Truly impressed by your level of understanding related to various martial arts. Glad to know u do weapons training as well as grappling. Very important. Thanks for the dedication and expertise. As a fellow martial artist, I appreciate your perspective. Ooss!
I almost always read the same in all the books (WT, Karate, KravMaga): Going in is the right way - but it requires courage and determination. Whether it was the right way you will only see afterwards. A self-defense situation can never be calculated in advance.
@@Azami0001 I beg to differ. i was trained under the erik paulson school of training and things like this were of no consequence, theres easily 5 or 6 other methods of dealing with weapons he hasnt looked at in seriousness
@@Azami0001 the technique is virually the same weather or not a bat type weapon is involveld. its about neturising the threat
@@Azami0001 my training in silat also helps with the hand trapping and transition from medium to close distance. weapons can be tricky to learn
Just a brief comment if I may. I teach almost exactly this technique but I find it a tad more efficient to aim my initial touch toward the base of the hand(s) holding the weapon, then slide into the clinch. As long as you can touch the base of the weapon you can slow the swing enough to not be too dangerous. After that it's the same, taking the brunt on the arm and closing. I love this technique and it works well because shooting out your hands as you move in allows you to close the gap far faster than just stepping in. As far as some of the other techniques an attacker with a stick could do, like the stab, it's quite true that someone could do that if they are well trained but most of these other techniques are less damaging than a full swing at your head with a bat.
oh thanks god, there are also people showing it right! All those wannabe-experts out there should just watch and understand this video! I have seen so many crappy stick defense videos yet, where the attacker bridges the distance, not the just looks like the attacker wants to attack with the wrong end of the stick! Some attackers even made such a great circle with the stick, keeping the arm stretched all time so he could not even generate any looks like they do all possible to help the defender looking good with his technique lol. You did a very good job with this video, the points you talked about are the most important basics anyone who is talking about self defense against a stick should know and be aware of.
Good eye, yes I have. Pekiti Tirsia with Philip Gelinas, full contact stick fighting with a number of the Dog Brothers, and an instructor under Dan Inosanto
Great video. I was sure this was going to be something stupid but was pleasantly surprised. Not often you see some of these youtube "trainers" perform what they are showing you at full speed. Subscribed!
Excellent and important also for sparring with stick/short pole. Because if the stick is your defensive weapon (not as here in the video) there may be attackers which know very well how to fight against stick (here in the role of defender against the stick). Good stick/short pole/staff kungfu forms have always various combinations of HIT and STOP(stab or block) techniques.
I typically back out of range and let them do an overreach swing then charge when as they are rechambering for the same stroke again. This has limits against a really good stick fighter, but lower risk of the game-ending blow to the temple.
nice video, realistic as can be you are not going to become a master stick fighter, but this one move may get you in close enough to bite or something. the number one thing is move away from open places, that stick gets awkward in trees bushes crowded parking lots.
there is a boy named eshan he has beaten me many times my mom always tells me to not play with him but I am foolish I often play with him today he scrub my little brother ass so I hit him with anger he have a thick stick he hit me in the head with a stick I am literally crying right now because I am unable to save my brother that's why I am seeing this video
No one attacks you flat-footed. They either swing stepping back or in, including during a side-step. Fights are dynamic and never have I ever seen anyone be static.But the best course of action is to NOT engage an armed person or to disengage an armed person. I agree that you should always defend your off-buttons, after all, it's better to have a broken wrist or arm than it is to have a broken skull. But the most important technique you can ever learn for self defense is to NEVER allow yourself to engage in an ego fight.
I remember when I was in middle school. I was walking home from school and this girl, who was a bully, came after me with a stick. I ran and thank God she didn't hit me. This is good to know.
Its simple, you either stay back far enough to be out of reach. Or you get close to your attacker so they cant swing the stick, works against any blunt object. Blocking is a no no. You only put the hands up just in case. But its better to intercept the stick from gaining any momentum. By crowding your attacker. But once in close your fully commited and you have to react quickly to disarm or strike the attacker.
I noticed he does pause a little before he forward swings at you Which means he is favoring to help you Most people who swing that stick will never do that,
I liked this. I though about a lot of things that can happen to you when grappling with a stick but as you said most people don't have that much training. This new channel is pretty cool.
You can also dart quickly to the side (same side as their currently striking arm) or dart diagonally forward to that same side then attack or flee, continuing to move away.
If it's against somebody that never tried to hit anyone this will probably work, against somebody who has any experience at all don't try this. Distance control is just as easy for the guy with the weapon and even overly telegraphed swings are faster than the human body. Everything you can do to engage an armed opponent while unarmed is desperation. Blocking hits with your forearm, shooting in for a grapple, single-leg, double-leg, trying to grab the weapon or wrist. It's all panicked risk taking. You might be able to get something done or you might sustain damage that you will never recover from. Just walk away.
