Prime D-Rose was different. So quick and agile. So unfortunate for him to have all those injuries. Definitely one of the greatest what ifs in NBA History
Unfortunate sounds real horrible to say about him... but he was the best point guard in his prime nobody could stop him not even kobe!! Who remember that left hand lay up on D Wade and LeBron James💯💪🏿🥶🐐
What makes Rose so special IMO was his explosiveness. But he had a finesse to it. Like all his drives, layups, dunks were smooth asf. Everything looked so effortless.
Both thier careers took a flip, back when drose was doing his thing in the early 2010s, curry was battling ankle issues and was looking like a what if case? than suddenly curry got back on track and started to shine, drose got hurt and became the what if case. In a alternate universe, we get drose vs curry at least twice in the finals instead of that nonsense 4 straight dubs vs cavs from 2015 to 2018.
@@NewEarthSon Back when everyone was saying he should be traded so that Ellis could have a reliable star teammate. There was merit to it, but with hindsight we now know that would have prevented 4 championships.
@@joebenson528 I'm one of the one's that was on Curry Ship whether it reached its destination which it eventually ended up doing even (surpassing my expectations)or sank with injury. The issue with D Rose he had stupid basketball people in corner, no one told him to "control" the way he plays as far as landing and putting pressure on his body and to add more skills like passing, shooting to his game, to further open up his game and make his team better. Also taking certain procedures of taking care of his body would have helped him as well. Also the obvious that everyone knows already with thibs making his team player harder than they need to and keeping Rose at the end of a game already decided. If Im D Rose I would not like that I do not get why he kept on playing for his teams. Jimmy Buckets made it to the finals twice by being a lead man when he really is a secondary guy. A developing Drose who is a real number 1 in his full prime with what Jimmy became is getting the bulls at least one title. I say from the 2011 to 2023 with everything staying the same with only D Rose being healthy and reaching his prime, I say he wins at least the 2019 title that kawhi won. But what does that even mean? With a healthy D rose in his prime, he changes the league and since the 2010s was the superteam era, he might be able to get some guys to come play with him(KD? PG? Kawhi? etc) and with this, are the the dubs even looked at the same? I one ABSOLUTE FACT. Lebron would not make it to 8 straight finals if D rose is healthy, develops his game, reaches his prime which we never saw, the organization gets players that fit his game and produces wins/titles and the organization tell thibs to cool down on exhauting his team. 2011 bulls lost to the heat, in 2012 I believe they still lose to heat. I belive they also lose in 2013. 2014,2015, in 2 of the 3 yearsof 2017, 2018 and 2019 the bulls make it out. So thats 4 out of the 8 straight finals appearances lebron had that would not exist.
I think D Rose could’ve been in the position LEBRON is in right now. He was that good and that different. He was on top of the world, and he wasn’t even in his prime. I fully believe if he had taken better care of his body we’d be talking about him with LeBron and Curry.
@@Odysseus1999 Respectfully he was never going to be close to Lebron’s level. He was an athletic PG that couldn’t shoot his ceiling was a Russell Westbrook type of career
22-year-old MVP. He was on his way to the Hall of Fame had he not suffered those knee injuries. As a Bulls fan, it's hard not to think "what if," but it's better to focus on these incredible highlights and memories. Thanks for everything, Derrick.
This man will always have a special place in my heart💯🥀... I always felt sorry for him. He always deserved the top, but fate wove its net. Unfortunate injury and irresistible helplessness...My God🙏
Rose getting injured is one of the main reasons Lebron went to so many finals from the eastern conference. These Bulls and (the pacers with hibbert,west, PG13, lance, etc,) were the only competitors. Without rose, bulls couldnt do anything.
@@jacksonbecker7121 you clearly didn't watch NBA back then. You do know that hte bulls were #1 seed in the east in 2011? right? D rose won MVP because of dominate he was. Roster included MVP Rose, Young Jimmy butler, Noah, boozer, 3 point shooer Korver, luol deng (who could play D on Lebron), and even taj gibson off the bench. Stop talking out ur rear end and looking at box scores.... go actually watch the sport, kiddo.
