Thank you so much Sangam Talks for bringing such Crucial information to us .. It has been my dream to Learn about Sikhism and Integration with Hinduism.. As per my initial perspective ..Its absolutely an abhinna ang of Hinduism. Thank you so much for giving such insights which only boosts my perspective in right direction. 🙏🏼
Thank you Dr.Kapil 🙏🏽🙏🏽 Truly enjoyed your talk, it taught me many aspects I had no idea about. This helps because I can also teach my children the truth about our ancient civilization. I am from South and have always had great respect for GuruGrantSahib. Could you please suggest an informative book from which I can explore and know more about GuruGrantSahib. Pranam 🙏🏽🙏🏽
Akaal word is also used only by bhagwan Shri Krishna to describe himself. Where he says he is omnipresent omniscient.akaal, nirakaar and present in present past and future. in his preaching to arjun on the battlefield of kurukshetra
*खालिस्तान का कड़वा सच ....* सनातन धर्म से ही निकलकर बने सिख रिलिजन (आबादी लगभग 3 करोड़) की स्थापना 15 वीं सदी के अंत में एक हिंदू परिवार में [लाला कल्याण राय (मेहता कालू जी) और माता तृप्ता देवी जी] जन्में गुरुनानक देव जी (प्रथम गुरू) ने करतारपुर नगर में की थी जिनका जन्म ननकाना साहिब और मृत्यु करतारपुर नगर में हुई थी और एक समय सिख साम्राज्य की राजधानी लाहौर थी और ये सभी स्थान आज पाकिस्तान मे हैं। करतारपुर कॉरीडोर खुलने से पहले तक हिंदुस्तान के सिख यहीं से करतारपुर साहिब गुरुद्वारे के दूरबीन से दर्शन किया करते थे जो की बॉर्डर से महज 4.5 किलोमीटर दूर है। (हालांकि कुछ पासपोर्ट-वीसा बनवाकर वहां जाते भी रहे हैं।) 1947 में जब बंटवारा हुआ तब कुल पंजाब का 56% उपजाऊ हिस्सा और सिख धर्म के आस्था के केंद्र पाकिस्तान में चले गए जबकि केवल 44% हिस्सा ही हिंदुस्तान में रहा तो खालिस्तान की मांग पाकिस्तान से उठना चाहिये थी न कि हिंदुस्तान से पर हुआ उल्टा यानि मुस्लिमों ने वहां तो इन पर लगातार अत्याचार किये पर यहां के सिखों को खालिस्तान की मांग करने के लिये उकसाया और हथियार भी सप्लाई किये नतीजतन भिंडरवाले जैसे आतंकी खड़े हुए जिसका दंश अपनी भलमनसाहत के नतीजे में हिंदुओं ने ही लंबे समय तक झेला। (मजबूरी में किया गया ऑपरेशन ब्लू स्टार फिर इंदिरा गांधी की हत्या और उसके तुरंत बाद सिखों की सार्वजनिक खुशी दिखाने और मिठाई बांटने का नतीजा उन्हें कांग्रेस ने ही हम हिंदुओं के जरिये दिखाया। फिर भी अगर किसी सिख को 1984 के दोषी हिंदू ही नजर आते हैं तो वह जवाब दे की जब पंजाब से गुजरती बसों में से हिंदुओं और सिखों को अलग-अलग खड़ा कर केवल हिंदुओं पर गोलियां दागी गयी थी।) आज भी खालिस्तान की चाहत में सिखों की सहानुभूति उन मुस्लिमों से है जिन्होंने इनके गुरुओं की हत्या की और इन्हें पाकिस्तान में लगातार प्रताड़ित किया यानि इन्होंने उनका भावनात्मक साथ दिया जिन्होंने इन्हें बेवकूफ भी बनाया और उनको विरोधी समझा जिन्होंने इन्हें अपना भाई माना। सनातन धर्म और सिख रिलिजन में कोई विरोधी सुर नही हैं इसलिये हिंदू और सिख आपस में प्रेम से रहते आए हैं और रहेंगे भी बशर्ते सिख प्रेम से मिलकर रहें और रही हमारे प्रेम की बात तो हम तो आस्तीन के हरे सांपों तक को दूध पिलाना पुण्य का काम अब तक तो मानते ही आए हैं। *अब या तो गुरुद्वारा करतारपुर साहिब तक की 5 किलोमीटर की जगह को हिंदुस्तान में मिलाया जाए बदले में यहां के पंजाब बॉर्डर की इतनी ही जमीन उन्हें देकर ; अन्यथा सिखों को अगर खालिस्तान की ही मांग करनी है तो पाकिस्तान में करें यहां नहीं - ✍️ श्री. सारस्वत। (05/12/2020)* *Please support my channel which does not has any economic agenda to spread my fiery views.*
bullshit.. as many Sikhs died as did Hindus. +there was a holocaust on them throughout India. Every Sikh knew Indira would be assasinated as did she for attack on Harimandar Saab. So why were you surprised that Sikhs gave out ladoos on her death?
