This mom is giving her children ALL the best resources and chances. So amazed by her. So many parents are just burying their heads in the sand about their children's needs and this mom is just owning it and plowing forward and their outcomes will be better because of all this intervention. This all takes so much intention, so much energy, so much organization, so many phone calls, and so much follow through.
@Sweeney Squad I think there are many states that have great services, not just Colorado. Personally, I am not in a state that has great services, and I'm not moving either. But -- Like Stephanie, I am not burying my head in the sand and pretending my children's problems don't exist. I am researching, searching, making phone calls, trying everything. Doing the hard-work, finding the right OT, following through -- and Stephanie inspires me everyday to not give up despite how time consuming and exhausting it is. Despite how many road blocks. My comment had nothing to do with location -- just the motivation, the drive, the determination - and that can exist anywhere. It sounds like you are the same type of mom too, regardless of where you are!
Yes she is doing a great job. My boyfriend is on the spectrum and I feel like his parents didn’t really do anything to help him thrive as an adult, that they just used his diagnosis as an excuse for his behavior and he’s struggling so much with his emotions right now and how to deal with things that don’t go the way he thinks it should.
@Sweeney Squad You don’t have to move to help your children the best you can. Even when they lived in Florida, Stephanie still did the best she could with the resources they had. Everything you are able to do will help your children in the long run
@Sweeney Squad There are a heck of a lot of parents that are burying their heads and even flat-out not accepting the diagnosis or even going in for evaluations at all. There are plenty of parents that would forgo the private school payments you're incurring, and instead have some extra nice vacations. So while it doesn't sound like YOU are burying your head, @Sweeney Squad -- TONS of parents are. And I'm not shaming them in my comment. I'm pointing out what Stephanie doesn't do. I'm celebrating her. And parents like her. And like Hayley said -- I'm celebrating every little thing we can do as parents, where-ever we're at, whatever we can afford, to TRY TRY TRY. Despite the exhaustion, despite the closed doors in our faces. Again, it's about motivation, drive and determination. It's not parent-shaming at all actually. Re-read my original comment. "So many parents are burying their heads in the sand about their children's needs." is just absolutely true. Sad but true. Doesn't sound like you're burying your heads in the sand about your children's needs--sounds like your trying your best and going out of your way to meet your children's needs. Stephanie is "owning it" - -my comment was a bravo to that!
This family is a perfect example why we need to be strong enough to overcome therapy and parent shaming/bullying that's so trendy right now. Look at how great these kids are doing. Amazing job parents!!
So great to see Liam talking and being so expressive! The feeling is so wonderful as a mom when you see your kids blossom! One of the best things about 2020 for me was seeing my speech delayed three year old go from nonverbal to talking almost up to level by four years old. It is such a relief when they can really communicate!
It's amazing to see Liam's progress since he has had the interventions you where made to fight for, you guys must be so proud! It must have been a huge leap to move but it certainly payed off, your family unity and constant push has made these things possible.
I was tearing up! I was "What would have happened to Penelope???" She is a darling. All your children are wonderful but she's the one I've seen grow up!
I had not even gotten a minute into the blog before commenting and then Liam said cookie lol what in the world. They are just baby geniuses. So cute! I can’t stand it.
Awe the babies are coming on so so well its amazing to hear Liam talking especially when he was non verbal and then Nellie singing ABC I knew that was what she was singing she done so good bless them two wee souls so well done Stephanie hard work for sure pays off 💖💕
I’m so happy that yall have finally gotten the therapies you need ❤️ Every special needs family deserves all of the resources that they need plus more.
I have a hard time doing just regular dr appts for me. It is astounding how many appts you deal with every week! Hippo therapy is great for balance, confidence, and learning.
