*Hey there everyone! For those taking advantage of the free weekend, I hope you found this useful. For those more veteran players that watched, I KNOW I didn't even scratch the surface of the game with these 10. Give me your "what I wish I knew in the replies to this comment. Maybe I'll make another one of these :)* *You can support the channel and purchase Warhammer II or any of its DLC on my Nexus Store: **www.nexus.gg/hforhavoc/total-war-warhammer-ii*
@@benisrood why come? It doesn't seem to tough, I played my first couple of turns before bed last night. The ingame tutorial covers the very very basics nicely, you just have to pick a lord that has one.
I want to add something to ambush: Ambush stance is really important to lure the enemy to for example a minor settlement. When the AI sees a undefended minor settlement it will almost always attack it. But your army is next to it in ambush stance. Ambush stance is the only way for you to be invisible for the AI because they don't have fog of war. *cries in warriors of chaos
@@suomusintti in most of them at least, yes. Its how the AI can always find where your armies are to engage them even if you are deep within your own territory.
-Some provincial capitals have 9 build slot (10 including the city itself). These are usually Racial capitals such as Altodorf, Lothern.. Oct -March stance often is crucial to keeping up with enemy armies or getting into the right position to defend. Yes, it has downsides, but should not be ignored. -Skirmish mode and Guard mode defaults apply to all units can be toggled in setting if you find your units always start with these on. -Towers (siege equipment) can be very helpful if it's a close fight. They allow more troops to get one the walls at once, are faster at getting the whole unit on the wall and also provide full coverage from missiles for the unit inside as well as partial cover to units walking behind. Ram are indeed not needed unless you have no units with 'siege' (can break gates) -What!? NEVER use the J key!! It will pull out units, while, maintaining their original formation. This causes individual entities to bump into each other in a big blobby mess while they try to get the right formation position meanwhile taking dmg from the unit they were enguaged with. On top of that, it never moves the charging unit far away enough and the follow up charge is ineffective. Always manually give command to move away from the unit. -Be warned Lock groups will cause all units in the locked group to move as slow as the slowest unit. Locked groups are best used for giving formation attack commands: - Giving a locked group an attack command will give them a movement command towards the enemy and then when they get close enough, they will attack the nearest enemy. This is great for having your whole line attack evenly across their line with a single click. -Not all factions routes, undead faction never route and instead have a unique crumbling mechanic that replaces it. A routing unit is not useless, they can come back from routing and rejoin the fight, some factions even have a focused on this. A Tip would be that a routed unit being pursued should never gain enough leadership back to stop routing, so keep a unit chasing high value enemy units that have routed to ensure they never rejoin the fight.
+100 to this reply. The video contains some good basics that may not be obvious at first; but you did make some mistakes and forget things that this reply addresses well :) "ignore march stance" ... like what ... lol
J key is very useful for beginners. Its also very useful for higher end players who have too many things to micro to individually pull out and cycle charge 3 different cav engagements while maintaining artillery and ranged units as well.
@@l0kk016 Wood Elf trees and also Skavenblight has 12 build slots. On the other hand Norscan province capitals only have 6 slots. So it's definitely not just 8 or 10
Ambush is also affected by the terrain you make the stance in. So on the road you will have a low chance where as in the trees next to the road gives you a higher ambush chance.
Yeah! if you want the actual chance of success before bonuses and penalties, just hover over any spot on the map and the tooltip will give you a terrain type and ambush chance for that spot.
Absolutely do use forced march to reinforce other armies, reach the safety of a garrison, or traversing your own lands in safety! Also note that undead units do not rout and lose hp instead when the white bar is drained. Enjoy the game -well worth your time!!
Force March leaves your armies tired. So does raiding/looting stance. _But!_ There's units that _don't get tired._ Endgame Bretonnian knights. "'Bonjour. Cavalry's 'ere!" - And _many_ beastie boyz were trampled that day!
Game is worth the money x 10000 but it’s also the hardest game I’ve ever played. Unless you go doomstacks or cheese, good luck getting any campaign past hard.
Another tip, use warhound-like units to attack routing enemies, and do not worry about damage being done as that matters is the invisible moral depletion which I call "Nerve". If a routing army gets attacked constantly even if its just a scratch, you will prevent nerve from generating into moral and keep the regiment in route.
Thanks so much for this! I've played nearly all of the other Total War games at least once, and there's a ton of stuff here I didn't know about, like the specific charge bonuses or manually drawing curvy paths.
About morale, when a unit is "broke", it may come back when it gets far enough, when a unit is "shattered" it WON'T come back no matter what. In that case, you have to pursue "broken" units that can be a problem and ignore "shattered" ones just in case, not an english speaker
I can agree on the battering ram not being too useful often times but you should always get siege towers if you have the time to build them. Not only will they protect your units from archer and tower fire whiel they approach but using ladders on walls will also decrease your vigor. Also if you use ladders your units are basically going up one at a time and even low tier units could do alot of damage to other high tier units if you climb up like that. Little cheese tactic as a bonus. if the enemy has tons of archers on their walls give your general the siege tower, walk into range of the archer and then get out and hide behind your tower. The tower will still have a hitbox so you can absorb tons of archer fire with minimum casulties.
Siege towers are dangerous as well because you lose the entire unit if it gets destroyed. So unless you're going to take the time to explain how you need to micro siege towers, not use them in certain circumstance, when to disembark or you wont get out in time and that you should always put tier 1-2 units in them against a settlement with tier 2+ towers, then its honestly better to just say "climb the walls, the penalty isnt as bad as losing the entire unit"
@@booradley6832 It's really not micro heavy to leave a siege tower if it gets damaged. It's not like you have more to do then watch your 4-6 siege towers slowly get closer to walls at the beginning of a siege.
I build battering rams only to let my "siegeless" armies actually start the battle. Really annoying that WH2 forces you to wait a turn for a piece of equipment that I won't even use. Especiall annoying since all infantry have ladders, spell casters can destroy walls, and flying units can just fly right over the walls.