Hi, can someone help me and others about the CVS website he is talking about for 10th & 11th class courses and literature links to access them? I am not catching them correctly. Thx 🙏
ट्रू revelation Dharma khatri kashtriya गुरु कृष्णा Rama......Great Sanatna .....Great Traditions/Traditions of the present leaders have hijacked to narrow rituals/शरिया.Follow Universal Spiritual Teachings.
He seems to be knowledgeable but lacks in certain spheres like when he spoke about Shri Ram and Shri Krishna saying they are not worthy of being called God incarnations. He would NOT have said it had he known what is the meaning of Wahe Guru (despite proudly claiming to be a Sikh), wherein W/V stands for Vishnu, H stands for Hari, G stands for Gobind and R stands for Ram. I liked him until he spewed the above mentioned poison of JNU including calling Middle East as a Knowledge Center. For reaching God you don't need knowledge as a prerequisite but Love and commitment.
In Guru Granth the meter is not only BRAHM but also beyond PARBRAHM In language form as you sir described would be beyond God... The common term we use currently is GOD It’s the difficulty in language to understand the beyond.... so we use the oral tradition .... PARBRAHM - PARMESHWAR -SATGUR.. aape karney hara....single meter into 3....
No Sikhs at the time of Guru Nanak...(Islamist Bigot Babar massacred हिंडूज़,destroyed great indian traditional Scriptures)only Shishyas....Amusing In present time KhalistanI(पोलिटिकल विंग) and Bigot Muslim say they अरे one to mislead the Hindu are their enemy...anti India
डॉक्टर साहब ने शुरू के आधे घंटे तो बहुत ज्ञान वाली बातें की पर अचानक ही एक मूर्खता पूर्ण बात कर गये। इनका कहना है कि भगवान राम और भगवान कृष्ण का जीवन बहुत कष्टमय रहा था इसलिए उनको हम भगवान नही मान सकते। अब इस मूर्खता पूर्ण बात का उत्तर ये है - उनका जीवन उनके ही खुदके निर्णय से कष्टमय हुआ था और वो निर्णय थे धर्म के मार्ग पे चलने के, अधर्मियों का अंत के । भगवान कृष्ण चाहते तो वृन्दावन में रहके सुखी जीवन बिता सकते थे। पर ऐसा करते तो उनके अवतार लेने का मसकद सिद्ध न होता "परित्राणाय साधुनाम, विनाशयच दुष्कृताम , धर्म संस्थापनार्थाय" सज्जनो की रक्षा, दुष्टो का नाश और धर्म की पुनर्स्थापना। भगवान राम भी चाहते तो सुखी जीवन बिता सकते थे, उनको उनके भाई भरत ने तो राज्य दे ही दिया था। सुखी जीवन कोई भगवत्ता का प्रमाण नही होता क्योंकि इस तरह तो आज लोगों को पैसे वाले करोड़पति अम्बानी को भगवान मानना चाहिये। अवतारों के माध्यम से भगवान लोगों के सामने उदहारण देते है कि धर्म का पालन करते हुए जीवन कैसे जिया जाए।
Doctor Kapoor was giving wonderful knowledge and wisdom till half an hour until he said a foolish thing. He said that Bhagwan Ram and Krishan were not God because they led a life full of struggle and miseries. Reply to that is that a comfortable life is never a proof of Godliness. Bhagwan Krishan and Ram themselves chose that path in life which was full of Struggles. They did so in order to fulfill their purpose of taking Avtar which is to protect Good people, To Punish evil , and to re establish Dharma. Bhagwan Krishan would have chosen to stay in Vrindavan and hence a life of comfort, and Bhagwan Ram would have chosen to go back with Bharat who gave his throne to him. But both Bhagwan Ram and Krishan chose a difficult path in order to fulfill their purpose of Avtar and to set an example for people for How to lead a life following a path of Dharama or righteousness.
