Should you refer a student who is Deaf/Hard of Hearing?

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 16 ก.ย. 2024
  • Should you refer your student for services from an educational audiologist and a teacher of the deaf/hard of hearing? The short answer is YES.
    When you are not familiar with the implications of hearing loss in the classroom, it can appear that a student is following along when in fact they are missing significant language and learning opportunities. Strategies can be incorporated to improve access to spoken language in a classroom environment.
    According to Alberta Education, a teacher of the deaf and hard of hearing and educational audiologist have been identified as an essential component of programming for students who are deaf and hard of hearing. These professionals are regarded as part of the student’s core and expanded learning team. As members of the learning team, the educational audiologist and teacher of the deaf/hard of hearing can share information and resources with you to address the student’s unique learning and communication needs in the classroom and school community.
    The Essential Components document identifies programming and services in several areas, such as language and communication, hearing assistive technology, the learning environment, and social-emotional development. Hearing assistive technology in particular can provide a foundation for access to instructional information. Not only is the use of technology important, but strategies for its use are necessary throughout a student’s education. Strategies need to evolve and be updated regularly. Also, the hearing assistive technology should be monitored throughout the school year to ensure that it is working effectively.
    If a student is not using hearing assistive technology, it is still important to refer them for services. In fact, if a student with hearing loss is not using hearing assistive technology, it is even more important to refer for services because the student may need to have other accommodations for access to instructional information.
    Timely referrals are important because it is important for the classroom teacher and the school community to know about best practices for the education of students who are deaf and hard of hearing. Strategies and technology can vary (and expand) from year to year. Please send your referral in as soon as possible. Teachers have shared with us that it is beneficial to acquire knowledge about best practices for Deaf/hard of hearing learners early in the fall, rather than having to change a well-meant strategy that is not optimal for deaf/hard of hearing learners.
    We are happy to answer any questions that you may have.

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