John Wick of nonsense. The God of the Bible is a man made perception. There's no way such a petty character could be the creator of this amazing universe.
I hear you. Problem is that in this day and age people are not as opened to ideas that contradict their beliefs. They want people only to confirm what they already believe. Other than that people see it as being disrespectiful.. I hope I made a valid point😊
Listening to these young people promoting atheism makes me realize the truth in this scripture, *Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it. - Matthew 7:13-14
@@playzfahdayz Yes, that is the verse. You are proving my point. God created most of us to spend eternity in Hell. Do you think he is shocked and surprised by the sheer number of souls in Hell? No, this is all part of his plan. You worship a vile and disgusting God!
@Justin Gary And exactly who created man's sinful nature? Here is a hint: God allowed the serpent to enter the garden, and he knew exactly what the outcome would be.
I hope to have the discipline and patience Cliffe has with the younger generation. In a society that is so angry and intolerant despite claiming to be tolerant, I hope to speak more about Christ. I pray Jesus gives me the guidance and patience to continue His message to everyone. 🙏🏼 God bless the work you’re doing Cliffe til this day!
Have you ever lied, stolen, used God's name in vain, looked wuth lust? if so you need to repent today and Believe in Jesus Christ to save you from Hell and go to heaven instead
I hope you know Matthew Vines. He has a sermon that explains scripture and the history of the word homosexual in the Bible. Very important with today's generation. Also, when I am feeling a lack of patience or am getting angry, I think about how Jesus behaved on the cross to the people on either side of Him, how He behaved to the mocking hypocrites that put a crown of thorns on His head and vinegar in His mouth, how He carried His cross until He no longer could humanly carry it before even being hung on it, etc. Tends to humble me and calm me down fairly quickly. Lol God bless❤😊
@@bonnie43ukno, not at all. God gave us alcohol as a joyous gift, that is to be consumed in moderation, so that we do not negatively impact others. Also, taking God's name in vain is a commonly misunderstood commandment from the old testament. The actual meaning of it is that when we walk around as followers of Christ, we are representing God and should behave as such, less we tale his name in vain. So, those people who act hypocritical, who tell everyone theyre going to Hell, the crusades, people who attack gays, even the pope imo, etc are all people who are taking the Lord's name in vain. We are to act loving, so that we might remind others of Christ or get them interested in having the internal peace that we do.❤ God bless❤
The man who has lighten my faith in Jesus…. Never truly had to think rationally about my existence & purpose until Cliffes wisdom has enlighten me down that path. May GOD Bless us all
The vids are timeless just as the gospel is... because the nature of man never changes. (Now, watch for all the resident trolls to show up and deny-deny-deny the gospel truth!) (Acts 9:5, 7:54, Romans 1:18?)
@@JohnWilliams-pk7ci uh what? what exactly should he change and why? Everything he says is either extremely hard or impossible to refute. Even giving good arguments against what he says is difficult. And how is he a con-man? Do you even know what a con-man is?
@@Generatorman59 like fallible "scientists" do with macro-evolution? Might want to look at your own worldview for inconsistency first. How do you know what you know is objectively true? What's the foundation transcendent of your subjective opinion? I pray the triune God of the supernaturally prophetic (Romans 1:26-31/2 Timothy 4:3/Matthew 24:6/1 Corinthians 1:18), historically verified (archaeologically & anthropologically, enemy/early/multiple attestation, internal consistency, embarrassing reports, etc.) & transcendentally, objectively moral (Exodus 20/Matthew 22:37-40) Bible reveal Himself to you in Spirit & objective truth (John 16:13). May God bless you with faith (Ephesians 2:8 & Merriam-Webster, "belief, *trust* in & loyalty to God")!
Merry Christmas to all of my fellow "Ask Cliffe" viewers, may you all have a peaceful and prosperous festive season regardless of what you believe or don't believe. It's great that Cliffe gives us the opportunity to discuss the issues he brings up in his conversations with the Students.
It’s ironic how you much you’re showing that you’re made in the image of God with this comment if you’re being genuine, yet continue to deny his existence. I don’t mean to offend you and don’t plan on debating you in this thread so God bless you and Merry Christmas to you too Bonnie.
@@jesustalkspace I truly believe I was made in the image of my parents, you say I "continue to deny his existence", .. well, it's more a case of not seeing any credible evidence of his existence, same reason you don't believe in the many other Gods that mankind has believed in, past and present. I fully accept your God exists in your mind, but outside of that, there's nothing tangible that I can see to prove his existence. Dont worry, I'm never offended by anything you say. Merry Christmas to you. I just replied to you on the other video about why torture is wrong btw.
14:40 DEFINITIONS: - God: an eternal personal being who created; an intelligent mind who created - Love: to actively wish (& work for) the well-being of someone else (to wish means I've got a will, a free will)
@@ProdMADog - Excellent. Edited my comment with your addendum. - 15:01 However, when Cliff says, "actively wish" perhaps the active connects to ACTIVITY, which is work
I can’t believe Cliffe has been doing since the 90s and he only got famous now. How was he not famous before? He is such a great guy. I’d love to meet him in his church.
Re: I don't like people saying "You're going to hell!" Same here, but only if they say it in the way that the are condemning me and passing judgement on me without looking to help me. Would you dislike somebody who said, "Hey buddy, the trail down that way is out, it looks like it keeps going but it ends in a cliff you can't see coming, you're better off going this other way" I think this is what genuine Christian ministry is trying to do: tell you which roads end in a cliff, and which one leads to the 5 star hotel
I enjoyed the last portion of the video. The guy pulls in immediate evemts into the conversation. Wonderful perception in analytical thinking and questions.
What I’m beginning to realize is, even in previous times, people want the benefits of God existing, without acknowledging he exists. That guy with the long hair was the epitome of that That guy in the blue hat was killing me! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
The problem with moral relativism is that it makes nothing wrong because as long as it can be justified, and all things can be justified, then everything is good and ok. Period.
This was almost 25 years ago. I wonder what the people in the video think of themselves when they watch this now. Being a millennial, I can see how the corruption in schools and colleges started back then.
People tell people that they don't believe in God. But they fear death. To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord God Almighty. People are scared to die. Why ? People died in the Bible for their FAITh. No FEAR. !!! Unsaved people are afraid of death. ! Point Made. Thats the bottom line.
A lot of these people appear to be arguing that "There is no God and society doesn't need him because our sense of morality is innate and the vast majority will treat one another with respect and courtesy anyway." The only interviewees that would still say the same things now would be the ones who were knowing lying then.
Cliff is right, people love God as long as they think they are going to get something from Him, but when He turns the tables and asks something of them, then they can’t be bothered. God has got to audition with them to be God.
The guy at 12 minutes defeats his own argument as you realize that no other creature has morals like we do. And their natures will act against their own best interest.
I’ve been watching him for a few months now I’m very impressed I live in New York City. Is there any universities that he speaks at in my area. Does he ever come to New York? How do I find out?
@@jasonnoble7302 no proof is required , we have already gone through this. You don't believe in GOD so why are you here commenting on what You believe is a fairytale?
People want to see God like ice cream flavors 😅. If you dont like strawberry god , try vanilla god, some love chocolate god. This comes from a spoiled society that has too many choices, free to pick and choose whatever appeals to your taste. A society that feels entiltled to as many choices as we want.
There is no greater inheritance which we can leave our children, than that our own good example. The memory of my own mother’s exemplary life of yesterday is the pattern for my life today. In later years I’ve realised that it was the praying she did for her family that resulted in their great love for her. Her example won me to Christ, and this along with her love, resulted in me obtaining the initial impetus, to follow the Saviour, which was to agree and please her. And from the grave I intend to keep working on those I leave behind, that God has put into my care, with the following epitaph. “ If I could come back from the grave I would preach Christ.”
Cliffe told the student that, knowing God is more important than your next exam, the reality is, knowing Jesus, IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING, IN THIS LIFE!!! ❤
Regarding the last guy’s question about telling someone they’re going to hell, the “pros” at doing this don’t really ever say that to anyone; they express what the Word says as it applies to themselves, and anyone they are talking to understands that it applies to them and anyone else.
15:00-19:11 Comparison of the faith of "doubting Thomas" who APPEARED TO MEN AS HOPELESS & CYNICAL. Jesus understood Thomas's doubt and he met him in that doubt.
Cliffe attended Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, just outside of Boston and is the senior Pastor at Grace Community Church, New Canaan Conneticut. Cliffe and his followers believe and promotes the following religious doctrine: "We believe that the 66 books of the Old and New Testament are the Word of God. The Bible was inspired by God; it reflects the backgrounds, styles, and vocabularies of the authors. We believe the Scriptures are infallible and without error in the original manuscripts. The Scriptures are the only divine and final authority for all Christian faith and life. We believe there is one true God existing in three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit - each of Whom possesses equally all the attributes of deity and the characteristics of personality. God is the Creator; he created the world out of nothing. His glory, power, wisdom, and goodness are reflected in His creation. He operates throughout history reconciling people to Himself." As an indoctrinated Catholic turned atheist who began to investigate the origins of Catholicism at age 30 I do not share Cliffe's description of the reality that surrounds me. Instead, I prefer Ken Humphries "Jesus Never Existed" view of reality.
To the guy with the bike the Jews never stopped being God's Chosen people through whom the Messiah came Even though most Jews don't believe in Christ as there Messiah there's still a redemptive plan for them Jesus tells them you will not see me again until you say blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord
3:30!!! Perfect example of Bonnie and all the other resident trolls who are about to descend on this channel with their usual objective, obfuscations, misinterpretations, inconsistencies, contradictions, fusing, fuming, fist shaking, nonsense-as they do every single week with religious zeal! Just wait for it. We ALL know they make their appearance...
Hey, Jesse, why am I not surprised to see you here? You talk all the time about resident trolls and you never seem to miss a video yourself. I wonder why. 🤔
Merry Christmas Jesse, just finished watching my favourite Christmas Movie "Polar Express" ... just noticed Cliffe has posted a new video, I shall enjoy watching the debate with the students ... yes, i may even make a comment. Hope Santa brings you lots of lovely gifts .. you just have to "BELIEVE" 😍😍😍😍😍😍
@@jackalsgate1146 Yes, Jesse believes the following: The laws of logic exist, therefore God exists. Morality exists, therefore God exists. 1 + 1 = 2, therefore God exists. The laws of physics exist, therefore God exists. The conscience exists, therefore God exists. And he insists that I have absolutely no evidence that the natural world exists.
Jesse, with regards to what Cliffe is saying at 3:30, he goes on to talk about knowing in your heart of hearts when something is wrong.. there are lots of Bible passages where my inner moral compass says to me "That is wrong" , yet these are events that God commanded in the Bible, or at the very least knew people did those horrific things in his name. Is the slaughter and butchery of young children and babies ok when it's done in Gods name?
