TIE DEFENDERS - The Hangar Bay (X-wing List Reviews) Episode 2

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ความคิดเห็น • 91

  • @HairyNick
    @HairyNick  6 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    Correction: Pure Sabacc should indeed keep Shield Upgrade. I misread his card.

  • @thomasorest512
    @thomasorest512 6 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    Great video! :) The shield upgrad on Pure Sabacc is correct, he wants to have ZERO damage, not damage (that's Wulfwarro you're thinking of, I think) :) Sadly my best x-wing buddy (imperial player) doesn't like the look of the defenders, so I don't get to see them as often as I would like to.

    • @SoloWing88
      @SoloWing88 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I may be overstepping, but why not you try the TIE Defenders?
      Might like the taste of the dark side?

  • @catherinenyxsera3900
    @catherinenyxsera3900 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Good stuff. I like the idea of the Rexler, Deathrain and Sabacc list. Added that to my list, but also made a variation of my own, just doing things my own way (mostly meaning 5's down the line):
    Rexler Brath - TIE Defender 84
    Juke 4
    Fire-Control System 3
    Ship Total: 91
    "Redline" - TIE Punisher 44
    Trajectory Simulator 3
    Proton Torpedoes 9
    Proton Bombs 5
    Ship Total: 61
    "Duchess" - TIE Striker 42
    Crack Shot 1
    Ship Total: 43
    But let's talk bombers... Two core ideas I have on this, involving a squad of strike bombers led by either a big bomber or an ace. So here I have Redline leading a pack of Gammas. I think it all speaks clearly enough for itself. If I were to make any change, I would consider a Seismic for Redline instead of the Shield.
    "Redline" - TIE Punisher 44
    Trajectory Simulator 3
    Proton Torpedoes 9
    Skilled Bombardier 2
    Proton Bombs 5
    Shield Upgrade 4
    Ship Total: 67
    Gamma Squadron Ace - TIE Bomber 30 x3
    Trick Shot 1
    Barrage Rockets 6
    Skilled Bombardier 2
    Proton Bombs 5
    Ship Total: 44
    And then I have some Scimitars alongside Soontir. Just be quite careful not to bomb yourself. xD
    Soontir Fel - TIE Interceptor 52
    Predator 2
    Stealth Device 8
    Shield Upgrade 8
    Ship Total: 70
    Scimitar Squadron Pilot - TIE Bomber 28 x3
    Barrage Rockets 6
    Skilled Bombardier 2
    Proton Bombs 5
    Ship Total: 41