They were born on given dates of known parents And died on given dates of known causes - The Trimurti are notice NOT subject to birth and death.🙏Bhagvan Ram and Bhagvan Krishna, subject to birth and death, are AVATARS, human manifestations of the Supreme transcendental force.🙏
@@ex-secularliberal9024 you are being anti-hindu.. how dare you call yourself Proud Sanatani, a term which is an oxymoron.. You cannot be a Sanatani and yet have pride.. The good Doctor is on point.. (and you should not fear being beheaded by Sikhs for having another view)
@@craftygirlvanya6673 it is not a hereditary title.. there are even some with "Brahmin" surnames who collect human waste for a living.. Brahmin is a varna.. not a hereditary title
How many Hindu's know that there should be no idol worship and by the way hindu is no word but santnam is religion. People waste so much milk in shivling and milk in golden temple to clean the premises which shows people like you lacks knowledge. Now tell me even 1% donot know including you about any religion✍️✍️✍️
Khatris were never Kshatriyas ! Have some sense of reality. This is a baseless argument given by various Punjabis but - 1. Khatris never had a single kingdom throughout history and have no historic records before Sikhi. 2. The father of Guru Nanak was a humble shopkeeper, not a king or a warrior. 3. Throughout the history of Punjab, it was the Jats who went fighting the invaders, be it Ghazni, Ghori, Taimur or Babar, never khatris. 4. Making Khatri a synonym for Kshatriya just because it rhymes is funny and shows the lack of basic understanding of the history of Punjab. 5. Khatris were always cloth weavers and shopkeepers who had no native home and kept going from one place to another looking for work, in the case of Punjab - becoming shopkeepers in Jat villages. 6. Khatris mostly call themselves Punjabis instead of Khatris but technically they were outsiders to Punjab and are actually found throughout India - Bihar, Tamil Nadu, Gujrat, Maharashtra etc. 7. Rajputs never considered Khatris as Kshatriyas and never had any marriage alliances with Khatris(they never had a royal family) 8. Banias don't consider Khatris as Vaishyas and don't intermarry with them. Hence Khatris are an Avarna caste and are of mixed origins as their name reflects their occupational history and not race or varna. The word Khatri could have originated from Khaata (book keeping) or Khattar (cloth) occupations. We'll run a baseless propaganda just because the word rhymes lol.
@@colorguppies Yes but doesn't refute the argument. Khatri as a community were never rulers of Punjab neither fought any invaders before Sikhi as a community.
@@jattadeputt9880 lol, no one said rulers, we are talking about fighting and being warriors. Lmao, Punjabi had rulers before Sikhism. Lmao…. I just can’t anymore.
Very misleading talk,proffessor Sahib does not have even basic understanding of Sikh religion history and wtitings : Some corrections: Guruship was passed on merit and not always to sons ie:Guru Angad Dev ji second in line, Guru Amar Dass Ji third in line, Guru Ram Dass ji forth in line,Guru Har Rai ji 7th in line were not sons of Gurus.Guru Gobind Singh Ji's most famous Gurbani is Jaap Sahib which has 950 names for God. It was not fifth Guru Arjan Dev ji who was executed by Emperor Jahangir,but his son 6th Guru Hargobind Sahib who took up the concept of Miri(spiritual) Piri (temporal authority) hence wearing two swords, he built Akal Takht adjacent to Siri Harmandir Sahib(Golden Temple) to signify politcal authoriy.Guru Gobind Singh ji did not write anything on Heer Ranjha.God bless to all ! Akaal Purakh sahai!
Out of the four Gurus you've mentioned as not having been sons/direct descendants of previous Gurus, you're wrong with Guru Har Rai ji, as he was grandson of Guru Hargobind Ji and thus a direct descendant. Though you're right about Guruship not being decided on the basis of birth, if 7 out of 10 Gurus were directly related to the preceding Guru, what Dr. Kapil said was also not wrong. Regarding the 5th Guru, it is obvious that he mistakenly said it was the 5th instead of the 6th as he didn't name Guru Arjan Dev ji. And as far as Heer Ranjha is concerned, it seems you haven't heard about the Sri Charitropahkyan written by Guru Gobind Singh Ji. It is very obvious that you were more interested in finding faults with Dr. Kapil than actually learning from his sea of knowledge, while being ignorant of Sikh history yourself. You call yourself a Sikh? Learn to be a good and humble shishya. That's what 'Sikh' means. You're calling a senior person like Dr. Kapil a "pada likha bewakoof" in your earlier comment and saying things like "you're not a Sikh just because you're a Khatri" and such BS. But then I looked at your surname and realised where all this shit is coming from and wasn't the least bit surprised.
