@DemoniumSama But Trynd should have early game lane priority so that allows him to freeze the wave and run him down. If Trynd gets the first kill, the lane could be over for Morde. You might be right about the 2 items but what if Trynd gets his items before Morde. Personally I think Trynd wins this matchup but then again, I haven't really faced any really good Mordekaisers
POV: You provoke mordekaiser somewhere on the map mordekaiser uses his whole combo, great now he does no damage for a period of time right, WRONG. his autos does chunks of HP alarmingly quick , well atleast he has cooldowns WAIT, he buildt nashors, he has all his abilities up again. Now you have to take the beating again, better trade back to scare him off WAIT, he has a massive fucking shield which stands in your way, atleast you can take the beating because you've built defensive NO WAIT A SECOND, he has inbuild magic pen and has probably build morello or void or sorc boots, well everything else has failed, you can atleast try to run aw- and now he has ulted you. Ripping all your damage and hp from your body, giving it to himself, you die within 7 seconds because that was your destiny. I guess. And now he has your stats to bonk the team with. Great.
i can play against trundo, but not jax, he can just jump on you and do tones of damage with high attack speed, you dont have time to EQA to get your passive and shield up
Cool that we got item build for trundle and not mord lol
yeah lmao
yeah I was about to ask as well... wtf? He mentions how Mordekaiser is suuuuch an amazing duelist like 15 times but he conveniently misses out his item build. Great job.
Maybe he's so great that he doesn't even need an item lol
Morde build:
Crystal secptor
Ninja tabis/merctreds
Spirit Visage
Deadman's plate
Void staff/rabbs (depending on how much MR the enemy team gets)
Feel like this ended up becoming a "why you should main Trundle" guide at the end there and I'm 100% on board. No one tell gbay tho
gbay was told
"Allow yourself to get to level 6"
Me, a mordekaiser main seeing my lane opponent: Then perish
Only a few counters - Olaf and GP
Fiora and Vayne: *Allow us to introduce ourselves*
Vayne depends on skills. Fiora isn't that strong in the early game and Morde can easily abuse this and just all in her if she's not careful enough. On top of that he's too overstat to be killed bu her.
@@reolsimple7036 Sure, he's stronger just because he's borderline OP, but each of Fiora's abilities counters Modre. She can so easily riposte his E due to long animation. She can dodge his Q with her Q, avoiding and dealing damage, she can slow him with E to run from his passive pre-Rylai, and she can eather 1v1 him in his ult, because her ult is perfect for 1v1 or she can riposte his ult if she's not strong enough.
@Zenolegor Yeah, but the problem is - she is overnerfed, while Morde is overpowered
@Zenolegor Well, you can outplay morde even as a Teemo, but he's not countering him by any measures.
@Zenolegor Well, I'm not an expert, but high mobility and sustain is pretty hard to deal with for morde.
Did you put the items for morde somewhere in here and I just missed it? I saw the trundle items, but not the morde items or a description of why other than boots on your first back.
1:20 yooo that's perfect! I've looking for a safe blind pick for so long because I'm sick of getting countered
"If you fail to parry the ultimate, your probably going to die."
I love the way you just straight up said your probably going to die, as failing the W means instant death lol
At this point of time, do you guys write "you're" like that to trigger people?
Lol, parring mordekaiser e means mordekaiser is death.
Fiora doesnt need to parry mordekaiser cause after lvl 10, fiora will always win 1v1 against morde and death realm is even more convenient to fiora for beating morde.
I love you, i wasnt that confident with Morde.. after this video.. I played a ranked and i was 15/3 at the end of the match. Big thanks!
As a morde counter i also recommend sylas... you have a stun, which allows you to get sone free damage on him, same to the q... your w gives you a massive heal, and if he ults you, feel free to pull out the uno reverse card ;)
ive been playing morde for about a week now and ive been doing decently well, took advice from this video and immediately got an S. great video thanks
After watching this video, someone pick my mord and i instant picked trundle to counter him because of this video. I destroyed him in lane and got those free LP.