This is one thing I learned from doing a bit of aikido, entering and blending and most importantly, the timing to pull it off. It's supposed to work against swords as well, but for some reason we never practiced that. ;)
That is possible and useful if your attacker has no knowledge of stickfighting. But, seasoned stickfighter, don't just swing their sticks haphazardly. In the Philippines, for example, nobody carries a stick in public. Many drivers carry a lead/steel pipe on their vehicles in the case of a fight, a concealed knife or bolo/sword in rural areas. Unless you have no other choice but to go inside quickly, a better option is to go outside the "zero pressure area", or sidestep to the extreme left where the stick power is almost nil.
You can feel the most power when using strike number 1, that’s why most people use it. I’d focus on the hand using the stick until I crash and control it, then I’d focus on the other arm and the leg and try to take him down.
There is a simple principle in fighting, proximity negates skill. It may negate it a small amount, but that small amount may be what makes the difference between a chance to make it out alive or a busted skull. Many times the very simple things are the most effective or can turn the tide.
Not quite correct.You begin just as a motion begins. If you start before the motion, it is telegraphing on your part and they can change their angle or method of attack.
It's true if you are gonna fight a stick fighter in a street you need to get into a close range I had once fought a stick fighter firstly i gave a little long distance and when he missed to attack me i launched at him and attacked him you need to trust your instincts and start attacking no matter what I took some Muay Thai class and i already knew some self defence so sometimes its important to learn self defence to protect yourself in a street stay safe
That's right. You WILL get hit. But running foward is faster than going backwards. Nobody said that it's easy but you CAN get the guy. But therefore you need to got more than only 1 step. And you will get it at your arm, the ribs...maybe the legs. BUT the major task is to protect the head. Go in! Hits on ribs and legs cause pain but do NOT stop the fight. And at least when you got hit at the ribs 1 or 2 times you WILL BE motivated to get this guy! 😉
agree but most attackers who need a stick think they have the edge not likely they will attack by backing up unless they are real cowards they will advance
I agree with Dan B. It's better to train against a machete or sword (which is a "stick" with a blade) The reality of it is you don't have time to check whether your attacker has a machete or a stick, so every second counts. Prepare for the the very worst case scenario
Richie clearly has not trained in escrima as he's hitting the pad with the middle part of the stick. The defense (which is called 'the dive' in many systems) is sound aswell as the explanation. Of course if are outside his range you should be running in the opposite direction if you can but if you must face him that's the way to do it. If he's trained and you don't have a weapon you're probably dead no matter what you do. To my knowledge there is no reliable unarmed defense against someone who knows how to properly use a stick. He knows your options are extremely limited and he'll anticipate them. He'll stay at the ideal range for him and hit your arms and hands untill your defense is gone and he can go in for the kill. There's no way to safely close the distance on someone who knows how to fight with the stick as he will not use big motions or telegraph by retracting and he'll feed you the stick instead of his hand.
Linus Verclyte as someone who has spent about a decade doing fma and silat I am very aware of how dangerous someone with even a little bit of training is with a weapon. I pray I’m never again in a position where I have to deal with a bladed atracker
If a guy gots a stick, just 1-handing a stick like dude in the video, I will close distance on dude unarmed and not care because it's harder form him to generate powerful strikes if I am closer to him & at that point I can change reality- Am I unarmed fighting a guy with a stick or are we 2 guys fighting over a stick? Or, really selling my interest in stick to get a judo hip throw (this is literally the situation for it) then slip a rear naked choke? Maybe I am questioning the validity of stick guys manliness and I decide a quick grip test to verify if dude has balls or not is what is going on or, Perhaps his clothing can be exploited or, there is a sturdy garbage can lid behind him and I see my new sheild, ect.- If I get smacked with the stick on my way in that prolly ain't too much to worry about as long as it ain't a hard clean strike to my hands. Yes it will prolly hurt but that will keep dude thinking I am unarmed fighting a guy with a stick, act confused or scared or in more pain than you are and dude will believe that reality, I have had big rocks broken on my head, smacked into a van coming down stairs to fast and I been hit by sticks and I can deal with a stick....... If dude gots a club/hammer that goes from painful to injury a single hit could be lethal but this will work well enough for a stick as long as I don't slip on that banana peel landmine cause sometimes it ain't your lucky day
Good explanation as most good intelligent stick fighters would not make a first strike to your head , it would be to shoulder,elbow ,knee,or feint to that side and hit on other,so someone unskilled would do that.And it works against a baseball bat. But still the best thing to do is walk away if possible. I saw an ex cop security guy off duty charge in just like that and take away the stick of a troublemaker and whack him a few good ones , pretty hilarious.
sounds very much like someone who has been wacked by a good speed of a stick. Best way to learn how to not get hit is getting hit. I enjoyed this video.
