Great video Francius. I am totally learning the art of tempeh making from you videos. I am now a Ok tempeh maker and improving every time. Thanks to your sharing of knowledge.
Hi Francius, did you tried any time making Tempeh without delhulling? I have seen couple of places where they made tempeh with the without dehulling stage. I think if it works will it not save the extra work to dehull and also the added fiber is healthier too. Just wanted to check with you what you think about this, there must be some reason dehulling is always done in Indonesia. I will try to attempt this for my own satisfication.
Dehulling is not mandatory. But, tempeh makers in Indonesia always dehull because it is the market demand. Non-dehull tempeh is considered of lower quality and sells cheaper, and there is no demand. It tastes different too. The labor-saving is just not worth it. Too much fiber kills the taste too To prove it, try yourself.
Great information!!! I am experimenting with an instant pot using yogurt mode in North America. Thank you for your black mold answer. I have tossed many good batches thinking they failed when I saw fruiting black mold. Thank you for the open glass container tip. Adding extra starter is going to be very helpful. I now feel better informed on what tweaks I need to make for a successful batch.
Hi, there! Tempeh is fragile but not that fragile. If you follow and watch all of my videos on this channel you will be more informed. Everything you need to know about tempeh is here. You don't need to go anywhere else. If you still have any questions just let me know! Good luck! Francius
Francius, this video is amazing. It also explains quite well why even Indonesians like yourself favor homemade incubators instead of letting it ferment in the ambient. Although I also live in a tropical country, Brazil, I've been struggling to make tempeh. Thank you for the amazing content.
In Ethiopia, you can incubate your tempeh anywhere in the house. Look for a spot that can give a constant temperature of 31C. Cover your batch with a kitchen towel to prevent temperature loss at night That is how Indonesian people incubate their tempeh. Good luck! Francius
I am sorry for the loud music! You can easily lower the volume with your setting and it will not interfere with the video content because it is not verbal. Francius
Hello Francius, I wanted to thank you for your informative videos. They are great! I have a question about one of my batches of soy tempeh. I had stored it in the fridge and cut into it four days later and there were spots INSIDE the tempeh that had gone off. There was no sign of mushy tempeh visible from the exterior. It looked almost like it was bruised. I had not taken it out of the plastic sandwich bag in which it had fermented in. Just wondering what your thoughts might be as to why it had mushy spots. I didn't like the smell of those mushy spots so had cut them out. The rest of the tempeh was really tasty.
It seems like your tempeh had not fermented well inside. It is a sign of too little tempeh starter or the temperature while fermentation is no good, either too high or too low. A well fermented tempeh will stay firm after one week in the fridge. Don't get too discouraged. Try again. It's better to freeze your tempeh later.
Thanks for time-saving tips👍I saw pink areas after trying to grow spores from sliced tempeh after seeing another channel. No fluffy white in sight after 3 days in grill under stove. Is the pink safe? Have transferred tempeh to sun now to dry up the slices. Then wikl add to cooked rice as you suggested
Your spore was not growing. The spore comes after the white fluffy mycelium, which was not growing in your tempeh slices. So, fluffy mycelium is important. I suggest you make rice tempeh like shown in my other video. Go after the fluffy mycelium which then produces the black or grey spore. Unless you get the white fluffy mycelium you wont get spores. Francius
Francius, great video on the pitfalls of making tempeh. My tempeh experiments produces quality tempeh 90% of the time. Because I’m changing certain variables it doesn’t always give me the product that I expect. I learn from my mistakes and I know that making tempeh isn’t always fool proof but it’s well worth making it.
Rob, what are the variables you add? Do you make tempeh from other ingredients apart from Soy. I try to make non-soy based tempeh's. Mostly I am not finding the similar cleaner taste I get from Soy tempeh when I am eating non-soy based tempeh. I try to make it with lima beans, red beans, lentils and chickpeas. The second best tasting was Chickpeas. Soy is the best tasting one. May be tempeh molds love Soy more than anything else.
The mold reacts to different beans in different ways based on the nutrients contents of each bean. That is why they taste different from each other. Soybean is the most nutritious and rich in terms of protein and other stuff. Chickpeas are the second common beans used in tempeh making.
@@tomato778 I came across Francius channel in early December 2020 and was encouraged to make my own incubator and start making “Indonesian” style soybean tempeh; never made it before. I’m only interested in soybean tempeh since that is what I’ve grown up with it. Francius’ videos are a great guide to start but each incubator is unique and his incubator times are just a guide. I attempted to make my own home made tempeh starter but failed because the condensation ruined the mycelia. My second attempt was better but only had some mycelia and I was skeptical of its strength. I experimented with different incubator times, different tempeh starters, different amounts of starters, even changing the incubator’s temperature after 12 hours from 31C to 21C for the next 24 hours. I documented all the variable changes and the quality of the final product. I think I have the process optimized for my incubator. Like Francius said: tempeh making is an art.