I think we have to seriously consider the possibility that the works the apostle Paul is writing about are actually the good religious works of the Jews before they received their salvation. These works are the ones he is referring to, when he writes”lest any man should boast.” It seems reasonable to assume that the gentile converts who prior to their conversion had no knowledge of God, could have been inclined to view the Jewish converts, with some awe, because of their status as the chosen race; And this may have resulted in obtaining an unwanted and unnecessary inferiority complex. But Paul in order to circumvent this, says that although the Jews had this magnificent history, in which God was a focal point of their lives, nevertheless they were not saved because of it, but instead, it was the grace of God lest any man should boast. And this statement by Paul would have prevented the Gentile converts from succumbing to seeing themselves as being inferior to the Jewish believers. Conversely these words of Paul the apostle, when he says they are saved by grace and not by works, would have also been an admonishment to those Jewish converts who might have had the tendency to see themselves as superior to the Gentile converts who previously had no knowledge of God whatsoever. And if we were to liken this to todays day by comparing ourselves to a converted primitive savage from the midst of the Amazon jungle, we can see that the temptation might exist for us to consider ourselves superior to such a native; Because he lacked a knowledge of God that some of us had prior to our conversion, albeit that it was only a smattering. And if this example holds water then how much more valid would it have been for the Jewish believers who had a knowledge of God that was much more than a smattering. And as we know that these differences did exist between the Jewish and Gentile believers, we therefore see the sense in Paul’s admonition to not boast because it’s by grace they are saved and not by their good religious works. However much of Christendom today, if not all of it, has subscribed to the view that these works pertaining to Jews before conversion, actually apply to our works after our conversion instead. And such a view is greatly responsible for believers leading lives that would be better led if they took into consideration that these works which Paul is referring to, must indeed be the religious works of the Jews prior to salvation.
Dear friends, that scripture where Jesus says to many, that He has not known them, is alarming, but in a good way; Because it can shake us up, to ensure that we are indeed leading a life, that will result in obtaining everlasting life. It’s only in the last 3 years that I’ve actually obtained my blessed assurance of salvation. This happened because I decided to forsake my last ounce of rebellion, of having my cake and eating it too. Prior to this time, my repentance was only at 95% instead of 100%. I didn’t want to deny myself completely, and become dead to sin. I think, that those who subscribe to the faulty doctrine that holiness is an impossibility, are in danger. However if we are striving for righteousness, albeit we might be failing and succeeding, we have nothing to fear, for we are pleasing God, by trying hard. Therefore our salvation is assured, particularly if we are clothed with the fear of God.
You can tell the first guy doesn't really believe the crap he's saying. Cause he's got this confused look as he's talking and he's constantly looking down in distress cause he knows what he's saying is nonsense. But they don't want to admit their wrong cause they don't want God to exist in their minds
That you are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else you were born into bondage. Into a prison that you cannot taste or see or touch. A prison for your mind.""
Love cliffe and watch all his videos but maaan u gotta explain more to them … I know your trying to be careful to some thing and (these videos are old) but some stuff I know the answer to and you just don’t say …. U def explain enough but how u explain is extremely important
I’ve watched a couple of his videos and realized the same question arises….morality is relative. We know it’s not relative. Morality is innate from God.
@@Generatorman59 That's too simple. As long as science can't give any existential answers, you have to accept the fact, that an intelligent being created you. Sorry if that's against the current mainstream narrative, but coherence is more important than political agendas. Nothing comes from nothing.
@@robertmitchell-tv5yf Even if that was true, which I highy doubt, you still didn't answer the final question with it: Where did this LUCA come from? Who created it?
@@wurzelbert84wucher5 Many, many years ago, people couldn't understand something. They noticed the rivers pouring their waters into the ocean, yet the ocean never seem to get any fuller. They couldn't explain how it could be because no one understood anything about the water cycle. So, they attributed to the supernatural. Problem solved. They also couldn't understand where lightning or thunder came from. So they also attributed to the supernatural. Problems solved. Of all the mysteries ever solved, not a single one was attributed to the supernatural. The supernatural has never been shown to be a thing. And it is illogical to to give it any attributes until it is established. If you are a theist, then you believe in magic. If you believe in magic, then magic explains and answers all questions. How did this planet form before there were any stars in the entire universe? Magic. How did the earth populate with vegetation before our sun existed? Magic. How did humans originate from the dust of the ground? Magic. How did Balaam have a 2-way conversation with his donkey? Magic. Fortunately for theists, the faithful never have to apply skepticism to their god. Theists are blinded by their indoctrination.
@@robertmitchell-tv5yf When science is not able to answer these questions, why do you think science contradicts god? You can be a man of science and god, but you can't be a man of science when you think that something came from nothing.
I came to realise that a lot of people on the planet need religion because they lack the intellectual capacity to deal with life in another way. Thinking for yourself is no easy task and believing is so much easier. 1) Some-thing can only come into existence out of a state of no-thing. Otherwise some-thing couldn’t be anything else than every-thing. The state of no-thing on the other hand has the potential to manifest every-thing. Therefore, some-thing and no-thing are of equal value. Not surprisingly the same result is obtained in mathematics but I prefer my own thought via a philosophical approach. Thinking for yourself has proven to be a great way to keep devils, angels, goblins, leprechauns and god(s) at a distance, but that aside. 2) There are good reasons to compare the coming into existence of universes with something we all enjoyably know: ejaculations. Most spermatozoa are destined for the drain and only one amongst the million losses viable. We are living in one of the universes viable for life, probably amongst many failed or disabled universes; hence the absolutely not miraculous fine tuning of our cosmic surroundings. We’re lucky and we are translating our luck, a very common human characteristic, into pride, prejudice and the preposterous idea that a super being is overseeing each of us and sad or happy depending on the position of our hands above or below the sheets. 3) So, the absolute beginning from the very first universe must have started from a very fine tilting point in a state where there was no difference between some- and no-thing. Quantum mechanics has learned us that energy can be borrowed for such a short time that the balance between the two states isn’t affected. Unimaginable stretches of time and evolution have done the rest in a trial, error and rarely, but in view of the incredible time lapses, unavoidable success way. We perceive the end result like a magic trick. Conclude that the pigeon out of the head is pure wizardry until the magician explains every step of the astonishing experience. 4) if an all powerful god existed, why in the name of the one no one should believe in, would that being make the billion of years detour instead of just creating a made and ready universe? Unless you reject the fact, no, no longer the theory, but the fact of evolution. If that’s the case, then you are worshipping a god created or accepted out of pure and maybe even wilful ignorance. 5) if god existed there would be no need to prove his existence because he / she / it would be perceived or at the very least be experienced by believers and non believers alike and since that’s clearly not the case it’s safe to say that god(s) are man made and not the other way around. That’s also why there are approximately, at present, 4.300 religions with matching super bff to suit different cultures, regions and tribes. 6) Seneca, ancient Roman philosopher: ‘for common people religion is true, for wise men false and useful for rulers’. The story of Jesus, his miracles and resurrection Ask 1000 followers of Kenneth Copeland if he can heal the sick, paralysed and disabled. Well, you know the answer. Ask 1000 followers of Copeland if he could resurrect someone from the dead. You know the answer Ask 1000 followers of Copeland if they witnessed a resurrection performed by Copeland and at least 100 will testify on their life and the life of their children that they witnessed a resurrection done by one of the biggest spiritual con men in our day and age. Should give you some idea about the value of testimonials in Jesus time. People turn their wishes into beliefs and from that principle all religions are born. 😊
Re I want to avoid telling people that some religions or beliefs are wrong The first question is why. Are you uncomfortable that you are telling people what you believe is correct? If so, why? Would you have trouble telling people that 1+1 is 2? Secondly, you can avoid telling them, sure, but you would have to accept the possibility that people might be tricked into believing something else. Or they might simply never come to knew the truth.
When a person over 14 begins a "question" with "why does God/ Jesus...? " or "could God/ Jesus...?" or any such similar beginning, this isn't a serious question. They aren't seeking an answer, they're seeking an argument. They already have the answer that they believe to be true. We aren't obligated to entertain these people but if you think you've got the answer that will sway them, go for it. Just consider putting a shot clock on your efforts.
@GetsaucedOn 100% getsaucedOn, .. I'm pretty sure saintpaul is referring to me in his post. heh, .. I am that Guy ... could Jesus.. why didnt Jesus, .. I ask those questions all the time on here. I certainly AM seeking a credible answer.
Jeff, maybe that's the big difference between us, I'm always asking myself "How could God/Jesus have done this better" ... whereas maybe you just accept the Bible as infallible and accept all those stories as fact. I love this concept of Jesus coming back every 10 years or so, and appearing to a new set of people somewhere in the world to prove his divinity, he stays for a set number of days, performs miracles, preaches, then just prior to him ascending back into the clouds, states the exact day, location and time of his next appearance in 10 years time ... how about that for a prophecy ! .. what's not to like about that Jeff? .. as an atheist, I'd have a hard time trying to explain that away, and as a Christian, you'd have verifiable proof of his divinity. "Verily, I say unto thee .. I shall come upon you in the city they call London, on Dec 25th in the year you shall know as 2022, .. peace be upon the world" ... and up he goes, into the clouds.
Ahhhh... the next level narcissism of bonnie43uk has made an appearance. Although, I can see where making a criticism of childish, uninformed tactics might SEEM like a personal indictment of bonnie43uk, the are others as inane as he.
It's obvious that many of these students have not thought deeply on the issue of absolute morality. It's been waterwings and the shallow end up until the day that Cliffe arrived to toss them into the deep end...where they wildly and aimlessly flailed about, trying to keep their heads above water.
@Generatorman59 An argument? I have no interest in arguing. Arguing is just a prideful exercise in trying to show off to others... _"look at me, I am smarter than him."_ I have no ego to stroke, and nothing to prove. But I will gladly speak with anyone who is genuinely seeking to know the Lord.
Are you a theist? Are you a Christian? Do you believe in the teachings of the Bible? Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior? Do you strive to live your life in accordance to the teachings of Jesus? If you have answered ‘Yes’ to the above questions, then you must agree that the following statement is true: The sheer act of killing a healthy 3-month-old baby is NOT objectively immoral.
@@stewwweee I am not even going to entertain your racist comment except to say that most of the folks I work with are black and Mexican. They are some of the most educated and respectable people I have come across.
@@Generatorman59 Stewwweee's comments are not showing up on the main comment section Jim, suffice to say he's also sent me stuff which is nonsense that isn't showing up on my comment thread about British colonials.
@@bonnie43uk It vanished on my comment section, too. He went on and on and on trying to convince me basically that I am filled with white privilege and he said that I look down on minorities. It was literally 3 paragraphs of that. He replied to my most recent comment, but it vanished too. He basically said that facts are not racist. I wanted to tell him that I agree, it is he who is the racist.