Q? I go to my local park most mornings and in this park there are signs all over saying dogs must leached but i always encounter people with unleashed dogs and when the dog approach i always say please get your dog and they always say "oh he or she want bite" which is not the case because a few times i was almost bitten by a dog that was not supposed to bite My Q? is can i legally use a baton to defend myself against an unleashed dog that's attacking me in the park P.s. i live in South Florida...
For defense against a strike from the primary position, id probably block with my left forearm and step in to put him in a lock and drag him to the ground, or knee him in the groin or step in as I see him pulling back to charge up a strike, I will then go in and get my feet behind his with my right arm stretching from his armpit to his neck, then I will pull him down onto my knee to break his back or onto the concrete very forcefully to hurt him. If a stick can crack open a skull, I’m not taking a chance with it, I’ll likely run away.
what if the attacker just feint then once you step into the "zone" he move back or he side step into your left or right and hit you in the back of your head with his stick?
You put the edge of the hand to the outside, wouldn't it be better to put it downwards, so that if you miss you get hit on flesh and not on the forearm bone? Also, if you put it downwards the elbow doesn't create an angle, so the strike slides better if you miss, I think. Thoughts?
Please do show & teach us how to remove the stick from the attacker's hands... innocent commuters and women were attacked by 100+ gangsters wielding weapons like these in Hong Kong :(
5 ปีที่แล้ว
Yes. And ditto for barong or machete type weapon. Well done.
Richard would have to build his speed a bit.....Shillelagh are an excellent fighting stick, to be sure. And the distinctly club like nature of the weighted top lends itself well to building of the strength and helping increase one's speed on the Kali sticks, through training the shillelagh in with it. A truly remarkable weapon indeed, the Shillelagh Irish Stick.
I like the idea: get inside the arc of the weapon. But, wonder why an attacker would ever even take a swing at you from beyond the reach of the stick. Wouldn't he more likely be the one to close on *you* if he felt he had the (weapon) advantage and was intent on a confrontation?
I noticed that your partner was "Chicken Winging" with the stick. A Chicken Wing strike is a wide, arching strike, much like a round house punch. Like a round house punch, it is equally as bad because it gives the attacker too many openings to strike. Your strike demonstration was correct, straight out from your shoulder. An experienced stick/cane fighter will strike your arm or upper thigh as you rush in. If you find an inexperienced stick fight, exploit that move you demonstrated for sure. Cane Master Doug Rollings
This method seems certainly effective in most case, but as he mentioned, only appricable for not professional stick attacker. 90% maybe okay but I like to know other option. Otherwise we cant defend that 10% e.g. thrashing or other irregular stick movements.
Good video and good advice but why waiting that he retract to get in? If you have excelents skills and timing it could work. But you have more time to get in before the hit if you go before he retract. It's more a matter of distance, you go in when you are at the limite of the distance he can hit you.
All essential elements are there except an attack. Pendulum step to a side kick with a eye jab fake at the same timing moment at you describe will be more efficient
what you suggests remains in their power arc... I'm not going to fight a stick in its optimal range. first you need to get into a position where he can't easily bludgeon you to death - from there you can progress to attacking with a throw.
You feint towards the attacker or otherwise try to get them to take the swing, then close the distance. If they are being overly conservative about swinging then you jump in and close the distance as demonstrated here
As an Aikidoka I am constantly told by the "critics" that NOBODY does overhead attacks anymore. So you should really reconsider this video or you might go as far as actually approving Aikido soon :-D
As a fellow practitioner of Aikido I've been told the same. However, I've been in a bar brawl once (got in the wrong place at wrong time). Seen a couple guys attacking with wine bottles, swinging them in a vertical arc from overhead down, on the head of their target. So... it depends on the training.
Not for anything but for a good shot, the one with the stick will always move his hand back... A boxer will give you plenty of combinations once you do that mistake
The are only 12 attacks any person can do with or without a weapon. Sport boxes, bare knuckle fighters, Samurai, FMA, TKD, HKD, karate, kung fu, etc, ALL of them have only 12 angles of attack. The answer is not what the weapon is, it is the angle the attack is coming from that is imperative.
Actually, the best defence against an edged weapon is distance, best running, but keep distance and DO NOT get close unless impossible not to. With guns, the best thing is said to get in close
@Self-Defense Tutorials-- It happens many times when a street thug usually holds a stick or machete in both hands and perform 2 handed attacks. Just like we saw countering 1 handed attack here in the video, how can we counter that 2 handed attack (straightforward and sideways)? Eagerly waiting for the answer.
Jumping / double-step side kick...I've actually had occasion to use it against a baseball bat wielding opponent. Worked like a charm. Just time the back swing. At the end of the kick your head and upper body are still out of reach of the weapon.
This is training in assumption that the attacker knows nothing. I train to fight against well trained fighters. Always assume the attacker knows how to fight.
You would have a really hard time randomly getting into a fight with a highly skilled stick fighter. And chances are he won't have his stick on him when you get him at a bad time and piss him off. But hey it's your time and energy and if you do you'll be ready. But most people who would end up swinging at you are going to be really screwed up unskilful, unknowledgeable, and not that complicated. Thank goodness!!