It’s been amazing to see your family not only grow and develop, but ✨flourish✨ over the past year! The strength of your family, the love you all have for each other, as well as all the dedicated therapist, doctors, and everyone who have supported your incredible children has helped me to get through this challenging year and given me the boost I need to continue to pursue a career as an ABA therapist. And I know you’re made an immense, positive impact on countless others - thank you for all that you do! 🥰
We’re soo happy your move was soo overwhelming great happy that all the kiddos are able to thrive w services soo awesome your info has helped us out soo much thanks for being you and Lonnie being himself makes me happy to know there’s another great couple out there w amazing babes like ours!!!💛💛💛💛
We moved to Colorado Springs in summer 2020 and I’ve met and talked to people that have moved from FL because if that. Before our move my family was thinking FL because of family and jobs for my husband. But after a lot of research about the states mandates for autism (insurance , etc) and school services we decided against it. The BEST decision ever !!! No family or Friends here yet but I wouldn’t change it !! ♾♾♾
I literally just watched a video where he was getting his tablet and you weren't sure if he'd talk. Now BOOM. Im catching up on your content but im amazed at your kids progress and Liams red hair is adorable. Proud of him seriously 🎉🎉🎉
Waiver means you are waiving admission to a nursing home, intermediate care facility , or other placement to stay in the community at a lower cost.. that is how Virginia defines it ... however I found this explanation today A Medicaid waiver is a provision in Medicaid law which allows the federal government to waive rules that usually apply to the Medicaid program. The intention is to allow individual states to accomplish certain goals, such as reducing costs, expanding coverage, or improving care for certain target groups such as the elderly or women who are pregnant. Thanks to these waivers, states can provide services to their residents that wouldn’t usually be covered by Medicaid. For instance, in-home care for people who would otherwise have to go into long-term institutional care.
Your makeup looked so good in the car. I’m loving yalls new vlogs. Lonnie does so good. Seems so much more natural. I love the variety and mix of a little bit of everything. Y’all are doing great!! It’s so horrible that there’s even a “List” 7years! That is so bad.
Hello from an SLP in FL. I totally understand your past frustration. I have a small private practice and I have to waitlist people almost every day, because my schedule is full. I make it a point to call people back and talk with them. I would love to grow my practice, but there just aren't enough good SLPs out there to hire. Instead I stay small and do my best. I worked Early Intervention in NY and MA , and it was very different than here in FL. Glad to hear CO has a better support system.
Wow Liam has grown so much!! I literally never comment but amazing. You are such a wonderful mother Stephanie! And also Lonnie is a wonderful dad. Geez all of y’all are amazing lol
It’s the same here in Australia, for us, and where we live, we have great autism services, but finding someone to do assessments is difficult when you don’t know what you’re doing. We can always travel within our state to find places, and our paediatrician could help in some ways, but the wait can be long depending on the child.
The long term supports are important, my sister has an intellectual disability and gets a welfare payment for life since she turned 16, social housing is still terrible unless she has 3 kids but no place is perfect. The littles have progressed so much
I'm super happy for you guys. Your kids are thriving. I can't help but feel a little sad though. My asd kid is 4, completely nonverbal. Not a single functional word. I'm on waiting lists for all therapies. Can't get anything right now. No money to move. I feel hopeless and like a complete failure as his mother. Don't mind me, gunna call my doc about increasing my zoloft. Tf.
I am so sorry. I know how that desperation feels: what we get is what EVERYONE should get. You’re not a failure as a mom. You aren’t failing him, everyone else is. I’m sure you’ve done everything possible to help him!
I am a play therapist in the UK, and I can tell you right now, you are not a failure at all. Play (as we’ve seen!) Can do so much for your child, and at this point I know you will want other important therapies, but as long as you are engaging with your child, you will never fail them. Keep playing, keep having fun. I know this may not make sense at this point in time, because life can get on top of you, and there, of course is some strategy to these therapies, but play is definitely the place to start. This will help you communicate together, and you will get to know him. Just be there, be present, engage and play. I hope that helps!
Awesome video! Glad ya’ll are doing great with services for your kids! In Tennessee, there are some services you can’t get. Every state is different. I got therapies through my school and I also had a social worker that talked to me some. The social worker helped me with social skills and other things like that. One time we had group therapy where there was another student and we role played together. It was really good. But wish we had the services in Tennessee that you have in Colorado! It seems more extensive than here! Here you have to do the work for them or wait on them to get it right. But I’m doing great now. I have a job and I really like my job. I have a job at Goodwill pulling clothes. Well, thanks for sharing! Have a great day!
