It’s sad that with almost every negative pvp encounter in Tarky, you have to ask yourself: “was that desync, or was that hacking?” Neither question should ever have to be relevant in a game, in 2023.
After playing Battlebit and experiencing its nearly flawless netcode, hit detection, etc with 127v127 (developed by three individuals over seven years), I have no more patience for Tarkov. They've had plenty of time to bring the game to a stable technical state, and have only moved backwards-- setting a new standard for incompetence and, frankly, greed (with EOD and Arena bait and switch). We should all do our best to move on and let it die.
I am tired of everyone making excuses for them. Other games do not have this simple problem so if this game has had the same game breaking problem does that not just mean that these devs are incompetent?
Arma 3 has better netcode, and it's 10 years old, with a notoriously taxing calculation system that has to be handled by a second server on most major servers.
@@Diss3mbled it's hilarious that BattleBit runs on the same game engine as Tarkov. The fact that BSG is so incompetent and unprofessional that they don't know how to handle simple criticism is very sad for a game that has so much promise. People who defend the state of the game, in my opinion, suffer from the gaming version of Stockholm syndrome or live on Tarkov content, the only way to make BSG understand that they are on the wrong path would be if Arena did not sell.
Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because he was already dead.
I quit this game 2 or 3 years ago due to the hacking problem. This was before the hacking issue went mainstream, and when I tried to warn people about what was happening, they were all saying stuff like "skill issue," "no one's hacking," "it's just desync," etc. while making memes about [head, eyes], as if it's plausible that every death you get in-game is due to a hit in the smallest hitbox in the game while you're moving. I've been playing FPS games for over a decade. I played CS:GO back in 2014 - 2016 and managed to solo my way to LE rank, which was extremely difficult, especially since that game has a cheater problem too. Getting past DMG rank was very hard since it's full of silent wallers (it's where Silver skill cheaters get stuck at.) Playing that game for years, and doing overwatch, has taught me a lot about cheaters. I know what's possible and what's not possible for a legit player. I know when a death feels off, I know what to look for when someone is cheating because cheaters make different decisions than legit players. The silent wallers in CS:GO at DMG rank were obvious enough. They had bad crosshair placement, just walked straight to their kills without checking corners, had low hours in-game and new steam accounts, and top-fragged despite having terrible aim, positioning, and gamesense. But in Tarkov it's a little harder to tell if someone's cheating. You can't spectate people, there are no killcams, you just have to get really good at the game, know what's impossible for a legit player, learn how cheaters tend to play and what they're capable of, and look for patterns that emerge. [Head, eyes] is the most obvious one. Then you have non-EOD people who seem to know exactly where you are with [head, eyes], player scavs with insane aim and awareness, etc. Here are some of those patterns: Cheaters buy alpha accounts so they won't lose much money if they get banned. Cheaters use player scav often to obscure their account names. [head, eyes] is the only hitbox that is the least likely to be covered in armor so that's what they set their aimbots to. Cheaters use bad ammo, like 7.62x39 PS, but have perfect aim with it so they don't have to use armor piercing rounds; it helps them save rubles. I also started noticing, even years ago, certain patterns while playing: If I brought good gear into a raid, I'd get high-geared people with alpha accounts rushing me and one-tapping me in [head, eyes]. If I ever picked up a high-value item like a bitcoin, boom: Same thing. But if I went in with garbage gear that almost never happened. Since cheaters use item ESP, they go after people with good gear and ignore people with trash gear unless they encroach on the cheater's territory. Cheaters also play in different ways. A normal player will peek to get info, and take calculated risks, like rushing an enemy, or running out of cover to reposition. Cheaters, on the other hand, NEVER peek you unless they can kill you. If you get prefired by someone who instakills you after he leaves a corner, despite him not being able to know where you are, chances are it's a cheater. Cheaters will also just avoid gunfights in general. They often rely on grenades to get kills without exposing themselves. I killed a cheater once, who ran up to me spamming voice lines despite not knowing I was there (I was basically AFK and sneak walking in dorms,) and he had a Pilgrim pack full of F1s. Like, the whole thing was filled with grenades. Every slot. I kept noticing that I died a lot to people who couldn't have possibly known where I was. People had "too much info," they had bad positioning, like camping in an open area, but it happened to be just the right spot to kill me from. They know where all players are on the map so they can afford to sit in bad locations no normal player would ever choose. They basically only have off-angles, another weird pattern. You can't predict how a cheater plays because they aren't making rational decisions; they're just making perfect decisions based on info no other player would have. You can't outplay them because of that, and they will ALWAYS surprise you. I saw all this stuff going on in Tarkov, tried to blow the whistle, but no one wanted to listen. You can also know a game has a problem if you pay attention to the average skill level of players before and after a ban wave. If you've played the game since launch, you can also compare how good people were then vs. now. Of course, over the lifespan of a game people are going to get better on average. TH-camrs make tutorial videos, people can get better at a game just from playing it for 3 or 4 years; but the thing is, no one gets REALLY good unless they make a conscious effort to; and, people don't get REALLY GOOD just overnight. But the funny thing is, if you compare how good players are before and after a ban wave, you can tell that something is up. Before the ban wave, everyone is capable of headshotting me while I'm sprinting and they always win fair gunfights. They have immaculate aim. After a ban wave, everyone just sucks and my survival rating shoots up to like 60 or 70%, just like the game was at launch. The first week after they implemented BattleEye the game was like extremely easy and I was having a lot of fun. A couple of weeks later, the cheats got around BattleEye's detection and it was back to constant [head, eyes] and 15% survival rating. Suffice to say, I'm suspicious of any "legit" player who can get a ~10.0 PMC K/D in an environment like this. Looking at you, LVNDMARK... At least now, everyone knows Tarkov is a mess. Every raid has a hacker, even three, or four. I'd wager 80% of the game's population cheats now. That's why I quit, but still, I tried to warn people.
Thank you so much for the intuitive comment. This was so fun to read and hear your perspective on. I gave you a point to point response that you will never get to read because I accidentally tabbed out xD Basically I am glad the video related to your own personal struggle. I have also shared your experience in Tarkov and CSGO.
You can thank pestily for that ping limit. Imagine ruining the experience for thousands of ppl so 1 streamer can play outside of oceania servers. Bsg is the worst gaming company.
The ping kick varies, but generally you have to be solidly over 190 for it to kick you. If you are in the 170 to 185 range (with occassional spots over 190) you can stay in. I do it often enough as I play out of Asia, I can play Australia or US west coast with higher ping. A side note: The service provider for the servers in some locations have terrible connectivity and routing. West coast US for me is generally 140-150 ping, but some Tarkov servers have so many jumps after arriving in the US, and such roundabout routing that the ping ends up over 200. Similar to Australia, some servers are actually routed via the US - so I go from asia to San Jose, from San Jose to Los Angeles, and then LAX to Sydney... giving a wonderful 230 ping on a route that should be about 110. BSG didn't pay the big money for connectivity, that is for sure... or they are getting ripped off.
@@Diss3mbled It's part of the reason of the major game update listed to come in 13.05... basically the core networking wasn't well done, and the patches and fixes and what not over time have made it a mess. So they move to Unity 2021, and there are plenty of good reliable network tools inside there that they can use. Further, they appear to be reworking the entire system of loot and player locations so that you only know what is where when you actually need to know. So no more full map player cheats, and no knowing what loot another player has, no knowing where all the loot is immediately, etc.
It's because of all the idiots (probably cheaters themselves) that keep apologizing for this as "desync" or "outplayed". Edit: Also, the reason there is not 'more' outrage, is cause most 'real' players have already quit the game.
lol yeah, this game's entire playerbase at this point is cheaters. BSG probably doesn't even care anymore; they just want to make money from banning cheaters every once in a while (not too often, so cheaters can save up money to buy another copy.) You really have to think about that to put the changes they've made to the game into context: They made every quest like 10x harder than at launch; and in each update, they keep making the tasks more and more absurd. They make the game grindier every update, they keep on adding ultra-rare macguffins that spawn in key-locked rooms on the most cheater-infested maps. They keep making hideout costs more expensive. And remember when they added Found in Raid? You used to be able to shove task items into your secure container and complete the tasks very slowly, even if you kept dying. But since you can no longer do that, you absolutely MUST extract out of raid with that item. Since everyone's cheating, this makes carry services very attractive as an option, and it's a direct F-U to people who aren't cheating, since now you basically can't progress anymore, not even slowly, if you are dying to cheaters. It also means that legit players will no longer put task items into their secure container since there's basically no reason. That means cheaters with item ESP can target them and take the item. (BTW it's a good idea to put ANYTHING important in your secure container just for this reason -- disincentivize cheaters from targeting you.) Of course, the 'official' reason they added FiR was to combat real-money trading, but the only real consequence of it was to make carry services more important. RMT can exist even without cheaters, but carry services nearly cannot. The other big change they've made to the game was the introduction of NPC bosses. These bosses are almost impossible for a legit player to kill without exploiting their AI since they instant headshot you, have crazy armor and HP, and some of the best guns in the game as well as tons of minions who also have aimbots, high tier armor, and armor-piercing ammo. You really have to ask yourself the question: WHY did they add these? The average player simply cannot kill one of these bosses. You have to get really lucky and use exploits to kill them, like shooting them from across the map or using alt leaning to break their detection. On the other hand, cheaters won't have an issue since they can just aimbot them to death. The reality about Tarkov is that the game's design incentivizes hacking. You lose all your stuff when you die, there are extremely rare and valuable items you can only find like 1/1000 of the time in a specific location, so it's competitive because everyone else is running there too. Then once you have it, you need to play perfectly to not die before you extract. And it's a very gear-based game, so being able to keep your gear and not die is extremely important. The game just has a high skill floor and a high skill ceiling, which will frustrate a lot of people and turn them to hacking. Combine that with what I've said above, and it really looks like BSG is just leaning into the fact that this game is a hacker's paradise. As you've said, everyone legit has quit. It's just HvH now, and the devs are trying as hard as they can to make this a fun game for hackers at the expense of regular players. If you've ever wondered why devs use infrequent ban waves, like once every 6 months, this is probably why: It's HvH, and getting hackers to rebuy the game is the business model. A legit player buys the game once and never again. A hacker buys it over and over again. Late in the lifespan of a game it makes more economic sense to cater to hackers if you insist on not having microtransactions and DLC. The game is dead. Tarkov has fallen... it's over. Billions must uninstall. Nikita is almost a scam artist; he said he got into developing video games because he was "interested in video game monetization." This game's cheating problem IS the monetization, and people weren't paying attention.
@@Thes4LTI got into the game this wipe at the behest of friends before EOD was removed. The further into the wipe it gets the more hackers I am seeing. There’s a lot of cope that goes into this by the fan base as well. I’ve seen teleport grenades to kill people, I’ve seen 00:00 kills, I’ve seen vacuum hacks, I’ve seen ESP and been offered IRL trades, and I’ve even had hackers casually discussing use of radar in match when doing coop scav extracts. As players become disillusioned with this many of the honest players stop playing and the density of actual cheaters goes up. I’ve even seen cheaters discussing rates being as high as 1/3 of every lobby and being able to see that other ESP users can see them. There is a MASSIVE problem with hackers in this game and they know that IF they get banned that it will be very infrequent, meaning that they can just rebuy the game for less than the cost of a month’s subscription to their hacks.