Trynda is also an insane morde counter. i'm a pretty decent morde myself and got destroyed by tryndas multiple times
i have played and mained mordekaiser in every lane, even support.
i dont play safe
**i really love seeing lvl 6 pop up**
The best tip just autoattack 3 times for your passive to proc and then be close to the enemy, if by chance you are on low health just press W and you got yourself massive shield and health. Since you cant really miss autoattacks and W its the best tip to win and dominate lane as a morde works 1 in 15 games, because morde is banned almost every game.
Btw, sanguine and triforce and trundle w gives 2.5 attack speed(more if you go lethal tempo); if morde ults you he has a deathwish
music to my ears, I like morde and wanna try him out, I love trundle.
I remember last week, someone picked mordekaiser against my top tahm kench. I don't know if he did trapped me in his death realm or he got stuck with me. That mordekaiser didn't even took me to 50% hp. I think at most is 80%. The funny thing about Tahm is he is deceptively strong. Yes, mordekaiser takes 10% of the opponent's stats but Tahm's damage comes from his passive and mordekaiser cannot steal that.
I've played yorick into mord before and I found a lot of success. QSS helped me a lot and on one occasion I summoned my maiden inside his ult and managed to escape afterwards, then got ulted later and he ended up fighting me with my maiden that was still inside his ult. it was pretty funny.
That doesn't make sense.
So that Maiden won't despawn in his death realm until you're ulted again, making you effectively useless until he does? He could just never ult you and you wouldn't have a maiden for the rest of the game. Something tells me Riot wouldn't allow that interaction. Extremelyyyy skeptical.
@@PJSM94 that's what happened to me. I didn't know about it either so kinda laughed when I saw my maiden was still in the death realm.
Dope, now my main since 2014 will now be perm banned or nerf into the floor... I was hoping to get a couple of games in for normal season, but now looks like he will get gutted or perm banned.
I can confirm this as a veteran player that Trundle is really a great counter to Mordekaiser. I used to main jungle and whenever they had top Mordekaiser, I picked Trundle jungle because I knew I can always allow him to ult me and I always killed him or he escaped, because Trundle with right items heals and deals too much damage compared to Morde. Ulting Morde when his ult is already on or On cooldown, then it's even easier to kill him.
Malphite is also a fun counter. His Q allows him to dodge all of morde’s moves, and he out tanks him. Also if morde ults, malphite just has to run to one side of the ult, wait for morde, then ult to the opposite wall and walk away lol. It’s really funny because it usually tilts them when they don’t land a hit all game.
I think Renekton is Morde's biggest counter.
1. Morde's weakness is short trades which Renekton which Ren excels at
2. Ren breaks Morde's shield and if he doesn't shield the W takes a lot of damage and Ren just E's away
3. Ren can double dash through all of Morde's abilities
4. Ren can deal with Morde's R just fine if he R's after morde does
Mason Simon fiora : yeah , right ...
That's true Man, but he is only stronger on early game. I player plenty games against him as morde. He only seems powerfull. 1. If you will play safe early and hopefully Reach 6lvl before him you can easily win fight in death realm.
2. You are scaling better than him. Your q not only scales with ap but also with your level. So at the 18 you get around 150-160 bonus DMG from q only by reaching łate game.
3. Renekton does have dashes but you have e. (Wich is also like mini voidstaff) just use it to disengage unlil lvl 3 or 6.
4. Renekton Has good sustain. Again, you outmatch him there. You can just go with morellonomicon to reduce it sińce your kit is full ap and morello is good choice against aby champion.
5. Farming. If you are behind you can use your q to farm better under the tower or just farm from a safer distance. What i do quite often when enemy managed to kilka me in early is using me e to pull the mimions, do i could farm easier. You are moving front line towards you which means that if enemy would like to trade with you when you are trying to kill that Cannon Minion he will get agro form all your Minions, especialy mages. That's your time to act. Damage him by your q and hit w shield when you are him dashing towards you. That Will cut your losses and maximize the damage that you deal to him while you are trading.
6. Last adcice i might have is to but stopwatch early. If Rene will manage to get you low on health. Gry to bait him to dive. Activate your passive and hit that zhonia effect. The passive will keep damaging him and you will be immune to his DMG. Also the tower might help since it targets champs that deals dmg to you. Ult might be usefull too. Use it uder tower to cut his escape Path.
