They need to add his settlement mechanic to Archaeon and Belakar. So i can confederate different legendary lords and make them lord of provinces declared to their own gods. Or they could simply make it so daniel could confederate the other chaos lords both warriors of chaos and the god factions. That would make people want to play him.
As someone who considers Kislev and Tzeentch the top 5 campaigns in terms of fun (and also likes Ogres, Tomb kings and Vampire coast), I think you quite often claim that strong equals fun and weak equals bad. I don't think that's the case for everyone, I don't even know if that's the case for majority of players, some people likes challenging campaigns, like Kislev with weak economy or Tzeentch where you have to save your army and absolutely hate campaigns that are cake walk from turn one, like high elves or dark elves. I think that races that have boring or not working mechanics should be the main focus of reworks, like high elves, lizardmen, norsca, vampire counts, bretonia, Demon Prince (ok, I would also add vampire coast here 😄) and I think that seems the case for the most people I've seen commenting what factions they would like to be reworked. I don't think as many people shares strong equals fun mentality and would rather see more fun mechanics than more races that dominates over the map.
Already said - but HE's. Yes - they are a bit more stable and forgiving, but the sheer boredom factor from literally having NO mechanics (influence is laughable, from player bias to the million other diplomatic bonuses that the HE's get through traits and research) is worse than finding it harder to get going with some of these factions IMO. In battle - Martial Prowess isn't really there, by the time they get to 25% they're pretty much already dead and lost so much vigour that the debuff isn't even noticed. Norsca too.
Ogre's answer to Vampire counts is artillery and some missile infantry. To your point though, it's a huge slog to get any of the fun units as Ogres because their economy and growth is so slow. They suffer from similar feeling problems as Tomb Kings: it's slow to get any amount of economy going, research feels too slow for the rewards, Their mechanics feel under powered. Ogre's camps should just work like Vampire Coast 'Horde faction' buildings. Give us named, Special Ogre Lords to recruit that aren't full Legendary Lord factions to recruit that each have a camp with them that they build up and carry around. Make Meat less of a crutch to slow us down and make it so meat can be shared faction wide like food for Skaven or let us have food buildings in settlements that can be moved around areas like Chaos Dwarves Labor. Speed up recruitment, meat and growth with better technologies and Stacking Big names that have some sort of upkeep cost to maintain like souls for Gifts of Chaos. There's a good foundation for Ogres and they have a lot I'd love to play with but they aren't fun right now.
@JasonEternal22-rw6vz are you sure you're not just playing them wrong? They aren't at the very top but they aren't in dire need of reworks like alot of other factions
For Kislev I don't entirely agree with you. I think mostly that there need to be some minor changes made, like the Victory conditions for Kostaltyn and Katharin. Supporter System could be removed? to me it's like a "secure but slowed down" way to guarantee a confederation. The scaling cost for invocation might make sense (because it affects more regions) but no other faction has to deal with something like that. As for the economy? it's certainly EXPENSIVE to build it up, but it scales pretty hard into late game as almost every Resource building you get increases the money generated from your markets. Also, fix Frostwyrm combat animation, he's a cool but completely useless unit >.> Tomb Kings: I Agree here with most of it and pretty much everything seems like a "bug" or at least an oversight. Allowing Confederation should be no problem, Just rewriting victory conditions should be easy, even just doing some generic ones or just switching the long victory to the usual "either own or via vassal/military alliance" and Books of Nagash acquired via Vassal/Military alliance as well. IMHO hardly any effort required to fix that, since it works with other factions already. And yes an early secondary army that comes between turn 5 and 10 online. As what I would wish for the TK's is a recruitment mechanic like Nurgle, where you have access to the unit Pool and can just "summon" them because just sitting around for endless turns to upgrade your base Skelli + Archer army leagues away from home sucks :x I played a Tzeentch campaign just recently for the achievement and boy was that a drag! It was THE WORST campaign I've played so far! 1) You're only busy backtracking. You go East to deal with Slaanesh? 5 Turns to get back to Teclis. You go West to deal with Oxyotl? 7 turns to get back to Teclis. You want to deal with Teclis? Enjoy with your base ass army while also dealing with the two other. And it's not like you'd be able to afford 2, much less 3 armies from early on to run in all directions at once. 2) The Tech tree is an UTTER mess. I guess it's thematic that's it completely chaotic, but there is no coherence in the tech tree and the unit upgrades are few and far between and aren't even really strong (you can't even buff Ranged damage of your Horrors!!) Just unlocking all Changing of Ways powers takes 80'ish turns. When they're unlocked they're fun to use and play with, but by the time you HAVE them the game is already over and gotten boring by that point. 3) No factions/army identity. Tzeentch is heralded as the "ranged" demonic faction. And while Exalted Horrors with 42 damage in a dedicated (Scribes and such) army are powerful, there is NO ranged unit with AP damage outside of Flamers and NO artillery unit apart from Tier 5 SoulGrinders. If anything Tzeentch is a Infantry/Cav faction of which both are better covered by Khorne and Slaanesh already. 4) Lord buffs for army makes no Sense whatsoever. Why are Horrors and Flamers secluded from each other? But literally ALL melee units + Centigors + Furies and then some in one group? Restructuring would be nice here. I don't have too much to say about Ogres and Vampire Coast, since I refuse to play them before they got a rework ^^' Ogres are utterly boring to me, all units look pretty much the same to me and do the same ^^' with a wall of Halberdiers being their ultimate counter and AI looves to field Anti Large units and VC (and Norsca for that matter) having to deal with the shizophrenie that is their Pirate Coven/Sacrifice to the Gods mechanics.
He also compares kislev s economy to green skins. Kislev is a militia faction. You can get like a full stack in 1 turn with global/local recruitment. You aren't supposed to field multiple armies, you have a couple lords hanging out, and then you quickly load them up for 1 battle or 2 turns then disband.
Even with the added units, Shadows of Change is such a waste of time. Both Tzeentch and Kislev got new units but no real rework, and they are still at the bottom of the barrel.
In ancient Egypt, the Atef crown was split into various parts; a Pharaoh who reunited them could claim rulership over all of Egypt. I think the Tomb Kings should unlock the ability to confederate once you reunite the Crown of Nehekhara parts.
So one thing i would like for Daniel is Mirror of Madness battles for other gods and undivided. It won't change much but it would make him a bit repayable and he is at zero for me (he needs to be done not a rework :D ). I would argue that Norsca is more in need of rework than Kislev who I would put in seventh. Bretonnia is my sixth since it's close to Coast and Khemri in the sense they are Warhammer 2 army in Warhammer 3.
1- Norsca 2- Ogres (Ogres have always been weaker than they feel like they should be. Even on the table top.) 3- Kislev 4-Lustria the Continent 5-Tomb Kings 6-Beastmen AI.
I think all the AI needs a rework. Warhammer 2 AI actually provided at least some challenge and would actually grow into large empires and recruit late game armies instead of constantly spamming tier 1 units the whole game. Not only is 3's AI boring from a gameplay perspective due to lack of challenge and unit variety but it's a big hit to immersion too. All the factions basically just sit around until you come and kill them with the broken auto resolve
Good list but i would add Norsca and Bretonia to this list because Bretonia last update was 2019 and that shows on the campaign map of how outdated they are , most of them(outside Luen) die before turn 30 and even Luen depending on where Belakor goes gets destroyed sometimes before 30 and Norsca i think CA totally forgot about them .Tomb kings will probably get some sort of update with Nagash .
Perhaps the tomb kings victory conditions could work like the Dwarf Legendary Grudges - just make it so any tomb king faction has to have control over the settlements in Kemri. Meanwhile the books of Nagash definitely need to be obtainable through alliances. At the very least Tomb Kings allying with tomb kings and Volkmar allying with High Elves (or other order factions) should give you the associated books.
As a ogre enjoyer, I'd like greasus to just get some different combat animations, something more like epidemius because he hardly ever attacks anything and usually gets stuck on every infantry unit. Beyond that there's a real nice mod that lets you place ogre camps anywhere meaning you can use one or two camps as garrisons for settlements. Beyond that their units in my experience perform really well with the exception of iron guts, they seem to just get beaten hell against any other elite infantry. Also their camp buildings are reallllly expensive. They're cavalry is exceptional and they're really fun to play. Against grimgor I usually can't kill him in melee and tell the leadbelchers to keep him on the ground.
Lizardmen have never once received a faction rework and they are a game 2 core faction. They got 3 DLC which only gave them units and lords but never a faction mechanic rework. Geomantic Web is barely a faction mechanic and is entirely passive. None of the Lizardmen lords have any individual campaign mechanics aside from Oxyotl. How can you overlook a faction that has been around since the beginning of game 2 and never had a single rework? The DLC were frustrating because in each of the 3 DLC, the Lizardmen were the secondary aspect of the DLC.