Pretty useful things for newbies I gotta say. Nice job making this it would be very useful to anyone who isn't that experienced at the game. A couple of things though. Ambush chance and the chance to stay hidden are two different things. It's confusing yes, but it's been tested and proven time and again by people with over 2k hours in this game (myself included). You might have a 100% chance to do a successful ambush, but the chance to actually stay hidden is very different and the most anyone has actually figured out about how that's affected is that certain factions have a higher chance to stay hidden than others (Beastmen for example have the highest chance in the game). Also i wouldn't say never use Forced March. It comes in useful when you want to move an army that's far away close to another army so they can reinforce and don't get outnumbered. You can also force march an army into settlements that are about to be besieged and have them join the garrisson for defense. Even though it's tired a full army can easily turn around a siege defense.
One thing I would say about the siege section it can be worth building siege equipment because climbing ladders will mean your units get up only a few at a time and it drains vigour so they will be tired when they reach the top of the wall. But if you build some siege towers the whole unit is deployed on the wall at once and won't have lost vigour. So if you know they only have one wall and you have a lot of monsters then your tip still stands for the gates but it can still be worth building siege equipment if you have time.
Great tips, thank you! So much happening in the game at once and a few battles in I was having trouble controlling my ranks. Formations lost, scattered across the field, some fleeing, some frenzied, total mayhem. This guide cleared up those issues.
Thank you! Watching this while my Total War Warhammer 2 i downloading. Even as a veteran Total War player, I didn' know about drawing unit paths or dragging unit formations. Nice tips. ALso, thank you for reminding me that an army can't retreat after a forced march. Forgot that. Anyway, solid advice. Great video! Thank you!
Skirmish off/Guard mode on just completely turned my awfulness in battle around. Really wish I had realized how these options effected ranged units beforehand. Thanks!
Nice vid! I enjoy informative videos that aren't 60+ minutes long. TH-cam is innundated with movie length warhammer guides, so this is a fresh breath. Thank you!
One of the least talked about thing wich I had no clue for my first 3 campaign was the fact that you can double click spells to Overcast them....OVERCASTING IS NOT A PASSIVE THING....you need to activate it.... TO overcast; Click the spell icon an additional time in the battle UI (so; say your spell is fireball, click once and it lights up slightly, click again and it lights up brighter and is now 'overcast' -- requires you to have upgraded it overcast level)
wow, i've been looking at several multiplayer tournaments and never knew or paid much attention to know that the grey bar under the health bar was for morale. it's really useful information, not only to check on your own units morale but also the enemies so you can prep some unit to chase after them and kill off more of them as they run away.
Thanks Havoc! Just wanted to refresh my knowledge about the game, while waiting for the download to complete. Wasn't aware of the J Hotkey for Cav. thanks :D
Actually climbing the walls with ladders can be a bad move it ruins your units stamina not to mention that they only arrive one by one over a bigger area than when using a siege tower, so they can easily be picked apart
I saw this video recommended on the Steam page for this game. I had no idea what any of this is so I think its better for people who understand the Total War genre already. This all completely went over my head.
For the ambushes, it sounds evident but then... ambushes work better in certain terrains (open plains arent great), if you leave your mouse hovering on the spot of terrain where you plan to ambush for a few secs, there is a small detailed window that appears and indicates the basic chance of succes an ambush has there...
Having come to warhammer from bfme2 I was slightly disappointed at the lack of control I had over my units, the UI was offputting and the tutorial did not explain things well enough, I felt like I was thrown in the sea and told to swim to shore, aside from the fact I cannot swim, I knew I would never make it to shore even if I could. However, this guide and PartyElites guide were extremely helpful in explaining many nuances I did not know and were integral to me not just quitting the game entirely. Thank you, your video was very helpful and prevented my boredom from the quarantine.
10 things i wish i knew when i started 1. you can gift money to improve diplomatic relations 2. lothern, carrone (curse you), reikland, and karaz karak all form confederations that take over the map and have huge armies late game (the orcs do too but whatever) 3. you can get the sword of kane with factions other than elves 4. prioritizing the blue upgrades when playing beastmen or chaos is actually a good idea 5. playing as clan angrund is never a good idea 6. skaven, dark elves, orcs (obviously) and wood elves have diplomatic aversions that are hard to get over if you dont want to fight massive hordes of enemies rushing you in the late game 7. armor piercing damage is basically all that really matters 8. you can get region bonuses from vassal factions 9. undead factions units never flee 10. recruiting lords instead of units you dont really want is a good idea, if you just need more troops to fight with early on
Nice video! I came here from Total War's post and didn't expect to learn anything new but the J key to pull out and cycle charge caught me off guard lol When I first started I wished I knew the balance of power bar before battles begin usually doesn't really mean anything (at least on lower difficulty) so for example if the bar is 75% in the A.I.'s favor you can still likely kick their ass if you fight manually. Don't be scared to fight as auto resolve will more often than not cause you to take unnecessary losses unless you outnumber your enemy significantly. Side note Party's videos are what taught me what being a great general is all about and made the game much more accessible. I highly recommend Zerkovich's why you suck at warhammer series as well and Turin to see these concepts in action at a high level. Once again, great job on the video and props for sending people to those tutorials. I wish you luck in growing your channel! It's always nice to see new content creators for one of my favorite games!
Be warned, the J key isn't a pull out and cycle button. It is used to invert formations a few paces back. Witch sort of pulls out a unit. But most likely if you got more than one calvery they will just get tangled up trying to criss cross each others positions.
One thing I disagree with is that skirmishing shouldn't be turned off depending on your deployment stance. I usually use a missile front because they can get a slight upper hand on shooting as opposed to enemy firing lines getting shots off on my melee infantry. Once their melee lines approach, they'll skirmish behind my melee infantry, at which point, I micro and turn it off and turn guard mode on. Sometimes I won't even turn it off and back them off quite a bit while I pay attention to something such as micromanaging cavalry, knowing that so long as skirmish is on, my archers, while they might not be firing, are at least going to distance themselves from any threats during the time my attention is elsewhere on the battlefield.