  • @craven1927
    @craven1927 6 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Warning: long-winded Fang Fighter rant incoming...
    4:40 I'm glad this was brought up as a comparison. To expand on what you touched on with the Fang Fighter earlier in the video, I'm always drawing a direct comparison between it and the Tie Interceptor, which is probably the two ships that are most alike each other in the entire game. If we look at the two lowest initiative (1 & 4) pilots for the Interceptor, they come in at 34 and 40 points each, respectively. The two lowest initiative (1 & 4) pilots for the Fang Fighter are at 44 and 50 points each, a full 10 points higher. Granted, the Fang does have 1 more hull but even when adding a hull upgrade to the Interceptors, they still only total out to 41 and 47 points each, both still well under the 44 and 50 points of their matching Fang counterparts. These are two ships that fly very much alike, they share almost identical dials, have identical stats (including the hull upgrade with the Interceptor) and almost identical action bars, the evade/target lock being the only real difference there. Even their pilots share the same initiative values.
    I've seen the argument that the target lock and ship ability of the Fang is the reason for this increase, but I could argue that the evade action is potentially more important on these ships than the target lock. Having flown Fangs for almost every game since 2.0 came out I can tell you that the percentage of times that you actually take a target lock is very very low. The vast majority of the time you will want to focus, or boost/barrel roll and link to focus, since the target lock does nothing for you if you're getting shot at. And the ability to evade a hit and stay alive on a ship with only 4 hull and no shields is much more important than being able to take a target lock that you may not be able to use if you get destroyed by a higher initiative ship. Also, considering the Interceptor is currently one of the very few ships that can take advantage of a boost + barrel roll to double reposition, can't be overlooked. Regardless, I think it's safe to say these two ships are very comparable to each other in terms of power level.
    I'm not crazy about where the Fangs are at in 2.0, I think they could use just a little nudge. I would be happy with a 2 point reduction across the board, lowering the initiative 4 Skull Squad pilot to 48 points, still 1 point higher than the Interceptor counterpart (again, with hull upgrade), but now allowing a 4 ship list with enough points left for a 1 or 2 point talent upgrade on each. Something that the Interceptors currently have an advantage with, being able to take up to a 3 point talent upgrade on all four (in addition to the hull upgrade). I could argue that the initiative 1 zealous recruit could even stand to be taken down further to 40 points, but I'd settle for the 2 point reduction there as well, to come in at 42 instead of 44. On the flip side, if we take Soontir Fel and add a hull upgrade, he's sitting at 59 points. Fenn Rau, with nothing else on him, (same stats remember) is 68 points, almost a full 10 points higher. I get it, Fenn has a great pilot ability, but Soontir is no slouch as well, and comparing these two initiative 6 aces in such similar platforms, the cost advantage goes to the Empire. You can throw Hull Upgrade + Outmaneuver on Soontir and still come in cheaper than a naked Fenn Rau.
    The lack of a mod slot has been a big contention, and I still think it's an issue. Although I can tell you exactly why they left the mod slot off of the Fang. Quite simply, they don't want Fenn Rau rolling up to range 1 with an active Stealth Device and rolling 5 green die. Although the point cost for doing this would be high, Fenn + Stealth currently comes out to 76 points, add in another 6 for Outmaneuver and you're at 82 points, and you're closing in on half of your list points with a very fragile ship. Even with a 2 point reduction in cost, 80 points puts him in Tie Defender territory. But they don't want Stealth Device on Fenn, so no mod slot. I'm not sure if we've ever seen an entire ship platform get nerfed like that because of one pilot. When Biggs was running crazy, they nerfed Biggs, not the entire X-wing platform. It's a shame the other Fang pilots have to suffer without a mod slot, Afterburners on Kad would be amazing for example.
    Now, if they really don't want that mod slot on the Fang, then I could settle for a compromise if they'd put the system upgrade on it instead. There are some useful utilities that can be had there and they still get to keep Stealth Device off of Fenn Rau. The funny part is, if you look at the quick build cards for the Fang Fighter, both Joy and Fenn feature threat level 3 builds that take not just one, but TWO mods. Basically FFG is saying, "yes we know that in order to make this ship competitive it really needs mods, and not just one but two of them, but we're still not going to give them to you in regular games. Have fun with these quick builds and dream about what could be."
    Anyway, to sum up, a 2 point reduction in cost for the Fang Fighter across the board, and if not the addition of a mod slot, then the addition of a system upgrade slot would be nice to see. This would at least put them more inline with their Imperial counterparts and make the Fang Fighter a little more of a viable option in various Scum builds.

    • @HairyNick
      @HairyNick  6 ปีที่แล้ว

      A fine rant, good sir.

    • @withershadow3904
      @withershadow3904 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      I find the Fang one of the better scum ships. *shrug*