Nox Tenembris very detailed reply, and I agree with mostly everything you said about if morde plays safe early on he'll outscale Ren, but that's when Ren gets his lane priority advantage to roam and counter jungle. Now I'm nowhere close to facing the best morde or Ren players around (only d4) but from Ren's perspective my strategy to counter Morde has been:
1) give prio till 3 then be extremely aggressive and zone morde from minions, trying to get as many short trades as possble because Morde's sustain is very weak. Get a early freeze if possible, if he tries to fight before 6 you get a kill. He's also very susceptible to ganks pre 6, making a freeze extremely effective.
2) at level 5 turn the freeze into a slow push for the 6 advantage, kill last minion that'll level you to 6 with a dash followed by double dash to morde and all in him if he not close to tower and his e on cd from trying to get minions then crash wave for Tiamat
3) hard shove the shit out of him with Rens superior wave clear and look for as many roaming opportunities as possible into the enemy jungle or mid, morde cannot kill you with his ult in the jungle because Ren just dashes through terrain if unfavorable fight
And these are under the circumstances that morde played safe to where you couldn't net a kill early on, if he made mistakes you get 2 solo kills from lane you can just dive him all day and counter jungle carefree
Although a bit old, this guide doesn't mention Morde's basic Strengths and Weaknesses. 1 of the great things that separate Morde from other Juggernauts such as Darius or Garen is that Morde is allowed to go 2 different builds: Tank or Mage.
He is melee equipped with a kit that has a ton of range. Zoning with passive and Q are amazing, holding E for peeling melees off of you such as Darius or Garen etc...and repeating Q poke/zoning. When dealing with range, make good trades with Q when enemy Lucians Kennen Teemo or Vayne last hit. If they don't respect your Q and dodge, you are allowed to E them and win this fight easily.
When doing a Tankier build, the extra Armor and MR he gains from his items allow him to maximize usage on his HP in terms of durability and sustain. It even gives him 2 potential W shields and his damage comes from his Passive in team fights. You are talking 3000HP + 1000W at the start of the fight and near end of his health after R timer and Zhonyas another +1000W. Sunfire cape is an amazing item choice for Morde as it's constantly burning minions or enemies so your passive never decays, same goes for the damage from Thornmail.
Weaknesses: Morde tends to have issues with atkspd based champions....missing an ability with extremely poor atkspd in his kit will make you suffer. Champs that can easily dodge his Q and out atkspd him are Fiora, Jax, Tryn, Yasuo, Master Yi. Morde actually has a ton of counters but you just have to have the micro and well-play most of these matchups. Atkspd built-in/based champs also destroy mordekaiser such as the mentioned in this video Trundle and Olaf.
morde's dominance starts at level 3: when you can E + Q without worrying about damage with your W.
Once again the most underrated channel coming in with the great video :D
Mundo counters so hard max e for the up close and personal, conqueror runes stack fast with his w and his entire kit is mr and health regen
I was in a game yesterday with some friends, and my top lane buddy went morde into Shen. Fed his ass off and was so so tilted he was spamming ffs from 15:01
Very unlike this guy to get tilted, usually it's just angry.
I was like, 0/4/8 Xayah because full ap brand support with ignite is what my other friend plays, and the whole enemy team was just being dickweeds, you know. "Haha why are you playing, you're all bad, can't even win Lane ecksdee lololol"
Then the 0/8/0 mordekaiser walks into the Midlane for a 1v5 because our jungler and midlaner wouldnt FF
Then he walked out with a quadra kill.
Then he walked back in for another 1v5 and walked out with a second quadra
And then the other guys surrendered while we laughed our asses off.
What I'm getting at here is, man morde is a busted champ
>Mord has few Counters
Dude you forgot about the "QuickSilver"
He still keeps the stats even after the enemy uses qss
And sett can be annoing
@@stefanbujor4641 he keeps the stats, but you'll get them back and the zone is canceled too
@@yuno1704 wait he keeps the stats even if you qss?
@@One-nm5cf he keeps the stats for the same amount of time he would have them if he killed you. Qss allows you to run tho, so you can wait out the 20 secs.