From most to... less most (they really do all need it) in need of a rework in my mind it'd be: Norsca, VCoast, Ogres, VCounts, Lizardmen, Bretonnia and then maybe Kislev - for Boris especially. Norsca desperately needs something, anything at all, to justify their existence at this point, whereas the others need either a tuneup to bring them back in line with newer factions or a rework to give their faction mechanics as such an actual, functional purpose.
I sense a Nagash/Neferata + vampires and tomb kings final remaster, and that for a Southern realms and VC pair, these sound thematic. My top 2 are Norsca and Ogre kingdoms, they actually feel really close in the sense that both were half butted dlc efforts even at release, and need rework & playability, depth asap. Ogres a buff straight up as well. Then we have the update that SoC could have been, Kislev and Tzeentch mainly. That should have happened already. Then the I-II outdated, but otherwise OK races that weren't touched yet in WH3 & need some love, but otherwise function, like the 2 vampire races, tomb kings, etc. Bretonnia, HE and DE may be in the best stop of those imo, but they could also bear a polishing. I survive with litres of daily hopium that CA can pull off sth like this AND add new races as well.
In my opinion the factions are in two groups. 1. tweaks: Ogers, vampire coast and the darks/high elfs. 2. reworks: Kislev, Vampire counts, Norsca and Bretonia
Ogres and Kislev need a full overhaul. The others just need some tweaks and fixes (more canopies of canopies from battles, more replenishment and uses of changing of ways, ecc.)
I play on Hard, but for me the Changing of the Ways is stupid useful. I got ganged up on by 3 factions at once and was immwdiately able to force peace on one and on another a few turns later. Halt Army saved me multiple times and forcing rebellion distracts them too. I'll often trade a settlement before I declare war. Settlement trading doesn't even seem to have diplomatic consequences.
The single most powerful thing about Tzeentch campaign is the Blue Scribes and you might as well just play the WoC instead because they have a cleaner campaign overall which is a shame because I personally enjoy the theme and style of the "mono god" faction over WoC. Tzeentch mostly just needs some tweaks and buffs to make it more enjoyable.
Even though Bretonnia is not a weak faction, like Kislev, Bretonnia needs a rework and/or unique mechanics, because the race as a whole is very vanilla and not special in any significant way
I've noticed that Nurgle's post-battle replenishment is pretty terrible, regardless of what army you're fighting. Though in the case of Nurgle it at least balances out with instant global recruitment and really high end-turn replenishment. I wonder if the option should even exist though, if it's not really going to do anything.
Honestly i feel like if they could just rework the Beastmen mechanics for unit capacity and army mechanics backwards into Tomb Kings they'd be pretty set. The rest I can live with for TKs.
Canopic jars are indeed broken. Why am I getting 30 jars when I fight 3 armies at once, but get 90 when I pick them off one by one with lightning strike?
Ogres do not fit to the game meta. Plus they have one natural problem. They are big, as you would expect from an ogre, but they are great target practice for all missile units and with a gunpowder improvements, ogres are doomed from the battle point of view. Any idea how this issue could be addressed?
I didnt know they changed the norscan areas. This is huge for other races as well, I hated playing Leon trying to get rid of Norsca and getting obliterated by attrition the moment I land. Poor horses.
I think all these factions deserve a rework but more then that the economy needs to be reworked as does climate. For climate I suggest adding some sort of feature called adaptation where if you hold territories that aren't your preferred climate you adapt to it over time by that I mean the more you build up the settlement building itself you'll negate the climate penalties, depending on the type of climate. As for economy revert the income output of every building to Warhammer 1 levels, in Warhammer 1 buildings produced WAY more money then they do Game 2 and Game 3, for example the Marienburg port base in game one produced 500 gold per turn and fully upgraded it produced 2000 gold per turn. Take that logic and apply it to every building that generates income. Really though with the current state of things if you want to play factions in need of an update my advise is to play with mods that fix things, yeah I know modders should not be having to fix CA's problems but my approach has been that if I don't like something in a game I'll find a mod to change things. Last thing CA needs to do seperate multiplayer balancing from singleplayer campaign as a person who plays singleplayer exclusively due to the fact I haven't played the game unmodded since launch (Oh that was horrible) I've got no tolerance for multlplayer balancing in singleplayer, I can get that against other humans but I've got no crap for giving the AI a beat down as the AI is enough of an asshole to warrent me screwing them over at any opportunity. Really though the root of this problem is that CA basically has changed the formula between the three titles honestly they are three seperate games they function entirely differant from each other and its very obvious when you pit factions from game 2 against game 3. The best way to enjoy this game is to mod it out. Heck I recommend installing a good number of mods and play a variety of campaigns then compare to base unmodded and you'll realize the things that can be improved and need changed
Kinda both? Infantry and archers are pathetic, research is bad, vows are crap. But they have the best growth in the game, insane eco, good artillery, best cav
Ah, just caught the end. They do get better but their roster feels just as empty as the Ogre Kingdoms. Perhaps that's not really a big deal in the grand scheme.
I generally agree with your list. A point I rarely see brought up with Tomb Kings is that for a desert faction...there are so few desert regions and the ones that exist are crunched into fairly narrow lines. Deforming the Southlands a bit more to increase the desert part of Araby/Nehekhara at the expense of the sea to the east/west (even south by making the existing regions wider to free up space) wouldn't be a bad thing.
Kislev is strong faction, but they do need some changes, right now they are expansion race instead of being defenders. They need some way to spend devotion and really the biggest change that can solve all problems are attamans. They can be made to counteract weak ecomomy early game and you should get attaman per province instead of 2. But its really underwhelming mechanic that you almost forget it exist. Supporter race is fine but Boris should get something other and Ostankya need to get Gelt treatment of being able to return to Kislev in which they should add 1 magical forrest settlement. Their armies are really good and they are menace late game, but they need some mechanics to make them feel more interactive
I have made a 200 turn campaign playing Aranessa on Legendary/very hard, with increase AI aggression mods. Better victory conditions mods. Extended ogres roster (just some units of ogres not all). And added mounts options for Aranessa and vc lords and heroes. I can say that Vampire coast have really a bad transition from warhammer 2 to 3. They are not absolutely design to play long campaign, I have pushed to the limit because I like long campaign and playing wide with empire building. But I felt like I was punish for playing like this with VC. Even if we relly only on the ports income, is not great at all. The income boost is too low, you even not made much money compare to other factions. What it was bugging me out it is the fact I was doing a Yuan bo campaign in parallel, and right at turn 70 I could have 14 good balanced armies with a decent positive income. While I was stuggling to have 4 o 5 good armies at the same number of turn with Aranessa. If you compare VC to greenskins or Norsca who has the same power of looting as VC, it's far much better because you have great backbone economy. IN VC gameplay you have to rely only on your loot power and few income there and there with the ports and the coves. And let's talk about the coves, they are completly trash mechanic. I don't get the joy that people have playing a single colony focused campaign and put all their pirate coves everywhere, is so shitty. You are limited to only one building. I hate the system. And not let's talk about the trade income... so shit poor income it is not even worth... Even if I say all that negatives, I still really love VC, because of their roster, I really enjoyed much playing my Aranessa on a big crab mount and not that poor little crab with my mods. And also put some heroes and lord on necroflex, terrorgheist or this big crab. I really love playing with more pirates units with ogres, and maybe there is a mod to add the new dwarf pirates i don't know about that. I love Aranessa, she is one of my favourite lord, I have made a paint the world camapign back in mortal empire in 2. But I could not just make it there. AT some point I had a big chaos dwarf empire to deal with, as crazy as it sounds. Zathan with 80 settlements and Drazoath with 30 were to angry that I hit Archaon, so they turned down on me after some great relationship we had. I achieved to take half of their empire out but I felt bored anyway as I had already dealing with my victory conditions fulfilled. Also the early game is really tricky until you had access to mortar canons, and the queen beth for your main army. Taking capitals feels so shitty before that. So i had to xp my lords a bit in the early game loosing time in the conquest. Belegar was hard to deal with and annoying because I had to took time to get my Aranessa at least at level 13. Buff the VC economy really. One the worst economy right now in the game, much worse than ogres I can say. Complete rework of the treasur hunt, this mechanic is so bad I didn't have talk about it. Complete rework of the pirate coves to align this more on skaven or Changelling style. Add more options for mounts in Vanilla. Add a new legendary lord starting in Cathay, or Ind or Kuresh. That"s all for my wishes.