Awesome job man. Always forget to use the j key for turnaround and never thought to use it with cavalry charges. Really helps to not leave stragglers behind as much. Also missed the dragging marching route with shift, always used individual clicks. When I do that though they often have to stick around to longer to turn properly at each way-point. And of course the drag alt is nice. But the topper for me was learning the charge bonus lasts 10 seconds. I thought it was literally instant only. I think you definitely hit all the other terrible things I had to learn the hard way. Now you just need a video for 10 things about how vortex campaign actually works. Cause there was definitely not enough explanation from the developers on that one. Oh and diplomacy... The warning about betrayal with number of turns to wait only shows up when you are declaring war using the diplomacy panel itself. Or ending a treaty early directly with the specific faction rather than as a bargaining chip with another faction. Another one I found recently which is awesome. Avoid having to declare war on someone and have their allies join in, by offering to join someone else who is already at war with them. Super cheap way to avoid that. They should honestly balance it out, but for now.... Use it!
Don’t just hit the J key, it often bugs out where the unit won’t take the fastest path and can get roped back into melee, or will actually charge further in. Instead hit the J key to turn them 180 degrees and click where they are facing, they will immediately start moving instead of the unit having to calculate where to go on its own(which I believe uses the skirmish pathing which is notoriously unreliable). I find it is vastly faster in pulling a unit out and much more reliable. Also when charging cav unit(lord, hero or unit) at a enemy unit that has charge defense against large/all, if you change direction to the intended enemy units left or right side perpendicular to your own,(as in straight left or right of your unit) the enemy will start moving or attempt to charge the cav, and loses its charge defense/will not brace if you charge them and are close enough, usually within 2 unit length(sideways) distances away. I use this all the time if I’m playing brettonia and cannot flank in time or availability.
10 tips i wish i understood before playing lol. New to total war franchise and was gonna try this in the free weekend on steam but lol i feel lost just by looking at your video.No complaint, ill try to remember those tips as some will def be useful.Thx for the video and after playing more maybe ill get some of the stuff you mentionned lol have a good day.
Thanks for this. I bought this game a few years ago, didnt give it much attention until now. Been playing for a few weeks with ~120 hours in. I play on the easy mode on both campaign and battle and its frustratingly difficult. I tried high elves and lizardmen and I get overrun with everything I do. Will continue to watch the videos kek
@@KhursandHassan Idk just liked the game series I guess. Die hard Medieval gamer back in the day. Also since I payed for it i wanna get everything for the money :D
Just a few tips for having easier life in TW:W2 and sry if there are any spelling mistakes 1) Dont expand too quickly - its oftentimes better to just conquer your starting province and develop all the settlements in it 1st then to get a lot of settlements and provinces fast and have constant revolts and having to fight wars on multiple fronts 2) Sack settlement - Choose one settlement to sack over and over again every turn to level up your lords and heroes, most factions start with only one enemy, its better to leave their last settlement be and just use it as a sack city, this goes especialy well with the 1st point, as it will let you level up your lords and heroes even tho you are not constantly expanding 3) AI cheats - the harder difficulty you sellect, the more cheats AI gets, AI will still be stupid, but with more resources, armies and bonuses to their battle stats while you will get penalties to your public order and if you get more armies, bigger penalties to unit wages 4) Be on the attack - Its always better when you are on the attack, that way you will be in full control of the battlefield, AI will wait for you to come until you start shooting them or attacking them by other means (spells for example) so use that to your advantage, use your lord or hero that is fast to waste their ammo, after you wasted their ammo, you can start shooting them and they will be forced to charge at you
One of f the best games I ever played at first I was not sure with the fantasy setting and I didn't know anything from Warhammer . I own Warhammer 1 and 2 all the DLD s .
I'm going to be honest I never really used charge bonus in any total war games, I always just mobbed up my cavalry in one big clump and used them as an incoming wave once the opposing infantry had engaged mine. Was especially effective in Rome Total war as anyone other than the greeks, since the AI tended to spam low quality units to create giant armies that had very low morale, especially with how often those armies didn't have a general
Oh my god... So that's why my Rattling Gunners never got more than 10 kills because Guard Mode wasn't on and they were running around like headless chickens! Who designed that!?!
for a player that bought more then a few Toeal War games while on sale i know zero, trouble in the building whats the essential buildings to construct at ifrst? and when does one know when to End Turn? hopfully i get some tips if not then the struggles continues🤷🏼♂️
Related to checking out PartyElite's videos, I'd also recommend any new players look at Zerkovich's channel. He makes some solid Total War: Warhammer videos as well
I've been a total war player since August of 2005 when I picked up RTW/BI. WH2 is the only campaign I soundly get my ass handed to me pretty much every time.
#1 thing should be that you need to own the first Warhammer game to be able to play the Mortal Empires campaign. I have a feeling a lot of people are going to be upset when they discover that.
If you're starting as Headhunter Queek, don't attack the Lizardmen to your north until you have Stormvermin and catapults. They will absolutely wreck your shit. T.- new player that just had to restart my first game.
@@HForHavoc Unfortunately the game doesn't run well on my garbage PC, running like 10-20 fps on lowest settings, so the game looks crap and plays pretty crap too ):
High Elf tips: Contrary to what our big man said, do NOT recruit monster units. The birds and dragons are absolute dog shit and die/route within 20 sec of sustained melee against infantry or cav. Spam the Eagle Claw instead ;). But fr in general, when engaging multiple armies along with your army and reinforcements, disabling ‘control large armies’ will allow for you to handle 20v20 unit clashes. Keep in mind when you/the enemy lose a unit, it’ll be replaced by the next unit in the reinforcements roster, but they’ll spawn at the edge of the map giving you enough time to draw out a strat to handle the incoming reinforcements.