    • @ashclayton3273
      @ashclayton3273 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      as someone who played the hell out of both of these ships in 1.0 (mainly ceptors but I have flown exclusively squads of both type of ship and nothing else) I agree with you wholeheartedly. The only thing I would say though, is if the reason they havent added the mod slot for the fang is indeed because of Fenn's ability, then they could just as easily give it the same treatment they give to force users vs. their non force counterparts in the same ship. just dont let Fenn have the slot. Vader has a force power slot - no talent. But Maarek Steele can take a talent. So why dont they just do that! It could be done in the app no issues.
      Also, I believe that aswell as the extra hull, the reason for the higher points for the fang vs interceptor is just flat out having a better ship ability. Aslong as youre in the correct position with them its auto passive. Ceptors have to stress themselves to use the double reposition/focus evade reposition to get the mod a fang would get for free essentially. Therefore they suffer from "interceptor syndrome" what I mean by that is 99% of the time they are going to be stressed and your opponent just has to figure out which blue manouver they are doing. To that end I believe standard chassis vs standard chassis (hull upgrade argument aside because I think youre on the money there) the fang is well worth those extra 10 points over an interceptor!

    • @craven1927
      @craven1927 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@withershadow3904 well I never said they were bad, just a tad overpriced.

  • @Roundy1161
    @Roundy1161 6 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    The evade action from Full Throttle is now given even after you fly over a rock, so back to original 1.0 on a part of it.
    Also Advanced Sensors turns off Full Throttle, however I love it on defenders. With it you can do a 6k, you can boost forward/backwards with a 3 hard by barrel rolling first. Plus, you don't need the evade if you aren't getting shot.
    Can also be stupid with Dare Devil, 90° boost followed by a K-turn, like a 5k to the left or right
    2 points for hull upgrade on RAC, I would take it every time with Tua, sure you might lose it, but with reinforce it will take a long time to get there. In my games with RAC, he takes so much longer to die compared to 1.0

    • @HairyNick
      @HairyNick  6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Flying over rocks does not prevent you from taking actions, it just makes you skip your take action step. So yes, you wouldn't lose actions from baked in abilities.

  • @JB-ym4up
    @JB-ym4up 6 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    You do not want hull upgrade on sabac definitely shield. His ability turns off when you have 2 damage cards.

  • @stuartdorey7922
    @stuartdorey7922 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hi Nick, i dont know if i missed the rebel lists but here is something i have been working on. My only thoughts were if afterburners are worth it on Wedge. But then with the ability to always throw out target locks and focus, he can get into some nice places using it.
    Wedge Antilles - X-Wing 52
    Outmaneuver 6
    Proton Torpedoes 9
    R4 Astromech 2
    Afterburners 8
    Servomotor S-foils (Open) 0
    Ship Total: 77
    Kyle Katarn - HWK-290 38
    Intimidation 3
    Proton Bombs 5
    Jyn Erso 2
    Engine Upgrade *
    Moldy Crow 12
    Ship Total: 63
    Garven Dreis (X-Wing) - X-Wing 47
    Predator 2
    Proton Torpedoes 9
    R4 Astromech 2
    Servomotor S-foils (Open) 0
    Ship Total: 60

  • @philliparrigo
    @philliparrigo 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Here's a list I've been running thats been pretty effective so far.
    (47) Lieutenant Sai
    (4) Heavy Laser Cannon
    (10) Perceptive Copilot
    (5) Director Krennic
    (3) Fire-Control System
    (6) ST-321
    Points 75
    (88) Colonel Vessery
    (4) Heavy Laser Cannon
    (3) Fire-Control System
    (4) Juke
    Points 99
    (26) "Night Beast"
    Points 26
    Total points: 200
    Proto type of "Night Beast". He shots last, so good chance to expose a damage card once Ves and Sai widdle down a target. Coordinate focus on Ves, so Sai gets a focus and a target lock. Ves should end up with a focus, evade, and a target lock after he rolls his shot, this leaves his action open for repositioning to line up a HLC shot or range 1 primary.
    What are your thought?

    • @HairyNick
      @HairyNick  6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I would steer clear of putting any cannons on a Lambda, especially HLC. It's dial makes it too easily dodged.
      I do however love the combo of Krennic and Vessary, that might have legs!

    • @philliparrigo
      @philliparrigo 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Yeah, the HLC was more of a points filler. Can switch it for a shield upgrade or 4pt bid.

