How the “I don’t dream of labor” movement damaged my mental health

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 21 ต.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 26

  • @aurynluna4221
    @aurynluna4221 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    it was truly warming my heart to listen to all you've conquered in the last year! congratulations!
    and well, that mindset is damaging but i find it motivating in a certain way, in the sense that we have all been feeling like we're running out of time sometimes, and that's not natural.
    70 years is A LOT and it can feel like nothing cause capitalism puts us as working objects. most of our lives is spent working or studying, and most people don't get the chance to do that intentionally, enjoying themselves, they do it because otherwise they starve. and the stress can be so much, that we sometimes don't enjoy little things, nice people, kindness, and the most important thing : ourselves.
    i do get what you're saying, cause every time spent with ourselves is still life, every smile with a friend is a glimpse of happiness that we sometimes ignore... people are always comparing their happiness to someone else's happiness, that will always look better, because people don't show the boring parts of their days.
    all that said, i get you, but i also get the people who are unhappy- we do need to recognize that the way things are put right now, is abusive. you either get someone to do the hard work, or you're the one doing it for someone. and you still get shit for it sometimes!
    i believe my best life is being able to improve myself and question how can i improve life for others. being present despite being exhausted. not beating myself up for getting beat up! loved the video. xo

    • @jmss_md_img
      @jmss_md_img  2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@aurynluna4221 thank you for such a well thought out comment. And thanks for watching 🥰
      What motivated me to post this video is that recently, I think I’ve just gotten fed up and I realized that for the past two or three years I got swept up by the anti-work, I don’t dream of labor culture. At first it felt liberating to know that I wasn’t alone in feeling like modern work culture is suffocating. But pretty soon it actually made me resent my choices in life and made me feel like I’ve ruined my chance at happiness by choosing medicine as a career path. Because of the way medical training is set up, and i guess it’s similar for healthcare professionals in general, we are trained to believe that our job is our whole identity (don’t even get me started on the working hours). And so buying into that mindset of a fulfilling life not being tied to your work made me feel like I wasn’t fully enjoying the gift of life and that I would never enjoy it in the medical field. This feeling was amplified back when all I did was study for my licensing exams. The temptation to quit was so strong, but the desire to succeed and achieve my dreams was tearing my mind apart. In those months earlier this year, I felt like I’ve wasted years of my youth only to end up being miserable in a job that works you to the ground with little regard for your mental or physical wellbeing. Obviously, I’ve since had a change of heart.
      As cliche as it sounds, I now want to live by the adage that it’s not the destination, but rather the journey that is worth truly appreciating.
      So that’s exactly what I’m gonna try to do: touch some grass, smell the flowers, be present, while at the same time balancing my time working towards my goals and tending to other responsibilities.

    • @aurynluna4221
      @aurynluna4221 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@jmss_md_img you go girl!!! that's it! you don't have to be anti-work if your work is something you love. we can be happy working, but it could be better. your choice of carreer is actually so important for society. let's hope your field gets more recognition, and less overwhelming working hours, but i guess let's hope that for everyone! i get you so much, recently i've been beating myself up studying like crazy, not finding time for myself, i want to get into university this year, and dispite being exhausted, i'm learning so much, i will meet so many nice people, and i still enjoy listening to my favorite songs every morning.

  • @jjn6914
    @jjn6914 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +15

    Your message resonates with the younger me when I was in my 20s and 30s. I "resigned" in a way that the corporate grind would be my fate and I need to accept it and even learn to love it. I brainwashed myself well for 15 years. Then, realized I'm dying inside. So, in my view, for those with a follower personality (usually morning people, I find), that kind of life works. For those who tend to be more creatively inclined, the repetitive and predictable nature of the 9-to-6 grind starts manifesting bad health effects (e.g. hypertension, diabetes, sedentary lifestyle, obesity, etc.) after a decade or two. Diff'rent strokes for diff'rent folks. :)

    • @jmss_md_img
      @jmss_md_img  2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@jjn6914 thanks for sharing and thanks for watching! I’s truly amazing how we all have such different views on life. And really it all boils down to what makes us happy, and how we define that happiness is up to us. No social media trend can ever dictate what happiness and fulfillment is because it’s so subjective.

    • @Matcha4Me
      @Matcha4Me 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@jmss_md_img "No social media trend can ever dictate what happiness and fulfillment is " I love this quote so much thank you for saying that. I needed this reminder. :)

    • @AmandaVieiraMamaesouCult
      @AmandaVieiraMamaesouCult 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Idk, I'm nocturnal and creatively inclined and I benefit from having a 9-5 job. However, only if I'm working remotely.

    • @jmss_md_img
      @jmss_md_img  2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@AmandaVieiraMamaesouCultim nocturnal and creatively inclined as well, and I also see the benefit of having the structure of a 9-5. I was entirely lost during the past year of not having a job or rotations in the hospital to report to. And it caused me to death spiral in my mind about how much time I wasted and then proceed to waste even more time spiraling. I’m in a much better mental state now, busier and more tired for sure, but I don’t feel like I’m a waste of space anymore

  • @limitlessvision
    @limitlessvision 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Good luck with everything. Your cat is adorable

    • @jmss_md_img
      @jmss_md_img  2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@limitlessvision thank you!! Only one of my cats is in this video, maybe in the next one I can feature them both. I love them both so much. Hahaha.