I appreciate your video for calling them out for the desync. apparently it is being worked on by people who actually know how to code. im up to 4100 hrs in here and trust me man the game actually is allot better than when i first started the desync was fucking otherworldy. I just pray they fix it up. I have been let down by them heaps and it saddens me. Also in regards to arena I am so ready for it. I think tarkov gunplay is some of the best ever released in any game and arena will highlight it. I have lots of friends who love to shoot but hate to loot. They are even excited for arena
I love this game, my second favorite to be honest. I am good at it, and enjoy so many features. I stopped playing because of the dsync, not the cheating, but because I couldn’t tell if someone was cheating or lagging half of the time. The community was so split apart at one point that I just got to a point where if I loved the game and stopped playing maybe it means others would as well, and then actually change could be made. It doesn’t look like it, and I am with you 100% we need more voice within the community!
Thank you for the suggestion. I have watched plenty of people play modded Tarkov and it simply seems very boring. I play this game almost strictly for PvP.
Escape from Tarkov is just a decoy for all of us pay the full version because...dlc for free, arena for free etc,etc, blah blah blah...Arena comes out, Escape for tarkov will be forgot for the dev´s, they are with the pockets full of our money, they dont give a shi* for the full release in aspects of quality or whatever, the main goal is Arena nothing more, the rest is trash talk.
Please consider subscribing ❤️ This is all my opinion. I would love to hear yours in this comments section or you can join my discord! I have been unable to upload due to be very very sick. Expect more uploads soon.
TH-cam auto hides comments that potentially are spammy or trolly. It is really frustrating for Yters like myself because it hurts my feedback. It also totally could be that BSG blocked my comment.
Tarkov is unironically the worst fps imaginable in existence. I have not seen such a level of incompetency and utter stupidity when it comes to balance changes in my entire life. I would rather play a roblox simulator, because even they are more balanced than tarkov.
Me and a friend got banned in tigz chat for asking why he has 160 ping when he was doing the kill leaderboard at the end of last wipe. Dude is using viewer kits, playing na servers with 150-170 ping and is streaming and no one says shit about it lol
Ya know, I love this. Ive only been playing since last wipe, but my friends have been playing the game since release. And the most baffling problem is the amount of cope with the community. Its not the players and dickheads that respond to the crtics with stupid crap like "Youre not ment to have fun in tarkov" or "cry more". Its the majority thatll give you this response "Well BSG said they are working on(insert issue here)" or "The devs arent doing nothing, they care. Theyre dealing with bad netcode" .... Except its thats what theyve been supposedly doing for yeaaars now. And apparently never deliver on each wipe. The solution honestly is just to wait for someone to make a better version of tarkov
having 180 ping actually doesnt kick you, i regularly hit spikes into the 3000 range and then it drops back down (i do get disconnected on the occasion but thats only when it hits 9k to 10k or stays at 3k for a while)
I agree with you on eveything, especialy with that the overall community seems to have forgiven and forgotten all the shit they did just cuz they lowerd the recoil.
I only play every other wipe, the game is hard enough without getting reset to 0 every 6 months. Add on desync and cheaters, I get burnt out of what should be the best shooter ever.
Do you have a video about your visual settings? Have you tweaked your Nvidia settings? I struggle to see players but I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Could you tell me your settings?
I color correct my videos before the render to increase the clarity as much as possible. It should be different for every monitor but here are my settings NVIDIA control panel Brightness 52% Contrast 67% Gamma 1.50 Digital vibrance 70% hue 4° My general Tarkov post fx: brightness 56 Saturation 20 Clarity 40 Colorfulness 100 Luma sharpen 100 Active sharpen 44 Color grading is set to chillwave Intensity 19
I understand your frustration, same here with almost 4k hours playtime. And for your arena rant, wich i understand, they got AbsolutSoft on board. Thats the Dev where nikita was before, and they made ContractWars and HiredOps. And if someone asks why i would say that, simply that if you launched HiredOps, it would say AbsolutSoft on the loading screen and ingame. Now it says Battlestate Games. So bsg is really working only on tarkov. The Lore stuff is awesome in my opinion.
I respect that opinion. The lore is actually really interesting. How about I stead of them wasting budget on short films that give us things like in game cutscenes for quest completion.
@@Diss3mbled oh yeah that would be sick, but if im not mistaken it should go in that direktion like with Lightkeeper. That every trader is ingame to interact with. I honestly think they never even thougt about that the game gets so popular as it is now. They are not the best in gamedesign but some aspects are just chefskiss.
4:00 i agree that desync is one of the or the biggest problem for eft rn, but bare in mind they are working on it rn and with unity 2021 and the following update 13.1.0 will mostly likely get better if not fixed after all. Also why should they stop adding new content or especially films/videos i'm pretty sure that they have a completely different team (of non programmers) working and this. Sure u could argue budget. U are right with arena tho bc well they 100% need programmers for that, and i say that even tho i'm so hyped for it .But many people who don't just sweat (no front u're cool) and hardcore pvp rly like these story extras and immersion stuff ^^
A lot of people make the statement about "don't do anything else" thinking that you can just throw more devs at a problem. But that's like thinking that 9 women can birth a baby in 1 month because 1 does it in 9. It doesn't work like that in development.
Fix it like.. SCAV Xray vision? Fix it like.. resolving the cheater issue? Or like they wanted to fix the game balance.. or this and that and the other inventory glitch bugs? Yeah.. they will totally fix it. Like surely like this wipe.. or the next or maybe in ten years but surely they will fix it before release. Sorry but BSG has just proven their incompetence time and again at this point, it´s weird how people still have this "hope".
i feel you brother im sitting at 11k hours solo main focus is pvp the desync wont be fixed will never be fixed the hit rego wont be fixed there is so much that they need to fix on this game but will never happen.... ARENA is coming different server the hit rego and desync will be gone it will focus on pvp and trust me most of us will love it cheaters will be gone will be 100% less of them MAIN TARKOV WILL DIE THO.... its the end its the last wipe once arena hits people wont play the main tarkov
This happened to my raids where I told myself what the point of playing more? When these issues are not implemented yet. More tweets from devs are likely deceiving.
Good points! I, too don't understand why they focus on so many other aspects such as new content, a freaking new game and all that instead of fixing the current problems. They are almost game breaking. Audio sucks. Every update, it may even get worse. I can't hear if the sound is in front of me or behind me. It's that bad. Above or below? No clue! Arena i got mixed feelings. As someone who has EOD, I like that you share progress but for others... it's unfair to them unless there is just as high as a risk in arena. Haven't followed many news on arena, so I will surprise myself. Community and especially larger streamers/content creators can only voice their opinion and hope some of this will get fixed. PS. Hyped for kill cam in arena and hope replay will later on be added to tarkov. This will be one possible solution to hackers.
Something goofy like this happened to me last wipe and early this wipe where I would spawn into a raid, on time mind you not late or anything, and there would be the same guy who “spawned” so close to me he was already sprinting and would kill me the second I was in
Ever since BSG grouped the servers together into NA west, south, central, etc. I am forced to play on high ping (high 90s often jumping up to 300-400 for a few seconds) and i have never ran into more disconnections and the amount of rubbing banding and glitches is insane. I am only on the west coast of Canada and have stopped playing because it just became unbearable to even load into a raid and only lasting 30 seconds before a disconnect.
I've honestly lost the ability to know if I got cheated or not, but seeing someone else with the lack of hit count makes me feel like I'm not just a crazy salty person 😅I legit just play at midnight onward now to avoid any pvp 💀I'm not a super huge fan of it due to the insanely common issue of seeming to never land hits that would NAIL scavs 😩
It certainly is endlessly frustrating. Thank you so much for taking your time out of your day to give me an interesting comment. Also thank you so much for watching!
i feel like this happens to me every other raid (i play on ping 120) i will shoot someone with a 60 rounder and will get no hits even with the least recoil build and they are still alive and well.
Region lock is required asap , and then only then Game will be little more playable and also of course better cheat detection i mean cmon BSG wake the hell up its time for some serious Changes
They do not listen, and when they do they do miniscule changes that do not even effect the game. ie reducing the deploying timer. In fact I recently have been getting dced in the middle of my deployment timer. I have lost a couple of kits just this past week.
As a dev I would go above and beyond to battle it - but I guess its a matter of ressources - they could do real ID authentication (you need to show an official ID with your real face and phone number) with real life consequences (like putting some cheaters before a court) - banning their name/ID/IP/Hardware/Number/Face for life - publicly shaming them - putting up several of dev owned "fake-cheat-shops". Im sure the majority of cheaters are fucking idiots and a lot could be tricked. - undercover infiltration of cheat-discords - act like a cheater, group up, collect cheater accounts and wipe them all off the earth - shadow ban cheaters (they wouldnt know directly when they get banned - they just get put into lobbies with other cheaters) - use AI to detect suspicious gameplay patterns All of this above wouldnt make a game 100% cheat free but it would make cheating a pain in the ass and after getting banned 2-3 times most people would just give up
Real ID authentication is an awful idea since it obliterates internet privacy. Cheating isn't even a crime in most nations, except China, so it would be pointless. And imagine if you got falsely banned (this has happened before in Tarkov. In one case, they banned anyone with a certain motherboard serial number. Except, some motherboards don't have unique serial numbers, so thousands of innocent players got banned. Imagine if that happened with real ID and the player was Chinese...) That's just a terrible option. Tarkov already has hardware bans. But hardware bans are a joke to bypass since cheaters will use HWID spoofers that are usually included with paid cheats. Changing your IP is also a joke because you can just use a VPN. If all else fails, you can use VPN + virtual machine. Shadow banning wouldn't work because cheaters can see player K/Ds, and they would start noticing when they get HvH lobbies where everyone can see through walls. If you can detect a cheater with enough confidence to shadow ban them you should just permaban them instead. AI anti-cheat might be a good idea, but you also have to consider that it would be extremely invasive and would also compromise privacy. Call of Duty's SBMM system already kind of uses AI to track people's gameplay and it's really ugly, since it can record microphone and webcam input. It's basically a slippery slope to total video game surveillance of a person and I don't want that because I don't want to live in 1984's airstrip one, where the TVs spy on you and only the party can disable them. As for the others, that will probably get rid of the low-hanging fruit. But most people get cheats through word of mouth and through networks of people who know people. Infiltrating discords is a really inefficient way to do this; the way devs usually handle things is they get their hands on a sample of cheat software and run it through the AC machine learning. Then they build heuristics that can detect the memory changes that this cheat causes, which can allow them to ban people. This basically already happens. But the problem with this is that it's very time-intensive and expensive. Some companies have tried leveling lawsuits against cheat providers but it costs tens of thousands of dollars to pursue litigation, so in terms of profitability it's not worth it. The only way to stop cheating is to design your game such that it is nearly impossible to cheat. Make most things server-side or server-authoritative, don't send info the a client that he doesn't need (i.e. positions of players he can't see.) Encrypt packets and don't include player positions in those packets that the client can't see. Add sanity checks, like limits on player speed, checking for a player position changing rapidly (i.e. teleportation,) automatically banning or flagging people with impossible K/D ratios and headshot rates. Stuff like that. Anti-cheat, no matter how sophisticated it becomes, can only do so much, and if you want it to be effective, you have to start trampling on people's anonymity, which is a no-go. If you want to trade your privacy for security, well, to each his own. But personally I want to stay anonymous and safe. If the cost is games having more hackers than they would otherwise have, that's a cost I'm willing to take. Tarkov is just a poorly designed game, it encourages hacking, it does little to prevent hacking from being possible, it has terrible anti-cheat which is easy to bypass, and it's on Unity, which, because it's so open, is really easy for cheaters to develop for and circumvent. That's the problem really. I don't think your solutions are very good. But there is one thing I was thinking of that could help. CS:GO has a smart system that helps reduce (but not eliminate) cheaters. Basically, it has a trust factor, which is calculated based on several factors, like account age, number of game bans in other games, account level, phone number verification, whether you've purchased the game or not, and so on. It uses that to match you to people with similar trust factor. If Tarkov implemented trust factor it would tone down the cheating problem significantly, at least for people who have been playing a long time. It also needs something like phone number verification. Yeah, this is still a privacy risk, and hackers can just get cheap burner numbers for a handful of dollars, but it's better than nothing and it's not as invasive as real ID or AI surveillance. Oh, and they should probably drop BattleEye because it sucks. I remember how much cheating went on in DayZ mod, back on Arma 2, which used BattleEye. That AC was so ineffective people could spawn nukes, drop cows from the sky in parachutes, spawn in tanks, get any item they could ever want, set their bullet damage to 999,999,999, become invincible, even spawn in a combat arena and teleport everyone to it so they could have a battle royale -- literally anything. BE sucks. BSG needs to develop a proprietary anti-cheat that has robust detection methods as well as being difficult to bypass.