@@Generatorman59 That's right. What some (not all) theists try to do when we as non-believers are in discussions with them is they will try to divert attention away from THEIR burden of proof and instead, they will attempt to get us to waste our time trying to argue with something that is irrelevant to whether or not there is a God and irrelevant as to whether or not we can trust the Bible. For example, in discussions with some theists, I often get "hey, John, prove you're not a brain in a vat being fed illusions". My answer to that, in so many words, is whilst this is an interesting philosophical question, I'm not going to waste my time trying to prove something that makes no difference as to whether God exists or not, so now let's get back to the existence of God. The 'white privilege' debate is another interesting subject in and of itself but whatever the truth is regarding that or any other interesting subject, it won't change whether there is a God or not and whether we can fully trust the Bible or not but this 'stewwweee' or whatever their real name is, probably wants you to waste your time arguing about that, which will then CONVENIENTLY leave him not having to defend HIS position regarding his belief in the Bible and the existence of God. Atheism and theism are about one thing and one thing only, whether or a God exists, anything else is something else.
@@JohnCashin Nice insights. Thanks for your comment. I see those things a lot, too. On common question I get is something like, "Are you absolutely certain about anything?" Or, "Prove the universe is real."
Jesus is God and we can demonstrate it and John 2028 when our boy, Thomas said to Jesus, my Lord and my God. When others were called God, they reprimanded the speaker because they were not God. On the contrary, when Thomas called Jesus, god Jesus told Thomas blessed is he. Jesus did not come to toot his own horn directly.
Someone please keep it simple . What about cavemen scientists will tell u they was here before adam and eve the bible tells us adam and eve was here first
Do you want to remain unforgiven or be forgiven? The choice is yours, Jesus has made it clear who He is when He said: "I AM the way, the Truth and the Life, no one comes to the Father but through Me". He also said: "He who has seen Me has seen the Father". Romans Chapter 10: verses 9, 10. ✝ The Gospel of John Chapter 14: verses 6, 7, 9.
27:00 really get to the heart, people don't check out the validity of the documents, instead reading what the internet _says_ about God & reject Him from that, all the while having no objective foundation for their worldview, inconsistent with reality & giving up objective knowledge claims altogether as in the first clip. I pray the triune God of the supernaturally prophetic (Romans 1:26-31/2 Timothy 4:3/Matthew 24:6/1 Corinthians 1:18), historically verified (archaeologically & anthropologically, enemy/early/multiple attestation, internal consistency, embarrassing reports, etc.) & transcendentally, objectively moral (Exodus 20/Matthew 22:37-40) Bible reveal Himself to you in Spirit & objective truth (John 16:13). May God bless you with faith (Ephesians 2:8 & Merriam-Webster, "belief, *trust* in & loyalty to God"), reader!
could Jesus write in his own language Rob?, would it be good from your perspective if Jesus wrote down in crystal clear incontrovertible terms his views on such things as homosexuality, abortion, rape, torture, so that no one could be in any doubt whatsoever where he stood on those important matters? Preferably also write them down on some kind of indestructible material that could not be erased, edited, destroyed so that we have the original copies in tablet form. What for example does Jesus say specifically about people who are attracted to other people of the same gender?
@@bonnie43uk "could Jesus write in his own language Rob?" God hasn't revealed He has His own language, don't strawman fallacy. "...homosexuality, abortion, rape, torture..." Give me an objective foundation why that's right/wrong for everyone from your worldview, then i'll answer. You've admit you dont have one. I've told you in the email why those things are amoral (leaning advantageous) in evolution, you had no refutation. "Preferably also write them down on some kind of indestructible material" Your subjective, fallible preferences have no bearing on the omniscient, infallible, triune God who knows better than you. "What for example does Jesus say specifically about people who are attracted to other people of the same gender?" Old testament or New? Leviticus 18:22, 20:13, 1 Corinthians 6:9, 1 Timothy 1:10, take your pick. Jesus is the Word (John 1:1), all of the word is God breathed (2 Timothy 3:16), so God said all i cited. May God bless you with faith (Ephesians 2:8 & Merriam-Webster, "belief, *trust* in & loyalty to God"), tom!
@@robmc120 I've just replied to your email Rob. So quote me the actual passage(s) where Jesus speaks *specifically* about people who are attracted to other people of the same gender. Leviticus is not the person called Jesus speaking, Corinthians and Timothy are Pauls letters aren't they?, not actual Jesus speaking, I'm asking you about the person in the flesh called Jesus speaking specifically about his thoughts on people who are attracted to people of the same gender.. what did he say, what actual words came out of his mouth, and where can I find them in the Bible? For anyone who happens to be gay, I'm sure they would want to know what Jesus said *specifically* about them. Did he mention them on the sermon on the mount for example?
@@bonnie43uk "Leviticus is not the person called Jesus speaking, Corinthians and Timothy are Pauls letters aren't they?" Forget your fallible, subjective, arbitrary, amoral, empty worldview inconsistent with actual reality for just a minute & _"pretend"_ Christianity is true & the Bible is God's word with me here to show Jesus said the things i quoted: 1)Jesus is God (John 10:30+33, "I & the Father are one.”/“We are not stoning You for any good work,” said the Jews, “but for blasphemy, because You, who are a man, declare Yourself to be God.” & Mark 2:5-7, "When Jesus saw their faith, He said to the paralyzed man, “Son, your sins are forgiven.” Now some teachers of the law were sitting there, thinking to themselves, “Why does this fellow talk like that? He’s blaspheming! Who can forgive sins but God alone?” & John 8:58+59, "Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I am” So they picked up stones to throw at Him, but Jesus hid Himself & went out of the temple" (among other verses)) 2)The Bible is God speaking (2 Timothy 3:16, "*_ALL_* Scripture is God-breathed & is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness" & John 17:17, "Sanctify them by the truth; Your _word_ is truth", emphasis added ) Jesus is God + the _entire_ Bible is God speaking=>Leviticus 18:22 & 20:13, 1 Corinthians 6:9 & 1 Timothy 1:10 are all Jesus speaking them just as much as God the Father &/or the Holy Spirit; one God, three persons., perfect harmony agreement (Matthew 3:16+17, "As soon as Jesus was baptized, He went up out of the water. At that moment heaven was opened & He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove & alighting on Him & a voice from heaven said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with Him I am well pleased.” "For anyone who happens to be gay" People don't "_happen_ to be gay", there's no intelligent, peer-study that confirms people are genetically gay. "I'm sure they would want to know what Jesus said specifically about them" Not a lot seem to be concerned since they're already rebelling against God (Romans 1:27, " In the same way men also abandoned natural relations with women & inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men & received in themselves due penalty for their error")
@@robmc120 Oh boy, .. have you ever had conversations with people who are attracted to people of the same gender Rob?, A lot of what you've quoted in your last message is not Jesus speaking specifically about what I asked you about. I am just off to work Rob, i wish I had a bit more time to go over your reply, so, just to confirm, Jesus was ok with gay people being stoned to death as in the Old Testament? Did Jesus mention anything about heterosexual married couples engaging in anal sex?, what's his view on that? Can you quote the exact passage where he specifically talks about that?
You are a very good speaker Cliffe, and I really enjoy listening to you, but as long as you keep pushing the ancient pagan doctrines adopted by pagan Roman Catholicism of the trinity (3 Gods in one God), the eternal suffering pain, torture of a physical hellfire of unrighteous ones, and the immortality of the human soul, you will keep fulfilling Matthew 7:21-23: "Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!" These ancient pagan Satanic doctrines blaspheme the very nature personification of the Father and his son Jesus Christ. Unfortunately, your love of position, power and money negates that you forsake the truth of the Bible to gain favor with the so called Christian powerful apologist elites in the United States. Other false counterfeit Christian false pagan doctrine expounders on TH-cam are Frank Turec, David Lynn, John MacArthur, Kerrigan Skelly, Cleveland Street Preachers, Valley Scharping, Living Waters (Ray Comfort). These so called Christian motivational speakers are very good speakers, but they mislead young people and older people with their ancient pagan false biblical doctrines that blaspheme the Father and his son Jesus Christ. Their blasphemous pagan doctrines are: PAGAN ROMAN CATHOLICISM DOCTRINES PASSED DOWN TO PROTESTANTISM 1. The Trinity Doctrine (3 Gods in one God) Jesus Christ is NOT GOD the Father, the Father is Yahweh, Jehovah and Jesus is NOT Yahweh, Jehovah 2. The Eternal Conscience Pain and Suffering of Unrighteous Ones Existing in the Lake of Fire, Hellfire 3. The Immortality of the Human Soul I pray that these false teachers abandoned their false pagan doctrines and stop blaspheming the Father and the Son to mankind.
Quote; " how can there be a moral absolute" only one way, " if there is a mind prior to the human mind that creates and defines justice, value, goodness, love" "if" another big "if" why even talk after that because everything is just an "IF". Everybody has the/an imprinted knowledge initially made by the fusion of elements that has all the information required for survival and morality, basically its set for live and let live. No God had a hand in producing a humans fused elements. The human mind is just a receiver for the imprinted knowledge. Hello! there is no "If".
That comment has the potential to be at least 5%more interesting than any thing else I've seen on this channel. Is that an affirmation that objective moral values DO exist?
@@saintpaulofyoutube4416 Unless someone can prove that God the creator had a hand in the fusing of elements, then yes it is affirmation because the objective is not influenced by personal feelings or opinions to change the fact that moral values are automatically imprinted within one's imprinted knowledge because it has to make sure its host survives. Before God could be recognised as the creator for fused things to form and operate as a form, then the question must be asked, ie What caused the occurrence for when God first came to the realisation he? is a God. God is three persons ( according to the scriptures) so God must also be made from the fusion of elements. That is if one believes in a God and not for those whom know who the real gods are.
@@chiptowers1 the only question pending before you is 'do you affirm the existence of objective moral values? " I'm not sure what the possible cause has to do with the existence if these values.
@@saintpaulofyoutube4416 That's fair enough that your not sure about the " cause". I would have thought I answered the ? " objective moral value" " objective moral values" ie independent of our own judgement, belief, or feelings. Yes I affirm the existence of objective moral values, because, moral values are a rule set in place within the imprinted knowledge values but our minds can object moral values due to our/ones current environment.
@@chiptowers1 good, so we agree that moral values (at least some of them) are objective in nature. I understand that you believe that these values are "imprinted knowledge ". Fair enough, I sort of believe that too. I believe that these values are imprinted on us too. It looks like or disagreement is pretty minor. You believe that our values are imprinted on us by someTHING and I believe they were imprinted by someONE.