  • @nuadai
    @nuadai 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Hi again, Nick.
    Just a couple of thoughts on the current topic:
    I like Juke.
    If you have Cluster Missiles, I think that FCS is better than Collision Detector.
    I like Outmaneuver and CD on Ryad though.
    Deathrain remains one of my favorites!

  • @Gromhyr
    @Gromhyr 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    This is a list i've been toying with. Haven't tried it yet.
    (36) Captain Jonus
    (6) Barrage Rockets
    (5) Proton Bombs
    (6) Saturation Salvo
    Points 53
    (30) Gamma Squadron Ace
    (5) Proton Bombs
    (6) Barrage Rockets
    (6) Saturation Salvo
    Points 47
    (50) Maarek Stele
    (3) Fire-Control System
    (1) Marksmanship
    Points 54
    (43) Storm Squadron Ace
    (3) Fire-Control System
    Points 46
    Total points: 200

  • @Moritz606
    @Moritz606 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    The best defender list I've faced so far was a palpshuttle plus 2 generic defenders without upgrades. The shuttle coordinating one defender for focus, having palp for the other so they basically both have focus+evade+targetlock everytime.

    • @HairyNick
      @HairyNick  6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Yeah I'm seeing some other commenters here raving about it. :)

  • @phoenixdark9
    @phoenixdark9 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    I know this is a Defender video, but as a Punisher enthusiast, a Punisher with Trajectory also needs Ablative Plating. There is no way to Launch the bomb and stay engaged without catching it in the face (due to the new medium base). Only two options, hard turn (and then you most likely cannot engage) or Red Stop (which means you won’t be able to focus for you Barrage Rockets). But yeah, Rexler + RAC for the win!

  • @timpollard1474
    @timpollard1474 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Right now I'm flying a defender along with 2 interceptors. Still adjusting my list, considering juke over outmaneuver now. But I enjoy flying it.

  • @Anondod
    @Anondod 6 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I think the Shield Upgrade is right for Pure Sabacc. He wants one *or fewer* damage cards, and zero is fewer than one.

  • @StriderZessei
    @StriderZessei 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Auto captions on this are hilarious. Jook jook jook.
    Also, you got my username just right! Thanks for featuring my list!

    • @HairyNick
      @HairyNick  6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      No worries, thanks for submitting. :)

  • @isaacwaffle1760
    @isaacwaffle1760 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    With juke and cluster missiles and fcs, against swarms you get four attacks modifying both yours and your opponents dice so it can cover your bases a bit better

    • @erickcolon1670
      @erickcolon1670 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      *mind blown* it did not ocurred to me. Thanks man, ill definitely tweek my list with the recommendation. :D

    • @isaacwaffle1760
      @isaacwaffle1760 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Erick Colon also, if you’re up against low initiative swarms, the cluster missiles could take two or three ships off the board in the first engagement, taking a lot of teeth out of the swarm and you’ll still have your evade on defense

    • @isaacwaffle1760
      @isaacwaffle1760 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I plan on trying double defenders, both with juke, fcs and cluster missiles. Just can’t decide whether to pair vessery with ryad or rexler brath. Good excuse to play more games :P

    • @erickcolon1670
      @erickcolon1670 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@isaacwaffle1760 definitely! I tweeked my list to use ryad with rexlar, because of the timing of vessery's ability you need to either lock the ship as an action. Or do an attack and not spend a lock to set up next turn. I dont think vessery wants to have missiles but that just my opinion. Plus with Ryad and Rexler, both with juke, fcs and cluster you get a 6 pts bid and that great

    • @isaacwaffle1760
      @isaacwaffle1760 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Erick Colon ah, yeah forgot about the timing. Having initiative probably is important here also just from the fact that they want to attack first so they can use their evade after juke activates

  • @MasterAnork
    @MasterAnork 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    A2 Squad
    Inquisitor - TIE Advanced Prototype 40
    Instinctive Aim 2
    Concussion Missiles 6
    Ship Total: 48
    Inquisitor - TIE Advanced Prototype 40
    Instinctive Aim 2
    Concussion Missiles 6
    Ship Total: 48
    "Howlrunner" - TIE Fighter 40
    Juke 4
    Ship Total: 44
    "Wampa" - TIE Fighter 30
    Ship Total: 30
    "Night Beast" - TIE Fighter 26
    Ship Total: 26
    I'm loving the Inquisitor right now and i think this build could do some work. with Howlrunner buffing them while the Inquisitors can boost or barrel roll into a red focus.

