Hamburg 1945|Task Force Vanguard|Call of Duty Vanguard|8K

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  • #normandylanding #dday #callofdutyvanguard

ความคิดเห็น • 71

  • @Railhog2102
    @Railhog2102 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    As a railfan did you know that WWII era Steam Locomotives in Germany ran into the 1960s and 70s, Some friends of mine remember them in action while stationed there.

  • @JI_Boi
    @JI_Boi ปีที่แล้ว +54

    All they had to do was to remaster world at war

  • @JLinkinmiere827
    @JLinkinmiere827 ปีที่แล้ว +58

    The Capture of Hamburg was one of the last battles of World War II, where the remaining troops of the German 1st Parachute Army fought the British XII Corps for the control of Hamburg, Germany between 18 April and 3 May 1945. British troops were met with fierce resistance when they advanced towards the city as Hamburg was the last remaining pocket of resistance in the north. Once the British had captured the city, they continued their advance north-east and sealed off the remnants of the 1st Parachute Army and Army Group Northwest in the Jutland peninsula.
    After the Western Allies crossed the Rhine River, the German armies in the west began to fall apart. Army Group B, under the command of Walter Model, was the last effective German defence in the west. However the Army Group, consisting of three armies, were encircled and captured by the 1st and 9th American Armies, thus ending effective German resistance in the west. After the defeat of Army Group B, the Germans were only able to organize resistance in a few cities and were not able to communicate with each other very well. The Allied armies started a general advance across Germany, with the Americans pushing the centre and the British holding their northern flank. The main British thrust came from the British Second Army, under the command of Lieutenant General Miles C. Dempsey. The army's objective was to advance across northern Germany and push on to Berlin. The British came across little resistance, compared with the Americans further south, and advanced at a steady and fast pace. The 1st Parachute Army and the newly formed Army Group Northwest were the last German forces in the north. As the British continued their advance, the German high command in Berlin, which was under siege by the Soviet Red Army, refused to send reinforcements. The Germans managed to resist the British in Bremen for a week; the surviving troops retreated to the Jutland peninsula. The last remaining defence was the city of Hamburg and the Germans sought to make a final stand there. After capturing Soltau, the 7th Armoured Division of the VIII Corps was poised to assault the city.
    Preliminary moves
    The British advance towards Hamburg was spearheaded by the 7th Armoured Division, attacking Harburg and advancing to the River Elbe across from Hamburg, with the 15th (Scottish) Infantry Division assaulting the town of Uelzen to the south of the city. Elements of the XII Corps attacked Hamburg itself from the northwest. On their way to Harburg, the 7th Division captured Welle and Tostedt on 18 April and advanced into Hollenstedt the next day. By this time, the Germans had built up defences in Harburg as the British moved closer. On 20 April, the 7th Division captured Daerstorf, 13 km (8 mi) west of the city. The RHA Forward Observation Officers (FOOs), reached the Elbe and began to direct artillery fire upon troops and trains on the other side of the river. On the same day, the British 131st Infantry Brigade took Vahrendorf just two miles south of Harburg. The 7th Division halted the advance for five days just short of Hamburg; it set up a perimeter and prepared for its assault on the city. However, on 26 April, the 12th SS Reinforcement Regiment (12. SS-Verstärkungsregiment), supported by Hitler Youth and assorted Hamburg sailors and policemen, counter-attacked at Vahrendorf. They were supported by 88 mm guns and 75 mm howitzers and reached the town centre, but were pushed back once British tanks arrived. The battle continued until the next day, when the Germans retreated back to Harburg, leaving 60 dead and losing 70 men as prisoners.
    Entering the city
    On 28 April the British began their assault on the city. The 5th Royal Tank Regiment, 9th Durham Light Infantry and 1st Rifle Brigade captured Jesteburg and Hittfeld, where the autobahn was. Nevertheless, the Germans blew up parts of the autobahn at Hittfeld, slowing the British advance.
    As the British advanced towards the city, it was clear that the Germans would still not give up. The troops of the 1st Parachute Army were now a mix of a few SS, paratroopers, Volkssturm, along with regular Wehrmacht soldiers, supported by sailors, police, firemen, and Hitler Youth. They were supported by 88 mm guns, which were no longer needed for air defense.
    Many German units, including a tank destroyer battalion, a Hungarian SS unit and many Panzerfaust anti-tank troops were also still located in the woods south of Hamburg, as the British had bypassed the area and were now mopping it up. The 53rd (Welsh) Infantry Division, supported by the 1st Royal Tank Regiment assaulted the woods and captured all remaining German troops, a total of 2,000 men.
    On 28 April, the 3rd Regiment Royal Horse Artillery began shelling the Phoenix Rubber Works in Hamburg, which brought about a white flag delegation. On 29 April, a deputation from the city came out to discuss surrender. On 1 May, General Alwin Wolz's staff car, under a white flag, approached D Company of the 9th Durham Light Infantry. On 30 April, Adolf Hitler had committed suicide in Berlin and Grand Admiral Karl Dönitz, who was commanding the forces in the north, had ordered Wolz to discuss surrendering the city to the British. Wolz, along with a small German delegation, arrived at Division HQ on 2 May and formally surrendered Hamburg on 3 May. That same afternoon, the 11th Hussars led the 7th Armoured Division into the ruined city.