I mained morde back when he was released. Stacking 5 sunfires and wathing the enemy team melt was so much fun.
Walk up to someone and murder them just by staying close with your passive.
Jungle Nunu with Red Smite frequently beats Morde in Ult. As Nunu you bite, Ult and smite as ult is about to finish, bite again, use E when you can. It works.
Nice guide, and thank you for the first tip vs him, it always works
Real nice trundle guide
Im a mord main... now im going to see more ban every game 😞
as a morde main there are 2 big mistakes in this video. the first one is that you hold your fully charged shield and that doesnt make sense because its not like waiting to have 2 hp to use shield give any benefit unless you got last stand. second mistake at 6:15 you can q darius and it almost costs you the fight
Man going to give you big Compliment.
No idea how you looks but if i hear your voice in any video Iam pretty sure i ll be getting best of best advice and info :D! good job keep up
I would like to add Trundle as a major counter to morderkaiser, making him a very bad target to ult and having life gain greater than morderkaiser and having trundles build usually consisting of tanky items.
Darius: *cries at the corner*
Mordekaiser: *T posing*
Its fucking true. Im gold darius main. 500K mastery on him. If I pull him and AA, W, AA, Q. He will litterly just AA, Q, AA. Get his passive and im already down to about half health, if not lower. Riot needs to nerf the damage again from his passive. That last auto into passive does like 100-300 damage. Its insane.
Ivan Stayner but he’s vibin tho
@@ivanstayner8818 same man, im a darius main too and this is just fucking unfair
Ivan Stayner the last auto into passive does as much dmg as any other auto, exactly ad+0.4 ap
is sett good agianst fiora ?
cause im main sett and mord
Good job, now I'm going to dedicate my time to absolutely bashing Trundle in
I like Yorick vs Mordekaiser. Maiden and ghouls make him hard do hit an isolated Q, the dps is higher and the sustain as well. You just need a qss.
QSS tax. Forcing that much Gold on top of trinity is really expensive. Yorick won't be doing anything for awhile.
And he still gets poopy dick'd in lane and can get set far behind.
The best counter to Mordekaiser is to ban him.
How to dominate as Mordekaiser: pick him before the enemy does. Make sure not to miss too many skillshots (you might still win anyways if you have W and passive up). Also see if enemy has QSS, ult someone that doesn't. If you're doing objectives, ult the enemy jungler and you'll get a free drake or Baron.
LOL, I wrote all this before watching the video and he straight up says it. Yup, he's my safe first pick.
Fiora, Rumble>Morde
My safe pick is urgot
@@Morata21 morde beats fiora
@@pesky2119 nice joke
@@forrestkey9132 that is not safe but ok
Tip #4 on how to beat mordekaiser. PLAY YOUR MAIN. simply play your main and buy Quicksilver Sash. A lot of player doesn't know but you can QSS morde's ult. You have 0-1 sec window at the start of his ult to press Quicksilver Sash and cancel mordekaiser ultimate.
I play yorick and beat him ALL THE TIME (if opponent jungler is not bs.) 1st item Qss, wait to level 6 then all in. Once he death realm, I press quicksilver sash and we're back. Then I'll kill him since he don't have that bonus stats.
The trundle pick is another skill match up. As a morde main he is tough but that normally depends on how fast I can get Morello's and liandries after those 2 items morde normally comes out on top
Mord's death realm is terrifying especially if he's fed, 99% if the time (especially as a support) YOU WILL DIE! I got lucky once playing a Morgana; I hit the q popped the you ultra and pretty much locked him down. I had gotten it but my heart was racing! But a champion that forces everyone to buy an item specifically just to pay against him (quick silver sash) making his enemies water their resources it's badass
I love playing morde in both mid and top lane. It’s so much fun and he is the only champion I can dominate enemies on (I’m only level 51 btw)
If you can only do well on Morde, you should start playing other champs. It's disgustingly strong right now with a very simple kit. It's not going to help you get better in the long wrong. Diversify your champ pool.