Hi Francius, Is it normal for tempeh to reach 40 degrees during fermentation? furthermore, a strong condensation forms in the first 24 hours in the perforated plastic bags. It's right? Thanks
Hi, there! The optimum fermentation temperature is 31C (88F) +/- 0.5C. So, 40C is way too high. If you have 40C even for an hour your tempeh will be burned. That’s why I keep telling tempeh makers to take the tempeh out from the incubator after 15 hrs of fermentation. Don’t worry about condensation inside the perforated plastic bag. It will go away after 24-36 hrs. It’s normal. Francius
You're so welcome! Please share the video with your friends. This channel is dedicated to promoting tempeh to the world. If you still have any questions just let me know. Francius
Abu2 itu spora yang sudah masak karena terlalu lama di inkubator. Harusnya cukup 15 jam saja di inkubator terus ditaruh di suhu ruangan. Tapi spora tidak apa2 masih bisa dikonsumsi. Ikuti video ini
I have question about eating raw tempeh. I read to avoid eating raw tempeh, but pasteurized can be eaten out of the box. How to prepare pasteurized tempeh to avoid probably stomah or bigger problems? How long must be cooked to be safe?
It is unusual for people in Indonesia to eat 'raw' tempeh. Cooked tempeh makes it easily digested. Frying or steaming takes about 10-15 minutes to consider it cooked.
Hi Francius, I couldn’t find your email to send photos but I wanted to ask if it was safe to eat the tempeh if there is some red coloration around the fermented soybeans? I used an aquarium heater incubator so there was excess moisture during the fermentation process, leading to delayed mycelium growth. There was still some moisture at the bottom after I took it out too. Other important details is that I forgot to put vinegar and the smell is ok in my opinion? But I’m not usually the best at distinguishing smells so not too reliable. Thanks!
Hi, Keysha! My email is on the Home Page. It is, send me pictures. Vinegar is not essential. I never put vinegar in my tempeh. The red coloration is uncommon. Is the incubator temperature right (31C/88F)? Is the tempeh firm, not wiggly? Did you follow all the steps in the process? Francius
I have checked the emailed pictures. It looks OK, only less white and firm. Please add more starter (double it), it will ferment better. You can consume your tempeh.
Hello Francius. My tempeh turned out beautiful and delicious. Thank you. However, I have a question that may seem silly but I have to ask it because I cannot find an answer anywhere else. How much tempeh should an average person eat at a single meal? What is an appropriate portion size?
Hi, Radhika! Good to hear about your success! Congratulation! The answer is simple. You can eat as much as you want. There is no side effect in overeating tempeh other than a full stomach. Enjoy your tempeh! Try some recipes in my other playlist 'Cook With Me' on this channel. Francius
Terima kasih telah berbagi Video barunya, dapat ilmu baru lagi. Kali ini mohon pencerahanya: Saya baru saja dapat stock ragi Raprima, Ahir2 ini hasil tempe saya gagal, padahal tempenya padat juga putih menjamur luarnya namun dalamnya masih belum keluar jamurnya kayak mentah. Saya coba diperlama dalam incubator sampe up to 20 jam dan hasilnya agak mendingan tp dalamnya masih belum fully developed juga. Peragianya 15gram/kg soybean padahal biasanya 12gr/kg Soybean dan Ok hasilnya. Please help. Matu nuwun, pak Francius, you are my guru of tempe making.
Halo, mas Ali! Yang kurang berhasil itu ragi lama atau yg baru? Sepertinya ragi lama ya? Kalau ragi lama berarti ragi sudah sangat melemah. Jangan dibuang, cukup ditambah spora baru. Lihat caranya di video saya ttg memperbaiki ragi yg lemah: Pemakaian raginya terlalu banyak. Kalau raginya baik cukup 1 sdt (3 gram) untuk 1 kg kedele kering. Kalau dengan ragi yang baik masih mentah di dalam berarti terlalu tebal tempenya. Jangan lebih tebal dari 3 cm. Coba lagi dengan ragi baru, kabari saya hasil akhirnya! Kirim fotonya ke email saya. Salam dari USA!
@@francius1003 Terima kasih for the quick response, Tempe yg gak berhasil justru pake ragi yg baru saja beli dari Indo, expire datenya 2022, masak sdh melemah. Adakah cara untuk ngetest ragi tape ataupun tempe bagus tidaknya? Sengaja menggunakan ragi banyak krn saya pikir musim dingin dgn harapan fermentasinya lebih baik, nanti akan coba bikin tempe lagi dgn 3g/kg kedele kering, Ukuran tempe yg saya bikin 500g (14cmx15cmx4cm), panjang x lebar x tebal, mungkin ini ketebalan ya, Foto tempe saya yg gagal sdh saya email ke pak Suwuno. Terima kasih atas response dan perhatianya. Keep fit and healthy Salam hangat dari Australia !