    • @hotstepper887
      @hotstepper887 ปีที่แล้ว

      The most common question asked by many students studying history at Uni, is... "Why don't the Americans know anything at all about their own history, or the history of this world?". We've seen debates held on exactly this subject. And the findings showed us, it's also a huge problem in this county, the UK, also. It's become one of this country's biggest problems today, as our younger Brits don't know or understand our real history at all, and only know the US version of WW2.
      It's because, in 1986, the British government, (under US pressure), decided to change the British education system. It saw the very good, O'Level, and CSE standard, just done away with, and replaced with this excuse of an education, they call GCSE's today. What we saw happen, was, we saw our own government change what we were once taught, and they employed a model of the USA's education system, (that only consists of their propaganda versions of world history, and their propaganda accounts of WW2).
      They also rubbished much of our own real history. And it was all done purposely to dumb down our own population. They couldn't have us being proud of our history, (as we'd lost our Empire in WW2), and we became nothing but a vassal/puppet state of the USA, after WW2, and we've remained a vassal/puppet state ever since WW2. They needed us Brits to start seeing the USA in some new light, like them being some great ally of ours in WW2, they couldn't have well-educated Brits all over the world then calling the USA out on every lie we were then going to see from them, so, they taught them the US propaganda accounts of world history, and only the Hollywood myth of WW2, rather than any of the real facts, or even any understanding of the British viewpoint of WW2 at all.
      So, the REAL history of WW2, is a history we see largely being forgotten today, because so many have only been taught many lies and much of the American Hollywood propaganda version of WW2. So, we read many of them today, talking and believing propaganda and rubbish, and while actually thinking and believing that the USA were some great ally of ours in WW2. And what utter rubbish that is. The rubbish we read from the Americans about WW2, is just propaganda they've all been spoon-fed from birth, (as if, a real part of their history), and all we endlessly read is the Americans claiming the USA somehow saved the UK, in WW2? Seriously, what outright rubbish that is. It could not be any further from the truth.
      The truth, the reality, and all the known facts of WW2, show us very clearly, the exact opposite is the real truth, as I'll explain, and explain, with only the truth and the real known facts of WW2, anyone can merely go look up for themselves, only you need to look a little deeper than just the rough outlines of the history you're given today, but it's all still there to read, to study, and to learn, and it's nothing at all like we hear and read from the Americans.
      In Europe, the USA only saw the chase of Germany back to Berlin, and what we see and read you Americans all claim about the war in the Pacific? Well, reading you all, you'd actually believe only the USA fought Japan in WW2? What utter rubbish that really is! We should all know the truth, (we used too)! And the truth is, the American people themselves, really supported Nazi Germany in WW2, but many have no idea about this today. The American people, themselves, protested in millions against supporting the British. Millions of them wanted to support Nazi Germany.
      The British troops heard about the American's protesting against the British over the radio, (they weren't supposed to be able to listen to). And from that day on, they all became known as the "cowardly Yankers" (obviously meaning W****rs). When they eventually got here, the Brits would always be shouting out, calling them "cowardly Yankers", and many got reprimanded for doing so.
      We can still watch the footage of the first Americans landings, in the UK, (In the online British war archives) and you can hear some of them shouting out, calling them cowardly Yankers. And It's not hard to see why.The reality was, that the USA waited, and they waited, and they waited, for the Germans to defeat Britain. They even put up with 1000s of tonnes of their own shipping (in the Atlantic gap), being sunk by German U Boats, killing thousands of American Merchant Seamen, yet still, Roosevelt refused to declare War on Germany!