Jed Miller sorry for late answer, but my champ pool is diverse, I haven’t played morde for about a week and my mains are pyke, poppy and blitzcrank. At some point morde becomes pretty boring
@@mateiduma646 hey sorry for being late but one thing, you don't need to justify who is your main, because most of these ppl that are trying to convince you are yasuo,zed,darius, yi , renekton etc main.
So don't even bother to answer them, play what you want as they do.
Bye 👍😊
Great Video, but from my experience Fiora also does beat Morde in the Shadow realm usually, if you go for Death Dance Second item.
Death realm*
This isn't Yu gi oh, buddy
and what if you got as good teemo as you with morde in enemy team?
Amazing video it helped me a lot :D THX
The thing about morde if somebody like illoui uses her ult morde can dodge it by sending her to the death realm and she can do basically nothing because everything will be on cooldown and in the real world
You never mentioned the items for morde. Can you tell me what items to get for him? Thanks!
Zhonyas is an extremely good item as well.
fiora is my best counter vs morde, parry the e, stun mordce, easy kill
and if morde ults you, just ult morde and keep healing untill he is dead
I am agree with you ^^
If the Morde play smart, he will build thornmail for first item to counter your r's healing
Comet Grey and regardless, fiora still somehow 2 shots every champ in the game
Well shit. No wonder i keep dying to a fiora earlier.
Thank you i was searching for that comment
This may be the first guide using gameplay from people who actually know how to play the champion the guide is referring to.
Although 90% of the AD players in this video were just terrible at positioning.
I’m a tryndamere main and win against mordekaiser 95% of the time, definitely feels like trynd would be a counter to Morde as well
@@Artteza omega lol
lel lol far too low lmao but when I posted this I do believe it was before I realized truly how busted morde is, recently every time I have played against him I win early but then he gets a rylais and kites the crap out of me and kills me
@@TheDemonicsky This is actually true with most Mordekaiser Matchups.
The trick is to not eat free poke. While this sounds obvious, it is especially true for Tryndamere since he's so Fury reliant. Eating poke will put you in a position where you:
1) Have less health in an all in.
2) Must consume fury to heal, leaving you with a low crit strike chance.
Both of these are really bad for Tryndamere, as they play to his weaknesses.
You have the early game against Mordekaiser, and if you play your cards right, you can set yourself up for an easy late lane. Deny, deny, deny him CS. Freeze lane outside your tower. Remember, if you're even with him, you're one of the only champions that can 1v1 him in his death realm.
thnx it really helped
well this was infact a diss to morder and a hey to trundle
I just played one game with morde building absolutely tank with just liandry’s torment as damage item and hard carried the game, like 21/3/7 kind of carry. He is too broken 🤣
Where is the Nocturne Top video??? I'm seeing a lot of success with him ngl
Darius can also counter him with the right items. If you get the first trade you're already at an advantage as your abilities will be off cool down by the time you're pulled into the death realm. Avoid obliterate, get max Hemmorage, and you win the fight.
@legs bro That Darius must have not been good.
The only way you'll proc Mordekaisers Passive in a decent time in lane is by hitting your Q and E, both can be kited fairly easy if you're not going for a trade.
Mordekaisers E does not lock you in place upon activation. It only pulls you in after the animation is completed. This is why you can land the animation dead on a champion, but because they were moving, they escape the activation before it pulls them in.
Missing his E makes him VERY easy to kite, and in Darius's matter, able to be pulled in by his axe.
@legs bro Bro you don't know what you're talking about 😂
TL;DR - EVEN LANE IN YOUR FAVOR. DON’T EAT FREE QS. DON’T STAND IN HIS PASSIVE. KITE KITE KITE. IF HE ULTS YOU, KITE AROUND HIM. HE NEEDS ULT TO BE ABLE TO 1V1 YOU. CONQUEROR RECOMMENDED. Mordekaiser is a somewhat tricky champion to deal with. His kill pressure goes up a lot if he takes Ignite but most Mordekaisers take teleport instead. The trick to beating Morde is to not stand in his passive and eat his Qs for free. You have to be quick on your feet as in an all out fight where everyone lands everything, Mordekaiser wins. But as Darius, you are a bit more mobile than him due to being able to move while using Q. If he pulls you in to trade, just run him down and kill him. The general idea should be to do your combo, walk in front of him(towards his tower) while kiting him, and then going back in once your Q is back up. Outmanoeuvring him should be a breeze with ghost. Try to make sure you have a lane lead before level 6. If he uses his ultimate on you, try not to fight him. You will not beat him inside of his ultimate. Even if you are ahead by a kill. The idea should be to apply your stacks and kite away from him. Once his ultimate is over, you are free to go back in and just put him down. He is somewhat like Nasus in that he needs his ultimate to be able to beat you. Mordekaiser DOES outscale you eventually though. But the point he does should be the point where he is going to be looking to ult someone in your backline. And worst case scenario, if you are the only carry, a QSS can go a long way. I recommend Conqueror as you really need to punch through his healing and his shield.