I personally think CA should do a non dlc mass rework. I think all factions should get some sort of fast travel mechanic, just because the map is too big now. I think they also need to decide which factions are going to get a DLC in the future and all the ones that aren't getting a dlc, need to get fixed at least a bit, if even some power balancing.. buff a unit here and there.
i think Telis should be able to get gotrek and felix, and he should be able to teleport around the world like oxiotle and give him the ability to cast uranons thunderbolt with no cooldown or windup while chain lightning is active.
i feel like eaven tzench needs a rework ... wouldnt be surprised if all the changeling dlc faction and (race) like cathai and kislev fuets it like the empire... also dwarf by the way
I'd like to see them tweak the High Elves, mostly just giving Tyrion and Teclis proper mechanics. I'd really like for Tyrion (and Malekith) to have something related to taking over all of Ulthuan, hell give Teclis something like Gelt's Colleges of Magic mechanic too so he can nab those ultimate spells since he is the strongest mortal mage in the setting.
I'd like a Racial change to them as their lol battle ability is a debuff that now doesn't even really come into play and their "campaign mechanics" was getting to see the enemy when creating a trade agreement (which has been removed) and influence - which is useless due to their tech tree and heroes PLUS player bias just destroys it anyway. They don't need a tweak, they need something actually there.
While I like this list I think the lizardman deserve the 1 spot. A factor not considered in the video is cost. All of the mentioned races are either bought in one DLC or require 1 DLC and the base game to get everything. Lizardman on the other hand need 3 DLCs + base game to get everything. And what you get in return? A boring bland race with no mechanics. Yes their battles are fun and their power level is okay, but it is surprising how many LLs the lizardman have and all of them manage to still feel bland.
Here's the thing, I think the Ogres need an Overhaul and I do, positively, think there are a few things that need to be done. I would've done this already...But I won't lie, I am not good enough at scripting to allow me to do anything about it and some mad lad already did a mod for some of the things I think need to be put into Ogres to make them a worthwhile faction. Let's start with the most basic of basics and work up to something more substantial. 01. Moving camps. This should've been a thing from day one and it would've made Ogres far more bearable at launch. Moving camps with roaming warbands would allow you to have more of a presence on the map and allow you to go out a little farther to secure and build up new territories which, in turn, would become safe or comfortable enough to travel farther abroad for future armies. They also would be great to secure key mountain locations as they act like a settlement buffer defense. 02. Bigger buildings in the Mountains of Mourn. Ogres may not be known for their big building or ideas, but they should be able to make really big settlements in some of the mountains to make them hard to crack in future attacks against them. Right now you could easily bowl through them and it makes it hard to believe they have defended it for this long. 03. Some basic troop buffs. They feel like they just need to be scarier. Maybe allow Ogre Charge to ignore charge defense, make Wall Breaker do bonus damage so they are scarier when attacking settlements (Call it Ogre Siege Tactics or something, maybe bonus damage to buildings to just do basic changes), really just the most basic of basics. 04. Different Campaign Focuses. This is where we branch off a little, but speaking of the two main Lords we have make Skrag a madman road trip and make Greasus a more sedentary playstyle. Skrag looking for the best offerings for the Great Maw hunting down Legendary Lords or key ingredients across the map while Greasus is focused on becoming the best Mercenary/Overtyrant ever. Skrag gets his cooking pot (similar to Grom) that adds ingredients for his army as you beat certain factions (either by fighting LL's or being a direct cause of wiping them out) while Greasus gets an overhauled Mercenary Mechanic. Speaking of... 05. The Mercenary Contracts. This is what I think Greasus should have. Oxyotl with a few extra steps would be a good way to describe this but imagine you're in your mountains and you get a notification that several contracts have been brought before you. You open up a panel and see three or four locations across the Warhammer World by various factions. The Dark Elves want you on the doughnut to fight the High Elves, a human city besieged by Chaos calls for aid, Skarsnik calls for additional muscle to take Karak Eight Peaks, etc. You accept the contract for the various rewards (will clarify in the next point), assign an army, and off they go! Disappearing from the map temporarily as they are 'in transit'. Depending on which of the types of contracts I mentioned above they do different things. In the event you are hired for attacking an enemy as temporary forces in a War you get paid the basic fee, teleport to the edge of the enemy territory, and are given 10-15 turns of 'play time'. During this time you are temporarily 'at war' with the faction and you get paid a set amount of gold when the fighting starts, then get bonuses based off of how many settlements you raze, sack, or gift to the faction who hired you (Sacking gives meat and gold, raze gives you more meat and less gold, gifting gives you no meat but a decent amount of bonus gold and bonus relations to the faction who hired you). At the end of your contract the 'At War' status will drop, your army will disappear from the map for one turn, and return back to your territory. If you are sent to help break or support a siege your army is teleported in as additional garrison or as a reinforcements for the army who hired you. In the former you get to decide where your army sets up and in the latter you can choose to either be the first wave, be there at the same time, or be the second wave to really play to your army's strengths. These three contract types will allow you to have varied combats every so often, have foreign allies across the world, all the while allowing you to focus on home defense. 06. Better contract rewards. The gold needs to be better, but what needs to happen is perhaps allow for foreign item pools to be allowed in your rewards. Prospector's Spyglass from Dwarf hiring is an example I can think of too. Maybe a RoR/Beast Pen situation (Dark Elves give you a Hydra or Black Dragon you can hire in as payment for your services). Things just to make your armies a little bit different. These are just things I think need to be had. Anyone agree? Disagree? Constructive criticism?
Those faction might need some loving touch sure, but they are far from a dire need of rework. There are others who need more attention then those you listed.
I actually think brettonia could use a polish. I was playing alberic for a bit AND THEN I FOUND OUT his litetal LL final bonus is literally 0 use. That thing gives you perfect vigor when your grail oath literally already does that. 😅😅😅😅
im really hoping for a 3 way undead dlc with reworks to the undead factions, i loved playing them all in wh2 but in wh3 they feel so bad, esp the vampire coast. Also i think the reason the vamp coast roster sucks so much is legit multiplayer... they got HARD nerfed for years and now everything just hits like a wet noodle. Gotta love balancing a single player game around .1% of the player base
Tzeentch, respectively Kairos because he has the worst most miserly campaign is mainly economic issues early on that could be solved if he would get more post battle loot. You need that second army early on to match your 3 front inevitable war and you just don't have the money for it, you really have to barley hold on untill you finish off cameleon dude and it is horrendous. In all my campaigns you get good just past turn 40, it is not acceptable. But it is a tough challange if you are up for it.
vampires counts didn't make it. Vampire counts got cucked by warhammer 3 soooo hard and the raise dead change is sooooo bad. Also don't get me started on the healing cap and leadership nerfs. At least vampire coast is unique and arguable more fun in my opinion(but still needs a rework). But vampire counts have no direct where CA wants to go with them they feel so weird to play now and the most fun lord is sadly Ghorst. Ghorst OF ALL THINGS IS THEIR BEST LORD.
Tzeentch has a good eco. U just have to develop and focus on one province at a time rather then building the minimun in each province. I watched a ton of your vids and know how u like to play witch is fine. Just because a faction didnt work with your spesific playstyle means it has a bad eco. You can easy support 3 4-6k armys by turn 30-40. I might even argue that tzeench has an amazing eco.
I don’t really care about how powerful a faction is. In fact, I have more fun with factions that are weaker like the Tomb kings as it adds to the challenge. What the game needs is engaging mechanics that cause you to strategize turn to turn. The Tomb kings with its army caps in particular is fun to me because you do need to pick your building and army comps wisely. Kislev to your point has a real lousy mechanic with the supporter system and race. They need to make supporters a currency you can use to build kossar/peasant armies. Then ditch the race mechanic and let you use them to confederate like the new dwarf system. I also think they should overhaul the great game mechanic for the mono gods and Daniel. If you made that mechanic interesting it would help improve 5 races at once.
Honestly, they just need to fix sieges, everything else will follow. The level of wall/garrison in settlement also needs to just give you prebuilt towers and the surplus supplies are just for barricades. the defensive supplies determine how many siege turns you suffer 0 attrition as a defender (honestly even like 3 turns without attrition is fine). allow tier 1 units to be recruited at the cost of surplus growth while under siege during non-attrition phase. and lastly just fix the freaking walls. right now, there's literally no point to build siege equipment, it just doesn't even help that should be changed. defenders should be accurate on the walls, i don't even care if they shoot through the freaking model of the wall, give them freaking aimbot while mounted on walls. and melee units garrisoned on walls need to be able to destroy ladders. give the ladders HP so stronger units are better obviously but as it stands now it's just such a mess that weaker races really get steam rolled because they can't even play defensively to get their feet under themselves.