  • @corwinhyatt519
    @corwinhyatt519 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Pure Sabacc: "While you perform an attack, if you have 1 or FEWER damage cards, you may roll 1 additional damage die." So, as long as he has 0-1 damage cards he's rolling 4 red dice. You do NOT want him being hit, but he can have up to 1 damage card and still put out the extra damage die. The Shield Upgrade makes more sense than your suggestion since that means he can take 2 damage (1 flipped shield token, 1 damaged hull) and still throw 4 dice instead of just 1 damage and throw 3.

    • @HairyNick
      @HairyNick  6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Yup, I misread it.

  • @Tvboy777
    @Tvboy777 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Advance Sensors turns off Full Throttle and Juke is just 100% better than Outmaneuver, takes away their evade result instead of just a random green die and so much easier to trigger. Also Hull upgrade is 2 points on Decimator and increases it’s half-points threshold to 7 damage, it’s totally worth 2 points.

  • @pigghoti
    @pigghoti 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Take a look at the tie phantoms, They seem to have been balenced out
    Rexler Brath - TIE Defender 84
    Predator 2
    Fire-Control System 3
    Heavy Laser Cannon 4
    Ship Total: 93
    "Whisper" - TIE Phantom 52
    Outmaneuver 6
    Fire-Control System 3
    Director Krennic 5
    Stealth Device 6
    Ship Total: 72
    "Scourge" Skutu - TIE Fighter 32
    Marksmanship 1
    Ship Total: 33

    • @HairyNick
      @HairyNick  6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      We will get to Phantoms soon. :) Plenty to look forward to with the Empire atm.

  • @SoloWingPixy-f6z
    @SoloWingPixy-f6z 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Defenders and 2 gunboats is hands down amazing.
    Cause you take 2 nu squads, with protons, fcs, adv slam, os1
    And rexler with juke, fcs and concussions. The list hits like a truck

  • @hammerpr1
    @hammerpr1 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    So I played this list the other weekend and wanted your thoughts on it.
    Rexler Brath: 84
    Juke: 4
    Adv. Sensors: 8
    Cluster Missiles: 5
    Darth Vader: 70
    Supernatural Reflexes: 12
    Fire-Control System: 3
    Afterburners 8
    Cluster Missiles: 5
    Total: 199
    The cluster missiles gives the ability to take on swarms and the two-ships themselves are very survivable. I would've preferred Ryad because I've always liked her but Vader is cheaper and what you get in the built platform he's much better than her. I ran this against a much more experienced player with Luke Skywalker, Norra in Ywing, and Jake Farrel and only received 3 hits on my ships.

  • @x-tremex-wing
    @x-tremex-wing 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hi Nick, Hi Justin.
    Interesting too see you compare the TIE Defender with the E-Wing. Both this ships I think need a slight reduction in points as when you compare them with the star viper .....Then you start to realise FFG might of made a mistake.
    The star viper compared to the E-Wing is 15pts cheaper has white hard 1 turns instead of red. A better ship ability and better linked actions. All that for 1 less “hp” is in my view not balanced.
    Would be interested to hear your view.