      And let's not forget, that Hitler had made his intention of global domination known in 1936, meaning, it was always going to be a world war. The USA tried to suggest it was just another "European War", but were soon forced to change their minds, as soon as, and ONLY because, they got attacked at Pearl Harbor. Otherwise, the USA were doing nothing, and they'd refused to do anything is more truth.
      The Americans only arrived in WW2 after being forced to fight, (with the attack on Pearl Harbour), and to help with the final assault in Europe. More truth is, after the attack on Pearl Harbor, the British declared war on Japan without a second thought, and they then fought Japan long before the USA did, (In the Battle of Hong Kong). But the USA, once again, still refused to declare war on Germany (who were Japan's ally) - And that actually speaks volumes about the USA. It really does say it all, they really believed, and they really thought the British would be crushed by Nazi Germany, so they waited, and they waited, and they waited, for Germany to defeat Britain.
      Roosevelt, refused Britain the use of 50 old, half sinking, rotting, wooden, WW1 destroyers that were just left rotting away in US waters, as Roosevelt had an election coming up, (and he knew it would not be welcomed by the American people) - What does that actually show us? We needed them to patch up, for the protection of our convoys, convoys that were carrying the kids, (our parents and grandparents), from the Island before the Blitz! Roosevelt only agreed to allow Britain the use of those 50 rotting destroyers, after the UK agreed to give up all of her military bases across the world, and lease them all to the USA for 100 years. Some great ally, right? And just look what they've done with those military bases since?
      By the end of 1941, Britain had survived Dunkirk.
      Britain had survived the blitz.
      Britain had beaten Germany in the Battle of Britain, (Inflicting Hitler's first defeat, and his first airborne defeat).
      Britain, with the Aussies, had held Tobruk, and forced Rommel all the way back to El Agheila, where he came from. (Inflicting Hitler's second defeat, his first land defeat).
      Britain (with tremendous support from Canada), had overcome the German U-Boats in the North Atlantic, and was receiving her needed cargo again, (Inflicting Hitler's third defeat, and first Naval defeat).
      While over on the other front, (a front only opened by Hitler, because he could not defeat the British), the Soviets, (at a massive cost of over 10-20 million men), had turned Germany around (in the battle of Moscow), and were now forcing them back to Berlin and their demise.
      That's also the point of WW2, where every historian agrees, and says, Germany could no longer win the War. That was all before the end of 1941. When did the American arrive?
      Britain had also been successfully destroying many German resources, their weapons factories, their submarine infrastructures, their chemical plants, right across Europe in country after country, and most importantly, they'd been destroying all the oil refineries Germany were going to need if they were going to achieve their ambitions.
      Britain were also fighting in Greece, in Egypt, in Burma, in Singapore, (their heaviest military defeat), and many other countries around the world. Sure, they had some hard times. Sure, they lost a few battles. But they won far more! Britain were never beaten, or even close to being beaten, in WW2. The closest Britain came to defeat in WW2, was right at the start, in Dunkirk. Surely, the whole world knows this?
      So just where you uneducated propaganda swallowing Americans get this notion from, that the USA somehow saved Britain? Or, in fact, saved anyone else? Nobody knows?
      Saved Britain from what exactly? When, and where, did the USA ever save Britain? When the USA arrived in WW2, both Britain and the Soviets were winning the war, the USA saved us from nothing.