This was from am UPDATED Mobafire page by a DIAMONG player. Even still, if you are ahead by the first 6 levels (which you should be since Morde has a weak early game), you can absolutely bully him. Look at any decent post dude 😂😂😂
nice guide tho dude. straugght t the oiutn. No 10 minute nonsese Goodjob
I am a morde and braum main :3, trundle isn't as much of a threat as he is played out to be in the vid. Sure he can be real pain to morde but then morde can be a real pain to him to. Honestly I would say both characters are on equal playing fields and unless the trundle is like two levels ahead of you then it really more comes down to what items you have and who is the more strategic player. I have both died to trundle yet also steam roled him into the ground too, even at higher levels so I guess it's just a matter of who snow balls more first xP. That's my opinion anyway from the amount of time I have spent as morde.
Does anybody know where the picture of mordekaiser in the thumbnail is from?
But there are items like bramble vest and tabis... these items pretty much destroy champs like olaf. Its insane how these items can flip the lane in your favor.
What about warwick? seen him murder Morde in the death realm far to many times for it to be comfortable.
What do you max first
Great tutorial!
So how do you lane against ranged champions like Quinn, Kennen, Teemo etc
Bait out their dodge and then pull them - after that you win lol.
Actually trundle will steal a little bit more stats back cause they both steal a % of stats . and since Morde steals 1st. he has a bigger number for trundle to cut out from
Was looking for this comment. :D
@@GmNSpY yep leave it to the nerd to comment something like that. I never disappoint .
Step 1: Pick morde.
Step 2: Win.
Mave VanGuard you cant win with a trashy team
U sure can with morde, but yeah that is the number 1 rule which is accounted for dw.
well I use it but I still lose im like new to the game im lvl 13
Could you please do Riven next but not basic stuff but actually how to carry from top lane with Riven
Urgot also bodies Morde early, so you can use Urgot to suppress Morde till post 6 and even 1v1 him in death realm if you can get of your r on him
Indeed morde loses 1v1 vs urgot even in late game, cuz urgot is a bit more difficult to play than morde, but death dance with your E with your W with your ulti beats him in any 1v1 in shadow realm and so he does it too in summoner's rift. Your dps+execute is 2 much for morde while his dps isnt enough vs u
@@DemoniumSama plus his execute goes through shielded targets if their hp is low enough
*Swain Guide, please*
Why does your ultimate not look like the death realm?
Tryndamere is the biggest morde counter, you can just all in him at level 1 and then control the rest of the laning fase
In what elo that would happen in?
You know who's a good counter? Sion. Idk, I never lost to him, like never
You don't lose but you don't win either i guess ?
Yeah but he's gonna outscale you pretty hard, sion and other tanks aren't useful after 20 minutes, as sadly as it sounds
Qss shouldn't work on morde ult, it's not cc it takes you somewhere else.
it counts as a suppression, like malzahar ult, cos u can't really do anything other than fight morde.
cc = crowd control
So in that sense it is cc, but I agree it should only be able to be cancelled during its animation, not when you are inside
There goes the 1 last bit of counter play more has
Samuel1768 true
@@Samuel-wm6wv Its actually pretty easy to cait Morde even inside its ult. He is immobile. You can see that in higher elos they dont buy QSS because of a Mordekaiser unless it is super fed or if someone in your team is fed. One time i was against an Yasuo top and he bought QSS as his first item. But it gives him only magical resistance and our jungler was a Rengar, so even if i wasnt able to kill the Yasuo mu jungler get so fed on top of that Yasuo that he carried our team. So disabling QSS on Morde would only affect mid elos (Gold to Diamond) because in lower elos nobody builds QSS unless it is in their base build and high elos they dont buy it because they dont need it
Why you dont mention renekton huh shieldbreaking mechanic
renekton isnt good into morde rly, its a skill matchup but still morde outscales renek and can shit on him really easy :D
Because morde can just play around Renekton's empowered W.