  • @SoEasyMode441
    @SoEasyMode441 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Ankle Breaker
    Rexler - Juke
    Howlrunner - Swarm Tactics
    Gideon Hask -Juke
    Black Sq Ace - Juke
    Total: 196

  • @werewolfjedi38
    @werewolfjedi38 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    completely new player. I thought of a dumb list
    Delta Squadron Pilot - TIE/D Defender 67
    Ship Total: 67
    Obsidian Squadron Pilot - TIE/ln Fighter 23
    Ship Total: 23
    Academy Pilot - TIE/ln Fighter 22
    Ship Total: 22
    Academy Pilot - TIE/ln Fighter 22
    Ship Total: 22
    Academy Pilot - TIE/ln Fighter 22
    Ship Total: 22
    Academy Pilot - TIE/ln Fighter 22
    Ship Total: 22
    Academy Pilot - TIE/ln Fighter 22
    Ship Total: 22
    hide a powerful ship in a bunch of weak ships as a full on wing.
    now if only the pilots weren't all trash :P

  • @johnhills5270
    @johnhills5270 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Although Advanced Sensors is really good on the Defender, don't forget that it prevents you getting the free Evade action for fast moves.
    That said, Advanced Sensors and Daredevil is my combo of choice on the Defender!

  • @Zeromus5555
    @Zeromus5555 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Best Defender list I've played is very simple but very good. 2x Delta Defenders and 1x Omicron with Palpatine. It's exactly 200 pts. Everything is ps1 so you don't have to worry about your kturns bumping. Very powerful

    • @HairyNick
      @HairyNick  6 ปีที่แล้ว

      I'm intrigued. My gut says comboing Palp with low Int ships doesn't feel worth it, but I suppose it could work. Have you tried it yet?

    • @Zeromus5555
      @Zeromus5555 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@HairyNick 4-0 with it. I was doubtful about Palp too. But it lets you use your focus for defense if need be Or do other actions without the fear of not having goid rolls. Plus you have a coord boat too. Just really solid action economy.

  • @Crazyasian01
    @Crazyasian01 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Currently trying 2 builds
    First one is double generic defenders with soontir w/ predator
    Second one is onyx with juke, soontir with predator and major vynder with sat salvo, proton torps, os-1 loadout and advanced slam
    Whats good is defenders are super tanky

  • @bageldrone
    @bageldrone 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    rexlar with juke is just better than vessery exposing a damage card is just great.

  • @clayclarke577
    @clayclarke577 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    The Defenders really are insane. I like combining Rexler with Seyn Marana. She can spend a crit result to give a facedown damage, so I fly her with Marksmanship and the other Inferno Squadron pilots.

  • @bageldrone
    @bageldrone 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Erick Colon's list dump collision detector for FCS on both, put another cluster missile on vessery and take a 2 point bid

  • @isaacwaffle1760
    @isaacwaffle1760 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Updated list that I submitted a while back
    Jerjerrod bombs
    (28) Scimitar Squadron Pilot
    (2) Skilled Bombardier
    (5) Proton Bombs
    (3) Seismic Charges
    (9) Proton Torpedoes
    Points 47
    (28) Scimitar Squadron Pilot
    (2) Skilled Bombardier
    (5) Proton Bombs
    (3) Seismic Charges
    (9) Proton Torpedoes
    Points 47
    (28) Scimitar Squadron Pilot
    (2) Skilled Bombardier
    (5) Proton Bombs
    (3) Seismic Charges
    (9) Proton Torpedoes
    Points 47
    (43) Omicron Group Pilot
    (12) Moff Jerjerrod
    (4) Ablative Plating
    Points 59
    Total points: 200

    • @catherinenyxsera3900
      @catherinenyxsera3900 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      That is a very spicy idea, having Jerry reposition all the bombers during the System phase just before they drop their bombs.

    • @isaacwaffle1760
      @isaacwaffle1760 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Catherine Nyxsera the fact they can drop them at speed 1 or 2 and banking or straight and the option of seismic or proton bombs might be brutal. Or you can swap proton for proxy mines. And there’s three of them

    • @catherinenyxsera3900
      @catherinenyxsera3900 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Yup, there is a metric ton of bomb placement versatility here. Maybe too much? xD But I have not played with it enough/found somewhere else meaningful to place points. It is nice.