I understand your pain.. All this does not make sense All Hindus took part in the holocaust of Sikhs in Delhi. Some by deeds and others by thoughts ( the silent majority ). Therefore all Hindus were involved in the Sikh genocide in 84.
@@malmalhi007 No Hindu was involved in 1984. Only Congress party was involved which is the favorite of the Sikhs . And they are hypocrite. They speak softly on Pakistan , Afghanistan , Bangladesh etc that commit their genocide but hate democratic India.
@@reconquistahinduism346 using your logic please correct the statement you made. "All this does not make sense All Sikhs are Khalisthanis. Some by deeds and others by thoughts ( the silent majority )."
@@malmalhi007 No . I stand by what I say. They are pro Pakistan. They get funding from UK, US , Canada etc from khalisthanis to break India. Their flag is the yellow flag you saw in Republic day violence. The hate Hindus. They are homophobic. They are racist and think they are superior race. They are casteist and divide their community into jatt sikhs and non jaat sikhs. They are sexist. Not a single so called "10 gurus" in sikhi is a female.
@@reconquistahinduism346 You reminded me of something when you said " No Hindu was involved in 1984. Only Congress party was involved which is the favorite of the Sikhs". I was in Delhi over that fateful day in 1984.. On the streets of Delhi the slogan of the murderous goons was "Hindu Mussalman bhai bhai, Sikho k karenge Saffai".. any comment?
He could not say properly: Sargur Nanak Patgatya !!!!!!! Miti Dhund jag chanan hova Spiritual Knowledge of Guru Granth Sahib is for the whole Humanity not bound to any geographical region or caste. Merely being born in a Khatri clan does not make you a Sikh let alone being a expert on Gursikhi! The juvenile manner in which he handled the subject he definitely deserves the title parria likhya bevkoof !
There was nothing wrong in the way he said it. May be you've read some other Guru Granth Sahib. Stop being a Manmukh and pay attention to the sea of knowledge he has given.
🧡Sat Shri Akal 🧡 Jai Shree Ram 🧡
Jai Shree Ram
Namaskaram grand father
Thanku for ur message. please share awareness
Excellent, Excellent, Excellent......
We are blessed to be guided by our elder generation. 🙏🏻
I can listen to Prof. Kapil Kapoor all day long.
Charan sparsh to Prof Sir. What an explanation of every aspect. no questions.
Excellent session Sir. May God bless you
Spirit of Bharat flows from these people
बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद कपिल जी। आपने बहुत अच्छी तरह से ना केवल पंजाबी तत्वज्ञान के बारे में हमें बताया; आपने हमें भारतीय देश के दर्शन दे दीये।
Time not wasted at all.
Learned so much.
Mind blowing Must listen for every Indian
Amazing thoughts.. but in the most beautiful and graceful manner.. so enlightening!!
Prof. Kapil kapoor is ♥️.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts! Waheguru
Ocean of knowledge❤
Very good talk, enlightened me
very good and knowledgeable talk, much thanks.
Thank you so much Sangam Talks for bringing such Crucial information to us ..
It has been my dream to Learn about Sikhism and Integration with Hinduism..
As per my initial perspective ..Its absolutely an abhinna ang of Hinduism. Thank you so much for giving such insights which only boosts my perspective in right direction. 🙏🏼
🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 Thank you Prof Kapoor!
My favorite teacher
Thank you for the very informative video !!
Great flow of Dharmic knowledge-my 🙏🙏🙏 Prof Kapil Kapoor.
Please subscribe ( SHASWAT BHARAT)
Note- spelling should be correct
This should be good. Bless India and its diverse people Lord 🙏🏻
Please subscribe ( SHASWAT BHARAT)
Note- spelling should be correct
Namskar sir 🙏 ji aap ko
Learned a lot.🙏
Wow !! Great knowledge.
Thank you Dr.Kapil 🙏🏽🙏🏽 Truly enjoyed your talk, it taught me many aspects I had no idea about. This helps because I can also teach my children the truth about our ancient civilization. I am from South and have always had great respect for GuruGrantSahib. Could you please suggest an informative book from which I can explore and know more about GuruGrantSahib. Pranam 🙏🏽🙏🏽
Akaal word is also used only by bhagwan Shri Krishna to describe himself. Where he says he is omnipresent omniscient.akaal, nirakaar and present in present past and future. in his preaching to arjun on the battlefield of kurukshetra
Please subscribe ( SHASWAT BHARAT)
Note- spelling should be correct
I ws so confused between monism n monotheism...