Hallo Om Francius, terima kasih videonya. Om aku mau tanya, kmrn2 aku buat tempeh, kutaruh d dlm oven d atas racknya (dlm keadaan mati ovennya). Tempehnya berkembang bagus, putih, tp sayangnya keluar jamur2 kecil warna abu abu dr bolongan bolongan kecil yg d plastik. Itu salahnya dimana ya Om? Soya bean aku pakai 1kg, 1sdt ragi tempeh & 4sdm tepung beras. Terima kasih sebelumnya Om.
Hai, Natalia! Gak ada yang salah. Bintik abu-abu atau hitam di lubang plastik itu bukan jamur tapi spora dari jamur. Itu normal setelah tempe mateng 36-48 jam. Itu tandanya tempemu sehat. Untuk menghindari sporulasi spt itu, keluarkan dari oven dan masukkan ke kulkas untuk menghentikan fermentasi dan mencegah tumbuhnya spora. Francius
They turn yellow because they are too long in the freezer (more than 3 months) or some other fungi other than rhizopus (the fermentation fungi) are growing. They grow because of low temperatures during fermentation and less hygienic processing. I suggest not to consume such tempeh products. Remember the correct temperature and cleanliness are premium in tempeh production. Please follow carefully the process shown in my videos.
Hi, Jose! I think you have a temperature control problem. Your tempeh was overheated. Can you tell me about your incubator and how you use it? Francius
I mixed the beans with the spores in a metal bowl, is it o.k.? The last two times i had delayed growth of spores. After 36 houers mycelium started and was ready after 48 houers, a little spot was not infiltrated by mycelium.Temperature at the beginning 25' C after 3 houers 30' C later 31' C, so in my opinion temperature was not the reason for the delay??
A metal bowl is fine as long as it is clean. Slow incubation can be attributed to a weak tempeh starter or low temperature. But it is fine if it is fully incubated in 48 hrs. Try to increase (double) the amount of your tempeh starter.
My tempeh is a little bit too hot, not consider 100 per cent successful, how to cool dowm the tempeh during fermentation ? Where can I buy the incubator? I live in Singapore.
Hi, Mei! I have uploaded videos on how to build your own incubator. Check it out in the playlist The Tempeh World. Your tempeh is too hot, what kind of incubator did you use? You need only to put the tempeh in an incubator for 12-15 hrs. After that, you take it out and let it cure at room temperature. Please follow my tutorial on Tempeh Making for Beginners. If you live in Singapore you don't need an incubator. Just put your tempeh at room temperature.
Hi, Ivelisse! No. Black molds are mature spores which is normal after 36-42 hrs of fermentation. The spores grow at spots where oxygen is available, that's why the sporulation happens near the plastic holes or any area that has air contact. You can avoid the black spore by removing your tempeh from the incubator and freeze them. Freezing with stop the further fermentation process. So, your tempeh is a success and you can consume them. For your information, the tempeh starter is a collection of these spores, which later ferments your beans in the tempeh making.
Hi, Francius, great video. Pls help me with some problem: 1.For the first 20 hours, my tempeh was very firm, but after 36 hours it became soft and had a slightly sour, slightly viscous smell. 2. no mycelium after 24 h, beans become soft and viscous. thanks so much
Hi, Nhat! Check your temperature. It should be 31C or 88F constantly. How can it be firm when there is no mycelium? Then, it must be your tempeh starter that is no good, get a good one! From the smell, it shows that it is a failed tempeh no mycelium to bind the beans. Are you using an incubator? What kind? Can you send me pictures through instachat or my email Francius
@@francius1003 Thanks so much for soon reply. I think I've found out my problem after watch again your making incubator video. My incubator is almost like yours but There were no holes for oxygen to enter(my husband forgot to cut holes) Do you think that makes my tempeh ruined after fermented?
If what you meant is the six holes at the bottom, they are not for oxygen. They are for fresh air to flow in when the fans suck the hot air out during overheating. Your tempeh doesn't need oxygen, so the failure is caused by overheating because no fresh air pushes the hot air out. Don't get discouraged, try again after your husband cuts the six holes. Good luck! Francius
@@francius1003 I didn't know that the fans should to suck the air. My fans were inverted. Maybe it's the reason of my fails with tempeh. Thank you one more time master.
Hi, Mark. Tempeh requires 31C/88F in an average temperature. Check your local, if it is in the range you don't need an incubator. The Philippines and Indonesia are almost similar in weather conditions. However, an incubator gives you an accurate and controlled temperature, so you can still make tempeh even if the outside temperature is out of range. Good luck! Francius
The black spots are not molds, they are mature spores. They are normal after over 48 hrs of incubation. These spores are the major ingredients for making your own tempeh starter, and are safe to consume. You can stop the sporulation by freezing your tempeh after 36 hrs of incubation. Francius
Can you specify how you failed? Did you follow my video on Homemade Tempeh For Beginners? Don't give up, it is not that difficult. Only two things you need to watch out for: temperature and tempeh starter.