@@bigtimepimpin666 if your are in the Philippines, a huge number of them train in the FMA AND carry knives everywhere. In other countries, you are less likely to meet any trained stick fighters that want to brawl or rob you.
@@KaptainCanuck yup and let me tell you, Filipino martial arts are no bull shit. They should have more students but consumers love to spend their money at the McDojos...
If you encounter a well trained fighter with a weapon empty handed you're screwed either way, so you might as well be training for the more likely scenario where you have a chance to win
Nice one Stephan, who taught you Kali? It is good that you acknowledged that this is how most untrained people strike but also that high level Eskrimadors have many more techniques and skills to choose from. Someone very smart may circle off when they see you commit but I think this technique would work against most attackers.
Self Defense Tutorials Ah very nice. One of the leading exponents of Kali. Nice to see the art acknowledged and being practiced by several Jiu Jitsu teachers now.
Another way I figured out to close the distance, through live training, is to fake a shot. If you act as if to go for a take-down, they swing way too early and miss completely. It's then, when the sticks already past you, you close the distance. Only tried with baseball bat though, so that's a two-handed swing with a heavier weapon, which put them really off balance and very slow to reload another swing. I assume that's what makes my technique work. Care to try it with a stick in another video? :)
Would you mind doing a basic tutorial series on stick fighting :)? Some of the stuff in youtubeland is overly technical and assume you would know the nomenclature already.
Thats more or less what i normally do : ) I normally try to draw that first strike out, make then miss, and enter. The idea is to enter just as the stick pass, almost as if you wanted to jump into a stab. Obviously works better if they dont know how to flow, as their own inercy slows them. Also, being just oute of range for 1 or 2 strikes usually cause people to hit advancing too much (predicting your retreat), then you jump in more easily. Thoughts? Tweaks you do to make it easier? Mistakes I make?
The thing that kinda sucks is you can take a bit of a hit with a rattan stick, but a iron wood stick or piece of rebar may straight break your arm, even if you're able to take a lot of the brunt off the blow. but hey broken arm is better than shattered skull. What he show is still a legit tactic. But any situation where you gotta empty hand against any weapon, is really a crap sandwich. Regardless its gonna really suck.
Truly impressed by your level of understanding related to various martial arts. Glad to know u do weapons training as well as grappling. Very important. Thanks for the dedication and expertise. As a fellow martial artist, I appreciate your perspective. Ooss!
I almost always read the same in all the books (WT, Karate, KravMaga): Going in is the right way - but it requires courage and determination. Whether it was the right way you will only see afterwards. A self-defense situation can never be calculated in advance.
This makes sense!
@@Azami0001 I beg to differ. i was trained under the erik paulson school of training and things like this were of no consequence, theres easily 5 or 6 other methods of dealing with weapons he hasnt looked at in seriousness
@@johnmccallum63 if you have videos or something like that I'm willing to look into it. Always trying to learn something new.
the technique is virually the same weather or not a bat type weapon is involveld. its about neturising the threat
@@Azami0001 my training in silat also helps with the hand trapping and transition from medium to close distance. weapons can be tricky to learn
Bro... I am watching it because today is my result declaration and i want to defence from my parents lathi charge....😬🥺
Just a brief comment if I may. I teach almost exactly this technique but I find it a tad more efficient to aim my initial touch toward the base of the hand(s) holding the weapon, then slide into the clinch. As long as you can touch the base of the weapon you can slow the swing enough to not be too dangerous. After that it's the same, taking the brunt on the arm and closing. I love this technique and it works well because shooting out your hands as you move in allows you to close the gap far faster than just stepping in. As far as some of the other techniques an attacker with a stick could do, like the stab, it's quite true that someone could do that if they are well trained but most of these other techniques are less damaging than a full swing at your head with a bat.
ok this is really useful and practical in using on street fight good one
I’m convinced. I’m getting a stick 😂
Great stuff as usual!
Thanks for taking the time to discuss this,
I feel strongly that love and
this topic
oh thanks god, there are also people showing it right! All those wannabe-experts out there should just watch and understand this video!
I have seen so many crappy stick defense videos yet, where the attacker bridges the distance, not the just looks like the attacker wants to attack with the wrong end of the stick! Some attackers even made such a great circle with the stick, keeping the arm stretched all time so he could not even generate any looks like they do all possible to help the defender looking good with his technique lol.
You did a very good job with this video, the points you talked about are the most important basics anyone who is talking about self defense against a stick should know and be aware of.
6:06 yeah, this dude has definitely dabbled with Filipino martial arts. That last move, the disarms was simple and awesome.
Good eye, yes I have. Pekiti Tirsia with Philip Gelinas, full contact stick fighting with a number of the Dog Brothers, and an instructor under Dan Inosanto
@@SelfDefenseTutorials thats so cool
Great video. I was sure this was going to be something stupid but was pleasantly surprised. Not often you see some of these youtube "trainers" perform what they are showing you at full speed. Subscribed!