In Hawaii my son with austism gets Pediasure through WIC, ABA, Early Intervention, Free Preschool (age 3 and up) and qualifyies for SSI. Every state may be different but always ask because most times they don't inform us.
I live in Colorado and we have private insurance and it's terrible. We can't go to the doctor. It's crazy expensive. We only go if it's an emergency. I still owe thousands for my daughter having to go to the hospital 2 summers ago. I have been saving to get my kids evaluated, but it's so expensive. My husband and I have considered divorce just so I could afford for state insurance. We decided against it, but many people told me to get a divorce.
I’m telling you.. our kiddos with autism it’s such a blessing when they start to talk cuz it isn’t (of course) guaranteed.. ugh I’m so amazed .. my son is started randomly having more functional conversations.. I have cried so much .. so I totally understand ❤️I’m so happy for you guys
Good video. :) Glad to hear that things are much better in CO. Thanks for the update on Penelope 's two year appt. and the other kids. I wish the services where I live were better for people with disabilities. TX Commission For The Blind closed down years ago b/c of budget cuts. :(
So true I live here in Florida and they need services for special need parents financially especially because we can’t work a regular work schedule throughout the week
I remember the roads being so clear in Colorado then all of a sudden everyone moved here lol, kinda miss that Colorado but your situation is 100% understandable :)
I’m really curious to know why would Florida be so bad with providing all these children’s services. Could it be that it’s such an old state that they don’t staff kids services correctly? They don’t prioritize it cause it’s a ton of old people? Thank God you guys are getting all the therapies you need! I could actually feel your pain. Your kids are doing amazing! ❤️
My poor 3 year old grandson can’t even get evaluated in person they tried doing it over zoom he wanted no part of it so they told his parents to do speech therapy again, this is in CA.. my poor grandson is being a child left behind because covid is too far more important PS... what a cutie pie my grandson loves toy story too ❤️
I live in Florida orlando area . I have never had a problem getting services for my son. We have private insurance but honestly I’m shocked of the difference in experiences. My son has Tourette’s and he’s had a speech delay since he was less than two years of age and like a week after that we were referred to a speech therapist and he got OT as well with no problems. I’m sorry your family struggled so much in Florida 😞
Orlando is an area that I’ve heard good things about. For us it wasn’t as much the services as it was the waiver and lack of ALL other services. But when people say they’re moving to Florida, I’m like move to Miami or Orlando lol
Question especially because of Lexus sleeping habits wouldn’t hear benefit from the same bed that Liam is in so that even if Alex wants to stay up all night you could put books or a few cuddly toys in there let him stay up until 5 AM but you guys can get some sleep and he can be safe
So glad things are going so well. Just so you know the word diagnosis is is not a word. It is diagnoses. I don’t know if you care about that, but just thought you might wanna know.
In Michigan we are gearing up for 60s degrees this week coming up my 8 year old son in school speach therapy will increase for 3rd grade and so will his ot and we added in school life skills class with music and art therapy he will be less in the classroom in the 2021 school year
Thank you Stephanie for talking about how the state would pay for PediaSure and Pull-Ups for your kids. If we can get the state to pay for that that will help so much because the twins use both PediaSure and pull ups. They have so many texture issues with food it's hard to get them to eat so we have to taken buy PediaSure for them
Tubby Todd all over ointment is the only thing that has helped my sons eczema. We live in a super dry cold climate as well and it is amazing. You might give it a try, it’s pricey but goes a long way.
Your experience in Florida sounds like my experience in Colorado. I was trying to get help with my ADHD (diagnosed by a psychiatrist) and couldn't afford to see a psychiatrist with private insurance, and I think most there were self pay only anyway. So I went to a normal family Dr and she tried to diagnose me with bipolar! They also put me on bipolar meds which totally messed up my emotions. I would love to have a full neuro psych evaluation at one point though, you inspired me to look into that.
I know, I was trying to dictate the word, and what I was trying to point out is that putting an extra syllable on it like Stephanie did, is not actually a word.