    • @hotstepper887
      @hotstepper887 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@AncientCreature-i2o The most common question asked by many students studying history at Uni, is... "Why don't the Americans know anything at all about their own history, or the history of this world?".
      We've seen debates held on exactly this subject. And the findings showed us, it's also a huge problem in this county, the UK, also. It's become one of this country's biggest problems today, as our younger Brits don't know or understand our real history at all, and only know the US version of WW2.
      It's because, in 1986, the British government, (under US pressure), decided to change the British education system. It saw the very good, O'Level, and CSE standard, just done away with, and replaced with this excuse of an education, they call GCSE's today.
      What we saw happen, was, we saw our own government change what we were once taught, and they employed a model of the USA's education system, (that only consists of their propaganda versions of world history, and their propaganda accounts of WW2).
      They also rubbished much of our own real history. And it was all done purposely to dumb down our own population. They couldn't have us being proud of our history, (as we'd lost our Empire in WW2), and we became nothing but a vassal/puppet state of the USA, after WW2, and we've remained a vassal/puppet state ever since WW2.
      They needed us Brits to start seeing the USA in some new light, like them being some great ally of ours in WW2, they couldn't have well-educated Brits all over the world then calling the USA out on every lie we were then going to see from them, so, they taught them the US propaganda accounts of world history, and only the Hollywood myth of WW2, rather than any of the real facts, or even any understanding of the British viewpoint of WW2 at all.

    • @hotstepper887
      @hotstepper887 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@AncientCreature-i2o In Europe, the USA only saw the chase of Germany back to Berlin, and what we see and read you Americans all claim about the war in the Pacific? Well, reading you all, you'd actually believe only the USA fought Japan in WW2? What utter rubbish that really is!
      We should all know the truth, (we used too)! And the truth is, the American people themselves, really supported Nazi Germany in WW2, but many have no idea about this today. The American people, themselves, protested in millions against supporting the British. Millions of them wanted to support Nazi Germany.
      The British troops heard about the American's protesting against the British over the radio, (they weren't supposed to be able to listen to).
      And from that day on, they all became known as the "cowardly Yankers" (obviously meaning W****rs). When they eventually got here, the Brits would always be shouting out, calling them "cowardly Yankers", and many got reprimanded for doing so.
      We can still watch the footage of the first Americans landings, in the UK, (In the online British war archives) and you can hear some of them shouting out, calling them cowardly Yankers. And It's not hard to see why.
      The reality was, that the USA waited, and they waited, and they waited, for the Germans to defeat Britain. They even put up with 1000s of tonnes of their own shipping (in the Atlantic gap), being sunk by German U Boats, killing thousands of American Merchant Seamen, yet still, Roosevelt refused to declare War on Germany!
      And let's not forget, that Hitler had made his intention of global domination known in 1936, meaning, it was always going to be a world war. The USA tried to suggest it was just another "European War", but were soon forced to change their minds, as soon as, and ONLY because, they got attacked at Pearl Harbor. Otherwise, the USA were doing nothing, and they'd refused to do anything is more truth.