    • @isaacwaffle1760
      @isaacwaffle1760 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Catherine Nyxsera I think the zoning power pairs nicely with the torpedoes as well. With three bombers you can cast large a net for aces or zone them and set up attacks, take out a decent chunk of a swarm or wipe out low agility/high hull ships.

  • @mward5962
    @mward5962 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I feel like double Defenders limits your options too much pointwise. I much prefer a single defender (Juke-Rexler usually) and then two other ships. I tested out pairing him up with Whisper + Juke + Vader (crew) and that is a combo that is just terrifying.
    Put this list into Fly Casual's latest build and be amazed how comfy it is.
    Rexler Brath - TIE Defender 84
    Juke 4
    Ship Total: 88
    "Whisper" - TIE Phantom 52
    Juke 4
    Darth Vader 14
    Ship Total: 70
    Saber Squadron Ace - TIE Interceptor 40
    Crack Shot 1
    Ship Total: 41

  • @chrisstevens2944
    @chrisstevens2944 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    I've had really good results with rexlar juke and duchess squad leader

  • @stuartdorey7922
    @stuartdorey7922 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    I have tried to play with an e wing. And id have to say that the points difference between them and a defender is probably right. With the defender you have the ability to get a free evade token. The ewing really struggles for action economy for its cost, unless you really want to take a target lock. In a ship that wants to be arc dodging and fly like an ace, i see the e wing struggling compared to an xwing. And i love the E wing

    • @HairyNick
      @HairyNick  6 ปีที่แล้ว

      I actually played against both yesterday, and I have to agree. The E-wing certainly felt less threatening without the free evades. My argument is merely that the gap is a little too big, but it might be right.

  • @Sandman75238
    @Sandman75238 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    How would you fix this list.
    Colonel Jendon - Lambda-Class Shuttle46 Admiral Sloane10Ship Total: 56
    Scimitar Squadron Pilot - TIE Bomber28
    Barrage Rockets6Ship Total: 34
    Scimitar Squadron Pilot - TIE Bomber28
    Barrage Rockets6Ship Total: 34
    Scimitar Squadron Pilot - TIE Bomber28
    Barrage Rockets6Ship Total: 34
    Captain Jonus - TIE Bomber36Barrage Rockets6

  • @rookonzo1436
    @rookonzo1436 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Nice breakdown!

    • @HairyNick
      @HairyNick  6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Thank you. :)

  • @calza27
    @calza27 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    On the conversation of TIE Defenders, I've been running this list since my last comment on one of your videos (re: homing missile on Rexler Brath) raithos.github.io/?f=Galactic%20Empire&d=v4!s!196:123,-1,-1,100:-1:-1:;204:125,136,98,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1:-1:-1:;167:-1,-1,29,-1,-1,-1:-1:-1:&sn=Unnamed%20Squadron&obs=
    I've found that homing missile is really really solid on Rexler so far, and with the availability of the while 4K turn, it's fairly simple to get range 2-3 on your target. I had a game recently where my opposition's Soonitr Fel played the range bands and rule of 11/16) correctly, we traded range one shots on the frist combat round, and did no damage to each other. Next turn, I did a 4K on Rexler, and Soontir had no where to go to avoid the missile.
    That Rhymer build is also very solid for 49 points. Due to his ability, he can utilise the cluster missiles to strip shields at range 3, before closing in for a range 1 proton torp shot. If need be, you can close in for a block or a bump, and still fire the cluster missiles off. I had a game recently where I dialled in a 4 straight on Rhymer, the ship that Rhymer had locked moved into a position where Rhymer would bump, so I coordinated a focus to him with the shuttle, then executed the 4 straight. Because of his ability he fired a fully modded cluster missile shot at range 0, and took no fire back in return. Marskmanship also kicked in for extra kick.
    If something happens in the meta that causes the homing missiles to become redundant, I can swap them out for FCS on rexler, as they cost the same. I'm considering playing this list to death, and taking it to events in the near future, it feels like t me it's got enough tools to deal with pretty much any situation. Because defenders live forever.