a few days ago on my second or third day of playing tarkov again after a 1.5 year break i dumbed 20shotgun shots to scavs that were aimed directly at them from aroudn 10 meters and non of them hit... sad
my issue w the game is not the cheaters using soft cheats because every game has that its the fact that people can hard aim bot, god mode and fly around the map while still not getting banned by some anti cheat
100% Desync should be addressed by the devs ASAP and I don’t think they should go adding in arena without remaking the actual gameplay loop for Tarkov. I know at some point they are planning on connecting the maps and I’m just hoping arena would be the new ‘extract’ mode. This would be the best solution imo so that way they can continue pursing the original vision for the game as a S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Esc title without alienating the current audience with a new, long more methodical gameplay loop.
I would love all of the maps to join together for it to simply be one massive open world map. That would be awesome. I doubt it will ever happen even though they have previously stated it is one of their goals. Thank you for the comment.
Desync falls under net code which should become better next wipe when they release the unity update. Praying it gets fixed so i can play again without being miserable every raid
What a great video love the points brought to ear here especially the arena one never thought of it in that way great video and it’s so sad how much I enjoy this game but this wipe cheaters are outta hand !
Of course they would not. I was under the impression they said you would be able to win gear for example. Maybe I was wrong on that point but regardless thank you for your comment!
i used to be able to hide in bushes on woods and let players run past me before i kill them. as soon as i reached a big enough level to get matched with higher level players, things started happening. i started getting lasered from nowhere, with weird automatic fire, sort of buggy bullet sounds. if i was fighting a player, and i would position myself for him to run into me, without them knowing my location, they would pop me as soon as there was a visual line, even if i was hiding correctly and prefiring. The dsync is terrible, matchmaking takes 6 minutes bro. The stupid inertia thing is so cancerous.
Broh yeah they seriously need to look into server sync and delays, in the past two years playing this game it started feeling soooo fishy with the hit count, like you start shooting a guy that's 2m in front of you, dump like 20 bullets, die, then hit count.... 3. Something is definetly off and i dare say it wasn't like this a couple years ago....
the lagging limit has been raised to 200, i play a lot of 180 ping game to advoid asia servers, and i am telling you that is NOT a ping issue in the video
why sprinting righthand peak desynchs the player and not the left hand sprinting peak? how does the desynch work and how can i avoid people exploiting it
honestly half the time i play i only get to shoot about 5 rounds off before i die per 2 deaths. this wipe has been trash. i had to stop playing due to all the bad audio problems and when i tried picking it back up it felt like i was getting cheated every other game. grenades that magically land at my feet while behind cover and haven't given a single reason to think i had been discovered or a magical headshot from across the map through dense foliage. it's just cancer. i hit lvl 20 this wipe and couldn't produce enough cope to justify pushing through the BS.
@@Diss3mbled It is very sad. Because the game is visionary, and has many excellent mechanics, features and aesthetics. But it seems that BSG are either so corrupt or so incompetent that they are incapable of doing anything except destroying their own work. In many ways, it is analogous to the recurring patterns in the history of Russia itself :(
Happy you could relate to the PAIN. Another couple videos I am editing are going to also be cynical. One video is going to be on invisibility cheaters which I have started to run into again. And another is going to be on aim punch and suppression and the frustrations I have with those mechanics. Look out for those.
i from Argentina and i play in south america and south east, there is a big difference in how play in two servers: (Brazil = extreme camping bushes) , (Miami = more chill better dinamic loot) in both see cheaters the problem is bsg business is sell accounts so.....
I'm blown away from the sheer laziness on BSG's end. They have always been pumping out content, and not fixing the shit they broke in the proccess. They should focus exclusively on Desync and Audio, which is quite literaly the core constructs of a shooting game. BSG is hesitant to keep their new audio system, but don't give two fucks that it's the most broken thing in the game. People who are thousands of hours into a wipe, are losing fights they really shouldn't. F this arena, F this series they're doing. Fix what you have, instead of always trying to implement new things and new gamemodes to cash-grab the playerbase. It's despicable.
Its has been 6yrs since they release Tarkov to public, 11 years in development and they still didn't fix netcode nor add system to search matches with players that has ping limit you choose for match schearing. I've never died to anyone in any game that has servers behind cover - desync, or experience bad hitbox(hitting head registrate thorax) or hit count like this
commenting on this to help the video get further reach... all i can say about the "Why are they hiring a team to make arena instead of hiring a team to fix tarkovs desync issues" Well thats simple... there are probably only a dozen or two dozen people in the ENTIRE world who have the know-how to "fix" tarkovs netcode.... and those people won't be moving to russia to work for battlestate games during this current political atmosphere..... This isn't a "How many monkeys can we get hitting typewriters to finally write a book" kind of thing... this is something that takes intricate know how to fix....
Thank you for the comment. I appreciate it. I never thought about the political climate they must have to work around now. By the way he has been banned 🙏
Basically a cheat called “le fish” is a crazy rage cheat and there is semi-godmode where you can’t kill them through anything other than legs Hope you see this
As a father with a full time job, I would love arena if it could give me a more efficient training experience, so I can actually get better in a reasonable timeframe.
I respect that point of view entirely. The skill gap would stay the same for the losers who no life this game. They would just get better if they add arena.
LMAO...........I am going to start with Thank YOU! You have finally given me what I needed to uninstall Escape from Tarkov until they decided if they want to be realistic simulation (which they no longer are) or if they want to be a Adderall popping squirrel monkey COD remake (the direction they have been creeping to thanks to the content monkeys). Warning this may sting a bit: Most monkeys that play online shooters have 0 concept of physics because they are not experiencing them while in game. They also are not identifying with distance in any way shape or form. They further have 0 knowledge of any of the weapons or more importantly the stuff they are putting on the weapons and the effects of said additions to said weapon. It is comical but, in this game not so much anymore. That said lets have a look at your well done video. 1) first engagement I agree that guy something a bit fishy there. However I am laughing my azz off at the recoil in your weapon of choice. If only I could have any weapon that nice. I also want to point out something for mentioned. At the point you peeked him how far do you think he was? Figure each person is say avg 6 ft tall fair? Lay that guy down head toward you then line that guy up top of head to bottom of feet (keep in mind as they get closer to you they get closer to you they will look larger but, still only six feet tall or long) Do you think it is fair to say 9 or 10 of them could lay down that way and reach you? Lets be conservative and say 9 or 54 ft or 18 yards. So leaning around a corner full auto and your sights don''t even distort or jump and you score seven hits. (I wish I had been able to have that). 2) Garage- this guy is obviously even further away shall we say 13-14 laying head to toe away or see that Porche 911 looking car that is 17.5 ft long so can we agree about 75- 82 ft away? We will say 75 or 25 yards............sooo you hip fired at 25 yards while running LMAO did close some of that distance good for you however take your pills calm down. You in your rush exposed your self while still reloading not a good thing but, what is more amazing is the mag dump on ar platform and 0 sight jump or distortion. Wow. Challenge get any AR platform full auto run and shoot at a single target starting at 25 yards away let me know how that works out for you. Next, try aiming down sights while moving as fast as you were in that game let me know how that works out for you. No heal to toe walk, no slow is smooth, smooth is fast talk, all COD. That guy never moved he stayed still which kind of makes me think the devs have fooled the Adderall popping monkeys by giving them sights that appear to be right on target even in movement and full auto fire but, are giving realistic effects of fire. I hope this is the case. FYI that guy should have won that engagement because ah ah ah ah pant pant pant pant I can't I hurry are we there yet where are my pills. You keep saying hit count ahhh body armor, and where did you hit him or did you even hit him I doubt you hit him once your 8 hits were on the first two guys you dropped..........just sayin. 3) Watching the rest of your well done video while you melted down (for good reason but, not the reason I am sure I would). Tarkov needs to fig;ure out what they are in a game do they want to be realistic FPS /Survival simulation? Or do they want to be the ADHD infected gen z make believe simulation? I do agree with you they need to fix this shit one direction or the other desyncs are issue that seems worse in tarkov than any other FPS. If they want to be realistic then they need to be realistic meaning BRING BACK REALISTIC RECOIL PERFECT SIGHTS ON ANY PLATFORM WHILE FULL AUTO EVEN IN A TURRET DO NOT EXIST UNLESS YOU HAVE AUTO SABALIZATION ON! Punish players for moon jumps jumping out of a window down to the floor below should break stuff and should impede your ability to fight until you splint or bandage ect. or just kill you outright. I like how every fps thinks in kit you fall feet first.........for about the first 8ft then it is a crap shoot. and the landing is pure f7ckery. There should also be less that .02 % of shots landing while jumping because..........NOT A THING....Unless you want to be a make believe sim. Have they done some things right yes I love the hit effects blurry screen (do away with the blood in vision unless the head hit box has been hit) Any hit to the head should be a kill or even if heavy best armor on head throw you into extreme blurry near death effect. I love the food water ect The ai are great. Has for hacks yes you need to get on the ball and more proactive on the hackers!