Bro thanks a lot for saving my day, I just got into a fight with a ex bully with a stick, but I defeated him. Thank so much
Excellent and important also for sparring with stick/short pole. Because if the stick is your defensive weapon (not as here in the video) there may be attackers which know very well how to fight against stick (here in the role of defender against the stick). Good stick/short pole/staff kungfu forms have always various combinations of HIT and STOP(stab or block) techniques.
Use a hogleg
@@combatdouglas1306 😅
It´s a realistic YT channel. Shows the reality: it´s a very dangerous situation and is specially important 2 only fight as a last resort
finally, reality teaching! other videos re: traditional karate/jiu jitsu just erks me when they don't explain this!
I like to blind my opponents with the shine of my skull
Than brush your teeth every day.
@@Wuei108 You should be learning how to spell, not fight.
@@tcolondovich2996 Nebbich!
What do you do in the night?
pov: youre in trouble and your parents know
I typically back out of range and let them do an overreach swing then charge when as they are rechambering for the same stroke again. This has limits against a really good stick fighter, but lower risk of the game-ending blow to the temple.
nice video, realistic as can be you are not going to become a master stick fighter, but this one move may get you in close enough to bite or something. the number one thing is move away from open places, that stick gets awkward in trees bushes crowded parking lots.
My friends usually chase me with a stick so I'm learning to defend myself
ok 👍
there is a boy named eshan he has beaten me many times my mom always tells me to not play with him but I am foolish I often play with him today he scrub my little brother ass so I hit him with anger he have a thick stick he hit me in the head with a stick I am literally crying right now because I am unable to save my brother that's why I am seeing this video
No one attacks you flat-footed. They either swing stepping back or in, including during a side-step. Fights are dynamic and never have I ever seen anyone be static.But the best course of action is to NOT engage an armed person or to disengage an armed person. I agree that you should always defend your off-buttons, after all, it's better to have a broken wrist or arm than it is to have a broken skull. But the most important technique you can ever learn for self defense is to NEVER allow yourself to engage in an ego fight.
Exactly. Nobody is going to attack you outside of the stick range.
I remember when I was in middle school. I was walking home from school and this girl, who was a bully, came after me with a stick. I ran and thank God she didn't hit me. This is good to know.
It's also good to always wear a leather belt with a nice solid buckle you could use as a defense weapon only if you know how to use it
Yeah, but how do you fight when your pants fall down?
Its simple, you either stay back far enough to be out of reach. Or you get close to your attacker so they cant swing the stick, works against any blunt object. Blocking is a no no. You only put the hands up just in case. But its better to intercept the stick from gaining any momentum. By crowding your attacker. But once in close your fully commited and you have to react quickly to disarm or strike the attacker.
The attacker can also strafe backward or to the side when you move in.
Bonjour une fois que vous avez agrippé l attaquant comment le neutraliser faut il lui faire un amène au sol ou bien faut il le frapper
I watch to defend myself from my mom when i failed test 😁😂😂😂😂😂
I noticed he does pause a little before he forward swings at you
Which means he is favoring to help you
Most people who swing that stick will never do that,
Clear brilliant
I liked this. I though about a lot of things that can happen to you when grappling with a stick but as you said most people don't have that much training. This new channel is pretty cool.
In a nutshell, you can't backpedal forever when someone's chasing you, the only way out is through.
You can also dart quickly to the side (same side as their currently striking arm) or dart diagonally forward to that same side then attack or flee, continuing to move away.
Never move into the weapon; move in the same direction to lessen any impact encountered.
5:47 You should've lead with "i run the f*ck away" (remmember the best self defense is to not put yourself in dangerous situations)
I have those same Prema-Built That pads. They are 30 years old and still going strong. :)
If it's against somebody that never tried to hit anyone this will probably work, against somebody who has any experience at all don't try this. Distance control is just as easy for the guy with the weapon and even overly telegraphed swings are faster than the human body. Everything you can do to engage an armed opponent while unarmed is desperation. Blocking hits with your forearm, shooting in for a grapple, single-leg, double-leg, trying to grab the weapon or wrist. It's all panicked risk taking. You might be able to get something done or you might sustain damage that you will never recover from. Just walk away.
This is one thing I learned from doing a bit of aikido, entering and blending and most importantly, the timing to pull it off. It's supposed to work against swords as well, but for some reason we never practiced that. ;)
That is possible and useful if your attacker has no knowledge of stickfighting. But, seasoned stickfighter, don't just swing their sticks haphazardly. In the Philippines, for example, nobody carries a stick in public. Many drivers carry a lead/steel pipe on their vehicles in the case of a fight, a concealed knife or bolo/sword in rural areas.
Unless you have no other choice but to go inside quickly, a better option is to go outside the "zero pressure area", or sidestep to the extreme left where the stick power is almost nil.