Hi, die! I'll define what a good tempeh is. Good tempeh is firm, white, and smell soft. Wiggly tempeh with discoloration and smell strong ammonia is a failed tempeh. Don't consume failed tempeh, throw them in the garbage. Find out what failed your tempeh and avoid it in the future. Francius
No. Starter is the main ingredient to do the fermentation. I have uploaded videos on how to make your own tempeh starter, easy and low cost. Check it out! Francius
Hi, Appelbert. You are right. I assumed perforated bags as general basic understanding about that need without explaining. But we all learn. In the beginning, people didn’t use plastic, only banana leaves. And, by nature banana leaves are breathable even without punching. Thank you for your keen observation! 🙏🙏🙏
Hi, Patrick! No. Vinegar is optional. It is intended to increase the pH to prevent unwanted bacteria to interfere with the fermentation process. No traditional tempeh producers in Indonesia uses vinegar, yet their tempeh keeps flooding the market every day. I never use vinegar and my tempeh never fails me. Almost all tutorials about tempeh making insist on using vinegar as the most important ingredient. I want to get rid of this myth and never use vinegar. Inaccurate temperature is the most failing factor. That's why I keep stressing the importance of building an incubator. I never see another youtube tutorial stressing this. Please see this in my video FAQ About Tempeh Answered Thank you for subscribing, please share this channel. Thank you! Francius
@@francius1003 Hello! Good to hear. I just making tempeh for the first time in my oven. Around 30-32 C. I think I undercooked the beans despite I cooked them for 3 hours. The beans are not soft. Next time I will use my pressure cooker.
You only need 60 minutes to cook soybeans. 3 hrs is just way too long, and you don't need a pressure cooker to cook soybeans. Soybeans are the toughest of all beans, but they will go soft after fermentation. Why do you think you undercook your soybeans? Can you send me pictures of your tempeh through my email? My email is public, you can find it on the channel homepage. Francius
@@francius1003 The soybeans were not soft, thats why I think I undercooked them. The fermentation has only been for 2 hours so I can send a picture tomorrow.
The soybeans are cooked if you can crush the bean by pinching using your thumb and index finger. And the softness is maximum after you boil them in 60 minutes. They cannot go softer. Do not overcook them. Soybeans are not black beans, red beans, or mung beans, that can dissolve into pulp if you cook them for more than 30 minutes.
Hi, Namphung! Don't get discouraged! Find out what fails your tempeh and keep trying. You can find answer on any questions in this channel! Good luck! Francius
nice video grandfather, making tempeh is a hell of a process. Take care, love from Ha Noi, Vietnam.
Hello Hanoi! Good to hear from you! Making tempeh is an art, you improve by practicing! Love from the US back. Enjoy your tempeh!
Terimakasih atas videonya sangat bermanfaat!
Terimakasih sudah subscribe ke channel ini!
Wow mantap.!
Tempe Pak Francius suwono 👌😍
Great video Francius. I am totally learning the art of tempeh making from you videos. I am now a Ok tempeh maker and improving every time. Thanks to your sharing of knowledge.
Great to hear, Tomato! Keep the good work!
Hi Francius, did you tried any time making Tempeh without delhulling? I have seen couple of places where they made tempeh with the without dehulling stage. I think if it works will it not save the extra work to dehull and also the added fiber is healthier too. Just wanted to check with you what you think about this, there must be some reason dehulling is always done in Indonesia.
I will try to attempt this for my own satisfication.
Dehulling is not mandatory. But, tempeh makers in Indonesia always dehull because it is the market demand. Non-dehull tempeh is considered of lower quality and sells cheaper, and there is no demand. It tastes different too. The labor-saving is just not worth it. Too much fiber kills the taste too To prove it, try yourself.
A very helpful video, Francius. Thank you for sharing your knowledge.
My pleasure, DavidKimFX!
Great information!!! I am experimenting with an instant pot using yogurt mode in North America. Thank you for your black mold answer. I have tossed many good batches thinking they failed when I saw fruiting black mold. Thank you for the open glass container tip. Adding extra starter is going to be very helpful. I now feel better informed on what tweaks I need to make for a successful batch.
Hi, there!
Tempeh is fragile but not that fragile. If you follow and watch all of my videos on this channel you will be more informed. Everything you need to know about tempeh is here. You don't need to go anywhere else. If you still have any questions just let me know!
Good luck!
Very informative video.Thanks for sharing.
Thank you Neena! Wish you succeed in your tempeh journey! Please share the channel!