The guy did actually end up being a cheater. He has been banned. As much as I enjoy the W key=win part of Tarkov I entirely agree that in combat the game does not punish you at all for being aggressive. In fact desync just makes you usually have a 250-400ms advantage on your opponent. I appreciate your lengthy comment. Thought provoking and fun to read comments like this is why I keep on uploading and building this small community! You would love my newest video. It is also on Tarkov cheaters. More informative kind of content, telling you what cheaters main advantages they have over you.
people talk about the problems of the game but continue to play it, I played 400 hours in 51 days I encountered cheaters, bugs, ping, constant crashes, decreased FPS (for a reason unknown to me), they added a new Halloween event that completely broke my game, the first 2 games with this event started with an instant freeze of the game Then there were constant crashes and only at the end I was able to play despite all the problems which are much more than cheaters and pings (too long to list), I will continue to play this game, simultaneously being angry at all the problems of this game About the fact that in the arena you can become a mega professional by playing only PVP - go to the factory in Tarkov, look for PVP and leave from the 13th minute
Well brother , its the best thing with tarkov arena.... they wanna have an E sportgame , so there willl be no sound issues or dsync . now the wanna do a big update to our lovely main Game
That isn't Desync, that’s a cheater, the guy isn't shoot back at all the first moment. Desync players are aggressors, and the aggressor wins when D-sync kicks in.
agree with your thoughts that arena will make everyone too good. Same thing happened to fortnite when they released creative mode and everyone just practiced on there
@DesmondPilak, I ran into a Russian Streamer by the name of DVBLES playing on specifically Central Servers on tarkov. This gave him over 200 ping and he was able to shoot me without showing up on my screen what so ever. I messaged BSG and as always no response, but this needs to be fixed asap. I brings Ebene my D-Sync to the opposite argument and gives hella peekers advantage plus their character doesn’t show up when they peak
So, I just want to write this in case I forget, I'm currently only 1min 15 in and saw you questioning the ping. After BSG changed the server selection they had to change the ping limit to 200 since most EU players that play with US players wouldn't be able to play on EU west with the new selection that doesn't allow you to select cities but only regions, meaning that some of the servers that are further away are now mixed in.
Making another comment to say your frustration is literally the embodiment of the entire community right now, the game has so many unnecessary issues, not to mention the cheating.
bro im right there with you its really dumb to put arena and rizzy shit first before tarkov i tell my friends all the time if i was making tarkov core gameplay comes first that would include sound gunfights and other mechanics
I’d just like to throw in my 2 cents on this issue. 1. Hackers are horrible, there’s too many and bsg is doing too little about it. They use an anti-cheat that is ok for some things but horribly inept at others. For more information look up the Swiss cheese method for anti-cheat 2. The chronicles of rhyzy is an attempt to bring more life and story into the game. I personally enjoy the series although it can be bland. I like the series more for its story telling and world building than the actual action or acting. They are trying to create an open world game with a story and that is currently not what tarkov is, so they are tying to redirect it. 3. Arena, oh boy arena. Arena is supposed to be the combat heavy side of tarkov. It’s not really another game and also not really another game mode. It’s more like dying light bad blood or rainbow six extraction (but as not terrible). The same code, weapons, and design but for a more combat heavy no story experience. It’s a design to cater towards pvp sweats once tarkov releases and pvp isn’t the center of the game. If they add things like perma death and pmc karma this will be where most chads go. (I hope to god they don’t add pmc karma tho) 4. Bsg is working on things behind the scenes, now how well they prioritize things is up for debate but they are working on the game. The move to unity 2021 and the fixing of their shitty code are currently their biggest priority’s. But remember they are bringing in a revolutionary high quality game with so much depth that it can be hard to grasp, they have thousands of items, hundreds of ammo types, different guns, different skills, how the ammo, guns, and skills interact with one another. They aren’t working on a small indie game, they are making one of if not the most realistic fps currently on the market. More than that remember this is the beta, this isn’t the full release, the game is a buggy mess but that’s how gamed are made. And hopefully in a couple years we’ll be nearing release and we won’t have to worry about desync hackers and the buggy playground that is tarkov.
Dude game has been in beta since 2017, this is unacceptable and the gaming community should be loud about it. I understand that its a very in depth complicated game with thousands of useless trash items to collect, but at the end of the day from a consumer perspective, if something doesnt work, it doesnt work, and if it doesn't work for 5 years its even worse. And if you see devs spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on things that will not fix the core issues of the game that are there for 5 years you can get annoyed. Im done with all the excuses, had my fun in this game back in the day, unfortunately I am still playing it because there isn't really anything else to play these days that would be so in depth and realistic, but I am also allowed to voice my opinion. It is all constructive criticism that the devs just dont give a fuck about or have a completely unrealistic point of view and are denying the facts and community feedback. We don't know what is going on inside of BSG and they, as any other comapny can say whatever or come up with whatever excuse or half truth to defend their business.
@@AdamsS12345 agree and disagree, I think they are working on the core issues of the game, but they have to balance it with content updates or else they won’t make any sales of the game. They are working on some core issues currently, mainly the move to unity 2021 which is confirmed to be what they are working on. With the move they are gonna be able to move more things server side to help with ping issues and desync, plus with the new engine will hopefully come some new anti-cheat software. The main thing is that games take longer to develop than you think, you hear about games coming out in 2-3 years but they take years before that. Bsg learned it the hard way, they made a game fast and rushed it into open beta and they are paying the price because of the shitty rushed code, which is why they are spending so much time fixing it. Another thing is remember this is their first game, they aren’t a triple a developer they are a small team and sadly if you want triple a production quality with a team like theirs it’s gonna take a long time.
@@braednstone6129 they are basically "on par" with what triple a dev studios put out these days anyway. How many games have launched recently as pretty broken?
MY THOUGHTS EXACTLY. im a labs main and its fucking annoying when they ruined the keycards and never gavce a fuck to rew work/ buff them. all they do is nerf shit leave it nerfed and never touch it again. it is a very bad cycle and they only give a fuck abt streets which is a dogshit map because of what you need to run it. tarkov is going in the shitter i agree 100% lol
What annoys me is how theyre putting more effort into arena mode when the main game is this broken, why tf are they even THINKING about making a new gamemode i dont get it
They are banning. Cheaters just tend to have alot of money and a fragile ego, so they buy more and more accs(fun fact, nearly half of BSGs money is cheaters buying accs, this is why they ban cheaters but not fix issues that allow cheating)
first death could have been desync, tarkov is just beyond broken at this point, ofc he could have been easily cheating as well ... just from looking at the clip, but with the 2nd clip its confirmed
It’s sad that with almost every negative pvp encounter in Tarky, you have to ask yourself: “was that desync, or was that hacking?” Neither question should ever have to be relevant in a game, in 2023.
I agree it is so frustrating.
I appreciate the comment!
Congrats on getting over 20 likes on this one comment.
You are the first person to ever do that on my channel at least...
I was your 30th like😊
Probably its lack of skill for 99% of the people asking this questions
@@Diss3mbled Make it 50!
After playing Battlebit and experiencing its nearly flawless netcode, hit detection, etc with 127v127 (developed by three individuals over seven years), I have no more patience for Tarkov. They've had plenty of time to bring the game to a stable technical state, and have only moved backwards-- setting a new standard for incompetence and, frankly, greed (with EOD and Arena bait and switch). We should all do our best to move on and let it die.
I am tired of everyone making excuses for them.
Other games do not have this simple problem so if this game has had the same game breaking problem does that not just mean that these devs are incompetent?
Arma 3 has better netcode, and it's 10 years old, with a notoriously taxing calculation system that has to be handled by a second server on most major servers.
@@Diss3mbled it's hilarious that BattleBit runs on the same game engine as Tarkov. The fact that BSG is so incompetent and unprofessional that they don't know how to handle simple criticism is very sad for a game that has so much promise. People who defend the state of the game, in my opinion, suffer from the gaming version of Stockholm syndrome or live on Tarkov content, the only way to make BSG understand that they are on the wrong path would be if Arena did not sell.
@@bigsky2211cry harder
@@Diss3mbledcry harderest
Shots 1-5: Clearly missed.
Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control).
Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses.
Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because he was already dead.
Absolute delusion right there.....
I love this copypasta lol people fall off it every time 😂😂😂
you are delulu my friend. thats blatant cheater.
@@joroP2BRO its a copypasta..
It's good to say that nobody should be able to abuse desync. Tarkov would be less rage inducing if people couldn't abuse the shitty server issues.
I entirely agree actually
😎 Thank you for the comment
I do in codm every day
I quit this game 2 or 3 years ago due to the hacking problem. This was before the hacking issue went mainstream, and when I tried to warn people about what was happening, they were all saying stuff like "skill issue," "no one's hacking," "it's just desync," etc. while making memes about [head, eyes], as if it's plausible that every death you get in-game is due to a hit in the smallest hitbox in the game while you're moving.
I've been playing FPS games for over a decade. I played CS:GO back in 2014 - 2016 and managed to solo my way to LE rank, which was extremely difficult, especially since that game has a cheater problem too. Getting past DMG rank was very hard since it's full of silent wallers (it's where Silver skill cheaters get stuck at.) Playing that game for years, and doing overwatch, has taught me a lot about cheaters. I know what's possible and what's not possible for a legit player. I know when a death feels off, I know what to look for when someone is cheating because cheaters make different decisions than legit players. The silent wallers in CS:GO at DMG rank were obvious enough. They had bad crosshair placement, just walked straight to their kills without checking corners, had low hours in-game and new steam accounts, and top-fragged despite having terrible aim, positioning, and gamesense.
But in Tarkov it's a little harder to tell if someone's cheating. You can't spectate people, there are no killcams, you just have to get really good at the game, know what's impossible for a legit player, learn how cheaters tend to play and what they're capable of, and look for patterns that emerge. [Head, eyes] is the most obvious one. Then you have non-EOD people who seem to know exactly where you are with [head, eyes], player scavs with insane aim and awareness, etc. Here are some of those patterns:
Cheaters buy alpha accounts so they won't lose much money if they get banned. Cheaters use player scav often to obscure their account names. [head, eyes] is the only hitbox that is the least likely to be covered in armor so that's what they set their aimbots to. Cheaters use bad ammo, like 7.62x39 PS, but have perfect aim with it so they don't have to use armor piercing rounds; it helps them save rubles.
I also started noticing, even years ago, certain patterns while playing: If I brought good gear into a raid, I'd get high-geared people with alpha accounts rushing me and one-tapping me in [head, eyes]. If I ever picked up a high-value item like a bitcoin, boom: Same thing. But if I went in with garbage gear that almost never happened. Since cheaters use item ESP, they go after people with good gear and ignore people with trash gear unless they encroach on the cheater's territory.
Cheaters also play in different ways. A normal player will peek to get info, and take calculated risks, like rushing an enemy, or running out of cover to reposition. Cheaters, on the other hand, NEVER peek you unless they can kill you. If you get prefired by someone who instakills you after he leaves a corner, despite him not being able to know where you are, chances are it's a cheater. Cheaters will also just avoid gunfights in general. They often rely on grenades to get kills without exposing themselves. I killed a cheater once, who ran up to me spamming voice lines despite not knowing I was there (I was basically AFK and sneak walking in dorms,) and he had a Pilgrim pack full of F1s. Like, the whole thing was filled with grenades. Every slot.