      The Americans only arrived in WW2 after being forced to fight, (with the attack on Pearl Harbour), and to help with the final assault in Europe. More truth is, after the attack on Pearl Harbor, the British declared war on Japan without a second thought, and they then fought Japan long before the USA did, (In the Battle of Hong Kong).
      But the USA, once again, still refused to declare war on Germany (who were Japan's ally) - And that actually speaks volumes about the USA. It really does say it all, they really believed, and they really thought the British would be crushed by Nazi Germany, so they waited, and they waited, and they waited, for Germany to defeat Britain.
      Roosevelt, refused Britain the use of 50 old, half sinking, rotting, wooden, WW1 destroyers that were just left rotting away in US waters, as Roosevelt had an election coming up, (and he knew it would not be welcomed by the American people) - What does that actually show us?
      We needed them to patch up, for the protection of our convoys, convoys that were carrying the kids, (our parents and grandparents), from the Island before the Blitz! Roosevelt only agreed to allow Britain the use of those 50 rotting destroyers, after the UK agreed to give up all of her military bases across the world, and lease them all to the USA for 100 years.
      Some great ally, right? And just look what they've done with those military bases since?
      By the end of 1941, Britain had survived Dunkirk.
      Britain had survived the blitz.
      Britain had beaten Germany in the Battle of Britain, (Inflicting Hitler's first defeat, and his first airborne defeat).
      Britain, with the Aussies, had held Tobruk, and forced Rommel all the way back to El Agheila, where he came from. (Inflicting Hitler's second defeat, his first land defeat).
      Britain (with tremendous support from Canada), had overcome the German U-Boats in the North Atlantic, and was receiving her needed cargo again, (Inflicting Hitler's third defeat, and first Naval defeat).
      While over on the other front, (a front only opened by Hitler, because he could not defeat the British), the Soviets, (at a massive cost of over 10-20 million men), had turned Germany around (in the battle of Moscow), and were now forcing them back to Berlin and their demise.
      That's also the point of WW2, where every historian agrees, and says, Germany could no longer win the War. That was all before the end of 1941. When did the American arrive?
      Britain had also been successfully destroying many German resources, their weapons factories, their submarine infrastructures, their chemical plants, right across Europe in country after country, and most importantly, they'd been destroying all the oil refineries Germany were going to need if they were going to achieve their ambitions.
      Britain were also fighting in Greece, in Egypt, in Burma, in Singapore, (their heaviest military defeat), and many other countries around the world. Sure, they had some hard times. Sure, they lost a few battles. But they won far more! Britain were never beaten, or even close to being beaten, in WW2. The closest Britain came to defeat in WW2, was right at the start, in Dunkirk. Surely, the whole world knows this?
      So just where you uneducated propaganda swallowing Americans get this notion from, that the USA somehow saved Britain? Or, in fact, saved anyone else? Nobody knows?
      Saved Britain from what exactly? When, and where, did the USA ever save Britain? When the USA arrived in WW2, both Britain and the Soviets were winning the war, the USA saved us from nothing.

