Little Darlings originally premiered on NBC back on Sunday May 8, 1983, airing from 9-11pm ET. with the other 1980 box office hit Urban Cowboy from Paramount Pictures premiering the week after on Sunday May 15, 1983, airing from 8-11pm ET.
Ever notice the names of the communities in the intro of News 4 New York? Which neighborhood is yours in the grid? I used to live in the Kensington section of Brooklyn back in 1997.
Little Darlings originally premiered on NBC back on Sunday May 8, 1983, airing from 9-11pm ET. with the other 1980 box office hit Urban Cowboy from Paramount Pictures premiering the week after on Sunday May 15, 1983, airing from 8-11pm ET.
I wish we could see the whole newscast from that night.
9:41 I’m still miss the old WTC
Ever notice the names of the communities in the intro of News 4 New York? Which neighborhood is yours in the grid? I used to live in the Kensington section of Brooklyn back in 1997.