I kept noticing that I died a lot to people who couldn't have possibly known where I was. People had "too much info," they had bad positioning, like camping in an open area, but it happened to be just the right spot to kill me from. They know where all players are on the map so they can afford to sit in bad locations no normal player would ever choose. They basically only have off-angles, another weird pattern. You can't predict how a cheater plays because they aren't making rational decisions; they're just making perfect decisions based on info no other player would have. You can't outplay them because of that, and they will ALWAYS surprise you. I saw all this stuff going on in Tarkov, tried to blow the whistle, but no one wanted to listen.
You can also know a game has a problem if you pay attention to the average skill level of players before and after a ban wave. If you've played the game since launch, you can also compare how good people were then vs. now. Of course, over the lifespan of a game people are going to get better on average. TH-camrs make tutorial videos, people can get better at a game just from playing it for 3 or 4 years; but the thing is, no one gets REALLY good unless they make a conscious effort to; and, people don't get REALLY GOOD just overnight. But the funny thing is, if you compare how good players are before and after a ban wave, you can tell that something is up. Before the ban wave, everyone is capable of headshotting me while I'm sprinting and they always win fair gunfights. They have immaculate aim. After a ban wave, everyone just sucks and my survival rating shoots up to like 60 or 70%, just like the game was at launch. The first week after they implemented BattleEye the game was like extremely easy and I was having a lot of fun. A couple of weeks later, the cheats got around BattleEye's detection and it was back to constant [head, eyes] and 15% survival rating. Suffice to say, I'm suspicious of any "legit" player who can get a ~10.0 PMC K/D in an environment like this. Looking at you, LVNDMARK...
At least now, everyone knows Tarkov is a mess. Every raid has a hacker, even three, or four. I'd wager 80% of the game's population cheats now. That's why I quit, but still, I tried to warn people.
Thank you so much for the intuitive comment. This was so fun to read and hear your perspective on.
I gave you a point to point response that you will never get to read because I accidentally tabbed out xD
Basically I am glad the video related to your own personal struggle. I have also shared your experience in Tarkov and CSGO.
You can thank pestily for that ping limit. Imagine ruining the experience for thousands of ppl so 1 streamer can play outside of oceania servers. Bsg is the worst gaming company.
The ping kick varies, but generally you have to be solidly over 190 for it to kick you. If you are in the 170 to 185 range (with occassional spots over 190) you can stay in. I do it often enough as I play out of Asia, I can play Australia or US west coast with higher ping.
A side note: The service provider for the servers in some locations have terrible connectivity and routing. West coast US for me is generally 140-150 ping, but some Tarkov servers have so many jumps after arriving in the US, and such roundabout routing that the ping ends up over 200. Similar to Australia, some servers are actually routed via the US - so I go from asia to San Jose, from San Jose to Los Angeles, and then LAX to Sydney... giving a wonderful 230 ping on a route that should be about 110.
BSG didn't pay the big money for connectivity, that is for sure... or they are getting ripped off.
Other developers can do networking right.
They are loaded with the sauce they should be able to as well.
@@Diss3mbled It's part of the reason of the major game update listed to come in 13.05... basically the core networking wasn't well done, and the patches and fixes and what not over time have made it a mess.
So they move to Unity 2021, and there are plenty of good reliable network tools inside there that they can use.
Further, they appear to be reworking the entire system of loot and player locations so that you only know what is where when you actually need to know. So no more full map player cheats, and no knowing what loot another player has, no knowing where all the loot is immediately, etc.
Every time I die now in Tarkov, it's super sus. You can't even decern between desync and cheating anymore..
I know man it is actually terrible!
It is why I had to make a video to rant about it Dx
It's because of all the idiots (probably cheaters themselves) that keep apologizing for this as "desync" or "outplayed".
Edit: Also, the reason there is not 'more' outrage, is cause most 'real' players have already quit the game.
Yeah I am finding myself in the same boat.
lol yeah, this game's entire playerbase at this point is cheaters. BSG probably doesn't even care anymore; they just want to make money from banning cheaters every once in a while (not too often, so cheaters can save up money to buy another copy.) You really have to think about that to put the changes they've made to the game into context: They made every quest like 10x harder than at launch; and in each update, they keep making the tasks more and more absurd. They make the game grindier every update, they keep on adding ultra-rare macguffins that spawn in key-locked rooms on the most cheater-infested maps. They keep making hideout costs more expensive.
And remember when they added Found in Raid? You used to be able to shove task items into your secure container and complete the tasks very slowly, even if you kept dying. But since you can no longer do that, you absolutely MUST extract out of raid with that item. Since everyone's cheating, this makes carry services very attractive as an option, and it's a direct F-U to people who aren't cheating, since now you basically can't progress anymore, not even slowly, if you are dying to cheaters. It also means that legit players will no longer put task items into their secure container since there's basically no reason. That means cheaters with item ESP can target them and take the item. (BTW it's a good idea to put ANYTHING important in your secure container just for this reason -- disincentivize cheaters from targeting you.) Of course, the 'official' reason they added FiR was to combat real-money trading, but the only real consequence of it was to make carry services more important. RMT can exist even without cheaters, but carry services nearly cannot.
The other big change they've made to the game was the introduction of NPC bosses. These bosses are almost impossible for a legit player to kill without exploiting their AI since they instant headshot you, have crazy armor and HP, and some of the best guns in the game as well as tons of minions who also have aimbots, high tier armor, and armor-piercing ammo. You really have to ask yourself the question: WHY did they add these? The average player simply cannot kill one of these bosses. You have to get really lucky and use exploits to kill them, like shooting them from across the map or using alt leaning to break their detection.
On the other hand, cheaters won't have an issue since they can just aimbot them to death. The reality about Tarkov is that the game's design incentivizes hacking. You lose all your stuff when you die, there are extremely rare and valuable items you can only find like 1/1000 of the time in a specific location, so it's competitive because everyone else is running there too. Then once you have it, you need to play perfectly to not die before you extract. And it's a very gear-based game, so being able to keep your gear and not die is extremely important. The game just has a high skill floor and a high skill ceiling, which will frustrate a lot of people and turn them to hacking. Combine that with what I've said above, and it really looks like BSG is just leaning into the fact that this game is a hacker's paradise.
As you've said, everyone legit has quit. It's just HvH now, and the devs are trying as hard as they can to make this a fun game for hackers at the expense of regular players. If you've ever wondered why devs use infrequent ban waves, like once every 6 months, this is probably why: It's HvH, and getting hackers to rebuy the game is the business model. A legit player buys the game once and never again. A hacker buys it over and over again. Late in the lifespan of a game it makes more economic sense to cater to hackers if you insist on not having microtransactions and DLC.
The game is dead. Tarkov has fallen... it's over. Billions must uninstall. Nikita is almost a scam artist; he said he got into developing video games because he was "interested in video game monetization." This game's cheating problem IS the monetization, and people weren't paying attention.
@@Thes4LTI got into the game this wipe at the behest of friends before EOD was removed. The further into the wipe it gets the more hackers I am seeing. There’s a lot of cope that goes into this by the fan base as well. I’ve seen teleport grenades to kill people, I’ve seen 00:00 kills, I’ve seen vacuum hacks, I’ve seen ESP and been offered IRL trades, and I’ve even had hackers casually discussing use of radar in match when doing coop scav extracts. As players become disillusioned with this many of the honest players stop playing and the density of actual cheaters goes up. I’ve even seen cheaters discussing rates being as high as 1/3 of every lobby and being able to see that other ESP users can see them.
There is a MASSIVE problem with hackers in this game and they know that IF they get banned that it will be very infrequent, meaning that they can just rebuy the game for less than the cost of a month’s subscription to their hacks.
I appreciate your video for calling them out for the desync. apparently it is being worked on by people who actually know how to code. im up to 4100 hrs in here and trust me man the game actually is allot better than when i first started the desync was fucking otherworldy. I just pray they fix it up. I have been let down by them heaps and it saddens me. Also in regards to arena I am so ready for it. I think tarkov gunplay is some of the best ever released in any game and arena will highlight it. I have lots of friends who love to shoot but hate to loot. They are even excited for arena
I respect your point of view and thank you so much for watching that far into the video!
I appreciate the comment!
I love this game, my second favorite to be honest. I am good at it, and enjoy so many features. I stopped playing because of the dsync, not the cheating, but because I couldn’t tell if someone was cheating or lagging half of the time. The community was so split apart at one point that I just got to a point where if I loved the game and stopped playing maybe it means others would as well, and then actually change could be made. It doesn’t look like it, and I am with you 100% we need more voice within the community!
I really appreciate that comment man.
It sucks that you can't play one of your favorite games due to a split community and incompetent developers.
What’s the first fav?
Hear me out. I was on customs i shot 3-4 mag on to an afking guy, then he randomly woke up and one tapped me. 137 ammo used 3 hit count.
If people dc sometimes when they load in they are invincible. It is a weird bug. Very rare. Usually only happens at the beginning of matches.
I'd suggest giving the SPT-AKI mod a try. I've found it scratches the tarkov itch without all the rage that comes with the game's issues.
Thank you for the suggestion.
I have watched plenty of people play modded Tarkov and it simply seems very boring. I play this game almost strictly for PvP.
@@Diss3mbled based
Wish the only way to escape cheaters wasn’t to mod the game 😭
SPT has been my withdrawal drug while I'm on a tarkov rehab. Such a moddable experience too. Very nice.
Escape from Tarkov is just a decoy for all of us pay the full version because...dlc for free, arena for free etc,etc, blah blah blah...Arena comes out, Escape for tarkov will be forgot for the dev´s, they are with the pockets full of our money, they dont give a shi* for the full release in aspects of quality or whatever, the main goal is Arena nothing more, the rest is trash talk.
I agree with you
Thank you for your comment.
Please consider subscribing ❤️
This is all my opinion. I would love to hear yours in this comments section or you can join my discord!
I have been unable to upload due to be very very sick. Expect more uploads soon.
Btw I think BSG deleted your comment in the rhyzy video im not sure tho
TH-cam auto hides comments that potentially are spammy or trolly.
It is really frustrating for Yters like myself because it hurts my feedback.
It also totally could be that BSG blocked my comment.
Tarkov is unironically the worst fps imaginable in existence. I have not seen such a level of incompetency and utter stupidity when it comes to balance changes in my entire life. I would rather play a roblox simulator, because even they are more balanced than tarkov.
Not even cringe.
Me and a friend got banned in tigz chat for asking why he has 160 ping when he was doing the kill leaderboard at the end of last wipe. Dude is using viewer kits, playing na servers with 150-170 ping and is streaming and no one says shit about it lol
I don't like Tigz very much. He is off putting.
Ya know, I love this. Ive only been playing since last wipe, but my friends have been playing the game since release. And the most baffling problem is the amount of cope with the community.
Its not the players and dickheads that respond to the crtics with stupid crap like "Youre not ment to have fun in tarkov" or "cry more".
Its the majority thatll give you this response "Well BSG said they are working on(insert issue here)" or "The devs arent doing nothing, they care. Theyre dealing with bad netcode"
.... Except its thats what theyve been supposedly doing for yeaaars now. And apparently never deliver on each wipe.