You can feel the most power when using strike number 1, that’s why most people use it. I’d focus on the hand using the stick until I crash and control it, then I’d focus on the other arm and the leg and try to take him down.
Learning self-defense cuz of my mother. Thanks mom🙂
Didn't know her knew Kali :D makes him even more likeable
Great post, thanks Stephan!
Finally someone answers Eric Idle's question.
And what is Eric idle's question?
One day I'll develop a technique against a great big nasty banana...
Well that’s is a good timing to get inn to anticipate the strike
Very useful 👍
Muito boa técnica!! Obrigado! Thank you!!
Great explanation, just earned yourself a new subscriber :)
There is a simple principle in fighting, proximity negates skill. It may negate it a small amount, but that small amount may be what makes the difference between a chance to make it out alive or a busted skull. Many times the very simple things are the most effective or can turn the tide.
awesome realistic defense.
Dog BROTHER Eric used to do this in full jontac stick fighting.
It's simple (though it is not so simple to do): You must attack when the stick is not in motion.
Not quite correct.You begin just as a motion begins. If you start before the motion, it is telegraphing on your part and they can change their angle or method of attack.
Charge the attacker and Crouch abit
@@suryafadillah5263 Yep.
It's true if you are gonna fight a stick fighter in a street you need to get into a close range I had once fought a stick fighter firstly i gave a little long distance and when he missed to attack me i launched at him and attacked him you need to trust your instincts and start attacking no matter what I took some Muay Thai class and i already knew some self defence so sometimes its important to learn self defence to protect yourself in a street stay safe
Great post but if the guy with the stick took one step back while you steping in you will stil eat the shot tho
That's right. You WILL get hit. But running foward is faster than going backwards.
Nobody said that it's easy but you CAN get the guy. But therefore you need to got more than only 1 step. And you will get it at your arm, the ribs...maybe the legs.
BUT the major task is to protect the head. Go in! Hits on ribs and legs cause pain but do NOT stop the fight.
And at least when you got hit at the ribs 1 or 2 times you WILL BE motivated to get this guy! 😉
agree but most attackers who need a stick think they have the edge not likely they will attack by backing up unless they are real cowards they will advance
Best option 'Run' ... that guy throw sticks to you.and you got it...Now that guy run😂😂😂😂 problem solved
If they step back, they have just reduced their striking power by up to half and that is good for you.
@@KaptainCanuck Yes, exactly.
I agree with Dan B. It's better to train against a machete or sword (which is a "stick" with a blade) The reality of it is you don't have time to check whether your attacker has a machete or a stick, so every second counts. Prepare for the the very worst case scenario
Ever heard of Blauer's Spear System? Because this looks a lot like that.
Great video, lots of great info.
La plus réaliste et la meilleure des techniques mais comment on fait si on a pas le timing lorsqu on bondit
Thanks 👍👍👌👌🥊🥊🙏🙏🥋🥋
Striking angle is true, but not for baseball bats, hockey sticks or garden tools like a rake. I know from experience.
Richie clearly has not trained in escrima as he's hitting the pad with the middle part of the stick. The defense (which is called 'the dive' in many systems) is sound aswell as the explanation. Of course if are outside his range you should be running in the opposite direction if you can but if you must face him that's the way to do it. If he's trained and you don't have a weapon you're probably dead no matter what you do. To my knowledge there is no reliable unarmed defense against someone who knows how to properly use a stick. He knows your options are extremely limited and he'll anticipate them. He'll stay at the ideal range for him and hit your arms and hands untill your defense is gone and he can go in for the kill. There's no way to safely close the distance on someone who knows how to fight with the stick as he will not use big motions or telegraph by retracting and he'll feed you the stick instead of his hand.
Linus Verclyte as someone who has spent about a decade doing fma and silat I am very aware of how dangerous someone with even a little bit of training is with a weapon. I pray I’m never again in a position where I have to deal with a bladed atracker
If a guy gots a stick, just 1-handing a stick like dude in the video, I will close distance on dude unarmed and not care because it's harder form him to generate powerful strikes if I am closer to him & at that point I can change reality-
Am I unarmed fighting a guy with a stick or are we 2 guys fighting over a stick?
Or, really selling my interest in stick to get a judo hip throw (this is literally the situation for it) then slip a rear naked choke?
Maybe I am questioning the validity of stick guys manliness and I decide a quick grip test to verify if dude has balls or not is what is going on or,
Perhaps his clothing can be exploited or, there is a sturdy garbage can lid behind him and I see my new sheild, ect.- If I get smacked with the stick on my way in that prolly ain't too much to worry about as long as it ain't a hard clean strike to my hands.
Yes it will prolly hurt but that will keep dude thinking I am unarmed fighting a guy with a stick, act confused or scared or in more pain than you are and dude will believe that reality, I have had big rocks broken on my head, smacked into a van coming down stairs to fast and I been hit by sticks and I can deal with a stick.......