We do certainly make a choice (in as much as we can call it 'choice') as to how we want to be and how we want to treat others but we don't just make that choice out of nothing, I'm not convinced that it is a case of us just making decisions out of some divinely given freewill where we decide to treat someone horribly or treat someone kindly because we just want to. We make that choice based on what we conclude makes sense and what is in our best interest and this in turn is based on our perception, understanding and experience of reality. Now, here's the SUPER IMPORTANT thing to remember, that conclusion we formulate could be an incorrect one but if we don't know that it is incorrect and are convinced that it is correct, that is what we will make our decisions on. For example, Adolf Hitler didn't simply wake up one morning in his life and said to himself "hey, I think will go and gas millions of Jewish people because, well, I just want to". No, that's not how Hitler was likely to have come about. How Hitler probably came about was the result of his unique and personal experiences in life that led him (incorrectly) to the conclusion that exterminating a certain group of people made sense and was in his best interest, that's how he and others like him come about. Their experiences in their lives lead them to certain conclusions that most others would say are irrational but to them, it's perfectly rational. I bet Hitler thought he was being rational and he would have been unable to understand anyone who thought he was crazy and dangerous. The same goes for Vladimir Putin, he's convinced that what he's doing makes sense and that the people opposing him are wrong. The same principle applies when you as an individual treat another individual badly. When I say 'badly', I mean as in you treat them in a way that you wouldn't want to be treated yourself. If you're a Christian theist, think back for a moment, and consider someone that you have treated in a way that you wouldn't want to be treated yourself, it might be an atheist like myself, for example, now, did you treat them that way just because you simply wanted to or was there some kind of reasoning behind it? I bet there was some reasoning behind it, right? I bet it was something like "those darned atheists deserve to be treated like stupid people because they are stupid people". OK, let me make it even more personal here, maybe it was me, you might have said "urgh, I can't stand that atheist John Cashin, he gets on my nerves, he deserves for me to come on here and insult him". Can you see what I mean? The choices we make regarding how we treat people are based on our thought processes which in turn are affected by factors which we won't have control over, environment, upbringing, and emotional state, which can be connected to brain chemistry etc. This is why I don't accept the 'free' element of so-called 'free will'. We have a will, yes, every living creature has a will, sure, I give you that, but whilst we might not be puppets on a string, our will is NOT free, it's attached to factors that are not within our control at a given moment. Here's another example of what I mean, say if a Christian theist replies to this in a way that puts me down, then that will be ANOTHER example of what I mean right there, they read this or part of it and then they concluded that I'm posting a load of rubbish and therefore I deserve to be treated like a load of rubbish. You see, you reason it through and come to a conclusion, you don't just choose to treat someone badly for the sake of choosing, you choose based on what you are convinced makes sense.
As Christians we are not called to treat anyone badly. We mess up because we are still human. I, as a Christian, would never come to the conclusion that I should treat you like rubbish because our worldviews don't necessarily align. I am going to treat you with respect and love as a fellow human being created in the image of God. I believe, like Cliff, that the atheist worldview is fundamentally impossible to live out. But that doesn't mean myself or any rational minded Christian is going to treat you badly.
You make some excellent points John, and of course, it goes the other way aswell in regards to Christians insulting non believers, I've been on many an atheist video, and have scrolled down the comments, .. and the vast majority of comments are agreeing with the video, then you'll come across a single comment from an honest Christian who just happens to make a pro Christian comment, .. that person will be vilified and insulted far more than any atheist on here, the sheer level of mockery far exceeds anything I've seen on here, heh, and I come in for a fair bit of mocking and scoffing from a small section of regular so called Christians on here. You are absolutely right, the person doing the mocking and scoffing will have their own personal reasons, and unique thought process that led them to spew hatred and loathing for someone, .. regardless of their own biases, whether they be Christian or Atheist. I've often thought of the reasons for Hitler's utter hatred for Jews, .. i wonder if something happened to him as a young kid, .. maybe a Jewish boy mocked him, or beat him up, or his Jewish neighbours were well off and he resented it.. or maybe when Hitler went to church as a boy, it was preached to him that the Jews killed Jesus... that idea itself has been the reason why Jews have been persecuted for the last 2 thousand years, .. even now in America, their are far right republican Nazi groups who despise Jews, .. we all know that the former President himself sat down for dinner with a high profile Nazi sympathiser recently. I'm more than happy to admit that my childhood and adolescent experiences of Christianity left a deep impression on me, and mostly not in a positive way, I would never tell any Christian ( or Muslim, Hindu or whatever) to stop believing in Jesus, clearly a lot of the people who watch these video's find them helpful and encouraging in their faith. Same with me, but from a different angle, I find the students arguments stronger and they help me try and make sense of life. Cliffe will often say "read the gospels and the literary style" ... well, as Cliffe is a Christian apologist who totally believes every word in the Gospels as factual narrative, to him, every word is true. What Cliffe has to realize is that not everyone reads the Gospels as "gospel truth" ( no pun intended), .. to me, it reads very much as someone telling a story, much of it is written in story form.. "and Jesus said unto them" .. "and it came to pass" ..etc. But the biggest clue for me are the supernatural claims .. they are very much out of synch with reality and what I observe in real life. The reality of life tells me magical claims are exactly that.. claims that cannot be substantiated. As you and others have said many times John, I can well believe a chap called Jesus existed, and he preached love, kindness and forgiveness, and he may well have also been crucified, those are all well probable events in the real world, but all that magic stuff is a bit too much for me to accept as true. Can i be convinced, absolutely.. if a Christian can pray for a person with severe dementia to be completely healed, and it occurs, and I get to see the proof, that'll be sufficient. I'm sure any Christians who might read this will say, as they have done "ah, that's rubbish, you will never be convinced", well, the ball is in their court, show me credible evidence and lets see .. As Tom Cruise said "Show me the money" !
@@michaellemmen Thanks Michael. I know that not all Christian's will treat atheists as if we deserve to be insulted and the ones that don't, like yourself, come across to me much more as though they are living out their profession to have have a loving Christ living within them. What I was mainly getting at though was the reasoning process that we all use to decide how we will conduct ourselves and how we will treat each other. I don't believe that someone just wakes up in the morning and says "you know what, today I think I will treat my next door neighbors horribly", no, I think people treat others horribly when they come to a conclusion that those others deserve it. Now, like I said, the conclusion could be based on INCORRECT information or perceptions they have about those others but the mechanics of it will result in the SAME behavior. This is why I don't accept that human behavior comes from some divinely given freewill, where a human being just chooses for no reason to behave in a negative way towards others, there will always be some kind of a reasoning process that comes from it and that in turn will often come from environmental factors, experiences and other things that are not within their current control. Hence, we have some type of a 'will' but I don't believe it's free, and when we jail people, it's not simply to punish people, because punishing someone that is convinced they are right won't stop them from believing they are right. Jail is much more about protecting wider society from people who are mistakenly convinced that their behavior is alright when it's actually not and how we come to decide what is alright is by MAJORITY consensus. Most of us are in agreement over what is acceptable in society and what is not based on collective logic and reasoning and an understanding of how reality works.
This is soooooo typical of the internet atheist inferiority complex. They see nothing wrong with coming to a Christian channel and demanding that they be given evidence that they'll never accept, from people they really don't like for a proposition that they've already rejected. Of course they'll deny that these 3 things are true but will never show evidence that their minds can actually be changed. Oh they'll ASSERT that they can but that's all it is. The best part is when these insipid weasels bellyache about Christians insulting them. What a bunch of crybabies.
Cliffe asks the young man, "what does it mean when she says she loves you?". The implication of that answer is this "love" is a romantic type. He gave a logical, and rational answer as to why she loves him which is, in her mind, he is a fit option to assist her in perpetuating her genes and sustain her survival. Cliffe doesn't squarely address the point. Instead, he attempts to trivialize this basic explanation, and then goes into an altruistic definition of love. Dishonest
I have very little sympathy for people who can tell others their little children are destined for eternal punishment. How they can sleep at night I do not know.
@@robertmitchell-tv5yf You are angry, even though you do not want to admit it. I too am sometimes unsettled with some of the human behavior. What have I said or done that would make you respond in such a way? Truth is a quality or a state that is in accord with fact or reality.
@@robertmitchell-tv5yf I don't believe such a thing occurred. There were some events of cataclysmic nature as a part of natural processes of the Earth and it was also influenced of how mankind was treating the planet. You do not have to quote the Bible to me because I do not believe it is the truth about God and the universe.
Cliff is the John Wick of preaching the gospel.
Never believed until I found my man cliff
He's like a modern day John the Baptist
John Wick of nonsense. The God of the Bible is a man made perception. There's no way such a petty character could be the creator of this amazing universe.
people disagreeing with smiles on their faces and no yelling. we need more of this in all aspects of life.
I hear you.
Problem is that in this day and age people are not as opened to ideas that contradict their beliefs. They want people only to confirm what they already believe. Other than that people see it as being disrespectiful..
I hope I made a valid point😊
Listening to these young people promoting atheism makes me realize the truth in this scripture, *Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.
- Matthew 7:13-14
You make it sound as if God's objective is to have Hell maxed out.
@@robertmitchell-tv5yf Thanks! That made my day. 😆
@@Generatorman59 The Bible verse being quoted is Matthew 7:13-14.
@@playzfahdayz Yes, that is the verse. You are proving my point. God created most of us to spend eternity in Hell. Do you think he is shocked and surprised by the sheer number of souls in Hell? No, this is all part of his plan. You worship a vile and disgusting God!
@Justin Gary And exactly who created man's sinful nature? Here is a hint: God allowed the serpent to enter the garden, and he knew exactly what the outcome would be.
Crazy to think that most of these college students are 45-48 today.. Time goes by so fast.
I was 24 in 97
I was 24, now I am 51. It does fly fly fly
@@vivianedepaula693 Goes by way too fast
thatès why you need Jesus and repent asap !
@@davrocket5304 Amen !
He's is so easy to listen to, comprehend and understand.
Ikr man god bless brother/sister in christ
19:26 that guys smile is so genuine. I can tell he was questioning his faith and just needed the right and honest answer from someone like Cliffe
I hope to have the discipline and patience Cliffe has with the younger generation. In a society that is so angry and intolerant despite claiming to be tolerant, I hope to speak more about Christ. I pray Jesus gives me the guidance and patience to continue His message to everyone. 🙏🏼 God bless the work you’re doing Cliffe til this day!
Have you ever lied, stolen, used God's name in vain, looked wuth lust? if so you need to repent today and Believe in Jesus Christ to save you from Hell and go to heaven instead
@@JesusisGodandKingofkimgs If I were to have a glass of wine, and say "God, that's fantastic", would that be considered as using his name in vain?
@@bonnie43ukdepends how you say it. If it is without purpose, yes.
If you praise God and adress Him that way, no
I hope you know Matthew Vines. He has a sermon that explains scripture and the history of the word homosexual in the Bible. Very important with today's generation.
Also, when I am feeling a lack of patience or am getting angry, I think about how Jesus behaved on the cross to the people on either side of Him, how He behaved to the mocking hypocrites that put a crown of thorns on His head and vinegar in His mouth, how He carried His cross until He no longer could humanly carry it before even being hung on it, etc. Tends to humble me and calm me down fairly quickly. Lol
God bless❤😊
@@bonnie43ukno, not at all. God gave us alcohol as a joyous gift, that is to be consumed in moderation, so that we do not negatively impact others.
Also, taking God's name in vain is a commonly misunderstood commandment from the old testament. The actual meaning of it is that when we walk around as followers of Christ, we are representing God and should behave as such, less we tale his name in vain. So, those people who act hypocritical, who tell everyone theyre going to Hell, the crusades, people who attack gays, even the pope imo, etc are all people who are taking the Lord's name in vain. We are to act loving, so that we might remind others of Christ or get them interested in having the internal peace that we do.❤
God bless❤
The man who has lighten my faith in Jesus…. Never truly had to think rationally about my existence & purpose until Cliffes wisdom has enlighten me down that path.