The solution honestly is just to wait for someone to make a better version of tarkov
Seems like they simply need to take a step back from adding additional content and focus on improving the game for what it is now.
@@Diss3mbled this part 1000%
i am sure when tarkov will came out on steam there will be soo bad reviews
If it did ever come out on steam I am sure it would.
having 180 ping actually doesnt kick you, i regularly hit spikes into the 3000 range and then it drops back down (i do get disconnected on the occasion but thats only when it hits 9k to 10k or stays at 3k for a while)
I agree with you on eveything, especialy with that the overall community seems to have forgiven and forgotten all the shit they did just cuz they lowerd the recoil.
Thank you for the comment!
I am so happy to have made a video you could relate to!
was thinking about redownloading tarkov after not playing for a year and after watching this video im probably still going to do it
I have quit myself.
lol i havent played since making this comment. @@Diss3mbled
I only play every other wipe, the game is hard enough without getting reset to 0 every 6 months. Add on desync and cheaters, I get burnt out of what should be the best shooter ever.
It is a minority opinion I am sure that we share:
I wish there was a server that never wiped.
Arena with desync is like a Burger but its only salad LMFAO
Thank you for your comments!
I appreciate it mate 😆
Do you have a video about your visual settings? Have you tweaked your Nvidia settings? I struggle to see players but I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Could you tell me your settings?
I color correct my videos before the render to increase the clarity as much as possible.
It should be different for every monitor but here are my settings
NVIDIA control panel
Brightness 52%
Contrast 67%
Gamma 1.50
Digital vibrance 70%
hue 4°
My general Tarkov post fx:
brightness 56
Saturation 20
Clarity 40
Colorfulness 100
Luma sharpen 100
Active sharpen 44
Color grading is set to chillwave
Intensity 19
I understand your frustration, same here with almost 4k hours playtime.
And for your arena rant, wich i understand, they got AbsolutSoft on board. Thats the Dev where nikita was before, and they made ContractWars and HiredOps. And if someone asks why i would say that, simply that if you launched HiredOps, it would say AbsolutSoft on the loading screen and ingame. Now it says Battlestate Games. So bsg is really working only on tarkov.
The Lore stuff is awesome in my opinion.
I respect that opinion.
The lore is actually really interesting.
How about I stead of them wasting budget on short films that give us things like in game cutscenes for quest completion.
@@Diss3mbled oh yeah that would be sick, but if im not mistaken it should go in that direktion like with Lightkeeper. That every trader is ingame to interact with. I honestly think they never even thougt about that the game gets so popular as it is now. They are not the best in gamedesign but some aspects are just chefskiss.
Dudes not even trying to hit cover or prefiring, not even worried he knows he wont die. Id call bullshit to.
Impossible to ever know 100%
With that being said in this case it is evidentially damning.
4:00 i agree that desync is one of the or the biggest problem for eft rn, but bare in mind they are working on it rn and with unity 2021 and the following update 13.1.0 will mostly likely get better if not fixed after all. Also why should they stop adding new content or especially films/videos i'm pretty sure that they have a completely different team (of non programmers) working and this. Sure u could argue budget. U are right with arena tho bc well they 100% need programmers for that, and i say that even tho i'm so hyped for it .But many people who don't just sweat (no front u're cool) and hardcore pvp rly like these story extras and immersion stuff ^^
Thank you for the thought provoking comment. I really appreciate it mate!
A lot of people make the statement about "don't do anything else" thinking that you can just throw more devs at a problem. But that's like thinking that 9 women can birth a baby in 1 month because 1 does it in 9. It doesn't work like that in development.
Fix it like.. SCAV Xray vision? Fix it like.. resolving the cheater issue? Or like they wanted to fix the game balance.. or this and that and the other inventory glitch bugs? Yeah.. they will totally fix it. Like surely like this wipe.. or the next or maybe in ten years but surely they will fix it before release. Sorry but BSG has just proven their incompetence time and again at this point, it´s weird how people still have this "hope".
This video is ad for SPT ! Thanks !
i feel you brother im sitting at 11k hours solo main focus is pvp the desync wont be fixed will never be fixed the hit rego wont be fixed there is so much that they need to fix on this game but will never happen.... ARENA is coming different server the hit rego and desync will be gone it will focus on pvp and trust me most of us will love it cheaters will be gone will be 100% less of them MAIN TARKOV WILL DIE THO.... its the end its the last wipe once arena hits people wont play the main tarkov
This happened to my raids where I told myself what the point of playing more? When these issues are not implemented yet. More tweets from devs are likely deceiving.
They are a buncha liars.
Good points! I, too don't understand why they focus on so many other aspects such as new content, a freaking new game and all that instead of fixing the current problems. They are almost game breaking. Audio sucks. Every update, it may even get worse. I can't hear if the sound is in front of me or behind me. It's that bad. Above or below? No clue!
Arena i got mixed feelings. As someone who has EOD, I like that you share progress but for others... it's unfair to them unless there is just as high as a risk in arena. Haven't followed many news on arena, so I will surprise myself.
Community and especially larger streamers/content creators can only voice their opinion and hope some of this will get fixed.
PS. Hyped for kill cam in arena and hope replay will later on be added to tarkov. This will be one possible solution to hackers.
And let’s not forget shity Memory leak that blue screens your PC cause tarkov after so Many years of development can not deal with that basic issue .
Preaching to the choir brother. I just uploaded a different video that also shared several complaints.
Something goofy like this happened to me last wipe and early this wipe where I would spawn into a raid, on time mind you not late or anything, and there would be the same guy who “spawned” so close to me he was already sprinting and would kill me the second I was in
Oof size below average.
why the actual fuck does BSG prioritize everything for high ping users thats just unfair for the low ping players ,man BSG needs to sort this shit out
Thank you so much for the comment and I entirely agree!
Ever since BSG grouped the servers together into NA west, south, central, etc. I am forced to play on high ping (high 90s often jumping up to 300-400 for a few seconds) and i have never ran into more disconnections and the amount of rubbing banding and glitches is insane. I am only on the west coast of Canada and have stopped playing because it just became unbearable to even load into a raid and only lasting 30 seconds before a disconnect.
Literally same. Some servers in the NA west I get unplayable ping on.
As somone who lives in hawaii with shit internet and does not abuse desync, I very often die through solid walls
I consistently die through solid walls.
I've honestly lost the ability to know if I got cheated or not, but seeing someone else with the lack of hit count makes me feel like I'm not just a crazy salty person 😅I legit just play at midnight onward now to avoid any pvp 💀I'm not a super huge fan of it due to the insanely common issue of seeming to never land hits that would NAIL scavs 😩
It certainly is endlessly frustrating.
Thank you so much for taking your time out of your day to give me an interesting comment.
Also thank you so much for watching!
That’s why I report anyone who kills me :) everyone cheats
@@colbygolson4611 Me too, 99% of the deaths just feel off.
i feel like this happens to me every other raid (i play on ping 120) i will shoot someone with a 60 rounder and will get no hits even with the least recoil build and they are still alive and well.
That really sucks man. I have a pretty terrible internet connection as well. It is why I can not stream D:
@@Diss3mbled also i found your channel because you killed me lol
I apologize for murdering you in cold blood...
Region lock is required asap , and then only then Game will be little more playable and also of course better cheat detection i mean cmon BSG wake the hell up its time for some serious Changes
They do not listen, and when they do they do miniscule changes that do not even effect the game.
ie reducing the deploying timer.
In fact I recently have been getting dced in the middle of my deployment timer.
I have lost a couple of kits just this past week.
As a dev I would go above and beyond to battle it - but I guess its a matter of ressources
- they could do real ID authentication (you need to show an official ID with your real face and phone number) with real life consequences (like putting some cheaters before a court)
- banning their name/ID/IP/Hardware/Number/Face for life - publicly shaming them
- putting up several of dev owned "fake-cheat-shops". Im sure the majority of cheaters are fucking idiots and a lot could be tricked.
- undercover infiltration of cheat-discords - act like a cheater, group up, collect cheater accounts and wipe them all off the earth
- shadow ban cheaters (they wouldnt know directly when they get banned - they just get put into lobbies with other cheaters)
- use AI to detect suspicious gameplay patterns
All of this above wouldnt make a game 100% cheat free but it would make cheating a pain in the ass and after getting banned 2-3 times most people would just give up
They don't even verify your phone number.
Real ID authentication is an awful idea since it obliterates internet privacy. Cheating isn't even a crime in most nations, except China, so it would be pointless. And imagine if you got falsely banned (this has happened before in Tarkov. In one case, they banned anyone with a certain motherboard serial number. Except, some motherboards don't have unique serial numbers, so thousands of innocent players got banned. Imagine if that happened with real ID and the player was Chinese...) That's just a terrible option.
Tarkov already has hardware bans. But hardware bans are a joke to bypass since cheaters will use HWID spoofers that are usually included with paid cheats. Changing your IP is also a joke because you can just use a VPN. If all else fails, you can use VPN + virtual machine.
Shadow banning wouldn't work because cheaters can see player K/Ds, and they would start noticing when they get HvH lobbies where everyone can see through walls. If you can detect a cheater with enough confidence to shadow ban them you should just permaban them instead.
AI anti-cheat might be a good idea, but you also have to consider that it would be extremely invasive and would also compromise privacy. Call of Duty's SBMM system already kind of uses AI to track people's gameplay and it's really ugly, since it can record microphone and webcam input. It's basically a slippery slope to total video game surveillance of a person and I don't want that because I don't want to live in 1984's airstrip one, where the TVs spy on you and only the party can disable them.
As for the others, that will probably get rid of the low-hanging fruit. But most people get cheats through word of mouth and through networks of people who know people. Infiltrating discords is a really inefficient way to do this; the way devs usually handle things is they get their hands on a sample of cheat software and run it through the AC machine learning. Then they build heuristics that can detect the memory changes that this cheat causes, which can allow them to ban people. This basically already happens. But the problem with this is that it's very time-intensive and expensive. Some companies have tried leveling lawsuits against cheat providers but it costs tens of thousands of dollars to pursue litigation, so in terms of profitability it's not worth it.
The only way to stop cheating is to design your game such that it is nearly impossible to cheat. Make most things server-side or server-authoritative, don't send info the a client that he doesn't need (i.e. positions of players he can't see.) Encrypt packets and don't include player positions in those packets that the client can't see. Add sanity checks, like limits on player speed, checking for a player position changing rapidly (i.e. teleportation,) automatically banning or flagging people with impossible K/D ratios and headshot rates. Stuff like that. Anti-cheat, no matter how sophisticated it becomes, can only do so much, and if you want it to be effective, you have to start trampling on people's anonymity, which is a no-go.
If you want to trade your privacy for security, well, to each his own. But personally I want to stay anonymous and safe. If the cost is games having more hackers than they would otherwise have, that's a cost I'm willing to take. Tarkov is just a poorly designed game, it encourages hacking, it does little to prevent hacking from being possible, it has terrible anti-cheat which is easy to bypass, and it's on Unity, which, because it's so open, is really easy for cheaters to develop for and circumvent. That's the problem really. I don't think your solutions are very good.