Thank you for clearing my doubt😊🙏
dandwat pranam. maa saraswati ka apko ashirwaad hai.
Amazing content ince again.
A very interesting talk and subject matter! I do wish he would stick to English, or at least that someone would take the time to add subtitles.
जय श्री कृष्ण 🌹💐🙏
प्रोफसर सर
ज्ञानयुक्त कर्म ही भगतियोग है
कमाल कर दी आपने
nice sir
25:46 * ram gayeo ravan gaveyo ja ko boh parwar
*खालिस्तान का कड़वा सच ....*
सनातन धर्म से ही निकलकर बने सिख रिलिजन (आबादी लगभग 3 करोड़) की स्थापना 15 वीं सदी के अंत में एक हिंदू परिवार में [लाला कल्याण राय (मेहता कालू जी) और माता तृप्ता देवी जी] जन्में गुरुनानक देव जी (प्रथम गुरू) ने करतारपुर नगर में की थी जिनका जन्म ननकाना साहिब और मृत्यु करतारपुर नगर में हुई थी और एक समय सिख साम्राज्य की राजधानी लाहौर थी और ये सभी स्थान आज पाकिस्तान मे हैं।
करतारपुर कॉरीडोर खुलने से पहले तक हिंदुस्तान के सिख यहीं से करतारपुर साहिब गुरुद्वारे के दूरबीन से दर्शन किया करते थे जो की बॉर्डर से महज 4.5 किलोमीटर दूर है। (हालांकि कुछ पासपोर्ट-वीसा बनवाकर वहां जाते भी रहे हैं।)
1947 में जब बंटवारा हुआ तब कुल पंजाब का 56% उपजाऊ हिस्सा और सिख धर्म के आस्था के केंद्र पाकिस्तान में चले गए जबकि केवल 44% हिस्सा ही हिंदुस्तान में रहा तो खालिस्तान की मांग पाकिस्तान से उठना चाहिये थी न कि हिंदुस्तान से पर हुआ उल्टा यानि मुस्लिमों ने वहां तो इन पर लगातार अत्याचार किये पर यहां के सिखों को खालिस्तान की मांग करने के लिये उकसाया और हथियार भी सप्लाई किये नतीजतन भिंडरवाले जैसे आतंकी खड़े हुए जिसका दंश अपनी भलमनसाहत के नतीजे में हिंदुओं ने ही लंबे समय तक झेला। (मजबूरी में किया गया ऑपरेशन ब्लू स्टार फिर इंदिरा गांधी की हत्या और उसके तुरंत बाद सिखों की सार्वजनिक खुशी दिखाने और मिठाई बांटने का नतीजा उन्हें कांग्रेस ने ही हम हिंदुओं के जरिये दिखाया। फिर भी अगर किसी सिख को 1984 के दोषी हिंदू ही नजर आते हैं तो वह जवाब दे की जब पंजाब से गुजरती बसों में से हिंदुओं और सिखों को अलग-अलग खड़ा कर केवल हिंदुओं पर गोलियां दागी गयी थी।)
आज भी खालिस्तान की चाहत में सिखों की सहानुभूति उन मुस्लिमों से है जिन्होंने इनके गुरुओं की हत्या की और इन्हें पाकिस्तान में लगातार प्रताड़ित किया यानि इन्होंने उनका भावनात्मक साथ दिया जिन्होंने इन्हें बेवकूफ भी बनाया और उनको विरोधी समझा जिन्होंने इन्हें अपना भाई माना।
सनातन धर्म और सिख रिलिजन में कोई विरोधी सुर नही हैं इसलिये हिंदू और सिख आपस में प्रेम से रहते आए हैं और रहेंगे भी बशर्ते सिख प्रेम से मिलकर रहें और रही हमारे प्रेम की बात तो हम तो आस्तीन के हरे सांपों तक को दूध पिलाना पुण्य का काम अब तक तो मानते ही आए हैं।
*अब या तो गुरुद्वारा करतारपुर साहिब तक की 5 किलोमीटर की जगह को हिंदुस्तान में मिलाया जाए बदले में यहां के पंजाब बॉर्डर की इतनी ही जमीन उन्हें देकर ; अन्यथा सिखों को अगर खालिस्तान की ही मांग करनी है तो पाकिस्तान में करें यहां नहीं - ✍️ श्री. सारस्वत। (05/12/2020)*
*Please support my channel which does not has any economic agenda to spread my fiery views.*
bullshit.. as many Sikhs died as did Hindus. +there was a holocaust on them throughout India. Every Sikh knew Indira would be assasinated as did she for attack on Harimandar Saab. So why were you surprised that Sikhs gave out ladoos on her death?