May GOD Bless us all
Cliffe has been doing this since 1785 and hasn't aged a day
The vids are timeless just as the gospel is... because the nature of man never changes. (Now, watch for all the resident trolls to show up and deny-deny-deny the gospel truth!) (Acts 9:5, 7:54, Romans 1:18?)
And hasn't changed his pathetic script in all this time........word for word script for almost 40 years.......Cliffes just a Con man Clown.
@@JohnWilliams-pk7ci uh what? what exactly should he change and why? Everything he says is either extremely hard or impossible to refute. Even giving good arguments against what he says is difficult. And how is he a con-man? Do you even know what a con-man is?
@@jessebryant9233 And watch all the theists make one baseless claim after another with no evidence to back up their statements.
@@Generatorman59 like fallible "scientists" do with macro-evolution? Might want to look at your own worldview for inconsistency first. How do you know what you know is objectively true? What's the foundation transcendent of your subjective opinion?
I pray the triune God of the supernaturally prophetic (Romans 1:26-31/2 Timothy 4:3/Matthew 24:6/1 Corinthians 1:18), historically verified (archaeologically & anthropologically, enemy/early/multiple attestation, internal consistency, embarrassing reports, etc.) & transcendentally, objectively moral (Exodus 20/Matthew 22:37-40) Bible reveal Himself to you in Spirit & objective truth (John 16:13). May God bless you with faith (Ephesians 2:8 & Merriam-Webster, "belief, *trust* in & loyalty to God")!
Merry Christmas to all of my fellow "Ask Cliffe" viewers, may you all have a peaceful and prosperous festive season regardless of what you believe or don't believe. It's great that Cliffe gives us the opportunity to discuss the issues he brings up in his conversations with the Students.
It’s ironic how you much you’re showing that you’re made in the image of God with this comment if you’re being genuine, yet continue to deny his existence. I don’t mean to offend you and don’t plan on debating you in this thread so God bless you and Merry Christmas to you too Bonnie.
Hope God forgives you
Hello friend! I wish you a very merry Christmas, and a blessed New year!
@@jesustalkspace I truly believe I was made in the image of my parents, you say I "continue to deny his existence", .. well, it's more a case of not seeing any credible evidence of his existence, same reason you don't believe in the many other Gods that mankind has believed in, past and present. I fully accept your God exists in your mind, but outside of that, there's nothing tangible that I can see to prove his existence. Dont worry, I'm never offended by anything you say. Merry Christmas to you. I just replied to you on the other video about why torture is wrong btw.
@@itsmarsh6 otherwise what Marshall?
May the Lord continue touching people through these videos. Merry Christmas
- God: an eternal personal being who created; an intelligent mind who created
- Love: to actively wish (& work for) the well-being of someone else (to wish means I've got a will, a free will)
but you also have to work for the well-being of someone else. Love is nothing without works
- Excellent. Edited my comment with your addendum.
- 15:01 However, when Cliff says, "actively wish" perhaps the active connects to ACTIVITY, which is work
My whole family loves your wisdom 🙏❤️☘️🌹
I want to study Christian apologetics!!!
I can’t believe Cliffe has been doing since the 90s and he only got famous now. How was he not famous before? He is such a great guy. I’d love to meet him in his church.
the internet and social media has no doubt greatly increased Cliffe’s fame and popularity 👍
That first clip hits different thank you LORD JESUS for loving us!!!
Re: I don't like people saying "You're going to hell!"
Same here, but only if they say it in the way that the are condemning me and passing judgement on me without looking to help me.
Would you dislike somebody who said, "Hey buddy, the trail down that way is out, it looks like it keeps going but it ends in a cliff you can't see coming, you're better off going this other way"
I think this is what genuine Christian ministry is trying to do: tell you which roads end in a cliff, and which one leads to the 5 star hotel
Fantastic analogy
@@kaymekla5 thank you!
Love this analogy! Great wisdom from God :) well done
@@teddybexphillips thank you!
I love those videos and what Cliffe does for those listeners. God Bless
I enjoyed the last portion of the video. The guy pulls in immediate evemts into the conversation. Wonderful perception in analytical thinking and questions.
What I’m beginning to realize is, even in previous times, people want the benefits of God existing, without acknowledging he exists. That guy with the long hair was the epitome of that
That guy in the blue hat was killing me! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
take me back to the 90's. Much better world back then.
The problem with moral relativism is that it makes nothing wrong because as long as it can be justified, and all things can be justified, then everything is good and ok. Period.
19:25 this smile is everything 😊
@@firmamentleo6829 if something is “everything” it’s like pure or the best. Young people slang 🤷♂️
So well spoken in this one
To God be the glory.
God is good 🙏🏼
This was almost 25 years ago. I wonder what the people in the video think of themselves when they watch this now. Being a millennial, I can see how the corruption in schools and colleges started back then.
OH MY GOD! Our children can't think! What are these colleges doing to them????
Brainwashing them into their professor's ideology.
this is from 1997
@@GM15_Official Ugh
The basic purpose of life and humanity is survival. Everything evolves even religion. Cliffe has the wor g definition of love.
It's the first time I've seen a dog catching a Frisbee that's not in a movie 😂😂😂 it's the little things I swear
The 90s man
Love the show ❤️🙏❤️🙏❤️🙏☘️🌹
Take a drink every time Cliff says " Obviously". 😂
"In order to survive, a society has to survive" I think that's what he said
People tell people that they don't believe in God. But they fear death. To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord God Almighty. People are scared to die. Why ? People died in the Bible for their FAITh. No FEAR. !!! Unsaved people are afraid of death. ! Point Made. Thats the bottom line.
A lot of these people appear to be arguing that "There is no God and society doesn't need him because our sense of morality is innate and the vast majority will treat one another with respect and courtesy anyway." The only interviewees that would still say the same things now would be the ones who were knowing lying then.
John 15:3
Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you.
Cliff is right, people love God as long as they think they are going to get something from Him, but when He turns the tables and asks something of them, then they can’t be bothered. God has got to audition with them to be God.
The guy at 12 minutes defeats his own argument as you realize that no other creature has morals like we do. And their natures will act against their own best interest.
Seeing him slam into that wall when he describes love was just sad 😭
@@mistowasabi5443no. It was hilarious. He doesn’t realize how ridiculous it sounded until Cliffe said it out loud
10:32 this dudes voice sound like autotune
I’ve been watching him for a few months now I’m very impressed I live in New York City. Is there any universities that he speaks at in my area. Does he ever come to New York? How do I find out?
Prove it
@@jasonnoble7302 no proof is required , we have already gone through this. You don't believe in GOD so why are you here commenting on what
You believe is a fairytale?
Amen !
People want to see God like ice cream flavors 😅. If you dont like strawberry god , try vanilla god, some love chocolate god. This comes from a spoiled society that has too many choices, free to pick and choose whatever appeals to your taste. A society that feels entiltled to as many choices as we want.
It comes from a society in which idolatry has become mainstream acceptance.
12:55 The answer to that question is: Baby, don't hurt me - don't hurt me, no more!
Amen 🙏
There is no greater inheritance which we can leave our children, than that our own good example.
The memory of my own mother’s exemplary life of yesterday is the pattern for my life today.
In later years I’ve realised that it was the praying she did for her family that resulted in their great love for her.
Her example won me to Christ, and this along with her love, resulted in me obtaining the initial impetus, to follow the Saviour, which was to agree and please her.
And from the grave I intend to keep working on those I leave behind, that God has put into my care, with the following epitaph.
“ If I could come back from the grave I would preach Christ.”
God is Good
@@bironjames9948 and we love God because He is so good, perfectly good
Cliffe told the student that, knowing God is more important than your next exam, the reality is, knowing Jesus, IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING, IN THIS LIFE!!! ❤
I'd like to know where some of these people are right now and how they are doing and where they are in their faith or lack there of
Regarding the last guy’s question about telling someone they’re going to hell, the “pros” at doing this don’t really ever say that to anyone; they express what the Word says as it applies to themselves, and anyone they are talking to understands that it applies to them and anyone else.
I’m loving these classic Cliffe videos 🔥
15:00-19:11 Comparison of the faith of "doubting Thomas" who APPEARED TO MEN AS HOPELESS & CYNICAL. Jesus understood Thomas's doubt and he met him in that doubt.
By the second guy’s estimation when you say you love your mom, you need to breed?
Yeah. No.
He never speaks about the devil and the importance of knowledge of the fact evil is because of him. That would answer a lot of questions
That's why there is such a thing as the five fold ministry I think some are called to different works
What is 5 fold@@bironjames9948
Cliffe attended Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, just outside of Boston and is the senior Pastor at Grace Community Church, New Canaan Conneticut.
Cliffe and his followers believe and promotes the following religious doctrine:
"We believe that the 66 books of the Old and New Testament are the Word of God. The Bible was inspired by God; it reflects the backgrounds, styles, and vocabularies of the authors. We believe the Scriptures are infallible and without error in the original manuscripts. The Scriptures are the only divine and final authority for all Christian faith and life.
We believe there is one true God existing in three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit - each of Whom possesses equally all the attributes of deity and the characteristics of personality. God is the Creator; he created the world out of nothing. His glory, power, wisdom, and goodness are reflected in His creation. He operates throughout history reconciling people to Himself."
As an indoctrinated Catholic turned atheist who began to investigate the origins of Catholicism at age 30 I do not share Cliffe's description of the reality that surrounds me.
Instead, I prefer Ken Humphries "Jesus Never Existed" view of reality.
8:58 Who is he referring to ? I can’t hear correctly the name or names… pls help me :(((
Cliff was talking about famous atheists who admitted that as an atheist they had to reject free well
does 2 and 2 have to equal 4? What about the people that want 2 and 2 to equal 5? Can you say they're right also?
Demon at 24:24 ?
To the guy with the bike the Jews never stopped being God's Chosen people through whom the Messiah came
Even though most Jews don't believe in Christ as there Messiah there's still a redemptive plan for them Jesus tells them you will not see me again until you say blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord
Bingo. And a covenant which God will not break.
Then you hear someone say “get back in the yard” lol
3:30!!! Perfect example of Bonnie and all the other resident trolls who are about to descend on this channel with their usual objective, obfuscations, misinterpretations, inconsistencies, contradictions, fusing, fuming, fist shaking, nonsense-as they do every single week with religious zeal! Just wait for it. We ALL know they make their appearance...
Hey, Jesse, why am I not surprised to see you here? You talk all the time about resident trolls and you never seem to miss a video yourself. I wonder why. 🤔
Cause . . . Jesse, is a two-faced little bitch who is a master of contradictions.