I have heard multiple youtubers parrot that bad advice about forced march stance! "Act like it's not there" can you just stop already please? It has a good purpose like almost all mechanics in this vast game. Primarily useful for when you are just out of reach of a settlement but want the effects of the lord being there such as for the benefits they and the province get from a lord being in the settlement, more public order, developing skills etc. It has other niche applications too. Of course it is important to avoid using it poorly and getting caught somewhere that isn't safe, no doubt that's true but don't patronize people and then hinder their ability to play the game optimally.
Just followed the link over from the game's launcher and was bummed to find a video. What you spend almost seven minutes presenting I could probably skim in 30 seconds if it were in text form.
Hah.. I haven't played warhammerII yet. Although I bought it hours ago and it is downloading. But TIP number 7. I have been doing that manually On Divide and Conquer THIRD age and Elder scrolls Total war all the time. I really do need to key map My controls to where it's as simple as a one Button push. God you should see how I control my forces. I do everything the hardest way. Cuz im too lazy to learn something new that could make it easier on me if I just took that hour to remember the keys.
I don't quite agree with how every TH-camr disses on forced March. This is very easy to understand. When was forced March used in real life? And yes because real life armies do March especially if you look in Antiquity with the Romans they forced March quite a bit like A LOT. They would do so in provinces that they knew were under their utter and Total Control. what do we take from this well marching your troops through friendly territory is common sense so don't act like it doesn't exist use it whenever it makes sense to
Honestly? CA should've added more slots to the settlements. Like make all Province Capitals 12 slots (14 for places like Lothern, Altdorf and such), while Region Settlements should be at least 6 or 8 slots (The Moot should be 10 instead). Wood Elf Settlements should be 24 slots large.
@@ethansmith715 Also make military buildings add extra garrison units. This way you can have a better defense and an auxiliary building if you loose one.
Quick question: would you recommend playing warhammer 1, warhammer 2 or buying both on sale and doing the combined map and faction thing? I'm asking this because the campaigns in the first game and in the combined campaign sound alot more interesting than the race for the whirlydirly in the second game. Also I'd like the option to play as and against more factions.
He is an extremely inteligent player and offers great advice, on every aspect of the game, true. I've learned a lot from him. He is however a very boring player in his livestream, because his unit compositions are based on missile heavy spam armies with a couple of heros and wizards. He plays in the most effective way, the least fun, and exploits the shit out of the game's faulty mechanics. In order to enjoy his content, best watch his disaster battle clips, which contain save games from other players who create more diverse army compositions.
Ive seen people ordering their entire army to attack whatever is in front of a given unit (instead of all massing onto one single point where you give the attack order). How do you do this?
Had a port city with an army garrisond, and another army on the outside, the AI ambushed my outside army and then took the city, my plan was to have the outside army break the seige but whatever I guess they can ambush me on my own territory
Using the withdraw hotkey is never a good idea due to how bad the pathing is. Units will go in really strange directions and will oftentimes just get themselves in bad situations. It's much better to just use your mouse.
hey man nice video, it might be too much to ask for but what is the guitar music you use in the background for ur videos? it sounds really nice and uplifting
though the video was good most of this i learned from playing three kingdoms. guess i dont count as a beginner but i was hoping to see a big difference in campaign map play
*Hey there everyone! For those taking advantage of the free weekend, I hope you found this useful. For those more veteran players that watched, I KNOW I didn't even scratch the surface of the game with these 10. Give me your "what I wish I knew in the replies to this comment. Maybe I'll make another one of these :)*
*You can support the channel and purchase Warhammer II or any of its DLC on my Nexus Store: **www.nexus.gg/hforhavoc/total-war-warhammer-ii*
@@benisrood why come? It doesn't seem to tough, I played my first couple of turns before bed last night. The ingame tutorial covers the very very basics nicely, you just have to pick a lord that has one.
Nice shoutout to PartyElite! He's the one that got me into this game, and his tutorial series help me actually enjoy it!
why did I watch this when I have over 700 hours in the game...
The power of Sigmar compels you that's why
I watched it in case there was something I missed and I too have over 700 hours lol
I have 2000 hours and still didn't know about the drawn unit path
400 hours and no idea charge bonus lasted for 10 seconds.
I am always afraid there is something I have missed.
I want to add something to ambush: Ambush stance is really important to lure the enemy to for example a minor settlement. When the AI sees a undefended minor settlement it will almost always attack it. But your army is next to it in ambush stance. Ambush stance is the only way for you to be invisible for the AI because they don't have fog of war. *cries in warriors of chaos
Is that true that the AI doesn't have fog of war? Is that in every tw game?
@@suomusintti yeah basically all ai can see the map
I like the blind guardian profile. I love that band
@@suomusintti in most of them at least, yes. Its how the AI can always find where your armies are to engage them even if you are deep within your own territory.
-Some provincial capitals have 9 build slot (10 including the city itself). These are usually Racial capitals such as Altodorf, Lothern.. Oct
-March stance often is crucial to keeping up with enemy armies or getting into the right position to defend. Yes, it has downsides, but should not be ignored.
-Skirmish mode and Guard mode defaults apply to all units can be toggled in setting if you find your units always start with these on.
-Towers (siege equipment) can be very helpful if it's a close fight. They allow more troops to get one the walls at once, are faster at getting the whole unit on the wall and also provide full coverage from missiles for the unit inside as well as partial cover to units walking behind. Ram are indeed not needed unless you have no units with 'siege' (can break gates)
-What!? NEVER use the J key!! It will pull out units, while, maintaining their original formation. This causes individual entities to bump into each other in a big blobby mess while they try to get the right formation position meanwhile taking dmg from the unit they were enguaged with. On top of that, it never moves the charging unit far away enough and the follow up charge is ineffective. Always manually give command to move away from the unit.
-Be warned Lock groups will cause all units in the locked group to move as slow as the slowest unit. Locked groups are best used for giving formation attack commands: - Giving a locked group an attack command will give them a movement command towards the enemy and then when they get close enough, they will attack the nearest enemy. This is great for having your whole line attack evenly across their line with a single click.