But there is one thing I was thinking of that could help. CS:GO has a smart system that helps reduce (but not eliminate) cheaters. Basically, it has a trust factor, which is calculated based on several factors, like account age, number of game bans in other games, account level, phone number verification, whether you've purchased the game or not, and so on. It uses that to match you to people with similar trust factor. If Tarkov implemented trust factor it would tone down the cheating problem significantly, at least for people who have been playing a long time. It also needs something like phone number verification. Yeah, this is still a privacy risk, and hackers can just get cheap burner numbers for a handful of dollars, but it's better than nothing and it's not as invasive as real ID or AI surveillance.
Oh, and they should probably drop BattleEye because it sucks. I remember how much cheating went on in DayZ mod, back on Arma 2, which used BattleEye. That AC was so ineffective people could spawn nukes, drop cows from the sky in parachutes, spawn in tanks, get any item they could ever want, set their bullet damage to 999,999,999, become invincible, even spawn in a combat arena and teleport everyone to it so they could have a battle royale -- literally anything. BE sucks. BSG needs to develop a proprietary anti-cheat that has robust detection methods as well as being difficult to bypass.
a few days ago on my second or third day of playing tarkov again after a 1.5 year break i dumbed 20shotgun shots to scavs that were aimed directly at them from aroudn 10 meters and non of them hit... sad
Game broked
my issue w the game is not the cheaters using soft cheats because every game has that its the fact that people can hard aim bot, god mode and fly around the map while still not getting banned by some anti cheat
I sometimes wonder how many cheaters I actually lose to. I know not all of them are blatant.
Thank you for the comment.
minecraft servers even have anti-flyhack auto kicks.... lol makes you really think.
1 Year ago, I had no idea what Desync even was, maby that was the reason I lost so much
My goodness i thought i was the only one experiencing this problem, unloaded a whole mag on a couple of targets no kill
Does hit count only reflect your last encounter? Doesn't it show all the hits you made in that raid?
All the hit in the raid
100% Desync should be addressed by the devs ASAP and I don’t think they should go adding in arena without remaking the actual gameplay loop for Tarkov. I know at some point they are planning on connecting the maps and I’m just hoping arena would be the new ‘extract’ mode. This would be the best solution imo so that way they can continue pursing the original vision for the game as a S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Esc title without alienating the current audience with a new, long more methodical gameplay loop.
I would love all of the maps to join together for it to simply be one massive open world map. That would be awesome.
I doubt it will ever happen even though they have previously stated it is one of their goals.
Thank you for the comment.
@@Diss3mbled thank you for voicing the opinion of most of us in the community and making it constructive instead of “ooh don’t play this game”
Desync falls under net code which should become better next wipe when they release the unity update. Praying it gets fixed so i can play again without being miserable every raid
@@LemonKushDeadside I hope you’re right! Then all they would have to do is fix scav player detection and the game will be in such a good state
Nikita dijo que si querías jugar a mundo abierto que os fuerais a skryrim o como se escriba
preach brother!!!
Thank you for the comment mate
daaaaang glad im on my break with tarkov... i miss it but things like this keep me away.
Yeah I get it.
What a great video love the points brought to ear here especially the arena one never thought of it in that way great video and it’s so sad how much I enjoy this game but this wipe cheaters are outta hand !
Glad you enjoyed it!
I appreciate the comment!
Sorry for the late response.
armbands won in Arena would affect the hardcore aspect of Tarkov in zero ways.
Of course they would not. I was under the impression they said you would be able to win gear for example. Maybe I was wrong on that point but regardless thank you for your comment!
i used to be able to hide in bushes on woods and let players run past me before i kill them. as soon as i reached a big enough level to get matched with higher level players, things started happening. i started getting lasered from nowhere, with weird automatic fire, sort of buggy bullet sounds. if i was fighting a player, and i would position myself for him to run into me, without them knowing my location, they would pop me as soon as there was a visual line, even if i was hiding correctly and prefiring. The dsync is terrible, matchmaking takes 6 minutes bro. The stupid inertia thing is so cancerous.
I also hate the inertia. I really shoulda touched on that.
Thank you so much for the comment mate!
I hope you enjoy the content!
@@Diss3mbledyou're getting there. Don't get discouraged. As long as you have skill in the game, you can make decent content!
we can thanks pestily for this lovely feature
I did not know about that specific thing, but I have had a few people say that same sentiment
Broh yeah they seriously need to look into server sync and delays, in the past two years playing this game it started feeling soooo fishy with the hit count, like you start shooting a guy that's 2m in front of you, dump like 20 bullets, die, then hit count.... 3.
Something is definetly off and i dare say it wasn't like this a couple years ago....
I have only been playing for just over a year. The hit registration is certainly terrible.
the lagging limit has been raised to 200, i play a lot of 180 ping game to advoid asia servers, and i am telling you that is NOT a ping issue in the video
Thank you so much for your insight. I appreciate it.
why sprinting righthand peak desynchs the player and not the left hand sprinting peak? how does the desynch work and how can i avoid people exploiting it
Both are actually advantageous. It is just most of all a right hand peak.
This has happened to me for the second clip except it was a scan AI.
That literally sucks xD
Thank you for your comment!
honestly half the time i play i only get to shoot about 5 rounds off before i die per 2 deaths. this wipe has been trash. i had to stop playing due to all the bad audio problems and when i tried picking it back up it felt like i was getting cheated every other game. grenades that magically land at my feet while behind cover and haven't given a single reason to think i had been discovered or a magical headshot from across the map through dense foliage. it's just cancer. i hit lvl 20 this wipe and couldn't produce enough cope to justify pushing through the BS.
This wipe has certainly been rough...
Keep in mind, the developers are Russian.
I understand this.
@@Diss3mbled It is very sad. Because the game is visionary, and has many excellent mechanics, features and aesthetics. But it seems that BSG are either so corrupt or so incompetent that they are incapable of doing anything except destroying their own work. In many ways, it is analogous to the recurring patterns in the history of Russia itself :(
worst part is IF he gets banned, hes just gonna buy the game again and keep cheating.
He did get banned. And I am certain he did of course.
ngl i thought i was the only one thinking bout all of this... its sad... Tarkov has so much potential, that the devs are blind in seeing.
Happy you could relate to the PAIN.
Another couple videos I am editing are going to also be cynical.
One video is going to be on invisibility cheaters which I have started to run into again.
And another is going to be on aim punch and suppression and the frustrations I have with those mechanics.
Look out for those.
@@Diss3mbled cant wait
i from Argentina and i play in south america and south east, there is a big difference in how play in two servers: (Brazil = extreme camping bushes) , (Miami = more chill better dinamic loot) in both see cheaters the problem is bsg business is sell accounts so.....
They said something about matches with more players in it having better loot.
8 hits... yet all the tryhards will say "MUH REALISM" "UR JUST BAD"
Yeah I got a lot of that in this comments section actually....
I'm blown away from the sheer laziness on BSG's end. They have always been pumping out content, and not fixing the shit they broke in the proccess. They should focus exclusively on Desync and Audio, which is quite literaly the core constructs of a shooting game. BSG is hesitant to keep their new audio system, but don't give two fucks that it's the most broken thing in the game.
People who are thousands of hours into a wipe, are losing fights they really shouldn't. F this arena, F this series they're doing. Fix what you have, instead of always trying to implement new things and new gamemodes to cash-grab the playerbase. It's despicable.
Agreed, agreed, agreed, and agreed.
You are preaching to the choir brother!
I appreciate the comment! Thank you so much!
Its has been 6yrs since they release Tarkov to public, 11 years in development and they still didn't fix netcode nor add system to search matches with players that has ping limit you choose for match schearing. I've never died to anyone in any game that has servers behind cover - desync, or experience bad hitbox(hitting head registrate thorax) or hit count like this
Apparently he was just using a rather rare and expensive form of lag switch.
He has been banned 🙏
@@Diss3mbled lag switch cant work in tarkov as soon as u start loosing packets you are disconnected
commenting on this to help the video get further reach... all i can say about the "Why are they hiring a team to make arena instead of hiring a team to fix tarkovs desync issues"
Well thats simple... there are probably only a dozen or two dozen people in the ENTIRE world who have the know-how to "fix" tarkovs netcode.... and those people won't be moving to russia to work for battlestate games during this current political atmosphere.....
This isn't a "How many monkeys can we get hitting typewriters to finally write a book" kind of thing... this is something that takes intricate know how to fix....
Thank you for the comment.
I appreciate it.
I never thought about the political climate they must have to work around now.
By the way he has been banned 🙏
When you slowed the second kill down you also hit him in the neck and jaw like 4/8 of this shots 😂
I stopped playing the hackers killed my experience. I kept dying to hackers. 3-7 times a day
We are on the same boat. I have not played in months.
helping the algorithm.
😎 You are a hero my friend 😎
Basically a cheat called “le fish” is a crazy rage cheat and there is semi-godmode where you can’t kill them through anything other than legs
Hope you see this
Thank you for the information. Glad to know I got a guy on the inside!
I really appreciate the comment :D
Cheaters are pathetic honestly. Tarkov has a lot of potential and is a great game but the cheating has to be stopped.
Agreed. I cant even play anymore honestly.
As a father with a full time job, I would love arena if it could give me a more efficient training experience, so I can actually get better in a reasonable timeframe.
I respect that point of view entirely.
The skill gap would stay the same for the losers who no life this game.
They would just get better if they add arena.
Let’s hope this next wipe is soon and decent, or else we’re about to be in operation health 2.0
I have 0 faith in these developers and expect nothing.
LMAO...........I am going to start with Thank YOU! You have finally given me what I needed to uninstall Escape from Tarkov until they decided if they want to be realistic simulation (which they no longer are) or if they want to be a Adderall popping squirrel monkey COD remake (the direction they have been creeping to thanks to the content monkeys). Warning this may sting a bit:
Most monkeys that play online shooters have 0 concept of physics because they are not experiencing them while in game. They also are not identifying with distance in any way shape or form. They further have 0 knowledge of any of the weapons or more importantly the stuff they are putting on the weapons and the effects of said additions to said weapon. It is comical but, in this game not so much anymore. That said lets have a look at your well done video.
1) first engagement I agree that guy something a bit fishy there. However I am laughing my azz off at the recoil in your weapon of choice. If only I could have any weapon that nice. I also want to point out something for mentioned. At the point you peeked him how far do you think he was? Figure each person is say avg 6 ft tall fair? Lay that guy down head toward you then line that guy up top of head to bottom of feet (keep in mind as they get closer to you they get closer to you they will look larger but, still only six feet tall or long) Do you think it is fair to say 9 or 10 of them could lay down that way and reach you? Lets be conservative and say 9 or 54 ft or 18 yards. So leaning around a corner full auto and your sights don''t even distort or jump and you score seven hits. (I wish I had been able to have that).