@@mart1n10601 LeBron and the big 3 at their worst beat the 2011 Bulls in 5 games…and I’m a diehard D-Rose fan. Bulls might’ve gotten to the finals 1-2 times during that era, but LeBron from 2012-2018 was a different beast. Unless Bulls made more moves, they wouldn’t get past him.
@@steve-o_8840 Wow lebron on a stacked team beat a 23 year old Derrick Rose? Are you not smart enough to connect the dots? Lebron at age 23 was HALF the player he was at his peak 30 years of age. If rose never got injured he would onlt get better and perhaps even build his own super team in Chicago against the heat. Man, these kids are clueless. Not only do you have to teach hisotry, but u have to literally connect the most basic dots for them.
Man D Rose imho was projected to be on par if not better than MJ. Mfer wasn’t close to his prime winning MVP and killing the Heat 3 all alone!! Bro was special and everything he did seemed effortless asf but unfortunately his body couldn’t keep up with him. I’m a Nets fan but damn he was my favorite player during this time!!
Rose use to give everybody work. Ain’t gonna be nobody like em. Miss watching em beat the best of em on the consistent basis. Shit breaks my heart. You the real MVP😢
It’s crazy Drose was the closest Chicago ever had to getting MJ back every since, and that’s the last time they played deep into the playoffs every since😮💨
the explosive athleticism and lightning speed this dude exhibited was in a class by itself. and that's saying something given the kind of talent we've all witnessed in this league over the last few decades. other worldly!
I wish I could go back in time and stop him from playing that game man. It hurts my heart so much. Prime Derrick rose was something else and I was graced to be able to witness it.
Rose was different. He wasn’t like everyone else when they talk smack after a dunk or poster he was quiet after his moves and dunks . He let his game do the talking not his mouth. Thats what i love about rose humble and quiet. He had Speed and athleticism and a package of layups that was out of this world . We never got to see his prime cause of injuries. 22 years old wasn’t his peak he was only getting started at that age . People really need to stop saying prime drose . Winning the mvp that young was a mark of what was to come. but unfortunately injuries slow him down and we never got to see his peak prime.
One of the toughest PGs that was in the league! MVP Rose was a whole problem! Bron and Wade couldn’t stop him either! He took it to your chest with power. The shiftiness was special! I hate that the injuries took him out, but that dude was magic! Drogic knew better than to jump with Rose💯💯
It was amazing watching his game develop from insane rookie athleticism and tenacity into a seasoned MVP, still unfortunate we never got past LeBron and wade, this team should’ve won a CHIP. Thank you for making me fall in love with the game!🌹
@@ThaRealMeech You can’t be serious? Nobody in the history of the NBA is a better finisher than Kyrie he can go right or left and either hand and off glass or under or spin with English. Literally has no weakness in his game so we aren’t trying to hear that
Immediately had to come here after the potential news of him retiring. It’s been a hell of a career, through all the hurdles he had to go through, this man beat the odds. One of the sole reasons I watch basketball to this day. Hope he finds the type of joy that he brought his fans everytime he played. Enjoy retirement 🫡
Our beloved D-Rose! The ULTIMATE what if in the history of the GAME!!! If he never got severely injured the Bulls would have at least two more championships. He dominated ALL of your favorite PG's during his small prime. TOO FAST, TOO STRONG AND TOO GOOD! Makes me feel depressed every time I think about that horrible afternoon playoff game in Philadelphia. Youngest MVP in the History of Basketball.
I mostly missed the D Rose era of basketball. In hindsight, his highlight reel is more impressive than nearly anyone else’s since Iverson, including LeBron. Handles, vision, hops, explosiveness, and finishing all are a highlights waiting to happen. He can create and beat dudes off the dribble like few can.
LeBron highlights are just a big man running the floor getting wide open dunks. Ok, he’s a good passer too when he wants to be. But he has never had the handles, lateral game and finishing touch that prime Rose had, especially to create on his own.