I agree with you 100%.
Hi, can someone help me and others about the CVS website he is talking about for 10th & 11th class courses and literature links to access them? I am not catching them correctly. Thx 🙏
Cbse website bro
Thank you - I always felt Mool Mantra was Most Accurate Description of God (Supreme Soul, ParamAtman)
ट्रू revelation Dharma khatri kashtriya गुरु कृष्णा Rama......Great Sanatna .....Great Traditions/Traditions of the present leaders have hijacked to narrow rituals/शरिया.Follow Universal Spiritual Teachings.
how so?
कपिल साक्षात कपिल मुनिः ।
How on earth is the middle east a knowledge culture? Greece certainly was. Rome wasn't. Wish Professor Kapoor could clarify.
He seems to be knowledgeable but lacks in certain spheres like when he spoke about Shri Ram and Shri Krishna saying they are not worthy of being called God incarnations. He would NOT have said it had he known what is the meaning of Wahe Guru (despite proudly claiming to be a Sikh), wherein W/V stands for Vishnu, H stands for Hari, G stands for Gobind and R stands for Ram. I liked him until he spewed the above mentioned poison of JNU including calling Middle East as a Knowledge Center.
For reaching God you don't need knowledge as a prerequisite but Love and commitment.
Sikh Gurus rejected casteism
Sorry for my english, so is guru granth sahib of Sikhs a hindu text then ?
as much as Jainism and Buddhism is a Hindu text
what is Hindu text,, Guru Granth Sahib is in Gurumukhi text,
@@malmalhi007 sorry you are not clear, like that quran is a muslim text Bible is a Christian text, so is the guru granth sahib a hindu book?
@@joseRodriguez-hv4lf what do you define as a Hindu text?
@@malmalhi007 well, I think u have not understood my question, I'll wait for someone else to reply to my question, but thanks for replying anyways
In Guru Granth the meter is not only BRAHM but also beyond PARBRAHM In language form as you sir described would be beyond God...
The common term we use currently is GOD It’s the difficulty in language to understand the beyond.... so we use the oral tradition .... PARBRAHM - PARMESHWAR -SATGUR.. aape karney hara....single meter into 3....
Parambrahma Or parameswar pahle se use hote aaye h bharat me
Which language is this? Hindi, punjabi or another language?
Hindi + english
Please subscribe ( SHASWAT BHARAT)
Note- spelling should be correct
Hindi - Punjabi - English - Sanskrit please share with your friends
Jai Bhavani....pick up your swords...
Fir kya krna
@@karannegi3203 apple katna hai.
Abey 400 saal hogae, ab kya karenge sword se ?
No Sikhs at the time of Guru Nanak...(Islamist Bigot Babar massacred हिंडूज़,destroyed great indian traditional Scriptures)only Shishyas....Amusing In present time KhalistanI(पोलिटिकल विंग) and Bigot Muslim say they अरे one to mislead the Hindu are their enemy...anti India
Sixth Guru Hargonind Sahib ji wore two swords Miri and Piri
❤️ please share with your friends
डॉक्टर साहब ने शुरू के आधे घंटे तो बहुत ज्ञान वाली बातें की पर अचानक ही एक मूर्खता पूर्ण बात कर गये। इनका कहना है कि भगवान राम और भगवान कृष्ण का जीवन बहुत कष्टमय रहा था इसलिए उनको हम भगवान नही मान सकते। अब इस मूर्खता पूर्ण बात का उत्तर ये है - उनका जीवन उनके ही खुदके निर्णय से कष्टमय हुआ था और वो निर्णय थे धर्म के मार्ग पे चलने के, अधर्मियों का अंत के । भगवान कृष्ण चाहते तो वृन्दावन में रहके सुखी जीवन बिता सकते थे। पर ऐसा करते तो उनके अवतार लेने का मसकद सिद्ध न होता "परित्राणाय साधुनाम, विनाशयच दुष्कृताम , धर्म संस्थापनार्थाय" सज्जनो की रक्षा, दुष्टो का नाश और धर्म की पुनर्स्थापना। भगवान राम भी चाहते तो सुखी जीवन बिता सकते थे, उनको उनके भाई भरत ने तो राज्य दे ही दिया था। सुखी जीवन कोई भगवत्ता का प्रमाण नही होता क्योंकि इस तरह तो आज लोगों को पैसे वाले करोड़पति अम्बानी को भगवान मानना चाहिये। अवतारों के माध्यम से भगवान लोगों के सामने उदहारण देते है कि धर्म का पालन करते हुए जीवन कैसे जिया जाए।
Doctor Kapoor was giving wonderful knowledge and wisdom till half an hour until he said a foolish thing. He said that Bhagwan Ram and Krishan were not God because they led a life full of struggle and miseries.