I pray all families can move if need be. Also Florida is actually listed as the worse state to live with kids on the spectrum. I've heard Colorado and California were really good
Pedisure is great for some i hope not at all for my gson with special needs. Amazing how children/prople get denied medical care.. a person on the street would be arrested for the same. And yes I used that line in desperation getting care for a child.
Thank you so much for this video! I was looking into moving to Colorado and a good place for my autistic son. This video was so helpful thank you so much truly! What area in Colorado do you live?
As a therapist my guess is the the therapies will show up in the snow because they don’t get paid otherwise. Therapists are hourly and you have to be productive so if someone cancels especially last minute or you can got to treatments you don’t get paid
OT/PT/Speech *always* shows up but ABA doesn't. Idk if the pay is different or what but speech even said "I like money too much not to drive in a little snow with 4 wheel drive" LOL
Where can I see this Shudder thing she does? It sounds like what my grandson does who is also SSD/SPD. The only thing he saw a virtual neurologist for so far was sleeping. 🙄
Florida is garbage when it comes to medical care and services. We moved from FL to WA in 2019. We had private insurance in FL and Medicaid in WA. Our care is so much better in WA.
i have a question i am recently diagnosed as autistic as an adult high functioning and i love o line things up like liam is there a reason behind why i do that my family asks me and i dont know how to explain to them i usually say i just do
Denver, Boulder, and Colorado Springs.. which are like the only main cities of the state LOL. The education system seems to be better in Colorado Springs but I know someone who lives in Boulder who gets amazing services for her kids. The state as a whole is pretty amazing honestly. I would just make sure to live around those areas as anywhere else in the state is going to be a pretty far drive for appointments and therapies.
This mom is giving her children ALL the best resources and chances. So amazed by her. So many parents are just burying their heads in the sand about their children's needs and this mom is just owning it and plowing forward and their outcomes will be better because of all this intervention. This all takes so much intention, so much energy, so much organization, so many phone calls, and so much follow through.
@Sweeney Squad I think there are many states that have great services, not just Colorado. Personally, I am not in a state that has great services, and I'm not moving either. But -- Like Stephanie, I am not burying my head in the sand and pretending my children's problems don't exist. I am researching, searching, making phone calls, trying everything. Doing the hard-work, finding the right OT, following through -- and Stephanie inspires me everyday to not give up despite how time consuming and exhausting it is. Despite how many road blocks. My comment had nothing to do with location -- just the motivation, the drive, the determination - and that can exist anywhere. It sounds like you are the same type of mom too, regardless of where you are!
Yes she is doing a great job. My boyfriend is on the spectrum and I feel like his parents didn’t really do anything to help him thrive as an adult, that they just used his diagnosis as an excuse for his behavior and he’s struggling so much with his emotions right now and how to deal with things that don’t go the way he thinks it should.
@Sweeney Squad You don’t have to move to help your children the best you can. Even when they lived in Florida, Stephanie still did the best she could with the resources they had. Everything you are able to do will help your children in the long run
@Sweeney Squad There are a heck of a lot of parents that are burying their heads and even flat-out not accepting the diagnosis or even going in for evaluations at all. There are plenty of parents that would forgo the private school payments you're incurring, and instead have some extra nice vacations. So while it doesn't sound like YOU are burying your head, @Sweeney Squad -- TONS of parents are. And I'm not shaming them in my comment. I'm pointing out what Stephanie doesn't do. I'm celebrating her. And parents like her. And like Hayley said -- I'm celebrating every little thing we can do as parents, where-ever we're at, whatever we can afford, to TRY TRY TRY. Despite the exhaustion, despite the closed doors in our faces. Again, it's about motivation, drive and determination. It's not parent-shaming at all actually. Re-read my original comment. "So many parents are burying their heads in the sand about their children's needs." is just absolutely true. Sad but true. Doesn't sound like you're burying your heads in the sand about your children's needs--sounds like your trying your best and going out of your way to meet your children's needs. Stephanie is "owning it" - -my comment was a bravo to that!
This family is a perfect example why we need to be strong enough to overcome therapy and parent shaming/bullying that's so trendy right now. Look at how great these kids are doing. Amazing job parents!!