I started watching the NBA during this time. Seeing a prime Derrick Rose and LeBron James is what got me into watching the NBA. I mean it when I say it, no one in the NBA today was as good as a prime Derrick Rose or LeBron James. Both were captivating to watch in their own right. Rose was a one-man army and watching the Heat was watching LeBron and Wade dominate the fastbreak. LeBron was legitimately the fastest in the league at 6’8 240 pounds. He had a 40+ inch vertical and could out-muscle anyone in the paint. Any night watching the Heat was counting how many dunks LeBron would get in the game. NBA 2k14 made a custom badge for LeBron called “LeBron Coast to Coast,” that’s just how crazy he was on the fastbreak. Derrick Rose and LeBron were the fastest in the league at the time. Rose was the perfect blend of finesse and explosion. He was as explosive as Russell Westbrook, had the handles/layups of Kyrie, and had the killer mentality of Kobe. Rose was just a winner, and it’s one of the NBA’s biggest tragedies we didn’t get to see this man play. Even though I’m a Knicks fan, he’s my favorite player of all-time.
He has the best mix of speed force and body control of all time. In his prime give me that guy fr. I wish he could've been spared from the injury bug. Him and Brandon Roy are my favorite 2 what if players
Won MVP in his second year in the League with a Prime LBJ on a bum ass sub par squad and was the Number 1 seed in the East. Dude had the tools to be the GOAT PG
Prime D.Rose. I really miss this version of him. So explosive and showcased his amazing talent. Regardless of him “falling off” after numerous injuries, I’ll forever be a fan of his 🔥
Absolutely insane. No one from the new generation inherited this technique. Congratulations to those who managed to watch these incredible plays before the injuries.
Did everything a man could and should do on a basketball court. Fundamentally strong with his handles and footwork. Never needed to travel to gather the ball. He's a hall of famer in my book.
I mean this with all the respect to the greats, a healthy D Rose would've easily been considered one of the greatest of all time. There's no one else currently or in recent past that comes remotely close when it comes to explosiveness and talent.
It hurt my heart when d.rose got injured. I felt that he wouldve been more talked about than steph and westbrook as of right now with a couple of rings under his belt
went here after seeing his retirement post. always amazing to watch play and just sad we will no longer see him suit up in the nba. but his highlight reels will live forever. thank you, d rose 🌹
I gotta give Rose credit, he had some very average teams before injuries. A lot of his teammates were solid defenders but most of them couldn’t score. Noah and butler didn’t become stars until after Rose was getting injured. Deng was a solid defender and an ok scorer. Rose really carried those teams pre injury.
What’s scary is that 2011 season we only saw a small glimpse of what his Prime could have been. The day this man wins a rings will be a one of the greatest days in basketball history.
He won't win a ring as he's had too many injuries and isn't in his prime anymore. He's also been stuck with mediocre team's since he left the Bulls in 2016
The greatest PG of that generation. He dominated all the best pgs during their prime...cp3, Westbrook, so on and so forth. His resume' may have been cut short to where he didn't get the rings or other stats on paper; but to me, from what I've seen he is the greatest PG ever. No one has, nor will they ever, play with such crafty violence. I feel like scum for not appreciating him as much as I should have during his prime.
He never lost his game, not even when he went to other teams. He just needs his team mates to complement his game. I hope he gies to a championship team.
😔 it hurts my SOUL coming back to watch DRose, was and still is regardless my favorite player based on what he did the years he was capable before his body failed him. But I also can't help but come back to watch them because I LOVE to see it, something truly special to see if you were old enough to see it and remember it. I was already playing basketball at the time but he made me want to be like him, a straight dog
He got the bulls to # 1 seed with joakim missing 30 games & boozer missing 23 games while producing 29 games with 30 points or better & being the only player who was top 10 in points & assist while sweeping the big 3 in Miami through the regular season.
Hell of a career Rose you will truly be missed and your contribution to the game is written in stone. This era of basketball will always be my favorite Lebron, Rose, Melo, Russ, Durant, Kobe, Dwight Howard, Blake Griffin etc. We had it all
My 🐐 and idc he’s the reason why I love basketball my favorite player of all time. I’m sad that injuries stole his career but I’m glad I got to watch him in his prime.