-Not all factions routes, undead faction never route and instead have a unique crumbling mechanic that replaces it. A routing unit is not useless, they can come back from routing and rejoin the fight, some factions even have a focused on this. A Tip would be that a routed unit being pursued should never gain enough leadership back to stop routing, so keep a unit chasing high value enemy units that have routed to ensure they never rejoin the fight.
+100 to this reply. The video contains some good basics that may not be obvious at first; but you did make some mistakes and forget things that this reply addresses well :)
"ignore march stance" ... like what ... lol
@@JenoSnetrem Exactly. Better advice is be very careful with force march. But for new people they should play on normal or easy and save scum anyway.
J key is very useful for beginners. Its also very useful for higher end players who have too many things to micro to individually pull out and cycle charge 3 different cav engagements while maintaining artillery and ranged units as well.
I think the wood elven capitals have 12 slots or something like that, no?
@@l0kk016 Wood Elf trees and also Skavenblight has 12 build slots. On the other hand Norscan province capitals only have 6 slots. So it's definitely not just 8 or 10
Ambush is also affected by the terrain you make the stance in. So on the road you will have a low chance where as in the trees next to the road gives you a higher ambush chance.
Yeah! if you want the actual chance of success before bonuses and penalties, just hover over any spot on the map and the tooltip will give you a terrain type and ambush chance for that spot.
Absolutely do use forced march to reinforce other armies, reach the safety of a garrison, or traversing your own lands in safety!
Also note that undead units do not rout and lose hp instead when the white bar is drained.
Enjoy the game -well worth your time!!
Force March leaves your armies tired. So does raiding/looting stance.
_But!_ There's units that _don't get tired._ Endgame Bretonnian knights.
"'Bonjour. Cavalry's 'ere!" - And _many_ beastie boyz were trampled that day!
Just got the game, looking for tips, ty!
Game is worth the money x 10000 but it’s also the hardest game I’ve ever played. Unless you go doomstacks or cheese, good luck getting any campaign past hard.
@@CazmaRazz no lol
Am about to get it, as it is on a sale 🙃
Another tip, use warhound-like units to attack routing enemies, and do not worry about damage being done as that matters is the invisible moral depletion which I call "Nerve".
If a routing army gets attacked constantly even if its just a scratch, you will prevent nerve from generating into moral and keep the regiment in route.
I have played this game over a year and I didn't know about the j hotkey for cav, or guard mode. Going to make like much easier. Good guide sir!
Thanks for this. Just been trying to get used to it in the last few days myself. : )
Lol, I see you’re planning out your invasion into Warhammer. Good luck Melkor.
I love you Melkor! Really appreciate your videos ! Tips really help me
Thanks so much for this! I've played nearly all of the other Total War games at least once, and there's a ton of stuff here I didn't know about, like the specific charge bonuses or manually drawing curvy paths.
About morale, when a unit is "broke", it may come back when it gets far enough, when a unit is "shattered" it WON'T come back no matter what. In that case, you have to pursue "broken" units that can be a problem and ignore "shattered" ones
just in case, not an english speaker
This is my first total war! Loving how it did warhammer so much justice and more!
I can agree on the battering ram not being too useful often times but you should always get siege towers if you have the time to build them. Not only will they protect your units from archer and tower fire whiel they approach but using ladders on walls will also decrease your vigor. Also if you use ladders your units are basically going up one at a time and even low tier units could do alot of damage to other high tier units if you climb up like that.
Little cheese tactic as a bonus. if the enemy has tons of archers on their walls give your general the siege tower, walk into range of the archer and then get out and hide behind your tower. The tower will still have a hitbox so you can absorb tons of archer fire with minimum casulties.
Siege towers are dangerous as well because you lose the entire unit if it gets destroyed. So unless you're going to take the time to explain how you need to micro siege towers, not use them in certain circumstance, when to disembark or you wont get out in time and that you should always put tier 1-2 units in them against a settlement with tier 2+ towers, then its honestly better to just say "climb the walls, the penalty isnt as bad as losing the entire unit"
@@booradley6832 It's really not micro heavy to leave a siege tower if it gets damaged. It's not like you have more to do then watch your 4-6 siege towers slowly get closer to walls at the beginning of a siege.
I build battering rams only to let my "siegeless" armies actually start the battle. Really annoying that WH2 forces you to wait a turn for a piece of equipment that I won't even use. Especiall annoying since all infantry have ladders, spell casters can destroy walls, and flying units can just fly right over the walls.
Pretty useful things for newbies I gotta say. Nice job making this it would be very useful to anyone who isn't that experienced at the game. A couple of things though. Ambush chance and the chance to stay hidden are two different things. It's confusing yes, but it's been tested and proven time and again by people with over 2k hours in this game (myself included). You might have a 100% chance to do a successful ambush, but the chance to actually stay hidden is very different and the most anyone has actually figured out about how that's affected is that certain factions have a higher chance to stay hidden than others (Beastmen for example have the highest chance in the game). Also i wouldn't say never use Forced March. It comes in useful when you want to move an army that's far away close to another army so they can reinforce and don't get outnumbered. You can also force march an army into settlements that are about to be besieged and have them join the garrisson for defense. Even though it's tired a full army can easily turn around a siege defense.
One thing I would say about the siege section it can be worth building siege equipment because climbing ladders will mean your units get up only a few at a time and it drains vigour so they will be tired when they reach the top of the wall. But if you build some siege towers the whole unit is deployed on the wall at once and won't have lost vigour. So if you know they only have one wall and you have a lot of monsters then your tip still stands for the gates but it can still be worth building siege equipment if you have time.
Great tips, thank you! So much happening in the game at once and a few battles in I was having trouble controlling my ranks. Formations lost, scattered across the field, some fleeing, some frenzied, total mayhem. This guide cleared up those issues.
I’m about to play for the first time. I’m scared
me too
Are u still scared?
Good luck, courageous commander…
Thank you! Watching this while my Total War Warhammer 2 i downloading. Even as a veteran Total War player, I didn' know about drawing unit paths or dragging unit formations. Nice tips. ALso, thank you for reminding me that an army can't retreat after a forced march. Forgot that.
