From my experience with mold preparation and casting I would recommend using a toothbrush with liquid degreaser and rinse with water to remove any contamination that may cause wrinkles in the lead. Be sure the mold is thoroughly dry before casting by preheating away from lead. A hotplate is useful for this. As for smoking the mold a wax candle provides better soot but is unnecessary to cast. However what is important for the longevity of the mold is oiling the mold to keep the mold from seizing up. I have found a light amount two-stroke oil mix on a cotton swab is better than wax and tends to creep less. It should be lightly applied to the alignment pins, sprue plate screw, and hinge bolt. A very light coating can be applied underneath the sprue plate to prevent galling but too much could induce wrinkles in the lead. Before casting you can clean up molten lead with flux. By adding sawdust or wax. It will smoke and catch fire as you stir it in with a metal spoon. It will draw the impurities to the surface to be skimmed off as dross with the spoon. When casting to prevent dents on the bullets drop them out of the mold on a folded up towel to cool. When completely cool you can powder coat the bullets to help prevent lead fowling if kept at plated bullet velocities. Powder coating can be applied by tumbling bullets in a plastic container with a few spoonfuls of powder coat. Placed the bullets on parchment paper and bake for 20 minutes at 400°F. For best results try Eastwood Ford light blue powder and remove any extra powder by picking up the bullets with tweezers and tapping the tweezers on the rim of the container before placing the bullets on the baking sheet. With Lee's TL molds bullet sizing is not required and shouldn't be an issue with powder coated bullets. One issue with powder coating is certain gun powders can soften the coating such as titegroup.
左手👍 👍👍👍
From my experience with mold preparation and casting I would recommend using a toothbrush with liquid degreaser and rinse with water to remove any contamination that may cause wrinkles in the lead. Be sure the mold is thoroughly dry before casting by preheating away from lead. A hotplate is useful for this.
As for smoking the mold a wax candle provides better soot but is unnecessary to cast.
However what is important for the longevity of the mold is oiling the mold to keep the mold from seizing up. I have found a light amount two-stroke oil mix on a cotton swab is better than wax and tends to creep less. It should be lightly applied to the alignment pins, sprue plate screw, and hinge bolt. A very light coating can be applied underneath the sprue plate to prevent galling but too much could induce wrinkles in the lead.
Before casting you can clean up molten lead with flux. By adding sawdust or wax. It will smoke and catch fire as you stir it in with a metal spoon. It will draw the impurities to the surface to be skimmed off as dross with the spoon.
When casting to prevent dents on the bullets drop them out of the mold on a folded up towel to cool.
When completely cool you can powder coat the bullets to help prevent lead fowling if kept at plated bullet velocities.
Powder coating can be applied by tumbling bullets in a plastic container with a few spoonfuls of powder coat. Placed the bullets on parchment paper and bake for 20 minutes at 400°F. For best results try Eastwood Ford light blue powder and remove any extra powder by picking up the bullets with tweezers and tapping the tweezers on the rim of the container before placing the bullets on the baking sheet. With Lee's TL molds bullet sizing is not required and shouldn't be an issue with powder coated bullets. One issue with powder coating is certain gun powders can soften the coating such as titegroup.
Thank you so much 🙏😊 these experiences very useful to me, I learn much more on it. Thank you so much!
😄🙏,遇到同好真开心,谢谢朋友关注!我用的铅是从靶场回收来的,我从back stop那里捡铅块回来融出纯铅,再铸成弹头。如果买的话我比较推荐Amazon,目前均价大约是10CAD/1磅,如果买RCBS那就是45CAD/1磅了,非常贵,但铅就是铅,贵也不会更好。也可以从FaceBook的market place上找找看,有一次我遇到一位退坑的伙计,他2CAD/1磅就卖。铸弹和装药都是比较精细的活儿,您能看出装药量不足,绝对也是行家😄👍我铸弹头经验较少,所以初装略少一丢丢,也不敢太少,怕出现squib load就不好了。不过自铸弹头可能比量产包铜弹头阻力会大一些,没有铜皮支撑,可能打出去时已经变成wad cut形状了,这可能也是打击力变小的原因之一,所以目前我这个自铸弹头更适用于射击练习,作为节省预算的一个方法。如果用粉末coating的话,我觉得会对枪管和打击力都有帮助,但我这边不好买到,所以没用过,只能估计应该会更好一些。
@@garyhailing 多谢您的回复,我最近也在研究复装子弹,正好看见您的视频。所以就想请教一些经验。我查了一些资料说,自己铸造弹头是得考虑使用铅锡还有另外一种金属的合金,硬度会好很多也提高了铅合金的熔点,应该更有利于铸形和精度,您可以尝试一下,另外好像手枪弹也不需要加gas check,步枪弹最好加上,可以提高初速和防止枪管挂铅。如果不用粉末coating,也可以用蜂蜡,您视频里.45的弹头尾部一圈圈的铸形靠近弹底的两圈就是可以用特殊的die填充蜂蜡,据说效果也不错。我是刚开始复装,还没深入到自己铸造,看了一些资料,有幸和您交流一下。
@@zhangroley 😄这确实是个有趣的过程,而且还能省钱🤭可能您也看出来了,我的一些步骤基本都是从省钱角度来作的,如果从质量角度或充分提升技能的话,自己复装就会变成一个充满自豪感的高端局(一个有刻度的die的价格可以买我的整套设备😂)。总之,一步一步慢慢来,安全第一,始终开心最重要😁🤝
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