Always nice to see graceful DRose highlights. He can still produce them in a different way. But the Grizzlies coach, who is a very bad one, does not let him do it. DRose would never be in that situation with the Clippers, had they not hired Harden but DRose instead...
I hate that he got hurt. 2 players from University of Memphis that their careers ended early due to injuries: Anfernee "Penny" Hardaway and Derrick Rose. Well, Penny played when it was Memphis State University but same school. Both were outstanding.
Here the day he retired...what a time to be alive watching PRIME DRose ball out on national TV... As a Bulls fan, my heart is still broken. He should've been in those GOAT convos. 🥲
he was not even in his prime he got injured to what many people consider to be right before his prime he is one of the biggest what if what we saw was him before his prime just imagine how good he could have been
What's your favorite D-Rose highlight?
When he Dunked on Joel Anthony
more of a moment - the 2011 christmas game vs the Lakers
Edit: 1:52
The one-handed alleyoop at Atlanta (2009-10 szn). Underrated slam.
When he dunked on dragic 😮💨
The 50pt.outburst always had me in tears.. Drose still no. 1 no matter what team he plays for.. Thanks in advance Maxamillion711
Prime D-Rose was different. So quick and agile. So unfortunate for him to have all those injuries. Definitely one of the greatest what ifs in NBA History
Unfortunate sounds real horrible to say about him... but he was the best point guard in his prime nobody could stop him not even kobe!!
Who remember that left hand lay up on D Wade and LeBron James💯💪🏿🥶🐐
He never hit his prime? I don’t know why people keep saying in his prime!
Prime Kyrie better
@@errickwisePrime refers to a time when a person was at their greatest. He had his prime, what he did not hit was his full potential.
@@matthewgabbana5021😂 troll babble
What makes Rose so special IMO was his explosiveness. But he had a finesse to it. Like all his drives, layups, dunks were smooth asf. Everything looked so effortless.
💯. People try to compare him to Ja or Russ but Rose is much more fluent and in control, also just a smart and better player all around
Prime Kyrie is better than MVP Rose
@@matthewgabbana5021 Maybe more skilled, no shot he’s better though
@@matthewgabbana5021prime kyrie could never lead his team to the 1 seed with over 60 wins and only lose to the super team heat at just 22 years old
DRose layup package was 🔥
A ballerina in the air
Sounds like another former Bull we know 🤔
@@DressCode2005 yesuah Number 23 your airness
This is a rare Rose highlight reel that really showed both game winners on the Wolves and Pistons. Respect 👏🏾🌹
D Rose should in that position of where Steph is rn. He was beast. Injuries robbed his full potential
Both thier careers took a flip, back when drose was doing his thing in the early 2010s, curry was battling ankle issues and was looking like a what if case? than suddenly curry got back on track and started to shine, drose got hurt and became the what if case. In a alternate universe, we get drose vs curry at least twice in the finals instead of that nonsense 4 straight dubs vs cavs from 2015 to 2018.
Back when everyone was saying he should be traded so that Ellis could have a reliable star teammate. There was merit to it, but with hindsight we now know that would have prevented 4 championships.
@@joebenson528 I'm one of the one's that was on Curry Ship whether it reached its destination which it eventually ended up doing even (surpassing my expectations)or sank with injury. The issue with D Rose he had stupid basketball people in corner, no one told him to "control" the way he plays as far as landing and putting pressure on his body and to add more skills like passing, shooting to his game, to further open up his game and make his team better.
Also taking certain procedures of taking care of his body would have helped him as well. Also the obvious that everyone knows already with thibs making his team player harder than they need to and keeping Rose at the end of a game already decided. If Im D Rose I would not like that I do not get why he kept on playing for his teams.
Jimmy Buckets made it to the finals twice by being a lead man when he really is a secondary guy. A developing Drose who is a real number 1 in his full prime with what Jimmy became is getting the bulls at least one title. I say from the 2011 to 2023 with everything staying the same with only D Rose being healthy and reaching his prime, I say he wins at least the 2019 title that kawhi won.