Anyway, solid advice. Great video! Thank you!
Hey, mad respect for the shout out to another youtuber. Always nice to see the community recognize greatness.
I never hesitate to give shoutouts to fellow youtubers. I'm pretty close friends with a lot of them and always enjoy seeing them grow
Also though, great video. I'm still learning and can only play on easy-easy. I want to get better. Hopefully, thanks to you guys, I can.
Skirmish off/Guard mode on just completely turned my awfulness in battle around. Really wish I had realized how these options effected ranged units beforehand. Thanks!
Nice vid! I enjoy informative videos that aren't 60+ minutes long. TH-cam is innundated with movie length warhammer guides, so this is a fresh breath.
Thank you!
One of the least talked about thing wich I had no clue for my first 3 campaign was the fact that you can double click spells to Overcast them....OVERCASTING IS NOT A PASSIVE THING....you need to activate it....
TO overcast; Click the spell icon an additional time in the battle UI (so; say your spell is fireball, click once and it lights up slightly, click again and it lights up brighter and is now 'overcast' -- requires you to have upgraded it overcast level)
Thanks bro i never knew that
Wow so overcast is like a level 2 of the same spell for lack of a better term. Aka does more damage
You are the best! This game is kicking my ass and I am loving it. You have helped me immensely!
If units scale the wall with ladders instead of a tower they get a pretty hefty penalty to their fatigue level.
The dragging a path one blew my mind
Insanely useful video and explains a lot of stuff that's commonly mentioned, but where the other TH-camrs expect you to understand it already.
What a guy. No long talking. No Abo like push Button Bullshit. Even give love to other Chanel. You sir just got a like and Abo.
wow, i've been looking at several multiplayer tournaments and never knew or paid much attention to know that the grey bar under the health bar was for morale.
it's really useful information, not only to check on your own units morale but also the enemies so you can prep some unit to chase after them and kill off more of them as they run away.
Thanks Havoc! Just wanted to refresh my knowledge about the game, while waiting for the download to complete.
Wasn't aware of the J Hotkey for Cav. thanks :D
Actually climbing the walls with ladders can be a bad move
it ruins your units stamina
not to mention that they only arrive one by one over a bigger area than when using a siege tower, so they can easily be picked apart
I saw this video recommended on the Steam page for this game. I had no idea what any of this is so I think its better for people who understand the Total War genre already. This all completely went over my head.
For the ambushes, it sounds evident but then... ambushes work better in certain terrains (open plains arent great), if you leave your mouse hovering on the spot of terrain where you plan to ambush for a few secs, there is a small detailed window that appears and indicates the basic chance of succes an ambush has there...
Having come to warhammer from bfme2 I was slightly disappointed at the lack of control I had over my units, the UI was offputting and the tutorial did not explain things well enough, I felt like I was thrown in the sea and told to swim to shore, aside from the fact I cannot swim, I knew I would never make it to shore even if I could. However, this guide and PartyElites guide were extremely helpful in explaining many nuances I did not know and were integral to me not just quitting the game entirely. Thank you, your video was very helpful and prevented my boredom from the quarantine.
Force march is frequently worth using.... there is a time and a place for everything
10 things i wish i knew when i started
1. you can gift money to improve diplomatic relations 2. lothern, carrone (curse you), reikland, and karaz karak all form confederations that take over the map and have huge armies late game (the orcs do too but whatever) 3. you can get the sword of kane with factions other than elves 4. prioritizing the blue upgrades when playing beastmen or chaos is actually a good idea 5. playing as clan angrund is never a good idea 6. skaven, dark elves, orcs (obviously) and wood elves have diplomatic aversions that are hard to get over if you dont want to fight massive hordes of enemies rushing you in the late game 7. armor piercing damage is basically all that really matters 8. you can get region bonuses from vassal factions 9. undead factions units never flee 10. recruiting lords instead of units you dont really want is a good idea, if you just need more troops to fight with early on
Nice video! I came here from Total War's post and didn't expect to learn anything new but the J key to pull out and cycle charge caught me off guard lol
When I first started I wished I knew the balance of power bar before battles begin usually doesn't really mean anything (at least on lower difficulty) so for example if the bar is 75% in the A.I.'s favor you can still likely kick their ass if you fight manually. Don't be scared to fight as auto resolve will more often than not cause you to take unnecessary losses unless you outnumber your enemy significantly.
Side note Party's videos are what taught me what being a great general is all about and made the game much more accessible. I highly recommend Zerkovich's why you suck at warhammer series as well and Turin to see these concepts in action at a high level.
Once again, great job on the video and props for sending people to those tutorials. I wish you luck in growing your channel! It's always nice to see new content creators for one of my favorite games!
Be warned, the J key isn't a pull out and cycle button. It is used to invert formations a few paces back. Witch sort of pulls out a unit. But most likely if you got more than one calvery they will just get tangled up trying to criss cross each others positions.
One thing I disagree with is that skirmishing shouldn't be turned off depending on your deployment stance. I usually use a missile front because they can get a slight upper hand on shooting as opposed to enemy firing lines getting shots off on my melee infantry.
Once their melee lines approach, they'll skirmish behind my melee infantry, at which point, I micro and turn it off and turn guard mode on. Sometimes I won't even turn it off and back them off quite a bit while I pay attention to something such as micromanaging cavalry, knowing that so long as skirmish is on, my archers, while they might not be firing, are at least going to distance themselves from any threats during the time my attention is elsewhere on the battlefield.
Awesome job man. Always forget to use the j key for turnaround and never thought to use it with cavalry charges. Really helps to not leave stragglers behind as much. Also missed the dragging marching route with shift, always used individual clicks. When I do that though they often have to stick around to longer to turn properly at each way-point. And of course the drag alt is nice. But the topper for me was learning the charge bonus lasts 10 seconds. I thought it was literally instant only. I think you definitely hit all the other terrible things I had to learn the hard way. Now you just need a video for 10 things about how vortex campaign actually works. Cause there was definitely not enough explanation from the developers on that one.