Reply to that is that a comfortable life is never a proof of Godliness. Bhagwan Krishan and Ram themselves chose that path in life which was full of Struggles. They did so in order to fulfill their purpose of taking Avtar which is to protect Good people, To Punish evil , and to re establish Dharma.
Bhagwan Krishan would have chosen to stay in Vrindavan and hence a life of comfort, and Bhagwan Ram would have chosen to go back with Bharat who gave his throne to him. But both Bhagwan Ram and Krishan chose a difficult path in order to fulfill their purpose of Avtar and to set an example for people for How to lead a life following a path of Dharama or righteousness.
That is because our concept of "God" is the unceasing awareness. Is that not so also in the Vedas?
They were born on given dates of known parents And died on given dates of known causes - The Trimurti are notice NOT subject to birth and death.🙏Bhagvan Ram and Bhagvan Krishna, subject to birth and death, are AVATARS, human manifestations of the Supreme transcendental force.🙏
@@ex-secularliberal9024 you are being anti-hindu.. how dare you call yourself Proud Sanatani, a term which is an oxymoron.. You cannot be a Sanatani and yet have pride.. The good Doctor is on point.. (and you should not fear being beheaded by Sikhs for having another view)
Please listen with Open Mind - Easy to Criticize - Difficult to Learn
Is Sikhism is Vishistadwait.
Dr Kapil Kapoor shud start his own channel to disseminate the knowledge. Thank you.
Except 2nd guru.
Beating around the Bush .. Spiritual matters needs Spiritual experiences ..
Where you(aap) fit zoroastrian , Confueasios and Taoism.
Punjab ke hindu khatri or mohiyal brahmin hi apne bade bete ko sikh banate the
beta jab baap ko chuniti deta hai tab chinta ki baat hoti hai
We Brahmans descendent of Peshwa not sudama 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Har har mahadev
Brahmin is not a lineage..
@@malmalhi007 yes it is 👍👍👍👍
@@craftygirlvanya6673 it is not a hereditary title.. there are even some with "Brahmin" surnames who collect human waste for a living.. Brahmin is a varna.. not a hereditary title
Except 2nd Guru perhaps.
explain what you mean?
How many Sikhs tell you the same thing? Not even 1%.. So what does this prove? Are they confused with Khalistani fusion?
don't speak rot..
How many Hindu's know that there should be no idol worship and by the way hindu is no word but santnam is religion. People waste so much milk in shivling and milk in golden temple to clean the premises which shows people like you lacks knowledge. Now tell me even 1% donot know including you about any religion✍️✍️✍️
Khatris were never Kshatriyas ! Have some sense of reality.
This is a baseless argument given by various Punjabis but -
1. Khatris never had a single kingdom throughout history and have no historic records before Sikhi.
2. The father of Guru Nanak was a humble shopkeeper, not a king or a warrior.
3. Throughout the history of Punjab, it was the Jats who went fighting the invaders, be it Ghazni, Ghori, Taimur or Babar, never khatris.
4. Making Khatri a synonym for Kshatriya just because it rhymes is funny and shows the lack of basic understanding of the history of Punjab.
5. Khatris were always cloth weavers and shopkeepers who had no native home and kept going from one place to another looking for work, in the case of Punjab - becoming shopkeepers in Jat villages.
6. Khatris mostly call themselves Punjabis instead of Khatris but technically they were outsiders to Punjab and are actually found throughout India - Bihar, Tamil Nadu, Gujrat, Maharashtra etc.
7. Rajputs never considered Khatris as Kshatriyas and never had any marriage alliances with Khatris(they never had a royal family)
8. Banias don't consider Khatris as Vaishyas and don't intermarry with them.
Hence Khatris are an Avarna caste and are of mixed origins as their name reflects their occupational history and not race or varna. The word Khatri could have originated from Khaata (book keeping) or Khattar (cloth) occupations.