But what does that even mean? With a healthy D rose in his prime, he changes the league and since the 2010s was the superteam era, he might be able to get some guys to come play with him(KD? PG? Kawhi? etc) and with this, are the the dubs even looked at the same?
I one ABSOLUTE FACT. Lebron would not make it to 8 straight finals if D rose is healthy, develops his game, reaches his prime which we never saw, the organization gets players that fit his game and produces wins/titles and the organization tell thibs to cool down on exhauting his team.
2011 bulls lost to the heat, in 2012 I believe they still lose to heat. I belive they also lose in 2013. 2014,2015, in 2 of the 3 yearsof 2017, 2018 and 2019 the bulls make it out. So thats 4 out of the 8 straight finals appearances lebron had that would not exist.
I think D Rose could’ve been in the position LEBRON is in right now. He was that good and that different. He was on top of the world, and he wasn’t even in his prime. I fully believe if he had taken better care of his body we’d be talking about him with LeBron and Curry.
@@Odysseus1999 Respectfully he was never going to be close to Lebron’s level. He was an athletic PG that couldn’t shoot his ceiling was a Russell Westbrook type of career
22-year-old MVP. He was on his way to the Hall of Fame had he not suffered those knee injuries. As a Bulls fan, it's hard not to think "what if," but it's better to focus on these incredible highlights and memories. Thanks for everything, Derrick.
This man will always have a special place in my heart💯🥀... I always felt sorry for him. He always deserved the top, but fate wove its net. Unfortunate injury and irresistible helplessness...My God🙏
You've got my words...
“ DRose was quiet but he spoke the language”
-Kevin Garnett
Facts he brought that hood rugged dog streetball vibe. His energy was strong you could feel him when he played
He was an incredibly aggressive player on offense, yet he was always in control. That was a testament to his skill level and overall basketball IQ.
I love watching the bench reactions during DRose highlights. Home or Away team, their reactions say it all! He was and remains truly one of a kind!
Rose getting injured is one of the main reasons Lebron went to so many finals from the eastern conference. These Bulls and (the pacers with hibbert,west, PG13, lance, etc,) were the only competitors. Without rose, bulls couldnt do anything.
there isn’t a single year where rose and the bulls would’ve beat lebron. He was good, but he’s not as good as everyone makes him out to be
@@jacksonbecker7121 you clearly didn't watch NBA back then. You do know that hte bulls were #1 seed in the east in 2011? right?
D rose won MVP because of dominate he was.
Roster included MVP Rose, Young Jimmy butler, Noah, boozer, 3 point shooer Korver, luol deng (who could play D on Lebron), and even taj gibson off the bench.
Stop talking out ur rear end and looking at box scores.... go actually watch the sport, kiddo.
@@mart1n10601lebron and company still beat drose when he won the MVP that year. So, what are you trying to get at?
@@mart1n10601 LeBron and the big 3 at their worst beat the 2011 Bulls in 5 games…and I’m a diehard D-Rose fan. Bulls might’ve gotten to the finals 1-2 times during that era, but LeBron from 2012-2018 was a different beast. Unless Bulls made more moves, they wouldn’t get past him.
@@steve-o_8840 Wow lebron on a stacked team beat a 23 year old Derrick Rose? Are you not smart enough to connect the dots? Lebron at age 23 was HALF the player he was at his peak 30 years of age. If rose never got injured he would onlt get better and perhaps even build his own super team in Chicago against the heat.
Man, these kids are clueless. Not only do you have to teach hisotry, but u have to literally connect the most basic dots for them.
rose’s crossover was ridiculous. super underrated part of his game.
Man D Rose imho was projected to be on par if not better than MJ. Mfer wasn’t close to his prime winning MVP and killing the Heat 3 all alone!! Bro was special and everything he did seemed effortless asf but unfortunately his body couldn’t keep up with him.
I’m a Nets fan but damn he was my favorite player during this time!!
He was one hell of a player, joy to watch.
Man if it wasn’t for injuries, D Rose would’ve been one of the greatest players ever.