  • @Wranuckl
    @Wranuckl 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    I'm pretty sure that advanced sensors turns off full throttle.

    • @HairyNick
      @HairyNick  6 ปีที่แล้ว

      It does indeed. It's not about action economy, it's about choice.

  • @CPTsugarfree7567
    @CPTsugarfree7567 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Victory till FAQ!

    • @HairyNick
      @HairyNick  6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I should paint that onto the side of a Jumpmaster...

  • @danielwochnick727
    @danielwochnick727 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Important to note you can’t use full throttle if you use advanced sensors
    Edit: Spelling

  • @corwinhyatt519
    @corwinhyatt519 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    With Juke, hope your target isn't focused or you just wasted the die change. Attacker mods the defender's dice first, then the defender's mods are applied.

    • @HairyNick
      @HairyNick  6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      The advantage is you're forcing your opponent to prioritize focus over other actions to play through it. Changing the behaviour of your opponent is always powerful.

  • @jdorfer2759
    @jdorfer2759 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Switched out the HLC for Juke, was playing around with the idea of HLC and forgot to change it back and why would you want the hull upgrade over shield upgrade? His ability stops when he has one or more damage cards so the shield upgrade prevents that damage card. Hull upgrade gives him more health but does not protect his ability.

    • @HairyNick
      @HairyNick  6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Because I misread the pilot ability. ;) Shield upgrade is absolutely correct.

  • @rookieewookiee9725
    @rookieewookiee9725 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Not an imp player but I like the defenders. I am busy looking at the loathed triple jumpmasters (never flew it 1.0). I hope they aren't as oppressive as in 1.0 with their nerved dial and upgrade bar.

    • @HairyNick
      @HairyNick  6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      They wont be, don't worry. That red Rotate Arc action will keep them from being as consistent as they once were.

  • @magnuseriksson3563
    @magnuseriksson3563 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    I fly this with my defender:
    (50) Major Vermeil with crack shoot
    (82) Onyx squadron Ace with Juke
    (68)"Echo" with Juke and Darth Vader crew
    Total 200p

  • @thrawnthelastcommand8011
    @thrawnthelastcommand8011 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Should I get a defender or an interceptor? I have a TIE advanced V1 and X1and a TIE striker

  • @Zeromus5555
    @Zeromus5555 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Defenders will get a point decrease.

  • @bageldrone
    @bageldrone 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    ADv sensors doesnt give you the evade token from full throttle also you're wrong about pure sabacc shield upgrade stops you getting a damage card, its when you have more than 1 damage card you lose the extra attack die

  • @eelmail2077
    @eelmail2077 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Today is Joe Mazzotti’s birthday.

  • @joshlee2004
    @joshlee2004 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    If wed like to get a list reviewed, just post it here? Or do you have a prefered method?

    • @HairyNick
      @HairyNick  6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Posting it here is my preferred method. :)

  • @aaronjones1666
    @aaronjones1666 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hey, could you do a list over TIE Phantoms?

    • @HairyNick
      @HairyNick  6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Sure thing, it's on the roster. Will aim to do it before wave 2.

  • @ForceM1782
    @ForceM1782 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    A-Wings or E-Wings??

  • @VictorSteiner
    @VictorSteiner 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Can E-Wings acquire locks at range 0? It‘s not range 1?

    • @corwinhyatt519
      @corwinhyatt519 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      As written, yes. Locks are acquired on objects range 0-3 normally, E-wing losses range 1 locks to gain the ability to lock past range 3. Can't shoot anything at range 0 with the current weapons though (there are a few pilot cards that can, none are E-wings).

    • @HairyNick
      @HairyNick  6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Bizarrely, yes.

  • @DunantheDefender
    @DunantheDefender 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Stop calling him "Shenroo".