No confederations plus only 1 lord type besides research lords is just so lazy and boring. They don't need a whole rework perhaps, but they are really up for an DLC.
i vote norsca and chaos warriors undivided, undivided chaos is so misserable as they technically can have everything but its almost impossible to use everything with the limited gifted slots, expecially when dumb things are counting as gifted like bile trolls
I can't agree with the Ogre's take on their "low damage output". I don't wanna be that guy who tells you how to play, but I'd be curious how you're using your ogres. I have a blast playing them, in multiplayer their issues are costs of units. As for getting access to units I'd tend to agree it's difficult to get going sometimes with them. I play Ogre Kingdoms a lot and really enjoy their gameplay, I can only speak on my experience and I find myself focusing on building camps, campin.. lol and using those camps as a raiding camp.. Accepting all non-aggressions and such only for the enemy to break them on me while I maintain high reliability etc etc.. It's really fun tbh.
@@Costin_Gaming for sure, cycle charging is a must, and kiting as well. But in terms of campaign mechanics I think they play in a really interesting way, especially goldtooth on Immortal empires because most of the major trade routes have to go through his province. Locking trade route down and punishing traders while maintaining good security is my first go to when I play Ogres as Greasus.
I struggle to understand the complaints about Vampire Coast's roster. They are designed to be a gun line faction that defeats enemies with overwhelming force at range. This is why, if you use tercio or Dutch gunline formations, they utterly destroy everything in the game. If you're worried about leadership, you're doing it wrong. That said, the Sartosa faction could use a rework, if only for lore reasons. Aranessa is not a vampire--she's a mutant, and she's supposed to run a ship of living pirates. Nanu's rework mod is amazing, and makes the faction easily one of the more interesting ones to play. As others have mentioned: Norsca should really be on this list. :)
These are literally all the factions I dislike the most, and have no interest in any content for. Hopefully they´ll rework more interesting ones like high elves, dark elves, bretonnia, vampire counts and make more empire content.
I very much argue that the HE's are in the biggest need of a rework. It pretty much comes down to people not enjoying the the features of the other races - but the HE's literally have NO mechanics (influence is poo, they lost line of sight over factions that trade with them). Yes, the DLC factions have one or two (well, only Eltharion really as Allarielle lol has public order bonuses really from making sure only HE's have Ulthuan). But general, race specific uniqueness - nothing. (Perhaps) The greatest warrior who has rallied the armies of Ulthuan multiple times and is considered nothing less than Anaerion reborn... has a -1 recruit turn for infantry. The Mage that almost stopped the End Times, that almost easily killed Malekith and almost saved the Empire by teaching them magic... get's plus +5 recruit rank to Archmages. Btw I'm reaching for those "mechanics".
I feel like the devotion is a bigger problem for Katarine than for Kostaltyn since after ur start u end up south next to Drycha and Vlad and fighting none of them gives devotion. Ostankya is just OP I can´t remember when u get her bear aoe nuke but at that time u can fight battles with just her while ur army waits in the forest. A faction were u can´t confederate like tomb kings makes no sense and is just not fun. It´s so rare that your allies are helpful that alliances and vasals are usually just helpful to see an enemy earlier and to keep track of fleeing armies. Army limitation is the major issue with everything else u stated but also their technology tree is not really great. With tzeentch their best tool is teleport stance that´s it and that´s even more annoying to play against than skaven and feels ike cheating when u play it. And blue horrors are overpriced, they are actually worse than nurglings. The thing with ogres is, their camp mechanic is bad (why wouldn´t u be able to move a camp? what´s the whole purpose of it when it´s just another fixed settlement). I don´t understand why on a small roster u got 3 units in the early game that perform basicly the same and fill the exact same niche. If at least ur main lord would be a camp himself and camps would be moveable that would be kinda helpful. And I already said my opinion on the vampire coast on your video on the vampire coast problems.
NORSCA, Counts, Ogres, Vampirates. Who plays the game long enough knows. And dont tell me Counts got rework, cos they didn’t. Counts are in the game since WH1 and received ONE update, update, which is pretty bad.
How is norsca not on the list? Norsca is number and should have been the first to get a rework not the empire, nurgle or the dwarfs. Even the dwarf rework isn't that great.
Lizardmen? Their campaign mechanics are basically all half baked at most, but more like still frozen. The geo-web is just a big bag of nothing. Blessed units being just random is nothing. What mechanics do they have that we could actually call a done mechanic? Feels like you focus a little bit too much on power and less on interesting and finished mechanics.
You clearly don't know how to play Vampire Coast. I mean you don't know even 20% of what you have to know. VC is boring to play due to only one way to play. In theory they should be able to fight hit and run or in melee, but gunnery meta is just so good. If you swim with the current this campaign is extremely easy, solvable and trivial. Cylostra is da best :)
Changeling is non existent in hands of AI. Its unfair i can't confederate him despite i reveal his cults. Also how does it feel, to be alone on map of its kind, being Kairos. Lead belcheers, one of broken units on release, are now mediocre at best. Many monstrous units have just 1/2 of its potential because all their weight system don't really works yet, just for a single entities minus horse mounted ones. While ogress could use cycle charge tactics given their speed, they really can't because they are so fucking clunky and single model getting stuck disrupt all the charge, so a player in fact do have just single charge before meele and thats it. they don't really have not a good stats while even a peasants T1 units( exaggerating a bit but) can get better and faster stats, than them. they are just shit for prolonged battle + battlefield, which could mitigate their clunkiness, is also favourable for other races doing much bettter so no reall improvement. Then there is a shit system of camp system :D
I know Vampire Counts have no range units.. but all melee units feels weird to play... I mean they have some monster unit how making some of them throw tree trunk or big rock at door and walls to break them down too.. heck they probably can add in some vampire count unit to throw fireballs... as a type of magic siege unit..
Vampire coast artillery fell off after the past few rounds of dlc. The chorfs, dwarves, and empire outclass them by far now. Vampire coast literally has nothing over any other faction and it feels terrible. Even their depth guard units have fallen off when compared to lower tier infantry of other factions. Hands down the worst faction to play in the game currently.
norsca is so bad he forgot they even existed
Vampire coast, ogres, daniel, norsca, and tomb kings are my top 5 in that order.
Wow... I really did forget until I started the game and saw Wulfrik's pathetic bonuses.
Did you even watch the video?
@@csexton07I would add the lizardmen to the list
@@Lallunalapruna123nah they need update not a rework
What about Daniel the Daemon? I cant believe there has been 0 word on his re work
No one cares about that trash
@@maximum9977 custom demon prince faction guy
My #3 behind ogres and vampire coast... #4 is norsca
They need to add his settlement mechanic to Archaeon and Belakar. So i can confederate different legendary lords and make them lord of provinces declared to their own gods. Or they could simply make it so daniel could confederate the other chaos lords both warriors of chaos and the god factions. That would make people want to play him.
Personally I don't mind kislev having a weaker economy / being generally more difficult. Kind of suits the setting.
Yeah it gives them flavor, despite how frustrating it is, they really rely on their buffs from their three main cities
Norsca AND Bretonnia, the community’s universally voted most in need of rework, we’re not on this list? Vampire counts?
As someone who considers Kislev and Tzeentch the top 5 campaigns in terms of fun (and also likes Ogres, Tomb kings and Vampire coast), I think you quite often claim that strong equals fun and weak equals bad. I don't think that's the case for everyone, I don't even know if that's the case for majority of players, some people likes challenging campaigns, like Kislev with weak economy or Tzeentch where you have to save your army and absolutely hate campaigns that are cake walk from turn one, like high elves or dark elves.
I think that races that have boring or not working mechanics should be the main focus of reworks, like high elves, lizardmen, norsca, vampire counts, bretonia, Demon Prince (ok, I would also add vampire coast here 😄) and I think that seems the case for the most people I've seen commenting what factions they would like to be reworked. I don't think as many people shares strong equals fun mentality and would rather see more fun mechanics than more races that dominates over the map.
Already said - but HE's. Yes - they are a bit more stable and forgiving, but the sheer boredom factor from literally having NO mechanics (influence is laughable, from player bias to the million other diplomatic bonuses that the HE's get through traits and research) is worse than finding it harder to get going with some of these factions IMO.
In battle - Martial Prowess isn't really there, by the time they get to 25% they're pretty much already dead and lost so much vigour that the debuff isn't even noticed.
Norsca too.
Ogre's answer to Vampire counts is artillery and some missile infantry. To your point though, it's a huge slog to get any of the fun units as Ogres because their economy and growth is so slow. They suffer from similar feeling problems as Tomb Kings: it's slow to get any amount of economy going, research feels too slow for the rewards, Their mechanics feel under powered.