Facts people just don’t understand man
Thank you DRose, wished you had another year in Chicago before you retired. 🌹 ❤️
Rose use to give everybody work. Ain’t gonna be nobody like em. Miss watching em beat the best of em on the consistent basis. Shit breaks my heart. You the real MVP😢
It’s crazy Drose was the closest Chicago ever had to getting MJ back every since, and that’s the last time they played deep into the playoffs every since😮💨
Very very fast first step, reminiscent of MJ in the 80s. The explosiveness is just surreal.
Who’s here because of the news that he retired 😢
I’m here the day he retired, reminiscing on my favorite player of all time. Biggest what if player ever but brought me so much joy to watch
the explosive athleticism and lightning speed this dude exhibited was in a class by itself. and that's saying something given the kind of talent we've all witnessed in this league over the last few decades. other worldly!
Yes indeed!🙏💯
Prime D. Rose is the combination of Explosiveness of Prime Westbrook and Dribbling of Uncle Drew 💪🏀
Great combo ❤😊
I wish I could go back in time and stop him from playing that game man. It hurts my heart so much. Prime Derrick rose was something else and I was graced to be able to witness it.
This made me tear up man DR was my favorite growing up. I look up to him so much.
Rose was different. He wasn’t like everyone else when they talk smack after a dunk or poster he was quiet after his moves and dunks . He let his game do the talking not his mouth. Thats what i love about rose humble and quiet. He had Speed and athleticism and a package of layups that was out of this world . We never got to see his prime cause of injuries. 22 years old wasn’t his peak he was only getting started at that age . People really need to stop saying prime drose . Winning the mvp that young was a mark of what was to come. but unfortunately injuries slow him down and we never got to see his peak prime.
One of the toughest PGs that was in the league! MVP Rose was a whole problem! Bron and Wade couldn’t stop him either! He took it to your chest with power. The shiftiness was special! I hate that the injuries took him out, but that dude was magic! Drogic knew better than to jump with Rose💯💯
D. Rose has the most beautiful backscratcher dunk of all time. Yes. Of all time. 🔥
It was amazing watching his game develop from insane rookie athleticism and tenacity into a seasoned MVP, still unfortunate we never got past LeBron and wade, this team should’ve won a CHIP. Thank you for making me fall in love with the game!🌹
Westbrooks explosiveness, speed, and athleticism mixed with Kyries ball handling and finishing ability made Prime D Rose a menace to the league.
Exactly what i thought
Perfect description of prime Rose🌹
Better finisher than kyrie
Amen brotha
@@ThaRealMeech You can’t be serious? Nobody in the history of the NBA is a better finisher than Kyrie he can go right or left and either hand and off glass or under or spin with English. Literally has no weakness in his game so we aren’t trying to hear that
Immediately had to come here after the potential news of him retiring. It’s been a hell of a career, through all the hurdles he had to go through, this man beat the odds. One of the sole reasons I watch basketball to this day. Hope he finds the type of joy that he brought his fans everytime he played. Enjoy retirement 🫡
His offensive package is top notch. Other players are athletic too. However, Derrick’s form is so beautiful you can put it on a logo. Just like MJ.
Our beloved D-Rose! The ULTIMATE what if in the history of the GAME!!! If he never got severely injured the Bulls would have at least two more championships. He dominated ALL of your favorite PG's during his small prime. TOO FAST, TOO STRONG AND TOO GOOD! Makes me feel depressed every time I think about that horrible afternoon playoff game in Philadelphia. Youngest MVP in the History of Basketball.
Breaks my heart. He really blew up on the scene! One of a kind
looking back the greatest what if of the NBA, Thank you D-ROSE
He was the best player in the world. Ill never forget him.
I mostly missed the D Rose era of basketball. In hindsight, his highlight reel is more impressive than nearly anyone else’s since Iverson, including LeBron. Handles, vision, hops, explosiveness, and finishing all are a highlights waiting to happen. He can create and beat dudes off the dribble like few can.
LeBron has better highlights in one season than this
LeBron highlights are just a big man running the floor getting wide open dunks. Ok, he’s a good passer too when he wants to be. But he has never had the handles, lateral game and finishing touch that prime Rose had, especially to create on his own.