I’m so proud of Liam he’s talking so much
So great to see Liam talking and being so expressive! The feeling is so wonderful as a mom when you see your kids blossom! One of the best things about 2020 for me was seeing my speech delayed three year old go from nonverbal to talking almost up to level by four years old. It is such a relief when they can really communicate!
That is so amazing and yes, it's such a relief!!!
It's amazing to see Liam's progress since he has had the interventions you where made to fight for, you guys must be so proud! It must have been a huge leap to move but it certainly payed off, your family unity and constant push has made these things possible.
I was tearing up! I was "What would have happened to Penelope???" She is a darling. All your children are wonderful but she's the one I've seen grow up!
Liam just made my jaw drop over and over again in this video. His speech skills have exploded so quickly. I’m so happy for him!
You have such a beautiful family!!!!!!! Beautiful children!!!!!!!
Oh my goodness, Nellie singing her abc’s was everything!!!! They are just all growing and learning by leaps and bounds. So proud of them and y’all.
I had not even gotten a minute into the blog before commenting and then Liam said cookie lol what in the world. They are just baby geniuses. So cute! I can’t stand it.
I recognized what Nellie was singing! I’m really happy for you all. 🥰
Liam talking melted my heart! ❤ Way to go Liam!
Awe the babies are coming on so so well its amazing to hear Liam talking especially when he was non verbal and then Nellie singing ABC I knew that was what she was singing she done so good bless them two wee souls so well done Stephanie hard work for sure pays off 💖💕
Nellie's singing is so adorable and cute 😍 💕 💖 💓 💗
I’m so happy that yall have finally gotten the therapies you need ❤️ Every special needs family deserves all of the resources that they need plus more.
😩😭 Liam is doing such a great job and so is Nellie!
I’ve commented before on how an amazing you are as a mother, but seeing the respect and support between you and Lonnie is simply amazing 💜
God bless Liam and Nelly.. Liam talking just melted my heart.
Nelly is really coming along with her speech. My daughters a week older then her and she is still mostly non verbal.
I have a hard time doing just regular dr appts for me. It is astounding how many appts you deal with every week! Hippo therapy is great for balance, confidence, and learning.
It’s been amazing to see your family not only grow and develop, but ✨flourish✨ over the past year! The strength of your family, the love you all have for each other, as well as all the dedicated therapist, doctors, and everyone who have supported your incredible children has helped me to get through this challenging year and given me the boost I need to continue to pursue a career as an ABA therapist. And I know you’re made an immense, positive impact on countless others - thank you for all that you do! 🥰
Thank you so much ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Hope ,is alive and thriving soooooo much ,blessings and answered prayers 🙏❤💖
I love hearing Liam talking it is so great! I am so glad you guys moved to get all the help for your kids! They are doing so much better there!
That’s why we have the Diet Pepsi addiction. Surviving kids who don’t sleep 😩 Nellie was sooooo cute singing the ABC’s!
We’re soo happy your move was soo overwhelming great happy that all the kiddos are able to thrive w services soo awesome your info has helped us out soo much thanks for being you and Lonnie being himself makes me happy to know there’s another great couple out there w amazing babes like ours!!!💛💛💛💛
We moved to Colorado Springs in summer 2020 and I’ve met and talked to people that have moved from FL because if that. Before our move my family was thinking FL because of family and jobs for my husband. But after a lot of research about the states mandates for autism (insurance , etc) and school services we decided against it. The BEST decision ever !!! No family or Friends here yet but I wouldn’t change it !! ♾♾♾
I literally just watched a video where he was getting his tablet and you weren't sure if he'd talk. Now BOOM. Im catching up on your content but im amazed at your kids progress and Liams red hair is adorable. Proud of him seriously 🎉🎉🎉
Liam's little "bye" made me melt.
Waiver means you are waiving admission to a nursing home, intermediate care facility , or other placement to stay in the community at a lower cost.. that is how Virginia defines it ... however I found this explanation today A Medicaid waiver is a provision in Medicaid law which allows the federal government to waive rules that usually apply to the Medicaid program. The intention is to allow individual states to accomplish certain goals, such as reducing costs, expanding coverage, or improving care for certain target groups such as the elderly or women who are pregnant.