Merry Christmas Jesse, just finished watching my favourite Christmas Movie "Polar Express" ... just noticed Cliffe has posted a new video, I shall enjoy watching the debate with the students ... yes, i may even make a comment. Hope Santa brings you lots of lovely gifts .. you just have to "BELIEVE" 😍😍😍😍😍😍
@@jackalsgate1146 Yes, Jesse believes the following:
The laws of logic exist, therefore God exists.
Morality exists, therefore God exists.
1 + 1 = 2, therefore God exists.
The laws of physics exist, therefore God exists.
The conscience exists, therefore God exists.
And he insists that I have absolutely no evidence that the natural world exists.
Jesse, with regards to what Cliffe is saying at 3:30, he goes on to talk about knowing in your heart of hearts when something is wrong.. there are lots of Bible passages where my inner moral compass says to me "That is wrong" , yet these are events that God commanded in the Bible, or at the very least knew people did those horrific things in his name. Is the slaughter and butchery of young children and babies ok when it's done in Gods name?
I feel Jesus
I think we have to seriously consider the possibility that the works the apostle Paul is writing about are actually the good religious works of the Jews before they received their salvation.
These works are the ones he is referring to, when he writes”lest any man should boast.”
It seems reasonable to assume that the gentile converts who prior to their conversion had no knowledge of God, could have been inclined to view the Jewish converts, with some awe, because of their status as the chosen race;
And this may have resulted in obtaining an unwanted and unnecessary inferiority complex.
But Paul in order to circumvent this, says that although the Jews had this magnificent history, in which God was a focal point of their lives, nevertheless they were not saved because of it, but instead, it was the grace of God lest any man should boast.
And this statement by Paul would have prevented the Gentile converts from succumbing to seeing themselves as being inferior to the Jewish believers.
Conversely these words of Paul the apostle, when he says they are saved by grace and not by works, would have also been an admonishment to those Jewish converts who might have had the tendency to see themselves as superior to the Gentile converts who previously had no knowledge of God whatsoever.
And if we were to liken this to todays day by comparing ourselves to a converted primitive savage from the midst of the Amazon jungle, we can see that the temptation might exist for us to consider ourselves superior to such a native;
Because he lacked a knowledge of God that some of us had prior to our conversion, albeit that it was only a smattering.
And if this example holds water then how much more valid would it have been for the Jewish believers who had a knowledge of God that was much more than a smattering.
And as we know that these differences did exist between the Jewish and Gentile believers, we therefore see the sense in Paul’s admonition to not boast because it’s by grace they are saved and not by their good religious works.
However much of Christendom today, if not all of it, has subscribed to the view that these works pertaining to Jews before conversion, actually apply to our works after our conversion instead.
And such a view is greatly responsible for believers leading lives that would be better led if they took into consideration that these works which Paul is referring to, must indeed be the religious works of the Jews prior to salvation.
Dear friends,
that scripture where Jesus says to many, that He has not known them, is alarming, but in a good way;
Because it can shake us up, to ensure that we are indeed leading a life, that will result in obtaining everlasting life.
It’s only in the last 3 years that I’ve actually obtained my blessed assurance of salvation.
This happened because I decided to forsake my last ounce of rebellion, of having my cake and eating it too.
Prior to this time, my repentance was only at 95% instead of 100%.
I didn’t want to deny myself completely, and become dead to sin.
I think, that those who subscribe to the faulty doctrine that holiness is an impossibility, are in danger.
However if we are striving for righteousness, albeit we might be failing and succeeding, we have nothing to fear, for we are pleasing God, by trying hard.
Therefore our salvation is assured, particularly if we are clothed with the fear of God.
You can tell the first guy doesn't really believe the crap he's saying. Cause he's got this confused look as he's talking and he's constantly looking down in distress cause he knows what he's saying is nonsense. But they don't want to admit their wrong cause they don't want God to exist in their minds
That you are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else you were born into bondage. Into a prison that you cannot taste or see or touch. A prison for your mind.""
Did he actually just say that he wishes Cliff would steal his money in some circumstances to somehow claim that there is no God?
Love cliffe and watch all his videos but maaan u gotta explain more to them … I know your trying to be careful to some thing and (these videos are old) but some stuff I know the answer to and you just don’t say …. U def explain enough but how u explain is extremely important
I’ve watched a couple of his videos and realized the same question arises….morality is relative. We know it’s not relative. Morality is innate from God.
12:42 If only that’s what she meant
Poor child can’t accept that life isn’t fair and that some people have truth and some have falsehood.
I know. Some believe in science, logic, and sound reasoning, while others believe in some magical sky daddy.
@@Generatorman59 That's too simple. As long as science can't give any existential answers, you have to accept the fact, that an intelligent being created you. Sorry if that's against the current mainstream narrative, but coherence is more important than political agendas. Nothing comes from nothing.
@@robertmitchell-tv5yf Even if that was true, which I highy doubt, you still didn't answer the final question with it: Where did this LUCA come from? Who created it?
@@wurzelbert84wucher5 Many, many years ago, people couldn't understand something. They noticed the rivers pouring their waters into the ocean, yet the ocean never seem to get any fuller. They couldn't explain how it could be because no one understood anything about the water cycle. So, they attributed to the supernatural. Problem solved.
They also couldn't understand where lightning or thunder came from. So they also attributed to the supernatural. Problems solved.
Of all the mysteries ever solved, not a single one was attributed to the supernatural. The supernatural has never been shown to be a thing. And it is illogical to to give it any attributes until it is established.
If you are a theist, then you believe in magic.
If you believe in magic, then magic explains and answers all questions.
How did this planet form before there were any stars in the entire universe? Magic.
How did the earth populate with vegetation before our sun existed? Magic.
How did humans originate from the dust of the ground? Magic.
How did Balaam have a 2-way conversation with his donkey? Magic.
Fortunately for theists, the faithful never have to apply skepticism to their god.
Theists are blinded by their indoctrination.
@@robertmitchell-tv5yf When science is not able to answer these questions, why do you think science contradicts god? You can be a man of science and god, but you can't be a man of science when you think that something came from nothing.
No offense but the way some of these people really think smh lol like dude do you hear yourself ? Honestly Lol😂 . #JesusisKing
With the last guy on the bike, I wanted Cliffe to add that at some point, you will get naysayers & scoffers but care more of what Jesus thinks of you.
Woukd jesus if spoken aramiac or in hebrew
Any language he wanted 😊 but probably Aramaic.
This looks like it’s from the 80s
I came to realise that a lot of people on the planet need religion because they lack the intellectual capacity to deal with life in another way. Thinking for yourself is no easy task and believing is so much easier.
1) Some-thing can only come into existence out of a state of no-thing. Otherwise some-thing couldn’t be anything else than every-thing. The state of no-thing on the other hand has the potential to manifest every-thing. Therefore, some-thing and no-thing are of equal value. Not surprisingly the same result is obtained in mathematics but I prefer my own thought via a philosophical approach. Thinking for yourself has proven to be a great way to keep devils, angels, goblins, leprechauns and god(s) at a distance, but that aside.
2) There are good reasons to compare the coming into existence of universes with something we all enjoyably know: ejaculations. Most spermatozoa are destined for the drain and only one amongst the million losses viable. We are living in one of the universes viable for life, probably amongst many failed or disabled universes; hence the absolutely not miraculous fine tuning of our cosmic surroundings. We’re lucky and we are translating our luck, a very common human characteristic, into pride, prejudice and the preposterous idea that a super being is overseeing each of us and sad or happy depending on the position of our hands above or below the sheets.
3) So, the absolute beginning from the very first universe must have started from a very fine tilting point in a state where there was no difference between some- and no-thing. Quantum mechanics has learned us that energy can be borrowed for such a short time that the balance between the two states isn’t affected. Unimaginable stretches of time and evolution have done the rest in a trial, error and rarely, but in view of the incredible time lapses, unavoidable success way. We perceive the end result like a magic trick. Conclude that the pigeon out of the head is pure wizardry until the magician explains every step of the astonishing experience.
4) if an all powerful god existed, why in the name of the one no one should believe in, would that being make the billion of years detour instead of just creating a made and ready universe? Unless you reject the fact, no, no longer the theory, but the fact of evolution. If that’s the case, then you are worshipping a god created or accepted out of pure and maybe even wilful ignorance.
5) if god existed there would be no need to prove his existence because he / she / it would be perceived or at the very least be experienced by believers and non believers alike and since that’s clearly not the case it’s safe to say that god(s) are man made and not the other way around. That’s also why there are approximately, at present, 4.300 religions with matching super bff to suit different cultures, regions and tribes.
6) Seneca, ancient Roman philosopher: ‘for common people religion is true, for wise men false and useful for rulers’.
The story of Jesus, his miracles and resurrection
Ask 1000 followers of Kenneth Copeland if he can heal the sick, paralysed and disabled. Well, you know the answer.
Ask 1000 followers of Copeland if he could resurrect someone from the dead. You know the answer
Ask 1000 followers of Copeland if they witnessed a resurrection performed by Copeland and at least 100 will testify on their life and the life of their children that they witnessed a resurrection done by one of the biggest spiritual con men in our day and age.
Should give you some idea about the value of testimonials in Jesus time.
People turn their wishes into beliefs and from that principle all religions are born. 😊
Re I want to avoid telling people that some religions or beliefs are wrong
The first question is why. Are you uncomfortable that you are telling people what you believe is correct?
If so, why? Would you have trouble telling people that 1+1 is 2?
Secondly, you can avoid telling them, sure, but you would have to accept the possibility that people might be tricked into believing something else. Or they might simply never come to knew the truth.
When a person over 14 begins a "question" with "why does God/ Jesus...? " or "could God/ Jesus...?" or any such similar beginning, this isn't a serious question.
They aren't seeking an answer, they're seeking an argument. They already have the answer that they believe to be true.
We aren't obligated to entertain these people but if you think you've got the answer that will sway them, go for it.
Just consider putting a shot clock on your efforts.
@tristan1385 no, I haven't.
@GetsaucedOn 100% getsaucedOn, .. I'm pretty sure saintpaul is referring to me in his post. heh, .. I am that Guy ... could Jesus.. why didnt Jesus, .. I ask those questions all the time on here. I certainly AM seeking a credible answer.
Jeff, maybe that's the big difference between us, I'm always asking myself "How could God/Jesus have done this better" ... whereas maybe you just accept the Bible as infallible and accept all those stories as fact. I love this concept of Jesus coming back every 10 years or so, and appearing to a new set of people somewhere in the world to prove his divinity, he stays for a set number of days, performs miracles, preaches, then just prior to him ascending back into the clouds, states the exact day, location and time of his next appearance in 10 years time ... how about that for a prophecy ! .. what's not to like about that Jeff? .. as an atheist, I'd have a hard time trying to explain that away, and as a Christian, you'd have verifiable proof of his divinity. "Verily, I say unto thee .. I shall come upon you in the city they call London, on Dec 25th in the year you shall know as 2022, .. peace be upon the world" ... and up he goes, into the clouds.
Ahhhh... the next level narcissism of bonnie43uk has made an appearance.
Although, I can see where making a criticism of childish, uninformed tactics might SEEM like a personal indictment of bonnie43uk, the are others as inane as he.