I started watching the NBA during this time. Seeing a prime Derrick Rose and LeBron James is what got me into watching the NBA. I mean it when I say it, no one in the NBA today was as good as a prime Derrick Rose or LeBron James. Both were captivating to watch in their own right. Rose was a one-man army and watching the Heat was watching LeBron and Wade dominate the fastbreak. LeBron was legitimately the fastest in the league at 6’8 240 pounds. He had a 40+ inch vertical and could out-muscle anyone in the paint. Any night watching the Heat was counting how many dunks LeBron would get in the game. NBA 2k14 made a custom badge for LeBron called “LeBron Coast to Coast,” that’s just how crazy he was on the fastbreak. Derrick Rose and LeBron were the fastest in the league at the time. Rose was the perfect blend of finesse and explosion. He was as explosive as Russell Westbrook, had the handles/layups of Kyrie, and had the killer mentality of Kobe. Rose was just a winner, and it’s one of the NBA’s biggest tragedies we didn’t get to see this man play. Even though I’m a Knicks fan, he’s my favorite player of all-time.
Man i miss this era of d rose man
Truly remarkable how quick and agile this man is. Remember watching him explode to the basket back in the day
When he went to the freethrow line. Other stadiums were chanting " MVP" that used to give me chills
Man one of one no one compares 💯💯 shit gives you chills
Real Talk! 🥶
My favorite Athlete of all time!! Peace from New Zealand
3:23 the layup here is so underrated. the over the top angle does it much more justice. insane.
I see D-Rose, I click
i came here because of Drose retirement. prime Drose is 1 of 1 youngest mvp . The kid from Englewood turned into a Chicago legend
He was so clutch and made teammates better
He could beat an entire team by his own. Geez. What a legend
He has the best mix of speed force and body control of all time. In his prime give me that guy fr. I wish he could've been spared from the injury bug. Him and Brandon Roy are my favorite 2 what if players
Won MVP in his second year in the League with a Prime LBJ on a bum ass sub par squad and was the Number 1 seed in the East. Dude had the tools to be the GOAT PG
The spin he puts on the ball is crazy
One of my favourite of all time ...He always lands with one foot every time he flies ..
So good. So talented. So explosive. So versatile. Very special.
The “LeBron” era would be quite different if Rose had not battled injuries.
Prime D.Rose. I really miss this version of him. So explosive and showcased his amazing talent. Regardless of him “falling off” after numerous injuries, I’ll forever be a fan of his 🔥
Absolutely insane. No one from the new generation inherited this technique. Congratulations to those who managed to watch these incredible plays before the injuries.
Did everything a man could and should do on a basketball court. Fundamentally strong with his handles and footwork. Never needed to travel to gather the ball. He's a hall of famer in my book.
I’ve never been sadder about the downfall of an nba player than him
I mean this with all the respect to the greats, a healthy D Rose would've easily been considered one of the greatest of all time. There's no one else currently or in recent past that comes remotely close when it comes to explosiveness and talent.
What a great career. Put him in the Hall Of Fame.
0:15 kid in bulls 45 jersey looking at Rose and Rose looking at hime after the crazy lob :eyes:
Derrick rose balled so hard he got inured shit is crazy 🌹
Sad to see him retire, Forever too big to strong too fast the tenacious Derrick rose 😢
It hurt my heart when d.rose got injured. I felt that he wouldve been more talked about than steph and westbrook as of right now with a couple of rings under his belt
Young Derrick Rose is a Highlight Film🏆🏆🏆His Game excites me because his talent reminds me of O.G. Basketball players
went here after seeing his retirement post. always amazing to watch play and just sad we will no longer see him suit up in the nba. but his highlight reels will live forever. thank you, d rose 🌹
It's just Amazing to watch D-Rose playing
This is why we love d rose
1:30 D Rose Spartan Jump. Just like the scene in 300 when that ruler gets their arm cut off.
The scariest thing about Prime D Rose is that he was 22 doing this. He literally years away from his prime and was dominating
Healthy DRose would been a complete unstoppable Point Guard.