We'll run a baseless propaganda just because the word rhymes lol.
lol, you can be a warrior and still be a shop owner. Use your head
@@colorguppies Yes but doesn't refute the argument. Khatri as a community were never rulers of Punjab neither fought any invaders before Sikhi as a community.
@@jattadeputt9880that is foolish. Where do Jatts come from?
@@jattadeputt9880 lol, no one said rulers, we are talking about fighting and being warriors. Lmao, Punjabi had rulers before Sikhism. Lmao…. I just can’t anymore.
Very misleading talk,proffessor Sahib does not have even basic understanding of Sikh religion history and wtitings : Some corrections:
Guruship was passed on merit and not always to sons ie:Guru Angad Dev ji second in line, Guru Amar Dass Ji third in line, Guru Ram Dass ji forth in line,Guru Har Rai ji 7th in line were not sons of Gurus.Guru Gobind Singh Ji's most famous Gurbani is Jaap Sahib which has 950 names for God. It was not fifth Guru Arjan Dev ji who was executed by Emperor Jahangir,but his son 6th Guru Hargobind Sahib who took up the concept of Miri(spiritual) Piri (temporal authority) hence wearing two swords, he built Akal Takht adjacent to Siri Harmandir Sahib(Golden Temple) to signify politcal authoriy.Guru Gobind Singh ji did not write anything on Heer Ranjha.God bless to all ! Akaal Purakh sahai!
Out of the four Gurus you've mentioned as not having been sons/direct descendants of previous Gurus, you're wrong with Guru Har Rai ji, as he was grandson of Guru Hargobind Ji and thus a direct descendant. Though you're right about Guruship not being decided on the basis of birth, if 7 out of 10 Gurus were directly related to the preceding Guru, what Dr. Kapil said was also not wrong.
Regarding the 5th Guru, it is obvious that he mistakenly said it was the 5th instead of the 6th as he didn't name Guru Arjan Dev ji.
And as far as Heer Ranjha is concerned, it seems you haven't heard about the Sri Charitropahkyan written by Guru Gobind Singh Ji.
It is very obvious that you were more interested in finding faults with Dr. Kapil than actually learning from his sea of knowledge, while being ignorant of Sikh history yourself. You call yourself a Sikh? Learn to be a good and humble shishya. That's what 'Sikh' means. You're calling a senior person like Dr. Kapil a "pada likha bewakoof" in your earlier comment and saying things like "you're not a Sikh just because you're a Khatri" and such BS. But then I looked at your surname and realised where all this shit is coming from and wasn't the least bit surprised.
All this does not make sense
All Sikhs are Khalisthanis. Some by deeds and others by thoughts ( the silent majority ).
I understand your pain.. All this does not make sense
All Hindus took part in the holocaust of Sikhs in Delhi. Some by deeds and others by thoughts ( the silent majority ). Therefore all Hindus were involved in the Sikh genocide in 84.
No Hindu was involved in 1984. Only Congress party was involved which is the favorite of the Sikhs . And they are hypocrite. They speak softly on Pakistan , Afghanistan , Bangladesh etc that commit their genocide but hate democratic India.
@@reconquistahinduism346 using your logic please correct the statement you made. "All this does not make sense
All Sikhs are Khalisthanis. Some by deeds and others by thoughts ( the silent majority )."
No . I stand by what I say. They are pro Pakistan. They get funding from UK, US , Canada etc from khalisthanis to break India. Their flag is the yellow flag you saw in Republic day violence. The hate Hindus. They are homophobic. They are racist and think they are superior race. They are casteist and divide their community into jatt sikhs and non jaat sikhs. They are sexist. Not a single so called "10 gurus" in sikhi is a female.
@@reconquistahinduism346 You reminded me of something when you said " No Hindu was involved in 1984. Only Congress party was involved which is the favorite of the Sikhs". I was in Delhi over that fateful day in 1984.. On the streets of Delhi the slogan of the murderous goons was "Hindu Mussalman bhai bhai, Sikho k karenge Saffai".. any comment?
He could not say properly:
Sargur Nanak Patgatya !!!!!!!
Miti Dhund jag chanan hova
Spiritual Knowledge of Guru Granth Sahib is for the whole Humanity not bound to any geographical region or caste. Merely being born in a Khatri clan does not make you a Sikh let alone being a expert on Gursikhi! The juvenile manner in which he handled the subject he definitely deserves the title parria likhya bevkoof !
There was nothing wrong in the way he said it. May be you've read some other Guru Granth Sahib. Stop being a Manmukh and pay attention to the sea of knowledge he has given.