2) Garage- this guy is obviously even further away shall we say 13-14 laying head to toe away or see that Porche 911 looking car that is 17.5 ft long so can we agree about 75- 82 ft away? We will say 75 or 25 yards............sooo you hip fired at 25 yards while running LMAO did close some of that distance good for you however take your pills calm down. You in your rush exposed your self while still reloading not a good thing but, what is more amazing is the mag dump on ar platform and 0 sight jump or distortion. Wow. Challenge get any AR platform full auto run and shoot at a single target starting at 25 yards away let me know how that works out for you. Next, try aiming down sights while moving as fast as you were in that game let me know how that works out for you. No heal to toe walk, no slow is smooth, smooth is fast talk, all COD. That guy never moved he stayed still which kind of makes me think the devs have fooled the Adderall popping monkeys by giving them sights that appear to be right on target even in movement and full auto fire but, are giving realistic effects of fire. I hope this is the case. FYI that guy should have won that engagement because ah ah ah ah pant pant pant pant I can't I hurry are we there yet where are my pills. You keep saying hit count ahhh body armor, and where did you hit him or did you even hit him I doubt you hit him once your 8 hits were on the first two guys you dropped..........just sayin.
3) Watching the rest of your well done video while you melted down (for good reason but, not the reason I am sure I would). Tarkov needs to fig;ure out what they are in a game do they want to be realistic FPS /Survival simulation? Or do they want to be the ADHD infected gen z make believe simulation? I do agree with you they need to fix this shit one direction or the other desyncs are issue that seems worse in tarkov than any other FPS. If they want to be realistic then they need to be realistic meaning BRING BACK REALISTIC RECOIL PERFECT SIGHTS ON ANY PLATFORM WHILE FULL AUTO EVEN IN A TURRET DO NOT EXIST UNLESS YOU HAVE AUTO SABALIZATION ON! Punish players for moon jumps jumping out of a window down to the floor below should break stuff and should impede your ability to fight until you splint or bandage ect. or just kill you outright. I like how every fps thinks in kit you fall feet first.........for about the first 8ft then it is a crap shoot. and the landing is pure f7ckery. There should also be less that .02 % of shots landing while jumping because..........NOT A THING....Unless you want to be a make believe sim. Have they done some things right yes I love the hit effects blurry screen (do away with the blood in vision unless the head hit box has been hit) Any hit to the head should be a kill or even if heavy best armor on head throw you into extreme blurry near death effect. I love the food water ect The ai are great. Has for hacks yes you need to get on the ball and more proactive on the hackers!
The guy did actually end up being a cheater.
He has been banned.
As much as I enjoy the W key=win part of Tarkov I entirely agree that in combat the game does not punish you at all for being aggressive. In fact desync just makes you usually have a 250-400ms advantage on your opponent.
I appreciate your lengthy comment. Thought provoking and fun to read comments like this is why I keep on uploading and building this small community!
You would love my newest video. It is also on Tarkov cheaters.
More informative kind of content, telling you what cheaters main advantages they have over you.
people talk about the problems of the game but continue to play it, I played 400 hours in 51 days
I encountered cheaters, bugs, ping, constant crashes, decreased FPS (for a reason unknown to me), they added a new Halloween event that completely broke my game, the first 2 games with this event started with an instant freeze of the game
Then there were constant crashes and only at the end I was able to play
despite all the problems which are much more than cheaters and pings (too long to list), I will continue to play this game, simultaneously being angry at all the problems of this game
About the fact that in the arena you can become a mega professional by playing only PVP - go to the factory in Tarkov, look for PVP and leave from the 13th minute
I quit months ago. I'll come back to it every once in a while to check out the cheating problem.
Well brother , its the best thing with tarkov arena.... they wanna have an E sportgame , so there willl be no sound issues or dsync . now the wanna do a big update to our lovely main Game
Uh I don't understand.
What side of the issue are you on?
That isn't Desync, that’s a cheater, the guy isn't shoot back at all the first moment. Desync players are aggressors, and the aggressor wins when D-sync kicks in.
That makes me feel better lol
Thanks for the comment 😎
They ain’t even hiding the hacking no more everytime I get my insurance back my gun is completely stripped barrel grip everything
I agree.
It seems to be getting worse again....
agree with your thoughts that arena will make everyone too good. Same thing happened to fortnite when they released creative mode and everyone just practiced on there
Your snooty sophisticated accent is spot on
Lol these devs are loaded they have more money than they know what to do with xD
@DesmondPilak, I ran into a Russian Streamer by the name of DVBLES playing on specifically Central Servers on tarkov. This gave him over 200 ping and he was able to shoot me without showing up on my screen what so ever. I messaged BSG and as always no response, but this needs to be fixed asap. I brings Ebene my D-Sync to the opposite argument and gives hella peekers advantage plus their character doesn’t show up when they peak
I’m gonna start playing on russia and eu servers,
That is actually ridiculous. Ping abuse has to be a permanent ban offense.
So, I just want to write this in case I forget, I'm currently only 1min 15 in and saw you questioning the ping. After BSG changed the server selection they had to change the ping limit to 200 since most EU players that play with US players wouldn't be able to play on EU west with the new selection that doesn't allow you to select cities but only regions, meaning that some of the servers that are further away are now mixed in.
Fr bro you just spoke out my heart
Thank you for commenting 😎
laughs in Glorious SPT mod
Yeah I ought to give it a try. I only hear good things.
they should make keeping up with the kovdashians next
Making another comment to say your frustration is literally the embodiment of the entire community right now, the game has so many unnecessary issues, not to mention the cheating.
I really appreciate the comments mate!
I hope you enjoyed!
bro im right there with you its really dumb to put arena and rizzy shit first before tarkov i tell my friends all the time if i was making tarkov core gameplay comes first that would include sound gunfights and other mechanics
I am with you 💯
Imagine if they perhaps wrote new netcode/sound etc while building arena and took those learnings to fix "main" tarkov...
He's literally with a naked dude that he didn't outright kill, he's clearly running carries.
That did not occur to me at the time
Im never playing tarkov ever again after having talked to customer support to try and switch my email... Total clowns...
Ive reported at least 2 definite cheaters this wipe but havent gotten a message saying they have been banned. Very fun
Some cheaters tell me that they "have not been banned in a year."
I’d just like to throw in my 2 cents on this issue.
1. Hackers are horrible, there’s too many and bsg is doing too little about it. They use an anti-cheat that is ok for some things but horribly inept at others. For more information look up the Swiss cheese method for anti-cheat
2. The chronicles of rhyzy is an attempt to bring more life and story into the game. I personally enjoy the series although it can be bland. I like the series more for its story telling and world building than the actual action or acting. They are trying to create an open world game with a story and that is currently not what tarkov is, so they are tying to redirect it.
3. Arena, oh boy arena. Arena is supposed to be the combat heavy side of tarkov. It’s not really another game and also not really another game mode. It’s more like dying light bad blood or rainbow six extraction (but as not terrible). The same code, weapons, and design but for a more combat heavy no story experience. It’s a design to cater towards pvp sweats once tarkov releases and pvp isn’t the center of the game. If they add things like perma death and pmc karma this will be where most chads go. (I hope to god they don’t add pmc karma tho)
4. Bsg is working on things behind the scenes, now how well they prioritize things is up for debate but they are working on the game. The move to unity 2021 and the fixing of their shitty code are currently their biggest priority’s. But remember they are bringing in a revolutionary high quality game with so much depth that it can be hard to grasp, they have thousands of items, hundreds of ammo types, different guns, different skills, how the ammo, guns, and skills interact with one another. They aren’t working on a small indie game, they are making one of if not the most realistic fps currently on the market. More than that remember this is the beta, this isn’t the full release, the game is a buggy mess but that’s how gamed are made. And hopefully in a couple years we’ll be nearing release and we won’t have to worry about desync hackers and the buggy playground that is tarkov.
I really appreciated this thought provoking comment.
I actually agree with you on most of your points.
Dude game has been in beta since 2017, this is unacceptable and the gaming community should be loud about it. I understand that its a very in depth complicated game with thousands of useless trash items to collect, but at the end of the day from a consumer perspective, if something doesnt work, it doesnt work, and if it doesn't work for 5 years its even worse. And if you see devs spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on things that will not fix the core issues of the game that are there for 5 years you can get annoyed. Im done with all the excuses, had my fun in this game back in the day, unfortunately I am still playing it because there isn't really anything else to play these days that would be so in depth and realistic, but I am also allowed to voice my opinion. It is all constructive criticism that the devs just dont give a fuck about or have a completely unrealistic point of view and are denying the facts and community feedback. We don't know what is going on inside of BSG and they, as any other comapny can say whatever or come up with whatever excuse or half truth to defend their business.
@@AdamsS12345 agree and disagree, I think they are working on the core issues of the game, but they have to balance it with content updates or else they won’t make any sales of the game. They are working on some core issues currently, mainly the move to unity 2021 which is confirmed to be what they are working on. With the move they are gonna be able to move more things server side to help with ping issues and desync, plus with the new engine will hopefully come some new anti-cheat software.
The main thing is that games take longer to develop than you think, you hear about games coming out in 2-3 years but they take years before that. Bsg learned it the hard way, they made a game fast and rushed it into open beta and they are paying the price because of the shitty rushed code, which is why they are spending so much time fixing it. Another thing is remember this is their first game, they aren’t a triple a developer they are a small team and sadly if you want triple a production quality with a team like theirs it’s gonna take a long time.
@@braednstone6129 they are basically "on par" with what triple a dev studios put out these days anyway. How many games have launched recently as pretty broken?
Good dream, now , wake up xD
MY THOUGHTS EXACTLY. im a labs main and its fucking annoying when they ruined the keycards and never gavce a fuck to rew work/ buff them. all they do is nerf shit leave it nerfed and never touch it again. it is a very bad cycle and they only give a fuck abt streets which is a dogshit map because of what you need to run it. tarkov is going in the shitter i agree 100% lol
Thank you for your comment. I am happy this video was a successful outlet.
This is why I play the single player mod no cheaters no ping abuse
I understand. It just seems a bit boring to me.
To each their own.
Like your build in second clip
I love the HK with the dp sight and a riser on it.
@@Diss3mbled Looks great from 1st person
apparently if you aim for the legs if they have godmode u may have a chance to kill them
Yes I know this. I have a video where I killed a rage hacker.
What annoys me is how theyre putting more effort into arena mode when the main game is this broken, why tf are they even THINKING about making a new gamemode i dont get it
I entirely agree 😎
Thank you for the comment!
Imagine playing this cheater filled game. BSG is lying and not banning anyone.
Yeah I sometimes wonder if they really are doing anything 👀
@@Diss3mbled I personally know people that got clapped... we were suspicious of them and then boom... banned.
They are banning. Cheaters just tend to have alot of money and a fragile ego, so they buy more and more accs(fun fact, nearly half of BSGs money is cheaters buying accs, this is why they ban cheaters but not fix issues that allow cheating)
@@Lapps_ how did you get access to BSG's financial statements?!
@@warrenpridgeon thats an estimation considering how much people get banned, which is basically as much as new people coming to tarkov
first death could have been desync, tarkov is just beyond broken at this point, ofc he could have been easily cheating as well ... just from looking at the clip, but with the 2nd clip its confirmed
Difficult to tell, I know.
And yes I do agree with you.
In my opinion id say he was cheeseing the lag more than actually cheating
Yeah I was not 100% certain he was using a cheating software either. Fortunately this guy was banned regardless.