@@saintpaulofyoutube4416 right on cue, .. the obligatory insult. Merry Christmas Jeff.😍😍😊😊❤❤
Go Gators! Please post more from the University of Florida!
Jesus Christ is the Only solution No Allah no Muhammad no others, why ? because only Jesus Christ has dealt with Sin for Ever !
It's obvious that many of these students have not thought deeply on the issue of absolute morality. It's been waterwings and the shallow end up until the day that Cliffe arrived to toss them into the deep end...where they wildly and aimlessly flailed about, trying to keep their heads above water.
Hey Mike, is the act of killing healthy babies objectively immoral?
Why are you asking me?
@@mbgrafix Just an invitation to engage in a dialogue.
An argument? I have no interest in arguing. Arguing is just a prideful exercise in trying to show off to others...
_"look at me, I am smarter than him."_
I have no ego to stroke, and nothing to prove.
But I will gladly speak with anyone who is genuinely seeking to know the Lord.
Are you a theist?
Are you a Christian?
Do you believe in the teachings of the Bible?
Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior?
Do you strive to live your life in accordance to the teachings of Jesus?
If you have answered ‘Yes’ to the above questions, then you must agree that the following statement is true:
The sheer act of killing a healthy 3-month-old baby is NOT objectively immoral.
@@stewwweee I am not even going to entertain your racist comment except to say that most of the folks I work with are black and Mexican. They are some of the most educated and respectable people I have come across.
@@Generatorman59 Stewwweee's comments are not showing up on the main comment section Jim, suffice to say he's also sent me stuff which is nonsense that isn't showing up on my comment thread about British colonials.
@@bonnie43uk It vanished on my comment section, too. He went on and on and on trying to convince me basically that I am filled with white privilege and he said that I look down on minorities. It was literally 3 paragraphs of that. He replied to my most recent comment, but it vanished too. He basically said that facts are not racist. I wanted to tell him that I agree, it is he who is the racist.
@@Generatorman59 That's right. What some (not all) theists try to do when we as non-believers are in discussions with them is they will try to divert attention away from THEIR burden of proof and instead, they will attempt to get us to waste our time trying to argue with something that is irrelevant to whether or not there is a God and irrelevant as to whether or not we can trust the Bible.
For example, in discussions with some theists, I often get "hey, John, prove you're not a brain in a vat being fed illusions". My answer to that, in so many words, is whilst this is an interesting philosophical question, I'm not going to waste my time trying to prove something that makes no difference as to whether God exists or not, so now let's get back to the existence of God.
The 'white privilege' debate is another interesting subject in and of itself but whatever the truth is regarding that or any other interesting subject, it won't change whether there is a God or not and whether we can fully trust the Bible or not but this 'stewwweee' or whatever their real name is, probably wants you to waste your time arguing about that, which will then CONVENIENTLY leave him not having to defend HIS position regarding his belief in the Bible and the existence of God. Atheism and theism are about one thing and one thing only, whether or a God exists, anything else is something else.
@@JohnCashin Nice insights. Thanks for your comment. I see those things a lot, too. On common question I get is something like, "Are you absolutely certain about anything?" Or, "Prove the universe is real."
The classics😁💯
"Evolution" is the biggest gatekeeper ever created!
Jesus did say he was God, he said ( I am he) John 18:6-8. Just like how God said in the old Testament that he is The (I am)
The guy with the beard.... has not been taught to think
Jesus is God and we can demonstrate it and John 2028 when our boy, Thomas said to Jesus, my Lord and my God. When others were called God, they reprimanded the speaker because they were not God. On the contrary, when Thomas called Jesus, god Jesus told Thomas blessed is he.
Jesus did not come to toot his own horn directly.
Someone please keep it simple . What about cavemen scientists will tell u they was here before adam and eve the bible tells us adam and eve was here first
Do you want to remain unforgiven or be forgiven? The choice is yours, Jesus has made it clear who He is when He said: "I AM the way, the Truth and the Life, no one comes to the Father but through Me". He also said: "He who has seen Me has seen the Father". Romans Chapter 10: verses 9, 10. ✝
The Gospel of John Chapter 14: verses 6, 7, 9.
27:00 really get to the heart, people don't check out the validity of the documents, instead reading what the internet _says_ about God & reject Him from that, all the while having no objective foundation for their worldview, inconsistent with reality & giving up objective knowledge claims altogether as in the first clip.
I pray the triune God of the supernaturally prophetic (Romans 1:26-31/2 Timothy 4:3/Matthew 24:6/1 Corinthians 1:18), historically verified (archaeologically & anthropologically, enemy/early/multiple attestation, internal consistency, embarrassing reports, etc.) & transcendentally, objectively moral (Exodus 20/Matthew 22:37-40) Bible reveal Himself to you in Spirit & objective truth (John 16:13). May God bless you with faith (Ephesians 2:8 & Merriam-Webster, "belief, *trust* in & loyalty to God"), reader!
could Jesus write in his own language Rob?, would it be good from your perspective if Jesus wrote down in crystal clear incontrovertible terms his views on such things as homosexuality, abortion, rape, torture, so that no one could be in any doubt whatsoever where he stood on those important matters? Preferably also write them down on some kind of indestructible material that could not be erased, edited, destroyed so that we have the original copies in tablet form. What for example does Jesus say specifically about people who are attracted to other people of the same gender?
@@bonnie43uk "could Jesus write in his own language Rob?"
God hasn't revealed He has His own language, don't strawman fallacy.
"...homosexuality, abortion, rape, torture..."
Give me an objective foundation why that's right/wrong for everyone from your worldview, then i'll answer. You've admit you dont have one. I've told you in the email why those things are amoral (leaning advantageous) in evolution, you had no refutation.
"Preferably also write them down on some kind of indestructible material"
Your subjective, fallible preferences have no bearing on the omniscient, infallible, triune God who knows better than you.
"What for example does Jesus say specifically about people who are attracted to other people of the same gender?"
Old testament or New? Leviticus 18:22, 20:13, 1 Corinthians 6:9, 1 Timothy 1:10, take your pick. Jesus is the Word (John 1:1), all of the word is God breathed (2 Timothy 3:16), so God said all i cited.
May God bless you with faith (Ephesians 2:8 & Merriam-Webster, "belief, *trust* in & loyalty to God"), tom!
@@robmc120 I've just replied to your email Rob. So quote me the actual passage(s) where Jesus speaks *specifically* about people who are attracted to other people of the same gender. Leviticus is not the person called Jesus speaking, Corinthians and Timothy are Pauls letters aren't they?, not actual Jesus speaking, I'm asking you about the person in the flesh called Jesus speaking specifically about his thoughts on people who are attracted to people of the same gender.. what did he say, what actual words came out of his mouth, and where can I find them in the Bible? For anyone who happens to be gay, I'm sure they would want to know what Jesus said *specifically* about them. Did he mention them on the sermon on the mount for example?
@@bonnie43uk "Leviticus is not the person called Jesus speaking, Corinthians and Timothy are Pauls letters aren't they?"
Forget your fallible, subjective, arbitrary, amoral, empty worldview inconsistent with actual reality for just a minute & _"pretend"_ Christianity is true & the Bible is God's word with me here to show Jesus said the things i quoted:
1)Jesus is God (John 10:30+33, "I & the Father are one.”/“We are not stoning You for any good work,” said the Jews, “but for blasphemy, because You, who are a man, declare Yourself to be God.” & Mark 2:5-7, "When Jesus saw their faith, He said to the paralyzed man, “Son, your sins are forgiven.” Now some teachers of the law were sitting there, thinking to themselves, “Why does this fellow talk like that? He’s blaspheming! Who can forgive sins but God alone?” & John 8:58+59, "Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I am” So they picked up stones to throw at Him, but Jesus hid Himself & went out of the temple" (among other verses))
2)The Bible is God speaking (2 Timothy 3:16, "*_ALL_* Scripture is God-breathed & is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness" & John 17:17, "Sanctify them by the truth; Your _word_ is truth", emphasis added )
Jesus is God + the _entire_ Bible is God speaking=>Leviticus 18:22 & 20:13, 1 Corinthians 6:9 & 1 Timothy 1:10 are all Jesus speaking them just as much as God the Father &/or the Holy Spirit; one God, three persons., perfect harmony agreement (Matthew 3:16+17, "As soon as Jesus was baptized, He went up out of the water. At that moment heaven was opened & He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove & alighting on Him & a voice from heaven said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with Him I am well pleased.”
"For anyone who happens to be gay"
People don't "_happen_ to be gay", there's no intelligent, peer-study that confirms people are genetically gay.
"I'm sure they would want to know what Jesus said specifically about them"
Not a lot seem to be concerned since they're already rebelling against God (Romans 1:27, " In the same way men also abandoned natural relations with women & inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men & received in themselves due penalty for their error")
@@robmc120 Oh boy, .. have you ever had conversations with people who are attracted to people of the same gender Rob?, A lot of what you've quoted in your last message is not Jesus speaking specifically about what I asked you about. I am just off to work Rob, i wish I had a bit more time to go over your reply, so, just to confirm, Jesus was ok with gay people being stoned to death as in the Old Testament? Did Jesus mention anything about heterosexual married couples engaging in anal sex?, what's his view on that? Can you quote the exact passage where he specifically talks about that?
The blood of Christ fell onto the mercy seat.
You are a very good speaker Cliffe, and I really enjoy listening to you, but as long as you keep pushing the ancient pagan doctrines adopted by pagan Roman Catholicism of the trinity (3 Gods in one God), the eternal suffering pain, torture of a physical hellfire of unrighteous ones, and the immortality of the human soul, you will keep fulfilling Matthew 7:21-23:
"Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!"
These ancient pagan Satanic doctrines blaspheme the very nature personification of the Father and his son Jesus Christ.
Unfortunately, your love of position, power and money negates that you forsake the truth of the Bible to gain favor with the so called Christian powerful apologist elites in the United States. Other false counterfeit Christian false pagan doctrine expounders on TH-cam are Frank Turec, David Lynn, John MacArthur, Kerrigan Skelly, Cleveland Street Preachers, Valley Scharping, Living Waters (Ray Comfort).
These so called Christian motivational speakers are very good speakers, but they mislead young people and older people with their ancient pagan false biblical doctrines that blaspheme the Father and his son Jesus Christ. Their blasphemous pagan doctrines are:
1. The Trinity Doctrine (3 Gods in one God) Jesus Christ is NOT GOD the Father, the Father is Yahweh, Jehovah and Jesus is NOT Yahweh, Jehovah
2. The Eternal Conscience Pain and Suffering of Unrighteous Ones Existing in the Lake of Fire, Hellfire
3. The Immortality of the Human Soul
I pray that these false teachers abandoned their false pagan doctrines and stop blaspheming the Father and the Son to mankind.
❤️Olivia the broker Scamming on a Christian channel is evil genius. Don’t get set up people
Quote; " how can there be a moral absolute" only one way, " if there is a mind prior to the human mind that creates and defines justice, value, goodness, love" "if" another big "if" why even talk after that because everything is just an "IF".