Francius, this video is amazing. It also explains quite well why even Indonesians like yourself favor homemade incubators instead of letting it ferment in the ambient. Although I also live in a tropical country, Brazil, I've been struggling to make tempeh.
Thank you for the amazing content.
You are welcome, Raissa. Keep trying! Follow what I have uploaded. It is true, a reliable incubator is essential.
@@francius1003 I can attest to that.
voce conseguiu fazer tempeh? precisa do incubador?
@@tonymonte9178 Tony, você precisa de uma temperatura precisa para seu tempeh. Você precisa de uma incubadora confiável. Eu carreguei como fazer um!
Também sou do Brasil e, mesmo com uma incubadora está difícil acertar o ponto menina. Boa sorte pra nós rss
Hi, there!
Thank you. Thank you for subscribing to this channel. If you still have any questions please let me know.
In Ethiopia, you can incubate your tempeh anywhere in the house. Look for a spot that can give a constant temperature of 31C. Cover your batch with a kitchen towel to prevent temperature loss at night That is how Indonesian people incubate their tempeh. Good luck!
I really wish you didn't have this music playing so loud in this video.
I am sorry for the loud music! You can easily lower the volume with your setting and it will not interfere with the video content because it is not verbal.
I couldn’t find how to turn the background music down either.. I can’t hear him speak.. 😅
So helpful, indeed a wonderful channel!
Glad it was helpful! Please share the channel with friends so many people will be able to enjoy tempeh!
Hello Francius, I wanted to thank you for your informative videos. They are great! I have a question about one of my batches of soy tempeh. I had stored it in the fridge and cut into it four days later and there were spots INSIDE the tempeh that had gone off. There was no sign of mushy tempeh visible from the exterior. It looked almost like it was bruised. I had not taken it out of the plastic sandwich bag in which it had fermented in. Just wondering what your thoughts might be as to why it had mushy spots. I didn't like the smell of those mushy spots so had cut them out. The rest of the tempeh was really tasty.
It seems like your tempeh had not fermented well inside. It is a sign of too little tempeh starter or the temperature while fermentation is no good, either too high or too low. A well fermented tempeh will stay firm after one week in the fridge. Don't get too discouraged. Try again. It's better to freeze your tempeh later.
Thanks for time-saving tips👍I saw pink areas after trying to grow spores from sliced tempeh after seeing another channel. No fluffy white in sight after 3 days in grill under stove. Is the pink safe? Have transferred tempeh to sun now to dry up the slices. Then wikl add to cooked rice as you suggested
Your spore was not growing. The spore comes after the white fluffy mycelium, which was not growing in your tempeh slices. So, fluffy mycelium is important. I suggest you make rice tempeh like shown in my other video. Go after the fluffy mycelium which then produces the black or grey spore. Unless you get the white fluffy mycelium you wont get spores.
@@francius1003 Thanks will try again👍
thanks, Francius.
You are welcome, Elisabeth!
very helpful! thanks Francius!
You are welcome. Pls share this channel!
Francius, great video on the pitfalls of making tempeh. My tempeh experiments produces quality tempeh 90% of the time. Because I’m changing certain variables it doesn’t always give me the product that I expect. I learn from my mistakes and I know that making tempeh isn’t always fool proof but it’s well worth making it.
Tempeh making is an art, Rob. But you have made great progress!
Rob, what are the variables you add? Do you make tempeh from other ingredients apart from Soy. I try to make non-soy based tempeh's. Mostly I am not finding the similar cleaner taste I get from Soy tempeh when I am eating non-soy based tempeh. I try to make it with lima beans, red beans, lentils and chickpeas. The second best tasting was Chickpeas. Soy is the best tasting one. May be tempeh molds love Soy more than anything else.
The mold reacts to different beans in different ways based on the nutrients contents of each bean. That is why they taste different from each other. Soybean is the most nutritious and rich in terms of protein and other stuff. Chickpeas are the second common beans used in tempeh making.
@@tomato778 I came across Francius channel in early December 2020 and was encouraged to make my own incubator and start making “Indonesian” style soybean tempeh; never made it before. I’m only interested in soybean tempeh since that is what I’ve grown up with it. Francius’ videos are a great guide to start but each incubator is unique and his incubator times are just a guide. I attempted to make my own home made tempeh starter but failed because the condensation ruined the mycelia. My second attempt was better but only had some mycelia and I was skeptical of its strength. I experimented with different incubator times, different tempeh starters, different amounts of starters, even changing the incubator’s temperature after 12 hours from 31C to 21C for the next 24 hours. I documented all the variable changes and the quality of the final product. I think I have the process optimized for my incubator. Like Francius said: tempeh making is an art.
@@robperret6338 Well said.