Oh and diplomacy... The warning about betrayal with number of turns to wait only shows up when you are declaring war using the diplomacy panel itself. Or ending a treaty early directly with the specific faction rather than as a bargaining chip with another faction. Another one I found recently which is awesome. Avoid having to declare war on someone and have their allies join in, by offering to join someone else who is already at war with them. Super cheap way to avoid that. They should honestly balance it out, but for now.... Use it!
Don’t just hit the J key, it often bugs out where the unit won’t take the fastest path and can get roped back into melee, or will actually charge further in. Instead hit the J key to turn them 180 degrees and click where they are facing, they will immediately start moving instead of the unit having to calculate where to go on its own(which I believe uses the skirmish pathing which is notoriously unreliable). I find it is vastly faster in pulling a unit out and much more reliable.
Also when charging cav unit(lord, hero or unit) at a enemy unit that has charge defense against large/all, if you change direction to the intended enemy units left or right side perpendicular to your own,(as in straight left or right of your unit) the enemy will start moving or attempt to charge the cav, and loses its charge defense/will not brace if you charge them and are close enough, usually within 2 unit length(sideways) distances away. I use this all the time if I’m playing brettonia and cannot flank in time or availability.
Downloading the game now. Thank for the great vid!
Thank you. I played it for the first time yesterday and my archers were running from the shield wall in front of them. Now I know why
475 hours in this game and now I'm just learning about the down alt+click+drag
10 tips i wish i understood before playing lol. New to total war franchise and was gonna try this in the free weekend on steam but lol i feel lost just by looking at your video.No complaint, ill try to remember those tips as some will def be useful.Thx for the video and after playing more maybe ill get some of the stuff you mentionned lol have a good day.
Thanks for this. I bought this game a few years ago, didnt give it much attention until now. Been playing for a few weeks with ~120 hours in. I play on the easy mode on both campaign and battle and its frustratingly difficult. I tried high elves and lizardmen and I get overrun with everything I do. Will continue to watch the videos kek
bro i gave up on first match i really want to play this but the game is complicated . how did u get the motivation to play tho
@@KhursandHassan Idk just liked the game series I guess. Die hard Medieval gamer back in the day. Also since I payed for it i wanna get everything for the money :D
@@taavitoomsalu2219 u know i got warhammer for free on epic store now that i think the reason i am not playing it due to this lmao
Fuck! That was an awesome video! Short - straight to the point and essencial for a newbie like me!
Holy crap I've been playing so long and I just find out a new things from video just now... THANKS BRO
Good thing I came across your video mate. Subbed and liked! Keep it up
Awesome, thank you!
Just a few tips for having easier life in TW:W2
and sry if there are any spelling mistakes
1) Dont expand too quickly - its oftentimes better to just conquer your starting province and develop all the settlements in it 1st then to get a lot of settlements and provinces fast and have constant revolts and having to fight wars on multiple fronts
2) Sack settlement - Choose one settlement to sack over and over again every turn to level up your lords and heroes, most factions start with only one enemy, its better to leave their last settlement be and just use it as a sack city, this goes especialy well with the 1st point, as it will let you level up your lords and heroes even tho you are not constantly expanding
3) AI cheats - the harder difficulty you sellect, the more cheats AI gets, AI will still be stupid, but with more resources, armies and bonuses to their battle stats while you will get penalties to your public order and if you get more armies, bigger penalties to unit wages
4) Be on the attack - Its always better when you are on the attack, that way you will be in full control of the battlefield, AI will wait for you to come until you start shooting them or attacking them by other means (spells for example) so use that to your advantage, use your lord or hero that is fast to waste their ammo, after you wasted their ammo, you can start shooting them and they will be forced to charge at you
damn it. im planning to get my first Strategy and Tactics Game but after watching im not sure if i can handle it, looks hard AF
For number 5 : You can turn skirmish off and guard mode on as a the default in the options.
600 hrs in and i never even bothered to do this haha. Would have saved me some clicks.
if there's one rule I go by its that capitals get military buildings and minor settlements get infrastructure buildings
I will play this for the first time in a few days I will remember this.
One of f the best games I ever played at first I was not sure with the fantasy setting and I didn't know anything from Warhammer . I own Warhammer 1 and 2 all the DLD s .
Every single tip was excellent for me. Thanks.
I'm going to be honest I never really used charge bonus in any total war games, I always just mobbed up my cavalry in one big clump and used them as an incoming wave once the opposing infantry had engaged mine. Was especially effective in Rome Total war as anyone other than the greeks, since the AI tended to spam low quality units to create giant armies that had very low morale, especially with how often those armies didn't have a general
Oh my god...
So that's why my Rattling Gunners never got more than 10 kills because Guard Mode wasn't on and they were running around like headless chickens!
Who designed that!?!
What I wish I'd known is the sheer lack of races you can play without owning the first game or DLC. Disgusting base game model
for a player that bought more then a few Toeal War games while on sale i know zero, trouble in the building whats the essential buildings to construct at ifrst? and when does one know when to End Turn? hopfully i get some tips if not then the struggles continues🤷🏼♂️
Related to checking out PartyElite's videos, I'd also recommend any new players look at Zerkovich's channel. He makes some solid Total War: Warhammer videos as well
Thanks mate! Very nice quality of life tips! :D
I've been a total war player since August of 2005 when I picked up RTW/BI. WH2 is the only campaign I soundly get my ass handed to me pretty much every time.
#1 thing should be that you need to own the first Warhammer game to be able to play the Mortal Empires campaign. I have a feeling a lot of people are going to be upset when they discover that.
I have it but what is the mortal empires campaign? Just so I know I have it
If you're starting as Headhunter Queek, don't attack the Lizardmen to your north until you have Stormvermin and catapults. They will absolutely wreck your shit.
T.- new player that just had to restart my first game.
I have never played this game, but I saw cool looking dinosaurs, the game is now in my libary.