If dude gots a club/hammer that goes from painful to injury a single hit could be lethal but this will work well enough for a stick as long as I don't slip on that banana peel landmine cause sometimes it ain't your lucky day
Going to protest in Serbia be like:
Nice job sir
Good explanation as most good intelligent stick fighters would not make a first strike to your head , it would be to shoulder,elbow ,knee,or feint to that side and hit on other,so someone unskilled would do that.And it works against a baseball bat. But still the best thing to do is walk away if possible. I saw an ex cop security guy off duty charge in just like that and take away the stick of a troublemaker and whack him a few good ones , pretty hilarious.
Very good defense
So much garbage out there. This is good, though. Sensible and simple. Thanks!
And, you could enter 'after' the first swing and miss, when he is re-chambering for the next hit.
sounds very much like someone who has been wacked by a good speed of a stick. Best way to learn how to not get hit is getting hit. I enjoyed this video.
Q? I go to my local park most mornings and in this park there are signs all over saying dogs must leached but i always encounter people with unleashed dogs and when the dog approach i always say please get your dog and they always say "oh he or she want bite" which is not the case because a few times i was almost bitten by a dog that was not supposed to bite
My Q? is can i legally use a baton to defend myself against an unleashed dog that's attacking me in the park
P.s. i live in South Florida...
Ok grasshopper hit the fucking dog.if he is trying to bite you.
Awesome. Makes a lot of sense. Thank you.
Some tips for defending when you dont know if it goes to your head or to your knee?
For defense against a strike from the primary position, id probably block with my left forearm and step in to put him in a lock and drag him to the ground, or knee him in the groin or step in as I see him pulling back to charge up a strike, I will then go in and get my feet behind his with my right arm stretching from his armpit to his neck, then I will pull him down onto my knee to break his back or onto the concrete very forcefully to hurt him. If a stick can crack open a skull, I’m not taking a chance with it, I’ll likely run away.
the stick is like a gun at close range
it is an element of sword and shield
nice stefan and nice to see u develope your knowleage from bjj to another martial art sport as like wrestling,kali and so .nice development
What if that stick is heavy?
what if the attacker just feint then once you step into the "zone" he move back or he side step into your left or right and hit you in the back of your head with his stick?
You put the edge of the hand to the outside, wouldn't it be better to put it downwards, so that if you miss you get hit on flesh and not on the forearm bone? Also, if you put it downwards the elbow doesn't create an angle, so the strike slides better if you miss, I think. Thoughts?
Please do show & teach us how to remove the stick from the attacker's hands... innocent commuters and women were attacked by 100+ gangsters wielding weapons like these in Hong Kong :(
Yes. And ditto for barong or machete type weapon. Well done.
Richard would have to build his speed a bit.....Shillelagh are an excellent fighting stick, to be sure. And the distinctly club like nature of the weighted top lends itself well to building of the strength and helping increase one's speed on the Kali sticks, through training the shillelagh in with it.
A truly remarkable weapon indeed, the Shillelagh Irish Stick.
I like the idea: get inside the arc of the weapon. But, wonder why an attacker would ever even take a swing at you from beyond the reach of the stick.
Wouldn't he more likely be the one to close on *you* if he felt he had the (weapon) advantage and was intent on a confrontation?
How about using your legs to kick the person? Like a side kick?
Only as a distraction! Otherwise you're staying at the range where he can develop maximum power with his weapon
I noticed that your partner was "Chicken Winging" with the stick. A Chicken Wing strike is a wide, arching strike, much like a round house punch. Like a round house punch, it is equally as bad because it gives the attacker too many openings to strike.
Your strike demonstration was correct, straight out from your shoulder.
An experienced stick/cane fighter will strike your arm or upper thigh as you rush in.
If you find an inexperienced stick fight, exploit that move you demonstrated for sure.
Cane Master Doug Rollings
Well, now that you posted this worldwide, most people seeing it are going to practice the feignt with thrust. There's always that aspect, now.
This method seems certainly effective in most case, but as he mentioned, only appricable for not professional stick attacker. 90% maybe okay but I like to know other option. Otherwise we cant defend that 10% e.g. thrashing or other irregular stick movements.
Very hit video bro
Good video and good advice but why waiting that he retract to get in? If you have excelents skills and timing it could work. But you have more time to get in before the hit if you go before he retract.
It's more a matter of distance, you go in when you are at the limite of the distance he can hit you.
All essential elements are there except an attack.
Pendulum step to a side kick with a eye jab fake at the same timing moment at you describe will be more efficient
what you suggests remains in their power arc... I'm not going to fight a stick in its optimal range. first you need to get into a position where he can't easily bludgeon you to death - from there you can progress to attacking with a throw.
What if the sticks already cocked in the fire position?