Hi Francius, Is it normal for tempeh to reach 40 degrees during fermentation? furthermore, a strong condensation forms in the first 24 hours in the perforated plastic bags. It's right? Thanks
Hi, there! The optimum fermentation temperature is 31C (88F) +/- 0.5C. So, 40C is way too high. If you have 40C even for an hour your tempeh will be burned. That’s why I keep telling tempeh makers to take the tempeh out from the incubator after 15 hrs of fermentation. Don’t worry about condensation inside the perforated plastic bag. It will go away after 24-36 hrs. It’s normal.
Mantap cak
Terimakasih ... silakan share channel ini, biar tempe makin mendunia. :)
Great video! Thanks ☺️
You're so welcome! Please share the video with your friends. This channel is dedicated to promoting tempeh to the world.
If you still have any questions just let me know.
Thank you
You're welcome, Sally!
Hallo Francius, what size plastic bags do you use for your Tempeh and how many grams do you fill it with?
Hi, Robo! It is the zip-lock type sandwich bag. You can fill it with 250 -300 grams.
@@francius1003 Thank you Francius for the quick answer, about how many centimeter is the bag size ?
@@roboandy5751, It's 16.5 cm x14.9 cm.
Hi Pak Francius, saya sudah bikin tempeh nya, cm kenapa dia ada abu2 biru2 nya yah? Sudah follow all instructions
Abu2 itu spora yang sudah masak karena terlalu lama di inkubator. Harusnya cukup 15 jam saja di inkubator terus ditaruh di suhu ruangan. Tapi spora tidak apa2 masih bisa dikonsumsi. Ikuti video ini
I have question about eating raw tempeh. I read to avoid eating raw tempeh, but pasteurized can be eaten out of the box. How to prepare pasteurized tempeh to avoid probably stomah or bigger problems? How long must be cooked to be safe?
It is unusual for people in Indonesia to eat 'raw' tempeh. Cooked tempeh makes it easily digested. Frying or steaming takes about 10-15 minutes to consider it cooked.
Hi Francius, I couldn’t find your email to send photos but I wanted to ask if it was safe to eat the tempeh if there is some red coloration around the fermented soybeans? I used an aquarium heater incubator so there was excess moisture during the fermentation process, leading to delayed mycelium growth. There was still some moisture at the bottom after I took it out too. Other important details is that I forgot to put vinegar and the smell is ok in my opinion? But I’m not usually the best at distinguishing smells so not too reliable. Thanks!
Hi, Keysha! My email is on the Home Page. It is, send me pictures.
Vinegar is not essential. I never put vinegar in my tempeh. The red coloration is uncommon. Is the incubator temperature right (31C/88F)? Is the tempeh firm, not wiggly? Did you follow all the steps in the process?
I have checked the emailed pictures. It looks OK, only less white and firm. Please add more starter (double it), it will ferment better. You can consume your tempeh.
Thank you Man
You're welcome!
Hello Francius. My tempeh turned out beautiful and delicious. Thank you. However, I have a question that may seem silly but I have to ask it because I cannot find an answer anywhere else. How much tempeh should an average person eat at a single meal? What is an appropriate portion size?
Hi, Radhika!
Good to hear about your success! Congratulation!
The answer is simple. You can eat as much as you want. There is no side effect in overeating tempeh other than a full stomach. Enjoy your tempeh! Try some recipes in my other playlist 'Cook With Me' on this channel.
Terima kasih telah berbagi Video barunya, dapat ilmu baru lagi.
Kali ini mohon pencerahanya:
Saya baru saja dapat stock ragi Raprima,
Ahir2 ini hasil tempe saya gagal, padahal tempenya padat juga putih menjamur luarnya namun dalamnya masih belum keluar jamurnya kayak mentah.
Saya coba diperlama dalam incubator sampe up to 20 jam dan hasilnya agak mendingan tp dalamnya masih belum fully developed juga.
Peragianya 15gram/kg soybean padahal biasanya 12gr/kg Soybean dan Ok hasilnya.
Please help.
Matu nuwun, pak Francius, you are my guru of tempe making.
Halo, mas Ali!
Yang kurang berhasil itu ragi lama atau yg baru? Sepertinya ragi lama ya?
Kalau ragi lama berarti ragi sudah sangat melemah. Jangan dibuang, cukup ditambah spora baru. Lihat caranya di video saya ttg memperbaiki ragi yg lemah:
Pemakaian raginya terlalu banyak. Kalau raginya baik cukup 1 sdt (3 gram) untuk 1 kg kedele kering.
Kalau dengan ragi yang baik masih mentah di dalam berarti terlalu tebal tempenya. Jangan lebih tebal dari 3 cm.
Coba lagi dengan ragi baru, kabari saya hasil akhirnya! Kirim fotonya ke email saya.
Salam dari USA!
@@francius1003 Terima kasih for the quick response,
Tempe yg gak berhasil justru pake ragi yg baru saja beli dari Indo, expire datenya 2022, masak sdh melemah.