Thanks to these waivers, states can provide services to their residents that wouldn’t usually be covered by Medicaid. For instance, in-home care for people who would otherwise have to go into long-term institutional care.
Your makeup looked so good in the car. I’m loving yalls new vlogs. Lonnie does so good. Seems so much more natural. I love the variety and mix of a little bit of everything. Y’all are doing great!!
It’s so horrible that there’s even a “List” 7years! That is so bad.
Agreed girl. And THANK YOU!!!!
Texas should take notes from Colorado! Respite through the state, sounds like a dream.
I just love his curly red hair.
Hello from an SLP in FL. I totally understand your past frustration. I have a small private practice and I have to waitlist people almost every day, because my schedule is full. I make it a point to call people back and talk with them. I would love to grow my practice, but there just aren't enough good SLPs out there to hire. Instead I stay small and do my best. I worked Early Intervention in NY and MA , and it was very different than here in FL. Glad to hear CO has a better support system.
Oh I know. And I knew it wasn't the therapists fault. The therapists are actual the ones who told me "if you can leave Florida, do it"
Wow! Liam talking, and Nellie singing!!! That’s so awesome! 💖
Oh my gosh! Liam seems to be doing so amazing! So proud☺️❤️
Love you guys! So good to see all the kids evolving in their own way, I get so excited with Liam and Nellie! I miss Noah, I hope he's doing good
Wow Liam has grown so much!! I literally never comment but amazing. You are such a wonderful mother Stephanie! And also Lonnie is a wonderful dad. Geez all of y’all are amazing lol
You have the most adorable kids......they are precious!!
Stephanie your a awesome mama💕
I'm glad that you got to a state that has a strong support system. NE Kansas area has strong supports as well.
So happy for y’all and the kiddos! I spent my senior year raising money for our areas horse therapy. It’s going to wonders for Liam😍💙
It’s the same here in Australia, for us, and where we live, we have great autism services, but finding someone to do assessments is difficult when you don’t know what you’re doing. We can always travel within our state to find places, and our paediatrician could help in some ways, but the wait can be long depending on the child.
LOVING the back & forth vlogging guys!
The long term supports are important, my sister has an intellectual disability and gets a welfare payment for life since she turned 16, social housing is still terrible unless she has 3 kids but no place is perfect.
The littles have progressed so much
So wonderful hearing Liam say words productively. 🥰
Seriously teared up. Wow !!! Go Liam
I love being a member of your LANDing Crew! Great vlog as always!
I'm super happy for you guys. Your kids are thriving. I can't help but feel a little sad though. My asd kid is 4, completely nonverbal. Not a single functional word. I'm on waiting lists for all therapies. Can't get anything right now. No money to move. I feel hopeless and like a complete failure as his mother. Don't mind me, gunna call my doc about increasing my zoloft. Tf.
I am so sorry. I know how that desperation feels: what we get is what EVERYONE should get. You’re not a failure as a mom. You aren’t failing him, everyone else is. I’m sure you’ve done everything possible to help him!
I am a play therapist in the UK, and I can tell you right now, you are not a failure at all. Play (as we’ve seen!) Can do so much for your child, and at this point I know you will want other important therapies, but as long as you are engaging with your child, you will never fail them. Keep playing, keep having fun. I know this may not make sense at this point in time, because life can get on top of you, and there, of course is some strategy to these therapies, but play is definitely the place to start. This will help you communicate together, and you will get to know him. Just be there, be present, engage and play. I hope that helps!
I’m in ny on the waiver and I do self direction. It’s really great.
Awesome video! Glad ya’ll are doing great with services for your kids! In Tennessee, there are some services you can’t get. Every state is different. I got therapies through my school and I also had a social worker that talked to me some. The social worker helped me with social skills and other things like that. One time we had group therapy where there was another student and we role played together. It was really good. But wish we had the services in Tennessee that you have in Colorado! It seems more extensive than here! Here you have to do the work for them or wait on them to get it right. But I’m doing great now. I have a job and I really like my job. I have a job at Goodwill pulling clothes. Well, thanks for sharing! Have a great day!