You feint towards the attacker or otherwise try to get them to take the swing, then close the distance. If they are being overly conservative about swinging then you jump in and close the distance as demonstrated here
As an Aikidoka I am constantly told by the "critics" that NOBODY does overhead attacks anymore. So you should really reconsider this video or you might go as far as actually approving Aikido soon :-D
As a fellow practitioner of Aikido I've been told the same. However, I've been in a bar brawl once (got in the wrong place at wrong time). Seen a couple guys attacking with wine bottles, swinging them in a vertical arc from overhead down, on the head of their target. So... it depends on the training.
@@mariosebastiani3214 height is also a factor. A taller person may tend to come done "hammerfist" style against a shorter one.
thank you sir!
Not for anything but for a good shot, the one with the stick will always move his hand back... A boxer will give you plenty of combinations once you do that mistake
Is that the same techniqueis applied to defend bottle of beer
or wine!
The are only 12 attacks any person can do with or without a weapon. Sport boxes, bare knuckle fighters, Samurai, FMA, TKD, HKD, karate, kung fu, etc, ALL of them have only 12 angles of attack. The answer is not what the weapon is, it is the angle the attack is coming from that is imperative.
Can you konter a stick without breaking the arm or hand?
Depends on the mass, and material, of the stick.
The best defense against blunt and edged weapons is jamming. He reminds me of Jim Parsons.
Actually, the best defence against an edged weapon is distance, best running, but keep distance and DO NOT get close unless impossible not to. With guns, the best thing is said to get in close
Great technique!
@Self-Defense Tutorials-- It happens many times when a street thug usually holds a stick or machete in both hands and perform 2 handed attacks. Just like we saw countering 1 handed attack here in the video, how can we counter that 2 handed attack (straightforward and sideways)? Eagerly waiting for the answer.
Jumping / double-step side kick...I've actually had occasion to use it against a baseball bat wielding opponent. Worked like a charm. Just time the back swing. At the end of the kick your head and upper body are still out of reach of the weapon.
J ai pas compris comment on fait votre technique a l air intéressante aussi
Double step et side kick c est quoi
This is training in assumption that the attacker knows nothing. I train to fight against well trained fighters. Always assume the attacker knows how to fight.
You would have a really hard time randomly getting into a fight with a highly skilled stick fighter. And chances are he won't have his stick on him when you get him at a bad time and piss him off. But hey it's your time and energy and if you do you'll be ready.
But most people who would end up swinging at you are going to be really screwed up unskilful, unknowledgeable, and not that complicated. Thank goodness!!
@@bigtimepimpin666 if your are in the Philippines, a huge number of them train in the FMA AND carry knives everywhere. In other countries, you are less likely to meet any trained stick fighters that want to brawl or rob you.
@@KaptainCanuck yup and let me tell you, Filipino martial arts are no bull shit. They should have more students but consumers love to spend their money at the McDojos...
If you encounter a well trained fighter with a weapon empty handed you're screwed either way, so you might as well be training for the more likely scenario where you have a chance to win
How about completing that " dive" head butting the attacker right in the face ?
Nice one Stephan, who taught you Kali? It is good that you acknowledged that this is how most untrained people strike but also that high level Eskrimadors have many more techniques and skills to choose from. Someone very smart may circle off when they see you commit but I think this technique would work against most attackers.
Thank you. Most of my Kali came from Dan Inosanto and Philip Gelinas.
Self Defense Tutorials Ah very nice. One of the leading exponents of Kali. Nice to see the art acknowledged and being practiced by several Jiu Jitsu teachers now.
Another way I figured out to close the distance, through live training, is to fake a shot. If you act as if to go for a take-down, they swing way too early and miss completely. It's then, when the sticks already past you, you close the distance.
Only tried with baseball bat though, so that's a two-handed swing with a heavier weapon, which put them really off balance and very slow to reload another swing. I assume that's what makes my technique work.
Care to try it with a stick in another video? :)
Would you mind doing a basic tutorial series on stick fighting :)? Some of the stuff in youtubeland is overly technical and assume you would know the nomenclature already.
Thats more or less what i normally do : ) I normally try to draw that first strike out, make then miss, and enter. The idea is to enter just as the stick pass, almost as if you wanted to jump into a stab. Obviously works better if they dont know how to flow, as their own inercy slows them. Also, being just oute of range for 1 or 2 strikes usually cause people to hit advancing too much (predicting your retreat), then you jump in more easily. Thoughts? Tweaks you do to make it easier? Mistakes I make?
Defender can use own belt as weapon.
Nice, and that would be tons of fun to ask training partner hit with blindfolded and we trying to step in fast.
The thing that kinda sucks is you can take a bit of a hit with a rattan stick, but a iron wood stick or piece of rebar may straight break your arm, even if you're able to take a lot of the brunt off the blow.
but hey broken arm is better than shattered skull. What he show is still a legit tactic. But any situation where you gotta empty hand against any weapon, is really a crap sandwich. Regardless its gonna really suck.