Renekton the strongest champ early, but really fall off late, especially against Morde, he can do shit
Cool guide.
Just a small nitpick, it's pronounced "coup de grass". Coup de gras, what you said, means "blow of fat" instead of "blow of mercy".
Darius is a pain when you are mordekaiser too
just let him push and call for gank at level 2 easy pz
Panther is my favorite champion.
my record with mordekaiser is 34/4/4
what's yours?
Please video for sett top lane
How about renekton this croc is just a bit hard to master
You already have guide for him
you have to be stupid to not know how to play renekton
@@currently_In_stealth_behind_u man this croc is easy to master the basics so I have mastery 7 on him but his total mastering level for him is hard to reach if you are reading guides goon idiot noob sucker guy
Don't sleep on zed into mordekaiser. If you can bait more I to fighting in the jungle you can out play his ult with terrain and you can use your W to out trade him in lane to dodge his skills hots
I don't know what you are talking about how you need to group up. I solo all dragons and rift heralds by my self as Mordekaiser
That's why i main this guy
Im Main Morde and i guarantee you it destroys 9/10 toplaners. But his counters i know are Fiora, Irelia (if played well) and probably olaf and gangplank but for olaf idk
1:25 so does tryndamere not exist or something?
Akali is pretty good against Mordekaiser, very high mobility, easy to dodge Q and E
What about the build?
Crystal scepter, defense boots, Liandry’s, then adapt from there although I usually get hourglass or GA just in case
6 Nashor Thoot
I just pick trynda into him you just have to push the first 2 waves then freeze if he come close just run him down he is very squishy early, after lvl 6 if he ults you he is a free kill
The trynda matchup isnt bad for morde as long as the morde don't int early game and get tabis+seeker's. Once he has this 2 items you will not be able to fight him and win, and then when he gets rylai its so free for him. Trynda vs morde is like renek vs morde; you will only be able to abuse on ppl who don't know how to play the matchup/they troll/they are bad/etc.
@@DemoniumSama But Trynd should have early game lane priority so that allows him to freeze the wave and run him down. If Trynd gets the first kill, the lane could be over for Morde. You might be right about the 2 items but what if Trynd gets his items before Morde. Personally I think Trynd wins this matchup but then again, I haven't really faced any really good Mordekaisers
Walk forward. Press r and then spam q. Win every game
POV: You provoke mordekaiser somewhere on the map
mordekaiser uses his whole combo, great now he does no damage for a period of time right, WRONG. his autos does chunks of HP alarmingly quick , well atleast he has cooldowns WAIT, he buildt nashors, he has all his abilities up again. Now you have to take the beating again, better trade back to scare him off WAIT, he has a massive fucking shield which stands in your way, atleast you can take the beating because you've built defensive NO WAIT A SECOND, he has inbuild magic pen and has probably build morello or void or sorc boots, well everything else has failed, you can atleast try to run aw- and now he has ulted you. Ripping all your damage and hp from your body, giving it to himself, you die within 7 seconds because that was your destiny. I guess. And now he has your stats to bonk the team with. Great.
He said coup de grace correctly :O
you forgot about jax hes very good counter against mord
can we talk about the fact he gets a clip from an iron 4 mordekaiser that disrespects lvl 2 and stays on lane with 1hp against trundle?
Pick vayne or quinn also great but trundle is better but if you have a tank already vayne isnt a problem
i can play against trundo, but not jax, he can just jump on you and do tones of damage with high attack speed, you dont have time to EQA to get your passive and shield up
by the time they saw this vid, they start to play trundle and mordekaiser main start to hate everyone