Horse riding therapy is amazing. That's awesome you're thinking of doing it. :)
In Hawaii my son with austism gets Pediasure through WIC, ABA, Early Intervention, Free Preschool (age 3 and up) and qualifyies for SSI.
Every state may be different but always ask because most times they don't inform us.
I love hearing Liam! Nelly singing! So cute!
I live in Colorado and we have private insurance and it's terrible. We can't go to the doctor. It's crazy expensive. We only go if it's an emergency. I still owe thousands for my daughter having to go to the hospital 2 summers ago. I have been saving to get my kids evaluated, but it's so expensive. My husband and I have considered divorce just so I could afford for state insurance. We decided against it, but many people told me to get a divorce.
Can you not do the buy in option for Medicaid?
This is so sad and should not be even acceptable :(
I am about to cry hearing Liam talk !! ❤️❤️❤️❤️so proud of you guys
Oh girl I did! It was so unexpected
I’m telling you.. our kiddos with autism it’s such a blessing when they start to talk cuz it isn’t (of course) guaranteed.. ugh I’m so amazed .. my son is started randomly having more functional conversations.. I have cried so much .. so I totally understand ❤️I’m so happy for you guys
Thank you! I’m happy for you 🥰
What a cute vlog to wake up to. Sorry no hugs for you today Steph liams way to busy shopping lol
Good video. :) Glad to hear that things are much better in CO. Thanks for the update on Penelope 's two year appt. and the other kids. I wish the services where I live were better for people with disabilities. TX Commission For The Blind closed down years ago b/c of budget cuts. :(
Awww her singer so freakin adorable
So true I live here in Florida and they need services for special need parents financially especially because we can’t work a regular work schedule throughout the week
I remember the roads being so clear in Colorado then all of a sudden everyone moved here lol, kinda miss that Colorado but your situation is 100% understandable :)
I know, it's why I am like Colorado is wonderful but obviously if EVERYONE moves here we are going to have some issues LOL
Liam is doing so well 🤩
Omgsh! I’m so happy for Liam!!! 😭
Great video Stephanie💓💓💓you explain everything so well✅
I’m really curious to know why would Florida be so bad with providing all these children’s services. Could it be that it’s such an old state that they don’t staff kids services correctly? They don’t prioritize it cause it’s a ton of old people? Thank God you guys are getting all the therapies you need! I could actually feel your pain. Your kids are doing amazing! ❤️
My poor 3 year old grandson can’t even get evaluated in person they tried doing it over zoom he wanted no part of it so they told his parents to do speech therapy again, this is in CA.. my poor grandson is being a child left behind because covid is too far more important
PS... what a cutie pie my grandson loves toy story too ❤️
I live in Florida orlando area . I have never had a problem getting services for my son. We have private insurance but honestly I’m shocked of the difference in experiences. My son has Tourette’s and he’s had a speech delay since he was less than two years of age and like a week after that we were referred to a speech therapist and he got OT as well with no problems. I’m sorry your family struggled so much in Florida 😞
Orlando is an area that I’ve heard good things about. For us it wasn’t as much the services as it was the waiver and lack of ALL other services. But when people say they’re moving to Florida, I’m like move to Miami or Orlando lol
Question especially because of Lexus sleeping habits wouldn’t hear benefit from the same bed that Liam is in so that even if Alex wants to stay up all night you could put books or a few cuddly toys in there let him stay up until 5 AM but you guys can get some sleep and he can be safe
So glad things are going so well. Just so you know the word diagnosis is is not a word. It is diagnoses. I don’t know if you care about that, but just thought you might wanna know.
Diagnosis is singular, diagnoses is plural :)
In Michigan we are gearing up for 60s degrees this week coming up my 8 year old son in school speach therapy will increase for 3rd grade and so will his ot and we added in school life skills class with music and art therapy he will be less in the classroom in the 2021 school year
So sweet and very amazing 👏😍❤
Thank you Stephanie for talking about how the state would pay for PediaSure and Pull-Ups for your kids. If we can get the state to pay for that that will help so much because the twins use both PediaSure and pull ups. They have so many texture issues with food it's hard to get them to eat so we have to taken buy PediaSure for them
Definitely! I wasn’t sure if all parents were aware (I definitely wasn’t)
Tubby Todd all over ointment is the only thing that has helped my sons eczema. We live in a super dry cold climate as well and it is amazing. You might give it a try, it’s pricey but goes a long way.