    • @hotstepper887
      @hotstepper887 ปีที่แล้ว

      To understand WW2? You only need to imagine, if Britain had been beaten at any point in the war, or even if Britain did what the USA did, and merely decided to sit out of what was always a world war? We could have done that too, as Hitler never wanted a war against Britain.
      So, if Britain had been beaten at any time in WW2, or had simply done the same as the USA?, then Hitler wouldn't have needed to open up the second front, and he would've attacked the Soviets in 1940, with full strength both in the air, and on the ground. And Germany would have absolutely annihilated the USSR, as in 1940, the USSR was not in any way at all, prepared to even defend themselves. The Soviet Red Army were sharing one riffle between 10 troops in places.
      That would have left Germany in control of all Europe, all the Soviet Union, plus much of the rest of the world! And that would have seen the USA, completely, and utterly annihilated, is the reality, the real truth. And that truth is nothing like you'll hear today!
      Churchill said to the world, ''Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few'' What do the American people think he was talking about? Just how is this possible, in 2022, to read so many that have no idea about their own country's real history?
      Roosevelt, actually, set about asking Hitler for some kind of deal/arrangement, to avoid getting involved in the war! (Though we see that also changed and lied about today). But we all know that Hitler even ridiculed the cowardice of the USA, as he read the letter to the German people, (now if that's not cowardly and treacherous?, then I don't know what is). Hitler laughed at the USA, mocking them, rightfully calling them cowards for refusing to declare war on him! And he, then, declared war on the USA. How embarrassing is that, really?
      The Americans all talk of winning the war, by supplying it? (yet even that is only another US lie, as I'll be proving below). And all while making an enormous profit from it?, the truth is, they only became a superpower, at Britain's expense. And still lie about it endlessly today. They were the traitors of WW2, is more like the real truth, and real history of WW2.
      Nothing new there though, as that's what they've always been, to every single one of their so-called allies, all throughout their ever so short, and criminal murderous history. Their bullshit is like nothing this world has ever seen before, but when you're useless, cowardly, and brain-dead?, what else have they got, other than their propaganda accounts that are all just bullshit?
      Winning the Battle of Britain, was instrumental in getting Hitler to actually lose the war, (by making his biggest mistake of the war, opening up the second front), more so than anyone actually winning it. Nevertheless, the Soviets holding their front, before then turning Germany around, and chasing them home to their demise, is what actually ended the war. Most certainly not, the USA, not by the stretch of anyone's Imagination.
      The arrogance of a naive nation, when they did eventually arrive?, saw them get a crushing defeat in the desert? Utter tomfoolery, and sheer Incompetence. Oh yes, the super-intelligent Yanks, thought, as the Brits had managed to force Rommel all the way out of Egypt. It must be quite easy, so that's where they would gently "ease" their troops into the theatre of war. 40,000 crushed and killed within days!
      They then tried to help take Italy?. Only It had Churchill groaning, that he'd expected "a rabid wildcat just let loose, but all he got, was a blubbering whale stuck on a beach" LOL (Churchill always said it exactly as it was and never mixed his words), as the Yanks decided to secure the beachhead, rather than as planned, storming inland to cut off and attack the retreating Germans (as the British forced them inland).
      Oh, and then, (as If not bad enough), decided to ignore the plan of cutting the retreating Germans off, but Instead, they headed straight for Rome, (so they could be first), while allowing those top crack German troops the time they needed to regroup and dig in. Such arrogant fools! It's reckoned that foolish, selfish act alone, cost over 400 British lives.
      They then decided to commit the most cowardly act of human history, by murdering near on a million civilians, with a nuclear attack TWICE on civilian targets! And then the lies as we can now see today?. They claimed Japan surrendered after the second nuclear bomb?, yet again that's a lie, and it's not true.
      The truth is, the Japanese only surrendered after Stalin had kept his promise to invade East Asia, and the Soviets had crushed the Japanese. That, alone, ended all of Japan's hopes of getting Stalin to act as a mediator, for a conditional surrender. And it was only then the Japanese surrendered. It's actually undeniable, as the timing of the surrender proves It. It was just another American lie.
      In a 1945, state department survey, on the USA's public attitudes to its wartime allies? Britain was the least trusted country of the allies. Just another thing that shows the truth?. I read British people today, without a clue about any of this.
      Today become so treacherous, as unbelievably all these younger Brits actually think the USA is some great ally? So when you tell them the USA were far from an ally in WW2, and have always been our natural enemy, they just don't understand. Yet, they only need to look up public opinion before, and during WW2, and then they might start figuring out and learning the reality and the truth.
      September 1, 1939: World War II BEGINS.
      Gallup survey, Sept 1-6, 1939
      Q. If England and France look like they may be defeated, should the US declare war on Germany and send our troops abroad? YES 32% - NO 58% - 10% No opinion.
      October 6, 1939: POLAND CONQUERED.
      Gallup survey, Oct. 5-10, 1939
      Q If it appears that Germany is intent on trying to defeat England and France, should the United States declare war on Germany and send our army and navy to Europe to fight? YES 29% - NO 71%.
      Gallup survey, May 18-23, 1940
      Q. Germany have made their intent of winning the war and plans of global control, very clear, should the United States declare war on Germany and send our army and navy abroad to fight? YES 7% - NO 93%
      June 22, 1940: FRANCE FALLS TO GERMANY.
      Gallup survey, June 27-July 3, 1940
      Q Which is the more important for the United States? 1) to keep out of the war. 2) help England win, even at the risk of getting into the war? HELP 25% - KEEP OUT 71%- .4% No opinion.
      Speaks volumes.