Ogre's camps should just work like Vampire Coast 'Horde faction' buildings. Give us named, Special Ogre Lords to recruit that aren't full Legendary Lord factions to recruit that each have a camp with them that they build up and carry around. Make Meat less of a crutch to slow us down and make it so meat can be shared faction wide like food for Skaven or let us have food buildings in settlements that can be moved around areas like Chaos Dwarves Labor.
Speed up recruitment, meat and growth with better technologies and Stacking Big names that have some sort of upkeep cost to maintain like souls for Gifts of Chaos. There's a good foundation for Ogres and they have a lot I'd love to play with but they aren't fun right now.
You steam roll vampire counts ae ogres lol
Dude Norsca and Vampire counts are at the top of the list
Agreed. Then Lizardmen
Vampire coast .... a disaster
Brettonia is more dire. I do think VC need one but they are still top tier
@@DasInf13 top tiers... certainly not
@JasonEternal22-rw6vz are you sure you're not just playing them wrong? They aren't at the very top but they aren't in dire need of reworks like alot of other factions
Very surprised you didn't include Norsca
For Kislev I don't entirely agree with you. I think mostly that there need to be some minor changes made, like the Victory conditions for Kostaltyn and Katharin. Supporter System could be removed? to me it's like a "secure but slowed down" way to guarantee a confederation. The scaling cost for invocation might make sense (because it affects more regions) but no other faction has to deal with something like that. As for the economy? it's certainly EXPENSIVE to build it up, but it scales pretty hard into late game as almost every Resource building you get increases the money generated from your markets. Also, fix Frostwyrm combat animation, he's a cool but completely useless unit >.>
Tomb Kings: I Agree here with most of it and pretty much everything seems like a "bug" or at least an oversight. Allowing Confederation should be no problem, Just rewriting victory conditions should be easy, even just doing some generic ones or just switching the long victory to the usual "either own or via vassal/military alliance" and Books of Nagash acquired via Vassal/Military alliance as well. IMHO hardly any effort required to fix that, since it works with other factions already. And yes an early secondary army that comes between turn 5 and 10 online. As what I would wish for the TK's is a recruitment mechanic like Nurgle, where you have access to the unit Pool and can just "summon" them because just sitting around for endless turns to upgrade your base Skelli + Archer army leagues away from home sucks :x
I played a Tzeentch campaign just recently for the achievement and boy was that a drag! It was THE WORST campaign I've played so far!
1) You're only busy backtracking. You go East to deal with Slaanesh? 5 Turns to get back to Teclis. You go West to deal with Oxyotl? 7 turns to get back to Teclis. You want to deal with Teclis? Enjoy with your base ass army while also dealing with the two other. And it's not like you'd be able to afford 2, much less 3 armies from early on to run in all directions at once.
2) The Tech tree is an UTTER mess. I guess it's thematic that's it completely chaotic, but there is no coherence in the tech tree and the unit upgrades are few and far between and aren't even really strong (you can't even buff Ranged damage of your Horrors!!) Just unlocking all Changing of Ways powers takes 80'ish turns. When they're unlocked they're fun to use and play with, but by the time you HAVE them the game is already over and gotten boring by that point.
3) No factions/army identity. Tzeentch is heralded as the "ranged" demonic faction. And while Exalted Horrors with 42 damage in a dedicated (Scribes and such) army are powerful, there is NO ranged unit with AP damage outside of Flamers and NO artillery unit apart from Tier 5 SoulGrinders. If anything Tzeentch is a Infantry/Cav faction of which both are better covered by Khorne and Slaanesh already.
4) Lord buffs for army makes no Sense whatsoever. Why are Horrors and Flamers secluded from each other? But literally ALL melee units + Centigors + Furies and then some in one group? Restructuring would be nice here.
I don't have too much to say about Ogres and Vampire Coast, since I refuse to play them before they got a rework ^^' Ogres are utterly boring to me, all units look pretty much the same to me and do the same ^^' with a wall of Halberdiers being their ultimate counter and AI looves to field Anti Large units and VC (and Norsca for that matter) having to deal with the shizophrenie that is their Pirate Coven/Sacrifice to the Gods mechanics.
My list
1 Daniel
2 norsca
3 lizard man
4 ogres
5 vampire counts.
Perfect. Couldn’t agree more
Replace LM with Bretonnia, Tomb kings or dark elves.
Nobody plays Daniel or orgres they don't matter
and wood elves ;3
i don't mind kislev and tomb kings. Always enjoy playing them. This feels more like "things i wish to be reworked" then should be reworked.
He also compares kislev s economy to green skins. Kislev is a militia faction. You can get like a full stack in 1 turn with global/local recruitment. You aren't supposed to field multiple armies, you have a couple lords hanging out, and then you quickly load them up for 1 battle or 2 turns then disband.
Ogres and Norsca for me. Then vampires and vampire coast.
I’d add Bretonnia to that list as well
Even with the added units, Shadows of Change is such a waste of time. Both Tzeentch and Kislev got new units but no real rework, and they are still at the bottom of the barrel.
Yep poor ogre friends rly needs some help for probably their only dlc left, and i rly hope CA know the great ogre haul mod and learn from it!
In ancient Egypt, the Atef crown was split into various parts; a Pharaoh who reunited them could claim rulership over all of Egypt. I think the Tomb Kings should unlock the ability to confederate once you reunite the Crown of Nehekhara parts.
I love how half of the video is about factions that should have gotten their rework in SoC (Kislev and Tzeentch)
So one thing i would like for Daniel is Mirror of Madness battles for other gods and undivided. It won't change much but it would make him a bit repayable and he is at zero for me (he needs to be done not a rework :D ). I would argue that Norsca is more in need of rework than Kislev who I would put in seventh. Bretonnia is my sixth since it's close to Coast and Khemri in the sense they are Warhammer 2 army in Warhammer 3.
1- Norsca
2- Ogres (Ogres have always been weaker than they feel like they should be. Even on the table top.)
3- Kislev
4-Lustria the Continent
5-Tomb Kings
6-Beastmen AI.
I think all the AI needs a rework. Warhammer 2 AI actually provided at least some challenge and would actually grow into large empires and recruit late game armies instead of constantly spamming tier 1 units the whole game. Not only is 3's AI boring from a gameplay perspective due to lack of challenge and unit variety but it's a big hit to immersion too. All the factions basically just sit around until you come and kill them with the broken auto resolve
Well norsca need it more. zero new lords and nothing since game 1 hurts.
Good list but i would add Norsca and Bretonia to this list because Bretonia last update was 2019 and that shows on the campaign map of how outdated they are , most of them(outside Luen) die before turn 30 and even Luen depending on where Belakor goes gets destroyed sometimes before 30 and Norsca i think CA totally forgot about them .Tomb kings will probably get some sort of update with Nagash .
Perhaps the tomb kings victory conditions could work like the Dwarf Legendary Grudges - just make it so any tomb king faction has to have control over the settlements in Kemri. Meanwhile the books of Nagash definitely need to be obtainable through alliances. At the very least Tomb Kings allying with tomb kings and Volkmar allying with High Elves (or other order factions) should give you the associated books.
As a ogre enjoyer, I'd like greasus to just get some different combat animations, something more like epidemius because he hardly ever attacks anything and usually gets stuck on every infantry unit. Beyond that there's a real nice mod that lets you place ogre camps anywhere meaning you can use one or two camps as garrisons for settlements. Beyond that their units in my experience perform really well with the exception of iron guts, they seem to just get beaten hell against any other elite infantry. Also their camp buildings are reallllly expensive. They're cavalry is exceptional and they're really fun to play. Against grimgor I usually can't kill him in melee and tell the leadbelchers to keep him on the ground.
The arguments you make, and the points you rise actually make a lot of sense. Nice work! Im leaving a sub, and I look forward to more videos.
Lizardmen have never once received a faction rework and they are a game 2 core faction. They got 3 DLC which only gave them units and lords but never a faction mechanic rework. Geomantic Web is barely a faction mechanic and is entirely passive. None of the Lizardmen lords have any individual campaign mechanics aside from Oxyotl.
How can you overlook a faction that has been around since the beginning of game 2 and never had a single rework? The DLC were frustrating because in each of the 3 DLC, the Lizardmen were the secondary aspect of the DLC.
*Cries in High Elves*
From most to... less most (they really do all need it) in need of a rework in my mind it'd be: Norsca, VCoast, Ogres, VCounts, Lizardmen, Bretonnia and then maybe Kislev - for Boris especially.
Norsca desperately needs something, anything at all, to justify their existence at this point, whereas the others need either a tuneup to bring them back in line with newer factions or a rework to give their faction mechanics as such an actual, functional purpose.