Adakah cara untuk ngetest ragi tape ataupun tempe bagus tidaknya?
Sengaja menggunakan ragi banyak krn saya pikir musim dingin dgn harapan fermentasinya lebih baik, nanti akan coba bikin tempe lagi dgn 3g/kg kedele kering,
Ukuran tempe yg saya bikin 500g (14cmx15cmx4cm), panjang x lebar x tebal, mungkin ini ketebalan ya,
Foto tempe saya yg gagal sdh saya email ke pak Suwuno.
Terima kasih atas response dan perhatianya.
Keep fit and healthy
Salam hangat dari Australia !
Ragi hanya bisa ditest melalui uji coba. Test pake 500 gr dengan ragi 1/2 sdt dan temperature terkontrol. Kalau jadi bagus berarti ragi bagus.
Hallo Om Francius, terima kasih videonya. Om aku mau tanya, kmrn2 aku buat tempeh, kutaruh d dlm oven d atas racknya (dlm keadaan mati ovennya). Tempehnya berkembang bagus, putih, tp sayangnya keluar jamur2 kecil warna abu abu dr bolongan bolongan kecil yg d plastik. Itu salahnya dimana ya Om? Soya bean aku pakai 1kg, 1sdt ragi tempeh & 4sdm tepung beras. Terima kasih sebelumnya Om.
Hai, Natalia!
Gak ada yang salah. Bintik abu-abu atau hitam di lubang plastik itu bukan jamur tapi spora dari jamur. Itu normal setelah tempe mateng 36-48 jam. Itu tandanya tempemu sehat. Untuk menghindari sporulasi spt itu, keluarkan dari oven dan masukkan ke kulkas untuk menghentikan fermentasi dan mencegah tumbuhnya spora.
When temple turn yellow is dangerous to eat?
They turn yellow because they are too long in the freezer (more than 3 months) or some other fungi other than rhizopus (the fermentation fungi) are growing. They grow because of low temperatures during fermentation and less hygienic processing. I suggest not to consume such tempeh products. Remember the correct temperature and cleanliness are premium in tempeh production. Please follow carefully the process shown in my videos.
Hi, my tempeh is failing to ferment on the center of the bag. On the sides/borders it looks ok. How can I fix that?
Hi, Jose!
I think you have a temperature control problem. Your tempeh was overheated. Can you tell me about your incubator and how you use it?
I mixed the beans with the spores in a metal bowl, is it o.k.? The last two times i had delayed growth of spores. After 36 houers mycelium started and was ready after 48 houers, a little spot was not infiltrated by mycelium.Temperature at the beginning 25' C after 3 houers 30' C later 31' C, so in my opinion temperature was not the reason for the delay??
A metal bowl is fine as long as it is clean. Slow incubation can be attributed to a weak tempeh starter or low temperature. But it is fine if it is fully incubated in 48 hrs. Try to increase (double) the amount of your tempeh starter.
@@francius1003 Thank You
How to get the tray yr put the tempe
Hi, Chin!
I made them myself. See this video of how I made them:
My tempeh is a little bit too hot, not consider 100 per cent successful, how to cool dowm the tempeh during fermentation ? Where can I buy the incubator? I live in Singapore.
Hi, Mei!
I have uploaded videos on how to build your own incubator. Check it out in the playlist The Tempeh World. Your tempeh is too hot, what kind of incubator did you use? You need only to put the tempeh in an incubator for 12-15 hrs. After that, you take it out and let it cure at room temperature. Please follow my tutorial on Tempeh Making for Beginners. If you live in Singapore you don't need an incubator. Just put your tempeh at room temperature.
Nice instructional video!
Please adjust your background music...
Thank you for your suggestion! I'll follow up in my next videos!
If my tempeh grew with black mold does that mean it failed?
Hi, Ivelisse!
No. Black molds are mature spores which is normal after 36-42 hrs of fermentation. The spores grow at spots where oxygen is available, that's why the sporulation happens near the plastic holes or any area that has air contact. You can avoid the black spore by removing your tempeh from the incubator and freeze them. Freezing with stop the further fermentation process. So, your tempeh is a success and you can consume them. For your information, the tempeh starter is a collection of these spores, which later ferments your beans in the tempeh making.
Hi, Francius, great video. Pls help me with some problem:
1.For the first 20 hours, my tempeh was very firm, but after 36 hours it became soft and had a slightly sour, slightly viscous smell.
2. no mycelium after 24 h, beans become soft and viscous. thanks so much
Hi, Nhat!