    • @hotstepper887
      @hotstepper887 ปีที่แล้ว

      As someone who has done the work, and as someone who has studied world history, achieving, a Master's in comparative politics & Economics, and a Bachelor’s in Anglo/American history, What we read from the Americans is nothing like any truth of the war at all, and you'll read them claiming they supplied the USSR, and it's only because of those supplies that the USSR could fight the War?
      While the truth is, it was nothing to do with the USA. And the USA did not supply the USSR with anything until 1944. Far too late to have made any difference at all. As the USSR said themselves! (This is true, they did only supply the USSR in 1944, long after it was really needed).
      So who was it that supplied the USSR? And who was it that allowed the USSR to remain fighting in the war, by supplying them, and doing so just in time? It was the British. The British supplied the USSR with all the military equipment they had, and they used to fight Germany when they got to Moscow. Before the British supplies landed in the USSR, the Soviet Red Army we're sharing one rifle between 10 troops in places.
      The Soviets kept the British supplies they received under wraps/secret for years, and they never did acknowledge or thank the UK for that critical help. The USSR only acknowledged they received USA “Lend Lease” supplied to them in 1944. With the USSR refusing to pay for any of it, saying that it was too late (true), and they did it anyway!
      But since the collapse of the Soviet Union, much more information has emerged from archives in Moscow, containing Information shedding a new light on the subject. Much was in the Russian-language materials of the (State Defence Committee)-the Soviet equivalent of the British War Cabinet, held in the former Central Party Archive.
      While much of the documentary evidence remains classified “secret” in the Central Archives of the Ministry of Defence (Russian State Archive of the Economy). Both Western and Russian historians and researchers have been able to gain access to very important, (previously unavailable) first-hand documents of the USSR's complete war effort.
      Together with other recently published sources, including the wartime diaries of N. I. Biriukov, (a Red Army officer responsible for troops from August 1941 onwards). Who was also responsible for the distribution of recently acquired Tanks (from the British) to the front lines. This newly available evidence, paints a very different picture from the USA's “perceived wisdom”, or should we just say, deliberate, outright lies?
      In particular, it shows that British assistance to the Soviet Union in late 1941 and early 1942, played a far more significant part in the defence of Moscow and for the swift revival of the USSR in WW2 than has ever been acknowledged or credited.
      It was an integral part, a critical part, the most important part of allowing the USSR to counter-attack the Nazi's outside Moscow that very nearly saw the Nazi's completely annihilated (as Hitler refused to allow them to retreat). And without which, the USSR would have been unable to remain fighting the war.
      It can now clearly be seen, and now said, that the British help and supplies to the USSR in late 1941 & early 1942, were the only reason we saw the revival of Soviet fortunes in WW2 from late 1941, absolutely not anything to do with the USA at all!
      In total, 4 million tonnes of war materials including food and medical supplies were delivered to the Soviets. The munitions totalled £908m (not including naval munitions supplied), the food and raw materials totalled £728m in the 1946 index (approx £11.6 billion today).
      In accordance with the Anglo-Soviet Military Supplies Agreement of June 27, 1942, military aid sent from Britain to the Soviet Union during the war was entirely free of charge.
      3,000+ Hurricanes aircraft
      4,000+ other aircraft
      27 naval vessels
      5,218 tanks (including 1,380 Valentines from Canada)
      5,000+ anti-tank guns
      4,020 ambulances and trucks
      323 machinery trucks (mobile vehicle workshops equipped with generators and all the welding and power tools required to perform heavy servicing)
      1,212 Universal Carriers and Lloyd Carriers (with another 1,348 from Canada)
      1,721 motorcycles
      £1.15bn worth of aircraft engines
      1,474 radar sets
      4,338 radio sets
      600 naval radar and sonar sets
      Millions of various rifles
      Hundreds of naval guns
      15 million pairs of boots.
      Yet you go and try to find this history out? See how difficult it is to find? When it should be the first thing being seen, as it's so important, a huge part of history, REAL HISTORY! Not the US creation of fake history, as they ''pretend'' to see it. That's the truth!
      And we also see them claim the supplies we got from them were American supplies paid for by the USA? Rubbish!! Nearly every one of those boatyards and factories, built for the manufacture of weapons, was paid for by the British. The British paid for their construction, and all the machinery needed in them. Not the USA.
      Their accounts of WW2 are some of the biggest lies of modern history, as anyone that studies world history will find. This is the real history, the provable history making anything they want to say or claim irrelevant, as this is the real history, the facts.

  • @kesorev
    @kesorev ปีที่แล้ว +35

    Hamburg 1945 but lights are on all over the railway like it's 2020

  • @leonidastheking7830
    @leonidastheking7830 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    lack of historical accuracy send regards

  • @tong9189
    @tong9189 ปีที่แล้ว +3


  • @WarArchive823
    @WarArchive823 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    the best

  • @theoudy8973
    @theoudy8973 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    The best on the game

  • @sinruwngbenji593
    @sinruwngbenji593 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    4:05 it was at this moment When u friendly fire , u lost the Title " PRO GAMER" 😭

  • @tocacielena6708
    @tocacielena6708 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    my godness.. i was there.. few seconds..awsome game / graphic /soundtheme / ...all of them !

  • @DeltadronesBr
    @DeltadronesBr ปีที่แล้ว +5

    WT%F game is that? You were killed several times and keep going! Is there no hardcore mode on that? You got shot, you got killed.