I sense a Nagash/Neferata + vampires and tomb kings final remaster, and that for a Southern realms and VC pair, these sound thematic.
My top 2 are Norsca and Ogre kingdoms, they actually feel really close in the sense that both were half butted dlc efforts even at release, and need rework & playability, depth asap. Ogres a buff straight up as well.
Then we have the update that SoC could have been, Kislev and Tzeentch mainly. That should have happened already.
Then the I-II outdated, but otherwise OK races that weren't touched yet in WH3 & need some love, but otherwise function, like the 2 vampire races, tomb kings, etc.
Bretonnia, HE and DE may be in the best stop of those imo, but they could also bear a polishing.
I survive with litres of daily hopium that CA can pull off sth like this AND add new races as well.
In my opinion the factions are in two groups.
1. tweaks: Ogers, vampire coast and the darks/high elfs.
2. reworks: Kislev, Vampire counts, Norsca and Bretonia
Ogres and Kislev need a full overhaul. The others just need some tweaks and fixes (more canopies of canopies from battles, more replenishment and uses of changing of ways, ecc.)
I play on Hard, but for me the Changing of the Ways is stupid useful. I got ganged up on by 3 factions at once and was immwdiately able to force peace on one and on another a few turns later. Halt Army saved me multiple times and forcing rebellion distracts them too. I'll often trade a settlement before I declare war. Settlement trading doesn't even seem to have diplomatic consequences.
Cool FLC idea would be to release King Amanhotep the Intolerant for those that own VC and TK along with updates for both
The single most powerful thing about Tzeentch campaign is the Blue Scribes and you might as well just play the WoC instead because they have a cleaner campaign overall which is a shame because I personally enjoy the theme and style of the "mono god" faction over WoC. Tzeentch mostly just needs some tweaks and buffs to make it more enjoyable.
Even though Bretonnia is not a weak faction, like Kislev, Bretonnia needs a rework and/or unique mechanics, because the race as a whole is very vanilla and not special in any significant way
*Cries in High Elves*
Will you do a video what would you do and change for the next slaanesh and khorn dlc ??
I've noticed that Nurgle's post-battle replenishment is pretty terrible, regardless of what army you're fighting. Though in the case of Nurgle it at least balances out with instant global recruitment and really high end-turn replenishment. I wonder if the option should even exist though, if it's not really going to do anything.
Honestly i feel like if they could just rework the Beastmen mechanics for unit capacity and army mechanics backwards into Tomb Kings they'd be pretty set. The rest I can live with for TKs.
Canopic jars are indeed broken. Why am I getting 30 jars when I fight 3 armies at once, but get 90 when I pick them off one by one with lightning strike?
Ogres do not fit to the game meta. Plus they have one natural problem. They are big, as you would expect from an ogre, but they are great target practice for all missile units and with a gunpowder improvements, ogres are doomed from the battle point of view. Any idea how this issue could be addressed?
I didnt know they changed the norscan areas. This is huge for other races as well, I hated playing Leon trying to get rid of Norsca and getting obliterated by attrition the moment I land. Poor horses.
I think all these factions deserve a rework but more then that the economy needs to be reworked as does climate. For climate I suggest adding some sort of feature called adaptation where if you hold territories that aren't your preferred climate you adapt to it over time by that I mean the more you build up the settlement building itself you'll negate the climate penalties, depending on the type of climate. As for economy revert the income output of every building to Warhammer 1 levels, in Warhammer 1 buildings produced WAY more money then they do Game 2 and Game 3, for example the Marienburg port base in game one produced 500 gold per turn and fully upgraded it produced 2000 gold per turn. Take that logic and apply it to every building that generates income.
Really though with the current state of things if you want to play factions in need of an update my advise is to play with mods that fix things, yeah I know modders should not be having to fix CA's problems but my approach has been that if I don't like something in a game I'll find a mod to change things.
Last thing CA needs to do seperate multiplayer balancing from singleplayer campaign as a person who plays singleplayer exclusively due to the fact I haven't played the game unmodded since launch (Oh that was horrible) I've got no tolerance for multlplayer balancing in singleplayer, I can get that against other humans but I've got no crap for giving the AI a beat down as the AI is enough of an asshole to warrent me screwing them over at any opportunity.
Really though the root of this problem is that CA basically has changed the formula between the three titles honestly they are three seperate games they function entirely differant from each other and its very obvious when you pit factions from game 2 against game 3. The best way to enjoy this game is to mod it out.
Heck I recommend installing a good number of mods and play a variety of campaigns then compare to base unmodded and you'll realize the things that can be improved and need changed
So what's the consensus with Bretonnia? I can't tell if people think it's too shitty to address, or balanced enough to ignore.
Kinda both? Infantry and archers are pathetic, research is bad, vows are crap.
But they have the best growth in the game, insane eco, good artillery, best cav
Ah, just caught the end. They do get better but their roster feels just as empty as the Ogre Kingdoms. Perhaps that's not really a big deal in the grand scheme.
I generally agree with your list. A point I rarely see brought up with Tomb Kings is that for a desert faction...there are so few desert regions and the ones that exist are crunched into fairly narrow lines. Deforming the Southlands a bit more to increase the desert part of Araby/Nehekhara at the expense of the sea to the east/west (even south by making the existing regions wider to free up space) wouldn't be a bad thing.
Kislev is strong faction, but they do need some changes, right now they are expansion race instead of being defenders. They need some way to spend devotion and really the biggest change that can solve all problems are attamans. They can be made to counteract weak ecomomy early game and you should get attaman per province instead of 2. But its really underwhelming mechanic that you almost forget it exist. Supporter race is fine but Boris should get something other and Ostankya need to get Gelt treatment of being able to return to Kislev in which they should add 1 magical forrest settlement. Their armies are really good and they are menace late game, but they need some mechanics to make them feel more interactive
I have made a 200 turn campaign playing Aranessa on Legendary/very hard, with increase AI aggression mods. Better victory conditions mods. Extended ogres roster (just some units of ogres not all). And added mounts options for Aranessa and vc lords and heroes.
I can say that Vampire coast have really a bad transition from warhammer 2 to 3. They are not absolutely design to play long campaign, I have pushed to the limit because I like long campaign and playing wide with empire building. But I felt like I was punish for playing like this with VC. Even if we relly only on the ports income, is not great at all. The income boost is too low, you even not made much money compare to other factions. What it was bugging me out it is the fact I was doing a Yuan bo campaign in parallel, and right at turn 70 I could have 14 good balanced armies with a decent positive income. While I was stuggling to have 4 o 5 good armies at the same number of turn with Aranessa.
If you compare VC to greenskins or Norsca who has the same power of looting as VC, it's far much better because you have great backbone economy. IN VC gameplay you have to rely only on your loot power and few income there and there with the ports and the coves. And let's talk about the coves, they are completly trash mechanic. I don't get the joy that people have playing a single colony focused campaign and put all their pirate coves everywhere, is so shitty. You are limited to only one building. I hate the system. And not let's talk about the trade income... so shit poor income it is not even worth...
Even if I say all that negatives, I still really love VC, because of their roster, I really enjoyed much playing my Aranessa on a big crab mount and not that poor little crab with my mods. And also put some heroes and lord on necroflex, terrorgheist or this big crab. I really love playing with more pirates units with ogres, and maybe there is a mod to add the new dwarf pirates i don't know about that. I love Aranessa, she is one of my favourite lord, I have made a paint the world camapign back in mortal empire in 2. But I could not just make it there. AT some point I had a big chaos dwarf empire to deal with, as crazy as it sounds. Zathan with 80 settlements and Drazoath with 30 were to angry that I hit Archaon, so they turned down on me after some great relationship we had. I achieved to take half of their empire out but I felt bored anyway as I had already dealing with my victory conditions fulfilled.
Also the early game is really tricky until you had access to mortar canons, and the queen beth for your main army. Taking capitals feels so shitty before that. So i had to xp my lords a bit in the early game loosing time in the conquest. Belegar was hard to deal with and annoying because I had to took time to get my Aranessa at least at level 13.
Buff the VC economy really. One the worst economy right now in the game, much worse than ogres I can say. Complete rework of the treasur hunt, this mechanic is so bad I didn't have talk about it. Complete rework of the pirate coves to align this more on skaven or Changelling style. Add more options for mounts in Vanilla. Add a new legendary lord starting in Cathay, or Ind or Kuresh. That"s all for my wishes.