The strength it takes to fake a pass mid air then laser it to the teammate underneath before landing is crazy
Still one of the biggest What Ifs in NBA history if the Rose never got injured, he would’ve probably gotten like three rings
I gotta give Rose credit, he had some very average teams before injuries. A lot of his teammates were solid defenders but most of them couldn’t score. Noah and butler didn’t become stars until after Rose was getting injured. Deng was a solid defender and an ok scorer. Rose really carried those teams pre injury.
DRose was so fast…
What’s scary is that 2011 season we only saw a small glimpse of what his Prime could have been.
The day this man wins a rings will be a one of the greatest days in basketball history.
I disagree to a certain extent.
He won't win a ring as he's had too many injuries and isn't in his prime anymore. He's also been stuck with mediocre team's since he left the Bulls in 2016
He gave our city so much hope it’s unreal
Andre Miller is on the receiving end of alot of these highlights 😭
The greatest PG of that generation. He dominated all the best pgs during their prime...cp3, Westbrook, so on and so forth. His resume' may have been cut short to where he didn't get the rings or other stats on paper; but to me, from what I've seen he is the greatest PG ever. No one has, nor will they ever, play with such crafty violence. I feel like scum for not appreciating him as much as I should have during his prime.
Magic Johnson says hi. No other PG comes close...
He never lost his game, not even when he went to other teams. He just needs his team mates to complement his game. I hope he gies to a championship team.
😔 it hurts my SOUL coming back to watch DRose, was and still is regardless my favorite player based on what he did the years he was capable before his body failed him. But I also can't help but come back to watch them because I LOVE to see it, something truly special to see if you were old enough to see it and remember it. I was already playing basketball at the time but he made me want to be like him, a straight dog
He got the bulls to # 1 seed with joakim missing 30 games & boozer missing 23 games while producing 29 games with 30 points or better & being the only player who was top 10 in points & assist while sweeping the big 3 in Miami through the regular season.
Hell of a career Rose you will truly be missed and your contribution to the game is written in stone. This era of basketball will always be my favorite Lebron, Rose, Melo, Russ, Durant, Kobe, Dwight Howard, Blake Griffin etc. We had it all
My 🐐 and idc he’s the reason why I love basketball my favorite player of all time. I’m sad that injuries stole his career but I’m glad I got to watch him in his prime.
D Rose... one of the biggest what ifs in NBA history 🌹🥀
They can never make me hate you Derrick Rose, thank you for the entertainment and enjoy your retirement!
Rose’s burst and ability to shift into a crossover was disgusting
Bro... That's beauty
He literally gave the game everything
Man, I'm only 3 MN in and this helluva highlight from Derrick rose. Thanks!
Watched :45 secs into this video and yeah....dude was PHENOMENAL!!!
A 25ft floater, runner thingy going to the left for game in OT is crazy 8:27
I ran straight to comments like how tf did he do that
Always nice to see graceful DRose highlights. He can still produce them in a different way. But the Grizzlies coach, who is a very bad one, does not let him do it. DRose would never be in that situation with the Clippers, had they not hired Harden but DRose instead...
I hate that he got hurt. 2 players from University of Memphis that their careers ended early due to injuries: Anfernee "Penny" Hardaway and Derrick Rose. Well, Penny played when it was Memphis State University but same school. Both were outstanding.
Here the day he retired...what a time to be alive watching PRIME DRose ball out on national TV... As a Bulls fan, my heart is still broken. He should've been in those GOAT convos. 🥲
Unpopular opinion: if Rose didn’t get injured, he’d be the 2nd best player of all time
Prime D-Rose's change of direction is actually undefeated he was too quick too agile.
He was so shifty and always creating angles with his misdirection
My Favorite player of all time. An absolute dog on any team🌹🐐
Llore cuando hizo 50 pts. We love him
If rose never got hurt he would have been the best point guard in the league cause nobody couldn’t stop or guard him
Watching this is so nostalgic and makes me a lil tear eyed. Bro was him before him existed
he was not even in his prime he got injured to what many people consider to be right before his prime he is one of the biggest what if what we saw was him before his prime just imagine how good he could have been