  • @TomMentch
    @TomMentch ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Hamburg is the place you go back to in mw3

  • @maxx4218
    @maxx4218 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Разок можно сыграть. Но я не покупаю её, жду взлома хотя её говорят не взломать.а деньги тратить не стоить, лучше пива попью))

  • @DraKulisCinematicGaming
    @DraKulisCinematicGaming  ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Sub 4 More

  • @jefferyjames722
    @jefferyjames722 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I felt bad for Novak because we never get to see a backstory him which is sad

  • @MrMotherfuck123
    @MrMotherfuck123 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Gotta love Hamburg

  • @diceydaze
    @diceydaze ปีที่แล้ว +1

    What platform are you playing?

  • @chetanyamundachali5612
    @chetanyamundachali5612 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    I wish this mission had been stealth

  • @bangshobychannel5655
    @bangshobychannel5655 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I love sniper 😊

  • @PrinceRasel12
    @PrinceRasel12 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    What a game 🎯

  • @alexzorg7070
    @alexzorg7070 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Напоминает игру на NES

  • @aaronclement444
    @aaronclement444 ปีที่แล้ว +3


  • @53cconadailee46
    @53cconadailee46 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Always playing the bad guy in these games...

  • @dirtysouth1984
    @dirtysouth1984 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Crisp sound

  • @pbitty89
    @pbitty89 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    bro you shot wade

  • @chootienliang6423
    @chootienliang6423 ปีที่แล้ว +4


  • @ONE1329
    @ONE1329 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    На самом деле немецкая армия была самой сильной!!!
    Не нужно недооценивать силу третьего рейха - великая Германия 🇩🇪

  • @Linmyat767
    @Linmyat767 ปีที่แล้ว

    Wait is the cod ww2 references

  • @aaronclement444
    @aaronclement444 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Do you like this game

  • @9livesLexaPrianik
    @9livesLexaPrianik ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Бред! Двойные поезда, люди прыгающие по двигающимся поездам, идиоты🤔🤦

    • @alexzorg7070
      @alexzorg7070 ปีที่แล้ว

      Сейчас такоеиредко увидишь. Я сам на жд работаю и это сразу отторгнуло от данной поделки(

  • @FerdinandLoh-2023
    @FerdinandLoh-2023 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Сюжет бредовый. Не реалистично, однообразно. Несмотря на улучшение графики, игры стали хуже в целом. CoD1 и CoD2, « world at war» гораздо интереснее. IMHO.
    Поезда не двигались с такой скоростью тогда и тем более не гонялись на перегонки. Не разумно кидать гранты в вагоне полном взрывчатки если ты не комикадзе.

  • @user-oq9co5il4s
    @user-oq9co5il4s ปีที่แล้ว

    А что за игра??

  • @sergeyy-ber
    @sergeyy-ber ปีที่แล้ว


  • @allengumanid2106
    @allengumanid2106 ปีที่แล้ว

    Call duty 2023 2209 3030 Games Play world

  • @l0bster581
    @l0bster581 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Возможно, худшая игра про вторую мировую

  • @dmaprojectlogan
    @dmaprojectlogan ปีที่แล้ว

    Frontline did it better

  • @cristianmannschaft1354
    @cristianmannschaft1354 ปีที่แล้ว

    why can't you keep the germans.... i don't want to be english or american.... i want to be with the wehrmacht.....

    • @MC32595
      @MC32595 ปีที่แล้ว


    @NINJAKNIVESTKO131 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Im not going to lie but vanguard was the worst cod game ever made

    • @farhanrizkiahnafa7404
      @farhanrizkiahnafa7404 ปีที่แล้ว

      And this makes Infinite Warfare is severely underrated COD. People were tired of futuristic COD stuff back in 2016 but they had no problem with BO4 for some reason.

  • @user-zc3pk4gk3u
    @user-zc3pk4gk3u ปีที่แล้ว +1

    0:21 До свидания! 👋

  • @user-py6ql2lg6w
    @user-py6ql2lg6w ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Minorities in this game makes it sucks.

    • @hukebein92
      @hukebein92 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      This new games that make inclusion thier target are just shit

    • @farhanrizkiahnafa7404
      @farhanrizkiahnafa7404 ปีที่แล้ว

      ​@@hukebein92well, they just don't know how to do it properly

    • @farhanrizkiahnafa7404
      @farhanrizkiahnafa7404 ปีที่แล้ว

      No, they don't ruin it, but Sledgehammer kinda exaggerated it.

    • @MC32595
      @MC32595 ปีที่แล้ว

      boo hoo what shall you do 😢