I personally think CA should do a non dlc mass rework. I think all factions should get some sort of fast travel mechanic, just because the map is too big now. I think they also need to decide which factions are going to get a DLC in the future and all the ones that aren't getting a dlc, need to get fixed at least a bit, if even some power balancing.. buff a unit here and there.
i think Telis should be able to get gotrek and felix, and he should be able to teleport around the world like oxiotle and give him the ability to cast uranons thunderbolt with no cooldown or windup while chain lightning is active.
i feel like eaven tzench needs a rework ... wouldnt be surprised if all the changeling dlc faction and (race) like cathai and kislev fuets it like the empire... also dwarf by the way
I'd like to see them tweak the High Elves, mostly just giving Tyrion and Teclis proper mechanics. I'd really like for Tyrion (and Malekith) to have something related to taking over all of Ulthuan, hell give Teclis something like Gelt's Colleges of Magic mechanic too so he can nab those ultimate spells since he is the strongest mortal mage in the setting.
I'd like a Racial change to them as their lol battle ability is a debuff that now doesn't even really come into play and their "campaign mechanics" was getting to see the enemy when creating a trade agreement (which has been removed) and influence - which is useless due to their tech tree and heroes PLUS player bias just destroys it anyway.
They don't need a tweak, they need something actually there.
While I like this list I think the lizardman deserve the 1 spot. A factor not considered in the video is cost. All of the mentioned races are either bought in one DLC or require 1 DLC and the base game to get everything. Lizardman on the other hand need 3 DLCs + base game to get everything.
And what you get in return? A boring bland race with no mechanics. Yes their battles are fun and their power level is okay, but it is surprising how many LLs the lizardman have and all of them manage to still feel bland.
Here's the thing, I think the Ogres need an Overhaul and I do, positively, think there are a few things that need to be done. I would've done this already...But I won't lie, I am not good enough at scripting to allow me to do anything about it and some mad lad already did a mod for some of the things I think need to be put into Ogres to make them a worthwhile faction. Let's start with the most basic of basics and work up to something more substantial.
01. Moving camps.
This should've been a thing from day one and it would've made Ogres far more bearable at launch. Moving camps with roaming warbands would allow you to have more of a presence on the map and allow you to go out a little farther to secure and build up new territories which, in turn, would become safe or comfortable enough to travel farther abroad for future armies. They also would be great to secure key mountain locations as they act like a settlement buffer defense.
02. Bigger buildings in the Mountains of Mourn.
Ogres may not be known for their big building or ideas, but they should be able to make really big settlements in some of the mountains to make them hard to crack in future attacks against them. Right now you could easily bowl through them and it makes it hard to believe they have defended it for this long.
03. Some basic troop buffs.
They feel like they just need to be scarier. Maybe allow Ogre Charge to ignore charge defense, make Wall Breaker do bonus damage so they are scarier when attacking settlements (Call it Ogre Siege Tactics or something, maybe bonus damage to buildings to just do basic changes), really just the most basic of basics.
04. Different Campaign Focuses.
This is where we branch off a little, but speaking of the two main Lords we have make Skrag a madman road trip and make Greasus a more sedentary playstyle. Skrag looking for the best offerings for the Great Maw hunting down Legendary Lords or key ingredients across the map while Greasus is focused on becoming the best Mercenary/Overtyrant ever. Skrag gets his cooking pot (similar to Grom) that adds ingredients for his army as you beat certain factions (either by fighting LL's or being a direct cause of wiping them out) while Greasus gets an overhauled Mercenary Mechanic. Speaking of...
05. The Mercenary Contracts.
This is what I think Greasus should have. Oxyotl with a few extra steps would be a good way to describe this but imagine you're in your mountains and you get a notification that several contracts have been brought before you. You open up a panel and see three or four locations across the Warhammer World by various factions. The Dark Elves want you on the doughnut to fight the High Elves, a human city besieged by Chaos calls for aid, Skarsnik calls for additional muscle to take Karak Eight Peaks, etc. You accept the contract for the various rewards (will clarify in the next point), assign an army, and off they go! Disappearing from the map temporarily as they are 'in transit'.
Depending on which of the types of contracts I mentioned above they do different things. In the event you are hired for attacking an enemy as temporary forces in a War you get paid the basic fee, teleport to the edge of the enemy territory, and are given 10-15 turns of 'play time'. During this time you are temporarily 'at war' with the faction and you get paid a set amount of gold when the fighting starts, then get bonuses based off of how many settlements you raze, sack, or gift to the faction who hired you (Sacking gives meat and gold, raze gives you more meat and less gold, gifting gives you no meat but a decent amount of bonus gold and bonus relations to the faction who hired you). At the end of your contract the 'At War' status will drop, your army will disappear from the map for one turn, and return back to your territory. If you are sent to help break or support a siege your army is teleported in as additional garrison or as a reinforcements for the army who hired you. In the former you get to decide where your army sets up and in the latter you can choose to either be the first wave, be there at the same time, or be the second wave to really play to your army's strengths. These three contract types will allow you to have varied combats every so often, have foreign allies across the world, all the while allowing you to focus on home defense.
06. Better contract rewards.
The gold needs to be better, but what needs to happen is perhaps allow for foreign item pools to be allowed in your rewards. Prospector's Spyglass from Dwarf hiring is an example I can think of too. Maybe a RoR/Beast Pen situation (Dark Elves give you a Hydra or Black Dragon you can hire in as payment for your services). Things just to make your armies a little bit different.
These are just things I think need to be had. Anyone agree? Disagree? Constructive criticism?
Those faction might need some loving touch sure, but they are far from a dire need of rework. There are others who need more attention then those you listed.
I actually think brettonia could use a polish. I was playing alberic for a bit AND THEN I FOUND OUT his litetal LL final bonus is literally 0 use. That thing gives you perfect vigor when your grail oath literally already does that. 😅😅😅😅
Vampire Counts and Lizardmen are my two largest ones
im really hoping for a 3 way undead dlc with reworks to the undead factions, i loved playing them all in wh2 but in wh3 they feel so bad, esp the vampire coast. Also i think the reason the vamp coast roster sucks so much is legit multiplayer... they got HARD nerfed for years and now everything just hits like a wet noodle. Gotta love balancing a single player game around .1% of the player base
Tzeentch, respectively Kairos because he has the worst most miserly campaign is mainly economic issues early on that could be solved if he would get more post battle loot. You need that second army early on to match your 3 front inevitable war and you just don't have the money for it, you really have to barley hold on untill you finish off cameleon dude and it is horrendous. In all my campaigns you get good just past turn 40, it is not acceptable. But it is a tough challange if you are up for it.
norsca and vampire coast should both have a bonus to switch between sea and land easier...
Yes to everything you said about TK. Been saying it for years. Was fav faction but they have slide all the way to near the bottom now.
TK is my favorite faction to play, but my god they need something new in WH3.
vampires counts didn't make it. Vampire counts got cucked by warhammer 3 soooo hard and the raise dead change is sooooo bad. Also don't get me started on the healing cap and leadership nerfs. At least vampire coast is unique and arguable more fun in my opinion(but still needs a rework). But vampire counts have no direct where CA wants to go with them they feel so weird to play now and the most fun lord is sadly Ghorst. Ghorst OF ALL THINGS IS THEIR BEST LORD.
Hopefully norsca daniel vampire counts and even base tzeentch is kinda a drag
Playing elspeth, and AI boris, malakai and katarin literally wiped out archaeon and most of the chaos wastes for the first time in my experience
Tzeentch has a good eco. U just have to develop and focus on one province at a time rather then building the minimun in each province.
I watched a ton of your vids and know how u like to play witch is fine. Just because a faction didnt work with your spesific playstyle means it has a bad eco. You can easy support 3 4-6k armys by turn 30-40.
I might even argue that tzeench has an amazing eco.
Dragon Isles alone give 8k maxed out
I don’t really care about how powerful a faction is. In fact, I have more fun with factions that are weaker like the Tomb kings as it adds to the challenge. What the game needs is engaging mechanics that cause you to strategize turn to turn. The Tomb kings with its army caps in particular is fun to me because you do need to pick your building and army comps wisely. Kislev to your point has a real lousy mechanic with the supporter system and race. They need to make supporters a currency you can use to build kossar/peasant armies. Then ditch the race mechanic and let you use them to confederate like the new dwarf system. I also think they should overhaul the great game mechanic for the mono gods and Daniel. If you made that mechanic interesting it would help improve 5 races at once.