So happy to see the kids. I like your color lipstick on you.
Your experience in Florida sounds like my experience in Colorado. I was trying to get help with my ADHD (diagnosed by a psychiatrist) and couldn't afford to see a psychiatrist with private insurance, and I think most there were self pay only anyway. So I went to a normal family Dr and she tried to diagnose me with bipolar! They also put me on bipolar meds which totally messed up my emotions. I would love to have a full neuro psych evaluation at one point though, you inspired me to look into that.
Where in Colorado do you live girl?
@@OurLANDingCrew8 I was in Colorado Springs at the time.
You guys are so great!
I know, I was trying to dictate the word, and what I was trying to point out is that putting an extra syllable on it like Stephanie did, is not actually a word.
"We got a little bit of snow!" ❄️🌨️🥶😂😂😂
Her red hair is so cute
Nelly as such a sweet voice...
I pray all families can move if need be. Also Florida is actually listed as the worse state to live with kids on the spectrum. I've heard Colorado and California were really good
Pedisure is great for some i hope not at all for my gson with special needs. Amazing how children/prople get denied medical care.. a person on the street would be arrested for the same. And yes I used that line in desperation getting care for a child.
Thank you so much for this video! I was looking into moving to Colorado and a good place for my autistic son. This video was so helpful thank you so much truly! What area in Colorado do you live?
Colorado Springs
Where are liam's pjs from ? Awww nellie singing the abc's 😍
How did you find out about all the stuff insurance covers? I want to look into things for my family but I don't even know where to start
Call a medical supply company and ask. Usually they know
Thanks Landing crew i never know bout the pediacure shake an pampers
Healthcare in the US is so sad, and Florida is a hot mess 🤣 i am amazed you can keep track of all of this! Must be tricky.
As a therapist my guess is the the therapies will show up in the snow because they don’t get paid otherwise. Therapists are hourly and you have to be productive so if someone cancels especially last minute or you can got to treatments you don’t get paid
OT/PT/Speech *always* shows up but ABA doesn't. Idk if the pay is different or what but speech even said "I like money too much not to drive in a little snow with 4 wheel drive" LOL
Amazing 😁
hi can you give me some ideas how do you fly with the kids or make a video ill really have so much to learn from you.. thank you in advance .
Where can I see this Shudder thing she does? It sounds like what my grandson does who is also SSD/SPD. The only thing he saw a virtual neurologist for so far was sleeping. 🙄
Great video. I changed my picture here on TH-cam.
Florida is garbage when it comes to medical care and services. We moved from FL to WA in 2019. We had private insurance in FL and Medicaid in WA. Our care is so much better in WA.
I didn't skip the ads.
You’re so sweet! Thank you ❤️
Just wondering about the shuddering that you brought up I’m not sure if I missed it or not
Looking thinner in the face Steph....had my 1st vaccine today...
What is waiver?
Wisconsin is really good to with special needs
All the All the kids are stinking cute
i have a question i am recently diagnosed as autistic as an adult high functioning and i love o line things up like liam is there a reason behind why i do that my family asks me and i dont know how to explain to them i usually say i just do
From my understanding is that it has to do with the OCD component of autism.
@@OurLANDingCrew8 ok thank you i just never knew how to explain it we re all still learning about it due to me bein newly diagnosed
What part of Colorado? Like what cities are great for autitstic ppl?
Denver, Boulder, and Colorado Springs.. which are like the only main cities of the state LOL. The education system seems to be better in Colorado Springs but I know someone who lives in Boulder who gets amazing services for her kids. The state as a whole is pretty amazing honestly. I would just make sure to live around those areas as anywhere else in the state is going to be a pretty far drive for appointments and therapies.
How come you aren't posting Monday Wednesday Friday