i was waiting for a long time to see a youtube chanel like yours, forums are good but videos and photos are better. i would be even happier with a youtube channel with good quality videos of offroading the africa twins, and travelling offroad with them, kind like the BLKMRKT but in inglish. a proud africa twin rd07 owner from portugal. continue with this channel, its usefull
good day, can you please show how to set the carp for inland ride, its set for the coast now, the choke doesnt even work. Do i have to change the jets or is it just air feul setting
This is legacy to My Gen..Thank you
They are still the best out there
I heard that kerosine can wash factory oil from o/x ring chaings, i wonder if its the same with diesel
i was waiting for a long time to see a youtube chanel like yours, forums are good but videos and photos are better. i would be even happier with a youtube channel with good quality videos of offroading the africa twins, and travelling offroad with them, kind like the BLKMRKT but in inglish. a proud africa twin rd07 owner from portugal. continue with this channel, its usefull
Thank you, spread the channel to everyone, watch my new video as well please.
good day, can you please show how to set the carp for inland ride, its set for the coast now, the choke doesnt even work. Do i have to change the jets or is it just air feul setting
don't cut the wire, don't cut the wire ... well I always say, don't travel without a lighter, it's the best way to strip wires 😁😁