@@HForHavoc Unfortunately the game doesn't run well on my garbage PC, running like 10-20 fps on lowest settings, so the game looks crap and plays pretty crap too ):
High Elf tips: Contrary to what our big man said, do NOT recruit monster units. The birds and dragons are absolute dog shit and die/route within 20 sec of sustained melee against infantry or cav. Spam the Eagle Claw instead ;). But fr in general, when engaging multiple armies along with your army and reinforcements, disabling ‘control large armies’ will allow for you to handle 20v20 unit clashes. Keep in mind when you/the enemy lose a unit, it’ll be replaced by the next unit in the reinforcements roster, but they’ll spawn at the edge of the map giving you enough time to draw out a strat to handle the incoming reinforcements.
After 1500 hours, i learned about the banner you can place on your units...
Sorry if this totally noob question, but as Dark Elves, you want to have high corruption right?
I have heard multiple youtubers parrot that bad advice about forced march stance! "Act like it's not there" can you just stop already please? It has a good purpose like almost all mechanics in this vast game. Primarily useful for when you are just out of reach of a settlement but want the effects of the lord being there such as for the benefits they and the province get from a lord being in the settlement, more public order, developing skills etc. It has other niche applications too. Of course it is important to avoid using it poorly and getting caught somewhere that isn't safe, no doubt that's true but don't patronize people and then hinder their ability to play the game optimally.
Just followed the link over from the game's launcher and was bummed to find a video. What you spend almost seven minutes presenting I could probably skim in 30 seconds if it were in text form.
I mean...what did you expect based on the title? Lol
Very useful tips thanks!
TY! After all these years I am still playing the original. Trying to conquer the entire map. I DISPISE THE RAT PEOPLE!!!!
why am i watching this i dont even have the game lol
Same! Been debating buying this for a few days now.
@@MrSteveCMI if you have the money you should..........
Hah.. I haven't played warhammerII yet. Although I bought it hours ago and it is downloading. But TIP number 7. I have been doing that manually On Divide and Conquer THIRD age and Elder scrolls Total war all the time. I really do need to key map My controls to where it's as simple as a one Button push. God you should see how I control my forces. I do everything the hardest way. Cuz im too lazy to learn something new that could make it easier on me if I just took that hour to remember the keys.
I don't quite agree with how every TH-camr disses on forced March. This is very easy to understand. When was forced March used in real life? And yes because real life armies do March especially if you look in Antiquity with the Romans they forced March quite a bit like A LOT. They would do so in provinces that they knew were under their utter and Total Control. what do we take from this well marching your troops through friendly territory is common sense so don't act like it doesn't exist use it whenever it makes sense to
Was going to like this video until i saw you gave PartyElite a shout out so now i have to like and subscribe.
This is amazing, thank you
Considering I'm jumping into the Free Weekend and the controls are a bit different from Total Warhammer 1, this is handy to know.
u shoulda mentioned the way autoresolve on battles favors ranged units
Pretty good video. It's pretty helpful.
Best video on the topic!
Isnt climbing the walls with ladders terrible?
0.45 - Why don't my buildings tell me what they do like yours do?
Play Dwarves, turtle in every battlemap corner, and conquest the world!
Honestly? CA should've added more slots to the settlements. Like make all Province Capitals 12 slots (14 for places like Lothern, Altdorf and such), while Region Settlements should be at least 6 or 8 slots (The Moot should be 10 instead). Wood Elf Settlements should be 24 slots large.
No, that would mean 24 different building types as you cant add two or more of the same locally.
@@ethansmith715 Also make military buildings add extra garrison units. This way you can have a better defense and an auxiliary building if you loose one.
How did you not know about skirmish and guard mode if you have played historical total war games before?
Quick question: would you recommend playing warhammer 1, warhammer 2 or buying both on sale and doing the combined map and faction thing? I'm asking this because the campaigns in the first game and in the combined campaign sound alot more interesting than the race for the whirlydirly in the second game. Also I'd like the option to play as and against more factions.
Buy both. You cannot play as any old world race if you do not own warhammer 1
If you do buy any, go to nexus.gg/hforhavoc as its my game store, completely safe, and it supports the channel :)
@@HForHavoc thanks for the info and I'll check that link out as well your videos are really informative and well done.
Protip for noobs: if you want to learn how to play this game well, particularly on the harder difficulties, go watch LegendofTotalWar's videos.
Thats now how to play well thats how to break the AI and make it less fun.
@@AreztristanWT Tally-ho, guys, i found one!
He is an extremely inteligent player and offers great advice, on every aspect of the game, true. I've learned a lot from him. He is however a very boring player in his livestream, because his unit compositions are based on missile heavy spam armies with a couple of heros and wizards. He plays in the most effective way, the least fun, and exploits the shit out of the game's faulty mechanics. In order to enjoy his content, best watch his disaster battle clips, which contain save games from other players who create more diverse army compositions.
Thank you for this!
IDK what 2 buy. Is their a reason to own 1/2 and the dlc?
Ive seen people ordering their entire army to attack whatever is in front of a given unit (instead of all massing onto one single point where you give the attack order). How do you do this?
Had a port city with an army garrisond, and another army on the outside, the AI ambushed my outside army and then took the city, my plan was to have the outside army break the seige but whatever I guess they can ambush me on my own territory
If you guys want more lore in your campaigns check out the Legendary Lore mod:
where is the playlist you spoke about on the description. I was hoping to check that out
It’s in the description part of the video
Using the withdraw hotkey is never a good idea due to how bad the pathing is. Units will go in really strange directions and will oftentimes just get themselves in bad situations. It's much better to just use your mouse.
hey man nice video, it might be too much to ask for but what is the guitar music you use in the background for ur videos? it sounds really nice and uplifting
It's called Medieval Myths 16!
Hey guys, Can we recruit on the sea? I found out DE recruiting next to city on the sea, is it possible?
though the video was good most of this i learned from playing three kingdoms. guess i dont count as a beginner but i was hoping to see a big difference in campaign map play
I had no idea about the J key
I just started and this was helpul