Check your temperature. It should be 31C or 88F constantly. How can it be firm when there is no mycelium? Then, it must be your tempeh starter that is no good, get a good one! From the smell, it shows that it is a failed tempeh no mycelium to bind the beans. Are you using an incubator? What kind? Can you send me pictures through instachat or my email
@@francius1003 Thanks so much for soon reply. I think I've found out my problem after watch again your making incubator video. My incubator is almost like yours but There were no holes for oxygen to enter(my husband forgot to cut holes) Do you think that makes my tempeh ruined after fermented?
If what you meant is the six holes at the bottom, they are not for oxygen. They are for fresh air to flow in when the fans suck the hot air out during overheating. Your tempeh doesn't need oxygen, so the failure is caused by overheating because no fresh air pushes the hot air out. Don't get discouraged, try again after your husband cuts the six holes.
Good luck!
@@francius1003 I didn't know that the fans should to suck the air. My fans were inverted. Maybe it's the reason of my fails with tempeh. Thank you one more time master.
@@marcusaloc Hi, Marcus. The fans are exhaust fans, suck the hot air out and let the fresh air to get in through the six holes at the bottom.
I live in the Philippines, do I still need to incubate the tempeh? Or I can just leave it anywhere in the house?
Hi, Mark.
Tempeh requires 31C/88F in an average temperature. Check your local, if it is in the range you don't need an incubator. The Philippines and Indonesia are almost similar in weather conditions. However, an incubator gives you an accurate and controlled temperature, so you can still make tempeh even if the outside temperature is out of range. Good luck!
We are getting a black mold in our tempeh. Any ideas on that?
The black spots are not molds, they are mature spores. They are normal after over 48 hrs of incubation. These spores are the major ingredients for making your own tempeh starter, and are safe to consume. You can stop the sporulation by freezing your tempeh after 36 hrs of incubation.
Thank you. My success rate is 10%. Very sad but not giving up yet
Can you specify how you failed? Did you follow my video on Homemade Tempeh For Beginners? Don't give up, it is not that difficult. Only two things you need to watch out for: temperature and tempeh starter.
Hi, die!
I'll define what a good tempeh is. Good tempeh is firm, white, and smell soft. Wiggly tempeh with discoloration and smell strong ammonia is a failed tempeh. Don't consume failed tempeh, throw them in the garbage. Find out what failed your tempeh and avoid it in the future.
I like your info but the music drowns you out and makes it hard to watch and listen to
Thank you for your feedback. Will take care of it in future videos.
Can one make tempeh without starter
No. Starter is the main ingredient to do the fermentation. I have uploaded videos on how to make your own tempeh starter, easy and low cost. Check it out!
You.forget to mention that tempeh needs to breath. As a beginner I made that mistake.
Hi, Appelbert. You are right. I assumed perforated bags as general basic understanding about that need without explaining. But we all learn. In the beginning, people didn’t use plastic, only banana leaves. And, by nature banana leaves are breathable even without punching. Thank you for your keen observation! 🙏🙏🙏
Is vinegar a must to make tempeh?
Hi, Patrick!
No. Vinegar is optional. It is intended to increase the pH to prevent unwanted bacteria to interfere with the fermentation process. No traditional tempeh producers in Indonesia uses vinegar, yet their tempeh keeps flooding the market every day. I never use vinegar and my tempeh never fails me. Almost all tutorials about tempeh making insist on using vinegar as the most important ingredient. I want to get rid of this myth and never use vinegar. Inaccurate temperature is the most failing factor. That's why I keep stressing the importance of building an incubator. I never see another youtube tutorial stressing this. Please see this in my video FAQ About Tempeh Answered
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@@francius1003 Hello! Good to hear. I just making tempeh for the first time in my oven. Around 30-32 C. I think I undercooked the beans despite I cooked them for 3 hours. The beans are not soft. Next time I will use my pressure cooker.
You only need 60 minutes to cook soybeans. 3 hrs is just way too long, and you don't need a pressure cooker to cook soybeans. Soybeans are the toughest of all beans, but they will go soft after fermentation. Why do you think you undercook your soybeans? Can you send me pictures of your tempeh through my email? My email is public, you can find it on the channel homepage.
@@francius1003 The soybeans were not soft, thats why I think I undercooked them. The fermentation has only been for 2 hours so I can send a picture tomorrow.
The soybeans are cooked if you can crush the bean by pinching using your thumb and index finger. And the softness is maximum after you boil them in 60 minutes. They cannot go softer. Do not overcook them. Soybeans are not black beans, red beans, or mung beans, that can dissolve into pulp if you cook them for more than 30 minutes.
the tempeh master
Thank you Florian! Enjoy your tempeh please share the channel so tempeh can be enjoyed by many people!
Music is way too loud
Thank you. will adjust in the future!
Mkasih ya Pak 🙏
Music is too loud.
Thank you for your feedback! Will make it better for next video!
I failed at the first attempt😂
Hi, Namphung!
Don't get discouraged! Find out what fails your tempeh and keep trying. You can find answer on any questions in this channel!
Good luck!