Everybody has the/an imprinted knowledge initially made by the fusion of elements that has all the information required for survival and morality, basically its set for live and let live. No God had a hand in producing a humans fused elements. The human mind is just a receiver for the imprinted knowledge. Hello! there is no "If".
That comment has the potential to be at least 5%more interesting than any thing else I've seen on this channel.
Is that an affirmation that objective moral values DO exist?
@@saintpaulofyoutube4416 Unless someone can prove that God the creator had a hand in the fusing of elements, then yes it is affirmation because the objective is not influenced by personal feelings or opinions to change the fact that moral values are automatically imprinted within one's imprinted knowledge because it has to make sure its host survives.
Before God could be recognised as the creator for fused things to form and operate as a form, then the question must be asked, ie What caused the occurrence for when God first came to the realisation he? is a God. God is three persons ( according to the scriptures) so God must also be made from the fusion of elements. That is if one believes in a God and not for those whom know who the real gods are.
@@chiptowers1 the only question pending before you is 'do you affirm the existence of objective moral values? "
I'm not sure what the possible cause has to do with the existence if these values.
@@saintpaulofyoutube4416 That's fair enough that your not sure about the " cause".
I would have thought I answered the ? " objective moral value"
" objective moral values" ie independent of our own judgement, belief, or feelings. Yes I affirm the existence of objective moral values, because, moral values are a rule set in place within the imprinted knowledge values but our minds can object moral values due to our/ones current environment.
@@chiptowers1 good, so we agree that moral values (at least some of them) are objective in nature.
I understand that you believe that these values are "imprinted knowledge ". Fair enough, I sort of believe that too.
I believe that these values are imprinted on us too.
It looks like or disagreement is pretty minor. You believe that our values are imprinted on us by someTHING and I believe they were imprinted by someONE.
We do certainly make a choice (in as much as we can call it 'choice') as to how we want to be and how we want to treat others but we don't just make that choice out of nothing, I'm not convinced that it is a case of us just making decisions out of some divinely given freewill where we decide to treat someone horribly or treat someone kindly because we just want to. We make that choice based on what we conclude makes sense and what is in our best interest and this in turn is based on our perception, understanding and experience of reality. Now, here's the SUPER IMPORTANT thing to remember, that conclusion we formulate could be an incorrect one but if we don't know that it is incorrect and are convinced that it is correct, that is what we will make our decisions on.
For example, Adolf Hitler didn't simply wake up one morning in his life and said to himself "hey, I think will go and gas millions of Jewish people because, well, I just want to". No, that's not how Hitler was likely to have come about. How Hitler probably came about was the result of his unique and personal experiences in life that led him (incorrectly) to the conclusion that exterminating a certain group of people made sense and was in his best interest, that's how he and others like him come about.
Their experiences in their lives lead them to certain conclusions that most others would say are irrational but to them, it's perfectly rational. I bet Hitler thought he was being rational and he would have been unable to understand anyone who thought he was crazy and dangerous. The same goes for Vladimir Putin, he's convinced that what he's doing makes sense and that the people opposing him are wrong.
The same principle applies when you as an individual treat another individual badly. When I say 'badly', I mean as in you treat them in a way that you wouldn't want to be treated yourself. If you're a Christian theist, think back for a moment, and consider someone that you have treated in a way that you wouldn't want to be treated yourself, it might be an atheist like myself, for example, now, did you treat them that way just because you simply wanted to or was there some kind of reasoning behind it?
I bet there was some reasoning behind it, right? I bet it was something like "those darned atheists deserve to be treated like stupid people because they are stupid people". OK, let me make it even more personal here, maybe it was me, you might have said "urgh, I can't stand that atheist John Cashin, he gets on my nerves, he deserves for me to come on here and insult him".
Can you see what I mean? The choices we make regarding how we treat people are based on our thought processes which in turn are affected by factors which we won't have control over, environment, upbringing, and emotional state, which can be connected to brain chemistry etc. This is why I don't accept the 'free' element of so-called 'free will'. We have a will, yes, every living creature has a will, sure, I give you that, but whilst we might not be puppets on a string, our will is NOT free, it's attached to factors that are not within our control at a given moment.
Here's another example of what I mean, say if a Christian theist replies to this in a way that puts me down, then that will be ANOTHER example of what I mean right there, they read this or part of it and then they concluded that I'm posting a load of rubbish and therefore I deserve to be treated like a load of rubbish. You see, you reason it through and come to a conclusion, you don't just choose to treat someone badly for the sake of choosing, you choose based on what you are convinced makes sense.
As Christians we are not called to treat anyone badly. We mess up because we are still human. I, as a Christian, would never come to the conclusion that I should treat you like rubbish because our worldviews don't necessarily align. I am going to treat you with respect and love as a fellow human being created in the image of God. I believe, like Cliff, that the atheist worldview is fundamentally impossible to live out. But that doesn't mean myself or any rational minded Christian is going to treat you badly.
You make some excellent points John, and of course, it goes the other way aswell in regards to Christians insulting non believers, I've been on many an atheist video, and have scrolled down the comments, .. and the vast majority of comments are agreeing with the video, then you'll come across a single comment from an honest Christian who just happens to make a pro Christian comment, .. that person will be vilified and insulted far more than any atheist on here, the sheer level of mockery far exceeds anything I've seen on here, heh, and I come in for a fair bit of mocking and scoffing from a small section of regular so called Christians on here. You are absolutely right, the person doing the mocking and scoffing will have their own personal reasons, and unique thought process that led them to spew hatred and loathing for someone, .. regardless of their own biases, whether they be Christian or Atheist.
I've often thought of the reasons for Hitler's utter hatred for Jews, .. i wonder if something happened to him as a young kid, .. maybe a Jewish boy mocked him, or beat him up, or his Jewish neighbours were well off and he resented it.. or maybe when Hitler went to church as a boy, it was preached to him that the Jews killed Jesus... that idea itself has been the reason why Jews have been persecuted for the last 2 thousand years, .. even now in America, their are far right republican Nazi groups who despise Jews, .. we all know that the former President himself sat down for dinner with a high profile Nazi sympathiser recently.
I'm more than happy to admit that my childhood and adolescent experiences of Christianity left a deep impression on me, and mostly not in a positive way, I would never tell any Christian ( or Muslim, Hindu or whatever) to stop believing in Jesus, clearly a lot of the people who watch these video's find them helpful and encouraging in their faith. Same with me, but from a different angle, I find the students arguments stronger and they help me try and make sense of life. Cliffe will often say "read the gospels and the literary style" ... well, as Cliffe is a Christian apologist who totally believes every word in the Gospels as factual narrative, to him, every word is true. What Cliffe has to realize is that not everyone reads the Gospels as "gospel truth" ( no pun intended), .. to me, it reads very much as someone telling a story, much of it is written in story form.. "and Jesus said unto them" .. "and it came to pass" ..etc. But the biggest clue for me are the supernatural claims .. they are very much out of synch with reality and what I observe in real life. The reality of life tells me magical claims are exactly that.. claims that cannot be substantiated.
As you and others have said many times John, I can well believe a chap called Jesus existed, and he preached love, kindness and forgiveness, and he may well have also been crucified, those are all well probable events in the real world, but all that magic stuff is a bit too much for me to accept as true. Can i be convinced, absolutely.. if a Christian can pray for a person with severe dementia to be completely healed, and it occurs, and I get to see the proof, that'll be sufficient. I'm sure any Christians who might read this will say, as they have done "ah, that's rubbish, you will never be convinced", well, the ball is in their court, show me credible evidence and lets see .. As Tom Cruise said "Show me the money" !
@@michaellemmen Thanks Michael. I know that not all Christian's will treat atheists as if we deserve to be insulted and the ones that don't, like yourself, come across to me much more as though they are living out their profession to have have a loving Christ living within them.
What I was mainly getting at though was the reasoning process that we all use to decide how we will conduct ourselves and how we will treat each other.
I don't believe that someone just wakes up in the morning and says "you know what, today I think I will treat my next door neighbors horribly", no, I think people treat others horribly when they come to a conclusion that those others deserve it.
Now, like I said, the conclusion could be based on INCORRECT information or perceptions they have about those others but the mechanics of it will result in the SAME behavior.
This is why I don't accept that human behavior comes from some divinely given freewill, where a human being just chooses for no reason to behave in a negative way towards others, there will always be some kind of a reasoning process that comes from it and that in turn will often come from environmental factors, experiences and other things that are not within their current control.
Hence, we have some type of a 'will' but I don't believe it's free, and when we jail people, it's not simply to punish people, because punishing someone that is convinced they are right won't stop them from believing they are right.
Jail is much more about protecting wider society from people who are mistakenly convinced that their behavior is alright when it's actually not and how we come to decide what is alright is by MAJORITY consensus. Most of us are in agreement over what is acceptable in society and what is not based on collective logic and reasoning and an understanding of how reality works.
This is soooooo typical of the internet atheist inferiority complex.
They see nothing wrong with coming to a Christian channel and demanding that they be given evidence that they'll never accept, from people they really don't like for a proposition that they've already rejected. Of course they'll deny that these 3 things are true but will never show evidence that their minds can actually be changed. Oh they'll ASSERT that they can but that's all it is.
The best part is when these insipid weasels bellyache about Christians insulting them.
What a bunch of crybabies.
@@saintpaulofyoutube4416 Hows the prayers going for Stevie Wonder Jeff, you can't be praying hard enough.
Cliffe asks the young man, "what does it mean when she says she loves you?". The implication of that answer is this "love" is a romantic type. He gave a logical, and rational answer as to why she loves him which is, in her mind, he is a fit option to assist her in perpetuating her genes and sustain her survival. Cliffe doesn't squarely address the point. Instead, he attempts to trivialize this basic explanation, and then goes into an altruistic definition of love. Dishonest
If someone pulled a gun on Cliff, 99% of the people there would run or pull out their phone and record. No one's going to try and stop the gunman.
Is that a call to violence?
@@BunnyWithaTommygun is what a call to violence?
I have very little sympathy for people who can tell others their little children are destined for eternal punishment.
How they can sleep at night I do not know.
Whoever told you that, was not telling you the truth.
@@robertmitchell-tv5yf Firstly, why are you angry? Secondly, yes, I am.
@@robertmitchell-tv5yf You are angry, even though you do not want to admit it. I too am sometimes unsettled with some of the human behavior. What have I said or done that would make you respond in such a way?
Truth is a quality or a state that is in accord with fact or reality.
@@robertmitchell-tv5yf No, God does not. God is against any kind of violence.
@@robertmitchell-tv5yf I don't believe such a thing occurred. There were some events of cataclysmic nature as a part of natural processes of the Earth and it was also influenced of how mankind was treating the planet.
You do not have to quote the Bible to me because I do not believe it is the truth about God and the universe.
This is hilarious. Mother Theresa wasn’t good.
only one has ever been good, HIs name is Jesus. the perfect Lamb and He loves you!