  • @Mitology
    @Mitology 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    The opposite of poor, is enough.

  • @jroseme
    @jroseme 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    I feel what you're getting at and it's hard to find the words sometimes. These forces that make our growth economies chug along seem to be fueled by fomo...fomo of the career, the car, the pretty partner, the nice body, and now with social media and antiwork (not good for a growth economy lol) independence and self-determination. Even if you don't quite like your job or life situation or whatever, you still gotta try and make positive memories and treat people well. I've put happiness on hold for YEARS in a row during periods in my life that I viewed as 'not good enough' while I bided my time. I wish I would have appreciated those periods of my life more and lived more in the moment...even if my days were kind of stupid for 8-10 hours a day 😄

    • @jmss_md_img
      @jmss_md_img  2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@jroseme yes that’s exactly what I’m trying to get at. It’s really the fomo that I’m finally finding a way for myself to not get swayed by. And getting over that feeling of inadequacy because my life circumstances won’t allow me to have that “perfect life.” And I guess I’m just kind of done with feeling this way, and I really just need to make the most of my life as it is now.

  • @mintyichigo5153
    @mintyichigo5153 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    it's no coincidence this was recommended to me in my gap year of taking care of my mental health and preparing for residency entrance exam, 3months before the exam 🤣💙

    • @jmss_md_img
      @jmss_md_img  2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@mintyichigo5153 best of luck to you, thanks for watching 🥰

    • @mintyichigo5153
      @mintyichigo5153 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@jmss_md_img ayyye thankies 🥰

  • @adel-m5v
    @adel-m5v 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Wow you described my present situation… it can be very difficult sometimes, but this is a good mindset I’ll try to adopt as I have been filled with negative emotions recently. Thank you for sharing
    I thought I’ll be able to apply for match this year but I’m so far from being close to the score I want so it’s hard to wait another year but yeah, the wait and struggle is part of life

    • @jmss_md_img
      @jmss_md_img  3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@adel-m5v thanks for watching and sharing your thoughts. This is indeed quite the struggle. But just know you’re not alone! And believe that you will make it in the end.

  • @creativeb549
    @creativeb549 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    What you're experiencing is trauma bonding, you're trying to normalize what's wrong with the world because going against it and actually fighting for yourself is extremely tiring due to the systems in place.

    • @jmss_md_img
      @jmss_md_img  2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@creativeb549 I agree that this system is entirely messed up. And that society at large is in dire need of a cultural revolution. But I no longer want to be angry or upset at the world for something that is likely not going to change within my lifetime. I’m choosing to find a way to live happily now, in any capacity I can. To achieve what I want to achieve for myself without losing my mind. And once I’m in some place of authority or power to make real changes in the niche I have chosen to devote my life to, then I will fight the system in any way I can.

  • @hiregenz
    @hiregenz 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    i felt this hard. thanks for sharing jasmine!

    • @jmss_md_img
      @jmss_md_img  2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thank you for watching. I’m glad it resonated with you

  • @nobodynowhere21
    @nobodynowhere21 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    So let me get this straight. You've had your life paid for by some man while you went to med school ... and you're coming to the internet to, let's be real, LECTURE us on how "I don't dream of labor" is damaging our mental health? I'm sure you're intelligent enough to recognize that for many people this very recognition is a relief of a profound cognitive dissonance and that suffering itself can be, perhaps ironically, healing. I think you are already aware of the extraordinary privilege that you're speaking from, but I wonder if you've realized how profoundly it has distorted your perceptions.

    • @jmss_md_img
      @jmss_md_img  2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@nobodynowhere21 thanks for watching and sharing your thoughts. And ouch, that’s one way of putting it I guess: that my life has been paid for by some man (i.e. my parents and for the better part of this last year, my husband). I think I do mention that I speak from a place of privilege but that doesn’t invalidate the feeling of being a useless piece of shit for the better part of a year despite what accomplishments I have on paper. It sucks to have “credentials and education” and not be able to practice or pursue that dream further because of the reality of transitioning from being a foreign grad to working as a doctor in America.
      And I think you hit the nail on the head. The point I was trying to get across is that my perception HAS BEEN profoundly distorted by my circumstances AND by the “i dont dream of labor” nonsense. Because let’s face it. Society as it is right now makes it so that only extremely privileged people can ACTUALLY make the dream of “not doing labor” work for them. And I think what I’m trying to get at is I don’t want my happiness and self worth to be defined by some internet social movement that’s wholly unattainable for a majority of people. And that life is a series of sacrifices that is sometimes good and sometimes bad and that ALL of that is what makes up living as a human being.
      I hope that makes sense. I wasn’t trying to lecture anyone. I was just relaying my realizations from a year of unemployment and desperation.

  • @meditseine
    @meditseine 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    this felt so reassuring to hear after getting warped up in the rat race struggle 🥹 thankyou for reminding me To live & accept life :))

    • @jmss_md_img
      @jmss_md_img  3 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      @@meditseine yay. Im glad that it had the intended effect. It’s really easy to get caught up in that feeling that everyone is doing better than you and that you’re falling behind in life because of how social media works as a highlight reel. Thanks for watching the video and for commenting your thoughts 🥰