All these races need improvements let’s hope that CA will listen to you
My personal list:
1 - Daniel
2 - Norsca
3 - Ogres
4 - Tomb Kings
5 - Vampires
Honestly, they just need to fix sieges, everything else will follow. The level of wall/garrison in settlement also needs to just give you prebuilt towers and the surplus supplies are just for barricades. the defensive supplies determine how many siege turns you suffer 0 attrition as a defender (honestly even like 3 turns without attrition is fine). allow tier 1 units to be recruited at the cost of surplus growth while under siege during non-attrition phase. and lastly just fix the freaking walls. right now, there's literally no point to build siege equipment, it just doesn't even help that should be changed. defenders should be accurate on the walls, i don't even care if they shoot through the freaking model of the wall, give them freaking aimbot while mounted on walls. and melee units garrisoned on walls need to be able to destroy ladders. give the ladders HP so stronger units are better obviously but as it stands now it's just such a mess that weaker races really get steam rolled because they can't even play defensively to get their feet under themselves.
If any of these races get touched before High Elves I am going to shit my pants.
I think Daniel, Ogres, Vampire Counts, and Norsca need it the most
Honestly tomb kings are fine. Demons of chaos need it with belakor being moved to them, norsca, ogres, vampire coast, and lizardmen
No confederations plus only 1 lord type besides research lords is just so lazy and boring. They don't need a whole rework perhaps, but they are really up for an DLC.
i vote norsca and chaos warriors undivided, undivided chaos is so misserable as they technically can have everything but its almost impossible to use everything with the limited gifted slots, expecially when dumb things are counting as gifted like bile trolls
I can't agree with the Ogre's take on their "low damage output". I don't wanna be that guy who tells you how to play, but I'd be curious how you're using your ogres. I have a blast playing them, in multiplayer their issues are costs of units. As for getting access to units I'd tend to agree it's difficult to get going sometimes with them. I play Ogre Kingdoms a lot and really enjoy their gameplay, I can only speak on my experience and I find myself focusing on building camps, campin.. lol and using those camps as a raiding camp.. Accepting all non-aggressions and such only for the enemy to break them on me while I maintain high reliability etc etc.. It's really fun tbh.
Ogres are carried a lot by their mass and charge benefits but in terms of a long fight they just lack the damage over time.
@@Costin_Gaming for sure, cycle charging is a must, and kiting as well. But in terms of campaign mechanics I think they play in a really interesting way, especially goldtooth on Immortal empires because most of the major trade routes have to go through his province. Locking trade route down and punishing traders while maintaining good security is my first go to when I play Ogres as Greasus.
everyone has forgotten about brettonia.
I struggle to understand the complaints about Vampire Coast's roster. They are designed to be a gun line faction that defeats enemies with overwhelming force at range. This is why, if you use tercio or Dutch gunline formations, they utterly destroy everything in the game. If you're worried about leadership, you're doing it wrong.
That said, the Sartosa faction could use a rework, if only for lore reasons. Aranessa is not a vampire--she's a mutant, and she's supposed to run a ship of living pirates. Nanu's rework mod is amazing, and makes the faction easily one of the more interesting ones to play.
As others have mentioned: Norsca should really be on this list. :)
Because their range is limited and their units die very quickly and most factions beat them in range.
Ogres a pretty solid faction in MP
But they definately need some Campaign rebalance
These are literally all the factions I dislike the most, and have no interest in any content for. Hopefully they´ll rework more interesting ones like high elves, dark elves, bretonnia, vampire counts and make more empire content.
I very much argue that the HE's are in the biggest need of a rework. It pretty much comes down to people not enjoying the the features of the other races - but the HE's literally have NO mechanics (influence is poo, they lost line of sight over factions that trade with them). Yes, the DLC factions have one or two (well, only Eltharion really as Allarielle lol has public order bonuses really from making sure only HE's have Ulthuan).
But general, race specific uniqueness - nothing. (Perhaps) The greatest warrior who has rallied the armies of Ulthuan multiple times and is considered nothing less than Anaerion reborn... has a -1 recruit turn for infantry. The Mage that almost stopped the End Times, that almost easily killed Malekith and almost saved the Empire by teaching them magic... get's plus +5 recruit rank to Archmages. Btw I'm reaching for those "mechanics".
Vampire Coast is one of my favorite factions that needs help.
I feel like the devotion is a bigger problem for Katarine than for Kostaltyn since after ur start u end up south next to Drycha and Vlad and fighting none of them gives devotion. Ostankya is just OP I can´t remember when u get her bear aoe nuke but at that time u can fight battles with just her while ur army waits in the forest.
A faction were u can´t confederate like tomb kings makes no sense and is just not fun. It´s so rare that your allies are helpful that alliances and vasals are usually just helpful to see an enemy earlier and to keep track of fleeing armies. Army limitation is the major issue with everything else u stated but also their technology tree is not really great.
With tzeentch their best tool is teleport stance that´s it and that´s even more annoying to play against than skaven and feels ike cheating when u play it. And blue horrors are overpriced, they are actually worse than nurglings.
The thing with ogres is, their camp mechanic is bad (why wouldn´t u be able to move a camp? what´s the whole purpose of it when it´s just another fixed settlement). I don´t understand why on a small roster u got 3 units in the early game that perform basicly the same and fill the exact same niche. If at least ur main lord would be a camp himself and camps would be moveable that would be kinda helpful.
And I already said my opinion on the vampire coast on your video on the vampire coast problems.
Lizardmen in my opinion. Well, I guess I am just a Lizardmen fan. For sure Vampire Counts
Y didn’t even mention high elves and lizard men?
Are Lizardmen not in need of a major rework?
"Slaanesh works a lot better in a lot of ways". That's what she said. Childish, I know, jus't couldn't resist.
Dark Elves.. Does anyone actually want to play with the ogres?
Ogres roster is pretty fun
NORSCA, Counts, Ogres, Vampirates. Who plays the game long enough knows. And dont tell me Counts got rework, cos they didn’t. Counts are in the game since WH1 and received ONE update, update, which is pretty bad.
Just miss 1 legendary lor for Slaneesh. Fix the campaign of Ogres, did maybe his camp like nomad.
lizards .
Lizardmen have never once received a faction rework. They were not the main point of any of the 3 DLC they were in.
Lizardmen need something special.. they have no overarching mechanic.. maybe something thats working on the great plan like dwarven grudges..
How is norsca not on the list? Norsca is number and should have been the first to get a rework not the empire, nurgle or the dwarfs. Even the dwarf rework isn't that great.
Norsca and Ogres, others are welcome but not nesesary...
Lizardmen? Their campaign mechanics are basically all half baked at most, but more like still frozen. The geo-web is just a big bag of nothing. Blessed units being just random is nothing. What mechanics do they have that we could actually call a done mechanic?
Feels like you focus a little bit too much on power and less on interesting and finished mechanics.
Speculation mode unlocked.
You clearly don't know how to play Vampire Coast. I mean you don't know even 20% of what you have to know. VC is boring to play due to only one way to play. In theory they should be able to fight hit and run or in melee, but gunnery meta is just so good. If you swim with the current this campaign is extremely easy, solvable and trivial.
Cylostra is da best :)
Orrrrrrrrrr ditch the stupid book quest and revamp around Nagash's return, and let Khalida go fight Neferata! hmmmmmmmmmmmm
Changeling is non existent in hands of AI. Its unfair i can't confederate him despite i reveal his cults. Also how does it feel, to be alone on map of its kind, being Kairos.
Lead belcheers, one of broken units on release, are now mediocre at best.
Many monstrous units have just 1/2 of its potential because all their weight system don't really works yet, just for a single entities minus horse mounted ones.
While ogress could use cycle charge tactics given their speed, they really can't because they are so fucking clunky and single model getting stuck disrupt all the charge, so a player in fact do have just single charge before meele and thats it. they don't really have not a good stats while even a peasants T1 units( exaggerating a bit but) can get better and faster stats, than them. they are just shit for prolonged battle + battlefield, which could mitigate their clunkiness, is also favourable for other races doing much bettter so no reall improvement.
Then there is a shit system of camp system :D
Uhhhh Bretonia??
I know Vampire Counts have no range units.. but all melee units feels weird to play... I mean they have some monster unit how making some of them throw tree trunk or big rock at door and walls to break them down too.. heck they probably can add in some vampire count unit to throw fireballs... as a type of magic siege unit..
Vampire coast artillery fell off after the past few rounds of dlc. The chorfs, dwarves, and empire outclass them by far now. Vampire coast literally has nothing over any other faction and it feels terrible. Even their depth guard units have fallen off when compared to lower tier infantry of other factions. Hands down the worst faction to play in the game currently.
You didn't mention NORSCA, thus this list is not objective or valid at all - you failed spectacularly.
dark elves slave mechanic needs a rework, as a race they are powerful it's just boring, was more interesting in wh2
Id like a wood elf rework. Make Orion and Ariel Legendary heroes and put Araloth the Bold as the lord of Taslyn.
Vampire coast are so weak and outdated .. i mean noctilus is not bad but come one the graveyard dont have wall ..
And Lizardmen, Nakai sucks